#gotta wait until late night to even hear the start of the results
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current election mood through tintin memes
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miheartsedthings · 7 months
Part Three (Go catch up and come back)
ModernBilly x FemReader (AFAB Reader)
Summary: You and Billy have been sneaking around enjoying each other's company. It's all fun and games until your period is late.
Billy and reader are both 18, but they haven't graduated yet.
Warnings: Aggressive behavior, pregnancy scare, waking up to f!ngering, abort!on, sl*t-sham!ng. ANGST
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You realize it one morning while brushing your teeth. Do I have enough pads for my next period? You though, then it dawned on you in horror; when is my next period? It should be any day now, right? You checked your planner. Your last period started over a month ago. You were a week behind. The rest of the morning was a jittery blur. Your room, your favorite sweater, your nail tearing a run in your favorite tights. All of it felt distant, unreal somehow. You felt like a clock was thrumming in your head, a countdown to disaster. 
“You okay, baby?”
Your mom asked this on your way out of the door. Your bus would be by any minute and you'd been on autopilot. She sat at the dining room table with her coffee, looking over at you with a suspicious glint in her eye. Your stomach flipped. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just kinda tired.”
“Better sleep instead of texting that boy.”
You couldn’t find the words, plus you was flooded with panic. 
“I can see the bus, gotta go. Love you.”
You rushed out before she could say another word and bolted down the street. What she didn’t know was that you hadn’t taken the bus in months. You walk right past the bus stop, down the block to the gas station where Billy had been picking you up for months. You have to steel yourself as you wait for him. Biting your lip and taking deep breaths.
You can’t tell him before you're sure. Your mom’s promise that he would abandon you if you got pregnant stuck in your head like an old song. Of course, you didn’t believe her…but what if she was right? Even if he didn’t totally abandon you, how would you manage to deal with it without your parents finding out? Maybe I could ask Nancy’s mom? A honk made you jump out of your skin and you turn to see Billy laughing hysterically from the driver’s seat. 
“Hey scaredy cat.”
“Shut up.” you chide, though you're already grinning and on your way to the car.  He can always make you feel better.
“Aw, don’t be a sour puss, little puss puss.” He called with puckered lips. As soon as you were within reach he pulled you over the center console and kissed you, causing a chain reaction of flutters which complied with the nerves you'd already been feeling. As a result you're overwhelmed and break from his lips too early. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks gently. You know you only have one chance to smooth things over or else you’ll never hear the end of it. So, you smile and peck him on the lips. 
“Just tired. That’s all.” 
He looks into your eyes for a moment, those cool blue eyes as serious as ever. Then, he nods and drops the subject. He makes a joke about keeping you up too many nights but you don’t hear it over the furious drumming of your heart. You manage to put the issue aside on your way to school, and you think you’ve successfully made it through until you’re just about to part ways in the hall. After a final kiss, you turn to leave and feel him take your elbow in his hand. 
You turn to him, genuinely unsuspecting.
“What’s going on?” he asks it quietly, and when you realize what he means your spirits plummet into your feet. 
“It’s like I said, I’m just tired today. I’m fine.”
You try to smile again but he isn’t buying him. 
“Baby,” he says with a serious look on his face, “you’re a bad liar.”
You drop your eyes to his chest, absentmindedly tracing a few fingers along the seam of his leather jacket.
“Did your mom say something? Is it Nancy?” 
You shake your head, putting your hand on his arm as the bell rings. 
“I’m okay, Billy. Trust me?” 
You leave him frowning, but hurry off to your first class. 
. . .
Billy's POV
           I haven’t been able to fucking think straight all morning, luckily the bullshit they teach in this school is preschool level so it takes none of my focus to ace the exam in my first period. What the fuck could she be hiding? What would she feel like she couldn’t tell me? Had her bitch of a mom finally convinced her to leave? In gym I take my frustration out on the weight bench. Some asshole tried to muscle me off it but it takes next to nothing to make him back down.
This school is full of clowns who worship the simplest displays of superiority. Which explains how Steve was the king at one point. Anyone with half a brain cell could lead these freaks. Of course, there are those who don’t care about that shit, the normal ones who can’t wait to get out just like me. Unlike me they can stomach this boring shit every day. I can’t. Without YN I would die in this place. 
            Is she mad at me about something? Has she talked to Nancy about it? I shower and head out early, she’d mentioned something about Nancy having Chemistry 3rd period and I take the back stairwell in hopes of beating her to Mr. Hopewell’s class.  
I’m lucky, I get to the classroom just moments before Nancy does, she’s looking down at a book in her arms and I have to touch her arm to get her attention. 
“Oh, hey.” she seemed surprised to see me, I gestured for her to come out into the stairwell with me. 
“You talked to Yn yet today?” 
            “No, we have lunch together. Why?”
            “Somethings up with her, she won’t tell me. I need you to find out for me.”
             She shrugs.
             “Maybe it’s really nothing.”
             “Nancy, I know my girl. Just ask her about it?”
              She considers it a moment. 
              “Alright, but I can’t promise I’ll tell you. If she’s really hiding it I’m in her side.”
              I roll my eyes.
              “Girls are all alike.”
. . .
               By the time lunch comes around you're dying to talk to Nancy. Billy has been texting you non-stop and at this point you're dreading seeing him in 5th period. When he thinks you're keeping something from him he gets like a blood hound chasing a rabbit: he just won’t let it go. It’s so frustrating! In his mind there’s no such thing as an innocent secret between you, as if you can’t have any privacy as individuals or else it means you don’t really love each other. 
                At first you didn’t think much of it, but even the simplest thing you might not wanna share can ruin a whole conversation because he gets fixated on it. When you spot Nancy at your usual table, you're so relieved you could cry. 
                “Hey Nancy, I need to ask you about something.”
                 She gives you a knowing grin.
                “Let me guess, it’s something you haven’t told Billy about, right?” Your smile falls and she chuckles at my expression. “He already tracked me down and asked me to find out for him.”
                  You shake my head, genuinely dumbfounded. 
                 “This boy is relentless.”
                 “You got that right. He seems really worried. But listen, I told him I’m on your side. If you don’t want me to tell him whatever it is, I won’t. I swear.”
                 You're relieved to hear that, reassured that you chose the right person to be friends with. 
                “So? What’s so big you can’t tell your lover boy?” 
                Rather than risk anyone overhearing, you whisper it in her ear. Her eyes go wide and she whispers back, asking if you’ve taken a test yet and you whisper back that you only realized this morning. You ask if her mom can help get a test and she promises to ask her. 
                “But don’t mention my name, please? If my mom finds out….”
               “Don’t worry, she won’t find out.”
. . .
            He won’t stop, no matter how much you ask him to please drop it and that you’ll tell him later. He’s yelling and driving way too fast and playing his music way too loud. These are the moments you really hate Billy Hargrove. 
            “Wanna stop by the ice cream place, oh whoops, there it went. Gotta answer faster." He's yelling over the blaring guitar and chaotic drums, asking questions and then answering them in the same second just to annoy you, just to try and get an answer. "Oh there’s that cafe you like how’s about, awwww, too slow. You gotta speak up, baby.” 
           His tone is condescending as we speed through town. You sit with your arms crossed staring out the window, trying not to let it show that you're terrified. We reach a back road and he speeds up even more, going 15, 20 over the speed limit. He cranks up the music until it's painfully loud and leans his head out the window, hooting and hollering like he just won a million dollars or something. 
            “What’s wrong?! Not having fun?!”
            He takes your chin and tries to make you look at him but you wrench away and look back towards the window, wiping at tears streaking down your cheeks. He does it again and it takes both hands to push him away. In response he pounds on the steering wheel and speeds up even more. By the time you get to the gas station you're so shell shocked all you can do is hop out of the car and start walking.
Almost immediately he’s there, grabbing your arm, getting in your face so that you have to turn away from him. He’s asking you again and again what’s going on. Is it your mom? Nancy? Did someone at school say something? Is there a teacher messing with you? Are you mad about something? On and on until you feel on the verge of panic. You hate him so much at this moment but all you can do is wipe at tears and try to catch your breath. Can't he see how this looks? People walking into the gas station turning to gawk at you? Finally, with your back against the car you blurt it out.
“I might be pregnant!”
Instantly he falls silent, leaving just the sound of your sniffling between you.
“I don’t know yet. Nancy’s gonna ask her mom about a test.” 
You don’t wait for him to collect himself enough to answer. You break out of his grip and start walking home. He doesn’t come after you. You stop by a grocery store and duck into the bathroom, crying.
Billy has the ability to scare the shit out of you and he uses it to get his way at the slightest inconvenience. Why doesn’t it mean anything to him when you ask him to wait? When you tell him you're not ready to say something, why can’t he just leave it at that? How can he claim to love you and bully you into submission like that? It feels so unfair. Just now, in the car, you felt like your heart was going to explode and you couldn’t stop crying. How could he claim to care about you and make you feel like that just to get what he wanted? Didn’t it bother him to see you so upset? You spend half an hour in the bathroom while others come and go. Eventually you manage to stop crying and leave, your mom’s words are burning in your heart. 
“You think that boy cares about you?” She’d asked at dinner one night shortly after they met him “Get pregnant and you’ll see. He looks at you like a piece of ass and you’re probably giving it to him free of charge. Do you even make him buy you dinner first?” she’d scoffed, shaking her head. “Little girl, you think he loves you so much, just go ahead and keep letting him use you like a damn toy and see if he sticks around to take care of you and the baby. I bet you anything he’ll be gone. Anything.” 
You're shaking by the time you reach home, and rush upstairs to your room. You must've fallen right asleep, because you wake up with just enough time to do homework and go down for dinner. By then, you're numb. You just want your mom to be sweet to you. You wish you could tell her that you're scared and hurt and angry, but you can’t say a word. If you ever admitted that you and Billy had sex she would truly do everything in her power to keep you apart, even if it meant dropping you off and picking you up from school every day. Your life wouldn’t extend beyond school and your bedroom.
The next day is Saturday and Billy doesn’t text you all day. Maybe your mom is right. You tell her you feel sick and spend the day in bed. It’s true, after all. She checks on you, bringing you soup and touching your forehead. She’s so gentle with you when you're sick that you wish you got sick more often. When she’s not in your room you turn your music up and cry into your pillow. You hurt in so many different ways that it’s hard to feel anything other than this overwhelming sadness. You want to hear Billy’s voice, but the day passes and you don’t hear from him. Maybe it’s over. Maybe he never loved you. Saturday night you're lying on the couch watching a movie with your parents, it’s something old that the two of them say is a classic. Nancy texts you.
*Mom got a test. Come over tomorrow?* 
*Yes, thank you so much, Nancy! I love you!*
*Love you, too. Hope Billy didn’t flip his shit the other day.*
*You have no idea*
You're embarrassed to show up to Nancy’s house the next day, afraid of her parents or her brother catching a glimpse of you needing a pregnancy test. Luckily, it’s just her at home when you arrive. You're so relieved you start to cry. 
“Oh, yn, it’s okay.” 
She pulls you into a hug and you go to her room. You tell her everything; from the car ride from hell with Billy to crying in the bathroom, and what your mom said. 
“He hasn’t texted you at all?” She asks. Her eyes and her tone are gentle, she’s such a comforting person. You lean your head on her shoulder. 
“Well, we should probably figure out if you’re even pregnant first.” 
You laugh at that. 
“Yeah, about that. Isn’t it too early?” 
“You said it’s like a week late?”
“9 days now, yeah.”
“Should be fine.” She digs into her night stand and pulls out a brown paper bag. “There’s two in there, just to be sure. Plus some condoms.” You thank her again and hug her “Anytime. You owe me, though. I had to swear on my grandma’s grave that they weren’t for me.” 
“You’re a good friend. I’m lucky.” 
She smiles and then waves you off towards the bathroom. The instructions are a mile long and you're so nervous scanning through them. By the time it’s time to pee you realize you probably haven’t drank water since Thursday night. You come out and Nancy laughs when you say you're dry as a bone. The day ends up turning into a hangout as you go to the corner store together for lemonade and run into some girls from school. The three of them had just gotten out of church and were complaining about it, making fun of the pastor and talking about which choir boys they thought were cute. 
It was a rare moment of connection that you cherished. You didn't have a lot of connections outside of Nancy. Billy's reputation kept you insulated as this untouchable being. New to the school yourself, no one knew what to make of you, and now, most people didn't try getting to know you. Some out of fear of Billy's jealousy, others because of their own. You got lucky with Nancy. She never let a rumor stand in her way.
When you were good and ready, you and Nancy said goodbye to the girls and headed back to her house, having to run laughing the final stretch because you could barely hold it by then. The stick was barely wet before she came barging in and you couldn’t stop laughing as you traded spots on the toilet. 
Only a best friend could make such a terrifying day so much fun. 
You sat the two tests next to each other on the bathroom counter and stood staring at them. Nancy leaned over your shoulder. 
“Dare you to lick em.” 
You push her away, laughing and she starts fiddling with her hair. 
“What are you gonna do? I mean, if it’s positive?” 
You shrug. 
“I can’t keep it. I mean, I don’t want to be pregnant.” 
“Were you guys…using anything?”
You shake your head, embarrassed.
“I don’t know why. We just…I don’t know, we were being stupid.” 
What you couldn’t admit was that for a while, you’d felt untouchable. Sex was a magical thing and getting wrapped up in it was intoxicating. You’d felt so close to him, so able to make him happy, to be connected that way. Neither of you had ever mentioned using protection, it didn’t feel necessary, somehow. Nancy puts her hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay,” she says softly, “Mistakes are what they are.” 
You hugged her again. You separate when the timer goes off and for a moment you're too afraid to look away from her eyes. She gives you a reassuring smile and you take a deep breath, and look down. 
. . .
“We’ll go to California after graduation. I’ve got a buddy in San Diego who owns a string of surf shops, he’d let me manage and maybe even own one. You can go to school out there, we can get a nanny during the day and then be together at night.”
It’s Sunday night and Billy finally asked you to come over. You went right from Nancy’s over to his place. His parents were out of town and Max was in her room. You’d barely gotten into his room when he started spilling this grand plan. His eyes were bright and wild, imagining this future for the two of you. Well, three. 
              You're too stunned at first to say anything. You watch him go on and on about the sunshine in Cali being good for a baby, and how his grandparents would be happy to babysit and his cousin had a big summer house on the shore you could stay in. Your heart feels so full it could burst watching him go on, so excited. Your eyes start to well up with tears. He sees you crying and puts his hands on your cheeks. 
“Baby, what is it?”
You shake your head. 
“I thought you’d be upset.” 
He scoffs at you. 
“You’re gonna be a great mom.” 
He says it with so much love that it hurts. 
“No, I’m not.”
“I’m not pregnant.” 
He’s silent, the light dimming in his eyes. 
“I took two tests.” 
He drops his hands away from your face and steps back, then sits on the bed. You go sit beside him, sensing so much sadness. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper to him. 
He shakes his head. 
“It’s alright, baby.”
You’re quiet for a long time, his eyes distant. 
“We can still go to Cali together.” 
He looks at you, seeming somewhat surprised to hear you say that. 
“I mean, if you still want to.” 
He palms your cheek and kisses you. He puts on music and you lay down together, his head resting on your chest. It's quiet for a long time as the music plays. You lay there with your fingers gently moving in his hair.
“I love you,” you whisper. “I was so nervous, ya know? I thought you’d hate it.”
“Scared the shit out of me when you told me. Then I started thinking about everything and it just started coming together. We could’ve really done it.” he pauses and you feel a little tremble in him, making your heart skip a beat, you hold him, gathering him into your arms as much as you can “You would’ve been a great mom and a fuckin milf, too.” 
You laugh a little, but he keeps shivering and then he breaks. His breathing hitches and for the first time since you met him, he’s crying, wetting the front of your shirt. You kiss the top of his head and stroke his hair, holding him close through the tremors and the sobs. He gathers the side of your shirt in his fist as he cries, holding onto you as if he’ll blow away if he doesn’t.
             You love him so much at this moment that you would do anything for him. Anything to comfort him. But, there’s nothing to do, so you let him cry. The music plays and he cries through the album, at least as long as you had in the bathroom. It’s strange that he’s mirroring that sadness now. You had no idea he would become attached to the idea of you mothering his child, but given what you know about his mom it makes sense. It makes your heart ache for him. 
Your mom was wrong about him. Hell, even you were wrong to think he'd abandon you. Neither of you understand how much he really loves you.  You laid there, quiet, the music and his crying the only sounds. You have a future with him, he loves you enough to want that with you. But, it’s better this way; to go to college and get jobs before you have kids…as a matter of fact, you'd never even decided that you wanted kids. You feel like you should tell him that had you been pregnant you wouldn’t have kept it, but now doesn’t feel like the time. It also isn’t the time to talk about how much he scared you the other day. His outbursts aren’t usually that bad, and most of the time he apologizes on his own, but you don’t think an apology will cut it this time. 
How he reacted wasn’t fair at all. But this isn’t the time for that, either. You just let him cry for as long as he needs to. Eventually, you fall asleep. You're woken up by a tingle that rushes through your body, making you gasp. The lamp is still on but the music has stopped, heat and pleasure pushes a moan from your throat. His fingers are moving in you, his teeth bearing into your neck. 
His mouth moves to yours, hungry and insistent. You're so wet and so close to cumming that you don’t have time to think before cresting helplessly into an orgasm. It’s such a rush and your head is empty as you moan his name, gripping his arm to stabilize yourself. It feels so good you can’t think of anything else but his skin against yours, his hand, the way he touches you. You rock your hips against his arm and he kisses you, his tongue brushing against yours. 
His palm is on your cheek and you're kissing it as he moves his body between your legs, pushing his boxers down and letting his dick free. He’s stroking it and then slipping into you, all the while his lips are pressed against yours. He feels so good, and then you remember. You push away from him once and then again when he doesn’t move away. You struggle to sit up and finally he understands, backing away. 
Breathing heavy he pulls out and asks what’s wrong, panting against your lips.
“I have something we can use.”
He looks at you strangely, then you dig into your backpack and fish out the condoms. When you hold it up he looks even more confused. 
“Why the fuck would we use this?”
“Uh, because. Billy, I don’t wanna get pregnant.” 
“You won’t.”
“We just-”
“But you weren’t. Right? I’ll pull out, baby it’s fine.” 
He goes to climb on top of you but you inch back. 
“I’m serious. We can’t risk it anymore.” 
He sighs, sitting back on his haunches. 
“Do you even know what you’re asking? Those make it so I can’t even feel anything.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. You're conflicted because it feels bad to have to ask for this, but it feels worse to have to fight for it. 
“Billy, I can’t risk it.”
He sighs again, shaking his head. Eventually, though he relents, asking you to suck his dick a little first. You do, and soon the little hiccup with the condom is forgotten. You hope it isn’t like this all the time. You had sex that night, though you could tell he had a harder time finishing than he usually does. He came, though, with you on top, grinding your hips into his while your own high had already left you lightheaded. You didn't talk any more about it that night.
You didn’t talk about the pregnancy scare until a party the next weekend.
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To Be Continued...
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camileeon · 3 years
Heyy!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 200+ FOLLOWERS BESTIE AAA im so happy for you 💖 To celebrate i’ll participate in ur second event as well ^w^
I read the list of prompts, and i think prompt A-15 “I love you more than I love food. Feel appreciated” would be perfect for Camilo! The short fic could take place in a soft morning after y/n stays at casita overnight with Camilo. Y/n could be trying to start the day but Camilo just doesn’t wanna get up yet. I AM ABSOLUTELY SOFT FOR MORNING CUDDLES AKSKWOSKWODNE *malfunctions*
thank you so much take care 💖
🍵- absolutely nothing other than soft fluffy lazy mornings and loads of kisses from the sun himself <3
🦋- GN!Reader x Camilo Madrigal
🍊- enjoyed making this bc of how fluffy it is :(( ever just want fictional characters to be real? yea same 🙁 Thank you so so so much for requesting! @sweettooth-simps I'm very sorry this took awhile, other than that pleas enjoy!! <3- ceres 💗
Dawn sunlight drew streaks of yellow on the shapeshifter's curtains as the light wind rustled in, snores and unrecognizable mumbling came either from the couple as they slept soundly in eachother's embrace. Y/n was over at Casita for a sleepover with the madrigal grandchildren, the night before was just to be described as chaos rather than ecstatic. Playing different games, sneaking out to grab midnight snacks in the kitchen while trying to be as silent as possible, and a few of them even getting to draw on Luisa's face due to being the first one who hit the hay early.
