hello-vampire-kitty · 9 months
Servamp academy 4koma in volume 21 (spoilers)
So, apparently this is the last Servamp Academy comic based on what it says on the official account, because it's about "graduation" 卒業 though it also has the meaning of "retirement", hence why it's the last one. I'm not showing the whole comic, just one panel that made me smile and I'm so looking forward when those two will meet in the main story!
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So, in the Servamp Academy setting, Gear is a student, which Kuro reminds the audience because Gear calls himself here "grandfather" xD
Gear: "It's my grandson's graduation, huh...? Grandpa will take the best pictures! Stand over there with your brother!"
And Tsurugi is like "Who are you?!" (Grandpa?!)
Oh man, I wanna see how Gear will interact with Touma.
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
The fact that you haven't made a one shot of goji and mothra role-playing as Zeus is suprising?
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fiftysevenacademics · 22 days
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This little dog is so stupid cute I don't know what to do.
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ka-go-me · 2 months
A Random Youkai asked: You can gather your grandkids and tell them all about you meeting and searching for the shards of the shikon jewel and fighting Naraku.
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「巫女」:: "Yes, I suppose we can...When the parents aren't in the room though. I'm sure our kids will be sick of hearing how we met and the battle against Naraku and all the adventures we had in between and afterward by then. Haha."
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the-dragon-folk · 1 year
in my head lives a 22 years post the start of origins team that’s late 20s/early 30s something Connor Guerrin baby sitting a small pack of twenty-somethings, consisting of at least Ser Jory’s cringefail warrior daughter (obviously), obligatory secretive mage Kieran, and idk maybe Oghren’s kid’s in there and it reads your save file and names em after your warden
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boopernatural · 11 months
A small cat appears at the jobsite and for some reason it identified ellie as it's mother, so it keeps following her around and the workmen take a kick out of it
can it be a stray dog bc I’m more of a dog person
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badgiraffe · 3 months
I feel bad for my mom sometimes. Her sister has so many grandkids from her 3 married children, and my mom is stuck with me (35, aroace who doesn't want kids) and my brother (29, socially awkward and has never had a girlfriend). It's not looking good for her 🥲
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humanityspeaking · 9 months
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
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for Lu, with love
I stumbled on this ceramic spaceship with two dogs, found out they survived a spaceflight, and went !!!!!! THIS IS FOR LU! LAIKA IS HER GOOD GIRL! LAIKA'S STORY WAS NOT THE END! rotting dogs-- chernobyl puppies-- space dogs-- things we love that are doomed to die always, things which we preemptively mourn-- do not always die tragically and unloved! Strelka's grandpuppies are still alive even today!!! she sits next to her friend Belka even in death!!! and they are remembered with love!!!
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We got to see Crewel’s reaction towards his pup proposing to her mate. So, what would be his reaction to hearing he’s going to be a grandpa to with each suitor. I know he’ll be too happy to have grandpups from Vil or a heart attack with Leona and Silver, since he has to deal with Lillia more.
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Yandere Father Crewel’s Reaction to Grandpups 
In general, he’s conflicted between being overwhelmingly joyous and incredibly mortified. His baby now has babies!!! What!? Depending on who’s your baby daddy he’s leaning towards one or the other:
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Vil Schoenheit
“Awww such beautiful grandpuppies!”
He’s crying in private 
Both in happiness and in realization of your growth (and his own)
Looking at the twins’ faces makes it easier 
The little bits of your attitude or appearance helps him forget what had to be done to get them
“I’ll look past it for the sake of the pups but this doesn’t make you anymore of her guardian than I.”
“You’re exactly right. I’m simply a fellow protector and compliment to her beauty and happiness. Isn’t it best that we stay on the best of terms in order for us to do our duties effectively?”
“...hmmm…I don’t disagree. So yes let’s work in harmony on her behalf.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Of all the motley–grr! Stop smirking like that! Humble yourself for once in your despicable life!”
Leona’s willingness to spur your father on in his raging only makes it worse
The moment you and your new little one are out of the room 
He’s trying to at least instill a smidge of guilt or fear of him to ensure Crewel is given due respect as your father
But Leona will never submit and he’s intent on making your father explode before giving the old man peace
“Baba, why is Babu so red?”
