#got bored after a couple months and decided to travel here and there (rarely telling her friends where she was lol...)
vividblaze · 9 days
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Inquisitor's post-Trespasser adventures living as a wandering hobo in Tevinter.
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nerdierholler · 2 years
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great to do a combo tag meme. Thank you :) Here go all of the things!
Share your wallpaper:
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I rarely remember to swap out backgrounds so my gaming PC is currently a screenshot from AC Valhalla from at least a year ago.
The last song you listened to: Tori Amos - Precious Things was on when I got out of the car yesterday
Currently Reading: Nothing at the moment but last week I finished If We Were Villains and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Haven't decided what to read next yet
Last Movie: Good question...honestly, no idea, it's been that long.
Craving: Fried rice
What are you wearing right now: Green shorts and my "Have You Thanked a Horseshoe Crab Today?" tshirt (I thanked one yesterday at work)
How tall are you: 5'2" on a good day but one of my sisters tells me that might be optimistic. Over 5' for sure though.
Piercings: Just one hole in each ear lobe. Very boring.
Tattoos: Nope
Glasses? Contacts?: Contacts, I'm blind as a bat and now the struggles with reading things up close have also started in the last 6 months. Yay being over 40.
Last drink: I grabbed some bottled coffee at the store earlier
Last show: I was watching old episodes of Kindred Spirits while sewing a few weeks ago. Other than that is been local news, sports or maybe an episode of MASH
Last thing you ate: Big Chewy Nerds Jellybeans. They're jellybeans coated in nerds. I'm an adult who makes good adult decisions.
Favourite colour: I gravitate towards blue things but also not too picky.
Current obsession: I just started a MELE run. Still on ME1, we'll see if I make it through all three games. Fun fact: I bought MELE right when it came out and because of my shoulder problem that started also immediately after, have yet to ever make it through even one of the games. I made a dude shep who doesn't look like a total potato, going for an mshenko run.
Unrelated Obsession: I've been on a reading kick. Most of it's nothing earth shattering but I've put more new words in front of my eyeballs since Christmas than I probably have in the last 5 years combined.
Any pets: Mr. Bubbles (black) and Miss Skeeter (tabby)
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Do you have a crush on anyone: I mean, I guess the hubs but I don't really think of him in those terms at this point.
Favourite fictional character: You can't made me choose. You could slap a large number of DA or ME characters here, maybe some Austen characters, LOTR ones, any of my OCs...
The last place you traveled: Just got back from a Caribbean cruise a couple of weeks ago.
Tagging @ejunkiet @evilbunnyking @agentnatesewell and @bronzeagelove but only if you want of course.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse recounts the time he first met his now best friend who too has been gifted with a deep voice.
Requested by two Anons. This fic is a mash up of two very similar requests I got from an unnamed Anon and 🖤🥀 Anon, so a big thank you to the both of you for sending in your requests! I’m really sorry to be posting your requested fic so late but I hope the final product is gonna make the wait you had to endure worth it! If you come across it and read it, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Yeah, yeah ok, I know.“ I can’t help but playfully roll my eyes at the comments that are flooding in, “Before any more people address it - even though it’s only been five minutes - I’m gonna address it myself: I apologize for the absence of the guest I promised would accompany me on this stream. She made the choice to party until late - or should I say early - and is currently probably asleep. And...I just don’t have the heart to wake her.“
In all honesty, all the blame should fall on Y/N’s lack of responsibility but I could never say such a thing - she rarely let’s herself loose and allows herself to have fun so there’s no way I’m gonna hold this one instance against her. Quite the contrary actually: I hope she starts going out and having fun more frequently cause really deserves it. She’s a super hardworking girl, studying college and working her ass off simultaneously.
“For those of you who don’t know who I’m referring to: the girl in question is Y/N, aka Jumpscaretastic, a horror games oriented streamer. She was supposed to join me for this freaky journey but...yeah I’ll have to endure it on my own because fuck me.“ I take a look at my chat again, deciding to keep this interaction with my viewers going for a bit longer before I start the game. I may be stalling but you sure as hell won’t hear me admit it. The game may be terrifying as hell - I have no doubt it is - but I doubt it would affect me so much if Y/N was here.  My eyebrows furrow automatically at the sight of one specific question that I’ve been getting asked quite a lot recently and I’ve been doing my best to avoid it cause the idea - to me, at least - is so messed up. Why, we’ll get into that later. “No- ok, this is the first and last time I’ll be addressing this wild assumption, you guys, so listen carefully. Y/N and I are by no means related. I’m not related to every deep-voiced person on this planet, just FYI.“ Speaking of Y/N’s deep voice which I’ve gotten so accustomed to hearing, I can’t help but recall the first interaction the two of us had when she got invited by Toast for a game of Among Us with us when Felix canceled on us due to technical difficulties. “I may not be related to her but she really put into perspective how other people feel and react when they hear my voice. I, honestly speaking was astonished by hers.“
A few months ago
“Ok guys, since Felix texted me about an hour ago, saying he won’t be able to make it, I invited a friend of mine so I hope that’s ok with you.“ Toast announces when the majority of us have accumulated in the lobby.
“Yeah, all cool. An introduction to them would be nice though.“ Charlie says, tampering with his avatar’s appearance on the in-game laptop.
“Oh, I’m sure she can do that herself.” He says with a bit of a chuckle, “Y/N?“
“I’m here, I’m here.“ 
My gaze moves from my chat to the monitor displaying the game in an instant as though it would reveal to me who the owner of this unfamiliar voice that just travelled through my headphones is. You know how my voice is considerably deep, yeah well this girl’s voice is six feet below that.  My eyes have widened without me even noticing as I hurry to unmute myself despite being a little late to the reaction party which already consists of a ton of ‘OMG’s and “WHOA”s from the rest of the people in the call. Not one of them, however, considers to question the authenticity of the voice.
“Was that a voice changer or something?“ I say, my eyebrows shooting up when I hear the laugh I receive in response to the question - a sound so deep but simultaneously sweet and girly it messes with my head.
“I wish I kept count so I could tell you which number on the list of people who’ve asked me that you fall under.“ The girl, Y/N replies, “But for the record no, it’s not a voice changer.“
Realizing how hypocritical this question probably seems coming from me, I decide to believe her - probably cause she gets nothing if she lies anyways. “Oh, so this is how it feels hearing my voice for the first time, huh?“ I say, slowly nodding my head, still in slight disbelief.
“Yeah, meeting her was quite rattling - in the best way possible though.“ I say, fixating myself back in reality following the little trip back in time to the day Y/N and I met. “She’s now one of my best friends so that should tell you enough.“
It goes without saying that, since she’s my best friend, I know her quite well. That being said, with the detailed knowledge I have on her, I can guess she’s gonna be in for a massive hangover when she wakes up. I just hope she texts me when she does so I can make sure she’s at least semi-functional. Just then, my phone buzzes with a message. Much to my shock, it’s a message from Y/N. Truth be told, I didn’t expect her to be up for another hour or two or three but here she is, sending a simple text that reads:
“My head’s pounding like a drum mid rock n’ roll concert“
There are no emojis accompanying the message, suggesting she’s deadly serious and in quite a bit of pain. Ok, I won’t sugarcoat it - she’s in a fuck-load of pain right now.
“The Sleeping Beauty has awaken and is complaining about a headache, just in case you were wondering.“ I chuckle seemingly nonchalantly as I silently contemplate whether to text her back or call her instead. Who’s gonna know better than my viewers, after all... “You guys think I should call her? Or would that annoy her?“ I ask, furrowing my brows at the chat as I see different responses coming in.
Meh, fuck it -  I think to myself, already taking my phone to call Y/N when the support of my viewers floods in as well.
She picks up after two rings, letting out a sound that sets the tone for the discomfort she’s in.
“Hello to you too.“ I say, putting the call on speaker so my mic can pick up her responses. “Would you please rate the pain you’re in right now on a scale 1-10?“
“A hundred.“ Her strained, raspy and deeper than usual voice comes through, stealing a chuckle from me, “I’m hungover and still a bit drunk. Like, how does that even work?“
“The morning after is a straight-up bitch. Welcome to the world of bad decisions.“ I tell her compassionately, low-key wishing I could go over to her place and provide her with at least a tiny bit of comfort, as much as I can.
“Yeah...“ she sighs halfway dramatically, “Anyhow, we usually text around this time, what’s up with the call?“
“Just wanted to make sure my best-girl wasn’t really dying, you know. Who am I supposed to annoy in Among Us if you’re not there, after all?” I raise my brow and, although she can’t see me, I bet she can probably guess I’m doing that.
“Whatever...“ The same way I can imagine her rolling her eyes while smiling as she said that, “Tell me this, am I wrong or was I supposed to be on your stream today?“
I barely manage to hold in my laughter at the question, “Uh, yeah you were, but...” she doesn’t let me finish my sentence, instead cuts me of:
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, Corpse! I totally forgot. Believe me, if I could roll my ass out of bed I’d hop in but I really can’t. Unless you want me to be a bore for an hour and a half, that is.“
“For starters, you could never be a bore to me.“ I say matter-of-factly, “And for seconds, you’re kinda on the stream anyway...“
“Come again?“ She cuts me off yet again, “You’re calling me mid-stream? If so, hey everyone! Sorry I couldn’t join, I promise to make it up to both you and Corpse soon.“ A yawn comes from her end before she continues, “As of now, I think I’ll go back to sleep.“
“Alright, alright. I’ll call you again later to make sure you’re still alive. Sleep tight.“ I tell her, already hovering my thumb over the ‘Hang up‘ button.
“Won’t let the hangover bite.“ She slurs/murmurs, stealing my opportunity to end the call cause she does it herself.
I stare at my phone for a second, finally becoming aware of the grin that has spread across my face. Eventually, I address my viewers once again, “There you have it, guys. Technically, you can give her a pass for answering the call, especially in her current state, so let’s all agree to not hold this against her, cool?“
A brief look at my chat shows me the ton of fluffy comments that are coming in as a reaction to the interaction Y/N and I just had. One, however, sticks out especially. It reads: ‘You like her or smt?’
“Do I like Y/N?“ I read the comment out loud, a smirk coming across my face, “Of course I do. She’s a darling.“ If I had a webcam on I’d look straight into the lens and wink. That’s probably spark more than enough rumors, but at the very least they wouldn’t be wrong. “I’ve stalled enough, Outlast is waiting.“ I announce, finally starting the game. After all, it cannot be scarier than the conspiracies my fans could come up with. I get it though - from their perspective, we’re already the perfect couple; from my perspective we’re impossible because from Y/N’s perspective we’re best friends.
Ain’t that how it always goes?
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpios-echos
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
Icy Jealousy (Kaelumi)
  Kaeya was never much of a jealous person.
  He had his own ideals to chase. His own agendas to fulfil. He had no time to indulge in such trivial matters. He may have a fling every now and then, but all that would be snipped away in a blink of an eye before any of his playful encounters could even take a glance at his guarded heart.
  Kaeya had no need to be worried about such mindless—laughable, even—matters.
  That was…until she came into his life.
  At first it was her encounter with the mysterious bard. Venti was ever so joyful, ever so clingy. While looking as innocent as any child, Kaeya would be a fool to think the bard was anything of the sort. Clearly there was something more when he looked at him, and oftentimes Kaeya wanted to subtly interrogate the youthful boy. Who knows? Maybe the many information Venti held might be of some use to his grand agenda.
  Well, that was the initial plan.
  To see Venti clinging to Lumine’s arm, Kaeya soon realized that he wished to interrogate the bard for an entirely different reason.
  Shock jumped her shoulders at the playful embrace on her right arm. “Geez, Venti!” Her head turned to the side, lips pulling a pout to see him. “Don’t startle me. If I was any more surprised, I might accidentally punch you as a reaction.”
  Her mild threat didn’t even faze him. “Ehee,” he chuckled, smile as guiltless as his response. “Sorry, Lumine.” His slid a few steps back, though arms now wrapped around her right arm. “Care to join me for a drink? I heard Diluc had some really great wine brought in today?”
  Her pout softened to a smile. A sigh came out next. “If you’re paying.”
  “I got that covered!” Clearly, he did not.
  Nevertheless, arm in arm, they walked towards their destination. Laughter and conversation bubbled between them as they shared stories of her journeys and his travels.
  Kaeya only watched from a few steps afar, silent and analytical.
  The smirk he wore bore such ill will. Maybe he should pay a visit to the tavern today.
  Sometimes, Kaeya had the pleasure of joining her in her little adventures. Whenever she set foot in Mondstadt, Lumine never missed the chance of paying a visit to the knights of Favonius. Kaeya—much to his silent glee—was one of them. The delight only heightened when he managed to squeeze time in his busy schedule to accompany her during commission work.
  In truth, he either changed his knightly tasks to ‘Team Up with Lumine’ or ignore his work assignments entirely.
  He could apologize to Jean later.
  During their travels, Kaeya got to a side of Lumine he rarely saw back in Mondstadt. He saw how fearless, how vigorous, and at times how reckless even to see her in action. Her plans were oftentimes near to perfection. Her movements were like wind itself, rising and soaring as she threw her enemies afar. The more he looked at her, the more he observed her, Kaeya knew he was walking on dangerous territory to regard her in such a…vulnerable way.
  He also knew that he wasn’t alone in this matter.
  His calm voice caught her attention. Dissolving her sword back to nonexistence, she turned her heel. “Yes, Razor?” Her smile beamed upon the rugged boy. Kaeya only stood next to her, a single eyebrow raised in silent curiosity.
  Razor’s whole focus was on Lumine only. “Your hand.” Without hesitation, he held her left wrist. “Hurt.” Carefully he turned her hand, revealing a small gash on her palm.
  As adrenaline slowly eased off from her, realization finally acknowledged the numbing pain. “Oh—ah!” One eye closed as she flinched. A chuckle slipped out like a child in trouble, Lumine scratched the side of her neck with her other hand. “I didn’t realize tha—”
  Not only the traveler, but shock was clear as day in the knight-captain’s eye.
  The pain was brief, but amber eyes were round as they could be due to a different kind of reaction. “R-Razor—?!” A squeak peeped as she felt his tongue on her palm again. The blood on her skin was slowly being licked away, the pressure stinging her quite a bit but warming her face most definitely.
  “I clean.” Razor merely stated, head lowered to her hand and tongue once again ready to wipe the blood clean.
  …That was…until he felt her hand being snatched away from him.
  Crimson eyes quickly glared at the man next to her.
  Kaeya didn’t say a word, yet a smile was evident, its curve so laced with malice and indignation. A growl echoed in the barren battlefield; he couldn’t tell whether the sound came from the boy or himself.
  The months where he hadn’t seen Lumine were apparently the worse.
  Kaeya had bid his farewells. He had wished her journey a safe one. He had other duties to attend too. And she clearly had her brother to find. He knew this would be a short-lived rela—friendship, and Kaeya had set it clear in his mind that she wouldn’t stay with hi—in Mondstadt—for long.  
  It seemed his heart didn’t get the memo.
  Thankfully, after nearly 6 months of not seeing her, Lumine actually came back. She informed Jean that she dropped by for a visit, saying even that she missed Monndstadt and its people after months of being away.
  When Kaeya heard of it, it truly made his heart flutter.
  When he saw her new companion, however, it truly made his heart burn.
  Zhongli only watched silently as Venti and Lumine shared stories. Happiness bloomed within the ex-archon to see his old friend. Venti was still as witty, was still as cunning, and he found it amusing that the now bard immediately hid behind Lumine the moment they reunited.
  “Just making sure.” A single chuckle held being thinned lips as he brought the scene to his mind. Golden eyes then spotted some strands of Lumine’s hair dangling by the side of her face. They swayed and brushed across her left ear, catching his attention like a cat to a ball of yarn.
  Without a word, Zhongli casually slipped through those beautiful locks with his fingers and gently tucked them behind her ear.
  The simple action surely made Lumine flinch. Quickly she looked to the side, amber eyes wide and face quite warm from the gentle contact.
  Upon seeing what he assumed was a mistake, Zhongli quickly let out a short cough. “Apologies, Lumine.” He placed his cup down onto the table. “Your hair is just simply mesmerizing, I couldn’t help myself.” Honesty was his virtue, and the Geo archon simply gifted the surprised traveler a warm smile.
  Her face felt hotter, it seemed. “It’s okay, Zhongli.” She laughed it off, one hand on her cheek. “I just felt ticklish is all.” The conversation was then cut short to Venti’s sly chuckle, bringing both human and makeshift human back to the reality that they were not alone. Zhongli merely continued indulging in his tea, while Lumine rolled her eyes and teased the bard with many comebacks that she learned from her journey.
  While the scene played out like rainbows and sunshine, the even happening in the bar was anything but.
  “Oi,” Diluc interjected, “can you stop trying to shatter my glass? If you wanted some frozen popsicles, go to the dessert stall down the street.” His tongue clicked as crimson eyes glared at the man sitting across him.
  Azure gaze, cold and icy like the element, kept its focus on the trio.
  “Ah,” Kaeya simply, finally, responded. Fingers released the glass he had clutched. Flakes of ice and snow now enveloped the clear glassware, almost revealing cracks as the liquor inside of it had turned to solid ice.
  He turned to face the pyro user. His lips formed a smile, the corners swirled to a sinister curve that rivalled the spine-chilling element on his fingertips. “Sorry, dear Diluc.” He straightened his back, smile still forced in its place. “Would you be so kind as to warm my drink up?”
  “I’d rather burn you to the ground.”
  Her laughter echoed the second Diluc gave his blunt remark. Her laughter alone was enough to snatch every single attention Kaeya had.
  Her laughter alone was enough to ignite a monstrous flame within his chest.
  “Kaeya!” Anger fumed when Diluc saw the plane of ice on the bar. It seemed that the knight-captain truly wanted to be turned to ashes.
  After a week of contemplating—both his heart and his mind—Kaeya decided to do the one thing that would surely piss Jean off.
  In truth, he actually enjoyed traveling with Lumine and her companions. The adventure took his mind off things. The countless dangerous encounters lit a fire within him. While the Knights of Favonius had special training for those with visions, nothing beat an actual face-to-face against inhuman enemies in order to test his elemental strengths and skills. It truly helped that Kaeya got to see Lumine in action as well, more so than he usually did in the past.
  She was still the same. Reckless but calculating. Gentle but rough. It seemed she had obtained the Geo elemental as well, much to his silent surprise. While Lisa did inform him before that the traveler did not possess a vision, to see her wield both Anemo and Geo further piqued his curiosity and interest about her.
  Well, he knew the secret to her power was only half of his genuine interest. The other half was…something Kaeya still chose not to disclose, be it to her or himself.
  After nearly weeks of camping, they finally decided to rest in Wangshu Inn. It seemed like a giant treehouse, Kaeya mentally noted, and he was widely impressed at how sturdy the structure was despite the amount of people and chaos inside it. Zhongli suggested they rested here for a couple of nights while they restock on some resources and weapons. And although Lumine and Paimon agreed to it, Kaeya soon realized that the ones doing the payment was Lumine herself.
  Like a gentleman, Kaeya paid for his room, of course—and Razor’s too since he warmed up to the young wolf boy during their journey.
  Night dawned upon them, and it was the most beautiful Kaeya had ever seen. Granted, Mondstadt was glorious with its lights and grandeur, but nothing could compare to the beauty nature had exposed before them. The gleaming line of lit lanterns truly complimented the sky above. And for once in his life, he truly felt at peace.
  That was…until azure eye spotted the target of his affections talking to someone new.
  “How do you like your almond tofu?” Lumine asked, head tilted slightly as she looked at the quiet adepti. Xiao merely nodded, gaze on his food and attention trying its best to focus on the delicacy.
  Her laugh was slowly breaking his concentration, however.
  “Hmm…” Slowly he swallowed, then huffed out single sigh. The distance between them wasn’t as far, but it wasn’t as close either. As Lumine rested her arms against the wooden rail of the balcony, Xiao only stood perfectly still with the warm plate still in his hand. He was highly aware of the small distance between them, and this also made him aware of the warmth that slowly seeped into his skin.
  He still refused to move from his single spot.
  “Good…” Whether the answer was for the food or the moment they were having, neither could tell.
  As the two enjoyed their peaceful night, one lone man stood from afar, his breathing exhaled in low specks of a chilly breeze.
