#grayson dolan book
baby-grayson · 4 years
Sweet Enigma: Part 1
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The year is 2023.
The date is January 1, 2023.
Kathleen Walker is sitting at her desk, in her lab. She is biting the nail of her right thumb while scrolling through a massive spreadsheet of data with her left hand. Above her, fifty-year-old fluorescent lights beam down with a gentle hum. She is alone, working through the New Year’s holiday to wrap up a project that will eventually change her career.
Behind her, mounted in the corner of the room, is a small box TV—maybe 13 inches wide at maximum. That TV was usually reserved for either mundane things, like the weather report, or extremely special occasions, like presidential inaugurations. On that night, Kate had flipped it to a random channel, E!News, providing her some comforting background noise in the dark and eerie laboratory. She grunts softly to herself, feeling as though she is thinking in circles.
The black of night had just fallen on the skyline of LA. Outside her small window, Kate could hear the consistent drumming of rain beating against the pavement. Kate despised the amount of rain LA got in the winter; it was a meek imitation of the wonderful snowfall in her beloved Philadelphia. The pouring rain only adds to her negative feelings about working through the night.
Her bad mood only worsened when the next E!News segment came on. Usually, when something crossed her path about Grayson Dolan, Kate was quick to change the channel or shut off her phone. Not because she harbored negative feelings towards Grayson, but because it wasn’t fair to hear about the life of her ex-boyfriend from third-party news sources, without an avenue to ask him herself or tell him about her new life. When the Dolan Twins would get themselves involved in the rare scandal or controversy, Kate would silently support them, remembering in her heart that they were good people.
And that’s all Grayson Dolan was, a memory. The kind of memory that Kate sometimes wondered if she was glamorizing in her mind, or if Grayson was truly as dreamy as she remembered him.
But Kate’s frustrations only grew when the peppy host on E!News started her latest segment from the small box TV.  
“It has been two weeks since Grayson Dolan announced his engagement to fitness designer and model Sherry Maddox—”  this is usually when Kate would roughly grab the remote and change the channel before any of the report’s words traveled to her brain. However, this time Kate slowly spun in her desk chair to see what Grayson’s new fiancé looked like.
Kate is greeted with the image of curvy, busty, blonde who looks something like a cross between Marilyn Monroe and a Disney Princess. She had bouncy blonde curls and a beauty mark on her upper lip. The TV showed a clip of her hanging onto Grayson’s arm at some event. Kate is struck by Grayson’s image: he really is as every bit of gorgeous as she remembered him. 
Kate brusquely turned around—disinterested, a bit bitter, and ready to get back to her work. She quickly grabbed the remote and muted the TV after hearing the words, “Grayson Dolan is scheduled to celebrate his new engagement to fitness designer and model Sherry Maddox tonight. The pair are reported to be planning their wedding in Califor—” Kate stopped the sound before the reporter could continue.
Kate took a deep breath before returning to her computer. She tried to get back to work. She sincerely tried to grab her calculator and punch in some numbers. Her own brain betrayed her. She dropped the calculator on the surface of her desk and sighed. She huffed and puffed, unsatisfied with her own performance that night.
Her head lifted when she heard a drumming noise coming from the hallway. She thought she was the only person working late on New Years’ day.
Before she can stand from her chair to investigate, a man barrels through the door. She freezes in fear, suddenly acutely aware of the dangers that working alone harbors. In an instant, her pulse quickens to a dangerous rhythm. If she were calm, she would grab her work phone and quickly dial campus police. She is too frozen in fear to move. But her fear fades into awe as she recognizes the sharp jawline of his face and the gold flecks in his eyes—he looked as if he was pulled straight out of her memories from Summer 2020.
Grayson’s eyes hold a veil of panic as he stares back at Kate. He lost his breath for a moment.
This gives Kate the opportunity to peer down and see Grayson dressed in button down shirt and printed, velvet suit pants. A much more formal outfit than anything she had ever seen him in.
Grayson’s mind finds an air bubble of clarity as he drowns in Kate’s big brown eyes, plush round mouth, and the wisps of hair escaping from her ponytail to frame her face. “I’m sorry,” his voice sounded as frantic as that moment felt, “I didn’t know what to do, “He ran his fingers through his hair, clearly disturbing his hair sprayed droop. He took in a hard breath and licked his lips, “I don’t know what I’m doing. But I know what I’m doing,” he nodded softly with wide eyes, “I needed to see you. Now. With everything that’s happening. I needed to see you. To see you like here to like in person. Sherry’s been going crazy since…well she flew her sister Coral out for tonight and was mad when I gave my mom the guest room and not Coral, even though she’s pregnant,  and my mom kept complaining that our colors were dark for an engagement party and we needed more flowers but Sherry doesn’t like any of the florists in LA and Ethan kept telling me to hold it together this is just the energy of the moment but it’s not the energy of the moment it’s the energy of everyday and this is going to be the everyday for the rest of my life and I—well I—” Grayson was breathing as if he had just run a marathon.
