#college au part 7.5
oceanbug · 1 year
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
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(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
(Tags) non!idol x reader; fluff; college au; enemies to lovers; wlw; smau
(Disclaimer) these stories are purely fiction. they do not reflect any of the names mentioned. the names mentioned have no involvement with the fiction being told.
(Warnings) inappropriate language; bullying; mentions of drug use;
(Update Schedule) tba !
(Taglist) OPEN
(profiles) homo hustlers ; xoxo gossip girls
0. prologue.
1. she's literally on the floor.
2. skill issue.
3. y/n's....popular?
4. banned from Starbucks.
5. replay by shinee.
6. crushes.
7. heart-broken together.
- 7.5. ahn yujin.
8. movie night.
- 8.5 movie night part 2
9. hedgehog.
10. strawberry soju.
11. meanie pants :(
- 11.5 yoo jimin.
12. idk this bitch.
13. library meetings.
- 13.5 bathroom meetings.
14. free dessert.
15. double trouble.
16. loved.
17. anxiety.
- 17.5 ning yi zhuo.
18. bingo babe!
19. drinking games.
20. breaking news.
21. blow shit up.
22. blocked.
23. honesty.
24. clarity
25. assemble!
-bonus: thanksgiving!
-25.5. investigators!
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jnginlov · 2 years
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summary the members of sigma kappa zeta are some of the nicest people on campus, even running a program to escort students home no matter the time, place, or reason. after noticing the newest skz house member in one of your general education classes suddenly every time you use the service he seems to be the only skz member walking you home
pairing frat!jeongin x dancemajor!reader
genre social media au, college au, frat au, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers, one sided to mutual pining, idiots in love, somewhat slow burn
status ongoing (updates on fridays)
warnings cursing, lots of friendly insults/teasing, infidelity (kissing another person while in a loosely defined relationship), implied underage drinking (there are no ages talked about but if you assume age based on american college standards), specific warnings on individual chapters
taglist @peterparkoure @bangchansbae @chaotickyrith @napalmskiez @john-joong @phtogravi @nyasstars @httphans @hello-2-u-from-me @punkhazardlaw (if crossed out tumblr will not allow me to tag you)
note written parts marked with ☁︎ , there’s some fudging of how greek life works (aka jeongin is already a member before the semester begins), side ships include polyamory and queerness
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y/n’s besties
sigma kappa zeta members
prologue ☁︎
1. sus 1.5
2. “that handsome guy”
3. plus-one
4. #coffee #boy
5. start something 5.5
6. shots anyone?
7. [redacted] walked by 7.5
8. accidental solo late night studio session
9. odd east ☁︎ 9.5
10. momo and mina’s match making
11. it’s a date
12. ayo new gender just dropped
13. a good plan
14. if people let you down
15. okay but was he nice?
16. puppy day
19. ☁︎ 19.5
24. 24.25 ☁︎ 24.75
30. 30.5
34. ☁︎
37. 37.5
39. 39.5
41. 41.5
bonus: bonus:
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laurentspup · 3 years
Friends... Is that what we are? (Lamen AU) Part 7.5
Author’s note: 
Hey it’s been so long since I updated this! It still takes a lot of me to think of dialogue and edit the messages, so this isn’t new content. It is, however, what really happened in part 7 (when Damen went to Laurent’s house and read him a book, and kissed his forehead). I always thought this was better in paragraphs than soc med format, so here it is. I actually drafted this before part 7 and I finished it now! 
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and I promise I will be back with a new update soon. I just have to get used to driving (just passed my license a month ago), college (it’s my last year), and work (first year in person). 
Okay that was a lot, now onto this chapter full of sweetness and pining.
Part 7.5
It’s past midnight, but Laurent still has a big smile on his face since his call with Damen. It has been a few hours after Damen simply talked about his day, about his brother, about the yacht his parents bought because they had too much money and nothing more to spend it on, anything he could think of. Laurent was more than happy to sit there and listen to his voice. He liked the man too much to do anything else about it.
He is currently studying for his upcoming biology exam on Tuesday. It’s not too bad of an exam, but there are endless terms, endless body functions, and he hates that all he can do is memorize everything. It’s not learning but it does result in an A. His phone buzzes beside him, and welcoming any distraction, he picks it up to see a text from Damen. He’s downstairs.
Laurent runs to his window to check if it’s true. Damen, knowing exactly what Laurent does every time he surprises Laurent with a visit, is looking up at him, waving. Damen’s at Laurent’s door. He isn’t supposed to be home yet, back in this city, but here he is, glowing under the porch light, gorgeous in his hoodie, and everything Laurent ever wanted. He’s speaking but Laurent, shaking his head with a look of disbelief, can’t hear him. 
“Wait one sec.” He whispers with a gesture and turns around to go downstairs in a hurry. Before opening the door, he fixes his hair and assumes a relaxed position, as if his heart isn’t pounding miles a minute at the prospect of Damen outside his house, at midnight. As if this doesn’t happen almost everyday.
Once he’s face to face with Damen’s kind eyes, with the smile that can only be read as extremely happy to see him, his heart hammers harder in his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Laurent breathlessly asks him with wide eyes, confusion and excitement evident on his face, try as he might to mask it.
Damen is also breathless, though Laurent can’t think of any reason why.
“I missed you.”
It’s a punch to all the right places in Laurent’s heart. It’s something he can never say to Damen out loud, but he feels it all the same, right down to his bones. It’s something he didn’t know Damen had the nerve to say out loud to him. 
“I mean-” Damen begins and Laurent’s face twitches. Damen must have caught it because he stops. “I mean yeah. I missed you so I drove back since there’s nothing to do at my parent’s anymore. And I got you this.”
Laurent doesn’t see the Target plastic bag in Damen’s hand until he lifts it. 
“It’s from my mom. She insisted I give you a home-cooked meal since she knows you’re mostly alone nowadays. She doesn’t stop hinting at my dad that she wants to go on a European tour too, see Paris- what? Why are you smiling?”
Laurent doesn’t know he’s smiling. He tries to school his expression even though it’s too late.
“Nothing. You’re here. No- it’s just- I don’t know what I’m saying. Come in.” He quickly says the sentences after the other, making Damen laugh and his cheeks flush. “Shut up.”
“I wasn’t saying anything!” Damen enters behind him, shaking with happiness. 
Laurent leads him to the kitchen, so he can put the food in the fridge. It’s too late to eat right now and he has a few more chapters to read.
Damen gives him the plastic bag and sits on the stool by the island. He stares at Laurent as he unpacks the tupperwares, then puts it in the fridge. A comfortable silence surrounds them, but Laurent is too conscious of Damen’s stare. It’s as if he can hear the dangerous somersaults Laurent’s heart was doing. 
“You still studying tonight?” 
“Yeah. Bio’s kicking my ass.”
“I’ll stay up with you. Nik’s not home yet, anyway. He visited his parents too since he was there already.”
“You don’t have to stay up.”
“No, I want-”
“But you can stay.”
“Well, I’m staying up and you can’t stop me.” Damen is right in front of Laurent's face when he turns to face him. He steps back quickly. “Cool?”
“Do whatever you want.” Laurent replies, heart in his throat, rushing to leave the kitchen and get to his room before Damen sees his face turn dangerously red. 
Laurent’s head is bent, back to Damen, busy reading the last chapter for his exam. Nothing is entering his brain anymore, but he has to read all of these at least two times to store it in his brain until his test. He’s been yawning since the third paragraph, and he has a massive headache which began in the previous chapter. 
It has been two hours since Laurent started studying and let Damen just be in the background. He would hear Damen’s little laughs, gasps, or groans at whatever game he was playing on his phone. He feels Damen’s gaze on his back, conscious of him being conscious of his every move. It was a normal routine for them at three am, but somehow, today, it was more. 
Laurent yawns again. This chapter about the reproductive system is very intriguing, but exasperating. He would rather do it himself than read about it. If only the man currently on his bed knew how much he has been thinking about him and this. He sighs at the idea, then hears Damen shuffle on his bed.
“I think you need to take a break.”
“Be quiet. I’m studying.”
“Take a break, Laurent. You’ve been reading nonstop for two hours. I got so bored I started counting how much you’re yawning. It's thirty-seven by the way.”
“That’s weird. Stop staring at me while I’m studying.”
“But I like looking at you all concentrated.” 
Laurent ignores him. “Just shut up. I have five more pages to go.”
Damen stands up and takes Laurent’s book. He holds it up above his head. Laurent rolls his eyes but doesn’t stand up.
“Give it back to me right now.” He crosses his arms like a stubborn child.
“Nope. You can try to grab it though.” The real stubborn child says.
“Just because you’re half a foot taller than me, doesn’t mean I can’t reach it.”
“I’m not in the mood for your games, Damen.”
“I’m not playing. Take a break.”
“Dude, I wanna sleep too. Just let me finish.”
“Dude?” Damen says, offended. Laurent ignores his tone again. He stares at Damen with eyebrows raised, trying to be intimidating, knowing well that it won’t work on Damen. “Fine. If you go to bed I’ll give it back to you. Even if you look super sleepy.”
“I’m not sleepy.” Just as Laurent finishes the last word, he yawns. 
Damen raises his eyebrows at him. “Thirty-eight.”
“Ha ha. Give me back the book.”
“When you go to bed.”
“I’m not falling for that.”
Damen falls back on Laurent’s bed. Maybe if he offered something else, Laurent might say yes. Maybe Laurent is just tired. 
“You gotta get this book one way or another.” Damen shrugs. 
Laurent stubbornly stays on his chair, staring daggers at Damen. What the hell is his problem? He didn’t ask him to stay up with him, he told him not to!
Laurent watches Damen flip through the book, knowing he hates it because he’s going to lose his spot. Still, he notices how Damen's index finger remains on the page he’s reading. It’s sweet, but Damen still sucks for making him take a break.
“Ugh.” Annoyed, Laurent stands and goes beside his bed. “I’m here. Hand it back.” 
“I have an idea.” Damen answers, not looking at him.
“Damen.” Laurent says, getting more aggravated by the second.
“Look, your eyes are so tired right now.”
“You’re not looking at me, and I can’t see my own eyes.”
Damen ignores him. “Did you even sleep last night?”
Laurent flushes when he remembers the reason why he hasn't slept well at all yet. It’s because of this annoying, clueless brute lying on his bed and he doesn’t even know! All the hours he spends pining for him, yet this is all that ever happens to them. 
“See? You haven’t.” Damen answers, interpreting Laurent’s expression as guilt and embarrassment. “Lie down right now and close your eyes.”
“Stop telling me what to do. I have to finish studying.” 
Laurent can just take the book, but he knows Damen will pull him and force him to lie down. God, if only Damen is going to do that for other reasons, he’d have done it the moment Damen told him to go to bed.
“I’ll read it to you.” 
“You’re going to what?” Laurent asks, genuinely taken aback.
“I'm gonna read to you while you rest your eyes. Saves time. You rest while you still learn. It’s a win-win.” Damen looks at him and smiles expectantly.
“That’s stupid, Damen. It’s five pages long. And it won’t go into my brain.” Laurent is exasperated. He’s losing patience. Hell, he doesn’t even know why he’s still keeping up this conversation. He could kick out Damen anytime. This is his house.
“Yes it would. You take in everything you hear fast.” Laurent opens his mouth to spit a vicious remark but Damen talks first. “Just let me help you. Please.”