  Finally, after 2 months of travelling, they finally arrived in Liyue. The place was gorgeous, Kaeya couldn’t lie. It seemed that the city was Zhongli’s birthplace—"or something like that,” as explained by Venti. The reason of them coming back to the land was because Zhongli had to attend to his own work matter.
  Kaeya wanted to comment on it, but he decided to bite his tongue when he was reminded that he too somewhat shirked his duties to be closer to Lumine.
  He was happy that he finally got to spend time with her. Like a holiday of sorts. While Paimon of course oftentimes clung to her like glue, Kaeya still managed to trick the floating creature with some delicious delicacies in any nearby restaurant. Even Razor couldn’t be seen, as Lumine informed Kaeya that the wolf boy preferred the wild environment, so he made camp in an area not too far from the city so he could come as soon as possible when she calls for him.
  Yes. It truly was the perfect moment for Kaeya to get closer to Lumine.
  …Or so he thought.
  “Ojou-chaaan,” Her name lulled in a singsong tune, she felt her shoulders being firmly hugged by someone whom brought a huge sigh off her chest.
  “Now, now.” Faking an offended expression, Childe placed one hand on his chest. “I’m only here to fight my favourite comrade!”
  Slap. Without haste, she slapped his hands away from her. “I’m busy, Childe.”
  “Oh?” He didn’t take offense at all. “You don’t look busy.” He walked beside her. The more she picked up the pace, the more he followed it.
  Deciding that running would only encourage the harbinger even more, Lumine finally slowed down. She knew he was a very, very persistent man. So with another sigh leaving her lips, she shot a glare at him.
  His eerie smile became a lovely match.
  “I am busy.” Amber eyes looked at the list in her right hand. “I’m searching for stuff and things to buy before we head out. Unlike you—” Another glare was given.”—who seem like he has a lot of free time in the world, I need to keep on moving to complete my mission.”
  The ‘mission’ she firmly stated was something they both knew was a delicate topic, so Childe decided go against asking it further.
  Instead, he still made it worse. “Oh? I’m always busy, ojou-chan.” Lower lip pulled to a playful pout. The back of his hand dramatically moved to his forehead. “Can’t you see how tired I am? I am absolutely fatigued by the amount of work my stupid co-workers have put me through.”
  “If you’re tired, then why the stars do you insist on battling with me today?”
  Lumine honestly expected his playful banter. She had prepared a retort. Her mind had generated words that would surely put him into a stupor.
  What she didn’t expect was her left arm to be pulled and her body being turned to the side.
  Amber eyes were wide. Everything happened so fast as the traveler then felt her chin being tipped upwards from a single finger.
  “Because…” A voice, lulled so close and so deep, brushed her pink lips. “Battling with you is never tiring.” Cobalt blue eyes were as striking as the deepest oceans. “Every time I see you…” His gaze lingered. His voice lowered. “I have this urge to just mess—” His right hand that held her left arm moved down… “—you—” And down… “—up…” Palm pressed firmly against the side of her waist—
  Pupils shot to the side the moment he felt a cold breeze. Instincts kicking in fast, Childe immediately released his hold on her and slid a few steps back. In a flash, he summoned his water blades, expression masked to one of annoyance. Luckily, the ice shard—he soon realized—missed him by a hair’s breadth. The back of his hand still felt the chill, and this only made him tighten his hold.
  In truth, Lumine was ready to summon her own wind element to whoosh the fatui away. As hot as her face felt right now, it seemed that shock still kept hold of her heart and mind as she felt her body being pulled yet again.
  “Oh dear, I’m sorry I’m late, Lumine.” She recognized that voice anywhere.
  One hand around her shoulders, Kaeya graced the harbinger before him with the cruellest, most sinister smile one had ever seen. Though sword not in sight in fear that he might cause enough attention than he already had, Kaeya still stretched his left hand forward. Tiny sparks of ice danced across his fingertips, spiralling small swirls towards his target.
  Fear was never present in Childe’s eyes.
  “Ojou-chan,” he called for her, voice light with poison, “it seems you have something stuck on you. Need me to take care of it?” While his grand scheme was to have a duel with her, Childe honestly didn’t mind a warm-up. White teeth gleamed under the sun’s rays. Gaze never torn from the traveler’s stunned face.
  He was mocking her; Kaeya knew this. “Oya, oya.” A single laugh chilled the Liyue air. “Underestimating me, aren’t you? That’s fine.” While true, his past self did choose to not summon his sword, “I always love to see my enemies being horribly humiliated.” his present self now had other plans.
  The sword breezed and solidified into his hands in a blink. To see the tip of a sharp weapon right in front of him, it only infuriated and excited Childe even further. A gust of ice and a burst of water formed around them, quickly and surely attracting an audience that feared for the sudden animosity.
  Both were ready to fight. Both were ready to spill blood.
  “—is enough!”
  …were now being blown away straight to a nearby lake by a powerful tornado.
  It had almost been a year since Lumine’s presence. Almost a year since she changed the lives of many. Her mission was still ongoing. The search for her brother was still top priority on her list. But in her many adventures, her presence did bring joy and hope some thought they had lost forever.
  “Diluc! One more please!”
  It seemed that he was part of the ‘some’, after all.
  “Isn’t this your third glass?” A single eyebrow raised. He watched as she giggled shyly, one finger pushing the strand of blonde locks behind her ear.
  Cute. He understood why Kaeya of all people was struggling when it comes to her.
  “Ma-aybe,” she hiccupped, one hand then quickly cupping her mouth.
  Really cute. He understood why Kaeya had oftentimes lost his cool around her.
  Coughing once, Lumine cocked her head in pride. “It’s a party. No harm in celebrating once in a while. Besides, I still have some senses left in me.” Her smile shined as bright as the flames of his element. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she then looked around. “Hmm, where’s Kaeya?”
  If not for the many years of masking his emotions so perfectly, Diluc would raise his eyebrows in surprise. “Don’t know,” he bluntly replied, hands continued to wipe and clean a wineglass.
  Crimson eyes observed as her mouth pulled a frown.
  “He was here a minute ago…” She seemed sullen? Crestfallen? Disappointed? The change of tone in her voice evoked a glint of surprise in his eyes. While Kaeya was a master of faking his emotions as he was a master of hiding his, Diluc knew his bro—the annoying cavalry captain lately had a hard time keeping his feelings in check when Lumine becomes the matter. As surprising as it was at first, Diluc soon registered the fact that there was another person—other than him—that could shake the cryo user.
  This was getting more and more amusing, he thought.
  “The fool might be dead in the upstairs balcony.”
  The statement caught her attention. “Oh?” The pep in her voice was back. Whether it was from the alcohol or the excitement itself, it was clear that Lumine didn’t bother to hide her glee. She beamed as Diluc resumed his cleaning, ignoring her altogether as a sign that he wasn’t going to say any further.
  That was enough for her. “Thank you, Diluc!” Smile as bright as the sun, she quickly made way to the balcony on the second floor.
  As he watched her disappear into the crowd, a simple twitch of his lips curled upwards.
  Kaeya always loved watching the stars and moon.
  It was peaceful. Breath-taking. Calming. He was able to register his thoughts and recollect his mind every time he was alone with the twinkling lights. The wineglass in his hand was brought up, swirled gently before he sipped the final contents of his drink.
  Through the haze of his intoxication, his mind wandered to her.
  “Heh…” Lips curled to a derisive smirk. How cruel, he thought, that she still invaded his mind after all these months. When Kaeya decided to come back to Mondstadt due to knightly matters, he assumed that maybe, just maybe, a few more months of avoiding her would be the key to finally take all of this as some harmless crush.
  Alas, as the months rolled by without him being able to see her, it turns out it wasn’t harmless nor a crush.
  His arms leaned heavily against the rails of the balcony. And now that she came back to celebrate Jean’s achievements—and to thank her for all she had done—Kaeya finally had a chance to talk to Lumine. He finally had the chance to see her. He finally had the opportunity to catch up with her without the noisy company of others.
  He honestly didn’t mind Paimon. He did however mind a lot about her choice of human companions.
  He should treat her to lunch and catch up. But no. Instead, he made her do a taxing errand of preparing the feast for the party, while he had other separate matters to attend to.
  At times like these, he truly felt like a fool.
  The party had started an hour ago, and he did compliment her for being the mastermind of the surprise party. While in truth, it was his idea, Kaeya felt it more appropriate for the Honorary Knight to take in all the glory while he basked in the shadows.
  Heh. How fitting it seemed that he never changed.
  Not realizing that he had his eye closed all this time, Kaeya snapped it open before turning around. “Lumine!” Shock was present on his face, but the cryo user quickly mellowed it with a perfectly curled smile. “Now, what do I have the pleasure to see Honorary Knight out here tonight?” His back leaned against the rail, wineglass already placed on the small table next to him.
  Her response wasn’t immediate. Nor was it verbal. Instead, she gave a smile, one so sincere and endearing, he almost gripped the rail tightly.
  “I was looking for you.”
  Her simple answer shook him once again. Azure eye widened in shock. Lips firmly pressed to hide the emotion that fizzled within him. “Oh ho?” he chimed, the corner of his lips curled slightly. “I didn’t know I was missed.”
  “You are.”
  Her blunt answers were getting better and better. And this truly did not fare well on his end.
  Finally, he was out of words for a short while. And it was that short while that Lumine decided to move forward and stand next to him. Pride itched at her brain to know that she was able to make the cavalry knight speechless. It seems there were many benefits to having countless banters with Paimon and Childe.
  “I mean…” However, embarrassment followed suit at the realization of her words. “I didn’t see you much at the party so…” While common sense still held her by the reins, Lumine wondered if the fast beat of her heart right now was the cause of the man next to him.
  In truth, a huge part of her hoped so.
  “I asked Diluc and he said that you might be passed out in the cold here.”
  A single chuckle burst past his lips. “How sweet that he cares.” He looked to his side, memorizing every shape of her presence. “How sweeter that you care, my dear.”
  A single eyeroll was given. “I do care, though.” Her reply once again stunned him; she was getting better at reading his emotions too. “I…I know you’ve been through a lot, especially with Diluc so…”
  “Ah…” He cut her off, partly in realization and the other part to silently signal her to not continue it further. It seems that he had forgotten for a brief moment that he told her of his past. Months and months of travelling together seems to make a person’s lips looser. It was clear that he trusted her, as much as his heart could dangerously handle. And in turn, Kaeya gave her the reason to trust him.
  Which was also a much worse issue, considering that his role and lies still hang heavily around his neck.
  The smile on his face mellowed. Slowly he turned around, head cocked upwards to gaze at the night sky. “Pretty night, isn’t it?”
  She turned around too, though head tilted in his direction. A frown graced her face. Heat kissed her cheeks despite the cold breeze that caressed her body. “Kaeya—”
  “Where are you going next?”
  Roles were now in reverse as the question caught him off guard. “Sorry?”
  “Your next destination, Lumine.” Their eyes met. “Surely, you’re not going to make me hope that you might stick around longer?” The question laced with sweet toxicity, Kaeya let out another chuckle. “As happy as I am to see you back here, I know you’re on a mission to reunite with your brother.”
  His voice was soft, gentle. His expression bared a smile that strained his face.
  It hurt to watch.
  “Soon…” The reply was meek. Hands held the wooden rail. Amber eyes gazed downwards the people below. “I’ll go to Inazuma in the next 3 days.” Fingers slowly fiddled with one another. “The ship will depart on that day. So…I don’t know when I’ll be able to visit Mondstadt again…”
  Azure eye dulled as he ignored the pain in his chest.
  “I see.” was his only response. Slowly he nodded, mouth thinning to hold back the smile that was faltering. “Well,” One hand moved to her, wavered, hesitant, before he patted her shoulder. “I wish you all the best, Lumine.”
  A deep breath was taken to gulp back the cracks left in her chest.
  Hands slowly cupped together. Tightly. “Actually, I was wondering…” There was a reason she came looking for him. There was a reason she came back to Mondstadt before her next journey. One breath. Two. She closed her eyes before recollecting her thoughts that would soon slur into verbal words.
  She felt his hand pull away. She hated that.
  “I want—” With a heart that wanted to burst out of her ribcage, Lumine took the hand that was pulled away. “—you to join me!”
  Shock was the star of the show in the brilliant evening. One gawked at her as if she grew a second head. The other gasped in silence as if what she had just said was near to impossible.
  When she thought about, considering his role in Mondstadt, it might as well be.
  The grip on his left hand tightened.
  “I…” It was now or never. “I had so much fun travelling with you. It was never a dull moment.” Her head was down. “When we did all those commissions and strange requests, you always had a plan ready. When we were battling the powerful enemies, you always had my back. When I felt down and out of it, you were always there to cheer me up!” Her hands shook. “I—when we went to Dragonspine, you tried your best to find warm shelter to keep everyone warm even though fire isn’t actually your forte.” Archons, she would never forget how grateful she was to have him endure the frigid cold of such an unforgivable place.
  His hand felt warm.
  “We fought side by side all these months and I—” Couldn’t forget it. Couldn’t forget him. “I…” Anxiety kicked in the more she stuttered. Forcing another gulp, Lumine let out a sharp sigh. “Having you so close to me made me realize how much I need you.”
  Blue bangs shielded his eye.
  “Waking up and seeing you bond with Paimon and Razor and everyone else first thing in the morning made me realize how much I miss those moments.”
  Lips were slightly parted.
  “And…” She could do this. “The night that we opened up about our brothers—” She heard a sharp breath. “—that was…truly a night that I felt closest to you.” She felt her hands shake. “I like that. I love that.” There was a reason why she chose to drink more than she could handle tonight—
  “I love—”
  Her shoulders flinched. At the same time his voice startled her, she gaped as she watched his hands slip away from her grasp. She froze as she felt those same hands cup her cheeks.
  His voice was silky smooth, caressing her very skin that sent prickles up to the back of her neck. She blinked once. Twice. Lumine then moved her head upwards by the gentle gesture of his hands—
  Amber eyes were as wide as they could be.
  His lips were soft, sweet, slightly sour with a taste of tangy citrus. While bafflement had her vision open and clear, his eye was closed.
  One heartbeat. Two.
  Realization knocked him hard at the back of his head.
  Quickly his eye snapped open. Immediately he pulled back. “I—!” Hands moved from cheeks to shoulders. It seems that the wine he drank had finally took control of his body. When he listened to her request, Kaeya could only feel his body float like a cloud. When he heard her explanation, he could only feel his heart clawing right out of his throat.
  Love. When he heard that word, that one word, he couldn’t help but to succumb to the feelings he had long tried to destroy.
  He gaped at her. She gawked at him. “Ahaa…” Defeat and shame poured down on him. “Sorry, Lumine.” Now he had done it. “I had uh…too much to drink tonight.” Now he had perfectly fucked this up.
  He should leave. He should walk away. Being here with her was a mistake. Holding her by the shoulders was a mistake. Feeling her warmth, remembering the luscious shape of her lips was definitely, definitely, a mistake—
  Words, panics, and fears dissipated like hot steam once he felt the front of his shirt being tugged, once he felt those lips he so dearly missed pressed hard against his.
  This time, her eyes were closed shut. This time his eye was wide as saucers.
  However, bafflement didn’t linger too long, as Kaeya fully registered the moment with an open heart and an open mouth.
  Quickly his eye closed. Hands now moved around her waist, tickling her in the process that Lumine actually wiggled in his embrace. Cute. The word beaming like a beacon, he pulled her flushed against his chest. Cute! Cute! His tongue found and caressed her own, tangling together until breaths became heavy in their lungs. Cute, cute, cute! With ease, Kaeya moved his hands downwards and lifted her up. It seems that the alcohol took hold of her mind too, as Lumine happily wrapped her legs around his waist as she pressed closer.
  Chu! Chuu…chup! Apart they broke for a mere second. Chuuu! Together they kissed again before either could regain proper vision. Her hands tugged and brushed through long, silky blue hair. His hands squeezed and gripped her soft, scarred thighs.
  If it weren’t for the fact that they needed air, they knew there would be no end to this.
  Pants, heavy and warm, stroked each other’s faces. A gaze of pure stupor was given to a face of sheer shock. Red kissed their cheeks as if the sun had grazed them. Heartbeats pumped hard and fast against flushed chests.
  One heartbeat. Two heartbeats.
  After the third beat, realization dawned on them like cold water.
  “Ah—” Both stumbled. Quickly Lumine released her grip and stood in a shaky stance. She kept hold on his shoulders, fearing that the intense moment would make her lose her posture. His hands slid upwards to her waist, his grip not longer rough yet palms pressed firmly on her body.
  They didn’t show any signs of letting each other go.
  Her head dropped. Should she apologize? Should she forgive? Should she say something to dispel this awkward situation that bloomed between them?
  But he did kiss her, though. And while Kaeya had been on her mind all these months since their journey together, never had she thought that her feelings would be requited. She felt giddy. Anxious. A whirlwind of emotions swirled inside her to know, to see, to feel, that the dashing cavalry knight would harbour such feelings for—
  A single gulp slid down a dry throat.
  She cast a peek. Heat burned to the tips of her ears, Lumine found it wise to not say anything yet.
  She was too cute, he gushed.
  “Pushing aside our little…session, which I find absolutely amazing, by the way.” He gently pulled her closer. “I want to answer your request.”
  Her finger unintentionally squeezed his shoulders.
  “Lumine…” His voice lowered to a husky whisper, so loving, so sweet. “I would love to join you to Inazuma.” To join you anywhere.
  His answer lit up a spark of joy on her face. Quickly, finally, she brought her head upwards. “Really—?”
  Glee burst to shock at the feel of his lips.
  “Kaeya!” Instinctively she pulled back, pupils blown in pure embarrassment over his tease.
  Laughter echoed the bright night. While Kaeya was infamous for masking his emotions, the laugh he burst out was both genuine and filled with absolute glee.
  How mesmerized she felt to witness such beauty.
  “Geez…” Quivered lips pressed a shaky smile. Playfully jabbing his chest once, Lumine then wrapped her arms around his chest. “I have to get used to this, huh?” A sheepish mumble left her lips. Her left cheek nuzzled against his warm chest.
  A peaceful sigh left her to feel fingers tickling her back.
  “Pretty much.” Happy. “You wanted me to tag along. You pay the price, my dear.” It felt so sinful to be this happy. He nuzzled the top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of windwheel aster and vanilla that he so dearly loved.
  It seems his silly jealousy was—after all—silly.
  Finally, her laughter joined his. The two relished in their embrace, making the stars and the moon their witness of the very start of their ever after.
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bangtann-bangdamn · 3 years
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Summary: You’re a P.I. dedicated to finding soulmates... despite your insistence that soulmates aren’t real.
Pairing: Jimin x gender-neutral reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy, Soulmates AU
Prompt: Soulmate AU
Word count: 1.1k
Warning: Swearing
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“Soulmates aren’t real.” You sat down heavily at your desk as you skimmed over the mission brief your client had submitted. “Why do these people bother?” You tossed the paper onto your desk with a scoff.
Ever since the turn of the decade and some woman had convinced the nation that she saw her soulmate in her dreams every night and some crack-pot actually came forward, everyone had been obsessed with finding their own soulmate. Honestly, it was the most ludicrous thing. Couldn’t people see a hoax when it was staring them straight in the face?
Yoongi scoffed as he settled in the seat opposite your desk, raising his feet to rest them on your desktop. “Bit ironic, considering you run a P.I. firm dedicated to finding soulmates.”
“You think I’m going to turn down easy money?” you rolled your eyes. “Nobody is exactly in need of a P.I. these days with social media, but everybody is searching for their soulmate.”
It hadn’t exactly been your dream to open up the Soulmate Agency. Your father had been an excellent P.I., but that had been before Soulmate gate. Since then no one had really been all too interested in finding lost family members, distant relatives, or anything else out of the extraordinary but finding their dream person.
In short, you were running an extraordinarily expensive dating service. It was easy enough to do, too. People tended to have a good idea of what their ideal person looked like. You then made a rough sketch using your AI program and forwarded the image to Hoseok at the police station. More often than not, he had a facial match straight away.
You never promised to be successful, which helped a great deal. You only promised that you would put them in touch with them. You let them figure out the rest themselves.
Sure, your success rate baffled you. Over the few years you’d been doing it, you were always surprised when one of your clients invited you to their wedding, but you rationalised that they were strongly persuaded by the idea of an easy relationship after ‘soulmates’ became synonymous with the relationship.