“They had each of their frolics as the night went wildly for them, resulting them to stay up late until atleast a slit of the sun peeked from it's sleep after those hours that seemed neverending for all seven of them. All of them went back to their rooms immediately after, feeling all of the energy drain away from their bodies and collapsed into their cushioned mattresses, y/n slept over at camilo's as their limbs entangled eachother through the remaining hours of sleep they've gotten.
Flinching to wake up as soon as their alarm rang, getting out of bed to shut it off to avoid waking up the sleeping chameleon. They groaned quietly before slumping back on top of him, laying their head on his chest as they admired how pretty he was while sleeping, giving him kisses on his lips to try to wake him up as gentle as possible while they kept a closed distance.
“amor.. we gotta get up.. we've slept in.”
They attempted whispering quietly, laying beside him as he snuggled against their embrace. Sending the message of not wanting to get up or "5 minutes more" but continues to sleep in for the next hour, they needed to get up or they'd miss breakfast.
They continued to try various attempts, being gentle with him to avoid having him in a bad mood just because of being woken up. In the end, they sighed exhaustingly as to not even denting him one eye awake.
“Camilo, we need to get uupppppp” they tried to pull him up to stand, hearing him groan as he just clung on to them while being up half awake.
“Nooooo...you've been trying for the past hour, give up..” his morning voice sent shivers down their spine, his breath against their neck. Camilo wrapped his arms securely around their waist as they stayed in a very comfortable silence, swaying them around in a circle continuosly as their eyes lock from time to time.
“Now you're up, can we go down to eat already?”
“You really want to leave now? Can't i just give you kisses and cuddles, to have you the whole day to myself?”
“ you're actually putting me before tia's arepas? That's new.”
“Amor ever since you came into my life, i've loved you more than i love food, feel appreciated. Anyway.. back to business.”
they let out a snort at his response before being lifted back on to the bed and tackled by the boy in yellow “you're all mine, food can wait.” he retorted, the sun giving his moon loads of affection and kisses wherever he could place any as they laid in bed for the rest of the day.
Bonus: Dolores hears what they were up to and saved a plate for the both of them, leaving it on a tray in front of his door. A few hours later, Pepa knocks in and finds an adorable sight of camilo with his arms around them protectively as they waltzed their way to dreamland once more.
(a/n) Join our discord server!!/pos 💗💗
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: “The Siege of Gondor”
(Okay so I actually “read” this chapter initially by listening to Phil Dragash’s audio drama of it, and BOY when I tell you it makes it more hair-raising I am not exaggerating @_@)
“Why did you bring me here?” “To keep you out of mischief; and if you do not like being here, you can remember that you brought it on yourself.” Wooooof, Gandalf, SAVAGE…
Denethor is truly starting to make me uncomfortable now. I know I said I’d wait to diss him until he did something to deserve it, and he’s starting to deserve it.
BEREGOND!! My boo! I missed you 8-D
Beregond really does seem so comforting in comparison to Denethor, and even to Gandalf. He’s just such a bro to Pippin. I love my husband =^-^=
“It was the sunset-hour, but the great pall had now stretched far into the West, and only as it sank at last into the Sea did the Sun escape to send out a brief farewell gleam before the night, even as Frodo saw it at the Cross-roads touching the head of the fallen king.” I love how Tolkien ties all the stories together to let us know what’s going on at the same time as everything else.
Pippin: *yawns* Beregond, immediately, being a Dad(TM): “Are you tired?”
Beregond’s loyalty to Faramir really is admirable. I liken it to how I feel about my pastor; he barely knows me personally, but I’ve grown to know, respect, and love him as a leader, and I hope that I’d be willing to take a bullet for him if it came to it. Beregond certainly is willing to take that chance.
(oh wait that’s not very funny uh) FARAMIR SENPAI (yes good nailed it)
“Pippin had liked [Boromir] from the first, admiring the the great man’s lordly but kindly manner.” Gosh, Boromir really was best buds with Merry and Pippin, wasn’t he?? ;-;
Faramir gets to tell Gandalf and Pippin (and Denethor but he’s not important right now) about Frodo and Sam!! YES GOOD
I mean the news he has to tell is anxiety-inducing, but in the movies they don’t even know if Frodo and Sam are alive or not after the breaking of the Fellowship until the whole Quest is over—but here, at least Gandalf and Pippin get to hear that their friends were alive and well two days ago. That’s got to be a HUGE relief.
“Do you wish then that our places had been exchanged?” “Yes, I wish that indeed.” Mhm yes screw you in particular, Denethor
“‘But,’ said Pippin. ‘But what?’ said Gandalf. ‘Only one but I will allow tonight.’” Hahaha tell me the author raised children without telling me the author raised children 🤣🤣🤣
Everyone in Gondor: “Denethor is being too cruel to Faramir. He’s giving him double the work that he should.” Everyone in the fandom, including me: “YES PREACH”
“But if I should return, think better of me!” “That depends on the manner of your return.” HELLO YES SCREW YOU DENETHOR
Beregond, constantly: FARAMIR SENPAI—
“I sent my son forth, unthanked, unblessed, out into needless peril, and here he lies with poison in his veins.” Mhm yep a little late to be regretting it now you prick
“Why? Why do the fools fly? Better to burn sooner than late, for burn we must.” *to the tune of Baby Shark* Duuude youuu SUCK do-do do-do-do-do
“Farewell, Peregrin son of Paladin! … Go now, and die in what way seems best to you.” DUDE YOU SUCK DO-DO DO-DO-DO-DO
Phil Dragash, reading: “The sentinel hailed him as he went by, and he recognized the voice of Bere—” Me, instantly: BEREGOOOND!!!
Okay I just gotta say that Pippin’s quickly dwindling patience and resulting snippiness is GREAT
Just earlier he answered a guard asking, “Who is the master of Minas Tirith? The Lord Denethor or the Grey Wanderer?” with “The Grey Wanderer or no one, it would seem!” and then just ran off.
And here, when Beregond says, “The Lord does not permit those who wear the black and silver to leave their post for any cause, save at his own command,” Pippin shoots back, “Well, you must chose between orders and the life of Faramir! And as for orders, I think you have a madman to deal with, not a lord!”
This is an appropriate level of stress when you’re trying to prevent a filicide!
(Also the desperation that Mr. Dragash puts into Pippin’s voice here absolutely elevates this to an 11. Like “SCREW ME SIDEWAYS ISN’T THERE ANYONE IN THIS CITY WHO’S WILLING TO HELP ME SAVE A MAN FROM BEING BURNED ALIVE BY HIS OWN DAD HOLY GRACIOUS”)
*chanting* GROND! GROND! GROND!
Ohhhhh okay so this is why they had that little face-off between Gandalf and the Witch King in the movies. Although it’s mostly a rap battle at this point.
“Rohan had come at last”
*deep breath*
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Pregnancy scare with the Batboys?
These all happen at different times in their lives. Dick at 24, Jason 26, and Tim 20 because I feel like that’s the ages they’d like have this.
Warning: it’s gotta little bit of everything. Fluff, smut, convenience story robbery, blood, one little crude sex joke.
“I stopped at the store and got everything we need before the store comes in. Even got those pad tampon things you use,” Dick said waving the box proudly. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the box.
“And what prompted that?” You asked, eyes narrowed.
“A coupon deal on them,” Dick answered and you laughed.
“That makes more sense. Let me put these up and I’ll cook dinner,” you said, walking to the bathroom.
“Nope! I’m cooking,” Dick said happily.
“Okay,” you said planning to help him anyways.
You walked in the bathroom to put the box in your usual drawer only to find it full. When was the last time you needed one? You did the math and realized that it’s been almost 2 months. With your university schedule being crazy and Dick got hurt a few weeks ago, you’d forgotten all about your period.
You skin chilled at the thought. What if you were- what if you were pregnant? You were too young. You were 24 but it felt too young. You were only dating. You hadn’t gotten to the kids talk yet.
“Hey babe, where is the- what’s wrong?” Dick asked from the doorway. He looked at the package in your hand and the matching one in the drawer with confusion.
“Uh, I missed my period last month,” you said and his eyes widened. “I completely forgot.”
He looked at you frozen. “Wait- are you saying you might be...”
“Maybe,” you answered. “We gotta get tests and everything. And stress can mess it up. And we’ve been using protection every time.”
“Yeah. I’ll run to the store, okay?” He said before hurrying out the door. You sat on the toilet with the box still in hand. What if you were pregnant? Dick was a good guy but he didn’t exactly have a ton of money. He was a part time gymnastics teacher. You were in college.
“Okay I got 4,” Dick said, back in record time. He gave you the bag and watched you.
“Get out of the bathroom.”
“Oh right,” he said, leaving and shutting the door. You could hear him pacing as you took the tests. You unlocked the door as you waited for the tests to finish. A neat little row of absolute terror on the side of the bathtub.
“Are they done?” Dick asked anxiously.
“No. We wait two minutes,” you said almost hollowly with stress and he nodded roughly.
“If you are... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for whatever you decide. No matter your choice,” Dick said holding your hands. You gulped.
“Yeah. Thanks. I can’t believe I forgot,” you said with a little laugh. He hugged your shoulders.
“Things have been crazy,” Dick said with a shrug. Your phone alarm went off and you quickly looked at all of the tests. Negative. You both relaxed. You sighed in relief.
“That would have been crazy,” you said with a laugh. Dick laughed a little too. “I am not ready to be a mom.”
“Yeah. Same. I’d need a better job and a better place. Not that there’s anything wrong with our apartment but it’s too small for a baby,” Dick rambled on. He stopped when he noticed your little grin. “You know, I meant what I said. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”
You didn’t answer but pulled him in for a kiss that Dick eagerly returned before finally pulling away because you were in the bathroom surrounded by used pregnancy tests and boxes of menstrual products.
“I’ll clean up while you get dinner started. Yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Dick said with a kiss to your cheek.
You’d been thinking about it for a few days with a sense of denial. Your period was late. And you were mentally freaking out. You were too young. I mean, you were 26 but it felt too young! Your relationship was too new! You had been dating for 2 years but it felt too fast!
You hurried down to a corner store that you didn’t normally visit near your apartment to grab some tests. You jumped a little when the bell on the door rang as another customer entered the store. You had been too worried and stressed about picking from the 7 different types of pregnancy tests. Were they all the same or totally different? You just wanted to know ‘baby or naw.’ You grabbed three and put them in a hand basket.
“PUT your hands up where we can see them,” a man yelled and you froze before looking up, your hands above your head, basket on your wrist. “Take off any jewelry and pull out your wallets. We’ll be taking those,” a man in a ski mask said. There were a total of 12 customers and 2 shop clerks.
You carefully pulled your crossbody bag off your shoulder and held it out. A man grabbed it roughly from you and you made a tiny noise that made him smile. He looked you over and you wanted to shrink away.
There was a loud crashing noise as the side glass was broken and a man with a pair of guns blazing stood in the middle. The bright red helmet let you know that it was Jason and you almost sagged in relief. Almost. He pointed the gun at both criminals and shot at their knees. The rubber bullets hit them both in the knees and they fell before you could even move. He quickly punched them both in the head and they lost consciousness. Jason roughly tied them up by the register and everyone started to leave the building quickly while grabbing their things.
Jason grabbed you and pulled you from the building and up to the roof, basket still on your wrist. He rolled his helmet off and looked you over.
“Are you alright?” He asked holding your face in his hands. You grasped his wrists.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” you reassured him. He looked you over before his eyes fell to the basket. Jason froze as he looked at the contents. A candy bar and 3 pregnancy tests.
“Are you? Why do you have these?” He asked, looking at your face quickly. You sat the basket down.
“Maybe,” you answered quietly. His mouth opened a little as if you speak but he didn’t. “I mean, I’m late.”
“Okay. Alright,” he said nodding. “We just need to test first. God, you were almost shot and you might be pregnant.”
He pulled you tightly in his arms until the armor pressed against you. Jason’s lips pressed against the side of your head. For one of the first times, he looked scared.
Back at your apartment, you could hear Jason pacing as you took the test. You unlocked the door and he came in, staring at them. Neither one of you spoke before the results came in. Negative. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“I would have been there for you. No matter what. But I’m glad that it’s negative. We should plan this stuff, you know? My job... it’s too dangerous,” Jason said carefully.
“I know. We can’t,” you said with a dry smile.
“I’d quit. If you were. So that you and the baby would be safe,” he said and you quickly looked at him.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you said.
“But I would.”
Tim’s hands were tight on your hips as he thrust in your from behind and you couldn’t stop making little noises. God, were you always this tight? He could barely control himself and the second you clamped around him in pleasure, Tim came as well. Both of you panted as he roughly and slowly thrust through your highs. Tim pushed in deeply before stopping to catch his breath and then pulling out.
“Fuck,” he said in a terrified voice. You turned to look at him confused. “The condom came off.”
Your eyes widened at the implication. “Did you- did you finish inside?” You asked as cold panic flooded your body. You were only using condoms at this point in time.
“Yeah. Definitely,” he said, looking down and in literally any other situation he would have loved the sight before him. His cum leaked out of you and Tim winced.
After a few minutes of trying to finally get the useless condom out, you were almost in full freak out. You were only 20. You couldn’t get pregnant!
“I’ll get plan B. Unless you don’t want it,” Tim said looking at you.
“Good idea. We definitely need that,” you said nodding. “But you can’t go to the store and buy plan B. Timothy Drake-Wayne buys plan B. Playboy like his father Bruce Wayne? I could just see the headline. I’ll go.”
“Smart,” he said. You quickly took a shower and threw on clothes before running down to a pharmacy. Your heart pounded as you asked the pharmacist for a plan B but she simply gave you a box that you paid for. You took the pill before even leaving the store and threw away the evidence as if someone cared what you did.
That night you had some nausea and cramping but were fine otherwise. Tim was extra nice in the next few weeks as you both waited to see if your period would ever come. He put in effort to see you more often and stay off his phone when you were together. Finally you woke up one morning with cramps where actually pleasantly happy to see that you had finally started to bleed. That didn’t happen often.
You told Tim who sagged in relief. He didn’t even know how much tension he held in his body before releasing it. He kissed your cheek and you laughed a little.
“Never buying that brand of condoms again,” he swore.
“I’m making an appointment to get birth control,” you said and he quickly turned to you.
“Really? No more condoms?” Tim said hopefully.
“It’ll take a little while to start working but yeah,” you said with a little smile. “Then I can be your Twinkie instead of your toaster strudel,” you laughed.
“Wow. I wish I could time travel to unhear that,” Tim said covering his face with a hand while laughing.
“You know that’s a good joke,” you laughed pushing his shoulder.
“...yeah,” he said with a grin.
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moemammon · 4 years
You are not Beyoncé but you're singing your heart out when you think you're home alone.
(Featuring the demon brothers and GN!MC)
For once, you had the house to yourself! Was this a miracle?? Were the heavens finally smiling down on you from above? Was this the result of all your good karma??? Whatever it was, you were almost certain that you were alone for once.
And what did that mean? Time for a good ol' fashion jam session. You put on your favorite tunes and set them to blast through the speaker of your D.D.D. while you danced around the house, singing your heart out. Who cared if some of your notes were flat, or if you had to drop a few pitches to hit those high notes?
Not you. You were just living your best life without a care in the world.
Of course the eldest would be around. Arguably the most mysterious and omnipotent brother in the house, so yeah. He's there.
He told you this morning that he’d have a meeting to attend after classes today. You thought he’d be out for a long while, but it just so happened that the meeting ended early today, much to his relief.
Not to yours though, because that means that Lucifer has front row seats to your amazing concert without your permission.
He didn't even have the courtesy to make himself known! He just waited in the kitchen, quietly preparing his coffee while your singing echoed through the halls.
You were sauntering your way to the kitchen as well, fumbling over forgotten lyrics without a care in the world, when you saw him.
Enemy spotted.
Does this mean he heard every single time your voice cracked-
Your eyes lock and Lucifer doesn't even mention what you were just doing, despite the obviously being within earshot of you.
You really start feeling the heat rising in your cheeks when he says "You seem to be in a good mood. Did something good happen to you at RAD today?"
Regardless of how you respond (or not), Lucifer turns his back to you to tidy up, and says "....I don't believe I've ever heard your singing before. You'll have to give me an encore in my office some time."
You swear you can hear the mischief in his tone....
This seriously was unheard of. An afternoon without having mammon glued to your hip?? Hell must've frozen over or something.
Regardless, you weren't going to take this for granted! Mammon did mention something about a 'foolproof money making scheme' he had a dream about last night, so he was probably off trying to see if he could make it a reality.
Things like this usually took a huge chunk of greedy boy's afternoon, so you figured you were safe to sing as you pleased!
Besides, he probably would've texted you if he were on the way home, right?
Apparently not, because Mammon was very much home, and did not send you a text. Honestly? He forgot to. He was too busy wallowing in self pity.
How was he supposed to know that using magic to duplicate grim was illegal??
He managed to escape any real trouble and made his way back home, only to have his ears immediately blessed (or assaulted) by your singing.
He's not the type to sit around in secret until you notice him, so catch this boy marching around the house until he finds you himself. Not so quietly calling out your name the entire time, too.
Mammon caught you in the empty library singing your heart out. The acoustics were great in there! They also kinda drowned out the outside noise, so you couldn't really hear him yelling for you.
"Oh, I thought you were screamin' about a bug or something. What song is that?"
He's not shy about singing in the shower at the top of his lungs, so it's not like he's judging you?? But he's got his phone out when you spot him. The bastard is recording you...
So your knee jerk reaction is to attack
"Wh- Oi!! What're ya hitting me for?! I don't care if it's just a pillow- Hey!"
He has chosen death. Goodbye Mammon.
It was kind of bold of you to assume that Levi would ever be out of the house, but he DID mention something about a concert he wanted to attend..? Or some kind of book signing?
You don't really remember, and you don't have the mental strength to scroll through the sea of spam texts he's sent you today.
C'est la vie.
Since you're pretty sure you're alone, you're not taking your solo concert all around the house of lamentation, from the foyer to the west wing, up to the attic and down to the dining room.
Gotta find the perfect spot to sing this next part. It's got a really good bit with a flute, and you wanna stare longingly out of a window or something-
And it's when you pass by otaku man's room that he decides to make himself known by poking his head out. His headset is around his neck and his hair's a little tousled, hinting that he was in the middle of gaming.
You freeze. Neither of you can look the other in the eye.
It takes a while before the silence can be broken, but before you can say a word, Levi speaks.
"Y-You know... you should come to karaoke with me! Only if you want to, I mean! I didn't know you were a fan of singing, so... but you probably have other plans, right? You don't want to hang out with a gross otaku like me blah blah blah-"
You aren't sure if your brain is malfunctioning from being caught in the act, or from the word vomit spilling from everyone's favorite weeb.
Satan is a good, studious boy so you assumed he was staying after class to head to the library. He was lagging behind, so you didn't question it.
Or maybe he was planning his next prank? Lucifer did have to make an announcement tomorrow morning in front of the student body, and Satan had been awfully interested in glitter bombs lately...
Whatever the case, he wasn't home right now! Or so you thought.
You were busy switching between two different choruses AND a sick guitar riff all in one song, so there was no time to be thinking about the demon's whereabouts.
You did wonder where you left your bag at, though. You vaguely recalled dumping it at the front door, so maybe that's where it was?
Scooting your way down the hall like a music powered locomotive, you were right in the middle of imitating the sound of drums when you spotted the trembling grin plastered to Satan's face.
Maybe you could ask Diavolo about sending you back to the human world right now.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were here, or I would've said something." Satan tells you, clearing his throat to further suppress his laughter. From the way his shoulders are shaking, he was barely holding on.
"I didn't think you were the type to like songs like that. Do you have a playlist you could recommend me? I'm interested after seeing how much you enjoy it."
That cheeky grin of his never breaks for a second, so you can't tell if he's actually asking for recommendations, or if he's watching for your reaction.
Not a surprise that you assumed he wasn't home, since he rarely is. He's always out partying or shopping around, so you usually don't see him much around this time.
But that also means you're free to sing as loudly as you want! Look out Mariah Carey, there's a new high note singer in town.
Asmo can vouch for that! Because he can hear you. Clearly.
Okay but he's one of those people that joins in while you're singing.
Legit the moment he goes inside and recognizes your song, he's trying to serenade you from the other side of the house.
And boy do you hear him. This man can SING (as expected of a fallen angel), and he likes to sing loudly. He wants all eyes on him after all!
And maybe you'll be so smitten by his angelic voice that you'll come running into his arms and beg that he takes you right then and there!
Wishful thinking though, because that is not how you reacted. Boo...
