#grandpa gets a makeover. good for him
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roboyfriend · 9 months ago
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RG RX-78-2..... 2!
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mytokyodebunker · 10 months ago
Asking The Ghouls To Do Your Hair
Jin Kamurai
Jin… Doesn't know. Probably hands it off to Tohma- I'm just joking…UNLESS-. He's actually pretty caring of others so he might learn one or two different braids but that's it. He seems like he's probably good at putting your hair in a clip or a bun but nothing else.
Tohma Ishibashi
Tohma…..He would be good at it probably. If not, then surprise!!! He is now. He's used to taking care of Jin anyways, adding hairstyles or braiding to that list wouldn't be that bad.
Kaito Fuji
Kaito would absolutely love to do it but he would probably be bad at it. He's SCREAMING at the fact that he's touching your hair with your permission, extremely happy the entire time. Might be confused during the process but he's not complaining at all.
Lucas 'Luca' Errant
He doesn’t know but won't give up until he knows every hairstyle humanly possible. Every time he asks you with earnest eyes to let him practice again, and every hairstyle is more elaborate than the last. The process is always long and painful on your scalp, but the end result never disappoints!
Alan Mido
Our young grandpa himbo. We all know he wouldn't know how and he would rather not accidentally hurt you in any way, even if you flinch at the slightest tug, he'll stop immediately.
Leo Kurosagi
Leo knows different hair styles, but doesn't know how to execute it. He knows what's trending and what looks good on a person. Little bastard wouldn't give the advice until you mess up though.
Shohei 'Sho' Haizono
He wouldn't know until he get comfortable with your hair and he'll pick up on it after awhile. The type to learn quickly. Alternatively, he does Leo's hair when Leo makes him do it, and he always does a good job. Very gentle.
He also strikes me as Leo's unwilling makeup artist and lighting/photoshoot assistant so you know that he has some sort of experience.
Haru Sagara
He's the best person to ask if you want someone to brush your hair nicely (and quickly), since he's the one who grooms all the animals at Jabberwock. Can't do much else to your hair - maybe add a bow? Would still somehow injure himself in the process though.
Towa Otonashi
Surprisingly good at hair. Would probably also put flowers in it too while he's doing it. Sunny sunny day the entire time....may or may not eat the flowers while it's in your hair. He knows One (1) style and proceeds to make everyone he can get his hands on look like a fairy princess. There's no choice.
Ren Shiranami
Doesn't know. Doesn't WANT to know. Frankly, he is offended you asked him. He hasn't touched a comb in ages, his hair is short enough and it'll get messed up again anyway.
If anything, you would be combing his hair. But be warned, he will loudly complain whenever you get the comb caught on a tangle.
Taiga Hoshibami
Taiga….Nope. He will pull and tug on your hair. Forget anything about braiding or any hair styles, he'll fuck up your hair worse than you ever could. Taiga would rip your hair out or else cut the tangles out with scissors if you ever asked.
Romeo Lucci
He had strong opinions about your hair (and the rest of your look) from the start, so if you let him he'll give you a full makeover.
he'll know what your face shape needs and wash & style your hair nicely, then complain that your skin is crap and give you a facial and apply your makeup, then put you in a better outfit so that your shitty clothes don't ruin his hard work. Then make you work the casino floor because his services don't come for free and no he won't pay you. Do you have any idea how much the perfume you're wearing costs?
Ritsu Shinjo
Doesn't know. Could learn. Will he though? Probably not, it's nothing he needs to be a lawyer. If you insist, then he proceeds to over-gel your hair while you die inside. Later, he'll genuinely ask why you haven't asked him a second time.
Subaru Kagami
Subaru would say he doesn’t know anything about hair but if you insist then maybe he'll just brush it out for you, but secretly he probably knows all of the theatre hairstyles for kabuki. He prefers leaving your hair loose though.
Haku Kusanagi
He can, and is ridiculously smooth at it too. No head pain, can tell if you've got a sensitive scalp, knows all of the staple styles - ponytail, bun, braid. It's strangely therapeutic to get your hair done by him, like spending time with a big sibling.
Zenji Kotodama
Zenji would make some rendition of maiko and geisha hairstyles but with his own spin on it, but it will take hours and your scalp will be screaming at you and he won't shut up all through the process. He would spout off poetry while at it. Might sing too. If you don't like his voice, too bad he's doing it every time he does your hair if he gets the chance.
Yuri Isami
He insists that he, a genius doctor, is adept at everything that requires dexterity, but he refuses to spend his incredibly precious time braiding your hair. Suggest he's not actually that good, and he'll change tune. He'll sit you down and plait your hair with perfect surgical precision (ha), then demand endless praise and fawning.
Jiro Kirisaki
Doesn’t know. Probably hasn't used a comb before. He could learn, but that's so much effort. Thinks it'd be easier for both of you if you just cut it all off.
Rui Mizuki
Rui won't touch your hair, because he's worried about his curse, but he'd notice right away when you change your hair. He'll happily compliment it, and might suggest hairstyles he'd love to see you wear in the future.
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alipeeps · 4 months ago
Hah!! I knew it!! (I'm onto your storytelling tricks now GJM!!)
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Yeeeah you coulda acted a little quicker though Zhuo Yichen... like before Pei Sijing got thrown into a pillar... (although on second thoughts, no, fuck her traitorous ass, as you were Zhuo Yichen, you're good....)
Oh god, the angst of it all...
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If he were to die, the burden would just be passed to someone else. He would be condemning someone else to the pain and self-loathing that he feels.
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Oh dang, the bottle he drinks from all the time is a liquid that helps suppress malicious energy!! He's literally dosing himself all day every day to try and stay in control!!
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Shit, he is visibly shaking with effort, struggle to keep even a smidgen of control, and begging Ying Zhao to kill him before it's too late
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Wait, what's grandpa gonna do? Why's he telling Ying Lei goodbye?!!
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Did he... did he just fucking sacrifice himself to help suppress Zhu Yan?! Did he put his... spirit?... into Zhu Yan to help suppress the malicious qi?
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That might save everyone's lives but jfc that is NOT going to help Zhu Yan's guilt/self-loathing problem!!
Oh GOD the usually carefree and silly Ying Lei outright SOBBING over his grandpa is fucking killing me!
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Good god, his FACE. He looks happy at first... I guess that the blood moon is over and he is in control? But then he looks up and sees... sees the aftermath... of what HE has done...
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My poor fucking boy. He is so tormented. 😭
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He is indeed grandpa
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So they've got a month where the malicious qi won't affect him...
I'm still not sure I understand what it is he's done to himself to get those scars? Was he being literal about lightning strikes? And secluding himself *after* the blood moon... why? To let the malicious qi levels lessen?
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God the visuals of this show!!
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Sure ya do buddy.
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Why are you no match for Li Lun? I thought you were badass demon? Oooh wait up though... the subs on iQiyi said "I'm no match for Li Lun"... but the subs on the my downloaded file say "I can't kill Li Lun". Which is it? Because one is can't as in not able to... and the other might mean can't as in can't bring myself to...
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Oh wait what? It can?
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Oh god Ying Lei's grief has me genuinely crying.
No she hasn't, they're having to take turns at the scenic moping spot and Zhu Yan had it most of the night...
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Yeah you DESERVE to be hated girl cos Zhu Yan didn't have a choice... you did. He was literally being controlled by malicious energy. Regardless of what Chongwu camp used to get you to spy for them, you made the choice to.
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WHO? Who should have almost completed his great mission by now? Cos that did not sound like you were talking about Zhao Yunzhou there...
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I STG if you fuckers pull the rug out from under me by making Xiao Bai be a fucking spy too I will cut a bitch...
Aaaaand the next scene jumps straight to Xiao Bai. Don't you do it. Don't you fucking dare!!
Oooh they've somehow all magically got furry winter clothes now...
Oh dang, my boy's had a mountain god makeover.
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Awww he's leaving the gang to stay there?
Oh god damn don't give the magic travel device to the fucking spy. She'll land you all straight into the middle of Chongwu camp instead of where you want to go...
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Yeeeeeaaaah that ain't all it means mate... 😂
They're all having protracted heartfelt goodbyes... and where is my poor Zhu Yan?
Group hug!! For everybody except the Great Demon Zhu Yan... 😭
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Ugh that was an emotional rollercoaster and I am exhausted.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year ago
He your son your idiot (2)
loak x mom reader + sully family and others
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The marriage and promise that you held so dear, had been broken when your spouses started picking favorites that affected the family. Soon your son had been sent away from home and everything he knew, as your husband and wife, wouldn't hear him out and sent their so-called problem away. Nothing after that day was the same for the once close sully family.
y/n " where could he be did he get on the plane or maybe his plane was delayed or canceled" once again you are at the airport as you are waiting for your son flight, loa'k had come home for vacation and you are so happy.
Announcer " flight 2347 has arrived and will be docking at gate 30" a smile had grown on your face as that is lo'ak flight.
y/n " oh thank you great mother" you are waiting as all the passengers from many planes were, walking towards the waiting area.
????? " mama"
y/n " lo'ak" you soon saw your son as he made his way towards you, soon hugging you once she reached you.
y/n " oh my baby boy you have changed so much"
lo'ak " mama I'm still the same since our last facetime call yesterday and our meeting two months ago"
y/n " I know but look at your hair it changed since the last time I saw you"
lo'ak " well my friends said I could use a makeover"
y/n " well I love it now it see it more in person verse on phone"
lo'ak " thanks I have so many things to tell you mama and some documents the School wishes for you to look over and sign"
y/n " well we can do that when we get home now come on lets get you home" lo'ak had nodded his head as the mother and son soon left the airport and went to the parking lot, putting lo'ak suitcase once they got them into the car. Soon the pair were heading home while talking and listening to music.
lo'ak " so mama how is everything going on between you and them"
y/n " well it been okay since I moved out of the house and brought my own place, that not that far from them for your siblings to come see me"
lo'ak " that good to know grandpa has his own opinion on Jake and neytiri right now"
y/n " yes I had that phone call with him he offer to pay for a divcore lawyer and for me to come move there as well"
lo'ak " oh really"
y/n " yes after he had been told the whole story he not the biggest fan of Jake and neytiri, I don't think he even likes them anymore"
lo'ak " well we all have our own opinions on them"
y/n " what are your opinions"
lo'ak " I'm going to be civil towards but I might not like them that much, as they basically sent me away without asking you oh yes they didn't come see me as well"
y/n " yes I tried getting them to come in hopes of making everything better but no it failed"
lo'ak " what about my siblings and their friends"
y/n " I tried getting them to talk with you but Jake and neytiri got made at me, leading to another fight and then there ronal and tonowari who might not like me ... tsu'tey and norm might not see me in good light right now"
y/n " when I went to see you I asked them if they wish to come, I think they might of wish to come but Jake and neytiri said no and schooling and other stuff"
lo'ak " that okay don't you work at the same lab as norm"
y/n " oh well last week I got a promotion so I work on different lab"
lo'ak " that wonderful mama"
y/n " thank you so what about you and reya"
lo'ak " she stopped talking with me I don't know if she made that choice or her moms did, but I will respect her wishes if she doesn't wish to see or speak to me I will repost that same with everyone else"
y/n " well that very mature of you that good has been doing well and so has our family"
lo'ak " thank you for the care packages I love the keychain tuk made me along with frames, pencil holders and the stuff grandma sent me as well was good and remind me of home"
y/n " oh yes tuk spent a good amount of time working on them for you, and your grandma want to make sure you were love and miss... her and neytiri are not on the best of terms right now"
lo'ak " well it good to know I have some people here in my corner" after some driving the car had reached the home lo'ak smile while see the house, he had rather stay here with you verse going to the other house.
