#gotta tell the truth
zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Ok. time for me to start posting Greg x Maz again I think 😗
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Against All Odds
Part 101
McCoy was flat on his back on his bed when his PADD chirped. He groaned. Leah couldn’t be calling to yell at him this fast. Couldn’t he have a moment to wallow in his frustration?
He sat up and stretched for the device.
That was a surprise. A not unpleasant surprise, but they had just left each other’s company. He was confused as Scotty started in. The other boy’s face looked panicked. What had happened in the short time since they had parted?
“We’ve gotta tell Pike what we saw at the cabin.”
McCoy frowned.
“What’s going on?” His own panic was rising at the fear in Scotty’s eyes.
“They’re sending Jim home tomorrow because he can’t prove his innocence!” Scotty told him about the call he had just had with Jim.
Everything slowed around McCoy. He brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He knew what they had to do. He knew exactly what his father would do and expect his children to do. The right thing. He closed his eyes for a long moment and blew a breath out slowly.
He had tried to head off this trouble when he talked to Leah, but now there would be no avoiding it. Pike was a good man. He knew Father. He’d try to do the right thing. And if Scotty and McCoy had to be punished for being somewhere they shouldn’t have been… well, if it helped clear Jim, they had to take it.
“Let’s go. I’ll meet you at the stairs.” McCoy stood and slipped his shoes back on.
“Before dinner?” Scotty’s eyebrows went up.
McCoy glanced at the time.
“Yes. See you in a minute.”
Scotty nodded, “Aye,” and the call ended.
McCoy set his PADD back on the desk, then stood for a moment taking a long deep breath. The urge to lash out rose in his chest, but he pushed it back with another deep breath, then reached for the door.
Scotty was already waiting for him, his room being closer to the stairs. McCoy’s was at the far end of the hall. Scotty smiled tightly at him and McCoy returned it.
“We aren’t going to be able to keep this from him,” McCoy said quietly as they started down the stairs.
“What do ye mean?”
“Us. Why would we hide if we were just trying to get out of the rain? Why would it matter if someone else came in and saw us?”
McCoy saw the realization cross Scotty’s face from the corner of his eye.
“We had a reason, and Pike isn’t stupid.” McCoy let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Scotty, but it’s going to come out whether we want it to or not. At least to Pike.”
And stars above did McCoy hope the headmaster would keep it to himself. He knew it was unlikely. McCoy’s stomach twisted in a tight knot at the thought this could be the end of whatever was starting between himself and Scotty.
“If we can help Jim…”
“Exactly,” McCoy agreed.
Everything was slowing around him again as they got closer to the headmaster’s office. And then suddenly they were there. McCoy swallowed as he looked at Scotty. The Scotsman gave a slight nod and McCoy raised his hand to knock.
“A moment,” Pike called, and they heard the sounds of the man getting up.
“Leonard, Montgomery; what can I do for you boys?”
“Please sir, may we come in? We have something we need to tell you. It may help Jim.”
Pike looked between them in surprise when McCoy finished speaking.
“Of course,” Pike said and moved to let them in. “Have a seat gentlemen.” He closed the door and returned to his desk in front of them.
Part 102
His leg was bouncing up and down restlessly. He was just so nervous about this talk. But they had to do this. For Jim's sake.
"So, you said you have information on Jim's case?"
Leonard nodded.
"Yes, we... we think that another student foisted the drugs on Jim and hid them in his room."
Pike's eyebrow went up as he wrote down some notes in his PADD.
"What makes you think that?"
"Last weekend we... were at the cabin in the forest," Leonard explained and the headmaster's eyes fixed on Scotty.
"The cabin? You know that students are not allowed to go there, Montgomery."
Scotty lowered his head apologetically. Yes...he knew it.
"There... was this thunderstorm. And campus was still pretty far away. I showed the cabin to Leonard so that we could take shelter there."
Pike sighed.
"All right, that seems to be a good point for me. Anyway, who and what did you see at the cabin?"