He finds you, and wants to know what you think of his voice. "Well? My singing was beautiful, wasn't it~? I used to sing all the time up in the celestial realm! I don't mind giving you some private lessons back in my room~"
Was he implying that you needed lessons? Maybe... but he's a sweetheart about it so can you really be mad at him?
A crepe cart recently opened up for a limited time, and there was no way Beel was going to miss that. And knowing him, he wouldn't come home until there were no traces of food left in sight.
So you figured you'd have plenty of time to brush up on your sea shanties! Bold of you to assume...
Beel can inhale a billion times his weight in food in like, five minutes. What made you think he wouldn't be back home by now?
He was full for a good ten minutes (a new record!) and spent that time in his bedroom, hence why you didn't hear his usual rummaging through the kitchen for food.
Speaking of food, you were feeling kind of hungry yourself! And a little parched from all the singing, so a snack break couldn't hurt!
You slid on your socks along the hardwood floor all the way to the kitchen... where you nearly slammed into Beel. There he was, the mad lad himself.
He was also on the way to the kitchen. Surprise surprise, right? And he managed to catch you by the shoulders before you could slide into anything.
Beel is the least phased by your singing. He just thinks it's nice that you were comfortable enough to sing so loudly! Good to see that you're enjoying yourself.
He doesn't exactly address it? Instead he moves his hand forward to place something into yours.
It's a crepe that he saved, just for you! You stare at the delicate pastry, all topped with layers of fluffy whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries, and lovingly drizzled with chocolate sauce! There's a bite taken out of the side, though-
"I tried my best to hold back, but I took a bite. Sorry..."
How can you be mad at him?? You're not even embarrassed about the singing anymore tbh. Too full of love to care 💕💕
When,,,, was Belphie ever not home,, like,,,,
This man has never seen a classroom in his life, so it's not like you could've expected him to be at RAD.
And he wasn't usually in town?? Definitely a homebody.
But Beel wanted someone to go with him to that crepe cart, and Belphie couldn't exactly turn his dear brother down when he gave him those big baby eyes-
And since Beel wasn't home, you figured Belphie was still out, too!
Spoiler alert: you thought wrong.
Belphie was home, and now wide awake thanks to your banshee screams singing. He managed to slip away from Beel when he got too tired. He didn't really want a crepe anyway, so he decided to head back.
Only to be rudely awaken... how dare you...
He's hellbent on finding you, JUST so he can get you to shush. Please.. let him rest his weary bones...
When he does locate you, you have your back turned to him and your music on max volume, occupying yourself with grabbing your clean laundry to take back to your room.
He doesn't speak, instead choosing to watch you shimmy around to the beat of your song. And when you do a little spin, you turn right around to face him and get to witness the sheer amusement on his face.
He's NOT letting your forget about this moment. And you can't escape him either, he won't let you.
The bastard corners you just to repeatedly ask "Hey, what were you singing? I haven't heard that one in a while. Mind singing it again for me?"
"With a voice like that, I'm afraid to ask you to sing me a lullaby."
"...Just kidding. Your face is really red right now, you know?"
You feel the sudden urge to stuff him into the dryer, but you resist.
The urge grows stronger when he imitates the little dance you were doing.
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 3 - zuko x fem!reader
I feel so much, I get carried away
part 2 | masterlist | part 4
a/n: enjoy the fluff in this chapter bc its not gonna last
once again for reference - this chapter takes place 2 years after the last one so y/n is 11 and zuko is 12
warning(s): eating/food, but otherwise its pure fluff
wc: 3.3k
chapter title comes from carried away by madison beer!
i ran out of kid zuko gifs so i had to make my own smh if you want something done you gotta do it yourself
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The young friendship only flourished after that fateful day. Zuko and Y/N began spending almost all of their freetime together between Y/N teaching him about her culture, their usual talking in the hallways, and finding ways to hang out together outside of her schedule. She was absolutely delighted to be teaching Zuko though, so she always made sure there was time for her self proclaimed academy.
Y/N was constantly busy around the castle, so in order to hang out they had started waking up extra early — the pair had become experts at sneaking around the castle with the first rays of the sun. The gardens were a favourite because of its availability, and of course, the turtleducks. It also gave Y/N a chance to bend outside of healing, something that they began to take advantage of as they got older.
Sparring sessions became a regular between them as a way for Y/N to get some practice with martial bending, Zuko to experience fighting against a waterbender, and just another way for them to spend time together. Of course, they had to keep it as quiet as possible to avoid alerting anyone of their presence, but that became the least of their worries over time.
They each pushed each other to be better, and with Y/N’s healing skills, they were able to walk away every morning without any injuries. But after discovering a very unfair advantage that the prince held, she decided that morning sparring just wasn’t enough.
(“Firebending gets stronger in the morning,” he had told her after a particularly brutal blast resulting in some emergency bending on Y/N’s part to extinguish a tree. “My teachers always say that we rise with the sun.”
“Well,” she had said with a smile. “We rise with the moon. You just signed yourself up for some late night sparring sessions.”)
Y/N had truly started to come into her own. It had been two years since her capture, and though she had in no way made peace with her life in the Fire Nation, she was trying to take advantage of it as much as she could. Even though she despised being at the beck and call of nobles and guards, she couldn’t deny the opportunities it gave her to hone her abilities. Her healing had improved tenfold and her martial bending wasn’t too shabby either. Between all of the time spent with Zuko and practicing her bending, she was able to distract herself from her dim reality.
But the world was a cruel, cruel place, no matter how much she tried to ignore it. It didn’t treat souls like Zuko and Y/N kindly, a fact that they would soon become aware of.
In the moment though, Y/N was more focused on not getting burnt.
She twirled to the side as a small flame shot past her, just barely managing to dodge it as she bent a stream of water out from the pond and sent it at Zuko. He turned it to steam as he blocked it with his own fire, which he then sent back at her with a combination of a punch and a kick. Y/N raised her hands and bent up a large wall of water from the pond, and with a small grunt on her part, sent it flying towards Zuko. He tried to conjure up his own fire shield in an effort to extinguish the water once more, but it was too little too late and he ended up getting knocked to the ground and completely drenched.
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that fell from her lips as Zuko wiped water off of his face, sputtering incoherently while he pushed himself up. “Did you really have to do that?” he complained.
“You know I do.” She grinned as she walked around the pond to his side, cracking her knuckles before she began to bend the water out of his clothes. “This was in the morning, too. Admit it, I’m getting better!”
He cracked a smile of his own. “You really are. I just wish that you getting better didn’t end up in me getting soaked every time.”
She bent the water she had extracted from his clothes back into the pond and held out her hand to help him up from the ground, which he took gratefully. “That just makes it more fun.”
As she helped pull him up, Y/N found herself more than a little transfixed. The rays of the rising sun shone down on him perfectly, and the smile still on his lips made her feel flutter bats in her stomach.
Y/N didn’t know when she had started seeing Zuko in a different light than usual. When his laughs became melodious, his smile like a ray of sunshine on its own, his company coveted. While she was usually able to trade verbal jabs with him without a second thought, doing her self-assigned job of keeping him humble, something had changed in the past year.
They grew steadily closer over the years after they had met, but one event in particular all but pushed Zuko into her arms.
Ursa’s banishment.
Of course, they didn’t know that she had been banished. No one aside from Ozai knew the true nature of her disappearance — to her children and the other inhabitants of the palace, it was just that. A disappearance.
It was suspicious, yes. All in the span of a day, Princess Ursa vanished, Fire Lord Azulon mysteriously perished, and Ozai took his place, but nothing could be done. It was a somber day for every servant — Ursa showed them a kindness that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the palace, and to rub salt in the wound, a man just as cruel as Azulon had risen to the throne.
Zuko was devastated. He had always been close with his mother, and the only thing she had given him before leaving was a short goodbye and a kiss. He was angry beyond belief at the abandonment, and that anger overshadowed his grief.
Y/N tried to help him, but he lashed out at her.
“Your mother is still here and she loves you! Mine left me like I was nothing. Don’t try and say you know how I feel.”
“But my father is gone. I do know how you feel Zuko, and I want to help you, but I can’t help you if you keep pushing me away.”
“…you don’t know anything.”
It hurt, but she knew he needed space. She gave it to him, letting him brew alone and take out his anger however necessary, but let him know that the door was open when he was ready to talk.
He did — he had apologized for what he said and she accepted, and Zuko ended up spilling every emotion he had to her over the next few weeks. She listened, offered advice when she could, and made Zuko feel a little bit less alone in the scheme of it all. It was a horrible experience, but it brought them closer together, and the prince was eternally thankful that he had a friend to help him through the ordeal.
The night that he came to her room, admitting that he was hurting and asking for her help — Y/N thinks that was the moment she fell for him. She cursed herself at the time for developing feelings for her only friend in the palace, but over time she learned to cover them up. She had to remember her place.
She understood her role, but it got harder and harder to keep up with it the more time she spent with Zuko — this moment was no exception.
“Yeah, yeah. I just hold back because I don’t want to burn you.”
“Liar!” she exclaimed, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “You forget that I can heal myself if anything goes wrong. Besides, I know you’d never burn me. I trust you.”
Zuko smiled and smoothed his clothes back down, the only sign of their sparring session now gone. “Good, because I trust you too. No matter how many times you totally drench me.”
She snorted as she started to walk back to the palace. “Like I said, that just makes it more fun. And as fun as it has been completely crushing you in combat, duty calls.”
He sighed, giving a reluctant nod as he started to follow her — then his eyes lit up, and he grabbed her arm to stop them. “Wait, how much work do you have today?”
Y/N thought for a few seconds then shrugged. “Dunno, it varies. I got stuck working with Jaysa all this morning, so that’s going to take forever, I have my usual healing lessons with Master Rika after, and then I usually just end up going around with whatever else comes my way for the rest of the day.” She grinned and lowered her voice as if the subject of the matter could somehow hear her. “I’ve been working on a dress for my mother in secret because her birthday is coming up soon, so the free time I get between my shifts that isn’t spent with you has been going towards that.”
Zuko gaped. “You’re making her a dress all on your own, with no help? How?”
She held up her hands with a proud smile. “These things are good for waterbending, sewing, and hitting best friends.”
He gave her a sideways grin at that. “I’m your best friend?”
Y/N snickered and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, dummy. You’re like, the only person that likes me in this whole nation. Of course you’re my best friend.”
“Well…” he started. “Would a best friend like to break the rules even more tonight?”
Her eyes lit up in turn, completely betraying her excitement despite her attempt to look nonchalant about it. “That depends — what d’you have in mind?”
He grinned and leaned forward, dropping his voice to a whisper as he spoke in her ear. “So, after you finish work for the night, we…”
It was a struggle to get through all of her work after the plan that she and Zuko had formulated — sure, they broke the rules all the time. The basis of their entire friendship was breaking the rules, but this was going farther than they ever had before. Y/N wasn’t thinking about the consequences though, she was thinking about the journey — that was her first mistake.
She had rushed through all of her chores with Jaysa, hardly paid attention in her healing lessons, and made quick work of the rest of her day until she was finally able to meet up with Zuko at one of the various servant entrances that she had shown him.
“You’re finally here!” he exclaimed, his body buzzing with nervous energy. “I thought you were never gonna come.”
“Some of us actually have work to get done, mister crown prince,” she joked as she bumped his shoulder with hers. “But that doesn’t matter — let’s get going before someone catches us! I don’t want it to get too dark either.”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Zuko reassured. “My dad is in war meetings all day, no one is going to catch us. Now come on!”
Zuko pushed open the door, grabbed her hand, and began to pull her along. A laugh fell from her lips as they ran, unable to stop herself from casting a cautionary glance behind them as they got farther from the palace. Y/N tried to push her worries out of her mind — like she had told Zuko earlier, she trusted him.
That was her second mistake.
It was surprisingly easy to sneak past the guards around the wall and just as quick to get through Royal Caldera, and before Y/N knew it, they had arrived in the city.
It was nothing like she had ever seen before.
The village she had grown up in was miniscule compared to anything in the Fire Nation, and she was especially awestruck upon entering the city. As home to more middle class citizens than anything, it was a bustling marketplace filled with workers and nobles alike — if she hadn’t been preoccupied with the stars in her eyes, she would’ve been able to see the way Zuko was absolutely beaming at her.
“Come on!” he exclaimed, grabbing her hand once again as he began to walk — at a much more moderate pace than their run here — down the streets. “There’s so much here that I wanna show you. Have you ever been out here?”
She shook her head, allowing herself to gawk at her surroundings while they went down the street. “We aren’t really allowed to leave the palace since we’re technically still prisoners, just… ones that work. My mother always had to give her money to one of the other servants so that when they went out to buy their things, they could pick some stuff up for us as well. This is all totally new.”
Once again, a frown found its way onto Zuko’s face, but only for a split second before he pointed at a stall opposite to them. “Oh— there’s a fruit stand! Come on, you have to try this.”
Y/N let Zuko pull her over to the stand, looking at the array of fruits on display while Zuko conversed with the merchant. A few silver pieces later and they were walking away with a basket of produce — miraculously, the prince hadn’t been recognized, so she figured he wouldn’t need a disguise. Third mistake.
“Here,” he said, offering her a mango from the basket. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Fire Nation mango.”
She took the fruit from him and bit into it, her eyes immediately widening as she turned on Zuko. “Tui’s gills, this is delicious! You’re telling me that you people just have this on hand but we don’t get any of it?”
He shrugged and took a fig from the basket as Y/N wiped some juice off of her chin. “There’s a reason I’ve helped you break into the kitchens so many times. Now, where do you wanna go next?”
The pair spent the next couple of hours browsing the marketplace, enjoying their day on the Fire Lord’s coin. Zuko was more than happy to show Y/N parts of his culture after all she had taught him, and she was more than happy to experience it. They had been able to buy lanterns for the upcoming Festival of Szeto, purchase their own blends of tea leaves, and of course Zuko insisted on getting fire flakes and gummies.
(Y/N thought he was insane. Why in the world would the Fire Nation want to make food that hurt them on purpose? She was going to stick with her newfound love for mangoes.)
But Zuko hadn’t even brought her to the best part yet.
“Can I open my eyes now?” She asked, her anxious tone betraying her curiosity.
“Now you can.” Y/N was met with Zuko’s grin and as she focused on the stand in front of them, she had to make a conscious effort to not gape.
Zuko had brought her to a sewing stand with all the threads, fabrics, and silks that she could dream of in all kinds of colors. She immediately rushed forward, unable to stop herself from running her hands over and through each and every piece of material — she was in a seamstress’s heaven.
“I take that as a sign you like it?” Zuko asked happily.
“Oh, definitely,” she confirmed, still completely caught up in all the choices. “This is so much better than all the material we’re given to work with!”
“That’s why I brought you here. I thought you could get some stuff for yourself, and some stuff to help with the dress you’re making for your mom. I don’t really know how sewing works, but I thought that this was one way I could help.”
“That is so sweet of you!” she gushed. “Thank you so much — you should probably get around to some of the other stalls because I… I think I’m gonna be here for a while.”
Zuko laughed and fished out of a couple of golden pieces then set them in her hand. “That’s okay. I’ll meet you over by the steps; we can watch the sunset together.”
They nodded as parting gifts and each was enveloped in their tasks; Y/N beginning to ask the merchant questions about everything at their stand and Zuko off to entertain himself for a few more minutes.
Soon enough, Y/N had her own small bundle of silks and fabrics, her mind already going off in a million different ways of how she could incorporate it into the design. She found Zuko sitting on the steps and as she took her own seat next to him, he handed her another mango.
“Did you find everything you wanted?” She nodded and hummed gratefully as she accepted the fruit, taking a bite as her eyes fell on the skyline in front of them.
“I had a really great time today, Zuko. I really can’t thank you enough for taking me out here. I… I think I forgot what it was like to feel like this.”
“Like what?”
“...happy.” She paused for a second before allowing herself to meet his eyes. “All the time I spend with you in the palace… It’s one of the only times that I really do feel happy. And being out here today, getting to walk around where I wanted and buy things and just— I feel free, Zuko. And that means everything to me.”
She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and she turned away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go on like that—“
Zuko gently reached out for her hand, drawing her attention back to him and the soft smile on his face.
“Well… I care about you. You’re nice to me, and you take time out of your day to help me which you don’t have to do. This is just me trying to pay you back for all you’ve done to help me. We can do this more often — whenever my dad’s busy.”
Her own smile grew on her lips and she nodded as she laced her fingers with his. “I care about you too. And.. I’d like that.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and together, they watched the sunset over the city.
There was no place either of them would rather be.
Y/N and Zuko made their way back to the palace as quickly as they could after realizing how late it had gotten. Y/N was sure that she was going to get the talking-to of her life after what she had done, but she was almost giddy after what had just happened. She could deal with any of Kura’s consequences later — right now the only thought in her mind was the feeling of Zuko’s hand in hers.
The night had been nothing short of perfect. She had felt freer than ever before out there in the city with Zuko, and knowing that he reciprocated the feelings she had for him was enough to make her heart burst. She cared for him, and he cared for her.
Of course, there was that nagging question of how they would continue now that their friendship had morphed into something more, but once again — it was something she would deal with later. Her fourth and final mistake.
But as a guard turned the corner, Y/N realized she might not get the chance. She quickly let go of Zuko’s hand and tucked it under the bundle of fabric, hoping that the gesture of affection had been missed by the man.
If he had noticed, he showed no sign of it. He stopped in front of them, a gruff voice speaking from behind the mask with words that made her heart stop.
“Prince Zuko, the Fire Lord has requested an audience with you.”
haha OOPS
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27
atla: @marianne1806
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
The Five Scares (and one revenge)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having a tendency to scare people, Corpse has gotten used to his friends being jumpy whenever he appears from the void into a Discord call with them. However, the one who has it the roughest with the spooks has to be his partner Y/N. Basically: The five times Corpse scared Y/N and the one time they scared him
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request it was a real joy to write and I had a ton of fun doing so! Hope you have equally as wonderful of a time if you happen to come across it and give it a read despite the long wait you’ve had to endure which I apologize for. Love, Vy ❤
Having had to go home for the night to keep an eye on their roommate’s dog, Y/N and Corpse agreed to have a video call before they fell asleep. They didn’t want to appear like that typical clingy and cheesy couple but after spending almost a whole week curled up in Corpse’s apartment, the two would feel each other’s absence to a very saddening degree to the point where they’d even forget the other isn’t around and would call out to them. 
Letting the call ring, Y/N’s hand comes up to smooth out their hair. However, the touch reveals to them that their hair needs a bit more than a simple tap or a pat to be tamed so while they wait for Corpse to answer the call, they quickly head to their bathroom. Flicking the light on, their reflection greets them with the underwhelming news of the actual state of their hair at the moment: an absolute mess. They proceed to do their best with the single hair-tie they have handy. A bobby pin or two would be neat but they have no time to go and grab one right now, seeing as how they can’t recall if they even brought them back from Corpse’s apartment. If they didn’t, they would have to search their roommate’s room for some which would take an even longer amount of time.
Eventually, they manage to tame it in something closely resembling a presentable ponytail and exit the bathroom feeling more exhausted than before. With a loud sigh, they crash onto their bed, face-first into the sea of pillows, groaning at the slight sting of their muscles relaxing at last.
“Y/N?“ The decently loud mention of their name by a deep, familiar yet sudden and unexpected voice startles them to the point of squealing and jumping an entire inch away from where they were positioned.
They look around their room in a frenzy, wondering where on Earth that voice came from and how it could be here with them right now.
“Y/N, you there?”, before they could locate it, it emerges once again, helping Y/N get an ide of where it’s coming from - somewhere in the messed up bed sheets.
“Corpse?“ They finally find their voice, “Y-yeah I’m here. Question is: how are you...“ and then it all clicks, causing them to twist their face in an expression of utter disappointment and bury it in the palms of their hands, groaning.
“You forgot about the video chat, didn’t you?“ Corpse asks, amusement not even attempted to be hidden in his voice.
It’s been one hell of a day. Y/N’s college lectures exhausted them to a max and their six hour job following their classes did nothing to help them AT ALL. Quite the opposite actually. Makes sense why they look, move and talk the way they’re doing right now: like a ghost, zombie and an elder combined in one. To add to their misfortunes for the day, they were met with the mocking ‘OUT OF ORDER’ sign taped to the doors of the elevator, laughing in their face with the information that their hellish experience for the day is far from over.
Just the thought of having to climb to the fifth floor made their stomach turn in the most unpleasant way possible, but the though of how long that would take made matters even worse. Arriving at their designated apartment, they have every right to be pissed, cussing their heart out. 