y/n " well what are you waiting for go see your new room in person, I made some changes you might like" lo'ak soon race into the home and went to see his room.
lo'ak " it amazing mama I love it"
y/n " I know you will" lo'ak had taken his suitcase upstairs he was so happy to be home, as he spent most of his breaks or vacations where his boarding school was located.
y/n " so you are dating anyone"
lo'ak " nope there are some girls that seem to have a crush on me, but I haven't ask if It true yet"
y/n " oh"
lo'ak " here let me show you some of my awards and metals I got at school"
y/n " oh yes I will love to see them" lo'ak soon raced upstairs and brought down a bag and folder, he soon started showing you all his awards and metals.
y/n " wow my boy you have done a amazing job look at all these awards you got for best student and honor roll"
lo'ak " yeah I had some teachers that saw what I can do and helped me"
y/n " I knew you were meant to do great stuff"
lo'ak " thanks mama I even won some trophies with my team, I have been doing a great job there mama and made new friends and have a image there good and health"
y/n " well I'm happy you are happy my love" lo'ak smile as your hugged him he had changed greatly over this time, and now became his own person. The moment had ended when the door bell rang getting the mother and son attention.
y/n " well that is Jake calling right now"
phone call convention
Jake " hey"
y/n " hey"
Jake " I came here to see if lo'ak had gotten in or is he coming in later maybe we can go get him together as a family as it been so long since I last saw him... we can go get everyone else at the house and go pick him up and maybe get dinner"
y/n " well that nice of you Jake I have dealt with lo'ak pick up already no need to worry"
Jake " good I have some news that you can share with him or me our family is going on a trip along with tonowari and ronal their children, there will also be norm and tsutey with spider as well"
Jake " this trip will be good for everyone and hey something amazing might happen"
y/n " yeah well I will give the kids a call tell neytiri I say hello"
Jake " oh sure I will text you when we will leave"
y/n " thank you bye Jake"
Jake " bye"
end of phone call
lo'ak " mama you have more will power then I will ever have in my life"
y/n " it something you learn my boy"
Day of departure of trip
lo'ak " let hope this trip goes well"
y/n " yes lets hope because I can't stand a week or longer with grown adults acting like children"
lo'ak " well I finally get to see everyone else again after being away for so long"
y/n " yeah there the bright side"
lo'ak " how are you going to deal with Jake and neytiri"
y/n " like a mature adult act civil towards them and not lose my cool in front of you and your siblings, as we don't need anymore stress on this family"
lo'ak " that good grandfather said a divorce will be better but that him"
y/n " yes that your grandfather now come on and no divorce talk near tuk, she still has hope everything will be okay"
lo'ak " understand"
y/n " good now come on get in the car we have to meet at the house with everyone else" lo'ak had nodded his head and soon got his stuff in the car that will be his suitcase, and backpack with stuff to keep him entertained during the drive and trip.
lo'ak " well the house looks good with some changes ... oh there is everyone else" lo'ak was looking at his siblings and their friends as they were standing outside, and the adults were not that far away.
y/n " you can do this you come from a family of mighty and powerful people, you will not let others drag you down anymore show them what you have become"
lo'ak " yes mama" you had soon got out of the car as the teens and tuk looked towards you.
tuk " mama you are here"
y/n " hey baby girl I will not miss a trip with all my wonderful children"
neteyam " hey mama you are here cool now the trip can start"
y/n " yes and I have a feeling this trip will be eventful"
kiri " hey mama who that in the car"
y/n " oh yes give him a moment he will out soon"
the kids " him" soon the passenger side car door had open and out step lo'ak he soon made his way towards the others.
y/n " present the new lo'ak"
lo'ak " hello everyone no hugs" the boy had removed his sunglass showing his face, he had changed so much it took everyone a long time to respond.
tuk " lo'ak" tuk soon ran and hugged her brother happy to see him.
lo'ak " hey tuk tuk it good to see you"
spider " dam bro you had a major transformation what happened"
lo'ak " my school it changed me"
neteyam " hey baby bro it good to have you wait are you coming on the trip with us"
tsireya " that will be amazing we have so much to tell you and maybe you have stoires to share as well"
lo'ak " yeah I'm coming"
kiri " sweet that cool to have you back with us as the previous trips without haven't been fun"
rotxo " yeah kiri right when did you get back"
lo'ak " two days ago"
neteyam " wait why didn't you tell us mama"
y/n " relax kids you brother had some things that need to be done, so we were not able to come by at the moment"
neteyam " oh well it good to have you here now"
Jake " y/n you are finally here is lo'ak in town or do we ned to make a stop at the airport ... lo'ak"
lo'ak " hey sir"
neytiri " lo'ak is that you"
lo'ak " yes it me ma'am good to see you two again" soon tonowari and ronal had come along with tsutey and norm all four adults looked shocked.
norm " wow lo'ak I didn't think school will change you that much"
lo'ak " a new look was asked about and given"
tsu'tey " well it good to have you back as all the kids missed you"
lo'ak " oh did they well it good to be back"
tonowari " hello young man"
lo'ak " tonowari sir it good to see you and your wife again, and you don't have to worry I will not be causing any drama or trouble for you family or anyone else I have changed for the better ... the school and programs helped me"
ronal " oh that good to know"
Jake " well you can park you car in the driveway and we can get you and lo'ak stuff in the car and leave"
y/n " thank you for the offer Jake but I and lo'ak will be traveling in my car giving everyone much need space on the family car, as it seems it already busy in there"
Jake " oh we can switch some stuff around"
y/n " no it will be okay don't worry yourself it will be fine"
Jake " yes you are right"
aonung " that mean we will not have the time to caught up with lo'ak"
lo'ak " we can text or call during the car ride or wait until we reach our vacation spot"
neteyam " sure"
tuk " mama can I ride with you and lo'ak it will be fun"
neytiri " tuk we already got you car seat in there"
tuk " but mommy I haven't seen lo'ak I so long"
y/n " let me a deal if you go with your mom and dad there I will have desert with you tonight"
tuk " really"
y/n " yes really and I will pay my treat for all you kids"
tuk " okay mama I will be good"
neteyam " I will make sure she behave mama and hey lo'ak I started a new group chat with us all"
lo'ak " cool"
tonowari " well come on everyone lets get going we should be hitting the road" everyone soon got into their cars that were already set up, soon the everyone started heading on the road. The mother and son looked at each other knowing this was going to be a long trip, and very long vacation. The vacation might be good and bad for everyone when it comes to defending everyone relationships
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leatherface-kisser · 1 year ago
Can I request headcanons for Drayton, nubbins, chop top, and Bubba with a little sister around 7 years old. I like to imagine she's the exact opposite of them and is very sweet and innocent
Absolutely! Thank you for your request! These were so precious to think about. I did go a little dark in the very end, but there's nothing graphic, it's only implied. Hope that's okay!
Warnings : Murder and Cannibalism (implied)
🧸The Sawyers with a young sister🌷
Now let me make something clear beforehand… good luck trying to stay 100% innocent as a child while growing up with the Sawyers. The house is FILLED TO THE BRIM with bones and other human parts. Leatherface is wearing masks made out of human faces. I mean, there are literal murders taking place within the house! And the cannibalism obviously! I’m not saying it would be impossible for a kid to be innocent and sweet in this family, don’t get me wrong. However, I think the innocence would be more so because the child is oblivious to the fact that all of this isn’t normal.
With that being said! With such a young little sister around, the older Sawyer brothers would be viciously protective of her. You know how big brothers get with their baby sisters. No intruder could even manage to get close to the property without rapidly being dealt with. They’re more territorial than ever. No one will ever hurt their little sister. If it happens, it will be over their dead, cold body.
With Drayton at the gas station and the twins wandering around god knows where most of the time, the little girl spends most of her days with Bubba and Grandpa. Grandpa, as much as she loves him, isn’t exactly the most fun to hang out with though… So she and Bubba are the closest and get along very well. Bubba is a bit relieved not to be the baby of the family anymore and he feels a bit more capable and confident due to taking care of her during the day. When he’s not busy with chores, he plays with her. They’re often playing pretend with tea parties, playing dress up… and Bubba is genuinely having a blast each time.
Imagine Bubba letting his little sister do his masks' hair, with little ribbons everywhere and everything. Picture his pretty woman mask with ponytails or braids decorated with flowers, adorable. He sits on the ground and patiently lets her have fun, he himself is enjoying the little makeovers for sure. He only intervenes when she’s being too rough on the mask or when she needs help.
There’s also lots of Tag you’re it and Hide and Seek. Can you imagine how cute that would be? There’s this giant who's poorly hidden in a corner of the house or behind a tree, oblivious to the fact his round belly is sticking out of the hiding spot. And his baby sister creeps closer and closer until she jumps out at him with a loud “BOO!”. Bubba jumps with a startled yelp, causing the little girl to giggle with glee.
The two of them are very close and it’s honestly super sweet. I have a feeling Bubba would get along well with children. They share pinky promises, little secrets and such together. Bubba often carries his sister around like a bag of potatoes much to her absolute joy and delight. She loves nothing more than when her strong brother lifts her off the ground with no effort. Leatherface might be terrifying to others, but to his sister, he’s the strongest, kindest, safest person around!
Everyone is very, very fond of their sweet sister. And Grandpa also appreciates his granddaughter of course. Sometimes, she settles near him and rambles on and on about various things. You know that thing kids do, talking about mostly nonsensical things. Grandpa isn’t completely there, but he seems to enjoy her presence. The girl also probably likes to “gossip” with grandpa, like how Drayton says a lot of bad words, how Chop Top kinda stinks sometimes and how Nubbins blew raspberries at her the other day (How rude!). She does this mostly because Grandpa never scolds her for gossiping. He never really answers, but she still loves him.
The girl will be wearing her brothers’ old clothes from when they were children. Almost all of them are patched up, some of them are a little baggy, but they do the job just fine! She may have one cute dress to wear for special occasions, but otherwise, she wears the clothes that have been passed onto her. 
Sometimes, when a specific piece of clothing reminds him of something, Drayton often rambles to her about an anecdote from when he raised his little brothers. “Oh I remember patching up that one! Nubbins got stuck in that tree over there, it took an hour to get him down! The shirt got all messed up… Fucken nitwit… At least yer sweet hm? You don’t get into trouble like that. Yer a good girl.” *head pats*
Oh yeah, Drayton swears a LOT. He would attempt to watch his mouth around his impressionable sister, but he quite often slips up. Bad habit he inherited from Grandpa. Chop Top also swears like a sailor, but doesn’t even attempt to limit himself. He would probably even go as far as to teach his sister bad words just to piss Drayton off. Nubbins only swears occasionally, his language is surprisingly clean compared to the other two.
Speaking of Nubbins, he makes a ton of little toys and trinkets for his little sister! They’re pretty… Morbid. But still! They’re made with care and love, that’s what matters, and the kid most probably loves them. I can imagine Nubbins crafting dolls out of taxidermied small animals, and plenty of other stuff. His artistic tendencies and imagination comes in very handy! He takes so many pictures of her also. Just... so many. This kid has seen the flash of the camera hundreds of times by now.
Chop Top listens to music with her. He's that cool brother who visited the world and has a ton of stories to tell about his time in Nam Land. And he knows a lot of songs! So smart! The young girl listens to him talk with music in the background. She's having a bit of a hard time keeping up with the narration, but it sounds very interesting and cool nonetheless!
