#grats you fell for it
whumpfish · 4 months
Every memorial day I add more and more to my block list.
Empathy for people hurt in wars (spoiler alert: everybody gets hurt in wars) is not the same as justification of wars, of colonialism, of war crimes, of military-industrial complexes.
Yes, I'm an American with an uncle who was hurt in a war. Yes, it was, like all American wars save the Civil and second half of the World War, an unjust war. He got fucking drafted, and he and everyone else in that boat got nothing but PTSD and the cold shoulder from the government at fault for his troubles in the end. And guess what his political affiliation is?
If you said Republican, your ignorant ass is dead wrong. He's not as left as I am, but I'm a fucking anarchocommunist. Not super common among his generation in this country. Want to guess whether he supported that war or supports any wars after it?
If you said "yes," your ignorant ass is dead wrong again.
Fuck yes I respect my uncle. He helped shape my antiwar values and my sense of empathy and we got along great my whole life because we share those values. He is legitimately one of the kindest, gentlest people I've ever met. Unasked for involvement in an unjust war doesn't make him deserving of lifelong night terrors.
He's also a fucking human being. On that level I respect even your ignorant ass, and would feel sorry for and empathize with you if you came away from any life experience with PTSD. Because I have PTSD, and I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.
And on the subject of enlistment, Google Project 100,000 before you cast judgement even there. You don't have to be a draftee to be forced into participation. Sometimes your circumstances are enough. Also, it may shock some of you to hear but RECRUITERS LIE TO THE PEOPLE THEY GET TO ENLIST.
I hate this country and its government with a passion that burns with the fire of a thousand suns. I think it's fair to say most disabled people do. I don't blame other disabled people for policies that are designed to starve and kill us. I blame the fucking government that made them.
You shouldn't have to be an historian to possess the sense you were born with, but every memorial day, I increasingly find that apparently you do.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 7 months
Fated by the Stars (11)
Straykids ot8 x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Wounds/Injuries Traumatic Past, Violence, and Mentions of Non-consensual Molesting
(Specific chapter warning- Needle mention)
Summary - You mate with the rest of the pack.
Ps. Double Pen.
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My skin screamed as I felt myself boiling from inside out. I was alone in my nest, sweat drenching the area around me. Whimpers falling from my throat, calls for my mates as the heat form more core raged on. Soon I could hear some footsteps coming closer down the stairs to the nesting room. Glancing over slightly, I saw 3 boys enter the room. Felix, Seungmin, And Jeongin all entered the room. Felix making it to me first as he caressed my face from outside the nest. "It our turn to mate our souls with you babe. Just relax, we will take care or you." Once I finally asked them to enter the nest, that when they did.
Jeongin helped lean me up and against him, I was stark naked in front of them. They too had rid themselves of clothes as soon as I gave the okay to enter the nest. Leaning against Jeongin I could feel his hard on rub against my back. This was all I needed to ignite more heat as slick cascaded out of my cunt. Felix and Seungmin sat before me, smiling down at me in my naked beauty. "Please betas touch me." I cried as fresh tears fell from my eyes. Seungmin quickly wiped them away. "No crying sweet cakes, We will calm the storm for you don't worry." Felix smiled and finished Minnies words by saying "Yeah, don't worry darling, we got you." Soon they both were devouring a breast. Seungmin was more focused on licking around the breast, occasionally focusing on the bud. Every now and then he would nip it. Felix was more intent on sucking every where he could, leaving hickeys on some of the skin while sucking the life out of my bud otherwise.
I moaned out as their mouths brought pleasure to my body again, this simmered down the some of the heat. Allowing me a moment of clear thoughts, all I could think of however is how loved I felt. It was so nice to be able to experience a mating/heat ritual where I too was given pleasure. Sang-jun never cared for me, only wanting to focus on his pleasure. My omega was so happy to finally be pampered and pleased during my heat. Even if it was a forced heat. Jeongin's tongue lapped up around my two still fresh mate marks. Barely touching one would send full body chills through me, however these were not anything but pleasureful chills. I knew if I was standing and one of them touched a mark, I would be on my knees within the next second.
Suddenly I felt Jeongins hand travel from my hip down to my heat as one digit slid in through my folds. This elicited a long moan from me as I was finally getting a taste of feeling full. Soon there were three fingers pumping in and out of me, and Seungmin had moved from my breast down to my heat. His tongue cleaning me up while Jeongin continued his ministrations. This allowed Felix access to both boobs as he stared up at me. Watching as I melted into all the pleasure I was receiving.
After a few more minutes of this, Seungmin moved away from my cunt. Pulling out a familiar paper bag, he was quickly with prepping the syringe and sticking the needle into my skin. He then ran off to discard of the needle and medication for later. Quickly returning to me and the others. When he returned, Jeongin pulled his fingers from my greedy hole. Now helping to hold open my legs as Seungmin began to position himself in front of me. I smiled and grabbed him by the hips. Without a second thought I pulled him close as strongly as I could. This forced him inside of me very quickly, as my head fell back into a loud moan. Pleasure radiating throughout my body, looking back I could see the two betas smirking at me. Seungmin was quick to begin pumping in and out of me at a relatively good pace.
But this pace was simply not enough, I wanted instantly gratifying from each of my mates. Now that my omega was getting the mating she wanted, all she whined for was their bites to seal us together forever. Seungmins paced picked up, as if he could read my mind. "Please Beta, need to be filled and bitten. Want your cum and your mark." This made him growl as he agreed with me. "Gonna give mega that mark and fill her up so well. Suddenly I felt my body lift as another cock lined up to the same hole. "Think you could take two of us mega?" I melted at the idea of being stretched by two of my mates.
Jeongin began to enter slowly with my nodding of approval. The stretch was burning but not in a bad way. Once full seated both boy began to pump in and out opposite of each other. I was never not full. The feeling had me melting, losing all control of myself as the pleasure became almost too much. Soon they were getting the hang of the pace and began to pick up speed as now they could both begin chasing their highs. I could tell this experience for them was just as pleasureful as they moan out to me how tight I was. Their moans echoing each other as I did not take long for both of them to reach a climax, Seungmin firsthand Jeongin following. However before Seunmgin marked me, He made sure to pull out so Jeongin's knot would not damage me since he was also inside.
When Jeongin fully knotted inside, he was quick to bite down on the open skin right below next to Minhos fresh mark. Our souls tying themselves together quickly. Pulling back he lapped up the wound and took in his work. Seungmin took this opportunity to bite down on to me, right below Jeongins mark. I knew just what the boys had planned now. It seemed as if they were going to decorate my neck and shoulders with marks. They would line down the side of my neck with the last mark being right before the sphere of my shoulder.
I quickly pulled Seungmin closer as I came down from my high, biting on to the same spot I had been marking all the boys. Right in the corner between their neck and shoulder. As I cleaned his wound, I could feel Jeongins knot deflating. So I turned around once safe and gave Jeongin my own mark.
I basked as the two knew bonds caressed my weak soul. It was then that I remember the other mate in the room. My body was wobbly as I crawled over to him. "Beta gonna mate with 'mega?" I looked up at him, his smiled softening at me. "Yes 'mega. Beta gonna show 'mega all the love she deserves and then tie us together for life." I whined at this as he helped position me to lay back in the nest. Slowly entering me and continuing with a similar pace of pumping in and out.
Usually my omega would scream and cry for more movement, wanting to have my back broken and full of their pups. However she knew to enjoy this moment, as her beta wanted to show her his version of love. This no longer became a heat induced fucking with hard love mating. Now it was love making, this was falling in love with each over all over again. Nothing but pure adoration for one and other as we slowly began to climb up to our climaxes.
In only a few more minutes of slow pumping and making out, we would finally both climax. Biting down on each others necks as we left our mating mark. Our souls intertwining together in a lifelong bond. I felt love from all 5 of the mates I had fully bonded with now.
