#gonna do the LC characters too
catmask · 1 month
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#playing #splashing #frolicking
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mobblespsycho100 · 11 months
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how can anyone hate her shes literally an icon she is the moment
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crystalandparrot · 2 months
The Hardest Trial
A Gravity Falls Reader Insert
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Part 1: The Frilly Guy Upstairs
Bill is OOC!! He will be growing as a character that he probably wouldn't otherwise and if you have a problem with it, don't read. It's not a romantic story, it's just what I thought would happen if he was FORCED into this situation. This is an insert, I was gonna make it into an OC, but I don't know if people want that. If you do, I'll switch it up. Enjoy :)
"Look, from one God to another, who cares I tried to kill those brothers? They're all ants, it's all a game. Let's press restart and try again! I'm too cool and fun to die, just give this angle one more Tri."
With a sigh, the AXOLOTL spoke, "You cannot regrow through denial. You'll have to face my hardest trial. See my program to the end then you may yet live again."
Bill laughed, pain erupting through his body as he giggled. "What? Am I fighting demons? Eating ghosts?"
"You're getting what you need the most. One way to absolve your crimes. To change your form will take some time." The AXOLOTL blinked slowly.
Bill felt a white, tingly feeling start at his feet and crawl up. Bill couldn't believe his luck! Man this salamander was an idiot! All he had to do was fake a tear or too and he was home free! Whatever kind of challenge it was Bill could handle it! He was UNDEFEATED in combat, there's no way he wouldn't win. With a joyful expression, Bill shook the AX's hand. It was a deal!
X ilkb zefia ibcq tfqelrq zxob
Obsbxiba ql yb x clodlqqbk ebfo
Vlr jrpq molqbzq rkqfi peb'p lc xdb
Lkiv qebk zxk vlr jxhb qeb buzexkdb
For the first time in his existence, Bill was awoken peacefully with quiet music. He sluggishly blinked his eye opened—popping it open when he felt a squeeze around his body. Frantically, Bill looked around, pupil narrowing on a chubby arm hugging him to a small, plushy body—a baby.
"WHAT?!" Bill shouted suddenly, ripping himself from the chubby arms of the sleeping infant. As suspected, the baby began to cry from the unpleasant disturbance. Its arms reached out, looking for its angular cuddle buddy in desperation. Fat tears rolled down the round, rosy cheeks while wails of sadness left the lips of the baby in front of Bill.
Without warning, the door burst open and in ran two humans, both frantic and sweaty. Bill recognized one of these humans, the taller woman who was holding a hand to her chest to calm her racing heart. He supposed the other female was her wife or spouse of some sort, a shorter female who's eyes glanced around for any possible threat to the infant's physical form, completely on edge with a golf club in hand.
"Peri, it's fine, the baby probably just had a nightmare." The taller female walked to the crib, breath still slightly uneven.
"Well, well, well, nice to finally meet you face to face Raindrop! The name's Bill—"
"Look, she's fine." The taller female held up the baby gently.
Bill blinked at the woman and briefly flushed red, "Look, lady, I don't take kindly to being ignored—"
"Yeah, I guess." The shorter female (Peri, if Bill recalled correctly) dropped the club and approached the two humans.
"Mindscape. It's still the Mindscape..." Bill said flatly. He closed his eye and rubbed the eyelid, much like how Ford used to rub the bridge of his nose when his glasses started to hurt. "Alright, I can work with Mindscape. I just have to enter a mind of an innocent, impressionable being and influence them to forever serve their one lord and master for all eternity." Bill snapped his fingers, "Piece of cake."
Hearing a giggle, Bill's pupil shot over to the small human that was being gently placed in the crib. He floated over to the crib, joining the parents gazing upon the chubby flesh bag. Once Bill peered over the railing, the baby's eyes shot to him and a large, boneless smile stretched on the baby's fat cheeks. With "grabby" hands to Bill, the baby began forming the letter B and mimicking the sound of said letter.
"Aww, you want your Baba?" The tall woman asked, giving the baby a yellow pacifier. The baby took it gratefully and dropped its arms, but its eyes still stared intensely at Bill.
"Okay, get some sleep, sunspot." The smaller woman kissed the infant on the cheek and began walking out of the room with her partner. "Have you talked to your mom recently?"
"Last week. I have to call her again today, maybe invite her over."
"That'd be nice, I miss Shermie."
Bill was more preoccupied with this infant than the conversation, wondering why this thing of ALL beings in the universe could see him while he lacked a physical form. Soon enough the round doe eyes of the infant closed, its constant sucking on the pacifier lulling it to sleep with comforting familiarity. Only once Bill could hear even breathing from the baby that he could give himself the will to float away.
There had to be something that explained why he was there...but as Bill searched room by room, phasing through walls and drawers for some semblance of a clue, his hope began to die down. Maybe this was the AX's trial, figuring out why he's here. This wasn't Gravity Falls (not that Bill minded, he'd prefer not to be encased by the natural weirdness laws...again), which meant he was no where near his old form, so why?
Bill peeked into the living room, seeing the two women cuddling on the pastel yellow couch, not his favorite shade, but they had nice taste. They were looking into a large family album. They looked to be halfway through it, a picture of Sixer's college gradutation, the nerd was standing there with his PhD(s) in hand and a large stupid smile on his cheeks. Next were two pictures, one of the T.V with Stanley presenting the "Rip-off", the next was an arm, red and splotchy, with the words underneath, 'It gave me rashes'.
