#goodbye dear friend. i can never communicate with you again
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houseofanticipation · 9 months
You wake because a shifting balance of weight on your bed has caused your mattress to shake. For a moment you think it must be Christmas morning—that'll be your little brother, jumping on your bed to wake you up—but your room is still dark, and the clock on your bedside table reads 12:00 exactly. You squint at the person sitting on your bed. Definitely too old to be your brother...maybe your dad? But no, this person's frame is too wide, too bulky. The figure leans forward, and it suddenly occurs to you to be afraid, but all he does is pull the chain on your bedside lamp.
The man in your room is Santa Claus.
It doesn't occur to you to think this is a man dressed as Santa. One of your classmates might; you know most people your age don't believe in him, and you've learned to hide your own belief, lest you embarrass yourself, but you've never stopped believing privately. You know this man is Santa Claus in the same way you've always known Santa Claus was real: it's a feeling in your heart, a knowledge that you are loved, no matter what. You get that same feeling from this man.
"Little Susie Summers," he says, brushing a lock of hair away from your eyes. "It's so wonderful to finally see you in person. You know you're one of my favorites?"
Your eyes widen. "Really?"
He nods. "I mean it. You've kept me in your heart all these years, long after most children abandon me. I've so loved watching you grow into this beautiful, confident woman I see before me." His voice deep and warm and smooth, like hot chocolate. His eyes glitter behind half-moon glasses, and his enormous white mustache only accentuates his fatherly smile.
"I always knew you were real," you say, breathlessly, eager to impress. "Even when everyone called me names, I kept believing. I always stayed on my best behavior for you."
"I know you did," he says. "I have your list right here." Seemingly from nowhere, he produces a length of rolled up parchment, which he begins to unfurl as he reads. "All those times you helped young Cristopher with his homework, even when you wanted to go out with your friends...the way you check in on old Mrs. Rasherton every week...you're a real paragon of your community."
Your chest swells with pride. You'd do those things anyway, of course; goodness is its own reward. But it feels so wonderful to have your good deeds recognized by this man you so idolize.
"Of course, you've had some encounters with the naughty list, too. What child doesn't? That time at camp, for instance, when you allowed Trent Lipski to touch you under your underwear?"
You can feel your cheeks flushing. "I'm sorry, Santa. I tried to be extra good to make up for it."
"Or those times in the bathtub, when you put your private parts under the faucet?"
You look away. You can't stand the disappointment in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Santa."
You feel his hand on your cheek, gently pulling your gaze back to meet his. "Don't worry, Susie. No one can be perfectly good all the time, and your good deeds have vastly outweighed the bad. You are a good girl, Susie Summers, and that's why I'm here."
"Yes, my dear girl. You see, you're eighteen now and—"
"Almost eighteen," you say helpfully. Your birthday is January 7th.
"Close enough," he says. "You're growing into a woman, which means this is the last year I'll be able to bring you presents."
This comes as a surprise. You always known Santa Claus brought presents to children, but it never quite occurred to you that that meant he didn't bring presents to adults. "You mean...you'll never come here for me again?"
"I'm afraid so," he says sadly. "This will have to be goodbye. But because you've been such a good girl all these years, I've brought you one final parting gift, in addition to the ones below the tree downstairs."
"Really? What is it?"
His hand is on your thigh, caressing you gently. "You've been so good for me, Susie," he says. "I want to make you feel good. I want you to be extra good for me, one last time." His other hand is on your stomach now, furry white glove slipping under your sleep shirt. You're starting to be unsure if you want this gift, but you know it's rude to act ungrateful. "Can you be good for me, Susie?"
You nod nervously.
Slowly, one finger at a time, Santa slips the gloves off his hands. The skin underneath is like aged leather, wrinkly and soft. You gasp when he lifts up your shirt. "Look at this," he says, fondling your nipples. "Already so hard. I knew you had a naughty side to you."
No. You can't. You push his hands away, gently as you can. "I'm sorry Santa, I'm flattered, really, but I can't—"
Santa makes a clicking sound with his tongue, and all of a sudden your hands are being yanked back, toward the headboard. Some kind of cuffs clamp around your wrists, holding your arms far away from Santa's creeping, explorative hands. You look to your left and right, and see that they're not cuffs at all, but arms; thin, sinewy arms attached to a pair of thin, sinewy people no bigger than your forearm. They stare at you with large, unblinking eyes, and grin with mouths full of pointy teeth. They're strong, in spite of their size. You struggle against them with all your might, but neither seems remotely phased.
"You're a lucky girl, Susie," he says, playfully circling your areola with his thumb. "Most boys and girls never get to see a genuine Christmas elf. Meet Pepper and Ginger, two of my most trusted lieutenants. I could never do my job without their help."
The elf called Ginger—you can tell which is which because they wear name tags reading G. BREAD and P. MINT—pins your hand to the bed and sits on your wrist. She closes her eyes and begins grinding against the nub of your wrist bone.
Santa chuckles. "Of course, I make sure they get to enjoy themselves. I think that's the hallmark of any good boss, don't you?" He bends down and wraps his lips around your nipple, sucking and nibbling and groping at your other breast while he does it. You're afraid, but it feels kind of good, too. And you know Santa has your best interests at heart...doesn't he? When he comes up for air, Santa sees the tears running down your cheeks. "Oh, hush now, my dear, don't cry." He lays a tender hand on your face, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "I promise I'll be gentle with you. I'll make you feel good." He gets up on his knees and unbuckles his belt, pulling down his red pants to reveal white thermal underwear. This he unbuttons, and out comes...
You've seen a penis once before. Earlier this year, Daryl Dennis let you touch his at a party. You held it in your hand and stroked it up and down, delighting in the way he moaned and kissed you and told you how good it felt. When he came on your hand it snapped you out of whatever madness had taken you over, and you fled the room to wash it off. You hated yourself for weeks after that, tried to work extra hard to earn your place on the good list.
Suffice it to say, Santa's cock is about three times the size as the only other cock you've ever seen. It stands up so stiff that it actually touches his overhanging belly, and defined veins pulse up and down its length. He smiles when he sees you looking at it. "You came so close to letting Mr. Dennis be the first cock you ever felt inside you. I wish you could stay pure forever, but you're becoming a woman now. You should at least know what a real cock is like, so you have something to compare against."
He hooks his fingers under your waistband and pulls off your pajama bottoms and you panties all in one go. You're too afraid to fight back; those elves' teeth are sharp, and besides, you've spent so long trying to stay off the naughty list. A good girl would lie back and take it. You are a good girl. You are a good girl.
Santa's head is between your legs now. He's kissing your thighs, sniffing deeply, running his tongue along the outside edges of your crotch. One hand strokes his cock, and you can see he speeds up when his nose gets close to your pussy. "You know, Susie, I've found in all my years of life that the sweetest girls have the sweetest cunts. Did you know that?"
You shake your head.
"It's true. And you just might be the sweetest girl I've ever seen. So you can imagine how eager I've been to get a taste of this perfect, beautiful cunt. Let's get your juices flowing, shall we?" You gasp as his leathery fingers pinch the hood of your clitoris and pull it back, and a sound you didn't expect escapes your lips when his wet, warm tongue flicks across your exposed clit. He starts to trace slow, steady circles around it, taking his time, letting the desire build until your clit is throbbing with need. His moustache tickles your pubis as he closes his lips around your clit and begins sucking, first in long, slow pulls, and ramping up into quick, agonizing pulses. You begin to feel that feeling in your groin, the one you felt when you touched Daryl Dennis's cock, or when Trent Lipski put his hand in your pants, or when you hold your privates under the bathtub faucet. It's a tightness, a warmth, a wetness, and Santa must notice it too, because he smiles up at you. "Good girl. Let's find out what you taste like."
Suddenly his tongue is inside you, and you're moaning and arching your back and crying a little bit, because you're so scared but it feels so good. The elves grin and give you little kisses on your arms. Somewhere along the way Ginger has removed her pants, and she moans as her little elf pussy glides across your wrist. On the other side, Pepper's hands are on your pinky, lining it up with her exposed cunt, drooling as she pushes it inside.
When Santa comes up for air his glasses hang crooked on his face. "Hoooh, Susie, you must have the sweetest cunt I've ever tasted. Like caramel apples and candy canes. You really are one of the nicest girls who's ever lived."
You can't help but swell with pride at this praise. You've tried, really tried, and to know that it's paid off...it makes everything worth it. All the work, all the self-sacrifice, it wasn't for nothing. It's left a real, detectable mark on your body, and Santa can taste it in you. "Thank you, Santa," you manage to say.
"You're very welcome, Susie," says Santa. "And now that you're ready for me, I think it's time I made use of you." He straightens up, and flops his cock down on your stomach. It feels even bigger against your skin. You're afraid again. You know what's about to happen, and you're afraid it's going to hurt.
He throws his head back and moans with pleasure as the head of his cock parts your pussy lips. Your teeth grit and your heart pounds as you brace yourself for the pain, but it doesn't come. When he begins to push inside you, it's like he's stretching you out from the inside. There's no pain, only pressure, and increasingly, pleasure. He fills you up an inch at a time, expanding inside you, making you feel full in a way you never knew you could. You never should have doubted Santa. He knows what's best for you. He knows what you need.
"Ooohoho god, Susie," he says, picking up the pace now. "I knew you'd be worth it. I always know which good little girls will have the most delectable cunts. Girls like you, natural whores who make the choice to be nice, deny their nature to be sweet just for me...saving yourself for me...you know, somewhere deep down, that your little cunt is mine for the taking..."
He's right. He's completely right. When you fled the room after Daryl Dennis came in your hand. When you felt so guilty after Trent Lipski. What were you saying, implicitly? My holes are not for him. My holes are for Santa. You're moaning indiscriminately now, arching your back, your eyes rolling back in your head. The elves seem to be enjoying themselves, too; they moan squeakily as they ride your hands, apparently no longer worried about you trying to fight back. Santa's belly rolls across you with each thrust, and the heft of it is like a weighted blanket, comfortingly immobilizing. He grunts and moans with each thrust, the ball on his hat bouncing haphazardly. You feel something growing inside you, something wonderful and intense, something far better than the faucet on your clit, or Trent Lipski's fingers in your cunt. Your body is beginning to tremble, your legs bending and your toes flexing involuntarily. Suddenly you're afraid again; the sensation is too much, you can't handle it, you need to get away. Some animal part of your brain takes over; you're wrenching your hands free of the distracted elves, pulling yourself away from Santa's relentless cock, flailing your legs, kicking Santa in the solar plexus as he tries to grab at you. He doubles over, wheezing, and you know instantly you've done something terrible.
For a long moment the room is stock still. The elves seem just as frozen in fear as you are. Santa coughs, steadies himself against the bed. When he looks up, there's a darkness behind his eyes that wasn't there before. He clicks his tongue again, and the elves spring into action, grabbing you by the hair and turning you around so that your head hangs backward over the edge of the bed.
"I was going to give you a special present," says Santa, upside-down over you. There's a sick mirth in his voice that makes you shiver. "A Christmas present like no one's ever gotten before. But you had to go and be naughty." He says the word like it's the most vulgar epithet he can think of. "I was going to give you a son. My son. My heir. But my seed can't grow in a womb despoiled by filth." You feel a pressure inside you; it feels sort of like Santa's cock did, only harder, rounder, and growing. You lift your head to see what's going on down there, but it's all internal. It's getting painful now; you start straining to push it out. "The only thing your cunt is good for now," says Santa, a merciless twinkle in his eye, "is coal."
With a painful stretching sensation, a black mass crowns out of your cunt, spreading your pussy lips and stretching them wide as it pops out of you. It's a smooth, roughly spherical lump of coal, about the size of a baseball.
A leathery hand cups your chin and pushes your head back down. Santa's cock is inches from your face. "You're not going cocktease me, naughty girl. I'll get mine, one way or another."
Tears well up in your eyes as his cock parts your lips. You've never gotten coal in your stocking before, not once. You've spent your entire life being the nicest you could possibly be, and you had to go and ruin everything. You imagine what it would have been like to have Santa's seed growing inside you, your belly swelling with his son, your breasts inflating with peppermint-flavored milk. Instead you have his wrinkly, low-hanging scrotum slapping your face, and another lump of coal already forming inside your stupid, naughty cunt.