Laurent closes his eyes, trying so hard, even though he doesn’t know why, to keep calm. He equally hates and loves Damen for making him take a break and for offering to read five pages of the reproductive system. He grits his teeth because he’s going to say yes, and he’s going to hear Damen talk about sex and sex parts without knowing what it will do to Laurent.
“You’re so annoying.” Laurent sits on the bed. Damen scoots to give him space with a wide smile on his face. “Why can’t I say no to you?” 
“It’s because secretly you really like me.”
He wants to strangle Damen. He wishes he could shake him and look him in the eye and scream “YES I FUCKING DO. DO YOU LIKE ME BACK, ASSHOLE?” Fuck him. It’s true. It’s so true, but Laurent is never going to admit that… first.
“Just read. Annoying prick.” He mumbles and makes himself comfortable on the bed. He makes sure there’s at least a foot gap between him and the idiot beside him.
“You can come closer. I don't bite.” Damen says, staring at Laurent with that glint in his eye, patting the space next to him.
“So fucking bossy.” Laurent says angrily and still scoots over. He’ll get over feeling Damen’s warmth and not being in his arms instead. “If I sleep, you better wake me up or I'm killing you.” 
He huffs as his head hits the soft pillow and his eyes close. It feels good. He thinks he hasn’t closed his eyes to blink in the past hours. 
“Can’t kill me if you’re sleeping.” Damen answers with confidence, settling back on the bed. Laurent feels him move until their shoulders touch, despite the purposeful one inch gap that Laurent left so this won’t happen. Now, he’s really annoyed and conflicted. But he doesn’t move away.
“Give me back the book.” 
“Just start.”
“So fucking bossy.” Damen teases. 
Laurent opens his eyes, ready to smack Damen or kick him out or maybe kiss him too, but he opens the book and starts reading loudly. “The penis is part of the male reproductive system. See Damen’s for ref-”
“I’m pretty sure it doesn't say your-” Laurent cuts him off.
“Shh, I’m reading.”
“Read properly, then. And I’m on the top of that page, first paragraph.”
Damen hushes him again. Laurent rolls his eyes but stays quiet. When Damen begins once more, he reads what Laurent told him to. Laurent feels his heart leap at that, desperate to reach out to Damen, put his head on his shoulder and listen from there. But he keeps his hands to himself. 
As Damen reads about functions of the reproductive organs, Laurent soaks in his voice and his warmth. Maybe, this isn’t such a bad idea. He can actually focus better. His eyes don’t hurt as much now, and he can picture the words that Damen reads. His deep voice compels him to listen, and it tugs at his heartstrings at the same time. He can’t even fathom how amazing it is to have Damen read a Biology book to him. 
This can’t be just a friendly gesture, Laurent’s brain nags at him. But he quickly kicks all thoughts of more because he knows Damen. Damen has probably done this with all of his friends. He’s just a nice guy who brings Laurent food and makes him take a break and reads his book for him, and Laurent just happens to like him. There’s nothing more.
He listens to Damen flip to the next page, and shuts off the part of his brain that continues to pine for the man beside him. He’ll take this right now and he’ll think about the repercussions tomorrow. Right now, he’ll let himself feel the warmth and comfort of Damen. Right now, he’ll listen to Damen’s voice, soothing him like a lullaby.
Laurent opens his eyes. It’s not dark, his lights are left on, and there’s an unfamiliar warmth beside him, something he’s unaccustomed to when he wakes alone. His head is on a harder surface, not on a pillow but- 
He shifts his eyes to the left and sees Damen's clothed chest. The chest his head is resting on right now. The chest his head rested on while he slept. The chest that’s steadily falling and rising. 
He slept and somehow, he ended up on Damen’s chest. He asked to be woken up if he slept, but he should have never trusted Damen. 
Damen, annoying, clueless Damen, whose clothed chest is under his head right now. 
He wants to move away, badly, but also, he can't. Because he wants to be here too, badly. 
Physically, there were no obstacles stopping Laurent from moving away. Damen’s arms aren’t even enveloping him. Somehow, he slept without touching Laurent, probably because he knows Laurent doesn’t like to be touched without permission. God, why is Damen so?
For a few moments, he imagines this is real. That Damen is his to sleep on, to cuddle with. That if Damen wakes right now, he’ll kiss Laurent sleepily, a lazy smile spreading across his face. So he stays for a few seconds, tempted to move his arm on top of Damen's torso and snuggle closer. He wants this to be what they are. But it’s not.
Before Laurent could do anything that he can’t explain to Damen without spilling his heart open, he sighs and prepares to move away. He no longer wants to hurt and delude himself further. He doesn’t want to think of this as a mistake, but it is. Damen doesn’t feel the same way he does. Damen is his best friend and he should stay that way. 
He moves back a little, but Damen shifts. He abruptly stops moving for a second to not wake him, but Damen puts his arms on top of him and brings him closer. 
“Don’t go.” A sleepy voice whispers as a kiss is pressed on Laurent’s forehead.
Laurent freezes. He must still be dreaming. There’s no way in hell or heaven that Damen just kissed him on the forehead, asleep or not. He swallows, too afraid to look up and find out if Damen did this on purpose or in his dream. In this position, Laurent’s head is even closer to Damen’s clothed chest and he can hear his steady heartbeat, can see the rise and fall of his chest, and can determine Damen isn’t awake at all. 
Laurent is going crazy. That’s it. He needs to leave, right now, but he can't move anymore. What the fuck is Damen doing to him? What the fuck is he dreaming about? Why can’t he just tell Laurent now that he likes him too, that nothing is ever simply friendly between them?
Once more, he tries to leave the embrace but Damen hugs him tighter. 
“Don’t go.” Damen whispers again. “Laurent, I love you.”
Laurent cannot move, cannot breathe, cannot close his eyes. He’s sure now. He’s the one dreaming.  
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kazemitsuyuri · 3 years
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Then sing me a song.
→ being a famous youtuber and being a college student needs good time management, but you're shit at that. so, fancying a boy working at the coffee shop would be out of the question, right?
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paring: bakugou katsuki × fem!reader
genre: smau, college au, quirkless au, fluff, humour, suggestive themes
warnings: profanities, some subtle hints of suggestive themes 💁‍♀️
status: on going (5th june 2021 - ??)
updates: i'm trying 😭
taglist: closed 🔒
a/n: it is my very first time writing a smau series like this 😜 hopefully you will enjoy it 🥰
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note: ✍️ - has a written part
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masterlist .✧*。
1. howbout sum coffee ☕?
↳1.5. was the coffee too hot?
2. the best of both worlds
3. just bc ily
↳3.5. you'll be fine tomorrow
4. this aint no fanfiction
5. tell me a joke so i won't cry
6. apology unaccepted
7. deal? (✍️)
↳7.5. we love you bakugou
8. he looks cute when he stfu
↳8.5. spill it honey 🔫😊
9. good girl
10. nicknames(✍️)
11. the plead and his nicknames
↳11.5. angel, ey?
12. not bad (he's lying)
↳12.5. code quartz pink
13. sleep tight, angel.
↳13.5. "are you..."
14. disharmony
15. backfire
16. melancholy of the famous
↳16.5. comfort even for the famous
17. cat's out of the damn bag
18. doing it for world peace
↳18.5. betting everything
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little miscellaneous skits✧*。
skit ↦ "what would you do if there's only 10 seats but 11 guests came?"
reactions to that one doja cat cover
the sleepover
after watching "Belle"
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Fic Recs | Fake Dating AUs
This is based on asks for fake dating fics. Most of these favorites are reblogged with reviews. Others are still ongoing series I am reading whenever there is an update.
Members are organized per number of fake dating participation 😂
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Mutual Help @personasintro​ - [39/?] | literally the only reason I visit Wattpad. | semi fake dating AU, Bestfriend AU, FWB AU, Slow Burn | F, S, A  
Aphrodite in War @jungblue​ - [2/?] | Exes AU, Fake Dating, Fratboy/Greek Life, Roommate AU, Enemies to Lovers  | F, S, A    (one of my favorite authors too! Like read all her fics)
Bitchin @kinktae​ - series [10/10 + 10 Years After] | fake dating, college au, jock!jk, smart!reader, E2L #holygrailfic (⭐)  
Blush @jhsbrat​ - JJK | one shot | friends to lovers, feat Jin (I remember looking everywhere for this because I thought the author deactivated 😭 so I was glad it got reposted)
The Proposal @hansolmates​ - JJK one shot | editor!jungkook x assistant, like the movie The Proposal
My Euphoria @moyochu​ - JJK | one shot | CEO!JK, Florist!OC, bought chocolate cosmos from her shop for his Mom and a plan ensues when OC needed a fake boyfriend (I reco’d this during one network’s JK’s week last year because I just adore how fluffy this fic is I binged on their fluffy catalog one time and I recommend their other works!)  
Proposals @pjxmin - JJK | one shot | pretend proposals to get free food from restaurants 🤭
Dating Plan @/jjkthclub - JJK | one shot | enemies to lovers, childhood friends, actually it’s more of a “Dating Trial” just so the moms will leave them alone (🥰)  
Piss Off Your Parents @littlemisskookie​ - JJK | one shot | Rich Kids who hate the pressure from their parents but JK is a rebel and OC roomed with him (and fake dated him) to piss off the parents (⭐)  
Love to Hate You @latetaektalk​ - JJK | series [4/?]  | fratboy! AU, fake dating! AU, college! AU, enemies to lovers! AU, rich kid! AU, angst, fluff 
Anpanman @honeymoonjin​ - JJK | one shot | fake date to get therapy (this is also hilarious?!?! like ridiculous premise but the author made it work. Anyway the link leads to my reblog and you can read my comments if you need convincing 🤭)  
Moonlight Melody + Part 2 @/gukyi  - JJK | two shot | 50k |  fake dating, orchestra AU (part of this fic rec list)
Coffee Shop Contract @/gukyi - JJK | one shot | 18k |  fake dating, college AU  
Better Late Than Never @rosaetae​ - JJK drabble, exes AU, fake dating (I love this scenario, there’s one funny moment here with Jungkook saying his feelings through a door) 
End Game @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong - JJK | one shot | 12.1k | soccer player x cheerleader, fake dating AU, ex-Namjoon  
One Thing Right by hobios (now on AO3) - JJK | series [8/8] | more on fake marriage than fake dating but I’m throwing this in because this is my #holygrailfic  
Play Pretend @seokoloqy - JJK | one shot | 8.6k |  Athlete AU, Jock AU, Soccer Player!JK, Fake Dating AU, Friends to Lovers AU | S, A
The B.S.T. Mission @singguks - JJK | 11.2k | Secret Agents AU, Fake Dating AU | A, F, S ~ ongoing [3/?]
