#gonna see how many drinks i can get in me before my brother cuts me off 🤭
alwaysneedyforsir · 4 months
i’m um. a very happy drunk hehehe
even gigglier than usual 🤭🤭
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x toxic!fem!reader
summary: someone always throw a spanner in her works, to achieve her biggest dream —being coriolanus’ lover, wife and claiming power. luckily, y/n is not on the loser side when it comes to playing. 
trigger warnings (overall): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, blood, violence, killing people, hunger games stuff, i just love volumnia gaul, reader hates lucy gray and everybody who’s around coriolanus, mental health problems mentioned such as psychotism, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies. 
trigger warnings (in this part): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies, wet dreams, screaming out from anger, hate speech, hate-thoughts.
prologue. part 1.
her nose bleed. 
looking into the mirror, everybody could wonder that it didn't break from the look on y/n’s face. nosebleeding happened a lot of the time with her, her brother,  joked like “this is what happens when even your blood can’t stay near your thoughts.” well, only if he knew that sometimes, it was true. 
standing up, blasting the vases and the dolls she had on her shelf with a scream, everything fell down to the floor, broken into pieces, some of it cutting up her foot. still screaming, crouching to the ground, tearing out the pages of the old plan, she split her stupidity into litter. her whole body shook as she drew out the white powder she got from festus, spreading some on the edge of her thumb, sniffing it up. waiting until the calming feeling crawled in her blood to his brain and every little corner of her body, she felt full for a moment. her whole body shook as she stood up, stepping over the shards and thorns of her vases, her dolls and her roses. stomping over a doll with black hair, sy/n sat back to the dressing table. swiping the mascara off her face, then her lipstick, with baggy eyes, smeared makeup, with the eyes of a madwoman, her lips like she just ate something raw, her blood mixing with black and red, she wanted to tear up that bitch. 
but let’s not be so fast. let’s begin with the first things and signs, the signs that got y/n in this state. 
to begin with the good news, clemensia finally got out of the picture. y/n began the day at volumnia gaul, as she wrote in y/n’s response letter that she should be there tomorrow morning, so she can begin as soon as it’s possible. wearing her best clothes, she stood at nine am before the doctor’s doors. drinking a tea with her, y/n only saw only now how intimidating she looked –one of her, the ice blue one, came from the devil itself. 
“i’m not gonna lie miss y/l/n, but when i saw your application letter on my desk, i was surprised.” 
“how so? i mean, dr. gaul, i knew only the best biologists and scientists work for you, and i wanted to be one of them.” 
“really? oh, yeah, i remember about your assignment, dear. tell me, when you wrote those words and sentences, did you already think about working at the game?” 
“i mean… dr. gaul, please don’t get it wrong, i’m not really interested in the outcome of the games. twenty three people die anyway, and it’s not the maker’s task to make the games more interesting. that task is for the marketing section. i only want to see how venom can be planted.” 
“is the littlest, sweetest child of cyril y/l/n interested in venom?” 
“venom can be useful in so many ways. it can heal, and it can make things more interesting. it can make a single dinner turn into a full-night drama.” 
volumnia looked at y/n, then began to giggle. y/n never felt something like before; it crawled down into her veins, just like the drugs she used, scratching her brain, just like the day of the graduation. 
“miss y/l/n, i’m sure you have some ideas. and it’s not only about mono– and dicotyledons. come with me, let me show you something.” 
their heels clicked on the floor as the biologists looked at a big glass-cage in front them. at first she didn’t even realize what she saw, only a million scales crawling into each other, different metallic colors in every shade of the rainbow, never stopping, always slowly moving pressed to each other like shiny, long bowels. it was a glass cage, full of snakes. but what’s so special about it?
“they are venomous.” could dr. gaul read her mind? “it’s my newest invention. these snakes can poorly see or hear, but have better smell than any dog, and much more venom than any of their natural kindreds.” stepping closer, y/n placed her hand on the glass. only one knock, and they both could be dead at this very moment. 
“it’s truly amazing, dr. gaul.” she answered. 
as one of dr. gaul’s assistants led her around after her lunch –everybody wore white clothes, some of them had masks on their face–, in the early afternoon, coriolanus and clemensia came in. speaking of the devil, she was sitting at one of the tables in the big, white hall full of canned animals and organs, running through papers and listing the books she had to read as he stepped in. y/n completely forgot about the annoying girl beside her, thinking about their date, she sprayed a little perfume on herself when she saw them coming closer. at night, y/n had first so-called wet dream –she attended a sleepover at arachne’s house twice, and they were talking about these kinds of dreams, when girls dreamed about their ‘crush’. why call it ‘crush’ when you can call it lover? sooner or later, if you’re tenacious enough, they’re gonna be your lover. or was it just y/n? anyway, she knew what sex was and that it was good (although she never did it), but it was strange to wake up feeling hot like having a fever. feeling that her underwear was sticky, at first she thought that she had her period, but looking at it –nothing. she wasn’t a daydreamer, but when she thought back to the dream, reaching for coriolanus as he hovered ove her from above, holding his big hand, caging hers as he kept his other hand at the back of her neck, long fingers digging into the nape of her hair, stroking it with each jolt, burying his face into her neck, giving out grunts like an animal, moving his hips into hers while y/n held onto his broad, sculpted shoulders– it was a little bit weird that her mind wasn’t focused. she was… wandering. how weird! 
“hey, y/n, you already here?” clemensia asked her, making her look up from the paper. stilted smile, wide eyes, looking like she was ready to get all the credit from coriolanus for herself… yeah, she’s still a certified, annoying bitch. 
“hello, y/n.” corio said, making her look at him with a slight smile. just like she always did. 
“hi to you too. yes, well, seems like dr. gaul isn’t a procrastinator. she’s really a professional.”
“aren’t you scared to work between stuff like this? these glasses are creeping me out…” clemensia muttered. these things are hiding in you too, honey. sadly, the brain is missing, maybe in you too. 
“no, i’m not. it’s rather interesting, biology and science are the future.” 
before they could speak any further, volumnia appeared. 
“i see you two just found your little friend, already on the front.” 
“yes, and we are so happy about it.” said clemensia, dr. gaul bidded y/n to go with them. of course you are happy, connections are everything. y/n couldn’t decide if clemensia really was this bootlicker by her nature, or that his father was in trouble. 
“miss y/l/n already have seen my newest, beautiful babies, but i want you to see them too.”
“is there a point to a color?” clemensia asked as they stepped up on the stairs before y/n. 
“there’s a point to everything, miss devcoat, or to nothing at all… which brings me to your proposal.” dr. gaul answered, leaning with one arm on the cage. “which one of you actually wrote it?” 
looking at the snake cage, knowing the snakes had really good smelling affinitions, dr. gaul’s question… did she doubt it, too? sure there were cameras on the reception, and as coriolanus told her, he handed in the paper. did she doubt it? no. she knew that it was not her. after clemensia’s little speech, y/n slightly smirked, but when coriolanus looked back at her, she reassuringly smiled. 
“...so miss devcoat, reach in it for us, won’t you? so we might all consider your inspired ideas. don’t worry, my little predators are perfectly docile with those who they know they can trust. so if they’re used to your scent, if you’ll handle their food, for example… or if they’ve inhaled the sweat of your palm on a page.” 
the fear on clemensia’s face was satisfying. of course, y/n didn’t want her to die, she wasn’t a savage, but she needed to learn her lessons. and when she got bitten in a sudden moment, falling down… y/n almost couldn’t contain the honest smile on her face. coriolanus of course, was scared about what happened to her, and she tried to act like it, too. 
“miss y/l/n read about them this morning, surely she can say something about what this was.” dr. gaul said, making coriolanus turn to her. 
“i think that this is just the natural selection of humanity. i wouldn’t think that clemensia lied, but… these snakes proved it. by scent, of course, but judging and deciding is in every creature on this planet. they just went against it.” 
“mr. snow, your dear friend sees it right. and god, your suggestions! i will recommend my team implement as many as possible tomorrow, spread it in front of my team.” however, coriolanus didn’t seem eased. 
“will she die?” 
“the pleasure in breaking ground in one’s research as one gets to find it out. you better keep miss dovecote’s faith between us. i don’t think her mother would be happy to learn how her daughter was caught in a sudden… flu.” coriolanus looked at y/n. she furrowed her eyebrows, but knew that dr. gaul wasn’t one to fuck with. but one was out from her list, if she goes with speed like that, she can bid her problems really soon goodbye.
eating lunch together again, coriolanus suddenly held her hand. although it made her excited, his face contained the same worry he had when he saw clemensia. 
“y/n, you are one of her workers now. dr. gaul is… i have some precautions with her, did you see what she did with clemensia?” 
y/n nodded, stroking his hand with her thumb. 
“corio, dear, dr. gaul did that because she knew you were the one who wrote all those proposals and ideas. she just couldn’t stand the unfairness.” 
“i know, but she could have done it in a more gentle way, couldn’t she?” 
“she could, of course. dr. gaul just wanted her to learn a lesson, she was always on your back, coriolanus. i feel really sorry about her” no, of course i’m not. “, but you need to cut off the people who don't help you by their true being. i think casca highbottom’s goal was also this, for all of you to realize these things.” was it emotional and logical enough? she really hoped, and she eased up when coriolanus’ eyes lit up. 
“you are right, y/n. i’m grateful to you for telling me the truth.” 
“i’m never telling the truth, i am not a judge. or, only the times when it’s time. i’m just saying my thoughts as an outsider.”
“you may be an outsider by the games, but you’ll never be one in my life. thank you so much.” 
“i’m always happy to hear your thoughts, corio.” enough from the bullshit, let’s get to the more important stuff. “by the way, the date… how am i supposed to dress? our chauffeur can drive us anywhere, i talked with my father and he can go with his administrative car, so…”
“i want to bring you to a little restaurant, where i ate with my family when i was a child. it’s not big, but i really hope you will like it. and you can wear anything you want, i’m not gonna be disappointed.” 
y/n wanted to kiss him. so bad, to seal their whole life forever. despite that fact and her wants, she brushed one of her locks behind her ear. 
“thank you, corio. i just want it to be perfect.” 
after lunch, standing up, as y/n guided him out, he held her hand. 
“what will you do for the rest of the day?” she asked coriolanus, hoping they can be together for more time than just a simple lunch. if the date goes well, and it will go well, will they have little, secret dates together? will he come for her family’s dinner? it was mandatory always in her family, and he didn’t need to be introduced, but still, it was tradition. 
“i’m going to see if lucy gray is okay in the zoo. tomorrow we are planning on getting them food, would you go with me? the others will be there as well, and i’d like to introduce you to her.” 
really? well, it can happen, only if the media isn’t there. but it will, because these actions are making history right now. and if y/n is on the side of coriolanus, it can help him. her family, mainly her father will make her a joke, but he was so cynical that it didn’t matter. and this way, she can check that lucy gray for herself. 
“i’ll go with you, of course! it’s a wonderful idea.” she grabbed into his arms as they stepped out on the gates. she needed to go back of course, but she didn’t mind. 
“thank you, y/n. after that, be there at the restaurant at seven in the evening.” 
“i can’t wait for it, corio.” she smiled, looking up at him. brushing her hair, coriolanus bent down to kiss her cheek. it needed such a little move of her head to catch his lips, but she contained herself. today’s sacrifices are for tomorrow’s prizes. his lips were perfect, of course, including her dream from yesterday’s night, she held onto his arm to stroke it. 
“then tomorrow, y/n. take care of yourself, okay?” 
“just as always, please do the same, dear.” she muttered, making him smile. to kiss his lips, to dig her fingers into his hair, to lay into his arms as they watched that the majority of the votes called to him on the election of the presidency of panem… having dreams like this was the cause she didn’t get medicine through her veins. 
well, maybe they needed it after the tv-show at night. laying on her bed as usual, smoking a cigarette while reading, thinking about the outfit she could wear tomorrow night, her sister knocked on her door. 
“can i come in, y/n?” stubbing the butt of the cigarette, she stood up to open the door. as she laid back, morphia sat on her bed, putting her hand on her sister’s leg. “what’s up with you, little sister?” 
“dr. gaul accepted my application, so i spent the day with her in her office. and you? how is the wedding?” 
“well, i chose the taste of the cake yesterday, then spent the night with my old colleagues, the ones who i don’t invite to my wedding. it’s a shame, i know, but i only want my loved ones on my biggest, happiest day. and today, i spoke with timothé who said that the place by the hills is reserved, so we can have it to yourselves. it’s gonna be truly beautiful, isn’t it?” 
“yes, it truly will be beautiful. do you want a cigarette?” y/n asked, showing her sister the package. morphia took one, y/n took out a new one and lit it for both of them. “are you sure that you love timothé? from what do you know you love him?” 
morphia smiled, blowing out the smoke. it was strawberry flavored, her mother hated it. she only blew those skinny, bad tasting sticks. the only excuse was that sometimes she spiced up with some weed. although y/n didn’t like weed. 
“well, i just know it. you have a strange feeling in your heart.” check. “a feeling you have with no one else, and that you feel like you want to be around him, always.” check. “and you would do anything, and i really mean anything for him, and to be with him.” check. “because this is love. why are you asking this?” 
“i just… i think i love coriolanus, too. the way you love timothé.” 
“so nothing new, little sister.” she giggled, making y/n roll her eyes. she trusted morphia, although her marriage was needed because the family got to guarantee and secure their ten percent income from the district. this way, they could see the papers. the only problem were the plinths, who opposed this, but her father’s hands reached too long to raise a voice against the deal. and y/n wanted sejanus to get out of the picture, and after that, without descendants, they could only hope they will have what they got now until their death. 
“but there is news, morphy. coriolanus invited me on a date.” at her words, morphia covered her mouth, pulling up her eyebrows. holding y/n’s hand, morphia smiled at her. 
“really, y/n? oh my, it’s so wonderful! invite him for the wedding, if you want, but know that he’s an appreciated guest.” 
“i will, if he’ll have the time. but he’s at the games right now in his mind, i don’t want to disturb him.” 
“if he loves you, you’ll always be in his mind, you know. but the deadline is in one month, so please, tell me till then.”
“i will, morphy. i will.” she ended her second cigarette, throwing it into the burgundy ashtray, her sister did the same. 
“do you want to come down? this night is the game’s night, i heard that the tributes got thrown into the zoo.” 
“i know, me and corio will go there tomorrow.” 
“then he surely forgot to mention that… he went there, too.” 
what? rising to sit on her bed, y/n was really, really surprised. 
“how do you mean that?” she asked, trying to believe that her sister just babbled some shit together, but she seemed really certain about what she stated. 
“the tributes got thrown into a cage in the zoo, and your coriolanus was there, too. the interview is gonna be on the telly tonight, might come down and watch with us?” 
going down on the stairs with a buzz in her head, y/n saw that the show was already on. lucretius ‘lucky’ flickerman, a weathercaster who was now tapped to host the interviews from the 10th hunger games stood in front of the cameras. 
“sit down, dear, sit down.” her mother pointed to the place beside her. y/n decided to knee on the pillow where her cat laid, getting persephone into her arms. minutes later, there he was. morphia didn’t joke, he seriously got into that fucking cage? what the fuck? 
“is that your new lover, my sweet?” her father asked y/n, getting a giggle from her sister and her mother. “i can admit that he’s really ambitious about winning the prize.” 
y/n didn’t say anything, listening to what he and lucy gray said. that fucking bitch had the audacity to smile and brag like she was the new star, but she wasn’t. she was just a poor, miserable wanderer who got into the games because she fucked around. how could a… thing like lucy gray hold onto a hand she held this afternoon, too? she wasn’t a princess or a noble or a singer or an actor to have a big mouth like this, to act like this. 
and truly, it seems like she wanted to take away her lover. and it was something y/n could never accept, in any conditions, at any time, or in any situation. never. 
“are you okay, y/n?” her mother asked. “your hand is shaking.” 
brushing her hair, she looked at her mother, trying to nod with composed moves. 
