#goth sagittarius but a sagittarius for sure
el-yon · 2 years
“Oh it’s Ulquiorra’s birthday... huh, he’s a Sagittarius? Geez that’s not accur- wait” *flips my ancient astro-notes* So, Sagitarius are ruled by Jupiter - you know, Zeus, the Ruler of Gods, the guy also known for throwing some powerful Lanza del Relanpagos of his own. Now, Jupiter is considered to be the planet of growth, expansion, broader purposes, searches, and belief.  As such, Sagittarius are often associated with philosophers and adventurers - the Archer’s arrow pointing forward represents this reaching out to “what is out there”. Lots of people automatically associate this with travellers, extroverts, risk takers and more dynamic personalities - like, let’s say, Isshin, the other significant Sagittarius representative in Bleach-verse. But Ulquiorra is the definition of seeking, growth and expansion: the entire search for meaning, his fixation with Orihime and Ichigo, achieving Segunda Etapa. It’s just... a dark-mirror version of the Great Benefic that Jupiter ought to be. 
And this when my brain makes some brr-noises and segways to Ichigo and his Hollow (and a tad of politics because I can’t help myself): The Archer symbol is a reference to the Centaur -- whose name could be read as Kentauros, meaning, piercing bull. But the best thing here is that the Centaur is brought up for Maquiavelli’s the Prince (chapter 18: on How a Prince Should keep Faith/his Words) in which he emphasizes how rulers ought to perform both reason and violence - a Prince needs to be both men and beast to be able to exercise power. King and his Horse? King and his Horse.  And the coolest thing is that through Ulquiorra, Ichigo lets violence rule over during Lust Arc. It is through Isshin - our other Sagittarius - that Ichigo is able to get more knowledge of himself to exercise his full power, all his inner energies - be both men and beast, reason and violence, under his lead, his ruling.  Ulquiorra was such a fundamental piece of Bleach I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate Kubo for his character, Lust Arc, Ichigo & Orihime x Hollowfication x Humanity, and Ichigo’s development. 
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heartlilith · 10 months
Drunk Confessional (Personal Astrology Observations)
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements while sipping on some dranks ;)))
🍻My Sun, Venus, and Mars are in my 8th house using Whole Sign System and using Placidus I have Moon and Venus in the 8th house. Any other 8th housers especially attracted to what others deem creepy/weird/dangerous? Whether it's people, topics of conversation, music taste, or superstitions. When I talk to my boyfriend about what happens after we die, he WON'T hear it. I got an Ouija board for Christmas one year and he wouldn't summon demons with me :( he's so scared lmfaooo. Also, my boyfriend has been to jail, has face tattoos, and is the embodiment of controversial. Any other 8th housers relate? No? Okay.
🍻Going off of ^^^. I met this girl one time at a ... facility ... and she went by the name Lilith; she's instagram famous, goth, loves witch shit, she's a satanist and basically she was everything that people side eyed. When I tell you I LOVED THIS GIRL. I wish we kept in contact, I swear I had heart eyes and I'm straight af. She was so intriguing and we became such good friends... I miss her. She was an Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising. The coolest chick.
🍻I have 12th Pluto and Chiron (whole sign) and in the 11th house (Placidus) and I ghost everyone. Most times it's unintentional. Due to some issues at home, I up and left my hometown in the middle of the night to live with my boyfriend a couple states away and the next day my friends were like "Wtf? Where are you?".
🍻Guys I am the queen of running away when things get hard. Even when I was young. I'm not really sure what would indicate this? Maybe Uranus/Neptune in the 1st? 12th house Sagittarius? No clue. I'm a master escapist physcially, mentally, substance-ly ;).
🍻I have never had a "dream job" (Sun and Neptune square MC). All I know is I will be rich. I know it in my heart. I fucking better be.
🍻Actually ^ not true I wanted to be an Astronaut when I was like 5. URANUS IN THE 1ST... I am one with the aliens. This works for Aquarius rising, Uranus/Aquarius Dominant.
🍻Capricorn Rising/Saturn in the 5th house here and for all of you that claim prominent Capricorn placements are boring... let me tell you something... we are busy getting rich so fuck you
🍻I think prominent Earth placements (esp Cap), it's not the materialism that comes with being rich that we want... its the security. Like if life goes wrong in anyway, at least we have the resources to somehow make it better. It's a security blanket. I'd rather be crying in a mansion than crying in a shack. ALSO, most of us know what it's like to grow up poor or below the middle class line.
🍻So my placements - Lilith in the 1st house especially. I'm always reading posts about being sexually wanted or some version of that. Let me tell you I wear sweatpants and sweatshirts most of the time. That profile pic over there? Yeah I don't look like that most days. I feel like since this placement gets sexualized a lot and gets exposed sexually at a young age ... it results in this. Male attention? I used to need that, now I hate men (at least most of them). Scorpio MC and Lilith in Capricorn too.
🍻Scorpio MC - yes I want to be feared. I want to hold power over people that makes them think twice about fucking with me. But not feared in a way that they think I'm mean or rude... feared as in powerful, like a boss type of way. In reality, I run from confrontation and am too scared to stick up for myself but WE ARE WORKING ON IT. Check back in 10 years. I feel like Sun/Lilith in the 10th house, prominent Capricorn placements, prominent Scorpio placements, Aries placements, and Leo placements feel this too.
🍻I have Mars in the 7th house and in terms of romantic relationships, yes I am the problem.
🍻Aries in the 3rd house and the only person I've physcially fought is my sister. I beat the hoe.