Bubba also makes stuff for his little sister! He knows how to sew quite well and will spend a lot of time adjusting his sister’s clothes so that they fit her a little better. He might also use scraps of clothing from previous victims to patch them up, or even decorate them! The sawing looks rough, but it’s sturdy.
Bubba gave the little girl his old Teddy Bear one night when she came into his bedroom after she had a nightmare. Big bro Bubba is very strong, he can protect her from any mean intruder! In an attempt to comfort her, he dug into his closet and retrieved the dusty plushie from the back. Teddy could protect her! He had protected Bubba from nightmares just fine when he was her age! Now that he doesn’t need Teddy anymore, she can have it. A pretty bow was added on the bear later on. She carries the thing everywhere with her. Teddy has his own spot at the dinner table.
Almost all of her toys are either passed onto her, or were crafted by one of the brothers. Brand new toys are a rarity and only reserved for special occasions, the Sawyers can’t afford much when it comes to these things. No worries though, the toys already available to her should be plenty enough! I imagine the kid would have a blast playing in the bone room. You know, the one where Pam stumbles upon in the movie. Picture this kid playing with different skulls, making them talk and playing out little adventures, or her just having fun with the feathers on the ground. Heck, just going outside is the best activity ever for the girl! There’s a big property to explore, flowers to pick up, bugs to capture and chickens to pet!
However, it’s always a bit scary for her when there’s intruders or victims around. There’s a lot of screaming and chaos, and Bubba looks very scared too. The girl is a bit frightened each time, but she feels reassured when her big brothers laugh in these moments. They’re laughing, so everything’s okay right? Plus, the screaming always eventually stops, they’re all strong enough to protect her, especially Bubba. Also, when there’s a guest, that means the fridge is getting restocked, which means more food on the table! So it’s okay. The girl does not know any better, this is just life to her. Family is good, family is safe, family is everything.
Thank you for reading! 🌼🧡
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p0chy · 1 year ago
~One Piece characters tiktok user HCs~
Part 2 !
Characters included : Brook, Yorki, Rosinante, Marco, Yamato, Robin, Luffy, Hiyori, Iceburg, Buggy, Mihawk, Ivankov, Pudding, Whitebeard
He'll do videos with Yorki most of the time, the content will vary between scary exploration, dad jokes and ofc music
He'll shows his own creation and make live asking people what they'd like him to play
Sometimes will do fashion videos because people keeps asking to see more outfits (grandpa is swag)
He has been suspended once because he kept duetting girls videos asking to see their panties
Rarely post alone videos, always with Brook
He also makes music but he's also willing to get an outfit makeover from Brook
Will never answer the "are they together??" comments because he enjoys the chaos
Will duet cool musicians and add something to create the best music ever
Kind of a dad will tell stories, also make bad jokes, usually a go to page when you're sad
When he tries to make serious video everything goes wrong and he end up catching fire almost all the time
Had to ask Law why some people call him babygirl
His fyp is mostly cute things, he cries in front of cute kitten videos
Doesn't post often but when he does he breaks the internet (too hot)
He has medical videos and animals videos on his page
But contrary to Law his videos aren't traumatizing and everyone loves to learn with him
He likes to just watch his friends videos, seeing them happy make his day
An Oden dedicated account
He'll do everything, edits, drawings (he tries), cosplay, dance everything if it's Oden related
Will be a guest in Ace videos sometimes (for more chaos)
His most viral video is not about Oden and it's making him very sad (he tries his extra best to change it)
The historian tiktok, you learn so much thanks to her
Will also tells you about the most gruesome cold cases she knows about with a smile on her face
Her fyp is book recommendations and cute little animals
She's also a guest on Franky's page a lot, he keeps building her cool stuff
Use of sounds you never heard on this app, loud and shakey camera as well
Exploration and bugs tiktoks, can't focus on a thing for more than 2 seconds but will spend 10 minutes describing his new beetle
Doesn't even understand the app but people follow him because he's funny
Pretty girl influencer account
Makes music and fashion content, overall not problematic
She has some male fans accusing her of taking their money without anything in exchange and she's unapologetic about it
She has a secret channel for girls to give advices on how to find and take the most money out of a sugar daddy
Was supposed to be the face of the Water 7 official account to show all the good things in the city
The account is almost dead
The rare posts starts normally with his secretary making a speech about the workers but Iceburg ends up making a vlog of Tyrannosaurus
Often repost miniature accounts especially with tiny rodents in them, with the official account
Started as an hater account, but people never took him seriously
Ended up trying to make himself look cool, failed miserably as his lies has great consequences on his life (rip)
Pathetic boyfail, doesn't know if he should be happy or offended when his fangirls insult him while saying how much they love him
Attempts thirst traps, get interrupted by Alvida who gets all the attention in the comments
Didn't want to make an account, his (undesired) kids made one for him
Ended up spending a lot of time on it when he saw he could find useful advices and recommendations from interesting accounts
Started posting a bit without showing himself showing his favorite wines and his plant garden
Shanks recognized him anyway and he deleted his account after seeing a comment from him
Drag queen account
Post shows, makeup, drama and always manage to have feat with the baddest bitches
No one ever dare to criticize the queen, they fear what happened to those who tried
Virtually adopts every misfits and made a discord for them, hops in from time to time to remind them to hate the government and slay all day
Made videos about baking and cute family moments
She was very liked as an unproblematic and caring girl
Until a video of her being awful and mean was posted and her downfall was almost immediate
Posted an apology video with tears but people still don't trust her
Another dad account
Badly filmed video of his children, always trying to show them off
Will engage in dads fight to prove that his children are the best
Reposts all of their videos even the questionable ones to their dismay
Anyway you liked these ones! I didn't have the inspiration for a while and was super busy after, but really wanted to take the time to do it today! The hype is probably gone with all the wait but if you want a part 3 with more characters let me know, I'll try to make it in less than a year 🧍🧍🧍
Well this aside, take care of yourselves, happy holidays and best wishes for 2024, hope your year is full of Killer 😌
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sonicasura · 3 months ago
I officially can not unsee the adorable scene of zero just letting ben happily braiding away with zeros hair
How would Ben's friends, family, and alies react if and or when they meet the s class maverick hunters
Oh and do you think it's possible that ben ends up with finding and repairing treble, rush, tango, and beat, and the four support pet units ending up as tension pets, treble and rush staying with ben, and tango and beat going/ being given to gwen
Do you think that dog day and cat nap would join the plumbers in an attempt at repaying ben, Gwen, and grampa max for saving them, that and considering the state the mini smiling criters are in when the player comes across them, you thing ben and Gwen would try to repair any damage sustained?
And when the tension crew fix whatever the gent corporation did, can't help but think that bendy end's up getting adopted by Ben's parents and ben ending up with a cut ink tail, that and bendy and ben looking like twins
Gwen and Grandpa Max would be surprised to hear what Ben has been up to. However they are glad the Maverick Hunters was able to keep him safe. His disappearance seriously worried them a lot.
I can see Ben finding the offline robot supports while on a mission with X. He takes them back and repairs the four. (Upgrade being a huge help in this endeavor to fix the more fragile circuitry.) The four don't remember much about their pasts. Only the impression that they did something very important and were greatly loved.
I can see a good chunk of Bigger Bodies joining the plumbers. Most have done things they still regret to this day. It's best to take the chance offered and turn their lives around. Also both Mini Critters repaired with permission. Especially if the small Catnap and Dogday want a little makeover.
Bendy absolutely isn't staying with GENT that's for sure. I can just see Grandpa Max having to explain everything to his son and his son's wife about what happened over the summer vacation trip. Also the Grounded episode from Alien Force but Bendy is also grounded alongside Ben.
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spiritsofprogress · 2 years ago
Here’s how Figment can still win | updating the attraction
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I envy those who got to experience the ride in its original form with dream finder and all, I really do. I remember being a kid In the early 2000s and my grandpa was excited to take us on it as it was his favorite ride, only to find it completely different. However, what you might not expect me to say is that I don’t think the current iteration of journey into imagination is bad! Do I think it lives up to the original? No, but Dr.Channing is decent and the concept is quite cute.
The problem is this iteration is a clear patch job done nearly 20 years ago and they’ve let it sit ever since. This sucks. Especially considering Disney and Epcot clearly realize how much pull Figment has as a character, people adore this purple dragon years after his debut (remember the popcorn bucket?). They’ll slap him on anything and everything for festivals… but his ride? Actual non festival attraction related merch? You get a shirt or two if you’re lucky! When I went recently there was a single shelf reserved for figment related items. A single shelf in a decently sized gift shop that was mainly filled with the same Toy Story summer line they overestimated in popularity. (I’ve never seen anyone buy or have something from this line). The state it’s in is sad, especially considering Disney pulls on figments popularity! He’s getting a meet and greet again so can we finally update the attraction! … I’ve also heard rumor of the rainbow tunnel returning….
My solutions-
As much as I wish it could, I don’t know if we’ll get the dream finder version of the ride back, but here’s my idea on how to update the ride with the storyline we do have. It’s a cute concept but they’re not doing it to the best it can be.
1. Make it longer! To say they shortened journey into imagination is a understatement, I have no idea what they’re using half of the building for. Make it longer- maybe do go into the smell and taste labs. Make some more elaborate scenes- show that chaos figment has brought to the institue! One of the best gags is in the queue and the poor secretary of Dr.Channing answering the phone every few seconds - give me that energy! Give me… imagination running wild! That’s literally the storyline with figment but he feels so… constrained? Lack of space as it’s so short.
2. 2D figment. I beg of you. I know when the ride was redone 3D animation was new and all the rage but… I’m sorry 3D figment is terrifying and super dated. Soft, cuddly and cute 2D figment is timeless. It wouldn’t be that hard to go over the same scenes just with a drawn model instead, this is a quick fix to Rodger rabbit it.
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3. More characters. I’m not even asking for animatronics but you need to give us something more. Again, that secretary is just a gag but its such a good show of story we don’t get on the actual attraction. A fun idea you could do is have “Dean Finder” come out and be the only one to be able to calm figment down/understand him? Sort of nod to the OG besides just a door THEN they open Channings mind to imagination as something to be free. This equally lengthens the attraction.
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4. It just makes me sad as they have a really good concept here and ERIC FLIPPING IDLE but don’t utilize such a great comedic actor to the potential I know they could have. Another thing I’d request is the return of a good imageworks that’s not 99% photo opportunities with random characters not seen anywhere else. Additionally if you don’t want to make a lot of merch for the ride that’s fine… make the gift shop smaller, which shouldn’t be a issue if you make the ride longer again.
It’s fascinating to me that Disney consistently lets such a beloved attraction down despite using it for merch and festivals. It’s also fascinating that despite getting a whole makeover the park is leaning into a retro futurism feel and a “Epcot center” vibe (this is a good thing). But again ignores this ride- It’d be costly, sure, what isn’t, but I think it’d be worth giving just a bit of attention.
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knightofwounds · 5 months ago
Damn, I like him. Although I prefer another type of problematic kiddos, not this "too fiery and impulsive in all spheres of life because of a broken psyche and defense mechanism" sort of. Maybe it's that I basically get attached to random pixel people I grabbed for makeovers because they interact with the main character or his environment, and then a story is born from traits and likes/dislikes.
