13 posts
šŸ“ account renovation^^
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viiixs Ā· 1 year ago
the wu chang nymph awards MV is so gay and grorgeoisu i an cruing
2 notes Ā· View notes
viiixs Ā· 1 year ago
the urge to rewrite this if only my ass was not working on 2 fanfics at once
Hi bbg do you write for Requiem WuChang?šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
What if,,Their s/o got ambushed and then Requiem came to the rescue..
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. . . RQ!XIE BIā€™AN & RQ!FAN WUJIU X READER ā€¦ ā€“ warnings: heavily implied violence, mentions of alcohol, blood.
! ā€” Note at the end of post! + scenario only.
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ā€œThis car ride is rather long, donā€™t you think?ā€
Biā€™an mumurs as He looks out the window, crimson eyes soon falling to the Chauffeur driving upfront.
ā€œAre we almost there?ā€ Biā€™an asks as the Chaufferā€™s eyes look at Requiem through the front windscreen.
The said man looking now at the Location app upon hearing Requiemā€™s question, He gazes back at the steering wheel.
ā€œJust a little bit more, Sir Xie.ā€
Biā€™an hums in acknowledgement as His gaze darts towards you in a questioning manner.
ā€œAre you doing alright?ā€
He pats your head, looking at you with a soft gaze. He and Wujiu decided to bring you to one of their photoshoots for a campaign hosted by the Agency They recently signed up for. They were currently heading to the destined location as You and Requiem sat comfortably at the backseat.
This only happened since You were curious about what They do behind the scenes when they were modeling, since most of the time you usually get left alone in your shared Apartment.
The Curiosity Blossomed overtime as you started seeing your Two Lovers in Advertisements, Tarpaulins and even in Magazines more frequently, They were also trending online at one point! you just had to ask the Two what They usually do or whats up with Their sudden spike of popularity. You told them that you wish you can see them doing actual modeling. Fortunately, Requiem invited you to their nextā€“ now current shoot Theyā€™ll be doing. This is great, Considering how Youā€™ll see them both at their full potential as models!
You nod in reply to His Question. a smile graces his lips.
ā€œThats good.ā€
His red eyes gazes at you before it moves to Fan Wujiu, Who is currently resting his head on the window next to your side.
ā€œHow about you, Wujiu. you okay?ā€
He looks at Wujiu whoā€™s currently resting his head on his palm, staring mindlessly at the window.
Wujiu mumbled in reply.
Biā€™an smiles at Him before sitting back on His seat. Humming Comfortably, satisfied with both your replies.
ā€œAh, I have a question.ā€
Biā€™an and Wujiuā€™s eyes are now on you, curious gazes while Their eyebrows are raised.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€
ā€œHow long have you guys been yknowā€¦ doing modeling? just curious.ā€
He thinks for awhile.
ā€œOh. quite awhile now actually... some agency asked us if we wanted the opportunity to star in Their upcoming Advertisementā€¦ We didnā€™t really have anything to do. never knew it would be such a hit.ā€
ā€œSo much so Wujiu had to mute His phone with How much Emails Weā€™d get from the different agencies..ā€
Biā€™an chuckles.
ā€œso why not?ā€
Wujiu gives him a small glare.
ā€œTheyā€™re annoying, okay?ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t say they werenā€™t nowā€¦ did I..?ā€
you and Biā€™an share a small laugh as Wujiu looks away playfully rolling his eyes while facing the window.
The Car soon pulls over.
ā€œWeā€™re Here.ā€
Wujiuā€™s Cerulean eyes examine the Building from His window and raises an eyebrow suspiciously. It looked too empty to be deemed as the ā€œPopular Agency.ā€ in this city. but brushed it off as you Three got off the Car, although the suspicion still lies.
The Car soon drives away as you both were now left alone standing infront of the building.
Biā€™an examines the building with an expectant look.
ā€œNot what i was expectingā€¦ it looks different than it did with the Email they sent.ā€
ā€œLooks bland as Hell.ā€
ā€œCanā€™t disagree with you thereā€¦ā€
ā€œwell, whatever.ā€ Biā€™an shrugged as He looked at you with a smile
ā€œAre you excited, ___?ā€
you smile back at him before nodding.
ā€œLets go now, yes?ā€
You three walked inside the buildingā€¦ it wasā€¦ quite desolate, in a way. there stood one employee at the front desk, Her gaze immediately going to you Three, almostā€¦ panicked.
ā€œHello. we are here for the campaign shoot.ā€
The Employee looks at Biā€™an before nodding.
ā€œAhā€¦ yes, Requiemā€¦ correct?ā€
ā€œThats right.ā€
ā€œandā€¦ who?ā€
She points at you expectantly as Biā€™an looks at your direction.
ā€œAh, a special guest. no worries.ā€
Biā€™an smiled as Wujiu stares at the Employee with a harsh glare. this feelsā€¦ a little too off. Itā€™s quiteā€¦ desolate. in this place. There werenā€™t any people apart from the Front desk Herself, not too mention, it feels like someone is watching them.
it doesnā€™t feel too right.
ā€œI-I seeā€¦ alright thenā€¦ iā€™ll just call our campaign manager to come down and weā€™ll get started.ā€
She reaches towards the telephone.
ā€œTheyā€™re here.ā€
Suddenly, a group of men appeared out of nowhere and tackled Both Biā€™an and Wujiu.
ā€œWhat theā€¦?!ā€
Wujiu and Biā€™an tries to fight off the sudden group of men tackling them as you stare in shock and back away a little.
ā€œwhat the hellā€¦?!ā€
You kept backing in fear as your arm suddenly gets roughly grabbed by the perpetrators, trying to drag you away from Requiem.
You look in shock as you attempt to fight back to struggle outā€” albeit it wasnā€™t fruitless as you managed to kick one of the men, who only snarled in return. giving you a harsh glare.
ā€œAgh- you-!ā€
He drags you now harshly as Wujiu and Biā€™an look at you almost panicked.
ā€œWujiu- Biā€™an-ā€œ
They both called out to you while still trying to hold back the men. It was difficult as the group had blunt objects while Biā€™an had the Umbrella. He was using it as some sort of shield while trying His best to not get hit across the face with the objects the men were using against them. Wujiu was in the middle of punching some of them in the face, barely almost evading their hits.
In a Fortune, Wujiu saw the vase from the counter and grabbed it.
immediately throwing it to the man Biā€™an was currently trying to hold back, Hissing from pain from the shards of glass that came from the impact of the throw, Biā€™an managed to successfully shove the man off as He assisted Wujiu with the men that were surrounding Him.
The Men that were dragging you away had enough of your struggling and eventually hit you across the head by swinging you across the head with a blunt- you hisses in pain as your consciousness slowly started to fade- as much as you wanted to fight back your vision darkening, it was useless as your vision faded to black. as you slumped back on the floor now unconscious.