🍻MY SISTER ... OK, HOLD ON NOW. SIT DOWN FOR THIS ONE. Let me know WHY this girl is a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Aries Mercury, Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars... (I think her rising is Virgo but not confirmed) ... she goes into work one day, 2 hours late cause she overslept and when her boss confronted her she said "I don't believe in the concept of time" WTF. This is the only thing that makes me doubt astrology. Just kidding, I guess its all the Taurus but ??? Still I'm confused.
🍻Since she was Earth dominant ^, she never had to study for tests in school. She had an almost perfect average and never studied. Meanwhile my ADHD ass (Moon square Jupiter, Sun/Mars (3rd house ruler) opposition Neptune, Neptune in the 1st, Sun opposition Uranus) struggled with a 2.8 in high school.
🍻My mom is a Taurus Sun Libra Moon and my dad is a Scorpio Sun Sagittarius Moon. They aren't together anymore, but when I tell you they're children in old people bodies... me and my parents are more like friends if anything. I was never grounded, never in trouble for what other people my age were in trouble for, and my friends liked them more than me I swear.
🍻Having a lot of Leo in the chart mixed with a healthy scoop of Cancer may make someone kind of dramatic... but it's how I really feel guys ok? Yes, the fact that I have to wake up tomorrow at 8am is sending me rn. Off a ledge. Into a river. Never to return. I would rather eat dirt.
🍻12th house profection year and I never want to go to bed. I never want the day to end. Sleep is a bummer right now. Even when I do sleep I wake up like 100 times. Mostly cause my cat needs pets and who am I to deny him?
🍻ANYONE WITH AN EARTH MOON, ESPECIALLY VIRGO LIKE ME OR 6TH HOUSE. Get a pet. Get one. They rely on you and need you and love you to death. Someone/something NEEDING an Earth/Virgo Moon?! A dream. I love to be needed. I have a dog (1 year) and two kitties (7 months)... they are my literal children that I birthed.
🍻My boyfriend is a Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Mercury & Venus, and Libra Mars... I would pay money to see the female version of him. He's such a brat. BUT he is so fun to be around and is my best friend. His moon is in my 1st house, Sun in my 7th, Venus in my 8th and Mars in my 9th.
🍻Speaking of Aquarius Moon... I've met people with this moon sign and all of them have a detached sense of family in some way or another. Whether they don't have a close relationship with them or they're super independent. My boyfriend was adopted!
That's all for tonight folks xoxo
If I offended you in anyway, no I didn't.
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seresinhangmanjake · 7 months
jake seresin x goth girl!reader
i know i said i'd wait until the end of The One I Want, but i felt like working on goth girl a little last night and enough people seemed interested when i posted the moodboard a few weeks ago, so i thought i would post a snippet of when Jake first sees goth girl. I'm thinking of doing both POVs for the parts. Keep in mind this is a draft, not the final thing.
Also, please take a look at the poll under the snippet to help me decide on the banner for the fics. Thank you :)
Part 16 of The One I Want will be posted tonight.
“Holy shit.”
Bradley finishes his swig of beer before following his teammate's locked stare. Chuckling as he shakes his head, he says, “Don’t even bother.”
Jake’s eyes don’t waver from the woman who has snatched his attention quicker than a snap of the fingers. “Why not? She–”
“Deserves to be spared from your bullshit,” Bradley interrupts. “You pull a lot of shit on a lot of women; do you really think it’s a good idea to fuck with one that looks like she’ll cast some sort of spell on you?”
The blond’s head turns and tilts to keep his view of the woman covered in black from head to toe as she moves through the crowd. “I’m not so sure she hasn’t already.”
“Jesus,” Bradley mutters, putting the bottle to his lips again. He rolls his eyes at Jake’s lack of blinking while watching her take a seat at the bar. “Goth princess over there is not going to want anything to do with you. You look like a shiny, private school douchebag. You are a shiny, private school douchebag.”
“What do you think the chances are she’s into that?”
“Zero. Did you not just hear me?”
Finally, green eyes meet brown. “You know, you could take a lesson from Bob and be a little more supportive.”
Bradley snickers. “I give it five minutes and you’ll be limping back over here with your tail between your legs.”
Jake pats the brunet on the shoulder. “Thanks, buddy.”
“Any time.”
banner poll:
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tags (my perm list and those who either asked or commented on the last goth girl post. If not on my perm list or if you didn't ask to be tagged I won't automatically tag you on the fics when posted unless you ask so i am not tagging on stuff you don't want to see): @briseisgone @jessicab1991 @morningstar09 @katiedid-3 @inky-sun @buckysteveloki-me @hookslove1592 @teacupsandtopgun @wretchedmo @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw
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risu442 · 10 months
Thank you @scattered-stardust to tag me me! <3 It was nice to read about u!
Nickname: Timi, Risu
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: around 5`67/173 cm
Last thing I googled: Fekete bika pata (Hungarian tongue twister )
Amount of sleep: 9 is my ideal, 7 is the most common, sometimes 3-5
Dream job: Playwright, lector
Movie/book that describes you the most: Movie - The Crow, Book - J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) - Innocent in Death, or Carla Read - Unravel
Favourite song: Oh God, too much... the GazettE - Tomorrow never dies will be my simple answer without giving a whole list 😂
Favorite instrument: guitar. I know it sounds cliche but nothing compared to the sound of it. It can be the most relaxing and most disturbing sound - the player has to choose!
