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softpawsxd · 4 months ago
Since it seems i don't post more of my artwork in this site very often, I decided to post my arts from my other social media sites! ^^
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cakecakedoesstuff · 1 year ago
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And my homemade James plushie is all done, So whatcha' think of it?
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clownishtheorist · 2 years ago
“That’s… MY uniform”
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thrarm · 2 years ago
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what is youtube trying to say about TheOdd1sOut
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ivanofk · 2 years ago
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renjungobrrr · 2 years ago
I did this drawing of James aka TheOdd1sOut in school once. The picture on the top right is the reference I used
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Come TROVARE ISPIRAZIONE SENZA FARE QUASI NULLA? scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo EGO ENTUSIASMO : https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/ego-entusiasmo-dcs/ #processocreativo #creazione #ispirazione 🔴🇮🇹 FAI DA TE A TUO VANTAGGIO E A VANTAGGIO DEI TUOI CARI scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo EGO ENTUSIASMO : https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/ego-entusiasmo-dcs/ #ipnosi #ipnosi dcs #benessere PERFAVORE SUGGERISCI COSA VUOI APPROFONDIRE (ANCHE NUOVI TEMI ) E GRATIS NEI PROSSIMI VIDEO IL DR SARACINO PARLERA' DI CIO' CHE TI STA PIU' A CUORE E CHE MAGARI NESSUNO TI STA AIUTANDO O TI HA AIUTATO PER IL BENE TUO ED IL BENE DEI TUOI CARI GRAZIE CAMBIA VITA IN 30 NOTTI: Mentre dormi, senza farti rubare tempo ed in pigiama... https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08LNBH5NV/r... via @amazon LA TUA MENTE PUÒ TUTTO SE SAI COME FUNZIONA E SE SEGUI ALLA LETTERA LE ISTRUZIONI FACILI A PROVA DI NONNO A PROVA DI PIGRO A PROVA DI IDIOTA... Centinaia di persone nel mondo con Metodo DCS hanno risolto i loro problemi e aiutato i loro caro in tutto il mondo anche se non volevano aiuto... Ogni volta che ci tuffiamo a mare, c’è’ solo un momento di riflessione poi dopo ci si affida al nostro pilota automatico e si fa il tuffo... Tuffati ora... #ipnosidcs#metododcs#miracolo Agisci ora: https://claudiosaracino.com/vetrina/ Chi ti ha detto impossibile? Era un Dio? Era un guru bla bla? Era un deus ex machina? Nel mondo, migliaia di persone, a cui era stato detto che non c’era nulla da fare, hanno avuto il miracolo della loro mente, persone laiche e non. Dire che secondo la scienza ed il sistema non c’è nulla da fare, che non ci sono rimedi, che non è possibile non significa che non esista la soluzione: il miracolo della tua mente... La tua Mente è potente e può fare tutto se sai come fare... Mai dire Mai... se lo desideri, inizia anche con un solo audio mp3 DCS e capirai il primo potere del Metodo DCS... METODO DCS NON PLUS ULTRA NON È PER TUTTI ⚔🔥⚔ L’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale è per chi: 1 non trovato soluzioni altrove 2 per chi non vuole essere aiutato 3 per chi si vergogna di farsi vedere presso un guru 4 per chi ha paura di essere manipolato 5 per chi si rifiuta di essere aiutato 6 per casi impossibili 7 per casi dove i guru ripetono no no no Solo a te la scelta ma a prescindere dal dr Saracino, approfondisci il tema dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale trascurata dai mass media e dai poteri forti anche presso un professionista dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale della tua zona in cui risiedi... Se non hai voglia di girare cappelle, puoi provare un audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio... Puoi partire da un solo audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o del tuo caro oppure scaricare più di un audio mp3 DCS per avere un risultato molto più veloce e che abbraccia più angoli del tuo o dei tuoi problemi... Molta gente sceglie di base i seguenti audio DCS: NO DEPRESSIONE NO PANICO NO PASSATO