#larian shenanigans
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lexicorp · 6 months ago
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tried the Danny Phantom style of @soliac-snecc 's floof gorl! was /very/ interesting tryna do
they have a funky combo of sharp AF and a sprinkle of round lel
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kv-lore · 2 months ago
The Writing on the Wall
In the wastes between worlds, the kreket species manages a meager existence marred by constant loss and uncertainty for the future. This story follows Zellek, a high-ranking kreket in the Jaspen Clan, who is struggling with the recent failure of a mission. This is a low-key horror story which is meant to lend itself to interpretation, but it isn't written to be confusing (hopefully).
2816 words, or about 9 pages long
Themes: Death, Inevitability, Dread
Kreket species ref by @alphagodith is here
You can also find the original PDF for this story on my FA here
Under the endless dark of the space between universes, lit only by the light of the Infinite River, Zellek cursed as one of his obelisks of depleted ley crystal abruptly half-exploded into a sea of dust that cascaded down into the Abyss. Left behind was what looked now to be some kind of half-eaten bone, and the name once carefully inscribed onto its surface in blackened blood was barely legible.
B A _ L _ _ N E | J A _ P _ _
On one hand, it would be foolish to rebuild it. The multiverse had claimed sovereignty over what was rightfully its own; and, clearly, this was a less stable spot than Zellek anticipated. On the other hand, while the rest of the obelisks stood, it would be of the utmost disrespect to not attempt to rebuild a shattered comrade.
It took another two pulses of the River for the three spires to stand strong together again.
Zellek knelt in front of them all with quaking muscles. Whatever words he could say would be for his own fleeting benefit, and whatever words he could write upon this crystal would not be enough. This would need to suffice.
“I’m sorry,” he could not help but whisper as he hauled himself to his feet. A quake shook the platform. The sound of more crystal tinkling into space rang in Zellek’s ears. Even as he tried to ready himself to leap to another blasted floating platform, a violent rumble made him stumble and recalibrate before making the jump. He did not look back. He did not stop when a boom from behind rattled through his plated scales, and he forced himself not to blink as he threw himself onto a huge shining pillar. His back spines and talons stabbed into it with a criiiik, but it held firm, and he did not hesitate to scuttle upward, ascending ever higher toward the Infinite River and the upper layers of the floating isles.
Gods damn it all. It was selfish of him to want to keep their monuments separate from the rest. Even if he had scouted that lonely abode countless times for exactly this purpose, even if trying to set the obelisks up at the current resting grounds would come with a wretched, inquisitive audience, and even if he had told himself the last time that he would never add more names to that list, those reservations were all excuses to not do what had to be done.
“I know this must be your doing,” Zellek growled to himself as he climbed farther and farther up the towering pillar. Even not considering the lesson the multiverse seemed to be telling him, the feeling, too, was unmistakable; a twisted, cold hand grabbing and wrenching his heart, all while his muscles still shuddered from the strain of doing their job. If he wanted, he could shift his cells and cut off the neurons to shut up their incessant firing, but he did not. He wasn’t a coward.
With a grunt, Zellek leapt onto a towering mesa supported only by scraggly strands of fading ley-energy which stretched into the abyss far below. Even after cycles and cycles, gravity still remained the same here: weak and pathetic, as if it had given up on grasping anything worthwhile that passed it by. No wonder all the old towers the Jaspen clan had built were long gone. Did they sink into the collective, endlessly flat mass? Did they simply drift away? Did they disperse into particles so fine, no trace of them could be sensed? Nobody would ever know, because there were no living witnesses of the catastrophe, nor was there any remaining evidence. Still, there was a place Zellek wanted to stop by, if only to take a moment to rest and delay his responsibilities further. There was time. Too much of it, in fact, but, regardless, Zellek shifted the form of his legs to layer them with more muscle so he could propel himself far into the distance with each bounding leap and hurry up the mindless commune. Plus, each bound had the added benefit of telling him just how deep into the wastes he threw himself. It was one of the only consistent ways to not become lost.