However, then comes a new problem: the inability to pinpoint the correct key. They proceed to curse themselves, the keys, the door handle and the door itself before punching the poor wood that did no wrong and just stands here, serving its purpose of keeping unwanted people out of the apartment it’s guarding.
Following their anger outburst and front-door-abuse, they proceed to try finding the correct key once again, this time slightly more calmly as to not accidentally miss it in their frantic rifling.
Right as they’re about to try the third key, however, the door opens. Well, it’s opened by someone on the other side, that someone being none other than their boyfriend Corpse who’s currently staring at them wide-eyed, one eyebrow raised, the word ‘confused’ basically written across his face.
While he’s processing the sight in front of him, Y/N lets out a little scream, jumping back and away from the door, a hand placed over their chest as their wide eyes scan their boyfriend who now seems equally terrified as a result of their reaction.
“Corpse?!“ They manage to gasp, barely hearing their own voice over the loud thumping of their heart and the rush of blood in their ears, “What the hell are you doing here?!“
The confusion on Corpse’s face deepens, reaching whole new levels as his eyes gaze deeper into theirs, searching for the meaning behind their bizarre question. “You mean...at my own apartment? What am I doing, at home?“
For a few seconds, the two just stare blankly at one another, processing everything that’s just happened. Suddenly, it all just kinda caves for Y/N and they burst out laughing, doubling over, their arms clutching at their stomach as they do so. Their laughter is contagious, so Corpse can’t help but let out a few chuckles himself.
“Alright, you’ve been driven to insanity, I can tell.“ He mumbles at his reckless partner, coming up behind them and wraps his arms around them, lifting them up and carrying their laughing ass inside.
Finally deciding to sit down and get this damn project started, Y/N already feels like they’ve had enough of it, burnout already creeping in and threatening to ruin their work and trip them up every step of the way. It wouldn’t have been so bad had the subject not been one they absolutely despise and wish they could get out of studying but alas they’re stuck with it.
They equip their headphones as soon as they plant their butt on the desk chair in their tiny room in their tiny roommate-shared apartment, putting their Spotify playlist on shuffle as they open a blank Power Point document. They work better with music blasting in their ears since the silence tends to be too loud and distracting when they’re trying to focus. So, that way they can also sing their heart out in peace and not get disturbed by the sound of their own off-key singing. Win-win, basically.
Singing ‘Never Forget You’ by Zara Larsson and MNEK, they get a little carried away, ditching the project to enter a full-blown music video they can imagine down to the detail in their mind.
However, there’s a surprise awaiting them.
As soon as MNEK’s part of the song begins, another voice apart from his echoes through their headphones, singing along to the song. Freaking the fuck out, they let out a loud scream, smacking the headset off them, sending the object falling and landing on their laptop keyboard with a crash that only serves to further startle their roommate’s dog which comes to check if they are being attacked or something only to be disappointed by the lack of action.
When pushing the headphones off, they did so with a force strong enough to snap the cable out of the laptop entirely so now the room is filled with the sound of that same foreign voice laughing his ass off.
A voice that belongs to no other than Corpse Husband himself.
“You gotta learn to disconnect from Discord calls, Y/N.“ The fucker says, still cackling wholeheartedly at his partner’s misery.
Pissed off or not, Y/N would have to admit he’s got a point. But they’d also rather never speak again than admit it so...
“Fuck you!“ is what they say instead, seconds before disconnecting.
Making breakfast is not something either Corpse or Y/N are used to, mostly cause they both either wake up late or skip the meal entirely. Regardless, having been given a day off from work and having no classes since it’s Saturday, Y/N saw no better way to start their day off than to prepare a nice breakfast for them and their boyfriend to enjoy. Problem is: they aren’t the most skilled in the kitchen. Sure they can scramble an egg or make mac and cheese, but in order to do it correctly they are not allowed to have distractions of any kind. Not even music, that’s how you know it’s serious.
Seeing as how Corpse has never seen them cook, he’s obviously unaware of theirs. The dummy straight up waltzes into the kitchen, unintentionally remaining unspotted and unheard by Y/N because he’s barefoot and because they have their back turned to him.
“Whatya cooking over there babe?“
Y/N’s focus bubble, being as thin as it is and considering they initially thought Corpse was still asleep, they have every right to let out the yelp they just did, dropping the egg they were gonna crack over the pan in said pan in its entirety - yes, shell and all.
A moment of silence commences: regretful on Corpse’s end and frustrated on theirs. Neither of them dares to say anything to avoid triggering the other. Well, that’s the case until Y/N decides enough’s enough and they turn to look at him, a wide, obviously fake smile plastered onto their face.
“Scrambled eggs, following a secret recipe, property of the L/N family.“
Seems like your pre-breakfast snack is an extra large dose of sarcasm, huh?
“So, how was your day? You sound pretty chipper so I take it wasn’t a nightmare like a few days ago.“ Corpse comments over the phone, listening to shuffling and shifting as Y/N moves around the apartment, getting ready to head out.
“It was great actually. Got some important results back and, not to brag or anything, but they were higher than I expected.“ They reply, a genuine wide grin refusing to leave their face as they silently count the amount of money they’ve got in their wallet. “I’m gonna go buy a cake so we can celebrate it. It’s no small deal, trust me, especially not when I initially thought I’d fail both these exams to the point of being pitied.“
“Wait...-“ Corpse attempts, his voice suddenly sounding strained and urgent but that’s the very reason he cannot seem to find or get the right words out of his system. Not that Y/N gives him any time to figure it out.
“No Corpse, you cannot change my mind. Cake and beers, we’re celebrating toni- SHIT!“ They scream as they throw open the front door, bumping square into someone standing on the other side, almost dropping their phone.
Taken aback by embarrassment and fear, they leap back, their eyes searching for the ones of the person whose personal space they just invaded. Well, to be fair, he was the one invading their personal space by standing right outside the door to their - well, to Corpse’s apartment.
The fear and irritation die down almost instantly when Y/N recognizes the person standing opposite them.
“Mind telling me why we’re talking on the phone when you could’ve come in and we could’ve had a normal person conversation?!“ They snap, ironically enough - they’re still holding the phone to their ear.
So is Corpse whos is smiling guiltily, “That’s why I called, I forgot my keys, but I got...carried...sorry.”
Well, at least this serves as proof Y/N’s not the only forgetful one.
                                                            ~  ~  ~
Corpse has been stuck in his recording room for four hours now, never stopping his stream to take care of his basic human needs such as eating or going to the bathroom. This behavior of his has Y/N worried sick and unable to focus on the task at hand - an assignment they’ve been trying to finish for two hours now, sitting with their computer on their lap and looking hopelessly at the blank Word document waiting for them to fill it up while they are waiting for it to start writing itself.
Seeing as how neither are gonna happen, not until Y/N puts their mind at ease, they slowly put the laptop aside, standing up to carefully skip on over to Corpse’s recording room to check on him, stopping by the kitchen to grab him a snack and a bottle of water along the way.
The door to the darkened room is open a crack, as usual, suggesting they can enter without knocking - this also means he’ll probably not hear them even if they knock so the whole gesture would be pointless. Not that Y/N has a tendency to knock or anything... Waltzing in, they find that the only light in the room is the very faint and dark glow of the computer screen which is displaying a dark and dingy room from a first-person view of the protagonist of whatever game Corpse’s currently playing.
“Corpse?!“ They whisper-yell/hiss at him, trying their best to grasp his attention without startling him - they don’t need to be told that the game is of the horror genre and the last thing they need is for their boyfriend to flip backwards and fall out of his chair because they scared the shit out of him. “Hey?!“
Neither attempts prove futile so, despite their best instincts telling them differently, they walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. The reaction, while within the realm of expectancy, is a lot more startled than they expected, accompanied by a scream on top of all. They’d never heard him scream in fear before, it’s quite amusing if they’re being honest.
They suppress a snicker as Corpse’s wide open eyes meet their squinting ones in the darkness, “Y/N...babe...what is it? Is everything ok?”
Y/N rolls their eyes, “No, everything isn’t ok. Your unhealthy habit of forgetting to take care of yourself, for example.” They put the snack and the bottle on the his desk, giving him their best disappointed-parent look before turning on their heel to strut their way out of the room. However, just as they are about to make their exit, they stop right at the doorframe, giving their stunned one final glance over their shoulder with a smug smirk playing across their face, “Oh and by the way, that’s what I like to call revenge.” Just like that, they leave, pushing the door back into its previous position.
And boy, is it some sweet, sweet revenge.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 6
Tumblr media
GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
You are forced to wake up in a sudden by your alarm blaring. You squint your eyes, try to find your glasses or your phone to turn off that annoyance of the sounds of your alarm. You finally turned it off and put on your glasses then checked out the time. You forgot that you have to wake up earlier than you planned before Lizzie’s text yesterday. Once you see the time is 5 AM, you regretted that you stayed up late last night.
You groaned as you got out of the bed. Last night you decided to wake up at 5 AM just so you can give yourself enough time to get ready, let alone you have to try to beat the traffic to go to the office even though it’s Friday you just don’t want to take that risk, not today. Last but not least, you have to get the coffee that Lizzie specifically requested.
You try to get ready faster than usual. You picked semi casual attire for today with a low ponytail and flat shoes. You grabbed your purse, your laptop and every other thing you need for work today. You walk out then go to your mom’s room to check if your mom is awake.
“Ma, are you awake yet? I’m gonna go to work okay? I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” You half whispered hoping your mom can hear you but not loud enough to wake her up just in case she is still sleeping.
“Okay, good luck on your first day my dear.” Your mom replies in a sleepy tone.
You left for work but had to drop by at Starbucks near the office to get Lizzie’s large black coffee with half and half and two pumps of hazelnut syrup so it will still be hot when she gets it. That’s how she likes it and it’s one of a few list of coffee beverages she likes besides her precious seasonal pumpkin spice latte.
You finally arrived at the office at 6 AM sharp. The main building is already open due to some offices having early operation hours. You confidently go up to the office thinking it is already open as well or at least opened for Lizzie who is meeting you there but to your surprise the door is still locked and all the lights are still off. Puzzled with what’s going on, you pull out your phone and try to contact Lizzie to figure out where she is.
You try to call her but no answer. You wait for a few minutes in front of the office, then you try to call her again, which leads to the same result, no answer. Hoping that you will get an answer if you try to reach her in a different way, you decided to text her.
"Good morning Ms. Olsen, I'm here at the office. Are you on your way here by any chance? Thanks." You texted anxiously yet irritated. Fifteen minutes went by and still no words whatsoever from her. You decided to go back to your car and wait there.
You hate waiting yet that’s the only thing you can do now. Luckily, you parked at one of the Vernon’s office reserved spots so it will be easy for you to spot Lizzie when she comes. You sighed with annoyance every time you checked your phone and found nothing from Lizzie. You watch the parking spots around you like a hawk to spot Lizzie but shortly you are betrayed by your body, your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring, it’s Lizzie. You jolted to check the time to find it’s 8:05. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!’ You cursed in your mind and answered the call.
”Hello. Ms. Olsen. I’m coming right up.” You explain right away while you gather your stuff to get going.  “Where are you?! You are late. I have been waiting here for 5 minutes.” Lizzie asked, pretending she was upset about waiting. Making you come two hours early and letting you wait was her plan. Little did you know, Lizzie actually saw you sleeping in the car when she parked. Of course she won’t let this situation go to waste so she decided to just go up to the office to make it look like you are late. 
You finally showed up with one hand holding your purse and your laptop, the other handing Lizzie her coffee. “Good morning. I’m so sorry. Here’s your coffee. I got here at-..” before you could finish your explanation she cuts you off. “Um, my coffee is not hot, Y/n. Why is it cold? I like hot coffee in the morning. You need to get me a new one on the way there. We gotta go now or we are gonna be late. Thanks to you.” She gave the coffee back to you and walked away.
Your jaw dropped. You are so flabbergasted and irritated at the same time with what just happened as you saw her walk away with no remorse whatsoever. 
“Aren’t you coming?” What Lizzie said snap you back to reality and you proceed to follow her to leave.
Lizzie decided to sit at the front passenger side with you driving. You drive in silence, still upset that you have to go to Starbucks to get her another hot coffee. You ordered hers and your usual coffee. You got both of your orders, you put yours in the cup holder and you hand her hers. “Ice coffee huh in the morning? Grande Espresso frappuccino, light ice double blended with extra shot in a venti cup. Just because you like cold coffee in the morning, it doesn’t mean other people like it too, you know?” She commented sarcastically.  “Ms. Olsen, I got there at 6 just like you wanted me to, I tried to call and text you but no answer. That’s why your coffee got cold. It has been sitting for two hours.” You broke your silence but are still trying to keep it cool.
“Oh yeah, I slept in, didn’t hear my alarm.” Lizzie answered nonchalantly.
“Are you kidd--” You said in your mind then you took a deep breath. Hearing how she answered you, it made you connect the dots and you know what she’s up to. You know it’s normal if she really slept in but this happened on the first day you work for her, coincidence much. 
“I see.” You said it sarcastically and nodded slightly. “What? What do you see?” You got her attention. “Oh nothing. You did it on purpose didn’t you? You are trying to give me a hard time working.” You calmly confront her. “I told you I slept in. It’s up to you how you gonna take my answer.” Another nonchalant answer came out from her. You chuckle sarcastically then pull over and turn your head to look at her. She looks back at you confused.
“Look, Ms. Olsen. I don’t sugar coat things so please hear me out, I know you don’t like me because I got hired as the assistant you thought you don’t need and I don’t fancy you either. What you did this morning is completely childish and to me, you really give yourself a bad name such as a brat. I’m just here doing my job. As professional as you are and as stubborn as you are, no matter what game you are playing now, I won’t quit because I’m not a quitter. So why don’t you just let me do my job until the contract ends?” You raise one of your eyebrows and give her an intimidating smile then you start to drive again to the location.
Despite the fact that Lizzie actually got caught off guard with what you just did and with everything you said, she refused to give in. In fact it just provoked her more and started to ramble angrily “I told you I slept in! Just so you know, I have my own reason why I don't need a new assistant! You know nothing about me! So don't you dare call me a brat! Don't get too cocky. I’m not a quitter either. I’ll win.” She replied and just like that, they soon got into an argument and everything turned into one competition between you two girls who have the same level of unyielding obduracy. Nonetheless, both of you are consumed by your own ego and anger. 
You scoffed. "Oh come on! We both know you did it on purpose! I'm not stupid! 2 plus 2 is 4! Why don't you want a new assistant anyway? It's not that bad!" You raised your tone a little.
"Why the hell do I have to tell you my reason?! It's a personal thing! You work for me, don't you remember that?! Being childish is way better than being cocky like you. Just because you are the best assistant that Mitchel has, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else! So if you are as professional as you said you are, why don't you just zip it and drive?!"
The driving is now filled with tension and awkward silence. You decide to turn on the music just to calm you down. Clair De Lune by Motez Remix plays. The tune is actually catchy enough to Lizzie’s ears, she never heard this song before so she secretly checked the title on y/n’s car screen. “I don’t like this, I want to listen to something else.” She lied just to push y/n’s button yet again. “My car, my choice of music.” Lizzie rolled her eyes to what you said.
Luckily the traffic wasn’t that bad, you both arrived at the location on time. Lizzie gets out of the car and slams the door as she is still upset with you.
The photoshoot session starts. Both of you only talk when it’s needed. Not a single eye contact happens between the two of you. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch. Lunch is already catered, you prepared a plate for her, place it on the table. You sit with the photographer and crews on another table near hers.
She sits and about to eat but was stopped by something she noticed on her plate. Something that she hates, onions.
“Umm, Y/n, I can’t eat this.” She pushed the plate away. “ And why is that?” curious why she said that, you go to take a look at her plate and notice what’s the problem. “Sorry, I didn’t notice there’s onions there.” You added.
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind eating it if there’s no onion in it. Since you are my assistant, I will let you do your job just like what you asked me to do earlier.” She said it sarcastically but in a low tone and gave you a smirk, knowing she just served you back your own words from the argument earlier.
You realized what she wants you to do, it won’t look good if the photographer and the crew see you argue with you since they didn’t hear what ridiculous “assistance” Lizzie just asked you to do for her so you just do what she asked you to half heartedly.
The rest of the session continues then you both go back to the office when it’s all done. The whole ride was awkward and silent from both of you with soft music playing in the background. Tension is in the air but that doesn’t stop both of you secretly exchanging glances to each other without you both knowing.
You both arrived at the office’s parking structure  just to separate to go home and move on with your day.
Ch. 7
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 5
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: cursing, eventual smut
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: yeah so about that upload... i was really busy this whole week but i hope to start uploading mondays again! thanks for understanding!!
Taglist (reply to be tagged!): @planetdemon​ @hvunvely​ @fluffybitch0325​ @fashi0nablee @juststop88 @straykisz @theultimaterad @margaritas-en-la-montania @meowtella
There was a pause in the phone call.
You started biting your nails, instantly regretting what you had just done. Basking in your stupidity, you could only wait for his response, for it was too late to retract what you had just said. Your day must have been worse than you thought. It must have been so bad that you had the nerve to ask Bang Chan — an idol, a person with a strict schedule, somebody who you had an argument with — to come over to your pathetic little apartment.
You kept nibbling on your fingers.
“I’ll get my jacket.”
You froze, eyes wide.
“Huh?” You were bewildered. You weren’t even expecting an answer, much less this.
“It’s cold this late at night,” he explained, “I’ll be there soon.”
You didn’t know what to say. You heard rustling on the other side of the call.
“Wait, I’ll tell you my address,” you blurted out.
“You did,” he said.
You frowned, trying to remember if you did or not. That’s right. You blushed at the memory of your first day of work.
“Oh yeah, umm, I’ll hang up now.” You awkwardly said, hanging up before Bang Chan could fit another word in.
You were a statue in your own apartment, clinging on to the last words exchanged on your phone. In actuality, you didn’t know why you asked him to come over. It was just blurted out in the moment. Or maybe it was a result of your extremely frustrating day. Either way, you felt extremely embarrassed that you did so, especially so late at night.
You started boiling some water, still trying to rationalize what you had just done. This was normal for friends, right? Na-eun and Yoojin came over just yesterday and you were friends with both of them. You knew for a fact that you two were friends, but you still couldn’t find an explanation for the strange feeling in your chest whenever you were around him.
Turning your phone on, you checked your face in the selfie camera. It was a miracle that your makeup didn’t smudge off. You thanked your new ‘CLIO’ foundation cushion, it looked like all that time you spent doing your makeup didn’t go to waste. You stared at your reflection for a couple more seconds before turning your phone off. Why did it matter what you looked like anyways? You wiped off any remaining lipstick with the back of your hand.
The kettle started rumbling, letting you know that the water was ready. You took out your mug to prepare some tea. It was a bad idea to have tea this late at night, but there was something about your mother’s tea that could knock a grown man out.
Sipping your tea, you turned on Youtube to an episode of a Korean web-drama that was getting really popular. It was another one with some rich CEO and a clumsy average girl, but you still watched, fully enamoured. On the recommendations list, there was a video with Felix — the other person you saw at the cafeteria on your first day — on the thumbnail. I can never escape from work, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.
You clicked on it anyways, just to pass the time. Watching through the video, you were shocked by the production value. Well, that, and Bang Chan. Whether it was hair and makeup or just his acting, he was so different from the person you knew in real life. You were in awe by his natural charisma gleaming at you through the screen as it was a rare quality that few people you knew possessed. Embarrassingly, you found your eyes drawn to only him in every group shot. He looked good in an apron.
You got distracted by more random videos before clicking back on your drama. The next episode was just about to start when the buzzer to your apartment rang.
It was Bang Chan.
Hurriedly, you shuffled towards your door. With your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back. He was leaning over you, his forearm on the doorframe. His coat was bulky, almost engulfing his whole upper body. He was wearing the same beanie you saw on multiple occasions, and in his hand was a white plastic bag.
You stepped aside, silently gesturing for him to come inside. He took your hint and sauntered in the room, head turning left and right to observe his surroundings.
“It’s not much,” you blushed, realizing how small your apartment really was. You could basically see all your belongings from the center of the room.
“No, it’s cute.” Bang Chan looked at you, taking his hat off. His dimple peaked out. “I brought some leftovers from that barbecue place. The kids and I went there after our shoot today.”
So that was what the bag was. With only food on your mind, you rushed to help hang Bang Chan’s coat before setting the table up.
The food was really good. They were leftovers, but it was so good. Stuffing a bite of pork belly in your mouth, you sighed. Where was this food earlier today?
“It’s good, right?” Bang Chan asked whilst chewing on a piece of meat. “I’ll take you next time.”
