#gotcha day!
princess-marble · 2 months
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Mum says it's my 1 year gotcha day. I don't know what that means but I got a new plushie
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jakemyboy · 2 years
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Happy Gotcha Day Blu! Almost forgot! Thankful for my backup memory, fb! February 17, 2020 is the day we brought him home from the foster, right before the pandemic went full on crazy! In mid-March everything shut down so I had three months to be with him. Every hour of every day. It certainly helped us get to know each other. It wasn't easy, I have admitted I didn't love him for practically a year. I took care of him as I would have taken care of Jake, he wasn't lacking for care or attention. I just couldn't feel a bond. Jake was just a part of me, and I know some of you know that feeling. Slowly though, as we developed our own little routines, he became more trusting and affectionate. He is not a cuddle dog. But he has his little moments, a welcome home greeting with a lick on the face, laying half on my feet, lol! I love him dearly now, and I know Jake wouldn't mind that this is now Blu's home too.
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A picture of baby Bridget: she arrived 2 years ago today!
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curlyburp · 10 months
It's Aggie's Gotcha Day!
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theoreocat · 27 days
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Today is a bit of a difficult day as it would have been Oreo's 11th Gotcha Day. Oreo came to me as a tiny disheveled kitten on August 25th, 2013. Little did I know how much he would change my life. In the following years, Oreo became the reason to smile for people all around the globe. He brought joy to many lives and his legacy will live on forever. ~ My dear sweet Oreo, you are immensely missed. May your day be filled with tiny tuna cakes, buttered toast, chin scritches and quiet walks. You are in our hearts now and always. ~ With love, Mom, Onyx and Pudding. P.S. Pudding sends a brotherly bop and a little extra stink. 🐈💨
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jesncin · 1 month
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Chindo Tim and Malay Bernard gaming and saying region specific cusses :p this prompt is for DC Gotcha for Gaza! I never really drew these two before but Southeast Asian Batfam was too good to pass up.
Got a DC art/fic request in mind? You've got until the 18th to submit! Look over the DC4Gaza carrd to learn how ;)
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chikuwathecat · 7 days
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September 9th was my eleventh Gotcha Day. I really liked the new circle as a gift, so you can throw away the old circle now!
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creekfiend · 1 month
I used to get an arguments on facebook and it bit me in the ass enormously because it turns out that when you get an arguments on facebook habitually, you'll be interacting with a lot of other people who get an arguments on facebook habitually, and most of these people are deeply unpleasant and they will be super mean to you in really fucked up ways. so for a couple of years I just sort of dropped off ever interacting with anyone who said things that I did not agree with. I would just scroll past stuff or I would get upset about it privately and move on. I did not ever engage. and the last couple of weeks I've started being able to say things in response to things I don't agree with in ways that I feel lay out what my perspective is but do not get overly invested in "winning" or "proving" anything -- I will say my piece generally for the benefit of other people who might be reading the conversation and need to hear what I have to say. and then I will turn notifications off and go do something else.
anyway. wow. y'all heard about this? pretty cool shit.
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daily-linkclick · 5 months
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cheng xiaoshi.. at least put the ring on correctly...
a prompt for a kind anon over on the SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza fundraising event who wanted CXS putting on the flower ring for LG like in S2! the fundraising part has ended but please check out everyone who participated, and consider donating to other Gotcha events too!
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
Whumper glanced down some of the aisles Whumpee normally gravitated towards.
"You better not be in the toys", Whumper whispered to themself as they peaked down one more aisle.
Whumpee gave an uh-oh look the moment they locked eyes with Whumper.
"No", Whumper scolded.
"Please", Whumpee held something up, "it's so cute."
"You don't need anything else", Whumper frowned, "especially not a toy."
"But, but, but", Whumpee sputtered as they looked at Whumper longingly.
"No buts, that will not serve you any purpose", Whumper looked around to see if anyone was watching, "I'll let you pick two snacks out if you drop this silliness, and put the toy away."