It took approximately fifty six and a quarter leaps to arrive at his first nesting ground; but, while he was sailing through the forty ninth leap, he spied a glint of bright cyan among the endless dark purples and blue-blacks. The glow of another life form. Thus, another kreket. They were tall, lithe, and they were here, a place only the eldest would have reason to care about.
It had to be Lathriss. Visiting this place was not something Zellek had seen her do before, but Tarren, the only other option, was not a sentimental type of beast. Her head was facing away from him, and she didn’t move even as Zellek came to a skidding stop almost an entire leap away from her. Had something happened back with the rest of the Jaspen clan in the Spires? No, otherwise she would be with them. The only reason she would be so far removed was if she expected to not be sought out for a moment. The thought made Zellek smile as he got on all fours to crawl quickly across the field toward her. What delicious justice for him to be the one to suddenly hop in on her moment of isolated peace for a change.
“I can hear your scuttling,” she growled as he came close. “Speak.”
“My first monuments, which I attempted to build on the outer rims, erupted, so I will be rebuilding in the resting grounds shortly.”
“You were foolish for attempting to build anything in an unmarked space, Zellek.”
“Maybe, but this place is proof enough that nobody can ever predict what is stable and what is not.”
Her low and lengthy chitter was one of displeasure, and when she turned to see him getting up onto his hind legs, he half expected to be kicked back down. Now that would be reminiscent of younger days. Instead, she stepped forward and grabbed one of his back spines to look it over.
“You’re nearly out of room to paint additional rings of remembrance. If I didn’t know better, I would say that, as the common denominator, it is your fault that so many teams do not return.”
“I’m better at running away than the rest.”
“And,” she growls, pushing him away, “you’re our closest mouthpiece to XeXa. Perhaps, before It grows bored of you, helping others gain Its favor is where you would be better served.”
“Noted.” Great. As if he knew why XeXa entertained his quest and so quickly came to his rescue during times of crisis. If she started asking him those questions again, they would be trapped in a loop for ages. There are real answers to be found elsewhere. “If allowed: a question about your motives here.”
“Go ahead.”
“Nostalgia, to pay respects, or as a place of comfort and silence to think?”
“You’re bold for suggesting the first option.” Lathriss’ tone is as cold and dry as the Abyss. “It should be obvious that it’s the third.”
“There are plenty of other places which would serve that purpose better.”
Of course she would make him admit his insinuation, even though she knows damned well what his answer will be. “I’m saying I’m not satisfied with your answer.”
“And I’m not satisfied with the three options.” Lathriss stepped up to tower over him, her fangs showing through her deep frown as her back spines twitched. Her tone grew shaky. “You’re better than those types of suggestions, Zellek. Black and white. Either or. Why do you come here? The answers you say you’re looking for won’t be found in an unmarked graveyard. Or is this where you meet XeXa Itself?”
Turning the question on him struck Zellek as a natural avoidance strategy, but there was no reason he shouldn’t answer. As long as they remained on topic, he could circle back around to what he wanted, and more effectively so. “To pay my respects and to remind myself of what came before us.”
“There was nothing that came before us. It was always “us”, and I do not understand why you would treat them as others. We still bear their name and we still carry on their work. I know how you feel about that, but as long as I remain”—she patted the stylized number one painted onto her leg as proof of rank—“then we will continue our defiance. At least you appreciate their legacy enough to not let their names fall entirely into the Abyss.”
Zellek bowed his head and emitted a two-toned affirmative chitter, but she still grabbed his snout and neck to upturn his gaze and squeeze him into submission. They locked eyes. He didn’t make a sound, nor did he move. Her claws dug into the plates on his neck, leaving lasting puncture marks over the three slashes of leadership they both had painted onto their necks. Such defilement was a show of power, nothing more. More concerning was when her hand slipped from his neck to his back, pushing him into her chest.
“You’re lucky I’m so patient,” she whispered, leaning her face down close to his. “But after cycles of toying around with each other—such as when these nests were still standing, or during all that time we spent building the new home, and now, when you leave me to govern while you run around trying to find the secrets of life— I’m growing to expect something more. Our clan needs the guidance of our union, or our ranks will endlessly dwindle. You know this, but you run, because you don’t like obvious paths. You never did. Consider this your only warning.”