It was like he read your mind. You nodded eagerly in response, to which Bang Chan replied with a smirk.
“So, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck, “how was your date today?”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to remember that embarrassment of a night. It was such a pity too, because that man was probably the most gorgeous man you’ve ever witnessed. You swore he had just stepped out of a webtoon when you first met him.
“It was alright,” you shrugged. It was difficult to reflect on the date without putting a damper on your mood, but maybe vocalizing it would have helped ease your discomfort. “He compared me to a model, you know.”
Bang Chan chuckled, making you look up in confusion.
“Was it because you looked exactly like the model?”
“No,” you replied.
His face immediately fell. “You’re kidding, right? Y/n, tell me you don’t believe anything that loser said. He’s got to be something below garbage if he was comparing two women.”
“Thanks, Chan.” You tried to force a grin on your face. “I appreciate it.”
There was a pause.
“I know my opinion means nothing, but Y/n, I think you’re beautiful.”
You stared into Bang Chan’s eyes, frozen like a statue. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it more than you could feel it. He stared back at you from across the table; mouth parted, breaths uneven.
You’ve received many compliments before, to which you would always reply with a smile and a quick ‘thank you’. However, it felt as if your brain malfunctioned in this moment and your heart was the only thing keeping you alive. You could still feel your body, but you couldn’t think.
“Thank you, Chan.” You awkwardly coughed, blushing profusely. Immediately focusing your eyes at the table, you couldn’t bear to keep looking at him.
The two of you ate in silence, with only the tapping of chopsticks adding to the ambience of the room. You wanted to make conversation with him, but you did not want to be the first one to break the silence. It frustrated you that you were so shy right now as you’ve never been like this back home.
To heck with it, you thought. There was no need to be shy around him.
“So,” you still couldn’t look him in the face, “any shows you’ve been watching lately?”
Small talk was good. You could do small talk.
“Actually, I’ve been wanting to watch this Transformers movie for quite a while.”
“Transformers?” You’ve never heard of that one. It must’ve been an American movie.
“Seriously?” his eyes widened. “You’ve never seen Transformers before? Oh, we’ve gotta watch it now.”
“You wanna?” you smiled. “I haven’t used my TV since moving in.”
“Mhm, let’s do it.” He stuffed the rest of the leftovers in his mouth before standing up and clearing the table.
You watched him clear the table in a trance. You should have offered to help since it was your own home, but watching the veins on his hands appear and disappear was way more interesting. Watching him, you suddenly remembered the hoodie.
“Oh, that’s right!” You exclaimed, shuffling over to the bag with the hoodie in it. Taking Bang Chan’s black hoodie out, you held it up to him with both hands.
He looked down at you and chuckled.
“Keep it,” he took it from your hands and slipped the hoodie over your head. “At least until you buy a new jacket.”
“I will.” You rolled the sleeves of his hoodie higher to show your hands. You turned the light off, leaving only the floor lamp to illuminate your apartment. Grabbing the remote from your coffee table, you summoned Bang Chan over to the couch.
You turned on the TV, fooling around with the remote control for a few seconds before giving up.
“I give up.” You sighed. Pouting, you handed the remote over to Bang Chan. He took it from you and started reading the buttons.
“Netflix, right?” Bang Chan asked, to which you nodded. “There we go.”
He scrolled through the titles, looking for the coveted movie. Once he found the movie, he quickly selected it and turned the subtitles on. That was nice of him, you thought. Although you also studied english in university, it was nowhere near the level of watching a full english movie.
The title sequence started and you tried to immerse yourself in the movie. You watched in awe, surprised at the fast pace of the action already.
Fully engrossed, you started to sink your back into the couch. Half-way throughout the title scene, you felt Bang Chan stretch his arm behind you to rest on the back pillow. Suddenly, you started feeling too aware of your surroundings. You sat up straighter.
Throughout the whole movie, you caught wafts of Bang Chan’s cologne everytime he moved. He smelled like safety and familiarity.
You turned your head up a little to get a glimpse of his profile, mapping out every edge and curve of his face. The light illuminated the tip of his nose, along with his dewy cheekbones and chin. The plum of his lips were let slightly open, allowing his teeth to peek out slightly. You unconsciously let out a sigh.
“Something wrong?” He turned his body to face you.
You shook your head and focused on the movie.
The rest of the movie was pretty good, although it lost you at parts. You watched the end credits in silence, not knowing what to say.
“So,” Bang Chan cleared his throat beside you, “I should get going now. Since it’s late.”
You turned your head to face him, not realizing how close the two of you had physically gotten throughout the movie. Looking up at him, your face was inches away from his. His face was almost enveloped by the darkness of your apartment. You heard his breathing get heavier.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “you should.”
He didn’t get up though.
You heard his staggered breath as you kept looking in his eyes. The end credits had long been over by now. Your own breath was just as shaky and you heard your heart beat out of your chest.
He started leaning in. Slowly.
Your eyes widened. You gulped, your nerves snapped you back to reality all of a sudden. Wasn’t he supposed to be your friend? This wasn’t what friends did… Right?
Clearing your throat, you leaned back shyly.
“You should go. I don’t want the others to notice you’re gone.”
“Yeah.” Bang Chan’s lips flattened in a line. Without another word, he stood up and walked towards your door.
You followed him in silence, hoping to at least send him off. Wrapping your arms around your torso, you watched as he put his boots on in the dark. He tied his laces, and with a nod, he opened the door and stepped out.
You were left with a sour taste in your mouth and a cloudiness in your head. Still standing in front of your door, you tried to process what had just happened. However, you couldn’t. All you could think about was the soft curls of his hair, the delicate threads of his eyelashes, and his lips. The dusty rose of his lips. The parting of his lips. Inviting you in.
You were frozen, looking at nothing particularly. The only thing on your mind was Bang Chan.
The door opened.
“Hey, sorry, I forgot my jack-”
His sentence never got a chance to complete itself as you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. As your lips touched his, you felt a fire ignite in you like nothing you’ve felt before. Your fingers clawed at the nape of his neck, wanting more. Wanting to be closer.
Almost immediately, Bang Chan responded. He was taken by shock at first, but his hands didn’t waste any time to grip your waist. You felt the muscles of his shoulders tighten as he pulled you closer.
He moved you back into your apartment by the waist, lips never leaving your own. You blindly shuffled backwards, only focused on trying to get closer to him. If that was even possible.
You ignored the clunking of his boots against your clean floor, allowing him to guide you to the couch. A whimper left his lips as you used your hand to comb through his hair, pulling it. His soft brown curls were silk against your fingertips.
The back of your legs hit the couch and he turned you around so he could sit on the couch. Your lips finally left his. You gasped for air, trying to steady your deep breaths.
Bang Chan’s breathing was synchronized with yours, his equally as unsteady. He reached his hands out again, grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. You were a ragdoll, responding to whatever he wanted to do to you.
With each knee on either side of him, you gripped his jaw and kissed him again. The fire inside of you instantly reignited. It was addicting.
The two of you didn’t dare to separate from each other, only parting to gasp for air every now and then. Even in the dark, you could imagine the plum of his lips and the threads of his eyelashes. This drove the fire in you more.
“What if the boys realize you’re gone?” you breathed out the next time you parted from his lips. They were most likely sleeping, but the thought still worried you.
“Fuck them.” Bang Chan exhaled. Grabbing the back of your neck, he reconnected his lips with yours. You gladly complied.
His sloppy kisses slowly moved from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck, eliciting a soft whimper from your throat. This seemed to only edge him on as kept leaving sloppy kisses against your neck, all the while running his hands up and down your waist.
His cologne surrounded you, keeping you safe. Soon later, the adrenaline left the two of you, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing to fill the room. You brushed your thumb under his eye to which he deeply inhaled.
“Chan?” you said. He was leaving kisses all over your collarbone.
“Hmm?” He didn’t seem to pay much mind to what you were saying.
“It’s half past three. I really think you should get going.” You didn’t want him to leave, but you were almost sure he had another packed schedule for tomorrow.
“Mhmm.” Your words went in one ear and out the other as he made his way up your neck again. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and let out a small moan.
“C’mon, get up. How did you even get here, by the way?” It took everything in you to break away from his touch, but you were starting to get sleepy.
“Taxi.” He said, helping you get up from his lap. He stood up after you, brushing his hand against your waist one last time before making his way over to his jacket.
“You’re allowed to ride a taxi?” You tilted your head, sceptical.
He slipped his jacket on.
“No.” He peppered little kisses on your cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that now.”
You giggled, pushing him by his shoulders out the door. He played along, pretending to stumble with every step he took back.
“Text me when you get home,” you said, repeating what he said to you on your first day of work.
He nodded in response and winked before turning around to head home. As soon as the door shut, you slapped both hands against your face. Your little act of impulse had spun your head in spirals. You didn’t know whether to feel relieved at the fact that Bang Chan reciprocated your impulsive actions, or to worry that you had not only just kissed your coworker — but also a freaking idol. No one — not Manager Chen, your friends, or even anyone in the general public — could know about this. If they did, both your careers would be screwed.
You doted on this thought as you got ready for bed, only the worst possible outcome came to mind. If either your manager or his manager knew about what happened tonight, you could get fired. Or even blacklisted. You sat in bed, nervously biting your nails.
Your phone buzzed.
Bang Chan: Hey, I got home. Nobody’s awake… ^^
Bang Chan: Don’t think too much, alright? It’s late, go to sleep…
You felt relief reading his text. For some reason, he knew you were overthinking your actions. You decided to listen to his words and go to sleep.
The next day, Sunday, was very uneventful compared to the day before. You texted Bang Chan back when you woke up, but because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t had the time to reply yet.
Yoojin called in when you were eating lunch, asking about your date. You told her the truth, explaining how there would definitely not be a second date with that man. She sounded disappointed and vehemently tried to set you up with another man in her pool. You politely declined, thinking about your restless night with Bang Chan.
You finished some work ahead of time to free up the next week. Since you were invited to work with Manager Chen at the content shooting, you assumed that you could lessen your work stress ahead of time.
The shooting days were allocated for Friday and Saturday, with there being an overnight stay at the mountains. Whilst you didn’t know the arrangements for Stray Kids, you were informed that the production crew booked a small lodge for the team. You were excited to not only see a behind the scenes of a real shoot, but to also possibly form a closer relationship with Manager Chen.
You were thankful that you did some work ahead of time as Monday’s workload was so much lighter than usual. People were still coming to you with their ideas for the project, but with your other work done, you had the time to go through everybody’s ideas.
You didn’t hear from Bang Chan the whole day, which was nothing out of the blue. You remembered him showing his schedule to you once. The amount of things he had to do everyday had your eyes bulging out from their sockets. All of a sudden, you were thankful for your nine-to-five job.
The next couple of days ran the same way as your Monday, with you easily breezing through your workload. Since you had more time during your breaks at work, you took to exploring the part of the building that you could. You admired all the art, the trophies, the awards and memorabilia. Of course, you also spent more time with your new friend Na-eun.
On Thursday, the day before the shoot, you were helping the producers by translating some notes for the script. All was going smoothly, when you got a text.
It was from Bang Chan.
You weren’t going to lie; you were curious as to what he sent you. He was basically silent the whole week so far, and if you were being honest, you missed hearing his voice. And seeing his face. And feeling his hands brush against your waist.
Bang Chan: Come to my recording room… I’ve got something to show you.
Your eyes lit up right away, curious as to what he wanted to show you. Quickly checking the time, you decided to take your lunch break then and there. After all, you didn’t have much work left for the day anyways.
Locking up your computer, you zoomed inconspicuously past all the other cubicles and made your way to the elevators. You weaved through the hallways of his floor, praying that your memory didn’t escape you. It seemed like your memory was on your side today as you found yourself in front of a familiar set of doors. You didn’t bother to knock before going in.
Inside was Bang Chan: feet up on the desk, drinking from his iced coffee, concentrating on his producing software. You smiled. He looked so comfortable, even in an ‘office’.
He had his headset in, and didn’t seem to notice that you had entered. You went up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and immediately threw his feet off the desk and stood up upon seeing that it was you. You smirked.
“I should really put a ‘please knock’ sign on the door.” He cursed under his breath. He reached behind you to close the door.
You giggled.
“So, what do you have to show me?” you wondered aloud.
“A new song. Since the filming is tomorrow, the producers put me on a time crunch to finish the song by today.”
So that was why he was so busy, you thought. You didn’t realize how the sudden filming would have impacted his schedule for the month. Especially since it would take up two whole days.
He let you sit in his chair, and hovered over you to press play on the song. His chair smelled like his cologne.
As he was playing the song, your eyes drifted up to see his face. The face — even after only four days — you missed. The dark circles under his eyes were prominent. That, along with his disheveled hair, told you that he truly was dedicated to his work. You imagined him sitting where you were, two in the morning, sipping on his iced americano.
“You like it?” His eyes drifted towards you, resembling a puppy bringing a ball back to its owner.
“It’s amazing. I don’t know how you managed this in just a few days,” you said. And you were sincere too. You couldn’t imagine yourself doing any of this.
“Eh, you know, late nights.” he shrugged. “Wanna see another?”
You nodded, and the two of you began listening to another one of his songs. You listened in silent wonderment.
However, the silence didn’t last long as the two of you soon found yourselves on the couch: hands all over each other, lips the same. You were lying underneath him, his arms resting on either side of you to hold his weight up. Your lips never left his as you ran your hands up and down his defined biceps.
The two of you couldn’t stay away from each other. The sound of the songs that he had put on shuffle filled the room, along with a fleeting sigh of moan every now and then. Bang Chan’s hand had started wandering up your blouse when, all of a sudden, the door opened.
“Hey, I have the lyrics h-” He stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
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*not my gif* No real pairings Part of Penthouse Warnings: language, SVU situations talked about, arguments, hurt/comfort, minor PTSD, previous abuse/domestic violence, use of a safe word in a non sexual situation. (it’s not as bad as you think it is, I promise…next will be major fluff….) Takes place during/after S9ep7 “Blinded” (which should let you know what’s coming next…. 👀)
Casey glanced up at the knock on her door, letting out a sigh before her eye line truly made its way up to see who her visitor was. Her head tilted when it was you at her door, rather than Picard’s lawyer, or any of the detectives.
“Hey.” You shot her a warm smile, holding up the bag in your hand, “mind if I join you?”
“You don’t have your own case to be working on?”
“Not so much.” You sighed, “the perp turned into a vic at the Kastner Centre, Sophie and I hashed out a better deal and took down the centre for misconduct and malpractice.” You dropped down into a spare chair. “Figured you might need some lunch.” You plopped the take out bag down on her desk, having already eaten yours while you were waiting for her courtroom to break.
“M’not really hungry.”
“Case…” your voice softened, “are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She at least plucked the smoothie from the drink tray, tearing open the straw. You couldn’t lie, that had been part of your strategy today, you knew when Casey didn’t want to eat, or claimed she wasn’t hungry she would at least take whatever drink you brought her.
“Maybe because you got choked out in a full courtroom like a week ago? That was triggering enough, and you didn’t come home that night, but now this case? Does it not hit a little too close to home?”
“It’s a little too late to change counsel, if that’s what you’re going for.”
“I know.” You let out a small laugh, “I just…wanted to check in…all things considered. I’ve been pretty wrapped up in my own work recently and didn’t even really realize the technicalities of this case until I heard Liv bitching about it earlier.”
“Yeah…well she’s just pissed I’m calling Elliot this afternoon instead of just using her.”
“Protect the partner over a moral or legal right…” you rolled your eyes, “don’t know why we’d expect anything different at this point.”
Casey’s phone beeped and her eyes glanced toward it as she shut the alarm off, letting out a groan as she pushed back from her desk and started to pack her things up.
“I’ve gotta get back over there.” She scooped up the smoothie, “thanks for lunch.”
“Of course.” You followed her movements in starting to leave, pausing to kiss her cheek gently, giving her arm a squeeze, “good luck.”
“Thanks.” She shot you a warm smile, “I’ll see you for dinner?”
“Yeah. Wanna try that new Thai bistro on forty-third?”
“Yes! Please!”
Casey had been praying that her afternoon in court, with Elliot on the stand would go a certain way, and that wasn’t the usual way that a prosecutor would hope for. But this case stabbed at her side in a way that any other didn’t. The perp was a schizophrenic who was off his meds, believing that what he had done, what had happened to those poor girls, was actually him helping his sister. Once he’d become lucid on his meds again, he’d asked to be extradited to Louisiana, where he would face the death penalty. Casey’s own history, along with her moral compass and the input from Doctor Huang all pointed in the opposite direction, that Picard should be kept in psychiatric care, not a jail cell, and certainly not get the needle.
So she threw the case.
She specifically brought up Picard’s sister, her name, and things he had said in his interview with Dr. Huang. Doing so while questioning Elliot, causing the detective to get concerned, his partner to get angry, and Picard to have an outburst that would result in the 730 hearing that deemed him incompetent of trial and this retained to a hospital in New York rather than going to die in Louisiana.
All things considered, Olivia was clearly pissed at her, shooting her daggers as she guided her nearly legally (though temporarily) blind partner out of the courtroom. Elliot wasn’t too happy either, but Casey couldn’t really give a shit about their opinions, it was her case, and how she chose to deal with it was none of their concern. She was more than aware of Judge Petrovsky’s eyes on her during her examination, there was a reason she was avoiding the older woman’s gaze the entire time. Especially after Lena had called for the end of day and the 730. Casey simply packed her things as quickly as she could and made her way out of the courtroom. She was thankful the 730 took barely any time and she was able to finish up her paperwork in peace in her office.
It was only once she got home to the Penthouse that she remembered not only how the courtroom walls leaked, but how good of friends Lena was with Liz. Casey had hoped she had avoided any work conversation by spending an extra couple of hours at Forlini’s working on paperwork before she came home, the vibe hopefully having calmed down.
Instead she rounded the corner from the elevator, dropping her carried bag on the sofa, peeling her blazer off her as she dug out her phone, beginning to flick through a few messages. She’d already replied to a couple from you, saying she wanted to come home and shower before going out for dinner, so you weren’t her prime concern. She knew you’d caught a new case that afternoon and would probably be working later than planned, meeting her at the restaurant.
“Casey?” Mary’s hesitant voice called out. Casey pocketed her phone, crossing through the room to the kitchen, surprised to see the questioning look on the brunette’s face.
“Hey. I’ve got dinner plans with y/n. What’s up?” She addressed the older woman, her gaze slightly darting between her and Liz’s back, who was plucking ice out of the freezer.
“Are you serious?” Liz replied, turning back to her with a glare on her face, her jaw tense.
“Casey…” Liz chastised, pouring more than two fingers of scotch into the glass before she stashed the bottle and took a heavy swig, “did you honestly not think that the bullshit you tried in court today wouldn’t end up leaking?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Casey stood tall, defending her innocence, and Elizabeth scoffed.
“Don’t play fucking stupid! You wanted Picard to go to the loony bin instead of jail and you used Stabler to do so! Whatis wrong with you?!”
“He didn’t deserve to DIE!”
“So are you acting as his defence attorney now?! Because that’s what it looks like Casey!”
“I’m just trying to do what’s right!”
“We are civil servants! We are here to punish the perps for the crimes they commit!” Liz’s voice was raising by the moment, she barely noticed the way Casey was every so lightly backing away from the kitchen island with every word. “If you don’t believe what we are doing is the right thing maybe it’s time to change sides.”
“That’s not what I mean!”
“Oh really? Because last time I checked, you didn’t purposely fuck up your cases. Do you need some time off? What the fuck is going on Casey? I know you’re normally soft with the victims but being soft the the perpetrators? That’s a whole new level for you!”
“Please..stop.” The begging was clear in her voice but Liz had no patience to put up with her bullshit right now.
“Oh for fucks sake Casey!”
Liz slammed her glass down onto the kitchen island, she hadn’t realized her force, the glass shattering against the island. She let out a hiss, pulling her hand quickly away from it in an angry huff. The entire interaction missed Casey’s small whimper, the way she took another two steps backwards, the way she wrapped her arms around herself in protection. Without noticing, Liz continued her onslaught, her voice getting firmer and louder with every word.
“Stop being a fucking baby! You have to own up to your mistakes, you realize that right!? I can’t keep babying you just because of our personal relationship! You’re a fucking adult!” She started to step closer to Casey as she spoke, the younger woman starting to cower under her presence, “you need to start acting like one!” In Liz’s frustration, her hand suddenly shot a pile of coasters off the island onto the floor.
