#gotta keep this one for later
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The FNAF Mikes talk about their extended family..
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
looks like I can draw again!!
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Sebastian called him "orphan" for the rest of the week.
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spacedace · 2 years
Okay but the Justice League finds out their new baby hero teammate Phantom is the Ghost King by virtue of the Fright Night showing up while they're in the middle of a meeting, looking terrifying and such and scaring the shit out of everyone- even more so when Constantine starts freaking out over the fact that the sworn night of the King of the Infinite Realms is in the Watchtower what the fuck that's apocalyptically bad Pariah Dark is supposed to be locked the fuck up forever - but instead of trying to smite them all or yeet them into the nightmare dimension he just pulls out a space themed packed lunch??? And gives it to Phantom??
And the mildly eldritch giant murder ghost is talking about how "The Queen Mother commanded me to ensure you ate my Lord, she says you missed your morning meal."
And Phantom is just grumbling about over protective sisters and "there's a cafeteria i would have been fine" what the fuck is happening right now?
What do you mean "oops you forgot" Phantom I thought the ghost thing was just a theme!
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🤔 Admittedly I was a little disappointed by the reveal (but certainly not surprised the foreshadowing was heavy in this episode lol), but not actually against how Beth (and Will) seem to be playing with it thus far- which is to say that I do think it has a lot of potential, and I suspect there's more to what we're seeing).
;) Big ol' ramble below
Mostly the theory has turned me off until now (at least insofar as I've witnessed it transpire in the fandom at large) because it struck me as so painfully ironic to see Trudy, a 1950s housewife, struggle to exist under the system that she's in, fail to fit the mold assigned to her, and be denied her personhood very literally for it (this being ironic insofar as how it mimics how she would have been treated back then). This and because frankly I just think she's a lot less interesting if she's fully a robot LOL, but I'll hopefully get to that in a bit.
Not that the hints at her mechanical nature and the relevance of Tucker's background were lost on me; I can appreciate why those would contribute to a plausible, fun and I think still mostly harmless theory (now fact). However, minus one or two specific posts I've seen on the matter (namely a recent one suggesting that if Trudy is a robot Beth is probably taking inspiration from The Stepford Wives, :( sorry person who made that post I couldn't find it I wanted to credit yoouuu), I've seen the theory just about exclusively presented in a manner that, rather than explore the metaphorical and political significance of Trudy being partially or fully mechanical, at best disregards the parts of her narrative that are at their core about sexism (among other related things), and at worst negates them entirely (i.e. Trudy only thinking and acting how she does because she's a robot malfunctioning and not because the world itself is causing harm and she rightfully wants something more than the role she was forced into, Trudy not even having any real thoughts and feelings of her own, etc.). I just think it kind of sucks to shove all those important things about her aside and say "actually, there's no person suffering here, she's just a robot" and perhaps worse yet to imply that she does have thoughts and feelings but because they result in Weird™ behavior it must be a problem with her code and not at all relate to what women were subjugated to during this point in American history.
CONVERSELY I don't think Trudy being a robot (or at least partially one) at least from what Beth and Will have presented us thus far, inherently suffers from any of these issues? First and foremost because Trudy definitely appears to possess sentience, thoughts, and emotions of her own, matters which immediately complicate her degree of personhood and don't inherently box her behavior in as a bug in her programming rather than an issue with the world she's been put in, quite the opposite in fact! I think they have a very solid groundwork laid out here to make a strong statement with Trudy's narrative (and perhaps ask the question of what is really malfunctioning here), all the more so since [I pull out a Rebecca Swallows-style conspiracy board] I don't think she's entirely robotic in nature? Actually you should just read Mack's tags in this post cause he has great thoughts on the matter (of which those are just some of them), but if I can direct your attention to one thing in particular, it would be Beth's fact (I *believe* from episode 2) about Trudy never graduating high school because of her essay where she suggested that "perhaps women could one day domesticate themselves", a statement that could of course be interpreted a number of ways but ultimately threatened the patriarchal status quo enough (in suggesting women's independence) to cost Trudy her diploma. Taken on its own this fact appears to contradict the theory that Trudy has always been robotic in nature, because it doesn't really make sense that Trudy would have been set up to go through high school (or school at all really) when Tucker's intention was/is for her to be the perfect housewife. You may then suggest that Trudy's memories of this are fabricated and not actually her lived experiences, in which case firstly perhaps you should reread my earlier point on the robot theory being used to actively negate and otherwise disregard the portions of Trudy's narrative that pertain to sexism and feminism, and secondly it really doesn't make any sense to me that Tucker would implant those kind of memories into Trudy's brain? To be completely honest if she's been a robot from the very beginning (rather than someone who became a cyborg, which is what I'm trying to suggest here), then I don't see why Tucker would program her with actual sentience in the first place (suspending my disbelief here with regards to the possibility of programming sentience to begin with). It seems much more likely to me then that Trudy was not always a robot, and instead altered by Tucker to force her into a role of subordination and remedy her """imperfections""". This option is significantly more interesting to me one, because it implies that Trudy has actually lived a life up until the present, full of its own complexities and strife (and dreams, and real actual memories worth exploring, etc.), and hence is not by any means "just a robot", and second because it amplifies the hypothetical statement being made on the lives of the real living women of the era and how they were treated and seen as being "in need of fixing" for not conforming to gender roles or otherwise acting "out of line" with what was expected of them.