Yoongi considered your words as you pushed his feet off your desk with a scowl.
“So you’re saying a stranger has never appeared in your dreams? You’ve never sat down and spoken to someone, felt the sun and moon align and everything felt perfect?”
“For fuck sake, don’t tell me you actually believe in this?” You leant back in your chair. “I thought you had more sense than that, Yoongi!”
“I never said I didn’t believe in it. It’s just uncanny, you know? All these people come in here looking for the one and you miraculously find their perfect match?”
You stared cooly at him. “Did you know the human mind can remember a strangers face? You might have seen them in passing, just a glace, but your mind remembers. All these people are doing is remembering a strangers face. That’s why they know who they’re looking for.”
“What about the couple that literally lived halfway across the world from one another?”
You rolled your eyes. “Namjoon loved to travel! He probably crossed paths with them at the airport and not even realised it.” You waved your hand in front of your face as if you were batting the idea away.
“I’m just saying, it can’t be coincidental that all these matches seem to work out. How many wedding invites have you received this month?” Yoongi nodded his head in the direction of your over-filled filing cabinet.
“I mean…”
You pushed your chair back, grabbing the sheet of paper from your desk. “Still doesn’t account for all the people who were disappointed by what they found. Now.” You held out the sheet for Yoongi to take as you rounded the table. “I do believe I’m not paying you to sit in my office. Go call Park Jimin and invite him down for a consult.”
Yoongi took the page with a salute. “Yes, boss,” He said with a roll of his eyes before he left your office. The door clicked and you were left contemplating your words.
You didn’t believe in soulmates. Not like the way the people who walked through your doors did. But you couldn’t deny the fact that the same stranger appeared in your dreams. You sat down heavily in your chair as your thought about the blond dancer with the cheeky smile and mischievous nature. Your subconscious knew you wanted someone who kept you on your toes, and that’s exactly what your dream man did. He called you out, got playful when you wanted to be lazy, made you laugh so hard you would wake up from your dream laughing.
But you knew that’s all it was. A dream. You turned your attention to your desktop, deciding that you would forget about your own dream and work on finding others. That, at least, was easier.
Occasionally, Hoseok wasn’t able to match a face on the database. It wasn’t impossible, although it was certainly rare. But you knew what to do when those cases arose - you went back to your client and asked them for more details. Where did they have their dream meetings? Did they have an accent? Did they talk about anything specific, like their job or a hobby? Anything that would help you narrow down the search. It was more time consuming, and your client certainly felt it when it came to the bill, but they were usually the clients who kept you updated on their relationship, whether you wanted to know or not.
You were deep-diving down an anime forum all because your client remembered that their match had mentioned a love for anime and the anime community, (yes, it was definitely a long shot but what else were you supposed to do?) when Yoongi opened your door.
“Mr Park is here to see you,” he drawled, clearly bored of answering and fielding your calls for the day.
You smiled as you grabbed his file. “Send him in.” Your eyes scanned Jimin’s details as your mind erased the details of your long-shot case to focus on your new one.
You sensed when he entered the room, but you were more focused on minimising your browser and pulling up your AI software.
“Mr Park, it’s a pleasure to make -” You finally turned your attention to him, eyes first landing on his blond hair that had been pushed back to reveal his forehead and strong eyebrow then slowly drifting down until they met his cheeky smile.
“Well shit.” You said as you dropped Park Jimin’s file onto your desk.
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BGW Drabble Master List
Master List
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incorrecthpjo · 4 years
So @of-stars-and-moon and @shohina10 encouraged me on posting this, I should thank them. I tried writing kinda angsty wolfstar one shot that takes place in the first wizarding war, i hope you'll like it!! English is not my first language so there might be a few mistakes, i hope you won't mind them.
"Prongs, mate, I'm kinda bored, how about trying something new?" offered Sirius, while playing with the promise ring on his hand, given by Remus. Remus had given it to Sirius a few months ago, three days after that day, it was going to be the sixth month anniversary. They weren't ready for a real marriage yet, because they were only nineteen and even though James and Lily were thinking they were qualified for a marriage, well they were James and Lily and didn't have the problems like Sirius and Remus. Still, there was a war going on and they didn't know what the other day was waiting for them. They had a risk of losing each other any minute. So they thought a promise ring would be good, it wouldn't be a real engagement and also it would be a thing they can keep forever.
"Something new like what, mate?" asked James, excited about what Sirius was about to say.
"We can go to the future, Prongs!" Sirius was yelling excitedly. They had used their magical powers in the most extraordinary ways, such as becoming an animagus in a very young age or making a map of Hogwarts that even the best wizards of the world wouldn't be able to even imagine. Going to the future would be hard, but not impossible for James and Sirius.
"Mate, this is a great idea!" James ruffled his hair like he did whenever he was thinking so hard. "Will Remus come with us?"
"I don't think so, Prongs. He is on one of those 'missions' again and no one knows when will he come back." Sirius had a obvious change in his mood and James knew why. Sirius was having panic attacks about his relationship with Remus for weeks. Remus was going to the Order missions, but it was hard to believe because the "missions" were so long and he didn't have any reasons to not tell his friends why he was missing for all those days. Except for three things: he could be cheating on Sirius or he could be an agent. Or both at the same time.
"Okay, Pads, we'll go together. After all, you and I, Prongs and Padfoot, are the strongest couple in the whole Wizarding World!" James had a big smile on his face to cheer Sirius up. He was smirking, the last time he had smiled like this was when Lily finally accepted going on a date with him.
"Yes we are the strongest couple mate!" It was like Sirius almost forgot what was upsetting him. Even James' smile could do this.
"You know, if we were married, nothing could stay in our way."
Sirius snorted. "Yeah bro! You are right. I'm so in love with you, I wish we were married!" said Sirius, jokingly.
"Pads, I love you." said James in a very dramatic tone, hand on his heart like he just made wedding vows or something really cute happened.
"Prongs tell Lily that she's your second wife because I definitely am your first and only love!" Sirius was still laughing, only James could make him laugh this much. Even Remus wasn't able to do that.
They talked about how to go to the future, and they finally decided on turning a time-turner to the oppeside way. Every turn was going to take them a year further, so they were going to turn it ten times. They were going to be twenty nine, well, Sirius would be thirty but he didn't want to accept the fact he would get old. Well, twenty nine was young but thirty was old, right?
Two days later, they were ready to go. They wore the time turner and after ten turns, they were in 1989.
They looked around a bit, Godric's Hollow was looking kind of the same, only a few houses were renovated, and a few stores' glasses were full of new posters but that wasn't so surprising. It had been 10 years after all, some things should have been changed.
There was also a statue of a man and a woman, it had so many flowers around it but James and Sirius didn't look very carefully. If they did, they would see James and Lily, not so aged, hiding a life they couldn't live in their smiles, holding their son in their arms.
"Let's go to Remus' and my house! I'm excited to see there!" Sirius' excitement was very obvious from his voice, he was using the tone he used planning all those pranks. Sirius held James by his wrist and started running, preventing James from offering to see his own home first, stopping a great madness that would come from learning you had died before even turning twenty two and now your son is living with his aunt and not with you as you imagined.
Sirius finally stopped when they arrived to Sirius and Remus' house, or the house once belonged to them. The garden was full of cute flowers, there was a doghouse but no dogs in sight, all the curtains were closed even though it was a sunny morning.
Something was wrong. Even though it seemed normal, Sirius felt it before entering the house. It was not like them to keep the curtains closed, specially in a sunny day, just like how his own family did in Grimmauld Place 12. And it was not like them to not having a dog, they were already the fathers of three dogs.
Sirius gave James a look, James knew what it meant because he was thinking about the exact same thing.
"Alohomora!" Sirius pointed his wand at the door and opened the door. It was his own house, he had every right to open the door whenever he wanted.
Sirius' leather jacket he was wearing right now was still on the coat hanger, right next to a cardigan that Sirius assumed belonged to Remus.
"Damn, didn't I get a new jacket? I mean I love this baby," Sirius pointed at it, "But I should get new clothes, mate."
"Yeah mate, I'm sure it stinks," said James, jokingly.
"No!" said Sirius, angrily and frowningly. But he knew James was joking.
There were some noises coming from somewhere, noises of two men singing along to a song was playing on the radio, the song sounded like rock, Sirius felt proud of his future-self.
Remus' voice was still lovely, often interrupted by cute giggles and little moanings. But Sirius' voice - didn't sound like Sirius. At all.
"Dude, what happened to your voice?" asked James.
"I don't know but I will pull off my vocal cords and turn them into guitar strings."
They got what was going on and what happened to Sirius' voice when they entered the kitchen. Sirius' voice sounded awful because it wasn't Sirius' voice. It was someone else's voice.
Someone else who was giving Remus little kisses on his neck while hugging him and doing things only Sirius did to him. Someone else who was interrupting Remus while he was making pancakes. Someone else who was singing songs with Remus. Remus wasn't resisting. Why wasn't he resisting? He was even making sounds that shows he's enjoying this situation. Sirius' painting he did last week, well last week and 10 years ago, he corrected himself, was still hanging on the wall and Remus was still wearing the promise ring, probably meant Sirius was still living in this house. His clothes were still around the house, and Remus brought somebody else to their home? To cheat on Sirius?
How could Remus do to Sirius? How could he do this to them? Sirius felt like all of his trust and love towards Remus were slipping out of his hand, leaving Sirius all empty.
"Where the hell am I? Do I know what the hell is going on in this house? What happened to us Remus!?" Sirius shook head, trying to get rid of the useless thoughts. He glanced at James, who was looking at him from the second they saw Remus.
"Mate-" James tried to talk but Sirius interrupted him.
"What the fuck happened here, Prongs!? Where the hell am I!? Why is Remus cheating on me with that ugly, disgusting, frog voiced bastard!?" Sirius was yelling, shaking from anger and jealousy but the song was so loud, Remus didn't even hear Sirius yelling.
"I don't know, Pads, let's just go back to our own time. This was a bad idea anyway." It was one of the rare moments even James didn't know what to say.
"Ye-yeah... Our own time. We shouldn't have traveled..."
James did all of the time-turning thing while Sirius tried not to fall apart and have a breakdown.
Sirius already had trust issues which held him from trusting and loving people easily, now that he found out Remus has the potential to cheat on him, he had absolutely no trust.
"Prongs, if he did that to me, there's no guarantee that he won't sell you and Lily to Voldemort. We must change the Secret Keeper and we can't tell the new Secret Keeper to Remus."
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ohvalleyofplentyyy · 5 years
Merlin’s Blood
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Chapter 1: A Moment in Mirthe
The bar was alive with laughter and warmth. Kids ran amok, going under tables and winding between stools trying to catch their friends.
A group of townsmen sat at one of the large wooden tables in the corner of the pub. Farmers, Butchers, and the town’s Blacksmith sat around chuckling and drinking the night away; their weekly get-together to chat about how the crops have been growing or the new town gossip their wives whisper to them at dinner.
“Your highness, I’m so dreadfully sorry you must listen to this commotion.”
You sighed. Your personal guard, while undercover, still found a way to make you feel, well, very fragile. Even though you were on the run, Branson still kept you up on a royal pedestal.
You leaned over to him and from under your cloak hood, you whispered, “Branson, please, you needn’t be so… on guard. We need to blend in remember? You look like you’re being forced to still on a pitchfork and sing for the crowd.”
“Yes your highness, of course.” You swat him on the shoulder when he started to bow, “Quit with that! Call me Y/N from now on if you have to address me at all, you’re going to give us away.”
I can’t believe this man was ranked the best for going undercover for Father.
Oh Papa… I hope he’s alright…
You looked down into your lap and pulled the cloak over your skirt.
It had been a quick escape, you were up in your bedroom when the shooting started. It was the edge of the evening, the sun had been casting a lovely glow over the horizon when you noticed tiny dots moving over the hills towards the castle. Like ants moving across a picnic table to sneak a bread crumb that was leftover.
But then, fire started to light the sky like a meteor shower raining down on the kingdom. “We are under attack! We are under attack!” Shouts started coming from every inch of the kingdom.
You moved from the window, heart pounding in your chest.
Your maid came rushing in, the blood drained from her face. “We must get you ready to leave, immediately.” She rushed over to you and started to untie the over-skirt of your dinner dress and the jeweled bodice that went with it. A couple younger maids rushed in as Rhea, your head maid, nearing broke open your winter travel closet.
She shouted orders to them, “Mia, change her shoes, riding boots; The ones with the good strong leather. Elle, Grab her winter cloak, the one with the arm cutouts  and the heavy hood.”
As the younger maids scrambled to do her orders, she came over with your dark turquoise riding outfit. It was a wool long sleeve bodice that came up to the middle of your neck.
The front of the bodice had a cut out at showed the cream undershirt you had been wearing before. The skirt was the same material but a bit lighter in weight so it was movable, (with pockets!), flowers and jewels were embroidered to the hem of the skirt and around the pockets.
While the girls change your boots and buttoned your cloak, your mother came in with Branson and a few other guards flanked them.
“Mama, what’s going on? Why are they attacking so soon, I thought this war was starting in a month, not now.”  You quickly asked. She came over and stroked your cheek, “I know my darling, it’s alright. It will be, now you’re going to leave with Branson.”
“But Mother—“ “No no, we don’t have time for this, you must go and quickly now. Your father and I will try to follow later but for now, you are to leave at once.” She gave you a hug— one filled with more dread than warmth but you hugged her back anyway. Who knows when you would see her again. It could be months, even a year.
Maybe never again.
With that thought, you hugged even tighter.
Your mother bid you a farewell and sent you with Branson, you were able to get out of the castle rather hurriedly through a back moat on a small boat. There were stable boys on the other side that had two horses ready to go satchels packed and all.
You guessed that this plan had been passed down through generations in case of an emergency.
After settling on the horse you turned back to see the kingdom for one last look,
And that’s when the fire started.
It burned so horribly, but the screams were the worst part, you could feel the warmth of the embers that fell down from the tower that was lit up like a candle in the dark.
“Your highness, we must go!” Branson yelled as he grabbed the last bag from the stable boy. Tears burned in your eyes as you watched your home crumble.
You clicked the horse and went off in a gallop away from the kingdom, with Branson at your side.
My home, it’s gone.
A beer glass clashed down and pulled you from your thoughts, laughter filled your ears again and you came back to the present moment. Branson wasn’t next to you anymore, he must have gone to get some supper from the bar for you and him.
“I just don’t understand why we need to stop here Geralt, Mirthe is so boring and I know some cute ladies that probably miss me so terribly in Anchor.”
A lively man dressed in vibrant blues and a lute strapped over his back, most likely a musician, whined as he entered with a rather gigantic man covered with a cloak. The man only grunted at his companion as he scanned the room, when he made eye contact with you a shiver went down your spine and you felt your hands and feet turn cold.
You looked away quickly and the man, the bard called Geralt, sat down at a table close to you in the room. His friend quickly realized his woes weren’t being answered and after dropping his lute off went off to get a drink.
“Here you are your highne— I mean, Y/N.” Your guard put a plate of food in front of you and a cup of water. You were famished so you dug in immediately, and you swore there may have been a chuckle from a certain man.
I wonder if I can lower my cloak hood, it’s very hard to eat with it.
After the fifth time it covered your eyes as you tried to bring the fork to your mouth, you huffed and threw it back. Branson’s eyes got wide, “What are you doing?!” He hissed, “you could be noticed!”
You pursed your lips,“I’ve been rarely seen outside the palace walls and I never got my portrait painted so I hardly doubt people are going to notice a young woman who’s covered in soot eating her food in a pub.”
He huffed but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. Thankfully, the bard came back and gave something for you to watch. He gallantly set down two pints of ale and started on about one of the girls at the bar he’s sure was catching his eye.
“I mean it Geralt, I think she’s the one! Yes, I’ve said that before but she’s so beautiful and—“ “Full figured?” Geralt finally spoke. You couldn’t help but giggle.
Two sets of eyes moved over to you at the noise and you looked down, still smiling. Branson, oblivious to the moment, got up to get some more ale. The bard seemed to be intrigued by you and decided once your guard had left he could fill in.
He slipped into the seat next to you “Why hello there, the name’s Jaskier, might I have the pleasure of knowing yours?”
His friend rolled his eyes and you smiled, “ It’s uh- Cora.”
Jaskier smiled and took your hand, kissing the top of it. “Enchanted Ms. Cora.” “Oh Jaskier leave her alone, she’s not interested in a musician.” You raised an eyebrow at him, “And who says that? Is there someone else I should be intrigued by, a strong arm perhaps?”
Jaskier seemed to glow at your comment and grinned. “Oh goodness Mr. Geralt of Rivia, it seems you’ve met your match!”
The bard turned back to you, “Where are you traveling to? If it’s the same place as us, we could accompany you.”
Geralt mumbled under his breath, “You know I’ve got a job to do Jask—“ but he was cut off by shouts at the bar. The farmers and others at the large table stood up at the commotion. When you turned your head the first thing you saw was a group of men with pitchforks, axes and torches bursting through the door.
Then Branson with an arrow through his eye socket.
They’ve found me.
Geralt was already out of his seat with his sword in his hand. “I’ve got to go.” You said in a hurry, grabbing the satchel Branson had taken off and put it over your head. The bard shook his head, “We need to hide! Not run away!” He said frantically.
You grabbed Jaskier’s hand and pulled your hood up. “Jaskier can I trust you with my entire life at this moment?”
The bard, very worried, nodded. “I believe these men are after me, do you know if there’s another way out of this pub?”
“Yes, yes follow me.” Grabbing his lute from the table, hand in hand you went into the conjoined room away from the fight. In the corner of the new room, Jaskier put you behind some barrels of ale that had been stacked. “I’m going to tell Geralt we’re leaving, stay here.”
Is he serious?!
Jaskier weaved his way through the fighting, avoiding a few arrows that shot through the tavern by the grace of the gods. “Geralt! Geralt! I’m taking Roach and will be where we talked about earlier!” He called out. The fighter turned with a confused look, “You’re doing what?! Roach?!” But Jaskier was already retreating to the other room as the group of farmers decided to join the fight with their empty ale glasses.
“Alright, let's go!”You got up out of your hiding space, right as one of the men came in with a crossbow. In a flash, you pulled out a dagger that was strapped to your waist and threw it straight into his neck.
The man dropped instantly and Jaskier couldn’t process the event that just happened.
“How did you, where did you learn—“ You ran over and grabbed the dagger, wiping the blood off on him and snatching the crossbow. “Can’t explain right now,” you shoved the bow into his hands, “This is a pretty simple weapon, point and shoot basically. Here are the extra arrows. Now let’s go!!”
You both exited the back entrance and outside was a nightmare, there were knights dressed in black slaughtering every innocent soul that they came in contact with. Jaskier pulled you around the corner to a horse that was tied to a post.
“Hiya Roach, this is Cora. We’ve got to go.” The musician helped you up into the saddlel and then climbed on behind you. He grabbed the reins, “Oh wow, I’ve never actually—whoa!!” You had taken them from him and set off away from the chaos, Jaskier clinging to you for dear life.
“Where am I going Jaskier?” You asked as you rode across a bridge into the woods.
“There’s a cave closer to the mountainside to the west. Geralt and I are supposed to kill— oh uh, see something there.”
Did he just say kill?
“Oh… alright.” It was about half an hour until you stopped a cave entrance. You got off at a stream close by and let the horse have a drink and rest. The bard spoke after taking a slip for himself from the stream. “Can I ask you why you’ve decided to bestow your, and I quote ‘entire life’ in me?”
You sat down on a soft patch of grass, “I guess I need to tell you the real story now since you did help me out of harm's way.”
You swallowed, “You know about the attack on Tretogor? That happened a fortnight ago?”
“Yes, Geralt and I heard of them on our way here in La Valette. The stories were horrible, I’m sorry to say.”
You nodded and swallowed, “Yeah, very terrible. Well, I am Prin—“
“Princess Y/N Echantcia of Tretogor I presume.”
Geralt emerged from the bush as he made the statement. Jaskier stood at the news, “Is it true?” He asked. You stood as well and curtsied at them both.
“It’s true. I’m a runaway princess,” you sighed, “what do you think of that.”
The white-haired man exhaled, “well that’s a relief, I’m the Witcher sent to find you.”
Oh fuck.