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So now he is my dumb child, who have a name of someone's grandpa; who can swearing like an old sailor but also can explain for 10 minutes why the coffee machine in the cafe is disgusting ("Don't you see? Because it is in the 50s style, which is overrated, because of..."); who lives in the shittiest neighborhood of San Myshuno (where he actually got a scar on half his nose); and who believes that he ruined the life of his mother, who, due to an early pregnancy and conservative parents, was forced to marry and move to a ranch in the middle of nowhere instead of the brilliant perspective of an art critic. Basically, he endured some… pretty disgusting things from his father before he left home because of subconscious guilt.
He also has the misfortune of being in love with a dude who thinks Glenn is dangerous and therefore keeps him near "for authority" and is also a very deeply closeted bisexual who says homophobic crap and gives mixed signals at the same time.
Technically, Glenn and Gemma are similar in that they both would rather be in the arts, one painting, the other writing, or continuing to dance, but Gemma has to work hard not to be a disappointment to the family, and Glenn joins the school football team instead, just to have something in common with the team captain and a reason to spend time with his hopeless crush together. But the "bonus" is watching a bunch of his random girls. Good luck, Glens.
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simslegacy5083 · 2 years ago
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 24: Settling In
The Story of a Family Told in Web Comic Format
Now that he was a young adult Paul wasted no time packing up his things and making the move from Moonwood to Brindleton.
Peachy wanted his cousin to feel at home and to that end the household engaged Jasper to appear for another consultation. Space and simoleon limitations at The Collective had kept Paul from ever having a room truly fit to his unique style and tastes, a situation his Grandy was eager to correct.
In the end he couldn’t have been more thrilled with the finished product. The bookworm was especially taken with his cozy, plant filled, book nook.
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Next up was a mini makeover and working with Great Grandpa Chance to set up his own Mix & Mingle profile.
Paul had decided that unlike Peachy and August he very much wanted to find “the one”. He dreamed of romance and having a big happy family like the one he’d grown up in. He just wasn’t quite sure how to get “out there” while his arm was stuck in a cast.
Peachy was the deciding factor in his plans. Love Day was almost upon them and his bold cousin convinced the newly romantic sim to stop simply pining around the house and go take advantage of the holiday! They could visit the bar in Strangerville together, where Peachy was always welcome to put on a show and Paul’s cast would be symbol of his “Hometown Hero” sacrifices and help him woo ladies both sympathetic and grateful.
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In addition to the bedroom Jasper had built a small greenhouse in the backyard for his youngest grandson, with space and tools for flower arranging.
Where Tori, like Steven, had always most enjoyed the animals at the commune, her little brother’s love of plants and gardening mirrored his Uncle Ed’s. He hoped to grow his own flowers and learn to create floral arrangements that would start any date of on just the right note.
As he explored the skill, Paul contemplated finding a job at a local greenhouse. He decided to wait till his cast came off – there was no rush and waiting would give him the opportunity to establish his own little garden and build his skill a bit before he entered the professional world.
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Peachy was unsurprised to get an invite to the Magic Realm from Uncle Spencer shortly after Paul moved in. As he’d suspected, his uncle was less interested in their duel and much more interested in getting Peachy’s opinion on how things were going with his newly aged up baby boy.
Peachy assured him that Paul was settling in nicely and that he and Chance were looking out for him. Spencer had heard all about the new bedroom and greenhouse from Paul himself but was reassured to get third party confirmation that his sensitive son was in good hands and as happy as he claimed.
The pair also firmed up plans for the informal backyard BBQ Peachy had promised his party animal Elder as an alternative to the big birthday party Spencer had originally planned for Paul. They parted ways content with how well the youngest member of the clan was settling into his new life.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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evil-rip · 2 years ago
Hello!! Could you do headcannons for splinter being a granddad to one of his son's kid? Maybe a kid he had with the reader (leaving the turtle up to the imagination)
Thanks and have a great day! Love ur stuff btw :)
Thank you for requesting! I'm really happy to write more of good old Splints and that the last one post with him was so liked :3
⭐Grandpa Splinter!⭐
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Goes with totally different tactic to raise his grandchildren. After all he isn't the one who has to do everything and can just stick for the fun parts!
Enjoys babysitting. Takes little one for the walks, tells stories about clan, plays every game, sings lullabys.
He would totally watch japanese tv shows with his grandchild on his knees.
I think that the grandkids wold easily fall asleep when he hold them. The fur, would be probably pretty cozy.
Little Lou Jitsu costume! No... Everyone gets Lou Jitsu costume! Time for family photoshoot.
Will be telling his sons that they spoil the kid too much while he can't say no to this little face and big eyes.
So dramatic. He always worries that the little one will get hurt doing so simple, normal things, it's unbelievable. I just wonder why he didn't worry when he gave him nunchaks.
Splints is his the one who want to immortalize every minute of child's life by filming everything. On some films you can here him sobbing from happiness behind the camera. He gets very emotional sometimes.
When grandchild would be learning how to speak don't be surprised if his first word would be grandpa. Splinter is trying really hard to make this happen.
If we talk about talking... He love to listen to kiddo. Also he totally will tech him some wired word's to screw with his dad a little. He wouldn't mind talkive grandchild at all.
He calls his grandchild little one. If there would be more of them then would be probably, the biggest one, the smallest one, the tallest one etc. Just like with his sons.
Packs cute lunches to school. Splinter is really proud of it. He isn't good at it unfortunately. But Mikey does help him make it work. He changes things that rat burned, adding ingredients that he forgot, switching his poorly cut out shapes, being at the same time unnoticed by his dad. Pops is happy and kid has eatable meal.
He would be wonderful hair stylist. Braids, ponytails and much more isn't a challenge for him. Totally will let little one play with his hair and give him makeover. Well unless it won't end up with pulled out fur for him. If this happend once He would take to his heels whenever he sees his grandchild with comb in hand and probably hide behind Raphael.
Won't be letting kiddo win every game. Nope, this isn't his style. Even if he knows that his grandchild will be unreasonably mad, sad, noisy about it, like some kids are, he just won't lose any game on porpoise bc "He must learn how to lose". Well it will be like that untill his sons make him change that.
Gave little one plushies that look like every person in family. To symbolize that they are always with him even when they seem not to be.
When he has problem with grandkid first of all Splints calls to April for help. She worked with children, she should know what to do, right?
I hope that is what you wanted ☺️ have a good day sweeties ❤️
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elysianightsss · 3 years ago
Vampire!Techno x reader
Probably cause grandpa was a dick.
Warnings: 18+, swearing, future NSFW. It’s short but it’s setting the scene.
Reginald Davis. Your grandfather. A rich, strict, cold, old man who never told you that he loved you. Never even told you that he liked you. He died at one hundred and two years old, last week.
“Way to drag it out grandpa. Stubborn old man.” You grunt with a shake of your head while looking up at the huge manor. It surely was something out of a fairytale, old and parts of it covered in ivy. Brick and stone lacing every wall, if you didn’t know a better way to describe it. Honestly you’d say it looked haunted.
You climbed the stairs up to the porch like area that sat just under the main balcony. The entrance sure was grand, the pattern on the door almost looked like snake skin. The wood swirled from top and bottom to the middle right where the door handle is. Fancy.
You walked inside holding a box of your things, you couldn't help but gaze in adoration for such architecture. The entrance was equipped with a high ceiling and a set of stairs leading up to the second floor.
To the right there was a strip of windows that were in the living room to the side of the fireplace that sat smack bang in the middle. They had the perfect amount of light shining through for some ambience.
It had character you had to admit, the foundations, massive fireplace, some of the walls even had stone on the inside. It gave you The Georgian Era vibes, you could imagine dances being held here. The sheer whimsical music being played as people danced and clapped to the rhythm.
It echoed around you, the remains of what once was. You were told by your late parents that you’d only ever been here twice in your whole life. The first time was when you were born, they came straight to this house after your mother was released from the hospital.
The second time was your first birthday, they celebrated vigorously and everything was perfect until the day after. Your parents packed up everything in their life and whisked you away to a different part of the country.
To this day you never found out why, “Probably cause Grandpa was a dick.” You scoffed shutting the door behind you with your foot before dropping a box of your things on the floor.
It needed a good dusting for sure but so far so good. You wandered around the first floor simply getting familiar with your surroundings. Leaning against the kitchen door frame you examined what needed to be done to make it a suitable living space.
“Wow gramps did you just like not eat?” You cringed finding no evidence of a fridge, microwave or oven. The kitchen looked like it belonged in the 40s it was that old, it needed a serious makeover.
As your eyes flittered over the disgusting wallpaper choice you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching you. A shiver rolled down your spine, spreading throughout your body setting your nerve ends on fire.
You practically jumped out of your skin at the sound of your phone ringing, your thumb swiping to answer your best friend’s FaceTime call.
“Hey shithead. You good? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He laughed running his gel slick hands through his hair styling it.
“Yeah. Yeah no I’m fine. Where you off to?” You asked watching him get dolled up to go out as you ascended the stairs to the second floor.
“Meeting Jess for a bit then I thought I’d come help you unpack. How’s the house, find any murderers yet?” He grinned watching your annoyed facial expression grow on the screen just as you reach the top of the stairs.
“Shut the fuck up Dylan.” You shook your head pushing your grin aside as you pushed open the door to the first room. It was dusty and filled with books, you coughed a little fanning the air.
“You okay?” Dylan asked pulling out different outfits from his closet.
“Yeah, guess Grandpa never dusted his office.” You cringed leaving the room as quickly as you entered it and moving on to the next one. You kind of felt like Alice searching for the door to wonderland, and you knew you’d found it when you reached the master bedroom.
“Curiouser and curiouser.” You mimicked the character studying the room to find not a spec of dirt or dust.
“What?” Dylan chuckled at the quote. Watching you inspect every inch of the house had been entertaining to say the least add in your sharp quips and quotes, he was finding his interest piqued more and more by the second.
“Can’t believe you’re moving in there.” Dylan shook his head pulling on a black denim jacket.
“Yeah well when life gives you expensive lemons-” You looked at Dylan with a bored expression on your face before wandering over to desk. It was covered in papers, an organised mess. You picked up a worn leather book.
“What? You make expensive lemonade?” He grins.
“Okay I’m hanging up now. See you later.” You pressed the red button and continued flipping through the book at the desk finding nothing of value so like any curious overly nosey person you checked the desk drawers and found one to be locked. A smirk pulled at your lips, nice try grandpa.
You pulled out one of the bobby pins from your hair inserting it into the lock, within a matter of seconds you had it open. Hmm. Your fingers scrambling inside the drawer to find something of interest, all of the contents dumped on the desk.
“Nothing.” You sigh sitting down on the desk chair, as you leant back something caught your eye. “You sneaky old bastard.” Excitement jumped through you at the thought of finding something. You grabbed the letter opener you had spotted earlier and dug it into the side of the draw, the bottom popping up to reveal a hidden book inside.
“What else are you hiding?” You wondered your eyes glancing around the room with determination in your eyes.
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siriannatan · 2 years ago
Empires Modern Fantasy Chapter 2
For folks who like reading on Tumblr, I have decided to post all my updates separately... and suffer having to tag it all.
But still, here's an AO3 link for anyone who prefers that :}
And no, I did not mess up posting this. Not at all.
Not much changed since Scott moved in. A new room showed up to fit all his clothes and give him just his space but the demon handled it on his own. There were a lot more pillows and random shirts around the place. Jimmy had a bit more free time since fWhip interrupted him a lot less, and kept Scott from doing so. But there were times when fWhip could not keep their demon occupied with cuddle naps and kisses and biting. Even a vampire as old as he needed an occasional vampire nap. That means to lie in his coffin for about seven hours and be a corpse for a bit.