OKAY THIS GOT OUT OF HAND SO I'M CUTTING MYSELF OFF HERE but I wanted to my share my current thoughts what with this ending and where I'm at so hopefully that was at least interesting to whoever has chosen to read through this one okay thank you byyyyyyyyye~
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dobythealpaca · 4 months
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hi gang *team fortresses your two*
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windydrawallday · 11 days
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⬆️ The MAIN REASON why I watched the show ⬆️
And I personally feel like something similar happened here to what happened with TFA and TFP Ratchet? Ya know the quote "This version walked so this other version could run"? Because I respect and enjoy TFA Swindle a lot but this one forged enough charm and even surpassed it in his own way? Idk Idk pretty pretty con man bot and super entertaining to watch! Luv him to bits 💜
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
When Eddie and Steve first became parents, Robin made them a silent promise.
She swore to herself that she was going to give their children the most annoying gifts she could possibly find.
(To preserve the sanctity of their friendship, of course).
In 2006, when Moe and Robbie are five and three, Robin catches wind of the girls’ struggle to learn the appropriate places to put stickers. She found this out when Steve lamented to her for fifteen entire minutes about how difficult it is to get stickers off of clothing and walls and windows and light switches (everything, pretty much).
So it is with great delight that Robin adds two colossal books of novelty stickers to the collection of gifts she and Nancy were pulling together. She also gives them each a paint set and fabric markers.
Moe and Robbie were pumped, naturally. Steve and Eddie were not.
Robin: What? I just want to support their artistic endeavors!
Robin happens to think she went easy on them. She’d also seen a kids’ megaphone that she graciously vetoed (Hazel is still a newborn and still not sleeping through the night yet – she wants to bug them, not drive them off the ledge into total insanity).
The next year, she doesn’t hold back – not only does she give them the megaphone, but she also finds a slide whistle and a plastic recorder and a bucket of mega bouncy balls.
Over the years the girls get from their Aunt Robin – slime, kinetic sand, a karaoke machine that was only programmed with Disney Channel Original Musical soundtracks, prank kits, a cowbell, craft glitter, a rock tumbler, an ant farm. One year she gave all three of them Furbies.
This crusade is easy when the girls are little, because kids' toys are notably annoying as a baseline, but she has a harder time when the girls hit their teen years. Robin, however, is nothing if not committed to the bit, so she always manages to figure something out.
Robin: Do you think it’d be taking it too far to buy Moe that phone she’s been harassing them about.
Nancy: Uh, yeah.
Robin: What about the gerbil for Hazel?
Nancy: *thinking*
Nancy: That one’s fine.
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its-your-mind · 1 year
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madeofstardust17 · 2 months
Just watched Bullet Train and now I wanna write a hitman/bodyguard!AU where Jason and Dick are hitmen that have been hired by Tim's father (mafia boss) to capture and return Tim home. Tim is not happy about it.
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vaggieslefteye · 21 days
Wow, those screenshots are nice! Would you be willing to do other Hell locations, too? Anything similar to these hotel ones, buildings, landscapes? Can't think of anything specific, but there are probably tons of others that would make for a cool desktop background.
Here you go :) I also did a gifset kinda like this a little while ago too :D
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optiwashere · 27 days
The Awwgust Asheera/Shadowheart prompts are now finished! It's been a fun month, and I hope everyone that enjoyed these ficlets had a lovely time. I tried to stay on topic of fluff for the whole month, but things happen.
Either way, I'm really happy with how these all turned out! I always enjoy doing these month-long challenge ficlets.
Rating: M for a few suggestive ficlets, but nothing more
Category: F/F
Ship: Shadowheart/Trans Fem Tav
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Sir Pentious has... complicated feelings about his relationship with Vox. He used to idolize him– Pen tended to idolize all overlords, but Vox in particular was one of his favorites due to the tech empire he built for himself and how he seemed amenable to partnerships. Hearing he'd died was... disappointing, but this is Hell after all and maybe Vox being gone would leave an opening for him to finally begin his career as an overlord (it did not).