Leonard and Scotty exchanged a glance.
"Uhm... K-Khan was there. He... got something from beneath a floor board. It... looked strange but... we couldn't see it clearly."
Scott's eyes moved down to the floor. He didn't want to see Pike's reaction.
"Why couldn't you identify it? And why didn't Khan see you?"
The Scotsman's heart sank at that question. And it was Leonard who had to answer for them.
"We... were hidden inside the closet."
Scotty glanced up to see Pike's brows furrowing in confusion.
"No one... could know that we were there together..." Scotty whispered. And then he explained the reason. "Do ye... remember that I wanted to talk about something with ye last week, sir?"
Pike nodded.
"It... it was about Leonard. And... about Ar- Mr. Archer."
"Mr. Archer? What does all of this have to do with him?"
Pike couldn't seem to follow anymore.
"I... he... he wanted me to stay away from Leonard."
"What?" Disbelief and shock resounded in that one word coming from Pike's mouth.
"He said... I'd be a bad influence on the prince. And... I was scared that if I dinnae listen... he'd send me and my brother away."
Pike pinched the bridge of his nose.
"So you're telling me that you hid because you were scared someone would see you together and tell Mr. Archer about it," the headmaster concluded and Scotty nodded.
"Aye... We... we just wanted to spend some time. We... want to be friends."
"Montgomery... all the students have the right to be friends with anyone they like. You are no exception. Maybe... you just misunderstood Mr. Archer."
"No!" Scotty exclaimed and sat up straight in his chair. A moment later he remembered that this was the headmaster he was talking too.
"N...no... I... It wasn't the first time Mr. Archer... said something like that."
Pike swallowed before he nodded.
"Okay. I believe you. But... that is another talk. Right now we should focus on what you saw at the cabin."
Scotty nodded. Pike was right. This wasn't about him and Archer. It was about Jim.
"Why do you think Khan did what you assume he did? Couldn't... he have hidden something else there?"
Scotty chewed on his lower lip. That was yet another thing.
"I... I confronted him about it. And... he said that... he'd find out about who was at the cabin with me if I told anyone. And that he'd tell people about it."
This all felt so horrible. Would Pike believe them that it was only about a hidden friendship?
Scotty looked up to see Leonard swallowing. What was he thinking?
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egophiliac · 3 months
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hecksupremechips · 7 months
Akihiko becoming a cop is something that simply doesn’t happen in the coma route cuz Shinji would see that shit and be like Aki what the actual hell is wrong with you
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chiquilines · 11 months
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Its been ages,,, i missed them
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asciuto · 10 months
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Elementary (Taylor's Version) // I believe that we were supposed to find this
honorable mention:
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gojo-mochi · 9 months
Toji sucks at giving massage cuz he put in too much strength; man's better at breaking your back then fixing it. 2/10
Choso could warm his hands him but he's too afraid of hurting you, precious baby. 7/10
Gojo's hands would travel to naughty places halfway thru, so the massage would just end up in sex most of the time smh. 5/10
Geto good with his hand but he uses his voice on you, purring your name as his fingers dips the curve of your neck. He makes you jump on him in the end and pretended that it was all your fault. 8/10
Nanami's the best at giving massages, will do everything right. Oils, bath, hot towels, anything you want. Though you end up just wanting to give this poor man a massage and relaxing day instead. 10/10
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radiance1 · 1 year
"There is two of you."
Logos leaned back in his seat, resting his head against his fist as he stared at a screen displaying Pathos, currently being buried beneath a mass of different ghostly animals. "That there is."
Distain crossed Damian's face. "Who in their right mind would ever clone the likes of you, brother?" He waved a hand at the screen, a small flash of envy that crossed his heart over seeing the clone buried beneath a mass of fluff, before blinking, and jerking his head and Daniel's direction. "Full offense."