The two men that were dragging you sighed exhaustingly, almost in relief.
ā€œGodā€¦ thank god. so damn stubborn. what do we even do with Themā€¦? Donā€™t we only need to deal with Requiem?ā€
The man near him only shrugged.
ā€œCanā€™t we just let them go? This isnā€™t even what the boss told us to do!ā€
ā€œWe canā€™t just release them. idiot. They can snitch on us and iā€™m not in the mood to deal with the authorities right now.ā€
He looks at you and scrutinizes your face.
ā€œBesides. Requiem wouldnā€™t just bring some random person. Who knows, Judging by His concerned yell for this person earlier, we can use it to our advantageā€¦ā€
Wujiu breathes out as He and Biā€™an finally finished fighting off the other men. bloody traces stained throughout the entire Lobby, unconscious bodies along with shattered glass and more unpleasantries as They both slump back on the floor, using the wall as a support.
Biā€™an stares at Wujiu with an almost relieved smile.
ā€œ.. Nice Aim earlier.ā€
Wujiu stares back at Him.
ā€œIt was Tough luckā€¦ Thank god we managed to fight them off.ā€ He breathes out.
It was a moment of silence as Biā€™an opens His eyes for a second, before it suddenly widens.
Biā€™an nudges Him
Requiem suddenly becomes more alert at the sudden realization.
They checked their surroundings and then suddenly remembered.
ā€œ____!ā€ They shouted your name as They searched throughout the entire Lobby and when they saw nothing, staring at the Direction the culprits took you while They were occupied with the men- they immediately went there.
They searched throughout the entire building for any sign of you. Despite the Exhaustion that came along the fightā€“ They couldnā€™t just leave you! They searched frantically, no traces of you throughout the building. checking every crevice for no answer.
after a little while of searching. They came to the conclusion that You were brought along by them.
as much as They didnā€™t like it, but it was their only choice.
They grit their teeth at the conclusion and hope those damn bastards donā€™t do anything bad to you. They need trace your current locationā€¦ and They know who They could rely on for this type of situation.
ā€œBiā€™an, call the Chauffeur, Immediately!ā€
(hideout of true proof)
ā€œSeems like i finally won against you.ā€ True Proof smiles at the Female infront of Her as She stares at Bloodfan, dangling the Queen piece infront of Her as she smiles in reply of her defeat, putting Her fan down on Her lap as she claps.
ā€œWell played, Demi. youā€™ve certainly gotten better at chess since we last played.ā€ The woman only grins in response of Bloodfanā€™s words.
ā€œOf courseā€¦ its a great way to pass the time.ā€
True Proof walks to one of Her cabinets in Her office.
ā€œMissions have been a pain in the ass havenā€™t they? why not treat this to a glass of wine? you need to loosen up more.ā€ She pops open a wine cork and starts pouring on Her glass. ā€œMy treat.ā€
Bloodfan shakes her head. ā€œThank you, but I Donā€™t Drink.ā€
True proof chuckles
ā€œStill the Teetotaler, huh..?ā€
Bloodfan nods. ā€œPerhaps a certainā€¦ member of ours would like this.ā€
True proof raises an eyebrow.
ā€œAh.. let me guess?ā€
They both share a hearty laugh at their contrasting response, the four of them were very close friends ever since from Highschool to starting an entire Group. They remained close since.
ā€œTheyā€™re really different with the effects of Alcoholā€¦ huh..?ā€ The said hearty laugh soon dies down into small giggles as Bloodfan nods.
ā€œWujiuā€™s drunken state can almost rival yours.ā€
ā€œHeyā€¦ Iā€™m not that bad when I get tips-ā€œ
ā€œWheres Nitre?!ā€
True Proof flinches at the harsh swing of Their office door, Turning around immediately revealing two yet familiar disheveled men clearly in a raging state of anger despite oneā€™s nonchalant expression.
ā€œspeak of the devilā€¦ā€ Bloodfan mutters as she opens Her Fan to conceal Her half of her face.
It was no more than Requiem Themselves.
ā€œNitreā€¦ Nitre! where is She?!ā€ Wujiu yelled angrily. gripping the door with such frequency that it looked like He can break it if He wished. He looks around the room before hitting the door.
ā€œWhere is She damn it!ā€
ā€œWoa, woa, woa! calm down! whatā€™s going on with you both? what happened?ā€ True Proof asks in concern as She steps closer.
ā€œAmbush. They took ____ with them.ā€ Biā€™an grips the umbrella harshly.
ā€œTurns out that the said ā€˜Model Agencyā€™ was just a phony to Lure us to their plan.ā€
ā€œdamn bastards.ā€
Their anger was conspicuous in every way possible, Damn itā€¦ Wujiu already knew something was wrong; yet His intuition was correct. They shouldnā€™t have left their guard downā€“ even if the Invitation sounded harmless, looks can be deceiving, and Requiem learnt it the second time.
ā€œWe need Nitre, We need to track down those asses.ā€
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Note: OH MY, OH MY GOD. (bite me reference)
this request made me so happy, it made me jump in excitement, made me drop my phone and made my jawdrop. i love rq wu chang sm this request was so YUMMY. i loved writing it (sorry it took awhile i keep procrastinating on my requests)
theres more coming up btw part 2 will be posted tomorrow. ā€¦ its 12 am im so tired and my wrist is hurting and this isā€¦ not proofread
AND I CAN FINALLY VALIDATE MY REQUIEM MODELING HC TEEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHQUFAQOVQPQ (<- stupid) AGH. but i just wanna thank u anon ily and yes bbg i do write for requiem.
šŸ§ hope i did this request with justice because iā€™m currently going through 82728 (more or less) second hand embarrassment from my writing ESPECIALLY THE FIGHT SCENE. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FIGHT SCENe so llease ā€¦spare me.
update: part 2 will be delayed. i need to rewrite some stuffšŸ’„šŸ’„
128 notes Ā· View notes
viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
Hi bbg do you write for Requiem WuChang?šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
What if,,Their s/o got ambushed and then Requiem came to the rescue..
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. . . RQ!XIE BIā€™AN & RQ!FAN WUJIU X READER ā€¦ ā€“ warnings: heavily implied violence, mentions of alcohol, blood.
! ā€” Note at the end of post! + scenario only.
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ā€œThis car ride is rather long, donā€™t you think?ā€
Biā€™an mumurs as He looks out the window, crimson eyes soon falling to the Chauffeur driving upfront.
ā€œAre we almost there?ā€ Biā€™an asks as the Chaufferā€™s eyes look at Requiem through the front windscreen.
The said man looking now at the Location app upon hearing Requiemā€™s question, He gazes back at the steering wheel.
ā€œJust a little bit more, Sir Xie.ā€
Biā€™an hums in acknowledgement as His gaze darts towards you in a questioning manner.