Favourite aesthetic: Idk. Maybe lazy, black, bandshirts? Also, I love the vamp aesthetic and every goth style.
Favourite author: Stephen King, Nora Roberts, and after the Untamed books I am sure my new fav will be Xiang Tong Xiu!
Random fun fact: I have had grey hair since I was 12yo. I dye it red, but I hope in the next 2 years finally the whole will become grey/white and then I'll let it grow like that. (Hopefully. I love my red hair too much to give up just now.)
I tag: @salamander89 , @angels-holocaust , @mortimerlatrice , @alwaysandforeverlost , @arewedoneyet , @wherelanguage-ends , @sherlockholmeson , @ner-vod , @fuckyeah-itme , @shou-jpeg @vegasandhishedgehog <3 Sorry if u already did it! <3
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
My name is Joey, im a Aquarius and my other zodiacs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, my MBTI is ENTP, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im adhdtistic, i have brown shoulder length hair(which will be cut off soon to more boyish hair), i wear glasses and im pretty much in between skinny but a little bit chubby, also lastly I wear a shit load of styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku manba and kogal), scenemo/emo, and lastly vkei, ouji and lolita.
this is what I look like ^^
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My personality is ENTP but usually I’m a little non-talkative and awkward at first when I meet a new person so it may take me some time to adjust to them before I can be myself, i usually love to ramble my interests to other people and I also enjoy when they talk to me too, im also not afraid to get snarky when someone bothers me to much, im also pretty protective of people and my own interests LMAOO always that’s all I got for his section👍
My hobbies/interests(warning: fun shit ahead⚠️): anime/manga, fashion, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), gaming, cooking, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), i also like doing gym, listening to music/making music, musicals, hanging out with my friends, going shopping, cosplaying, social media and more so on
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like “you remind me of ____” ,also spiders.. I scream whenever I see one, fish, sleeping in uncomfortable places
Thanks again!
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Matchup For Joey!
This is my second matchup so bare with me if things are wrong. For the most part, I hope you enjoy!
Hacker:Akudama Drive
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The two of you met within a group mission, both being crucial parts that needed to work together, but Hacker wasn't for the idea of working along with someone else and worked on his own things in quiet. When the mission began going south, he started to realize that he was going to need to work together even if it was out of his comfort zone.
After a few hours, Hacker began to realize that you were pretty good at what you're doing and that your work was actually useful. Shocking to most, he chooses to stay connected after the mission just in case he needs help with something. But, secretly he wants to hang out more and he thinks that you're cute… you didn't hear that from me though.
Once a year passes by, Hacker finally gets the courage to ask you out on a date, now knowing a lot about you. His preferred date night is inside, maybe watching a movie or playing a new game together. Of course if you're interested in going out somewhere, he would find some way into getting a reservation (likely hacking into the resturants database and adding a reservation in) for an expensive dinner and then taking you out to see the stars.
Hacker's not into PDA, maybe if the two of you are dating for a while he'll start feeling more comfortable but for the most part he's keeping to himself.
I feel like both of your styles would go good together, especially some of the goth ones. Hacker wouldn't be into matching outfits, but he would try and wear something similar whether it be the color or the pattern. The two of you would share music back and forth with each other, possibly even have a shared playlist for all of your guys' music. He would play music and dance around the room when he got finished with a super hard code or mission, almost like a victory dance,
Hacker would act like he didn't care about your interests and the things you ramble about, but deep down he's making sure to hear every word and remember it
An average day between the two of you is hanging out in a dark room and working on things you both enjoy, Hacker would be working on some sort of code and would ask for some advice on how to make it better.
After some time being together, I feel like Hacker would open up about his thoughts about something else being out there and how he dreams of reaching it. From that point forward, he starts opening up more to you about his insecurities and the fear of nothing actually being out there.
Kouichi Shindou: HoriMiya
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You met Kouichi from your mutual friend, Miyamura, who introduced the two of you in junior high school. You weren't sure how to feel about him, but that all changed when you got to see the side of him around Miyamura, sticking up for him and helping him become a better person. Some time had gone by and the two of you were now in high school, except the two of you didn't go to the same high school. He went to another school nearby in order to get his life set together, which you're happy about until the news of him repeating his second year went around. You made sure to never let him live it down.
Valentines had rolled around and Miyamura and you were on your way home when the sounds of girls squealing were heard nearby. Across from them, the ginger haired boy tried to leave the big crowds of girls who waited for him to accept their gifts.
Watching the interaction between the two, a new feeling bursted within as you stomped over through the crowd of people. Grabbing Kouichi's arm, you drag him away from the crowd bringing him to your dorm not sure what to do next. Talking, he begins to question why you brought him to your house and away from those people, in which you let split that you felt jealous and didn't want him to receive valentines from other people
Once the secret was revealed, the two of you agreed to go out with each other and soon enough a relationship was born.
Date nights with Kouichi are outside in calming areas where he can feel free to be himself without the screaming girls always behind him. He once took you to a flower field filled with all sorts of flowers, along with your favorite. The two of you then had a picnic and stared at the stars when nightfall hit embracing the comfort of each other.
Takashi Morinozuka: Ouran High School Host Club
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You accidentally ran into them when the group was going to the market and Honey-senpal had gotten lost needing help to find his friend. Lucky for him, you happened to be there to help and with a little bit of searching the two of you found his friends who were panically searching for their friends.
Enjoying your company, Honey-senpai wanted to keep in touch and invite you to one of his many tea parties with all of his sweets. Accepting the invite, that was how you met the blonde's best friend, Mori-senpai.