“Gray—son” Kate finished, not being comfortable using his nickname when he was basically a stranger. “What are you doing here?” Grayson inhaled deeply and looked down at her. He met her eyes. His gaze lost its wild veil for a moment as he said surely, “Two and a half years ago, I said goodbye to you because I knew I wasn’t ready for the kind of love you brought into my life. Well today, I’m ready for that kind of love but I’m engaged to someone who reminds that I will never get back everything I lost when I gave you up.”
“What are you talking about?” Kate gaped, looking from Grayson’s shoes and back to his face, as if she could find the answer on his body. Grayson took in a few ragged breaths while she folded her face in confusion. A million questions ran through Kate’s mind in that moment, but the one that made its way to her lips was “How did you even find me?”
Grayson licked his lips, which were dry from hoarding hot breaths “The school was closer than your apartment,” he strategically avoiding noting that his memories placed Kate’s apartment on the more hostile side of LA, “Google gave me your office number,” he exhaled and held his palms out, “I just hoped you were here.”
“What would you have done if I wasn’t?” Kate’s brown eyes looked up wide, her voice was low and grounded.
Grayson closed his mouth into a tight line, “I—I don’t know.”
Kate had a valid question. If Grayson hadn’t found her working late on New Year’s Day, would he have returned to his engagement part, and his life with Sherry? Truthfully, he really didn’t know the answer. In choosing to escape from his ensnared life, he let his heart make decisions over his mind. His heart didn’t think things through, it only sought out the last person to make him truly happy: Kate.
Kate broke their silence first. “What do you want to do now?”
“I don’t know.” Grayson’s voice was more breath than sound.
Kate’s eyes locked on Grayson’s, for the first time in two and a half years they shared each other’s gaze. Kate’s heart dove into her body, suddenly remembering the feeling of Grayson’s fingertips tracing her naked skin on Sunday mornings, his lips finding comfort on hers for the first time in his van, and the vision of the sunlight dancing off of his bone structure in the early morning on the beach. The emotional unrest of the moment took hold in her mind. No matter where he had been, Grayson was once the other half of her heart: he was clearly hurting, and she wanted to fix it.
Kate stood up and abruptly started shoving her computer and things into her backpack, “Where are you parked?” She held a sense of urgency in her voice.
Grayson shook his head quickly, “I ran.” Kate stopped packing to look up at him, bewildered, “You ran?”
Grayson nodded, “Yeah I ran,” he passed a hand from his forehead to his hair. It was then that Kate noticed the his damp hair, and the drops of water falling from the collar of his button down shirt. Kate wanted to ask how far he had come but decided that his disshelved look was enough of an answer. She opened her desk drawer to grab her keys and told him, “We’ll take my car” Grayson’s eyes held a sort of innocent uncertainty, “Where are we going?”
Kate looked at the ground, her backpack slung around one shoulder and her keys in her palm. She sucked her lips in quickly, and exhaled. That was a great question, where were they going?  Where would they go? Where do an exhausted PhD student and her wayward, engaged, famous ex-boyfriend belong?
They stood there for a moment, in silence and contemplating what the best next move was. Across town, Grayson’s family and fiancé would tell him that the best place for him would be at his extravagant engagement party; Grayson’s heart knew that any place was better than that party. Kate’s senses told her to drop him off at home; but something about being with Grayson lit a fire deep in her. They stood there: shells of two people who were once in love but had been worn and changed by the courses of the individual lives.
Kate looked up at Grayson. He looked so much like what she remembered but decorated in the strokes of a forlorn man: messy hair frizzing at the edges, a heaving chest, wide eyes, swollen lips. Kate gulped hard, recognizing that the last time she had seen Grayson like this, was the last time she had seen Grayson at all.
Grayson sucked in a breath, wondering if he had brought Kate back to reality. He rocked on his heels subtly, wondering if he was testing her kindness by asking her to give comfort to his aching heart. At that moment, his brain realized that Kate might not have even known about his engagement. He closed his eyes quickly, becoming acutely aware of how much he was expecting out of her when, in the current moment, she was only a kind stranger.