There were many reasons why vampires needed naps. It saved energy which meant he didn't have to feed as often. Not too necessary since Scott was more than eager to be bitten. Another thing - digestion, well, that's the term closest to what was happening. More precise was - cleaning out old blood from the system if one didn't use their powers too often and fWhip didn't really have much need for it as of recently. He would sometimes help Jimmy with errand monsters causing problems but that was rare. And the witch was more than capable of taking care of his problems on his own but occasional exercise was good for fWhip. And showing off for Jimmy was nice too.
fWhip had his naps about one a week so it happened a two times since Scott moved in. And so far every time fWhip woke up the demon was on a couch in fWhip's coffin's room. Waiting for him to get up, already having used all of Jimmy's patience and starving for fWhip's attention. So imagine fWhip's surprise when the third month he woke up to no demons sleeping or jumping him as soon as he woke up and opened his coffin. "Scott?" he asked looking about if maybe he was hiding somewhere. No demons in the room so he rolled his shoulders, fixed his ascot tossed his blazer over his shoulders and went looking. 
Not in the main bedroom keeping Jimmy from doing anything. Not the living room. Jimmy's library and lab and office. Interestingly Jimmy was nowhere to be found too so he was probably wherever Scott was. Could they have gone out together? There was no note to tell fWhip they did but they could have planned to be back before he woke up and something. Or it was a gig emergency, the no time for a note kind...
"Noooo, Jimmy you look good!" Scott's sudden shouting came from the demon's closet. So he dragged Jimmy into a makeover... With a sigh and ready for anything the vampire followed the voices of his boyfriends bickering about what hat made Jimmy look more like a witch.
He had to admit, wide-brimmed hats really made Jimmy more witchy... Or were it light blue skinny jeans and a long dark sweater with rolled-up sleeves? Whatever the reason he could not help but whistle at the sight. He could also be reacting to Scott's blood "fWhip..." Jimmy started but the storm that is Scott interrupted him.
"Tell him he looks pretty like this," the demon whined and shook the witch who only let out a suffering and love-filled sigh.
"I'm not saying I look bad, I just like..."
"Looking like you're older than me and fWhip combined?" Scott huffed and snatched the hat off. "Next outfit," he pouted and pushed Jimmy into the wardrobe.
"What's even going on here?" fWhip asked, taking one of the two comfy couches entirely for himself. Scott wasted no time getting into his lap. "And how did you even get him to agree to this?"
"Well, he said he'll have a big witch and wizard meeting later this week and I asked what he's planning to wear and he just pointed to his grandpa sweater and silly t-shirt. And as much as I love his silly shirts and grandpa sweaters, I will not have someone as cute as our Jimmy going to an important meeting looking like he's got bingo after it," Scott ranted but fWhip only half listened. He was always a bit peckish after a nap and Scott was a tasty snack in his lap. He was about to ask Scott if he was willing to be bitten now but Jimmy's grumbling and shuffling got the demon's whole attention away from fWhip and his fangs.
And rightfully so. If the last pair of jeans were tight and skinny then fWhip had no words for the current pair. And the chunky boots... And the damn leather jacket. No hat though. "No hat?" he pointed it out and shot Scott a wide, toothy grin when he got glared at. 
"No. I think sunglasses would be better but no pair I own would go with this jacket," Scott sighed as he fixed Jimmy's collar. The witch was making it difficult by looking at himself in a huge mirror and pulling unconvinced faces.
"I'm not sure, looks great though just... not really me?" he said taking a spin when Scott asked him to.
"I think I have a pair of sunglasses from like the 80s or 90s I think might go with this?" fWhip offered, thoroughly amused with the whole situation. He had the luck of Scott liking his button-ups, trenchcoats, blazers and dress pants with far too elegant for any situation boots in a very limited selection of dark colours and red. And maybe an occasional cane or umbrella if he had to go out. Very vampy, Scott summed it up when Jimmy asked his assessment. 
Scott was of course intrigued, as always, with fWhip's collection of things he used to adore and wear like every day in certain time periods. And so fWhip snapped his fingers and with a poof of dark smoke there was a leather glasses box in his hand and offered it to a delighted with his trick demon.
"Come on fWhip, there is no way I can pull off something you used to wear," Jimmy complained carefully watching Scott open the box and... freeze.
"fWhip... I am shocked," Scott shook his head and pulled out the box a pair of round, red glasses. Even Jimmy was a bit taken aback. 
"You know how it is, styles come and go and it would be a shame to not try some of this new stuff," fWhip shrugged casually. "Try them though, I think I used to wear a lot of leather coats around the time they are from, none of those survived, unfortunately," he grinned and offered Scott a sad shrug. It was a real shame those did not make it. But he did let his hair grow a lot since then - thank you vampire naps. 
"We can get you some new stuff," Scott offered and clapped once Jimmy finally put the glasses on. "Certainly more fWhip style and not a witch... I really want to see you in a leather coat now," he pouted at fWhip as JImmy gladly removed the glasses and leather jacket.
"I would hate to cut my hair after all the pain it was to grow out," fWhip chuckled but did put the glasses on when they were returned to him. "Still looking good on me," he grinned and pulled Scott away from Jimmy. "Any more cute looks for Jimmy?" he asked while gently nuzzling into the demon's neck.
"One more," Jimmy sighed in relief. "Scott told me to not look at it..."
"Put it on, put it on," Scott chanted in glee. "You hungry?" he asked when the witch shuffled away whining out weak protests. 
"A bit, it can wait until you're done playing with Jimmy though," fWhip hummed but the urge to just bite was quite strong. Not so strong he couldn't wait.
Jimmy let out a long heavy sigh. "Scott! WHY?" he called out while glaring at the frilly, full of ruffles and bows... dress. It was a cute dress don't take him wrong. Scott would look adorable in it but Jimmy... Jimmy's slight annoyance at the distant giggles of a certain demon melted into a smirk. Even if he knew Scott for a while there were things he didn't know. Hell, he was with fWhip for two years before he found out... 
So with a smirk, he put the dress on. It was really cute even with his long gangly limbs. And to his annoyance, the black and purple of it went well with the pale cod scales of his tail and fins when he let them out. He usually kept them away since they made blending in hard. And needed a lot of maintenance. With an annoyed sigh, he pulled on the platform boots from the first outfit he tried on, the bell sleeves were nice but would get into everything and he was not sure about shorts, the wide-brimmed hat that lured fWhip in and marched out.
"Well, this one might be the best solution to the tail but I'm not quite comfy showing this much leg," he hummed walking out and grinning at the wide-eyed stares he was met with. "Can I go back to my reading now?" he asked, making a small twirl. 
"No you don't," Scott protested, managing to make his brain work. "Since when are you part fish? fWhip?" 
"Legs..." the vampire muttered with a dumb smile. Jimmy could not help but giggle at that. He did rarely show much skin, even when sleeping - both fWhip and Scott were damn cold to share a bed with. Being an ice demon and a literal corpse. "Huh... um...ahem... Jimmy rarely just walks like that," he said, still smiling like an idiot.
"Yeah, it's a bit of a pain to maintain the scales," Jimmy admitted. "Anyway, fWhip's awake and I have some reading to do before the meeting so I'll be going to do that, I'll see you two later," Jimmy grinned. Snapped his fingers instantly changing into his everyday sweatpants, stretched out and too big for him without that t-shirt and 'grandpa sweater'. And, with tail and fins still out, whistling to himself pattered out to his office, he did not bother with shoes so bare feet on the hardwood floor were the only noise for a while.
"Well, he stayed longer than I thought anyway," Scott shrugged and turned to fWhip. "He only said he'll let me dress him up until you wake up. Our poor little witch, so busy with witch business," he sighed, returning to fWhip's lap. "Snack and cuddles?" he asked, exposing his collarbone far more than fWhip need him to. Not that he complained.
Scott did dress Jimmy for the magic council thingy meeting. And all three of them agreed that he did really well. A wide-brimmed black hat with a red ribbon - an absolute must Scott called it. A long, more akin to a dress button-up shirt to about Jimmy's mid-thighs. With another red accent in form of a belt cinching it in at a comfy level above the tail and many button's at his wrists - 'to give you some shape'. And the damned super tight jeans and just a pair of ankle boots. And a cross-body bag for all the things he needs. And of course, neither fWhip nor Scott would let him go anywhere without kisses, even if they were not worried about him waking up and almost instantly complaining about a headache...
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years ago
OTP Asks
Taking a page from @munstysmind here - all the odd numbers for Tyler and Esme!
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
They'll never come close to spending all their money as he has a very lucrative business, but Tyler spoils Esme constantly. He loves giving her thinks; it's his love language. And he feels she deserves the world, and he'd give her that if he could.
3. 3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Definitely Tyler walks around half nekkid. Fully nekkid (even outside) if the kids aren't around. He's not afraid to strip down out of dirty clothes or a wet suit and walk butt ass naked to the outdoor shower. Esme is always telling him to put clothes on, or at least a towel lol
5. 5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Esme is a horrible cook (but an amazing baker) and he bravely ate burnt and horrible meals for the first year of marriage. And then he just couldn't take it anymore lol
7.  Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
Tyler could never fit in anything or hers, so she's definitely always poaching something of his. Hoodies, t-shirts, dress shirts, grandpa sweaters (cardigans)
9. Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Tyler always likes to be the one that drives. Especially if its his truck their using or the vehicle they have that fits their entire family. Esme is a great co-pilot.
11.  If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
This scenario definitely doesn't fit either of them lol
13. 13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
15. Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Esme hates spiders. Especially the big Huntsman spiders. He's the spider and snake wrangler. And has been known to chase her outside with them.
17. Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
He's an only child and she doesn't talk to her siblings. Even if she did, one of them threaten Tyler? LOL. That would never happen.
19. How good would your OTP be at parenting?
They have seven children and are wonderful, attentive, loving parents
21. Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
Either of them would throw down for the other
23. Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Esme lol. Tyler would definitely bring a new puppy home. Despite the fact they have two dogs and tons of other animals lol
25. Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
Esme would be the competing, Tyler would do the cheering.
27. Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
Esme would definitely give him a facial, trim his beard, wash his hair. She had to take care of mostly every need of his when he was seriously injured on the job.
29. Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Tyler. He's the got the height advantage and can cover both of them :)
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athenasbloodyspear · 3 years ago
Don’t Make Me Beg Now Baby
Hello fellow Greta Van Freaks. This is my very first Greta fic! I hope you enjoy.
Note: This fic contains mature themes, discussions of past non-con (no members of GVF involved) and drug use. Minors DNI. 18+ only and please take care of yourselves. (See Ao3 for full tag list)
You can also read this fic on Ao3 if you prefer!
Jake Kiszka x Original Female Character
Picture this: The boys are in Northern Michigan to write the new album and they meet a wild young woman who works at a local record store who has a rough history with rock bands.
She doesn’t want to fall into the same traps she fell into before. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
The rest of them just want them to figure their shit out.
Note: While this fic is based on the members of Greta Van Fleet, I obviously do not know them personally (lol) and nearly 99% of this is a fever dream I decided to write down. Some tid bits are based on things said in interviews/photos/songs but please do not come for my neck if you dislike my portrayals as this is a STORY that I have entirely made up.