You backed away immediately, “You’re here to kill me aren’t you?”
Jaskier started to freak out, “No no no! Of course not why—“ But you weren’t listening, you were to busy staring into the amber eyes of the man that made no notion you were wrong.
“Geralt this is ridiculous, you need to tell her we mean no harm.” He was now standing next to Geralt gesturing to you and then back, waving his arms about.
“Jaskier, I cannot say that, because I have indeed been instructed to take out the last of the bloodline of Merlin. They are the only ones that could cause the world as we know it to collapse at a moment’s notice. They are one of the biggest threats to humanity.”
The bard grabbed the back of his head and gestured with the other hand to you,
“You can’t mean to tell me that this young woman possesses natural powers unlike the Brotherhood of Sorcerers who use plain magic. That’s just a fable told to young kids!”
“No Jaskier, it’s not.”
Geralt took a step towards you, and you let out a shaky breath. You smiled at the bard, “Goodbye Jaskier.”
Like a flash of lightning, you vanished.
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werezmastarbucks · 5 years
Blunt hook
Kai Parker x fem!reader smut
gif not mine
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that’s like the first and the last smut I ever write ugh yeet
also I wrote this very cool thing on psychological analysis of Kai’s head bugs. check it out, it’s on my main blog. I love it.
word count: 2788
choking (light), fingering, dom!Kai, female reader
The reader had helped Kai escape hell, so now he’s trying to get her to side with him in everything else, too. However, Y/N is too stubborn, and not afraid of physical pain. Thank f*ck Kai always has a plan B.
The sky was full of Perseids and sound. Kai was taking his time and never hurried himself, but still found it was rather curious how long it takes to get used to a new form of living. Every. Damn. Time. It’s been a couple of months since he got out of hell, and every single day now he was amazed, unmistakably, by the air. I mean, can you imagine? It actually flows right into your nose and then down your throat or whatever. And it tastes so good! Being a vampire sure enhanced all the sensations, too. He was practically happy every day, agitated, even. The only thing was…
He shrugged, distracting himself from the stars and the comets flying ahead in white blinding flashes. What a beauty, he thought, what an unexpected beauty he thought he could never appreciate.
Then he saw her. And the idea came to him. All he needed at this point of being out of hell was a tiny little detail for the ascendant. It was maddening to think that virtually everything he needed was in his hands, except for this teeny-tiny metal hook less than a pinky nail in size, shiny and blunt. Without it, he could not travel back to the prison world. Without it, he could not get the reaper out. Without it, the devil would not let go of him and let him be. And the Boring Faces took it away from him. How insensitive of them not to take his lust for life into consideration.
But her. She might be of use and help. She went out of her way to open the gates of hell to let him crawl out. She went through being tortured, which means he won’t get anything out of her by inflicting pain. Kai had something on his mind though; she was wearing a dress.
Y/N was standing with her head tilted back, almost falling, looking at the cluster of the burning comets shooting through the horizontal line.
A light gust of wind brushed her hair, and then a hand grabbed her by the forearm. Y/N swayed, but managed to stay on her feet, and then she was pulled aside. Kai shot her a mad glance and walked, casually but fast, and she had nothing else to do but follow him, trying to move her feet as quick as possible.
Stalling would take a considerable amount of wit, so she started thinking right away, clutching her purse out of nervousness. Nobody considered her feeling for this nut job. Nobody. N/Y, hold him off as long as you can, but no sweat. Forget what you’ve gone through for him and lie to his face while we betray him yet again. Just stay here between the two flames, nothing special.
She sighed, trying to wiggle out of Kai’s grab, because his fingers bit into her flesh like burning coals. Kai looked back at her, dropping speed a little bit, but his eyes said nothing.
“What?” she gasped, trying to loosen his fingers. Kai didn’t give in, dragging her on towards the shade of trees. People were stepping away politely as they walked, like none of this seemed strange to them. Y/N finally levelled with Kai, but he still didn’t let go of her arm, clutching on her like she could vanish in thin air.
“Talk”, he commanded, throwing her to the side of a tree. He looked out from the shadow, making sure all the lights and the babbling people were left aside, blind to their conversation here. Their noise was still nearly unbearable, but Kai was getting better at focusing every day.
She caught herself, pressing her back to the trunk of a birch tree, and held onto it. Kai’s face as white in the shade, silvered by the faint moonlight and the rare specks of golden light from the bonfires. His eyes seemed completely black, the pupils enlarged, like he was on the verge of screaming form all the smells, and sounds, and the most of all, impatience.
“Start talking, Y/N. Where is it?”
“I don’t know what you’re on about”, she tried to make her smile seem innocent and failed, unable to hide the slow excitement that was rising in her. That. That is why she’s completely useless in things like that. She already forgot where they hid the dam detail even if she knew.
Kai grabbed on her purse, pulling on the strap. She barely managed to bend her head to let it slide off her shoulders. One second later, and she would’ve been choked, or beheaded. The vampire opened her handbag, thrashing it with sharp movements. She let out a giggle as he threw it aside, half empty.
Blood ran to her face as the vampire stepped up, closing a shadow on her. His arm flew up and rested on the trunk just above her head, and she felt comfortably caged. Kai licked his lips, trying to hold from acting right away, trying to come up with the most gracious way to get it out.
“Damon and his brother, they hid the last detail from my ascendant”, Kai elaborated,
“Come on, Y/N you know well what I’m talking about. Don’t make me hurt you”, he stared deep into her eyes like a snake charmer.
“I don’t actually want to hurt you”.
“I don’t know where it is, Kai. They don’t tell me. They know…”
Y/N paused, wondering if he could hear her heartbeat. Of course, he could. Irregular, quick, like a little puppy jumping and twisting in her chest, sending bright sparkles to her eyes, because she just can’t hide how much fun this all is. When fear goes away, there’s just fun.
Kai felt, this was the moment she could say something. He shifted; stooping above her, cupping her face with his palms. Soft hair was brushing the backs of his hands as he held her, pleading:
“They know you don’t want me to go back. Right? You don’t want me to go back to hell, do you, Y/N?”
She smiled sheepishly, thinking, what a bastard. He is one manipulative bastard with his blackish eyes and his perfect American chin. He tilted his head like a robot, knowing that was his best angle. Nothing worked. Kai felt her warmth, the hot spasms coming out of her skin, her desire was so obvious it was ridiculous, and yet she stood there, immovable like he didn’t matter. She was good, this one, stamina like a real fighter. Well, he guessed, torture and being alone for some time does that to people. Their skin touched and yet nothing happened, although he could practically hear her insides warming up, he could see the pupils of her eyes widening hungrily, and it made him feel weird, like he was hungry, too.
Y/N kept silent, thinking that would drive him mad enough out of a simple reason. She didn’t really have a plan. After all this is done, she thought, I’m moving the hell out of this cursed hole. She was as tired of the Boring Faces as Kai was, she just hid it better.
“Well”, his face hardened as his hands let go of her face. Kai looked at her, familiar violent glimmering dancing in his eyes. It was hard to tell in the dark whether he was smiling or grimacing. Maybe it was time to run, she couldn’t tell. Before she could decide anything, his whisper cut her ears like a razor.
“Maybe you’re hiding it somewhere here. Under your dress”.
Then his hand slid down so quickly she only felt it when it already was on her left thigh. Warm finger caressed her skin lightly, tracing its way up, until his palm lurked under the skirt. Y/N’s brain screamed: that feels not bad at all. Evident attractiveness of this undead heretic was burning her eyes. She was torn between staying prideful and keeping him at her side – for whatever reasons.
“Why aren’t you fighting me?” his voice brushed her face, she could almost taste its timbre. She bit her lower lip from the inside not to blurt out anything. Let him entertain himself, she’s not going to do his work. This man, this crazy type in front of her, manipulative, always with a plan, awoke a feeling in her, a desire to stand up to him, even if in this weird, submissive way. Well, she’ll figure that out, she thought. It’ll all unfold by itself. Right now, she just knew, she wouldn’t brush his arms off, no matter what he does, or how hard he does it.
Kai gasped comically.
“Are you my distraction?”
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A boyish, excited smile brightened his face. It lit with amusement and anticipation.
“What am I supposed to be distracting you from?” Y/N asked in a thin voice.
“Bae, everything”, he blurted readily.
His palm moved just as his eyes narrowed again. There was a shift in his mood. Like a kitten, that’s too young, he really did get distracted. The ascendant detail is important, sure. But there’s this one, propped up against a tree, and he’s curious as to why she’s not running, not giving in. She’s just smirking, almost brave enough to show him what she really wants. Fortunately, he can almost read her mind.
There was hunger inside of him, not only for blood, but an eerie sensation of dryness in is throat; the light-headedness when he realized he’s watching Y/N, but she doesn’t see him. When he’s just an invisible observer, and all she does is his by all means. Being in the crowd, really stop seeing people. Kai did the opposite, and he chose her. If you rid yourself of self a little bit – excuse the pun – you’re free to watch whoever you want. Kai’s seen way more than anybody else. The tip of her tongue snaking in the corner of her mouth, and the curves of her hips as she walked, the wild glimmering in the corners of her eyes. The slender fingers crooking on her cheeks, caressing her own neck. The softness of the earlobe pierced by the golden earring. The thin delicate skin on the inside of her elbow. Her cocky posture, ever-ironic grin letting out deep sigh of her tired, unamused voice.
The hidden soul of that girl was not pure. She was not pure. Kai was wondering if he’d contributed to that.
His hand touched the fabric of her underwear, and he felt comfortable. He pressed his thumb on her pubic bone, wondering, how hard would be too hard.
“Hands on the tree”, he ordered, and her palms were glued to the trunk in a second. Y/N pushed her back against it, trying to move as little as possible. Her thighs moved forward as she leaned backwards, the wings of her shoulder blades colliding with the tree. Kai towered over her like a leopard over a cheetah cub.
“Let’s see if it’s there, do you mind?” he murmured, and Y/N bumped the back of her head against the hard trunk. His fingers pulled her panties down and pressed on her clit persistently. Y/N neck went hot. Kai watched carefully as her nostrils flared a little, like he didn’t know what he’s doing, like it was something alien he was touching. He was trying to figure out the connection between the hunger he was experiencing, and the warm, welcoming wetness of the inside of her. Y/N was thinking about how smooth his skin was. It was so fucking smooth, seemingly perfect to touch. She opened her mouth to say something, but Kai’s other hand immediately pressed on her face, covering her mouth.
“Nah-uh. Keep quiet. Do as I say”.
He made himself horny saying that. He didn’t expect these words out of his own mouth, just as his fingers slid inside of her, and he felt Y/N sucking on the air from underneath his palm. She tried to bite the skin lightly, but swayed, obedient, never looking away. Kai’s eyes were dark and calm, like oceans of Malivore, hypnotizing, eyes with a trace of tragic smile deep inside.
Y/N wanted so bad to raise her hands and weave them around his neck, to hang herself onto him, shifting all the weight, and ride his hand. Keeping still made all her muscles sing a tense melody of pain, making pleasure all the more even, sending it like sharp flashes of color all down her body. She begged to god that she wasn’t shaking, because she really couldn’t tell anymore; she was throwing all her might into not moaning as his three fingers were moving inside, rubbing the sensitive skin, sliding in and out, pinching and pulling. Her right knee gave in, and she swayed again, nails clawing into the bark; Kai took his palm off her mouth and wrapped it around the girl’s throat; her whole neck went into his fist like it was carved for it. He propped her up and squeezed her throat, lightly first, then tighter and tighter, until her mouth opened a little, and his own jaws separated as he looked inside. His tongue pressed against his canines violently, bursting the tip of it and bleeding into his mouth. The hot blood pumped into his face and nose, and he grabbed her by the clit, immersing his fingers inside down to the first knuckles. He was fucking her, they both realized, with his hand, and that was one way to do it. Y/N propelled her hips, giving in to her own screaming body, because that movement was the only one she could think of. The ultimate goal of that one moment was to string herself onto his hand, deeper, deeper, harder, so that he could destroy her, tear her apart.
Kai loosened his hand on her throat just a little, to hear her whimper as her eyes rolled. Biting shiver shot through Y/N’s body, but she was glad to see she stood; trunk of the birch tree was hurting her head, so she tilted it forward a little and gasped for air as Kai’s hand let go of her. Both his hands, to be precise. He rubbed his right hand on Y/N’s thigh, leaving a hot trace of cum on her skin in gentle touches. He couldn’t help tracing the sharp bone of her hip, drawing circles around the tip absent-mindedly. The only way he could now relieve himself was to grab and squeeze her hip possessively, making her groan softly. There was supposed to be hurt. He usually hurt someone as a result of… the process. The normal pattern of events was him standing with his hands covered in thick dark blood in the end of the picture, gratified deeply by the seizing screams, calming his beast down. Pain. Was it something like that? Kai looked deep into her face and read her. He saw that orgasm was pretty much like physical pain, only, it made her show her teeth in a smile.
It was over, Y/N figured; blood was pumping in her ears, and even if he said something, she couldn’t hear. She wrapped her hands around Kai’s neck and rested on him, locking her fingers on the short, soft hairs on the back of his head. Just for a moment, he’s going to belong to her, while he’s whispering his hot threats in her ear. His voice, the scent, the breadth of his shoulders – all hers, just for now, as he’s holding her against this very tree.
“Come on now, Y/N”.
Kai knew he had like three seconds to slither inside of her mind while she’s fragile. While she’s messed up, sweet smell of pleasure and indolence pouring out of her like a syrup; he could as well just lick it off her skin.
“Where is it? Where is it”, he pressed his face against hers, listening to her deep, erratic breathing. He was keeping up with his own noise, confused by the sudden outburst of eagerness and a boner. He had to be focused, but he couldn’t but admire a little this oily, feminine beauty. Her wrists pulsating with blood were so close to his face the smell flooded him.
The bravery of her, though, as she lifted her face and looked him in the eye. Pupils expanded, glistening with lust and mischief. She said:
“I really don’t know. Why don’t you try it with you mouth next?”
The smile curling her lips made the groan wake in the depths of his chest. Kai let the hot air out of his nose, clenching his jaws. He brushed off Y/N’s arms, pushing away, and stepped out of the shadows with an audible roar. The sound of her laughter was ringing in his ears.  
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legxllyblxndc · 3 years
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thalia frank, 41 years old, primary school teacher: during a trip to the museum with her school, thalia met ashton. while he was showing the class around, the pair got on like a house on fire. he caught her just before she was leaving and asked her on a date. the pair went out for drinks. thalia didn’t know that he was in a relationship when they slept together. they had a short lived affair - only ending a couple months previously - when she found out about his girlfriend. thalia has every intention on telling poppy about what happened. 
chloe richards, 40 years old, cafe owner: when chloe was young, all she could dream about was opening her own cafe, with a little reading nook so people could eat cake and read. she was so determined to make it happen and never really had much of a chance to date. she had a couple of boyfriends but none that had lasted that long. she recently decided - after having the cafe for two years, to concentrate on love, now. she me jude after his break up with ava and he came into the cafe. she thought he looked pretty lonely so struck up a conversation. chloe has always loved hearing other peoples stories. the two of them ended up chatting for most of the afternoon and ended in chloe asking him on a date. he liked her confidence, how sure of herself she was and so he said yes. they’ve been dating since then and recently became official. 
franklyn brooks, 42 years old, english teacher: franklyn met river in the library. he was looking for a book and she was able to help him find it. they got chat after that and got on really, really well. they went out for dinner that even and basically saw one another every single day afterwards. a few months in, river found out that she was pregnant and growing up the way that he had, he proposed. he genuinely already thought he could be with river for the rest of his life. their daughter, ravens, birth and their wedding was the happiest time of his life. for the longest time, river, franlyn and raven were a team. they were happy. and franklin wasn’t even sure what changed, what caused him to cheat on his wife. but after fifteen years together, that was exactly what he did. he had been out with some friends on a stag do. he ended up talking to a couple of girls - he had always been a very friendly person, so that wasn’t out of the ordinary - and when one of the girls kissed him, he kissed her back. he went to her hotel room with her. and although it was only the one time, franklyn was torn apart by the guilt. he told river as soon as they got home. for a little while, they tried to make things work but after a couple of months, river told franklyn that she just couldn’t get past it. that she saw him differently and so she filed for divorce. his daughter hasn’t spoken to him since but franklyn is determined to win river back. he still loves her. 
brett porter, 41 years old, editor: when brett was asked to go to a comedy stand up night, he hadn’t known what to expect. it turned out to be one of the best nights of his life. it was that night that he met audrey mccoy. she had been with some of her friends - one of which was dating his friend. they were introduced and basically didn’t stop talking for most of the night. they swapped numbers and then he asked her out for dinner a couple of nights later. it wasn’t too long before they found out that audrey was pregnant with their daughter, phoebe. a couple of months after phoebe was born, brett proposed. they’ve been married for seventeen years now and he loves audreys other daughter, ivy, as much as he loves phoebe. he’s has had suspicions about audrey and ashton for a little while now and is really struggling being okay with him being back in her life. 
enid mcguinness, 40 years old, florist: when johnny and enid were set up on a blind date - by one of their mutual friends - she hadn’t expected to get on quite so well with him. he was everything that she had been looking for and the two of them quickly became official. he was her best friend and her boyfriend all rolled into one. pretty much straight away, enid started thinking up the life that they would have together. it was about a year after they had gotten together, that she found out that they were going to have a baby. although they hadn’t been together that long, enid was thrilled and so was johnny. they had twin boys - robin and teddy. and about a year later, they welcomed virginia to their family. it was just after ginny was born, that johnny proposed and of course she said yes. their wedding was a joyous occasion - with the boys being the page boys and ginny as their flower girl. although they were happy, just over a year after their wedding, enid started to think that the feelings she had for him were more friendship than love and once she spoke to johnny about it - she was relieved to hear that he had been thinking the same thing. they agreed to a trial separation, which resulted in their divorce. enid still has the utmost respect for johnny and still considers him as one of her closest friends. she is trying to ignore the return of butterflies in her stomach any time he’s around - she doesn’t want to complicate things. 
katherine ‘kat’ vincent, 24 years old, tv personality: ever since katherine was 18 years old, she has been on made in chelsea. she is the sister of one of the main cast so was only in a few episodes here and there for the first couple of years but people seemed to enjoy her dry sense of humour and how unafraid to tell it how it was so she was made a main cast member. when kat was told that lydia davenport was joining the cast, she was pretty excited. she had been following the other girls career for a little while now and she was looking forward to working with her. what she didn’t realise, though, was just how closely she and lydia were going to be working. after a few months of lydia working on the show, she and kat started dating. their relationship has never been straight forward. they’re both very firey people and so, sometimes, they can butt heads. it makes for great tv but it’s hard to properly form a strong relationship when they’re like that constantly. all kat really knows is that she likes being with lydia and she doesn’t really think that any of the rest of it matters that much.
oscar blake, 154 23 years old, police officer, vampire: growing up in 1867 in salem heights was difficult for oscar and his family. they were poor and finding the money for food was hard. as soon as he was old enough, oscar was sent to work in the factories so that he could bring in a little bit of money for his family. he had always dreamed of a bigger life, a better life and so when he was asked to run away with an older, wealthy woman when he was eighteen, he jumped at the chance. he didn’t say goodbye to his family. what oscar didn’t know, though, was that this woman was a vampire. when he found out, he demanded that she turn him - and she did. he was twenty three years old when he ‘died’ and oscars new life began. with his new found vampirism it meant that he was able to get whatever it was that he wanted from people and he absolutely exploited that. oscar travelled the world, discovered things that he never would have if he had stayed in the life he had, had at home. he came back to england, though, in 1940 and met charlotte gilmore. he took advantage of her need, using her as his personal blood bag, making sure that she never remembered and then - when he decided it was time - he changed her. oscar and charlotte were together for about ten years - he even took her back home with him - before he got bored and moved on. things didn’t tend to take oscars attention very much. he rarely makes connections with people and is forever moving from town to town and doing all the things that a working class boy in the late 1800s would never have been able to do. although, recently, thoughts of charlotte have been creeping in and he decided to try looking for her, just to see how she was doing.
lucy taylor, 21 years old, journalism student: lucy was born in salem heights and has always known about the supernatural and it was for that reason, that she was dying to get out of the town. when she started university, lucy moved to edinburgh. she was home during the christmas holiday when lucy met finn. her car broke down at the side of the road. he stopped to help her - eventually he towed the car into the garage that he worked out. he and lucy talking all the way there. there was an instant spark there and finn asked her out on a date when she came to pick up her car. it wasn’t the best first date - finn was so nervous - but lucy found that pretty endearing and so they went on a couple more before they decided to make things official. she really likes him and has no idea that he’s still so cut up over his ex girlfriend. they’ve decided that they’re going to try long distance. 
tristan odema, 20 years old, was a film & tv student, deceased: being from salem heights,  tristan was enveloped in the supernatural and it was something that never really bothered him. it was something that was just a part of the world. he was that kind of person though. as long as something wasn’t bothering him, then it wouldn’t be something that he really thought about it. about a year ago, tristan and another friend decided to tag along with enzo on a trip to london but on the way home, his friend swerved to miss an animal and enzo completely lost control of the car. tristan died in the car accident that they then had.  
george hunt,  239 27 years old, vampire: the world when george was turned into a vampire, was a world that’s incredibly different to the one that he is in now but he has been able to adapt. he enjoys the difference in the decades. george has never gone too far from his home - salem heights. he has the image of being the nice boy. he can come across as being incredibly kind and very funny when in reality, he’s actually the opposite. he is harsh and he is cold. he would change his personality to suit whoever it was that he was near and when he was done with the other, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them. george has never been someone who was particularly careful with the pile of bodies that he left behind but he was always one step ahead of the hunters, too strong, too smart. he’s been drinking vervain since he had been changed, after all. george met nell when he returned to salem heights only a couple of months ago and he has set his sight son her, to charm her. so far, it seems to be working. 