You weren't sure about him not knowing much about him considering that he didn't talk much and preferred to listen, but he won you over when Tamaki was in one of his moods and was throwing pillows around the host club. He got so angry that he threw one extremely hard your way, but before it could hit you Mori-Senpai caught it, saving your life.
From then on, the two of you became closer and soon enough a date is arranged between the two of you, plus honey of course. All of you went to a dessert cafe and had a blast, especially honey who ended up having a stomach ache after leading to Mori carrying him home, but that allowed the two of you to have some time alone.
Your guys' relationship was good besides the constant girls from the host club, but Mori and the host club members always made sure to stick up for you when one of them tried to tear you down.
Your relationship is usually spent with Honey and the host club, but there are some small chances when the two of you get to be alone, but it doesn't happen much. When the two of you are together, Mori-senpai listens about your day and makes sure to note everything that's said when you're rambling. He's a good listener and can memorize anything your saying. You mention something you want? He's already planning to get it. You had a bad day? He's planning to make it better.
Definitely boyfriend material and father material, I mean we have seen the way he acts around Honey.
That's it for the matchup and I hope you enjoyed Joey! Request are open! Feel free to send one in :)
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neonhairspray · 10 months
Get To Know Me!
I was tagged by the ladies @sihtricfedaraaahvicius and @gemini-mama. Thank you and let's gooo!
Nickname: Luna.
Sun sign: Cancer (with Sagittarius moon and Virgo rising)
Height: 5'7 or 170cm
Last thing I Googled: Definitely something related to knee joint,because I'm finishing slides for my class.
Amount of sleep: Not enough. In all seriousness: usually around 6h, but I know I need more (and I can feel it).
Dream job: Professional Depeche Mode fan/Eurovision expert (On a serious note: I don't really know.Not sure if I even have a dream job)
Favorite song: I could make a playlist of my top 10 or 20 favorite songs ever. So this shall be my favorite song by my favorite band: Higher Love by Depeche Mode.
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: As I'm going to mention it later, I have many layers & don't think there is one specific movie/book that sumarises me. Let's say a movie: Amelie, tv show: Dark, cartoon: Daria, book: any of Banana Yoshimoto's books (that are translated into English).
Favorite Instrument: A's hands, his long fingers in particular. Ok pretend that you did not read the first sentence. I guess it is old fashioned synths. Like the ones that were mostly used in the late 70s and through the 80s.
Aesthetic: I call it "Depends on my mood and season if the year" haha. But if we let the girl dream it is: 80s /cottagecore/goth or just so called "dark" aesthetic. What can I say? Human onion with many layers lol.
Favorite authors: Banana Yoshimoto is my number one. I also like Taylor Jenkins - Reid, Aimee Bender, Jurga Ivanauskaitė, Gillian Flynn.
Random Fun Fact:
* I can't swim.
* I went to my French exam totally unprepared (without any revision) and got 80 points out of 100. It was an A level exam, by the way. However, after graduating from high school I've been rarely using the language so I don't know about the state of my skills.
* Twice while traveling I sat by a random person & started a convo just to pass the time. Both times, after like half an hour we realized that we're Lithuanians... who were speaking with each other while thinking that we're foreigners.
Tags to my mutuals @wander7ust and @theold-ultraviolence (no pressure! only if you want to)
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lee-etc · 1 year
Answer 21 Questions, Tag 21 People
Tagged by @meiyanaalexia , thank you again for the tag 💗
1. Nickname: Why, Lee of course! I'm a simple man. (I've had other nicknames but they are too close to my real name so I am not sharing sorry asdkjalkdj)
2. Zodiac: Sagittarius ♐
3. Height: 168 i think???
4. Jock, nerd, goth, prep: definitely a nerd, ough
5. Last thing I googled: "jack black super crush beer cherry" it's tasty and i couldn't remember the exact name
6. Favorite musicians: TATSURO YAMASHITA,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yves Tumor, Her's, boygenius, ONE OK ROCK, Tyler the Creator, Sufjan Stevens, Björk, Talking Heads, ABBA, Duran Duran, Kate Bush, Tears for Fears... (if i continue we will be here all day)
7. Song stuck in the head: not a song but tomato potato clementine!!!! c'est bizness!!!😤💯🔥
8. House or block flat: idk if it's whether i wanna live in one or if i do live in one and the answer is house yes apartment maybe kind of
9. Followers: 289, i love you all 😤😤💝 except the bots i might have forgotten to block ❌❌
10. Do you get asks: yes but i am terrible at answering them i am so sorry
11. Amount of sleep: 6-9 hours baybee (number is less when i have an assignment due the next day xoxo)
12. What are you wearing: my headphones, black sweats and my dark blue white boy jersey (i just call it that because of the vibes it gives off) (all comfy at home stuff because i am comfy and at home in bed)
13. Dream job: I DON'T DREAM OF LABOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...anyways, something in storytelling (preferably animation)
14. Dream trip: Going to Japan so soon it is mind blowing and something I have always wanted to do. Would also like to travel to any other countries with good food and hopefully see some of my mutuals on here one day!
