#gourman food
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strikerarts · 8 months ago
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Day 7 - Crafting
Gourman explaining to colony the process of getting Singularity bomb. They wont be on bottom of food chain now
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gay-artificer · 1 year ago
Sorry if this is too out of nowhere but ive been thinking about how most of the normal slugcats arent really carnivorous outside of eating eggs and certain insects, exept for like gourmand (minimally) or saint (cannot digest any meat wether by design or evolution) and of course artificer and hunter. This makes me kinda theorize that yknow, slugcats arent normally carnivorous, and only gain the ability to eat meat through artificial means (exept for gourman they just do that i guess).
It also makes me theorize that maybe the reason why the two are able to do that is that they have some really corrosive acids/substances in their stomachs, for Arti those being in the form of garbage wastes microorganisms that make them explosive in general.
As for Hunter, well, maybe the reason they turn into the rot is because of the fact that they have the rot in their stomach if that makes sence? Like maybe they were made to have/grow some early stage rot growths in their intestines to be able to digest things they normally couldn't, or parts of their insides were given some rot genome, but wether intentionally or not, that system becomes unstable fast since it can become cancerous with the rot overtaking the body after some time.
My guess is that they're highly adaptable omnivores and lean towards various levels of severity based on environmental factors- It should be noted that insects and eggs are carnivorous food sources as much as meat is, its just a more accessible source. (And if you've ever seen the teeth on insectivores you would not doubt them. Look at the chompers on a shrew. A crickets worse nightmare) In fact if you look at the bulk of the basic slugcats diet pre-downpour its actually mostly small invertebrates- blue fruit is actually insect pupae, making the only vegetative parts of their diet bubble fruit, popcorn plants, slime molds. (Downpour added dandelion peaches, lilypucks, gooieduck (another mold), and glow weed. Its worth noting that many of these are added not just for world variety but to add items into the environment as tools- such as gooieducks not just being a substantial food source but providing a counter to wormgrass) (In this sense even saint can stomach some meat, as they can eat the blue fruit pupae and bug eggs) So thus the question is why pushes a slugcat to seek meat. It could be simply that its high energy payoff- most of the meat-eating slugcats get less energy (food pips) from eating small prey sources like batflies or blue fruit, so they turn to hunting larger prey. You have the higher energy cost of being an active hunter offset by payoff of actually being successful. It could also be that some slugcats simply lack the physiology (strong enough teeth, jaw strength) to tear into corpses and can only effective use small prey, even if they could eat meat successfully as scavengers. Tough hides can actually be a huge problem for scavenging animals if something else hasn't exposed the softer parts of the body, and this is why the first things lost on a corpse tends to be accessible and easy to take things like eyes, things like ravens need something with actual teeth to break the skin.
Buuuuut personally I think its a developmental shift- We see something like it in amphibian species. Its actually really neat stuff- basically, for a lot larval amphibians like tadpoles or salamanders they're naturally herbivorous and feed mostly on algae. However these young are generally limited in how much they can disperse until adults, which means competition for food can be very intense. As a result, in this developmental stage some will turn to predation- or to cannibalism. They grow larger then their vegetarian siblings, and in some species will grow larger jaws or new sets of teeth. They actually see this even behavior in species that are strict carnivores- some of the young are carnivorous but hunt unrelated prey, others specifically engage in cannibalism. Depending on what type of prey they target, the actually animal develops differently. Since we have the slugpups as a basis- who follow a diet pattern in line with Survivor and Monk, that can be assumed to be the 'basic' diet. But some individuals (likely ones in high stress, or low food environments) develop more intense predatory behaviors and physiology in adolescence. Genes can be environmentally flexible (polyphenism and epigenetics) and 'turn on and off' under certain cues, so for iterators it would probably be fairly easy to 'force' a specific type of slugcat.
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regulushair · 2 years ago
Short list and two perfumes I returned to:
Crystal Love For Her by Attar Collection - I would say this is pure vanilla syrup but that would sound bad, so let's say this is one of those Tumblr poll vanilla cakes that are more vanilla than cake but there's still a dessert in there somewhere. I don't really feel chocolate but I can imagine it there. It's okay - not my favourite gourmanic perfume but it's alright.
Signorina by Salvatore Ferragamo - this was somehow better than I expected it to be. (I'm sorry, the bottle is cringy.) The top is those very nice and fresh berries (it's red currant which I don't really enjoy food-wise, but apparently like as a smell) that then become fairly abstract lux-ish flowers - still lovely. The dryout is faintly sweet but much less than you'd expect with panacotta being a note there. Not sure if I'll return to it, but it's very nice.
Marry Me by Lanvin - was expecting slightly more prominent white flowers since I was recommended this thing as "white floral". Oddly, the bitter orange at is noticeable - there's slight tartiness at the top which is interesting but the flowers are too abstract for my taste. Also, it disappeared quicker than I'd prefer.
