#golden paintbrush/myself
missholloween · 18 days
31. A kiss goodbye with Samuel/Margaret
It was early morning. The sun had barely woken up, lazily warming the night’s blues with its yellows and oranges. Samuel Stratford was looking at the sky, lost in thought.
Sunrise had always been one of Samuel’s favorite parts of the day: for a brief fraction of time, the waking world met the dreaming, not quite awake yet. It was a moment of peace, away from the noise of the press or the racket of the streets, way before the world started turning.
During his youth, Samuel used sunrise as a moment to think when something was on his mind. As he grew older, he had to let go of the habit, as his work at the paper stand and later The Sun would steal most of his time.
That morning, though, he found himself with a notebook in his hands and his eyes locked on the sun, which shone brighter than it ever had. Was that part of Lincoln Island’s magic too, those golden lights? Was it another one of the Blazing World’s gifts, far away from his grip? Was it just another wonder for him to witness?
Samuel had been a storyteller for many years, and had learned how to look way before that. Why now was he unable to do it without feeling self-conscious? Why now was he feeling useless? Everyone on the island seemed to be working towards something, a brushstroke in a bigger picture Samuel was just beginning to see. Was there a place for his paintbrush? Or would he just fade beneath the colors of others?
“Some things never change, don’t they? You’re always with your notebook.”
Margaret was leaning at the room’s door, looking at Samuel.
Ever since they had arrived, Margaret hadn’t stayed still. Samuel had never seen Margaret happier, always talking with someone, doing something that would get her closer to her lost memories. Samuel wasn’t quite sure of what she had done, but, by the look on her face and the dirt on her dress, it didn’t seem easy.
“Good morning, Margaret– Or good night? I don’t think I saw you go to bed last night.”
“I was with Sia and my brother out in the fields–”
“Your brother?” Samuel asked, leaving his notebook on the side.
Margaret couldn’t hold her smile. She also couldn’t fight the tears. “Dakkar.” She felt how the name felt right in her mouth, how much she had missed it. “I remembered, Samuel, in the fields!”
Margaret’s glee was contagious. Samuel quickly up and embraced her, holding her close to his chest. He felt Margaret’s grip, as strong as his. He felt her breath on his chest, as well as the tears that ran through her face.
“I’m so happy for you, Margaret.” Samuel noticed his voice was breaking too, although he didn’t know why.
After some seconds the couple separated, sitting near the window at Granite House.
“Tell me everything!” Samuel said, full of enthusiasm. “How was it? Have you remembered everything yet?– Oh! Are there any new magic ways you’ve discovered?” Samuel noticed how his words were getting faster and faster. “… Or maybe tell me how you’re feeling?”
Margaret laughed softly, gently caressing Samuel’s hand. “I feel… I feel like myself. Every time I use my magic, every time I remember something new, I am closer to the person I used to be… And it feels right.”
Samuel couldn’t help but smile. “I’m glad to hear it. There’s so much more for you to discover...”
“There’s so much more for us to discover.” Margaret got closer to Samuel, taking his hands. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you, Samuel.”
“I bet you could’ve found another writer elsewhere–”
“But they wouldn’t be as intelligent, or hardworking, or resilient, or lovely as you are.” Samuel laughed, as Margaret continued talking. “No matter what will happen, I know you’ll be there.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
“It’s so much more than most do.”
Margaret got closer to Samuel and leaned in for a kiss. It was gentle, gentle as he had always been to her. Samuel got closer to Margaret, reducing the distance between both of them. For a moment, nothing would separate them. It felt right. They didn’t let go until Samuel ran out of breath.
“I’ll be going to get some sleep,” said Margaret. “See you in the morning?”
Samuel laughed. “Is that what we’re calling the afternoon now?”
“I guess it is now.” Margaret leaned in and kissed Samuel’s forehead. “Goodbye, Samuel.”
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wutheringcaterpillar · 8 months
Domesticity Series: Part 2 The Move
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Description: Finding a cottage away far away from town, this story delves into the process of moving and falling for someone unexpectedly fast.
Warnings: This Chapter is from William’s pov, fluff,
The tides were turning in this dreadful town. Winter changed gracefully, the leaves budding slowly on the trees, flowers blooming around every corner.
There she was, immaculate and indescribably beautiful. The wind brushed soundly through the dampened stems of grass, the flowers bending ever so gently as I lay watching her gracefully dancing and making funny faces while she held onto the polaroid camera, attempting to take photos of us together in the meadow.
The war had been over for a year now and after my divorce I stumbled upon a cottage house with a price we couldn’t pass up.
The backyard even had an orchard, filled with orange trees, apple trees, berried bushes scattered along the dirt path while various birdbaths and wheelbarrows were standing near and far. 
When we had gone to retrieve our belongings to move, we stopped at the local nursery, purchasing two flowers. One for her, and for myself, planting them side by side near the front of what would be our garden.
We began painting the house with one another before we moved in our belongings. The living room a golden shade of yellow, white curtains draping the window that peered out into the woods of our backyard. To my surprise, she was quite the animal whisperer, creating small talk with the deer from a distance, teaching me how to obtain the friendship of squirrels by offering them peanuts right from the cusp of my hands. I had never seen anything quite like it.
“Haven’t you ever painted before?” She giggled innocently, brushing her wet paintbrush over the tip of my nose. Her nose snickered as she laughed gleefully, noticing that I had been using the color that was intended for our bedroom upstairs.
“Can’t say I have, y’know I could learn many things from you Y/N. Far more than anyone would believe.” She waved me off playfully, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of red, blushing from my compliment before setting down her paintbrush and tugging on my arm, lifting me away from the discolored white baseboards.
“Come. Surely, the first coat needs to dry and those boxes won’t move themselves.” I followed her out to the car, my eyes scanning every movement she made. I had never felt so at ease, so comfortable with a woman and I found myself falling for her every passing second of every passing day. She was truly an angel, and never pretended to be someone she wasn’t. That was one of the things I loved most about her.
With neither of us owning much, it didn’t take long to bring all the boxes inside. She wouldn’t allow me to carry anything for her, she’d insist that I wouldn’t be doing everything alone and I hadn’t believed her until now. It was an unexplainable feeling really. My heart finally feeling as if the voids had been filled by this unexplainably magnetizing woman.
We had finished moving in the evening. The kitchen hadn’t been fully stocked of course, but we’d build as we carried on with our life together. She’d constantly stress and apologize that she didn’t own more than what she had, and I’d have to stop her from talking such non sense. Reassuring her that this journey was just beginning, that we’d be quite alright as long as we had each other.
She’d crack jokes with me, taught me how to play chinese checkers on the hardwood floor while we’d wait for the walls to dry in the living room. Exchange and discuss our favorite works of literature and journalism until she was dozing off into my arms on the couch that we had placed in the center of the room away from the walls so the piece of furniture wouldn’t get wet.
I stared down, really taking in her natural beauty as she slept peacefully, lightly snoring here and there. I knew if I ever told her she was snoring she’d be embarrassed and in disbelief, so I never told her. Tracing her arm gently, I smiled softly to myself, finally feeling a sense of happiness.
There wasn’t a worry or doubt in my mind that I would propose to this woman. I would provide for her to any extent that I could and ensure happiness in her life. She deserved it more than anyone I had ever met. Always so giving and caring, never in a upset mood.
She hadn’t known it yet but when she was at a dentist appointment last week, I had gone ring shopping. I couldn’t explain to you the feeling of being a stranger in a new town. It was quite a relief to understand that no one would be able to spoil the surprise.
Maybe I was moving a bit fast but who’s to put a time on love? You can’t, not when in your heart, you know it’s right.
It comes when you least expect it, and I had never expected to fall for a woman so hard again after Vera, but she was the past and Y/N was my present and future and I haven’t regretted any of this. Nor would I ever.
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moltenwrites · 19 days
Haven’t done a tag game in a while eh? Sorry about that, life’s been a lil silly lately, I haven’t had time ( or energy ) to do much here lately, but I’ll try to be better!