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Caleo one-shot: Only Us
Summary: Calypso tries to convince a jealous Leo that he doesn't have to worry about her and Percy.
a/n: Decided to post this here too! Like I said on AO3 (and have said here a few times), I’m still in the middle of reading ToA so this fic isn’t entirely canon compliant, but I still feel like jealous Leo is smth that would probably happen at some point of their relationship so that’s why I wanted to write this fic. Anyways, please enjoy and review! The comments motivate me /a lot/. 
words: 1865
genre: some floof, some hurt/comfort 
warnings: none
AO3 link: [x]
Leo was bored. He had already done everything he had planned for that day – finishing his newest mechanic project, oiling and flying with Festus, helping his siblings, coming up with a new bad joke – but he hadn’t had a chance to spend a lot of time with his girlfriend. He was on his way to the strawberry fields where he knew Calypso liked to spend her time because it reminded her of her home, when he noticed her on the beach. That alone didn’t surprise Leo. The sea was another place she considered home-y, after all. What did surprise him, though, was that she wasn’t alone. She was with Percy. And they seemed to be deep in a conversation.
“I’m sorry about what happened in Tartarus,” Leo heard Calypso saying. “I didn’t mean to curse you… it was a moment of whim and I didn’t think… I mean, it doesn’t excuse it but…”
“Hey, it’s OK,” Percy tried to reassure her, putting his hand on her shoulder for a moment. “You were mad because I forgot to make sure the gods had fulfilled their promise… So I’m sorry too.”
Leo didn’t hear more because as the words sunk in, his first instinct in that situation was to leave. Go and never let them know he had heard any of that. However, his mind was racing with possibilities of what that conversation could have meant, so Leo decided to try to distract himself with the best way he could.
His bunker had been a place that had brought him comfort ever since he had found it almost two years prior. However, soon he noticed that this time even that didn’t help; his hands were working on something he didn’t even recognize while his mind wandered elsewhere. When he stopped for a break, one of his hands started tapping that familiar rhythm he always tapped when anxious. He immediately stopped when realized what he was doing, very conscious of the meaning of the Morse code he had used. Love only hurt, it seemed. Leo had been occasionally thinking how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like Calypso, but he should have known it wouldn’t last. Not when he could offer nothing all the other boys couldn’t. Percy was handsome, strong, tall and funny, and he hadn’t broken Calypso’s table when they met (that was always a bonus). It was only natural she’d like him more.
With frustration, Leo started forming fireballs with his hands and shot the first one into an open water container where it wouldn’t cause dangerous situations. Festus, who had been resting outside the bunker, woke up at the sound of the fireball hitting its destination and when the second ball started flying, he threw himself between the ball and the container and swallowed it, then making a rare hissing sound at the person who had rebuilt him.
“What are you hissing me for?” Leo snapped at the metal dragon, another very rare occurrence. Often Festus was the only one who Leo felt understood him, and in general Hephaestus’ son was very calm and patient with him. That’s how the dragon knew something definitely was wrong with his master. He gave his answer by blowing smoke like a morse code from his nose, probably telling him to stop being stupid.
“Fine,” Leo sighed, sitting down on the stairs next to Festus. “It’s Calypso. I saw her with Percy and… I’m probably being paranoid but seeing them interact like that made me think… what if she falls in love with him again? I’m no match for that guy; you know water and fire are not a good combo…”
Festus made some ticking sounds this time, trying to convince Leo that she wouldn’t do such a thing.
“You seem very sure for something that I built… So, what do you say I should do about this?”
Festus pushed him with his huge snout, almost making him fall.
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell her what I saw. Happy?”
Festus made a sound that sounded a whole lot like a snort, reminding Leo that that was literally what his name meant. Happy.
“That was a bad joke, bud. I can still change your name to something that doesn’t mean happy, you know,” he sassed at the dragon but this time the metal creature made so clear a laughter sound that Leo couldn’t mistake it, challenging him to try. Knowing the dragon had won that battle, Leo decided to return back to the camp and face his girlfriend.
When the couple was finally alone later that evening, Leo didn’t have time to mention Percy before Calypso noted his weird behavior.
“Leo, you’ve been so quiet this evening. You didn’t even try to outjoke Apollo at the dinner and that has probably happened… well, never, so far. Is something troubling you?”
Leo supposed that this moment was as good as any to confess what he had seen.
“I saw… you and Percy talking at the beach.”
“Oh…” Calypso thought she knew what was coming but she decided to bite her lip and let Leo speak. If she had learned something about him during all those months they’d spent traveling, it was that if you didn’t give him the opportunity to speak out, he may bottle those emotions inside until near explosion point.
“You were looking pretty chummy out there,” Leo continued, staring at his hands awkwardly.
“I don’t know what that word means but we had a good talk,” Calypso replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “We realized that we both had made some mistakes and… while some scars heal slowly, we decided we’re past that point where we can just avoid each other and act like nothing happened.”
“Was that all?” Leo asked doubtfully.
Calypso didn’t know how she should have reacted to that question. She was torn between annoyed and amused because of Leo’s clear jealousy. She chose the latter.
“Leo Valdez. You really don’t have to worry about me and Percy. We've moved on a long time ago. The way he looks at Annabeth… it’s so obvious he loves her a lot.” Before he could argue something about ‘old salt’, she added: “And… even though he has his flaws… I have met a pretty special person as well.”
“Huh?” Leo finally raised his gaze from hands his with surprise. Calypso wasn’t usually that straightforward about her feelings with him, she preferred showing it with actions rather than drown Leo with sappy words.
Calypso smirked slightly. “You know the one. He broke my dining table the first time we met. Sometimes his jokes are very bad and he’s too sarcastic for his own good. He can be stubborn to the point of it getting frustrating.”
Her expression turned back to serious.
“Worst of all, he has a huge inferiority complex, which means he doesn't see himself the way he should and blames himself for things that are out of his control. He can also get pretty jealous because he doesn’t believe that someone could actually love him.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Thanks. Just what I needed. Salt to my wounds and a reminder of my flaws.”
Calypso raised her voice to stop him, but there was softness in her eyes as he continued.
“Listen to how this story ends, OK? This guy… He's more smart and skilled he realizes. He's taught me so much about the modern world, even some embarrassing things.” She stopped for a moment, remembering a time when they had gone to a clothes store and she had seen modern underwear for the first time, asking about their use.
"Right,” Leo nodded, probably thinking about the same incident.
Calypso continued: “He even knows several languages and has taught me some too, although I’m not sure how useful the Spanish swear words will be to me. He also built an entire battle ship and a mechanical dragon that’s basically alive.” (Festus, who was also nearby, snorted, meaning: ‘basically?’) “Rumor has it he died for his friends so no one else would have to and outwitted the death. Those alone are some pretty cool things. But there’s more.”
For once Leo didn’t know what to say. Never had he heard anyone talk about him like that.
“There are moments when I can see the past coming to haunt him. But even though he hurts, he tries his best to make others smile with his – maybe not always bad - jokes, and it usually works. And…” Calypso brushed a lock of black, curly hair behind Leo’s ear gently, “he came back to get me from Ogygia even though it was supposed to be impossible, even though I admit that I probably didn't give you a lot of reasons to like me… But somehow you saw through my cover and knew that I still cared about you, even though I really strongly tried to fight against it because I had been hurt too many times. When you showed up again… I’m pretty good at concealing my feelings but I actually wanted to cry when I saw you that day. Because someone really cared enough to break through the curse.”
She swiped a couple of tears that had fallen on her cheeks, with her other hand lifting Leo’s chin so she knew he was looking at her. His eyes were burning with emotions he didn’t know how to express.
“Of course I care!” he exclaimed. “Was I supposed to just leave you there after everything you did for me?!”
“Leo… Do you know how many times I had to listen to men promising to come back to me and they never did? I had already lost my hope after Percy and that was why I got so mad when you showed up for the first time. But… when I got to know you better, I think I started sensing that there was something different about you. That you’d really go through enormous lengths for someone you loved. Of course, I didn’t think you’d fall for me because I was acting the way I was, but for once, I got lucky.”
“No, you didn’t get lucky. You deserved it,” Leo said quietly.
“Whatever you say.” Calypso smiled a bit sadly. “Anyway. There are some things we still need to work on. For example, you still have to learn to appreciate yourself more. I can't do that for you… but I can be by your side and support you, as long as you let me.”
“Cal… thanks. I feel pretty stupid for doubting your feelings. Lo siento, for reals. If I do something like that again, feel free to punch me, or whatever. And if someone’s lucky here, that’s me because you’re pretty damn amazing.” Suddenly his face got his usual mischievous expression. “Now, as for those bad jokes...”
Calypso couldn’t help but smirk as well. “Ha, I knew you'd get stuck on that. You idiot. But maybe they are a part of your charm,” she shrugged.
"Wait. You think my jokes are charming?" Leo asked, now sounding a lot more like himself.
"Hush. Or I may change my mind about that," Calypso noted and pulled him for a much needed kiss.
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twinkbouttapounce · 4 years
TITLE: Sword Swallower
SHIP: Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt/OMC, mentioned past Eskel/Geralt
PROMPT DAY: Day 4: Betrayal
MEDIUM: Netflix
WARNINGS: extremely dubious consent/noncon/rape, victim blaming, transphobia, negative views on sex work
SUMMARY: After the events of Blaviken Geralt is shunned near everywhere he goes. At some point, his money runs out and there is nothing to left offer except his body. Lambert, Eskel, and Vesemir have some thoughts on what Geralt has brought to their reputation. Jaskier sees a pretty man at a tavern and wants to make him smile.
AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Special thanks to @wingedquill​ (WingedQuill), @witcher-and-decay​ (ChaosWriting), @battlships​ (battleships), and, as always, my number one cheerleader @nanero11​ (nanero11) for indulging me. witcher-and-decay suggested genderfluid Jaskier and I adore him for it. It isn't especially relevant to the fic but I like to think Geralt is demisexual in this one. Because I adore them and think you should read their fics their AO3 tags are in parentheses.
Geralt is desperate.
Hunts have not been profitable as of late, and his provisions have long since run out. Witchers have always had problems with people refusing to hold their ends of contracts but since Blaviken it’s only gotten worse. Humans are more distrustful of witchers in general and they loath Geralt in particular.
Geralt doesn’t have the healing potions to deal with the frostbite burning across his hands and cheeks. He hasn’t had the time or resources to brew in months. No one will sell him alchemic ingredients, and there are only so many he can find on his own. His fingers are cramped and numb with the cold. His body feels dangerously sluggish and feverish sweat has been gathering in his armor all day.
The pace of his heart is too slow to keep his body warm. Geralt is going to die if he doesn’t warm up soon, he knows it, but he hasn’t the money for room nor brothel. He imagines what his family will say when they hear of his pitiful death, frozen on the side of a road. He thinks Vesemir would cry, but he would be angry when he learned Geralt hadn’t sold his horse before the cold got to her. It’s a strange thought, that Vesemir would mourn his son’s poor treatment of a horse more than his passing. Eskel might cry, but he’d more likely lock himself in his room for a week before burying his emotions in sex. Lambert would be ashamed of him. He knows no matter how much they deny it they each hold resentment towards him. His new reputation as the Butcher of Blaviken has made their lives harder too, not just his own.
It does little to boost his morale, thinking of how he’s let his family down, but there’s not much else to consider aside from the blistering cold. The guilt kept him from returning to the keep this year, he’s not letting go of it just because he’s cold. There’s a tavern a ways up the road, but he doubts he’ll get warmed up enough to spare himself a sorry fate before they realize who he is. It’ll be a miracle if he gets past the door.
Still, Geralt pushes on. He can feel the warmth of the tavern wash over him from where he stands in the doorway. The drastic change in temperature burns Geralt’s too-sensitive skin, makes the frostbite sting, and his muscles ache. He steps inside.
The tavern is bustling despite the sun having long set. The smell of hard cider and stale sweat assaults Geralt’s nose. He sneezes, and it feels like something rattles in his head and chest. There’s a sheep cooking somewhere, and the smell makes Geralt’s mouth water. He can’t recall the last time he ate, but he knows he hasn’t had meat in at least three months.
“Oi!” Someone calls over the crowd.
Geralt’s head snaps the source of the noise on instinct. The call wasn’t directed at him and no one is on their way to shoo him out of the inn like a stray cat just yet. He moves towards the hearth, pulls his hood lower over his head and makes sure his hair is properly tucked in. There’s nothing he can do about his swords or eyes, but he won’t let his hair be the thing that gives him away.
There’s a spot on the floor next to the fire, and Geralt’s body suddenly feels like it’s made of lead. He leans against the wall and watches through bleary eyes as patrons and waitstaff move about. His eyelids keep sinking lower, lower, and Geralt is losing the energy to pull them back up. Despite the warmth surrounding him, it’s likely Geralt will die if he lets himself sleep. Dying here, where it’s warm and comfortingly ambient, doesn’t sound too bad when the alternative is dying alone in the snow.
Geralt’s eyelids droop one last time, and he listens as more water is put between himself and the noises of the tavern. They come through distorted, senseless, until they blend into one continually changing sound. His body is falling now, and there’s nothing but warmth and people. If he tries, he can imagine he’s in the mess hall at Kaer Morhen, before the sacking when it had been full of life.
The tavern is reasonably populated for noon. A bard sings in the middle of the room, though his audience seems uninterested. Geralt slinks towards the nearest corner. There’s a booth where he can see the room and have his back to the wall at the same time. It’s nice, but he would feel better if he could see the door. That particular comfort doesn’t seem to be in his cards today.
His hair isn’t pulled back, he’s lost his last tie, and the fact makes him anxious so he pulls at the edges of his hood as he sits. He props his swords on the booth next to him and makes himself comfortable.
A barmaid saunters over with a bored expression. Bored is better than afraid. Or hungry, Geralt thinks bitterly. He orders an ale and drops a few coins into her waiting hand. The bard starts a new song, postures against a stool and a beam as he makes a crude joke about abortion. The crowd boos and Geralt smiles into his drink.
He watches the bard from the corner of his eye, just because he’s the most animated thing in the room, and absently calculates expenses. It’s hot, uncomfortably so even for Geralt, meaning if he stays just outside of town he won’t need a room. He needs to restock his bandages, and it couldn’t hurt to buy more potion ingredients, but those things can wait. Food is what’s important, and he’s running low. The bard picks a couple of rolls the crowd has thrown at him from the floor and stuffs them into his waistband.
It’s almost a nice enough day that Geralt could consider dosing in his corner. It wouldn’t be comfortable but he’s so rarely tired when he should be that he knows better than to deny himself a nap when the urge strikes. Instead, the bard takes a drink from the barmaid’s tray and sits across from Geralt. He looks out the window.
The bard expects something, Geralt can tell, but he doesn’t want to think of what. A review, he asks for, and the witcher knows better than to hope that’s all but lets himself anyways. He decides to humor the bard for a moment.
“I know who you are,” he says, and the conversation is over.
Geralt stands and gathers his things but the bard keeps talking.
“You’re the witcher,” he calls. “Geralt of Rivia.”
It’s enough to get the attention of a young man, one desperate enough to contract Geralt for help. He thinks he may make it out yet unscathed, devils may not be real but stealing men and vermin are, both easy enough to scare off. The boy gives Geralt the money with a vote of confidence, then leans in and snags a lock of hair that’s fallen from his hood. He holds it to his nose and the pull of his breath is cool on Geralt’s cheeks.
“Come find me after and we can talk about… additional services.”
Geralt bites his tongue, lets his eyes run over the rest of the tavern before he levels the boy with a stare. He nods, albeit with some trepidation, because the money is nice and he’s grown used to boys and men thinking they’re worth his time. His compliance assures that he walks away with his dignity mostly intact. Geralt’s skin crawls with the phantom hands of all those who have made the same offer. He distracts himself by recalculating his expenses taking into account the hundred and fifty ducat in his pocket.
He can deal with one more self-important boy for a night out of the rain.
Geralt leaves the tavern and blinks in the sunlight. The bard is still following him.
Just before Geralt can sink into his final sleep he is kicked. His head bangs against the wall as he jolts back to reality. There is a man standing over him, hands on hips. He is angry, though he does not appear to recognize Geralt yet. There are far fewer people in the tavern than there had been when he sat down.
He rubs the sore spot on his crown.
The man calls Geralt a variety of names interspersed with more than enough expletives. He is, understandably, upset that Geralt slept in his establishment without paying and demands compensation. It is clear that Geralt has no money to give and there is nothing of value in his bags.
The man pulls Geralt’s hood away and the witcher curls in on himself expecting a kick. Instead, the man’s hand travels to cup his jaw. The thumb resting on Geralt’s cheekbone is strong and steady as the man studies him. The following pat and muttered “you’ll do” tells Geralt he is satisfactory, for what he doesn’t know.
Geralt’s head swims as he’s lifted to his feet. His legs refuse to hold his weight so he leans into the man. He’s led to a back room, and the walk leaves him breathless. The man deposits him on a mattress.
Geralt takes a moment to assess his surroundings. The bed is low to the ground but the fire is warm. Geralt’s hands flex in the mountain of sheets and furs. The man is of middle age, not especially notable in any way. There are objects scattered about the room to suggest he has children, and likely a wife.
It strikes Geralt has tragic—and maybe a bit ironic—when the man begins fiddling with the straps of his armor. He gets as far as Geralt’s shoulder pads before he’s demanding Geralt rid himself of the leather. He thinks about fighting, or simply walking out, but his legs feel boneless and the bed is so soft. It doesn’t cross his mind that he’s made a mistake until he’s already unlaced his armor and halfway out his shirt.
A grin slowly bleeds onto the man’s face. The flesh of Geralt’s chest is easy to hide under clothes, just enough for people to assume it’s muscle rather than fat. Naked, however, there is no room for doubt. Geralt’s hands still on the strings of his trousers and the man steps closer.
He reaches for Geralt’s chest. The cold of his hands sends a shiver down Geralt’s spine. Calloused thumbs run over his nipples while the rest of the fingers kneed at his flesh. Geralt is hardly ashamed of his body, he knows he is a man and no flatness of his chest will further that, but discomfort buds in his stomach with the attention regardless.
The hands run down his sides, flit over the cut of Geralt’s muscles and the jut of his hips, before hooking into the edge of his trousers. He pulls them away and drops them onto the rest of the witcher’s clothes in a pile on the floor. The cold bites at Geralt and the man leans him back until his back connects with the sheets. His legs are spread and his cunt exposed to the cool air. He shivers again. He can’t seem to stop.
“Isn’t this a surprise, “ the man hums.
His tone makes Geralt want to scream, or actually, it makes him want to cry. He tired and cold, so many feelings get confusing.
His folds are pried apart and two spit-slick fingers enter him. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, made worse when the fingers part inside him. The man’s nails scratch at his walls but he ignores Geralt’s displeased grunts.
