#grease cast
jiminysjournal · 1 year
Okay, I’m gonna ask the important question.
Is Maxine Caulfield, the main character of Life is Strange 1 named after Maxwell Caulfield, the male lead actor of Grease 2?
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
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You know it's serious when he loves his members more than drumsticks or eel
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with the entire full cast of greasers doing ggah, did they do anything funny/ different? when you're sitting close to the stage can you hear anything they say to each other?
you can definitely hear them, especially because they’re usually just saying/yelling stupid stuff in character to each other LOL
when dally is speaking at the beginning of the song (“as the gloopiest, gooiest, grimiest grease in the land…etc.”), daryl is on top of the car and is throwing some of the gravel around and jason is looking up at him and always flips him off or says fuck you..i love it LOL. something that i thought was so funny last night was when darry and dally are talking before GGAH, jason was going over to daryl and (i have no idea how to describe this), but he was like mocking them and being like “mememememe” about what the guys were talking about…and making a hand motion like they were talking..TRYING MY BEST TO DESCRIBE IT BUT ITS HARD SO HOPEFULLY U GET THE GIST LOLOLOL.
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tforjatp · 1 year
can someone please do that thing where you save the episodes to a google drive and allow others to have access to it like someone did for Willow? That way while we try to have the show picked up by another platform we can still access it and watch it?
UPDATE:: here is the link to the rotpl episodes over google drive! thank you so much to @chlora-boii for this! ❤️❤️
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I’m especially sad for Shanel though. Literally two weeks ago she posted about how excited she was to show a dark skinned black girl as a founding member of the Pink Ladies because of how iconic they are in pop culture. And now not even a month later not only will the show not get a second season (which would show Hazel as a more prominent member of the Pinks) but it’s being removed entirely. That representation it quite literally being erased. For a show that centres around people who are ousted from society (whether that be based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality or class) and how unfair that treatment is where the fuck do paramout+ get off axing all their shows with said representation??? It literally makes no sense
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sapphosclown · 1 year
hello this is a short list off the top of my head we will not get to see bc rotpl is being cancelled and erased and i am grieving so bad rn
i’d warn for spoilers but. yeah.
cynthia coming out to the rest of the pinks
hazel finding her dynamic in the pink ladies and forming those friendships with them
wtf buddy i gonna do with his life
richie killing mr. daniels
mr. daniels getting fired
mrs. mcgee getting her assistant (we know it happens i just wanted to see her happy for once)
olivia and gil kiss and getting together
cynthia and lydia learning who they are as a couple
susan���s official redemption arc
rizzo and frenchie becoming pink ladies
whatever they were planning on doing with zuko
learn why happened with cynthia’s mom/learn more about her family dynamics
see how jane lives up to being student council president
nancy and potato. i just want more of them.
edward reclaiming his name and becoming eddie
eddie accepting his queerness and as he and cynthia find solidarity together officially
that’s what came off the top of my head. i’m so sad. feel free to add on if you feel like you need it to grieve as well
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pyxy-styx · 10 months
Is cooking an important skill? Yes.
Do I think my siblings should learn how to cook? Yes.
Do I want to banish them from the kitchen for all eternity (until I move out) because none of them can clean it properly, so it's always a mess when I go to cook? Absolutely yes.
Cooking is my thing, the rest of you get out and leave the poor dishes alone
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misiahasahardname · 10 months
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beauty school dropoutttttttt
me and my amazing partner @thehelareyou were discussing total drama as grease and this was created…… (more castings below the cut)
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Not to post Grease on main but when the Rise of the Pink Ladies series had Buddy, a privileged guy with good intentions, repeatedly have the opportunity to give up his own advantages and dismantle the system he claims to oppose, only to chicken out every single time because at the end of the day he prioritizes his own comfort and ease over justice, slowly sending him down a path of becoming more and more of a dipshit..
idk I just can't think of another time I've seen those kinds of characters called out for being assholes. Like every sexist character is cold, unfeeling, and clearly the villain. But here's a guy who believes he's progressive, and manages to convince others as well as himself that he respects women, and when he discovers his own privilege knows that it's wrong, but when it really matters still keeps his mouth shut. Feels like vindication, seeing this type of antagonist I encounter so much in real life portrayed as the creepy coward he is. So glad the series put their foot down and said no matter your virtue signaling, if you won't give up your unfair advantages for the sake of the minority then you don't actually want justice. get fucked lol
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heyitslapis · 6 months
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Grease (1978) Except its my gay ass OCs
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groovy-dxior · 2 years
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can u tell what my fav silly made-up-in-my-head crossover is …..
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tonymarias · 1 year
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MARISA DAVILA & CHEYENNE ISABEL WELLS for the cinema audio society awards
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I'm not sure if you've ever picked up on this, but have you noticed any tics that the actors tend to do that's not necessarily something in/out of character nor choreographed?
I kinda just came up with this question after reading the anon about Darry's hair haha and then I also thought about how Daryl likes to play around with the gravel (although idk maybe the other two-bits also do that)
ex. playing with jewelry/hair/clothes, little taps (not for tag), playing with a certain prop/set piece...
brody fidgets with & holds on to the necklace ponyboy wears a lot, especially when he’s hitting the higher notes in great expectations & tulsa 67!
jason does a lottttt of facial expressions while he’s dancing, which i love so much. especially during ggah, he makes at least 60 different expressions LOL
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tforjatp · 1 year
Hi everyone! This is a master list of resources that we fans can use in order to help save our show! I will be adding sources as I find them! :)
1. First up, emails! Please email these platforms and request that they pick up Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and provide it with a season 2! BE INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN HOW THIS SHOW HAS HELPED YOU PERSONALLY!! Also, include the link to the petition so they can personally see how many people support the show! :)
2. Next, vote links!! This resource is a customer service tactic in order to see what issues have the most supporters. As I find one for each platform, I will create an “idea” for that platform to pick up Pink Ladies and create a season 2! Please click the link and vote and comment!! The more votes and comments, the more likely our idea will be pitched to the teams because they will see how much we want this show to be saved. If you do not have the ability to do this, please email the support emails twice as much!! :)
3. Next, phone numbers! I know calling can be uncomfortable, but most platforms prefer this way! Please call if you feel comfortable. When calling, please again be incredibly detailed about what you want. Request that the platform pick up Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and provide it with a season 2. Explain how unfairly the show is being treated and how it deserves a proper ending. Explain how the show made you feel!
4. Next, tags!!! Please spread the tag #saveriseofthepinkladies ALL OVER social media!! When you create your own Pink Ladies posts, use it! When commenting on others posts, use it! Comment it under other platforms like HBO or Netflix! SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE AND HELP IT GO VIRAL!!!!
5. Lastly, the petition!!! Please share this petition with everyone you know and ask them to sign it. This is a wonderful way to show platforms how much support the show has!!
As noted earlier, I will be adding to these resources as I find them online (the customer service resources are harder to find than one would think, especially netflix). Please please please share this master list and complete these steps! ‼️A platform is not just going to randomly pick up this show!! We have to show that they should! ‼️
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marmett · 6 months
i wish the area of effect on certain spells was a lil more clear. i SWEAR my character isnt in the grease, but then they fall in it anyway...
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blmpff · 9 months
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