Santa forces his cock past your tongue, down your open throat. You gag, convulse involuntarily, but the elves hold you down, not to be caught slacking again. His belly drags across your face as he pulls back, and you spend a few seconds coughing and sputtering before he forces himself back down your throat again. Again, you gag, and when he pulls out this time you spit out a globule of thick saliva that collects around your nose and runs down your cheek. It goes like this for several more pumps: you gagging, struggling, crying, and him continuing to rape your throat anyway.
No, you think. Enough crying. You did something naughty, and now you pay for it. What do you always do when you catch yourself slipping into naughtiness? You're extra good to make up for it.
You steady yourself. Relax your throat. Santa is your king. Your god. Your everything. Your whole life, everything you do has been to please Santa. Now is no different. You start licking his shaft as it pounds away at your mouth. You can't see his face past his belly, but you can tell he likes it: the veins on his cock bulge under your tongue, and he groans with pleasure. Slowly, making sure the elves know you're not trying to fight, you lift your arms and grab the backs of his thighs, pulling him into you with each thrust. He takes the encouragement, picking up speed and enthusiasm. With one hand you begin to tenderly massage his balls, and with the other you stroke the base of his cock, the part that can't fit all the way down your throat. This is right. This is correct. My holes are for Santa, you think again. It's not for you to choose how he uses them.
You pop out another two lumps of coal, though you find that if you don't let them get too big it can be a somewhat pleasurable experience. You wonder how many nice things you'll have to do to stop them coming. You hope it isn't too easy. You moan as another one presses against your clit on its way out of you. You're desperate to rub yourself, but you can't take any attention away from Santa's beautiful, enormous, swollen, throbbing cock. That is your purpose.
With a long, shuddering groan, Santa presses his cock as deep as it will go. You feel hot cum shooting down your throat, collecting in your esophagus. He holds you there for a long time, your face in his overhanging belly, coal growing in your cunt. When he finally retreats you cough a huge glob of cum into your mouth. It tastes like cinnamon and nutmeg.
"Oh, little Susie," says Santa admiringly. "Even when you're being punished, you try your best to be nice." He sits next to you on the bed and begins gently massaging your throat. "It isn't enough to put you back on the nice list, but it's a start." He seems to think long and hard about something. "I'm a believer in second chances, Susie. I'll have to come back to this house next year for your brother anyway. Maybe I'll check in on you, and if you've been extra good..." he shoots you a twinkling wink. "I just might give you your special present after all."
Your head falls back in relief. You haven't squandered your chance! Santa is a merciful and loving god! The elves lay their heads on your breasts, petting your skin and cooing approvingly. The next thing you know, Santa is pulling up his pants, tucking in his undershirt, buckling his belt. He puts his hand on the knob of your bedroom door, but he turns back over his shoulder before he goes.
"Susie...you were right. Your holes are mine. No other cock, nor finger or tongue or any part of another person may penetrate them. But now that you're a woman...I believe it would be alright if you touched yourself, if you like. And know that I'll be watching." With that he's out the door, Pepper and Ginger in tow.
You get into a comfortable position in bed, head on your pillows, legs spread. You're slowly amassing a small pile of coal on your bedspread, and you're ready to go for another. You let this one grow a little while inside you, expanding until you can't take it anymore, then arch your back and close your eyes and furiously rub your clit as you birth it.
As a ball of coal the size of a small cantaloupe rolls to a stop on your sheets, your bedside clock clicks over to 12:01.
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donat-senpai · 8 months
Can you please do a platonic Yandere Adrien, Luca with a reader who wants to be in a relationship not with them but like in general, what would they do if they tried to ruin her relationship when she got one and she found out🙏
Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere!
Pairing: Yandere! Adrien x Reader, Yandere! Luka x Reader
tw: platonic obsession, deception, manipulation
Thanks for waiting! I continue to work on fulfilling requests. BUT I have to inform you that I will no longer accept new requests for ladybug. I don't feel inspired by this fandom anymore.
-The day you confessed your love was the worst day of Adrien's life.
-Your best friend, your closest person, almost a family member suddenly ceased to be important to you.
-You started canceling appointments with Adrien to go on dates with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
-Adrien was so disappointed and angry. But not on you. You will never be to blame. This terrible man has entangled you in order to ruin everything.
-The first thing Adrien wanted to do was use Cataclysm on your boyfriend/girlfriend. It would be easier that way. Faster. But he didn't want to scare you.
-Adrien needed to be cunning.
-He stole tests from the principal's office and planted them in your boyfriend/girlfriend's bag.
-Your school is prestigious. Such an act will not be forgiven.
-The news of the expulsion of this parasite (as Adrien mentally called this person) made you cry. Adrien was very sorry, but he had to do it.
-A little later, you found one of the tests in Adrien's bag when you wanted to get his notes. It fell out and went unnoticed. Until this moment.
-He realized what happened when he saw the disbelief on your face and the damn test in your hand.
-You asked him accusingly what that meant. Adrien ran through ideas in his head in a panic. Classmates came to the noise
-And he came up with…
-They (the pest) must have planted it. They were jealous and wanted to frame Adrien.
-His classmates quickly supported him. (He always knew that his good reputation would come in handy someday)
-How can kind, dear Adrien be capable of such meanness?
-Your mistrust hurt Adrien. How could you doubt your best friend? That person is a bad influence on you. Perhaps you shouldn't date them anymore.
-You felt ashamed
-It’s hard to leave, but your friend is there. He will help you write a goodbye message for them. He'll even send it for you.
-Adrien will free you.
-Your friendship will be safe again.
-Three days. For a whole three days, Luka waited and hoped that you pranked him.
-Hope disappeared when you introduced Luka to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
-Luka still didn't understand how this happened. He was always there.
-Your happy face brought joy to Luka endlessly. He allowed this relationship to exist.
-He was ready to endure and listen to conversations about this person as long as it brought you pleasure.
-But the days passed, and you smiled less and less.
-Of course, your new boyfried/girlfriend became the problem.
-Luka began to unobtrusively push you towards breaking up. Why do you need a relationship in which your partner only upsets you?
-The guy’s patience finally ran out when you came in tears and said that you saw Him/She hugging someone else.
-If Luka were not a restrained person, he would have akumatized to take revenge. But you needed comfort.
-For the next couple of days, Couffaine stubbornly thought about getting rid of the obstacle once and for all.
-Your ex gave him the idea himself.
-They persistently tried to contact you. You didn’t want to communicate with him/her and gave Luka your phone so that he could delete the messages. Luka used this against him/her.
-Luka convinced you to block your ex on all social media. And the letter from the mailbox explaining that he/she hugged his cousin was replaced with another one - with threats. It was not difficult to fake the handwriting following the example.
-Photos taken without your knowledge were thrown into your school locker.
-No one could ignore something like this. Your parents finally went to the police.
-Luka invited you to stay with him while the trial is ongoing. His family didn't mind, and yours decided that a change of scenery wouldn't hurt.
-The guy felt bad that he had to scare you. He mentally promised to compensate you for all the ruined days.
-Everything was going great until you found all these damn pieces of paper. Copies of your ex's fake letter. Dozens of unsuccessful attempts to forge handwriting.
-Why? Why did you open this box? Why did he forget to throw it away?
-Luka was terribly upset. But he knew what he had to do. He has to correct his mistake.
-He pushed you into the closet, snatching the letters from your hands, and locked the doors.
-Luka hastened to get rid of the evidence.
-He'll think of something. Without proof, no one will believe you. He will say that you had a fight with him and after everything that happened, you are simply confused.
-He will tell you over and over again that there were no letters until you both believe it.
-Luka did all this for you. You will understand this. He will always protect your friendship.
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meekahy · 8 months
Break Up
I am so sorry this is so short! I was thinking maybe a part 2 if y'all like it?
This is a request from @lma1986
Thank you dear for being so patient with me!
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You and Noah had fought before you left work this morning. It wasn’t an easy fight to deal with. But neither of you apologized. It just felt like he hated you more than anything. Now, with you standing in the doorway, he sat playing some game. You could feel the tension as soon as you walked in the door. You knew what you had to do. 
“Can we talk?” you asked quietly, trying to find your voice.
Noah looked up to you for a split second before turning his attention back to his game. You huffed. 
“Noah,” you said louder this time. He looked at you again, this time, he paused his game. 
“What?” he grunted. You blinked at his tone. Clearly, he was still mad from this morning.
“What? What do you want?” Noah repeated with venom dripping from his words. You couldn’t tell if it was because you interrupted his game or if it was just because of you. You didn’t respond, losing your confidence, you just stared at him feeling small.
“Dammit, answer me!” he demanded.
“I want to break up,” you whispered.
“Speak up,” Noah replied bored.
You cleared your throat, gaining some strength, you said, “I want to break up.”
He stands up at your words and slowly stalks towards you. “Oh, do you now? Why?” he questioned.
You couldn’t pick just one thing. It’s been a few different things over the past few months.
“Because you’re a self-entitled jerk. You never make time for me. You’re always gone and when you’re home, you’re either with friends or playing a game. It’s like you don’t love me anymore and you’re sick of my presence. Noah, do you still love me?” your voice going quiet at the end.
He looked away from you for a split second before he looked down, “Do you want the truth?”
“Yes, talk to me,” you pleaded.
“I-I. You’re right, I don’t think I love you anymore. We’re drifting apart. I don’t think we want the same things anymore. It just feels like so much work to even talk to you,” he muttered quickly.
Your heart sank. You knew all this, but to hear it out loud was confirmation enough. He sighed. Noah didn’t want to hurt you, however, he learned from other relationships that communication is key. 
He looked down at his hands before opening his mouth to speak again. You quickly darted from the room before Noah could see you cry. He groaned before following you into the other room. 
“What are you doing?” he interrogated. You had begun emptying your dresser and a part of your closet into a suitcase. 
You didn’t look at him while you responded, “I’m packing.”
It was Noah’s turn for his heart to sink. It was happening. You were actually leaving.
“I’m going to my parent’s house,” you announced, “I’ll be back for the rest of my things this weekend. I don’t want you to be here when I pick up my things.”
He nodded while looking down at his feet. Noah opened his mouth to ask if you needed any help but changed his mind. You zipped your suitcase, grabbed your pillow and purse, and headed for the front door with Noah following closely.
You turned around slowly, your eyes meeting his. “Goodbye, Noah,” you hesitated while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Goodbye,” Noah choked out. With that, you left, closing the door behind you.
Noah stared at the door for a while after you left. He felt numb. Could this really be the end?
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dantheserialkillerman · 10 months
Dan Hiroki X GN!Childhood Friend Reader Pt. 2
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Contains: Continuing story and Gender Neutral Reader General warning: Long-post TW: Possessiveness/Suicide/Implied grooming
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful crow. Her wings were like the tips of quills freshly dipped, and her claws sharper than the hook of a fisherman's rod—a perfect little bird. Everywhere she went, the forest's creatures would glance at her in astonishment and envy; no owl, robin or dove could compare. The crow knew this and, for a time, enjoyed their praise. What was love, if not the wish to capture? The desire to own what you could not own yourself? Yet, as the days went by, she could not help but feel unsatisfied, for none would approach her, and, eventually, she found herself an idle idol. That was until, one fateful morning, a hunter entered the wood. The man searched far and wide for the perfect game but would deem all beasts crossing his path too dull, ordinary, and a waste of his talents. His frustrations grew until his eyes fell upon the beautiful crow. Having never seen such perfection, the man raised his gun and decided such magnificence could not exist without his consent. In that final breath, staring down the barrel of the rifle, the crow realized a terrible truth: She had finally experienced her first and last act of true love.
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You would like to think you will meet again one day, perhaps in a better place, surrounded by the fragrance of the buna tree. 
A memory:
Under the branches, as the rain fell, he leaned his head against your shoulders:  "Do you love me?" "Only in summer." 