Nothing could come between us anymore, our love forever eternal. Felix's mark was of coursed placed right next to Seungmin, decorating the part of my shoulder that sat closest to the corner of my neck. Felix had picked me up and placed me in his lap, holding me close in a loving hug.
From our position I could all my marks in the mirror across the way. One side of my neck now being heavily decorated while the other side had only the pack alphas mark right now.
Soon I was being pulled up and carried into the bathroom, second later being placed in a warm tub. Jeongin and Seungmin both helped wash me from he outside. While Felix went to remove the now dirty towels from the base of the nest. They knew that the pillows, blankets and furs would now also be dirty. However they would not be able to clean them until my heat ended. if they were to remove the scents or change my nest in any way, it could send my omega into a frenzy. It would be as if I was suffering from a panic attack, except it would take a lot more than simple breathing exercises or similar to bring me down from this frenzy.
Jeongin focused on my hair while Seungmin washed my skin. The massage was great and son they were able to lull me into a slumber as the earlier activities began to put me into energy debt.
When I woke up again, I was back in the nest which now had fresh clean towel under me. They were using a scentless fabric cleaner so that even with the towels, the only scents in my nest would be the boys. I could feel the heat on my skin still, however I still had sometime before I would need another knot. My head being in a clear spot and I could feel my stomach screaming for food.
I whimpered and called out for the pack alpha or his second in command. Hoping one of them would be home and could bring me what I wanted. It wasn't long before I heard two sets of feet running down to me. The door swinging open quickly as worried faces ran over. "What is it baby? is something hurting? what do you need?" They asked me, worry being the most prominent in their tones.
I smiled at them both, which seemed to calm their nerves just slightly. "I'm just hungry Alphas, finally have a break and wanted to eat some meat please." The mid heat cravings were definitely hitting me now. These cravings would last even a few days after a omegan heat. So surely the boys were prepared to make whatever I needed. Minho was quickly nodding as Chan asked me what else I wanted. "All I know is I want something meaty please and some cuddles of course." They both chuckled before Minho spoke this time.
"How about I make a delicious beef soup with rice, while Chan Hyung cuddles you down here with a movie?" I agreed quickly, turning to chan who was smiling down at me. Minho scurried off to make the soup while I watched Chan go pick me out a Disney movie to turn on.
We decided on the princess and the frog, once it was going he was then running back to the nest. I snuggled in close as he held me in his arms. This was just a soft moment for us. When I asked him about the others he told me that most of them had to run off to work to handle some small problems but would be back soon. He even told me how Changbin, Hyunjin, and Jisung were itching to finally get their chance with me.
This had me smiling wide as I could almost feel the love they had for me then. I couldn't wait to finally adorn all 8 marks. Glancing up at the mark I left on chan, I saw how nicely it was healing. However I did feel a small ounce of insecurity as I asked. "Do you like my mark?" Something about the mark had me feeling as if I hadn't done it good enough. Now causing me to worry that maybe he didnt like it. It was a random irrationally thought I had, so I had to ask. Hoping whatever he said would fix my brain for the moment.
Chan gasped as he looked at me, "Honey I can feel your worry, Im sure the others are also feeling it. So please take a breath. We all love and adore your mark, it makes us feel even more handsome than we could ever be. Now that we are finally able to show off the mating mark you left us. Whats even better is now we can feel you emotions, we even have heightened senses when it comes to you. So now we can protect your better than ever before. Sang-jun will never be able to get to you again now that we have these beautiful marks.
I smiled and thanked chan for telling me and I quickly snuggled back in and watched the movie. Around the scene where Tiana and Naveen were meeting Mama Odie, this is when Minho returned with my lunch, or dinner? I don't know what time of day it is, I just know I wanted to cuddle my alphas and eat a delicious meal.
Minho sat next to me in the nest, while Chan helped sit me up to eat. Minho began to feed me, he carefully made sure I had meat, soup, and rice in every bite. The flavors were exactly what I wanted, perfectly calming the cravings I was having. I smiled as I was fed more and more, it took only a few minutes for me to have finished the meal. Now that I was full, I could finally snuggle with both my alphas while we continued to watch the movie.
Somewhere near the ending, I fell asleep again. Unfortunately it felt like only a few minutes into the well deserved nap that I was awoken. Another wave of scorching heat falling over my skin, while the need for pleasure began to increase. Desire and Pain danced together once again as my 'mega cried for her last 3 mates. She wanted nothing more than to complete the bond.
She ached for the alpha and two betas, desiring there mating marks more than anything. When I fully woke up from the nap now completely submissive to the heat, there they stood around my nest. Each one of them was stark naked kneeling around the nest waiting for me. Changbin was the first to speak up. "Good Afternoon little 'mega, did you have a good nap sweetheart?" I nodded whimpering. Hyunjin then spoke. "We heard you crying for us little one, let us help you relax again. Allow us to simmer down your heat and mark you with us forever." At their words I could already feel the slick begin to run down between my legs.
I asked them to enter the nest, while making grabby hands for the lead Beta. Hyunjin smiled and pulled me close. "Oh you poor little 'mega. don't fret now sweet thing. Alpha will take care of you first then you are all ours." He said as Jisung came closer with a wide smile plastered on his face. Both betas crawled behind me, a hand on each of my breast as they massaged them. Changbin smirked in front of me before leaning down to my aching cunt. He licked around the edges before beginning to pump a few fingers in and out of me. After all the cock I had taken recently, I was still more than ready to take another without worry. It seems Changbin could tell as he easily slipped in a few more fingers.
His attack on my needy cunt was not finished however as his tongue continued to search my hot cavern of love. As I melted under his pure unadulterated love, I could see him smirking looking back up at me.
Finally he decided it was time, coming up to my face and kissing me deeply as he slowly thrust in. I cried out as my senses were once again filled with love, lust, and desire. He caressed my face while setting his pace with my cunt. I could see all the love he had for me in his eyes.
I felt the other two begin to kiss along my neck, careful to not touch my still fresh mating marks. I'm sure they knew that by now that any touch on a mark would have me cumming instantly. My attention was pulled back by Changbin as his pace picked up and his growls grew. "My perfect little 'mega. So ready to be filled with all of our cum. So ready to be pregnant with our pups." When he said this I realized they hadn't given me my medicine. I looked to Hyunjin with worry. He smiled, "don't worry omega, we gave it to you when you first called for us. You were still napping then." I nodded and returned to melting with every thrust.
Without that worry I was free to indulge myself and enjoy everything they gave me. Suddenly I felt Jisungs fingers on my clit as he began to rub it back and forth. My back arched at the profound pleasure that racked my body as I hit my high. My canines elongated as I bit down into the corner of Changbins neck. This caused him to quit knot and blow his load as he bit down right under Chans mark, just like how Jeongin had done under Minho's. The feeling of our souls connecting by the forever red rope through me into another climax.
When Changbin pulled back after cleaning the wound, Hyunjin moved my face to look at him. He pulled me into a sensual deep kiss. Jisung had his hands all over my front as they continued to please me while we waited for Changbin's knot to deflate. Once he was back to normal, he slowly pulled out as his cum followed quickly after. Jisung quickly replaced him thrusting in slowly while saying. "Can't let any of that escape now can we?" A smirk plastered to his face. HYunjin pulled back and spoke as well. "We heard you took two cocks pretty nicely yesterday pup, think you could do that again? We want nothing more right now than to bond with you for life." I nodded quickly whimpering out. "Yes please, fill me up with both Beta's cocks, wanna be good 'mega for you both. Wanna bond so badly." A few tears followed quickly after my last words. Jisung began to thrust slowly as he licked up my tears, Hyunjin lining up at my entrance while Jisung spoke. "Don't you cry omega, we will give you exactly what you want. Such a good pretty perfect omega for the pack."