Thanks @the-golden-comet @willtheweaver and @thatuselesshuman for the tag! This game is simple, just answer the questions from your character(s) perspective. I’ll be answering from Res, Salazar, and Asims perspective today.
Who do you trust the most?
Res - Lyra. Shes been nothing but loyal.
Salazar - I’ve had my trust broken one too many times. I once trusted Fabio with my life, and you can see how that turned out.
Asim - Myself. Even Astera, I can’t trust her with everything. Maybe someday.
Where would you live, if you could choose?
Res - As far away from this shithole as possible. I’d love to live in a kingdom with no connection to ours.
Salazar - Well- I haven’t thought of this much, I don’t often have the ability to settle down. But Itchzak has always been my home, so there.
Asim - Anywhere Astera is happy would make me happy, but if she was open to it, I would like somewhere more rural, though still with a good population.
What keeps you motivated?
Res - I can’t let Exodus get away with it.
Salazar - To make this world fair, its abhorrent way of treating those that call it home is unacceptable. And I am the only one who appears to have the power to fix it.
Asim - In my art, it was the first day I met Astera. I scaled up my projects after I met her, something about her just- no, I can’t discuss this now. I hope my answer was sufficient!
What is your dream job?
Res - I’ve never had a green thumb, but a life as a farmer, or perhaps an artist, would be peaceful. I think that could be nice.
Salazar - Ruling. It is the only way I can change this world
Asim - A painter of course! I love the arts, though I must admit my skills are subpar?
What do you plan for the future?
Res - To make it to tomorrow.
Salazar - If I can, I’d love to make a truly fair world. Currently, I must try to reclaim the throne.
Asim - Uh, well I know it’s a bit sudden, and it is embarrassing, but marrying Astera would make me happy to a degree I find unthinkable.
How many languages can you speak?
Res - 1. Education was never Itchzaks strong suit, and we couldn’t afford it even if it was available.
Salazar - I find force to be the most effective language, but I only speak in English.
Asim - I took Latin in college, though I must admit I’m a bit rusty.
What is one hobby you have that may surprise others?
Res - I don’t have much time for hobbies anymore, but I used to cook for fun on occasion
Salazar - I’ve never quite had the talent, but music has always been fascinating to me!
Asim - I write the occasional poem!
What is one possession you wouldn’t part with, no matter what?
Res - My knife, it was a gift from someone I lost, and it is a reminder to keep living.
Salazar - I find gifts to be fleeting. Once you lose your body, you find that there is not much you must hold on to
Asim - Astera bought me a paintbrush, I couldn’t bear to lose that, at least not before I use it.
What is one supernatural ability you wish you had?
Res - To speak to the dead, there are some people I just need to talk to one more time-
Salazar - Well, aside from the power to correct this world, mind reading would be a blessing. It would greatly help to judge intent in fairness.
Asim - Healing, it would help me in nearly all aspects of my life.
How long does it take before you trust someone?
Res - I probably trust easier than I should, but the people in my life have been overwhelmingly kind.
Salazar - As I recited earlier, I have had my trust broken too many times. Never again.
Asim - I don’t think I’ve trusted anyone fully yet. Trust can push them away.
How bad do you feel about lying to others?
Res - Its a necessary evil, I don’t mind all too much.
Salazar - I am a man of my word, I find lying to be quite unfair
Asim - Sometimes it’s better for people to be left in the dark.
What is one good you could always eat and never get tired of?
Res - I like steak a lot, I don’t get to have it often, but from those moments I could eat it every day.
Salazar - Hm, well as odd as it sounds, I’ve always found grapes delectable.
Asim - I always liked pork chops, they have such a perfect flavor when seasoned correctly!
Annnd that’s all of em, wow that took a minute! If you wanna do this,here are your questions!
1. What place means the most to you?
2. What is the most fun you’ve ever had?
3. Have you ever been betrayed?
Tag list, let me know if you wanna be added or removed
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @juliana-jones @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis
@yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives
@theverumproject @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn
+ Open, as always
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finnzcoins · 2 months
My pins for coinfight
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I know i am a little late but here are my pins for coinfight. (text) = More specific, characters, or ships
If you make something gendered please keep in mind that i prefer the gender flags to be masculine, but you can make them fingendered or not binary in the slightest :) (meaning some flags would have the word "boy" or something of the sort in them, example: Calicoboygender or smth)
You don't need to make it gender related tho lol
Heres the actual stuff now:
Object show related things: bfdi (golfball, tengolf - ship, leafy) bfb, bfdia, tpot(two), ii (testube x fan, bot, paintbrush) , anosimbib (paintbucket) , and burner (playdoh, daddy long legs)
color related things: Orange, Yellow
animal related things: dogs (golden retrievers, german shepherd), cats (calicos, snowshoe), pawpads (dogs or cats)
anything zombie related, gore related, or spooky gore/zombies kind of in a "My little pony infection" way! (mix the zombie with the animals, or just do them by themselves!!!! ^_^)
Songs: Amnesia was her name - lemon demon, Me Myself and Emory - Adjust the sails, Mike Walton (basement version) Adjust the sails, Anything mcr related or twenty one pilots
games: Fnaf, The last of us (Joel), friday night funkin (the garcello mod songs, boyfriend), roblox (noobs in any way shape or form.)
misc: Saturn (the planet), Jupiter (also the planet), Venus fly traps, Cacti
I am transmasc, demifluid with the static part being male and xenic. My sexuality is currently like an unknown thing to me so if you wanna make something related to my sexuality you might want to just use the queer flag.
Here is my xeno hoard just incase you need some extra inspiration
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its-anpereira · 4 months
I stroll down my sun-dimmed city street at twilight, and the palms sway like ancient prophets. In the rustle of their leaves, I hear a whisper, a glimpse of cosmic secrets revealed to those who listen. Here, in summer’s golden golden embrace, I find myself wandering amidst the songbird’s serenade and the wild cries of a neighbor child, feeling the pulse of life surge anew. Each bud that blooms on the curb speaks of rebirth, each sunset ignites the horizon with the promise of new beginnings, a canvas ever-changing, like the soul in its infinite becoming.
In this city of eternal June, where the sun dips its paintbrush into the Pacific, I see the summer unfold, a symphony of transitions. The tourists, the locals, the wanderers—all part of the grand parade, moving to the rhythm of days that stretch into languid evenings, where possibilities hang like ripe fruit on the bough. How fun it is to pluck them, to savor the sweetness of change, the tang of the unknown, the zest of new endeavors.
The park at tea time, oasis where the past meets the present, unfolds like a living poem. The gardens bloom with the audacity of life, the museum walls echo with the wisdom of ages. Here, I walk with the ancients and the yet-to-be-born, feeling the continuum of existence. The air, heavy with the scent of blossoms and the sound of children’s laughter, carries the promise of renewal. Every breath is an invocation, every step a dance with the eternal.
The beach at dawn, where the cliffs rise like guardians of the horizon, and the sea lions bask in the sun’s grace, their eyes closed in silent meditation. The ocean, vast and unknowable, reflects the journey of a soul—endless, profound, full of hidden depths. The song of summer rings clearly: warm and light, yet fleeting, urging us to seize the day, embrace the change, dive into the waves of life with fearless abandon.
After dark, the streets of the city center are alive with electric murmurs and neon glow, the arteries of dreams, pulsing with the heartbeat of youth, of adventure. Under the watchful eye of the moon, the nocturnal spirit awakens, dances to syncopated rhythms of jazz and laughter. Each alleyway, each cobblestone, conceals stories yet to be written, destinies intertwined like tendrils of ivy climbing a Victorian facade.
In a San Diego summer, I see the world reborn, life in perpetual transition. Each moment a kaleidoscope of color, a burst of energy, a celebration of existence. Here, in sun-drenched paradise, the artist’s spirit finds its echo, resonating with the eternal song of life, love, and uncharted paths ahead.