Whumpee looked at the toy, then at Whumper.
"Why do you even want that one?", Whumper eyed them, "out of everything here you want that."
Whumpee nodded and gave puppy dog eyes.
"No, you don't get to act cute right now", Whumper scolded in a whisper, "we are in public, you don't get - you don't get to do that."
Whumpee let out a low whine and puffed out their lip.
"Whumpee", Whumper sighed in a low grumble.
"I'll get down and crawl if you'd like me to", Whumpee smirked, "I know you'll melt if I bump my head into your leg."
"You are so unfair", Whumper frowned.
Whumpee started to get down.
"No, no don't do that", Whumper hurried, "fine, you know what, fine. You can get it, but you better put on that charm later at home."
"Deal", Whumpee smirked.
"Did you mention snacks", Whumpee walked to the cart.
"No, no. You're pushing your luck now", Whumper started to go farther into the aisle, "you get your normal treats, and that's all."
"Okay", Whumpee giggled, "worth a shot."
Later Whumpee happily played with the toy while they waited for Whumper.
"Okay you", Whumper came in, "time for you to hold up your part of the deal. Come here."
Whumpee gently placed their new toy on the couch, then crawled to Whumper.
"I'm not exactly happy with you and being blackmailed like that", Whumper frowned, "you know better than to use the public eye against me. You also know that a pet doesn't ask for things. They wait until their master says they can get something."
Whumpee cowarded back, fully frightened by Whumper, "I'm sorry Master, please forgive me. I thought maybe..."
"Maybe you'd get away with it", Whumper sat down in front of the kneeling Whumpee.
"No Master", Whumpee gave a startled glance, "just that I could get-a-toy", Whumpee started to whisper in fear.
"Why would you get a toy?", Whumper frowned, "what special occasion would allow that?"
Whumpee fidgetted with their shirt shyly.
"Answer me pet", Whumper spoke through gritted teeth.
"My gotcha day.... Master", Whumpee whispered as they kept their eyes on the floor.
"Gotcha day?", Whumper leaned back, "it's not", they pulled out their phone, "it's not your gotcha da...y....oh!"
Whumpee bowed their head to the carpet, but then nudged into Whumper's shoe.
"I'm sorry Master", Whumpee whispered, "please train me and punish me accordingly. I want to be good for you.... show me how, please."
"Whumpee why didn't you remind me?", Whumper frowned, "I totally forgot."
"I thought you remembered, and was messing with me Master", Whumpee kept their head on Whumper's shoe, to scared to look up, "I wasn't trying to blackmail you Master, I thought you were playing a game."
"Whumpee", Whumper sighed sadly, "no I wasn't even paying attention to the date. I am so sorry."
"I'm sorry Master", Whumpee whispered.
"No I'm sorry", Whumper reached down and pulled Whumpee up, and had them fall into their lap to pet their head, "that was very mean of me to hurt you like that. I was not paying attention at all."
Whumpee leaned into the touch, "am I... still in trouble, mmm" Whumpee closed their eyes, "Master please keep scratching my head just a few more minutes before you punish me."
"You're not in trouble", Whumper continued to scratch Whumpee's head, "I only wish you had said something at the store to remind me."
"There were too many witnesses... nearby", Whumpee leaned into the touch more, "hmmmm", they moaned.
"Well I guess I need to make it up to you tomorrow", Whumper chuckled as Whumpee seemed to relax, "your gotcha day is supposed to be special, not filled with fear and pleading."
"Master you don't have to. The toy is enough", Whumpee looked up slowly, "and the head scritches."
"No, like I said, it needs to be special", Whumper stood, "we'll start now, then celebrate into tomorrow."
"Really master", Whumpee looked up excitedly, "you mean it."