This will be a slow burn, overly dramatic, cliché fest of me missing my Mitten State and wishing more than anything I could move back home. Their music makes me homesick and for that I’ll never forgive them. ;)
Chapter Under the Cut
The tiny bell on the door to “The Edge” clanked as Jake pushed his way in, followed by Josh, Sam and Danny. The afternoon sun streamed through the slats in the windows at a harsh angle, illuminating the swirling dust. The boys all immediately took a deep breath. They all loved the smell of this place. A mix of dusty old vinyl's, incense and weed. 
The Edge was the shop owned by an old friend, Levi, who had been a longtime family friend of the Kiszka’s. The boys had made the near three hour drive to the shop whenever they had a spare weekend in their younger years. They bought Levi out of his guitar strings and drumsticks and always looked through the boxes of vinyl's hoping to find treasures. Levi sold an eclectic mix of music equipment, records, books, home goods and comically horrific coffee. 
The Edge is where they had each bought their very first instruments, had their first beers and even smoked their first joint. It was a special place for them. 
The old wood floors creaked with every step, the wood walls were covered with old articles from Rolling Stone, photos Levi had taken and autographs from the artists who had cycled through the place over the years. There were stacks upon stacks of vinyl's. Shelves of old autobiographies and music theory books. There were speakers stacked from floor to ceiling, and the whole right side of the store was jam packed with basses and guitars. The back corner had a few keyboards and a drum set, but plenty of catalogues to pick even more instruments from. There were cases of drumsticks and guitar picks and strings. The middle of the store had tables full of incense, candles and interesting home goods. There were tables where local artists sold jewelry, art pieces and furniture. It was full to the brim, most shelves rising way up to the ceiling. Most needed a ladder to reach the top. The basement had a sound studio with even more equipment set up to be used to record, or to test out. 
Levi had inherited the place from his father, who had built up quite a legendary roster of friends over his years. The shop was just off Front Street on the main drag of Traverse City. Levi’s father had made a name for himself as a great host to bands looking to escape to northern Michigan to hole up in cabins and write albums. Levi continued the tradition and took it a step further by buying the space next door and turning it into a club with live music on the weekends. 
If you were lucky, you could catch some super huge bands playing for only about 100 people in the dark side room of The Edge. 
“You bastards finally made it!” Levi called out as he came sauntering out of the back room. Levi looked the exact same as the last time the boys had seen him. Tanned skin from his days paddle boarding and hiking along the Lake Michigan shore, sandy blonde hair that was brighter in the summer, perpetual 5-o-clock shadow because he just couldn’t be bothered to shave, shell necklace around his neck, light wash jeans low on his hips with the same old cowboy boots he’d been wearing since the boys were 12. 
“Is that grey hair I see Levi?” Josh leaned forward with an exaggerated squint. Levi laughed, snagging Josh’s head to give him a noogie. 
“I may be older than you punks by a few years, but I’m not greying yet.” Levi released Josh from his headlock and gave him a shove. 
“I’d say 37 is more than a few years older than us, grandpa.” Sam snarked. 
“You’re makin me regret extending my hospitality, kid.” 
Jake felt himself relax fully for the first time in a really long time. It was just like old times. Exactly what the boys needed. 
“Welcome back dudes. I’m surprised I’m still cool enough for you Rockstar types.” Levi crossed his legs and leaned back against the front counter. 
“We’ll never be too cool for The Edge. This place will always be way cooler than we could ever be.” Danny piped up, walking forward to wrap Levi in a hug. 
“It’s been too long man.” Levi commented as he smacked Danny on the back. 
“We know.” Sam said “Way too fuckin long.” He hugged Levi next. Josh and Jake followed up with hugs next. The room was heavy with a tinge of melancholy. Old friends who had missed each other finally reunited. 
“Well, have you guys been to the house yet?” Levi stepped around the counter and started pouring four cups of the famous nasty coffee. 
“Yeah we dropped our bags off before we headed into town.” Danny spoke up. 
“Isn’t it sweet?” Levi asked enthusiastically. 
“It’s wicked man. Thanks so much for getting that set up for us.” Josh grinned as he snagged a cup off the counter. 
The house was a mid century modern cabin right on the east bay shore. It came equipped with a huge garage studio, front deck and a dock out into the bay. Levi had bought the house in foreclosure and along with help from a bunch of locals (in exchange for beer of course) they turned the house into a perfect getaway for any artists looking to come take a break up north. The place had five bedrooms and three bathrooms with a giant living room with overstuffed couches and velvet chairs. The walls were covered in art and the shelves were full to bursting with plants. It was a kaleidoscope of colors and textures,  with mix matched rugs and lamps. It was Levi’s pride and joy. 
“I’m so glad you guys like it.” Levi smiled even bigger as he passed coffees to the rest of the boys. “Once you’re a little more settled, feel free to send me a list of equipment you want me to set up downstairs and you can start coming in whenever to work. But also, I think you should probably take a week or two off first. You all look about two seconds away from collapsing.” 
“Yeah we’re pretty fuckin beat dude. But we’ll send you a list ASAP.” Jake said, taking a burning sip of the coffee. It singed his nerve endings and he couldn’t have been happier about it. 
Levi opened his mouth to speak again, when a voice filtered through the window to the loft above the store. 
“Yo Levi!” the person shouted “Can you please get off your fuckin ass and pick music to play? I know Wednesdays are your day to pick but if you take forever I’m just gonna put on whatever I want and you can suck it.”
All four boys' heads snapped up to the window to the loft, but whoever was up there couldn’t be seen. All they could see was that the loft had clearly gotten a makeover. What used to be an upper level where Levi stored surplus supplies now looked like it had a plush velvet couch, lava lamps and plants in it. 
“Alright alright! I’ll get on it.” Levi called back up, shaking his head and chuckling to himself as he walked toward the central sound system behind the counter to scroll through Spotify playlists. 
“Who the fuck is that and what have you done to the loft?” Josh asked, hopping up to sit on the counter. 
“That would be the very best thing that’s ever fallen into my lap. A.k.a my new store and venue manager Maven. She moved back to the area after living in Hollywood for a few years managing bands and she completely changed my life. We finally have consistent stock, a longstanding line up at the club and I have had the time to start photography again. Truly a godsend, if not occasionally a pain in my ass. She turned the loft into a breakroom of sorts.  There’s a couch and table up there now. She practically lives up there sometimes.” 
“Damn she must be some woman if she finally got you to get your shit together with that club.” Sammy piped up. 
“She’s hellfire, I’ll tell yah that.” Levi chuckled, finally hitting play on a playlist. The first bars of Surfin USA by the Beach Boys came on the surround system and matching groans came out of Jake downstairs and Maven upstairs. 
“Not this shit again!” Maven yells. Jake chuckled to himself. Hellfire indeed. 
“It’s my day to pick so suck it!” Levi called back before faux stage whispering to the boys “I mostly just play this to piss her off.”
Levi clapped his hands together once “Well boys, It’s close enough to five o'clock and I owe you a beer. Let’s head over to Little Fleet for some grub and beers and we can catch up.” 
Josh grimaced as he sucked down the last bit of his coffee before lobbing the empty cup into the trash at the end of the counter. “You still make shit coffee Levi.” 
“It’s the one thing I wouldn’t let Maven fix.” Levi said with a grin as all five men exited out the back door. 
The boys took a week to relax, as per Levi’s request. They spent the days hiking the shore, kayaking and drinking beer around the fire. It had been way too long since they’d done this. The release of The Battle at Garden’s Gate had been exhilarating and the fans' response had been everything they’d hoped for. People seemed to love the album and they were all so proud. But with press interviews and touring, they hadn’t gotten more than a day or two to relax at a time. And they certainly hadn’t gotten a chance to get back to their favorite old haunts in years. 
They stopped by the store almost every morning for a cup of coffee strong enough to jumpstart their hearts. Sometimes Levi joined them on their escapades, and sometimes he stayed behind to help out at the store. The boys spent a few afternoons sifting through albums and strumming on some of Levi’s vintage guitars. 
Mostly they caught up on each other's lives. The boys recounted their more personal lives that happened outside the coverage of the album and Levi talked about the past few years of his life in Traverse City. Levi told them all about Maven and how she was practically his little sister. They laughed. They drank. They had a blast. 
The boys noticed Levi was a little on edge occasionally, typically when they heard someone shuffling upstairs or equipment moving around in the backroom of the shop. They assumed it was Maven but weren’t sure, since they had yet to see her in the flesh. A week from their arrival they were all sitting in lawn chairs in the alley behind the store, smoking cigs and drinking their coffee when Sam finally asked. 
“So, why haven’t we met your precious Maven yet? Hiding her from us or something?” 
Levi shifted a bit in his chair. “Um..” he coughed out a laugh. “I am actually. Yes. But it’s the other way around, I’m hiding you from her.” 
“Afraid she’ll fan-girl or something?” Josh commented as he ashed his cigarette.  
“In… a sense.” Levi coughed. “But in quite the opposite way you’re imagining.” 
“She’s a fan then?” Sammy piped up.
“She loves your music. A lot.” Levi sniffed and coughed again. “It’s a real safe haven for her. When she’s having a bad day I catch her upstairs laying on the floor smoking a J with sound cancelling headphones blasting your albums as loud as she can.” 
“Exactly how it’s meant to be enjoyed. With a joint in hand.” Jake chimes in.  
“Yeah..” Levi toes the asphalt a bit with his boots, but doesn’t continue.
“Soooo” Sammy drawls “Why can’t we meet her? We’re no stranger to super fans. I’m sure she’s cool.” 
“Um, well. It’s a bit complicated.” Levi heaves a sigh before flicking his cigarette butt into the coffee canister at the center of their little circle. “I suppose I can trust you guys. You’re friends. Do you remember the huge lawsuit that the band Undercover Heart went through last year? The one about the um” He coughs again, “Rape of one of their staff members by the lead singer Ryan?” 
“Yes. That shit was horrific man.” Danny spoke up. “I read all the details I could. They kept the poor girl's identity private but goddamn I felt so bad for her. She was a badass for filing that suit though.” 
“Yeah. She was.” Levi breathed. “So, this is strictly off record and if you repeat this to anyone I will skin you all alive, famous rock stars be damned.” 
“Jesus Levi.” Jake said. 
“It was her.” Levi choked out. “Maven. That’s why she ran back from Hollywood and ended up here. That dude messed her up and she just… she struggles with meeting famous bands now. You know how many people cycle through this joint writing stuff. She just… has a really fuckin hard time with it sometimes. Particularly bands she likes. I think it’s because once you meet someone, and in her case, discover how much of a monster they can be, their music isn’t… safe anymore.” 
“Fuck.” Jake said, flicking his cigarette into the canister. 
“Well I feel terrible for joking about her being a fangirl.” Josh mutters. 
“She just genuinely loves you guys a lot. I never really told her I was an old friend because I didn’t want her to be worried about y’all stopping by. I just know that if she knows you’re here she’ll take off and avoid coming by the shop as much as she can and not only do I need her here, but I think she needs the safety of the shop too. I didn’t want to wreck it.” Levi sighs again. “I know she’ll find out you’re here eventually, it’s inevitable. I just was a coward and didn’t want to break the news to her.” 
“She was a pretty well known band manager wasn’t she?” Danny asks. “She like… completely made Undercover Heart what it was. Before they hired her they were slated to be a one hit wonder but she hauled them into relevancy basically by her will alone.” 
“Yeah. She basically built that man's career for him. She gave him everything, and he took everything from her. If I ever see the man I’m liable to get my ass thrown in prison.” Levi mutters.
“I’ll help.” Danny says immediately. 