ILYSB @rkiverse - JJK | one shot | 11.1k | idol au, broken-hearted jungkook, love clinic staff reader, fake dating but not really (more of part of therapy) | F, A
It’s All Fun and Games @/cupofteaguk - JJK | one shot | slow burn, set up on blind date so they pretended to be dating to shut others up 🥰  
Collar Full @minloop​ - JJK | fluff, smut, friends to lovers, college au, ‘fake dating’ au for Jungkook's love project  
True Care @joonsgalaxy​ - JJK | series [7.5/?] | bodyguard!jungkook fake dating   
Baby I’m a Fool @suhdays​ - JJK | one shot | enemies to lovers, coworker  
Blank Check @pantaemonium​ and @sugaxjpg​ - JJK |  series [5/?] | fake dating AU, college AU, fratboy AU, fuckboy AU, jock!jk (been following this fic for years 🥰)
Beautiful Confession @btsracket​ - JJK | one shot | Friends to Lovers, OC just lost her job + boyfriend and only childhood friend to turn to
It Takes Two @junghelioseok​ - JJK | one shot | Christmas AU, fake dating, roommate au
From Home @gyukult​ - JJK | series [12/12] | rich kid!jk (but he was cut off and has to learn how to earn on his own), baker!reader, enemies to lovers, fake dating   
I Wished I missed My Ex @angelguk​ - JJK | one shot | College AU, Fake Dating
The Wedding Date @jjungkookislife​ - JJK | one shot | fake date for wedding  
💜 Jungkook is Over Party (#JungkookisOverParty) @extravaguk​ - series [4/?] | 11k+ | Fake Dating, College AU, Himbo!JK, Smart!Reader | F (so far)
→ Fics with parts/chapters of fake dating:
Cream and Sugar @gukslut -  series [6/6] | Smut, Humor, Escort AU, Barista AU, Enemies to Lovers, Asshole!Jungkook (this is also a gem! must read)  🥕
Midas @/gukyi - one shot | enemies to lovers, magical realism, CEO AU, OC has invisibility and JK turns stuff into gold . (okay just a segment where they pretended in front of the parents  
Fuckboy Jungkook Who Quotes Gatsby Part 5  Part 6   @btsinspirationtakesme - drabble series [6/6] | Fuckboy AU, Nerd!Reader, Enemies to Lovers, using literary quotes to win OC (Shakespeare, FS Fitzgerald, Neruda, etc) (so this is actually surprisingly cute?!?! I don’t even remember how I discovered this fic. Anyway there is one chapter where they fake date) 
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Kismesis @jjkthclub​ - KTH | it’s pretend to be a couple during a wedding expo (for free food! like I would do the same lol)
The Holi-date @kpopfanfictrash​ - KTH | This neighbor!Taehyung is just...memorable you know? It’s a great romcom piece 🥰 
Love at First Oink @glodenclosetau - KTH | the only SMAU I’m putting here because this is a MUST READ. It has written parts and this is just the fluffiest cutest SMAU (also the first I’ve read in full because I have the tendency to read and miss on smau episodes before)  
Can’t Fake a Feeling @bubmyg​ - KTH, F2L, Fake Dating, College AU, Fuckboy  
Schemes and Tricks to Win Her Heart @crystaljins​ - KTH feat KSJ | series [5/5] | Fake Dating Chaebol/Rich Seokjin, Taehyung is Jin’s Little Brother, and OC is Tae’s bestfriend  (⭐) 
X and O @army-author​ KTH | fake dating, single parent, teacher AU 
False Pretense @v-hope​ - KTH | one shot | Fake Dating AU | F, slight A
La La Land by hoseokiehope (used to be on tumblr) - KTH | one shot | throwing this in because this is also a classic  
Crush Culture @chaangbin - KTH | fluff, angst, fake dating au, childhood friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, smut  
The Platinum Rule @taecalicook - KTH | two shot | you can read the JJK since this is a spin-off (but nor required), fuckboy!taehyung, fratboy  
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Playing with Fire @houseofdemi-blog - MYG | series [8/8] |  Fake Dating AU, Rich Girl AU, Producer Yoongi, Bad Boy AU (this is a classic. a really great fic)  
First and Last Love @floralseokjin​ - MYG | Christmas AU, Exes who needed to pretend they’re still together because they haven’t told the family yet about the break up (this is 👌)  
When The Stars Align @itskimtaehyung​ - MYG | one shot | College AU, Roommates, cuffing season
The Heart Holiday @vanaera - MYG | series [3/5] | 92.3k | Office AU, Enemies to Lovers, Fake Dating AU  
Switching My Positions @cupofteaguk - MYG | solo artist!yoongi, manager!y/n, fake dating au, friends to lovers au 
Maybe So @joonary​ - MYG | two shot? [1/?] | fake date someone you already have feelings for (you have to read this - just so fluffy) 
Everglow @dreamyjoons - MYG | series [4/4] vague fake dating au, friends to lovers
Veil feat PJM @ddaenghoney​  - series [20/20] | slow burn, unrequited love, love triangle, fwb (pjm), producer!yoongi
Ink Nemesis @scriptaed​ - series [7/7] | fake dating, paparazzi!oc, idol
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Better With You @ve1vetyoongi​​ - KSH | series [2/3] | help him inherit his trust-fund-baby-fortune  
Courtship Chronicles @/gukyi  - KSJ | one shot | friends to lovers, fake dating to show how fun dating could be  
Raspberry Truffles @gukyi​ - KSJ | one shot | F2L, fake dating
The Money Project @namjoonchronicles​ - KSJ | series [2/?] | fake marriage actually, they don’t like each other but Seokjin’s parents like her and he needs her to get on parents’ good graces  
Too Good To Be True @hueseok​ - KSJ | series [7/?] | college au, idiots to lovers, 10 things I Hate About You  
Taming of Bridezilla @cinnaminsvga​ - KSJ | one shot | fake date to least favorite cousin’s wedding
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Fake It Till It Works @glassbangtan​ - PJM | one shot | panicked and told Hoseok he has a GF and he’s looking for one who could pretend, Best Friend AU
Remedy for Mondays @dovechim​ - PJM | series [4/4] | Co-worker AU, Fake Pregnancy AU (lol), Fake Dating AU, fake baby daddy 😅 🥕
Happily Glazed @/bubmyg​ - PJM | one shot | fake date to cousin’s wedding, slice of life  
Call Me Baby @hueseok​ - PJM | one shot | friends to lovers, roommate au, college au
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My Blood, Your Tears @nottojay​ - KNJ | series [5/?] | fake dated Namjoon who is the rival of her brother’s gang, Mafia AU (it’s incomplete though but good for bookmarking)
Until You Make It @versigny​ - KNJ | one shot | Christmas setting, co-workers   
My Only Wish @ppersonna - KNJ | one shot | Christmas AU, E2L, idiots to lovers  
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Fakeation @theunknowncryptid​ - JHS | SMAU |  Inspired by the movie Just Go With It
Fake Love @aquaminwrites​ - JHS | Fake dating AU, enemies to lovers, fluff, smut, minor angst (you have to read all of the writer’s fics. her fics are just amazing. promoting her Taehyung fic Paper Cranes which is a favorite of mine too)  
*there is one Hoseok fic I really like but it was last updated in 2019 😥 so I didn’t include anymore but that’s such a great fic
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There are new fake dating fics I’ve seen recently but I haven’t read them yet. Once I get to read them, I’ll update this with ones I’d like to recommend
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🌷 posted: 2021 May 07 | updated: 2021 June 12 (indicated with a 💜)
🌷 other lists
🌷 I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =)
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Cursed Sunday Ask: Maybe not cursed enough for you, but it was for me. Star Wars college au xReader fanfic called "Professor's pet" and I naively thought: "suuuuure I'm not above some super guilty professor/student dubcon, abuse of power thingy!!". Naively.
Reader, a bad student, needs a pass in Krennic's class in order to keep her scolarship... See where this is going, huh? Krennic makes her an offer that she literally can't refuse: she becomes his fucktoy and he will give her a good grade. After some aggressive coaxing -aka forcing- and slutshaming (cause why not), she accepts. So some sex follows right on the spot (he also shames her for being bad at blowjobs), and then he takes her to his home, to his basement. The walls there are covered with pics of other girls "all covered in cum" (not the pics, the girls in the pics. Felt like it needed to be pointed out) and there a whole wall dedicated to reader doing everyday stuff because he has been stalking her.
In the basement he threatens her not just with a failing grade but with even worse consequences. Not going into detail but the guy has stocks and traps her there, in front of a mirror, and a lot of sex follows. At this point it's not dubcon, it's non-con. Reader herself defines stuff as rape. Then there's some non-con lashing with a cat-o-nine tails, then more sex, she says no, it doesn't matter. She tells him not to finish inside but he does and she's not on birth control and at that point I was "the fuuuuuuuuuuck I'm doing with my life". Kept on reading so I could send this ask alright, and to satisfy my unhealthy and morbid curiosity at that. More threats, spitting and stuff follow and she is terrified of him. Then he leaves her there, stuffed with a double ended dildo that he turns on. In the stocks. Alone.
4th part: several hours have passed; reader is still how Krennic left her, she desperately wants to escape but cannot, tries to cry for help but oh boy he hears her and is not happy with that. Backhands, threats, slutshaming... you know the drill. At this point the girl breaks and just says and does whatever he wants – and she hates it. There's some painful anal sex, and then he takes a pic of her afterwards and sends it to Ren and Hux who happen to be professors who also enjoy Krennic's victims. Anyway. He puts a collar on her and keeps her on a leash, naked, promising that if she's good she will get some food. She is starving , obviously. (spoilers: silly girl it was not food!!!!) So while he eats his own dinner (super slowly on purpose) she has to hold his d*ck in her mouth. She does everything he asks but still no food; he comes in her mouth (cause he has extra points in stamina it seems) and tells her to hold it there while he takes another couple of pics (sent to the same guys). Then finally he lets her eat but obviously no hands and from a plate on the floor (as expected). Lots of crying. Then he cuffs her to a bed in the basement and leaves her there. Next morning there's some non-con shaving of her pussy (that bit made me cringe, so hard, for the first and only time while reading the fic) and then he lets her out so she can go to class.
5th and last part: reader decides to report the whole thing to the Dean who happens to be Tarkin (a good omen /s). Tarkin calls Krennic into his office after she gave her a full account of how he raped her. Turns out Tarkin knows all about Krennic's extra curricular activities so he doesn't give a fuck and instead decides to punish her for her baseless accusations against her professor. She's bent over the desk, gagged and whipped with a belt or a whip or something painful (by Tarkin while the other watches and lectures her on how she should be good or he will gift her to the Dean), and then there's some anal sex (Tarkin again). After Tarkin leaves krennic eats her out even though she doesn't want to and makes her promise that she will be good (apparently she can't go to other professors or the police cause they are part of the conspiracy?)
And then there are no more chapters cause the fic is on hiatus. I read a lot of dub/noncon but this one got to me idk why. The travesty of academic authority? Dunno.
7.5/10 didn’t enjoy reading this!!!!