Kate exhaled when Grayson closed his eyes. The tension of her heart strings wanted to tether him to her, until he looked like a capable man again. “My place” she announced, “We’ll go to my place.”
The car ride to Kate’s apartment was eerily silent. Kate’s mind was as full of questions for Grayson as Grayson’s was with questions for Kate. What had happened after they broke up? Had they both been okay? What did okay mean anymore? Did you think about me after we ended things? Do you still think about me now? The answer to that last one was obvious to Kate, Grayson had to still be grasping onto some piece of them to come to her on the night of his engagement party, professing his love for the woman he hadn’t seen in years.
The rain pounded on Kate’s windshield, filling the car with a consistent drumming noise. The sound of the rain highlighted the lack of sound coming from the pair.
Kate still lived in the same apartment she had when she first moved to LA. Grayson noticed how much homier it seemed then, two and a half years later. Kate’s space was still filled with IKEA furniture, but it had been decorated in throw blankets, house plants, and polaroids with her new friends. It was having been a cozy apartment, had it not been filled with the memories of the tainted spaces from that faithful summer.
When they approached her front door, Grayson was caught by the memory of standing on the other side of the door while Kate was stranded in her own bathroom. When Kate inserted her key and turned the deadbolt, Grayson was washed by the sensation of kissing Kate the first night he apologized to her, feeling her towel slip off and hit the ground as they moved toward her bed. When he stepped in the doorway, he was hit by the feelings crawling out of Kate’s apartment after ruining their morning by placing terms and conditions on their relationship.
Kate moved forward, unaware of the conglomeration of thoughts and emotions bombarding Grayson’s brain. She dropped her backpack under the table, laid a hand on its surface and leaned on it. Her mouth went dry when she tried to speak, “Do you want a change of clothes? Or something?” Grayson looked down at himself, now suddenly aware of the wet mess he looked like. His black velvet pants were soaked and ruined, and his shirt was so wet that it clung to his body like a wet shirt at the beach. Any other day, Grayson would have been slightly proud of the bulge of his muscles under the thin fabric. Today, it made him look like the kind of mess he felt. He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the sound of a key turning in the front door. Grayson looked confused. He turned to Kate, wondering if she had gotten a roommate in the time since he had last visited.
Kate’s head whipped around to face the front door; her eyes went wide. The person on the other side of the door fumbled with their key in the lock.
“Shit,” she muttered.
“What is—” Grayson didn’t finish his question because Kate grabbed his arm and quickly ushered him into the bathroom. She shoved him threw the bathroom door and sent him hurdling toward the back wall.
“Just—just wait here,” she took in harsh breaths and closed the door on him, trapping him in the bathroom.
Frantically, she tried to position herself in a way that looked as close to normal—as if that night was anything normal. She leaned against her dining room table, laying a gentle hand on the corner. She picked up a banana, in hopes trying to appear as if she belonged in the scene—of her own apartment.
As the lock on Kate’s front door opened, a tall young man with a bright smiled walked through the door. He kept his hair trimmed tight, even though it held a close curl to his head. He had a wide nose and kind eyes. Wesley was objectively good looking: not the Greek God that Grayson Dolan was, but still an attractive man.
Wesley slipped in the doorway with a smile, none the wiser to the soaking Dolan being hidden in Kate’s bathroom. “Hey Katie,” he smiled and walked over to kiss her cheek, “didn’t think you’d be here tonight.”
Wesley Brooks was a medical student, hoping to become a neurosurgeon. He met Kate at a party last summer, about six months ago. He had instantly fallen for her big brown eyes and joyful laughter.
Wesley had quickly become a staple in Kate’s life: he would run coffee to her when she was working late, cover for her when she slept in too late, and give her his containers of duck sauce when they ordered Chinese food because he knew how much she loved it.
As a couple, Wesley and Kate made sense. They were both beautiful, brilliant, driven, and young. Kate sometimes felt out of place at school, where most of her peers came from wealthy families and privileged backgrounds: Wesley was one of the few people who could relate to her. He had grown up in rural Georgia and went to college on a generous, philanthropic scholarship.
Kate gave Wesley the key to her apartment about four months ago, when classes had started up again. Wesley regularly stopped by to start making dinner while Kate cleaned up her lab, or to water her plants when he knew she was having a busy week. That night, Wesley stopped by to pick up his gym bag, that he left in her coat closet, before he headed off for a late-night cardio session.
He walked into the room with a graceful step. He kissed her cheek quickly. Kate threw her shoulders back and stiffened her jaw. “You doing alright Katie?” Wesley’s voice was warm and sweet, triggering Kate’s stomach to start lurching.