ā€œAre you doing alright?ā€
He pats your head, looking at you with a soft gaze. He and Wujiu decided to bring you to one of their photoshoots for a campaign hosted by the Agency They recently signed up for. They were currently heading to the destined location as You and Requiem sat comfortably at the backseat.
This only happened since You were curious about what They do behind the scenes when they were modeling, since most of the time you usually get left alone in your shared Apartment.
The Curiosity Blossomed overtime as you started seeing your Two Lovers in Advertisements, Tarpaulins and even in Magazines more frequently, They were also trending online at one point! you just had to ask the Two what They usually do or whats up with Their sudden spike of popularity. You told them that you wish you can see them doing actual modeling. Fortunately, Requiem invited you to their nextā€“ now current shoot Theyā€™ll be doing. This is great, Considering how Youā€™ll see them both at their full potential as models!
You nod in reply to His Question. a smile graces his lips.
ā€œThats good.ā€
His red eyes gazes at you before it moves to Fan Wujiu, Who is currently resting his head on the window next to your side.
ā€œHow about you, Wujiu. you okay?ā€
He looks at Wujiu whoā€™s currently resting his head on his palm, staring mindlessly at the window.
Wujiu mumbled in reply.
Biā€™an smiles at Him before sitting back on His seat. Humming Comfortably, satisfied with both your replies.
ā€œAh, I have a question.ā€
Biā€™an and Wujiuā€™s eyes are now on you, curious gazes while Their eyebrows are raised.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€
ā€œHow long have you guys been yknowā€¦ doing modeling? just curious.ā€
He thinks for awhile.
ā€œOh. quite awhile now actually... some agency asked us if we wanted the opportunity to star in Their upcoming Advertisementā€¦ We didnā€™t really have anything to do. never knew it would be such a hit.ā€
ā€œSo much so Wujiu had to mute His phone with How much Emails Weā€™d get from the different agencies..ā€
Biā€™an chuckles.
ā€œso why not?ā€
Wujiu gives him a small glare.
ā€œTheyā€™re annoying, okay?ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t say they werenā€™t nowā€¦ did I..?ā€
you and Biā€™an share a small laugh as Wujiu looks away playfully rolling his eyes while facing the window.
The Car soon pulls over.
ā€œWeā€™re Here.ā€
Wujiuā€™s Cerulean eyes examine the Building from His window and raises an eyebrow suspiciously. It looked too empty to be deemed as the ā€œPopular Agency.ā€ in this city. but brushed it off as you Three got off the Car, although the suspicion still lies.
The Car soon drives away as you both were now left alone standing infront of the building.
Biā€™an examines the building with an expectant look.
ā€œNot what i was expectingā€¦ it looks different than it did with the Email they sent.ā€
ā€œLooks bland as Hell.ā€
ā€œCanā€™t disagree with you thereā€¦ā€
ā€œwell, whatever.ā€ Biā€™an shrugged as He looked at you with a smile
ā€œAre you excited, ___?ā€
you smile back at him before nodding.
ā€œLets go now, yes?ā€
You three walked inside the buildingā€¦ it wasā€¦ quite desolate, in a way. there stood one employee at the front desk, Her gaze immediately going to you Three, almostā€¦ panicked.
ā€œHello. we are here for the campaign shoot.ā€
The Employee looks at Biā€™an before nodding.
ā€œAhā€¦ yes, Requiemā€¦ correct?ā€
ā€œThats right.ā€
ā€œandā€¦ who?ā€
She points at you expectantly as Biā€™an looks at your direction.
ā€œAh, a special guest. no worries.ā€
Biā€™an smiled as Wujiu stares at the Employee with a harsh glare. this feelsā€¦ a little too off. Itā€™s quiteā€¦ desolate. in this place. There werenā€™t any people apart from the Front desk Herself, not too mention, it feels like someone is watching them.
it doesnā€™t feel too right.
ā€œI-I seeā€¦ alright thenā€¦ iā€™ll just call our campaign manager to come down and weā€™ll get started.ā€
She reaches towards the telephone.
ā€œTheyā€™re here.ā€
Suddenly, a group of men appeared out of nowhere and tackled Both Biā€™an and Wujiu.
ā€œWhat theā€¦?!ā€
Wujiu and Biā€™an tries to fight off the sudden group of men tackling them as you stare in shock and back away a little.
ā€œwhat the hellā€¦?!ā€
You kept backing in fear as your arm suddenly gets roughly grabbed by the perpetrators, trying to drag you away from Requiem.
You look in shock as you attempt to fight back to struggle outā€” albeit it wasnā€™t fruitless as you managed to kick one of the men, who only snarled in return. giving you a harsh glare.
ā€œAgh- you-!ā€
He drags you now harshly as Wujiu and Biā€™an look at you almost panicked.
ā€œWujiu- Biā€™an-ā€œ
They both called out to you while still trying to hold back the men. It was difficult as the group had blunt objects while Biā€™an had the Umbrella. He was using it as some sort of shield while trying His best to not get hit across the face with the objects the men were using against them. Wujiu was in the middle of punching some of them in the face, barely almost evading their hits.
In a Fortune, Wujiu saw the vase from the counter and grabbed it.
immediately throwing it to the man Biā€™an was currently trying to hold back, Hissing from pain from the shards of glass that came from the impact of the throw, Biā€™an managed to successfully shove the man off as He assisted Wujiu with the men that were surrounding Him.
The Men that were dragging you away had enough of your struggling and eventually hit you across the head by swinging you across the head with a blunt- you hisses in pain as your consciousness slowly started to fade- as much as you wanted to fight back your vision darkening, it was useless as your vision faded to black. as you slumped back on the floor now unconscious.
The two men that were dragging you sighed exhaustingly, almost in relief.
ā€œGodā€¦ thank god. so damn stubborn. what do we even do with Themā€¦? Donā€™t we only need to deal with Requiem?ā€
The man near him only shrugged.
ā€œCanā€™t we just let them go? This isnā€™t even what the boss told us to do!ā€
ā€œWe canā€™t just release them. idiot. They can snitch on us and iā€™m not in the mood to deal with the authorities right now.ā€
He looks at you and scrutinizes your face.
ā€œBesides. Requiem wouldnā€™t just bring some random person. Who knows, Judging by His concerned yell for this person earlier, we can use it to our advantageā€¦ā€
Wujiu breathes out as He and Biā€™an finally finished fighting off the other men. bloody traces stained throughout the entire Lobby, unconscious bodies along with shattered glass and more unpleasantries as They both slump back on the floor, using the wall as a support.
Biā€™an stares at Wujiu with an almost relieved smile.
ā€œ.. Nice Aim earlier.ā€
Wujiu stares back at Him.
ā€œIt was Tough luckā€¦ Thank god we managed to fight them off.ā€ He breathes out.