There is a strange beauty in defeat. To give up and to let go is an art so painful and euphoric that few can ever master the discipline. Yet, you could not help but try. You had to say goodbye to a bit of life, an old name, to live once again. Sometimes, still, you could smell the hints of a campfire if you closed your eyes for long enough.
After finishing university and moving away from your relative who took you in, you travelled around Japan for a while. It took years to get used to the constant hustle and bustle of the world, and you often felt displaced in the city's hectic life compared to the countryside you grew up in. However, life had finally returned to a somewhat more peaceful state. Not exactly familiar, but it was a softer difference. Recently, you were appointed as a history teacher in a small-town high school. It was a safer career than you had once dreamed of, but it would keep you hidden. That's all that mattered. You enjoyed the mountains near the town.
When you first arrived, some things were unexpectedly painful. The starting months felt like a constant exorcism, a battle not to jump and think you summoned the ghosts of old friends whenever a student came up to ask a question. But the pain was comforting in a way. They had lived and affected the world around them. Even if it was silently, you could carry their legacy and find forgiveness in supplying a future to others. A future they were denied. This was your cleansing.
The students on their end were pleasant, consistently hard-working and upbeat. And, of course, over time, you developed favourites: the creative Hana Kai, the outspoken Yuki Yamamoto, and, especially, the thoughtful Nanami Shirakawa.
Strangely, even with your reservations about closeness, you became rather popular, even finding, at the end of some classes, notes left on your desk: 
Dear Teacher,  Thank you for the class.  Dear Teacher,  I am glad you are feeling better.  Dear Teacher, Please smile more often.   
Despite years of developing a numb compliance with life, you could not help but feel touched. It was nice to be liked and somewhat accepted back into a community, even if it was only a false image they loved. 
However, you could not help but wonder what they would do if they knew that one of their favourite teachers, at night, away from their wool sweaters and bad jokes, dreamt of stone cottages and warm summers? How could they understand how your mind was captured by the sea and the calling of the woods? Even worse, you couldn't imagine their judgment if they knew of the gray eyes that haunted your subconscious. A demon. Shuten-dōji with a laugh: 
I could just die for you. I could just kill for you. And I could just love you until the end. I am you, and you are me. Cut off my head, and I'll grow another on the back of your mind. 
You would wake in terror and yearning. Most nights, you could not go back to sleep. Instead, you would find yourself sitting at the kitchen table, marking or reading anything to suppress the sweet evil lurking behind your fantasies. You had to forget before you lost yourself to dreams. 
In the waking world, you distracted yourself with a growing hatred for the biology teacher, Taisuke Henkyoji. In all fairness, it appeared he despised you in return when it became clear you would not fawn over him. 
He was from a wealthy family with designer clothes, fancy watches, and a carefree attitude. His name was seen everywhere, from the hospital where his brother, Kusuke, worked as the chairman to the only hotel within town. It was a world so far removed from small village roots, worn clothes, and scuffed shoes that you wondered if you could even find it on a metaphorical map. 
However, you could not help but see how he only possessed a dull attractiveness, only passively acknowledged until placed in a position of power. Therefore, it didn't surprise you that he was popular among teenage girls. Yet, out of all those teenagers, you could not help but worry about one in particular. The thoughtful Nanami Shirakawa, who was awkward and sweet, with big dreams and an introverted personality, which reminded you of someone you had to bury so long ago. 
Sometimes, you would catch her absent-mindedly doodling hearts in her notebook or fiddling with her phone with a wistful smile. Other times, while walking the halls, you would pass her peaking into Henkyoji's classroom. It was clear she was infatuated with the man.
It was a worrying love. Innaproate and not helped by Henkyoji's overly friendly and even disturbingly flirtatious behaviour. You had even tried to warn him of Nanami's feelings:
"You need to shut her down gently, Henkyoji-san. This whole situation is unhealthy."  "And you care, why? Jealous?" 
Of what? That comment made you immediately uncomfortable. You tried to go to the principal, who also quickly dismissed your concerns: 
"Henkyoji-san is from a highly regarded family. Such a suggestion could sully not only their image but the school's reputation," - a sigh- "There is nothing to worry about, Y/N... especially if the only evidence you have is an off-hand comment and the crush of a teenage girl. Please, don't bring this topic up again." 
Yet, it echoed in your mind when you noticed how sullen Shirakawa had started to become. There was a growing dullness behind her eyes, a letting go that was much like yours. You could see a dangerous defeatism. 
After class one day, as you saw the young girl merely gaze at her desk the entire lesson, neither moving to take notes nor really paying attention, you decided it would best to ask her to talk:
" Shirakawa-Kun, I just wanted to know if you are feeling okay," You tried to smile empathically, "I know it can be awkward talking to your teacher." "I am sorry, " she rubbed her eyes harshly. " I am just drained." You could see the fear behind her expression. An invisible subject, something cold and dead whose images reflected back a once firey disposition that burnt itself out into ash. "Shirakawa-Kun, I apologize for being so direct, but I know something is wrong."  "I really am okay," she paused for a second, fiddling with her bag, "I really have to get home...my mother needs me to help...she'll be worried if I am held up for too long."  You sighed, realizing any further conversation was a losing battle, "This may seem unorthodox...but please take my number," you pulled out a piece of paper and began to write, "If you need someone to talk to, call me, and we can set up a time to meet in my office." "Thank you." She took what you handed her with a slight reluctance and placed it in her pocket "Please, even if it's not me, know you do not have to handle this alone. I know what it's like to feel the world crashing into you. I promise." 
You closed your eyes as she left and sighed. I know what it's like to love and fear someone in the same breath. I know what it's like to be alone. 
It was easy to imagine him there next to you, as you often did, clothed in black, in a nice jacket, and without colour save for his red lips. Ah, what would you do? Is this what you felt like? Fragmented? 
You could not sleep that night. Sitting at your kitchen table, reading, until at 1 A.M, a single message appeared on your phone:
Dear Teacher, Thx for everything. It was nice to know someone cares. I hope you have a good night. -Shirakawa
When morning came, you were unsurprised that Shirakawa was absent from class. However, you could not have imagined the reason the headmaster pulled you out of your homeroom.
"Why would she try to kill herself?"  "She's a teenager, Y/N! I have no idea why she would do such a thing; I just called you in to let you know about the situation. Do not discuss this with anyone but the staff."  "It was him, wasn't it..." "I said not to bring such a topic up again!" "You can't ignore this forever! Please, just listen to me!" "Go. Back. To. Class. We will pretend this never happened."
Guilt spread throughout your body as if you were drowning. How could you have turned away? Why did you not write back? You felt yourself transform into a frightful and hideous creature that had been tied to the buna tree so many years ago. A coward. A failure. Another child almost died because you didn't act fast enough. Kikue. Reo. I'm sorry.
You had cut class early that day and ran to the hospital. My fault. It's all my fault. You needed to apologize in person. You needed to ask Shirakawa. You needed to know the truth. Fuck Taisuke Henkyoji.
Dishevelled, sweating, and breathless, you ran to the front desk and requested the room number. 
"Are you...okay?"  "Please, I'm here to see Nanami Shirakawa," - a breath- " I'm one of her teachers," The woman at the desk looked annoyed, "Well, you're lucky. It seems she's currently taking visitors; let me phone up the room...I'm not paid enough for this-" A voice...soft... melodious...that itched your memory interrupted, "Is everything alright here?" No...You could not speak. Your throat refused to open. The world swam for a second. "Sir, were just up to see Ms. Shirakawa?"  He was beautiful. He looked just like him. "Yes, she seems to be doing...well...as one would expect in such a situation."  "Hmmm," she hummed, uninterested, "Sorry to ask this of you as a civilian, but since you are here, could you please assist...who were you again?"  "Shirakawa's history teacher," You replied shakingly. It's not him. It cannot be him.  "Your name?" The woman rolled her eyes. You took a deep breath. You had changed your name when you lived with your relative. You were not you anymore, even if it was him somehow, "Y/N."  "Y/N?" The man turned to you fully. Shuten-dōji. He looked like your Shuten-dōji, "What a..." He paused as if startled before quickly composing himself, "Lovely name..."  "It's pretty common," He looked at you with such intensity you thought the ground would swallow you up. It can't be him. It wouldn't make sense for him to be here. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. The lady at the desk signed, "Well, you two are very sweet, but if you could kindly take Y/N up to see Shirakawa, that would be very helpful. I have to talk another call...so..."  The man gave the woman a bland smile and beckoned you to follow him. You could feel the sweat build upon the back of your neck; his grey eyes followed you like a snake to a mouse, refusing to let you out of his sight.  "You didn't ask me for my name,"  "I'm sorry?"  "My name, would you like to know it?"  "Oh, my apologies. I'm just a bit scattered today,"  "That's understandable, considering..."  "Yes, considering I would like to know your name."  The man laughed and mumbled, "You sound just like them...look just like them... you could even think," A distant look filled his expression, "It's like looking at a photograph," He seemed to catch himself, "Ah, sorry, I had a close friend that left me many years ago; I lost myself for a moment. I believe we are both scattered today." You wanted to change the subject as soon as possible. A coincidence. It has to be. The world wouldn't be so cruel. The Kirin would not be so cruel.  "How do know Shirakawa-kun?"  "I saved her from drowning."  "What?!"  "I'm a very strong swimmer." He glanced at you with subtle amusement, and then a look of distant grief entered his eyes. "My name is Dan Hiroki." You stopped. No. "Is something wrong?" Yes. Something is very fucking wrong.  "Oh, it's nothing...It's been just a long day..." You needed to leave as soon as possible, "Actually, I just remembered I forgot something at home-" "Hmmm," He hummed as if thinking, "I think you should see Shirakawa-kun." He stopped and grabbed your arm as if trying to ensure you could not flee. His grey eyes, searching as if trying to figure something out, "I fear she needs all the moral support she can get right now." You bit your lip hard, thinking of a way to escape this. Fuck. What if he recognized you? What would he do? A man capable of killing without remorse, you shivered just imagining the type of torture he would inflict. How could you leave without looking suspicious? "It..." Shit. "Your right. However, I really can't stay for long." He continued to walk, not letting go of your arm, until stopping before the elevator, "You really do look just like them...It's been so long...ah, memories... memories, a cruel mistress."  "I can't imagine," the evaluator dinged.  "Fufu, for some reason," He pulled you inside, "I feel like you might," You could feel the red string of fate being pulled, "Yes, I would love to get to know you, Y/N." 
You would like to think you would have met again one day, perhaps in a better place, surrounded by the fragrance of the buna tree. You never thought you would meet in a hospital. You never thought he wouldn't recognize you. 
A memory:
"Please don't cut off my head, Minamoto no Yorimitsu" "I promise, but only in summer."
One day, you thought you would meet again, surrounded by summer.
A memory:
"Tell him I died. He would come looking for me otherwise. You know why I am asking this. Don't let me bring you shame. Please let me go."
The ride is silent until the final ding. He smiles at you once you reach the right floor.
A memory:
"Y/N, wait for me next summer?" "You know I always will be here.
His left eye twitches and his smile grows.
"Shall we go see your student?" He pulls your arm gently, his now fully lopped with your own. "I don't think I have much of a choice." "Be careful, Y/N," He chuckles darkly, "I might just grow fond of you." "There is nothing to be fond of." You walked out together and felt his hand tighten around your bicep as if worried you would run away.
A memory:
A place filled with tiny stone houses, crumbling temples, and giant windmills with rotor blades like dragons' teeth, gnawing away at the occasional gale. "Do you believe in the Kirin?" "I believe humans are cruel, and Gods are crueller."
The red string of fate tugged again as you headed towards the hospital room and into an unknown future.
You fear Dan would never let you go if he discovered your true identity. You feared much worse than death. There truly is a strange beauty in defeat.
A memory:
This was your home. All you could ever want. "Hey, Y/N, look up! There's a flock of crows." "Actually, I think it's called a murder."
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I'm tired of this blog, goodbye.
This communication is shit and I'm fucking tried, I already left it like a month ago but I kept this running so I can continue entertaining people. But I honestly don't see the point anymore.