“Look how you open,” the man says more to himself than to Geralt.
It takes him a moment to gather the energy to mumble a reply.
“Just shut up and fuck me.”
A third finger is added, quick enough Geralt knows it’s meant to hurt him, and he whines in the back of his throat. It’s too much too fast and the warmth he’d gathered drifting by the fire is leaving him. Fingers and tongue alternate until Geralt is wet and within moments the man’s pants are off. He pushes in as deep as he can. Geralt’s cunt burns with the stretch.
“‘S too much,” he slurs.
The witcher reaches a hand down, to do what he doesn’t know. The man’s hips rear back before driving forward again. An ache begins in time with Geralt’s heart, flaring with the man’s thrusts. He sets a quick pace, pumps himself in and out without so much as acknowledging Geralt’s pained whimpers.
“Thought you wanted me to fuck you?” he teases. “Always wanted to fuck a witcher. So high and mighty, look at you now, freak. Are you a man they made into a woman? I think not, with how needy your pretty little pussy is. Poor little girl, don’t worry, I know you’re not a man. I’ll treat you right.”
The witcher counts boards in the ceiling past the man’s shoulder and distractedly pities his wife rather than answering. He thinks of prostitutes that treated him like glass as soon as his clothes were off and the few that had chased him out. He thinks of Eskel’s hands, big and soft even when they were exploring teens. He lets the thoughts come to him so he isn’t alone, freezing in a tavern’s backroom while the owner fucks into him.
When the man spills he collapses onto the bed next to Geralt. He isn’t immediately chased out so Geralt pulls the blankets over himself. His cunt protests the movement, and his mind denies that he has a cunt at all. Wrapped in furs and uncomfortably wet, Geralt closes his eyes.
The bard, Jaskier, seems intent on following Geralt. He’s annoyingly talkative, and in the heat his words only feed Geralt’s blooming headache. He seems to have visions of accompanying Geralt on future hunts, but Geralt knows he’ll grow bored after just one. There is no glamor to be found on the Path. If the hunt does not scare the bard off, then frustration will. Jaskier does not have the money to be worth Geralt’s time.
“I could be your barker, “ Jaskier prattles on, as if Geralt wants or needs any more attention. “Spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken, the Sword Swallower.”
Something sharp wrenches in the witcher’s chest. He knows what he is called, he has heard the names on far too many villagers’ lips before they spit on him to be unaware, but to hear it spoken so freely stirs a myriad of dark feelings in him. He is not proud of his titles. They do nothing save add to his and his fellow witchers’ hardship.
Geralt beckons the bard and punches him so hard the wind leaves him.
The bard still follows.
Despite his guilt, Geralt returns to Kaer Morhen.
What had been a desperate effort to keep from freezing to death became commonplace. Most are reluctant to exchange money with the Butcher of Blaviken, but many can be swayed to accept his body instead. There is a thrill in forcing a witcher to his knees, and even more in a witcher of Geralt’s circumstances. While this has assured his survival for the past year, he refuses to be caught so vulnerable as the first time.
He has yet to buy another horse, he won’t let another die because of him, and so there is no reason to visit the stables. There is a familiarity in the stone walls of Kaer Morhen. His hands trace the walls as he moves to his room. It’s the same as he left it—bed made, empty potion bottles on the nightstand, sketchbook forgotten on a shelf—except for a thick layer of dust. He drops his bags near the foot of the bed and breathes in deep.
Geralt hears the others before he sees them. Lambert announces his presence the moment he arrives by screaming it from the bottom of the main stairs. The scrape of furniture overhead tells Geralt that Vesemir is rearranging the furniture, as he always does within the first week of his arrival. Geralt knows the banging of pots and pans is Eskel when the smell of curry filters up to his room.
He waits as long as possible before revealing his homecoming, staring at the ceiling and tracing the drawings carved into his bedframe while he stalls. Eventually, Eskel rings the dinner bell, and that’s the end of it. Geralt heaves himself up and runs a hand through his hair. He knows he looks bad, too pale even for him, sunken eyes and gaunt cheeks, but he does his best to make himself presentable.
Lambert decks him under the eye the moment he steps into the kitchen.
The devil turns out to be a sylvan and Geralt meets Filavandrel, king of the elves. It’s a depressing encounter, not that Geralt would have expected any different. Both he and the bard narrowly avoid having their throats cut. He gives the elves his hundred and fifty ducat to assuage some of his guilt, resigning himself to seeking out the young man who’d given it to him in the first place. He only hopes the boy is still interested.
Jaskier praises Geralt from where he toddles behind, the beginnings of a song on his lips, and Geralt prepares for their inevitable split. It seems one near-death experience was not enough to dissuade the bard, as he promises yet again to change the public’s opinion of him.
Geralt yanks Roach to a stop to glare at the bard. He is tired and there is work to be done, work that he might have been able to go without if the bard hadn’t run his mouth to the elves.
“What do you want, bard?” he demands.
Jaskier has the audacity to look confused. His hands still momentarily, then begin drumming at the body of Filavandrel’s lute.
“I want to write songs,” he says unsurely. “Good ones, songs full of adventure. And for that I need stories.”
The witcher growls. He can smell Jaskier’s nervousness, can hear the spike in his heart rate.
“No, you don’t.” Jaskier opens his mouth but Geralt refuses to give him the time to speak. “Or at least that’s not all you want. You want stories? I bet you do, about how you fucked the woman witcher, brought the Sword Swallower to her knees. You couldn’t buy me with what you earn in a year bard, fuck off.”
Geralt kicks Roach into a gallop, leaving Jaskier to flounder in the dust.
He finds the young man, promises he’s dealt with the problem even though he has no way of knowing the sylvan won’t come around again, and lives up to his moniker as the Sword Swallower. He leaves Posada with a hundred ducat and a bitter flavor in his mouth. It feels like an insult to the two and a half hundred he could have had.
Jaskier catches up to him a mile outside the town.
Geralt doubles over, touching what will surely be a bruise within the next hour. Eskel slaps Lambert and drags him to the other side of the room by his collar.
“Nice to see you too Lam,” Geralt says.
Vesemir gives Geralt a once over as he rights himself.
“You look like shit,” he says.
Geralt shrugs. The older witcher gives him an unimpressed look. Vesemir scolds Lambert for picking fights and the ensuing argument distracts him long enough for Eskel to bring the bowls and curry to the table.
Dinner is silent for the most part, the air tense. Geralt does his best to take up as little space as possible. He wishes he hadn’t put his hair up, maybe then he would have a shield between himself and the other wolves. He can feel Lambert seething across the table, and Vesemir’s motions are too stiff to denote anything except dissatisfaction. Eskel hasn’t looked at him yet.
It’s Lambert that breaks the silence, as it always is.
“So we’re not going to talk about Geralt screwing us all over by murdering ten people then letting people fuck him like a whore?”
Geralt sucks in a breath too fast, chokes on his curry, and feels himself flush with shame. He’d hoped news of his less reputable deeds hadn’t come to the others’ attention just yet, or that they would chalk it up to meaningless conjecture. The realization that he won’t be able to deny it makes Geralt’s eyes sting.
“Lam, we’re at the fucking table. Can it wait?” Eskel groans.
“You’re saying no one has come up and tried to fuck you? No one had asked you if you had a cunt?”
Eskel ducks his head and dread sinks like a stone in Geralt’s stomach. They weren’t supposed to be involved in any way. They weren’t even supposed to know about Geralt whoring himself, much less be propositioned as a result. There isn’t enough air in the room.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Didn’t what? Mean for us to hear about it?” Lambert’s voice is cold. “Well, we fucking did. Just because your cunt gets needy and you like the coin doesn’t mean you get to ruin the rest of our reputations, fucking slag.”
Eskel stays silent and Geralt bows his head. He feels too nauseous to eat. He can’t explain himself either. He’s going to throw up if he opens his mouth.
“Watch your language,” Vesemir scolds. Lambert scoffs. “Eskel, how do you feel about it?”
Eskel hesitates and as Geralt waits with bated breath it feels as if nothing has ever been so important as the other witcher’s, his best friend and first love’s, answer.
“... It would be nice if he told them we weren’t all like that.”
“Not—” Geralt chokes on his own words “—not whores or not girls?”
“Not whores or girls—you know I didn’t mean it like that Geralt! Just—we aren’t all like you, in fact, you’re the only one like you. I just don’t want people asking me if I have a quim on jobs, alright?”
Geralt feels cold. And hot. He’s burning with shame on the outside and freezing with betrayal and guilt on the inside. The apologetic look on Eskel’s face does nothing to soothe him. Lambert looks like the cat that got the cream, all smug satisfaction. He’s won the argument. Vesemir just stares down at his plate. Geralt is alone.
He nods slowly, stands on shaking legs, and gives naught but a mumbled excuse before running back to his room.
The winter seems to last forever.
Jaskier tells him time and time again that he is not interested in fucking Geralt because he has a cunt.
He is, however, interested in fucking Geralt in a general manner, and the witcher isn’t quite sure how to take that.
Geralt tries to shake the bard for months. With each unsuccessful attempt, Jaskier only reiterates his respect for Geralt as a man and as a person. It’s something that no one has ever done before.
When his mother had left him it was on a whim that Vesemir chose to bring him to the keep. He was promised a boy and was left with a little girl who claimed she was a boy. Rather than leave a child to starve, Vesemir had humored Geralt, taught him how to be a witcher, and when he still would not admit his femininity it was accepted that Geralt be allowed to complete the trials. There were too few parents willing to let their children become witchers, they could not afford to nitpick the bodies of those given freely.
Jaskier’s continued insistence on the importance of self-proclaimed genders seems strangely personal, but the sentiment puts something at ease in Geralt. The bard reveals after some months that he is of a similar disposition, though not the same. Most days, Jaskier claims neither male nor female, preferring to allow people to draw conclusions as they please. A guessing game, he calls it when Geralt asks. There are a select few days where the bard is more firmly aligned, usually with femininity.
The bard’s gender is an interesting thing to observe, so different from Geralt’s own and yet exactly the same.
They fall in love at some indeterminable point. Geralt shows Jaskier fields where the flowers grow thickest, teaches him how to fight, buys him shiny trinkets, all the things he things the bard will enjoy. Jaskier gives him everything, and Geralt does his best to give back.
Jaskier asks where Geralt goes in the winter, and Geralt tells him he travels. When he asks why Geralt tells him of the cost of being hated, the cost of being a witcher and a butcher. He asks about Geralt’s family, and where they had been when Geralt was shunned, starving and freezing—dying. It hurts to talk about Lambert’s scorn, Eskel’s quiet agreeance, Vesemir’s unwillingness to intervene, even decades later.
Jaskier cries, then he vows to murder any other wolf witcher he comes across. The promise gives him mixed feelings. On one hand, Jaskier’s devotion, his care, makes warmth bloom in Geralt’s chest. On the other, some part of Geralt still wishes them well, wants his family to be a part of his life. It’s confusing.
Jaskier keeps Geralt’s prostitution out of his music, and soon enough the propositions decrease. Eventually, the propositions become so few and far between it’s like they never happened. Jaskier boosts his reputation enough that he is rarely unable to find work, and when he can’t Jaskier brings in enough coin he doesn’t have to worry. It’s new, having the praise of the people and the respect of his lover, and Geralt finds himself happier than he can ever recall being. He doesn’t know how to thank Jaskier for so dramatically changing his reputation, but he tries. He is no longer the Butcher of Blaviken and the Sword Swallower, he is Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf.
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missmonsters2 · 5 years
The Color of You || Part II
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader/OFC
Summary: It was another mission Natasha was assigned to. Nothing she hasn’t done before. Same mission, different people. Sent undercover to investigate William Cain, suspect to funding terrorism and smuggling weaponry. Under the disguise of Natanya Rovinski, Natasha is ready for another routine mission. Until she met you, William’s fiancé. 
Warnings: There are dark elements to this series. Also, smut later on. 
Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama, Action
NOTE: I’ve been aggressively reading on color therapy & the psychology of color LOL You’re more than welcome to comment/reply to this post if you would like to be added to a tag list. 
Count: 3715
Natasha was in the middle of her living room, looking over William’s profile again.
She spread out the photos provided to her before leaning back with her fingers holding her chin.
Natasha was still working on her plan. 
Maria had helped her set up dedicated funds to her mission to use as his investor, but she needed more than that.
She needed more than just being a sponsor to him.
She needed to get into his inner circle. 
Idly tapping her chin, Natasha’s thoughts wandered to you from the other night. The sight of you tucking your hair behind your ear and demure smile wouldn’t leave her mind.
How did someone like you end up with someone like William?
The sound of her phone vibrating brought her out of her thoughts. 
Clint: How’s it going over there?
It was Clint texting her to check in on her. Again.
Nat: It’s fine. Stop texting me unless you’re dying.
Clint: ...Rude...
Natasha rolled her eyes with a light smile before looking at the clock. Sighing, she stood up to get prepared for tonight’s events.
William was hosting another event, but this time as part of his political campaign. He was hosting it in his home, so it was a big opportunity for Natasha to look around. 
Her goal of the night was still to obviously information gather but to also take a look around in his home, and secure a personal invite over where there would be more one-on-one time. 
It would also give her an opportunity to get to know you better as well. That night when she caught your eye from across the room, it was like an electrical bolt hitting her that you were more than just a trophy wife to William. 
And when Natasha got that feeling, she was certainly always right. 
“You know, this wouldn’t be so bad if you just imagine that you’re on fire and the building is collapsing.”
Natasha snorted as David took a sip from his drink.
“Tell us how you really feel,” she replied with a smirk.
Though she couldn’t blame him. God, she was bored out of her mind. The amount of old white men she had spoken to already this evening was already numbing her mind. 
Natasha had arrived at an appropriate time, neither early nor too late. William had approached her within minutes of her arriving, driving her into a conversation about his campaign, and her thoughts. She had merely nodded her head at the time about his interesting policies, occasionally saying something that would suggest to him that she agreed or shared the same ideology. 
When more guests started to pour in, William regarded her with his own smile, asking if she would be free sometime in the next couple of days to have lunch with him.
It was secured and almost entirely too easy.
Just as the right amount of guests came to keep William busy, she disappeared off to snoop around.
She checked the place from head to toe, every nook and cranny.
But she didn’t find anything suspicious, not even a book out of place. Everything was where it was meant to be. 
And that was off to Natasha. It was like everything was staged to show what William wanted people to see, but Natasha saw that whatever William was hiding, she wouldn’t find it here. 
“So,” David said, breaking Natasha out of her thoughts. “What did you think of William’s fiancé?”
“Have you met her?” Natasha asked in return, watching as David nodded once. 
“Yes, I kind of want to ask her to blink twice if she’s being held against her will because there’s no way William managed to woo a girl like that.”
Natasha chuckled throatily, trying to contain the full burst of laughter that truly wanted to come out. She was coming to appreciate her time spent with David, a man who clearly shared many similar thoughts to her and had no problem saying them out loud. 
“This party is as riveting as watching paint dry, and I think I’ve stayed my obligatory time, I’m going to head out? Are you staying?” David asked as he put his drink down against the bar, dusting his hands off.
“Just a little longer,” Natasha answered. It didn’t feel like she had gotten enough intel on anything other than whatever William was hiding was most likely off base. Not to even mention she hadn’t seen you tonight either. 
“Alright,” David said, taking a step forward before turning to her. “If you’re not doing anything tomorrow, come to my estate and have lunch with me.”
Natasha raised her brow at David but nodded, bidding him goodbye as he left. For another 45 minutes, she made an effort to talk to more people at the party, easily being able to identify who would be sponsoring and donating to William’s campaign. There were a couple of men and women she made a mental note to look into more as they were clearly radicals. 
After Natasha felt like she had done enough for the night, she made a move to leave. As she passed the balcony though, she caught a similar silhouette. She opened the door quietly, pushing through the thick red curtain to find you standing out there alone against the railing. You were wearing another long-sleeved dress that revealed nothing but your curves.
Natasha closed the door softly, content that it shut out the unintelligible noises from inside. 
“Are you not enjoying the party?”
You whipped around, body tensed with a sharp turn of your head at Natasha’s presence. 
You coughed lightly, a blush dusting your cheeks as you admitted slowly, “I don’t fit in well with this type of crowd.”
That was interesting, Natasha thought.
From what Natasha knew, you were from an affluential family, although you did just make it out of bankruptcy. 
This was supposed to be your crowd. 
“That’s alright. You’re all the better for not fitting in.” Natasha walked up to the ledge next to you, resting her elbow up before propping her chin on it. There was a slight breeze that brushed against Natasha’s fingers. 
She looked over subtly to you, her eyes drawing down to your neatly trimmed nails, spotting a small line of paint just on the side of your ring finger. Natasha ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth at the sight.
You had your head tilted downwards and slightly to the side, it gave a great view of your slender neck and defined collarbone as you had a soft smile to what Natasha had said.
It was the small things like this that caused the confusion in Natasha. 
You had chosen a man like William Cain to be your husband, and for some reason, Natasha couldn’t ignore that. 
But Natasha could feel that a direct approach with you would cause you to close yourself off. She needed to be careful. 
“And what about you, Miss Rovinski? Are you someone who fits in?” You asked quietly in return.
It was quiet for a moment, and Natasha licked her bottom lip slowly.
“I guess you can say I fit in anywhere but belong nowhere,” Natasha admitted quietly, and when she went to see your expression, it was as if you were not surprised by the answer. 
Perhaps seeing that quality in Natasha.
“Do you want to know something interesting?” Natasha asked, and it seemed the question surprised you, but you nodded, albeit a little hesitantly.
“A few days ago I went to a local café in the morning, and I had overheard a conversation between two men who couldn’t understand how society, women, in particular, were so invested in art and fashion. There was too much emphasis on art, and it was overrated.”
Natasha caught your nervousness at the statement and quirked her lips.
“I didn’t agree with the sentiment as they commented on how the café looked bare and too plain--a problem only art could solve, isn’t that right?”
You hadn’t quite reacted to Natasha’s story, unsure where she was really going with this.
“I went to an artist’s gallery opening a couple months ago, and it featured a painting of a local village she had experienced in her travels. It was filled with such vibrant colors, sharp and soft. No words had accompanied the painting, yet people crowded around it, overwhelmed with emotion. Some people cried, some laughed loudly, and some were echoed by the image--are you understanding me?”
You nodded slowly.
“So, I’ve decided that sometimes art is the only thing that can draw out what people may truly be feeling, leaves a mark that words cannot reach,” Natasha said as she looked up at the starry sky. 
Natasha turned back and gave you a quiet, warm smile. “That’s why I envy artists sometimes for being able to reach people in a different light.”
The hesitance and stiffness in you melted away with Natasha’s words, a rare genuine smile gracing your lips for her. 
Natasha pulled back her arms, looking towards the door.
This was enough for tonight. 
Natasha was leaving before your voice stopped her.
“Thank you...your words have reached me...and they make me incredibly happy.”
Natasha stood in front of two large mahogany doors before they opened to reveal Davidl standing there.
“Natanya, you made it! Did you find it okay?” He greeted her, pulling her into a slight hug and kisses on either side of her cheeks. 
“Yes, my driver seemed to know exactly where he was going.” It seemed like all luxurious private drivers knew where the big players were. 
“Come on in, I’ve got someone preparing us tea and lunch. Are you allergic to anything or any preferences?” David asked as he ushered her in. It was quite a walk to his patio outside. A full garden with a pond and fountain that was well maintained was the view. 
“No, anything will be fine,” Natasha said as she took her seat, placing her small purse onto the table. 
David sat across from her, crossing his legs so that his ankle rested against his thigh, and temple resting against his knuckles.
“Someone else will be coming too,” David said with a casual smile. “My boyfriend.”
Natasha raised her brow. That had explained some things. 
“Why tell me that? What if I was extremely homophobic?” Natasha asked, only to see what David would say.
David let out a genuine laughter.
“Please,” he said after his laugh. “We flock together like birds. I’ve seen you eyeing various women throughout the parties--and men, although it looked like you were eyeing them begrudgingly.”
Natasha wasn’t sure if David had a better eye than she thought or if his gaydar was just that good, either way, she did feel a little exposed.
“What’s your boyfriend like?” Natasha asked, changing the topic from her.