“everything’s fine, mommy. i just need to go upstairs to take a bath, and to take my medicine.” 
and now, she was sitting at her dressing table. it wasn’t just unfair and rule-breaking how lucy gray played, but it was really, really degrading. her face burned in shame, and she wanted to claw down it all with her skin. 
closing her eyes, she prayed for sanity. sanity to go through the next weeks, for sanity to handle situations well, for sanity for her plan. repeat after me, y/n. repeat after me, you stupid bitch.
i am y/n y/l/n, youngest member of the house y/l/n. we are noble, i am noble, and i deserve everything that i have now.
picking up the doll she stepped over only minutes ago, stroking its hair, it was just a plaything. all people were just playthings, playing. how could lucy gray be anything else?
i am beautiful, clever and nobody can ever drag me down. the people who hate me are only envious of my life, my body and my mind, but they’re all going to soil.
looking aside, the fireplace in her room was on. running her thumb through the doll’s porcelain face the last time, she threw it into the fire. long, skinny flames crawled up on the soft fabric of its dress, licking the wall as the fine china cracked. it was time to take a bath.
i love the life i have, and i will appreciate every single second of the life i will have when i achieve my goals. i have every tool i can use to win, and i will use them to be the woman i want to be. it’s not far away, and everyday is a chance to be closer to the woman i want to be.
“hortense, do you think a woman can make a man hers?” she asked from her maid as she sat in the hot water, hortense braid her hair to be curly for tomorrow, fasten it with silk ribbons. 
“i think, miss y/l/n, that women have power. so probably, yes, but please, don’t make yourself hurt. your safety is the first.” hortense answered from behind her back, helping her wash her back. so probably, yes. if even a maid knew that, then why did lucy gray try to stand between her and coriolanus? 
laying in her bed, ready to sleep, she stroked persephone’s fur. 
“how could she do that, persy?” whispering in silence, only getting a meow back, y/n thought about the cage of the snakes dr. gaul showed her today. only a little crack, and everybody could die in unbearable pain, only under mere seconds. maybe she also had to be a cage full of snakes. only a crack on her mind she already had, and everybody could die into what she did. 
maybe she was already. 
a/n: thanks for the waiting babiez, i hope you liked this part too <3 also, wish me luck for my exams 😩
taglist: @champomiel @stelleduarte @diamondsbestie
(ask for taglist in comment, dm or here!!)
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Together Against the World
Request: ok love bare with me on this plz lol 😂
so I was wondering if you could write a hangman x sister reader?
like maybe the little sister is significantly younger than hangman but after some incident he got full custody of her (you can choose what happened) and maybe the dagger team don’t know until they see him playing with her on the beach so they go over and question him about it and he explains but they are all in shock (because who could not be after seeing someone like Jake with a kid) at first they think the reader is his kid but Jake explains that even though legally you are we are only his sister. Maybe even the reader falls and gets hurt and Jake goes into full on loving parent mode.
maybe the reader is like 5
anyways sorry for the word dump and this is 100% your choice sorry for my bad punctua
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, car crash
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Nobody ever thinks that a tragedy could happen to them until it does, they always think “That’ll never happen to me.” but the funny thing about tragedy is that it doesn’t care who you are. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin thought the same way until he got the news that his parents and his 1-year-old sister, you, were in an accident and it had instantly killed his parents and that he needed to come pick his sister up from the hospital in Texas. You had some broken bones and some cuts and bruises but you were ok. Jake had to go to court and fill out paperwork and go before a judge for him to get full custody of you considering that your sister had been in the picture for a while. Besides Jake wouldn’t let anyone else have you after all he was your favorite.
4 years later you were now 5 years old and living your best life with your brother and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Sure, you moved a lot but as long as you had Jake nothing mattered. Jake loves having you around and wouldn’t change a thing and it changed his life for the better. He hadn’t been picking up random chicks from the bar and his drinking was cut down considerably. Not many people knew about you and Jake liked to keep it that way, it was a way to protect you, the only people that knew about you were the ones that needed to know like the higher-ups in the Navy. Jake hated pulling you out of schools and shoving you into new ones but all that would change after this special detachment you had brought it up one night during dinner before the move. Jake had noticed you were quiet and that concerned him since you were a mini version of him.
“Jakey?” You asked as you pushed food around on your plate.
“Yes, Peach?” He asked you, Peach, a nickname that came from you eating and loving peaches.
“Are we ever gonna stay in one place?” You asked him, looking at him with green doe eyes. Jake stopped eating and looked at you.
“I promise after this special detachment I’m putting in a request for a permanent station.” He said and you nodded “Finish your supper and get ready for bed I’ll be up to read to you after I clean up.” He said and you nodded. You both finished and you were off to get ready for bed. As you were getting ready for bed and Jake was cleaning up, he began thinking to himself about how your whole life was uprooted. He hated that you couldn’t grow attached to babysitters or make friends because you ended up moving in a month after getting to the new station. He promised to himself that he would put in a request to stay at Top Gun just so you didn’t have to keep moving around. As he finished up putting food away and cleaning the kitchen, he headed upstairs in your rental base house and to your room. As he was walking, he was looking at all the boxes packed and ready to go and when he reached your room and saw all of the boxes that had yet to be unpacked, he felt sad and frowned but that didn’t last long because he looked at you smiling at him. He read to you until you were asleep and then he turned the light out and cracked the door. Jake didn’t go to bed right away, instead he sat on the couch and grabbed his computer and started to look at a house in lovely Miramar. He figured he would move a week before that way he could get you settled and buy some furniture. After an hour of searching, he found the perfect one close to the beach, base, and schools and they had good ratings. He smiled and requested an appointment to look at it when you both arrived there in the morning. Jake closed his laptop and got ready for bed himself.
The next morning, he was up bright and early moving boxes into his truck and the mini trailer had hitched to the back. When he got to your room, he was sure to be quiet and got all of the boxes and then he decided to wake you up. “Hey, Y/N/N. Time to wake up. You can sleep in the truck.” He said and he heard you groan but you woke up and rubbed your eyes and nodded he raised your hands up and he chuckled. He stood up and picked you up and carried you out to the truck. He gently carried you down the stairs and you clung to him like your life depended on it and true to your fashion you fell asleep on him. He swore you could fall asleep anywhere and he was envious of it. When he got you situated in the truck he went back and did a once through making sure both of you had gotten everything as well as grabbing your sheets and comforter. When he got back to the truck you were still sleeping like a rock and he chuckled and shook his head, he tossed the sheets and comforter into the trailer in a box and then he got into the truck and started the 5 hr. drive from Lemoore to Miramar.
2 hrs. into the drive you had woken up and he kept you entertained with anything he could and you both stopped and got food at an IHop and then were back on the road. The rest of the ride was filled with off key singing and games. Your big brother was your world and everything you wanted in a male figure. “Are we there yet?” You asked, looking up at him and Jake chuckled.
“15 more minutes.” He said
“Fine.” You huffed but rolled your eyes and sighed and he chuckled. “But 15 minutes is too long.” You whined.
“Play on your tablet and it’ll go by faster.” He said and you grabbed it and your attention was focused on that. Music was playing softly in the background for Jake’s entertainment. True to his word 15 minutes did go by fast and you were pulling into a neighborhood and you looked up and forward your brow.
“Jakey?” You asked and he looked up.
“What’s up, Peach?” He asked
“What are we doing?” You asked
“Looking at a house.” He said and you nodded. He parked in the driveway and got out and then got you out and sat you down and then he saw the relator walk up to him.
“Good afternoon! I’m Alicia London. You must be Jake Seresin. I must say you have a beautiful daughter.” She said and Jake shook his head and smiled. He got that all the time.
“Yes, I’m Jake but this is my sister.” He said as you hid further into his leg.
“My apologies!” She said, embarrassed.
“No worries, ma’am.” He said
“Shall we have a look at the house?” She asked and he nodded. As you both were getting a tour, he was loving it especially the backyard. As they finished, he was smiling. “So, what do you think?” She asked.
“It’s perfect. I wanna go ahead and buy it. It’s in my price range and it’s a good distance from the base and school.” He said and she seemed shocked.
“Of course, Mr. Seresin. I’ll get the paperwork started and you can move in today.” She said and he nodded.
“That would be great. Also please call me Jake. Mr. Seresin has since passed.” Jake said and she nodded and walked out of the room he turned to look at you.
“What do you think?” He asked and you seemed to look around for a minute.
“I like it!” You shouted and he smiled. Alicia walked back in.
“Good news! You got the house since no others were interested in it and here is the key.” She said and handed it to him. “All I need you to do is sign the papers and then the rest can be handled at a later time.” She said and he smiled. “I’ll get out of your hair and let you settle in and I’ll be in contact.” She said and he nodded and left. Jake started to move everything in with your help and once everything was set up you both went shopping. First you went to furniture stores and found everything you both liked and then the grocery store. The furniture was delivered the same day and in about an hour everything was put together and ready to go.
When Jake dropped you off at your new school the next morning he had stopped by the bank and got everything sorted and now it was time for him to figure things out like finding a babysitter for you. He met with a lot of people but he settled for an 18-year-old that was going to school and needed a part time job named Bailey. When he went to pick you up from school you were in much better spirits and loving Miramar.
A week passed quickly and now it was time for him to go and meet his squad while you stayed home with your new babysitter. When she got there, he introduced you two and both of you hit it off. As he was preparing to leave, he got down on your level “You be good for Bailey and do what she says. Understand?” He asked in a parental tone and you nodded.
“You got it, Jakey!” You said and hugged him he hugged you back and turned to Bailey.
“If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to call. I should be back by 10:30.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it, Jake.” She said and he bid you both a goodbye and then left. When Jake got to the Hard Deck nobody else was there but he didn’t have to last long because Javy was calling out his name and they greeted each other.
“Long time no see man!” Javy said and they both smiled.
“You got that right!” Jake said as they grabbed drinks from Penny and they thanked her and walked over to the pool table and dart board.
“How’s Y/N doing?” Javy asked, taking a sip from his drink.
“Settling in better than i expected. She loves her new school and her babysitter.” Jake said, throwing a dart and then taking a drink of his beer. They continued to talk until the other showed up and after having a little argument with Bradley and throwing someone overboard along with Rooster playing the piano, it was 10 PM. “Well, I better get going.” Jake said and that shocked everyone.
“Leaving so soon, Hangman?” Bradley said and Jake just scoffed.
“Like you would want to know.” He said and walked off and out of the bar confusing his teammates.
“What do you think he is hiding? A secret family, girlfriend, or kid?” Natasha said and everybody shrugged and chipped in their answers but Javy, he knew the truth.
Jake got home right at 10:30 and parked in the driveway and headed inside. Everything was probably neater than he left it and smiled. He walked into the living room to see his baby sister and Bailey curled up on the couch and he smiled. Bailey noticed him and smiled “She wasn't too much trouble, was she?” He asked as he walked over and stroked his sister’s hair. Bailey shook her head.
“Not in the least bit. She is the sweetest little girl ever. She didn’t put up a fight when I told her to brush her teeth or get changed for bed. She wanted to stay up but as soon as we put on the second movie she was out like a light.” Bailey said standing up making sure the girl didn’t fall off the couch and Jake smiled.
“Good, she seemed to really take to you. It’s not often that happens.” Jake said as he pulled out his wallet and gave her the money.
“I really like her too. If you need me anytime, let me know.” She said and Jake nodded and walked her to the door and made sure she got her car safely and then locked the door. He walked over to Y/N and picked her up and she clung to him like her life depended on it. He walked up the stairs and to her room and gently put her into bed.
“Good night, Peach. I love you.” He said and kissed her forehead and got ready for bed himself.
Every time after training instead of going out to The Hard Deck or hanging out with the squad he would rush out of the locker room that way he could go and pick up his sister from school and hang out with her. “Hangman, you coming to The Hard Deck?” Nat asked as he collected her things.
“Nope. I got some stuff to do and someone that I need to take care of.” Jake said and headed out without a word again confusing the group.
“He’s hiding something. I wanna know what it is.” Bradley said and again they all nodded and carried on with their day and night. Javy hadn’t said a word wanting to keep Jake’s promise that he wanted to keep her a secret until they knew everything was going to be ok.
The day of the dogfight football came and they, besides Javy, were determined to get an answer out of Jake as they started playing, they didn’t bring it up. They agreed to bring it up when it was well into the game that way, he would be too focused on the game to think about anything else. “So, Hangman. Have you got anyone back home?” Bradley asked as they set up for another hike. Jake smirked.
“That is none of your business, Rooster.” Jake said as they continued to play the game. It was well into the day and the game when they decided for a break. Jake went and got his drink and checked his phone and about dropped it when he saw that he had several missed calls from Bailey and he instantly called back making sure that nobody was around him.
“Bailey. What’s wrong?” Jake asked as soon as she answered the phone.
“Jake, I’m sorry I called you so many times. Y/N’s school called and said that she had an accident at school and they rushed her to the ER. We’re still here.” Bailey said and he could hear in her voice that she was panicked.
“No, I’m sorry that I didn’t have my phone on me. I was busy with work. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Did they say what happened to her?” Jake said, already throwing on a t-shirt and grabbing his stuff.
“No, they didn’t or at least not to me. We’ll see you when you get here.” Bailey said and they hung up.
Jake walked over to Maverick, and he smiled at the young aviator but frowned when he saw his face “Everything ok?” Maverick asked and Jake shook his head.
“My sister is in the hospital. I need to go.” Jake said and Maverick nodded, he knew all about Y/N then again it was in Jake’s record.
“You go to her and take Javy with you. Tell Y/N I said hi.” Maverick said and Jake nodded and rushed off, Maverick knew those two were best friends, but not before Javy caught him.
“Everything ok with Y/N/N?” Javy asked and Jake shook his head “I’m coming with you.” He said and Jake nodded and they headed off. This didn’t go unnoticed by the rest and they instantly went to Maverick.
“Where are they off to?” Bob asked out of curiosity.
“Jake had an emergency he needed to tend to and Javy went with him.” Maverick said not wanting to spill his secret. Nobody said anything too worried about their team members.
Jake and Javy made it to the hospital in record time and went to the front desk and they led her to her room. “Jakey! Javy!” you said excitedly.
“Hey, Peach and Bailey.” Jake said and hugged you carefully.
“Hey there, Sweetie.” Javy said and then the doctor walked in.
“You must be Jake. I’m Dr. Zeke.” Dr. Zeke said and shook his hand.
“Yea that’s me. I’m her brother. What happened?” Jake asked as Bailey and Javy stepped out of the room to give them some time to talk.
“It seemed like she took a fall on the playground and was unconscious for a minute and when she woke up was a little disoriented so she was brought her. Over the few hours we have been keeping an eye on her and she seems to be improving. She’s actually ready to go home.” Dr. Zeke said and Jake nodded and they talked more and then he was signing discharge papers and they were heading home. The rest of the day and night was spent cuddling and watching movies. Javy and Bailey had left the hospital.
The mission came and went and was successful. Everyone was spending the much-needed time off the second day off they had gotten the announcement that they were officially a squadron. It was spent mostly at The Hard Deck, the beach, or with each other, surprisingly. Everyone but Jake, that is, he was spending it with you. “Jakey?” You asked as you were eating lunch and he looked up at you.
“Yes, Peach?” He asked back.
“Can we go to the beach?” You asked excitedly and he smiled.
“Of course! Do you wanna go after lunch?” He asked and you nodded enthusiastically. He chuckled “Ok, finish up and then go and get ready.” He said and he watched you quickly eat and then scamper off. He then got himself ready and a bag ready and when you padded downstairs he smiled and you two headed off to the beach. The truck ride was filled with music and singing and occasionally laughing. Jake found a spot and parked and now you two had sat off towards the beach and the water.
The Daggers, as they were officially called now, were at the beach hanging out and playing some dogfight football. As they were sitting on the beach talking and laughing along with sharing stories. A shriek caught Bradley’s attention and looked up "Is that Jake... with a child?" Rooster asked, squinting against the sun, looking at what may be his wingman. This caught everyone’s attention and looked in his direction. What they saw was Jake and a little girl in the water and Jake holding her up as a wave came up.