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ho-seoks-sunshine · 3 years
bts aus masterlist
K i m  T a e h y u n g
star crossed: 7.5/10, actress!yn x actor!taehyung, fake relationship, smau
our special time: 7/10: dancer!yn x idol!taehyung, smau
diss-trackt me: 4/10, polyamorus relationship with yoongi, hoseok is an asshole, smau
collide: literally 0/10 lmao, hoseok is a borderline sexual offender and they all talk like they’re 50 years old (especially jin and tae), smau
kinda hot: 7.5/10, pretty cute, nothing much, best friends to lovers smau
is it love: 9/10 SO MUCH FLUFF, yn keeps complimenting tae and he doesnt know how to respond, they're both dense idiots, smau
sounds: 7.5/10, yn and tae basically have this soulmate thing where they hear background music (that's cool af dude), smau
belong: (ex) roomates to lovers smau, kind of enemies to lovers, ongoing, pretty cute, 8.5/10
J e o n  J u n g k o o k
waste it on me: 7.5/10, childhood relationship torn apart by distance, fluff, smau
stole your shirt: 8/10, fake dating au, smau
went through your phone: 8/10, fluff, friends to lovers, jk is  w h i p p e d and oh boy is he jealous of tae sleeping w yn, smau
cherry pickers: 7.5/10, vixen!yn, asshole 97 liners, lots of fluff, older than jk yn, smau
the bully’s tutor: ongoing, 9.5/10, hogwarts au, yn kinda annoyed me at first but she's cool now, some of the hogwarts house placing is inaccurate, enemies to lovers smau
Jamais Vu: ongoing 9/10, enemies to lovers smau, yn got koo expelled by accident and he tries to find out her identity, persuaded she's special, when irl he kinda hates her
exposed: 6/10, idol!yn x idol!jk, unexpected ending (which i just spoiled, rip), smau
press start: 9/10, f l u f f, gamer!yn x gamer!jungkook, the boy is whipped, smau
tiger flower: 8/10, lots of fluff, college au, been in love with each other since high school, smau
if i killed someone for you: 8.5/10, that one was actually very sweet, even though i usually hate exes to lovers, highschool au, and, to everyone’s surprise, jk’s whipped, smau
stealing your flowers: smau, 8.5/10 and they were roomates :’’’’’’(
friends: 9/10, smau, im,,,,, soft,,,,,, jungkook whipped and wants to be yns friend im :(((
taste of lies: 8.5/10, total amount of braincells in this au: 1, but really fluffy, im a starved bitch that lives for established relationships smaus
lava java: 8/10, kinda annoyed at how fast was the ending but cute, smau
soulmates: 9/10, extra points for humor, basically a college smau even though nothing happens there, very fluff </3
J u n g  H o s e o k
fool for your love: 7.5/10, strangers to lovers, meet and communicate through text without knowing each others names, smau
daydream: 7.5/10, roomates to lovers, fluff, college au, smau
hobi’s girl: 8.5/10, idol!hoseok x fan!yn, smau
woke: 9.5/10, when he's a celestial being endagering the spacetime continuum just to be with you cause he's in love with you T_T (it's the last part of a series i don't really like though)
K i m  S e o k j i n
24/7: 8.5/10, model!seokjin, casual sex to established relationship, smau
misunderstandings: 8,5/10, seokjin is looking for someone to check out his new soundproof walls so he decides to ask y/n, not realising she took it as a sex joke
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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jungkook x reader
requested by @atulipandarose (oooh soulmate/jungkook/one shot!! it's been big missing jk hours over here)
genre: fluff, soulmate au
words: 2.5k of dumb jungkook pining
warnings: none >< cussing here and there, also my first time writing just fluff so please be kind. unedited!!!
synopsis: jungkook never loved the idea of soulmates because he liked you and he wanted only you.
masterlist | events masterlist
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There it was, the panging he felt in his heart even if he wasn’t the person in pain. As his chest throbbed, it was emotional pain he supposed, the song began to play in his head. He gritted his teeth, upset to have been reminded once again of the world he lived in. 
The world had to be so stupid to believe in such nonsense. It was idiotic. They had to be so naive to rely on  this whole scam - to the point where they even revolve their lives around it. 
It isn’t true. It’s far-fetched. This whole soulmate system wasn’t reliable.
He lived in a world where the universe decided who each person’s other was. Soulmates existed. It was everywhere. And he didn’t like it one bit.
Whoever made the world like this had to be an utter idiot. Why would anyone allow something like this to take over people’s lives? This bullshit soulmate system gave people a false sense of hope that someone out of the millions and millions of people would be the only right person for you. That somehow, out of 7.5 billion people, someone would be the perfect yin to your yang. 
It shouldn’t exist. Soulmates shouldn’t exist. 
Come to think of it, how can the universe even be so sure that the person they have “destined” for him is the right one? And, honestly, who even gave the universe the right to choose for him?
Fuck the universe, Jeon Jungkook wanted to pick for himself.
He thought this whole sham was an inconvenience. Unlike almost every love-crazed and soulmate-addict person, he thought otherwise. Jungkook felt suffocated at the thought of being tied down to someone who he probably didn’t even like. He didn’t need whoever they had for him. He didn’t have to meet this so-called pre-destined love of his life to live happily.
Actually, he did. Or else he would forever be haunted by it. He’d go crazy.
People had different “soulmate indicators” -- basically something in their body that gave them a hint on whoever they were destined for. Namjoon, his writer friend, had a tattoo of his soulmate’s name on his collarbone. Jimin, the short friend, had a ring on his finger with the initials of his soulmate and would even change colors depending on the mood of his other. One part of Taehyung's hair is the same color as his soulmate’s, regardless if he tried to dye it along with his locks. 
To say the least, theirs were easy to find, to discover - much more convenient than what the universe had in store for dear Jeon Jungkook. His had to be the most vague indicator of this whole scam. 
A song.
The universe gave Jungkook one specific song that only he and his soulmate knew. Not a name, not a ring, not even a hair color. Just one fucking song. 
Jeon Jungkook didn’t want to believe in this obviously fraudulent scheme that the universe set up. Despite his woes and resentment towards the system, Jungkook couldn’t exactly ignore it. The song, somehow sung by both him and the soulmate, always played in his head whenever he or the other would feel down. Somehow, it only played when any of them were sad. Not when they’re happy. Not when they’re angry. Not when they’re bored. Only when one or the other wasn’t feeling well.
But hey, at least he knew when it would start. 
There would always be a pang in his chest before it began. It was akin to when the dog dies in the movie, or when someone relayed bad news, or when the character in a book had to leave. The weird feeling would be eased immediately as soon as the song played in their head. It would lull him to sleep, he guessed it held the same effect for whoever was on the other side, and would make him feel at home. 
But he did not like this soulmate bullshit. 
Not one bit.
Even if the song brought him great comfort. Even if it was the only thing he looked forward to when he had a bad day. Even if his soulmate’s honey-like voice blended well with his. 
Wait shit, he should be hating this nonsense. Why did he just think that his soulmate sang nicely?
Fuck it. Forget what he thought. It didn’t matter anyway. 
He had other things to think about anyway, especially how to gain the courage to ask his friend out. 
Jungkook is currently and sadly a college student, who, aside from drowning in student debt, studies fine arts. He hopes to become a renowned artist someday, and in pursuing so, had to disobey his typical Asian parents’ wish for him to be called Dr. or Atty. someday. 
Soulmate hatred aside, art had always been his passion. Despite growing into a family full of doctors, lawyers, and judges, he knew his heart belonged in fine arts. When his brother would play with the toy syringes and stethoscopes, he would be seen getting himself dirty with the washable markers. That love for coloring grew into something more, and so Jungkook decided he would become an artist in the future. 
It was always so freeing for him to dabble in the blues and greens and create whatever he visualized in his mind. The pencil in his hand could easily convey the emotions he had trouble vocalizing. All of his troubles would go away faster than you can say worldwide handsome Jin-hyung with the aid of his drawing tablet. Everything about art just intrigued him. Art was easy. Art was comforting. 
Art is where he felt free.
It wasn’t suffocating. Unlike his family that wanted him to be someone he couldn’t become and this soulmate shit that wanted to cuff him down to one specific person he doubts would even go well with him. 
He wanted the soulmate system gone. For reasons that seemed justified to him and only him. 
He could live without the incessant nagging of his very traditional family who wanted to sped things up. Jungkook would finally stop seeing some of his soulmate-less acquaintances miserable. He could finally go on with his sad day without the song that would automatically play in his head. 
Wait… that last thought made him feel sad. Perhaps he would miss the song after all. 
Anyway, and above all, he could finally court his cute friend without having to worry of the soulmate shabang. 
Jungkook didn’t want whoever the universe paired him with. He wanted his cute seatmate and friend, Y/N Y/L/N.
Y/N Y/L/N. Your name was perfect. 
The way your name rolled off his tongue felt just right. The way your nose would scrunch as you focused on sketching the naked dude who had to pose in front of everyone. The way you would tilt your head when the professor never made sense with his discussions. 
Everything about you was just so… perfect. 
You were kind-hearted, considerate, and intelligent. Your humor was unmatched and you were very enthusiastic when you conversed with Jungkook. From a small crush, his liking towards you grew into something he couldn’t exactly ignore. He liked you more than he liked to listen to the duet in his head.  
Okay… scratch that. Maybe he did like his significant other’s singing voice. It eased his worries after a troublesome day. Admittedly, he had found comfort in it.
If only the universe allowed him to converse with whoever was on the other side, then maybe he didn’t have to loathe this system so much. He could’ve gotten a friend out of it, not a soulmate… but a friend. 
Somehow, his thoughts wandered back to you. God, imagine if you were his soulmate. Jungkook would be more than happy if that happened. But he didn’t need the universe to act on his feelings for you. Jungkook will do something… He knew he had to do something about it. He just didn’t know when. 
All of his thinking made Jungkook revert to airplane mode, so it was only then that he noticed you concernedly waving your hand in front of his face for a sign of consciousness. He found your scrunched up face painstakingly cute but holy shit… why are you so close? Please don’t be so close. Jungkook would malfunction if you decreased the space between you two even more. 
“Are you okay, kook?” You luckily stepped back once he locked eyes with you. 
 Ah… that sweet voice of yours that could rival the comforting honey-like singing in his head.
“Y-yeah! Sorry, was spacing out,” Jungkook’s words were jumbled as he noticed he was staring at you like a gaping goldfish instead of answering like a normal person. 
Your giggles rang throughout the room at his predicament. He crookedly grinned then laughed along. This must be heaven. Your happiness was always contagious and he’d often mirror the smile on your face whenever you were happy. 
You made him feel giddy as much as he did on the days he finished his artworks. You made him complete. 
But that damn soulmate thing had to ruin it. 
How he wished you were his soulmate. 
“I thought something happened to you, kook! Mr. Kang dismissed us some time ago but you were still frozen in your seat when everyone left. I was so… worried,” You chuckled, though quite red and hesitant at the end. 
Well did that instigate the butterflies in Jungkook’s tummy. 
“Concerned for me?” Jungkook teased, it was his go-to response because he couldn’t exactly flirt in straight sentences. 
Your eyebrows furrowed but the pink hue became much more evident. Jungkook didn’t even mind the kick you gave him because he made you feel a bit flustered. Success :D
“Taehyungie’s been busy, hasn’t he?” You said, trying to change the subject so everyone could forget the embarrassment.
Taehyung, the theater kid and drama major, was friends with the both of you. He had been busy for the past month because their project was to create a series of plays to showcase to the school. Their show will be on Tuesday, days away from now. 
Right! He could invite you to the play.
“He is… Hey,” You tilted your head and hummed when Jungkook’s voice sounded a bit unsure. 
“Do you wanna go with me to the play?”
The red on your face and the shy nod you did made him swell in accomplishment. He can’t wait for Tuesday to come. 
Fuck.  He should’ve waited for Tuesday to come. Now it is Tuesday and he was too nervous to even stand in a five-meter radius near you. Slapping himself to forget the momentary faltering of his confidence, he shakily waited at the foot of your doorstep with an album in his hand. 
You two bonded on music and he knew you well enough to know you’d rather have the CD of your favorite artist than some flower that would wilt after awhile. He was right. The beam on your face when he handed over the gift made him so happy that all his nerves were washed away. You always had a way to ease him, even if you weren’t aware. 
“M’lady,” He jokingly tried to replicate a british accent as he offered his arm, waiting for you. And as you always would, you took his arm along with an accent-laced, “M’lord,”
Jungkook forgot his worries for a moment and it was always because of you. 
You two sat near the stage to support Taehyung with his play. You two remembered him sharing that their play was about a soulmate-driven world with much more darker consequences. It was about the fictional hanahaki disease, he said. 
And boy did it feel so sad. Taehyung acted so well, as if he was really losing his character’s best friend onstage. Jungkook peered at you for a moment and saw your eyes glisten as Taehyung’s cries grew louder and louder. 