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rinwellisathing · 8 months
You're Awful, I Love You: Part 2
Part 2 of my Durgetash fic so far. Enver Gortash/Trans Male Tiefling Durge
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'Chosen of Bane, Your intel is intriguing and quite appreciated. An evening of my company is really worth that? Come on, I don't believe that for a moment. You seem a clever man, so you shouldn't assume I'm not one as well. Clever, I mean. What angle is it you're actually working? Could it be you see myself and my dear little family as an asset on your dizzying climb to power? More intriguing still, if I'm correct! Speak plainly then and lay it all before me. I'm terribly creative and I'm sure between the two of us, we could be a force to be reckoned with.
Yours, Sentry Ojeda, The Executioner, Chosen of Bhaal' “Hmm...doesn't seem long enough and the wording isn't really refined, but then again if I'm asking him to spell his intentions plainly, it must look better if I do as well.” The Executioner, Sentry when things were cordial, thought outloud. With a sigh, he turned from the writing desk and stood, striding towards a large half painted canvas in the corner. A scene played out unfinished across the stretched material, not true canvas, but something far more leathery, of a hellish scene. A triptych he had been working on for the better part of a year. The sufferings and trials of the god Ilmater. Prayer books and books he'd had as a child lay open on the floor and side tables around. The god was depicted in the form of a tiefling, rather than the more commonly depicted human form and the scenery around him was tinged heavily in reds, browns, and coppers of varying saturation levels of The Executioner's special paint mixture. He regarded it thoughtfully before producing the vial he'd gathered earlier and uncorking it, selecting a paintbrush from atop his pallet and setting about detailing raw and bleeding wounds upon The Broken God. His walls were littered with former works, scenes of Bhaalist history including a portrait of Sarevok at the height of his power. One piece seemed out of place among them, a portrait of a serene and beautiful old human woman with dark brown skin, long grey hair, and golden eyes. She was dressed in the armor of a paladin and wearing a symbol of Ilmater. This portrait hung directly over Sentry's bed, though easily hidden behind the bed curtains if need be. A small gold placard beneath read 'Evagria Ojeda, Commander Mum'. Outside of the private quarters of The Chosen, the family was disrupted by the arrival of another member. The sound of bare feet on stone echoed, accompanied by the wet squelching of blood. The beautiful elf was the first to look up, a playful smirk playing across her pleasing features. “Ah, sister Orin! Welcome home. I trust today's hopefuls were less dismal than the last...or did you bring me a failure or two to play with?” She batted her eyelashes coyly, sauntering towards the pale figure. “Pathetic, worthless flesh-things unworthy of our father's gifts.” The newcomer sneered. “Well, not YOUR father, per se, Orin, dear.” The elf giggled, her lithe form dancing just out of reach. “Which of course is why darling brother Sentry is chosen and not you.”
The woman's pale eyes flashed for a moment. “The filthy breed-spawn forgets its place. But it will not be chosen when it matters.” “Oooh, careful, sister, remember what happened to the last sibling who talked that way about the little runt.” The male drow snorted from the battered and dusty seat he currently lounged in. “Not that I disagree or nothing.” He added under his breath.
“Yes, of course. I forget myself, slaughterkin.” A twitching smile crossed her lips. “It is the strain of watching these pretenders, unfit even for sacrifice.” The tall female tiefling did not break the gaze she kept focused on the changeling, however. Her expression was distrustful and though she stood still, a tension flared in her main hand, ready to reach for her scythe at a moment's notice. She kept to the shadows, however, eyes never leaving her quarry. “Now now, it is for your dear father to select his chosen, and our putrid prince Sentry fills the role most ably!” Sceleritas cut through the tension, a tea tray in one hand, which he set on the table nearest the lovely elf. “I, for one, can't imagine a better fit.” An ugly expression crossed Orin's face and she inhaled sharply before turning and skulking off towards her own chambers in a hurry. The beautiful elf giggled musically and sat back down at her table, dipping her porcelain pale hands into a round shell filled with warm, red liquid. The drow rolled his eyes and returned to an open journal beside him, pressing a lock of red hair onto the page and beginning to write something. The female tiefling breathed deeply and lowered herself to a sitting position, laying her scythe across her lap and beginning to tend to it. Sentry set down his brush and smiled with satisfaction up at his work, tongue slipping from between his soft lips to lick an errand splatter from his face. “This could be my masterpiece, it very well could...Just a few more and I can complete it...But” His expression fell and he chewed on his lip uncertainly. “But then what would I paint? Ugh...not a creative rut, I can't stand it!” He clutched his head and arched his back dramatically. His mind felt foggy, almost blocked. Tired. That was it, it had to be. He had had quite the busy day after all and it was late. The sun would rise in just an hour or so. Time to sleep. He slipped out of his clothes, his bare, smooth chest decorated with two well healed scars beneath his pectorals, which stood out among the many far more raw and tattered scars across his back and belly. He did not remove his pants, instead making his way over to the bed and wriggling under the covers. Once safely beneath them, he wriggled and kicked, pushing his pants and underwear off the bed without lifting the blankets. Once he was comfortable, he reached up behind his crimson silk pillow and grabbed a well loved plush dragon, dirty and stained with years of wear and tear. Holding it close against his chest he curled his knees and elbows to his middle and buried his head in the stuffed toy, closing his eyes as his breathing began to slow. His dreams hurt. They always did. The dark, cold cage, the hands groping and pawing at his flesh, the pain and fear. A time when he wasn't the most frightening thing in the room, a time when his father's family had had different plans for him. Sometimes if he was lucky, his dreams ran red and he remembered his escape. If he wasn't, the pain and the cold enveloped him. Tonight, he was awakened only by the sharp bite of his teeth into his now bleeding lip as he subconsciously bit back a cry of terror unbecoming of father's chosen. He sat bolt upright in bed and blinked warily before his eyes fell on his writing desk. The letter. Yes. Recovering those artifacts, spilling the blood of their captors, that would make him feel better.
He didn't even need to call out, Sceleritas was at his side in a moment, awaiting his orders. “See that this reaches that Gortash fellow we met yesterday, will you?” “At once, young master. Might I recommend the hand axes for this endeavor? Your beloved halberd, while fearsome, will be so cumbersome to wield in those close quarters.” Sceleritas bowed. “Hmm...throwing hatchets, perhaps?” Sentry pondered aloud. “An excellent decision, oh wretched one!” The butler clapped his hands together and inclined his head before making his way to the desk and collecting the letter.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Nat I'm so sorry, I have to marry Cass now. Yes I know he could and would kill me, but I see a Byronic, redheaded man and I go a little stupid
OUGHUGHUGH.... we probably have similar tastes anon, unfortunately. the only way i could have carefully curated him to my tastes more is to have him be a blond, but i CONTROLLED myself. the tortured artist archetype is one of my absolute faves and weird fucked up daddy issues artist in a gothic horror house with pre-raphaelite leanings . . . ah. we can All Go A Little Stupid, as a treat!!!
oh and as i am replying on a pc and not my phone have some more picrews of him (i do make art but honestly i am not as good at it, sometimes a picrew captures the vibe better!);
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my beloved awful man. how i despise him.
as i love to talk about my little guys. here is some info on cass from his refsheet (that i must get around to doing a little updating of!) cw: child abuse, eye trauma, alcoholism, yandere mentality, A Guy
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Cass grew up in an impoverished aristocratic family; the kind of old money old-name whose estate was crumbling to pieces, but preferred to pretend they were still in their halcyon golden days. A latent talent for painting making itself known at the tender age of five and a half meant that his family's connections were very quickly made use of - and after that, money was not so much of an issue. Cassian lost his entire childhood to work and being dragged halfway across the world to be fussed over and paint portraits, a lack of stability that he insists was thrilling but he still feels now right down to his bones. Private tutors, an education that only took art and art history and anything else related seriously, and a father who took great issue to Cass being something of a daydreamer have all played their part in making Cass exactly who (and what) he is today.