“I believe it is.” Nat said as they watched the both of you come out of the water/
“Should we go say hi?” Bob asked and everyone nodded so they got up and headed over. Jake saw them coming when he turned his head and he sighed, they were going to find out sooner or later. “Hey, Jake.” Bob said when they reached him.
“Hey guys.” Jake greeted and then he felt a tug on his arm and he looked down to see you looking up at him.
“Jakey?” You asked and hid further behind him while looking at the group of strangers.
“Y/N/N I want you to meet Natasha, Bradley, Bob, Ruben, and Mickey.” Jake said pointing at each and every one of them. Everyone greeted everyone and then you saw Javy.
“Javy!” You yelled out and ran to him and hugged him and he quickly picked you up and hugged you.
“We didn’t know you had a kid.” Bradley said and Jake shook his head.
“Not my kid. My sister.” Jake said as Javy put you down and you ran off to start building a sand castle as everyone went and sat down. “I got custody after our parents got into an accident when she was 1 and nobody was willing to take her.” Jake said a little mad at his siblings but he would never give you up for anything.
“I’m so sorry to hear that.” Bob said as you came up to them and pulled Bob up and to your sand castle so he could help and Bob couldn’t say no and he already loved you.
“She’s a good kid and once she warms up to you, she’ll be your friend for life.” Jake said and smirked pointing to Bob and you as an example. It wasn’t 10 minutes later you both came back to the group and you went to Bradley and stared at him, more specifically his mustache “Yea, Peach I had the same reaction.” He said and everyone chuckled while Bradley rolled his eyes but smiled. You touched it and then giggled and then went to your brother’s lap and sat down and then snuggled into him and was out like a light.
“Peach?” Mickey asked and Jake chuckled.
“Yea, she absolutely loves peaches.” He said and they chuckled.
“Jake, I’m glad you told us about her. She is so adorable.” Ruben said and everyone agreed.
“My old squad never cared and I didn’t trust them. The only people that know about her are the higher-ups, Maverick, Cyclone, Warlock, and Javy. But that is because she is on my record and Javy was there when I got the call and when I went to pick her up.” Jake said and Javy nodded conforming to it.
“If you need anything, I mean anything. We are here for you no matter what.” Natasha said and Jake smiled while everyone agreed.
“Thanks guys, that means so much to me.” Jake said as you moved slightly. He was very glad that he told them about you. Now he didn’t have to hide you and he had more help than ever especially when Bailey couldn’t make it. Your family just expanded to many cool aunts and uncles. You were going to be so protected.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
hey! if you’re still doing prompts—i saw how you said that you take on any ships sort of like a challenge and everything so may i offer you this incredible crackship: douglass/harding in which harding catches him with his ridiculous amount of rubbers and teaches him how to actually use it right
ignore this if u want, or change the ship if u prefer :)
[This grew feelings. I blame feelings.]
Douglass is on his third "welcome back from the dead" whiskey when Colonel Harding comes up to him at the bar and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Sir," Douglass greets.
"How you feeling, Douglass?" Harding asks. He's got a whiskey in his own hand, his cigar in the same hand. His hand lingers for another moment on Douglass's shoulder, then he takes his hand away so he can retrieve his cigar and take a drag. 
"Some bumps and bruises," Douglass says, "but the cuts are the worst of it, Sir."
Harding nods. "Good. Glad to hear it. He leans a little closer, his shoulder brushing Douglass's for a moment. "I do have a question regarding your personal effects, though."
"What's that, Sir?" Douglass asks. 
"Why in the hell do you have so many goddamn prophylactics in your footlocker?"
Douglass snorts whiskey up his nose. Harding gives him one sharp smack on the back as he wheezes. His vision and airways clear after a couple of moments, and he realizes they have an audience. Crosby and Blakely and Hambone and a few others. "Well, Sir," he says, and flashes Harding his most winning smile, "it's been awhile since I had leave."
The boys laugh, and Harding smirks as he sips his whiskey. "For fuck's sake, Douglass, pick a pretty face and get your dick wet before we can float your damn footlocker back to the States after the war."
Douglass leads the laughter this time. "Yes, Sir," he says. "If that's an order, I'll see if I can't trick Blakely right here into a little something tonight."
"I'm still not over the clap you gave me last time," Blakely retorts, which causes even more laughing. 
"Hell, I assumed he just never wears a rubber because the social disease eats through 'em before he even gets started," Hambone adds. 
As the boys keep roasting Douglass, he cuts a quick look to Harding, who takes another sip of his whiskey, then taps his glass three times. Douglass nods once, and Harding steps back away, giving them their space to celebrate again.
"I don't know how you kept laughing like that after the Colonel busted you for those rubbers," Crosby says a few minutes later. "I think I'd have drowned myself in my drink."
"That's where you and I are different, Croz," Douglass says, giving Crosby's a little shake. "I <em>glory</em> in being a pervert. You prefer to keep it between you and the missus," he waits for Crosby to take a sip of his drink before he adds, "And Bubbles."
Crosby spits out his drink. "He <em>told</em>?" he hisses.
Douglass stares. "No!" he says. He covers his mouth. "Holy shit, really?"
"Oh, god," Crosby says. 
"Hey, look, first of all, you know no one fucking cares, right?" Douglass asks. "Wait. I remembered who I'm talking to. So, okay, first of all, Croz, no one fucking cares. We're the fuckingest and suckingest base in the whole fucking ETO. But also, good for you. And Jean. And Bubbles, honestly. If it works, it works."
"I have to go throw myself into an engine," Crosby mutters, putting his hands over his face. "We're gonna–Jean wants to tell her family first, so there's no surprises."
"What? Like a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Crosby?"
Crosby stares at him through his fingers. Douglass heaves a huge sigh. "Okay, that's a yes. So, look, I'm gonna go get your man to come and talk you down from this ledge, and then I'm gonna shut my fucking mouth until the two of you say a fucking word about it, got me?" 
"You love gossip," Crosby says. 
"Oh, I sure do," Douglass agrees. "But you're not the only one trying to figure out when to make a relationship official." Crosby glances at Blakely, which makes Douglass snort. "Nah. Love him like a brother." Crosby looks at Hambone. "Tried it. He bites harder than I like." Douglass watches as Crosby's eyes get impossibly wider. 
"Wait," Crosby whispers. "The Colonel and your foot locker and–"
"Yup," Douglass says, and it's nice to say it to someone, even if Crosby looks like he wants to crawl under the table and never talk to a human being ever again. "So, I know what you're up to, and you know what I'm up to, and we'll both keep our mouths shut until otherwise notified, yeah?"
"Yeah,' Crosby says. He clears his throat and sits up straight, dropping his hands from his face. "I mean, yeah. Obviously. You can trust me."
"I know," Douglass replies. It's true. Crosby's an overthinker, but he only talks too much about his own shit, not anyone else's. "Feel free to tell Bubbles if you want. Only seems fair."
"So, you're gonna tell–" Crosby presses his fingers to his mouth. "It's fine," he says after a moment. "I trust you, too."
"Great." Douglass stands and gives Crosby a grin, then walks over to Bubbles, who's caught in a conversation with a couple other navigators. Douglass doesn't know how the man is managing not to be at Crosby's right arm right now, but he supposes everyone's different when they witness a resurrection. "Crosby needs to talk to you, and for the record, I apologize if he's a little incoherent."
Bubbles gives him a look but doesn't ask, just walks over to Crosby. Douglass watches as Crosby whispers in Bubbles's ear, then watches Bubbles react without words, simply staring like Crosby must be crazy. Crosby nods sharply, and Bubbles laughs, then shrugs, then whispers something back to Crosby that has him laughing, too. 
Yeah, Douglass thinks as he slips out the door of the officer's club, those two and Jean will do just fine. 
He takes his time walking to his destination. He's going to be incredibly early when he gets there no matter, but it feels good to have the air on his face after what he's been through. The fear when they were hit, the crash, the sitting around and waiting for someone who could help them. Then coming back and finding out everyone had thought he'd died. Which, he doesn't blame them for assuming. Everyone saw them losing altitude in a fire fight. He'd have assumed the same. 
But still. 
He looks up at the sky, watching the patchy clouds move for a few seconds before he breathes out hard and looks towards his destination. It's Chick's hut, set a few yards behind the control tower. The lights are on, and Chick's outside, leaning next to the door and staring at the sky like Douglass just was. Douglass gives a low whistle, and Chick meets his gaze. He's mostly done with his cigar, but the ember is still bright on the end, and it shows him the upturned corner of Chick's mouth. 
"I said thirty minutes," Chick greets. 
"Didn't want to wait," Douglass replies. He doesn't stop walking until he can feel the warmth of Chick's body. He's usually a little more careful even though no one ever wanders this way at this time of day. Any possible interest in fucking on, in, or near the control tower is immediately doused by the fact that the CO's hut is within hearing distance. 
Chick takes the last drag of his cigar, and Douglass goes up on his toes, lifting his chin and opening his mouth. Chick holds his chin as he breathes the smoke against his lips, and Douglass feels wild and settled in equal measure. "Come on," Chick says, then just barely touches their mouths together. 
Douglass wants to grab him by his blouse and hold him still while he kisses him until neither of them remember their names. But he remembers their ranks, so he lets Chick open the door and gesture him inside. 
Chick's hut is as classically masculine as he is. A leather couch and chair in front of the wood stove. Simple, dark green curtains on the windows. A small table and two wooden chairs bought from a craftsman in the village next to a low bookcase full of novels and classics. The bed–an actual, real bed–done up in military green with a proper nightstand and dresser but tucked behind a wooden privacy screen that matches the table and chairs. His footlocker acts as the coffee table in front of the couch. There's a single bulb lighting up the whole hut from the middle, but there's also a standing lamp in one corner, angled to reflect the most light from the rafters of the hut, brightening the whole space.
"I thought about this," Douglass says as he looks around the space and notices the changes from just the last few days. There's clean laundry on one of the wooden chairs, and a brand new book on the footlocker. It has a bookmark in it. Chick hasn't gotten very far. 
"Thought about what?" Chick asks. He walks over to the bookcase. The top of it also serves as a small bar area. He opens the whiskey and pours a double-shot into two glasses, then carries them over to Douglass. 
"This," Douglass says, taking the glass with a nod. "The couch. The fire. Your books." He waggles his eyebrows at Chick. "Your bed."
Chick snorts. "Cheeky."
Douglass purses his lips in a kiss. "You've never complained. Not in here, at least."
Chick gives Douglass a considering look, then steps in close. "You were thinking of my quarters while you were crashing?" he asks. 
"Yeah," Douglass says. They've never said much about their relationship, not even to each other. But he's nearly died and was then presumed dead, and then walked back in to a resurrection welcome, and well, that makes a man consider things. "I was scared shitless, and I wanted to think of something safe." 
"Jim, goddamnit," Chick says, looking shattered. "You can't just say that sort of thing without warning." But there's a shaky smile at the corner of his mouth. 
"Well, our navigator shouldn't have steered us into a fucking tree, but here I am," Douglass replies, and the surprised laugh from Chick makes him feel good. 
Chick holds up his glass. "To making it back," he says. "I'm fucking glad."
"Me, too," Douglass agrees, and they tap their glasses together. He takes a sip of the whiskey, then steps forward so he can wrap an arm around Chick's waist. "Now," he says, "let's talk about why you know how many rubbers are in my foot locker."
"I do the final sign off on the inventory slips," Chick says. "I don't usually even read them. Kidd signs off before me, and I know he does. I'm just the final bit of red tape to get them sent. But…" He pauses for a long moment, but he doesn't look away from Douglass. Douglass doesn't look away from him. "I know some things about you, but I wondered what I was about to miss. So, I read it." 
Douglass can't help his chuckle. "And there they were. 200 rubbers."
Chick grins, wide and pleased, the way Douglass always tries to make him grin when they're together. "204, actually."
Douglass throws his head back and laughs. Chick cups the back of his neck like he doesn't want him to get too far away. "They <em>counted</em>?" he says. 
"Wouldn't want anyone to think we stole your rubbers," Chick replies. He leans down and kisses Douglass's Adam's apple. 
Douglass shivers and feels his knees go weak. "Chick," he whispers. Chick mouths his Adam's apple, and Douglass nearly drops his glass. "Fuck." A dragging kiss from his Adam's apple up his throat, across the underside of his chin, then onto his mouth. Douglass's whole body goes tight and wild, and then Chick slips his tongue into Douglass's mouth, and a hint of cigar smoke comes with it, and it's all Douglass can do not to tumble to the floor. 
Chick pulls away, but he keeps his hand on the back of Douglass's head. "Drink your whiskey. I'm taking you to bed."
Douglass nods, lets out a shaky breath, and slams his drink. He wouldn't usually. Chick's personal preference is above and beyond anything in the officer's club, but Chick is staring at him like he plans to eat him alive, and Jesus Christ, he's fucking <em>alive</em>.
Chick throws back his own drink, then takes Douglass's glass and sets them both on the footlocker. He turns back to Douglass and reels him in by the belt, kissing him messy and desperate, his dick hard against Douglass's own through their trousers. 
"Race you," Chick mumbles, and Douglass laughs as they shove each other away at the same time and see who ends up naked first. For all the difference in rank, it's the same amount of clothes, but Douglass has never actually beaten Chick at this silly game and doesn't mind that he loses now. 
"Come here," Chick says, stepping back towards the couch. He sits and reaches for Douglass, pulling him onto his lap. "Let me check on you."
Douglass bites back the urge to say he's fine. He is, really, but they've been doing this awhile, and Chick is just the type to check on bumps and bruises. "I told you," he says because he can't be silent on the matter, "the worst of it is on my face."
Chick makes a considering sound and lightly touches the bruises on Douglass's ribs. He finds the ones on his legs, and his chest, the little knot on his shoulder where he'd slipped and jammed into the bomb site. When he presses, Douglass hisses, and Chick pulls him in so he can kiss where he's caused pain. 
"Softie," Douglass murmurs against Chick's ear. 
Chick smacks his hip, which makes Douglass laugh, and then he checks the rest of the bruises. Once he's satisfied Douglass is just fine, he grabs Douglass's ass in both hands and squeezes hard. "How do you want it?" he asks. 
"How do you want it?" Douglass replies. Chick's fingers dig in, one finger just brushing his hole. Douglass arches forward and bites Chick's lower lip. Chick responds by smacking his hip again. 
"I don't want to hurt you, but I want to give you whatever you want," Chick says, mouth pressed against Douglass's ear. "I always want to give you what you want."
Douglass groans and presses his lips against Chick's temple. "Fuck me," he says. "Fuck me so long and hard I feel fucking alive."
Chick holds Douglass's face in his hands and stares into his eyes for a long, unstoppable moment. "You're alive, Jim."
Douglass feels something tight and hot tie up in his chest, and all he can do is nod. Chick presses his thumbs to the corners of Douglass's mouth, and then the corners of his eyes, and then he drops his hands to Douglass's thighs just under his ass and stands up from the couch, Douglass held secure in his grip. 
And the fear and terror and death wipe away, and he's Jim again. Chick's Jim. Because his parents call him James, and his friends call him Jimmy, and brothers' in arms call him Douglass. And it's Chick, only Chick who calls him Jim. And Chick's name is Neil, but it's not. Not to Jim. Who saw him in a London pub two days before Harding showed up as Thorpe's Abbot CO and said, "My name's Neil, but my call sign's Chick," and Douglass, bombardier to Blakely's pilot, had laughed that of all the men to meet that night, he'd met a fucking pilot.
Chick lays him on the bed and nuzzles his neck, then his chest, then his belly. He grips Jim's thighs hard before he pushes them open, and Jim arches his back at the way the touch goes through him. 
Chick splays a hand wide on Jim's chest before reaching over to the side table. Jim touches Chick's jaw before he can move more and uses a single finger under his chin to lead him up to his mouth. 