The story was really heartbreaking.
To the point where Jungkook felt the familiar pang on his chest and the song began to play in his head. 
How peculiar. His soulmate was sad just as Taehyung’s scene played out. Perhaps they were in the same auditorium as well. But that was impossible. His soulmate was probably watching some soap opera. 
Not that he minded. Jungkook had other things to think about, especially how to comfort you as your tears flowed down from the actors’ amazing performance. As slick as he could, he draped an arm around you and let you rest your head on his shoulder. His heart was beating faster than he could comprehend. Even more so, when you scooted closer to him.
Fuck. You were cuddling. Oh my god. Jungkook is gonna die out of happiness. 
He had to play it cool though. Jungkook ignored the warmth in his chest and face as he rubbed your arm in consolation. He was surprised you reacted well. Nothing prepared him for what happened next. 
You were humming. 
You were humming his song. 
You… were his soulmate.
Okay universe… Unfuck you, Jungkook guessed. Apparently the universe was on his side after all… All he had to do was somehow tell you…
Jungkook, his face now an uncontrollable red, nervously turned towards you and successfully got  your undivided attention. God, he could die then and there. Gathering courage from glob knows where, he smiled and sang the first line of the song. 
Universe might have been laughing at him for suddenly changing his views. Jungkook would’ve laughed at himself if he found out the double-back on his opinion. But this was you. 
You and your cute nose scrunch, you and your adorable head tilt, you and your witty comebacks.
This was you.
Everything about you was perfect, and he couldn’t believe that the universe liked him enough to grace him with you as his soulmate. 
何故 こんなにも 涙が溢れるの
[Naze, konna ni mo namida ga afureru no]
Your eyes widened as he sang the song that felt like home to the both of you. 
ねぇ 側にいて そして笑ってよ
[Nee, soba ni ite soshite waratte yo]
You joined in on the singing and everything just made sense. None of the leaving people in the auditorium mattered at the moment. 
君のいない未来は 色のない世界
[Kimi no inai mirai wa iro no nai sekai]
Jungkook was so happy. It seemed like the world was brighter than before.
[Monokuro de tsumetai]
He shouldn’t have doubted the universe’s plan. Everything was better with you. 
見つめてる 暗闇さえも so beautiful
[Mitsumeteru kurayami sae mo so beautiful]
You smiled shyly as your soft honey-like voice harmonized with him. 
[Boku wo shinjite hoshii]
Jungkook’s smile grew wider, encasing your delicate hand in his.
[Massugu ni kimi dake wo mite]
For once in his life, he was happy and it was better because he was happy with you.
[Doko ni mo ikanai you ni]
You two shared a kiss that afternoon, on a Tuesday, at the university’s auditorium.
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permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie @amoreguk @bbyjoonies @borednia @tanumiki @taescake
Jungkook: Hey Taehyung! Congrats, that play was amazing
Taehyung: ...yeah… but why did you two make out when I died onstage?
You: ahahaha bye.
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NCT Next Door
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Genre: Comedy, Angst, Suggestive Content, College!AU, 
Warnings: Swearing, Mature Content Future Parts
Summary: The end of the school year was approaching and the restless nights, hours of studying and most of all stress was catching up with various students of Neo Ridge School of Business and Technological Arts. For three girls in particular school was hectic, but the nonstop drama within their friend groups was even worse.
Follow the journey of the NeoCity Residents as:
Ahn Hye-Jun, the younger sister of Hye-Jin (she prefers to go by Hwasa) is a dance major in her final year of school and is the girlfriend of Jung Jaehyun.
Na Jae-Eun, the younger twin sister of Jaemin, is a graphic design major who is also in a band with Taeyong, Yuta, Mark and Jaemin.
Choi Yuna, the youngest member of her friend group and is studying to be a child and youth worker. She is in a long-distance relationship with Park Taeho.
Main Story Masterlist:
Intro 0.01
Intro 0.02
Intro 0.03
End of School Prep 1.1
End of School Prep 1.2
End of School Prep 1.3
The Floor Plan 2.1
The Floor Plan 2.2
The Floor Plan 2.3
Tell Me What To Do 3.0 (Yuna)
Party As If It’s Your Last 3.1
Party As If It’s Your Last 3.2
Party As If It’s Your Last 3.3
The Room Where It Happened 4.1
The Room Where It Happened 4.3
Slap the Ponytail 5.1
Slap the Ponytail? 5.2
Slap the Ponytail????? 5.3
Down with the Ministry! 6.0 (Donghyuck)
Last Day of School 7.1
Last Day of School 7.2
Get Out of Here! 8.1
Get Out of Here! 8.2
Neo Ridge Graduation! 9.1
Neo Ridge Graduation! 9.2
Neo Ridge Graduation! 9.3
To Peru, With Love 10.1a
To Peru, With Love 10.2a
To Peru, With Love 10c
To Peru, With Love? 10
Lizards & Cocktails 11.0
Machu Picchu Sized Problem 12.1
Machu Picchu Sized Problem 12.2
Sun, Sand and Sandwiches 13.0 (Yuta)
Welcome Home Cheaters! 14.0
Clubbin @ 1st & 27th 15.0
Trouble in Paradise 16.0 (Hye-Jun)
It’s A Date Then 17.0 (Yuna)
Be Honest 18.0 (Jae-eun)
Dinner and a Show? 19.0
Enterprise Surprise 20.0
Ridin and Rollin 21.0
More to Come...
Side Stories and Extras:
Last Day Drama 7.4
Take Her ‘Out’ 7.5
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zktop10 · 4 years
Top 10 Rated E Completed Fics!
Ok I skipped over the One Shots because there are a lot and I didn’t want to do them yet, but I did FORGET about the Rated M WIPs so those will be next.
Sx: 0.46
Out of TWENTY-SIX stories, here are the Top 10. List under the cut!
Title: didn't know my heart 
Author: babyfairy 
Summary: And yet, in a matter of days, she has managed to worm her way under his skin, has cracked open his rib cage and has begun to patch up the endless amount of wounds on his heart.
Score: 10 / 10
Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Secret Relationship
Title: Walk of Shame (Restricted Access)
Author: orphan_account
Summary: Katara's goals for the semester are relatively modest; playing an inebriated round of Never Have I Ever with her coworkers and subsequently getting drunk-married to her boss's nephew is not something she had the foresight to take into account.
Her newest goal: secure an annulment before her brother and father get wind of this disaster. On the bright side, she's that much closer to ticking 'virginity loss' off her bucket list. Modern AU. Zutara.
Score: 9.7 / 10
Tags: Alternate Universe, Modern Setting, College Setting, Accidental Marriage
Title: My Heart Burns for You
Author: alwaysZutarian
Summary: Four years have passed since the end of the war, but as they meet again and encounter many obstacles, Zuko and Katara realize that whom their hearts truly burn for is one another. Can they love each other knowing they will hurt those that love them? What will become of them when a new enemy appears with a vengeful plot to destroy everything they had worked for to bring peace?
Score: 9.7 / 10
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Title: Duels of Honor 
Author: audreyii_fic
Summary: Sozin's Comet is approaching, and people have the power to shape their own destinies. Sparrowkeet!verse.
Part 14 of The Sparrowkeet Series
Score: 9.3 / 10
Tags: Angst, Sparrowkeet Universe
Title: How Dragons Fall in Love
Author: Polywantsanother (Transparency Note: This is me, also I’m in the process of editing this book, which will remove the content that makes it E. So, get to it while you can I guess???)
Summary: Timeline placement: ~4/5 years after the end of the war. Re-examines relationships and "The Search" story line.
What comes next after you save the world?
The Gaang has scattered: Sokka and Suki are fractious over Sokka's insistence to marry, Toph just wants to get on with being able to do whatever she wants now that she's free of the Beifong compound, Zuko is finally running his country, Aang wants to bask in adulation while creating more Airbenders, and Katara is fed up with pressure of responsibility and obligation.
After yet another fight with Aang, Katara takes a vacation in the capital city of the Fire Nation and reconnects with Zuko after a few years apart. Fire, as is its nature, burns quickly and while passions are running high, Katara agrees to join Zuko on a search for his mother.
Katara, already caught between two conflicting paths for her future, is now faced with a third. But is being the secret lover of the Fire Lord really how she wants to end her story?
Part 1 of Steam
Score: 8.4 / 10
Tags: Post Series, Smut, Series
Title: Confused
Author: thispieceofwork
Summary: Zuko stood. "You told Aang you were confused. Are you confused because of me?" Katara was silent, arms crossed in front of her. "Don't make me answer that." Zutara, rated MA. Contains explicit, but plot important, sexual situations.
Originally published many moons ago on fanfiction.net under the penname "akiko-dono". THIS IS STILL ME. Just changing names for the new forum. I plan to do a sequel to this story on AO3, and would like for people who might want to read it to be able to read the first installment all on the same site.
Part 1 of Confused
Score: 8.2 / 10
Tags: N/A
Title: Journeys
Author: Smediterranea
Summary: Katara, in her final year of medical school, spends her time studying and working without having very much fun. That might change when she meets another workaholic named Zuko... Modern AU Katara/Zuko, with a sprinkling of the other members of the Gaang throughout.
“This tea is delicious,” she says politely.
“I didn’t make it,” Zuko says. “I’m not allowed to handle the tea.”
“Not allowed?”
Zuko flushes and rubs the back of his neck.
“I told Uncle Iroh that tea was just hot leaf juice when I was a teenager and he’s never let me handle it since.”
Score: 7.8 / 10
Tags: Alternate Universe, Modern Setting, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Fluff
Title: Zutara Kinktober 2018 
Author: zutaralover94
Summary: Zutara Kinktober 2018! So many kinks! So much smut! One little month!
Tags will be added for each day I do.
Score: 7.5 / 10
Tags: Kinktober, Smut
Title: Lessons
Author: theadamantdaughter
Summary: Zuko and Katara follow the marriage rituals of the Southern Water Tribe. [ for smut week, porn WITH plot ]
"Our spirits, Tui and La, push and pull, give and take… It's said newlyweds become them; they become us. Tui and La bless every marriage with seven virtues, virtues that are significant to the couple, that require the couple to grow and learn in some way. In return, we honor them."
Score: 6.8 / 10
Tags: Zutara Smut Week, Porn with Plot, Smut
Title: The Fifth Column
Author: chromeknickers
Summary: Katara watched the masked figure silently twirl the blade in his hand. The Fifth Column’s greatest assassin had been sent there to kill her or break her, or maybe it was both. Either way, they wanted their answers; it was the reason she had been kidnapped in the first place . . . Or so she thought.
Score: 6.7 / 10
Tags: Alternate Universe, Post-War, Dark, Angst, Smut, Rape/Non-Con References
75 notes · View notes
emotionalgirl101 · 4 years
Question | Chapter 8
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Words:  Genre: college au, angst, fluff Pairing: SKZ x reader Summary: Your best friend, Minho, had been refusing to introduce you to his other group of best friends for months now, with no explanation as to why. One night after getting drunk after work together, he gave in to your pleas. Oops. Warning: Contains mature content (such as coarse language, violent themes, etc). A/N: Finally, being the new longest chapter to date and tedious as hell to edit, chapter 8 is up! Fun fact: this was originally still part of chapter 7, but I felt like it was dragging on too long and it was right to end where it did. This was saved as ‘Chapter 7.5′ even afterwards. There is also still more of this that I really want to flesh out, too, so what was originally written as chapter 8 is now chapter 10! Anyways, please enjoy and I love you guys! Question Masterlist
You made it back to your apartment by about 5:10pm. The walk seemed faster than usual. Maybe it was just the upbeat music you chose to play that caused you to walk a little faster. Fiddling with your keys, you entered your apartment. Props to your past self because everything was pretty much ready to go. Except for you, obviously.