I still love WDY, but the fandom is shit. If I make art of it, I'm not going to post it on this blog anymore, I'm no longer going to take drawing requests for this blog.
This isn't about the drama that is happening right now, I'm just done.
Thank you to those who have supported me and my art, I'm not going to tell you my other blogs' names in fear of people from the situation coming after me.
To those people, I can't be on your side or Lilith's because I have not seen proof of your claims. I am sorry if these things did happen to you. I can promise I do not condule Lilith's actions if they did, in fact, happen. I'm not going to talk to you or Lilith at all, so please don't contact me. I already got anonymous asks, calling me a freak. I've already blocked the person who said that and deleted the asks.
I never wanted to be a part of this, I was only trying to help with what little information I had at the time.
I do not condule minors making fetish art or telling people to kill themselves. I'm not that type of person.
I now know to just leave these things alone and to only step in when things get too far.
I hope all parties of this drama will get peace, and I wish you all a good day.
Me and my AUs all say goodbye, and we're sorry we can't stay to entertain you anymore. We all wish you the best of luck and that you've enjoyed our time together. Even though it was short, I had a grand time. I wish it didn't have to end like this, but all things come to an end, and it's best to just accept it with open arms and smile knowing we had our fun.
Goodbye, my dear friends, may we meet again some sunny day on a different blog or different a site. <3
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tiriansrambles · 4 months
Letters. Pt 1/???
Edwin & The Cat King
ft Charles.
spoilers mentioned. please don’t read if you have not seen dead boy detectives!!!
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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Edwin isn’t entirely sure when this all began. the letters. the feeling of joy when he’d receive one from dead mail. he never thought something so small would give him so much to look forward to. even though he should be focused on cases, his mind always wondered when he’d get another letter. considering he doesn’t … have a telephone. this was the best bet for any communication.
Edwin had begun to receive letters from the cat king. he shouldn’t be as surprised as he is. but he is. He was pleasantly surprised about how nice of a feeling this was. when he first got a letter from Cat King, he figured he would forget about Edwin the moment he returned to London, even after their small goodbye. He still has the Lilly, preserved and put away for safekeeping. Mostly, he doesn’t want Charles to know he kept it.
The first letter received was him asking if he was okay. It had been some time since Niko. And to be frank, he wasn’t okay. At all. Even though he knows she’s moved on now. he misses her. every day. She became a dear friend and one of the only good things that happened in Port Townsend. He missed her. Despite her bravery, she didn’t deserve to die. He wanted her here. badly. Who else could he tell about the letters? Who else could understand? But he knows, for sure, that her afterlife is pure magic. Peace. Perhaps she had reunited with her father. He hopes she’s happy, at peace. The Cat King even allowed Edwin to talk about Niko for a long while through their letters, it was nice to let it out. He still missed her though, tremendously.
Since then, they haven’t stopped writing to each other. They’ve been writing every single day for weeks on end. Between cases, he’d make the time to write something to complete the letter and send it off. He appreciates Cat King’s effort. Truly. Considering there were probably easier ways of communicating. Like a telephone, or whatever it is that the kids use nowadays. Texting and Snapchat and whatever else. He can barely register the internet. And snap chat has a ghost emoticon for its logo. offensive. what do pictures have to do with the dead?
As the letters go on, of course, there is always a flirtatious tone to them. So much so he could even read the words in his voice. Imagining him in front of him, the way he would move about. Edwin didn’t want to admit this, but he almost … /missed/ the Cat King. After taking the time to understand him, the way he behaves. they are not so different. Two lonely souls. Perhaps he found comfort in that. In him.
Edwin’s gaze follows the stroke of each letter on the page, a soft hum escaping his lips. And soon enough, he’s smiling again.
How are you today, handsome? I found myself bored and decided to visit the library. I know, crazy, right? What would a sexy, and powerful being like me be doing in the PortTownsend public library? Well, I remembered you talking about how reading was a good pass time. So, I figured, why not? Take a page out of Edwin Payne’s book, amirite? I don’t know how you feel about modern books as of late. But I found something rather intriguing. I think you might like this one. The Song of Achilles. Madeline Miller. Did you know they have audiobooks now, where things are read to you? But I figured you’d hate that. Too lazy for you, isn’t it?
I was thinking, as much as I love writing to you…I thought maybe we could read this together. I’m sending you the book. Let me know what you think. And maybe, just maybe you could mirror to Port Townsend. We could read and talk about it. No funny business, I promise. Cat’s honor. But yes, this is me asking you out on a date. Whether it’s friendly or romantic is up to you, you’re painfully aware of what I prefer. I’d come to you, of course, but I’m sure it would cause unnecessary drama with your bestie. Although, I love the drama. I’ll spare you the drama until you inevitably fall in love with me.
You should be receiving it soon. Let me know. Don’t keep me waiting. <3
The Cat King.
If Edwin could blush, his face would be as red as a tomato. He reads the letter, once, twice, three times. A DATE?! A date… of reading a book. Together. That was intimate. Especially to Edwin, he loved to read. To research. He has not read anything modern, though. The only other ‘person’ he shared books with was Monty. Monty… he still couldn’t believe that. He had seemed to lose interest in making any more friends or sharing things with anyone. But The Cat King is the one who reached out. As he re-reads the letter for what felt like the millionth time, he jumps at the sudden shouting.
“MAIL!!!!” Called out the delivery man. Edwin is on his feet, quietly shushing him, but thanking him nonetheless. He hands him a package. it was the book, of course. but it was wrapped neatly with a bow. the wrapping paper was an interesting shade of green with a gold bow. It seemed to be the only thing to come. , It had been such a long time since he’s received a gift. especially like this. he almost didn’t want to open it, but of course he does. and despite being quick with it, he is cautious to save the wrapping paper. He stares down at the book, a finger tracing the cover. Interesting… a modern retelling of the Trojan War? From the perspective of Patroclus? The Cat King was correct. This certainly caught his eye…
“Wait!” Edwin calls out to the delivery man before he can leave, stopping him in his tracks.
The delivery man shoots him a look, and Edwin smiles, sheepishly. “I apologize, could you just wait one moment?”
Edwin is quick to get back to his desk, setting the book down and quickly getting out parchment to respond to the Cat King.
Cat King,
I have received the book… I must say, my interest has peaked.
I would very much like to read this book with you…
Edwin hesitates, a nervous breath escaping him.
I would … enjoy this to be a date. I don’t know in what way just yet. I would like to see you. I will find time to come see you. For now, we could read and write letters back until I can mirror over. Cases always take priority, of course.
Thank you… for thinking of me. It means a lot to me.
I am looking forward to this.
He can tell the delivery man is getting impatient, but he gets the letter ready in the nick of time, handing it over.
“I apologize. Could you please send this…and um, perhaps when you have letters addressed to this person, could you not announce it? ”
The delivery man blinks a moment, before rolling his eyes. Perhaps he could even sense the shame Edwin felt. He was keeping this from Charles. How could he explain this to him anyhow? He would just be angry…
“Very well,” the delivery man spoke, phasing through the wall.
Edwin sighs, leaning against the desk as if the wind was knocked out of him. This was already hard enough to hide from Charles, how was he going to do this? After the confession…things were? Well, awkward wasn’t necessarily the word. They just didn’t talk about it again. Charles said they had forever to figure it out. He was right…but it was obvious. He did not feel the same. He knows he would prefer Crystal as well… if his affections are for her, then how could he keep that from him? He loved him. He just wanted him to be happy. More than anything in the world. His dearest friend. His best friend. Perhaps that is what they are destined to be. He wouldn’t have it any other way…
Even if the Cat King is still really confusing for him, he can’t lie to himself. He has grown fond. Why shouldn’t he pursue it?
Yeah. That’s exactly what he will do. If reading this book together goes well, and he truly enjoys his company? Why not.
He nods to himself, turning to look at the book on his desk. Just as he was going to reach for it, Charles’ voice snapped him to attention.
“You all right, mate? You look frazzled.” Charles asks a brow quirked in confusion.
Edwin nearly jumps out of his skin, soon taking a moment to collect himself.
“Yes. Yes, perfectly fine.” He clears his throat, soon moving his position to hide the book on his desk. As discreetly as possible, of course. He felt guilty, hiding this from Charles. But he had no way to explain this. He just knows he will be angry with him.
Another quirked brow and a chuckle escaped Charles. “You sure, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He grins.
Edwin rolls his eyes, fondly. “Ha ha. You’re hilarious, Charles Rowland.”
“Arent I just?’ Charles grins, “really, though, you good?”
Edwin nods, “im fine, yes. just lost in thought.”
That wasn’t a total lie, of course.
“Well, Crystal and i were going to watch a movie. Care to join?” Charles asked, although he already knew the answer.
“Oh… um…” god, why was he so nervous.
“I think I’ll skip this one,” Edwin chuckles, “i uh— i would like to read tonight. You two have fun, though?” He offers, a nervous grin on his lips.
Charles brow is quirked again. The way he answered was not what he expected. A rather nice answer rather than saying something silly like it was a waste of time. There was something on his mind, but he doesn’t question. For now anyway.
“Alright then, mate. you know where we’ll be. enjoy your book.” He chuckles, offering a wave as he exits the room.
Edwin’s demeanor changed when he left, turning his attention to the book.
“Yes… i think i will enjoy it.”
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fanfoolishness · 2 years
Random spoilery thoughts for The Apostate based on my deliriously watching it way after my bedtime last night, but before rewatching it tonight with the husband:
Was very excited to see Bo-Katan’s helmet in the credits. She’s really going places this season, huh?
Loved seeing glimpses of the helmet ritual. I was worried that the kid was going to be baby Din, even though he looked absolutely nothing like him; I was relieved to see it was present day, but I still would’ve liked another flashback to kid!Din. Also, does Din just not have flashbacks anymore? I kind of miss them.
A little salty we didn’t see any Mando’a in this whole ritual. But, I loved seeing the Armorer more. She’s always an intense, mesmerizing presence and even though I now distrust her (is she Force-sensitive? the way she somehow realized that croc-monster was coming… not to mention some of her other appearances where she seems to know more than people are telling her) I always love seeing her do her thing.
I want to try and write something about Din wishing he was welcome for Grogu’s sake (so he can be around other Mandalorians besides Din and discover the community for himself) but can’t seem to figure it out.
Wish we saw some more non-human Mandalorians though :(
SPACE WHALES! Purrgil, yes? Man I still need to watch Rebels. But I obstinately want to watch all of Clone Wars first (we made it to season 5! We’re so close!)
I love that Grogu was both entranced by them but also a little scared because they were just so vast. Hence the need for a cuddle, which Din did not object to.
HIGH MAGISTRATE GREEF KARGA, please, if we have to spin off more characters from The Mandalorian to get to their own TV shows, we need to see Greef just Carl Weathersing around. Everything with him is just delightful! Let his cloak get longer every episode, please please please.
Not sure at all about this harebrained IG-11 idea, Din, but I loved that we could hear some of the music that used to play for Kuiil in the theme there, and that Din straight-up called IG his friend.
Love to see Nevarro all grown up! Greef may still be a little shady and obviously self-serving but I love that he wants to bring other people along with him too. The more wealth around in general the more for him too, right? So of course Nevarro needs to get respectable and dank farrik, he’s just the man to do it.
I’m glad Cara Dune didn’t die on the way back to her home planet. I’ll miss her presence as a friend and comrade to Din but I won’t miss Gina Carano’s bullshittery. Maybe we can meet a buff female Mando this season to add to the roster if we have to be adding new characters.
Big man in tiny room 😍
GROGU NO omg I love that he is just as awful as real toddlers sometimes 😂
…and yet Din thinks it’s time for him to learn about hyperspace navigation what even is this parenting technique
I still miss the Razor Crest, but I like that the Naboo thing (what is it called again?) makes Din even more menacing as a pilot
Dad Is My Seatbelt ❤️
I enjoy the mossy pirate. He is rather disgusting but I’ve never seen a design quite like that before.