It was a moment of silence as Biā€™an opens His eyes for a second, before it suddenly widens.
Biā€™an nudges Him
Requiem suddenly becomes more alert at the sudden realization.
They checked their surroundings and then suddenly remembered.
ā€œ____!ā€ They shouted your name as They searched throughout the entire Lobby and when they saw nothing, staring at the Direction the culprits took you while They were occupied with the men- they immediately went there.
They searched throughout the entire building for any sign of you. Despite the Exhaustion that came along the fightā€“ They couldnā€™t just leave you! They searched frantically, no traces of you throughout the building. checking every crevice for no answer.
after a little while of searching. They came to the conclusion that You were brought along by them.
as much as They didnā€™t like it, but it was their only choice.
They grit their teeth at the conclusion and hope those damn bastards donā€™t do anything bad to you. They need trace your current locationā€¦ and They know who They could rely on for this type of situation.
ā€œBiā€™an, call the Chauffeur, Immediately!ā€
(hideout of true proof)
ā€œSeems like i finally won against you.ā€ True Proof smiles at the Female infront of Her as She stares at Bloodfan, dangling the Queen piece infront of Her as she smiles in reply of her defeat, putting Her fan down on Her lap as she claps.
ā€œWell played, Demi. youā€™ve certainly gotten better at chess since we last played.ā€ The woman only grins in response of Bloodfanā€™s words.
ā€œOf courseā€¦ its a great way to pass the time.ā€
True Proof walks to one of Her cabinets in Her office.
ā€œMissions have been a pain in the ass havenā€™t they? why not treat this to a glass of wine? you need to loosen up more.ā€ She pops open a wine cork and starts pouring on Her glass. ā€œMy treat.ā€
Bloodfan shakes her head. ā€œThank you, but I Donā€™t Drink.ā€
True proof chuckles
ā€œStill the Teetotaler, huh..?ā€
Bloodfan nods. ā€œPerhaps a certainā€¦ member of ours would like this.ā€
True proof raises an eyebrow.
ā€œAh.. let me guess?ā€
They both share a hearty laugh at their contrasting response, the four of them were very close friends ever since from Highschool to starting an entire Group. They remained close since.
ā€œTheyā€™re really different with the effects of Alcoholā€¦ huh..?ā€ The said hearty laugh soon dies down into small giggles as Bloodfan nods.
ā€œWujiuā€™s drunken state can almost rival yours.ā€
ā€œHeyā€¦ Iā€™m not that bad when I get tips-ā€œ
ā€œWheres Nitre?!ā€
True Proof flinches at the harsh swing of Their office door, Turning around immediately revealing two yet familiar disheveled men clearly in a raging state of anger despite oneā€™s nonchalant expression.
ā€œspeak of the devilā€¦ā€ Bloodfan mutters as she opens Her Fan to conceal Her half of her face.
It was no more than Requiem Themselves.
ā€œNitreā€¦ Nitre! where is She?!ā€ Wujiu yelled angrily. gripping the door with such frequency that it looked like He can break it if He wished. He looks around the room before hitting the door.
ā€œWhere is She damn it!ā€
ā€œWoa, woa, woa! calm down! whatā€™s going on with you both? what happened?ā€ True Proof asks in concern as She steps closer.
ā€œAmbush. They took ____ with them.ā€ Biā€™an grips the umbrella harshly.
ā€œTurns out that the said ā€˜Model Agencyā€™ was just a phony to Lure us to their plan.ā€
ā€œdamn bastards.ā€
Their anger was conspicuous in every way possible, Damn itā€¦ Wujiu already knew something was wrong; yet His intuition was correct. They shouldnā€™t have left their guard downā€“ even if the Invitation sounded harmless, looks can be deceiving, and Requiem learnt it the second time.
ā€œWe need Nitre, We need to track down those asses.ā€
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Note: OH MY, OH MY GOD. (bite me reference)
this request made me so happy, it made me jump in excitement, made me drop my phone and made my jawdrop. i love rq wu chang sm this request was so YUMMY. i loved writing it (sorry it took awhile i keep procrastinating on my requests)
theres more coming up btw part 2 will be posted tomorrow. ā€¦ its 12 am im so tired and my wrist is hurting and this isā€¦ not proofread
AND I CAN FINALLY VALIDATE MY REQUIEM MODELING HC TEEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHQUFAQOVQPQ (<- stupid) AGH. but i just wanna thank u anon ily and yes bbg i do write for requiem.
šŸ§ hope i did this request with justice because iā€™m currently going through 82728 (more or less) second hand embarrassment from my writing ESPECIALLY THE FIGHT SCENE. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FIGHT SCENe so llease ā€¦spare me.
update: part 2 will be delayed. i need to rewrite some stuffšŸ’„šŸ’„
128 notes Ā· View notes
viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
some flying guillotine hcs??
silly mischievous man x silent man
(opt) how would they interact with requiem šŸ‘€
- āœØšŸ’…
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General Flying Guillotine HCS
ā€” XTRA; meeting and interactions with REQUIEM
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!! warning ā€“ mentions of corpses, smoking, blood
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Ā» Flying Guillotine is a very feared name in China Town, you never know when Theyā€™ll appear and when They do, its often said to not get in their way nor rat them out. if youā€™re feeling a little too adventurous for your own safety, perhaps youā€™ll have to wish your prayers of love will reach your family and loved ones before you meet your end. Theyā€™re said to be the Nightmare of China Town.
Ā» They both work under Lady Thirteen, The China Town Beauty, as Her Hit men. They would do anything just to clear the speck of dirt in Her name, whether if They had to get their hands bloodied up in the process. Lady Thirteen was a mere celebrity in China Town, seen as perfect and Elegant. yet who knew that She would actually be their Boss?
Ā» They work for Lady Thirteen as a way to repay her for what she has done for them in the past. It was during a difficult time in both their Lives and ever since then, They started to work for Her. yet theres a small rumor that spread like wildfire, that Flying Guillotine is trying to find Lady Thirteen and Hurt her. Many Residents of the Town have feared and prayed for that Rumour to be nothing more but a false narrative that was created just for a scare. yet who knows? no one knows the true intentions of Flying Guillotine and their main goal in the first place, not even Lady Thirteen herself in that matter.
Ā» starting off strong with their dynamic being absolutely like a cat and dog one. you have FG!Wujiu whose just tired + no energy while FG!Biā€™an has tons of energy.
Ā» during off days, Biā€™an would usually ask Wujiu if Heā€™s up to check some places in the area, relax in the Tea-House or have a nice game of cards. Wujiu would usually (mostly) say yes, but in some cases He would just be too tired.
Ā» Flying Guillotine are smokers, if you couldnā€™t tell. They would usually smoke to cool off some steam and thats about it, well, there would be some occasions where They would just want to smoke for no reason or they just feel like it.