Finally, release. When she stepped away from him, Zellek’s muscles still remained tense. Here he came to rest, not to stand vigil against somebody who he should be able to trust. As he brushed his hand over his neck and reformed his three slashes, a light heat alighted his chest. “If you saw my point of view and put more resources into my vision for the kreket, they could already be under the guidance of “our union”. Instead, we continue leading doomed missions into the universes for the sole long-standing purpose of “defying the gods”, just as our ancestors did, as if displays of defiance have ever done our species any enduring good. Your own stubbornness to not recognize that failing holds you back.”
“I could say the same thing about you, Zellek.” Her mandibles clacked together in frustration as she lowered herself onto all fours. A combative stance? It could be, so he swiftly followed suit; but the next chitter that left her was a long, low one while her back spines wilted. “Everyone, including myself, would better understand your vision if you could decide on what it is. Last I heard, you were still looking. And I, still waiting. I won’t apologize for being restless, nor will I apologize for doing my duty.”
The heat which had stormed Zellek’s heart shifted into something that made his abdomen ache. He couldn’t look her in the eyes any longer, his face twisting into a snarl while his own mandibles also clacked together. “The wait frustrates me almost as much as it does you, but I can’t let myself die without knowing what we are here for. As I currently understand, that is the reason why I have XeXa’s favor. It’s not easily passed on.”
“Clearly not.”
Lathriss turned, her whiplike tail still close enough to whap Zellek’s snout. Petty, but justified. When she moved to leave, prowling in the direction he had just spent all that time leaping away from, he chittered for her attention and fell in line by her side. “I already have plans of something to do before I rebuild the monuments, but I would not be opposed to discussing an effective strategy of approaching the enemy if that’s what you think is necessary. We have plenty of time before we return.”
A relieved smile crossed her face, but she swiftly shoved it away to don her “stern leader” look. Even when they were alone, in the middle of the remnants of nests they once matured in, she still thought she needed to mask. A deep cold pinched Zellek’s heart again, taunting him with its unease while he and Lathriss had their age-old conversation about tactics on the trek back to the Spires.
There, they split paths with a promise that whatever Zellek had planned wouldn’t take long. Weaving through the nesting district was a slog of constantly telling the others that he would explain what happened on his last mission in the upcoming pulses and to leave him be. To their credit, they stood aside quickly, and he was allowed to ascend up to one of the many takeoff pads without further harassment. There, where the culmination of work from hundreds of cycles of kreket runic scribes was written, he crawled on all fours into the center and dug in his claws. Heat first surged through his plates, then his skin, then his blood, before it all was sucked away by the lines drawn into the crystal. The platform cracked and rumbled, alight with new shimmers of blue life, while a familiar chill slipped into the place where heat once surged through Zellek’s body.
The platform’s surge of movement upward pushed Zellek further into the ground as he looked up to the shining universes surrounding the Infinite River far above. His eyes burned from the strain, but he didn’t stop his scan until…there it was. The shining surface of the universe his strike team had been expelled from.
“Entertain me,” Zellek growled before he was propelled into the light. As requested, he was whisked away to the only world supporting life, and according to the whim of XeXa, he was thrown into the savannahs during dry season. Anticipating a chase, small critters immediately yelped and skittered away from the new hulking beast that had entered their midst, but Zellek only sleepily pulled himself to his feet with blurry vision and scowled at the scenery. Scattered, gnarled trees. Low lying plants that blew according to the constant winds. There would be no isolated mountain cliff face or safeguarded cavern here for him to make his mark. No settlement was in sight to vandalize. No roads to deface.
It was ludicrous that the kreket were ever jealous of the way the inhabitants of this world lived. An easier life was still a life. A beginning and an end, whether short or long. Meanwhile, the creatures of this world constantly lied to themselves, while the kreket experienced the depths of what the multiverse had to offer so completely that there could be no denying it. What was better, living a luxurious lie or living a nightmarish reality?