You ditched your phone, keys and purse on the counter top of your kitchen bench, moving into your bedroom to find some comfy, yet presentable clothes. You wanted to be prepared for the possibility of having to leave the house at some point in the night. You and Eunwoo have gone for a late night walk before, so it could happen again. You heard your phone buzz from in the kitchen.
A pair of activewear leggings and an oversized tee was good enough for you. You'd probably throw a hoodie over it all, anyway. All that was left to do was brush your teeth, pack what remained of your toiletries, make sure your chargers were all in the bag, then grab everything you needed to bring from the kitchen before you headed through the door. It sounded like a lot, but considering you were driving to Eunwoo's, you had enough time and a little extra.
You were staring at your reflection in the mirror as you brushed your teeth, considering doing something with your hair when you heard something from the kitchen. You moved into the main area of the apartment, realising it was you phone notifying you that you still hadn't responded to it when it initially sounded off.
You picked it up off of the counter and made your way back to the bathroom sink. You were kind of surprised to see a text message from Jae. Less about it being from Jae,  more so what it was about.
Jae: Hey are you going to Chan's party on Friday.
No. You weren't invited. That didn't particularly bother you, but the question opened up a whole new stream of thought for you to process while you finished brushing your teeth. At it wasn’t exactly positive.
You could understand not being invited by Chan for multiple reasons. You'd only met once, well, twice. That was accidental though, and it was with Jae. Was that why Jae asked in the first place? Chan is a mutual friend, but you barely knew him. You only knew him through Minho. The thing is, Chan is such a genuinely nice guy and has seemed to enjoy your company, so part of you thinks he probably would’ve invited you. Then again, it might be just a small thing at his place, so he doesn't want too many people because of his housemates. Yet, would Jae ask if you were going if it was a small, private thing? How close were Jae and Chan anyway?
Wait. Chan lives with Minho. That realisation sent you into another tailspin. Jae knows that you’re close with Minho. That’s probably why Jae asked. Maybe he assumed you would been invited by Minho... but you hadn't heard anything from him other than memes and pictures of his cats. Does Minho not want you to go? Why?
You rinsed your mouth, letting the messy jumble of speculations gurgle down the drain with it, trying to snap out of all of that negative you’d dragged up. You were overthinking. Again. You dried your face and took in a calming breath. You replied to Jae before you began to sort out what skin care, make up and other bits and pieces you'd need. That's when Jae called.
"Why aren't you going?" Jae was genuinely confused.
"I wasn't invited." You shrugged, not quite remembering he couldn't see your action. From his next words, it was obvious that fact hadn't even crossed his mind.
"That makes no sense. Chan likes you and it's Minho's house, too. That kind of means it’s his party, too. By default. As if your not invited."
"Honestly, I had no clue there was anything on until you texted me." That's when it clicked. This was the same party Felix was shopping for today. Felix probably would've invited you. Maybe he didn't know?… maybe he did…
"Jae, this is going to sound pretty dumb, but… what if Minho purposefully didn't invite me?"
The line stayed quiet for a few beats, then crackled to life, "Okay... but why?"
"Well," You sighed, trying to figure out how to phrase your theory properly, "Felix, one of the boys’ other housemates, came into work today. He was looking for something to wear to a party.
Jae hummed, waiting for you to continue. You took in a breath.
"From the limited experience I've had with him, as well as Minho's other housemates, I feel like he would've invited me to the party since it's their place - joint hosts by default, like you said - but he barely talked about the party in our conversation. It would've been natural to since that's what he was shopping for..." You trailed off, worried you weren't making any sense.
"So, you think that Minho might've told the boys not to mention anything to you?" Jae somehow made sense of your rambling, which had you half-surprised.
“Well, yeah... I mean, it does sound crazy and make me look like I’m a bit self-obsessed to think that there's a whole conspiracy around me not being invited-"
"Kind of, but I get it." Jae interjected, teasingly. He missed out on seeing the roll of your eyes.
"- but the way Minho has been acting lately doesn't exactly help me to think other wise..."
"What do you mean?"
"The way he acts when I bring up the boys is a bit... i'm not quite sure how to describe it. He just seems a bit cold when I bring them up." You sighed. Jae was silent, prompting you to keep going.
"You know how we saw Chan? I mentioned it to him, and he went from teasing and bubbly to stoic and monotonous in an instant."
"We get it, you know big words."
"Shut up~" you whined.
He chuckled into the receiver. "Continue."
You remembered something that helped to strengthen your case, "Like the day he and I went out to lunch. We bumped into Changbin and Jisung, more roommates,” you clarified, “and he barely acknowledged their presence. THEY LIVE TOGETHER!" The exasperation in your voice could not be missed.
"Dude, he's jealous." Jae uttered nonchalantly.
"Can't be. Why would he be?" You took your belongings from the bathroom and into the living area. The zip of your overnight bag signalling that you'd finished packing.
"That, I can't tell you exactly," you rolled you eyes, phone changing hands, but continued to listen, "It could be that he feels weird about his two friendship groups colliding. It could because he wants to protect you-"
“He doesn’t need to protect me-“
"He might be trying to protect them-"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Look, there could be reasons that you have no idea about.” He was right, not that you'd admit that to the lanky boy, but it still hurt a little. "Well, I kind of feel bad since I brought this up."
"Seriously, it's fine. You didn't know."
"Well, I was actually gonna suggest I plus one you. I'll ask Chan and then we'll know for sure."
You contemplated the offer. Did you really want to know if you purposely weren't invited? Then again, you need to know what was going on with Minho.
"If you're both okay with it, then yeah."
"Okay, cool. I'll message Chan."
You hadn't realised the silence until Jae spoke again, this time, softly, "If it means anything, I think Minho probably just forgot. He's not used to you having any mutual friends. He wouldn't usually invite you before you met the boys, right?"
True. Minho probably didn't think about inviting you because he wouldn't usually have to. You were well aware you ran in different circles, and you were both okay with that. You felt a wave of relieve and assurance wash over you. "Thanks, Jae."
"Don't sweat it." His teasing tone returning.
Your eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall. Shit, you completely forgot about keeping track of time. You knew Eunwoo wouldn't be too stressed if you were a bit late, but you were trying to work on your time management skills. You still had enough time if you left now.
"Sorry, Jae. I lost track of time and I have to be at Eunwoo's in 10."
"All good. I'll talk to you soon. See ya."
You were grateful for Jae. You weren't as close to him as you were to Minho, but you really loved how he just got you sometimes. That, and he was also a lot of fun to be around. You double checked you had everything, miraculously, only having to make one trip to the car. You locked up, packed everything in safely and left. You knew the way to Eunwoo's like the back of your hand, from all the late night drives and emergency trips. You let the sunset wash over you as you made your way down the familiar road.
"FINALLY!" Eunwoo greeted after swinging the door wide open. She enveloped you in a big hug. You forgot how strong she was sometimes, even with her deceivingly tiny arms. "I missed you!"
"It hasn't even been a week!" You laughed, letting her help. She stole the bag of supplies from your abundance of bags. Of course she would take the snacks. "Exactly! Waaaaay too long~" She winked back.
Eunwoo's apartment was the uni student level of lavish. Is was spacious and decorated beautifully, with thought put into every detail. The fixtures in the kitchen matched beautifully with the ones in the bathroom, the rich, jewel blue curtains had gold piping that matched the accents on the wall trimmings, and all the door handles matched.
Eunwoo had a roommate, Nayoung. She was only a few years older than the two of you. She wasn't around too often, being busy with work almost every day. When she was around, she'd hang out and join in on whatever fun you and Eunwoo had planned. You thought she worked too hard and should take more time for herself once in a while.
Eunwoo greedily unpacked the contents of the bag, examining the snacks thoughtfully and deciding which she wanted to start with. You took that as a cue to go put your belongings in her room, for when you'd need them later that night. You returned to the living area to find her standing in the kitchen, absent-mindedly munching on the gummy worms. You fell into the warm embrace of her oversized couch. The movement snapped Eunwoo out of her trance, following in your footsteps. She made herself comfortable next to you, gummy worms still in hand, legs crossed, facing you. You grabbed one of the glasses of water she had already put out prior, ready to get the rundown of tonight's schedule.
"Okay, so," She began, "I was thinking we go all out tonight. Take-out, face masks, movies, ice cream, text Jaemin, paint nails-" The sound of you choking on water interrupted her.
"Sorry, what? Text Jaemin? You seriously thought you could get away with just slipping that in casually?" You chided, all the while noticing her cheeky grin.
"Come on, Y/n! You promised you'd do it today." Her smile softened before she went on. Her voice dropped the teasing undertone, emphasising how genuine she felt about this. "You're really going to let a cute boy get away because of what? He made the first move, obviously at that, so there's no way he doesn't have some level of interest in you."
Your empty stare was fixated on the coffee table. You were scared. Who wouldn't be. The couch shifted. You felt Eunwoo put an arm around your shoulder. You allowed yourself to rest into her, and you just sat like that for a few minutes. You had your head on her shoulder, just mulling over the whole situation. You knew she was right. Were you really going to let irrational fear hold you back?
"What do I say?" You deadpanned, still in place in Eunwoo's grasp. Your free hand reaching lazily in the general direction of where you'd left your phone. You positioned it in front of both of your faces, your head still on Eunwoo's shoulder, meaning she didn't have to crane her neck to see. You carelessly pulled up the boy's contact. It was still left open from the last time you stared at it.
"It's been days since I saw him. What if he doesn't even remember me?" Your worries were met with an exasperated sigh and a gentle yet firm hit to your forehead. "I told you before, stupid. He wouldn't be giving his number to every girl that he meets at work. Trust me, he'll remember you." She then gently pat where she had struck you  before you both straightened up. You bit your lip and tried to find the right words. Eunwoo stroked your hair. A subtle form of support or a passive aggressive move implying 'I'm watching you to make sure you actually follow through', you weren't sure.
"Don't overthink it. Keep it simple.' She hummed. You heeded her advice. It's like whenever you get the number of a new friend, right? Except this friend was one of the most attractive men you'd ever seen and was hardly given the chance to exchange more than a few words with you. You were overthinking. Snap out of it.
Tapping sounds were expelled from the small speakers of your phone, peaking your friend's interest. You held the phone towards her for approval. The screen was still blank with 'Hey Jaemin, you gave me your number a few days ago at the bubble tea place?' written in the text bar. She seemed to mull it over before giving a short nod, responding "Good, but you're missing something that's kind of important."
You furrowed your brow, reading over the text twice more before turning back to see the biggest smile one her face. "Maybe your name?" In any other instance you'd be over her teasing tone, but considering how obvious it was, you decided it was warranted. "True..." you muttered, adding it into the text as you wondered if he'd remember your name.
"Wait," you looked back to Eunwoo, "Did your name come up at all?" It was scary when she read your mind like that. You nodded, telling her that he had asked during your brief exchange. The evil grin return, and now you were genuinely confused. What kind of plan was she concocting in that brain of hers? "On second thoughts, don't mention your name. See if he remembers." She winked at you before jumping up and heading back over to the kitchen. You read your message again, breathing slowly as you tried to make sure it sounded as natural and casual as possible. "Just press send, Y/n!" Eunwoo cried from across the room. Fine.