"You ever think about calling?" Peri asked, glancing up at her spouse from the spot on her shoulder.
"Sometimes, but I haven't spoken to anyone from that side of my family since my Uncle Stanley died." The taller spouse turned the page. It was a baby picture with the words, "Our little Sunspot : August 30th, 2004"...that was the baby that was currently sleeping in the crib...but that could only mean...
Bill quickly glanced around the room and flew towards the kitchen when he found it. He looked around and finally spotted a classic human time tracker-a calendar. The date most recently crossed off was February 20th, 2005. So either Bill was dealing with some people who really needed to update their decor...
Or Bill went back in time.
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reignof-fyre · 4 months
If Daemon really, truly was Maegor come again like Otto and team green really thought he was, Viserys' reign would have been a lot shorter, just saying.
Because Viserys didn't have a dragon or a son, only a daughter. And if Daemon truly was Maegor come again and wanted the throne as badly as the show writers think he did, he'd have no qualms about being a kinslayer or usurper.
But he didn't. He supported Viserys in the ways he could: as a soldier. He did his job as Commander of the City Watch, gelded rapists, cut off the hands of theives, executed murderers....but this is too much? This is a medieval world where prison time does. Not. Exist.
Also, Daemon only lost his potions on the small council because of Otto. Otto was the one to tell Viserys that Daemon was doing his job incorrectly, so Viaerys fired him. He was then given the post as LC of the City Watch, and he did his job effectively.
Otto claimed it was overly brutal and harsh, but the punishments actually fit the crimes of the time period. And Daemon spent a lot of time in the bowls of Flea Bottom and the smallfolk loved him, and he cared for them. So of course he's gonna go overboard to look after them. He wasn't called Lord Flea Bottom and Prince of the City for nothing.
Also, Daemon gathered an army and used Caraxes to support Viserys' claim at the Great Council, and at this time Daemon likely believed Viserys would have a son. He wasn't supporting Viserys cause it would bring Daemon himself close to the throne, he did it because Viserys is his brother and he loved him.
The show runners of hotd have truly, absolutely done a disservice to the character of Daemon because he is both good and bad, light and dark, the epitome of an anti-hero and morally grey protagonist. The show has made him into some sort of villainous caricature who twirls his villain moustache and cackles weirdly.
It's utterly ridiculous they looked at Daemon from F&B and thought...that is a villain and a villain only.
He's not. He's a morally grey anti-hero who does bad things for what he believes as good reasons and for his family and the people he loves most.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 4 months
Link Click Musical update 173
(Qiao Ling beats Lu Guang to death incident/j)
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Official updates: New visuals for the cast, promotional photos and a video from the photoshoot 🌟
So far only base character/actor photos are published, but some actors are sharing photos from more hmm 'artsy' photoshoot (similar to ones from the beginning of lc-mu). I'll keep an eye out for these and post them in a batch (but if you're curious I share some on twt).
Links in replies: photoshoot video ✨+ guo hongxu & wu hanglu incident 💀
June 1st, noon: Wang Yifei, Wu Yihan, Zuo Yiping
It was Children's Day and it was really cute, along with wyh they were acting extra goofy throught the encore. Like, wyh didn't even try to steal mic from QL, just spun in place. And for 'Dive back in time' you could hear some kids from the audience singing along ^^ Wang Yifei was impressed :>
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June 1st, night: Cai Qi, Wang Minhui, Wu Hanglu
It was a standard cq&wmh encore except different QL actress >> Wu Hanglu couldn't enable their usual fight on the table, so she pushed them off ><
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^ bonus photos from Cai Qi's Children's Day post
June 2nd, noon: Cao Muzhi, Zhu Hanbin, Zuo Yiping
Not much video material from then 😔 But look at how happy cmz is 🥺
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June 2nd, night: Ji Xiaokun, Guo Hongxu, Wu Hanglu
It's when 'Lu Guang fucking dies 2nd incident' happened 😶 Seems like Wu Hanglu chose violence this week >< So when ghx introduced her as Deng Xianling, she wasn't having any of it. Dude had to run for his life, but she dragged him back along with the basketball cart he was clinging to ><' (seriously, just watch it it's so funny <3)
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^ Zhou Bobo is so ready for the drama >:)
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June 3rd: Ji Xiaokun, Guo Hongxu, Cai Lu
They added a silly game to the regular rock, paper, scissors, where the looser got slapped on a cheek ><
Ji Xiaokun refuses to cup his mic for 'Dive back in time' but moves his hands all around ghx's head when he sings. To be fair, why should he bother when he has such a lovely assistant to cover it for him 😊?
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Look at this ethereal Ji Xiaokun photo and forgive my delay orz
Housekeeping: I know this update is old news, BUT THERE IS TOO MUCH HAPPENING, I'm gonna need to cover 3 debuts and the photoshoot visuals and ghx's cxs role and- listen... go to my twt @/niebo_sgdlr or lc 18+ discord musical channel to get fresh news, okay? the updates are to document the musical in an organised package and it's impossible to do them fast ><'
Nobody has ever complained, so idk why I'm always apologising about being late. But just so you know, there are other places to get the news 🤲 AND I'm super happy people are using the masterlist to find stuff on their own, proud of you all 💖
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no1ryomafan · 3 months
now it’s time for no reason at 2 fucking am for me to give my opinions about every mega man series ✨ (again this is my opinion and also my time to expose how much of a fake fucking fan I am in some regards) imma go in chronological release order to my memory.