All five sit in silence for a few minutes, smoking the last of their cigarettes. When they’d all finished, they stood and stretched to head back inside the shop. 
“So yeah. Anyway, If you see her that’s fine, just… well now you have context for… her.” Levi says as he yanks open the door. 
A few steps into the back hallway, Levi suddenly halts, causing all four boys to nearly bash into each other. The front door to the shop had crashed open and there were footsteps stomping across the store toward the front desk. 
“Listen Levi,” Maven’s tense voice carried down the back hall. “I know Wednesdays are usually your day for music but I’m having an absolute shit fucking day so I’m playing Greta all day and there’s absolutely nothing you can fucking do about it, kapeesh?” 
The very opening chords of Edge of Darkness scratch through the speakers after she finishes her sentence and the boys all exchange a slightly amused look, grins spread on all of their faces. 
“Kapeesh.” Levi calls out to her. He spins and silently nods to the boys to head toward the back door. The boys attempt to be as quiet as they can as they creep toward the door. 
“Also, Levi?” Maven calls again. Everyone halts in their tracks. “You said there was a band coming in soon. Are they here yet? Do you need me to set up the backroom?” 
“Uh, yeah they’re here.” Levi squeaks. All five men share nervous looks. “They’re uh… up at the house.” He cringes at his lie. “I’m getting an equipment list from them today and then you can get started. 
“Cool cool.” Maven calls back. “Do you think I’ll like their stuff?” 
“Uh. Yeah.” Levi grins then. “I think you will.” 
“Wicked.” Maven calls back. 
All five men repress giggles as they skedaddle out the back door and into the alley. 
The next morning the boys wake up to a group text from Levi. 
A weird request, but they did as they were told. They all piled into the SUV they had rented and headed to the shop. Danny peeled open the back door as quietly as he could, and Sammy opened the door to the stairs. They tiptoed down and through the door at the end of the stairs that opened into the booth of a sound studio. Levi sat in front of all the mixing boards with a cup of coffee to his lips. He glanced over at them and softly said “coffees on the table.” 
“Why the weird text?” Jake asked. 
“Because of that.” Levi responded softly, pointing through the dark glass into the soundstage. 
The sound stage was littered with mismatched rugs, and a few milk crates that doubled as tables. There was a gorgeous seafoam green drum set toward the back wall and stands full of various guitars and basses. Along the left wall was a piano and a Mellotron set up exactly to the specifications Sam sent over. However, with all these beautiful instruments to look at that would normally catch their eye, it was the woman sitting on stool in the center, cradling a dark purple Fender guitar that made Jake stop in his tracks. 
Maven, Jake had to guess that’s who it was, was wearing checkered distressed pants, with a ripped up old band t-shirt cropped at her ribs, revealing a sliver of the rounded part of her stomach. Over top she was wearing an orange leopard print cardigan that ran down to her thighs. Around her neck was a series of long necklaces, and her wrists were adorned with interlacing leather bands. 
She was plucking out a melody with her eyes closed, rocking back and forth on the stool. Jake had seen countless numbers of people playing the guitar before. On the road, in the studio, studying old masters on YouTube. There was nothing overly special about the way she was sitting or playing, but he felt a little bit like he couldn’t breathe. 
“She never fuckin plays anymore man.” Levi whispered. “It felt like magic hearing music coming out of the basement this morning. I just felt like you should see it.” 
The melody she was playing was sad. Haunting is a better way to put it, and Jake couldn’t look away. Not even when Sammy placed a cup of burning hot coffee into his hands. She was moving her head along with her playing, the strands of her dark messy hair shaking back and forth. The group watched in silence as she played out the riff a few times, Levi cranked the volume of the mics in the space and they could hear her humming softly. 
“She has a strong presence.” Josh murmured. 
Maven suddenly stopped. Everyone froze as she heaved a sigh and stood from the stool to put the guitar back on it’s rack. 
“You in there Levi?” Maven said then. The boys still didn’t move a muscle. Jake’s head was spinning, having finally seen the face that went with the voice he’d heard in the loft for a week. She was beautiful. He couldn’t even really put his finger on why, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Even seeing her through the thick dark glass of the studio. 
Levi hit the button to the mic in the booth and responded “Yah.” He paused before adding. “Sounded good.” 
Maven snorted in a self-deprecating way and said “Thanks.” 
Levi hit the mic button again and said “You should play more.”
“Don’t push it Levi.” Maven snapped back. Levi released the button to his mic and let out a heavy sigh. “Can you check some levels on the lines for me? I think I have everything pretty good but I want to make sure before they get here today.” 
“Sure.” Levi replied. 
Maven pulled the amp cord out of the Fender she had been playing on and plugged it into another guitar, one more similar to the guitars that Jake regularly used while they wrote. 
“Are we looking for a punk or a rock-y sound?” Maven asked. 
“Um.” Levi hesitated. “Rock. Their sound is like…” He tossed a small smile over his shoulder at the boys. “Like Greta’s actually.” 
“Dope. I hope they’re not just copying the boys. They’ve got a mellotron in here and everything.” The boys smiled. She pounded out a few chords on the guitar. “Good?” 
Levi looked over at Jake for confirmation. Jake, who still had not taken his eyes off Maven, nodded. 
“Yeah, that should be good for raw sound. They can play with stuff too. They’re a pretty well educated bunch.” Levi called back.
“Thank god.” Maven snorted. “Not like that indie punk bunch you booked last month who needed me to do fucking all their sound mixing for them.” 
“Maven, I don’t think they kept asking you down here because they need help with their sound.” 
Maven just rolled her eyes at that.  
They repeated the process with each instrument, Levi silently asking for confirmation from the respective Greta member until they were sure the sound lines were all functioning properly. 
“Great work kid.” Levi called into the studio. 
“Ew don’t call me kid. I’m a 27 year old woman.” Maven called back. 
Levi chuckled. “You’re a kid to me.” 
“Whatever.” Maven muttered. “I’m gonna go take a walk along the beach. Smoke a little. Text me if they need me.” 
“Will do.” Levi called back. The boys all tensed, looking for places to hide, or to run up the stairs and back into the alley. Luckily, Maven took the back door out of the studio and up another hallway instead.
“Well boys, it’s all you.” Levi said. “Text if you need anything.” 
Sam piped up and said “Yeah actually, can you pick my brother’s jaw up off the floor?” 
“Jake see pretty lady play guitar and Jake brain break.” Josh teased. 
“You guys suck.” Jake grumbled. 
Levi cackled. “I thought you’d like her.”  
Maven walked along the coast of the bay and absentmindedly smoked a joint. It was an overcast and drizzly day which meant there was no one around, which she preferred anyway. She was feeling on edge. The drizzle was very slowly building a small sheen of water on her arms and hair, but she didn’t mind. The cool water and gentle breeze combination was perfect. 
Maven sat her butt down in the sand and stared out at the waves. She normally wore headphones on her walks, her world was a near constant stream of music, but she had opted for silence today. 
Levi was being weird. He was edgy around her all week, sending her out every morning for tasks and disappearing without saying where he was going around 4:30 every day. She had come to the conclusion that whatever band was in town this week was a pretty big name. Or big enough that he was nervous about her being around them. She sighed. She hated when he tiptoed around her. Maven didn’t blame him. When she first started working at the shop she had had a couple pretty bad PTSD episodes that had scared the shit out of him. She owed him everything for staying with her, talking her down and making sure she was fed and had water when she got into one of her states. 
Levi was her best friend, to put it mildly. He cared for her, kept her safe and in return she busted her ass at his store making sure they had the best products, the best shows and that their artist getaway was something that people would go back and tell their friends about. She loved Levi like an older brother, and he cared for her like his little sister. She would forever be grateful to whatever power in the universe made her stumble into The Edge two years ago. 
She had been high out of her mind, as she had been most days after she came running back to Michigan with her tail between  her legs, and Levi had been struggling with an amp in the shop. She had walked in, spotted his struggle and didn’t even say a word to him, just walked over and fixed the wiring so that it was functional again. Levi had looked up from where he sat on the floor and said “You don’t happen to need a job do you?” 
The rest was essentially history. It only took two months of seeing him every single day, and him not letting her sour moods go by unnoticed, for her to spill her guts over some bourbon one night. About Ryan and Undercover Heart and how badly the whole situation fucked her up. How after she’d recorded her testimony she’d boarded the next flight to Grand Rapids and hightailed it up north. She came crash landing into Traverse City because she’d always loved it as a kid, and figured it would be a great place to start over. The small town she’d grown up in had too many people who knew her. 
He was extra careful with bands for a while. Never letting her be alone in a room with too many male band members, and carefully vetting everyone who came through. Eventually she told him off about treating her like a porcelain doll and he backed down a bit, giving her free reign over lots of the equipment set ups and giving her plenty of hours in the shop by herself. She was happy to do so, so Levi could focus on fixing up the artist house and starting his photography again. 
But he was still very gentle with her sometimes, and she’d always love him for it even when it pissed her the fuck off. 
Once she’d smoked the joint down to the roach, she tucked the end into her pocket. It was sacrilegious to litter near the lake. It was too precious to be fucked with. She meandered back toward the shop. Her plan was to grab her bag and head back to let her Pitbull, Stacy, out for a walk and pee. The girl had been cooped up all morning and Maven felt bad. 
She threw her whole body against the front door, as the latch often stuck, and the loud sound of the chimes clanged in the empty space. She rolled her eyes. Of course Levi left the shop unattended and unlocked. It was Traverse City, no one was gonna rob them, but what if someone wanted to buy something? 
She was humming softly to herself as she made her way around the edge of the counter and plopped down on the stool by the register. She whipped out her phone to ask Levi where he was. She had the message halfway typed when the door behind her, the one that led to the staff restroom, popped open. 
“You know, crime is especially low in this town but that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t come in here and try to steal your precious coffee maker.” She tossed over her shoulder. 
“Oh.” Was all that came back. It was decidedly not Levi’s voice. Maven spun back quickly. 
“Sorry I…” But that’s as far as she got. She was suddenly face to face with Jake Kizska and all thoughts quickly left her brain. 
They both stared at each other for a long moment. Maven couldn’t quite figure out why he looked just as shocked to see her as she was to see him. He also almost looked afraid for some reason that Maven couldn’t figure out.
He was dressed in an outfit she’d seen him wear plenty of times. A black button up, half unbuttoned, loose fitting light wash jeans and a pair of well worn boots. His wrists were full of bracelets and his hair was longer than the last time she’d seen footage of their concerts, well past his collarbones at this point. 
“Hi.” Jake finally broke the silence. “I’m Jake.” He reached out his hand for a handshake. 
“I know.” Maven replied, and then coughed. Why did you say that you freak? 
Suddenly the front door bell chimed again, and Maven whipped her head to see Levi coming in the front door. She stood abruptly from her stool, skirted around Jake’s outstretched hand, and out from behind the counter. She scooped up her leather satchel on her way. 
She headed straight at Levi. He glanced over his shoulder and saw an apologetic Jake looking forlorn and lowering his hand back to his side. 
“Oh hey Maven-” 
“Hey dumbass, don’t leave the store unattended again. I’m going home to check on Stacy. Probably won’t be back for the rest of the day.” Maven spit as she stormed past him toward the front door. 
“Maven wait-” 
But she was already outside, the hinges bringing the heavy wood crashing back into the frame. The chime of the bells rang through the space. 
“Sorry.” Jake muttered. 
“Not your fault. I knew she’d find out eventually. Right now she’s probably just pissed I didn’t tell her. Which she has every right to be.” Levi sighed. 