“Oh? It’s cause he’s trying to push out a poop. You know what that’s like right? You should go comfort him.”
“Right! *runs to Crewel* Babu! Its okay you can let it all out whenever you’re ready!”
“T-thanks pup.”
He’s promises to kill Leona for embarrassing him in front of his grandpup
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“Whooo already?! I’m so proud! Now when will we be getting the next batch!?”
“On the spots of a dalmatian please don’t…I can’t take it anymore!”
Don’t get him wrong he loves his grandpuppies 
But he’s just exhausted 
If his hair wasn’t white already it would become so very soon
The stress of having to give you away 
Only to be succeeded by the existence of his little grandpuppies
All the while having to deal with his ‘Granddad Best Buddy’ that has attached himself to his side
He’s just so fed up he doesn’t have time to directly hate on Silver
Who doesn’t always understand his malice anyway
So instead he’ll curse the fae general in his stead
But he’s just screaming into the void because Lilia lovingly ignores any protest he has
“Can’t you understand?! I don’t wish to spend the day with you or your child, I just want to spend the day with my daughter and grandpups!”
“Ahh so you want to let the two love-birds have a night to themselves? What a great idea! Will take the kiddies for the day! Oooh where should we go? The amusement park? The park? Your house-?”
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hello-vampire-kitty · 11 months
Chapter 135 spoiler (part 2)
Gear says to Yumikage that he looks just like Shirayuki and Yumi says that Gear looks like his friend.
Gear: "Did he mean my descendant?"
Me: Yeah man, he looks like you, and I'm looking forward to meet your cute great great great grandson and like, you can spoil him, maybe give him consoles and other devices xD Tsurugi has a rich grandpuppy :D
Alright, so Shirayuki mentions how Gear's descendant could only be from the lineage of that woman he saved.
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Gear saved a woman's life by giving her some of his life force, literarily he's saying that he mixed his life with hers. Although it wasn't explained how, I can only assume that it's through biting or having the person drink blood, since werewolves can't reproduce according to Pisca in chapter 104.
I want to mention that in the official English translation it's mistranslated and Pisca says "I've heard that he (Tsurugi) didn't inherit any werewolf abilities"
Like that is so different from the original text...
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Gear isn't just Tsurugi's grandpa, he wants to be his friends' children's' grandpa too :))
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Gear: Youtraou, if you have descendants I'l act like a grandfather.
Shirayuki, when things calm down, I'll reintroduce myself again to your son(s), as a grandfatherly figure.
Okay but I'm wondering about something. Like I think Shirayuki knew about the rumor regarding Tsurugi possibly being Gear's descendant, since she was the former manager of Tokyo C3.
Yumi remarked how Gear looks like Tsurugi and Shirayuki must have noticed too. When they were in high school, Yumi was told not to get involved with Tsurugi, but it could be that Shirayuki wasn't totally against them being friends because maybe she did see the resemblance and possibly, Yumi was like her in her youth when she met Gear and became friends. It would be interesting if it showed this, because maybe Gear wasn't referring just about looks, but maybe attitude as well, when he said that Yumi is just like Shirayuki.
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writing-on-eafv23 · 3 months
i have a lot of ideas for A/B/O stuff, but i can't deny myself fluffy Grandpa Bruce
INCLUDES: A/B/O, there not really much of Danny in this because he's sleeping but he is here!, light Bruce x Minhkhoa, implied Bruce x others (Selina, Talia, Harvey, etc.), Danny is de-aged in this (up to your interpretation but i was writing this imagining Danny was like 5), Omega Bruce, Beta Minhkhoa, Jason is mentioned, Omega Jason, a few spelling and grammar mistakes, It was late when I was writing this
“You never told me you had a new puppy” The familiar voice of Khoa sounds from beside Bruce, had he been any less distracted with trying to babyproof the hallway he would have noticed Khoa creeping up behind him with Danny in his arms, bundled up in a blanket they all had scented. Danny’s lack of any scent, even a personal scent, had made their pack instincts go into a tizzy, so they took turns rubbing a blanket against their scent glands so at the very least their scent would rub off on Danny while Jason was making a safer safehouse to raise his new puppy. Honestly, if it were up to Bruce, Jason and Danny would be locked in the manor where they can be properly cared for and doted on by the pack, but Bruce knew better than to interfere with a very hormonal, very broody, first-time, Omega parent. Bruce practically bristles at the sight of Minhkhoa, someone who (although he does have a situationship with) is not part of their pack, holding his new grandpup. All this earns from the Beta is a chuckle, ignoring Bruce’s warning growls. 