When he got the call from the Vees, recruiting him for a secret mission to rescue Vox from the Radio Demon himself, Pen was astounded. Vox was alive? And he'd seen him at the hotel but had either not recognized him or been too focused on Alastor to register his presence? The Vees gave him a vague idea of the state Vox was in, but he was shocked once he finally met him (literally: Vox zapped Pentious by mistake while shaking his hand). He didn't know Vox any more than any of his former customers would, but it was still jarring to see a man who'd always presented to the public as so powerful and in control act in such a high-strung, disorganized way.
Pentious managed to keep his cool around Vox and not instantly give the game away. It was weird, living at the hotel, slowly figuring out the finer details of the situation that the Vees had left out. Pen found himself surprisingly grateful that Alastor never took him even remotely seriously as a rival if this is what he does to people who do get his attention. Vox now followed Alastor around like a lost puppy and just could not stop breaking things. Pentious found himself being called upon to attempt to fix technology outside of his area of expertise more and more frequently. Vox was always frantic to fix his mistakes (when he could remember that he made them), so the two of them worked together; Vox explained how the technology functioned and Pen did the physical work of repairing the item, as well as the mental work of trying to make sense of Vox's rather disjointed explanations.
They talked while they worked. In group settings, Vox found Pen entertaining– he was dramatic and bombastic and could hold Vox's attention fairly easily as a result. Despite the circumstances of the situation, Pentious couldn't help but receive a bit of an ego boost from such a formerly powerful overlord treating him like he was someone worth paying attention to. But when they were alone– working to repair whatever new household appliance Vox had fried that day– was when Pen found himself actually getting attached to Vox. He could see glimpses of the intelligent, diligent, ambitious man trapped beneath all the noise. Vox still had actual, meaningful things to say, they just tended to go unnoticed in the rush of constant speech. Vox would occasionally become incredibly frustrated, feeling as though no one around him took him seriously or wanted to listen to his input on things. Pentious could relate to that.
Pen would listen though. He'd adjust the dial and try to tune into what Vox was actually trying to communicate. This wasn’t some stupid Egg Boi, after all; it was one of the most influential people in the whole Pride Ring, even if that part of his life was clearly, permanently over. Pentious was surprised at how patient he was capable of being and how much of a difference it made. Other than Niffty, most of the hotel residents had learned to sort of tune out most of Vox's chatter (either intentionally or unintentionally) and only tune back in when he said or did something that was obviously important or completely un-ignorable. It was so gratifying for Vox to finally have someone who was paying full attention to everything he was saying, as well as making a concerted effort to understand which parts were an attempt at a point and which parts were just absentminded rambling.
Once Vox and Pen felt as though they (mostly) understood each other, they were able to make progress. Vox started getting a better hold on his electricity and Pentious learned which strategies for keeping Vox on-task worked best. Instead of constantly fixing stuff, they started building things together. It was surprising for Pen to realize that he no longer only cared about Vox as a former overlord, but as a friend. They had fun together, both with and without the other hotel residents.
On some level, Pentious knew that if Vox weren't in the mental state that he was, he never would've given Pen a second glance. That thought made him uncomfortable; he couldn't help but feel like he was taking advantage in some way. But on the other hand, Pentious recognized that he was helping Vox (and Niffty too, eventually). Where did that leave him, morally? He mostly tried to tune those thoughts out though and just enjoy the present moment. It became very easy for him to forget why he was at the hotel in the first place, especially as he grew closer with the other residents too.
Eventually, approximately four months into his stay, Pentious was on a call with the Vees, reporting back about whatever was going on that week. Val casually mentioned how he and Velvette were going to kill everyone in the hotel once they got Vox back; they all needed to be punished for their complicity in this situation, not just Alastor. Pentious was shocked, especially when Velvette confirmed that, yes, that had been the plan all along, obviously. Pen had grown deeply attached to his life at the hotel and his new village of friends; he couldn't let them all die for something that wasn't even their fault. It was a hard choice, but as soon as he got off the call, he went straight to Charlie and came clean about how he'd been sent by the Vees to spy on the hotel and get Vox back. He didn't tell her the truth about Vox's situation though. Pen was desperate to preserve what he had at the hotel and he knew that if he revealed why the Vees wanted Vox back, everything would come crashing down (and that Alastor would probably kill him in retaliation almost instantly). Charlie forgave Pen, of course, and he was free to continue with the life and friendships he'd come to treasure at the hotel. Pentious wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do, morally. But he did it anyway.
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somestorythoughts · 8 months
Eldritch Clone Troopers but Not All of Them
Like the Kaminoans didn't start whatever weird thing they did that resulted in Eldritch troopers (what were they trying to do? I don't know. The troopers don't know. That Kaminoans know and this was NOT it) until after they've got a few batches underway and it never really affects the oldest troopers.