Fungal growths, glowing with intense magic no other nearby living organism could handle, were already beginning to spread across the low lying plants; a clear mark of XeXa’s presence and impatience. The wind had grown ever stronger, and with it an odd, eerily familiar scent. The scurrying of the animals had grown louder, as if they, too, were trying to run from some ill fate.
“Fine.” Zellek slammed his claw into the closest tree and began carving into its toughened skin. First, a semi-circle. Then, four dots beneath it. Left, middle-left, middle-right, right. Three lines filled the empty space between the dots, converging onto a central point in the space below the semi-circle. Finally, he added the final line extending down from that point.
“They’ll get the message regardless.” Zellek stepped back from the tree and tried to take a moment to admire the clean lines left behind, but the air was growing hotter and hotter. Fungi continued to spread, and their glow nearly blinded him. Though Zellek did not dare to turn around, he felt XeXa’s hollow eyes staring through his back. Better It than the protector of this universe, who would be eager for a second helping of kreket. Either way, his time was up. “Enough. Take me home.”
A wave of nausea shook through Zellek’s abdomen as he came face-to-face with unyielding, consuming light, then the stagnant dark of the Abyss, then the dull light of the crystals that made up the Spires the Jaspen clan now called home. It was time to get back to work.
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reagan-the-saunders · 1 year ago
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Today on "Reagan's BG3 Shenanigans"...
We are apparently sleeping with our heads in the roaster while poor Belivyne lays dead from blood deprivation.
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saltyowlets · 9 months ago
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What's better than one Bhaalspawn? ITS TWO!
Featuring my durge, Olive and amazing @henriethsmile 's durge, Zorn!
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escxelle · 8 months ago
my one (1) bg3 criticism
i'm really enjoying baldur's gate 3 but i have one bone to pick with it... there are no characters with welsh accents (that i'm aware of - i've just started act 3, please correct me if i'm wrong!).
the fantasy genre as a whole has always used the welsh culture, language and mythology yet we get no credit for it T^T for example dragons (we literally have one on our flag...), random y's instead of i's (looking at you wyll, wyrm's crossing etc. - also wyll pronounced in welsh would be completely different which i find so funny)
i know these things aren't exclusive to wales but they are large parts of it! a lot of other mythologies also mention dragons and a lot of other languages also use y's a lot (fun fact y's in welsh are vowels!) i don't blame larian for this but they do have other characters with accents that aren't just english RP so... i didn't think it was too much to ask for :/
not only that, but the thing that annoyed me the most, and is the reason why i'm making this post in the first place, is that they will have characters called cerys, gethin and iwan, which are traditional and common welsh names, but they still won't have welsh accents :(( (they even pronounce cerys differently T^T) like come on larian!! it's so disappointing, especially as a welsh fan :(
just one welshie please <333
update: i spoke to someone called ffion... another very common welsh name and still no welsh accent 😭 (though it was via a spell so i can give them the benefit of the doubt... again)
another update!!! i talked to an npc called caerdwyn (a very welsh name!) who had a lovely welsh accent :))
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harpershigh · 2 months ago
Então né é réveillon e eu tô no brilho na varanda da minha mãe vendo o respingo de queima de fogos atrasados na Baía de Guanabara então vim pro Tumblr postar merda grammarly save me
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I wanted to thank all my beautiful friends of this rpc, the very first rpc I joined out of brazilian fandom, in a foreign language. Thank you for your kindness, your patience, and all the understanding you showed me this past seven months.