Suddenly HyunJin was thrusting in, stretching me out. The familiar burn bringing more pleasure to my body. I was slowly become dick drunk. With how satisfied I had been back to back, it was not unnatural to become a moaning whiney mess of an omega. This seemed to help the boys reach closer and closer to their highs. Suddenly everything stopped as they slowly turned me around, now my back to Jisung and front to Hyunjin. "I'm claiming your first omega, it's only right as the lead beta here." He smirked and suddenly came causing me to climb as well. He bit down right under Changbin as I found the corner of his neck leaving my own mark.
With another beautiful loving bond in place, there was only one more to complete before our pack status would forever be tied together. Hyunjin pulled out after cleaning my mark, allowing me to turn and face Jisung who was still thrusting. I was already ready to leave a mark on him so I did so. Just that was enough to have him melting as he too came, filling my cunt with more semen while biting down right under Hyunjins mark. His bite finally completed the pack bond, with this I felt like a warm invisible blanket wrapped around me. I finally felt all the love they had, I could feel all of their emotions as if it was mine.
We were finally all connected in a way unlike any other. I should thank the stars and gods above for allowing me to find such a loving pack. Thank them for leading me into the arms of my soulmates. I went from a pitiful weak omega that feared any alpha in a 20ft vicinity to being loved by a pack of 4 alphas and 4 betas. This was my growth story, this was my fate. I could only pray to the moon goddess that nothing would come to harm my pack or I. But how good is a prayer when your ex pack is more than insane?
I felt myself fall asleep again, the three newly mated boys surrounding me as we slept off the energy loss.
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tyo-mimt · 10 months
4/36. @tmnt-event-blog
For the first time, Casey Junior experiences snow.
(a/n: this is where i begin to encounter the problem that is tumblr's lack of colour options)
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Right, he was leading an expedition.
"Master Michelangelo!"
Was not to be disturbed for a while...
"Uncle Raph!"
The large snapping turtle came bounding toward him in large strides, stopping just short of bumping into Casey. "CJ! What happened?"
The boy grabbed ahold of his hand, walking toward the entrance of the base. "There's something out there... It's falling out of the sky..."
"No, it's like... It's like ash, but white and cold," Uncle Raph's eyes widened at the explanation; Casey jumped on that, "You know what it is?"
"CJ!" He called out, wering a toothy smile, "It's snow!"
"Uncle Raph might..." He took ahold of the boy's hand, running toward the exit in large strides. There it was, the white fluffy substance littering the ground. Turning to the turtle, his concern shifted to glee. He started laughing, wearing a child-like expression as he hopped into the piles.
Snow... The boy mentally echoed the word, immediately being pulled over. He fell face-first in the white fluff, expecting to breathe in a rancid smell or feel something that burned; his skin instead felt cold and tingly. And not the kind he'd usually feel when there was an unpleasantly tenacious draft. It was nice, and the large smile on his uncle's face made it all the more magical.
Pushing himself onto his palms, he matched his uncle's laughter as he moved over to his back. Knowing what it was, it didn't feel as scary as he thought it would.
"I guess Uncle Raph's never told you about it."
"No one has told me about it!"
"Hehe, I hear someone's having a good time." Casey shot up to watch Commander O'Neil strut out from the entrance, Donatello trailing behind her.
"Donnie making a wrong guess? Don't make too many of those, we still need that big brain of yours," She teased, grabbing Donnie by the arm and dragging him into the open air.
"Aw, I knew I predicted the surprise too late!"
"You knew about this?"
He nearly fell, retorting by gathering up a ball of snow. He threw it in her face, and Casey could only watch and laugh as Commander O'Neil chased the softshell around with an even bigger wad of snow.
"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."
His head snapped to the other side as he watched Madter Michelangelo return, two other patrollers trailing behind. "Seeing this snowfall brings me back, it's good to see it again..."
Unceremoniously (and unexpectedly), the box turtle leaned back and fell down into the snow. His arms and legs flailed in a controlled motion in the ground, creating a small outline where snow was pushed aside (A snow angel, as Uncle Raph off-handedly pointed out).
"Aww, everyone's started the party without me?"
The chorus of footsteps through the thick snow grabbed Casey's split attention once more. Sensei returned, and judging by the look on his face and the load of wrapped resources he carried upon his shouders, the expedition must've gone well.
"Not our fault you came so late," Michelangelo teased, sitting up from the small pit he made for himself.
"But you came at the perfect time," Uncle added. Sensei handed his load to one of the survivors as they headed inside, some of the older stragglers talking among themselves about this phenomenon.
Just as the slider took a step forward, a ball of snow was thrown in his direction. Comically, he exhaled as snow fell onto the ground.
"Aww, Nardo!" Donatello called out, as if annoyed that he got in the way of his actual target.
"Hey! I'm the one with a face full of snow!" Sensei argued. Even then, there was that large playful grin on his face. He lowered himself to gather up a ball, and now two were chasing Donatello around.
It was all so childlike, harkening back to an age Casey never experienced. One he might never have experienced. He got lucky... It was sad to think about, but he was grateful he was even able to experience it.
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Maya and the three (Skull & Bone x Reader) Incorrect quotes
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Bone: (Reader) you love me, right?
(Reader): Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
(Reader): You have to apologize to them Skull.
Skull: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
(Reader): Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
(Reader): Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Skull: Marry me.
Bone: Fight me!
(Reader): *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
(Reader): Fight me for the rest of our lives.
(Reader): *Holds a sign that says “Prom?” outside Skull’s window*
Bone: Oh my god, Yes!
(Reader): *Yelling up* No, tell Skull!
Bone: Skull! I’m going to prom with your lover!
Bone: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
(Reader): I don’t know. When are you going to ask me to?
Skull: And you just ran away?!
Bone: I didn’t expect them to flirt back!
Skull: We have a problem.
(Reader): No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Xtabay: Truth or dare?
(Reader): Truth!
Xtabay: Do you-
Skull: I dare you to kiss me.
(Reader): *kisses Skull*
Xtabay, to Bone: They said “truth”, right?
Acat: Ooh, somebody has a crush.
Bone: Pfft, I don’t have a crush in (Reader) I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
Bone, very much awake: Uh oh.
Skull, holding a rock: (Reader) just gave this rock to me and said “I feel like you deserve the moon, but all I can give you is a rock”.
Bone: If you don’t marry them, I will.
(Reader): Where are you going?
Bone: To get OURSELVES a gift!
Skull: Cause somebody didn’t get us one!
Camazotz, knowing full well that (Reader) got Skull and Bone engagement rings: *eating popcorn*
Hura: *finds a note* Hmm, what's this?
(Reader): Hey, that's mine! *trys to grab it*
Can *grunting*: Aww, it's a love note for Skull and Bone.
(Reader): No-
Can: *opens it*
Hura: We can't read this.
Bone: Well, remember when (Reader) made a romantic dinner for me?
Skull: Bone, they microwaved you a pizza.
(Reader): Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication.
Skull: It's my turn to cuddle (Reader).
Bone: Did (Reader) just tell us they loved us for the first time?
Cipactli: Yeah, they did.
Skull: And did we just do finger guns back?
Cipactli: Yeah, you did.
Chivo: So, how long have you and (Reader) been together?
Skull and Bone: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (Reader) and us are not together. No. No.
Chivo: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
Lord Mictlan: Did you take out (Reader) as I requested?
Skull: (Reader) has been taken out, yes.
Lord Mictlan: You have my grat-
Bone: It was a great restaurant.
Skull: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Bone: (Reader) proposed afterward- we’re filing the wedding papers.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hi grats on 1k!!!<3 id like to participate in the event too if you don’t mind i choose twisted wonderland
My OG: Riddle has always been the favorite child lol i first learned of what twisted wonderland was through my first matchup result here on tumblr before i knew what twisted wonderland was. The headcanon was so cute and i fell in love with him and his design when i started researching and it led me to falling in love with the game itself too. Obviously I chose his hand first when the game finally came to global and he was on my first home-screen and is still there to this day although there have been times i considered switching with malleus or azul i couldn’t bring myself too lol. He reminds me of a little red angry cat who just needs love 🥺.