Classic: I don’t hate it but I’m the only person who doesn’t feel strongly about it. I just can’t get invested into not only the gameplay but any of the robot masters besides a select few-I’m sorry I just don’t see the appeal-I do like the significant characters like rock, roll, blues and bass obviously, and learning about what influenced mega man as a whole made me appreciate it a little more but I don’t advise it as the series people should get into or like they don’t need to play every single game cause it suffers the most from being samey. (Really just play 11, but I also say this as the only classic game I actually finished 💀) Liked the Archie comics though and wish it continued… Tempo was neat.
X: Mixed feelings galore oh booooy. X and Zero shaped me to be the person who I was for ALL the wrong reasons- I still ship XZero I’ll just never admit to it cause if it’s a overrated pair and the fans can be bad, I just love the most basic fucking yaoi pairs. I like a lot of the other characters like Vile, Axl, Iris-for little she gets-etc. Besides that the X series has been tainted for me cause MAN it has the worst fandom out of the series. I’m sorry X fans are so fucking vicious and I don’t know why, I sometimes wonder if you guys like your own series even if I get it’s super flawed. X discussion can get so annoyed at points especially with the crowd of “oh the games after X5 suck so I don’t count them as canon” (yes people like that fucking exist. Ignoring how X6 CHANGE THE SCOPE OF HOW MMZ1 CAME TO BE) X is definitely that series of “interesting ideas but bad execution” wish MHX got to continue cause the first game had potential to fix the story. Also I never beat a single game but I keep telling myself I’ll beat X1 or X4…
Legends: The only series I haven’t played whatsoever BUT I did watch the cutscenes so I’m up to speed on the lore. Really find the lore cool and the characters are charming, it’s just a series that’s hard to talk about cause it’s all “WHERES MEGA MAN LEGENDS 3” and man I get being salty about that sequel being canned and I wish it happened too but can we talk about the actual series… Also Roll Caskett best Roll don’t @ me.
Battle Network: Okay controversial time this is the Mega Man series I give the least fucks about and it’s gonna shock you when you guys see how I feel about Star Force. Idk why but this series just- doesn’t appeal to me. I want to give it a chance, before the LC even came out I got BN5DS but I didn’t like liberation missions so never got passed the first one, and I still never got the LC and heck is the only LC I didn’t get because I’m sorry no matter HOW much you tell me BN good the pricing is not worth it. I couldn’t be bothered to get into the anime or manga too. Idk just mega man but ai seems like a cool idea and I don’t mind it being a rpg it’s cool mega man changed what it was yet still retained its appeal but BN doesn’t do it for me. It might just be because of the designs and characterization honestly.
Zero: Another mixed bag but NOWHERE near as bad as MMX, and this one I did finish! I like a lot aspects of Zero the story telling and the refinements to the gameplay but the reason I can’t be super invested is when people consider it the best part of the franchise when all of the games have a glaring flaw. I love Z1, it’s unironically my favorite but it’s also the most flawed entry, Z2 is overhated but you can also tell this game was rushed, which it was, Z3 is considered the best and it’s good but I think it’s overhyped to shit-X4 has the same issue tbh-it makes good changes but it’s level design threw me off even if it’s more fixed than Z2 and *sigh* Z4 was a necessary ending narratively but I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT. (Don’t make me talk about Z4, very few things make me mad like that game- it only gets some points for making me cry at the ending even when I knew what was going to happen though) Also the fandom opinions about the story aspect of this game makes me not trust anyone LOL. Zero is better written here then mmx and Ciel doesn’t deserve hate don’t @ me! Anyways my favorite asshole here is Harpiua. Basic pick but I just wanna put him in a jar and shake him.
ZX: YIPPPPPIE- Sorry that was the sound of me getting excited about my favorite entry of the series. I love this game- so much it’s unreal. Everything about it I fucking adore. Art style, characters, music, gameplay, THE LORE even if it’s something they didn’t expand on enough I still love the setting of ZX. Biometals are such a cool concept that I can’t be mad at the idea of X and Zero being rocks unlike other people, there’s so much potential with them. I will always be sad ZXC never happened but the games we got are so replayable to me and I go on a monthly replay- yes I have a problem LOL. I don’t really have a favorite between them- I def get why people prefer the first game but advent isn’t that bad you guys just suck. Favorite character is hard I love everyone. (I’m kidding, it’s Prometheus. But I do like everyone)
Star Force: So remember how I said my opinions on this would confuse you about why I don’t care for BN? Yeah it’s because I’m the one mega man fan who isn’t a coward and also fucking ADORES this series LOL. I understand it’s a huge diversion from mega man and BN at least still uses some characters but I think star force not having AU characters is why I like it more- and also I’m biased for aliens LOL. Omega-Xis one of the best characters in this series and you guys fucking sleep on him, love the general cast too though. Star Force 1 is also a game that means a lot to me, the story touch me and made me cry like Z4. Honestly I’d like it more then ZX if it weren’t for the fact I don’t fuck with the gameplay too hard cause I never replayed it and story wise it really peaked at 1. I don’t think star force 2 is as bad as everyone saids but I get why people don’t like it, star force 3 has the X4/Z3 problem: good but still has plenty of flaws. There’s a lot of changes 3 made I didn’t like and while the story was decent there was some missed potential. The ending was really nice though but after how some aspects of 3 turned out I couldn’t give a shit if star force 4 happens, if I’m being honest it’s the one canceled game I’m glad didn’t happen cause I think it could’ve actually ruined the series. (Sorry I don’t fuck with the geo being bad plot, it sounded like ass) Also yes if you ask I DO own all the games physically cause I’m fucking insane lol.