After losing his eye, he felt like he lost his entire identity. He'd spent so long thinking his only worth was in what he could make with a paintbrush in hand that it drove him to despair, and to find his solace in the bottom of a bottle - he would have done anything to regain his vision. And eventually he found his solution in a tiny bookshop in Whitechapel; first floor all children's books, second floor books entirely on the occult. A kindly bookseller gave him some assistance, and later on that night Cass found himself performing a ritual that ought to have attracted the attention of a patron deity of artists.
Things are never quite so straightforward.
Cass can see perfectly now, thank you very much. He can also hear the whispering and the chittering of the servants of the demon he made a Faustian bargain with, talking behind the patch he wears because now his eye is . . . rather distressing to look at. He has a boost in speed and strength and endurance, too - but most importantly, he has the knowledge that when he does die, there's an eternity of torture waiting for his immortal soul . . . so why not have fun now?
Cass is on the search, always, for his perfect model. His Lizzie Siddal, if you will; someone who will get in front of the lens of his camera (oil painting takes so much longer, and though he does still paint on rare occasion, his models don't always last long enough for that) and will provide for him the work that will make him immortal. He doesn't care how many models he tears through, breaks and buries in the search for just that.
After all; art is the most important thing in the world, is it not? And Cass intends to leave behind a legacy.
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selenicdreamer · 2 years
Here’s to dreaming
A Feysand one shot that I just thought of and couldn’t help myself. Im not a good writer and English isn’t my native language so pls dont hate me:) enjoy
Possibly will have errors, didnt edit plus its like 1am
I got carried away, this is kinda long:3 sorryxx
She heard it again, the soft and slow melody across her apartement wall.
She’d never admit it to herself but every morning she woke up she would long for the sun to set, for the light to go out of the sky to make way for the night. For that time alone in the studio of her apartment just to paint, away from the rush of the day, the buzz of the crowd and the headache of what her life has been. Her mind would drift to the empty canvas ahead and just paint, create. Though after her break up with her ex, her trouble with her family and all her financial issues, she found herself just sitting across the white surface staring for hours and hours before just leaving it as it was and calling it a day. Some days she would hold the brush and stare at it for hours before placing it back in its case, others she would just cry and cry and throw things in frustration. She couldn’t paint. So after a couple of months she gave up, she would just sit on her stool, hold her brush so tightly she would pierce her own skin with her fingernails and stare. She was so lost in the fog of her own mind that when the music started playing the first time she nearly toppled over her stool and dropped her paintbrush to the floor. The piano chords and notes were drifting silently through her walls, almost melancholically she noticed. She stayed there and listened for hours, silently piercing the wall with her gaze as if she could strip the paint and brick apart to make the music louder. When it stopped she just sat down by the stool and cried, she cried so much she never had before. Why? She didn’t know.
The following day she walked in, fuzzy socks against the wooden floor and sat again in her stool. She waited, five minutes, ten, thirty. There it was, the melancholic piano and the feelings it awoke in her. She wanted to paint, she wanted to capture what it was she thought the person was trying to say with their music. She took a deep breath and just started, slowly with shaky hands, a night sky full of stars and a white piano in a flowery patio being played by almost invisible hands. That was it, her first painting in months. As she finished she couldn’t help the small smile that reached her face, she’s done it, took her more than a week but she’s done it! After months of pain and endless tiredness she finally did something she was proud of, thanks to the piano stranger.As she let the paint to dry and took this time to get a refreshment her mind couldn’t help but hover over the stranger that played such beautiful music it made her feel alive again. That night she dreamed of the music
“I’m telling you, I can’t go do this without you for real, It’s like torture” Mor protested dramatically while leaning on Feyre’s kitchen counter, her golden locks tied securely behind her ears and her coffee in hand as she stared at her with despair Feyre almost laughed,
“And I’m telling you I can’t go back to the same yoga place my ex boyfriend and the instructor fucked in, Feyre cringed, I can’t even begin to think of the look in her face without wanting to bury myself from embarrassment and resentment” she groaned as she kept her focus on the laptop ahead of her, she had to finish that work project sooner than later and she wanted to be free for her special time.
“Do you think I’m some sort of monster?” Her new friend blinked as if offended, “I only meant we should find a new place together, Im not going there again without you! I just did today to rub in their face how much better off you are and to cancel our subscription” Feyre huffed and rolled her eyes, Mor for the little Feyre knew her, was a drama queen, a really good friend but a drama queen. Still being so lonely she was more than grateful to have her in her life. That Yoga place did cause her break up since she found Tamlin, her ex, and her teacher hooking up on a yoga mat but Its not all that bad since it brought Mor and her together.
“By the way where did I leave my jacket the other day? Em has been asking for it since I stole it from her” Mor looked around,her face slightly blushing at the mention of her girlfriend and Feyre hid the icing bitterness at the back of herthroat, bitterness for her pathetic life, never her friend. “Uh check in my bedroom, probably left it while we were trying on clothes” she said but failed to notice that Mor walked in her painting studio before she heard her gasp and her name coming out from her mouth. She immediately stood up and run towards her her fingers rubbing on her temple trying to find a way to kick her out without looking like an idiot.
“Feyre this… you’re incredibly talented” Mor’s eyes were as wide as ever as she kept staring at all her paintings slowly then stopped at her most recent one, her small gasp nearly audible to her.
“Please, it’s just barely sketching, let’s not talk about it” she hurriedly said moving her arms and hinting towards the door,
“Could I buy this one?” Feyre’s heart dropped to her feet she had to look down to make sure it was there,
“What?” She found herself ask,
“Could I buy this one?” Mor repeated her eyes locked to her painting of her neighbour, “my cousin is going to love it, he told me he recently moved so this will be the perfect housewarming gift. I haven’t even seen the place yet” she turned to look at her, her eyes pleading,
Feyre kept staring at her and the painting trying to decide, this was a huge chance for her, her career and she didn’t want to say no to her friend. Though insecurity kept eating her mind what if he hates it and then Mor hates her and-
“Oh please Feyre! He loves playing music he is going to fall in love with this” Feyre then just nodded barely and gulped chuckling when Mor hugged her suddenly, her words just flooting over her head as she wrapped the painting for her, receiving way too much money that Mor insisted on handing her for it before she left.
In the following days Feyre’s mind was still so cluttered she couldn’t finish her project until the last minute,she didn’t even have time to paint for a week so when Sunday came around she hopped into her painting room and patiently waited for the music.
She waiting for so long that she thought she was going insane with boredom, the only thing she could hear was footsteps, heels and she could swear she could hear Mor’s laugh. Deciding she was insane she got up to get ready for bed, disappointed with how her night turned out but just as she was ready to change into pyjamas she heard a frantic knock at her door. Blinking she looked at the wall clock of her bedroom, 12:00am
“Yes?” She said cautiously
“Feyre! Open the door! You won’t believe this!” Mor’s voice rung in her ears, surprised she obeyed and saw her grinning face in a flash before she was grabbing her wrist and leading her out of her apartement and to the left hall,
“Uh Mor, would you kindly please inform me of the reason you’re kidnapping me at 12 in the morning?” She asked confused as they stopped to the apartement next to hers, Mor just banged on the door rudely which Feyre thought was insane until the door opened and her mind went blank,
Right in front of her was the most handsome man she’s ever seen, tall with broad shoulders, silk black hair and eyes such a dark blue she thought could pass as purple. His bronze skin dressed in all black shirt and trousers, his smirk making him utterly and completely devastating to look at. His eyes were so fiercely gazing at her she forgot how to speak, breathe or think
“This is my friend Feyre I’ve been telling you about! She is the one who painted this! Plus she literally lives right next to you!” Mor laughed shaking her head, “that stuff literally is impossible to happen.” She walked in like she belonged right in, which to be fair she did, and kept talking and talking but Feyre and her cousin just stayed at the doorway looking at each other, then his smirk turned into a smile “Feyre,” she shivered, his voice could only be described as the midnight sky, “I am glad to find out I have such interesting and art inclined neighbours” he all but purred before extending his hand to her, “Rhysand, please call me Rhys” Rhys Rhys Rhys
“Nice to meet you Rhys” she shakes his hand trying to hide her anxious state, “come in Feyre darling” she slowly walked in trying not to pass out looking around his apartment, it was the same as hers, a living room connecting with a small kitchen and three closed doors, two to the left one to the right and a huge window up ahead.