About me: huh what do i say lol. well I’m a cis female, pronouns she/her, my mbti is infj, my enneagram type is 2w1, my zodiac is a Capricorn, im african American 5’2 with black wavy/curly hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks and hour glass figure.
I would describe me as kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward and clumsy. My weaknesses would be low self esteem and lack of confidence.
I like animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets bread and helping people.
I dislike spiders loud sounds people who harm others people i care about not caring for themselves people who don’t consider others not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests.
Random facts about me would be that i pace a lot i talk to myself i sing when im alone and im a picky eater i have a pet cat and two sisters.
What kind of tale do i want: i dont know get creative i suppose maybe something fluffy and romantic i dont mind a little angst tho if you want as long as there is a happy ending. Just go nuts and surprise me if you can.
Thank you
(Hi I hope you like this! I was inspired by the fact that you got a match up before even knowing the game 😂 the story practically wrote itself.)
A Tale Where Riddle is Set up on a Blind Date, and it works out Better than Expected
"Trust me, Riddle, she's lit! You're gonna love her!"
"Sure Cater, but I don't have time for your nonsense."
Three weeks now. Three weeks of Cater trying to set him up on a blind date with some girl. He tried to be polite. But Cater wasn't taking the hint. And now Riddle was pretty sure he was about to lose it.
"Look, one date with her. One date and I promise, you'll be head over heels for her!"
Riddle was about to snap, when Trey heaved a heavy sigh. 
"Look, Riddle, you know normally I would never enable Cater. But in this case, I think he's right. I think you will genuinely enjoy a date with this girl."
If Trey was saying it, then there must be some truth to the matter.
"Okay, then you tell me, Trey. Who is she?"
Trey winced, "I can't say, you just have to trust me."
"Why can't you say?" Riddle asked with a pout.
"Because blind dates are more fun!"
"Because she didn't even agree until yesterday."
Two very different answers overlapped. Riddle folded his arms across his chest and frowned.
"Riddle, just trust me. If it goes badly you can collar  Cater forever, and I won't say a word," Trey said with a smirk.
"Hey!" Cater cried, but Riddle was slowly nodding in agreement.
"Alright then. You said you got her to agree. When is this date?" 
Cater winced, and muttered below his breath, "Tonight."
"Tonight!" Riddle shouted. "What if I had said no? How am I supposed to be ready in such a short time?"
"It's okay! I have an outfit picked out for you that I've been waiting to have you try!" Cater said, pushing Riddle in the direction of his room.
Needless to say, Riddle was less than excited to try out the new outfit.
Riddle was dressed casually for the first time in his entire life. Black jeans,  white Tshirt, red unbuttoned flannel on top of the Tshirt. He had to admit, it was comfortable, but he still felt a little out of place…
He'd been informed that his date would know what he was wearing, and would have a red rose in her hair. So he waited patiently at his table, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.
The rose in your hair was lovely. You looked good in red. 
Those were his first two thoughts before he realized you were his blind date.
"Prefect? You're…."
"Yeah," you laughed, "I guess so."
You took a seat across from him, and Riddle took a sip of water to hopefully hide his flushed cheeks.
"Can I tell you the truth?" You said sheepishly. "I only agreed to this because Cater accidentally hinted that the blind date was you."
Riddle's face went even redder and he tried to sputter out a good response, but it came out as….
"Beautiful! So pretty!"
You furrowed your brow. "I mean, yeah, you do look pretty in the casual clothes I guess."
"Sevens," he muttered, taking another sip of water and trying not to choke. "You look beautiful."
You stared for a moment. Then you giggled. "Heh, thanks."
There was a heavy silence for a moment, and Riddle decided that if you were honest, he should be too.
"I kept turning Cater down because I didn't think he'd be setting me up with you."
The back of your neck prickled and your gaze dropped to the floor.
"We seem to be in agreement then."
"Yes," he took your hand, and softly rubbed his thumb along your knuckles. 
He grinned maliciously. 
" Even if we weren't, rule 137 states that if you get set up on a blind date with the queen, you are required to date until the next blind date occurs."
"You made that up!"
"I would never!" He pressed a hand to his chest in mock indignation. "I take my position very seriously."
"Well, rule 76 in my rulebook says that if the queen makes up a rule,  then she has to date me until I say otherwise."
You loved his genuine smiles. So when his face radiated like the sun, your heart skipped a beat.
"I guess we're stuck together."
"I guess so."
"Well, I'll make the most of it then," he confidently kissed the back of your hand, like a prince greeting his princess.
From the back of the restaurant Cater looks on in mild disappointment.
"I guess they don't need us to serenade them then."
Trey set the microphone down with a relieved laugh.
"Told you so."
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I am officially 21 years old today!!!!🎉🎉🎉 I mostly feel like nothing changed but i fell kinda weired at the same time my birthdays always make me feel relly out of touch with reality so it would be grat if people could send me small tasks to do to help me stop trying to use my brain! Please and thank you!!
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creationtainted · 6 months
"—She'll talk to you more openly than she will to me." He's ignoring their night out at the bar. "So I think you need to go over there and do some recon. And make sure that doesn't happen again."
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"What makes you think I have any control over this situation? Did you miss the part where she went and told the entire city that I've, like, fallen pregnant or some shit? We're clearly on the same level here." As he speaks, with the phone pinned between his ear and his shoulder, he might be giving the egg a quick little sponge bath. But that's neither here nor there.
"I mean, it was definitely... way fuckin' out of character for her," and out of line, "but I don't think I can do much about it. Short of never confiding in her again." Actually, now that he says it aloud, that was really weird of her. She's not normally such an enthusiastic gossip. Not outside of their discussions, at least.
"Aren't you two somewhat friends again? Do you mean to tell me that has no bearing on the situation?"
"It didn't have any bearing on her keeping her fucking mouth shut! That bitch—what the fuck is wrong with her? That sucked!"
The sigh from the other end of the line is audible; Vox is probably deflating in his chair as they speak.
"That really sucked."
"'Grats on the second date though, dude, that's kind of a big step." It's a sentiment that sounds genuine at least, even if it is currently a sore subject.
"Assuming she didn't preemptively nuke it. I told her that to get her off my ass, not for her to use it against me." Further proving his point that he just needs to keep his mouth shut. "Sounds like congrats are in order on your end, too. Who's the lucky father?"
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"Wh— j— yours! Next time you see him, tell him I'm gonna shake every fucking dime of child support out of him that I can. Screw you, get fucked." Man, what a shitty fucking day. And it only just started.
"... But that was really weird, right? That's not just me?" It can't be. "You think your buddy did something to her?"
"No, that was definitely weird." Vox fell silent for a moment, thinking. Even from what he knows of Vaggie, that was... off. "... I... don't know. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else take over the show before; I don't have a frame of reference."
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stay-xen · 2 years
Project: Eden's Garden
since i've seen several people post their opinions regarding the new danganronpa fangame's cast, why not join in since i finished the prologue?
spoilers for the prologue and predictions up ahead!