“Liz…” Casey practically whimpered. Her vision was nearly blurred, though not with tears as she felt her heart begin to race in her chest, the ache in her ribs becoming stronger with each pulse of her heart. Her throat tightened, leaving her feeling like she could barely breathe, the crushing weight of Liz’s outburst sitting on her chest. Her eyes hyper focussed on the shattered glass on the island, worrying about how she would be punished for being responsible for the broken crystal.
“Oh stop it!” She shouted in response, “what!? You only have balls when you’re in the courtroom or something? Stop playing the fucking victim just because I called you on your bullshit!”
“Peach!” Casey cried out, her head ducking as she backed into the hallway wall, her body shaking.
“What?” Liz suddenly glanced between the redhead and Mary at the utterance of their household safe word. No one had ever used the word in all the years the house had been in place, and for someone like Casey to use it in a non sexual experience, threw her for a loop.
“Please…” She did her best to hold back the cry that was fighting its way out of her throat. Her hand clasped over her mouth long enough for her to swiftly pick up her bag and vanish down the emergency stairs.
Liz scoffed, rolling her eyes as she heard the door slam shut, missing the ping from the elevator as you arrived home.
You let out a shriek as a highball glass collided with the hallway wall right in front of you while you rounded the corner into the main room.
“What the fuck?”
Liz’s head shot around to face you, concern suddenly written across her features as she took you in, hunched away from the pile of broken glass nearly at your feet.
“Sweetheart…sorry.” She ran a hand over her face with a heavy sigh, “I wasn’t trying to hit you.”
“Were you trying to hit someone else?” You raised a brow in worried suspicion.
“No.” She huffed out, briefly thanking Mary for the fresh glass of scotch, “Casey’s just on my last nerve. She can’t keep breaking rules at work and expect not to get into any trouble. Then to go running off like some kind of baby?! She’s acting ridiculous!”
“It was a hard case for her…” Mary urged, “I mean…to use the safe word like that?”
“Hold on”— you stopped the two of them, “What’d’you mean use the safe word?”
“I was giving her a piece of my mind and she clammed up before running off, completely unlike her.” Liz replied, your eyes swept through the kitchen, noticing the shattered glass on the counter.
“How many things did you break while you were yelling?”
“Just the one.” She huffed, taking a sip of her drink.
“You probably triggered her into a fucking panic attack. She was barely holding it together when I stopped in to see her at lunch.”
“Oh please.” Liz rolled her eyes, “Casey can handle a rough case. She shouldn’t have gotten so fucking soft for that psychopath.”
“You don’t know…” your voice softened as the realization shot through you, glancing toward Mary who looked just as confused as Liz did, “she never told either of you?”
“Told us what?” The brunette asked and you let out a soft sigh.
“Our last year at Harvard Casey started dating this girl Charlie…everything was fine at first, Charlie even moved back to the city with us, they got their own place. Charlie proposed, god Casey was so head over heels, I’ve never seen her so smitten.” You let out a huff of a sigh, “and then one night Casey showed up at my apartment with a black eye.”
“Oh god…” Mary uttered quietly, and you watched the frustration vanish from Liz’s face.
“Charlie’s schizophrenic…she was on and off her meds. When she was on she was usually okay, when she went off…she’d go from belittling and berating Casey for meaningless things to hitting her. Casey put up with it because she loved her, and she didn’t know what to do…she thought she could help her. It was only after Charlie landed her in the hospital for a couple of days that she finally had the guts to leave her.”
“I would never hurt her.” Liz’s voice wavered and you gave her a little nod.
“I know that. And I’m sure Casey does too, but between the Picard case and getting yelled at…she probably went right back to all those years ago…Charlie was never that soft with her, she always had to be in control, she was usually pretty cold. It’s why Casey craves so much intimacy, why she can come off so clingy…she’s constantly terrified that the person she loves the most doesn’t give a fuck about her. And….it’s why she shied away from sex crimes, why she didn’t want it.”
“What happened to Charlie?” Mary asked.
“Not sure.” You shrugged, “after she was discharged from the hospital I helped Case move, told Charlie it was over and to not come near her again if she didn’t want to get slapped with charges. Changed Casey’s phone number, hell I even moved so Charlie couldn’t show up at my place to try and track her down. As far as I know, she never went back on her meds.” You let out a sigh, pulling your phone and keys from your bag as your fingers swiftly dialled Casey’s number, “I’m…gonna go check her apartment…”
“Let us know she’s okay?” Liz asked softly and you nodded, moving back to the elevator as your phone lulled into voicemail.
Casey wasn’t totally sure how she’d found herself here, and she certainly wasn’t sure why she had ended up here either. It didn’t make sense for her to find comfort or solace in a place like this, yet the sight had helped bring her back to earth. Maybe it was the quiet, the still of the night aside from a slight breeze, the feel of the dirt and grass under her fingertips as she ran her hands against the ground. She felt like she’d cried herself out, though most of her tears were silent, convincing herself that what happened before wouldn’t happen again. It couldn’t. As hurtful as Liz could be with her words, she would never do something physical, especially to those she loved, and even then her words weren’t meant to cut, they were brutally honest, constructively critiquing, upholding those around her to her high standards.
Casey heard the muffled steps coming in what seemed like her direction, but they weren’t the first ones, and she was sure they wouldn’t be the last. Yet another lonely person visiting a lost loved one. So her eyes stayed on the small cross in front of her. That was of course, until she heard your voice, the cardboard tea cup intruding into her peripheral vision.
“You are one tricky person to track down, you know that?”
Her hand reached up, gently taking the cup from you, her legs falling crossed in front of her instead of tucked under her chin, how she’d been cramped for god knows how long.
“How’d you find me?”
“There’s this fun thing I’ve got access to that tracks phones…”
“May I?” You gestured to the spot beside her and she nodded, watching out of the corner of her eye as you sat, “what is this?” You asked softly.
“What?” Your brow furrowed, your cup freezing halfway to your lips as Casey let out a sigh.
“Six months ago…I got a call from the morgue. She’d be living on the streets, hit by a cab…nothing but my business card in her pocket.”
“I thought I could save her…”
“I know you did baby. But you needed to save yourself.” Cautiously, you reached out, giving her arm a gentle squeeze.
“I used to be so fucking scared.” She sniffled, wiping at her nose with her sleeve, “I thought for sure she’d track me down, that she’d hurt me, or whoever I had moved on with, blame them for us not working out.”
Your heart ached. You knew Casey hadn’t dated at all since Charlie, the whole arrangement with Mary and Liz was so specific, and so open that she didn’t feel the same fears as giving her whole heart to one person. Part of it was that she was still so broken, that she couldn’t really trust anyone again. She’d given her entire soul to Charlie only to have it completely destroyed and almost lost her life in the progress.
“Why here?” You asked gently.
“I started coming here when I would get scared. When I thought about all the shit she put me through…to…remind myself that she can’t hurt me anymore. I used to always tell myself that. But to see her grave, to know that she’s gone, that she won’t ever be able to get to me…I know it sounds stupid…but I haven’t had a nightmare since the first time I came here.”
“It makes perfect sense.” You squeezed at her arm again, “she’s gone. And no one is going to hurt you again, I promise you. Everyone in that house loves you Case. I know it’s hard to believe sometimes, especially when Liz gets into a mood. But she never aims to hurt, she’d never lay a hand on you….she just wants to see all of us doing our best and she’s got high expectations.”
“I know.” Casey sighed, leaning her head onto your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around her, thankful that she was accepting the embrace, pressing a kiss to her head.
“They’re worried about you.”
“Did you tell them?”
“Yes.” You kissed her head lightly again, “and I hope that’s okay. But when I came home to smashed glass I was worried something got thrown in your direction.”
“It’s fine.” She shivered as the wind picked up, letting out a weary sigh.
“Baby you’re freezing…” you nudged at her, “let’s get you home.”
“I…don’t know if I want to go back to the penthouse tonight.”
“Okay. Your place or mine?”
“Your bed’s comfier.” She mumbled, “and you’ve got the bigger bath tub.”
“Mmhmm.” You let out a small laugh, “you just want to steal one of those bath bombs you love so much.”
“You still have some?”
“Yeah. Sophie bought me a new batch for helping her take down the Kastner Centre. Think she threw in some face masks too. What’d’ya say we order in some take out? Watch some South Park from the bath?”
“Sounds great.” She turned to you, eyes still rimmed with red, and a smudge of mascara, but a small smile on her lips. Smiling back at her you helped her to her feet, letting out a quiet squeak as she pulled you into a tight hug. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always have your back. You know that.”
“I got incredibly lucky the day you decided to be my friend.”
“And I got even luckier when you decided we were best friends.” You linked your arm in hers, “now c’mon. You’ve put the idea of a bubble bath in my brain and now it’s all I can think of.”
_________ @tbhidkwutimdoing @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @swimmingstudentchaos891 @1000spices @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @wosoimagines @solemnnova @lawandorderimagines @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @wandas-wife @emskisworld @vincent-millays @thestarrynightslover @newyorker14 @lawandorderuswnt @ex-uallyactive @mmmmokdok @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @hbkpop @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @lazarettta @tomy5girls @jamiethetrans
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
sypnosis: mini scenarios for a few BNHA boys. 
characters: mirio togata, bakugou katsuki, and izuku midoriya 
request status: OPENED / all fandoms I write for are pinned to the top of my page as well as my rules! feel free to request as you’d like! 
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he has to come pick you up drunk from a club: 
oh god, mirio is crying from laughter the minute he sees the way you are. the look of being plastered is written all over your face and you couldn’t stop laughing for some odd reason. 
Nejire had called him on the fact that you were complaining that Mirio wasn’t here to enjoy the night with you. the reason why was that this was your last night before becoming a married woman and mirio wanted you to enjoy it before the wedding.
a part of his mind knew that this was going to happen though. you got very clingy to him when you drank and although he was hoping that you didn’t get as drunk tonight, the call from Nejire made him know he wasn’t getting what he was hoping for. 
he grabbed his shoes, making sure to put all of the medicine you would need in the morning on the night stand before heading out the door. you and Nejire were at a club not too far from where the both of you stayed so the drive wasn’t even more than fifteen minutes. 
once he arrived to the club, he flashed his ID to the security outside and walked in. the club was relatively packed for a Friday night but once he saw Nejire’s bright blue hair, he knew exactly where you were and how loud you were being. 
when he finally spotted the two of you, he could see how drunk you actually were. you had a cup filled with whatever alcoholic contents you were drinking and singing, actually more like screaming, to one of your favorite songs. 
“babe!” he sang, trying to catch you attention. you still hadn’t realized it was Mirio as your eyes were still closed and taking small sips of your drink, “( your name )!” mirio screamed again. finally, you heard your name and turned around, “MIRI!” you screamed, jumping onto him. 
he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, “ready to go home?” he asked, seeing the way your eyes were getting droopy, “you can’t hungover to your final fitting tomorrow,” he informed, grabbing your bag and phone. 
“boooo!! i wanna stay and party with you!” you exclaimed, trying to get him to stay, “nope! we gotta get you home or else no wedding,” he saw the way your eyes instantly watered at the idea, “babe! no i was kidding!” he exclaimed, trying to back track on the comment. 
your lip stuck out in a pouty way as he grabbed your wrist, “see you tomorrow Nejire!” he said, knowing she’d probably come over after all of you got done with the final dress fittings, “yup! she’s making me dinner actually!” she yelled as he grabbed her own things to head out, “make sure she doesn’t die on me tonight,” she giggled. 
“i’ll make sure! see ya!” Mirio said as he felt your weight get heavier. he looked down to see that you were already starting to fall asleep as you walked, “i swear, what am i gonna do with you?” he joked, as he put you in the passenger seat, making sure you didn’t double over in the process. 
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you accidentally get hurt in front of him: 
all of you were doing some simple training on the grounds outside of UA. it was nothing that you hadn’t done before but there was something that was not making you preform at 100% 
you noticed a few weeks ago that you weren’t preforming as best as you could because of the weight you gained over the winter break (lmfaoo, this is 100% self projecting). you couldn’t stand the fact that you weren’t skinny as the rest of the girls were and decided to put yourself on a diet. 
because of said diet, you were strictly drinking water and a very small dinner. 
no one had noticed it but you weren’t seeing the results you were hoping for. at first you thought you had to cut off the dinner portion of your diet but you knew if you had done that, you weren’t going to succeed in your performance either. 
you were fighting Kirishima, giving him a decent run for his money as you countered each of his attacks with one of your own but Kiri had noticed how tired you were getting. your attacks were strong but they weren’t as quick as he had seen them before. 
“you okay?” Kirishima asked. you nodded tiredly as you stood back up, getting into a fighting position, “nothing i can’t handle!” you exclaimed. he laughed, shaking off his concern before going in for another attack. 
as soon as you felt the impact of his punch on your stomach, you knew that this wasn’t going to end well. you instantly fell back, flying a few feet from where you were before and hitting the wall with a giant thud as you slipped down. 
at first, Kirishima had thought that you were just messing with him in order to get him riled up but when he saw that your body remained slumped on the ground and you weren’t getting up, he instantly ran over to you. “hey!” he screamed, seeing your eyes closed, “hey, get up!” he yelled a bit louder. 
Bakugou, who was fighting with Momo, had saw the interaction from the corner of his eye and instantly dropped the match. he ran over to you to see you still passed out on the ground. Momo caught Aizawa’s attention as he had saw you still not moving, “take her to recovery girl,” he informed Bakugou, knowing that if he didn’t take you, he wouldn’t allow anyone else, “and let me know the extent of her injuries,” he added on.
Bakugou nodded, basically scooping you into his arms and running to her office. once he got there, he pushed anyone who was already waiting for her away and slammed the door open, screaming that you weren’t awake and you had passed out from training. 
recovery girl, being used treating Midoriya, sighed and told him to put you on the spare bed as she took out her tools to see what was wrong with you. once she hooked you up to a few machines and let them check your vitals, she instantly saw the issue. 
“when’s the last time she’s had a proper meal?” she asked, a bit in disbelief, “her water intake is fine but her food intake is extremely low. it looks like she hasn’t ate a significant meal in a while,” she told Bakugou, showing him the screen. his eye twitched, trying to remember when’s the last time he actually saw you eat. 
“i’d suggest you bring her something to eat. by the time you arrive with food, i’m sure she’ll be up,” she said, basically kicking him out of the room until you woke up. Bakugou growled, not wanting to leave you but he knew better than to piss Recovery Girl off and did as she ordered. 
it took about an hour for him to come back with something for you to eat when he saw you awake, playing with the blanket and trying not to focus on him. he stared at you, trying to suppress his anger as best as he could. 
“what the hell happened?” he asked, setting the plate down and looking at you. it was like a dam breaking as your tears came down in strides. you tried to explain but all Bakugou heard was the hurt in your voice as you basically confessed your insecurities, “listen you idiot,” he scoffed, sitting down on the bed and wrapping his arms around you, “your body is fine. nothing is wrong with you and even if there was something wrong, you should have told me,” Bakugou said. 
you nodded, trying to hide your face on his side, “but if you have such an issue with how you look, come and work out with weird hair and i. don’t pull some stupid shit like this ever again,” he warned as he put the plate of food on the small lap table, “and i won’t be leaving you until i see you finish all of that food.” 
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the two of you run into your ex: 
both you and midoriya were running a few errands for his mom while the two of you were visiting her. you had offered to help her with dinner before you were due back at UA and she asked if you and midoriya could run to the store for a few things she was missing. 
before you and midoriya got together, you had been friends with him for a while. you, bakugou, and midoriya had attended the same middle school and when all of you got accepted to UA, he confessed his feelings for you after a few months. 
you and midoriya were walking down the street, groceries in hand and his other arm wrapped around your shoulder. he had been talking your ear off about some all might facts when he felt you come to a sudden stop and become stiff. 
he followed your eye trajectory and realized who it was. it was ex and an ex that you practically had a death wish on. the two of you dated the summer before entering UA and broke up after he made some sly remark about how you didn’t deserve to go to UA with the weak quirk you had. 
“lets try to find another way back home,” midoriya murmured. the two of you tried to turn the corner but it was too late. your ex had saw you and basically screamed your name before running down the street to see you, “hey!” he yelled with disgusting happiness. 
you turned around giving him a fake smile, “hey,” you whispered, feeling midoriya’s grip get stronger. your ex saw the way he was holding you and frowned, “how have you been!” he asked, trying to ignore midoriya. “okay, just been at UA, training and all that,” you replied. 
your ex nodded, trying to get closer to you but midoriya instantly pulled you closer, “so, are you here visiting his mom?” he asked. you nodded, a bit happily, “yeah, ever since we got together, we’ve been visiting his mom more,” you said. he cringed upon hearing you mutter that the two of you were together. 
“the two of you....” he implied, “are together?” he asked. you nodded, “yep! we’ve been together for a few months now!” you looked at midoriya and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “i wonder how long that’ll last. not long considering he’s midoriya,” he joked to his friends. 
your eyebrows fluttered in anger as midoriya whispered to calm down. you looked to your ex, “well, we should be leaving. we actually have to leave in a few hours to head back to UA. you know, the school you couldn’t get into,” you retorted, making midoriya laugh loudly. 
your ex tried to say something back but before he could, you grabbed midoriya’s arm and ran in the opposite direction before your ex could follow you. the two of you ran for a little while longer before agreeing that you both had lost him. 
“what an asshole, right?” you asked. midoriya agreed, grabbing your hand and kissing it, “serves him right. he’s always been so rude,” he replied, seeing his house coming into vision, “plus, i think my mom is going to find the story pretty funny.” 
you rolled your eyes playfully as you tried not to think on the exchange with your ex any longer and trying to refocus on what midoriya was talking to you about before you ran into him. 
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lemons3ason · 4 years
SK8 THE INFINITY (Late Valentines Special Headcannon
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Langa Hasegawa
-Sweet clueless child is a complete idiot when it comes to love and to make it worse you’re dense to his advances.
-Met you at school with Reki and would try to be as close to you as possible, letting you borrow his board so he could enjoy your smile as you skated.
-Due to personal reasons you were extremely touch starved and Langa was more then willing to hug you all day long but he’d find himself staring at your lips in want.
-Once Valentines came around he felt like finally confessing to you despite the holiday being a total cliche.
-Decided to make you chocolates, unfortunately he kept burning the batches so he had to ask his mom for help which resulted in her finding out about you.
-Wrote a message on the chocolates himself despite his terrible penmanship and hoped you would appreciate it and accept him.
-Almost forgets the chocolates the next day since he overslept and was late for school, wishes you a good morning over texts and asks you to meet him at the front gates to talk to you.
-Was bombarded by fan girls at school that wanted to give him gifts and found himself bumping into someone, just so happened to be you, but he realizes that he knocked something out of your hands and it got crushed under another girls foot.
-For the first time ever he actually saw your face pale and tears prick the corner of your (e/c) hues, he growled under his breathe shouting at everyone to leave as he wrapped his arms around you.
-You didn’t hug him back, you just silently cried somehow not making a sound and he sighed seeing you upset.
-“I’m sorry they crushed your gift, were you giving it to someone?”, he tried to hide the jealousy in his voice as he wiped away your tears.
-You nodded your head before explaining that they were meant for him. He blushed of course but a goofy grin plastered itself on his face as he cupped your cheeks and slammed a kiss against your sweet warm lips.
-He pulled away leaving you a stuttering mess as he presented you his little pink gift box. You took it and opened it giggling at what he had wrote, “We’re already friends Langa.”, you giggled showing him his incorrect kanji.
-“N-no I-I meant boyfriend, can I be your boyfriend pretty please?”, he begged as if he still had no chance with you.
-You giggled and smiled again before cupping his cheeks and returning his sweet kiss from before. Successful Valentines Confession.
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Reki Kyan
-Y’all already been dating but this was your first Valentines together so he wanted to make it special.
-“Gotta head to work bye Reki.”, you hummed kissing his lips sweetly before you skated away on your board.
-He smiled watching you disappear into the sunset but once you were out of sight he bolted the rest of the way home.
-He’s not your ordinary guy and he loves skateboarding so he wanted to protray his feelings for skateboarding and you into his next project.
-Stayed up day and night in order to finish it and rushed to your house Valentines morning to spend the day with you before he presented your gift to you.
-Treated you to your favorite ice cream shop and a shopping spree at the plush store where you excitedly bought all the cute anime and animal plushes you had been dying for.
-You presented his gift to him around noon by taking him to a very special skateboard shop that your dad owned, he got first dibs at all the latest equipment and parts he needed for future projects and you couldn’t help smiling as he gasped at your father for letting him keep everything he had picked out and wanted.
-Your dad dropped you both off at Reki’s house in a pick up truck since Reki and gotten so much and helped unload it while you went in to greet his mother and sisters.