So given like- 3 of series I really finished I can’t really rank them but I just wanted to yap and give my opinion. Maybe one day I’ll try battle network or beat a x game…
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atomicfroot · 1 year
LC-AP-12 “Art Gallery”
Here is my latest Limbus Branch!!!
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Idk man all these people are insane
Their main sources are not based on books but rather half of them is based on paintings while the other half is based off of art horror projects! They are created as a experimental branch of Limbus company, due to it being merged as two branches into one (Their old colleagues are gone). Other than collecting The Golden Boughs, they also have another side mission, and that is to protect their manager (I know that’s probably a given with al limbus branches but they were actually assigned/specifically asked to do this)
The characters and their sources!!
Manager: Jubel
Guide: Max - Max Headroom
1. Narcissus - Narcissus
2. Takiyasha - Takiyasha and the Skeleton Spectre
3. Marsyas - The Punishment of Marsyas
4. Soñador - The Persistence of Memory
5. Lancelot - Death and the Miser
6. Medusa - Medusa
7. Cardia - The Gross Clinic
8. Angelus - Monument Mythos
9. Liberta - Monument Mythos
10. Daisy - Daisy Brown
11. Pieyama - Lomando
12. Gabriel - Mandela Catalogue
Their revival mechanic is kinda weird? Because it involves paintings (wow shocker LMAO) When defeated, they turn into paintings/or VHS tapes. Think of it as their own little portal world thing that they go in to heal (Has to deal with their old branch manager’s abilities)
Jubel, having to touch up the paintings or fix the VHS tapes THEN stick his arm in there and try to pull them out(For the sinners who turn into VHS tapes, the extra step for them is just to play them on a TV screen in order to reach them)
I’m gonna try and post on tumblr more + you guys will probably get massive dumps of their lore too
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tinartss · 1 year
i forgot to ask but have you watched the link click finale yet and if so what are you thoughts?? cause um. it got us to top 3 trending (very shook moment). anyway love all your art <3
omg hi anon!!! tysm!! <33 man the finale was so good😭😭😭😭 100% deserving of that trending lu guang tag HAHA thank u for asking i’ll give u an excerpt of my live reaction right after the ep ended (source being my notes app). very much unfiltered and incoherent so prepare to hear me repeat myself like five times LMAO
‘i love protective hypocritical selfish lu guang LIKEEEE oo ITS SO GOOD. what if him constantly restating The Rules to cxs was partly borne out of him worrying abt cxs’s death node not particularly the death nodes of the ppl in the photo. like ‘cxs don’t do anything stupid you’ll change a death node’ = ‘cxs don’t do anything stupid i’m scared you’ll err too close to ur death node’. ARGHH god i love it there’s gonna be so much drama if cxs finds out that lgs been the biggest hypocrite of allllll time IM SO EXCITED god . desperate lg living thru another timeline terrified of cxs’s death willing to die for him sacrifice timelknes for him do anything to keep him alive all for the boy he loves…….LIEUEUUETO EIWUW i’m so ill. i need to know everything….how many timelines has this man lived thru…s2 is truly buildup for s3 and i’m so excited like pls give us more trio content🙏🙏 curious abt hatman ofc but preferably he stays a side character LOL’
anywho i can't believe the animatic i made at the beginning of the season aged (mostly) well…am thinking of making some new adjustments to the end of it for funsies….we will see what happens 🤞🤞 and i also rlly wanna do a kavetham shiguang au based off of the finale….*shakes fist* i need to see irrational alhaitham….unsure of how large the venn diagram intersection is between kavetham enjoyers and shiguang enjoyers who’ve finished the s2 finale but this one is for u 🫡🫡 (if i actually get time to draw it LOL)
sorry that was so long HAHA but feel free to share ur thoughts as well! love hearing abt everyone’s collective lc brainrot <33
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originalocshowdown · 1 year
Original Original OC Showdown!
Just going to start off with that I am NOT intentionally copying @original-character-championship! This was an idea that’s been floating around in my head for awhile.
Do YOU have good enough memory to remember your very first OC, whether it be the first oc you made for a certain fandom or maybe even your very very first OC ever? Do YOU have a very cringey OC that you’d like to forget about but can’t?
Well, this is the poll for you!
To begin, here are a few rules...
--> Please, NO canon characters! I don’t care from what media, but none of that. This is for OCs only. (On that note, if your OC is from an anime/game/other type of thing feel free to enter them!)
--> Absolutely NO real life fcs! Including celebrities/streamers! Picrews ARE allowed as long as you give credit in propaganda or mention that it’s a Picrew!
--> NO trash talking! I do NOT want to cause fights between fandoms!
--> NO being rude to me or anyone else possibly running this! WE are people too and do not wish to be harassed or ban anyone from this tournament! If your character didn’t get in, you probably submitted them too late!