Damon Maitsu First of all, making the protagonist the ultimate debater is a really clever idea to make him lead the trials. also he's such a dick. i love him. he reminds me of early chapters byakuya and i want him to realise that he needs to trust the others to stay alive. very interesting approach for a protagonist imo
Eva Tsunaka My girl, i already love her. i feel like she'll make a grat 'rival' character, especially with her talent and animal motif. although wolfie might be the rival? not sure about it yet. i do believe that she will be alive for a while, maybe even sacrificing herself for the group in the end
Desmond Hall I trust him with my life. He has a SHARK motif, of course i'm going to trust him. he seems like such a good boy so i assume that he will become a victim sooner or later. if he ends up being a blackened i WILL cry
Eloise Taulner I am going to protect her with everything i have. very shy and anxious, i assume she will find strength eventually and become more confident, possible after losing somebody close to her? swan motif is very sweet for her :c
Toshiko Kayura My daughter is definitely compensating for being young, trying to be more mature than she is. i adore her getting flustered when called out, i hope that she will survive. she's a baby so pleaaase
Wenona step on me. i don't trust her, at all. she seems like a mirror for Damon, so my current guess is that she might become a blackened (or victim, either way i think it might involve cassidy)
Ulysses Wilhelm My useless son, i love him. he's so smart yet so dumb. please stay safe. current guess is first victim, sadly. idk he hasn't really done much yet :C
Mark Berskii I ADORE HIM i love his design and his attitude. "call the fire brigade, Grace" hasn't left my mind yet. such a simple line, yet i love him. strong connection to Jet already, i assume Mark will be a survivor that gets drive after Jet dies?
Diana Venicia Oh i wish i could trust you, love. something about her talent having to do with make up (covering up/identies, etc) and the chameleon motiv really makes me worry about her. i don't think she's the mastermind, but i believe she might be a blackened. maybe first chapter even?
Wolfang Akire i do not trust you but i will forgive you everything you do. this man has me in a chokehold and i'm not complaining. there's something about him being a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' i KNOW it and i can't wait to see it. his extreme sense of justice in the mock class trial was very interesting to see and i assume it will only be more extreme in actual trials. potential rival, i fear he will not survive. maybe a blackened, having to go against his principals for a certain motive? he's so polite though, especially to Eloise :c
Kai Monteago My fail son, my wet paper back, my beautiful butterfly. i saw him and fell in love, i can't wait to see more of this idiot. although i hope for character development, my current feeling is that he is going to die :c yet at the same time i can see him be a survivor (like hiro, souda being the clueless one, although i know they're not following the usual scheme)
Jett Dawson I've had this wolf for like 4 hours but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone in this academy and then myself. SO precious, SO dumb, i can't wait to see him get closer to Mark and ultimately get my heart broken. Current guess: victim
Ingrid Grimwall awooga. strong woman yes. on a serious note, i like that she's rather feminine and still strong, but i haven't seen enough of her yet to form a proper opinion :c could see it go either way with her tbh
Grace Madison soybean. i adore her, she doesn't have a single braincell and is currently trying to steal Wolfgang's. a real one for trying to fight back AND being able to actually get the jump on Tozu. No high hopes for survival though ngl :c
Jean Delamer If he ends up being a blackened, i'll be sad. he seems like such a nice guy, very safe, very brrr. also a whole ass dragon motif??? how cool is that??? he really feels like a safe space for the group, both mentally and physically so i hope we get to see a lot of him!
Cassidy Amber The only valid rich person. LOVE the spiderweb clothes. wouldn't be surprised if she kills Wenona or dies trying lmao. not the smartest tool in the shed but i love gaming references so i'm more than happy. it IS a stepladder.
Tozu Why is he hot. he's not supposed to be hot i hate it here (/s). didn't expect him to look like this but i am more than happy with the design. please show me more of him
Mara WHO ARE YOU i wanna see you more and talk to her and aaaaa she's mysterious OwO
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cookie-crumblr · 2 years
Locked In, Walking Out
Part: 1
F!Reader X Max ~Yandere Prisoner OC
His info: ⛓💌⛓
Part: 1 2
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, DARK FIC Yandere, reader has a vagina, not too defenseless reader, Imprisonment (not of mc) shock collars(not on mc), swearing, cat calling, corrupted systems, teasing, pet names (sweetheart, dollface, princess, doll), sa NON-CON not from mc, a gross man-pig assaults reader, hurt no comfort, blood, dissociation
Author’s note: sorry if my bad mood comes across in this one…
You work as a junior prison guard at Locke West Maximum Security Penitentiary.
You were given a huge bonus, better health benefits, and a fat raise when you were reassigned here.
You couldn’t say no.
Besides, what could possibly go wrong at the nation’s most secure prison…
Made so secure, just to hold the nation’s most dangerous criminals…
They’re forced to have shock collars on, so it’s not like they can do anything, right?
Day 1~
“New blood eh? You must’ve done a good job to get transferred here. Grats.” The senior guard called “Nills”, spoke a little too monotone for that to be a genuine congratulations, but you take it.
“Thanks sir,” you reply enthusiastically.
He looked you over, and smiled, while leaning in closer, “You might not last long here, sweetheart,”
Another guard walked in, and your senior backed up.
This Junior guard was to be your tour guide, and as she began, you noticed she used a similar monotone voice.
“This is the employee lounge,” her voice drew out. “This is the locker room, and where you’ll be changing—” If you could fall asleep while walking this would be the time you did. “This is the— This is where—” UHG! you aren’t even paying attention. Pay attention…
Now you’re only focusing on trying to re-focus!
You were jolted back to the present as heavy doors buzzed open for you both. You were suddenly excited, now you get to see the prisoners, and experience what your new job has to offer…
“Hey honey! Bend over for me, won’t cha?!” a prisoner in his locked cell heckled you. You realized you hadn’t been asked to change into your uniform, so you were still in your nice clothes.
You wore a short dress (no matter how you think you look, you pull it off perfectly), nice enough to impress your boss, but definitely too sexy for depraved men who are locked in cells.
“Oh yeah… That happens, regardless of if we’re in our uniforms or not. Ya get used to it, trust me.” She rolled her eyes and buzzed his collar.
“ARRRRRRRG!! You jealous BITCH!” he spat, as he fell to the ground.
You kept up with her, instead of sticking around that cell.
“This is their canteen,” She was back to her boring tour voice, but this time you managed to listen, being more alert with your surroundings around these men.
Towards the end of a less crowded cell block, you noticed a rather large cell coming up… “What’s that for?”
“That’s Max’s cell. His people pay off the prison for his comfort,” She said plainly.
“What?! that’s a thing?!” you exclaimed.
Prisoners shouldn’t be “comfortable”! you thought.
“Yeah, prisons, and wardens like money. They pay well enough, and Max stays out of our way.”
“Who is this, Max?”
“You know… The Aristandros family… You seriously don’t know?” She looked shocked. “Maxwell Aristandros. The head of the family that controls over half of the nations resources…”
“Wait… If he’s that important to the nation… Why the hell’s he in here?” you ask, stunned.
She shrugs “Maybe he’ll tell you. His is the only confidential case here. None of us know. Except maybe the warden…” She puts her hand on her chin.
You arrive at the lavishly decorated cell, your jaw on the floor. You almost don’t notice the man that matches the aesthetic of a gorgeous old painting, even in that orange jumpsuit and black collar. He’s lain over a chaise lounge, eating an orange, his face toward you, giving you a cheeky smile.
You scowl at him, “HOW CAN WE ALLOW THIS?!” You motion with a wide stance toward the cell, and toward him. “Shouldn’t he be, I don’t know, suffering here?! to be becoming a better person or whatever! WHAT IS THIS?!” You can help but feel angry over this whole stupid scene of a man with three life sentences, supposedly in charge of over half the nation, and in prison living like he’s the king of some medieval fantasy land!
“Woah, I like this one Cher! Give my complements to the warden for me.” His voice was smooth and silky to add a bright red cherry on top of his whole stupid yet beautifully crafted icecream sunday.
Cher sighed and placed a hand to her head. “listen, like i said, his people pay us. It’s not like the taxpayers are wasting any money on this one.”
You couldn’t help but still feel angry, maybe even more so since he seemed to enjoy your outburst.
You end up going home that day much angrier than you thought.
“Time for a romantic bath with myself and some icecream…”
Day 2~
“You look nice, dollface,” he nodded his head.
“Get used to it 232. The warden herself gave you to me, so you’ll be seeing this a lot.” you rolled your eyes at him.