A very special thanks to @spiderwarden because Mel was THE inspiration for me to join the RP, and for all the advice and guidance given. Also thanks to her I met some of the nicest people on this website ILY QUEEN
@adorectrine thank you for being the very first person to hop in and embrace my OCs so lovingly, I hope we keep creating so many more little worlds together bestie
@rubistella , @fiendishfinesse , @demonwebs AQUI É O BONDE PESADÃO DAS BR TOMANDO A PORRA TODA KKKKKKK vocês são as pessoas mais legais desse site e EU AMO VOCÊS
@shimmerbeasts anyone who looks thinks "HOW TF THOSE TWO GET ALONG??" But YEAH we make our shit work despite the abysmal differences and I think this is SOOOO FUCKING COOL I'll look forward to keep throwing chaos at your inbox for a whole new year
@starsofnyx WIFEEEYYYY and also HUSBAAAAND I'm looooooving to ship with you and I hope to make my muses make out with every single muse in your blog we get to write much more fun things together in the year to come
@silvertiefling babygurl we barely started to write together and I already love you so much, here is to more sapphic shenanigans in the future
@abib918 talk to you is always a blast! I'm really glad for the amazing time my gamedev buddy <3 the senior citizens activities are on fire btw
@viconic my beloved you're a gem and our senior citizens and a middle aged one are having so much fun together it hurts, if Larian won't give us a proper Vicci X Jaheira WE MAKE OUR OWN YEAH
Shout out to @avernusfuries , @dicethrow , @whomuses , @baldurianrogue , @scourgeofaverrnus , @iron-hearts-ablaze , @chaoticbard , @bloodtwin , @accultant , @warwaited , @relentlessgrief , @ I can't possibly expect to remember everyone I want to swipe from the floor in a hug and spin but know that it applies even if you're not mentioned!
Also shout out to all the wonderful personals who follow and interact and scream about Jaheira with me, especially @jennycalendar who I dream about writing with I owe so many good headcanons and good content of this blog to! I love you Celia!
@graciescribbles , @bigdingus1234 , @githyankidanky , @thecubspeaks YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
I know I'm crazy and I can't thank you all enough for enabling my insanity writing and going feral with me!
It's been an honour to meet you all, IC and OOC alike!
And HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ♥️♥️♥️
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lexicorp · 6 months ago
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"Strained Strings"
definitely was not planning on doing a full rendered piece ngl-
went in like, "I'll jus do some silly doodles", and came out like 🫴 XD
these two (Darren top and skestur bottom) definitely have something going on
they've never been an item but more of like, not very healthily connected to one another.
both have a nice deck of mental illnesses, and things eventually crumbled with the lies Darren tells being brought to light and skestur being salty as hell bout it which makes Darren freak out as he loses control over his stress toy basically-
the billford content ngl made be start thinking about these disasters
Song that is very much this vibe: "You are the beginning" by the family crest
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zachdefense · 2 years ago
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Larian really said this one's for the gay bears
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carjani · 5 days ago
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Since Larian won’t give me my Gortash romance, I have to make my own. ☺️ I am on PS5, so shitty screenshot quality (sorry), don’t have patch 8 yet (so no photo mode) but that won't stop me. 🤭 So with a lot of playing around with mods I kinda figured out how to make a hireling into Gortash. Kinda, there is no human male so I had to settle for the half elf one, but his hair hides the ears pretty well.
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Ruling with his favorite Bhaalspawn by his side. (It's kinda hilarious that the throne is so big that Gortashs' feet can't even touch the ground. 😂)
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Having a nice dinner at elf song tavern.
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plotting more evil plans for world domination shenanigans
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Resting after a long day in a matching pose since they rule as one and all that. 🥹
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shewolfofvilnius · 1 year ago
god wyll's entire SPEECH the first time you camp in act 3 about the city of baldur's gate and how much he loves it (with extras if you're baldurian) is just too much c'mon larian let me marry this man. plus you get insight into the teenage shenanigans Wyll had been up to before Mizora got hold of him and it's so adorable. (I have no idea which of Wyll's three endings i'm going for but also I NEED TO SMOOCH HIM)
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jadewing-realms · 1 year ago
one day, i will write an astarion origin novel.
it's in the universe, it is a goal for my future, I call dibs, look out wotc and larian, I'm coming for your boy.
aka my brain wouldn't shut up yesterday and now I have a vague plot concept and an imaginary trailer that won't leave my head.