“Nice place, I like your decoration” she says softly standing next to Mor,
“Thank you, I think more paintings are due if you’d like to bless me with some” he grins leaning back against the wall
“Shoot, I have to go, Mor stands up hurriedly checking on her phone, Em needs me to pick her up from the library, catch you guys later” she kisses Feyre’s cheek before she storms off and Feyre is left awkwardly standing in a stranger’s house, handsome stranger but stranger nonetheless. She looks at him and he has a curious look on his handsome face, Feyre clears her throat. “Well I should be on my way, nice to meet you Rhysand” she said politely before walking towards the door,
“Wouldn’t you like to see where I put your painting Feyre?” He asks soflty, velvetly looking at her, not waiting for an answer before he starts walking towards one of the doors to the left smirking at her before he walks in, curiously she follows and as he turns off the small lights by the door Feyre’s eyes widen gazing at a huge piano in the centre of an otherwise empty room, safe for the painting on the left wall, the wall she realizes that connects their apartments, Rhys is the piano guy, Rhys Mor’s cousin is the piano guy, Rhys who lives next door is Mor’s cousin and is the piano guy, Rhys who now has her painting of the piano guy that is Rhys who is Mor’s cousin and lives right next door- her mind is spiriling down a hill of panic and she’s just standing there staring at the piano trying not to bolt out the room,
“Do you like music Feyre?” He softly asks as he glances at her before taking a seat, opening the lid and his hands trace slowly and softly at the keys, she thinks she can’t breathe when he starts playing, the same slow yet full of life melody she heard the first day, that very first song that made her heart beat with purpose again, with a longing for life. She swallowed the sob that nearly broke through her and she nodded realizing he isn’t looking at the keys but at her, “I love music yes especially this piece, did you write it?” She asks looking at his hands, trying to stay focused, he grins his eyes sparkling
“Yes, yes I did, how does it make you feel?” He asks curiously looking at her as he keeps playing, skilled enough to not needing to look over
“Alive” she whispers not able to take her eyes off of him as he stands up and walks to her, his hand now as gently as before lifting her chin up so their eyes meet,
“Alive” he agrees before bowing down to graze his lips against hers, their eyes closing as they connect and the world falls into place, her hands moving to touch his shoulders, his to cup her cheeks and Feyre was sure she could still hear the music as he smiled against her lips.
“Here’s to living” he whispers grinning
“Here’s to dreaming” she replies before kissing him again.
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rehabcenterbd · 10 days
A Journey to Redemption: The Golden Life Story by Rashik Hasrat Rivu
Scene 1: The Broken Streets of Mirpur
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the bustling streets of Mirpur, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Among the shadows of crumbling buildings and faded murals stood Rahul, a young man whose spirit had been fractured by addiction. The laughter of children echoed nearby, a stark contrast to the turmoil in his heart.
Once a dreamer with aspirations of becoming an artist, Rahul found himself entangled in a web of substance abuse, a means to escape the pain of a troubled past. But as night fell, so did his hope, leaving behind only the haunting whispers of regret.
Scene 2: A Chance Encounter
One fateful evening, as he wandered through the streets, Rahul’s path crossed with Amina, a compassionate counselor from Golden Life. She was participating in an awareness campaign, speaking to anyone who would listen about the dangers of addiction and the power of recovery. Her warm smile and gentle voice cut through the fog of despair surrounding him.
“Your past does not define your future,” she told a gathering crowd, her words resonating deeply within Rahul. For the first time in a long while, he felt a flicker of hope. Intrigued yet hesitant, he approached Amina, sharing a glimpse of his struggles.
Scene 3: The Call to Change
Amina saw the spark of potential in him, igniting a determination to reclaim his life. “You don’t have to face this alone,” she urged. “At Golden Life, we believe in second chances. Let us help you find your way back.”
The next morning, Rahul stood outside the gates of Golden Life, heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation. He entered a world filled with kindness, where the walls echoed with stories of resilience and healing.
Scene 4: The Transformation Begins As the days turned into weeks, Rahul threw himself into the transformative programs at the center. He took part in group therapy sessions, opening up about his experiences alongside others who had faced similar challenges. With each session, he peeled away layers of shame and guilt, discovering strength in his vulnerability. Through art therapy, he rekindled his passion. With a paintbrush in hand, he turned blank canvases into vibrant expressions of hope, mirroring his journey from darkness to light. Each stroke served as a testament to his resilience, a reminder of the dreams that still flickered within him. Scene 5: Embracing the Journey Rahul built deep connections with fellow residents, creating a brotherhood founded on trust and shared experiences. They uplifted one another through the ups and downs, celebrating small victories and facing challenges together. This camaraderie provided a solid foundation of strength, nurturing a sense of belonging he had yearned for. With the guidance of dedicated counselors, Rahul learned to confront the demons of his past. He explored the roots of his addiction, gaining insight into the pain that had driven him to seek escape. It was a tough journey, but with every breakthrough, he felt himself becoming stronger. Scene 6: The Moment of Truth As his time at Golden Life neared its conclusion, Rahul encountered a pivotal moment. He was invited to share his story at a community event, standing before friends, family, and strangers. With a trembling voice, he recounted his struggles and triumphs, revealing how he found hope in the most unexpected places. “I was lost,” he said, his eyes shimmering with emotion. “But here, I found a family. I found a way back to myself. We all have the power to change our stories.”
Scene 7: A New Dawn The sun rose on a new day, marking a fresh chapter in Rahul’s life. With newfound strength and dedication to his recovery, he stepped outside Golden Life, not as a broken man, but as a vibrant artist ready to embrace the world. In the months that followed, he devoted himself to helping others, using his art to raise awareness about addiction and recovery. He became an advocate, sharing his story to inspire those still lost in the shadows.
Epilogue: The Legacy of Hope As Rahul stood before a canvas, brush in hand, he understood that his journey was far from over. It was a continuous cycle of healing and giving back, a testament to the power of resilience. At Golden Life, he had not only reclaimed his life but had also become a beacon of hope for others seeking their way home. In the heart of Mirpur, the legacy of Golden Life thrived, a testament to the enduring human spirit. Together, they stood united, a community dedicated to healing, love, and the unwavering belief that every soul deserves a second chance. And so, the story continues—a cinematic tale of struggle, redemption, and the transformative power of compassion.
0 notes
The Star Warrior Nutcracker Ch. 6: Friends Or Foes
When tiff pushed the final branch aside, the others gasped. Before them was a waterfall, pouring a rainbow of colors into the lake below the colors fell beside each other so evenly that it was as if a rainbow had melted atop a cliff
“Welcome to rainbow falls,”tiff announced
“Amazing,” adeleine whispered
“Cool!” ribbon squeaked
“I’ve always heard of this place,” metaknight grinned, “but I’ve never seen it myself”
tiff’s smile disappeared when he looks around “not amazing as it used to be”
The lake was surrounded by charred wood and run-down buildings that appeared to have once stalls
“This use to be a trader’s exchange,” tiff explained “people would come from all over the land of dreams to trade all kinds of things. When daroach took over, they start selling stuff on the black market. That’s how we got our weapons and supplies. daroach must’ve found out and had the sqeakers ransack the place”
“So much for supplies,” adeleine sighed
“Let’s look around,” metaknight declared. Maybe the squakers left some things behind”
tiff shrugged “couldn’t hurt”
adeleine put her hand to her grumbling tummy “any chance there might be food here?”
“How does the rainbow water taste?” ribbon asked, leaning over the lake and making a ripple with her hand
“We won’t recommend it,” tiff warned “liquefied rainbow taste sweet”
kirby suddenly flinched and glanced over his shoulder “poyo?”
“what” tiff replied
adeleine spun around. “Did you want something, metaknight?”
The nutcracker tilted his head “No”
tiff shrieked and pulled out her whip. “Who pinched me?!”
ribbon screamed “Somebody pulled my dress! kirby, are you doing this?”