They share a shivery kiss, Jim cheating by licking the corner of Chick's mouth, which always drives him wild, and then Chick breaks aways. He comes back for one more, brief kiss, and then he actually turns his head like he has to or else he'll just kiss Jim again.
Jim tilts his chin upwards and smiles at the rafters in the ceiling. His skin is buzzing with <em>being alive</em>, and then Chick drops the open tin of Vaseline next to Jim's ribs, and he arches in anticipation of what's next. 
Chick isn't coy. He rubs two fingers over Jim's hole in a rough caress, and then works both fingertips in at the same time. Jim gasps and grunts, then grabs tight at Chick's wrist before he can pull out. Chick grins, leaning down to kiss Jim's stomach, and then works his fingers in another inch.
"Fucking take me, Sir," Jim says, then laughs when Chick uses his free hand to drag his nails down Jim's thigh. "You're so fucking easy," Jim adds and pushes himself up with his arms. Chick shifts his weight and lifts his hand off Jim's thigh so can can wrap his arm around Jim's lower back and hold him in place for a hot, desperate kiss as he pushes his fingers in another inch. 
Jim sees stars and grabs Chick's bicep. His other hand he uses to cup Chick's face and deepen their kiss. 
They spend several minutes kissing, Chick methodically working his fingers deeper into Jack. When his fingertips press hard on Jim's prostate, he whines and falls back onto the bed. He clenches his muscles around Chick's fingers and groans loudly when Chick leans down to drag his stubble along Jim's dick.
"Please," Jim grits out, pulling at Chick's hair because he can cup his head and clench his fingers. 
Chick chuckles and kisses Jim's slit. "Not enough for you?" His voice is a delicious rumble, low and vibrating. 
But Jim's not easily swayed into admitting what he wants. "I've got 204 rubbers in my footlocker," he says. "I can find someone." He laughs and jerks when Chick rubs against his prostate with unquestionable intent, then pulls his fingers out with perfect roughness. 
"Don't you dare," Chick growls.
Jim watches Chick scoop up Vaseline and grease up his dick. "Well, get on with it," he goads as the fact that he's alive sings across his nerves and Chick's sharp, threatening look of getting fucked into the ground heightens the feeling of it all. 
Chick grabs Jim's hips and lifts him into his lap. He lets go of Jim's left hip for just enough time to line his dick up with Jim's hole, and then he pushes in, hissing through his teeth as Jim grunts and reaches out to grab Chick's forearms and keep him as close as possible as Chick starts to fuck him hard and deep and beautiful. 
Jim pants as Chick fucks him, staring into his eyes as Chick refuses to look away. Jim feels taken apart in a same but different way as he was contemplating his mortality the day before in the fort. The adrenaline is the same. The want is different. Dropping to his death the day before, the want was to survive. Being fucked now, Chick leaning forward with his arms on either side of Jim's head, Jim wants to survive and survive and <em>survive</em>. 
He groans, and it turns into a sound he's never made in his life. A combination of being alive and needing to know he's alive and feeling in every pore how alive he is. Chick sucks hard at his Adam's apple, then kisses his neck and his cheek and finally his mouth. 
"Come on," Chick says into Jim's mouth. "Make a mess."
Jim grabs Chick's shoulders and holds on. He presses his hips upward and whines when Chick grabs his ass and holds him in place so his cock rubs over Chick's stomach again and again. 
"Make a mess," Chick says again. "Make a mess, Jim." 
He comes even as Chuck keeps fucking him at the same tempo. Relentless and perfect and devastating until he pushes his mouth against Jim's ear and comes. 
Jim wraps an arm around Chick's head and holds him close. Chick's own hands press perfectly into Jim's hips as they pant into each other's ears. 
"I thought–" Chick swallows loudly in JIm's ear. 
"Me, too," Jim admits. He digs his nails into Chick's scalp and kisses his temple. "I…" he can't finish the thought, not when they're wrapped up so close. 
Chick breathes in and out. He uses one hand to press Jim gently to the right so they can share a kiss, and as it happens, he pulls out. "Shh," he says when Jim whimpers at the loss. 
"Stay. Stay," Jim says. Something he always wants to say but never has. But he survived his own death yesterday, so he feels like it's okay.
Chick kisses his mouth and his cheek and his collarbone. "Jim," he says. 
"I love you," Jim blurts because it's been caught behind his ribs since he realized he was going to live. "I know we agreed this was a fuck and suck–"
"Hush," Chick replies and his kiss is gentle but certain. "Jesus, when I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs against Jim's mouth, then carefully brushes his thumbs over each of the cuts on Jim's face. 
Jim stares at the rafters and breathes slow and deep. He rubs his hands up and down Chick's back. "Hambone puts those rubbers in my foot locker," Jim says. "He thinks I don't know it's him, but I saw him do it once. It makes him laugh."
"I don't fucking care," Chick says and presses kisses to Jim's chest and arms. 
"It's been rough," Jim says, the closest he can come to admitting the war's fucking exhausting. "And it kept making him laugh."
Chick is taking over his entire line of sight suddenly, so close Jim can't see anything else. "I didn't think you had them to fuck around on me," he says. "If you'd be using them, there'd be less."
And Jim laughs, brash and loud and maybe a little uneven, but it's genuine, and it makes Chick smile at him. They kiss again, slow and easy. But Jim's never been the type who can let something land on soft ground, so when they pull apart, he gives Chick his brashest grin and says, "Hey, so did you know Crosby and Bubbles and Mrs. Jean Crosby are fucking?"
"You might have the worst pillow talk in the entire Air Army," Chick mutters, and Jim laughs and laughs and pulls him as close as he possibly can. When he calms down, Chick is smiling at him like he's wonderful, and Jim takes his chance. "Would you tell everyone about us?"
Chick pushes Jim's curls off his forehead. "Would you tell me you love me?" he asks. 
"I love you," Jim answers instantly. 
Chick kisses Jim on the mouth. "I love you," he replies. It's the first time they've ever said it, but it feels exactly right. Honest but sharp, a little mercenary even. "But at least let me have you all to myself for the rest of the night."
Jim laughs and presses his face into Chick's neck. "Okay," he says. "That feels fair."
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angry-trashcan · 1 year
Part fifteen to Hair Holds Memories
Warnings: Underage drinking, alcohol, mentions of past abuse, confronting an abuser, reader uses they/them pronouns. Let me know if I missed anything.
2.3K WC
(First)       (Read on AO3)
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“You’re a good shot, kid! But can you do two arrows at a time?” Wild pulled two arrows tight, aiming at the target before letting them fly.
“Woah! How did you do that?!” Your brother ran over and watched intently as Wild demonstrated how he held the arrows between his fingers. You laughed from your spot on the porch, watching the scene from across the yard.
It had been two days since you had arrived home. The chain had made themselves fairly comfortable in the small family home. Your mother was getting on well with them for the most part, excited to have so many guests for once.
You felt someone settle down next to you. “Making sure they don’t get too crazy out there?” Sky asked, laughing as your brother popped his arm with the bow string.
You shook your head as you laughed along, “Something like that. I’ve just missed him. He’s gotten so tall. When I left, he was a horrible shot too. And now look, he’s hitting the middle of the target every time.” Your smile faded a bit, “I bet by the end of the day he’ll be shooting doubles with Wild.”
Sky looked to you, “Is that a bad thing?”
You shrugged, “No, not entirely. I just wonder what I’ve missed.”
He leaned forward onto his knees. “I wonder the same with Zelda and how the preparations on the surface are going. Letters take a long time to get back to my era.”
“I’m sorry you’ve been away from her for so long.” You placed a hand onto his thigh, “I hope you’ll get to see her again soon.”
He smiled lightly, “Thank you. I hope so too. But it’s not too bad. I have you, don’t I?”
You squeezed his leg, “I guess that’s true.”
The conversation was cut short by Wind and Warriors stumbling out onto the porch, deep in a conversation of their own. “But we could all go! It would be fun, Wars. Lighten up, would you?!”
“You’re just looking for a reason and way to get drunk, sailor. It’s not happening.” Warriors threw his hands up.
“Am not! I think we could all use some time away from the house! And Y/N’s mom said it’s the spring festival so there’s going to lots to do!” Wind leaned into the other’s space.
“And lots to drink.” Warriors huffed, crossing his arms.
“I don’t even drink that much!”
“You shouldn’t drink at all!”
“Can y’all take the arguin’ someplace else?!” Twilight called from inside the house.
Wind took a deep breath, lowering his voice. “I just wanted us to be able to do something together for once. As a group. As a family. But if you don’t want that or see that, that’s fine. We don’t have to go.” He turned to go back inside the house. Warriors rolled his eyes, grabbing the kids arm.
“Fine. We can go. But you have to ask everyone else if they want to go as well.” He let his arm go as Wind’s face lit up.
“Thank you so much, Wars! It’s going to be so much fun. I promise you that!” He bounced back into the house, announcing that everyone should get ready to go.
You laughed from your place at the edge of the porch with Sky as Warriors shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “That damn kid is going to be the death of me.”
You hopped off the porch to the ground, “I’m gonna go let Wild and Jayco know what’s happening.” You let them know before walking towards the makeshift shooting range.
“Okay, I’m going to shoot an arrow, do a backflip, then shoot that arrow out of the air with another arrow. No, it’s totally possible just watch.” Wild started to ready his bow when he noticed you.
“Oh hey, you wanting to get some shooting practice in too?” He lowered his bow before elbowing Jayco, “They’re a terrible shot, you know.” Your brother snickered.
“And you’re a terrible teacher.” You clarified, crossing your arms as you came to a stop in front of them.
“Who, me?!” They said it in near unison.
“Both of you! I couldn’t learn anything from either of you.” You exclaimed.
“Maybe you’re just a bad student.” Your brother said, crossing his arms to match your stance.
You rolled your eyes. “Anyway, we are all going to the spring festival. Would y’all like to tag along?”
Jayco looked up at Wild, seemingly asking what his thoughts were.
Wild nodded, “Yeah, I wanna go. What about you, kid?”
He thought about it for a moment, “No, I think I’ll stay home. I have a hunting trip leaving in the morning.”
The words sank into you like venom. There is always a reason for a visit to an era. And the reason is always black blooded monsters. He can’t go out into the woods for weeks on end. Even in a large group they wouldn’t be able to take out the monsters. They don’t know what they’re dealing with. You reacted before you knew what you were doing.
“No! You can’t!” Jayco’s shoulders were in your hands, his eyes baring into yours.
Confusion and fear flooded his face, “Why...? What’s going on?” He dared a glance at Wild who had seemed to piece together your reaction.
You were breathing heavy as you thought about what to say. “There’s… you…”
“You should stay here. Y/N just got back and there’s no telling when we will have to leave again. It’s usually very sudden.” Wild came to save you, putting a hand onto your shoulder.
Jayco looked up at him, “Oh, yeah that makes sense. I’ll let the team leader know.” He slowly raised his hands and pulled your own off of him. “I think I’m done for the day. I’m gonna go take a nap.” The kid gathered his supplies before making a beeline to the front door. You watched him until the door closed behind him.
Wild pulled you into him as soon as it did. “We won’t let him go. Don’t worry.” You nodded into his neck as you pulled him as close to you as possible.
The spring festival was known for many things. The countless glowing lanterns lighting the main street. The flower garlands that would send pedals into the air with every breeze. The sweet apple honey tarts that were a staple for the holiday. People littered the streets with flower crowns or flowers braided into their hair. And you were no different, multiple colorful flowers braided into your hair, a magnolia pedal and seed pod tied up at the end.
“I feel a little out of place, I’m not going to lie.” Legend laughed a bit, watching someone else walk by with a large flower crown.
“I’ll admit that I do too.” Rulie added, putting a hand to his hair.
“I mean, we can take a minute and I can put some in y’all’s hair. And we can get flower crowns too.” You laughed lightly, “They are giving them away at one of these booths, I can guarantee it.” The men looked amongst each other before a few heads were nodded.
“Can you braid mine?” Wild piped up, looking back at you.
You smiled, “Yeah! Let’s get some flowers then whoever wants theirs done I will sit down and do. How’s that?”
It turned into an event. Sitting on a bench on the side of the street, braiding small braids and flowers into Wild’s, Legend’s, Twilight’s, Four’s and Hyrule’s hair. The rest opted for flower crowns from a small booth.
“Well, I just feel much better now.” Twilight noted, fumbling with the braid next to his face.
“I’ll admit, it looks like we belong here now.” Time added a small smile pulling at his lips.
“So where to first?!” You asked, falling to the front of the group, hands behind your back and a smile on your face.
“Well, we were going to check out that pub before.” Legend looked to Warriors who shook his head in Wind’s direction.
“The pub has good food, actually. And they probably have a band playing for the festival!” You chimed up.
“Then I guess that’s where we go.” Four nodded.
The pub was packed full of people, a band was playing loudly in one corner near the bar and a group had gathered near them dancing. Lanterns and flowers were hanging from the ceiling.  Wind slipped by everyone to the bar before anyone could stop him. Time shook his head but didn’t say anything. It’s not like they would serve him. The rest of the chain found a table close to the door but with a view of everything going on. Once everyone settled a bit, they went their separate ways. Some finding their way to the bar and others to watch the dancers. You sat at the table with Time, watching the crowd.
“You can go, it’s alright, sweetheart.” He says.
“No, I like watching. I’ll join them in a while.” You lean against his side. The chairs you shared were in the corner of the room, far away from the bar and the chaos.
“I like watching too. It’s nice to see everyone relax for once.”
You nod at his words, taking a deep breath and smiling. “I was scared at first, but it’s been nice being here.”
He hums, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” He leaves it at that, watching as Wind somehow takes a drink out of his beer.
“Come dance with us!” Warriors is pulling you to your feet as you finish the last of your beer, setting the glass down as easy as you can as Time laughs behind you.
The music is picking up and everyone is clapping as you are pulled into the circle. The crowd of dancers had grown. There was at least two dozen people joining in as the dance started. You knew this dance, it was a simple one that you had done many times in this pub. Warriors pulled you into him before spinning you out quickly and to the next person in the line. You laughed as you landed in the arms of one of the bar workers who had joined in the dance. Spinning her and then her you before you spun to the next person in the circle. You found yourself face to face with Twilight.
“You too?!” You laughed out as you spun him.
“’Pparently so!” He stole a quick kiss before he spun you to the next person. The song was growing faster and faster as you moved around the circle of people at it climax you found yourself back with Warriors. Both of you were smiling widely to each other as he spun you and you him. The music stopped as he pulled you into him once more. The laughter between you grew as the people watching the dance clapped and the next song started. He held you for a moment longer before leaning down and kissing you.
“I love you. Don’t you ever forget that, Y/N.” His words sounded like a whisper in the chaos surrounding the two of you.
You put a hand to his cheek, matching his smile. “I promise I won’t.” You kissed him once more before people began to bump into you with the new dance. He quickly got drug away, giving you an apologetic smile. All you could do was shake your head and laugh.
You looked around the pub for a moment. Twilight was mixed into the dance again with Warriors. Wind was sitting on top of a table, a pint glass in hand and telling stories to a small group of people, Sky being one of them. Hyrule and Legend had joined Time at the table and were laughing about something as they ate some kind of meat and drank. Wild and Four were sitting at the bar, deep in conversation with a local. And you sighed, content with how they were. They were happy. You were happy.
You decided to slip outside for a minute, walking past the shared table without being noticed as you went. The breeze was cool outside, the lanterns above you blowing in it. Pedals gently falling to the ground around you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, smiling. This was what happiness felt like.
You opened your eyes, looking down the now empty street. Though the moon was high in the sky, it was a dark night. The only light coming from the lanterns. You looked the other way, noticing someone walking in the direction of the pub. Your eyes squinted before your breath caught in your throat.
You turned back to the doors. Any of them would work. Whoever you saw first you would grab and leave. Anyone but Legend. Please be Time, please be Time please be-
“Woah, where are you going, squirrel?” Legend caught your arms as you ran into him. It’ll have to work.