"None taken." Logos's voice was cold and emotionless, containing a more mechanical edge due to the voice changer installed in his gas mask. "Pathos is not my clone, he is half of me." Logos raised his other hand before Damian could speak. "We were torn apart, in case you were wondering."
Damian hummed, moving his eyes away from the screen and around the lab. Giving a begrudging nod at the extreme cleanliness, and eyeing a few of the tech left around, before turning back to his twin with a raised eyebrow. "I can't imagine the reason you called me here was for a mere chat."
Logos nodded. "Pathos wishes to become a hero, yet I have a different goal." Logos stood up from his chair, walking over to Danny until he was relatively close and held out a hand. "Such that I am unable to watch over him at every turn, so, dear brother. Will you look over him in my stead?"
Damian stared at the outstretched hand, before back at Daniel's gas mask covered face. His face was calm as he stared back at his twin, before clicking his tongue. "Tt. As pathetic as always. Such incompetence that you need others to clean up whatever mess your other half will surely bring." Damian crossed his arms, glaring at his twin.
"I will not be that person, Daniel."
Logos hummed. "The probability of you saying no was quite high, so I am not surprised." He walked past Damian, beckoning his twin with a hand to follow as he stopped at a nearby table, quickly gathering a few items he sought after. "These are the objects that will 'sweeten the deal' as some would say."
Said objects looked to be a few buttons, a ball, a laser pointer, and an arm bracer.
"And you expect me to accept to watch over your other half, for mere trinkets?" Damian wrinkled his nose, as he stared at Daniel as if he were an idiot, which he very surely believes he is. "I expected you to be smarter than that, but I am not surprised by your usual incompetence."
Logos shook his head. "These are not mere trinkets, brother, and I know you recognize that as well. These," Danny picked up the few small buttons, tossing them at Damian, who easily caught them. "Will are capable of expanding into ectoplasmic nets, that will also deliver a shock to those who try to get out of them, nothing lethal, so worry not about your father having an issue with them."
Damian hummed, holding one of the buttons up to his eye. Logos waved to a nearby target that he set up for this exact circumstance. "Go ahead, try it."
Damian glanced at his twin, before throwing the button at the target. It expanded into a large net that shouldn't have been able to be held in such a small object, wrapping around the target.
"Unfortunately, you will be unable to test the shock function at this moment, so you will have to test it later on a live subject."
Logos tilted his head. "You seem displeased."
"That you are capable? Yes. I am."
Logos hummed, before taking up the ball. "That is a mechanical eye, you be able to see through it, which would certainly make it easier for you who stalks the night, yes?" Damian clicked his tongue, and Logos took that as enough to continue. "You will be able to look through it with these," He picked up the arm bracer in his other hand and handed both items to Damian. "The bracer connects to the eye, which will show you a live recording of what is happening on the other side." Logos turned to pick up the laser pointer, before blinking. "Ah, just will it to move, and it will. So long as you have the bracer on."
Damian stared at the bracer for a moment, before swiftly putting it on, and the mechanical eye sprang to life as soon as he finished. A screen appeared over his arm, giving him a direct look through the eye's position. He tested the movement and found it true.
"Being torn apart may have been the best thing that has happened to you, brother."
"Perhaps." Logos threw the laser pointer at Damian, which he caught. "That is a small, portable laser, while also acting as a regular laser pointer. Just twist the knob at the bottom and you'll be able to adjust it." Logos' eyes narrowed. "Do not test it in here, or anywhere near here, for that matter."
Damian pocketed it silently, before recrossing his arms. He grunted.
"Pathos will be happy to receive your cooperation, though he is quite emotional, I expect you to work around that." Logos held out a hand, and Damian stared at it for a good few moments, before begrudgingly putting his hand in his twin's for a handshake.
Damian had a foreboding feeling that he would regret ever accepting this deal, and not even a minute after meeting him he already did.