David smiled softly, “Liam’s a photographer. He doesn’t come from money which I like. He’ll call me out on my shit if he thinks I’m being a dickhead. You should see him when I try to do extravagant things.”
David was chuckling by the end of it, the softness bringing a small smile to Natasha’s lips.
“Do your parents know?” Natasha asked.
“Yep,” David sighs. “They think it’s just a phase, but Liam is the one for me, I’m pretty sure. Since I’m the only child, my parents haven’t cut me off yet because they want me to take over the business. Once they see how serious I am, I have no idea how they’ll react. I’m fully prepared to be cut off, but Liam’s been teaching me about putting money away in case that happens.”
Natasha couldn’t help but smile at how endearing this all sounded, a rich man with learning how to save and budget from his financially average boyfriend.
The rest of the afternoon, they had made small idle chat until Liam arrived. He was a pretty athletically fit man, taller than David and nearly hovering over him. He had a boyish soft charm, yet intensity to him that made Natasha see why David was so enamored.
“I saw William today leaving from my photoshoot,” Liam commented as he finished up his meal. 
“Oh?” David commented, disinterestedly. 
“Yeah,” Liam continued. “He was standing outside a café with someone I haven’t recognized from any of the parties or his campaign. He seemed pretty angry with whoever he was talking to since he was shouting and flailing his arms.”
That piqued Natasha’s attention. 
“Oh, wow,” Natasha commented. “What café was it?”
“The one on 18th. There’s a whole bunch of cafés down that street.”
Natasha hummed, storing that information for later. 
The rest of the lunch went smooth, and eventually, David took them inside to his living area. 
Natasha looked at the photos around the room, a lot of it being childhood photos of David. She was intrigued to see so many pictures of him and another boy. It wasn’t until she found a high school photo of David and the man next to him a younger version of William. 
“Wow, you guys really were family friends,” Natasha commented as she took the photo from the ledge to look at it closer.
David hummed. 
“Yeah,” he sighed. “We were actually pretty close back in high school and a little through university.”
“What changed?” Natasha asked because it was clear now that David hated the other man.
David leaned his head on his fist against the chair as Liam sat next to him. “He was always arrogant, don’t get me wrong. But you could tell he cared about things, I guess. I think it all started to change after his dad died midway the first year of university.”
“Oh, it was a car accident, right?” Natasha inquired. That was what was on his file.
David pursed his lip, looking around his home as if to see if anyone else was there. 
“That’s what his family wanted officially published. But the truth is, we don’t really know for sure.”
That was interesting, Natasha thought. Her file should’ve had that. Why was his father’s death so tight-lipped?
She would have to do more digging on that because whatever it was, it was clearly a changing point for William. 
The subject dropped, and they chatted for about another hour before Natasha decided that it was time to go.
“Oh!” David exclaimed before she was leaving. “Before you go, my parents are hosting their 40th anniversary next weekend. Here’s your invitation. I know you’re going to see William and his fiancé...please give this to them.”
“I swear you rich people have a party every week,” Liam mumbled.
Natasha took the invitations, raising her brow at David. Clearly, the man just didn’t want to see William. He smiled widely at her trying to look innocent, and Natasha could only roll her eyes. 
David gave her a parting hug while Liam shook her hand.
This afternoon turned out to be more fulfilling than she thought it was going to be.
She had some useful information to work with. 
Maria: Sorry, there’s nothing on his father’s death other than it being a car accident. We’ve even got all the records pulled for the coroner's report and the police records. All points to a car accident. I sent you the photos too. 
Natasha sighed frustratedly as she threw her phone next to her on the couch. 
Fuck, she thought. How could that be? It was evident that within the inner circle, that wasn’t how the man died. 
Why could they pull nothing? 
She supposed she wouldn’t find out unless she got into the inner circle. 
On the bright side, Natasha managed to find who William was talking to at the café by hacking into the street cameras to find the photos of them. 
It was a rather rugged-looking man, definitely not someone who belongs in the affluent circle. She had sent the photos off to see what they could come up with when she got back from lunch that day. 
Her phone dinged again, this time with information sent to her.
The man’s name was Emilio Vartez. Nothing out of the usual other than petty crimes, but the fact that William was associating himself with someone like that was already telling. 
She needed to see if she could find this Emilio Vartez.
Her phone dinged again, but this time to remind her that she needed to stop by The Cain estates. She had scheduled her meeting with William today, and it would be a chance to drop off David’s invitations as well. 
“I’m so sorry, Miss Rovinski. Mr. Cain had a sudden work emergency that just came up. He had to leave right away. I’m not too sure when he’ll be back, but he will be reaching back out to you to reschedule.”
William’s assistant was near bowing at Natasha who had simply raised her hand to show it was a no big deal. 
“That’s fine,” Natasha told the assistant to stop her from apologizing. “Actually is the soon-to-be Mrs. Cain here? I need to drop off an invitation.”
The assistant actually looked hesitant to tell Natasha where you were, but it was like she reminded herself that you were now public.
“Oh, yes,” the assistant coughed after a moment. “She’s in her art studio. It’s on the second level, the farthest room in the back. I’m sorry, I would walk you, but I really have to meet up with one of the campaign managers right now.”
Natasha shook her head, “That’s fine, really. I’m sure I will find her. If not, I’ll play Marco-Polo with her.” 
The assistant let out a burst of loud laughter that made Natasha internally jump. 
The assistant laughed the entire way out, and Natasha stood there blinking until she was gone.
After that, Natasha followed the assistant’s directions. She would’ve taken longer to snoop around, but since she already knew she wouldn’t find anything, she went straight to her destination. 
Natasha could see you through the clear window on the door. The studio was large in size, blank canvases and easels lined up on one side. You had your back turned to Natasha in a large men’s dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up in front of a canvas, various paint tubes everywhere. 
Natasha entered the room quietly, just observing you. You head was tilted with your thumb in the middle of the canvas, your paintbrush delicately held between your lips.
“What are you drawing?” 
You jumped as you turned around, paintbrush falling from your mouth. The brush rolled until it hit Natasha’s foot.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Natasha said as she picked up the brush to hand it to you. 
You had your hair in a bun, strands have fallen out. Demurely, you brushed a strand behind your ear as you regarded Natasha. 
“I’m here to give you an invitation to the King’s party next week.”
“I suppose David didn’t want to see William?” You asked with a little mirth in your tone that made Natasha quirk her lips. 
“You know about David’s...feelings?”
“He doesn’t exactly keep it a secret,” you say, delicately opening the envelope. 
“It doesn’t bother you that he feels that way about your husband?”
You merely smiled lopsidedly. 
“My fiancé,” you corrected subtly, “is a politician.”
That’s all you said to explain, but Natasha understood the unsaid words. She eyed your canvas again and looked at your prep work. 
To her surprise, a light blush dusted your cheeks.
“It’s my favorite,” you quietly admitted. 
“Why?” Natasha pried.
You looked at your easel, the faint pencil sketches on your canvas.
“I like that it’s transparent,” you said so faintly that Natasha almost didn’t catch it.
Suddenly, you turned back to face Natasha, eyeing her.
“Do you like the color black?” You asked as you caught onto her black cashmere turtleneck. 
“I do,” Natasha admitted.
“Would you like to hear something interesting about it?” You were looking at Natasha so calmly, it was bringing something out in her.
“People think that the color black only symbolizes unhappiness, grief, and misery, but studies show that people who are powerful wear the color black--lawyers, judges, Steve Jobs.”
Natasha laughed a little at the last one. 
“Want to hear more?” You said, smiling as Natasha nodded.
“They say people who like the color black are mysterious and like to keep a certain boundary between them and the outside world.”
Natasha tilted her head. “Do you think that of me?”
“I believe only time will let me know.”
You stood up, walking by Natasha before she reached out and grabbed your wrist softly. The action seemed to surprise you as your arm pressed against the sleeve of her shirt.
“Do you like the color green?” Natasha asked as you had shades of green painted across your arm.
“At the moment, yes,” you replied.
“Would you like to know something interesting about it?” Natasha asked, repeating you. You smiled in response.
“Doctors use the color green to help relieve the fatigue in their eyes from the blood during operations, it helps them focus on examining wounds in better detail.”
You tilted your head at the fact, intrigued.
“Want to hear more?” Natasha asked, smiling herself when you nodded.
“They say kind, loyal, and compassionate people pick green as their favorite color.”
You swallowed at the words, overwhelmed by it, but Natasha could tell you were grateful nonetheless. When she released your wrist, your eyes were drawn to the streak of green smudged on her sweater.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, let me get that fo--”
“It’s alright,” Natasha interrupted you, looking at the splash of color on her sleeve. “I think your green goes well against my black.”
When she looked up, you swallowed deeply at her emerald eyes that just peered into you. Natasha was already walking towards the door before she looked back at you, bidding you goodbye for now with a definitive voice.
“I’ll see you soon.”
When Natasha walked out the front door, she clenched her jaw. 
It was only a second, but it made all the difference to Natasha. 
You had jumped before she spoke. 
You weren’t surprised--or scared. 
You expected her to be there.  
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
Sanctuary (1/2)
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A/N: I never see my girl Cara get some love SO in the story I decided to write something that the reader and her use to have a love interest in each other.
Pairing: Mandalorian x Reader (platonic for right now) Cara x reader (spicy stuff .-.)
Warning ⚠️: cursing, violence, teasing, sexual tension.
You gently tapped your hand against your thigh as Mando continued to fly the ship. It had maybe been a day since the both of you guys left your home to protect the child, You and Mando no longer stood on thin ice since he apologized about turning the child into the client.
You looked over at the child who was looking at the stuff all around him before letting out a coo you smiled before closing your eyes for a bit.
You heard something tap on and then tap off, and then you heard something tap on again only to be tapped off “stop touching things.” Mando’s voice rang out.
You heard the child let out another coo but this one was a bit sadder, you couldn’t blame him though the child was probably bored being on the ship.
Suddenly you felt the ship rattle this time, you quickly opened your eyes to see Mando hold the child in one of his arms he lets out a sigh “he never listens.” Mando complained.
You let out a chuckle “he’s a child.. children don’t exactly listen to authorities.” You joked, Mando only let out an amused hum before looking at something on the monitor.
“Let’s see.. Sorgan looks like there’s no star port, no industrial centers, no population density. Real backwater skug hole, which means it’s perfect for us.” Mando said glancing over at you.
You nod “agreed.” You simply said.
Mando then glanced down at the child who only stared up at him “ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat?” Mando questioned the child.
You smiled softly at Mando, ever since the child came into his life he’s been showing much more emotions than he did before “nobody will ever find us here.”
You nodded in agreement “here can you hold him?” You take the child out of Mando’s arms and sat him in your lap, the child cooed looking up at you “you’re probably excited that you don’t have this be on this ship any longer huh?” The child titled his head.
Of course he can’t understand you yet.. you didn’t notice that Mando was looking at you as you talked to the child. You look up and see Mando approach the planet once he got closer you could see the trees.. it looked so peaceful like the planet Kuiil was on.
“Do you like it?” You heard Mando ask you of course you did it was places like this where you truly wanted to live at.
“Yeah.. I guess.. always wanted to live in a place like this.” You mumble the last few words to yourself as you continued to look out the window.
Mando finds a place to land the ship as he begins to turn off the ship as the child in your lap reaches his arm’s to touch another button on the ship. You quickly grab his hands in yours not allowing him touch anything else “listen I’m gonna go out there and I’m gonna look around it shouldn’t take too long.” Mando says to you as he gets up.
You slightly pout “well.. I get it but you should probably tell the kid that.” You say as you motion your head towards the child in your lap. Mando looks down at the child as he looks up at him you smirk knowing Mando was going to explain it to the child now.
“Don’t touch anything, I’m going to find us some lodging then I’ll come back for you two..” the child looks at Mando with a blank stare “you stay right here. You say don’t move. You understand?” The child coos before looking up at you “don’t let him go.” Mando says before walking off to get off the ship.
You wait a couple minutes before putting the child on the ground “go.” You said pointing in Mando’s direction the child gurgles before going off to Mando. You smirk knowing Mando would bring you two along now “5..4..3..2..1.”
You said counting down you heard Mando let out a sigh “really?” He said coming back with the child in his arms.
You happily got up “well that means we can go together now right?” He silently stared at you and then at the child who coos in his arms before tilting his head “oh what the hell.. come on.” You smirk before following him out the ship.
Mando placed the child down on the ground as he started to follow behind the both of you as you both walked together side by side you looked around you before looking up at the blue skies.
“You seem to really enjoy it here.” Mando says as he continues to walk forward “it’s peaceful..” you reply to him. Mando had never seen you in such.. peace, it made him feel happy seeing you like this.
The both of you walked until you found a small village with a restaurant, he stood aside allowing you and the child to go in first before following behind you.
You glanced around and saw people laugh as they drink and eating, you notice a few people look at Mando. You couldn’t blame them though seeing a Mandalorian was rare nowadays. You glanced down and saw the child look at everything as well with curiosity.
Some people pointed at the child too.. you made sure to keep an eye on them, you suddenly heard the child yelp before clinging onto your leg. You looked down at him startled “hey you’re okay.” You softly said as you picked him up in your arms.
You didn’t notice a pair of eyes glancing at you and Mando “let’s sit here.” He says, you walk over to an empty seat and set the child down as he lets out a giggle.
You pull up a chair and sit right across from Mando and the child a servant makes her way over to you both “welcome travelers. Can I interest you in anything?” She asked smiling at you and Mando.
He glances over at you but you shake your head telling him you’re not hungry “bone broth for the little one.” He says to her.
“Oh well You’re in luck I just took down a ginger so there’s plenty can I interest you both in a porringer of broth as well?” She asked glancing over at you “just the one.” You say giving her a smile.
“Very well.” You notice Mando look over your shoulder “that one over there. When did she arrive?” Mando asked the waitress.
You squinted your eyes at him confused before looking back, you feel your heart jump in your throat you never thought you’d see her again. The conversation between the waitress and Mando drained out of your ears, Cara looked at you as well with shock in her eyes.
You quickly turned around before looking up and seeing the waitress walk away that’s when Mando quickly got up from his seat “Mando? What’s wrong?” You ask him “she’s gone.” Damn.. she was always known to slip away easily when people no longer had their attention on her.
“Stay with the kid I’ll be back.” He says as he quickly walks out of the restaurant you were ready to go after him until the waitress came back with the bone broth “here you go.” She smiles down at the child placing the soup in front of him.
The child takes the bowl in his hands before sipping on it he gurgles happily before looking up at you “... now since you got your food let’s go find your “father.” You said rolling your eyes before picking him up in your arms and leaving the restaurant.
You could hear grunts coming from behind the restaurant, you slowly peeked around the corner and saw Cara and Mando fighting. Your eyes were trained on Cara as you saw her fight she always was a great fighter.. you set the child down on the ground as he happily sips on his soup.
Finally the both of them stopped as they each had their blaster drawn on each other they followed the sipping noise to the child before looking up at you. Cara’s eyes met yours, you blushed before smiling at them “want some soup?” You asked her.
The four of you make it back inside the restaurant and as promised bought Cara some soup.
“Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor. Mostly ex-imperial Warlords. They wanted it fast and quiet. They’d send us in on the drop ships no support just us.” When Cara said “us.” She gave you a slight glance before looking back at Mando.
You knew Mando saw her gaze on you, but didn’t say anything “then when the imps were gone, the politics started.. we were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots.. not what I signed up for.”
“How’d you end up here?” Mando asked.
“Lets just call it an early retirement.” She takes a sip of her soup before setting the bowl down “look I knew you two were Guild I figured you both had a fob on me.. that’s why I came at you so hard.” You look over at Mando “what.. did she take you down?” You asked almost laughing.
“Y/N you know I hit hard.” She said winking at you, you almost choke on your spit earning a confused glance from Mando.
“Well.. this has been a real treat.” She said as she got up from her chair “but unless you wanna go another round one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first.” She takes one last sip of her soup before finally leaving.
“Well.. looks like this planet’s taken.. by the way what did she mean by “you already know I hit hard?” You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you tried hiding it “nothing.. it was just a joke.” You mumble quickly.
Mando, you and the child go back to the ship as night falls on the planet if you were being honest you were upset you three had to leave the planet you really did enjoy staying here but cara being cara she claimed it first..
The child had fallen asleep on the way back to the ship and Mando needed help repairing the ship so you left the child inside the ship before going out to help Mando.
“So.. how do you know her?” Mando asked as he fixed the ship before holding out his hand you gave him a tool “well.. it’s a long story.” You say to him.
“We got all night.” Mando said, you were about to say something until someone interrupted you “excuse me.” You turn around and see two men walking about to you and Mando.
“There something we can help you with?” Mando asked in an annoyed voice you send a glare at him but he didn’t notice as he kept fixing his ship “uh, yeah.” One of them said.
“We have money.” The other man says “so you think we’re some kind of mercenary?” Mando asked them.
You were 5 seconds away from punching Mando “well.. you ARE a Mandalorian right?” One of them say.
“Or at least wearing Mandalorian armor.. That is Mandalorian armor right?” Mando turns around “it is.. Y/N.” You follow him to the other side of the ship as the two men follow “see? I told him.. sir I’ve read a lot about your people.. tribe if half of what I read is true-“ one of them begins to say but gets cut off by the other.
“We have money.”
“How much?” Mando asked.
“Everything we have.” You felt your heart ache when he said that.. they must’ve been desperate for help.
“Our whole harvest was stolen.”
“Krill.. we’re krill farmers.”
“We brew spotchka our whole village chipped in.” Mando turns around and looks at the bag of money they hold before turning around.
“It’s not enough.” He says as he begins to walk away from them.
“You don’t even know what the job is.” One of them quickly say.
“I know it’s not enough. Good luck.” You mentally sighed at times Mando was so.. cold “Mando!” You shout at him getting his attention on you.
You give him a glare before turning around to the both men “exactly where does your village lay in?” You ask with curiosity.
“It’s in the middle of no where.. why do you ask?” One of them say confused.
“Do you have lodging?” Both nod quickly you gave Mando a quick smirk, you usually never made decisions like this on your own but you couldn’t pass the opportunity either “we’ll do it.” Both of them men exchanged surprised looks to each other.
“Come up and help then.” Mando said leading them inside the ship you give them a quick smile before following behind Mando.
You picked up the child and placed him inside their cruiser you made sure to keep him warm in some blankets since you never knew if he would get cold.
Mando came out with the other man placing his belongings inside the cruiser “I’m going to need one more thing.. give me those credits.” You gave him a questionable look.
“I’ll be back.” He says before leaving you watch him leave into the darkness of the woods before turning your attention to the child who was staring up at you.
You gently caressed his ears he coos “so.. is he your boyfriend?” The man asked making you snap your attention to him “no! We’re just comrades that’s all..” you say to him but he looks at you like he didn’t believe you at all.
“Are you sure? Because.. usually when a partner scolds another one for behaving a way it means theyre more than that.” The other man says joining in the conversation.
You let out a sigh “wow that’s the thanks I get for convincing him?” You say trying to change the subject.
Why did everyone assume you liked him? Because how close you both were? Was it really strange for a man to close to someone else? Even so.. even if you did have feelings for him you’d never admit it to anyone.
You heard twigs snapping, you looked up and saw Mando come back.. with Cara you felt your heart beat against your chest loudly as you saw her. She gave you a smile “Hey Y/N.”
All of you board the cruiser as it drives slowly through the forest, a single lamp lighting the way “So, we’re basically running off a band of Raiders for lunch money?”
“They’re quartering us in the middle of nowhere, last I checked that’s a pretty square deal for somebody in your position worst case scenario you tune up your blaster. Best case we’re a deterrent I can’t imagine there’s anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn’t handle.” Mando says to Cara.
She gives him a glance before looking at you, you didn’t understand why her gaze intimidated you.. maybe it was because that was the look she always gave you before other things lead to another your cheeks flushed as you remembered those things.
Mando leaned back in the cruiser “.. you can lay on my arm.” He says making you look at him confused “huh? It’s fi-“ he suddenly pulls you back making you rest your head on his arm “Mando!”
“What? Aren’t you tired?” He asked “y-yeah.. but..” you heard the child coo as he sat in the middle between you and Mando before leaning back as well.
You couldn’t help but chuckle was he just copying Mando?
You felt your eyes grow heavy you eyes flattered shut before finally falling asleep.