Bo-Katan really has nothing better to do these days than lecture Din, does she? I love how disillusioned she’s become with the Darksaber. “Just wave that thing around and they’ll do whatever you say.” I also love that she calls out Din’s tribe for being superstitious and weird again. Like we all know Din is gonna ride a mythosaur by the end of this season or next and he’ll find the mines and they better be super cool, but I’m still feeling solidarity with Bo-Katan, resident skeptic
I just need Din to really sit down and think, “Do I regret taking my helmet off? It was always to help Grogu. To try and keep him alive, to try and find him, to say goodbye to him. Don’t I owe loyalty to him, too? Do I feel like an apostate?” Figure your shit out, sir!
But in the meantime, keep proudly telling everyone you meet your son’s horrible name. I made myself laugh for a minute straight when I realized Greef is over here thinking Din named Grogu that on purpose
Plotwise, definitely the most scattered premiere of the show, and because of it, not the most effective episode. I’d give it a B - perfectly enjoyable and some really fun, surprising moments, but it’s not asking the big questions that it keeps hinting at just yet. I hope they get there.
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walpu · 5 months
Angel lady ramble time!
Born from a runaway halovian in chaotic planet named Deyanira-VIII, it was a world with little civilization located in a far corner of a galaxy, with its locals wiped out many Amber Eras ago and now inhabited by outworlders, where whoever wishes to stay in that planet must learn the art of its world and be an adept survivalist.
The planet is beautiful—truly—natural resources are there, it possesses a unique ecosystem, where the remnants of the old yet advanced civilization lie, it is a livable world yet holds its own cruelty. Many have challenged the nature of Deyanira-VIII, pursuing countless hidden treasures and relics of immense value. Some are treasure hunters looking for artifacts to be taken home and exchanged for credits, while others are explorers determined to unveil what the planet hides. With its many corners that have never been seen, carrying many dangers and possibly taking many lives of many due to its savage nature, it is no surprise that so many are curious despite the danger.
Same goes to Zielle, born in a small peaceful civilization with no authority to control them, they go with “not prohibited does not equate to permitted” in their lives, of course it is not the best community to live in so the young girl would steel herself up while following her group wherever they would go. Though she was one of the children that were held close by the adults and wasn’t allowed to explore on her own, looking at her left and looking at her right, same goes to front and back she’d see the bodies of the adults blocking the view. To protect her and the other children from danger, yet the enchanting charm the world has to offer fascinates her to no end she has a rebellious streak for running away into the wilderness, yes she has the physical prowess but what can a little halovian do if said wilderness wants to devour her? She could only remember the adults told her to hide her wings and stick her halo onto her head like a headdress, just sing for the people that loves her voice, do what she loves and spread her melody.
A wild child if you may, would go missing during nighttime or when there’s a heavy rain. Was it dangerous? Yes. Was it worth it? She got nothing from it, but at least she knows what’s out there, and she could scavenge for more remains. A little bird who flew from her nest too early, her parents went into the wilderness and never came back, living amongst other children in the orphanage.
It was after some time that a lonely Nameless came to this planet and left their mark that Zielle started to go running outside once again, the pitter patters of the rain was all too familiar, an old friend in case she ascended to high to ground her back to the earth. The repeated habit of running away and attempts to launch herself into the sky blurred her memory, years of enduring the savages of Deyanira-VIII bred a tough cookie, going out of her way to join expeditions to find something worth to gain materials and exchange it for an affordable space transport, or better yet rebuild an abandoned spacecraft and make it hers.
If that Nameless taught her something during their limited encounters when they stayed in this planet as they saw her twinkling eyes at their vehicle, was that thousands of years ago in the vast empty space there was once a fleet of trains running on the star rail under the Aeon named Akivili. To connect distant worlds together from different star systems and even the most distant of galaxies, the Nameless told their stories of their adventures and battles and parties. To start a chapter of her life, turn the page, keep looking up at the sky, for they believed she can also walk on the path of the Trailblaze.
And under the light drizzle, the Nameless finally bid their goodbye to Deyanira-VIII and walk amongst the stars. From that day, the young woman walks deeper into the dangers of the planet, and her next destination is the stars.
- 🪽
I love the nameless so much dear lord
She is so free spirite,
I bet in-game she would be a Robin's narrative parallel at least in some way: caged bird and a free spirit 🥹
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Eerie coincidences leading up to season 8's Goodbye Stranger
I swore I'd never talk about this episode, but it features a jealous guy named Spencer (he who "dispenses"), a "Jimmy," and a girl named after the "forgiveness" character in The Merchant of Venice and is reminiscent of Porsche/"fancy car."
But I will say that this is so very, very, incredibly, jaw-droppingly Chuck-coded:
SPENCER: Of course you don't. Neither of you ever considered my feelings. JAMES: Portia? This is about her? SPENCER: Can you imagine the insult when she chose you? I wanted her as my soul mate the moment I saw her. When she picked you...I endured it. But when you two went all Bella and Edward, broke the code, put your passions before the community rules, well, the arrogance, the entitlement was too much. Your total ruination seemed appropriate.
This is the infamous, cruel, disrespectful 8x15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits. (Skip it, it's not worth the egregious racism). Nevertheless, there is a remarkably consistent throughline running through many of these throwaway episodes, coming just before 8x17 Goodbye Stranger.
James "Jimmy" is a man being forced to "act out" murders, just as Cas is acting out and committing murders for Heaven. Like Cas, he's pushing his (would-be) lover away. He shouts her to "GO," Just as Cas shouted Dean to "GO" in Purgatory.
When I think about the ruination of the Nephilim-coded things being destroyed in seasons 8 and 15, all I can see is Chuck sundering Earth from Heaven.
And here, in 8x16 Remember the Titans, we have a Zeus behaving remarkably similar to how The Empty does in 14x08 Byzantium. Zeus cursed Prometheus to die over and over, and his seven-year-old son is now awakening to the same fate.
ZEUS: Tell me, has Prometheus experienced the child's death yet? [HAYLEY gives a nod.] How did he take it? Did he hurt? [HAYLEY nods again.] Good. [ZEUS points his fingers at SHANE/PROMETHEUS who falls to his knees attempting to breathe.] 8x16: Remember the Titans
COSMIC ENTITY: Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I'm taking him. And where I'm taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to. [Cas deploys his angel blade to attack, but the Entity flings him across the room] 14x08: Byzantium
In season 7, Cas refers to his own resurrection as, "I don't die - I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment resurrection. It's worse every time." 7x23: Survival of the Fittest
The Prometheus himself is dressed a little bit as season 1 Sam, as a boy hated by God, but narratively, he's Cas.
SAM: Of course not. You were afraid big daddy would find out that you fell for the person he hates most in this world.
Makes you wonder if Cas's instincts are right? Perhaps, Chuck actually hates Cas. Perhaps, it really is a sadistic punishment resurrection, and he actually lives and breathes to see Cas and Dean separated.
And again here, Zeus's rage has so much in common what what the Empty will be like:
ZEUS: You like being an immortal, don't you? [He's kneeling in front of OLIVER again.] Oh, sure, you die every day, but nothing can keep you dead. [ZEUS looks over at SHANE who is lying on the ground.] It's almost like taking a little nap. All of your cares and worries disappear for a little while. Well, it's sleepy time, my dear boy. [His tone is like a loving grandfather, he stands, both hands crackling with lightning.] I never get tired of watching you die. [ZEUS, holding SHANE up, says it right into his ear.] Your boy is going on the mountain. 
[The entity kicks CASTIEL.] COSMIC ENTITY: Just let’s lay down. Let’s just try and sleep. Hmm? Think about it. Infinite peace, yes? No regrets. No pain. Kiddo, save yourself.
I think Chuck is absolutely seething over Cas and Dean being in love in season 8.
Cas did not steal fire, but he did rip up the pages at the end of season 4. In season 10, his grace is reintroduced in a library, amongst fluttering pages, as a story-destroyer.
The theme of the angel-human hybrid family is ever-present in season 8, and the total ruination of the hybrid angel-human family is ongoing in season 15.
At the end, only Sam's family remains. The "pure," "good," "Noah-like" one. Heaven and Earth are split once more.
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suguwu · 1 year
😱😱😱 Bee you do it to Takao like that?? You kill him like that!? No goodbye, no last "I love yous" that's so cruel!!
okay before i get into THAT, you never fail to provide the most beautiful detail to every mundane moment, but if i gushed over every one, this ask would get five part series too
Honest to god i was so certain Takao would've actually left in the end. Like "oh your soulmate's here? guess i'll die" and he just!! goes!! and let's be real in his shoes, i dont blame him. at least he said something. he communicated his feelings and he took a step back because he wanted space.
like yeah reader suffers a bit, but she's got a solid support system. she's got her parents, she's got her friends. have i mentioned i love Abe and Yoshikawa so much?? what would this story be like without them? how would Reader cope without them?? i dare not think.
also you're so good at describing food, i wanted those crepes so much
okay and i must know, what's the soulmate clause in the marriage contract, what was all that about??? it sure sounds like a lot of boring paperwork to me, and a headache to work through. you're so good at weaving subtle worldbuilding in where it matters, but that's the problem, i want the story to be about bullshit soulmate clauses in marriage contracts. what are soulmate laws here, what do they look like
Kita is so good, that's the problem. the progression of their interactions between text and phone call to eventual physical visits was very sweet. If he was an asshole that'd make things easier. and honestly i was Very nervous where it was going because like especially when the wedding got cancelled after reader met her soulmate, i'd lose my mind because you KNOW that got people's tongues wagging.
it's unfortunate that it's not hard to imagine that a lot of people would in fact, find reader insane for not immediately choosing her soulmate in a heartbeat. your neighbors, your co-workers, distant relatives, people on the goddamn street etc
oh my god speaking of, i wasn't kidding when i said i would've fist fight Atsumu in the streets, i could've HOWLED.
Aran is a fuckin blessing because i knew the twins were gonna have Opinions on reader after she rejected Kita. THEY may be protective of Kita, but I'M protective of reader and i'm stronger, i know it. i could beat them. the social expectation surrounding soulmates would be abysmal, can you imagine?? and we only got a little taste of it, when Atsumu just threw his hands up like "He's your soulmate!" as if that was supposed to be the end all be all statement to end an argument. when reader is MARRIED??
oh, you already have a partner? forget them! you met your soulmate! guilt tripped reader for KITA'S choice to remain in contact as if it's her job to manage his feelings. i'd ream Atsumu so hard it'd strip the hair dye from his follicles and he'd have to go back to Onigiri Miya, a brunette again.
thank god reader has supportive loved ones. thank fuckin god. if i got grilled by the general public, or even people in my life why i chose Some Guy and not my Soulmate, i would kill everyone in the room and then myself. SMH
okay i definitely had more to say but i'm gonna cut myself off now before i go insane luv u so much bee, congratulations again on getting part 2 out!!
whisper beloved this had me ROLLING lmao thank you so much for taking the time for this!!
cut because this is a long answer lol
i did do it to takao like that i'm afraid,,,he deserved better but i couldn't give it to him. i knew it from the start
takao could have peaced out and honestly it would have been the expected thing for him to do in this society! so he just took a step back. which i think was hard for him but easier than it could have been, knowing the support system reader has in place. i'm SO glad you love abe and yoshikawa they are also near and dear to my heart,,,love a good friendship!
lskjdflksjdf once i'm done with the fic i may release some of my worldbuilding notes! for the shrine clause (and a clause used by most marriage venues), it's one that allows the person getting married to get out of the contract without any consequences if they meet their soulmate. so they would get their deposit/any money back and not be held responsible for any penalties that might otherwise be described in said contract.
for the form they hand in at the time of marriage, some countries track soulmates and have bureaucratic systems around it. it's almost like a census in some ways. the form is essentially a report about whether either party has met their soulmate and if they are marrying their soulmate. it can be used as a way to stop the marriage if the soulmate desires to do so.
kita is Very Good and that's half of the issue, like you said! and yes, society has a Lot to say about reader's choice - it's very unusual and there's a lot of controversy around people who don't stay with their soulmates (don't even get me started on soulmate divorce).