Perles De Lalique by Lalique - patchouli, my patchouli. Again - very prominent patchouli - not like damp basement patchouli, not really chocolate either, but closer to that. They're significantly freshened up with the rose, but the flowers are not very noticeable for my nose. I saw people comparing it to "Encre Noir" but this one is much lighter and much less earthy. Definitely goes to "try again" list.
Happy by Eisenberg - returning to this one in hopes of finding more budget friendly mimosa, but I'm not sure I succeeded. Not that it sounded worse on my skin than it did on the blotter but it was so faint and it disappeared so quickly. So, on the fence about this one.
Musc Noir Rose For Her by Narciso Rodriguez - this one however I loved on myself! Is it complicated or niche? Nope. Is it lovely and mood-lifting? Definitely. It absolutely gave me that fruity rose dessert that stayed on me for a long time, the musk didn't even think about misbehaving and the complete dry-out "aftertaste" was wonderful. Goes to the wish-list.
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gourmandisestv-paris · 10 months ago
LES CRÊPES DE PAUL BOCUSE - Une délicieuse recette inratable sur Gourman... Vendredi 2 février c'est la Chandeleur !.. Les fameuses CRÊPES PAUL  BOCUSE ! : https://youtu.be/IkzNXeZb3VM Une pâte à  crêpes parfaite, de belles crêpes fondantes, moelleuses au bon goût de  beurre et d’œufs frais !. Bon régal ! #crepes #crepe #chandeleur #food #gourmandisestv #news
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heyfalarmouche · 4 years ago
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springvaletales · 3 years ago
Random headcanon thoughts in no particular order, GO!
Memory stone dust (called ‘Venari dust) tastes bitter, and can be easily detected in sweet drinks/foods in large enough amounts.
Putting a spare sweet coin in your drink became popular during the New Moon Festival as a way to counter-act crimes enabled by Venari dust (as a festival where people are partying hard with little regard for consequences so as not to offend the gods is a pretty good time to get away with murder), as Venari dust is too bitter to be hidden beneath it.
The Gourman Sea is magically contained to keep its waters/cloud of Venari dust from spreading any further than it already has.
Assassins/kidnappers on a budget will take water from the Gourman Sea and refine it, rather than pay for the stronger Venari dust ground down from already cut memory stones. The effect time goes down with the purity but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper.
Astaroth feels responsible for Michael because he was the one who first hired him and Radiant to deal with the lich that he mistakenly assumed was a low-level necromancer, and sometimes goes out of his way to protect him in ways he thinks is best.
Michael finds Astaroth’s ‘protection’ incredibly overbearing, but is actually a little bit afraid of him due to how they first met and won’t say as much to his face.
Velenna has covered for Michael in the past when he wanted to go adventuring, but Astaroth didn’t want him to leave town.
Velenna had the opportunity to kill Chaydziel a thousand years ago, but couldn’t bring herself to do so, and chose to destroy his grimoire instead, hoping that he would no longer be a threat without it.
Chaydziel took Michael’s Feywild weapon as a trophy when he abandoned his lair in the Deadlands, and keeps it hung on the wall in his current lair.
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frenchbalcony · 5 years ago
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An amazing dinner at Le Bistro Gourmans. Great food - the dessert is to die for- and wine. They use mainly local food from the Marché Fourville which is located close by. Real value for money, can’t recommend it enough, will definitely be back soon. @le_bistrot_gourmand_cannes . . #cannes #food #dinner #valueformoney #bestreataurant #vacation #travelwithfriends #2019goals #5ktraining #2019 #healthylifestyle #nevergiveup #training #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #healthyfood #healthyliving #fitnessinspo #goodlife #itsgoodtobeme #motivation #foxylady #fitness #mealprep #fitbitflex2 (at Le Bistrot Gourmand Cannes) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Mv9GZormx/?igshid=1qsk5r77inu23
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seattlefoody · 8 years ago
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Moon by statikum
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aishanma · 5 years ago
Como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos?
Como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos de maneira natural? Conheça alguns conselhos de exercícios e dietas que podem funcionar.
Como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos? Celulite é descrita como depósitos de gordura na forma de nódulos sob a pele, e, às vezes gera problemas na estética corporal.
A personal trainer Gisel Harrow explica que você pode diminuir os aparecimentos da celulite através de exercícios, dieta adequada e bastante consumo de água.
Harrow também indica as melhores práticas esportivas para diminuir a celulite no corpo: Agachamentos, boxe, levantamento de peso, corrida, natação, pular corda e alpinismo – todas estas também formas eficazes em diminuir a gordura corporal.
A seguir você vai acompanhar dicas sobre atividades físicas e dietas alimentarescapazes de ajudar no caminho de como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos.
Como reduzir celulite nas pernas com exercícios?