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the trailer opens with a fancy carriage with a personal entourage rumbling down the road. a shot of well-adorned wrists, pale hands turning the pages of a book, voice-over of Astarion describing a city, building up with a sense of intrigue until the footman goes "City ho, my lord!" and one poised hand parts the curtains over the windows to reveal a young Astarion with moon-green eyes peering out. his expression goes from curiosity to his signature smirk before there's a sweeping shot of the city itself, as the monologue culminates in its name.
Baldur's Gate.
we get a montage of shots of exciting things happening across the city, bright lights and bazaars and dances and clubs, then we watch the carriage stop in front of a grand manorhouse, where awaits an elf with longer silver curls and matching green eyes, who addresses Astarion with handsome head high and a familial grin. "Well, if it isn't our newest magistrate. Vianavia, baby brother."
some glimpses of this guy in regalia, on a judge's seat, High Justice Solaire Ancunin. voiced over with something like "Mother thinks the city will ruin you. I, on the other hand, think you have what it takes to make it yours. Just follow my lead; I'll teach you everything you need to know."
the two brothers traversing the city, from business to leisure, ending at a gala, where solaire catches astarion by the shoulder to subtly murmur to him, naming the most crooked political figures in the room, ending with some big crime boss or something who he describes as someone who thinks himself Untouchable. then solaire gives stari a smirk. "And we're going to ruin him."
escalating montage of legal drama, noble finery, cloak and dagger shenanigans, glimpses of slums, solaire clapping astarion on the back, toasts with the crooked politicians, the two pouring over documents, solaire demonstrating a spell bc wizard, stari escaping out a window with someone in pursuit, a gur settlement in the city… ending with stari delivering a final, condemning statement in court. then a few more rapid-fire clips, including one of a group of gur with weapons drawn, before we cut to black and a dramatic pause.
then the darkness blinks groggily away before we get a shot from the ground, looking up at the city night sky, where an out-of-focus cazador leans over, looking smug. "poor little boy. i told you this city would eat you alive."
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catt-nuevenor · 2 years ago
No prizes for guesses what I've been playing...
I'm going to put the Read More split really early in this post so if folks want to see absolutely nothing from Baldur's Gate 3, be that for personal preference or spoilers reasons, then they can easily avoid it.
That said, I won't be putting any screenshots in that would spoil important plot points, just my favourite shots of my character up to shenanigans.
In brief, the game is an absolute triumph, both of craft, and of writing. Well done Larian Studios, my hat off to you with the utmost sincerity.
Beware minor visual spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3 below:
Now, let's have a look at my girl, shall we?
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Umrae, so named after another morally good aligned drow from the D&D universe. Did you really expect me not to do some background research before making a character? She's a Four Elements Monk.
I highly recommend giving a drow playthough a go if you're umming and ahring about it. It's a point of personal pride for me when a NPC starts by going '*screaming* DROW! She's come to kill us all!' and Umrae offers them a cookie instead.
I've been taking screenshots like an absolute (no pun intended) mad woman, so if there's an interest for folks to see what else I've been up to in the game, let me know. I've got so many to share.
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escxelle · 6 months ago
you know i made this post and was thankful for larian for having a backbone and keeping true to the original narrative they wanted to go with without succumbing to the masses but seeing what they did with the ascended astarion kisses??? hello???
don't get me wrong, i am an astarion girlie (gn) but i am solely a spawn astarion girlie (gn). ascended astarion is just as bad as gortash, if not worse. you guys do know that it isn't hot to glamourise abuse right?? that abusers shouldn't be babygirled?? abuse shouldn't be sexualised, right!!!??? honestly i'm more disappointed at larian than anything "yeah we won't give gortash a romance with durge but we will romance an abuser who you're essentially a slave to <3" like what, are we meant to say thank you???
romancing ascended astarion is fine if you're playing an evil character for narrative/roleplay reasons or want to explore all sides of the game or even to explore an unhealthy, toxic and abusive relationship with the comfort of knowing that it's fiction and will never happen, it's your game and it is fictional so what you do with it is none of my business however to then go onto tiktok and twitter to tell larian that you want the romance between your pc and an abuser to be more romantic (even making mods to do that is fine because at least then you can get what you want and the rest of us can carry on with the original narrative larian wanted) but please be real: leave villains to be villains, let evil people be evil. ascended astarion will never love you because he is an evil manipulative abuser !!!!! wake up !!!