Kirby is all the way over here “How could I have possibly…?”
She was cut off as a head popped out of the lake and cried, “BOO!”
kirby yelped and fell backwards. The figure emerged fully from the water, completely drenched in rainbow. ribbon grabbed kirby while metaknight and tiff made their weapons ready.
“What is it?!” ribbon gasped “a swamp creature?”
The figure shook the rainbow water, revealing nothing there.
“No!” adeleine squeaked “It’s a ghost!”
They heard a laugh where the rainbow creature once was. Slowly a golden squeaker with a red scarf and shades, clutching his stomach. He was laughing Along with a fairy who strongly resembles a paintbrush. She has peach skin on her face and hands, pink blush, blue eyes,Her rainbow hair, has a pink body adorned with a red brooch,
However the only silent character who is amused at the joke is a gray body that looks like metaknight but in crimson sabatons, and His mask is essentially the same as metaknight's, although it shows a large scar-like scratch on its left side.
“HA! HA! HA! You all should’ve seen the looks on your faces! it’s is like the oldest trick in The Book!” the gold squeaker mocked, wiping a tear. “Oh man, I haven’t had this much fun in months!”
“Who are you?” metaknight demanded, raising his sword
“Whoa, whoa, easy there, buddy!” the joking rat exclaimed, holding up his paws “I was just fooling around, metaknight! No need to get hasty on me!”
He raised an eyebrow “How’d you know my name?”
The gold squeaker chap hesitated for a second. “Everybody knows who you are. You were engaged to the fairy queen before daroach banished you and turned you into a nutcracker”
tiff scrutinized him “How do know all that?”
Gold squeaker shrugged. News travels so fast. Now, as to who I am, The name’s spinni”
“Who’d you do that?” ribbon asked in wonder “Turn invisible, I mean”
Spinni turned to the dark reflection“My buddy here was an invisibility cloak. Those who live in the Mirror world has the power of invisibility like glass. And elline here helps out with her camouflage by the powers of her painting skills.” spinni said laughing with elline ”Anyway I couldn’t help but overhear that you folks were looking for food”
He turned around to reveal a gray sack on his side. He slipped it off, opened it and Adeleine gasped at the variety of sweets, above the rumble in her belly.
“Go on, take your pick,” spinni beckoned “strawberry shortcake? Chiffon? tiramisu? Tarts? custard pudding? fresh macaroons?, choux creme? cookies?”
“Hold on!” tiff shouted, slapping adeleine’s hand before she can reach the sack. “We shouldn’t be taking from strangers! Especially this one!”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t play innocent, squeaker! Thought I wouldn’t recognize you, huh? You’re that spy we caught last week!”
“Oh, right,” spinni said, smiling nervously as he shuts his bag up. “I forgot about that”
Silver pulled Iris back and moved his sword closer to the spy. “Does he work for daroachl?”
“we’re not spies” elline insisted
“You were snoopin’ around the orchard at cappy town!”tiff declared “No doubt trying to find our hideout! Ya know what his excuse was? she was lookin’ for his sister!”
“I was only looking for my sister!”
“A likely story! If that’s all ya wanted, why you run away? Had to tell your boss what you found out, eh?”
“Of course I ran away! You punks were about to skewer me with your weapons! I really was looking for my sister!” she sighed sadly “She was captured by the the squeaks”
Adeleine looked at the spy sympathetically. “What’s your sister’s name?”
“claycia,”replied elline with a sniff. “When those squeakers invaded rainbow falls, we got separated. When I couldn’t find her, I Could only assume the squeakers had taken her”
“That’s so sad” ribbon said with a frown
“Oh come on, It’s a bunch of lies!” tiff said, cracking her whip. “Tell the truth, or you’re gonna have to answer to betsy here!”
“Wait!” adeleine exclaimed “I think their is telling the truth!”
“How would you know?”
he looked at the resistance leader solemnly “If my little brother was ever in trouble, I would be just as upset as elline”
Tiff glanced between the two, unsure of how to respond. metaknight was just as wary.
“Can you prove that you’re not a spy?” he asked spinni
“Well, I’m offering you food, aren’t I?” he replied, taking a cookie out of his pack and biting into it. “See?” no poison or anything. Now are you guys hungry or what?”
Tiff scowled “I know that trick! Eating the only treat that isn’t poisoned to make us eat the ones that are! You’re gonna have to alot better than that!”
“How about this?” hollered a voice from above
The looked up to see adeleine at the top of the waterfall. metaknight glanced back at his side to verify that she was no longer there and then back up to where she was now
adeleine, what are you doing?!”
The black haired girl closed her eyes and let herself fall. Everybody gasped and shrieked
“adeleine, are you crazy?!” tiff shouted, rushing with the others to the bottom of the waterfall
But before they could get under her, the so-called spies caught her in his arms, a panicked look on both of elline and spinni’s face. adeleine opened her eyes and smiled
“Like the resistance leader said,” spinni huffed “Are you crazy?!”
“Maybe,” she shrugged, “But I’ve just proved that you’re on our side”
tiff and metaknight's mouths fell open as the dark soldier lowered adeleine to the ground
“Well, uh…” she stammered
“I…I guess you’re in the clear,” the nutcracker said “anybody working for daroach would’ve let her fall”
elline sighed in relief “Well then, now that’s settled with…” he opened his sack “Who wants some lunch?”
“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!” daroach hollered, slamming a fist next to the bowl of water in front of misty smoke
“It’s just as i said,” drawcia calmly, “as I had said when you first asked us about your bell: this bell will undoubtedly corrupt the soul, but will show an alternative path beyond control”
daroach folded his arms “and that means what, exactly?!”
She rolled her eyes, her patience wearing as thin paper as his “Magical amulets tend to have minds of their own, especially your bell. It’s connected to the randomness of the universe and is drawn to random events, such as those that often lead to one’s destiny”
The squeak king glanced down at his bell. “So what you’re saying is that when this thing glowed, it was pointing to my destiny?”
paintra shrugged “Most likely”
He blink as he stared off into space “Then adeleine…”
It was drawcia’s turn to blink “Excuse me?”
He lifted the bell “Her brooch. I was glowing too. Hers and mine… they connected”
The witch sisters’ eyes widened “Oh, dear”
“What do you mean ‘oh dear?’ what do you know?”
drawcia gulped “Well…it is possible that adeleine’s brooch isn’t that different from yours. I mean dreams are often associated with…”
The witches trailed off and glanced down at their feet. daroach narrowed his eyes at them
“Oh nothing,” she said quickly. “It’s just a silly thought”
He grabbed the front of their dresses “TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!”
“Alright, alright! I think her brooch is connected with yours because dreams is often associated with… caring for somebody
He raised an eyebrow “Meaning?”
“You know” she winced, afraid of what she was about to say that would made him explode “Love” they both said
He dropped the two “LOVE?! With that her…me…her and me…are you messing with me?!”
“It’s all just a theory! Forget we said anything!”
He huffed as he stomped out of their cell. “Me! Master of the squeakers! Love! Bah! The very idea!”
Yet as he slammed the door, the sweet girl’s face came to mind again. The way she looked at him… Nobody had ever looked at him that way before. So sympathetically, so caring, so…
He looked down at his hands and chest. He could still feel the tingle from her soft hands running over his burns. She hadn’t shuttered his paws and chest when she touched him. He closed his eyes and sighed at the memory of her soft touch and her sweet motherly like tone. Soon he imagined those hands touching his face, her beautiful eyes gazing into his as she leaned forward and…
He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see a squeaker standing awkwardly at the cell door. daroach blushed for a moment and then scowled
The squeaker stood upright and didn’t say anything further
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” daroach huffed, stomping away
He reached the throne room and began pacing, thinking about what had passed between him and the young girl. Were the witch sisters telling the truth? Was his bell really leading him to his destiny? Was the brooch doing the same for adeleine? If their necklaces were pulling them towards each other, did that mean…?
daroach shook his head. “Absurd! I’m the King of the squeaks! Love And Great Power don’t mix! Neither do girls and squeakers!”