You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door, looking out briefly to see that the figure was getting closer. You stepped out the other way, pulling Legend with you.
“Okay, slow down. Where are we going? What happened?” Legend pulled your hand back in an attempt to stop your pace. You didn’t slow down a beat. “Y/N, what’s going on.” It was more of a demand than a question.
“I need to go home.” You got out, eyes on the ground as you hurried forward.
“Did you drink too much? What is going-“ He was cut off
“Y/N? Is that you over there?” Your blood ran cold. Legend’s grip on your hand tightened as he stopped walking. “I had heard you were back in town, I just had to see it myself to believe it though.” The voice was closer, your breathing more violent.
“Y/N, is that him?” Legend’s voice was cold.
You wouldn’t turn around. You couldn’t.
“I won’t ask again. Is that him.” Legend’s eyes bore into you.
Hyrule felt a tug in his chest.
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ghostlyvisage · 13 days
//A little series of writings I did awhile ago for a prompt meme I can't find now. There probably will be spelling errors, but this also might explain Ghost's backstory a l'il more? Either way have Fun! Bits and bobs under the cut!
Parties had never been his thing, even as he stood, shined to perfection and greeting the guests with smiles and bows. Energon was passed around, mechs congratulating him on graduating his courses and dropping not so subtle hints that they wanted to higher him as there own personal lawyer. And he joked back, he always did with a tip of his helm and dip of his wings. 
This party was supposed to be about him, and he hated it. He made a joke here, dropped a compliment there as he made his way out to a balcony, finally stepping out with a vent. The balcony was quieter at least, letting his frame relaxe slightly and holding his wine close. 
“Hhhhheeeeeyyyyy,” An arm wrapped around him, his older brother pulling him into a side hug, using his wings to hide him from the party. “Bored as always, Star? You know you can always dip, you have an excuse now.” Another cube of wine was pushed into his servos and Star shook his helm. 
“Well unfortunately I’d like to stay on some peoples good side, so no, Sky, I wont be disappearing with whatever cute servant passes my way.” The bright blue seeker let out a loud laugh, holding him a little closer before finally letting him go. 
“So, you gonna go through with it? Challenging the council by helping the lower caste?” ‘Sky’ finally pulled back far enough to lean his side against the railing, golden optics alight with humor and understanding. 
“While I will have to entertain other nobles, I can charge them enough to offer my services to others who actually need them for free.” His wings flicked and he knocked back what was left in his first cube. “I have the money, now I have the means. Just like we talked about when we were younger, Sky. When you stole treats from the kitchen for the younglings outside the tower.” 
Just like they had talked about during late nights, forming ideas on how to help the servants out. Whispering under a blanket with an older data pad and falling into recharge with notes scrawled out in shaky writing. 
“Welp, to Starfall! May all your dreams come true!” Sky gave him a mock toast and laughed, drinking his own highgrade. Skyfall laughed, and raised his own glass, grinning. 
“And to Skyreacher, the older brother who gave me the push I needed.”
“Dawn?” Starfall called into the empty mansion, his worry only increasing when all he heard was his own voice echoing back. “Dawnstar? If this is another prank that your doing with Skyreacher its not funny this time.” His vents shook, wings held high as he slowly made his way down the hall to his office. 
The panicked call he had gotten earlier hadn’t been reassuring, and he had rushed home as fast as he could. And now he felt like he was walking to his death, servos clenching before extending his claws out. He needed to be prepared, even as he opened his office door. 
Sitting in one of the soft chairs infront of his black desk was the soft pink frame of Dawnstar, the femmes wings low and trembling. Her back was to him, but he could clearly see the mech in his chair pointing a gun at her. He didn’t recignize this mech from anywhere, but he knew that he had to be sent from the council, and Starfall closed the door behind him. 
“If you wanted my attention you didn’t have to threaten her.” Starfall hissed, slowly slipping into the other chair. He didn’t see anyone else, wings flaring wide to try and sense an EMF field or something that might suggest someone else in the room. “Quiet bold of you, i must say. You are from the council, yes?” 
The silver mech before him gave a smile, blue optics showing no emotion. 
“I am, Lord Starfall. The council had noticed your… efforts with those below your station. And they have sent you many messages to get you to stop.” The gun waved slightly, and Dawnstar flinched, servos curling into fists in her lap. “We are keeping your mechling out of this… for now. But this will be your only warning.” 
The mech stood, slowly circling the desk and turning the gun to Starfall. He tapped it against the mechs chassis, helm tilting to the side. 
“Stop playing these foolish games and getting the workers wound up for nothing. Or else there will be consequences.” That smile never wavered, even as the mech left the room. Of course they felt threatened, they never had anything better to do than feel threatened about everything. 
He took a vent and turned to Dawnstar, immediately scooting closer and taking her servo in his. 
“You can’t keep doing this Star, they’ll kill you! Or worse!” She sobbed out, squeezing his servo and looking up at him. “Please, stop for a bit, let it die down until they turn there attention to something else. Please.” She begged him, squeezing his servos. Starfall gave a soft vent, pulling her close and gently running his claws through tense cables. 
“You know I can’t do that Dawn. Not now, not when they need me the most.” Not while he could still give them a voice. 
“And when they take everything from you? Then what? The lower caste would tear you to shreds! What about me? What about Sunray? Our son?” She choked out another sob and buried closer to him, her smaller servos clinging to him. 
“It’s okay, if anything happens to you, you know Skyfall will take you both in.” Star murmured, holding his bonded close and gently rocking her. “It’s okay Dawn. They won’t do anything to either of you.” 
His vents were hard, he could barely keep up with the mechs dragging him along, tripping over his own peds as he tried to desperately calm his pounding spark. Dawnstar was dead, they killed her. They killed Sunray. They killed them all and Skyfall hadn’t answered any of his desprate com calls. 
He was shoved to his knees, and he felt the dirt under them, and it was a welcome distraction to the drying energon on his frame. Their energon, when he held them before he was slammed with something in the helm and dragged away from there corpses. 
Would they even get a proper burial? They had nothing to do with his work, they were just… 
‘Collateral Damage’ is what the mech had said, holding the smoking gun with that twisted, sympathetic grin of his. His vents shuddered and hiccuped, and he shuddered as the blindfold was torn off. Starfall winced at the light, shaking his helm and squinting his optics, trying to look up-
“...Skyfall…?” His voice cracked, optics going wide as he stared up at his older brother. The sky colored seeker stared down at him with blank optics, a soft smile on his face. Skyfall said nothing, looking up behind him before slowly approaching. Another mech took his place, and enforcer by the looks of it. 
“Starfall, for your crimes against the Senate, your brother was given two options. Have you arrested or volenteer your for reasearch. He chose to give you for research. His and your sacrifice will be remembered.” The mech droned on and on about the ‘crimes’ he commited, and Starfall started to struggle. 
“Skyfall? Skyfall what is the meaning of this?! Sky!?! SKY WHAT IS GOING ON?!!?” He felt his panic rise, looking behind him as Skyfall gently grabbed one of his primary wings. 
And cold realization settled low in his spark, his optics widening as he looked up at Skyfall. 
“Brother…?” He whispered, voice cracked as that grip became firm. 
“I’m sorry little star.” Skyfall whispered back, placing a ped firmly on his back, between his wings. 
“Sky, brother, please! Don’t do this!” Starfall cried out, hot tears starting to well up again. 
Skyfall yanked, tearing fragile wiring and Starfall’s world started to spin. There was a hot/cold feeling, and he swore he purged as the wing was torn from its housing, discarded like it was useless scrap. His frame shook, emf field going wild as his smaller secondary wing was torn off immediately after the first. 
He felt his vision swim, his voicebox and throat felt raw, and he felt Skyfall lean in close. Something was whispered in his audial, lost to pain and fear, and Starfalls face was forced to look up. 
The enforcer holding his face was saying… something, he couldn’t tell what. He couldn’t think anymore, vents shuddering as he gulped in air. 
Why would Skyfall do this? What happened? He had been so supportive, even funded it with his own credits! Had given him everything he needed to give the people what they needed.
So why did his older brother, the mech who stood with him the longest, who he shared his deepest worries and fears, do this? 
Why was his big brother hurting him? 
He gave another shuddering vent, tears falling into the dirt under him as the enforcer let go of his face. 
“Finish it off, we cant have him flying away before we’re ready.” Servos, painfully familiar servos grabbed onto his wings, gripping them firmly but gently before the rest of his wings were torn from his frame. 
And finally, spark swirling with pain and the gut-wreching feeling of betrayal, darkness filled his vision. And the last thing he saw was his wings being tossed to the side, and his older brothers sky blue plating. 
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colorfullfalls · 1 year
In a world where you can see your soulmate’s life while you are asleep, somehow Y/n gets Danny Wagner as her soulmate. Easy for her to scope out, but how the hell was he supposed to find her?
Y/n fell asleep and she got to witness a greta van fleet concert. She got to witness the drum kit from the very point of view of Daniel Wagner. Fans screamed in excitement as the covering dropped and the concert officially began. Y/n thought how amazing it was when she went to the last concert. The music was amazing and so was the feeling of it all. Yet, she left feeling really disappointed. 
 She had went with the hope of being able to meet Daniel and have that soulmate magical moment. He would realize it was her and that they were destined to be. But instead he did shots with the people in the front and then went off stage to not be seen again. 
How was she supposed to get through to him when there were so many prettier fans? 
She was frustrated with having him as a soulmate. He’s a wonderful and talented man, but he was difficult to connect with. Stupid beautiful man. 
At the same time she heard him talk about soulmates before and knew that he took them very seriously. He was excited to meet her like she was him. She was desperate to finally see him and him recognize her.
Y/n had one more concert to get through to meet Daniel. She had a few hours before she had to go so she decided to go get coffee. Ordering and grabbing her own coffee went well, but someone bumped into her which caused their drink to spill on her arm. Their very hot drink actually burned her, causing a red mark to appear on her arm. 
She wiped off the drink and just ignored the pain of it. 
She met up with her best friend who knew about Danny being her soulmate, the only person who knew. Not many people would believe her if she said a rockstar was her soulmate. Many people could claim that. But Y/N was able to show her best friend Ellie by saying that Danny was wearing a certain outfit and the next day he posted it. 
Ellie about shit herself when she looked at the post to see that her best friend described that exact outfit to a T. 
“You will meet him tonight, I am telling you.” Ellie declared. 
“You said that last time man, there's no way I am gonna magically bump into him. He has very defining moments that proves who he is. Me? I just like exist. He isn’t gonna be able to pin point me from any other fan. Its a bunch of bullshit.” 
Ellie laughed, “Soulmates are special, he will know you the moment he sees you.” 
“Maybe if my boobs were out and he saw the tattoo but besides that..” 
“OH my god, that's it! Wear a low cut shirt so that he can see it. I mean surely he would know it from when you look in the mirror or shower.” Ellie said. The thing about the soulmates is that if they look in the mirror the face is blurred. It was an annoying condition but it was meant to make you search for your soulmate more rather than just being able to see. 
“What, so boobs out?” Y/n asked. 
“Hell yeah, boobs out. And if you don't meet Danny maybe someone will make out with you.” Ellie said, making Y/n snort.. 
Two hours later and they were in the pit of the venue singing their hearts out. Y/n felt nervous being so close to Danny. She watched him to mundane things when she was asleep like him sorting socks and playing cards with Sam. But on stage he was a fucking rock star and she thought he looked larger than life. 
Josh was dancing around singing at the top of his lungs during Light My Love yet all Y/n could think about was how good Danny looked while playing drums. He was so in his own world. During her sleep she witnessed him talking about lucky he was to be living his dream and touring with his brothers. 
She glanced down at Jake and then looked back at Danny to see him already looking at her. He offered her a breath taking smile as they finished up the song. She wondered if he saw her tattoo or was just smiling at another fan of his. Light my Love was the last song and she was waiting for a chance to see him. But he didn’t even take shots like he normally does, he booked it off the stage. 
Disappointment flooded Y/n, she was never going to get to meet him. She grabbed Ellie ans together they made their way to the cars to leave. Y/n felt doom at the fact that she didn’t get to meet Danny. She felt a bit hopeless.
They found a bar to get a drink at, Ellie going on about how soulmates are meant to meet and how she would meet Danny one way or another. It was encouraging but Y/n didn’t really wanna hear it at the moment, feeling too discouraged.
She wondered if he even noticed her. He was danny Wagner and she was just a girl. Would he be proud of her or like bummed out?
The bar door opened and she lazily peered over to see who came in. Maybe a cute guy did come and she could at least make out with someone since she missed out on meeting her soulmate today. Her eyes widened as she realized who just walked in.
It was Danny and Sam. Her heart beat raced as she saw them look around for a seat. She turned around and put her head down. She was suddenly really nervous. She mumbled about having to go to the bathroom before she got up and walked away.
She almost made it to the bathroom when she sensed someone behind her. She glanced back to see the beautiful man she saw in her dreams. He gave her a breathtaking smile before walking closer to stand right in front of her, almost pushing her into the wall.
“Did you not think I wouldn’t notice you?” He asked, eyes looking all over her face, “You’re eyes are more beautiful than I could have imagined.” He mumbled, not being able to look away.
She blushed, slinking more into the wall, “I didn’t know if you would considering how many people are at your concerts,” she shyly said.
He chuckled, “they’re not my soulmate, they don’t matter as much. I’d know that tattoo anywhere,” he said, eyes trailing down to her chest- making her blush even more. The tattoo was unique. It was a drawing of an eye as a planet but the planet’s ring was completely shaded black. Something that she had drawn in high school and just fell in love with.
“Are you saying you look at my boobs a lot?” She joked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, shrugging boyishly, “Let’s just say my eyes wonder from time to time when it comes to you. Not my fault that you’re so stunning.”
“Stop, you’re making me blush like a fool.” She said, shaking her head and looking away in embarrassment. Danny finally noticed her and he was laying the flirting on thick. She didn’t expect him to be so forward.
“Maybe I think you look cute when you blush,” he lowly said, stepping closer so that his chest was against hers. She could feel how warm he was against her own skin and she felt butterflies in her stomach from his close proximity, “I’ve been hoping I’d meet you for years. Hiding from me?” He asked, grabbing her chin in his hand delicately, making her melt.
She shook her head no, “I came to a bunch of concerts” she admitted.
He leaned forward, ghosting his lips over hers, “You are more perfect than I could have hoped, sweetheart.”
His lips slotted against hers, soft lips opening up her mouth. She melted into the kiss as he wrapped his arm around her midsection pulling her close to him as he deepened the kiss. She sighed when he pulled away, disappointed that it was done so quick.
“We have the rest of our lives to kiss, let me buy you a drink.” He said, kissing her forehead and pulling her to the bar.
She thanked her lucky stars that he found her.
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overdevelopedglasses · 9 months
Tojoctober Day 16 - Bond
(I've never felt like this, I'll keep on running)
Alt title is from “Reach for the Stars”, the opening song to Sonic Colors
Nanba has doubts. Ichiban reassures him.
(Nanba drink link + LaD spoilers)
It's a rainy day today in Ijincho, as the rain pitter-patters against the windows of Survive. It's a slow day for us too, as we are still used to having not a lot to do. Adachi, Eri, Saeko, Zhao, and Joon-gi Han have gone out to the town, something about a new arcade having opened up. They invited me out too, but I stayed behind. I know my mood is on the sour side today, and the last thing they all need is for me to drag them down. 
There's too much on my mind anyway. My past, Nightingale, my brother. All of them intertwining and making my brain spin. Way too many emotions to process with them, as well. The drink I'm nursing isn’t helping calm the storm either. 
“Hey, Nanba! Thought you went with everyone else?”
A voice pierces through my haze as I look at its source. 
Of course.
Apparently, Ichiban has not gone with the rest of the party, and instead is sitting on the bar stool next to me. When’d he even get there? My mind tries to answer this question, but nothing comes up. I stare at him blankly instead.