After a few more beats of silence Jake spoke again. “Who’s Stacy?” 
Levi huffed a laugh. “That would be her Pitbull.” 
“Oh.” Jake said again. He felt crazy because his brain couldn’t come up with anything else to say. She was prettier up close. She smelled like the Lake and weed and sandalwood. He really wished she’d taken his hand. He shook his head trying to find his brain in it somewhere. 
The other three boys came clambering up the stairs and into the store. They all looked between Levi, who was still standing in the middle of the shop, and Jake behind the counter. 
“Are you two playing freeze tag or something?” Sam quipped. 
“Jake met Maven.” Levi responded. The boys' heads whipped toward Jake. 
“And… I’m guessing it… went well?” Danny questioned.
Levi finally walked back toward the counter. “She left for the day. This is on me. I should have told her y’all were here.” He snagged his keys from below the counter and walked toward the front door to lock up. “I’m closing early, boys. Let’s go get a beer.” 
“Kowabunga baby.” Josh said with a grin.  
Maven sat curled up on her velvet couch, Stacy was her little spoon. There was incense burning, a bottle of wine open on the side table and a lit joint in the ashtray. She had changed into a giant t-shirt and boxer shorts. The soft sounds of John Denver playing off her record player. 
However, none of these things were easing her mind. 
She was pissed, mostly. At herself. At Levi. She was pissed he didn’t tell her they were coming. She was pissed that he felt he couldn’t tell her. She was pissed that she had acted like a freak in front of Jake. 
The anxiety was an endless pit in her stomach. She couldn’t go back there tomorrow. She couldn’t see any of those people. Not when she felt like this. 
She whipped out her phone and quickly shot a message to Levi, before chugging her whole glass of red wine and snagging the joint out of the ashtray. 
Levi’s phone dinged on the table where all of the guys sat drinking beers and chatting. Levi glanced at it and quickly picked it up when he saw her name. 
“It’s Maven.” He said. 
“What did she say?” Jake asked, sitting up a bit in his chair. 
“Fuck.” Levi said, tossing his phone on the table, still unlocked. 
All four boys leaned in to read the screen. 
“Fuck indeed.” Josh said, pounding back the rest of his beer.
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derivativealigner · 4 years ago
Well I haven’t watched sp all the way through for about a decade now, so I thought it was time
Sometimes I wonder how accurate the fandom is when it comes to how we interpret the characters. Like, why is Stan a football star so often in fanfic and why’s Kyle always the smart one? So I thought I’d rewatch the show and make notes along the way to see where the source of all these interpretations is. I also wanted to see if I could get some fun info to analyze, but season 1 is pretty sparse in that regard so there’s not too much of that in this post, but I’ll make a post for all the other seasons too as I watch them
In summary, it’s established in season 1 already that Stan’s a star quarterback and an animal lover, Kyle’s an A+ student, and Kenny is poor and knows a lot about sex and doesn’t have many qualms about doing crazy shit. Cartman is a bit weird since he’s mostly just a naive brat in this season, but he and Kyle have a mildly antagonistic friendship already
I have all my notes under this cut. They include a bunch of small details and other observations. I also listed every Kenny death just because
Ike has freckles
Cartman says “Weak!” and “You guys” and “Seriously” a lot from the start, also “Kickass!” He doesn’t say weak or kickass much in the later seasons iirc
Stan says “Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here” three times in this season but they dropped that catchphrase pretty quickly
Bebe got named in episode 2
Stan’s been an animal lover since s01e03 Volcano since he won’t shoot a bunny or anything else. He does shoot Scuzzlebutt at the end though
Cartman’s a pathological liar but in a childish way
Randy got named in s01e03 Volcano (and it only got worse from there)
The mayor went to Princeton
South Park is next to Mt. Evanson
Kenny will literally drink gasoline
Stan’s a star quarterback in 3rd grade
Clyde’s voice is wrong as hell in S01E04 Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride and he has a dog, Rex
Garrison says Kyle is an A+ kid
Shelly seriously abuses Stan, punching him, throwing him, maiming him with a lawnmower
Cartman had a pot-bellied pig called Fluffy
Cartman’s mom smokes crack and has sex with strange men
Dr. Mephesto is probably a Buddhist since he says “Thank Buddha” instead of “Thank God”
Clyde’s voice gets kind of fixed in S01E06
A guy called Mr. McCormick is killed in a protest, launched and splattered against a network building. He doesn’t look like Kenny’s dad though
Zombie Clyde attacks Bebe, rude
Wendy gave her costume contest prize (2 tons of candy) to hungry children in Nairobi
Cartman’s mom is on the cover of Crack Whore magazine. “Back do’ ho… Five on one action!” is the headline
Cartman genuinely cries at Kenny’s grave after the whole zombie thing but gets over it because of candy
Stan knows his mom’s credit card number and has no problem using it to adopt an Ethiopian child (the boys wanted a watch that came with the adoption, they weren’t doing it to be nice)
Cartman calls Stan a vas deference, Stan doesn’t know what that is so Kenny says “Dude, it’s a pipe for your peepee” (according to a transcript). Kenny sure knows male anatomy
Kyle sniffs Kenny after Cartman asks why poor people smell like sour milk and Garrison says “idk eric they just do”
Cartman thinks poor people should die and decrease the surplus population
When the boys get Starvin’ Marvin delivered to them, Cartman says “Hey mom, we found an Ethiopian, can we keep him?” and his mom says “Sure, hun.” She rarely says no to Cartman
Kenny’s dad is an alcoholic who drinks scotch according to Cartman. I mean, Mr. McCormick is seen drinking in multiple episodes and has a hat that says SCOTCH so it’s probably true
Kenny’s family says grace
Craig’s first appearance is S01E09. Also, S01E09 is the first time Kenny doesn’t die (Coincidence? I THINK yeah but it’s still fun)
Clyde got named in S01E10
Clyde and Bebe both spit on Pip’s face, friendship goals <3
Cartman and Kyle have their first fight at Cartman’s birthday party because Kyle didn’t give the right gift. Cartman slaps his face and  screams “I hate you! I want you to die! Die!” while on top of Kyle who’s not really fighting back
Satan throws a fight with Jesus after everyone except Satan bet that Jesus would lose, which leads to Satan winning everyone’s money. Mr. Garrison says “What a mean thing to do!” and Jimbo says “He is a jerk!” and I thought it was quite a laugh so I wrote it down
In S01E11 Tom’s Rhinoplasty Bebe and Wendy are sitting in the swings together and generally appear together throughout the episode, then Bebe gives Wendy a makeover so they’re bffs obviously <3
Craig first appears in the classroom, though not sitting down, in S01E11
Wendy’s not happy about Ms. Ellen taking Stan away from her, she says “Don’t fuck with me! Stay away from my man, bitch, or I’ll whoop your sorry ho ass back to last year!”
Kenny gives Ms. Ellen a scrumptious looking sausage as a valentine’s gift and giggles deviously. Wendy’s gift to Ms. Ellen is a dead animal
Even Kenny doesn’t know what a lesbian is
Wendy’s grandma died in S01E11
Wendy gets Ms. Ellen killed by hiring the Iraqi government (?) to put her in a rocket and shoot it into the sun, then she and Bebe have a pool party (very cool, they wear sunglasses 😎) and watch the rocket hit the sun
Cartman and Pip play a game of kicking each other in the nuts until someone falls. Cartman calls it “Roshambo”
Kenny has a sack of marbles
The boys aren’t fans of Barbra Streisand, but Stan is a fan of the Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway (he’s not a quarterback anymore, he’s an American football executive and the president of football operations for the Denver Broncos of the NFL according to wikipedia.)
Officer Barbrady is a fan of Fiona Apple (who was 20 at the time and had only one album released called Tidal)
Ned knows how to pilot a helicopter
Kyle’s mom is a fan of Streisand unlike literally everyone else, she even gets an autograph from Mecha Streisand
The boys are fans of Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure. Stan says “Robert Smith is the greatest person that ever lived!” and Kyle says “Disintegration is the best album ever!” and Cartman says “Robert Smith kicks ass!” and Kenny’s dead so he doesn’t get to have an opinion
Cartman has tea parties with his toys: Polly Prissypants, Clyde frog, Peter Panda, and a dragon called Rumpertumskin
Kyle wants to make fun of Cartman for the tea party but Stan stops him because he’s concerned that Cartman needs help
Craig is in front of the school counselor’s office in S01E13
A young miss Cartman drinks like a motherfucker at the 12th annual drunken barn dance where Cartman was supposedly conceived
Stan lets Cartman borrow his bike like a good friend
Garrison wanted to have a threesome with Chef and Cartman’s mom. I don’t know why I’m making a note of this but uh… yeah.
Cartman’s mom has had sex with everyone at this bar that Garrison’s drinking at, including principle Victoria, the mayor, Father Maxi, and Jesus (and maybe Kenny’s dad since he’s at the bar but the camera doesn’t pan to him when Garrison says they’ve all slept with Liane). Later Gerald Broflovski is a possible father to Eric, so he fucked her too. Also Mr. Mephesto and his friend Kevin, that little guy, are candidates along with a lot of other people, including the 1989 Denver Broncos (and Mr. Tenorman is included in that later)
Cartman doesn’t make fun of Kyle for being Jewish much at all in this season even though the Christmas episode is all about Kyle not celebrating
Clyde and Token appear very early on and Clyde has always been in the classroom (along with Bebe, Red, Kevin Stoley, Wendy, and Pip and uhh DogPoo too I think). Craig appears later in the season and Tweek’s not in season 1 at all, so Craig’s gang isn’t really a thing yet
And here’s a list of the ways Kenny died in this season. He dies in every episode except episode 9, and he dies twice in episodes 2 and 3. Altogether he dies 14 times
S01E01 Killed after alien shoots him, cows stampede over him, then cop runs him over which finally actually kills him
S01E02 Killed in a play by a falling teepee, then a second time shot by Garrison which sends him in the air and he gets impaled on a flagpole on the way down
S01E03 Killed by a volcano rock that burns him then rolls on him but he’s alive again in the end but gets shot by Ned’s gun that he drops and it accidentally goes off
S01E04 Gets his arms and head torn off in an American football game
S01E05 Stan’s clone punches Kenny into a microwave where he gets cooked alive
S01E06 Death touches Kenny
S01E07 Kenny gets crushed by a Russian space station and turns into a zombie because he gets Worcestershire sauce in his veins, then Kyle chainsaws zombie Kenny in half, then zombie Kenny rises from his grave and is crushed by a statue and a plane
S01E08 Kenny is killed by a bunch of turkeys. His eye gets plucked out. It’s dark blue
S01E10 After Kenny gets turned into a duck-billed platypus, Jimbo and Ned shoot him
S01E11 Ms. Ellen throws a sword through Kenny’s face
S01E12 While Mecha Streisand and a giant robot Leonard Maltin fight, Kenny plays with a tetherball and gets the rope wrapped around his neck and it strangles him
S01E13 Kenny gets stuck on a go kart and it drags him around but stops and he’s still alive! Too bad the go kart stops on train tracks and a train runs him over. Stan’s grandpa sends a video of the event to America’s Stupidest Home Videos and wins $10,000
If you read all that, first of all hello. I’m not new to the fandom even though this is the first thing I’ve posted on this tumblr blog. I’ve been writing a fanfic called Caffetamine though so I’m not a complete non-entity. Anyway, I’ll watch season 2 soon and post my notes on that too probably.
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