[Based off of this post, and thank you @ashfly for the name suggestions! :3]
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tojisun · 5 months
idk whats the full tea between kendrick lamar and drake but euphoria goes so hard holy shit
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bugwolfsstuff · 10 days
You ever get sad about the amount of mythology and folklore we likely will never know about because it was destroyed/never written down?
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shima-draws · 11 months
What the FUCK Furina’s backstory is so fucking sad??? The absolute TORTURE she’s been through. Shit dude,
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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The Legend of Heroes | Episode 05
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suncaptor · 8 months
I do think how Sam is neurodivergent is the most central piece of how he gets treated by his family & the narrative though.
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Sir Pentious has... complicated feelings about his relationship with Vox. He used to idolize him– Pen tended to idolize all overlords, but Vox in particular was one of his favorites due to the tech empire he built for himself and how he seemed amenable to partnerships. Hearing he'd died was... disappointing, but this is Hell after all and maybe Vox being gone would leave an opening for him to finally begin his career as an overlord (it did not).
When he got the call from the Vees, recruiting him for a secret mission to rescue Vox from the Radio Demon himself, Pen was astounded. Vox was alive? And he'd seen him at the hotel but had either not recognized him or been too focused on Alastor to register his presence? The Vees gave him a vague idea of the state Vox was in, but he was shocked once he finally met him (literally: Vox zapped Pentious by mistake while shaking his hand). He didn't know Vox any more than any of his former customers would, but it was still jarring to see a man who'd always presented to the public as so powerful and in control act in such a high-strung, disorganized way.
Pentious managed to keep his cool around Vox and not instantly give the game away. It was weird, living at the hotel, slowly figuring out the finer details of the situation that the Vees had left out. Pen found himself surprisingly grateful that Alastor never took him even remotely seriously as a rival if this is what he does to people who do get his attention. Vox now followed Alastor around like a lost puppy and just could not stop breaking things. Pentious found himself being called upon to attempt to fix technology outside of his area of expertise more and more frequently. Vox was always frantic to fix his mistakes (when he could remember that he made them), so the two of them worked together; Vox explained how the technology functioned and Pen did the physical work of repairing the item, as well as the mental work of trying to make sense of Vox's rather disjointed explanations.
They talked while they worked. In group settings, Vox found Pen entertaining– he was dramatic and bombastic and could hold Vox's attention fairly easily as a result. Despite the circumstances of the situation, Pentious couldn't help but receive a bit of an ego boost from such a formerly powerful overlord treating him like he was someone worth paying attention to. But when they were alone– working to repair whatever new household appliance Vox had fried that day– was when Pen found himself actually getting attached to Vox. He could see glimpses of the intelligent, diligent, ambitious man trapped beneath all the noise. Vox still had actual, meaningful things to say, they just tended to go unnoticed in the rush of constant speech. Vox would occasionally become incredibly frustrated, feeling as though no one around him took him seriously or wanted to listen to his input on things. Pentious could relate to that.
Pen would listen though. He'd adjust the dial and try to tune into what Vox was actually trying to communicate. This wasn’t some stupid Egg Boi, after all; it was one of the most influential people in the whole Pride Ring, even if that part of his life was clearly, permanently over. Pentious was surprised at how patient he was capable of being and how much of a difference it made. Other than Niffty, most of the hotel residents had learned to sort of tune out most of Vox's chatter (either intentionally or unintentionally) and only tune back in when he said or did something that was obviously important or completely un-ignorable. It was so gratifying for Vox to finally have someone who was paying full attention to everything he was saying, as well as making a concerted effort to understand which parts were an attempt at a point and which parts were just absentminded rambling.
Once Vox and Pen felt as though they (mostly) understood each other, they were able to make progress. Vox started getting a better hold on his electricity and Pentious learned which strategies for keeping Vox on-task worked best. Instead of constantly fixing stuff, they started building things together. It was surprising for Pen to realize that he no longer only cared about Vox as a former overlord, but as a friend. They had fun together, both with and without the other hotel residents.