“It’s max, doll, and I’m inclined to correct you, she gave you to me. Not the other way around. You’re mine.” he smiled smugly.
“Who’s in possession of who’s shock collar.” You state tapping your foot in front of his cell door, getting fed up with his games.
“A formality. a necessity really,” he shrugged. “Never know what a dangerous man like me would do to a pretty thing like you without it.” his smile became wolffish, showing off his rather predominant canines.
“Uhg. You’re insufferable. Just, get ready, I have to escort you now,” You placed your hand on the reader near the cell’s door, it buzzed approvingly.
As it slid open, he rushed out and grabbed you. Before you knew what happened your head hit the wall you are now pinned to.
“Careful, princess, what if someone saw us like this?”
Your face reddened, what is this?
And, why do you kinda like this…
It’s your job now to control him.
You lifted your knee hard to meet his groin, and he doubled over. After that, you pressed the button for 232’s shock collar, and he fell to the ground, convulsing.
While he was distracted you tried to catch your breath and still your heart.
You can’t let that happen again.
You stand outside the showers when you hear the slaps of shower sandals approaching.
“Hey beautiful, miss me?” he came out with a loosely wrapped towel hung low around him, showing of his toned body and that perfect v carved into his hip bones. “Hey, eyes up here,” he smirked.
“W-What are you talking about? Go get dressed 232. Quit fooling around, you have a very busy day today,” that for whatever reason, I have to babysit…
He lifted your chin, your face blushing, you stared back into his eyes. His voids of pupils, surrounded by dark brown, feel like they might be sucking you in, you think you could lose yourself in them…
“Good girl,” he smiles and gently lets your face drop, to go get dressed.
While he’s gone you try to compose yourself.
WTF was that Y/N! get a hold of yourself! UHG. You seem to be doing a ton of groaning today, and there’s still plenty of time for more unfortunately.
You make it to the canteen with your prisoner in toe…
“Hey there sweetheart! Give us a show!”
As the man stood, you whipped out your baton, sensing you’d need it.
Max lurched forward, and you blocked his path with your baton at his gut.
“Don’t, 232” you say sternly.
The cat caller’s eyes widen at you stopping Max, and he sits back down slowly.
You put the thing back away on your belt and escort Max to the back having him sit by himself. People approach and you allow them to sit with some distance between them. They talk to Max in what sounds like some code, but you don’t really care if they’re conspiring.
Your job is just to babysit him…
Day 3~
As you’re dressing your senior walks in and puts his arm up over you, he’s staring down your top’s open buttons.
You roll your eyes.
“Didn’t realize you’d be worse than the men in the cages, sir,” you say continuing to pull up your boots and fasten your belt.
He leans down closer, his cigarette stained breath permeating your precious bubble, “Sweetheart, I already told you you wouldn’t last,” he licked his lips, “Now you’re Max’s pet, poor thing. I see why he picked you…” he leaned back, a satisfied smirk plastered on his old face.
After that weird and uncomfortable encounter you made your way to Max’s “cell”, this time you had your baton ready before opening his door. He casually walked out, hands up behind his head.
“Hey there doll, how’s my good girl doin’ t’day?” He asked, his voice so smooth, you falter in your tough nature again.
“H-hey…” You spoke shyly, then coughed “I’m good, thanks… H-how are you?”
He smiled, “I’m glad to hear that,” Before you realized he was standing behind you, his face ticking your neck, “You want to kill some time with me, doll?”
His hands ghosted gently over your arms, as if almost asking permission.
You need to say no…
“Y/N!” you hear your superior yelling.
Max gripped you tighter momentarily in anger, before letting you go. He’s sending death glares toward Nills.
“S-sorry Sir!”
“come with me.” he turns and walks behind a corner. you lock Max back into his cell.
“This kind of behavior deserves some kind of punishment, don’t cha think” Nills asks in a manor that’s definitely not questioning, and definitely too creepy to be work appropriate.
“What? Listen, I have to take 232 to the showers now. Are you done?” you tried to walk away, but he roughly grabbed you and pulled you back.
“Oh you’re not getting off easy here, sweetheart…”
“Don’t call me that, creep!” you stomped on his foot.
He covered your mouth with his hand in a way you couldn’t bite it, and pulled you closer.
Who would have thought it’s not the prisoners you have to worry about, but your superior…
He undid your belt as he held you against a wall, your tried to fight, or grab your weapons but he easily overpowered you.
His hand was shoved down your pants in seconds, and he lifted it up to inhale your scent, you gagged against his hand.
You kept fighting, however useless it was.
He’s disgusting!
Now he’s pulling your pants down and turning you around. You hear his buckle being undone too, and tears prickle and threaten to fall. You refuse them, not wishing to loose your dignity to this man.
You don’t know what to do to stop this, and there isn’t anything anyway… Please, don’t… You try and say, but with his hand still covering you you can only puff out bursts of noisy air.
Your throat vibrates with the rest of the sounds of distress you desperately try, and yet fail to let out.
His dick is pressed between your legs and he doesn’t prep you before entering…
You feel like your being ripped apart, it hurts so bad, like sandpaper it’s so dry inside you, and it feels like his length never ends.
The tears that you refused fall freely now. You give up fighting and slump into his grasp waiting for him to finish.
Luckily he does fast. Obviously you’d prefer if he hadn’t at all… If this whole thing hadn’t at all…. You’re definitely taking a plan b, and getting tested after today… But how are you gonna go about the rest of your shift now? how do you come back tomorrow… You’ve been here 2 whole days almost 3, just for this?
You slide down the wall and cry into your knees.
You don’t even notice him leave.
Whether you’re a virgin or not, you see blood pooling between your legs through your uniform.
You don’t care about anything right now.
You just hurt all over, and your heart feels as heavy as a thousand ton weight sinking inside you. You might throw up, no you wish you could.
You wish you could exspell what’s just happened from you.
and your mind for a short while takes you away, not with white wings into the sky peacefully, but with a heavy and dark fog, that seems to swallow you whole and suffocates your thoughts.
You call the warden some indiscernible time later and tell her you’re going home, she hears the tone in your voice and lets you without asking.
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sheep33hallow · 2 years
Please ignore the Milkshakes in my Yard(BakuDeku)
Tags: aroace!bakugou, aromantic!Deku, queer platonic relationship, daily life
Rating: T
Wrote this in 2018.
The food in front of him was so boring. Bakugou groaned and rubbed his eyes as his head fell back against the seat. He was beyond tired of eating the same crap over and over again. Yes, it was healthy, and yes, he was gratful to have food in his home, but by All Might was he just tired of having to eat in general sometimes.
He knows as a human he could survive on water for a while, but as a hero, he needed all the carbs to fight these assholes on a daily basis. A whine caught his attention and he turned to look at his Shiba Inu, Cocoa, as she was happily eating her meal. He always tries to give her variety in meals, but never puts the same effort into his own. With one more groan, he shoved himself away from the table and put the plate into the fridge.
He would call Deku to bring him dinner since they were technically "dating", but he was out with one of his sex friends for the night.
He looked at Cocoa, who was done eating and decided that she could use a piss break now. Kirishima runs a dessert food truck in his spare time and he makes really amazing milkshakes. So this would be a win-win for him and his dog. He grabbed a Deku themed hoodie on his bed and Cocoa's body leash and headed for the park.
As he was nearing the park, his thoughts started to wander where they usually do, but with less frequency as he gets older, which are people being so openly affectionate with their partners. Even at the age of 32, and with complete understanding of the concept, he always finds romantic relationships so exhuasting. Like he knows he is a hypocrite because Deku and him still argue over dumb shit every now and again, but they aren't romantically involved. Just like a step above best friends, which makes Kirishima happy, since he will always be Bakugou's main bestie.