NEGATIVO MOLTO CONTROLLO DEI NERVI SALUTE ED ESITO EGO ENTUSIASMO magari sono partiti da un solo audio DCS cone NO ALCOL oppure NO DROGA e poi, vedendo risultati ed effetti spettacolari, hanno voluto accelerare il tutto ... Ascolta , condividi e commenta se ti garba con amici e parentesi... La colpa non è tua La colpa è della TV e della Tv Paura che causa a te e al tuo caro, tutto di più, dall’ansia, alla paura, alla depressione, alla tristezza, all’aia tua, alle dipendenze, alla droga, all’alcol e via discorrendo.... Immagino Non ci credi ma se riflettiamo un attimo, magari, ci sono molto vicino... Tutto è partito dagli anni 60 come spiego in questo video... Seguimi e commenta se ti va.... La bella notizia che con ipnosi DCS e autoipnosi DCS, anche con un solo audio DCS mp3 professionale, che fa per te ed il tuo caro che magari non vuole il tuo aiuto, puoi eliminare e cancellare un problema alla volta... Funziona, fidati, e lo dice un mentore oltre che un guru Non colpevolizzare e non colpevolizzarti perché la colpa è della TV Paura e non tua o di tuo figlio! Solo a te la scelta se cambiare destino... Metodo DCS è l’unico Metodo al mondo a prova di Pigro e pigrizia che non ti fa mettere la tuta, non ruba tempo prezioso a te e ai tuoi cari, che è a prova di pigro e pigrizia... Provalo e ti meraviglierai.. e scarica subito Audio Mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio cambia con i Fatti e non i bla bla il tuo destino... Assurdo quanta gente si arrende a chi non crede che si possano ottenere i miracoli della propria mente... Parla e sentenzia il guru di turno e la gente ci crede... Mai arrendersi e mai dire mai... Approfondisci il mondo dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale e credi nel tuo potere mentale guidato dall’ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale... clicca ora sul sito e scarica audio mp3 DCS : https://www.ipnologiassociati.com 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram 👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿 https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 https://www.ipnologiassociati.com
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myheadgoesaround · 4 months ago
"I swear to g- "
"Oh yeah? Who are you gonna swear to? That's right, you're an atheist, and atheists don't get to swear to God"
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theangelshifter · 9 months ago
Who else was a victim of theoddonesout shifting video in 2020..
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fennecfiree · 1 year ago
(copy and pasting some of my older posts btw)
ALSO! Ask me any of my other headcanons with the ask feature thingy, for example, creek hcs, clyde hcs, or anything like that. ill answer!
Stan: Blue eyes, short black greasy hair ( he never washes his frickin hair ) he has some acne, he's the 2nd tallest in the main 4, he's thin, has earrings, he has a slipknot pin on his hat, and has some eye bags because he never sleeps 😱 he's bisexual ( girl pref ) and Demi boy. He has autism, and asthma. special interest is bored games, he listens to Slipknot, MCR, deftones, Korn, his fav song is Duality. his fav food is m&ms, his fav video game is Roblox, he also plays RimWorld, terrified of snakes, his fav shows are Stranger things, The simpsons, Spongebob, and Rick and morty, cares more for animals than most people, gets annoyed when people talk to much. His phone is full of pictures of Sparky. whenever he's home alone he chugs some of Randy's beer 😭 his phone is always on do not disturb. still keeps in touch with the goth kids. he's very close with Tolkien, which Kyle got mad about since Stan was jealous when Kyle was making tiktoks with Tolkien. he gets B-. Loves horror games and movies and forces kyle to play them with him, paints his nails black. asks for a cat every Christmas, has a Bart Simpson sad pfp ( you know those.. ) really into creepy pastas. he watched TheOddOnesOut, and SomethingElseYT