15. Instruments: none 😭😭😭 If I could learn any, I'd learn the piano, bass guitar, and/or the saxophone.
16. Languages: English, and I'm learning/have learnt but am not fluent in: Afrikaans, IsiXhosa, Japanese
17. 10 favorite songs as of now:
(this is according to spotify) (also copy pasted from my previous post if there are repeats)
So You Are Tired by Sufjan Stevens
Golden Fever by Keanan Eksteen
King of Silence by Cibo Matto
enknee1 by hemlocke springs
Pills & Good Advice by Left At London
Planet of the Bass (feat. DJ Crazy Times & Ms. Biljana Electronica)
Pulp by Lime Garden
Ashtray by Hippo Campus
Cover Me by Starbenders
See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) by Tyler, The Creator and Kali Uchis
18. If you were an animal: idk but lynxes are so cool
19. Favorite food: Japchae <3 I also love tiramisu
20. Random fact: I have been tryingg to listen to the magnus archives. It is very good so far.
21. my aesthetic: perhaps something light academia adjacent? i'm not sure.
Not gonna tag 21 people i am gonna tag like 7 cause that is a third of 21. yeah (feel free to ignore as always) : @1989nihil @dogboyrevenge @burgundyquills @a-nerdy-little-me @mitarashiko @zuraea @justacasualgaycrisis
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thank you for agreeing to an exchange! 🗣️💕
fandoms: obey me! ; genshin
name: raven / pronouns: any / sexuality: ??? (no preference for OM!, but male preference for genshin)
personality traits: introverted (distant, little interest in getting close to many people), extremely independent (often refuses to rely on others), confident (arrogant), straightforward (blunt, sometimes tactless), decisive, even-tempered, good sense of humor, playful, teasing, mischievous, realist that leans optimistic, curious (nosey), a bit of a troublemaker/rulebreaker, does not shy away from conflict
hobbies: video games, watching anime, drawing (digital), painting (watercolor, acrylic), baking (but NOT cooking), reading, cosplay, thrill-seeking activities
likes: cats, sweets, good food, cool weather, aromatic candles, lattes, traveling, piercings, tattoos, puns (!), learning foreign languages, cleaning, new experiences, trying new foods, trying new skills, people with a good sense of humor (quite subjective), people who are flexible and open-minded
dislikes: dogs, spiders, bitter foods, hot weather, strong scents, pessimism, rigidity (in personality or environment), feeling restricted, possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for other people (i.e. people being dependent on me), boredom, when people don't stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure).
types / categories: intj-a ; 7w8 (yes i know type 7 is super uncommon for intj) ; love languages: physical touch, quality time ; zodiac: virgo sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising
misc.: clumsy ; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "let's bust this popsicle stand" instead of "blow this popsicle stand") ; able to pick up new skills relatively quickly ; studied french, korean, and latin in university (as well as psychology and medieval history - i could not pick just 1 area) ; prone to being a bit directionless in life ; prone to bad luck but tries to find the humor in most situations ; tends to be pretty quick/harsh when deciding to cut people out of my life ; life approach: to live a life of varied experiences, to not take life too seriously
appearance / aesthetic: 5'1 / 155cm, round cheeks w/ a dimple on right cheek, button nose, green eyes, wavy ash brown hair (often switch between growing it out really long or cutting it super short, dyeing it; i like to change it up. hair is currently bleached and toned white). no tattoos (i want some!), several piercings (5 in one ear, 4 + an industrial in the other, navel piercing), clothing-wise my style tends to be hipster or comfy/casual goth? idk i love flannels and fishnets and combat boots. my overall color scheme is black/sage green/gray.
Hi Raven! Thanks for the request! Of course, I love doing matchup exchanges! I hope you like your matchups!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Barbatos enjoys baking with you. He's canonically the best person at both baking and cooking in the game so no matter how good or bad you are, whatever you tow make together will always taste amazing. Luke's so jealous of both you and Barbatos.
This guy will do his very best to make sure you never feel like you have to be responsible for him. He's a butler, if anything he feels like he should be the one looking after you!
Barbatos is also the best person to talk to about all of your language and history interests. He's been around for so long and seen so much that any questions you have are easy for him to answer.
Loves your misused phrases. If it was anyone else, he'd correct them but he never wants to make you feel bad about your slip ups. He finds them endearing.
Barbatos is pretty busy most of the time taking care of Diavolo and the castle but when he does have free time, he wants to spend it with you.
Whether you're baking, learning a new language, or trying out a new skill, he just wants to be able to spend time with you.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Your good sense of humour balances out Cyno's...unique sense of humour.
Cyno's another one who won't make you feel like you have to be responsible for him. He's gotten used to taking care of himself as General Mahamatra. He'll actually have to get used to letting someone else go small things for him.
He'd love your baking! Cyno doesn't really take much notice of what he's eating but if you've made it, he'll savour his food a bit more. He doesn't want your hard work gone too quickly and without proper acknowledgment.
Usually busy with his Mahamatra duties but all of his free time is spent with you. He doesn't mind what you do, as long as you're together.
He would like to go for walks with you finding stray cats and saying hello to them.
I see Cyno as someone who also knows a few languages (if only so he can make jokes in those languages as well). He'd love to sit down with you and spend an afternoon going over all the languages you know, comparing your knowledge of the languages you both know and helping the other learn a bit of the languages the other doesn't know.
A big fan of quality time. He enjoys the comfort your presence provides him with.
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foxounderscorecube · 1 year
Tagging Game
Tagged by @lady-blackflame
Nickname: For the name I chose for myself, I have one friend that calls me Lowie, which is cute :D For my legal name (which, for context, is not a deadname, but it isn't my preferred name!), Cat.
Sign: Pisces sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus Rising
Height: 5'1", unfortunately
Last thing I googled: "flower emoji"
Amount of Sleep: I think I got about 9 hours' sleep last night. I tend to sleep for 9-12 hours.