Abaixo você vai conhecer 3 exercícios úteis conforme especialistas na matéria de como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos:
1 # Straight leg deadlift: Utilize um par de halteres e os mantenha no comprimento do braço, na frente de suas coxas. Permaneça com seus pés na largura dos ombros, e, joelhos dobrados, levemente.
Sem mudar o ângulo dos joelhos, dobre seus quadris e abaixe o tronco até ficar quase paralelo ao chão. Faça uma pausa. Em seguida, force os glúteos, empurre quadris para a frente e levante o tronco de volta à posição inicial.
2 # All fours kickback: De preferência use pesos no tornozelo, e, deite de bruços (antebraços e joelhos ao solo). Mantenha costas e cabeça alinhadas – seus olhos devem olhar para baixo.
Permaneça de costas e pernas em linha reta. Lentamente, balance a perna direita para trás e levante seu pé direito até à altura da coxa. O corpo deve ficar assim por 2 segundos. Retorne à posição inicial. Trabalhe as pernas direita e esquerda.
3 # Lying inner-leg lift: Deite de lado esquerdo, descansando cabeça no braço, e, mão direita ao chão. Com a perna inferior estendida totalmente, flexione o joelho.
Lentamente, levante a perna inferior o mais confortável possível. Segure a posição por 2 segundos, e, então, abaixe. Trabalhe a perna esquerda, em seguida, repita à direita.
Dicas de estética para diminuir celulite
Os principais manuais sobre como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos indicam que a estética pode ser útil como forma de tratamento. Apenas o ato de escovar a área da pele melhora a circulação sanguínea e proporciona alisamento.
Procurar especialistas em estética consiste na melhor dica no método de como reduzir as celulites. Porém, quem tem perícia neste assunto deve usar a técnica pincel seco sobre a pele seca e mover as cerdas. Depois, seguir ao chuveiro para retirar células mortas da pele.
Usar esfoliante de café também ajuda como método de combate contra a celulite. Mistura de borras de café, açúcar e óleo de coco formam um produto hidratante capaz de diminuir as celulites. Passe na pele, mova em movimentos circulares por alguns minutos, deixe agir e enxague com água morna.
7 dicas de como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos
1 # Água: fundamental ao corpo se manter hidratado e combater a celulite. Consumir H20 garante que as toxinas sejam liberadas.
2 # Proteína inibe o apetite, regula o açúcar no sangue e ajuda a construir músculos. Almoços e jantares repletos de proteínas são costumes eficazes para evitar consumo de Junk Food e outros alimentos que geram celulite.
3 # Provavelmente você já percebeu que colegas magros no trabalho possuem um saco de nozes na gaveta. No meio da manhã ou à tarde é o lanche ideal a manter o metabolismo ativo na queima de gorduras e celulites. Nozes estabilizam o hormônio da fome, a grelina!
4 # Vinagre de maçã tem uma infinidade de benefícios para a saúde, incluindo controle de peso. Numerosos estudos provam que o consumo gera redução do apetite, menos gordura na barriga e menores chances de formação da celulite.
5 # Conforme British Journal of Nutrition, acrescentar especiarias quentes nas refeições ajuda a regular apetite e aumenta o metabolismo. Tente adicionar pimenta picada nos molhos para massas, e, gengibre fresco ralado em chás e sopas.
6 # Incorpore exercícios físicos nas rotinas diárias! Utilize as escadas ao invés do elevador, e, estacione na área mais distante do estacionamento no shopping. Pequenas mudanças geram grandes resultados!
7 # O sono adequado é crucial para um metabolismo saudável.
Um estudo publicado no American Journal of Clinical Nutrition descobriu que participantes com o sono adequado tiverem maior gasto energético de repouso (a quantidade de calorias queimadas quando não se está movimento) comparando às pessoas privadas de sono que também participaram na pesquisa científica.
Por fim, vale a pena indicar as dicas do doutor Gourman de como reduzir celulites nas pernas e nos glúteos – método com respaldo científico ministrado por um profissional de saúde especialista no setor.
Clique aqui e conheça o guia que ensina como reduzir celulite nas pernas e nos glúteos naturalmente.
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victoriasherbert-blog · 8 years ago
List of 10 books
Bubblegum - Emily Stein
Eating at hotel Il Pellicano - Will Self
Twin - Meghan Collison
Alla Carta No. 3
Feat - Naz Sahion Özcan
Hand Jobs: Life as a hand model - Oli Kellett & Alex Holder
Etra/Ordinary objects 2 - Taschen 
The Christmas book 2014 - Booths
The great north Christmas 2015 - Booths
The Gourman, a food and culture journal  
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swirlydreamzzz · 10 years ago
National Cheese Lovers Day is the best food holiday of all....
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heyfalarmouche · 4 years ago
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seattlefoody · 8 years ago
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USA by jb88
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