He rolls his eyes at the thought of the red head. A couple years ago, he adopted twins with Denki, who was another asexual, but wasn't aromantic which meant he was always seeing those idiots being affectionate.
It took him a while to figure out his own shit of being aromantic and asexual. He remembers scrubbing his body so hard in the showers after the first few times of sharing his body fluids with another human. He still shivers at the thoughts of the germs he allowed to touch him. He still makes Deku rinse his mouth out with mouthwash after coming back from his fuck dates before kissing him hello.
Cocoa brings him out of his thoughts with a happy bark of seeing Kirishima wave at them.
"Sup bro" Kirishima says with a grin and he gets out of the truck to pet Cocoa. "Hello to you too girl, want this treat?" He looks at Bakugou for permisson. He nods. He hands it to her.
"So what brings you out here so late and I just saw Deku with Camie like an hour ago"
Of course he would blow some steam with that freak in the sheets. "I was too lazy to cook. You got any new milkshakes?"
He stands up. "Oh yeah. We have a new one with dark chocolate, almond milk and peanut butter. I know you aren't a fan of dark chocolate though."
"Tsk, it's fine. I just want to have something easy that I can sleep to"
He smiles wide. "Only the best for my bro!" He hurries back to the truck and Bakugou goes sit on one of the tables while he waits.
Cocoa puts her head in his lap as he scrolls through he phone to look at dog rain coats and boots. He's only had her for six months and wants her to be prepared for all types of weather. Deku calls her spoiled and so the fuck what if she is. He got a fuck ton of money saved up and Deku bought her a christmas sweater last week, so he can shut the fuck up.
He checks throught the hero themed section on the website and doesn't see his hero themed coat but he see's a Red Riot one. He pinches the skin between his eyes at the thought of his dog with an R on her back.
He adds it to the cart anyways.
"Hey Bakugou!" He looks up and sees Kirishima's arm extended out of the trucks window. He gets up and gives the cash to the cashier before taking the drink from Kirishima. He watches as Bakugou tastes it and he gets a thumbs up in return.
Bakugou beings to walk away. "Bakugou!" He turns around. "Come over tomorrow. The twins have been asking about you and Cocoa and even Deku if he can spare the time." Bakugou turns back in the direction of his home, but gives another thumbs up. He hears a 'fuck yeah' and smiles. Kirishima is definitely his true bestie.
When he wakes up in the morning, he hears music playing softly. He digs his faces deeper in the the pillow and sighs. He is not in the mood to patrol today, but Deku is off today, so dinner will be ready when or if he returns home at a reasonable time.
"Shhhh, Cocoa" He hears Deku, but it's too late. She already know he is awake and is scatching at the bedroom door.
"It's fine" He rolls onto his back and sees Deku opening the door for Cocoa. She jumps onto the bed and he gives her the love she wants.
Deku is in a pair of sweats and no tank top and smells freshly washed. Even though he doesn't find Deku sexy, he sure as hell is aesthetically pleasing to look at. Scars all over his body, an undercut and those cute ass green eyes.
Deku moves closer and squat down nexts to the bed. "Good morning" He kisses Bakugou's cheek.
"Morning" He yawns. "You have a good night?"
He smirks. "Yeah, I did, but guess who I was thinking of as I was fucking her?"
He laughs. "All Might? Since you seem to get a boner for blondes."
"Nope, but close. He is just as charming as him."
He sits up and kisses Deku on the lips. "I bet. You gunna fed him breakfast before he leaves for patrol then."
He pretends to think about it. "I will, but it's only because the dog add to his cuteness." He press another kiss to Bakugou's forehead and heads back to the kitchen.
He watches Deku walk away and thinks about how he can make this day go by a bit faster so he can return home to his little family. He pets Cocoa one more time and heads to the shower.
He has people to save.
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whumpfish · 4 months
Some of you don't know your fucking history and it shows
#google “project 100k” before you go wishing ptsd and suicide on people you've never met#shockingly some people regard (us) military service as the only avenue for a college education#it is set up that way#the military preys on soldiers#it preys on citizens#it preys on the poor#learn fucking nuance#no love#your presently less than friendly historian#also some countries require military service as a condition of having been born within their borders#oh yeah fuck that guy#if he didn't want people to wish ptsd and suicide on him he should have picked a better country to be born in#were it me i would flee#but im also ornery af and have resources#shockingly there are many people without resources#shockingly it is set up that way#shockingly you should get an education before opening your pie hole about ptsd and suicide#shockingly the powers that be want citizens without resources to hate each other for conditions created by said powers#because it means those people will not challenge said powers#grats you fell for it#and before anybody clowns on this fucking post#my heroes are mostly pacifists and antiwar activists#daniel berrigan burned files not the people named in them#eugene debs criticized countries and military-industrial complexes sending the working class to war#not the working class people being sent#also neither of them would have wished fucking PTSD and SUICIDE on people theyd never met#because they were decent fucking people who believed nobody should die pointlessly#if your humanitarianism has no room for anyone who does not have your resources and privileges#hate to tell you break it to you hun but you're no humanitarian#i have goddamn ptsd without benefit of military service and i would not wish this fuckery on my worst enemy
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tparker48 · 1 year
so what kind of things you wont do I know i not much because of the type of content you do but I would like to know things that are a no go. I saume one of them is fandoms like transformers or what else you don't do. Oh and because you said I can request more then once this month ill request a story ill liment myself to one a month to not over request story's fell free to tell me to stop at any time.
P.S I hope your having a grat day and i would rilly help if you say what you are willing and not willing to do I just want to be respectful to you and not ask anything you might not be ok with
Heya tytv, thank you for the question^^. Let's see, as far as limits go, the only one I won't do is gore. Can't really see myself doing it. However for the rest of the stuff, I am open to anything. Keeping an opem mimd to the rest usually help me when it comes types of scenarios. Granted their are a few that I'm adapting too, some them you'll see in the upcoming stories ahead.
I hope this helps ease your question, I appreciate you asking asking about it. And you are more than free to ask for more request as much as you like, they'll just be slightly farther apart if there's other requests in the process.^^ ❤
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druidx · 1 year
Finally got enough motivation to get back to a novel I had drafted and then fell out of love with! I’m actually excited to tackle it this time around, so do you have any words of wisdom for someone who burns out quickly?
Hey! 'Grats!
Okay, let's see now. These are some things that have worked for me:
Regular breaks. There's a quote that says something like 90% of writing a novel is thinking. Make sure you give yourself plenty of breathing room to refill the creative well. And by 'breathing room' I mean a few days not a few hours.
Treat each chapter/ section like a short story. I find focusing on a bit at a time with breaks in between stops me from getting overwhelmed or burning out.
Snacks! Gotta keep your brain fed with healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and jerky. Make sure it's protein-based or complex carbs to avoid sugar crashes.
Be gentle with yourself. No berating yourself for not meeting some far-flung goal. No pushing yourself too hard, take it slow and steady. You'll get there, I promise.
I hope some of those ideas help.
You got this, I know you do 🧡️ Good luck! Happy wording!
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massivetyrantduck · 2 years
incorrect quotes because i need steph and bernard to be best friends
Bernard: Pros and cons of dating me. Bernard: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Bernard: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Bernard: I saw you fall, saw the sinners lay on your corpses... Stephanie: Hey, what’s up with Bernard? Bernard: I created you, made the pieces perfect, others marveled at your beauty… their gazes may have held envy, though, for none are perfect but you. I was only looking away for a moment, but you were gone. I had failed you. And I fell into despair. The only way to save myself was to create, but I knew… this time I knew I was only making you to die. And I apologize. For I will undoubtedly fail you again. For a short time, there will be peace and beauty, but none in the face of us shall lay undisturbed. The greatest have fallen, and will continue to fall, and I weep for you for being born unto this place, where brother eats brother, and the undeserving rise to fame. Those that have gone against you know they’ve wronged you, and they will stand before the creator, knowing they have sinned. Do not worry, little ones, you will be avenged. Tim: ...They made some rock towers and went somewhere else for twenty minutes and when they came back the rock towers were destroyed and people were sitting where the towers once were, so they were sad and made more rock towers. Tim, to Bernard: Hey, who even is the creator? I thought you were an atheist! Bernard: SHUT THE HELL UP, TIM! I’M TRYING TO BE DRAMATIC AND MYSTERIOUS!