Dream Job: I'm not sure because it changes constantly and there are few that are realistic for me because of my disability/chronic illness. Among them are nuclear engineer in a power station, which was what I'd intended on going into before having to change my life trajectory; curator or something in a museum (natural history or a tank museum, I think, although I'd be most qualified for something dealing with costume and that'd be very cool too); or one of those people that goes into the tanks in the aquarium in scuba gear and I think they clean and do maintenance but more importantly they get to hang out with the fish.
Wearing: white t-shirt which is printed with "At least we have Internet", black skirt that is actually secretly shorts, white OTK socks, and black cat slippers.
Movies/Books/Media that summarise you: The original Warriors series was formative for me and that probably shows. The Cure and Manic Street Preachers had a big impact on how I do my make-up, my general aesthetic, and music taste, and although it's less obvious than when I was younger I feel like there are still echoes of them in how I am as a person now. The film, Paprika; Hirasawa's music; and the Soulsborne games are more relevant to my interests now.
Favorite Song: I can never pick a favourite song because that also changes constantly, but this is a song I adore:
Instrument: Violin, although I'm terribly out of practice right now. I can do very basic stuff on guitar and bass owing to a """goth punk""" phase in my teens making me decide, incorrectly, that violin was decidedly uncool, but I never got very good. I can sing, too, if that counts.
Aesthetic: I'm not really sure. I dress very feminine and often in pretty cutesy clothes. Over the knee socks are, like, my brand at this point. I like dresses with cute or fun prints.
Favorite Author: Probably Irvine Welsh.
Random fun fact: About me or in general? For the former, I suppose that I've got a 1st Dan black belt in tae kwon do (which sounds a greater feat than it is, but it's probably one of my biggest achievements for a few reasons). As for general fun facts, one of my favourites is that some species of scorpion hold hands or even "kiss" by holding pedipalps as part of their courting behaviour :)
Tagging: @howdoiturnthisthingoff @becomingisla @naupactus @byksigmatruther @artoriasss @cicadaduet @cuebiksrube @cassidyposting @dominijoyce if any of you want to (and anyone else who wants to do it, consider yourself tagged!)
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aseuki · 2 years
Tagged by uhhhh @humming-fly omg hiii bestie
nickname: Never really got a lot of nicknames aside from shortened versions of my name asdfksjd I Did get called Pikachu and Rukia (Bleach) a couple times during early high school if that counts asdlfkjsdfsd
sign: Sagittarius ♐
height: 5'2" || 157.5cm
last thing i googled: Kirby Bridge Battle. Gotta collect all the 'dees (was missing the one Right at the beginning)
song stuck in my head: The Entire Kirby Planet Robobot Soundtrack all the tracks and leitmotifs are swirling in the blender that is my mind
number of followers: P sure I'm 4-5 away from 800 which is. Hi. idk how many of yalls are inactive but howwy
amount of sleep: Shoot for 8, usually end up with 6-7 askdfjsdf
dream job: Idk mate I'm just Existing, Tbh anything that I can leave at the door when I clock out and leaves me enough time and energy to do the stuff I love sounds p good to me
wearing: My jammies and a fleecy hoodie and fuzzy socks bc I amn. Very Cold,
films/books that can summarize me: I uh don't consume much film or books nowadays but The Cat Returns was a formative part of my upbringing and if you have met me irl there is a 98% chance I have quoted Finding Nemo or Cars @ u so I guess those????? Oh and PJO hahaha
favorite song: I cycle through songs like favorite tshirts in my wardrobe but current brainworms are Violet by Those Who Dream, Me Myself & I by 5 Seconds of Summer, and Carry On by Polite Fiction
favorite instrument: I always liked playing the piano even though I haven't touched it in years! For Listening though I'm always a slut for the timpani and like. U know when they put those good good anvil clanging in a soundtrack. Tastey.
aesthetic: I swing wildly between Cute Celestial and more punk/goth but tbh slap a bunch of stars on it and I'm sold. Love u Whimsigothic
favorite authors: Holds up Rick Riordan. Also for Webcomics I'm always a fan of how Zack Morrison writes u should check out their comic Paranatural pspspsps it'll be funny also the way they write metaphors is So so nice
random fun fact:  I have never broken a bone before so it's p safe to say I don't have bones.
tagging: @nymphofnovels @alagaesia-overlord uhhhhh I'm Shy about tagging so if ur a Mutual then consider urself Tagged (but don't feel pressured to if u don't want to) and anyone else who wants to do it then go for it! :0 👍
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lllsaslll · 2 years
ೃ࿔*・ 𝟏𝟕 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝟏𝟕 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞
(though there’s only 15 questions 😅)
Thank you for tagging me @bisexualwvtson  @luluthesandgoose @star-shard  @steph-speaks & @uselssdishwasher for tagging me! Sorry I took so long to reply 😅  
Nickname: Cici! I’ve had it since the day I was born
Sign: Sagittarius ♐️
Height: 5'2″
Last thing I googled: T-Shirt sleeve designs
Song stuck in my head: (Now and Then There’s) A Fool Such as I by Elvis Presley honestly this song is constantly getting stuck in my head I dont even listen to it that much!
Number of followers: 377
Amount of sleep: ....about that 
Dream job: Costume Illustration for film and tv 
Wearing: PJs, some grey swetpants that are a lil too warm and my most comfy Aquaman tshirt
Movies/books that summarize you: This is hard! Now that im on the spot I cant think of anything...idk if i can even answer that question for myself. But some things that inspired me to be like the characters in them or that I learned from would be In To The Wild by on Krakauer, or Beauty and the Beast.