"I do", Whumper smiled, "how about we order some food from your favorite restaurant. I have some ice cream. We can watch a movie. Tomorrow we can get you a cake, pick out a few treats to enjoy at the candy store, and you can pick out a few more presents. How about we look for a new blanket and something to wear. Yes, we can also look at toys."
Whumpee shook excitedly, "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou", they rested their head on Whumper's lap, "I'm so excited."
"You're welcome Whumpee. Like I said your gotcha day is a big deal, and needs to be celebrated", Whumper patted their head again, "thankyou for being such a good pet."
Whumpee smiled up at Whumper.
"Alright go get comfortable, your day is starting now", Whumper went to grab their phone, "I'll order in the food."
"Okay", Whumpee scampered off.
"My silly pet", Whumper sighed to themself.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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jezcat-18 · 13 days
Happy Gotcha Day to Duff's pup Hadleigh 🎂💗 one year 🙏
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sillydegu · 25 days
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Happy anniversary to these ladies
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release-the-hound · 10 months
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Then ... now
I've learned so much from having a hard headed, fun-loving, ridiculous terrier in my life. I'm grateful for the trust she's put in me after her rough start, and I'm excited to see what adventures this next year will bring us.
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megpricephotography · 7 months
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1 photo a year, from 2015 to 2024.
9 years ago today - on February 19th 2015, I (reluctantly!) went to meet a 21 month old border collie, who was very, very rapidly running out of time & chances, thanks to his unbelievably difficult behaviour. I was not looking for a 2nd dog, let alone one with major problems that needed working through but somehow, I found myself being persuaded to just "go see what you think of him".
I met Flynn, though that wasn't his name then - along with my dad (who'd been the one doing the persuading) & Flynn's then owners - we went out for a walk together, on cold, rainy, mirky afternoon. From what I'd heard beforehand, I was expecting to find some poor, sad, skulking, defensive creature, who didn't like anyone... Flynn was not that. I looked at him, as he joyfully ran circles in the gathering dusk... carefully making sure he offered the ball to each person he was out with - including us strangers... & I felt there was hope for him. Or, at least that it'd be a shame to let this young life get cut short, without at least attempting to see if he could improve & overcome his fears. The early years were hard for us both. I am in no way a dog behaviourist, or trainer & I was in over my head with Flynn! Even at our worst moments though, Flynn was always clearly desperately keen to keep *trying* to work with me, trying to not be scared of things which clearly terrified him, trying to trust we were on the same side - & that kept me trying too. I'm so thankful we both stuck at it! 9 years ago, I met Flynn & suspected there was a terribly clever, affectionate, funny little dog, hidden under the distrust & fear & stress... I was right. More & more as time goes by, Flynn's true nature has shone through & he's come further than I ever thought possible. He is a wonderful companion & brings me so much joy every day - haha & even when he's a grumpy old man, we can laugh about it. Good Boy, Flynn... I'm glad I went to meet you on that nasty day in February, all those years ago.
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scarrletmoon · 3 months
if you’re gonna start accepting actor thoughts as canon you’re gonna drive yourself to madness. they’re not writers. that’s not their job!
like i’m pretty sure rhys has said some stuff about stede where im like “lmao………no” and it’s like. fine. his job is to embody the character as best he can, he’s not going to have the same perspective or insight as a writer of the show
this is why i’ve pretty consistently understood where david’s coming from even when his words are misconstrued — he was in that writers room and intimately knows the story from every character’s perspective. the actors don’t. they don’t have to!
i think of actor thoughts as fun little bonus facts. they typically just tell us about their personal experience portraying that character, rather than what their purpose is in the larger story. how you handle that info depends on what part of the show or movie you’re most interested in, and how well the writers actually handled the work
with ofmd, we’re extremely lucky that we have such skilled, intelligent writers, so a lot of the show just makes sense if you pay attention to the story itself
this is supposed to be fun! log off for a bit if you’re not having fun!
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chikuwathecat · 1 year
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Today is September 28th. Happy 3th Gotcha Day Koremitsu!
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