He paused and tapped his chin “Then again, that brooch’s power did seem awfully violent for a brooch. Chaotic even. And the girl wearing it…”
No woman had ever been to get the best of him like that. Twice now, she had done so. Sure, she had that brooch protecting her, but no doubt she was channeling its power. After all, it only seemed to really do its job when she got upset. He still wasn’t quite sure how her brooch could repel him yet be drawn to him at the same time. It didn’t make a lick of sense.
“Then again,” he said grinning slightly, ”what’s the point is there in all this making sense?”
Seeing his telescope perched on the windowsill, he looked through it and scouted the land. He spotted the nutcracker’s party at the rainbow falls, having a picnic lunch with his spies. He chuckled as he watched his minions making splendid progress in his plan already. Then his eye fell upon adeleine and everything else was forgotten. He focused on her face, glowing as she smiled. He couldn’t help but smile too as her silky, black hair shimmered in the sunlight and her brown eyes sparkled
She was like an angel: so innocent, so pure, so beautiful, so perfect….
The list went on forever, and he found he could not take his eye off of her. Warmth welled up inside his chest with every second he watched her. This warm feeling is like a rainbow blossoming in his heart. All he could think about was what it would be like to have her here, in his arms, to be allowed to run his finger through her hair
He shook himself back to his senses. Why was he thinking like this? So what if the girl was pretty? So what if the mere sight of her made him feel all warm and giddy inside? That didn’t mean he…
He shook his head again. No, it wasn’t like that. He just… had an inexplicable need to have her near. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he wanted her right then and there.
Then he wondered what he would do with her once she was here and the brooch had been removed from her. He could make her his own personal maid, so that she would always be near and he could look at her whenever he wanted. Heck, As his slave he could do whatever he wanted with her, even hold her close and…
For the hundredth time that day, he shook his head wildly. What had put that thought into his own head?
The whole matter was making his head spin in confusion. All he knew was that he couldn’t wait any longer to have the girl. He looked back through the telescope and saw the group had packed up their picnic and started on their way again. He focused on his spies, who were looking very nervous.
“You better not fail me,” daroach muttered as he turned his attention back to adeleine. “I want her now”
spinni tried his best to hide his guilt from the others. So far, things had been going smoothly. Elline hadn’t expected Adeleine to jump off a cliff, but catching her had been enough to gain the group’s trust. kirby seemed particularly enraptured by spinni’s stories and kept asking him to demonstrate his friends’ powers, which wowed ribbon and adeleine as well. Even the nutcracker seemed to be won over by him.
However, It was tiff that still had her suspicions. spinni cursed himself for forgetting his run-in with the resistance leader last week. He kept giving him wary looks, thinking about those spies who are going to stab them in the backs at any second.
What bothered spinni most about the rebel that he was right.
He glanced at the brooch around adeleine’s Neck. the sooner he got this over with, the better.
“Say, Lass” spinni said casually. “that ‘s a nice brooch you’ve got there. Where’d you get it?
He reached out to touch it, only for adeleine to swat his hand away
“I’m Sorry” the black haired girl said apologetically. “It’s just…I don’t want you to get hurt”
spinni blinked “Why?”
“What’s it to ya?” tiff Demanded
“I was just curious. That’s all”
“Aw, go ahead and tell him” ribbon said brightly. It’s not like he can steal it anyway”
metaknight shrugged “ribbon has a point”
“Well,” adeleine sighed, “I don’t know why it does this, but every time somebody touches it, they’ll get hurt”
“It has some kind of magic,” metaknight Explained, “magic that daroach wants. That’s why he’s been trying to kidnap adeleine. She’s the only one who can take it off”
spinni pretended to be surprised. “Whoa! You’re telling me the squeak king is after you because of that brooch? That must be tough. Are you sure you want to keep it?”
“I can’t just throw it away,” adeleline said, gently touching the pendant. “Whatever daroach wants it for, it must be for something awful. I can’t let him have it”
“But to have the squeak king after you all the time… you sure you can handle something like that? spinni said. “Here’s an idea! How about you let someone else wear it? Someone tough, someone fearless, someone who can handle an evil overlord? some one like… I don’t know. Me?
He reached for the brooch again this time tiff came between them
“Why would you wanna wear the brooch?” She asked cautiously. Now don’t tell me you want the squeak king chasing you!”
“Hey, I’m just saying i can handle him,” spinni said nonchalantly “I don’t know why you wanna put this Little lady in danger like this”
“The brooch protects her! She won’t stand a chance against daroach if she takes it off!”
“But he won’t want her anymore if she doesn’t have the brooch
Elline bit her lip as she said this, knowing that wasn’t true
“She’s Keeping it on!” Tiff exclaimed “End of discussion!”
“Okay, okay!” spinni replied ”just chill out!”
He turned away and groaned. Some much for that tactic
Adeleine, anxious to break the tension, gently pushed tiff aside
“So why don’t you tell us about your sister?” adeleine asked to elline
Elline looked up in surprise. Then she figured “opening up” would get them more on her side
“Claycia?” she said smiling softly “well, she’s not really my sister…”
“I knew it!” tiff grunted
“Let me finish! See, She found me a few years ago in the woods. Neither of us had families, so she took me under her wing. Since Then, We’ve considered ourselves sisters”
Elline looked at Adeleine with wide eyes “you have siblings?”
Adeleine frown suddenly “i don’t have siblings, i’m a orphan”
Elline stopped her tracks “say what?”
“Daroach shrank her” metaknight explained
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! You mean to tell me she's from the land of the giants?” spinni asked
Spinni and elline genuinely wanted to know, a daroach had not told her where the young girl was from.
“Um, I Guess,” adeleine uttered “is that what you call it?”
Elline snickered. “So..so you used to be…” she flew upward about fifty feet. “This high?!”
“uh…I think?”
Oh…oh, boy! The golden squeaker laughed with elline as she returned to the ground. “No wonder the squeak king shrank ya! Why could’ve just stepped on him,” sprinni brought his paw firmly down on a twig, “and he would’ve been snapped like a twig!”
Ribbon and Kirby giggled while metaknight chuckled.
“I mean just imagine him writhing in agony and going: ‘help me, help me!’ in a teeny little voice!”
“That’s horrible!” adeleine insisted, though she couldn’t help but laugh along with them
“Well, it would’ve served him right!” adeleine nodded. “We probably wouldn’t be on this if I should’ve had squashed him”
“Yeah," said elline, “And me And Claycia Would Be…”
She trailed off, not out of sadness, but a whispering in ear
Confused, elline stuck her hand in her ear and twisted it.
The paintbrush fairy jumped at the voice she knew all too well
“A word, if you don’t mind?”
“Uh…” elline uttered, glazing around at the other ”i have to uh… go over there!”
“Why?” tiff asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe it’s just a nature call, that’s it” insisted spinni
The rebel groaned “Okay, but hurry up!
Spinni flashed a smile before he, elline, and dark metaknight into the bushes. They both searched around for their master
“Sir?” elline called.
Doc appears in his little red saucer in front of the three spies
“Message for you” as the red saucer unveils a viewscreen, revealing the squeak king
“What’s taking so long?!” he demanded
“You can’t expect them to just give me the brooch after knowing us for an hour! Spinni insisted “besides, she won’t take it off
Daroach grunted “should’ve guessed. By the way, what was that standing about squishing Me into oblivion”
Spinni shrunk under his glare “hey,hey! I didn’t mean it! I have to make them think I’m on their side, right? And… well, they’re not so hot about you”
The squeak king groaned. Then he got hopeful look on his face
“Tell me. Did she… like those sweets I gave you”
“She?” elline asked, tilting her head
“Adeleine, did she like my sweets?”
“Um, sure they all did. Except that rebel leader, though i’m sure she was just being cranky. I tell ya she’s on to us, sir. I don’t know if…
“Which one she eat?”
The apple butter cake, though that’s not a surprise…”
“Not her! Adeleine!”