PLEASE I AM CACKLING honestly atsumu deserves a fist fight for that one! both the twins do in their own way (osamu distracted kita so atsumu could go after reader). reader's been hoping to avoid them because she knew from aran's stories (they've met a few times, mostly over facetime when he was visiting kita) that meeting them probably wouldn't go well. and...on the money with that one.
thank you thank you for all of the thought that went into this ask. you are always far too kind and i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!
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notparrots · 1 month
I am incredibly sorry if this is overwhelming in any way. I know I may be a little too energetic but it’s hard to bring a close to the most important friendship I will ever have. Take as much time as you need to read this or not at all.
Dear Molly, this is a goodbye.
Hopefully just for a little while. We may not be apart forever but if you wish it to be so then it is up to you and only you. I’m sorry if this comes out jumbled, it’s hard to write a goodbye to the most important and my favorite person in my whole life so I apologize if it’s incoherent. I don’t expect you to respond to this and I’m half expecting you to not even read it so I am just trying to do this for some semblance of closure I can grasp from this fucked situation. Also I’m gonna reference a bunch of songs in this, try to spot them all!
You were all I could ever ask for in a friend, funny, smart, caring, and kind. You are truly an amazing person and I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to. You are not pathetic or weak in any way shape or form. You are valid in all of your emotions no matter what anyone else says. You have gone through so much and I know you will go very far in whatever path you choose. Thank you for putting up with my bullshit. Thank you for putting up with my insanity. Thank you for putting up with my clinginess. You may be an Imperfect girl and I know you have your problems as well but I don’t care, I will always support and protect and love you. I know I wasn’t the bestest friend I could be but I think I did alright. I don’t know exactly what triggered us not being able to talk but I think it has to do with me leaving those assholes behind and talking to Leo. I also don’t really believe what your mother said about you not wanting to be my friend anymore. Whatever the cause is, I know it’s going to be Alright it in the end. It only gets better, I promise. In the end we are just Stupid kids and our mistakes will help us learn for the future
The times we spent together were the best in my life. You made me smile, feel alive, and made life sparkle for me. Every photo you sent, every word out of your mouth, every piece of art you created was joy to hear or see. Hopefully one day I can show you the artwork that I will create. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person and thank you for pushing me forwards in life like no person ever has before. Thank god I saved those videos of you showing me how to draw or else I would be lost. It’s also nice to hear your voice in them. I wish we could have lived A life frozen in time.
I have to say that the last message you ever sent me was perfect. That song is beautiful and the lyrics kinda fit with our situation. Since you left me with one last song I will leave you with Let them know they’re on your mind. It’s a song by Cavetown and I like it a whole lot. Also the lyrics work pretty well. I also created a Spotify playlist, it’s public on my account and it’s called For when we are away. Listen to it if you want, I know how much music means to you so I just want to be able to communicate my feelings through a medium you feel most safe with.
Please save that bracelet you were making me and maybe give it to me eventually if we are to meet again. Oh and also idk if I’m gonna get that record or not but I pray I do. That is my last request from you, thank you.
Maybe I’ll catch you at a concert or at Davenports or walking down the street, but whenever You and I see each other again, I hope you still love and care about me next time we meet because I know I will. There will always be a bleeding gash on my heart from this that will never heal. Time may stop the bleeding, mask the pain it causes me with jokes, and cover up the wound with kindness but it will always remain, never forgetting, always remembering the times that once were and could have been. You are the yin to my yang I feel, Geto to my Gojo, black to my white. I at least feel like you are my other half in many ways. God this sounds so stupid and cringey and clingy but I don’t care anymore, not like you will respond to it anyways.
I will now talk about what I’ve been doing as of late. School next year is going to be really rough for me. Jeremy is my last friend there and might be leaving to live in Germany before school even starts. August might torment me but I just don’t know yet. There will always be bullies in my school who will pick on me but idk if I can hold back their words for much longer. I’m so fucking done talking to Em in general. They are just a drag on my mental health. Wayfinder was amazing, it is truly my home and my people. I wish I could have shared a piece of it with you. I made some amazing friends at camp that live near me and want to hang out sometime so I think I’ll be alright for now. Every second at camp I was thinking about if you were ok or not and that was not the best for my mental health but whatever. I’m writing this in between the first and second week of camp so I’m about to go back and leave my phone at the house. I got the phone exception just so I could talk to you but since we can’t even interact I’m not allowed to bring it no matter how much I plead with my parents. It’s taking me like 2 and a half hours to write this but it’s not like I can ever express how much you mean to me and how I want things to be different.
Some closing remarks: I won’t be able to go to the re6ce concert, I am sorry. I am going to go to some other concerts later in the year because I want to experience one. Cavetown and Lyn concerts specifically because I kinda realize they fucking rule. Might go to the Stacy concert but like, you're already going and might not want to see me. I wish my first time going to one would have been with you but alas not. The bracelet you made me is beautiful, thank you. I hope that if we are still besties in the future we can do all the stuff we planned on doing. Like going to Japan or seeing an eclipse together or going thrift shopping or going to the ren fair together or going to an aquarium or watching evangelion together or even you taking me to Wendy’s. I know those are silly but I hold onto those hopes and dreams, they are what keeps me going. Always have something to dream about, it will come in handy. I wish I could send this off with a poem or a drawing but I have nothing, I’m sorry. I’ll include some of my favorite photos of you. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed. I know you have me restricted and I think that’s because I kept harrassing you when you showed up online. I’m really sorry about that, please forgive me. I was just wondering why you weren’t responding and was really not responding to it well. I wish you weren’t ghosting me and instead responded to me to give me some sort of closure but alas it will not happen.
Whenever we meet again, whether it be tomorrow, next year, or in 1000 years, there’ll forever be a room for you inside of my heart. And if I don’t see you,
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
Sleep well
Sweet dreams
Sleep tight
Don’t let the bed bugs bite
I care about you
I love you ❤️
Toodles nerd
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kellyinverse · 3 months
Dear Djinn
It’s time to accept that never have you expressed a reason for me in your life
Despite my asking
It’s felt in our kiss, touch, but beyond that
- as a forensic rehashing has provided (based on facts only)
You’ve indulged me
My musings
And you enjoyed being the muse
A forty something Fabio
For my middle-aged fantasyland
I am grateful despite this epiphany,
My heart’s dismay.
Our paths intersected
When I stopped believing in love
Coming to terms with another toxic relationship
The shame I felt
How I tried to flippantly move on from my darkness
Suffering from love bombers
And repeating the chase for attractive avoidance
ignoring the actions
Penning pieces begging for
Reactive lust
And after so many months
Even I have worn myself weary
The slow burn of getting to know someone
An infinite puzzle
Built on the flap of a butterfly’s wings
On what ifs,
the crux of any good story...
The art of escape
Your ability to keep so much hidden
Me fearing that if I pry you will disappear forever
Foolish really
I've no wish to grind you down
nor convince you I'm worthy
of something you don't wish to give me
I brave the night with strangers that could end me
And yet, I hide my curiosity from the one human I wish I knew more
So what now? Do I excuse myself and take a bow
Or do I keep guessing
Icing my bruised ego
Writing more to my own peril
Dissecting every moment until I break?
I wish I had the answers
But I don’t
I miss the warmth of him
Whoever that is
Accepting the idea that this
supernatural bliss is merely a fairy tale
I created to pacify my pain.
It's too small a town to just move on,
to free him from his obligatory weekly kindness
and the threadbare delayed responses
may be what's necessary
(in my innocence, I held hope that I mattered to him too)
What if this magician was the calm I needed
to embrace my fragility and find strength?
If only I put such efforts into other pursuits,
my journey.
But I see/saw him as part of that experience
a reason to be again.
In all fairness my mind does not operate like most people
I’ve been in survival mode since birth
I’m tired
But in my reluctance to see the truth
I hindered my chances to understand the man
By putting him in a bottle
With these words
I break the confines of my
Set you free
Helping all and harming none
with love,
*It is not goodbye, but releasing the bare minimum expectations from you is what I need.
The silences hurt, despite me trying to explain them away. A real conversation would clear the air as I hope that we are friends regardless of the lack of part time touch. I miss it, there's been no-one else. That was my choice.
I won't make assumptions but maybe there is someone else and you're afraid to tell me just like not being able to open the songs.(I would’ve blindly added u to my account.)
Honesty is all I've wanted.
I am a lot and in my heart I found it miraculous that you've been here this long. I embraced the angst thinking it would make for better art.
The anguish is palpable and I know not why. I want to be celebrated by someone I rejoice in seeing and perhaps this is why it hurts. The imbalance of it all.
Your innocence in all things taboo has always been alluring and maybe we can explore those things in the future if it is just life keeping you at bay. It will require communication and preparation though.
I'll be at Barzaare tonight, 7/8/2024.
The moment came and went.
There was a crowd and I was seen and heard but the only eyes I hoped to find were yours.
Like I’d done so many times before.
0 notes
dear-ex-person · 5 months
dear ex best friend
I want you to know that I miss you so much. and that I am sorry that I never said goodbye to you after school on the last day of year 6. you were the person who taught me about the queer community, and for that, I am forever grateful. I hope you have a brilliant day and that life treats you well. I hope we can meet again someday
I miss you
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boom-bakugou · 4 years
‘Wedding Crashers’ - Katsuki Bakugou
A/N: Sorry for my inactivity but here’s a little sorry and thank you present for me hitting 1k! I love you all sm <3
Pairings: Pro Hero!Bakugou x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+, ooc deku; but it’s more of a headcanon, semi-public sex
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend Izuku Midoriya inviting you to his wedding is a definite stab in yours and Katsuki Bakugou’s backs. But you’ll show him.
Word Count: 5k
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You had considered your morning to be relatively normal, breakfast not burnt, coffee just that right amount of bitter to stir you awake. But those happy moments of peaceful bliss were soon to be fleeting as your mail arrived. Sifting through the pile to what you assumed would be bank statements and bills; your fingers landed on a cream white envelope. Your name printed neatly in a cursive font that when you followed it with your eyes for too long it almost made you want to puke. Tearing it open haphazardly, you read the perfumed content inside.
‘Dear Y/N Y/LN,
We are very proud to invite you to the blah blah blah wedding of pro hero blah blah Izuku Midoriya and blah blah blah.
RSVP blah-‘
Wait what? The taste in your mouth was pitiful. Yes, you and Izuku had dated years prior and after being childhood friends, yet it didn’t end… swimmingly. But this didn’t feel like inviting a childhood friend to your happiest day, no, this felt like a backhanded swipe at your ex-girlfriend who was well known to the media to be single. Pro-Hero gossip magazines made sure of that.
Throwing the invitation onto your countertop, your eyebrows furrowed with spite. You felt weak almost, watching your ex-best friend grow up to be this bountiful hero with merch in every store that you went to. Though you had triumphed well in the hero charts yourself, nothing ever seemed to compare to him. The golden boy. You never really got over the fact that he ended things because being a single hero was more postable than one who was tied down. Until now. Mr. Big shot getting married. It really made you question your integrity,
Recuperating your thoughts, you realised your phone was buzzing on the couch next to you. Checking to see the influx of text messages, you saw Katsuki Bakugou’s name fill up your lockscreen with notifications.
Bakugou: tell me you got the stupid fuckin invite too
Bakugou: the nerve that nerd still fuckin has
Bakugou: inviting his childhood ‘friends’ after all this time
Bakugou: tch, one big publicity stunt if you ask me
You chuckle as you scroll through the messages, gladly knowing that you weren’t the only one feeling this way.
Y/N: so what’re we going to do about it?
Bakugou: what do you mean?
Y/N: well we can’t show him up at his own wedding but we can sure stir something of our own
Bakugou: well that idiot is marrying some nobody extra
Bakugou: probably to show how ‘great’ he is
Bakugou: so how about if two top pro heroes rsvp’d together?
Y/N: you mean us?
Bakugou: no, midnight and grape juice. of course us you idiot
The idea brewed in your head for a moment. Izuku had always been nice when he was younger, and Katsuki hadn’t exactly been the nicest towards him in return. You were always the mediator in those situations. However when Deku grew and grew in the hero charts he started to lose touch with reality. Not really remembering what being a hero was about besides having his face stuck on a lunch box and raking in the dough for it. It was sad. You didn’t know who he was anymore.