all of this and meanwhile they give wyll content that should have been there since release and it still doesn't even compare to the amount that astarion has (also idk if it's just me but half the time wyll's dialogue doesn't even have subtitles even though whoever he's talking to has subtitles above their heads just fine so idek what he says half of the time... great update bozos) i'm so tired, it's so frustrating
TLDR: yeah i've lost a lot of respect for larian, the fandom and even for astarion's character after patch 7, i won't lie
P.S. same as last time: if you're going to whine about astarion being fictional, please just block me. i'm not going to bark back and i will just delete your comments, i don't care for those half-assed excuses because if he is just fiction then why are you taking about it to a stranger on the internet? let me rant in peace
i saw an article the other day that had the headline along the lines of 'baldur's gate 3 fans are sad to hear that you there is no lord gortash romance plot' and i'm usually a very open-minded person but... maybe i will second guess the bg3 fans in question...
i was geniunely scared of him when i first had a conversation with him in act 3... he's a creepy, slimey, horrible, disgusting man and yes i know he's fictional but his whole presence just made me nervous, sick even. i can't see why anyone would like him let alone want to romance him...
he's a fantastic villain yes. his actor (idk who he is sorry - please tell me!!) did a wonderful performance, the way that he's written and the story-telling is insanely good but it's because of that excellent performance from the devs, the actor and writers that it just feels too real...
of course, if you're doing an evil playthrough then it makes sense to be nice to him and whatnot but do you really have to romance him too? :/ there was a reason why the game didn't come out with a gortash romance and there's a reason why the devs still aren't putting one in, maybe think about the reasons behind that other than "but he's hot" or something??
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thechaoticdruid · 1 year ago
More BG3 sims shenanigans
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This is actually the body type i'd give Winnie if Larian would just let us have curvier/chubby people. But alas all I can do is describe my Tav as thick in fanfictions.
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Also here's another pic of Astarion in the tub with a facemask. Him, Winnie and the others have taken up residence in a nice recreation of the Elfsong Tavern I found on the Sims 4 gallery.
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I didn't make them hug so this was a cute surprise.
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You can find the BG3 cc here if you want to play with it yourself!
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absolutehomosexuals · 8 months ago
Larian were cowards for making Durge customizable. He should've remained a white dragonborn male…instead we've got mostly elven princesses as Durges, most of them paired with Astarion of course
I ❤️ takes about Durge's storyline, I'm a huge lore nerd so I absolutely encourage you/anyone else to send more – both of the mods are heavily invested in canon!Durge shenanigans lmao, we used to analyze his letters as if we were Socrates and Platos.
I mostly agree: while I love his canon design as a white dragonborn (it absolutely SERVES if we take the general Bhaalist aesthetic into account), a lot of information about him is left very vague and up to interpretation. I love media that deals with cult themes, and it's fun for us to pair canon!Durge's attitude/speech patterns with a more refined human looking appearance to play up the charismatic cult leader aspect, yk??
I still wouldn't be disappointed at all if him being a dragonborn was made unchangeable, though.
One thing I 100 % agree with, though, is that we ideally shouldn't be able to change his gender: his storyline makes a lot more sense if we consider a male protagonist and I'm not gonna talk your ear off about it unless you want to hear it lmao, we were actually thinking of making a whole post about it some time ago... and this looks like the perfect time to do so ngl.
I get you, anon, I get you: everytime I see M/F Durgestarion I lose a couple years off my lifespan.
People just cannot appreciate the sheer power of a vampire twink calling a grown ass man "Bhaal-babe" and "my sweet conflicted villain" 😔
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b-e-e-h-o-p · 5 months ago
Gonna parrot something from the DA server I’m in.
I’m going full copium and convincing myself that they’re gonna do come larian shenanigans and add more stuff after release. Because I did not think they’d genuinely just make this game DA: Solavellan 😀
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