-He ran to his garage to get your gift but started getting nervous thinking that you wouldn’t like it.
-“S-she’ll like it I know she will. (Y/n)’s always spoiling me so this will pay her back for being so wonderful to me.”, he thought hugging the board tight to his chest as he ran back in to see you.
-“H-hey (Y/n), can you come here for a sec?”
-He could hear you running towards him and smiled nervously as he hid the board behind his back.
-Has you close your eyes and places the board deck side down in your arms so you can see the custom design he made for you on the back.
-You absolutely screech in joy seeing the new board in your arms, you couldn’t believe it was actually yours. Reki has to grab you by the cheeks hold you in place and tell you it was yours like five times just for you to believe him.
-You can’t help but throw yourself against him to hug him and kiss his pudgy face all over while chanting ‘I love you’ over and over again.
-He’s so happy you like your new board, he’s so overwhelmed by your affection but he absolutely adores you and kisses you one more time before dragging you off to his room for a movie and cuddles.
-A dorky sweetheart you can’t tell me otherwise.
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Miya Chinen
-Met during an online gaming tournament, you actually beat him, you became rivals for each other.
-When you both met in real life he absolutely adored you, sweet, kind, outgoing, and obviously taller than him, he couldn’t help the blush that rose to his face upon meeting you.
-You two were a match made in heaven but he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you no matter how hard he tried and then he found out you had a crush on a boy from your school.
-Helps you shop for the perfect gift for your crush despite it breaking his heart and finds himself still buying you something in hopes of confessing to you first.
-Has a little Bunny plush holding a single sunflower in its arms in his room since he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you the day of Valentines.
-Doesn’t hear from you about your confession until the day after when your both playing online against each other.
-“Come on (Y/n), you could’ve easily deflected that! Don’t become a slime on me now player two.”, Miya yells into his mic regretting it immediately when he hears you sigh.
-“Sorry Miya I’m just not feeling it tonight, I’m gonna go to bed see ya later.”
-Your sad he can tell instantly from the sound of your voice, calls you on the phone to demand an explanation on why your sad and you burst into tears on the other side.
-“S-sorry...hkk...i-it’s just that I let myself get played. I got heartbroken yesterday by the guy I liked and I realized that I’m pretty much a weirdo that no one wants to be with. He laughed at me and tossed my gift out the third story window of the school and walked away with a prettier girl in his arms.”
-You don’t hear anything from Miya and sigh hearing the call end unbeknownst to you Miya was skating his way to your house as fast as he could to comfort you, his Valentines gift in his arms.
-You jump when you hearing tapping on your window and watch as Miya sneaks in with a little rabbit in his arms.
-“Then be my weirdo! Stay by my side and we can be weirdos together, you don’t need that slime ball when I wanna be the grand knight that protects my princess!”, Miya screamed extending the gift to you in hopes that you would accept his feelings.
-He feels the rabbit leave his hands and opens his eyes to see you smiling through your tears, he kinda panics and wipes away your tears with his sleeves and just holds you.
-He presses his for head against yours and sighs, “You don’t have to answer right now it’s just that...I-I umm...I want to be the Link to your Zelda i-if you know what I mean.”
-You giggle and hug him thanking him for his kind words and softly whisper, “I love you, Miya, and thank you.”, into his ear making him smile against your shoulder.
-Sweet baby boy!
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Kaoru Sakurashiki
-This dipshit works Valentine’s Day and forgets about it due to all the orders for custom calligraphy messages for couples.
-Annoyed by all the sappy messages and honestly putting half his effort in any of them.
-Forgets he has an interview that day until he hears a knock at his office door and you nervously enter.
-His heart races seeing you for the first time, you look so adorable in your business casual outfit, and your nervous smile has him falling over himself.
-“H-hello my name is (L/n) (F/n), I-it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sakurashiki.”
-“She’s beautiful like a cherry blossom.”, he thought to himself.
-Overall the interview goes great, you’re just a year younger then him looking for a new job to pay for your new home.
-Loves you a lot and asks you to start immediately as his new secretary, you accept and start getting right to work. Eventually he notices you running around in your socks since your feet were hurting from the heels.
-Treats you to dinner once the shop is closed to welcome you to the team and falls in love with you more as you talk more about yourself.
-You are playful but still you have a calm and collected mind something he admires greatly.
-Waits till next Valentines to properly confess to you since he found it extremely hard to put his feelings into words.
-You surprisingly accept and he treats you to a rooftop diner where you both share a sweet dance under the moonlight.
-Dubs you his Blossom and spoils you with sweet gestures and shy kisses until he’s confident enough to kiss you properly.
-Laughs when he finds out you are jealous of Carla (his skateboard), you fume and decide to race him at S which shocks him because he didn’t know you could even skate.
-Absolutely loses it seeing you in your S wardrobe, a rather revealing kunoichi styled outfit that showed all the right parts leaving him wanting more.
-“Well Cherry Blossom let’s see what you can do.”, you smirked behind your fox mask.
-You end up slaughtering him in the race just from pure skill alone, Karla couldn’t keep up with your calculations and you won by a landslide.
-Gets jealous of the fan boys that suddenly accumulate over you once the race is finish, takes off both of your masks so he can kiss you silly.
“I won jealous cherry.”
“Shut up and kiss me little blossom.”
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Kojiro Nanjo
-This large himbo had a whole plan to make you extremely jealous by flirting with other women until you were furious with him before surprising you with a special hotel room that he rented out for just the two of you for Valentines.
-Unfortunately he was unaware of some bullying and self esteem issues you were having because of work so you patience with him dried out fast.
-“Huh baby cakes what’s the mat-“
-“If they’re so pretty why don’t you just stay with them instead of someone useless and ugly like me!”
-Regrets everything he said as soon as he sees you running away in tears, ditches the fans immediately and skates off to find you but you’re already long gone.
-Calls Cherry who has you weeping in his arms and groans as his old friend starts scolding him for being a ‘Heartless Dumbass Gorilla’.
-Hugs you as soon as he sees you practically tackling you and Cherry in the process and begs for your forgiveness.
-You pout and refuse to forgive him which in turn makes him sigh, he scoops you up in his arms and tosses you over his shoulder to carry you away despite your protest and skates off to the hotel.
-“I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you, I wanted to make you jealous and then spoil you rotten. This wasn’t how I wanted today but if you’ll let me I’d still like to spoil you and make it up to you.”, Joe admits in a soft voice.
-You agree hesitantly and he puts you down, cups your face, and presses a tender kiss against your plump lips. Smiles against your lips when he feels your cheeks heat up.
-Takes you to the hotel, chuckles at your shocked expression to the huge lavish room and invites you for champagne in the jacuzzi.
-Leans you against his chest and wraps an arm around your waist, whispers sweet compliments and praises into your ear until a goofy smile is plastered over your face.
-Smothers you in kisses and cuddles even if you playfully try to escape his strong arms.
-Watches sappy movies with you and holds you tightly until your glowing with joy. Kisses you good night as he snuggles his head into your adorable chest and happily nods off to sleep as you play with his curly green hair.
“Happy Valentine’s Day love, I’m sorry and thank you for today beautiful.”, Joe hums kissing your cleavage sweetly.
“I’m sorry I ruined your surprise, thank you handsome.”
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Hiromi Higa
-Meets you the 13th when you come in to buy flowers, there’s such a sad aura about you that he can’t help but gift you a fresh pink rose that brings a sweet smile to your face.
-Instantly falls for you as you ask for an arrangement to take to a funeral of a dear friend.
-Makes you a beautiful arrangement himself and let’s you take it free of charge despite your argument to pay.
-“Just try to be happy for me and that’s enough, you look beautiful when you smile.”, he simply says making a blush roll across your face.
-As nightfall hits the city he dawns his Shadow look for S and starts heading over but he stops after hearing a scream and finds you being attacked by a small group of idiots.
-Instantly picks a fight with them in order to defend you and wins just from knocking one out with a single punch and scaring the others away with a glare.
-Sees you trembling on the floor with a hand covering your left arm and sighs seeing the blood, you had been slashed by one of their blades so he carefully wraps it with an extra cloth that he had and picks you up carrying you to the train station.
-“Stay safe little flower, I won’t always be able to save you.”, he grins at you making you blush for some strange reason.
-“T-thank you for saving me.”
-He smiles at you and leans forward leaving a purple lipstick mark on your cheek as he disappears from sight.
-He skates his best that night at S while thinking of you.
-You appear again in the flower shop the next day, a bandage wrapped around your arm and a shy smile on your face as you walk up to him.
-He’s surprised to see you again so soon and prays that you didn’t recognize him from last night.
-You smile and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red stain on his cheek that has his face flaming up in embarrassment.
-You hand him back his cloth and a note and rush out of the store while shouting, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“H-huh well seems she did notice m-ehh... i-is this her phone number?”
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laurentspup · 3 years
Friends... Is that what we are? (Lamen AU) Part 7.5
Author’s note: 
Hey it’s been so long since I updated this! It still takes a lot of me to think of dialogue and edit the messages, so this isn’t new content. It is, however, what really happened in part 7 (when Damen went to Laurent’s house and read him a book, and kissed his forehead). I always thought this was better in paragraphs than soc med format, so here it is. I actually drafted this before part 7 and I finished it now! 
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and I promise I will be back with a new update soon. I just have to get used to driving (just passed my license a month ago), college (it’s my last year), and work (first year in person). 
Okay that was a lot, now onto this chapter full of sweetness and pining.
Part 7.5
It’s past midnight, but Laurent still has a big smile on his face since his call with Damen. It has been a few hours after Damen simply talked about his day, about his brother, about the yacht his parents bought because they had too much money and nothing more to spend it on, anything he could think of. Laurent was more than happy to sit there and listen to his voice. He liked the man too much to do anything else about it.
He is currently studying for his upcoming biology exam on Tuesday. It’s not too bad of an exam, but there are endless terms, endless body functions, and he hates that all he can do is memorize everything. It’s not learning but it does result in an A. His phone buzzes beside him, and welcoming any distraction, he picks it up to see a text from Damen. He’s downstairs.
Laurent runs to his window to check if it’s true. Damen, knowing exactly what Laurent does every time he surprises Laurent with a visit, is looking up at him, waving. Damen’s at Laurent’s door. He isn’t supposed to be home yet, back in this city, but here he is, glowing under the porch light, gorgeous in his hoodie, and everything Laurent ever wanted. He’s speaking but Laurent, shaking his head with a look of disbelief, can’t hear him. 
“Wait one sec.” He whispers with a gesture and turns around to go downstairs in a hurry. Before opening the door, he fixes his hair and assumes a relaxed position, as if his heart isn’t pounding miles a minute at the prospect of Damen outside his house, at midnight. As if this doesn’t happen almost everyday.
Once he’s face to face with Damen’s kind eyes, with the smile that can only be read as extremely happy to see him, his heart hammers harder in his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Laurent breathlessly asks him with wide eyes, confusion and excitement evident on his face, try as he might to mask it.
Damen is also breathless, though Laurent can’t think of any reason why.
“I missed you.”
It’s a punch to all the right places in Laurent’s heart. It’s something he can never say to Damen out loud, but he feels it all the same, right down to his bones. It’s something he didn’t know Damen had the nerve to say out loud to him. 
“I mean-” Damen begins and Laurent’s face twitches. Damen must have caught it because he stops. “I mean yeah. I missed you so I drove back since there’s nothing to do at my parent’s anymore. And I got you this.”
Laurent doesn’t see the Target plastic bag in Damen’s hand until he lifts it. 
“It’s from my mom. She insisted I give you a home-cooked meal since she knows you’re mostly alone nowadays. She doesn’t stop hinting at my dad that she wants to go on a European tour too, see Paris- what? Why are you smiling?”
Laurent doesn’t know he’s smiling. He tries to school his expression even though it’s too late.
“Nothing. You’re here. No- it’s just- I don’t know what I’m saying. Come in.” He quickly says the sentences after the other, making Damen laugh and his cheeks flush. “Shut up.”
“I wasn’t saying anything!” Damen enters behind him, shaking with happiness. 
Laurent leads him to the kitchen, so he can put the food in the fridge. It’s too late to eat right now and he has a few more chapters to read.
Damen gives him the plastic bag and sits on the stool by the island. He stares at Laurent as he unpacks the tupperwares, then puts it in the fridge. A comfortable silence surrounds them, but Laurent is too conscious of Damen’s stare. It’s as if he can hear the dangerous somersaults Laurent’s heart was doing. 
“You still studying tonight?” 
“Yeah. Bio’s kicking my ass.”
“I’ll stay up with you. Nik’s not home yet, anyway. He visited his parents too since he was there already.”
“You don’t have to stay up.”
“No, I want-”
“But you can stay.”
“Well, I’m staying up and you can’t stop me.” Damen is right in front of Laurent's face when he turns to face him. He steps back quickly. “Cool?”
“Do whatever you want.” Laurent replies, heart in his throat, rushing to leave the kitchen and get to his room before Damen sees his face turn dangerously red. 
Laurent’s head is bent, back to Damen, busy reading the last chapter for his exam. Nothing is entering his brain anymore, but he has to read all of these at least two times to store it in his brain until his test. He’s been yawning since the third paragraph, and he has a massive headache which began in the previous chapter. 
It has been two hours since Laurent started studying and let Damen just be in the background. He would hear Damen’s little laughs, gasps, or groans at whatever game he was playing on his phone. He feels Damen’s gaze on his back, conscious of him being conscious of his every move. It was a normal routine for them at three am, but somehow, today, it was more. 
Laurent yawns again. This chapter about the reproductive system is very intriguing, but exasperating. He would rather do it himself than read about it. If only the man currently on his bed knew how much he has been thinking about him and this. He sighs at the idea, then hears Damen shuffle on his bed.
“I think you need to take a break.”
“Be quiet. I’m studying.”
“Take a break, Laurent. You’ve been reading nonstop for two hours. I got so bored I started counting how much you’re yawning. It's thirty-seven by the way.”
“That’s weird. Stop staring at me while I’m studying.”
“But I like looking at you all concentrated.” 
Laurent ignores him. “Just shut up. I have five more pages to go.”
Damen stands up and takes Laurent’s book. He holds it up above his head. Laurent rolls his eyes but doesn’t stand up.
“Give it back to me right now.” He crosses his arms like a stubborn child.
“Nope. You can try to grab it though.” The real stubborn child says.
“Just because you’re half a foot taller than me, doesn’t mean I can’t reach it.”
“I’m not in the mood for your games, Damen.”
“I’m not playing. Take a break.”
“Dude, I wanna sleep too. Just let me finish.”
“Dude?” Damen says, offended. Laurent ignores his tone again. He stares at Damen with eyebrows raised, trying to be intimidating, knowing well that it won’t work on Damen. “Fine. If you go to bed I’ll give it back to you. Even if you look super sleepy.”
“I’m not sleepy.” Just as Laurent finishes the last word, he yawns. 
Damen raises his eyebrows at him. “Thirty-eight.”
“Ha ha. Give me back the book.”
“When you go to bed.”
“I’m not falling for that.”
Damen falls back on Laurent’s bed. Maybe if he offered something else, Laurent might say yes. Maybe Laurent is just tired. 
“You gotta get this book one way or another.” Damen shrugs. 
Laurent stubbornly stays on his chair, staring daggers at Damen. What the hell is his problem? He didn’t ask him to stay up with him, he told him not to!
Laurent watches Damen flip through the book, knowing he hates it because he’s going to lose his spot. Still, he notices how Damen's index finger remains on the page he’s reading. It’s sweet, but Damen still sucks for making him take a break.
“Ugh.” Annoyed, Laurent stands and goes beside his bed. “I’m here. Hand it back.” 
“I have an idea.” Damen answers, not looking at him.
“Damen.” Laurent says, getting more aggravated by the second.
“Look, your eyes are so tired right now.”
“You’re not looking at me, and I can’t see my own eyes.”
Damen ignores him. “Did you even sleep last night?”
Laurent flushes when he remembers the reason why he hasn't slept well at all yet. It’s because of this annoying, clueless brute lying on his bed and he doesn’t even know! All the hours he spends pining for him, yet this is all that ever happens to them. 
“See? You haven’t.” Damen answers, interpreting Laurent’s expression as guilt and embarrassment. “Lie down right now and close your eyes.”
“Stop telling me what to do. I have to finish studying.” 
Laurent can just take the book, but he knows Damen will pull him and force him to lie down. God, if only Damen is going to do that for other reasons, he’d have done it the moment Damen told him to go to bed.
“I’ll read it to you.” 
“You’re going to what?” Laurent asks, genuinely taken aback.
“I'm gonna read to you while you rest your eyes. Saves time. You rest while you still learn. It’s a win-win.” Damen looks at him and smiles expectantly.
“That’s stupid, Damen. It’s five pages long. And it won’t go into my brain.” Laurent is exasperated. He’s losing patience. Hell, he doesn’t even know why he’s still keeping up this conversation. He could kick out Damen anytime. This is his house.
“Yes it would. You take in everything you hear fast.” Laurent opens his mouth to spit a vicious remark but Damen talks first. “Just let me help you. Please.”
Laurent closes his eyes, trying so hard, even though he doesn’t know why, to keep calm. He equally hates and loves Damen for making him take a break and for offering to read five pages of the reproductive system. He grits his teeth because he’s going to say yes, and he’s going to hear Damen talk about sex and sex parts without knowing what it will do to Laurent.
“You’re so annoying.” Laurent sits on the bed. Damen scoots to give him space with a wide smile on his face. “Why can’t I say no to you?” 
“It’s because secretly you really like me.”
He wants to strangle Damen. He wishes he could shake him and look him in the eye and scream “YES I FUCKING DO. DO YOU LIKE ME BACK, ASSHOLE?” Fuck him. It’s true. It’s so true, but Laurent is never going to admit that… first.
“Just read. Annoying prick.” He mumbles and makes himself comfortable on the bed. He makes sure there’s at least a foot gap between him and the idiot beside him.
“You can come closer. I don't bite.” Damen says, staring at Laurent with that glint in his eye, patting the space next to him.
“So fucking bossy.” Laurent says angrily and still scoots over. He’ll get over feeling Damen’s warmth and not being in his arms instead. “If I sleep, you better wake me up or I'm killing you.” 
He huffs as his head hits the soft pillow and his eyes close. It feels good. He thinks he hasn’t closed his eyes to blink in the past hours. 
“Can’t kill me if you’re sleeping.” Damen answers with confidence, settling back on the bed. Laurent feels him move until their shoulders touch, despite the purposeful one inch gap that Laurent left so this won’t happen. Now, he’s really annoyed and conflicted. But he doesn’t move away.
“Give me back the book.” 
“Just start.”
“So fucking bossy.” Damen teases. 
Laurent opens his eyes, ready to smack Damen or kick him out or maybe kiss him too, but he opens the book and starts reading loudly. “The penis is part of the male reproductive system. See Damen’s for ref-”
“I’m pretty sure it doesn't say your-” Laurent cuts him off.
“Shh, I’m reading.”
“Read properly, then. And I’m on the top of that page, first paragraph.”
Damen hushes him again. Laurent rolls his eyes but stays quiet. When Damen begins once more, he reads what Laurent told him to. Laurent feels his heart leap at that, desperate to reach out to Damen, put his head on his shoulder and listen from there. But he keeps his hands to himself. 
As Damen reads about functions of the reproductive organs, Laurent soaks in his voice and his warmth. Maybe, this isn’t such a bad idea. He can actually focus better. His eyes don’t hurt as much now, and he can picture the words that Damen reads. His deep voice compels him to listen, and it tugs at his heartstrings at the same time. He can’t even fathom how amazing it is to have Damen read a Biology book to him. 
This can’t be just a friendly gesture, Laurent’s brain nags at him. But he quickly kicks all thoughts of more because he knows Damen. Damen has probably done this with all of his friends. He’s just a nice guy who brings Laurent food and makes him take a break and reads his book for him, and Laurent just happens to like him. There’s nothing more.
He listens to Damen flip to the next page, and shuts off the part of his brain that continues to pine for the man beside him. He’ll take this right now and he’ll think about the repercussions tomorrow. Right now, he’ll let himself feel the warmth and comfort of Damen. Right now, he’ll listen to Damen’s voice, soothing him like a lullaby.
Laurent opens his eyes. It’s not dark, his lights are left on, and there’s an unfamiliar warmth beside him, something he’s unaccustomed to when he wakes alone. His head is on a harder surface, not on a pillow but- 
He shifts his eyes to the left and sees Damen's clothed chest. The chest his head is resting on right now. The chest his head rested on while he slept. The chest that’s steadily falling and rising. 
