#sp rewatch
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lesliemeyers · 2 months ago
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chinpokomon battles are serious business
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bullborn · 8 months ago
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Freaky Friday AU Pt 1.
Randy Marsh, patriarch of the Marsh Family, breaks his daughters trust even further when he reads her diary and decides to turn her feelings into songs for his comeback as the lead singer of the Ghetto Avenue Boys. To make it up to her takes the family out on a dinner at City Wok, which results in another fight between the two. Two fortune cookies gifted to father and daughter by the owner turn their lives upside down.
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northernfireart · 3 months ago
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jayce talis versus the world or something
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r26yz · 27 days ago
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garden of betrayals
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kennytheworkingclasshero · 5 months ago
While there is a discussion to be had about how Stan doesn't seem to care for or treat Wendy the way he used to, and this can be largely attributed to his depression, addiction and cynicism, it is important to remember that he was a boyfriend who believed in her. I think the episode that shows this in a very subtle way is actually Breast Cancer Show Ever!
When Stan first hears about the fight that is scheduled to take place after school between Wendy and Cartman, he's shocked, replying to Butters with a "What?" There does seem to be a little worry in his expression but he doesn't question her or go up to her to try and stop her.
The goth kids actually call him out on this, suggesting Stan is going to "just let that guy... beat up on your woman? Doesn't that, like, go against your jockey man code or something?" and "Yeah, I don't ever remember AC/DC singing about letting dudes beat up on their girlfriends."
Because Stan fits the stereotype of being a "jockey" man and therefore, he should exhibit all the traits that come with that, especially towards his girlfriend. The goth kids even bring up other "typical man" archetypes such as AC/DC in order to make Stan feel bad and push him towards putting an end to this fight (despite the fact they also want to witness it).
In this moment, Stan had the potential to fall into masculine traits that are very toxic; overly protective, dominate over his girlfriend, controlling, having secondhand embarrassment because of her. But he doesn't do anything of the sort, instead he looks at them and asks the genuine question "What am I supposed to do about it?"
And later, when he is corned by a terrified Cartman, who is calling on his responsibility as a boyfriend to "do something" because Wendy is supposedly "stuck" in this situation and she really doesn't want to fight, Stan still insists that he "can't do anything; she really wants to fight you" and "Dude, there's nothing I can do about it." In his attempt at manipulation, Cartman is also calling on Stan to express his masculinity unhealthily and telling him "to be a fuckin' man and forbid her from fighting" and when he refuses he is called a "pussy" but Stan doesn't take the bait, he refuses to budge.
This isn't because Stan doesn't care about Wendy, it's because he knows her. He knows she's stubborn, he knows she's smart and he knows that she can hold her own. He has no place to tell her what to do, and if he does, he knows to expect backlash from her. On top of this, he knows his overly manipulative friend with no backbone and therefore he is confident in Wendy and her decision to take him on. When Wendy and Cartman finally throw down, you can see that Stan is shocked it is actually happening at first, but soon he is seen smiling at his girlfriend standing ten toes down in what she said she would do.
This isn't to say that this is all he can do, respecting his girlfriends wishes and not getting involved is the bare minimum, but when he could have easily been manipulated and pushed into being a toxic man, he trusted his girlfriend. He knew if it was really an issue she would come to him and he stayed out of her decision making.
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southconfessionpark · 6 months ago
SP shipping is like that one Danny Gonzales clip where he goes up to the kids (himself) and says that they’re the new best couple and they’re like wtf we are 5.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months ago
I hate that they cut this out of the anime 🤣
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ghostgreen · 1 month ago
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thats the melody to Funkytown!
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rsanchezslut · 1 year ago
I have to admit I do love the idea of Rick getting jealous of how much you adore robot!Rick.
Of course you know he's not the real thing, but if the real Rick is going to shut you out with the rest of his family, why not enjoy what version of him he's left you with, and especially if that version is even more obsessed with you than the original.
On the rare occasions you do see Rick above ground, you're able to taunt him with your lack of attention towards him. Usually you even grant him some affection, but in the case of having Robo-Rick around, you're both emotionally and sexually satisfied so there is no reason to beg for something you're not missing.
Rick knows it's his fault in the first place (as always), but spending weeks underground isn't good for anyone's psyche... and the lack of relief he's allowed when he does see you destroys him... because they're you are giving kisses to a. fucking. robot.
It definitely takes you longer than it should to forgive him when Robo!Rick is finally exposed to the whole family and then killed... and even when you're both back to being a normal couple, you always manage to say something along the lines of preferring the robot version of him, especially when he pisses you off.
(Just sucks when Rick creates a robot version of you at some point, and then you have to watch the family not notice that switch, either. The robot of you is easily accepted given the fact that Space Beth exists, but. Watching them be all submissive and doting to real Rick (who loves on them in return) definitely starts a another war between the two of you. Stop being toxic!!)
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wannabe-minion-of-chaos · 9 months ago
How did it just hit me that when butters acts as Prof Chaos, he often monologues about being an outcast and being shunned and alone and stuff, and in Post Covid he literally DOES live in solitude and isolation for a long time and takes on that identity permanently
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girlivealwaysbean · 9 months ago
so many thoughts but i CANNOT stop laughing that all that time we thought louis had some elaborate mind control type reason for staying with armand and it was really just.. HIM TRYING TO MAKE HIS EX JEALOUS SLSKSKKSKSKS
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lesliemeyers · 3 months ago
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you know how it is with cow days
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bullborn · 7 months ago
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Would u be mad at me if I post danganronpa on main guys 🥺🥺
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some-pers0n · 3 months ago
Arcane season 2 is bringing out the hater in me that I haven't seen since the release of TFOH. I didn't know it was possible for me to get this upset and angry over something again. Nice seeing I've still got it
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kendo11z · 1 year ago
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stendy in the 90s >>
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ratatatastic · 2 months ago
"(talking about his stick after mentioning how long sasha and ekkys sticks are) its straight for about 3 quarters of it 🤏 and then the toe's got a pretty good hook on it ummm... 😁😄😄 (realises how it sounds like hes talking about a dick and starts laughing)"
"(talking about the kodak black incident) came down to the room after taking photos, unbelievable, im in the shower with- i forget, one other guy. its just- its like quiet in there and he just comes walking in and looks in, hes like 'this isnt where im supposed to be.'" "kodak black is a bird watcher!" "yeah i think so yeah i mean he definitely saw my-"
"yeah sam bobrovsky 😄😄 the legend eh? the legend of sam bobrovsky!! [...] ive never seen someone live so good like such a good life like you know [bobby's] style i like, like russian-like style, like cardigan to dinner... we'll go to like a restaurant and he'll get like the finest things on the menu, he'll get like 4 entrees he'll like eats like a king i absolutely love it!!"
tqm reino interviews and the way you talked about dicks twice in the span of like 15 minutes and getting giggly over the asg oopsie because you adore bobby so much then proceeded to go hes so classy and beautiful and gorgeous his taste is impecable i love everything he does
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