She nodded quickly as Wesley walked over to the coat closet to grab his bag, “Yeah, just stress. I’m still finishing that project,” her voice wavered no less than three times over the course of that sentence.
Wesley threw the duffel bag around his shoulder and looked back at her, “I’m surprised you’re home honestly, I thought you’d be pulling another all-nighter. Make sure you eat dinner and get some sleep tonight, okay?” He smiled at her from the corner of the room. Kate nodded erratically, “I will,” she threw him a half-hearted smile. “Love you Katie,” Wesley said with his hand on the doorknob. He walked out of the room as she muttered a meek, “Love you too”.
Grayson slowly crept out of his clandestine hiding place in the bathroom. He had heard every word while dripping water onto Kate’s bathmats.
“You have a boyfriend?” Grayson’s question was more of a statement.
Kate exhaled and closed her eyes, hoping that the tension of the moment would disappear if she pretended it wasn’t there.
“I’m sorry,” Grayson started, “I’m so so sorry.” His lips curled. “I should have never left the party, I should have---I could have---I—” “It’s alright Grayson,” Kate’s voice was sure and confident in her answer.
She took in a deep breath, “Let’s go, let’s not—be here anymore.” She hated herself for fearing another intrusion from Wesley.
That Malibu beach remained the same since the last time they visited: embracing on a towel after declaring their love for each other for the first time. Neither one of them was sure who suggested they take refuge on its shores, but it was the perfect place for Grayson and Kate to be alone on that January night.
The rain soaked into the sand, muffling out the drumming noise. The dark sky was not suitable for a midnight walk, so the pair found shelter under a large boulder. They sat down, each not wearing anything that was acceptable for a beach. Sand sneaked its way into Grayson’s dress shoes. Kate’s leggings were being soaked by the wet terrain.
She moved first, looking at him as the wind whipped her dark locks around her head. Her voice was earnest and sincere, “What happened Grayson?”  
“After we broke up, I—I didn’t exactly know what to do. I thought about you all the time, nearly every day. But I knew that wouldn’t do my any good.” Grayson thumb at a where the sand met his wet pants. He exhaled roughly.
He spoke the next part with a vigorous sureness in his voice for the first time that night “I didn’t know—At first, I threw myself into my work: I took up some directing projects, poured energy into Wake heart projects-- I worked with Ethan to design a clothing label. We wanted to remind people to stay positive and keep smiles on their faces.”  
He took a deep breath and nearly mumbled his next few words, “It’s ironic, smiles were so much emptier without you.”
“Eventually, I-I shook myself out of it and started seeing some ….people, started trying to work on all those things that I stupidly did to you back in the day.” He wiped sand from his hands and turned his eyes to the ground, not wanting to have Kate, even in his peripheral vision as he continued.
“I met Sherry about a year and a half ago; she went to an event as someone’s plus one. We started dating like right away. She understood. Not-Not understood me in the way that you do-- did of course, only Ethan comes close to that. But she really understood what kind of pressure was on me with all the businesses and the attention. She always wanted a family, she said that on our first date. I proposed at Thanksgiving, I figured there was no reason not to be with a woman who not only understood my lifestyle but wanted to start a family like me.”
He shook his upper body, as if trying to shake off the raindrops from his messy figure. He looked up from the ground to meet Kate’s gaze as the wind whipped her hair around her face. It was an enchanting image: the sight of her on a beach at midnight; the kind of image that would come to him in his most feverish, rare dreams. She was everything feminine and sweet, with eyes that could offer him comfort after any plight: so different from everything else in his world: his sweet enigma. He swallowed hard and licked his lips, his voice took on a breathy, desperate tone.
“But there is a reason. And that reason is you, Kate.”
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vintagedolan · 4 years
Omg please elaborate on that text post you made about Grayson reading his dad's book to his kids (if you want to, not if it's gonna make you sad tho)
ah yes, I love pain, so I shall make it a blurb/concept :-)
When you came back into the living room, you were a bit surprised to find it empty. Usually around this time of night, your daughter was running around with your husband, both of them giggling and smiling. They would be ‘getting out their wiggles’ as Grayson called it, before bedtime. 
You headed towards her room quietly, trying to see what was going on. The lights in her room were dim, only the lamp on - a sure signal of bedtime. You peeked around the corner, watching what was unfolding from the doorway. 
Your daughter was at her bookshelf, brows furrowed as she searched for the right bedtime story. Her brown curls were wet from her bath, leaving little dark spots on her dinosaur pj set. Grayson was watching her fondly, sitting in the corner in the rocking chair he’d built before she was born. 