On some level, Pentious knew that if Vox weren't in the mental state that he was, he never would've given Pen a second glance. That thought made him uncomfortable; he couldn't help but feel like he was taking advantage in some way. But on the other hand, Pentious recognized that he was helping Vox (and Niffty too, eventually). Where did that leave him, morally? He mostly tried to tune those thoughts out though and just enjoy the present moment. It became very easy for him to forget why he was at the hotel in the first place, especially as he grew closer with the other residents too.
Eventually, approximately four months into his stay, Pentious was on a call with the Vees, reporting back about whatever was going on that week. Val casually mentioned how he and Velvette were going to kill everyone in the hotel once they got Vox back; they all needed to be punished for their complicity in this situation, not just Alastor. Pentious was shocked, especially when Velvette confirmed that, yes, that had been the plan all along, obviously. Pen had grown deeply attached to his life at the hotel and his new village of friends; he couldn't let them all die for something that wasn't even their fault. It was a hard choice, but as soon as he got off the call, he went straight to Charlie and came clean about how he'd been sent by the Vees to spy on the hotel and get Vox back. He didn't tell her the truth about Vox's situation though. Pen was desperate to preserve what he had at the hotel and he knew that if he revealed why the Vees wanted Vox back, everything would come crashing down (and that Alastor would probably kill him in retaliation almost instantly). Charlie forgave Pen, of course, and he was free to continue with the life and friendships he'd come to treasure at the hotel. Pentious wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do, morally. But he did it anyway.
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tatsumi-rin · 7 months
Moral Orel doesn't seem 100% like a show I'd feel seen in if you don't know me but then I remember the episode with the special ed kids and underneath the usual satire on extremist bible belt religion it reminds me WAY too much of how actual special ed departments treated me and other kids growing up.
Like the writers must HAVE BEEN THERE IN LIFE, man. I'd kill to sit down with Dino Stamatopoulos and find out what the fuck inspired him and the other writing staff that day.
#husbandothings#moral orel#bonus fun tag rant? bonus fun tag rant...apparently#in those departments you are immediately written off as a tragic forever toddler by at least 50% of the staff regardless of your disability#there's good ones but the bad ones bring the fun spicy trauma#it doesn't matter how smart you actually are you gotta draw the sad face on that boy on the comic sans worksheet at the age of 15#in your free lesson spaces that you got because of reasons#if someone tells me they're a teaching assistant or have “qualifications” in autism and special needs development i immediately distrust#because I have never met a neurotypical person with those qualifications who knows how to treat kids like humans especially autistic kids#funniest part? I was mostly in the special ed department because of my hearing and not totally my undiagnosed autism#and a little because of wonky emotional development from get this...a freaking religious school#like i see adults in the show and i see the headteacher who tried to tell my parents i should forgive the bullies because jesus would#even though the truth is way more nuanced but he just wanted to wash his hands of it#it's funnier than it should be because that teacher would fit right in to this show for that and additional reasons I won't state here#my family were atheists but thought the school would be good#the weird thing is at that time as a little kid I liked the idea of believing in god but nothing that happened proved Him to me#and moral orel hits because it resonates with the fact i genuinely believe religion can do good and it's all about the people#the ones who want to use that faith for good in the world and surviving rough crap and not to do things that would make jesus flip tables#that has stuck with me for over a decade as has the people who felt the show reinforced their christianity#but anyway
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randomnameless · 2 months
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Whenever you have a Supreme Leader line, always double check to see if it isn't one of Pat's specialities!
So, Pat!Supreme Leader wants to force (uh) the people of Fodlan to open their eyes to the truth contained in her manifesto (CoS BaD, Kingdom and Alliance nobles BaD), and those people, after having their eyes opened, will abandon the idea of wanting to resist against Adrestia invading their homes and conquering their lands.
FE16's Supreme Leader wants to use her manifesto to cause "disquiet" in the lands to be conquered : this disquiet will influence people to not rebel when Adrestia will knock at their doors.
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