“Nanba? Are you doing alright?” he asks, probably with the best intentions in mind. 
“Well…” I start, but then second guess myself. “I feel fine.”
“Don’t try and hide it from your best friend, Nanba.”
I guess Ichiban is my best friend?
“Just… a lot on the mind.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. I should feel fine, right?” I spin towards Ichiban, setting my now empty glass on the counter. “I know my brother is safe, Mizue-chan is, well, I’m not sure how to feel about that, and I’ve got you guys. So why…” I hesitate. Did he really want me to admit this out loud?
I see Ichiban and the bartender share a look before he exits the room. What was that about?
“Why do you still feel like shit?”
I feel like there’s a better way to say that, but he was right.
“Hey…” I hear his voice take on more of a serious, yet softer tone. It tickles the back of my brain, as he faces me. “I meant what I said before, you know? I've made a lot of priceless friends here, and you're at the top of that list Nanba."
“But what if I hurt you again? Or leave you again?” I say, my voice coming out thicker than normal. Damn emotions.
“Nanba, that's nonsense.” I can hear Ichiban try to reassure me, and it’s kind of working, but I’m starting to get overwhelmed. 
Whatever I was trying to say gets cut off by Ichiban placing both hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes. 
"Nanba. You are dear and precious to me. Never forget that."
I feel something catch in my throat, and tears are threatening. God, why does this have to happen again?
"Ichiban, you're gonna make me cry again."
Somehow, his gaze both hardens and softens at the same time.
"Good. I already lost a brother. I can't lose you too."
Well, that just sets off the waterworks. Ichiban doesn't seem to care, as he scoots his stool closer and wraps his arms around me. The only thing I can coherently process is that he feels really warm. Like a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time.
Ichiban… feels like home.
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It said I finished writing this one on May 2, 2023
𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝟏 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝟑: 𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑮𝒖𝒏𝒎𝒂𝒏 (𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏)
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*Oliver's Voiceover*
To my family, I am the son and brother who returned home after 5 years on a deserted island. To the rest of the city, I am someone else, I am something else. Which is why they'll never know. I've targeted an elite brand of criminal. A corrupt, dangerous cancer.
Cancers like James Holder. A man who has put defective smoke detectors in low income homes in the glades. There's been many fires and funerals. Cancers can be treated. All it takes is the right instrument.
Holder is standing on the rooftop near his pool as he talks on the phone. "Other than the bill from my legal team, I feel pretty good."
"And now that the lawsuit has been settled, I can focus on Unidac Industries."
"Okay, I'll see you in the office tomorrow."
He drops the phone on a pool chair and looks out at the skyline, until an arrow goes through his bottle of wine.
"I have armed security inside." Says James.
"All I have to do is call out."
"Go ahead. They can't hear you." The hood says as he drops their guns in front of him.
"What the hell do you want?"
"How many people died in those fires?" The hood asks
After no response, he yells "How many?!"
"The courts say you don't owe your victims. I disagree."
"James Holder."
"You-" he is cut of as a red dot appears on his chest and James Holder is shot into his pool through the white bathrobe.
The Hood shoots an arrow at the sniper. Who then returns with 4 more shots, one of them hitting him in the shoulder.
Back in his lair, Oliver is taking the bullet out and stitching up his wound.
*Oliver's Voiceover*
He crosses James Holder off the list.
It's no surprise someone as corrupt as James Holder has more than one enemy
Oliver notices something wrong as he feels off.
He looks at the gauze and bandages
The bullet. Poison.
Oliver wakes up in a cave next to the hooded man.
"Who are you, and why did you shoot me?" He asks
The man responds as he removes his hood "Bǎohù nǐ" (to protect you)
The man gives him herbs and drink. As Oliver takes the drink, the man pulls the arrow out of his shoulder, causing him to scream.
Oliver wakes back up in the lair, as the computer beeps he realizes the time. "Dammit"
Oliver walks into the living room. To see the cops around his family. "What happened? Is Thea okay?"
"Her and her friends broke into a store to try on some dresses. Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree." Diggle answers.
"And you?"
"You mean when I said I had to go to the bathroom at dinner and never came back?" Oliver says
"Guess from now on I'll be watching you pee."
Walter sees the cops out. "Thank you for everything, Gentlemen. I'll show you out."
Moira sighs as she talks to Thea. "Last time it was public intoxication. Now it's breaking and entering. How we're moving up in the criminal world."
"When you pay off the store owner, you should check out their killer outfits."
Exasperated, she says "Thea, get ready for school."
"I think I'm gonna take a sick day." Thea says
"Fine. Get some sleep."
As Thea walks away she looks at Oliver "You look like crap."
Oliver walks over to Moira in disbelief "You're letting her play hooky?"
"When she gets like this, it's better to give her space."
"She's testing you."
"Who'd she pick that up from?" Moira retorts
"You know mom.. Giving us space is the opposite of what we need. You guys would've let me get away with murder.. What I needed was parenting.. And I see that now." He says before walking away.
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At the crime scene the cops are recovering evidence.
"No, it doesn't make sense." Says Lance
"Come on. Wealthy dirtbag. Red meat for the hood. Besides we found arrows on the scene." Says Pike
"Except, the cause of death was a bullet in the chest. The Hood doesn't use firearms."
"Probably finally figured out there's easier ways to kill people."
"He's a whack job, like you said." Says Pike
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Back in his lair he samples his blood for the poison.
*Oliver's Voiceover*
The bullets were laced with Curare. A rare, deadly poison. And the M.O of Deadshot.. A hired assassin, killing all over the globe for money.
I was going to give James Holder a chance. But he never did. He has no code, no morals and no honor. This makes him more dangerous than anyone on my list.
In fact it puts him right at the top.
Oliver walks in the upper level with Tommy and Diggle. "So what do you think? This would make a good spot for a nightclub right?"
"Pretty cool. But I wouldn't recommend calling it Queens for...obvious reasons."
Oliver chuckled lightly and points across saying "Private office."
"For the private one on one meetings I'm sure, and the occasional two on one..." Tommy says
"Do you really want to do this... Considering you have no experience in running... Well anything?"
"We could scope out the competition.. Max Fuller's new club, poison is opening downtown."
"Max Fuller?" Oliver asks in disbelief
"Tommy. I slept with his wife." Oliver sighs
"Before the wedding."
"It was the rehearsal dinner."
"Come on, that was years ago. Besides, who stays mad at a castaway?"
Oliver looks at him totally unconvinced.
'Hey, sorry. I gotta go." Says Tommy.
"It's all good."
Oliver turned to Diggle and asked "What do you think?"
"Well sir, I'm here to provide security, not commentary." He says
"Come on, speak freely."
"Well this is the glades right?" He starts
"All your rich white friends wouldn't come here on a bet."
"I'm Oliver Queen, people would stand in line for hours, if I opened a club."
"And no one living in the glades would see a penny of those cover charges." Diggle retorts
"We can make it successful, gentrify the neighborhood."
"And I was wondering when we'd get to that. The rich white knight coming in to save the disfortunate. And all by himself."
"Wow." Oliver chuckles
"You don't think very much of me, do you?"
"No sir, I actually have a high regard for how perceptive you are."
*Oliver's Voiceover*
The Nightclub will stand as the Alibi of where Oliver Queen spends his nights.
Back at CNRI Laurel is looking at articles on Oliver and staring hard at his picture when Johanna speaks "Hey do you have the Jergens Depos?"
"Yeah, they're somewhere around here." Laurel responds as she quickly closes the screen out."
"What are you doing?" Johanna asks
"I literally just caught you trolling for articles on the ex that cheated on you with your sister."
"Jo!" Laurel yells
"Look, okay.. You're stuck in the past. The only physical relationship you've had since Oliver, was his best friend."
"You need to move on."
"I appreciate your concern, but I have a lot to do. "
"No no no. We're gonna go dancing, take some shots, dance with me we don't know and stay out way too late."
"Pretty sure that's how my parents met."
Johanna looks at her and sighs "yeah. You're going out tonight. Maybe you'll find a date and a better sense of humor while you're at it."
Laurel rolls her eyes.
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Thea is getting ready for school as Moira walks into the room. "You need to come home after school."
"I can't. Margot and I are going to the mall." Says Thea
"Tell her you're gonna have to cancel, you're grounded for 2 weeks." Says Moira
"I've never been grounded." Thea scoffs
"You've also never committed larceny."
"Why start caring now, after 5 years?" Thea asks
"I always have." Moira retorts
"But paying off store owners to keep your record clean.. Clearly this isn't working."
"So you're gonna teach me?" Thea scoffs
Thea thinks a moment "It's Oliver right? His judgemental hypocrisy is finally reaching you too."
"No, I don't need him to tell me how to parent you."
"You'll be home by 4." Moira reaffirms.
"What are you gonna do? Call the cops on me. Tell them I say hi." Thea says smugly as she walks off.
Oliver walks into the Glades wearing a baseball hat. He walks to the side of the building where the shooting took place and starts taking mental notes, using photographic memory he places where each of the bullets would have landed.
He pulls a bullet out of the wall.
Back in the Police station the ballistics come back on the murder.
"Based on the size of the wound.. He was shot twice by 7.6 millimeter rounds from about 100 yards away."
"So your theory is not only the hood switches to firearms, but now he's an expert sniper." Says Quentin sarcastically (Laurel had to learn the sass from someone..)
"We also found traces of curare in Holder's bloodstream."
"So he switches from arrows to poison sniper bullets? I'm not buying it."
"We still found arrows on the scene."
Quentin begins to walk away. "Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna get my own evidence."
Back in his lair Oliver investigates the bullet
*Oliver's Voiceover*
7.62 millimeter rounds. Money trail leads back to the Bratva. Finally some good luck.
Quentin reinvestigates the crime scene before the scene changes to Oliver walking into an auto body shop.
"Я и��у Алексея Леонова" Oliver says as he walks in (I'm looking for Alexi Leonov)
"Здесь нет никого с таким именем" (there is no one here by that name)
"не здесь. но ваш подвал под" (Not here, but your basement underneath)
The mechanic comes with a gun pointed at Oliver, who then tightens his grip on the man's arm, causing him to drop the gun.
"я Братва. Я хочу видеть Алексея Леонов" (I'm Bratva, I want to see Alexi Leonov.) Oliver says as he shows the tattoo on his body.
They three men walk down to the Garage.
"Pleased to meet you. We meant no disrespect to a captain, particularly an American one." Says Alexi Leonov
"Now, how may I be of assistance?"
"Looking for a hired gun, one used by the organization before. His calling card is a 7.6 millimeter round laced with curare." Oliver says
"I don't know this man."
"But you can find who does."
"First we drink to each other's health. Then I find your mystery man." Says Alexi
"That is, after I confirm you really are Bratva captain."
"If this is false, I will have my mechanic find and kill you and your family."
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Back in the Queen living room a new report is on the TV. "Carl Rasmussen was found shot dead this evening, leaving behind 2 children and a wife."
"The cops haven't commented on whether there is a connection between him and the murder of James Holder."
It cuts to Walter with the cops in the living room. "Carl was a titan."
"A titan who was looking into buying out unidac industries, as yourself."
"I don't think I like where this is going." Moira mutters
"The point is, the list of buyers is thinning out." Says Quentin
"What exactly are you implying here, detective?" Moira asks
"Only that your husband is also looking into buying, but the competition seems to be dropping like flies."
"I'm sure this has nothing to do with how you feel about my family." Moira retorts.
Quentin scoffs.
"The buying is through an auction with many possible buyers. So if I was the killer, I'd have a whole lot of killing to do by tomorrow." Walter responds
"We're just checking in with the buyers, telling them to keep safe is all." Says Pike
"And I'm just Overwhelmed of Mr. Lance's concern for our safety."
"Thank you gentleman, but Mr. Diggle, our security consultant is making sure everything is taken care of." Says Walter.
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At Max Fuller's club, Oliver and Tommy enter. "Ha ha. This is gonna be killer." Tommy says
"If Max sees me here, I agree." Oliver responds
"If you're gonna run a business, you need to take some risks." Tommy says
Diggle is behind the line as the bouncer says "I don't see your name on the list."
"Mr Queen." He calls out
Oliver walks back and points at him saying "I have never seen this man in my life."
"Ever." He says as he walks away from Diggle's dumbfounded expression.
They can hear dancing as they see Laurel.
"Doesn't you going out to have fun violate some kind of law on a stone tablet?" Tommy says
"That's cute, Tommy." She says Sarcastically
"And I see you're up to your usual hunting patterns.
"Just trying to see what passes for fun around here now. After 5 years." Oliver say
"Well... I'm sure you'll find it just hasn't been the same without you."
Thea runs up to Oliver clearly drunk saying "I'm so wasted right now!"
Laurel sighs, knowing all too well and Tommy looks away.
Laurel remembered Sara just like this. She knew it hurt to see siblings on a Path of self destruction. She just hoped Oliver's return could somehow help Thea. Even if it is 5 years late.
"I thought you were grounded." He says
"Yeah..I am. Thanks for that by the way." She says with a hint of a glare.
"You're going home. You're done." He says
"What are you gonna do? Tell mom?" She asks
"Thea! Don't you see you're hanging with the wrong people?!" He asks
"You're one to talk. Take a look at your best friend." Thea starts
"Thea maybe you shouldn't-" Tommy is interrupted by Thea
"Tommy I think your bff has a right to know."
Laurel sighs.
"Let's go." He says firmly
"They never told you they were screwing while you were gone, huh?" Thea says
"It's okay." Oliver says as he grabs Thea's arm
"We're done for the night."
"Hands off me! You're not my father." She says
"And you're barely my brother." She says walking off
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wildcardsoul · 3 months
a more in depth background of my persona 3 oc...
the one linked here! It's a lot so its gonna be under the cut but it's much more than what i had before!! idk how many will see this but it would be so cool and awesome if you read it because these two give me such intense brain worms i need to tell everyone about them (will include p3 spoilers)
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touma hiroya was born as a surprise to an, all things considered, normal family. a mom, dad, and a brother, teijo, 10 years his elder. his family was not expecting another child but welcomed him anyways
the pregnancy caused a lot of complications, but they thought they were in the clear during his birth, unfortunately more issues arised and his mother passed away shortly after, devastating the others. a new life was brought into the world but at the cost of another.
both grew bitter towards the newborn, silently blaming him for the death of the mother. it took until his father shouted at the now-toddler for teijo to realize how foolish he was being. touma was completely innocent.
but things only got worse as time went on, their father having resorted to drinking since the passing of his wife and quickly developed an addiction. obviously i wont be going into abuse detail but their situation gets Bad, but teijo always makes sure to protect touma always
he manages to get accepted into a college, with an insane amount of hard work he is able to gather enough money to get an apartment and take in touma, pretty much raising him. teijo finds himself leaning more towards science, while touma starts picking up his medical books
years pass, now roughly 20 and 30, teijo gets himself into the kirijo groups scientists, and touma is in medical school. all things seem to be going well for the two, teijo sending touma extra money to support him every once in awhile.
that is, until, again, things take a turn for the worse. teijo gets sucked into the deeper parts of the group, seeing the experiments theyre doing on the shadows, and worse, people. but hes too far into the group now he cannot back out without being in danger
it becomes obvious, though, how he hesitates. and soon enough they turn on him. they realize teijo has a strong potential, and try to force-summon a persona from him. it works, but he is unable to control it, and his own persona kills him.
touma is clueless. he stays clueless, it wasnt uncommon for months to go by without hearing from his brother, he is busy after all. then the accident happens, the explosion. he is told his brother died there. and hes alone in the world.
touma tries to go on, tries to keep going in school but he struggles. he finds himself skipping classes, sleeping in, after some years he runs out of money, he has no choice but to drop out. he tries getting jobs, but none last too long. a few more years and hes out of money and jobs that will accept him. unable to afford his apartment anymore, hes stuck wondering the streets. its now he discovers the dark hour, terrified of it, but able to use it to his advantage. he felt awful, breaking into places and stealing, but he would starve otherwise.