Y/n: Hey Jaemin, you gave me your number a few days ago at the bubble tea place?
You locked your phone and through it into the corner of the couch, then got up and met Eunwoo in the kitchen. You released the breathe you'd been unconsciously holding, letting the nerves fade away to the back of your mind. It was future you’s problem now, and you weren’t going to let the small sense of anxiety that the situation stirred within you ruin what could be a perfectly good girls’ night. You weren't exactly sure what Eunwoo was doing in the kitchen, but she was making herself busy. You asked if you could help anyway, but you were hushed and forced to retake your seat. She struck up the next topic of conversation. "How was your day?"
She had no clue how much of a loaded question that was. The whole ‘party’ thing became the centre of the storyline, as you rehashed the highlights of the day’s events. You then dove into the phone call and theories you discussed with Jae. "So, the question is, why doesn't he want me to go?" Eunwoo was so invested that she stopped midway through the task to lean over the bench and dive into the bag of popcorn with you.
"Maybe he likes you." She said with ease, finishing by popping two pieces of popcorn into her mouth, her eyes never leaving yours.
"As if" you scoffed. "Why would he be so casual about the whole Jaemin thing? We could've teased me or grilled me to see if I'd actually do anything about it."
"Or he would just rather not know…” she sing-songed softly.
You hated that her point was justified, but you could never see Minho being interested in you. How could you? It just- "I don't see it."
She rolled her eyes at you in place of further dialogue.
"It makes no sense, though. He was way too supportive about Jaemin, at least in his own ~special~ way."
What you neglected to mention was how he’d been acting when you brought up his housemates or all the times he'd talked about girls in front of you. You just knew she'd have a field day with that.
"Well, at least we know why he wouldn't invite you. He's jealous." Your friend sighed and straightened up, proceeding to get a bowl for the popcorn so you were somewhat civilised in your snacking affairs. "I mean, Jae's right. It's classic jealous behaviour. The real question we should be asking is why is he jealous." She moved to sit with you.
You both sat at the island bench in silent contemplation, running through a mental list of scenarios that would make sense in justifying his behaviour. After awhile, you and Eunwoo exchanged a look. Neither of you could think of anything noteworthy. Minho was really hard to read in general. Even as his proclaimed best friend, you had trouble understanding some of the things he did. You couldn't imagine how confusing he would be to Eunwoo. She broke you away from the thought, picking up on where the conversation left off.
"Maybe its just general friend envy," with a tilt of the head, your gaze urged her to continue, "You know, when your jealous because you think that someone new is gonna steal your best friend away from you." All you did was nod, no longer holding her gaze. It was plausible. You wouldn't put it past him. You wouldn't put it past most people. However, to really get to the bottom of this, you had to play devil's advocate.
"Though, he's fine with you."
"he had to be. he's dumb sometimes but he's smart enough to know not to fight a battle he would lose."
You both burst into laughter. This is why you loved this girl. She was everything you could want in a close female friend. As girls, you were always raised to see each other as competition to some degree. It was something that was part of the social structure. Even if it was never at the forefront of your mind, you would always end up feeling uncomfortable or jealous around other girls, constantly comparing yourself to them. If you didn’t, others would. After a while, you would just accept where you stood in the 'hierarchy', but that was high school. Honestly, uni wasn't that much better if you compared certain experiences side by side. The difference was you didn't have to force anything. Unlike high school, you could escape. You didn't see the same people every day and could cut the toxic ones out of your life. Uni gave you more freedom.
Regardless, you loved Eunwoo because you never felt 'threatened' by her. She listened and was compassionate, and once you let it all out she would both try to fix it and then take your mind off of things. The order of the two varied depending on the situation. She knew you'd do the same for her, without hesitation. She was your first, true friend.
"Enough about problematic men. Wanna go find something to eat?" She stood up, grabbing her keys, dangling them so their jingle would entice you to rise to your feet. You smiled and did just that, following her out the door.
You went to Hirai. Japanese takeaway was the easiest to agree on and you could both attest to how good it was. Even after all your efforts to supply your every need, snack wise, Eunwoo was adamant on picking up a tub of ice cream for a real gelato place for dessert. If you were going to eat you feelings, it may as well taste delicious, right? She dragged you to a place she found nearby with the help of her phone.
You knew the place. You walked past it a few times. You'd never gone inside, though. You just never had the desire since your go-to was close to home. That, and after a while, you forgot it was there. The shop front had a classical vibe, blending in with the other parchment coloured buildings either side. If you didn't bother to read the cursive writing, you could've easily mistaken it for an antique shop. You appreciated that they kept all the trimmings when restoring the building.
The line was almost out the door, which didn't really bother either of you. They provided paper menus at the door so you could browse ahead of time. It seemed that they anticipated the problem and prepared accordingly. Credits to them.
Eunwoo reached ahead to grab a menu for you both. You read through the interesting flavours, eyeing them quizzically. The first few minutes were spent pointing out interesting names like ‘ink bottle' and trying to decipher what they could be. It took you awhile before it dawned on you that they had simplistic descriptions beneath each title. ‘Ink bottle’ was actually sesame with liquorice notes.
You sort of zoned out after awhile, not being able to help, thinking back to the whole Minho situation instead. You just didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just say something.
The more you analysed, the more it seemed like he was purposely keeping it a secret. If your friends hadn't agreed with you, you would've talked yourself out of the speculations you’d made, but they kind of agreed with you. It made sense. That's the thing. Why else would Felix be so hesitant to mention it? If it was Chan's party, why wouldn't he bring it as a general topic of conversation? You had asked about what had been going on back at the house. He spent a solid 5 minutes trying to think of something to update you on. You gave him the opportunity on a silver platter. It’s not like he could say he didn't know. Chan definitely would've given all the other boys a heads up. Hell, he probably let them invite some of their friends, too, or mutual friends. Coincidentally, you fit into both categories, so-
"Snap out of it. Pick ice cream." You looked back at Eunwoo, who's eyes were still trained on the menu. She could read you like a book. She sighed a moment later, following up with "You get one sentence to explain what you're thinking, then we go back to ice cream time and save the rest of the conversation for home. Deal?" The idea being you rid yourself of the thought temporarily, so you can focus on having fun. You exhaled before you spoke.
"I don't understand why he's gone to such lengths to kept some party a secret, because we don't keep secrets, especially about something so insignificant. So pointless…” You muttered the last part, since you went over your one-sentence limit. With the word you huffed out, the hint of frustration not as subtle as you’d hoped. Eunwoo nodded, "He's dumb. What ice cream were you thinking? because I was leaning towards the chiv-"
"Hello, hello." Eunwoo was cut off by a familiar voice standing behind you. You exchanged a glance, Eunwoo looking confused, annoyed and slightly alarmed all at once. She was clueless as to who it was, but your suspicions were confirmed when you turned around, eyes landing on Chan. Changbin was to his left. "Fancy meeting you here." He beamed. You smiled back instantly, Eunwoo's questioning expression visible in your peripheral vision.
"Ah-I-Hi Chan. Hey Changbin. This is Eunwoo," She waved on cue, "and we could say the same to you." The initial shock wore off the more you spoke, replaced with confidence as you felt more comfortable. You turned to Eunwoo, finally being able to 'clue' her in on who the handsome strangers were. She was well aware, since you'd talked about both boys before, but they didn't need to know that. "They're Minho's housemates." She faked an expression of realisation, giving a slight nod. "We're just grabbing some ice cream." She played dumb, realising something that took awhile to dawn on you.
What if they heard you?
"So, how's girls’ night going?" Chan asked, earnestly. You were both taken aback. "How did you-" You were tugged to the side by Eunwoo. Having been side-tracked by the sudden reunion, you didn't realise the line had moved a fair bit. You were already in front of the ice cream flavours. You turned to face the flavours and try to at least help Eunwoo with the decision, yet still continued talking to the boys. Chan was the one that kept the conversation going.
"A hunch. You two are out with a bag of takeaway food and in line to get ice cream. We just put two and two together."
You nodded. It made sense.
"That and Minho told us." Changbin chimed in.
Of course he did. You told him random, insignificant things he didn’t necessarily need to know. Why didn’t he do the same with you? He used to… The annoyance towards your best friend increasing.
"I'm going to kill him, I swear-"
"Don't worry, princess. I'll take care of him for you." Changbin whispered in your ear from behind you. There was something underlying in his words that caused your breath to catch in your throat. He was so close all of a sudden. You heard him chuckle darkly, his breath beating down on your neck. He moved away. You stepped forward. Trying to recover, your eyes never lost contact with the ice cream labels when you spoke, "Thanks, but I'd like the satisfaction." The confidence you feigned seeming believable in the strength of your words.
You finally looked up at the boys. Chan was just nodding, also looking into the glass cabinets. He was oblivious to the intimacy of the interaction between you and Changbin. Though, the latter didn't seem to quite believe your words. Changbin was smirking at how flustered you were. You quickly looked away to peer of Eunwoo’s shoulder, only making him feel more proud of himself. He discovered he had a little bit of power over you now. Well, fuck.
Eunwoo gave a quizzical stare, switching from you to the boy, then abruptly moved on. "So, do you want ~chivalrous dalmatian~?" waiting to see if you were alright with the option she put to you, she eyed you a bit more than was necessary. “Cookies & cream.” She simplified. Her gaze flickered to Changbin just before you agreed with her pick. His attention was already back on Chan by the time you’d turned away from him. She just rolled her eyes at the boy, attention returning to the present conversation. "Perfect."
'Perfect' was a good term to use, since a server had just approached both of you as you finalised your choice. Regardless of the flavour, you just needed some space to breathe. You loved the two boys to your left, but since you were low-key having a mini crisis over why your best friend was acting weird, you just wanted to get out and back to Eunwoo's as soon as possible. Changbin kind of ‘flirting’ - for the lack of a better word - with you didn't exactly help either.
Shaking off the uneasy feeling, you forced yourself to focus on the present. By ‘the present’, you meant your best friend, since she always put up with you, even when you were like this. Yeah, Minho did too, but since he was the cause of said crisis, he wasn’t getting a free pass today.
“My shout!” You announced overly cheerfully. Eunwoo didn’t bat an eye. The boys did. Your demeanour did a full 180 right in front of there eyes, but then again, they probably had no clue where your head was at. If anything, it just startled them. You weren’t even that loud.
You both moved to the cashier point, fishing out your purse. Just after you pulled your card out, a hand weaved between the two of you, tapped a card and removed itself once again. You almost went to scold Eunwoo but stopped for two reasons; firstly, she looked as surprised as you, and secondly, no way was her hand that veiny.
You then looked to find Chan standing right behind you both, grinning like an idiot. With pure sincerity, he finished with “Your welcome!”
You both just stood their for a second, confused. Grateful, but confused. Chan was way too kind. He had already moved back to Changbin. Your gaze focusing in on them ordering for themselves. Only Eunwoo noticed the slightly peeved sales person waving the tub of ice cream in front of you guys.
You made your way out, but not before you gave Chan a huge thank you. You didn’t hug the boys, because not only did you feel off tonight but it was also for Eunwoo’s sake, to not put her in an awkward position. You didn’t escape without a wink from Changbin, and you bet Eunwoo noticed it, too. With a wave and ‘see you soon’ exchanged, you both walked out of the ice cream parlour and headed for the car, arm in arm.
“I— I’m just - what even just-“
You both walked in contemplative silence. The late night discussions were going to be on a whole other level tonight.