You suddenly felt the cruiser stop as you heard children yelling you jolted awake, waking up Mando in the process as well “everyone they’re here!” You heard a child shout as they started running over to you, Cara, Mando and the child.
“Come on!” One of them shouts as they get closer they stop to look at the child “well looks like they’re happy to see us.” Mando says.
Cara crosses her legs watching the children play with the child as he giggles in delight “looks like.”
You smile as you watch the children look at the child in awe “he’s so cute!” One of them exclaims.
You watch as Mando and Cara get off the cruiser, you pick up your blaster and put it inside your thigh holster before jumping off the cruiser people helped take down belongings.
“Would you like us to put your belongings along with the Mandalorian?” One lady asked you “w-what why?” You asked.
“Well.. aren’t you two.. together?” You blushed before shaking your head “no.. we’re just comrades that’s all.” She nods “follow me I’ll take you to your room.” You follow behind her leaving Mando with someone else to show him to his room.
But that’s when you realized your room was close to cara’s you both hadn’t talked alone yet and it looked like she really did want to talk to you.. she kept watching waiting for her opportunity.
Once the lady helped you settle in she left and that’s when Cara approached you, she sat down on your bed looking around the small hut “so..” her voice rang out “you’ve been with Mando all this time?” She asked.
“I met him after we both left.. he.. rescued me if you can say that.” She nods silence fills the room it almost makes you uncomfortable “so are you two together?” She finally asked.
“No! Of course not.. he’s just.. kind to me that’s all Cara.” She hums before getting up you turn around and see her stalking up to you.
You felt your back press against the wall as she entraps you with her arm “so.. he doesn’t intimidate you at all?” You look down not being able to face her but she tilts your chin up making you look up at her.
“No.” You bluntly say it was true he never intimidated you like Cara did, when she did it you felt adrenaline rush through you she leaned in closer to you.
You could feel her breathe against your neck making you tense up she suddenly pulls away from you smirking “glad I can still get you hot and bothered.”
Shit. She always teased you like this! You glare at her “stop teasing me like that Cara.” You said pouting “but your reaction is cute..” she said winking at you but you continued to pout.
“Or maybe.. you really wanted me to do it?” You didn’t answer her question she leaned closer to your neck before giving it a gentle kiss. You felt that one spot heat up “next time don’t be impatient.” She said before finally leaving your hut.
Dammit.. now she was mixing your feelings up between her and Mando..
You decided to go visit Mando in his hut, you already knew where it was at so it wasn’t hard to find you saw him lay down his rifle“Y/N.. I didn’t see you come by.” He said not taking his attention away from his rifle.
You see the child inside his crib he coos looking up at you “what did you miss me?” You ask him.
“How are you settling in?”
“Fine.. I guess.” You still couldn’t keep your mind off of Cara she made your emotions into a bubbling mess.
“Knock knock.” You hear someone say “come in.” Mando says you see a beautiful women walk in with a tray of food she looks over at you nodding before laying the tray down on a table nearby.
You see a child run inside the hut, you notice she’s holding something inside her hands she looks shyly up at you and then at her mother “can I feed him?” She asked Mando.
Mando turns around and looks at you, you shrug “sure.” Was all Mando said.
The girl walks over to the child showing him the food “are you hungry?” She asked him before giving him the food which the child eats happily “can I play with him?”
You can tell Mando didn’t want the child out of his sight as he let out a small sigh “sure.” He says before walking over to the crib and taking the child out and setting him down on the floor.
“Come on!” The girl says as she runs out, the child babbles about to go after her “I don’t think-“ Mando was about to say before the women stopped him “they’ll be fine.” She said smiling at him.
“I don’t-“ Mando looks over at you to back him up but you smile “I’ll be outside with.. Cara don’t worry okay?” You say before walking out the hut.
You looked over and saw the children run around the child laughing you smiled watching them “he deserves to be like this.” Cara suddenly said as she stood beside you.
“I know.” You simply said.
She looks over and sees the women leave Mando’s hut “So.. are you still up for what you wanted me to do?” You smirked deciding to tease her back “what did I want you to do exactly?”
She grabs her hand in yours before leading you somewhere else more private away from anyone else that could possibly see what you two were going to do “how about I show you?”
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mindofharry · 5 years
Not fair.
In which Amy starts her own music career and Harry’s really proud.
WARNING: cursing. mentions of suicide, depression and drug addiction. Harry and Amy being cute :,)) I’m using lily Allen’s ‘not fair’ for Amy’s first studio song!! It just reminds me ALOT of her. Enjoy!
Amy was scared. so scared. She wondered what Harry’s supporters would think of her now. How she walked out on Harry just before tour. She couldn’t help but feel guilty, she shouldn’t of done what she did. Obviously she was going to quit at some point. But she never wanted it to be like that. After that day Harry and Amy didn’t talk. They were strangers. Amy hated it. But she was way too stubborn to call or text him. That’s one thing they shared in common. Being way too stubborn for their own good.
After posting some covers and original songs on YouTube she decided it was time to decide what she wanted to do. Did she want to travel around the world? Did she want to go to college? Did she want to pursue her music career?
An email decided that for her.
A few months later Amy was signed onto a record label that she adored. The people there were supportive and listened to every song she wrote or sung. They let her record her own music. She had told them immediately about her past with drugs and her depression. They didn’t turn her away they helped her. Amy was so grateful to have such a supportive team. She just wished it was with Harry.
After getting her first proper single done she decided to an interview. Zane Lowe has been in touch with her before, but now she was finally ready to tell her story. They did it in her apartment. It was all very calm and zane never pushed her for an Amy was very grateful for.
“You have a new single coming out in a few days. Tell me about it!” Zane said with a warm smile. She nodded and bit her lip “it’s not a sad one. This is a fun, really fun song. It’s called not fair. It’s about sex” she said smirking and he nodded “how different is it from your older songs?” He asked.
“Uh. It’s very different. My last couple of songs that I’ve only released on YouTube are really sad songs from really sad times in my life. I wasn’t well when I was writing them. I was really depressed and the only way I could express what I was feeling was I was through songs” she said and paused taking a breathe.
“I was on drugs from 16 to 20” she said and Zayne nodded letting her know it’s ok.
“My songs were all of my emotions. They were all me” she said and looked over to the tv. “They were about times when I nearly killed my self. Where my bipolar was so bad I had quit my job. Something I loved so much” she said smiling sadly.
“How did you over come your depression and addiction. Because it’s an incredible story”
“Thank you. I appreciate it. I- I was kicked out of my brothers house when I was 20. He had told me to get the fuck out of his house. Jesus did I deserve it. I was so off the wall. I can hardly remember any of it. There’s a few moments stuck in my mind. And I’m embarrassed. Really embarrassed. I remember going for my job interview with Harry. And I fucking looked a mess. But I had got the job. So I decided then and there, that this had to stop. I needed help” Amy said and rested her hand on her crossed knee.
“My depression is still here. She likes to come around December mostly. And sometimes around the time I got sober. But I’ve really gotten better. Sometimes I do just want to stay in bed. Or just have a bit of cocaine. Just a bit. But I never do” she paused and looked up at zayne “I’m forever grateful for Harry and the band. Because if i didn’t get that job, I don’t think I’d be alive” she said and straightened herself up.
“It’s really different being by yourself, right?” He asked pushing up his glasses.
“Yes and no. Although I miss the guys. A lot. I feel a lot more true to myself and free. It’s hard being by yourself all the time. But I have my brother, his wife and my little nephew mickey” she said smiling thinking about her family.
“Tell me about your family” he asked and she took a sharp intake.
“Well my mum left when I was really young. I don’t blame her at all. She was really fucking depressed. I had blamed her for most of my teen years. But my brother had told me she was depressed only recently. I was hurt. But I stopped blaming her. I just want her to know that I love her. That we could’ve got help. But it’s all in the past. My dad on the other hand, I really don’t have the time of day for. He had left after things got too hard. And recently tried to get in contact with me asking for money. I used to really love him. He used to play stevie nicks for us everytime we would play outside or before bed. And be taught me how to play guitar. I’m grateful for whatever time we had together. But that’s it” she said and messed with her skirt.
“My brother is the best” she said laughing “he’s super fucking stupid. But I love him. It was just me and him for a while so he was basically mum, dad and brother for me” Amy said with a small smile “he done so much for me. I really don’t know where I’d be without him. His wife is the best and she’s like the sister I never had. Always helping me and supporting me. Mickey or Micheal. He’s my little angel” she giggled.
“He reminds me so much of me it’s unreal” she said and played with her hair “he loves Stevie as much as me and Harry love her” she said and zayne laughed knowing how much they both love her.
“Tell me about Harry” he smirked and she rolled her eyes with a small smirk.
“I really do love Harry. And really grateful for all he’s done for me. He’s made so many opportunities for me and I wish I could tell him how thankful I am for him. And the end of the day I wasn’t happy and my happiness and self love comes before anything else. Harry and I weren’t really on good terms anymore when I left. He had done something’s that hurt me. More than anything. But now, all I want to do is talk to him. Apologise for all the shit I caused, ya know?”
He nodded and put a hand over her hand “your story is remarkable. You should be really proud of yourself” he smiled.
“I am” she nodded “not fair is one of my favourite songs that I’ve wrote so far. It’s just so different. I can’t wait to get on stage” she gushed.
Soon enough not fair was released.
To say twitter went crazy was an understatement. She was really fucking proud of herself.
She was invited to jingle bell ball. And shit she was scared. She only had relased the song a few days ago. Although she had a few songs already she was nervous no one would know her. Or they’d be bored.
She wore red bell bottoms with a white heels. Her top was tucked in a bit of cleavage showing. Her hair was messy and so was her makeup. Amy really did want to make a good impression but she didn’t want force it, so she was herself.
She nearly cried when she found out Harry was going to be there too. “Mickey he’s going to be there”she groaned and mickey shook his head “stop being loser Aunty Amy” he said playing with his toys. She laughed and messed up his hair before heading to back to her spot.
Soon enough she was backstage with her brother and his family. And she had her manager sammy with her too. Sammy was a real life angel. She would be an absolute mess if he wasn’t around.
“Are you ready my love?” Sammy asked and she shook her head “no I think I need to check my guitar” she said and he nodded “ok, get everything done. Your guitar is just out of here and upfront. I’ll get your body guards to go with you” he said letting out a breath. Amy rolled her eyes which were full of eyeliner and mascara. She didn’t argue she just followed the men.
She soon came to meet all the backstage workers. She stopped to shake everyone’s hand on the way introducing themselves and letting them talk to her a few minutes. She loved this part of her work. Getting to meet new people. She loved listening. And she loved talking a lot. But not about herself. She loved to just talk. About anything and everything.
She could see her guitar leaning against some equipment. She squealed and ran over to it like it was a child. The body guards laughed to themselves as they watched her tune up with her band that was playing with her.
She started on cherry wine just her playing and singing to herself. Everyone was mesmerised by her. They didn’t crowd her, but they were listening. It was rare to see such a pure artist.
Harry had arrived to the beautiful song. He knew the song well. He played it a few times. Cried and smiled to it. He had watched the interview leaving him sobbing and guilty. She didn’t have to apologise he thought. He just wanted to hug her and kiss her.
she finished her song before smiling. And started talking to her band. Harry stayed put helping his own band.
Amy had spotted him. She smiled and decided it was time to grow up.
Harry looked behind him and saw her smiling coming over. She looked beautiful. The most beautiful women ever.
“Harry” she smiled pulling him into a hug he tensed before he relaxed putting his arms around her.
“hey- hi” he stuttered before she pulled away.
“Love the new songs h. You really did good” she smiled before walking back wards “good luck”
She was up first. She was shitting it.
“Hey” she said into the microphone and the crowd was loud in response. She smiled and started her guitar and started with cherry wine.
Then she did one of her older songs dead to me which was more upbeat. She walked along the the stage singing and dancing.
Her second last song was a cover of Rhiannon which people seem to enjoy.
And then she got to not fair. She walked down the cat walk and smiled at a girl who through up an lgbtq+ flag. Amy winked and pulled the flag around her.
“This is my last song. Thank you for having me. I love you” she said and started singing.
“When we go up to bed, you’re not good, it’s such a shame” she said dancing around in her heels.
“It’s not fair” she sang and pouted.
“And I think you’re really mean”
“I think you’re really mean”
The crowd screamed as she bowed blowing a kiss before she jogged off stage.
Harry looked at her and smiled.
It really isn’t fair.
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solastia · 5 years
Dear Authornim | 2
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Word Count: 1,862
Summary: You’re a writer of BTS fanfiction. rockstarjin is your favorite reader that you’ve actually come to be friends with…and maybe had a bit of a crush on if you were honest. You’re up for quite the surprise.
Warnings: Not really much this chapter. Single instance of the word whore, but no one was calling someone that. It was just a comment. Semi-vague sort of sexting (you’ll see). 
Notes: I might make a separate chapter after this is done - like a bonus type thing - featuring some comments from rockstarjin, if you guys are interested. I wasn’t sure if everyone would want to see them or if they’d bore you, so I kinda glossed over that. Let me know if that’s something you’d want! Commissioned by @kimseokmomjins
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Being a writer - even if it’s simply for fanfiction - you take comments and reviews very seriously. A good comment or review can lift your spirits and leave you smiling for a whole day. A negative comment often leaves you questioning everything and going over your chapters with a fine-tooth comb. The rare unicorns were the readers that took the time to leave long and detailed comments, stating exactly what they liked and disliked about the latest chapter. Many of these were filled with valuable suggestions and helped you decide the path that your stories would take. 
One such unicorn was named rockstarjin, a reader that had been following your work for nearly a year now. His first comment had practically been drabble-sized, and had covered everything from his enjoyment over how realistically you characterized Kim Seokjin to how he was certain he would never use the “W” word (he literally typed out “W” word instead of whore, something you still teased him over to this day). 
That first review of his was only one of many. He took the time to give detailed reviews on every single chapter you posted until you discovered that in your head you were practically writing for him. It had even gotten to the point where several of your stories were ideas that the two of you had chatted about on tumblr for months, working through every detail. He still seemed a little iffy on the smut, but he’d gotten you to consider the idea of writing Seokjin as “Less aggressive” in the bedroom. 
Your friendship had grown until you were now friends on practically every social media app - nevermind that his profiles were always suspiciously void of personal information. The more that you talked to “Rocky” (you started calling him that months ago since he didn’t seem excited about telling anyone his name, though he knew yours), the more you looked forward to interacting with him. 
You couldn’t even explain really why you were getting so attached to some blank face behind the screen. You didn’t even know all that much about the real him, just small observations from chats. Like, you knew that he seemed similar to Seokjin in a lot of ways, which is probably why he claimed him as a bias. 
Rocky was very fond of puns and dad jokes, often sending you one first thing in the morning on KKT instead of a hello or good morning like a normal person. This morning it was, “Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.” You were ashamed that they always made you laugh at least a little bit, but it made you happy that one of the first things he thought to do in the morning was send you something. 
He was also fond of talking to you about food and recipes, acting affronted whenever you mentioned not knowing what something was. He would literally bully you into going to the grocery store and buying the ingredients he’d list out, demanding pictures of the final product like he was Gordon Ramsey. You had to admit he had good taste in food, even if you didn’t think your cooking skills were quite on par with his. It sometimes made you wonder if he was a chef, but the one time you’d brought it up he’d claimed to be too damn tired to cook and was living vicariously through you. Of course, that led to you asking what he did that got him so tired and he gave you another vague answer, stating he was in entertainment. Whatever the hell that meant. 
It bothered you sometimes that even after all this time he was disinclined to tell you anything, but you couldn’t help it as your feelings slowly evolved from those of friendship to...well, something more. You were a little hesitant to use the L word, considering you only knew what he wanted you to know, but you definitely had a crush at least. Not surprising considering he seemed to be everything you were looking for. He was considerate and compassionate, funny, creative, and so many other things. However, the fact that he was so very loud and proud about his love for Seokjin made you avoid looking at your feelings too closely. Because while you were over here pining for him, the only person that praised Seokjin more than Rocky was Kim Seokjin himself. And that could mean any number of things. 
Even when he helped you with smut ideas he got you excited. He had slowly gotten you to lean away from always writing Seokjin as some powerful dom - something your other readers had begun to notice and comment on - and now most of your scenes had him as being the more submissive one. He seemed to like it best when the main character was more of a soft dom, willing to take charge and take care of Seokjin. Rocky claimed that a man like Seokjin who was always working hard and worrying about one thing or another would relish the idea of being taken care of. You had to admit it made sense. 
You sigh and glance at your phone again, noting the lack of notifications. Your morning pun was the last you’d heard from Rocky today, something that had been happening for a few days now. Considering BTS was on tour right now, you’d expected a lot more messages about how he thought Seokjin was especially handsome today. Instead, for almost a week it had been nothing but your morning jokes and once he sent you a picture of his fancy looking dinner complaining about the portion size. You were beginning to really miss him, but you figured he must be busy. 
You wanted to scream with him today, considering BTS was finally going to be in your city in a couple days. You’d bought the tickets months ago, and Rocky had even convinced you to get pit tickets, something you never do because it’s basically a gladiator stadium up there. You were currently waiting for one of the boys to show up on vlive since the last concert before they traveled to your city had just finished a bit ago. It had been a fantastic show and Seokjin had looked as beautiful as always. You hoped he would be the one to go live, but that was rare unless he was with another member. 
Suddenly, your phone beeps and shows a message on KKT. 
Rocky: Kill me
You smile widely, excited flutters starting in your belly. It was ridiculous how pleased you got just to hear from him. 
You: Is there an option B? 
Rocky: We could run away and start a new life on a deserted island. Our descendants will become known as the most beautiful people on the planet. 
You blush and force yourself to cough to cover up the giggle that threatened to escape. 
You: Is that so? 
Rocky: Naturally. They all take after me, of course. 
You: Of course. 
You: What brought this on? 
Rocky: I’m so damn tired. My body hurts and I just want to sleep for a week. 
You: Oh no! Do you have time to soak in the bath? Epsom salt works wonders.
Rocky: I’ll be able to soak later. Right now I’m just forcing myself to stay awake long enough to eat. I feel like a zombie. 
Rocky: Hey, why did the zombie cross the road?
You: Why? 
You: 🤭 
You: Really though, take care of yourself. I don’t want you getting sick on me. 
Rocky: How would you take care of me?
You gasped, peering hard at the phone. This was new. Of course, you could be reading this the wrong way, and he’s simply asking to ask. 
You: Depends. Are you asking for tips or in the white boy “What would you do if I was there with you” way?
Rocky: Let’s try it this way. Say I’m Kim Seokjin. I’m tired and hurting after another long night of performing. You’re waiting for me in my hotel room. How would you take care of Jin?
You: Omigosh, are you voluntarily helping with a smut scene? 
Rocky: Sure 
You: Ok, let's see. This scene can’t get too crazy if he’s tired like that. I think mostly I would focus on his comfort. 
So, he’d show up and I’d already have a bath waiting and food on the way. Maybe some aromatherapy candles are lit and some quiet instrumentals in the background. I’d let him soak until the food got there, hang out in the bathroom with him and let him vent to me if he wanted. 
After his meal, I would put a towel on the bed and have him lay on top so I could rub him down with massage oil. Naked, of course ;) 
I’m sure he gets it from professionals, but I think he’d appreciate it right after a concert and bath. 
Then, it would just depend on what kind of story it was. I could either rub him down like that until he falls asleep, or it could go the smut way. There are lots of options for that too depending on the story. I could give him a handjob while I talk sweetly to him, I could ride him and tease him, maybe peg him if he’s into that. Anything that would keep him soft and pliant, because the goal is to get him comfortable and happy. To show him he can just let go with me, let me be in charge of his pleasure. Show him he’s loved and cherished.  
Rocky: Fuck
You: Too much? 🙊 
Rocky: No
The phone was silent for a whole two minutes. Surely he’d heard worse from you, so you didn’t think you’d freaked him out or something. When another message came in you breathed a sigh of relief. 
Rocky: So, I’m gonna be in your city for the concert
You: No shit?! I can suggest so many great places for you to eat!!!
You: Or if you wanted, we could meet up? No pressure and I totally won’t be offended if you don’t want to. Stranger danger and all that. 
Rocky: You know what
Rocky: Let’s meet
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callunavulgari · 5 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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