its on fateful day that he is found. he had fainted on the street during the dark hour, after not having had enough to eat the day prior. shuji finds him, clothes torn and dirty, trying to get him to awaken. after a bit, he does.
during this time its early spring, a month or two after makoto had joined SEES. seeing the potential in touma, shuji decides to, at the very least, help him through the night. he can see what else can be learned about him, if he'll be useful to his cause.
after bringing him to his home, getting him showered and fed, they talk. shuji realizes he's heard of touma before, the younger brother to one of the scientists. it feels like fate, his brother had an extremely strong persona, if touma was any similar, perhaps he could be useful
if things were handled differently. with the plan in mind, shuji offers him to stay with him at his home. he even pulls some strings and allows touma to be an assistant nurse at the school.
months pass, and touma never awakens to his persona. but its alright, he is proving himself to be extremely useful by having the medical knowledge he does, helping out the kids after tough fights and long tartarus trips.
touma is EXTREMELY grateful towards shuji, feeling as if he saved his life. during those months he can't help but find himself falling for him. sure, it helps he saved him, but he genuinely adores shuji. he finds him so charming and funny, he feels like a schoolboy with a crush
meanwhile shuji is finding himself feeling the same. which complicates things a lot. he can't have feelings for someone right now! the world is destined to end, its unworth saving, theres no point in dealing with love. he tries to keep up appearances but shuji is stressed as hell
hes in heavy, heavy denial he could love someone in this cruel of a world, trying to find any reason to justify it. and he does. it all makes sense, why the pieces would fall into place so neatly. touma was destined to be the avatar of nyx. it was so clear!
shuji would be the god of the new world, with touma by his side to help bring it to fruition. no other reason would he be so drawn to him, right? so his plan continues in motion, until all 12 arcana shadows are defeated, and shuji starts his plan.
touma watches as someone who he loved betrays him, betrays them all. he tries his hardest to reason with shuji, to beg, to plead to listen to him, that killing these kids he cares for won't do any good, that the world is still worth saving, but shuji's delusions have taken over
shuji raves about how this is destiny, how this is what they wanted, right? to be together, and they will be, with the creation of the new world everything will be perfect. and the rest plays out in canon, aigis saving everyone, and shuji getting shot.
despite it all, the betrayal, touma still loves him. as shuji walks backwards towards the edge of the roof, touma runs over to him, trying to save him from falling, but it's too late at that point. shuji had fallen. without a second thought touma goes after him.
he doesn't think about it, if this is how he dies..then let it be. he'd rather die with shuji than live with losing someone else he loves. through the rush of doom, its finally now touma's persona awakens, eos, the goddess of dawn.
touma, who had managed to grab hold of shuji's hand, pulls him closer against the wind, and with eos' wings they're able to safely make it to the ground. what i have after this is pretty..up in the air, but pretty much it comes to shuji realizing he was fucking crazy and a LOT of therapy. a lot. touma and shuji stay away from the kids for awhile because..well they kind of doubt theyd want to see them. again still nothing concrete after this but. they end up being okay one way or another.
this is just like. toumas in-canon story how it would go In Canon but i also love pretending everything is fine and that theyre silly and in love but also ouch ouch ouch ouch they hurt me to think about sometimes
also sorry if not all of this makes a lot of sense within canon its been awhile since i beat the game.. but uaugh. augh. uahg. they mean so much to me.
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heres a little lamb touma doodle for ur troubles <33 i doubt it but if anyone has any questions PLEAAASE ask me i need to talk about themmmm
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Alright, happy Thursday hoes, lets get to this.
Mothership first
Okay… interesting open…
Omg…how many times are they gonna use the trope of “don’t touch that!” “who the hell are you?” surprise it’s the new laywer…
Not surprised its another old white dude, but at least he’s not as old as mccoy
Okay seriously…. If they get rid of Samantha I will not be watching this show anymore..
I wonder if they’re going to bring this staff change up on svu too considering this guy is also now carisi’s boss… but the writers seem to have forgotten that these shows all exist together until they want to do a crossover.
If this was svu the ada would be storming into the squad room yelling at the detectives for making a mistake that’s gonna cost them their case. Why don’t we get to see that on mothership? I want more crossing over between departments, cops never show up in the gallery either, just to testify if they’re needed.
Oooo yesss that maroon suit. I see you ma’am!
Man they’re just right fucked with this case aren’t they?
This defence attorney is super crusty
How come these videos are coming up NOW and not before things went to trial??
This judges office is barba’s office. They really only have so many sets, hey? (also the continuity of that office on this show/universe drives me fucking insane).
My subtitles keep cutting in and out and that is also driving me insane
Toronto time.
Will I pay attention? Likely no
JESUS FUCK talk about a cold fucking opening wow.
Big surprise I stopped paying attention halfway through the ep. Like, it’s fully muted right now and I’m working on writing LOL
SVU time
BRUH is this maria stuff ive been seeing all over twitter legit?! I thought people were fucking clowning LOL
Olivia in uniform just fucking makes me so fucking weak every single time
Clearly the other captain hasn’t been in the field a lot if that was her immediate reaction to that crime scene
Okay… hear me out… olivia literally saved maria’s life and stayed on the phone with her ALL night. We all know she has a habit of taking in strays… there’s no doubt maria became a cop because of liv… maria would have reached out TO HER about her graduation, not the other way around…
Velasco getting actual screen time finally. I do have to say, im back on my Velasco bullshit…
LOL. I know it was unintentional but the harshness of velasco’s knock on the door killed me.
4 hours of law and order is too much. Im getting bored and this is the show I actually like. I think imma start skipping Toronto cause mothership does hit some days
If this girl has a good enough lawyer she could easily get off on an insanity type plea… tbh this episode would’ve been way better on criminal minds. That would’ve been bad ass.
This episode is almost over and we got absolutely NO closure on the maria thing AND we didn’t get to go to court. Im OVER this fucking show man lol
Liv being back in her bac nail polish era is bomb though
Fin doesn’t strike me as a scotch guy… this is weird..
Okay… liv is really not okay. Like this girl needs support, she needs proper and regular therapy, she needs a break from work. Go home and spend time with your son instead of drinking cheap wine alone in a bar? Also while we’re talking about drinking alone after work being all sad, can we touch on the fact that her mother was an alcoholic, and that was what *killed* her… this is incredibly worrisome and I doubt we’re ever going to touch on it/get it fleshed out like we should…
Okay we at least got some maria closure. Thank you.
OC time!
Jet *attempting* to control stabler, woof. At least someone’s trying loooll
This bitch is so dead
Part of me feels like its bullshit that se wouldn’t know any of this about her own brother, but also I never talk to my family so…. LOL.
Fuck he’s creepy as shit
The fact that it took THIS long for someone higher up to question his anger/trauma/etc affecting his job is wild.
THE BARTENDER IN ME IS FUCKING DYING. I had a PHYSICAL reaction to that conversation.
“you’ve never had a long island ice tea?!” “I don’t like ice tea it’s too bleh” guy promptly orders two to prove that theyre good? THERE IS NO ICED TEA IN LONG ISLANDS
Cragen’s really just gonna be in the last second of this episode isn’t he?
Everyone: proper ear pieces
Jet: nah. Air pod.
I really thought that stabler was gonna be missing for a like, a good chunk of time with no one knowing.
OHHHH right! The foil he found in the bathroom garbage and immediately licked… right… I forgot about that. Now the question is who it belongs to…..
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ms-rampage · 1 year
Anymore Lore on Liv x Ubba or King Fairhair?
So I’m gonna answer both of these.
More info below the cut!
Liv & Harald
Ship name: Livald. Haraliv.
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Not my photo by the way
For King Harald Fairhair, this “relationship” was arranged by both their fathers years earlier.
This was arranged because Edmund owed Harald’s father (Halfdan the Black according to the AC wiki) a favor, and as a way to strengthen both their families since Edmund is an apparent relative to King Burgred (hence why he was considered a traitor to the crown for fleeing Mercia/England, and marrying a Norse woman).
When Liv escaped Kjotve the Cruel, she was visited by Harald, and brought up their arranged marriage.
“What are you talking about, Your Grace?.” she asks, confused as to why King Harald would give her the time and day to visit her. Especially after she escaped the hand of Kjotve after all the abuse and torture he and Gorm did to her.
“I apologize for my unannounced visit, milady.” he says, “I don’t know if this was explained to you, but I’m sure your father will explain it.”
Liv plays with the sleeve cuff of her dress, “My father died, a long time ago.”
“My apologies for your loss. Your mother?.” he asks in the most sincere voice.
“She died 72 moons ago. 6 years ago.” she answers nervously, she never knew how to use the whole “many moons” type of thing.
“I’m sorry about your parents, but many years ago, my father and yours made an arrangement for both our families.” he explains to her.
“What arrangement?.” she asks, awkwardly shifting away from him, but not making it noticeable.
“We are arranged to be married, to strengthen both our families because your father, Edmund, was related to the Mercia dynasty.”
Raising her eyebrows, she never knew this information about her father, but then he died when she was 6 years old, so she didn’t know him very well, her mother never mentioned it to her. Unknown if she knew of this arrangement.
“My father? I- I didn’t know any of this. I've never been told about this.” she tells him, feeling like she was on the verge of crying. She started to feel overwhelmed, and Harald saw this. “Marry me, and you won’t have to be scared. You’ll always be protected, and you will be my queen.” he tells her, taking her hands in his. He has this gentle look in his eyes, but it seemed kinda off.
In a way, Liv did believe him, but she wanted to see it to believe it. She reluctantly agreed to take his hand and marry him. But this was just a plot for her to plan her next escape, if given the chance before she was married to him.
Liv & Ubba
Ship name: Libba. Lubba. Livba
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They met at a feast held by the Raven clan, Liv isn’t one to be social. She's an introvert. She's one to stand in the corner of the room and watch everyone else have fun. That's her way of having fun.
The drunkards making fools of themselves dancing, eating and singing very loudly. Celebrating very loudly. He approached her, as she was trying not to be seen, but who can miss her with 3 foxes by her side, and her bright copper hair. Not to mention, her lack of tattoos, her long beautiful dresses, and not looking like a viking, but having the mentality of one.
As he approaches her, she tries to not acknowledge him, but not wanting to be rude she gives him a smile. Drinking her mead, and looking down at her furry companions.
“Having fun?.” he asks her, leaning against the wall. Giving her a slight smile, how this man is Ivarr’s brother is beyond Liv’s knowledge. He’s handsome, tall. Taller than her by many, he towers over her and with his big build.
“Yeah, I am.” she responds, giving a smile back.
“Not gonna dance?.” he asks her, a hint of flirtatious in his tone, probably because he's been drinking, and probably wants to get with Liv.
“I’m not much of a dancer.” she tells him, feeling a little embarrassed. Looking away from him.
He lets out a laugh that can’t be heard over the sound of everyone else singing, laughing, and being loud in general. “Neither are these drunken fools.” he tells her as she finishes off her mead and sets down the cup. Finishing her 3rd cup. Feeling a little tipsy and very social.
“I don’t think they will remember anything tonight.” she tells him, feeling the mead hit her as she starts to move a little closer to Ubba. “They’re only good singers when they’re drowning in their mead.”
He takes her hand, “Dance with me.” Unable to protest against him, she follows him, not like she has any choice, she joins him and the others in the group dance of drunks. She had a great time, standing in the corner got a little boring anyway. Dancing and laughing with the members of the Raven clan.
Ubba lifted her up a few times in mid-dance, neither of them could remember, but according to Tove and Petra, Liv and Ubba did share a kiss that was interrupted by Ivarr, and his drunken state.
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strawberrisoulmate · 5 months
psst. you should share the wedding reception dance scenario :3c
wahhhhhh, you're really gonna make me type all that out, huh >///< (this ended up being super long, so i'll put it under a cut)
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so basically... i had been thinking a bit about how both luck and hanna would be at yours and claire's wedding. obviously.
claire grew up with the gandors and is considered their adopted brother, so of course they'd be there to support him on his wedding day. hell, i could maybe even see the gandor brothers (+ firo) being his groomsmen with luck potentially even being his best man. regardless, they'd definitely be there. and, since the two of our inserts are such good friends, she would absolutely be there as a guest to the bride (you! uwu)
with all of that said, i can imagine a scenario where our inserts are chatting together and enjoying the wedding reception. there's music pouring out from the stage where the band that claire absolutely hired with his assassin money is and everyone is having a great time drinking and dancing and laughing together.
across the room, luck is observing the party from a distance, sipping his glass of champagne as he watches his brothers dance with their wives from the sidelines. isaac and miria are drinking and laughing loudly with a few of the other guests while firo practically trips over his own feet trying to ask ennis to dance. it's all good fun. he's never been one for dancing himself, but he's perfectly happy to enjoy the atmosphere where everyone else is having a great time around him. it isn't until a flash of red hair and a bright, coy smile comes into view that luck's attention is pulled from the center of the room, followed quickly by an arm being thrown over his shoulder before he has a chance to dodge it.
"luck! whatcha doin' all the way over here? there's a party going on, ya know, and you're over here brooding and drinking all by yourself?"
"i'm not brooding. just enjoying the music from a distance, is all."
"oh, come on! let loose once in a while, will ya? keith and berga both brought their wives along and you didn't even bother to bring a plus one? it's my wedding, remember? you should get out there and dance with someone at least!"
"you know i don't dance. and i don't need a plus one. i'm perfectly content to be here on my own. shouldn't you be with your wife right now?"
"yeah, i'm about to go find her. but still, just do me this one favor. grab yourself a doll to dance just one song with and i'll die a happy man. well, i won't die, but you get the picture. look, there's a cute one right over there. bet she wouldn't turn ya down if you asked her."
"i told you, i don't need to—"
"whoops, gotta go. i think i hear my wife callin' me~"
and with that, he spins on his heel and rushes off back into the crowd.
cut back to our inserts talking before we are promptly interrupted by claire. "pardon the interruption, miss, but i'm gonna be stealin' her away for a little while," he says before taking your hand and practically sweeping you off your feet with a twirl. as he's whisking you away, he sends a glance over his shoulder and is like “oh, and i’ve already taken care of payin’ you back for the advice ya gave me a while back. you can thank me later 👋” and then pulls you along to dance.
for a moment, hanna is confused and just standing there with a blank expression. paying her back? what did he mean by that? she wonders to herself before her thoughts are sharply cut off by the silhouette of a figure coming into view. she looks up at the person with curiosity before her eyes meet those of luck gandor. a man she'd met on occasion and had spoken to once or twice, but they hadn't had many opportunities to converse all that deeply. before she can ask him if he needs anything from her, he speaks up and asks her if she would like to dance.
huh? a dance? with me?
immediately, her cheeks begin to heat up and she pauses, stunned silent for a couple of seconds before she fumbles out a modest — and slightly awkward — "s-sure. i'd be honored" before reaching out and taking his hand.
as they make their way towards the dance floor, hanna looks around the room, catching your eye as you dance with your new husband and gives you a confused look, only to be met with a surprised grin back. luck's feet stop, making hanna stumble a bit behind him, before he turns back to her. the hand that had been in hers moved to her waist, resting against her lower back and the girl could feel her face heating up even warmer than before. for a moment, she hesitates, but ultimately follows his lead and steps closer, moving one hand to land daintily on his shoulder while the other gently rests in his free hand.
as they begin to move, stepping and swaying to the music, hanna's eyes fall to the floor, watching her feet in an attempt to both make sure she doesn't accidentally step on his as well as to avoid the piercing gaze that she could feel staring holes into her. she'd never danced with anyone, and much less been this close to any man before, so she was sure that her nerves were very clearly shining through.
"you know, i think you're supposed to look at the person you're dancing with."
"a-ah… i'm sorry."
"you seem nervous."
"well, i've never… i mean, nobody has ever asked me to dance before."
he chuckles softly.
"well, i've never asked anyone to dance before, so i suppose there's a first for everything."
the girl quietly squeaks with embarrassment, but something about hearing that makes her incredibly happy. she forces her eyes to look up at him and he's gazing back down at her with a charming smile that made her heart harshly skip a beat.