Ā» if cigarettes arenā€™t available, they would usually just lay around in the Tea-House to drink Tea or to grab a bite. Fan Wujiu usually opts for something filling while Xie Biā€™an chooses something light. They usually use it as their resting place during closing hours since itā€™ll just cause havoc if they come in during working hours, besides, Lady Thirteen owns the place. so another reason would be so they could discuss business with Her.
Ā» when doing actual business per se, They usually tend to avoid public spaces as itā€™ll just lead to more suspicion. imagine going to the market just to get some fruit, and you just see an unconscious body right infront of you. either way, not really pleasant.
Ā» If they have no choice whatsoever, Theyā€™d usually clean up the evidence (or atleast try to) when they have the time. if the blood is way too cemented on the ground, They usually just leave it be. sure, it can still hold suspicion which contradicts to their actual plan, but atleast its not a literal body.
Ā» Their Missions usually go smoothly, until a certain distraction has been showing up.
Ā» It was no other than Requiem. Requiem and Flying Guillotine are in no good terms. Their bosses, True Proof and Lady Thirteen has also some vendetta against eachother aswell, which lead to a rivarly between the two groups. so maybe that also adds onto that.
Ā» Their meetings are pure coincidences. if they do happen to meet, Itā€™ll just be laced with pure annoyance with a spat exchange of words.
Ā» maybe a glare, maybe a side eye, who knows. Their Interactions with the pair have always been Limited due to their respective Missions. They could maybe get into good terms, yes. but with how things are happening, its doubtful. but not impossible.
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anyway hi im sorry for not posting for like a monrh or something writers block got me feeling different, and also because i should tell myself to stop adding scenarios/fanfics to almost all my requests when i see fit. because it definitely slows down my pace when it comes to writing. anyway!!
i also apologize if this was? idk prettu bland or its not what youā€™re wanting, anon. but i really had nothing in mind and justā€¦ went with it.
iā€™m also super happy requiem is finally getting a little more attention. since last time when i wrote here (2021?) He barely had anything. so its very nice since hes my fav wu chang skin! :3
also, i do still have some more guillotine headcanons i didnt add. for instance, i headcanon Wujiu usually asks Biā€™an to help braid his hair and stuff like that. but thisā€™ll suffice. (hopefully)
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
thought of a good concept but now realizing i gotta think and write to execute it šŸ˜¾
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
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(early warning: šŸ„² rushed kinda, so pardon me for that)
. . . FG! Xie Biā€™an & FG! Fan Wujiu x reader insert
reader is gender-neutral
+ note at the end of post!
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ā€œYou're burning up, go rest.ā€ Biā€™an says as he feels your forehead with his palm. ā€œWe offered to give our umbrella to you as it was raining heavily last night, look where your stubbornness got you.ā€ he sighed
While the tone sounded too passive-aggressive for your liking, you cannot deny the fact you put yourself into this predicament. the weather has been unpredictable these past few days and during the closing hours of the tea-house, it starts pouring heavily.
Xie Biā€™an and Fan Wujiu, your co-workers, offered to let you borrow their umbrella for the evening as Theyā€™re aware that you walk home most of the time, They reassured that its alright and reminded to get it returned to them the day after, but then how will they get home? get soaked aswell in the rain? knowing their relationship with rain and large bodies of water, you declined.
Before they could open their mouths to say otherwise- you were already out in the streets, getting soaked while getting hit by the cold stormy air in the process, not even a warm soak in the bath can save you from the merciless weather either.
Now look where that got you.
ā€œI know I should rest, but today is usually a busy day, I can hand-ā€œ
ā€œthen Biā€™an and I will take care of itā€ Wujiu cuts you off
"How hard can it be serving and managing the Tea-House? As long as its for you to get rest, me and Bi'an can manage."
This was a suprise, really a suprise. since usually Fan Wujiu isn't usually the type to talk, Hes mostly quiet most of the time, only speaking when necessary. yet He still spoke on His and Bian's behalf.
Even Xie Biā€™an was looking at Wujiu curiously, and with interest. Fan Wujiuā€™s usual quiet tone was different from the usual aswell, it had a tinge of sweetness that was really faint. yet still enough to convey how he felt, it was welcomed.
ā€œMhm, Wujiu is right. we can manage in the mean-time. go and rest, dear.ā€ Xie Biā€™an adds.
Their words and their actions immediately had you touched, it was practically impossible now at this point to think of excuses to work as these Two men already made up their Mind to get you to rest and would probably do everything just for you to get some rest.
you sighed. you really had no choice, huh? you then nodded at them with a small smile
after hearing your reply, Xie Biā€™an immediately smiles at you softly, while Fan Wujiu softened the serious look on His Face.
ā€œThatā€™s good. Theres a private room upstairs for reservations, no ones used it in awhile so you can occupy it while we handle things.ā€ Biā€™an explains ā€œWe can also provide you extra pillows to make a make-shift bed.ā€ you nod as you make your way upstairs, before you could take step, you looked at them with the slightest hint of uncertainty.
ā€œAre you sure its okay though..?ā€
they raise an eyebrow
ā€œof courseā€¦ weā€™ve been in This Tea-House for years now, donā€™t worry about it.ā€ Biā€™an reassures you. ā€œjust focus on yourself.ā€ Wujiu adds.
they quickly give you a small push upstairs, ā€œHurry now, its almost opening time and like you said, today is a busy day. ā€œ
as They saw you make your way upstairs, taking steps until youā€™re no longer in Their field of vision. Xie Biā€™an looked at Fan Wujiu.
ā€œHow hard can this be?ā€
Ā» Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu care about you, alot. so its only natural theyā€™d make you rest so your condition can improve faster. but since youā€™re also working for the Tea-house, They decided to take your role for a little while, Lady Thirteen hasnā€™t called for them in awhile for ā€˜workā€™, so why not also use up all this free-time to help you out? to also assist with aiding your recovery, they check up on you frequently when they have the time.
Ā» They would also take turns checking up on you! if Xie biā€™an checked on you before, Then Fan Wujiu will come in next. They have their own ways of treating you aswell.
Ā» Xie Biā€™an would check your Temperature with His Palm and offer you some Tea with herbs that can help alleviate your cold. If you complain about your cold, Heā€™d make a small joke about how you shouldā€™ve taken the Umbrella that night, no hard feelings though! He cares about you alot and would understand your reasons if you do have some.
Ā» Fan Wujiu takes a different approach in this scenario, He is the same as Xie Biā€™an, yet the way He checks your Temperature is Different. Rather than His Hand, He checks instead by laying His forehead on yours. after He confirms your temperature, if its getting bad or still not going down, Heā€™ll provide some medicine or Tea with some healing properties to Help. (I personally hc that fg!fan wujiu is super into physical touch teehee) also Fan Wujiu is incharge with your meals, Heā€™s really good at cooking so expect some yummy congee along the way. (now i want congee aghhh)
Ā» Being sick also has its cons, like for example; increased fatigue. If you canā€™t eat or donā€™t have an appetite, these men will absolutely pull a ā€œThen iā€™ll spoon feed you?ā€. you need to eat to gain back energy and for your body to be strong! Theyā€™re willing to get you snacks that you particularly like aswell. even just a few spoonfuls will be ok, after that, go and rest.