She pulled a particular book off of the shelf, bringing it over to her dad proudly.
“Dis one daddy. Grandpa’s book,” she smiled. You weren’t surprised - she had an unexplained attachment to The Boy with the Sketchbook, and neither you nor Grayson knew why. She was a smart little cookie, but the book was made for 3rd graders and she was only 3 - you weren’t convinced she understood anything that was going on. Yet she picked it over and over again. Grayson never minded. The first few times were hard, but now it was just a sweet reminder that his dad was still there with him. 
“Okay sweet girl. C’mere, up you go.” Grayson gave her a soft smile, reaching to pick her up and situate her on his lap. She curled up into him, bringing her knees up and resting her head on his chest, tilted just enough to look at the book. 
Grayson flipped to the page they had left off on a few nights prior. 
“Everyone knew, especially Gabe, how competitive Blaise Barnstoble was, and it was going to be a long, long winter until they got a chance to play again.” Grayson’s voice was soothing and deep as he kept reading, the story unfolding . Your daughter was listening intently, but you watched as she relaxed more and more in her dad’s arms, little fingers knotting in his shirt and eventually relaxing as she drifted off to sleep.
He got up and laid her down in her bed, kissing her forehead and tucking her in. 
And your heart swelled as you watched him return to the rocking chair and pick the book back up, reading it again from cover to cover. 
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authorskingmorado · 3 years
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🇬🇧 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜. In fairytales the King is usually the chosen hero, but this is no fairytale. Andrew Walsh was raised to be a villain in a chess game he cannot lose.  We all know the King cannot get caught. …Or can he. 
🇮🇹 𝙄𝙡 𝙍𝙚. Nelle fiabe il Re è l’eroe per eccellenza ma questa non è una fiaba. Andrew Walsh è stato cresciuto per essere l’antagonista in una partita a scacchi che non può perdere. Lo sappiamo tutti che il Re non può essere catturato. … Oppure sì. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQb14nAtJa9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kym-truestory · 4 years
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I got nothing so I promoting...
My debut book Birthmark-by Kimberly Cruz-you can get it off Amazon, Barnes & Noble, & ebook...I guarantee you it’s like nothing you’ve ever read before😁 I think you’ll love it & I know I’ll love you if you @ least get yourself a copy
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saturatedolan · 5 years
Could you write something about Gray and y/n having sex for the first time, and y/n is really nervous because she's a virgin and she's afraid to tell him but he's so gentle with her and really trying to hold himself together, because she's so beautiful and her innocence is making him so turned on?? I'm a sucker for this one
when grayson noticed her trembling breath and bitten pink lips he knew she was too pure for him. her eyes wide and mouth parted only made him restrain himself more. he tried his best to keep himself from clawing at her neck or flipping her over so he was on top. and when y/n moved her hips and struggled to keep her cheeks from reddening he couldn’t help but let out a moan right next to her ear. she felt him on the inside of her thigh, so close to her core that it almost hurt.
he was so gentle when he traced his fingers along the rim of her face. perhaps next time he wouldn’t need to hold himself back as much. maybe he could watch her plump little lips around his cock or play with her glistening clit with his tongue. but as he set her down underneath him, he reassured her that he would be gentle.
“are you sure y/n?” he lay his head near her ear and peppered small kisses along her neck.
“please grayson.” her breath hitched when his mouth started to suck on the delicate skin of her neck. she stroked his hair and and pulled at it when his teeth sank into her skin.
“sorry, i’m getting too far ahead of myself.” he couldn’t resist her sweet scent. the smell of honey and the summer breeze almost made him drive himself into her. she was so perfect.
with a nod of her head grayson lined himself up at her entrance and slowly felt himself glide into her tightness. oh, how delicious she felt around him.
she gasped when he hit half way and he took that as a que to start pulling out. with every light thrust grayson allowed more and more of his length until he was fully inside her. she let out moans and whimpers and small shouts here and there. despite this she told him to keep going.
she felt uncomfortable at first, but feeling the length of this man made her eyes flutter shut. and when she did open her eyes she was greeted by furrowed eyebrows and dark eyes. he looked so, so beautiful.
when he could feel himself going all the way he almost lost it. he would have planted his seed inside her at that very moment but it was just too good. he needed to make it last. and that’s exactly what he did.
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haileybeehappy · 5 years
I need a tumblr friend
someone wanna be my friend?
im 18, female, and from Alaska.
I watch way to much TV and read an excessive about of books and fanfiction
my favorite published author is Laurie Halse Anderson and my favorite wattpad author is Poltergeist People. she is FUCKING AMAZING
I've watched supernatural, the walking dead, the office, bones, and castle and way over obsessed on them.