--> Mary Sues and Gary Stus are WELCOMED and ENCOURAGED! We’re here to laugh and cringe at our very first attempts at making OCs! (on that note, I’m gonna be submitting one of my own, very cringey OCs, so we can laugh at me too!) --> I won’t be choosing who’s paired up against who, so please don’t be mad! It will be decided via wheel!
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✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ 
@akane-showdown ! @original-character-championship ! @pinkandbluebracket ! @a3outfitstournament ! And many others!
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
@greensaint ! @vexxzyi ! @glassthelocalgremlin ! @feral-bird-enjoyer ! @lc-is-bored ! @f1avovitta ! @foxes81ofanime ! @drowzydeer ! @gayforjuza ! 
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stunie · 13 days
GOAT HAHAHA NOOO ITS A DEER AND SO TRUE IT WAS TRULY ANNOYING!!! I REMEMBER WHEN THAT PATCH WAS RELEASED THEY HAD TO NERF THE DEER LOLL and yess i hope you enjoy omg !!! do share your thoughts as you continue playing hsr,, i love reading your cute posts <333 it lowkey brings back my own brainrot since lord knows i haven't opened that game in awhile ( irl responsibilities breaking my back 😞)
also don't be afraid of any possibile mischaracterization!!! knowing you, you’d definitely hit the mark no matter what <3 do it at your own pace and we WILL be awaiting and ready to devour whatever you choose to share ‼️
aand yess i like jing yuan !!!! (too much for my own sanity.. he had me doing rituals and shit back in feb for me to get him (after making me loose my 5050 AND THEN coming at like 82 something pity 💔 but thankfully i got his lc on accident at 12 pity so.. i forgave him)) but truly he's so adorable i really used to log in just to stare at him for awhile and then log out.. IT WAS BAD FOR ME HAHAHAH && yes you're right he's absolutely sweet, the sweetest of them all. his idles are so adorable too 😞 cute sparrows always around him.. he's so.. heart eyes..
have you met bailu yet? jy always goes to meet her once a year under the guise of a full body checkup which he most definitely doesn't need (bailu’s words) and brings with him the most delicious foods from all over the loufu that bailu loves 😭😭 bailu usually runs away from the commission where she’s strictly kept so this is basically her getting a whole day as a break where she can happily eat all the delicious food as much as she wants and jy also asks about how she’s doing and her health and stuff LIKEEE i swear you think you can't fall more in love with him AND THEN HE PROVES U WRONG 😭😭💔
i'm sorry for rambling too much TT
🤍🤍🤍^ ^ HIHI
ITS A DEER. OOPS. THEY ALREADY NERFED THE DEER ?? NO BC AS SOON AS I SAW “phase 2” AND THE HEALTH WENT UP I WAS LIKE nooooooo stoppp😭😭😭 ur so sweet sjsjsnmdm im glad those posts are fun!! most of my friends in uni don’t play / watch anything so i only have u all to share the chaos with🥺
EEEE AAAAA i’ve been so excited to write for them !! i’m still able to write for wind breaker… but it’s been taking me a lot longer. for hsr i literally cranked out an entire drabble in under an hour— without pausing to take a break and rewatch scenes for inspo or anything !! i had a lot of fun with that one :’) ur so sweet hsmsmsndn ughhh i love you
IM GONNA BE HONEST I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT U SAID ABOUT THE NUMBERS AND STUFF BUT LFGGG 🎉 U GOT HIM THOIGH THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS!! please you’re so cute talking about him like that :’) i have to learn his character for u anon omg. i must. THE SPARROWS SHSMMS he was so gentle with them too !!! and he looked so peaceful gardening n all. so excited. i love your love for him
BAILU? IS THAT THE DRAGON NURSE? i met her i think !!! and are you fr. that is the cutest thing i’ve read all day. an unnecessary full body check up and he brings snacks and gives her a well deserved break ): please ): i love this planet a lot. they’re all so cute
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findafight · 1 year
For that ask game: 8, 10, 24
Also, something I hate in fics is how some have everyone talk in therapy speak. Like have you seen these kids? The closest any of them have come to therapy is maybe Will after S1 with the lab saying it was to talk about how he was feeling, but it was more to understand the effects of the Upside Down. These kids do not have a detailed understanding of mental illnesses, symptoms, or coping strategies. (And even worse, it's everyone but Steve talking in therapy speak because he's written as too dumb to understand anything?)
Choose violence asks
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
oooh I've see more than I thought I would robin not being touchy. it's often accompanied by Eddie being touchy, which is probably true. While I think she's picky and possibly gets overwhelmed, I really do think she's so clingy with Steve. She doesn't like people she barely knows touching her but Steve's her pal! her rotten soldier! her sweetest of cheeses! She is going to be all over him she's gonna tuck her arm through his, she's going to fall asleep on him! sometimes yes I think she would be cuddling and go "ah. no more for me too much thank you" because sometimes you just need to not be touched but it's not all the time. I love steve and robin being sillies hanging off each other :)
10. worst part of fanon
ohhh uhg. idk. not a fan of when folks make pre s1 steve some mega bully? like he and tommy and carol just didn't register people outside their bubble existed. Robin says this! He wasn't shoving people into lockers or calling them slurs, he was just abivalent and ignored them or laughed if he heard they did something embarrassing. They picked on jon because of the pictures, the graffitti was stupid and hurtful, and steve said everything he did likely because he knew it was horrible to say and wanted a fight. He wanted to rile Nancy and Jon up! He was wrong and he knew it, he tried to fix it and then apologized. Doesn't make it okay but also doesn't mean he went around doing that kind of thing every week? Idk people try to make him cliche 80's hs bully when he was just some popular guy who didn't know the names of a lot of his class mates
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
uhhhhhh blr. while i like the ship, some folks are like. waaaay too invested in it being canon, the most epic love story on tv, created from the start by brilliant writers who planned it from the beginning ,to the point of trying to gatekeep the ship because they think if you don't think it's canon/canon the same way they do you aren't fully acknowledging the depth of the characters and don't actually like the ship. my gosh. tj-lc behaviour. calm down. take a sip of water. watch a different show.