Ā» Theyā€™re both also super attentive to your needs. need a pillow? take three more, feeling thirsty? thats alright, take 4 variants of Tea that can help. need love and affection during this trying time? you got it.
Ā» Though in the afternoon, during the same day, The Tea-house would get even more busy and crowded as Lady Thirteen arrives during that Time.
Their checking would get a bit delayed as the customers come in just to see Her in person, with no possibility of stopping anytime soon.
Ā» now Fan Wujiu might, maybe has questioned once or twice about what He said earlier about how difficult will it be to handle the teahouse while youre resting, Sure, Theyā€™ve been in the Tea-House and have been working for Lady Thirteen for practically years now- yet they never took on the occupation of being a server until you came along, They usually just stand back and use the Tea-house to cool off after preforming their actual work.
Ā» for the first few handful of customers that came in, things werenā€™t bad. now if we include the rest? bad.
Ā» things were goingā€¦ not so smoothly.. they had to take so much orders left and right, they were running in a circle which amused Lady 13 within the stage. hiding her amused smile behind the fan while she performs.
Ā» not too mention, some customers were veryā€¦ mouthy or just cant keep their cool! Fan Wujiu may or may not have shut a few people up in the process.
Ā» it was busy, tiring day. yet they managed to serve everyone and tidy up. Lady Thirteen came up to the Two and only chuckled while asking what was all of that about clearly entertained seeing Her two hitmen busy running around serving customers. They only offered a small summary about what happened. Lady Thirteen only smiles due to the very warm yet strong bond you three share. as the Tea-house closes for the day, They had one last task to their temporary serving job.. and that was to finally check up on you one last time.
as you hear the cheering from the crowd of people downstairs subside, you wonder, how were they doing now?
they havenā€™t checked up on you in a few hours, and the clock is almost striking the time of dusk.
you wouldnā€™t complain, though. it was one of the busiest days of the week.
your mind was soon interrupted by the door opening, rather than seeing one of them, you saw both of their heads peaking out. you wave at them with a smile.
ā€œdone?ā€ they come close to only slump on the pillows near you. Fan Wujiu grunted within the pillow as if to reply to your question. you look at them concerned as they rest near you. looking a bit disheveled.
ā€œIt was very tiring.ā€ Xie Biā€™an tiredly responds.
ā€œthese people really are determined to see Her, huh? very determined to the point of causing us trouble.ā€
you only scoot close to them, removing their hats and fixing their position in the pillow to make them more comfortable.
ā€œThere were people cutting or trying to get close to the stage, Wujiu had to pry them off while i had to run around with countless orders.ā€ He added, sounding more and more irked by the thought of earlier.
ā€œsounds tough.ā€ you stroke their head carefully, the ribbon that bounds the strands of hair slowly coming undone. their hair falling and spreading in an enchanting fashion.
ā€œmhm. enough of that, how are you feeling? better?ā€ Biā€™an gets up to feel your forehead, sighing in relief as your Temperature has gone down.
ā€œyeah, I feel much better than before.ā€
ā€œthats goodā€¦ thats good, just rest moreā€¦ okay?ā€
ā€œmhm, okayā€¦ā€ You continue stroking His hair, He closes his eyes and sighs in comfort. He definitely needed this after a long day of nonstop serving, looks like the silver haired is awake as He also leans close to you, hoping to receive the same type of Attention. Xie Biā€™anā€™s hands immediately went to Wujiuā€™s Hair, providing the same attention as He also sighs in content.
it was a peaceful atmosphere inside one of the reservation rooms, you three just sharing a peaceful moment all-together.
ā€œā€¦ Iā€™m very sorry for the hassle i put you both through.ā€ You spoke up, both of them immediately staring at you with a warm expression.
ā€œno need to apologize, we were doing this out of our own will. we want nothing more but for you to feel better.ā€ Biā€™an responds.
You felt relieved after hearing those words come out of Him, being honest, Lady Thirteen was the biggest deal in China town. everyone is always eager to meet Her, this is one of the special days where She visits the Tea-house so everyone wanted that opportunity to not be wasted. You heard once that She preformed frequently in the Tea-house before suddenly stopping due to ā€œprivate mattersā€. so seeing Her preform was a rare treat to those who can see it.
you only smile at them both before realizing the amount of contact They had on you, you just recovered from a Fever! you start pushing them a bit, not with much force but just enough to move them a little.
ā€œI donā€™t think you both should be too close to me.. I just recovered from my Fever and you both are tired. It could risk you both getting sickā€¦ā€
ā€œThats all? then its fine..ā€ You look at them confused as they position themselves closer
ā€œIf thats the case.. then you can just take care of us.ā€
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Note: omg hi im finally posting something after like almost 1 month of nothing, anw sorry abt that school is dumping tons of work at me and also because of procrastinating ahihiā€¦ anyway!! this post was actually inspired by a prompt;
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these two are the main factors to why i even wrote this lmaooo and also i did a spin the wheel thingy and flying guillotine won!
anyway after i post this ill start working on my requiem rewrite or actually just focus on my requests? Theyā€™ve been collecting dust for awhile (im very sorry) so ill get to them once i can.
also could you tell my mind was very blank while writing this? i didnt know how to progress this scenario so i just went with whatever bs i was writing šŸ„²
update 5/7/23: how ironic would it be if i said i literally caught a cold in the middle of writing this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my head hurts so bad and the only thing getting me through this is eating chocolate and music (maybe kinda helpful with the topic pf this post? LMAOOO šŸ˜­ i literally got the ā€˜spoon-feedingā€™ scenario because i genuinely cant move due to fatigueā€¦ but im sure when i post this ill be feeling better.
this si so crjnge im sos orry i didnt know gowbto SERIOUSIY prohress this scenario t now im being incoherent im soryršŸ«°ļæ½ļæ½ā›¹ļøā€ā™€ļøā›¹ļøā€ā™€ļø
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
writer gods if you exist please give me motivation to finish this aaašŸ„²
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
!! Far east Wind Scenario/Drabbles :3
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FEW! Xie Biā€™an + FEW! Fan Wujiu x reader insert
Reader is Gender neutral. + note at the end of post.