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jbarness · 3 years
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I posted 546 times in 2021
64 posts created (12%)
482 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.5 posts.
I added 144 tags in 2021
#ali answers <3 - 41 posts
#honeysugarcoves 💌 - 21 posts
#bucksdolll 🥰 - 18 posts
#jbarness - 11 posts
#bucky barnes - 9 posts
#bucky - 9 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 9 posts
#bucky fic - 9 posts
#bucky fluff - 9 posts
#sebastian stan - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#buccky barnes x reader social media au
My Top Posts in 2021
talk - 04
a social media au
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
my masterlist || talk - masterlist
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51 notes • Posted 2021-01-23 14:24:39 GMT
talk - 05
a social media au
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
my masterlist | talk - masterlist
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52 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 14:11:35 GMT
a huh, that's new oneshot
pairing: architect!bucky barnes x diner owner!reader
about: bucky's proposal to y/n
warnings: prank, fluff
a/n: this is just a lil something i thought about. sksksk i love writing for huh, that's new!!! should i open requests for this universe? let me know :) hope u enjoy reading! likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡
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my masterlist || huh, that's new - masterlist
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55 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 20:01:35 GMT
celeste & daddy day!
a huh, that's new oneshot
pairing: architect!dad!bucky barnes x diner owner!mom!reader x daughter!oc
about: it was supposed to be daddy-daughter day while mommy's running errands.
warnings: language, sad daughter, FLOOOF!! cuteness overload!!!
a/n: this is a oneshot in the same universe as my smau: huh, that's new, but you don't have to read it for you to understand this fic :) i had a lot of fun writing this, i'll probably write more oneshots in the same universe or maybe just anything about dad!bucky. enjoy reading! the photo used for socmed parts is from pinterest. let me know your thoughts about this! reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated! <3 *also this is edited, i kinda forgot about a detail about Wanda 😭
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my masterlist || huh, that's new - masterlist
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139 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 22:41:42 GMT
the barnes' are still loud
a oneshot
pairing: neighbor!bucky x reader
about: after resigning from being a PA, you move back in with your parents in the suburbs and it turns out, your neighbors, the barnes', are still. fucking. loud.
warnings: language (i think there's just 1 word tho), parents being judgemental aaand i dont think there's anything else
a/n: hey guys! how are you? i've been so uninspired and busy that i had to discontinue my smau: talk. anyways here's a oneshot that i hope you'll enjoy! let me know your thoughts about this, or if you want me to make a part two or sumn hehehehe. feedbacks, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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my masterlist
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there you are, back home.
you loved coming home. whether it be for holidays, weekends, or just random days when you don't have to work and you want to visit your parents. you are the only child in your family, so you always did your best to come by and spend some time with them.
before you could even set your foot on the last step to the front door, your parents came out of it and attacked you with tight hugs, "hey honey we missed you! how was your flight?" 
they dragged you in your childhood home along with your bags, "it was fine, thank you. and i missed you guys too! what have you guys been up to?" you asked, even though you already know what they've been up to since you call or facetime each other as often as possible ever since you moved out for college.
"you know, your dad's been cleaning and redecorating the house every month," your mom explained, "this month's theme: earth tones." your dad nodded as you smiled widely at the couple. you've always admired how they always seem to do something creative with their time.
you nodded, "ahhh, so that's why it looks different than when we facetimed last time." your mom showed you around some more and pointed out what they changed and the new things that they bought. they both toured you around the house as if you've never been there, and looking at the rooms and spaces now, you did feel like it was your first time in the house.
after touring you around and putting your bags in your old room, the three of you went to the dining room where you used to always hang out with them while eating. there on the table laid a lot of pastries that you figured your mom baked, "your mom's baking business is doing really well too," your dad said, pointing to some boxes that has your mom's brand stickers on it.
your mom nodded proudly, "yeah! and i started selling your favorite pastry, you know, the one i used to make for you? and its a hit!"
"oh really? thats wonderful!" you hugged her tightly, your way of saying how happy you are for her.
your mom's a great baker, which is why you pushed her to make a living out of it. she argued how they didn't have enough money for a place and you told her that she should start by having them made to order so that they could do it at home and have them delivered, which is what they do now, until they save up enough money to have their own bakery.
"oh and the barnes are still so. fucking. loud," your dad said, rolling his eyes.
your mom gasped, lightly slapping your dad's arm, "honey, language!"
"but its true!" your dad defended, sitting down next to you on the dining table and grabbing a cookie.
your mom sighed, "well, yeah, it is true."
the barnes are the loudest people you've ever known. unfortunately, they lived across from you, so your family and your neighbors always hear the arguments that mr. and mrs. barnes have, which apparently, they like to do early in the morning. your parents befriended them before and it was always just small talks that didn't last for longer than 2 minutes. you've met them once and they seemed okay then, but then again, people are different with other people. you also know their kids, bucky and rebecca. the three of you went to the same high school, but you never really cross paths with them. bucky is 2 batches higher than you while rebecca is a batch lower than you.
your face twisted in grimace, "they still shout early in the morning?" you remembered how you used to always wake up early to mr. and mrs. barnes shouting at each other. you sometimes wondered why they don't just file for divorce.
"they're extra loud now. i didn't think it was possible," your dad complained, "they're worse than alarm clocks, and you know how much i hate alarm clocks."
grabbing a cupcake, your mom nodded, "and they had a party there last week cause apparently, their son came home from somewhere too. we didn't have any sleep that night. they were so noisy until 5am."
"somebody even threw up in our front yard. our front yard!" your dad said while chewing his cookie.
"the roses never saw it coming," your mom shook her head, "anyway, enough about the barnes. you know, you never told us why you came home all of a sudden?
"well, i resigned," you said after drinking your water. you knew your parents won't be mad at you since they've always been supportive of your decisions.
"oh no, why? you were doing so good there," your mom asked while sitting down across from you.
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146 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 14:41:33 GMT
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
🎭the truth untold🎭
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⚠️Warning ⚠️: yandere content, swearing, mental breakdowns, depression, suicide attempt, assaults, blood, mental illness, unhealthy relationship, violation of privacy, manipulation, drugging, abuse, misuse of medication
Pairing: namjoon x reader
Side pairing: Taehyung x Reader , Jungkook x Lisa (minor)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Sub genre: mafia au, soft yandere, spy au, SLOW BURN
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▶️ hello joon where are you? Why won't you answer my calls
▶️ this is not funny joon... atleast text me back
▶️ Hey joon.. are you angry with me .. did I do something? I'm sorry... please come back just come back ..
▶️ where are you joon I need you *sobs* something horrible happened
▶️ you said you will always be with me was that a lie? you said you hated liars, then why? why have you become one then?
▶️ it's been a while. I hope you're ok.. I miss you goddammit.. but I think you're not coming back. I guess this is what it means to grow up huh?
▶️ I got into college joonie I am free from home.. never thought I'd want to escape this bad. I thought I saw you today..
▶️ I went back to our spot after a long while.. do you ever miss me?
I never thought we could live without each other, but here we are, funny huh.
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Part 1 °
Part 2 °
Part 3 °
Part 4 °
Part 5 | 5.5 °
Part 6 °
Part 7 | 7.5
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 | 10.5
Part 2
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
*more parts and links to be added
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I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
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Hi! So I know you don't have a tag for it but I've one through all the podfics you've listed on the blog and I'm in need of some more! Is there anyway you can do another list? They're great for work
DAMN SON!  That was a lot of podfic to get through, I salute you  ;)  Anything for a fellow connoisseur, here’s part 2!  These are all on my ipod, and ones I’ve enjoyed.  Again, this means they’re all rated mature at a minimum so lots of porn, lol.  Enjoy!  -Emmy
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Monday I Can Fall Apart But By Friday I’m in Love read by RsCreighton 
(30-45 Minutes I Mature I Sterek)  *mpreg, a/b/o, modern au
It’s just past five in the morning and Stiles is barely awake, wearing only sleep pants that hang low below his pregnant belly, and he can’t get the damned brand new jar of decaf coffee open. But he has a neighbor, and he’s too tired to think that waking someone else up at this hour might not be the best (or politest) of ideas.
Boy Next Door Nice read by RsCreighton 
(30-45 Minutes I Explicit I Danny/Stiles)
Saying Stiles was weird was like saying space was big. It didn’t nearly do it justice. But he was the sort of weird that knew Danny could be bought. So what if his excuses were terrible, his hands were warm and his mouth literally begging to be shut up? Danny can deal. Right?
Let the Cameras Roll read by chemm80 
(30-45 Minutes I Explicit I Danny/Stiles)  *porn au I LOVE THIS FIC!!
Danny adjusted to college life quickly, eventually working his way into the amateur porn industry. Things are going great until he unwittingly books a shoot with Stiles.
The Alexandrian Solution read by Hananobira  
(30-45 Minutes I Explicit I Sterek)  so cute omg
“I accept your body!” Stiles says hurriedly. “I accept you. Sexually.”
There is a pause. Derek says, “Thanks.”
A surprise comedy knotting story. You have a lot to answer for, Twitter fandom.
Touchpaper read by dodificus 
(45-60 Minutes I Mature I Sterek)  *voyeur Danny
Danny is bruised. Their werewolf drama has officially bruised Danny. This is the worst day ever.
Our Imperfect World read by readbythilia (thilia) 
(1-1.5 Hours I Explicit I Steter)  *agoraphobia
Not long after his eighteenth birthday, Peter wakes up with a small, white scar on his finger. Most people are born with scars that match their soulmate’s, or get one in their early childhood. Peter thought he just wasn’t meant to have anybody. The sudden arrival of his soulmate (in Beacon Hills, no less) is just the beginning of his life’s complications. After the fire at the Hale House, Peter’s subsequent coma, and death, he comes back to life to find that his mate has developed a crippling case of agoraphobia. Will he learn to be the sort of person a scared young man could love, or will he remain a monster?
Podfic of taylorpotato’s Our Imperfect World
(Not So) Pure Imagination read by readbythilia (thilia) 
(3-3.5 Hours I Explicit I Sterek)  *dubcon
“There is a world where whenever someone fantasizes about you, you can physically feel it, but you have no idea who is thinking it about you.”
Stiles knows it’s wrong, but he’s been Fantasizing about Derek and he can’t bring himself to stop. Derek doesn’t know who’s taken an interest in him, but he’s enjoying it way more than he probably should.
By and By (series) read by dodificus
(4-4.5 Hours I Teen-Explicit I Sterek) *dubcon, underage  Heed the warnings, this is a twisted but really good fic, and the companion of seeing it from the Sheriff’s and then Derek’s POV is a trip
Part 1: creepy never looked so cute - or, how Sheriff Stiles accidentally adopted a juvenile offender. (another) pyromaniac au. 
Part 2: Derek isn’t exactly like other people. Stiles doesn’t say that because he’s in love with him, or whatever. He’s not like Scott, who thinks Allison hung the freaking moon, or was the first girl to ever let a guy under her bra. Derek isn’t like other people. Sometimes he’s not exactly sane.psychopaths in love - the story from Derek & Stiles’s side.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments read by chemm80 
(7.5-8 Hours I Explicit I Sterek)  *forced shift!derek, kidnapping, au, spark!stiles
“Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf.” An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Cornerstone read by Jinxy 
(10-15 Hours I Explicit I Sterek)  *blind!stiles, human au, marine!derek, ptsd
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
Tiny Houses read by Jinxy 
(10-15 Hours I Explicit I Sterek)  *mpreg, rape/noncon. dubcon
 “So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
 God, he dreams.
 He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it.”
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