Kyle: he has olive eyes, really curly short ginger hair, he has braces, and a bigger nose, he's pretty pale and has freckles, the shortest out of the 4, and he's chubby. he's bisexual and asexual ( he ofc found out when he's older ). he has type 1 diabetes (and is really embarrassed about it). anxiety, autism ( his special interest is ocean creatures ) and bad anger issues. he listens to AJR, Green day, The cure, Weezer, The offspring. his fav song is Pretty fly for a white guy. his fav food is stew, and and he drinks monster sometimes. His fav game is Minecraft and Fnaf 1. He's a giant germaphobe, he washes his hands after every time he goes somewhere. he's also scared of gore. he watches Gravity Falls, BfDI. Spongebob, Him and Ike watch Yo gabba gabba together 😭😭 He cant watch horror movies, and cant play scary games. He talks A LOT. He has a handsanitizer bottle on his desk. His favorite holiday is Halloween, he gets A+ most of the time, but sometimes he gets A-. he spends 2 hours doing his hair, he studies really hard, and gets furious if someone else in class gets a higher grade ( its usually Wendy ) he try's to draw good, and thinks he does, but its very poorly drawn cartoon drawings with detailed eyes. he try's to straighten his hair but it just looks very weird, and it made him sad 😓HIM AND STAN WATCH SPONGEBOB TOGETHER AND THEY LOAD UP ON EVERYSINGLE SNACK. he's insecure about his looks. he looks up to his dad a lot, he cry's when his teachers don't respond to him putting up his hand 😭. doesn't notice when he's raising his voice. sleeps with his orca whale plushie 😎 He watches Markiplier, Flamingo, and LS Mark.
Cartman: 1 brown eye, 1 blue eye, short light brown messy hair, he has long eyelashes and some acne, he has a tooth gap, he's the tallest of the 4, and ofc he's a fatass 😭 he's gay, lactose intolerant and has heterochromia (left is brown, right is blue) He listens to Lady gaga, Britney spears, Taylor swift. and his fav song is Poker face. His fav food is Cheesy Poofs, and Pancakes. His fav game is Happy wheels and People playground. he has Trypanophobia. He watches Saw, The Human Centipede, and Happy tree friends. when he plays Minecraft with people he refuses to share a house with someone cuz it's gay, he scams kids in Roblox adopt me. Him and Shelly play smash or pass together with celebrities 😭 he has a Instagram account for Mr Kitty. He's an iPad kid 🤪🤪🤪🤪 goes on Omegle (let's pretend it's still up) and pretends to be a girl. Has an account on Twitter just for making fun of Kyle, listens to true crime. Collects stickers 😊😊 begs his mom to give him robux, he also has another Twitter account that's a Stan account for lady Gaga. Terrified of Wendy 😭😲 the coon is his fursona, he also pretends that he hates furrys but secretly is one 😭 Gets C-. reddit user.. says "MY CONTROLLER BROKE" when he loses a game, he's fluent in German. He's really smart, sometimes even smarter than Kyle, but doesn't care to use it for good, he just uses it for asshole shit. Sleeps with all 10000 of his stuffed animals. he hates fathers day. he watches Trisha paytas, ishowspeed, and shane dawson. 😭😭
Kenny: Blue eyes, messy blonde hair, he has a tooth gap, and his clothes are really dirty, he's the 2nd shortest of the 4, and he's pretty skinny, he's pansexual and genderfluid. he listens to Cardi B, Gorillaz, Vengaboys. and his fav song is Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! his fav food is Grilled cheese. His fav game is DDLC and FNF (he plays on butters pc) He watches Pokemon, MPL ( originally Karen forced him to watch it but he kinda likes it LMAO ) and Sailor moon. he falls asleep in class a lot. He gets B+. therapist friend, zones out a lot. He sometimes comes to school with pigtails that Karen gave him. He never fights with his siblings. Stan always gives him some of his school lunch. his clothes are covered in holes and stains. he loves playing truth or dare and always picks dare. he loves birthday party's and always take a ton of food to bring to his family. he wants a pet rat so bad. he likes Stan the best out of the main 4, he sometimes finds Kyle super annoying and cartman... well its cartman.. goes outside and burns pieces of paper for fun. he watches Mr Beast ( he comments on every video "please help me") Gawr Gura, Ironmouse, and Pokimane.