I watch a lot of YouTube. umm. I watch David Dobrik, the vlog squad in general, theoddonesout, simply nailogical, jeffree star, Shane dawson. and a lot more
I've recently started painting and drawing.
I'm hella bored alllll the time and need some more friends
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fanficksandimagines · 6 years
'Belly tickles and sloppy kisses.' G.D.
•  Boyfriend!Grayson x reader • Warnings: …fluff and cuteness…short one though • Requested by Anon.
"Can I request a Gray imagine where she is trying to read, but Gray keeps distracting her"
{Y/f/b- stands for your favourite book. Mine are 'All the bright places' and 'We were liars'. What about you guys?}
A/n- I'm back? Did ya miss me? You probably didn't even notice that I was gone XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, as usual. Sorry for being away for that long, I had to turn all of my attention to art, since my first ever personal art exhibit was happening/ still is up for a couple of weeks/ but yeah. I really enjoyed writing this one, even if it's kind of short. It just made me all bubbly and blushy just thinking abut this. Cuteness overload.
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~GIF credits to owner~
'Belly tickles and sloppy kisses.'
The sun was hiding behind the gloomy clouds, that covered the sky over New Jersey. The pouring rain behind the half-way closed window sounded calming and brought in the fresh air. Since I had woken up before Grayson, I decided to take advantage of the calm and perfect weather for reading. I picked up my favorite book, y/f/b, from the bedside table and opened it up where I had left off previously.
Minutes later Grayson shifted in the bed besides me, laying on his back, his eyes still closed and face relaxed as he was still sleeping; the only thing distracting, besides his beauty, were the light snores that tumbled past his lips. I smiled to myself, letting my eyes roll slightly, before I turned my attention back to the book and kept on reading.
I had drifted into the fictional universe of the book so deeply, I hadn't noticed the time passing. The rain had stopped raining, and the grey clouds had thinned, letting the sun shine through them.
"Morning, lovely." A low, raspy voice besides me said.
"Morning, sleepy head." I smirked not taking my eyes off of the words in the book.
"Y/f/b? In the morning?" he asked as he rolled over to his stomach and buried his face in the pillow.
"I've been up for hours, didn't want to wake you." I answered back.
I was so close to the plot of the book, so caught up in it.
~~~ 3rd person view~~~
Grayson was still half asleep, so silence fell over the room, as Y/n went back to reading.
He liked to see his girl reading and getting so caught up in the stories. In his thoughts, the best par about her reading was, when he asked about the book. It was like a sparkle in her eyes showed up and she started glowing, and enthusiastically telling him about the characters and the story, adding her opinion in between. He didn't need to be interested in the book, it was the way she started glowing, that he loved to see. {I need a lover like this}
All that aside, Grayson wanted some attention from his beautiful girlfriend in this weary morning. As he lied, his face in the pillow, he tried to master up a way to distract her from the book, that had sucked up all of her attention. He lifted his head a bit up and repositioned it facing her, but his eyes were still closed. He peeked with one eye to see her face, as her eyes kept scanning the pages; dragged his arm from under the blanket and placed it on her stomach and closed his eyes again.
Grayson peaked again and slowly started to tickle her. She flexed her stomach feeling the slight touches, a small smile showing up on her face, but she still kept reading.
"Gray," she whined "I'm reading."
That made him tickle her belly even more. Y/n started giggling, now making Grayson smile.
Grayson pushed himself up with his other hand to sit up, just to tickle her even more with both of his hands.
"Grayson! Stop!" she laughed, throwing her head back. Her eyes weren't scanning the pages anymore, meaning that Grayson had her attention.
"I'll stop on one condition- put a bookmark in and set it aside." he finished the sentence with a small laugh as Y/n couldn't control her giggles.
"Alright!" she gave up instantly , putting the book aside.
Grayson took his hands away from her stomach as she threw hers besides her head in surrender. Y/n breathed unevenly recovering from the laughter.
"So, why did I have to stop?"
"'Cause I want your attention." Graysons cheeks went slightly pink making the girl basically melt.
Y/n was about to say something before Grayson attacked her with sloppy kisses allover her face, making her giggle again. He loved her laugh, especially if he was the one causing it.
He left kisses on her forehead, cheeks, chin; making his way to her earlobe and down her neck to her collarbones stopping there and bringing his head back up to look in her mesmerizing eyes. The eye contact was short as her eyes fluttered shut and she pulled him in for a loving kiss.