“And such a cute one too, look at those little fangs” Khoa coos, drawing attention to how the little pup was gnawing at Khoa’s fingers as he slept, leaving little indents in the brown skin. It wasn't often Khoa was soft. Even with his own adoptive son, Phanton-One, Khoa saw the boy more as a project and a way to one-up Bruce than an actual son. So, to see Khoa genuinely coo over a pup was… odd, and Bruce ignored the way it made his heart flutter slightly. However, Bruce’s growls return with twice the strength when Khoa sniffs at Danny’s scent gland, or rather, lack thereof. Minhkhoa quirks an eyebrow under his mask when he notices the lack of scent, pulling his face back
“Pup’s got a weird smell though, where'd you pick this one up from, Brucie?”
“Don’t call me that,” Bruce replies curtly, returning to placing silicone protectors on the corner of the decorative table in the hallway, trying and failing to ignore how Khoa was holding Danny so gently. “Danny was found wandering the streets at night. He has no records, no documents, no missing posters, not even a birth certificate. And he's my grandpup, not my puppy”
“So, one of yours claimed the first orphan child they saw, it seems your adoption habits are contagious” Khoa always did have him pinned, though, that's what happens when you’ve been rivals with somebody for so long.
“Don't you ‘hn’ me. Tonight was supposed to be our date night!” Comes Khoas's complaint, his voice almost whiney, though he quiets down when Danny whimpers in his sleep, which prompts a deep growl from Bruce that makes the Beta snicker. “But I GUESS since you are SO busy with the new grandpuppy, we can reschedule… but you owe me two dates next month”
“Hmn.” It’s a fair ultimatum, more time to get the new pup properly scented and used to the manor and then he gets to have two date nights, Bruce just hopes the others won't get jealous. It's hard to juggle multiple situationships, but Bruce (somehow) manages to make it work.
“Good,” Khoa’s lips curl into that familiar grin, and he transfers Danny from his arms and into Bruce’s, not even bothering to hide his chuckle when Bruce begins to purr in that rumbly bass and nuzzle his cheek against the top of the pup’s head. Pressing a short kiss to Bruce’s lips, Khoa quickly pulls away with a smirk, earning a grumble from Bruce.
“and don’t be so grumpy. Your pheromones will set the puppy off”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
Canid Faunus Relationships
One: The "Domestic" Faunus
Penny: I love you! I missed you! You're just the best! Is there anything I can do to make your day better?
Most dogs were bred for hunting, be it game or vermin, but even the most naturally aggressive dogs needs proper companionship and socialization.
Two: The "Wolf" Faunus
Ruby: Hey. Let's go out and do something! My whole family wants to meet you, so we should probably do that soon, to! They'll love you!
Ruby: My Mom will probably talk about grandpuppies or something ... Not that we should worry ... Or that I'd complain about having any ...
Contrary to popular belief, there isn't an 'alpha' in wild Wolf Packs, as they are primarily made of a family of wolves where the Parents are the leaders, simply due to age and experience.
Three: The "Fox" faunus
Pyrrha: Oh no~ It looks like you lost your belts~ Now what Will you do~
Foxes are strictly Monogamous creatures, but do prefer a solitary lifestyle outside of their Den with their family.
Bonus: The "Hyena" Faunus
Cinder: *Heavy Breathing* You ... And Me .... Now ...
Hyenas are neither Canine or Feline, but rather are their own thing. The Females lead the packs.
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doghowto · 5 months
"But you HAVE a grandkid! Right HERE!" 👴👵 Follow me for more dogs that want to stay the only grandpuppy!
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNuvq38M/ my HC that this is the type of videos Eli sends to sttac!alexia and r when she watches their dogs when both are away 😂
Eli loves her grandpuppies but they're such troublemakers
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maternal-extinct · 10 months
one of my puppy daughters desperately whimpered "i wanna put puppies in you mommy 🥺" to me once and i still havent been normal about it since
damn i need to get knotted full with a litter of my own grandpuppies
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