He slept and somehow, he ended up on Damen’s chest. He asked to be woken up if he slept, but he should have never trusted Damen. 
Damen, annoying, clueless Damen, whose clothed chest is under his head right now. 
He wants to move away, badly, but also, he can't. Because he wants to be here too, badly. 
Physically, there were no obstacles stopping Laurent from moving away. Damen’s arms aren’t even enveloping him. Somehow, he slept without touching Laurent, probably because he knows Laurent doesn’t like to be touched without permission. God, why is Damen so?
For a few moments, he imagines this is real. That Damen is his to sleep on, to cuddle with. That if Damen wakes right now, he’ll kiss Laurent sleepily, a lazy smile spreading across his face. So he stays for a few seconds, tempted to move his arm on top of Damen's torso and snuggle closer. He wants this to be what they are. But it’s not.
Before Laurent could do anything that he can’t explain to Damen without spilling his heart open, he sighs and prepares to move away. He no longer wants to hurt and delude himself further. He doesn’t want to think of this as a mistake, but it is. Damen doesn’t feel the same way he does. Damen is his best friend and he should stay that way. 
He moves back a little, but Damen shifts. He abruptly stops moving for a second to not wake him, but Damen puts his arms on top of him and brings him closer. 
“Don’t go.” A sleepy voice whispers as a kiss is pressed on Laurent’s forehead.
Laurent freezes. He must still be dreaming. There’s no way in hell or heaven that Damen just kissed him on the forehead, asleep or not. He swallows, too afraid to look up and find out if Damen did this on purpose or in his dream. In this position, Laurent’s head is even closer to Damen’s clothed chest and he can hear his steady heartbeat, can see the rise and fall of his chest, and can determine Damen isn’t awake at all. 
Laurent is going crazy. That’s it. He needs to leave, right now, but he can't move anymore. What the fuck is Damen doing to him? What the fuck is he dreaming about? Why can’t he just tell Laurent now that he likes him too, that nothing is ever simply friendly between them?
Once more, he tries to leave the embrace but Damen hugs him tighter. 
“Don’t go.” Damen whispers again. “Laurent, I love you.”
Laurent cannot move, cannot breathe, cannot close his eyes. He’s sure now. He’s the one dreaming.  
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slashmebois · 4 years
“Mmmmmay I request slasher boys (I really really want HoW boys, but you can add anyone!) getting a bj from their s/o who just keeps sucking them even after they've already came? They just overstimulate them!”
 Gonna make these short-ish because I’m unfortunately very busy currently but I hope these are to your liking!!
It’s late at night and Bo isn’t home yet, you bite your nails and stare at the clock, concerned about how late dinner will be. He finally walks in, breaking your thoughts.
“You took your sweet time” there’s an edge to your voice that you fail to hide, a result of your imagination taking you to dark places and reasons for why he wouldn’t be home yet.
He sighs throwing his arms in the air, “What? A man can’t get home a little late. D’you see the fuckers that came into town today? That guy was built like a fuckin’ truck”
You try to let it go but you’re kinda mad, “well, I didn’t know whether to cook or not so we don’t have any dinner.” You state it matter of fact, trying not to glare holes in him.
He stares at you, before barking out a harsh laugh, “What the fuck is this? You gotta problem with me?” he starts taking large steps towards you and stops barely an inch from your face, bending his neck to get right in your face.
You see the furious look in his eyes, but decide stupidly to push past the fear, “I’m just saying. I can’t start dinner if I don’t know when the fuck you’ll be home. Next time give me a head up, or is that too fucking much to ask asshole”
Well now you’ve done it. There’s a tense moment before his hand whips up to grab your face, smooshing it in his wide hands.
“Okay sweetheart I’ll give you your fucking dinner. Hell, should shut that preeetty mouth of yours up”, you can feel your blood running like ice through your veins.
He leans in close to breathe down your ear, “Get on your fucking knees and beg for it before I decide on a worse punishment”
You don’t need asking twice, having been on the receiving ends of those ‘worse’ punishments. You clatter down and look up at him, unbuttoning his jeans, “please daddy, please can you fill my mouth up with your cock”
He grins like a shark, “That’s a good start. Make it good and I won’t take this further”
You pull out his cock and rub your hands over it, giving him kitten licks on his tip.
“Fuck I love how your hands look wrapped round my cock. They can’t even reach all the way round huh?”
You open your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out, waiting for him to take charge- you know he likes to take charge.
“That’s a good little slut” he purrs before slowly inching his cock all the way into your mouth, making a guttural sound as his balls reach your face and you reach you tongue out to lick at them.
The kitchen tiles are cold against your knees, but you barely notice, your focus directly on the panting man in front of you. The sounds of Bo’s loud groans fill the room alongside the lewd noises your mouth and tongue make as you slide them along his shaft.
“Fuck, god. That…uhhh…that feels so good doll. Don’t stop”
His hand is gripped tight in your hair, making you wince as he tries to stop himself taking control. All he really wants to do is fuck your throat raw but he knows better than to draw your ire. The last time you had held out on sex for a month, leaving him with only his hand as solace.
You’re taking long deep mouthfuls of his cock, hollowing out your cheeks and lavishing your tongue around the girth of it as his head hits the back of your throat, before pulling back and teasing his weeping tip with languish flicks of your tongue.
“Fuu…fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum soon. Tell me what you want baby. Hmm? You want daddy’s cum down your throat”
You smile sweetly up at him, hoping he’ll leave the punishment at this “please daddy, please give me your delicious cum. I want to taste it, I want it inside me” you savour how his eyes roll back before his grip on your head forces his cock back down your throat.
You can feel how his dick makes your throat bulge out, and his thrusts become more and more erratic. Just when you think you’re about to pass out from the lack of oxygen you feel the telltale twitches.
“You fucking want it so bad you little cumslut. Ungggghhh, take it”
His hot seed spills out into the back of your throat, coating it. There’s a lull as Bo comes down from his high, his breathing slowing and the glaze in his eyes lifting.
It’s then that a wicked thought hits you, your mind only slightly focused on revenge. You swallow his cum with his cock still in your mouth causing him to yelp. Then you start to run your tongue along the veins on his cock, causing him to yelp, “Fuck. Ahh-ah, that feels too good”
You ignore his pleas, figuring he’ll rip your head off his length if it’s really too much for him.
You suck on his throbbing red tip, as he judders his hips against you- unsure if he wants more or less. You keep bobbing your head along until he’s a mess of expletives and tears barely able to form sentences. His hands can’t seem to decide where they want to be until finally they manage to pull you off him.
Panting he gives you a dark look, “I’d suggest you start running before I catch my breath again”.
You had been messing around painting together, dabbing small fingerprints on the corner of Vincent’s easel when he wasn’t looking. Before long he had noticed the giggles coming from you each time he turned away and was onto your game- waiting for you to be distracted yourself before tackling you to the ground. From there it had turned into some light wrestling as you tried and failed to overpower him, being easily trapped again each time. It was easy to forget how strong he was…and it was amazing how turned on that made you.
“Vinnyyyy, let go. I didn’t do anything”
His mask-less face pulls into a lopsided jovial smile and he shakes his head at you knowingly, his eyes darting from your own eyes, down your body and back.
You try to squirm from under him, figuring if strength wasn’t on your side then maybe you could use your smaller size to your advantage. You quickly stop as you hear a groan from Vinny and feel his growing excitement against your stomach. You gasp and still, looking him straight in the eyes, a staring test ensuing. You’re the first to look away, his eyes blazing into your own- all hints of jesting gone from his features. You can feel the blush heating your face and pray he doesn’t notice. But he does.
Moving his grip on one of your arms to your hair he pulls you to his mouth, kissing you deeply and grunting into your mouth as he ruts against your stomach. You knew that if you didn’t act quickly you would skip the foreplay entirely in favour of getting pounded into the ground by him. Reaching your hand down you easily find his cock and rub your hand over it through his clothing, causing him to groan into your mouth again.
You pull away for air, determined to do the thing you haven’t found the chance to do with him yet, “Let me taste you Vinny” you whisper in his ear and you feel him shudder against you in anticipation, his hand coming up to grip your throat lightly as he turns to kiss you again.
He stands and pulls you up by the neck to your knees, you salivate at the thought of his cock fucking your sweet mouth. Quickly you help to strip down his dungarees and gasp as his cock springs free, the tip engorged and oozing precum. He stops, unsure of himself in this moment and you gladly take charge, leaning forward to lick a line from his balls to the head of his cock, he makes an appreciative noise and throws his head back.
His hand moves from your throat across to your cheek stroking it gently, as you take him in whole, slowly inching your way down him until his cock is filling your whole throat. You repeat the movement a few times earning you a plethora of sounds from the large man, before you speed up your movements, circling your tongue around him and using your hands to work the areas your mouth struggles to reach.
He finally looks down at you, panting and signs as best he can ‘your mouth is killing me’, you grin around his cock and wickedly take the tip only sucking hard as he yelps and grabs at your hair, making your scalpel scream in pain. An idea strikes you and you pull off his cock, leaving him slightly confused before you stand and pull him to the table, draping yourself backwards across it and opening your mouth wide to waggle your tongue at him.
His eyes widen, and he swallows, licking his lip before stepping forward and guiding his cock to your waiting mouth. He starts slowly but quickly gains momentum as he’s spurred on by the bulge his length makes in your throat.
Growling he signs sloppily ‘where do you want it’ and you realise he’s close. You sign back ‘shower me’ and he feels his soul ascend as he pulls out and paints your face and swollen lips with his cum.
He has to grip the table for support, trying to regain his senses after witnessing what he thinks may be his finest piece of art yet. You inch your way over to his semi-hard cock and guide it back into your mouth, causing him to moan and huff, his hand grasping at your throat again. He’s never experienced this before and bucks forward, the pleasure too much to handle.
‘your mouth. Too much. Fuck.’
You giggle and release him from the purgatory of overstimulation.
He sighs in relief and reaches up to wipe a thumb across your mouth, before rubbing the cum onto your tongue.
‘I think I found my new favourite activity baby’
It had been a nice day so Lester had offered to take you on a ride through the country. Something about the way the sunlight reflected off your pretty features had him gulping and shifting in an attempt to hide his growing arousal. Being you though, you had noticed and cocked an eyebrow at him.
“What you looking at, gorgeous?”
“You, Lester”
His breathing hitches, “now why would you wanna do that. I’m nothing much to look at” he replies, those confusing feelings he gets around you swelling up like a wave.
You reach your hand towards his leg, running it from his knee up towards his groin. He nearly swerves in his efforts to stop the car, but once he’s flicked the engine off he’s scrambling to pull you to him. You meet in a clash of lips, tongue, and teeth. He keeps you there, stealing your breath like a drowning man, only pulling away once your lips are thoroughly swollen
He looks you dead in the eye, “This ain’t a dream right?”
You can’t help but giggle before you shake your head no, “I’ll prove it to you”
Your hands unbutton his trousers and you shove them down with a little help from his lifted hips.
He’s already hard as a rock, and you take a moment to feel all of him as you whisper in his ear, “your cock makes me so hungry Lester, can I taste it? Please Les?”
“Ohh god, please yes” he’s distinctly aware of the painful erection that he’s convinced only you can mend.
You kiss him hard again before trailing kisses across his collarbone and then down his chest, to his navel and finally to his leaking member. You kiss it the same way you’ve dreamed of kissing his mouth- slow, sensually and with your tongue. His whimpers reach your ears, and you glance upward to find that adorably he has his hand covering his face. You take that hands and bring it to your mouth, sucking on his fingers slowly. He makes little gasps as you do.
“Watch me baby, watch me Les”
He nods, unable to do anything else at this point. You lower yourself again but this time you take more of him into your mouth and suck hard, moving your mouth further and further onto him with each bob of your head.
When you reach his balls you swallow around his member and he cries out, “Fuu…oh my god. Y/N please, I need…oh my god”
You set a fast pace, using your hands to stimulate his balls. The forest is filled with the sounds of Lester and you are living for it, his own pleasure fuelling the slickness between your legs. You make do with rubbing your legs together for now. Lester must have noticed though, he reaches his hand under you to grasp at your chest. Your moan vibrates his cock and he sucks through his teeth. He rubs your nipple between his fingers, working it to a peak and flicking at it.
You can barely believe you’re finally doing the thing that has fuelled your solo sessions. You try to show it in your actions, trying to show Lester how much you worship him and his cock. You push yourself to your limits, allowing his large size to stretch your throat- gagging around him before coming up to suck greedy breaths of air into your deprived lungs.
With the pace you set it isn’t long before Lester’s breath turns ragged and he bucks up into your mouth, the only warning before his seed spills into your warm and wet maw. You’d be mad at the lack of warning but hell, it might be his first time.
“Fuck. Where the fuck they teach you how to do that?” he groans.
You’re about to answer when there’s a call from outside the car.
“Hey, you” A male voice calls out. Lester pushes at you protectively and you kneel in the small foothold of his truck.
“H-hey there sir, what can I do for you?” he manages, fumbling to button his trousers.
He allows you to take the material when you reach up, thinking you’ll button his trousers. What he doesn’t expect is to fill your mouth stretch around his spent dick and he jolts up slightly.
“You okay?” the other guy asks, before shaking his head, “look, I need some help. My car broke down.”
Lester is bursting, trying to hold himself together as he responds, “Uh..Uhhh yeah, I’m mm, I’m all good. You uhnn, you sound like you need a mechanic. You head down that trail and past the flooded area then ohhh, uh, then you’ll find Bo. Just uh, just ask for him” he is sweating from the pure effort of getting the words out as you overstimulate him, his cock leaking precum in a desperate effort to make it less painful.
The guy simple nods and dismisses the weird guy in the truck as being socially anxious. He walks off to his certain death, as Lester finally manages to rip your head off him.
“Hey now, that was just mean”
You smile up at him, wiping your mouth, “Sorry Les, you just taste so good”
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zirkkun · 4 years
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❤️ULR Speed Date Event Results - Part 5/5!💙
And, very unsurprisingly, Ace is in first place for the amount of submissions he received, that being 82! Due to the fact that there was so many submissions, he has a lot more I debated between (and even though one of these was a joke response... it was still pretty story worthy):
❤️ Ary 💙 dragon anon ❤️ din 💙 Vee ❤️ Yours~ 💙 ya know, nyah :3c ❤️ Chaomingo 💙 Lilianna ❤️ Orly
And last but not least is the winner of Ace’s date will be revealed. You can read the date either under read more or on AO3!
Undertale (c) Toby Fox Underlust by @/nsfwshamecave Underlust Reimagine by myself
Thank you for your support, but do remember to support and read Underlust (18+) if you can!
ulr masterpost || ulr main tag || ulr ask box || ulr comic beginning || kofi?
... the anon who submitted under the name Lilianna!
Sans still didn't want to be a part of this. He didn't want to be doing this at all. But, unfortunately, his brother wouldn't take "hell no" for an answer. So now he was stuck on a date. With a human, no less. Oh joy. Despite the fact that living on the Surface was so saught after, he really wasn't finding it to be appealing.
At least, for the start of this, he was by himself. Maybe a long time ago, he would have been bothered by someone being late to an event like this, but for now, he was indulging in the silence.
She, Sans's date, decided that she wanted to meet at this park outside of the city, late at night, for a chance to watch the stars. Frankly, he didn't really care one way or another. But, he did eventually find himself standing at the ledge of a bridge, watching the stars twinkling in their reflection on a river. That and the dead silence, only bug noises chirping here and there; was shockingly more relaxing than Sans had anticipated it would be.
"There you are! Sorry I'm late!!"
And the relaxation was cut short. Oh well. Not that he didn't expect that.
Sans turned his attention towards the direction of the voice, spotting the human running up to him as fast as she could. Panting as she caught up to him on the bridge, she exclaimed, "I'm so, so sorry, things were backed up getting out of the city and --"
"i don't really care," Sans cut in. He turned his attention back to the river.
The human, a little taken aback, tried to brush over the harsh comment. She took a step towards the edge of bridge, holding on to the railing with a tight grip. The silence echoed in the park once more, but for the human, this was more awkward than anything else. She didn't really know what to say... is there a topic she knew offhand he'd be willing to discuss? Um... no, not really. 
Oh! He said something first! "Yeah?" the human responded.
"do you think a fall from this height into the river would kill me?"
A brief moment of silence. It held both shock and interest from each halves of the conversation.
"What -- I don't know?! I don't really want to know!! That sounds painful regardless and I really don't want to find out!!"
But Sans just laughed at her sudden panic. "relax. i was joking."
"Th... that's a bit of a dark joke, don't you think?"
He shrugged. "It happens." He didn't elaborate, leaving the silence to once again consume the conversation into nothing. The human shifted uncomfortably where she stood.
She debated back and forth on another topic to talk about. Anything to ease the tension -- especially since it got worse with his topic of choice.
"Um... so, on that form thing, you asked me about stuff I like to do... but what about stuff you like to do?" she prompted, hoping it wouldn't be another dark joke response.
"hm." Sans pondered the question for a while, not really knowing what to say. When's the last time he did something he liked doing? Probably when he was working with the other Royal Scientists. Which was over ten years ago. "i dunno," he answered instead. "haven't done anything just 'cause in a long time."
"Oh." The human frowned. "Well, maybe we could do something together sometime then, and you can find a new hobby? Only if you'd like, of course."
Sans raised a brow as he flicked his gaze to her. "like what?"
"Oh, um... well, I like to bake, draw, and read... but those are all pretty boring so maybe not those..." she responded sheepishly.
Sans didn't react negatively, but he wasn't exactly enthusiastic either. He's practically read every book from the Underground cover-to-cover with how much time he's had on his hands, and his drawing skills were... not to be admired. And Papyrus has always been on his case to eat more. So... "i dunno, baking?" he blurted.
The human blinked. "As in, you'd want to do some baking together?"
"yeah, sure, whatever."
"You really don't sound all that interested."
"i'm not interested in most things, what's your point?"
The human shuffled back into silence for a brief while as she herself started to stare at the river, her eyes trailing down the reflection until they met the sky, full of crystal-clear stars. "You don't have to if you don't want to," she added. "I know you're already... not super excited about this current date, so please don't feel like you have to force yourself further."
Ah. There it was. The same kind of consideration that made him pick this person over everyone else in the first place. Some people had acknowledged him not wanting to deal with this, but their responses were things like, "Then why be here?" which only irked him enough to toss them aside. Some disacknowledged it, which he prefered, but something about when she said... "You seem like you don't want to do this anyways, which is all good," really hit him in a way he didn't expect.
Sans, however, did not even consider responding out loud, and instead just pulled his scarf up tighter on his face. Sans? Being honest and clear with his emotions? Haha. How funny. Easier to just push them aside. A void of feeling is much easier to deal with.
Well, he did give a sort of grunt of acknowledgment to her comment. But... it was really far after she'd said anything. So she thought he was prompting something new.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Then...?" But the human just shook her head. Maybe talk about something else. "You know..." She'd started a sentence, but didn't actually have anything to say. In a frantic moment to try and finish what she'd started, she said, "Time is a precious thing, isn't it?"
There was a pause.
"what'd'ya mean?" Sans asked.
"We only get so much of it. It's so limited and can be taken from us in a second."
"... yeah, and?"
"I just... I like spending time with people," she finalized. "There's only so much time I have available, and I want to be able to spend as much of it as I can with people I care about and doing things I've wanted to do. Thinking about it all is a bit scary sometimes..."
Sans debated the crass comment of "so what you're saying is i should leave and do something i'd rather be doing," but he figured now was not the time for something like that. He waited a moment to see if the human had more to say about the topic, but when she didn't, he decided to jump in with his own response. "worrying about what you might lose out on is kinda pointless," he said bluntly. "sometimes shit ain't gonna work out, and you'll miss out on something you'd have rather wanted. sometimes people are taken away from you when you least expect it and you're left wondering if you did enough for them or with them. but it's not the end of the world. you've gotta just work with what you're dealt with."
The human didn't expect such a long, nor deep, reply from him, and was a little taken aback by it. While these may have been things said before, or maybe she'd even considered them, it was different to hear them coming from someone who two seconds ago wanted to jump off the bridge. Frankly... does that mean she should take his words with a grain of salt, or...?
"sorry," Sans blurted. "said more than i shoulda."
"Wh -- n-no, don't worry about that!! I just... didn't expect you to have a lot to say on the topic. Or, I guess, to really reply lengthy at all. But it's okay! I'm glad you let me hear your thoughts."
He pulled his scarf tighter as he grunted a response, staring still at the reflection in the river.
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