Y/N: fuck it, i’m in
“You know, don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a tux before.” You chuckle, arm linked around Bakugou’s as you stepped out of the chauffeured car together. You were here to make a scene. Paparazzi glistened everywhere like a moth to a candle flame. You couldn’t wait for the tabloids in all honesty.
“Shut up.” Bakugou grumbled, almost in embarrassment. But his smile didn’t show a hint of it. “Not looking too bad yourself.”
You had coordinated well. Your maroon dress flowed in the gentle summer breeze and matched perfectly to Bakugou’s equally coloured tux. You two were such a pair it was nigh impossible to not think that you two were together today. And the paparazzi made sure of that indefinitely.
You couldn’t lie about how the service was beautiful, because it was. However you didn’t need to hear the shutter clicks of a camera go off every few words they spoke. It was distracting, and you and Bakugou shared a glance each time it occurred. Stifling a giggle, you hoped no camera would pick that up. Even if they did, they’d probably pin it to ‘look at these other heroes wishing that they were the next to get married!’ they’d eat that shit uplike ambrosia.
“Can’t wait to see the reception.” You mumbled towards Bakugou, your plastic smiles never fading for the cameras. Izuku making a show of himself and his new bride.
Watching him was almost bittersweet. The happy memories of you three as children flashing behind your eyes. Now replaced with a fame hungry number one hero. Where had all the time gone?
“What’s got you so perplexed?” Katsuki asked, filtering your way through the crowd, making your way to the cars that would deliver you all to the reception.
“Just-“ You sigh, allowing the cover of other heroes to hide you from the all seeing eyes of the paparazzi. “I miss him, y’know? Miss how we used to be.”
“Tch.” Bakugou didn’t care about the scowl present on his face, your words ate him up like some sort of bacteria. “Thought you said that he was the most selfish guy you’d ever dated?”
“He was but like-” You watched Izuku’s back as he held his new partner’s hand. Waving to the cameras and not watching her, as lovely as she looked in her wedding gown. “As weird as it sounds, I sometimes miss high school.”
Bakugou’s eyes scanned your face, following your eyesight to Midoriya. Fucking extra. The thoughts swam around his head, polluting his mind. He knew Izuku’s break up with you had been a massive toll on your mental health and your ego. He made you think that you weren’t good enough for him, and Bakugou never got over that fact. How could he pass up on you for anything else?
Breaking apart from the conglomerative of wedding-goers, Bakugou lead you to one of the specially hired cars to take the guests to the reception. Despite Bakugou’s abrasive and rough nature, you couldn’t help but notice how delicately he held your hand. Not tugging you along or haphazardly grabbing you by your wrist, making you follow him. No, his fingers interlaced with yours and you felt the coarseness of his palms due to the explosive nature of his quirk.
“You can let go of my hand now, we’re in the car.”
“Yeah- whatever.”
Catching up in the car, you both realise how little time you have to actually spend with each other. Though you and Bakugou communicate 1000 times more than you do with Midoriya, heroing keeps you both busy. No times like these to goof off and be with each other. You missed it, you missed your hot-headed idiot friend.
“Hope there’s less fuckin’ paparazzi here. Think I’m gonna go blind with those extras pointing them in my face.” Bakugou rolled down the tinted window a smidge to watch as the car drove into an old looking manor hall where guests had already begun to arrive.
Flowers decorated the ground and just as you two got your hopes up, you saw a line of paparazzi at each side of the staircase leading to the double-doored entrance.
“Well, it was worth a try.” You remark to him, patting his back as you chuckled to him.
Bakugou was the first to exit, standing beside the door so he could reach for your hand to help you out while you fixed your dress. Just as the two of you began to reach for each other's arms to walk into the reception together; there was a brusque tug to your dress. Upon further inspection, a member of the shutterbugs had stood on a long section of your dress. Allowing himself to get pictures of it stretched out and flowy.
“Hey!” Bakugou didn’t waste time on pushing him off the tail end of the dress. “Try anything funny like that again with my girl and say goodbye to that shitty camera of yours!”
The man nodded, slowly letting his camera hang loose on his neck. The rest of the cameramen easily caught the scene but you both couldn’t care less. What’s a wedding without a little drama?
“Thanks Katsuki.” You note with a soft smile.
Bakugou’s hand tenderly makes its way around the small of your back until his arm is holding you close to him as you walk inside. His hand sitting in a caring way at your hip to assure that nothing could come between you both. You could not wait for the media to plaster this fake-ness on every outlet that they could! However, you liked the thought of relishing in the attention right now.
Once the dining festivities had come and gone. It was time for their first dance. Watching as he held her under the blue lighting had your heart hurting slightly. The thought that that could’ve been you. But Bakugou was right. He’s probably marrying some quirkless nobody not only to make himself look better, but being with another hero is messy. You both had media eyes on you; but… you couldn’t help but wonder how different your life would be like if Midoriya was how he used to be.
You didn’t even notice Bakugou’s eyes on you the whole time. Not wanting to waste a second of his eyesight on the show Izuku was putting on. You were a sight of your own. How could you not see that you deserved someone better? Someone like him. You always spoke about how everyone was under a facade when supporting Deku, but you never correlated that to yourself.
After a short while, others began to join in on the large dance floor. Perfectly spacious for all the famous faces and their egos. Bakugou’s hand traced down your arm until his hand clasped with yours, gently leading you to the floor yourselves.
“What’re you doing?”
“Come on, who’s to say we can’t have some fun too huh?”
Smiling at him, you followed his lead. His hand occupying your waist before pulling you in closer to his chest. Flowing with the music, you couldn’t help the cheesy smile on your face; nor the one that spread to Bakugou’s.
“Why’s no one ever tied down Mr. Ground Zero then?” Your question takes Bakugou by surprise, showing a small blip in your combined graceful swaying to the music.
“No ones good enough.” Such a Bakugou answer.
“You’re sounding like Izuku, but he probably got that from the old you.” You jested, earning an eye roll from Bakugou. “I’m being serious! Come on you can tell me.”
It takes him a moment to figure out an answer, so much so that he doesn’t focus on dancing anymore. He just stands there holding you before locking eyes again.
“Just haven’t found the right person to deal with my bullshit I guess.”
There’s a beat of silence and your eyes search his face for answers. You didn’t even realise how close you were to him. His breath fanning your face, the smell of oak and fire and burning sweetness engulfed your senses. You also didn’t realise how the two of you sank closer and closer into one another.
“Hey Kacchan, mind if I steal her from you?”
Izuku’s voice almost sends you two flying away from each other like same sides of a magnet.
“Ask her yourself she’s not mine.” You turn from Bakugou to give a friendly smile to Midoriya, allowing your hand to rest in his. “I’ll be at the bar. Free drinks and all.”
His answers are short, curt. Yet before you can ask him if he’s alright Deku spins you and begins to dance with you in his arms at the tempo of the new music track that’s playing.
“Long time no see Y/N!” His manner has always been so chipper, despite the facade of it all. Though Bakugou and you went there to purposefully to cause discourse; you don’t think you have it in you to be mean to Izuku’s face.
“Yeah, look at you! Married man now, must be scary.” You chuckle, almost nervously. It was like speaking to a stranger.
“Well I guess I’ll find out! But come on that’s been the subject of the whole day! I wanna know about you and Kacchan.” You felt like Bakugou right now, the old nickname boiling your blood as it did his. There was no doubt Izuku took influence from Bakugou and his fiery personality; but he took it in all the wrong ways. Using confidence to become cold, uncaring.
“Oh- haha, Katsuki and I aren’t-“
“Y/N. Don’t lie to me! I can see the way he’s burning holes in my tux from over here.”
Turning you to the music so you could face where Katsuki was standing, you peaked behind Midoriya’s arm to see Bakugou with an all too familiar scowl on his face. Chasing down a beverage in a crystalline glass in one easy gulp.
“If you ask me Midoriya he’s always looked at you that way.” You laugh your statement off but you meant it with malice.
“Midoriya? Feeling formal today are we Y/N?” He had completely lost touch of who he used to be. “I used to look at you like that when I saw you with other guys, I know what that look is.”
His comment stops you dead in your tracks, not allowing for him to swing you to and fro to the music.
“Actually Midoriya I don’t even remember you looking me with jealous intent other than when I was higher than you on the hero charts.” Shaking yourself free from his towering position on you, you stormed off to the patio doors, letting yourself be eaten by the oncoming darkness of night.
Crying at your ex’s wedding. Not something you’d think you’d ever do in your lifetime but here you were. Thankfully you couldn’t see any reporters or such outside so for now, it was just you and your tears. Maybe you were too harsh on him? You used to be friends right? What happened to that kid who wanted to be a hero who you looked up to? What happened to the boyfriend you had who kissed you goodnight and ignored you when your face was on the TV more than him or snapped at you when he was announced lower than you and broke up with you because ‘heroes dating are messy!’ No. Bakugou was right. He was a self-righteous bastard now.
You half expected Midoriya to come out after you but he was probably entertaining other guests. Luckily, as you turned you saw Bakugou standing outside with you, signature hands in his pockets with a dumb, sympathetic smirk on his face.
“I promise I didn’t punch that asshole at his own wedding but I can tell you he got a fuckin’ earful from me. Hope the paps got a good pic.” His tone was joking but it hadn’t cracked a smile from you yet.
“S’alright. Wouldn’t give two shits if you did.” You sniffled, collecting mascara tears on your fingers and wiping them on the decorative concrete bannisters of the balcony. “Shouldn’t’ve fucking come. This was stupid I have too much baggage for this shit.”
You turned away from him, allowing yourself to lean out on the barrier, looking into the distance on the warm night. You could hear Bakugou give a small sigh before his arms snuck around your waist, pulling your back into his chest before placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
“That fuckin’ idiot didn’t know what he lost and it’s my fault for influencin’ him.” The pain in his voice was evident. Did Bakugou blame himself for the hurt Midoriya caused you?
“No. That extra is so blinded by the shit everyone has to say that he’s forgotten what real life is. Doesn’t care about his stupid fans or his friends or the best most understanding girl in the whole fucking world. A girl I know does the best for everyone no matter what her own situation is.” You turn around to face him, not wanting to leave his embrace. “Y/N. No matter how much I’ve always wanted to fuckin’ win I’ve just wanted the best for you. And when that bastard did what he did to you- I- fuck. You look at him, like you’re waiting for him to just notice you; but every time I see you it’s like I’m seeing you set the stars in the sky every fuckin night. You just- you’re fuckin’ everything to me Y/N.”
It was completely silent on the balcony besides the low thump of the music from indoors, but it was deafening. But it all faded when his lips attached to yours. It was so clear. All that pining over Midoriya when he was just copying the one who actually saw you for who you were. He even copied Bakugou’s crush on you, most likely to make him jealous. But your mind had no time to think of that when all you could feel was Bakugou.
It was like you had never been kissed before, never felt the love and sensuality behind it. Soft and moist but breathy and warm. For once Bakugou didn’t wish to win a battle, he wanted unity and to be together with you. His hands danced over the delicate curves of you in your dress; taking in every inch of your perfect body. The gasp that fell from your mouth was perfect entrance for Bakugou’s tongue to mingle with yours. The sparks hot and electric between you both was like liquid lightning.
Just as your hands found home in his hair, you heard the all too familiar sound of today of a photo being taken. Bakugou is the first to break the kiss to find the intruder of your special moment. Your lips already feel blushed and bruised but your heart was nearly pounding out your chest.
“Fuckin’ print that in your gossip magazine you extra!” Bakugou couldn’t help but heartily laugh at the man as he shook with worry after catching the intimate moment. He wanted to show you off. He wasn’t ashamed that his lips had captured you to be his.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.” He whispers into your ear and you eagerly nod, grasping his one hand with your two as the both of you manouvered your way through the wedding guests until you finally found a small closet down a hallway where no one from the party had entered.