Favorite song: Wasteland by The GazettE, Summer/In My Body by Elvis Presley
Favorite instrument: The acoustic guitar is a very sentimental instrument for me, but I love the sound of the cello and the electric organ.  
Aesthetic: Im a fan of aesthetic in general, I find beauty in any aesthetic thats well curated tbh but for my own self I like a clean semi-modern living space surrounded by greenery. But for my clothing I like a sophisticated modern goth style with masculine/androgynous touches
Favorite author: Hmm not sure if I have a favorite author but Brigid Kemmerer & Marie Lu have writen some favorites. And so far Chip Zdarsky is prooving to be my favorite comic author. 
Random fun fact: One of my favorite hobbies is gardening! Every year I get a little better at it but I have 18 houseplants in my room alone! And thats not including the mini greenhouse in here I also grow herbs in, or the actual produce garden I have outside. This summer I also added a pollinator garden and it turned out so pretty! 
Tagging: @lindszeppelin @elvisfatass @nora-nexus-34 @powerofelvis @valkaryah @xxsupervampwolfxx @burninlovebutler @heartbrake-hotel Sorry if you've already done it 🖤
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hexedbrd · 3 months
𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢
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hex - she/her - 19
𖤓 Sagittarius 
☾ Libra
⇡ Capricorn
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𝔣𝔲𝔫 𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔰
I'm currently getting my BA in psychology with minors in child advocacy and ASL. I really enjoy figuring out the psychology of people and things and this really fuels my interests and writing.
I'm always working on improving parts of me so I can be the best version of me, at the end of the day all we have is ourselves so make sure you are kind to yourself.
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goth/alt fashion and subcultures, maximalism, my red hair, stiletto nails, cats, psychology, music, making and looking at art, cooking, driving, swimming, archery, scary movies, shopping, makeup, perfume, skincare and so so much more.
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be kind
make requests
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kikyan · 1 year
Hello can I request Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Match up I'm 18 my pronouns are her/she I'm Sagittarius and pretty sure im Agoraphobia and When I'm around people I know im kinda of crackhead and when im not around people I know im very quiet im also really loyal to everyone I care about I can be quite blunt and straight forward (I don’t like sugar coating ) Hobbies: I wear put on black goth clothes and sleep a lot
Hi thank you so much for your support but right now my match ups are closed!! I do apologize for that!! I’m not sure when my match ups will be opened again as they are special/event based but I’ll be sure to post a message before taking requests!!
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
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i see your blood drinking and picnic in the cemetery, and raise you bad puns and eating disorders 💁🏻‍♀️
low of me, but i can’t help but compare my fic with hers because there’s a lot of parallels even from the get-go.
started life as one shots (mine was a hardcore one shot from black moon that i looked at and felt some life there, especially once alex got glasses)
both are romances
in an astrological context, both were posted on anaretic degrees (the 29th degree): hers with mars on 29° aries, mine with pluto on 29° capricorn, saturn on 29° aquarius, and ascendant on 29° leo (DAMN). both also have air moons: hers with moon in libra, mine with moon in gemini. both have fiery venuses, too: hers with venus in sagittarius, mine with venus in aries.
both have a morbid feel to them: “i love the dead” and “winter is coming”
both are named for songs: “like loving the dead” is a line from black no. 1, as the seasons grey is a deep cut from the ritual.
both have kinks involved: hers with “mild kink” (no idea what that quantifies and i frankly don’t care, either) and size kink which is totally original but i digress, mine starting—starting—with praise and tummies (i’m feeling voice and hair kinks here, too, given how much i love alex’s voice and hair: don’t know if i’ll put water kink in here, though)
both discuss messed up relationship dynamics: hers with rebounding, mine with infidelity.
both involve VERY good-looking men: y’all know how i feel about alex, and as for peter, i don’t think i need to say anything more than his playgirl shoot.
said men have some sort of tie to judaism: peter was often accused of being against jews around the time that song came out whereas alex IS jewish
both have green as a recurring thematic color: with her, it’s the whole goth thing (i consider red or blue as more goth colors but that’s just me), and with me, it’s more “earthy”, i’d say, with christine’s jacket and umbrella.
there’s a very cute, very insecure guy friend: with her, it’s frankie, with me, it’s eric.
there’s a wise female friend: with her… i’m not sure, may be melanie idk. with me, it’s nelly.
there are other women in the story who are a bit sinister: with her, it’s groupies (again, her beef with groupies 🙄), with me, it’s the four girls who sit behind christine (gonna leave them as a little surprise as the story goes along, though).
both have sort of daunting institutions: her, it’s hospitals, with me, it’s school.
both even have “the” in the title.
there is one great big difference between the two, though (aside from the obvious, the artistry): like loving the dead… is very mean-spirited.
i’ve said this before, but it could not be clearer to me. lizzy is running from her problems and seeking the attention from another man, and she makes it fairly obvious that she’s the villain protagonist here, and the way she depicts joey is so low, like she antagonizes him but also antagonizes herself, which is something i have seen word-for-word in blog posts a dime a dozen from every modern feminist ever (claiming they care but they don’t actually do anything about it).
compare this to christine: a woman who’s a mess inside, a trope i have not touched on before (my female ocs are like me, they’re artistic in some way and headstrong), who doesn’t have any idea where she’s going in life, and she meets this older man who’s got a heap of problems himself, but that’s how they connect and fall in love, even in the face of another woman.
i dunno about you guys but… i’d take the second one. hands down. biased obviously, but i’ve seen fics revolve around constant drama since fifty shades came into the public consciousness. two fucked-up people who are drawn to one another no matter what the circumstance feels a little more honest to me (it’s also somewhat autobiographical, if you’ve watched me talk about alex from the beginning).