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inconmess · 2 years
Ok. Prefacing this, I know some of the points I mentioned here will overlap with stuff already posted and speculated but this is also my POV and not really leeching off their ideas. (probably you guys wouldn't really care but I have run into problems of "plagiarism" and don't want to risk it)
So the cast split up. Brilliant move, truly. For the sake of convenience, Orym, Ashton and Laudna are the ES (Emotionally Sane) and while Chetney, Fearne, FCG and Imogen are LC (Lost Chaos)
Putting everything under cut cuz this is a long ass post
First, covering the main things about the split up:
LC has all the healers and senders of the group and is majorly the group which relied on having a tether/required the most support from their "better halves." Fearne needed Orym, Imogen needed Laudna and FCG needed Ashton to guide them because they were all naive in some way or the other in the mechanics of the world. And Chetney was relatively close off until he was thrown back to face his past. This group essentially lost the "mature and protective people."
Now for ES. This group consists of people who have their own issues and relied on the fact that people relied on them to cope. They were protectors, the front liners in battle (mostly) and are possibly the masters of avoiding, deflecting and repressing shit. Yeah, they all talk about their shit to each other, Ashton and his regular talks with Laudna, Ashton checking up with Orym... Well, Orym talking when someone asks. But they all are repressing stuff really bad no matter how much they portray talking about it, they have their bouts of silent panic and insecurities and every single fucking shit and this separation is gonna take a toll on that. This group essentially lost its "distraction/support people/the reason they actually held onto their sanity."
Where are they:
Team LC - Uthodurn. Chetney's homeplace, close to his personal shit and FCG's too.
Team ES - Personally, I think they can be in Terrah, for some reason I always think about the "missing week of EXU and the crater" or Issyylra. Not in Marquet or Wildmount as far as I consider it.
(On a side note, I stand corrected, the wrap-up mentioned a pregame with a crater and not a chasm but I mixed the two of them up. Sorry for all the posts I had mentioned it on)
Team LCs: a lot of lore dump, history dump and characters dealing with their personal history while Imogen and Fearne come to terms with how the ritual of Ludinus is going to affect them, Imogen in particular being an exaltant. Does her powers diminish? Vanish? Does it change and mutate? Does the whole thing affect Fearne in some way? She wasn't an exaltant but was Ruidus born nonetheless.
Possible happening of getting a depressed Fearne cuz Orym was her halfling and the lack of their relationship with Ashton so she really doesn't have someone to balance her nature out. Like yeah, Chetney and her have a great relationship in and of itself and while we haven't seen it much onscreen, Imogen and FCG too, but I feel like her main circle was Orym and Ashton so she is definitely going to struggle with that. And take drastic wahs to cope with this loss too, eventually without anyone keeping her in check. Might also become a handler for the group eventually, but not initially.
Imogen will have to deal with her dissonance probably. Reevaluate a lot of stuff. The beliefs of her mom. The reassimilation with her powers depending on whether it's mutated, changed or gone as stated before. And even if it is unchanged, rethinking about her powers, strengthening herself. And not to mention, her dreams. Are they still there? How do they change? And how does she cope without Laudna when she get them?
Chetney's past. Period. And how he needs to control the wolf around this place, especially if the hunters are out there. He has control over it, more than anyone expects, yes. But can he have full control over it? Is that something which is possible for him? Technically his favourite target had been Orym but he wasn't here now. Can he handle his path and learn more about his wolf and control over it at the same time?
FCG is... Well, he has the Aeorean ruins for one, getting to discover more about his own kind and is definitely probably going to have another episode and I am counting on it, tbh. I am expecting each and every one of them to blow up in a certain way. And if they meet up with the Darrington Brigade, his relationship with Dotty is something I wanna see!
Team ES: Probably head-on smashes with Ashton's past and personal history, info dump and lore dump on that. Or they are near the Crown Keepers and get to deal with a rogue Opal. Laudna wondered what happened to Pate. Well, first they do need to figure out where they are anyways, and how to fucking communicate and get shit done.
Orym has his guilt and all three of them are spiralling in worry. He comes to know of the cause of the death of Will and Derrig, witnesses Keyleth almost killed by Otohan, failed in disabling the backpack and also was partly the reason Keyleth came there in the first place, luring in the Champion and providing Ludinus with what he needed. And so many regrets and guilt and just the fact that he has been separated from Fearne, who had in her weird sociopathic Fey way been his anchor, was now gone and nothing was to be known on what was up with everyone and is so worried that I am pretty sure he is gonna have a meltdown and go apeshit if he has to also help deal with Ashton's past because he is at that threshold and is barely hanging from the edge of it and really really needs people right now. The wee halfling deserves to go apeshit, blow up and break down, please!