5. stages of love with them šŸƒ
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Living life in the Imperial Palace as a Servant, was it a blessing or a curse? it seems like a dream to work in such a gorgeous yet safe environment, and in return you only offer your services to clean. unbeknownst to them, life isnā€™t as ā€œdream-likeā€ as expected. It was a matter of survival living in the Palace, whether itā€™d be one small mistake, you could potentially risk putting yourself at harm. its even worse for the Imperial Concubines and Consorts, as they fight for the favour of the Emperor.
yet what choice did you have? youā€™ve been selected to be a Servant for the Noble Consort, to attend to Her needs, and take care of Her. It was hectic at first, yet as Time passed by, youā€™ve gotten used to your busy life in the Palace. growing friendships and trying to avoid punishment- it was the norm.
and despite having a good friendship with alot of Servants, there was one in particular that was rude to you. it was one of the several Eunuchā€™s working for the Emperor. and due to His Status, He takes advantage of it by bullying the others into doing what He wants. and Today was unfortunately your unlucky day as He chose you as His victim.
yet fortunately, before He can get even more Turbulent, Two men helped you and sent the Eunuch away, You were thankful and wanted to return the Favour, yet they declined and soon left, Their appearance and attire was different from the Usual attire of servants and guards. curiously, you asked about them to some of your co-workers, you soon found out those Two men are no more than the Emperorā€™s most trusted body-guards.
you were curious about them, yet knew your place as a palace servant. but you didnā€™t expect this twist to your palace life.
they were said to be smart and strategic Generals who bore no weaknesses, yet who knew that weakness would be you?
no. 1 ~ first meeting šŸƒ
you were assigned with assisting the Noble Consort in the Palace, She wasnā€™t the brightest in terms of Personality, yet she wasnā€™t as self-centered as the others were. so it made the job more bearable, She was indeed a beauty, no wonder the Emperor graced Her with the fortunate role of Consort, and as the favourite, He must also grace Her a trustworthy servant, and that Servant was you.
One spring afternoon, The Consort wasnā€™t in high spirits. To try and Compose Herself, She tasked you with the job of getting Her some silk for embroidery to cool off her mind. as you were in the middle of doing what you were tasked with, you noticed a man surrounded by palace maids, Judging by his Facial Expression,It seemed like He was irked by the crowd, while the other was trying to stay composed. upon taking a few steps for closer inspection, it was no other than Fan Wujiu and Xie Bi'an who was the limelight.
no. 2 ~ getting to knowšŸƒ
Ā» Fan Wujiu along with his Partner, Xie Biā€™an. were the most Trusted Imperial Body-guard of the Emperor, who showed utmost Loyalty to His Grace. They were also Generals who won countless battles against the Enemy Nations.
Ā» They are also Known for their contrasting personalities despite the Noble Upbringing, it was rumored that Xie Biā€™an was said to be much more ā€˜mercifulā€™ while performing his duties as a general, yet still strict. while Fan Wujiu was known to be more strict and Imperious with the Soldiers. This made them more attractive in the eyes of the servants in the palace, and everytime they returned from a trip, Theyā€™d always be surrounded with a crowd.
Ā» You knew a trick that can get the palace maids to scatter, Those Guards once did you a favour before with an Incompetent Eunuch, so why not return the Favour back to them?
Ā» ā€œThe Emperor has returned!ā€ you yelled, trying your best to Mimic the voice of the announcer. after hearing this, youā€™ve never seen a personā€™s face go pale so quickly, let alone a crowd, it was amusing. yet your trick worked, as the aforementioned crowd quickly scattered back to their stations, afraid to anger the said ā€˜Emperorā€™ from whatever shenanigans they were doing to disrupt one of His most trusted men from performing Their duties. and after They scattered, you were now left alone in the halls with them.
Ā» ā€œ You there.ā€
Ā» ā€œI have to say, that was quite smart. though arenā€™t you afraid you might get in trouble for falsely announcing the Emperorā€™s Presence?ā€ Fan Wujiu exclaims, He doubts that youā€™ll even get caught anyways, and even if you did, Him and Biā€™an can reason with the Emperor for your sake.
Ā» ā€œNot really, if anything you should be thanking me for helping you out.ā€ you reply, ā€œand besides, i need to return back the favor you both did for me, if it werenā€™t for you both, that Eunuch wouldā€™ve pestered me to no end.ā€
Ā» ā€œ It was nothing.ā€ Xie Biā€™an smiles ā€œHe wasnā€™t doing His Job properly, and it was the Bare minimum we could do. besides, you looked so annoyed with Him you might strike at Him soon.ā€
Ā» ā€œThis is the only time we ever interacted decently, must you joke?ā€
Ā» Your Conversation with Biā€™an and Wujiu lasted longer than anticipated, from a small joke to multiple ones, moving from the Halls to the Garden. your mind completely engulfed in their Company as you forgot about the task-in-hand. one of the Eunuchā€™s that work for the Consort told you about Her now irritated state and immediately asked for you to deliver back the silks.
Ā» undeniably, you did get punished by Her, it wasnā€™t severe yet it was enough to drop your good mood for the entire day. though that was a few days ago, its not as serious. yet after returning back to your headquarters, you notice a bag of treats along with a Letter from both Biā€™an and Wujiu on your table. after reading the note with curiousity, it turns out that the news of the Noble Consort punishing you reached them, and out of guilt They bought you a bag of snacks that theyā€™d think youā€™d enjoy as an apology for distracting you from doing your duties.
no. 3 ~ growing relationship šŸƒ
Ā» After the punishing Incident from the Noble Consort, you and both Guards have made a friendship, or a bargain somewhat. that said bargain is you luring away the crowd of palace maids that surrounds them, and their offer to take care of those who are mean to you.
Ā» It was going well for both sides, yet later on your relationship with them gradually improved. you got to know them far more better and understood them more, and the reasons for them being so popular. as well as Hidden sides you wouldā€™ve never known if you werenā€™t acquainted with Them.
Ā» Xie Biā€™an is into drawing, and usually draws landscapes or sometimes portraits of those He finds kind or intriguing. while Fan Wujiu has a hidden soft side for those He truly cares about, a contrast to His Domineering and Strict figure He was known for in the Palace. These were the only ones you knew. yet you felt like there were more hidden secrets you have yet to see for them, yet surely enough today nor tomorrow isnā€™t the right time. maybe soon, as time passes, youā€™ll get to know them more.
no. 4 ~ recognizing feelings šŸƒ
Ā» as seasons pass by, who knew things would drastically change in the Palace? let alone feelings for a servant?
Ā» Xie Biā€™an feels as if Heā€™s enchanted, as all His sketches of Landscapes became sketches and portraits of you.
Ā» Fan Wujiu feels as if Hes confused, rather than the feeling of delight when He sees you, its replaced by the feeling of butterflies in His stomach.
Ā» They both truly didnā€™t expect to catch feelings for you, yet after several more interactions and time spent with you, They confirmed their feelings werenā€™t in the impression of a friendship with you, rather in the aspect of a romantic interest.