"I love you so much, princess." he said once they pulled apart.
"I love you just as much, my prince." she whispered, as her hands stroked his cheeks.
"So what happened in the book?" Gray asked making the girls eyes fill with that magical sparkle and face glow like 24k carat gold, the sight that made his stomach fill with butterflies again.
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baileydolxxn · 5 years
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Everything happens for a reason || G.D (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/FkBlAoKrVV what happens when Jasmine mom and dad divorced? At age 17 Jasmine Mason mom and dad divorced and she moves to California with her mom and her moms new boyfriend. At her first day at school she meets and mysterious boy, how will turn out... I mean everything does happen for a reason.
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Those books you don’t realise are gonna destroy until it’s too late…
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sunsetxdolan-blog · 6 years
if you guys have any confessions about the dolan twins lol send them to me and i’ll include them in a wattpad book, a platform i believe that will gain a better community as opposed to the toxicity on instagram.
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333kaylynn · 6 years
Hey. Read this;)
Shameless self promo, I know. But I just recently updated an Ethan fic of mine, and I’m working on TWO new Grayson fics. My wattpad is dolanoodle if you guys care to check it out and vote maybe idk whatever floats your boat (but please do im desperate) 
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Fear (e.d.) : "He scares me, and I don't know how to deal with it." A story where Ethan Dolan falls in love with the girl he hurt the most.
Parts Published: 10 but ones an a/n
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Journal (g.d.) : He was thunder. She was the rainbow. Everyone else? Rain. // a story in which a teenage girl writes poems but doesn't feel good enough to publish them.
Parts Published : only 1 bc i just published it today 
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This Is For You (g.d.) : entries by me. to grayson.
Parts Published: again only one, just published today! 
And I also have more ideas for Ethan fics:) anywho, feel free to give my wattpad a look lol
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Grayson reading a book got me like 😍
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Check out my Grayson Dolan FanFiction, The Prologue and chapter One are up NOW.  Chapter TWO will be up VERY SOON.
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spiffydolan · 7 years
I really don't know why but wanted to tell you and your all followers, if any of you feel down or depressed feel free to talk to us. This category of social media should be used for good. Not for making "suicide is beautiful" understatement. Please reach to any one who you really want to talk to or near you. JUST TALK. You deserve to be happy. Love every one of you, guys.
^^^ This!!! You can also talk to me!! There are so many people who WANT to listen to you! YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND YOU ARE WANTED. NOT ONLY ARE YOU WANTED, BUT YOU ARE NEEDED IN THIS WORLD. WE NEED INDIVIDUALITY. WE NEED YOU.
I’d also like to say some other things related to this, and I really hope it can encourage someone in someway:
I think we all experience some point in our life when we don’t look our best internally. Whether it be sadness, depression, stress, anxiety, etc. We all experience it, and most of us hide it. When we hide it, we are not only hurting ourselves, but we are unintentionally hurting other people too. 
People may look at you and think you have your whole life figured out, and criticize themselves because maybe they don’t have it figured out. But at the end of the day, you don’t either, because you’re only human. It’s important to be real and vulnerable sometimes. 
When I start feeling a certain way, these are some things I like to think about that comfort me, and remind me that someone else feels it too. 
Kid Cudi says in a song, “I tried to think about myself as a sacrifice, just to show the kids they ain’t the only ones up at night.” Many of us can’t shut our brains off ever, but 9 times out of 10 our thoughts get darker and harder to overcome at night. Not only does Kid Cudi relate to us who can’t sleep at night, but so does every other person who has connected with this song (millions of people). You are not alone. 
Ethan Dolan talked about the reason why he creates things (when discussing the meaning of his “create” tattoo). He said creating videos “helps get his mind off stuff and takes him to his own world, so he doesn’t have to deal with what’s going on in real life.” I know the twins have struggled with a lot of real emotions like we do, because they are teenage boys, and they are human. Again, you are not alone. Ethan creates to release those feelings. It is important to find something you enjoy doing that occupies your mind and occupies your focus. Whether it be creating, reading, dancing, singing, playing a sport, doing a puzzle, cooking/baking, cleaning, studying, exercising, journaling, seriously anything. (If you can’t find anything, and none of these suggestions are appealing to you, message me. I have so many ideas, and I would love to help you think of something.) Find the things that make you happy in this world, and put all of your focus on that. 
You have one life. You don’t get a redo, so make it your own. Make it enjoyable. No one said it would be easy, but you get to decide if it was worth it. 