Laudna... I honestly don't know apart from the fact that being separated from Imogen is going to deeply impact her cuz as far as I know, Imogen was the first person to accept her for who she was and they were just on the cusp of developing their relationship and she is worried for Imogen for the most part. Oh and maybe Delilah shows up again!
Ashton, I am rooting for him having to confront his past the most, a possible meet up with the Nobodies, if possible and their overall worry over the whole group, but especially FCG and Fearne. A possible breakdown and apeshit on the horizon along with some memory problems I believe. Not to mention them trying to find a way to find out more about the Dunamis shit that's going around, probably that also messes with their head a little bit...
Possible faces we can see:
The Crown Keepers (secretly rooting for them), Darrington Brigade, Possibly members of VM and M9, a few past NPCs (sorry I haven't watched much of the other two campaigns so maybe you can tag a few of the names you expect to see?
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luckystarchild · 6 months
E (other than kei)
E: What character do you identify with most?  
I see why you said "other than Kei," because that answer is MUCH too easy, haha. Probably Minato. Having to figure out your identity and gender mid-life is tough.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
There's a lot of stuff I read (and dabble in writing) that I do not post about on this account... but I'm not gonna tell you what they are! :P I'd probably call those things my "guilty pleasures," but not out of a true sense of "guilt" or shame. I've developed a personal brand on here, and I'm keenly aware that those interests don't align with that brand. I've tested the waters on a few occasions, but I experienced some pushback/judgement, so I just keep things separate as a result. Makes it easier on everybody, I think, and I like that I'm able to be lightly unhinged elsewhere without anyone raising eyebrows. (Haha!)
Q: Do you like getting prompts from your readers?
For general head-canons and stuff, sure. At one point I was answering a lot of prompt requests on my sideblog, but I don't have much time for it right now. I do not enjoy getting prompts for Lucky Child itself. That story is fully planned and plotted, and it has been since Day 1. A few people have offered to "help [me] figure the ending out," to the point of sending me unsolicited outlines for the ending, but I had to politely decline their offers. The main LC storyline is not up for collaboration, prompts, or any other kind of influence. HOWEVER, I'm OK with getting prompts for LC omake/extras/bonus scenes and other additional materials. Those are fun and I enjoy that kind of prompt a lot!
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
I don't ship canon characters with any degree of passion, so nope! Not really interested in pairings as a general rule. I do have some ideas for OC/canon fics in my head for various fandoms and characters, but I don't have any real plans to write those stories on this account. Too busy with LC, and at this point, LC is just my personal brand. Not too interested in branching out after this, y'know?
Thank you so much for the ask, anon!
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 8 months
3, 13, 19 for hot takes game? more curious about hsr but Genshin works too 👀
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i dont have screenshots, since i see a bad take, see red, then block but i remember a Few:
op saying that dan heng shouldn't have to acknowledge anything about dan feng since its ableist to force people to confront their trauma
various people making edits of the ratiorine/aventio LCs with kaveh & al haitham
op saying renheng is boring and unoriginal then proceeds to rb dancae fanart for the next 10 minutes
13. worst blorboficiation
i answered this one already but im doubling down on aventurine here. even if he does end up having some sort of fucked up tragic backstory theres no reason to treat him as a poor trapped victim of the IPC who needs to be rescued (this was also a bad take i saw) and while i do think bratty bottom aventurine works especially since hes obviously an annoying little shit. but people are gonna turn his character into either repressed trauma victim needing to be saved OR only existing to look pretty and rile up dr ratio for gay sex i do like the ship tho, and read them both as switches. but bratty snarky aventurine is such a good flavor, as long as thats not his ONLY personality trait
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like..
i only pretend to be mad that i like a character because im gay for them and it makes me mad ( snow dni i DO hate aventurine i promise) like even 'problematic' characters i like dont make me feel ashamed or horrified. i was on dottoretwt long before lazzo came out and turned him into sexy anime man.
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elibean · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
no need to apologize! this is a great question, thank you for asking! i think i'll go with anime just 'cause it's easiest (i have a MAL and rank every series i watch from 1-10). i originally had movies in here but i think i'm gonna cut them out and just keep it to series and ovas. and "why do you love them" is an AWESOME question I never get! i don't know if i'll be able to explain myself well, but I'll try!
fullmetal alchemist ('03). why? this was pretty much my gateway anime. it's been over 10 years I believe since I've last seen any of it, so it's entirely possible that my opinion has since changed. but i definitely have nostalgia goggles on for it, and i know it is actually good, too haha
2. natsume yuujinchou (specifically seasons 6, 5, 4, and 3). why? some seasons of natsume i have rated higher than others, apparently. natsume is a special show. due to the nature of how long it is, there is the drawback that sometimes it feels like it repeats itself and tells similar stories. but even then it is just such a good story of found family and finding love after a life of strife, and it's just. very good. (i do think it should end soon though before it feels like it's just recycling old stories)
3. made in abyss. why? season 1 still stands out to me above the movie and 2. it was such a special experience. the art, the animation, the background art, the music, it all comes together to create such a fascinating world. the weak point would definitely be its characters, but even then everything else comes together so well that it doesn't really matter. it has one of the best first episodes of any anime (when the sun came up over orth and the music cued in I knew I was hooked) and I also adore season 1's ending; if the show never got a continuation, it could have ended right there and I would have been content (not a lot of other anime can say the same about their endings!).