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randomblack-girl · 2 years
Astro notes!
It's always a Taurus placement with a septum piercing and they look great with them
A planet in your first house can be more prominent than the sign like say you're a libra rising with moon in your first house you may come off like a cancer not a libra
It's true, scorpio venues don't get crushes often. They tend to be picky I be shocked when they like someone, like you like who? 🤨👀
Pluto in the 7th house may indicate toxic relationships, of all kinds
Pisces in the 8th house have questioned their sexuality at least once! Same with gemini and aquarius maybe even mars aspecting Uranus
Pluto in the 11th house end up in the wrong crowd sometimes. And after looking at some celebrities with this placement I also noticed scandals or being problematic in some way and being hated.
Cancer moon or moon in the 4th house is giving mommy issues
Scorpio or pluto rising people might have distinct noses they could've hated it before/might be an insecurity
Now I could be wrong because I only have one example of this but there was a guy I knew with his mars in the 11th house and he was a cancer rising and I didn't understand why he hung out with the people he did...they were assholes and he seemed like the nice and "good one" out of them
Mars in the 8th house stay horny but they be fine though or are lusted after.
Aquarius venuses usually like people who are different in some way like goths, nerds, people who aren't popular
A guy I knew is capricorn rising with chiron in his first house and he has bad teeth I think he was born like that. Capricorn rules bones and chiron in the 1st house can talk about being insecure about ones appearance for it to be in capricorn can mean that's the insecurity- bones.
Degrees in asc- I have a cancer degree in my asc and I was known to be a cry baby when younger and I look like my mom who's a cancer sun and we're so much alike.
My sister's a libra rising with a sag degree and she has thick legs/thighs and is overall thicker and always has been
My mom has a libra degree in her asc and my mom always says I'm her "bad" alter ego and my sister is her "good" side. I'm the mean one, the risky one, the one more likely to do things I shouldn't be doing my sister is the opposite. I was the bad kid and my sister was the good kid.
Also something that's really weird is my mom has a big butt and big boobs. My sister got the boobs and I got the butt. This is weird to me because libras rule butts and cancers rule boobs. So I should've got the big boobs 😭!!!
Nessus (7066) in the 3rd house/aspect to mercury might have experienced verbal abuse.
Cancer placements might give mom, dad, milf, or dilf vibes I'm a cancer mars with a cancer degree on my asc and get told I look like a mom all the time
Sagittarius and pisces venus/mars don't have much of a type or strong requirements for their partners and might find intelligence very attractive
Ik people may know this but I'll say it anyway the house a planet is in might resonate with you or people may see that houses sign in you for Ex. my sun is in Taurus in the 7th house and someone thought I was a libra I also resonate with some libra traits
I noticed some libra women can be quite masculine they may dress masculine or just act masculine but I'm not too sure I only noticed it in 2 people
It would be my friend with a leo venus who says she likes backs...
Scorpio moons are so good at spotting liars!!! My moms a scorpio moon and she always caught me ☠ she tried to teach me one day but Im still not good at reading people like her. She always tells me just watch and listen. She also talks about studying men. She really should've been a psychologist or therapist.
I also think scorpio moons fit the sexual scorpio stereotype the most. Maybe scorpio risings too.
I think I love gemini risings probably because I'm a gemini moon but I love this synastry. Two best friends I had were gemini risings. They were both short 🤭.
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multifanbisexual · 3 years
𝓂𝓊𝓁𝓉𝒾𝒻𝒶𝓃 𝓃𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
welcome y'all, this is a safe space... unless you don't want it to be. i'll post about anything usually.
i also take requests for groups, shows, any ideas, etc.
~using his hands as a bra~
~hard stan vs soft stan~
~it must be my birthday... look at all that cake~
~not the size kink~
~unwhitewashed idols~
~thique thigh save lives~
~they're literally twins~
~my fav hair~
~too much tongue~
~taglist games~
𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝑒
nicknames: adriana/riri/adri/or you can make one for me 👉👈
sexuality: LG(B)TQIA+ 🔴🟣🔵
age: 19
sun sign: sagittarius ♐️
moon sign: taurus ♉️
ascendent sign: gemini ♊️
mercury sign: capricorn ♑️
venus sign: capricorn ♑️
mars sign: pisces ♓️
chinese zodiac: GOAT 🐐 aka greatest of all time
mbti: INFJ-T
ennegram: 7w6
multifan including: kpop, anime, emo shit, whatever you want babies
pronouns: she/her/they/them, but i really have no preferences
gender: AFAB/GNC
relationship status: single
body type: thicc/chubby 🥵 nonetheless sexy (what i lack in the rack i pack in the back)
aesthetic: stoner/clown/goth/spiritual (its a mess baby, giving 🤡⛓🧚🏼‍♂️🧿🍄🍃)
nationality: im american... i thought you were lesbian ???? 🇺🇸=👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🚫
my twin sibby @kms-mommy they cool or whatever 🙄
as you can tell i use a million emojis or emoticons, just so i don't seem bland or mean idk 😖
i do NOT want any h8 on my page bc if that happens you will be blocked
if any gifs or pictures i use are yours plzplzplz tell me and i'll make sure to give you creds
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