Talk to people. People can relate to you… sometimes it may be difficult to find someone to listen, but I promise there are so many people who will listen with open minds and caring hearts. Step out and initiate the conversation. It doesn’t even have to be serious. Just ask someone how their day was or what they like to do in their free time and try to relate to their response. Keep the convo going, and make friend. You don’t have to talk about the deep stuff; I understand that can make you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. Just talk. Talk about anything. 
You are so loved and you are so important to me. Please, please don’t ever forget that.
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impaladolan · 2 years
ethan and kristina have a newborn baby and grayson is so jealous bc he just wants to be a dad. he’s begging you every minute of everyday
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
; he’ll be such an awesome father 🥺
Daddy Blues:
“Look at her little mouth and her little toes!” Elated, Grayson yelped at the adorable baby giggling in his lap. His eyes were all big and full of excitement, his cheeks rosy with nothing but raw and never ending love for the new addition to the Dolan family.
You’d think it to be his own daughter, the way he helped out and stayed around to feed and hold her, often rocking her into a much needed slumber. He hadn’t missed a day of seeing her for two and a half weeks, and by association, neither had Y/N.
She too was effortlessly taken aback by the darling infant. More so, she was in awe of Grayson’s excitement. She was already counting down the hours before he’d ask for his own child, something he’s been looking forward to for majority of his life.
He really didn’t have to ask at first.
One evening, the two of you were alone in the nursery with Ana, letting E and Kristina enjoy a night out without a crying baby. Grayson was swaying in the rocking chair while you leaned against the crib, admiring the two. The hours of counting turned to milliseconds; he simply looked up with knowing eyes.
And you blushed.
“Think about it, Y/N. Never ending happiness for the rest of our lives.” He looked back down at Ana, his cheeks turning a soft red too.
“That— And hardly any sleep.” You, as quietly as you could, half-heartedly chuckled.
“We can do that when we’re retired.” He smiled wide, excitement just oozing from his aura.
“I’ll consider, but don’t give your hopes up Mr.” You joined him in his gaze at the beloved baby girl, your heart sinking in the best, overwhelming ways.
Two days later, on your way home from Ethan and Kristina’s, he asked again.
“You’d be the cutest, most adorable pregnant women anyone’s ever seen! I know it.” He was driving, his grin ear to ear and his eyes bright.
“That’s nine months of no caffeine, Grayson. Not something I can willfully give up just yet.”
“You can have some, just not as much as you usually do.” He chimes. He’s probably read all the rules and guidelines to having your own kid by now.
“Let’s just wait for a minute, Gray. I don’t want to jump into this quite yet.”
Grayson adhered to your wishes, holding himself back for another two weeks, though you could tell he was busting from the seams.
“If we have kids now, you’ll be the young, cool mom and we may even have great-grandkids.” He informed from his seat on the sofa next to you. You set down your enthralling book to give him one of those looks.
“I’d be the cool mom anyway, young and old!”
“Okay, okay.”
Twenty minutes went by, and he looked up from his phone again.
“You could teach them how to read…” He bumped your leg, withdrawing you from your book yet again. This time, you raised your brow and dipped your chin.
“And how to stay quiet when someone’s reading!”
Another few weeks had gone by, the days truly dragging on for Grayson. It wasn’t until you woke early one morning, feeling refreshed from your night of sleep, that you invited the thought of raising children with Grayson.
It’d be wonderful chaos.
The perfect mix of grace and crazy, which is what anyone could only ask for. He’d be a great father too. The thought made you all warm inside, sharing an endless bond with the man you married.
You sweetly shook him awake, laying light kisses upon his jaw. His eyes slowly opened and he smiled, laughing lowly from your ticklish gestures.
“Morning, baby.” His voice was low and gravely.
“Speaking of..” You sat back up, beginning to fiddle with your fingers.
“I’ve been thinking, and..”
“You want to?!” He sat up faster than you expected, his hands found yours and he clasped them together in exhilaration.
You simply nodded, and he wrapped his arms around you in triumph. He pulled you tight to him, chuckling in a boyish way that made you giggle too.
“Let’s get to work then, shall we?” He wiggled his brows, making you laugh aloud.
(a/n pt. 2 : slowly, but surely i will get these asks finished up! again, sorry to disappear.. i also have a series in the works.. another mafia goodie haha..)
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ayleenlinux · 7 years
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Happy birthday, losers! 🎂♥ Can't believe u guys are still those Vine boys from Jersey who stole my heart before all the YouTube and all social media madness! Stay true to yourself, always and thanks for everything u did for me in these past 2 and a half years! And hope to see and meet u again in 2018! Welcome to the adult world, it's fun, I promise! 😜
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