Tim: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Bernard periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Tim: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Tim to Stephanie: Me? I'm the bee knees, but, you? You're just... Bernard: Cockroach ankles! Tim: Ye- uh, what?
Stephanie: Hey, Tim, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Tim: Yeah. Stephanie: And you, Bernard? Bernard: Umm... yes? Stephanie: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Bernard: Did they just-
Steph: Two years ago, I married my best friend. Steph: Tim is still mad about it, but me and Bernard were drunk and thought it was funny.
Bernard: Guess what number I’m thinking of. Stephanie: 420? Bernard: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously. Tim: 69. Bernard: Yeah it was 69.
Bernard: How do you do that? Stephanie: I'm fearless. Tim: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad. Stephanie: I'm mostly fearless.
*Bernard is telling a story* Tim: Wow, Bernard, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance! Stephanie: Romance? Tim: I have a crush on them.
Stephanie: Why is Bernard crying? Tim: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- Bernard: IT LOOKED SO CRUNCHY! Stephanie: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say- Bernard: AND WHEN I STEPPED ON IT THERE WAS NO CRUNCH! Stephanie: NO, NOT THAT!
Bernard: How did you even get in here? Stephanie: Tim's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Stephanie's door"! Tim: I’m closing the window.
Stephanie: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life. Tim: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Stephanie: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Bernard: Edible.
Stephanie: Did you take out Bernard as I requested? Tim: Bernard has been taken out, yes. Stephanie: You have my grat- Tim: It was a great restaurant. Tim: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. Tim: Bernard proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
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mxthtea · 2 years
Hello I saw your 600 post thingy 👉👈 Fluff prompt 6 and 2 in that order for Itto mby? 👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈 'grats on 600!!!!!
Just realized I can put music in this thing so here's a song I like as an offering
600+ follower information (prompts)
i havent written for itto before so i hope this is good T^T and it's very short and took forever to come out i'm so sorry TT i really didn't have any ideas but i hope this is good hfnhf
itto x gn!reader prompts: "this might be cute, but standing in the rain can get you sick. come on.” + “take my hand. i’ll carry you home if i have to.” warnings: hand holding, itto carries you, there's an implication of reader with a dendro vision perhaps, ooc itto probably, grammar + spelling mistakes, tell me if i forgot any description:
"Itto! Would you like to go on a date with me!"
And with that, several flowers popped out from behind you in the grandiose gesture.
word count: 467
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"Itto! Would you like to go on a date with me!"
And with that, several flowers popped out from behind you in the grandiose gesture.
Usually, Arataki 'the one and oni' Itto would be the one with the dramatic gesture that included the entirety of the Arataki Gang. Now the roles were switched as you and him stood in the middle of the street within Inazuma City. People watched as you held out your hand, from it a flower of a red rose sits in the palm.
Rain droplets fell onto the petals of the rose. Ah, yes the rain is there too. How could you forget? The forecast wouldn't, couldn't, change the fact you were going to ask Itto on a date that day. Even as the downpour greeted you the second you left the house. Even as those droplets made your skin wet the second you left your home and searched on the streets. And it definitely didn't stop you even as Itto had been standing under the overhang to a shop.
"Well uh- ya know, this might be cute buuut standing in the rain can get you sick," Itto held his hand out for you to take, "c'mon. We should be getting home."
"Ahem! You have yet to accept the invitation and take the ro-"
"Just take my hand, I'll carry you home if I have to."
And with a huff, and a shiver, you took Itto's hand. And despite that not-really-promise, you were still lifted into the air like a sack of potatoes by Itto.
Aaaand he started running. Through the rain. Very fast.
"Was this your plan?" you half-yell to Itto as he continues to run.
"Real men don't use umbrellas!" Itto yells right back as he continues to run.
By the time you arrive at your home you are both very wet and very cold.
"Just sayin' if we both get sick, its your fault," Itto complained as he used several towels to dry his hair.
"Well, Itto, you still have yet to accept or decline my invitation."
The rose was long forgotten, left in the street as Itto picked you up and ran. So were the other flowers. They'd be left to travel across the lands of Inazuma or to fall within the shallow waters near the city. There, they'd travel to wherever the streams lead them.
"I'll accept your invitation," the oni huffed, "but! With all the rain, we're gonna end up being sick for it."
"Unlikely, I'll treat you to dinner if we do."
Itto huffed and you laughed. While you getting rained on yourself was part of the plan, Itto being unwilling to open an umbrella while running was not. 
And even if you could be sick during it, each date with Itto would always be unforgettable.
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hyunverse · 4 years
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requested by; @mariyagami
cupid’s note; hello <3 thank you so much for requesting babes! i’m so glad you like my works. this request is one of my faves, enjoy babie!
request; “surprise date with jjk's gojo. she/her pronouns. troll power couple dynamic. ♥ I hope I am submitting the request right, sorry if I am not. I am looking forward to seeing you fill everyone's prompt's regardless cause your writing is delightful. thanks for the event and grats on 800! :D”
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AT FIRST GLANCE, people would think you were dressed up to go to a fancy ball. gojo was wearing a suit, a napkin neatly tucked in his front pocket. the sorcerer’s shoes were polished, you could probably see your reflection on his leather shoes. as usual, a pair of designer shades sat at the bridge of his nose, covering his ocean-like eyes. you on the other hand wore your best clothes, with pieces of jewelry adorning your beautiful skin. 
the cool air from the fast food restaurant hit your skin, making you shiver. mcdonalds was packed that day; but then again, when is it not? fast food’s the easiest choice when you’ve got no idea on what to eat, hence why it was jammed like a pack of sardines. thankfully gojo was tall, so looking for a seat would be easier. he scanned the restaurant but to no avail, all seats were occupied.
“that’s too bad”, you sighed, leaning your head on gojo’s arm. you could feel his body rise and fell when he took a deep breath. 
“maybe we should just go to an actual restaurant”, gojo suggested. he looked down at you, leaning down to press a quick kiss on your head, “you know, since we’re already dressed like it. i’ll search up a restaurant right now, sweets”.
you frowned and shook your head. gojo could see you giving him puppy eyes through his shades. at that moment he regretted using that tactic on you so much, he didn’t know it would backfire on him. 
you ran your finger up and down his arm, the puppy eyes still in sight, “that would defeat the whole purpose! dressing up fancy to go eat fast food is in our bucket list, isn’t it?”.
the darned bucket list. all of it started one time when the two of you got drunk and made a ridiculous bucket list. cycling in the rain, airdropping cursed memes to random people in the train, going to a fast food restaurant while dressed fancy; all of them were in your two pages long bucket list. at first it was just drunken rambles, but gojo thought why not actually do it? it would be fun, he said. 
a loud roar of motorcycles shocked everybody in the 24/7 restaurant. gojo looked out to see a group of bikers zooming through the city. his eyes then landed on a curb beside an empty parking spot. 
loud was the atmosphere outside mcdonalds. sitting on the curb, legs stretching towards the parking spot, you were satisfied. one more activity that could be ticked off. beside you satoru happily ate his happy meal. the hello kitty toy he got from the happy meal sat in the pocket of his tuxedo. satoru looked content munching on his nuggets.
quietly, a hand slithered to your bag of fries. you rolled your eyes when you caught your boyfriend steal a handful of french fries from your bag. typical gojo. ordering a happy meal, stealing fries; all of them were typical gojo satoru behavior.
together the two of you made a happy-go-lucky pair, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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