So you've got the CT's who are all eldritch horrors masking as Jango Fett, the CC's may be normal or may also be eldritch, and the Alpha class troopers who are normal. (I have not read the comics, this is my understanding of the trooper age order from fics and those sound like the canon timeline may be odd so. Basically the older troopers are not eldritch and the many many younger ones are.)
This does absolutely nothing to change the fact that the Alpha class troopers and possibly the CC's have all decided that these scary feral CTs are their baby brothers. Absolutely nothing. It also does nothing to change the fact that all the eldritch troopers see them as their gruff older brothers who make them do extra laps when they mouth off to them and sneak them candy when they mouth off to the trainers, who make sure they're meeting all the requirements and teach them their own tricks for hiding inefficiencies, who'll scold them ten ways from sunday for messy armor but also help them through panic attacks.
Picture if you will Alpha-Seventeen lecturing Rex for something insane that somehow worked and then sending him off to do 10 laps around the hanger or something and Obi-Wan's staring because he just saw this short scowly guy who looks like Jango Fett lecture this 6-ft blond with three rows of teeth and a shadow as blue as his armor and then Seventeen turns to him and is like "What? He's a little shit."
I find this very funny.
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sigurdjarlson · 2 months
I always found that sweet how a lot of the time in TLG Med would jump to reassure Khadgar or even apologize after snapping at him
And yet in some ways the cruelest thing Medivh said to Khadgar in my opinion was correcting him when he called Karazhan “Our Tower.” And reminding him he was there at his whim and he could send him away at any time.
And he never did apologize for that one and honestly I don’t really blame Med for that per se? It is his tower and Khadgar can’t tell him who is allowed there. What I mean is going by JUST the power dynamic they have as mentor-apprentice, Khadgar is absolutely out of line there
In some ways could have come off quite spoiled and entitled but the thing is I don’t think that was the case at all.
He’s become so comfortable in Karazhan he’d started thinking of it as his home. Then Medivh has in one conversation reminded him it very much was not his home and he could send him away at anytime if he so wished it
He’d finally found someone who cared about him, respected him and treated him as a person. He found a place where he felt he belonged for once in his life and…
No wonder he was so jealous of Garona for a while after that. He’d been reminded that all of it could be taken from him at any moment and here was someone stealing his Master’s attention.
Just thinking about how that jealousy so obviously comes with feeling like he’s not enough and insecurity about his place in Med’s life.
Just very interesting how I think it could very well have went over Med’s head as not that big of a deal too? One of those things he’d be like huh oh yeah I said that? Meanwhile Khadgar is spiraling about it
He could of also been absolutely aware of how harsh it was because Medivh does lash out like that on occasion (especially towards the end of the book as Sargeras gets harder and harder to fight) he can be a little shit we know this
(Don’t really blame him for that given being possessed by the demon lord Sargeras is probably just a teensy bit tiring /s)
Also seen valid and honestly very possibly canon interpretations where he’s also trying to push Khadgar away cuz he knows what’s coming and what Khadgar is going to have to do.
The more attached to him he is the more difficult it will be for Khadgar to do what needs to be done.
What better way to push someone away then hit them right where it hurts?
And yet even then I think those words hurt Khadgar deeper than he’ll ever know :(
#wow blogging#angst angst baby#something something power dynamics and Med inadvertently enforcing it there when he also ironically often tries to make their relationship#there’s some interesting scenes where Med does reinforce it because well they ARE mentor and apprentice#but also how he also seems to want it to be more than a formal/professional relationship and tries to encourage that#I think that’s one of the reasons he corrects Khadgar for calling him Master or sir or whatever#less formal and more equal#jokes about Khadgar totally having a kink aside#(I could talk forever about how I think Khadgar calling him Master is actually really sweet and I think it comes from a different place#than Med thinks it does)#how the title is actually very meaningful to Khadgar I think#and in some ways it shows the same level of affection that Medivh calling him Young Trust does#I don’t think Med realizes that though and he’s just like hey chill you don’t gotta call me that#and Khadgar just instinctually keeps doing it (even DECADES later it Outland he refers to him as his Master)#there’s something to be said I suppose for how it could be pure habit from growing up in the environment he did#but I like to think it’s..deeper then that#(he also does totally have a kink for it but that’s besides the point here)#(don’t get me started on how most of my headcanon kinks for him to stem from his issues with self worth and fear of abandonment)#love playing with power dynamics okay#they are so interesting#how do you balance it all#lines slowly blurring in the mentor apprentice relationship as it becomes more than that#because they do very much care for another obviously#no matter how you interpret their relationship#absolutely rife with angst potential honestly#….#no i shan’t say#raventrust
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tapakah0 · 1 year
Tapa, may I ask how long this animatic would be when finished?
3:55~ If I don't add extra for something
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