"i suppose i'll follow your lead then, mr. luck."
a nervous giggle escapes her as she quickly corrects herself.
"excuse me— i mean mr. gandor."
"hm, luck is fine. you can drop the "mister", too. makes me feel old."
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and that's pretty much it.
they continue to dance until the song ends and then part ways, but oh man, does hanna now have some feelings to sort through ahah.
she spends the entire rest of the evening in a daze as she replays it over and over in her head and continues to find herself daydreaming about his pretty eyes and his charming smile and the way he held her as they danced and the tingling feeling left on her fingers from how they felt against his hand.
she was already a hopeless romantic before, but now she's absolutely down bad 😂
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Failed Protection
Matildas age: (15 years old)
Time period: Matilda living with Pat Halstead
Word count: 
Tw: Child Abuse, Yelling, Death  and Hospitals, honestly very horrible writing
When I tell you I hate this one I HATE IT. But then again this is my last matilda halstead story before I can finally move on to reader stories :) changed the ending because i dont want to make a part two and don't plan on it either. Took this from my wattpad too
Matties POV
It was one of the coldest days in chicago. It was snowing heavily and I could feel the cold though the three layers I was wearing. Yet my dad made me go out and get milk and eggs.
Making my way through the front door I could already hear my dad yelling at me for not getting the “right milk”, I wasn't able to find the milk he wanted but it'll have to do. 
“MATILDA” i heard my dad yelling for already knowing what's about to happen 
“Yeah dad?’
“This isn't the milk i like to drink, why did you get this one.” he screamed “how stupid are you matilda?” 
“I couldn't find it where it usually was so I picked one that was close enough to the one you like.”
“WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK HARDER?” Just then he stood up and slapped me “you are more of a disappointment than your brothers.”
“I'm sorry dad.” i cried as i held my cheek 
“Yeah right you're sorry, now clean this mess up before I throw you out of my house.” he said while walking to his room and slamming the door.
“Where's Will and Jay when I need them…”
Jays Pov
“Hey hailey and jay we have a noise complaint near you guys do you think you can take since you're close by?” Hank radioed
'`Yeah of course we don't mind, do we jay?’
“Yeah we dont”
Small 5 minute time skip cause id, what else to put here.
“Let's make this quick, I need to call my sister and check up on her.” i said knocking on the door
“You still talk to your sister? Hailey said. Didn't you say that your dad destroyed her phone or something?” 
“Yeah but i gave dad 2k for himself and to buy her new phone.” he replied
Your dad may have gotten you a new phone but that just gave him another excuse to yell at you because his “son” had to give him money, and that you should just work to buy a new phone instead of others getting it for you. 
Just then the door opened and me and hailey turned our heads towards the door… “Mattie? What are you doing here?” I immediately spoke
“Its nothing, you guys should go dads asleep, and someone probably got the wrong apartment number” she spoke quietly
“We got a noise complaint from your next door neighbor. Can we come in?” Hailey spoke
“Uh..” She looked out towards a door than agreed to let us in “Yeah sure”
The place looks clean, not perfectly clean but if i'm honest my place has looked worse than this many times. Me and Hailey looked around a bit before leaving.
“Maybe we didn't get the wrong number, our previous apartment never looked that clean and I didn't see any beer bottles all over the place.” I said while walking towards the stairs
“Yeah sometimes people call the wrong num-” Hailey was cut off by a crash, screaming and yelling
“MATTIE!” jay yelled as he and hailey pulled out their guns
“MATTIE WERE COMING IN!” Jay yelled as he kicked the front door in
When the door opened jay and hailey found pat screaming at mattie while holding a broken beer bottle which he had obviously hit mattie on the head. Jay tackled pat to the ground, he didn't care if that was his dad. At this moment Mattie was his biggest priority.
“This is 50-21 gorge we're gonna need some back and an ambo, and get CPS on the line” Hailey radioed in while walking to Matilda
No Ones Pov (I have no explanation on why she ran so i’ll just do whatever)
So basically Pat started yelling at both Jay and Mattie and Mattie couldn't take the yelling anymore so she just needed a break.
“MATTIE COME BACK” Jay shouted while running after her 
Running from Jay I slipped on black ice. Making my phone go flying into the air falling on top of  a pile of snow.
Climbing the snow I'm thinking “Whoever was in the snow plow did a terrible job and probably will be fired.
I finally got my phone a thought i should text jay and say sorry for running off like that
Me: Hey sorry for running off i just had to walk out
JJ: It’s fine, where are you so me and hailey come get you. It's almost 11 degrees out mattie.
I was about to send my location to Jay but then the snow caved in on me and that's when I realized that this was a snow bank. It was more than twice your height. You tried to push out with your hands but that just caused more snow to fall on top of you.
Everytime you tried to push up you would fall down more into the snow. At this point you gave up and started shouting “Help, Help”. 
God, you were freezing 
Jays POV
“Come on Mattie, answer” Jay said while trying to call mattie
“She not answering?” Hailey asks while pressing the gas pedal faster
No, Voight, I need you guys at this location now. Matties missing and her phone was last pinned there.
“Alright we're on our way”
“Matilda, are you here?” I yelled while shining my flashlight
“Gosh this city is horrible at plowing snow” Adam stated 
“Adam we don't have time to criticize the snow plowers of this city” Hailey argued
“Just trying to start some conversation” 
Kim just gave adam a glare too shut up and keep searching
While shining my flashlight I saw a familiar item. That looks like the phone case I got for Matilda last week as a pre christmas because she wouldn't stop bothering me on how she wanted a new one. That also looked like her phone, I picked the phone up and saw the home screen was a picture of Me, Her and Will on it…
Seeing a hole I look inside and immediately get on my hands and knees yelling for everyone to come over. “I need some help over here”
Kelly, Selvie and Hailey pulled Matilda out and I just stood there in shock not being able to move. My little sister, who my mom told me to look after. I left her with that man who is horrible which led to her being in a snowbank. 
“50-21 Gorge I need you to roll and ambo to my location. We have a hypothermic victim.” Hailey radioed.
“Ambo is 7 minutes out”
This is where i changed everything i had in mid a month ago
When Jay checked her pulse again he didn't feel anything and immediately started cpr. Eventually Hailey had to pull Jay away because Jay had failed, he failed on what his mom told him, he failed to protect her. She was gone and he couldn't do anything about it, and he and Will were gonna have to live with it…for the rest of their lives…
The end. Like I said , I hate it, but let me add my detail(ish) stuff and get it over with. Haven't even been working on part two to Believe me that much so i’ll work on it tomorrow. (it just feel bleh posting this and i can’t even)
Kinda a good way to end the Matilda Halstead thing with this so its the only thing i can agree with this story
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Hello writer it is I 📖 again. It 's been a while.
It’s a little late at night.. 😂 yes 10:00 pm it’s late at night for me ok? I’m a 32 year old man.. Emphasis in OLD!
And also I might be a bit tipsy.. Fine, I’m drunk but in my defense we are childless in this household right now (thanks to my mother who took the child on a little vacation) And let me tell you dear writer your new chapter couldn’t come at a better time 😏 yup I’m implying something 😂
What can I say about this chapter? It was.. quite something.
First.. I was a bit nervous by the reaction of reader to the whole dinner situation, and I was nervous because she was jealous? My man has never given her a reason to be! Tangerine man is wiped, gone, finished, K.Oed. She had no reason to be. Ok I get it she has some insecurities about herself from her previous experiences, and maybe yeah she still has some lingering concerns about how Yoongi was in the past, but it’s that THE PAST. I’m glad they talked, I’m glad she spoke and told him what was going through her head because Yoongi had no fucking clue what was going on, and there’s a reason for that.. not only because he is so incredibly wiped, but also because he is a MAN! And dear.. we (members of the masculine gender) are stupid, dumb, obtuse, and many other words that my mind can’t think of right now. Much more stupid than what you girls think we are, we don’t understand shit. So I’m glad she explained to him with pears and apples why was she upset, they are learning to be in a relationship with each other and that was very nice to see?.. read? (For a second there I was very worried I don’t do good with angsty shit)
Second. The.. (I had to ask how to refer to these parts 😂) Smut, it was fun.. I bet there’s a lot more that my man wanted to do. I get you Yoongi, I do also have a bit of a possessive trait.. which is not bad right? Right? 😂 I bet that when they are alone and able to explore this a bit farther it will get even more.. risqué 😂 (love that word) and I have to say.. his reaction? The things he did..? The things he said..? 👍🏻 And.. The things he didn’t do..Hehe..
He has more under his sleeve.. I just know it Because.. yeah 😏😎
Now, I have to mention the infamous chains, and I might be projecting here but I want to say that those chains have more meaning to Yoongi than to reader. isn’t Yoongi in his own way.. claiming reader? And I mean claiming her in the way of.. he is telling the world that that woman right there is his to love and to care for, that she has a person that will go to the depths of hell for her? I think it’s not only hot as fuck for him to see her wearing his shit, I think it goes beyond that.. am I wrong? I don’t think so.. because If it is.. I get it. There’s no feeling like it.
Sorry for the long ass message.. again 😂
If this doesn’t make sense blame it on the Macallan. And to Ki, she started with the drinking on fucking Sunday, because “B.. The last of Us first episode is tonight! We can’t be sober.. that shit it’s gonna be epic!”😂 I don’t get her logic.
Anyways, I hope you had fun during the holidays.
Great work as always. Have a wonderful evening.
Kind regards ✌🏻
P.S. I think brother knows.. 👀 I just have this feeling that he might notice more than what we all think, something about his behavior makes me think..
I’m a bit too invested on this story 😂 ✌🏻
BOOK!! HELLO! It’s been awhile I’m so happy to hear from you (with a side of Ki!😂) You two are just so cool I swear. How did you enjoy TLOU? I’m caught up and it’s so dang gOOD. Pass the Macallan!! Which one did y’all have?👀 we’re going under a cut bc I have lots to say again!
I definitely understand being apprehensive about reader’s attitude and overall demeanor! It’s quite different from all the times before and leads to some head scratching and possible nail biting. But once we come to find out exactly why there’s a whole war inside their head, it makes sense (without excusing actions.)
Also, there is a reason I had Yoongi act like this too because I know for a fact what you say about Men needing things to be spelled out🤣 it truly was that whole “I have no idea what you’re talking about so please say exactly what it is” type thing for him. Because on his end, we all know how he feels about reader! He could never do anything to hurt our beloved overthinker, not intentionally🥺 I’m glad reader was able to actually voice everything because this could’ve been a lot messier.
FUUUUUU I’m so stoked to know you liked the spice!! (Lmfao it is smut but we can use anything to describe it here I’m pretty loose with the terms. Spice is my go-to word for it in asks.) And it was quite interesting to see Yoongi like this, huh.. God, I want them to explore more so bad but alas. I shall exercise patience💀 he certainly has a lot more up his rolled-up sleeves..👁️
As for the chains commentary: I WANNA CRY😭 you have a pretty good take on them is all I’ll say for now but I won’t lie this part of your message made me tear up😭😭 we know from Dal Segno that his protectiveness went up exponentially during the time bro was gone, so maybe what you say has a ton of merit.. just imagining him seeing them on reader makes me all too mushy inside :’))
Suuuuper intriguing take on bro🫣 and I love the fact that you’re invested in this story! Makes me happy to know, and thank you for all of this amazing insight from your perspective!!
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underburningstars · 2 years
Morbius takes Loki to see (fat, future) thor
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The conversation between Loki and Thor is inspired by a fanart I once saw in pinterest but I can't find it now. So if anyone knows please inform me.
on ao3
Pairing : Loki & Thor, Loki/Mobius
Tags : Hurt/Comfort, fix-it of sorts, reunion
"Are you ever gonna tell me where are we going?" Loki asked probably for the hundredth time.
"You'll know in a minute. Have some patience, Loki." Mobius answered in his a exasperated voice.
"No, I didn't wake up 5 in the morning for you to kidnap me to some unknown place!" Loki stomped his feet, "Tell me where we are going."
"I was taking you to see your brother." Mobius sighed, "Which was supposed to be a surprise. But you wouldn't be Loki if you weren't difficult, right?"
Loki kept looking at him with a blank face. "We're not going to see my brother." He suddenly said.
"Well, we're not. You are."
"I am not going to see my brother."
"What? Why not? You said you wanted to see him." Mobius frowned.
"I said, I haven't seen him in a long time. Not that I wanted to see him." Loki clarified.
"So you don't want to see him?"
"I don't say that." Loki denied.
Mobius closed his eyes and took a deep breath, collecting all the patience he had, "Last chance, Lokes. I take you to see him or we don't see him at all. Which one?"
Loki blinked at Mobius a few times before saying, "Okay, I'll go."
Just as Mobius is about to use the TemPad to open a Timedoor, Loki stops him by pulling him into a kiss. Mobius instinctually pulls him closer, deepening the kiss. They break apart with a gasp, breathless from the intensity of the kiss.
"What was-hah-that for?" Mobius asks while catching his breath.
"You know," Loki says, equally breathless, "a thank you."
Mobius laughs and shakes his head fondly. Even after being together for so long, he can't believe Loki still gets awkward with showing affection.
"Okay, I'm ready now." Loki said with a determined and slightly manic look on his face. And Mobius opened to Timedoor.
I should really cut down my drinking, is something Thor thinks everyday but never carries out.
Right now he's more sober than he has for weeks, sitting on the edge of a cliff and thinking what his life has become. The result of his thought process is unsatisfactory enough that he wants to get drunk again.
All of a sudden, he hears a noise hehind him and looks over his shoulder and sees Loki standing there. He blinks a few times and looks head again. "Ah, hallucinations. Just another thing to add on the list of things wrong about me."
"Brother." He hears his hallucination say but doesn't turn around again. He feels so worthless and thinks that he can't even hallucinate properly. Loki never calls him this tenderly, hasn't since they were kids.
"Brother, look at me." the hallucination pleads, another thing that's wrong with it.
"Go away." Thor sighs, "Leave me alone. You're not even real."
"I am real, brother. Look at me."
Thor groans - annoyed and angry with his own mind for playing such cruel tricks on him - and throws a small rock at the hallucination hoping it would just vanish.
Instead he just hears a petulant 'ow'.
He turns his body back so quickly he almost gets a whiplash. "What kind of trickery is this?"
Loki raises his hands up in a calming gesture, "I can explain!" he insists, "maybe?" and then flatters. "I promise no tricks this time brother. It's really me."
Thor staggers on his feet as he gets up, "What? How...?"
Loki winces a bit, "It's quite a long story. And quite complicated too an-"
Thor feels burning anger build within him nd yanks Loki by his collar, "How many times will I have to watch you die?!" he yells and lois eyes widen in shock. "Just to have you prance back as if nothing ever happened?! I thought I had lost everything! Mother, then father and then our home. And you were...you were..." Thor flatters, feeling bone deep exhaustion creeping in. "Do you enjoy this?" his hands loosen on Loki's collar, "Watching me suffer."
"No, no brother. I'm so sorry." Loki's voice was desperate. "I-I don't know how to explain this. I am aware of everything that had happened but-but that Loki and I...we're not the same. I'll explain everything to you. But right now I really want you to know that I am here because I want to be. Because I missed you so much. Just believe this one thing."
He eyed Loki for a minute and then pulled him into a hug. He missed his brother so much. "You're lucky. That my wish to hug you is greater than throwing you off the cliff."
Loki circled his arms around him, hugging him in a way they did when their world was simple and filled with games and pranks. "Yes, I am very lucky."
When they finally pulled back both their eyes were watery, "I need an explanation with all the details. Don't you dare leave anything out."
"I won't. But in return tell me why you've gained so much weight."
"Yes yes, I'll tell you. But not a story you'll like." They both moved to sit on the edge of the cliff, looking over the sunrise.
"Yeah, well. You won't like mine too."
True to their words, they absolutely didn't like each other's stories.
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