Slamming the door shut behind you, your eyes drank in Bakugou’s frame. How had you missed that small boy you once knew had now become this beefy, beautiful man? Who was looking at you with the same awe and intent? Bakugou cornered you against the door of the supply closet, latching his lips together with yours once again as if he was scared he’d never be able to taste you again.
“You’re fuckin’ perfect.” Katsuki’s lips mashed with yours as his hands slid up your dress, the coarseness of his fingers against your soft skin sending shivers down your spine.
All those years of being a hero really showed on Bakugou, he lifted you with ease as your fingers traced scars on the back of his neck; holding on for support. His hips pin you against the door and you feel his cock hardening between the fabric of your underwear and his suit pants, you can’t help the whimper escaping your lips at the friction of him.
Bakugou’s hands slip under the straps of your dress, letting them fall delicately to your sides as his lips ensnare yours. His grunts and your whimpers enough to make any passerby know what was going on in the confined space of the closet. His fingers glide beneath the dress which allowed it to fall further as Bakugou felt the weight of your breasts in his palms.
“God you’re fucking everything princess.” His fingers slide beneath the lacy fabric to thumb your nipples, perking and tugging it with his forefinger.
Breaking the kiss, his head lowers to encapsulate the bud in his mouth. Gently suckling it before rolling it feverishly between his teeth. Your hands snaking through his hair only spurring the assault on your supple flesh. Biting your lip to stop the obvious moans that were threatening to spill out of your mouth. You swore you could see stars as his tongue flicked against the pointed nub- sending your nerves wild.
“Bet that fucking extra never treated you like this baby.” He matched your height, his gaze never leaving your own as he took both of your tits out of your bra; kneading the flesh and buds of your nipples as he spoke. “Just wanted to get himself off, I know how to fuckin’ treat you right.”
“Then do it… Kacchan.” You spoke with such gusto in your breathy state, knowing that the old nickname would make him see red. And god did it send him feral.
His body pressed you further into the door, even if it felt like he couldn’t. The aching feel of his cock rubbing against your clothed core made you mewl in want of him. His fingers slid beneath the hem of your dress and made little pricking motions into your inner thighs until he traced a slit over your panties.
“Shit you’re fucking wet.” The pads of his fingers kneading against where you wanted him most, a chuckle falling his lips as your hips did their best to try and get any sort of relief.
“Katsuki please- please fuck oh my god-“ Your neck craned back as you felt your body take control. The low growl in Bakugou’s throat at the sight of you barely touched and already begging for him.
Tracing his fingers along your décolletage he stopped when he met your parted lips before roughly shoving his fingers in your mouth, pressing down the body of your tongue.
“Please please please-“ Katsuki mocked. “Please what princess? Better use your fuckin’ words or else.”
An insufferable smirk played upon his lips as he felt your cunt clench around nothing at his dirty words. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he wiped the remnants of your spit across your tits; awaiting for your response.
“Fuck me Katsuki- please you’re all I want. God you’re all I need.” Although said in your aroused state. You meant it- and he knew that.
Not wasting any more of the precious time you two had before you were inevitably found out considering your blatant disregard for being quiet; Bakugou used his hand to tug off his belt. Nearly setting his suit pants on fire as his quirk crackled in anticipation for you.
Your body clung to Bakugou’s for support, his whole body easily keeping your pinned high between himself and the door. Once his lower half was sufficiently stripped, it was easy enough for him to rip the sides of your underwear off.
“Shut up.”
Not wanting to disagree; you did. Hips bucking against nothing as the cool air prickled at your hot cunt. Bakugou held his manhood in his hand, rubbing the head of it in your slick and providing stimulation to your clit. Your thighs tightening around his waist like a vice grip at the well needed attention.
“You’re fuckin’ soaking baby. So needy.” Bakugou mumbled against your neck, allowing himself and you to get off momentarily at the friction. You could only nod to his words which were making you more and more wet for him. He was such a tease.
“Come on princess. Tell me you want my cock. Tell me.” His voice growled as he repeated himself, leaving marks upon your nape that would surely bruise because of his harsh bites and sucklings.
“Katsuki I need you- only you. Only you.” Your repetition is barely a whisper but he heard it, and despite his rough nature Bakugou confines your lips in a kiss as he sheaths himself inside of you.
Taking a few slow thrusts to allow yourself to adapt to his size, it’s only a moment before Bakugou completely bottoms out inside of you. He watches your face shiver in pleasure which he mirrors. He clasps your hips so firmly his knuckles turn white; it didn’t even hurt as all you could focus on was him inside you. Your hands find their way to his biceps, gripping on for some tension relief and you could still feel his muscles flex even beneath his suede blazer and the shirt.
“What a good fuckin’ girl, taking my cock like this.” Bakugou’s voice is a low growl as he thrusts into you, the sounds of your clothes brushing against one another and the slaps of your skin interacting was like a sinful symphony.
The smell of caramel danced in your brain as Bakugou worked up a sweat absolutely pummeling himself into your sex. You grasped onto him as if your life depended on it, moaning into his neck as his cock slid in and out of you. You didn’t even know how much time was passing as he rutted himself into you relentlessly- yet as you both came to your highs, you could both barely move from the thrill of it all.
Steadying your breaths back to a regular pace; Bakugou slid you down from where he had pinned you against the door and let you fix yourself as he then did himself. You sorted your dress and pulled any tugs from your hair when he had pulled it before slapping Bakugou’s arm.
“You dick! You ripped my underwear!”
“Hot.” He chuckled, fixing his belt loops and stuffing the ripped panties into his pocket.
“Not funny! I’m not parading about with no underwear on!”
“We’re getting the fuck out of this extras stupid wedding. You can wear my clothes at my place.” Suitably sorted and not looking like you had just had the brains fucked out of you in a closet (despite the reddening bites and bruises that were now appearing on your neck), Bakugou held you close. Yet instead of taking the corridor to the exit, he was leading you back to the main dance hall.
“Where’re we going?” You hashly whispered to Bakugou, your thighs still wet from your slick and the cool air against your unclothed pussy making you heat up from embarrassment.
“Gots to do one thing before we go.” There’s a shit eating grin on his face, you couldn't help but wonder what on earth he was planning now.
Midoriya stood talking to other heroes all dressed in their formal attire and Bakugou (with no consideration of their conversation) roughly tapped his shoulder to get his immediate attention. His arm around your waist was so tight but being see with Bakugou like this made you feel almost proud.
“We’re just heading off.” Bakugou had replaced his smile for his usual scowl, something he had always looked at Izuku with.
“Going so soon? It’ll be a shame you guys!” Izuku’s voice was plastered in falsehood. He probably regretted trying to gloat over you two. Bakugou held out his hand for Midoriya to shake it, your brows furrowed on what was obviously a stepping stone to Bakugou’s plan.
“I know I might not be better at you right now in the hero charts.”
Uh oh.
“I’m glad you’ve finally come to recognise that Kaccha-“
“But I am better at you at something for sure.”
Bakugou used Midoriya’s hand in his to pull him closer, readying himself to whisper in his ear.
“Cause I just fucked the shit out of your ex-girlfriend and I know you never made her come as hard as I did.”
Your face burned with the heat of a million suns, but the glower on Izuku’s face was priceless. And you couldn’t help but see the flash of a camera capture the moment as Bakugou’s hand fell from his and slipped once again around your waist.
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poppypickle · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, so here’s a masterlist of all the fic I have written for The Rookie (Chenford), Avengers (Clintasha), The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Community. As Hamilton would say: What is a legacy? Making hot fictional characters bang in your fics, obviously.
The Rookie (Tim/Lucy)
I Can’t Help Myself - Complete, 11k
Tim and Lucy figure things out with a little help from the Mid-Wilshire gang. Featuring silly group texts, Angela playing matchmaker, and Chenford doing Wopez wedding errands.
Come A Little Closer - Complete, 30k
Tim and Lucy make a bet about who can seduce the other person first. Mutually assured seduction occurs.
Want You To Stay - Complete, 50k
Co-written with @cfr749​. Things *happen* after Tim and Lucy leave the hospice in 4x09. A Season 4 canon divergent AU.
Break Up With Him - Complete, 6k 
Lucy’s got a boyfriend and Tim is jealous. So jealous he maybekindasorta acts like a fool at Angela’s wedding.
Got Me Addicted - Rated E, 1.5k
The dirty PWP version of Lucy having a boyfriend and Tim doing something about it at Angela’s wedding.
Bang Bang (Look What You Started) - Rated E, 9k
What if Tim and Lucy actually gave into all their Season 1 chemistry?
Made You Wait - One-shot, 4k
Lucy goes undercover and Tim pines.
Ain’t It Just Like Love To Find Us - One-shot, 1.5k
Another Wopez wedding dance fic, because there can never be enough.
Broken Over You - One-shot, 1.7k
Lucy stops by Tim’s place to say goodbye to Kojo before she goes undercover.
Chenford Fic Week Series - Rest Your Head On Me, My Dear - 53k
I had this crazy idea to do ALL of the Chenford Fic Week prompts, but to break up each day into a different period of time in their lives. So I started writing, and realized pretty quickly that I’m actually a very slow writer and couldn’t possibly finish 42(!) prompts. But I kept running with the idea, and luckily some AMAZING collaborators decided to join in on the fun. We didn't quite finish all of the prompts, but I think the spirit of the original idea was still achieved.
Most of these ficlets can loosely exist in the same ‘verse, and are meant to paint a full picture of Tim and Lucy’s lives and their relationship.
July 11: Tim and Lucy as children  July 12: As adults before the meet each other July 13: The rookie/TO days July 14: Post-rookie/TO — close friends and very flirty, but they are not *officially* together yet July 15: All AU ‘verse! Lucy is a famous pop star and Tim is her new head of security July 16: Tim and Lucy finally admit their feelings for each other July 17: Married Chenford 🥰
Avengers (Clint/Natasha)
Let Me Tell You a Story About War - One-shot, 10k
Natasha goes to Clint right after the Snap. Some things change. Some things stay the same.
Let's Show 'Em - One-shot, 1.5k
Clint had told Natasha that wearing her full tactical jumpsuit was overkill, but Lila had insisted it was absolutely necessary. And Natasha was nothing if not a pushover for the favorite bonus niece.
Or, Lila Barton has a score to settle.
Just Come Home - One-shot, 2k
Monsters and magic and multiverses…
And somehow he’s ended up living in the version of life where Natasha Romanoff is dead.
Or, Clint attempts to cope.
Run Away Now - One-shot, 3k
Clint Barton has a fianceé and Natasha doesn't know what to do with that.
Somebody Save Me (From the World You Left) - One-shot, 2k
Prompt: Cooper always knew about his father's and Aunt Nat's relationship.
The Hunger Games
Let Me Name The Stars For You - One-shot, 10k
Gale/Johanna. This is the story of how the Hawthorne family puts Johanna back together again. Or maybe it's the other way around. Post-Mockingjay.
Kaleidoscope Heart - Complete, 10k
Gale/Johanna. Two bruised and battered souls figure out how to rebuild. Post-Mockingjay.
i’m five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor - One-shot, 500 words
Gale-centric. Based on the prompt: “Angry, and half in love with her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away.”
The Old Familiar Sting - One-shot, 4k
A series of vignettes that take place the night before Katniss leaves for the Quarter Quell. Featuring Gale/Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, and Mrs. Everdeen.
Stranger - One-shot 1.5k
A missing scene between Gale and Katniss. Takes place after their kiss, but before Katniss leaves for the Victory Tour.
Harry Potter (Harry/Hermione)
Could You Leave Me With A Scar - One-shot, 1.5k
Harry/Hermione. Hermione Granger's got scars. Five vignettes from Hermione's life.
This Is My Winter Song To You - Ficlet, 800 words
Harry/Hermione. 'I could have loved you,' she wants to tell him. 'If given half the chance.' Takes place after Ron returns and destroys the locket.
let us go then, you & i - Ficlet, 300 words
Prompt: Harry/Hermione - movie!verse - "I'll come with you"
Community (Jeff/Annie)
The Song Remains The Same - One-shot, 3k
Jeff/Annie. It's like deja vu on steroids - the other timelines begin to seep into Annie's subconscious. Spoilers for Remedial Chaos Theory.
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