Butters: Blue eyes, very short blonde hair, a scar on his right eye. he's the same height as Kenny, slim, has a couple freckles but not NEARLY as much as Kyle 😨he's Bisexual. He has PTSD. He listens to BTS, Disney songs, his fav song is Butter 🙀 His fav food is Ice cream ( strawberry ) His fav game is Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and Roblox. He watches Hello kitty (ofc) MLP ( him and Kenny watch it together) and Spongebob. He loves pastel colors. VERY bad memory, likes the taste of milk, Bites his nails, He still has the Marjorine clothes and likes to dance around in them, HIM AND BRADLEY ARE PEN PALS. Has to sing the ABCs to know the placements Gets A-. He also cant watch horror movies or play scary games like Kyle. He starts celebrating Christmas in October. watches those boys vrs girls gacha life music videos. USES THOSE VERY CURLY STRAWS IN CHOCOLOTE MILK AND BLOWS BUBBLES IN THEM!!! He's an art kid. He watches DanTDM, and Stampy
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lexicorp · 8 months ago
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o lawd she doomed by the narrative-- ;-;
she has been a relevant part of Darren's past for /quite/ some time, though I've never really given her a name for actual solid design but a vague idea in my head
sooo now she gets it!
things certainly do not turn out well for her despite people thinking she had a bright future before she broke in the years after leaving home and coped with drugs and alcohol. she thought it was under control until it very obviously wasn't but it was too late.
ngl the "sales student" detail was inspired by an rslash story I listened to recently of a lady with a whole ass husband and sales rep company job and stuff who just seemed to randomly go off the rails and ends up not coming out of it. (if you watch rslash on YT you'd prob know which one)
the subway thing honestly was jus my brain like "lol sandwich tur" cuz God I need some wholesomeness where I can get it dammit; and thinkin about TheOddOnesOut lel
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softpawsxd · 4 months ago
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Did you like my comic about Danny cipher yelled angrily at Werewolf crocodile Max? If so, what do you think about it?
Yeup, And Werewolf Crocodile!Max looks very cute in your style!
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cakecakedoesstuff · 2 years ago
Bob'S Burgers + OddBalls + 28 Pranks Later = This!
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1jade6 · 2 years ago
I am in the mood to watch Quest for Camelot
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It has been forever since I've seen this movie. I remember TheOddOnesOut talking about how awkward it was that the dragons dressed up as Elvis and Cher, which I thought was pretty comical! Maybe I should draw these characters at some juncture....
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renyen808 · 2 years ago
Why I Have Been Gone for A Bit
Hey everyone! I'm back, and I have a few words to say.
I am coming back soon with content every single week, every Friday and Monday! However, I will not be doing any movies for the time being.
If you aren't aware, SAG-AFTRA and WGA are both currently on strike, asking for better pay along with many other things, such as their likenesses being used without their consent using AI, and their jobs taken away by AI. I stand in solidarity with them, and by doing so, I will be pausing my reviews of any and all films, regardless of if they have just been released or if they have been released years ago. I will be conducting research of companies and studios that have agreed to their terms and possibly do their films, but studios such as Disney, Universal, and Warner Bros. will not be covered.
I thank you for understanding during these challenging times. Everyone is entitled to compensation and with the new surge in streaming services, the companies have to adapt and change to the times, and pay the actors and writers what they deserve.
In the meantime, I am going to be changing my blog a bit, and include some personal stories that I do not mind telling you guys. Sure, they aren't like the content I have been posting, but I have started watching TheOddOnesOut again and decided, "Hey, I can do something similar to this!" So, starting August 28, every Monday will have a personal blog post!
So, posts will now be up Mondays and Fridays. Monday's post will be a personal story that I do not mind sharing and Friday will be a review of a video game.
I am not fully back yet, as I am home currently, but I will return on AUGUST 28 with a personal blog post!
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penny-arcade-productions · 6 months ago
Not me learning it from TheOddOnesOut
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