4. steins; gate. why? it's also been a very long time since i've seen this one, so possible my opinion has changed. still, I remember being super interested after the first episode, and the following 12 that people tend to critique as being "slow" or a "slog" never really felt that way for me. there was always something fun and interesting going on. i compare this one with link click a lot, just because people tend to go the magica route and i firmly believe steins;gate is the better time travel show (though lc isn't over yet so maybe an unfair comparison. still it'd take a LOT for lc to reach anywhere near the heights of steins;gate to me). when okabe goes back over and over to try and save mayuri, i just remember being absolutely floored. really good stuff.
5. vinald saga. why? it's just such a well constructed story. and the author's comments about not wanting a world with war is so interesting, given how violent the first season is. it's really interesting to watch thorfinn grow and change (and i never understood the hate that he was too violent or annoying or a brat? he's just a kid who's lost everything, cut him some slack jeez). i love the last shot of season 1, corny as it is-- all the memories reflected on the dropping knife was great. and askeladd was one of the best villains i've ever seen. he's not even ~morally grey~ or anything; he's pretty strongly in the wrong, but his thinking and motivations and everything are so interesting and compelling. i don't think it's perfect; there are flaws for sure (i wasn't the biggest fan of how in s2 canute just. decides to turn his ships back after a small conversation with thorfinn lol) but it is very good.
6. this boy cuaght a merman. why? ok this one objectively does not deserve a 10. it's a 30minute ova about a boy falling in love with a merman. that's it. it's not incredible or amazing or ground breaking. buuuuuut it's my favorite soubi yamamoto ova and i adore soubi yamamoto and so she's getting a place on this list. she is responsible for animating, storyboarding, backgrounds, directing, etc etc everything in here, it's incredible (and she was only like 25, or something when she did it. fucking bananas). i love her please go check out her works (besides crystallization)
7. noragami. why? ok again probably not objectively THAT good, but this is one of the first anime that got me to read the manga, and here I am some 10 years later (ok a little less than 10 years because I didn't start reading the manga the year it started publishing, I think). noragami's MANGA is incredible and amazing and wonderful. but I do believe (much against the popular opinion amongst noragami manga readers) that the anime is also amazing, and YES that includes season 1. the crew behind it really loved the manga I feel (at least the director did, and there's proof for that) and adapted it faithfully and well. noragami is a story of found family and of turning your life and fate around, and it's very good.
8. she and her cat: everything flows. why? this one is only 4 episodes, 8 minutes each. it tells a story of a 20-something (actually she's still in college iirc) who lives on her own with her cat, and is trying to be an adult. but it's told from the cat's perspective. it's so sweet; the cat comments on how she "grooms herself" (brushes her hair, puts on her interview clothes) and "looks pretty" and things and it is just so great. i love the line (not a direct quote) "she opens that heavy door again today and heads out. on the other side of that door is a somewhat unforgiving, somewhat cruel world. but she's doing her best to learn to love that world. and i love her for that." just....so good (also the show made me cry)
9. yuru camp. why? second iyashikei on this list! SOL/iyashikei is actually my favorite genre of anime, generally speaking, but it can be hard to do it well. yuru camp ABSOLUTELY does it well. i read a commentary once ages ago, about how one of the great things about yuru camp is that the girls are allowed to just... be girls, and it always stuck with me. there's no fanservice, and these girls really feel like real characters who exist. there was another commentary (maybe same one?) about how rin is this introverted, more lonesome character, but she enjoys the solitude. but what's cool about yuru camp is she is never forced to change or become more extroverted; her friends accept her for who she is, nadeshiko will invite her out but not push her, and then sometimes she does go out! and she changes and becomes a bit more social, but never gives up solo camping. AND the more extroverted, outgoing character INSTEAD comes to embrace solo camping! what a cool idea, executed amazingly! so the characters are a strong point here, but the banter and camping is a lot of fun too. i still haven't watched the movie, but i'll get there eventually!
10. odd taxi. why? this one is 100% on the writing. it is so clever and quick-witted, it's a ton of fun to watch. i've never watched any other anime like it. the mystery/thriller aspects are a lot of fun too, and i remember reading reddit threads and theories on this one as it was airing. what was so cool is that they plant subtle hints that you can ABSOLUTELY catch if you have sharp eyes (i likely wouldn't have if it weren't for reading others' theories) and you can know things before characters do. lot of fun.
wow this was so much fun to write up! thank you so much for the question!
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hsr-texts · 1 year
Now I want his e1 too. It seems like a decent buff.
Maybe I'll try my luck on his rerun. I'm all out of pulls and I still haven't got the 5* on the lc banner.
good luck :D i'm definitely gonna have fun playing with his e1 buff on my jing yuan
all his eidolons look quite good honestly like his e6 lets him reduce all-type res on enemies by 20% when casting ult
i'm worried i won't be able to get ren if i lose the 5050 but i suppose then at least i would have a guarantee for dragon dan heng ^^
also... admittedly blade's kit isn't looking entirely good so he's not too big of a priority compared to dragon heng
him being a wind character already discouraged me from pulling since i already have a wind dps (normal dan heng)😅
dragon dan heng would be a little more useful to me because he's an imaginary destruction character. i desperately need more dps characters too bc i had to skip seele and silver wolf to get luocha. plus i would definitely need an imaginary character that can do good damage numbers.
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