Ā» and in the scenario of their profound feelings for you, it also took a toll on the way they treat their Soldiers. rather than the usual commanding and strict persona They use when training, They became suspiciously more lenient with the Soldiers. even they were suprised themselves with the Sudden change.
Ā» Itā€™ll take a considerable amount of time until the Guards can fully accept the growing love and adoration they feel for you. and after they confirmed their Interest, Theyā€™ll start treating you a little differently, by showing small subtle signs of their Love for you, until theyā€™re ready enough to finally Confess to you.
Ā» and those subtle signs of affection are in the form of Letters and Gifts. since They canā€™t always be there in the palace, Theyā€™re Generals for a reason. yet what they give you are sometimes too precious to wear in palace walls. such as a Jade ring or Jade Pendant. you once told them that its okay and you didnt need these expensive gifts- yet did you think they listened? yes and no. as the gifts and Letters they give represent something, and They hope you can atleast recognize the value of their feelings that theyā€™re trying to convey.
Ā» yet sometimes, the feelings can be too unbearable to bottle up, and it leads to an unexpected opening of feelings in a Tavern.
Ā» as they were commemorating their victory against the enemy nations, they were given a vacation and a feast from the Emperor to Celebrate, yet after a little while, They invited you to join them at a Tavern for drinks. you asked why go to a Tavern when theres a literal banquet for them on-going, they only said they wanted to spend some time with you.
Ā» and you accepted the Invitation, it was going well, you had fun laughs with them. it gave you nostalgia to when this Friendship blossomed, yet as time went by, Fan Wujiu had too much to drink. and unexpectedly confessed to you in behalf of Him and Biā€™an.
Ā» ā€œsoā€¦ what do you say?ā€
Ā» ā€œ Wujiu!ā€
Ā» You were shocked, to say the least. it was Quiet on your side as the lively chatter from the background ensues. Xie Biā€™an was pulling on Wujiuā€™s ear at this point nowā€“ they were planning on confessing, yes. but not this soon!
Ā» Your quietness didnā€™t help the anxiousness from them, nor even answered the lingering question whether if you reciprocated. Biā€™an quickly spoke up just in case you felt uncomfortable about the sudden exchange.
Ā» ā€œAhā€“ donā€™t mind Wujiuā€¦ He isnā€™t like Himself when Hes drunk.ā€
Ā» ā€œbutā€¦ i wanna know, was that true?ā€ you ask, him going quiet for a second, and then opening his mouth to speak with an evident blush
Ā» ā€œā€¦well, I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it to lie to you about it.ā€
Ā» that answer didnā€™t even help to hide the fact your face was practically burning at this point, whether itā€™d be the embarrassment or them admitting that they bore feelings for you. maybe both?
Ā» yet soon enough, the silence fades from you, and soon enough is replaced by acceptance.
no. 5 ~ Imperial Lovers
Ā» You have no idea how happy you made them that night, Xie Biā€™an was ecstatic while Fan Wujiu was still embarrassed about his Wasted state during that timeā€“ yet the feeling of happiness was enough to counter that.
Ā» You can also tease Fan Wujiu about it, yet beware this man will not speak to you for the entire day out of embarrassment
Ā» Your palace life changed alot too after the exchange, and at this point in time you were getting spoilt rotten from them.
Ā» whether it would be sneaking out the palace at night, to small yet meaningful suprises.
Ā» You also noted some new factors about them, such as Wujiu immediately melting when you comb His hair while He lays his head on your Lap. its one of the things that relaxes him alot.
Ā» and speaking of combing, Biā€™an loves combing your hair and putting it up in styles you want, whether it would be braided or just a regular style, Heā€™d happily do it.
Ā» Their ways of showing affection, from subtly gifting you valuable yet meaningful gifts, from spending your time with them alone away from the Palace noise.
Ā» Yet all good things come to a short end, as They have to go back to the frontier to train and protect the country oncemore. yet they always make sure youā€™re okay and know that theyā€™re still thinking of you despite being so far away.
the Frontier is also an unpredictable location. who knows what would happen to them? the rumors that spread out donā€™t help aswell. after they found out, they send you letters from time to time, to reassure you that theyā€™re alright and for you to not worry too much.
Ā» everytime they come back from the frontier, They always make it up for the time you and them lost. and apologize for making you worry.
Ā» without their knowledge, their soldiers actually know about the relationship you three share due to the letters they receive from you, and they see you as the Palace Servant whom the Two Generals Love.
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note: damn i didnt know wtf i was going for when writing this?? but im suuuper sorry if i misuse some things here, l was rlly writing this with the knowledge i remember from watching some old stories ab ancient palace life in china on yt and wanted to incorporate it in this post. anyway it feels great to write for this man once again and i beg for netease to bring back far east wind no matter how useless my begging is i WILL beg just for this man. šŸ’”šŸ’” also its been a hot minute since i last wrote, probably last year? so im sorry if this sucks or smth
also btw yk i had some plans to transform this into an angst, bc reader is a servant, and Wu is a generalā€¦ i thought of them keeping their relationship a secret from the Emperor cause the Emperor feels as if youā€™re too lowly to be with them. (smth like that) or maybe forced marriage? wooo idk anymore ā€¼ļø
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
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šŸ«§ RULES <-
šŸ«§ AB ME
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
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This Account is purely for my Wu Chang self indulgence. I write at my own pace and i usually take long to post as i am not passionate about writing as i was before.
youā€™re free to request;
XieFan (Xie Biā€™an x Fan Wujiu) scenarios, Xiefan x reader (Xie Biā€™an x Fan Wujiu x Reader) + (Romantic is allowed^^)
- Fluff, Possibly suggestive stuff but not full blown nsfw, angst or maybe yandere if im feeling it.
youā€™re not allowed to request-
other characters apart from Wu Chang. (like i said. This account is purely a self indulgent account for Biā€™an and Wujiu and i prefer to write for them. or unless i say so otherwise or before my blog renovation and you requested smth, then iā€™ll do it.)
NSFW, literally the general criteria šŸ˜­ just dont be weird
PS. Iā€™m allowed to delete/not do your request if i am not comfortable with writing it.
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
ā€” AB ME ! !
info about me + my interests
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refer to me as Vi. i use he/him pronouns and often times my pronouns can be subjected to change. (genderfluid:3) but he/him is my much preferred standard.
i once also had a IDV fanfic Tumblr account and it was formerly called ā€œVel-cakeā€. if you still remember me by chance sorry for all the cringe inducing fanfics ive created before šŸ;;
i love xiefan and wu chang. theyā€™re the only thing i could draw atp.
my no.1 is requiem xie biā€™an ! ! i love him sm šŸ„¹
FAVS from other games
wriothesley (Genshin), blade/yingxing(HSR), Dr Ratio/Veritas(HSR), ruan mei (HSR), wu chang (idv), antiquarian (idv) , batter (Idv)
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viiixs Ā· 2 years ago
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