“Oh. she had that strawberry shortcake one. Anyway, I don’t Think the fairy and pink ball…”
“When she had the first bite, did she…close her eyes in bliss, or did she blurt out how delicious it was even though her mouth was full?”
She,uh… what?”
“Just tell me!”
“Hey, elline, spinni! “Tiff called. What are you doing in there?!”
“I’m not sharing that!” spinni shouted before turning back to his boss. Look, it’ll take a while before they can fully trust us, just give us some time and…”
“I can’t wait that long!” daroach growled between his teeth. “I need her now!”
“But i…what?”
He groaned as the saucer slowly released them. “Well, you’re just going to have to wait until they’re all asleep”
“But night isn’t for a while and…”
“Not for long,” the squeak king grinned
But know a way you can get them to trust you two more. There’s a stately chateau not far from here where you can take shelter”
“A chateau?” spinni said in surprise. But i thought you would’ve…’
Oh, i’ve known about it for weeks. I haven’t dismantled it yet because it’s too fun to watch”
“Fun to watch?”
“Oh, Right. When you get in,” he whispered, “beware of the bombs.”
“Okay, have fun!” Daroach waved cheerfully
Wait. what do you mean by…?”
But Doc puts away the view screen and flew away before the three spies could finish
“Spinni, elline!” Holler tiff”s voice
Remembering their mission, the golden squeaker, the paint brush fairy, the silent knight popped out of the bush. “Yeah, what do you want?”
“See!” ribbon exclaimed “I told they didn’t abandon us
Tiff is not taking her glare off the three
“Sorry about that,” spinni, stretching “ we really had to go
“Anybody else?” metaknight asked at the others
The rest of group just shook their heads
“then let’s press forward while it’s daylight,” the nutcracker ordered
As soon as he said that, everything went dark
“what?” adeleine uttered. “But the sun wasn’t…”
“It’s daroach’s work” tiff said with a sigh “ he controls the moon and the sun and he likes to turn the lights on and off whenever he pleases. You can never tell what time it is anymore”
“Well we can’t travel in the dark,” metaknight observed “we should find shelter”
“That might be what daroach wants us to do! He knows we’re coming for him so, so he made it night so we can’t travel!”
Adeleine yawn “we have been walking a while”
Spinni and elline saw this as their cue to step in “ooh! We know a place we can stay”
“Really?” tiff said, raising her eyebrow in suspicion
“Yeah. there’s a house around here somewhere.We, err, stumbled upon it the other day
“A house? I don’t remember any houses out here”there is! Just, um give me second to remember where?
Fortunately, elline and ribbon were fast flyers for having the wings of a busy bumble bee, so they was able to sweep their surroundings in a matter of seconds. Sure enough, just done the hill was a tiny chateau. The two fairies signaled the others and gasped at the sight.
“I wonder who lives here,” said metaknight
“Who cares?” elline said, flying ahead with ribbon. “It’s a place to sleep, isn’t it?
When they got closer, they realized that the house was falling apart. The windows were cracked and the door was hanging loosely off the hinges. One knock and it toppled over.
Metaknight took the lead, he sword ready, as the six companions entered the house
“Hello? He called “anybody home?
Ribbon looked up and could've she a pair of bright blue eyes, which vanished immediately.
“Uh guys? She whispered, clutching adeleine’s white gown. “I don’t like this place”
“Beware the bombs” spinni muttered
It looks abandoned to me,” adeleine said. “I mean who would leave their house in such a state unless nobody lived here
“I never that a chateau could be so dark” adeleine shivered
“ i don’t think it’s abandoned” tiff declared
“How can you tell? Ribbon asked
Take it from someone who’s been living in an ‘abandoned’ village for months. In these time, anybody live here wouldn’t make themselves known unless…”
When everyone looked up to find the source of the cry, spinni was knocked in the head with an…
The others ducked as more apples, along with tomatoes and sharpened carrot camraining do on them
“What did i tell? Tiff cried, “it’s an ambush!”
“Who are you?” Metaknight shouted, waving his sword, “show yourselves!”
“Guys, He’s got a sword!” One high-pitched voice screeched
“Never bring a sword to a bomb fight! Another voice sounding similar to the first yelled
“Lo! The other voice shouted. “I’m low on ammo here!”
“Then use the secret weapon!”
“Lo, that’s supposed to be a secret! Said the first voice
“Not anymore”
“Do those sound like… children to you?” adeleine
“No way!” cried tiff as a sharpened carrot whizzed past her by. “There’s no way a bunch of kids would be able too…
Everybody As a giant red smoke balls that look like cherries came hurdling towards them.
Kirby then jumps up in front of the group and began to suck up the cherry bombs
“Wait,” adeleine called out, waving her arms. “We mean you no harm! We just need a place stay for the night”
“A Likely story!” cried a third voice the one who unleash the cherry bomb
“No, really! We’re victimes of the squeak king! We’re on you’re side!”
“Think we should listen to them, lo?” said the first voice “that one there’s too pretty to be a spy”
Appearances can be deceiving, la” the the second, supposedly lo. “But that wooden boy there looks awfully familiar”
“Hey isn’t that the fairy queen’s old boyfriend?” said the cherry bomber “i thought he was dead”
“No it’s me!” the nutcracker insisted “I’m captain metaknight!”
“And i’m the leader of the resistance!” tiff declared
“That would explain it,” said the voice called La
“Nevertheless,” said lo, “Susie told us not to let any strangers into the house”
“It’s Okay, lololo and lalala!”
The six travelers turned to the doorway to see a strange girl standing there with little bags in her floating hands. Her pink hair is like cotton candy, she looks like she’s smiling with the blush on her cheeks, and the pink and yellow orange gown makes her look like a duchess. Everything about the girl’s appearance made adeleine want to smile
“You can come out now, games over” the bubblegum haired lady exclaimed
“Are you sure? Lo hollered
“Yes, lololo” susie nodded
“Oh boy” the two voices chirped
A blue ball and a pink ball popped out of the rafters and floated down the main hall. The travelers look down at them in shock
As Adeleine had guessed, they were little children, hardly smaller than kirby, but instead of being pink, one is blue, and the other pink with a yellow ribbon
“Hi!” she to travelers “my name is susie, and these are my roommates!
“Hi!” the duo said with as much enthusiasm as susie
“I’m lololo” said the blue one
“I’m lalala” said the pink one
“Spinni smacked himself on the forehead “Oh, beware of the bombs!”
“You betcha!” lololo piped “you guy cross our path, and you shall face our wrath!”
“So sorry about our little welcome,” susie giggled, but as you can see, we get a lot of trouble around here”
“Specifically Squeakers!” lalala huffed “those big meanies!”
“But they’re nothing against my cherry bomb!” susie chimed
“Yeah,” tiff said “I can see that”
“So who are your strangers! Susie said
“Hold on, we got this!” lololo said
The pink and blue duo drifted forth and studied the travelers carefully.
“Okay We got it!”
Lololo pointed at metatknight. “This nutcracker i really captain metaknight, cursed by the squeak king. He was banished to the land of the giants, where he met this girl”
Lalala pointed at adeleine, “who daroach tried to kidnap, because she’s wearing a magic brooch, but he couldn’t, because the brooch protects her, so he shrank her instead.and this two here”
Lololo pointed and ribbon and kirby ”their just tagging along the ride and this,”
Lalala pointed at tiff, “is the leader of the resistance, but her followers were all captured by the squeak king, and this one here”
Spinni and elline got very nervous when the blue ball indicated to them, “is trying to get her sister back from daroach in whatever way she can.”
“All in all, they’re all off to dream castle to rescue the fairy queen and everyone else by defeating the squeak king
Everybody was was silent for a while
“how do you know all that?” tiff asked
“Susie taught us how to be psychic” lololo shrugged
“And that’s he is the smart one,” susie said proudly, patting his head
“You wouldn’t mind letting us stay for the night, would you?” metaknight asked
“Of course not! We could have a sleepover!” susie gasped “Who wants s’mores?!”
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pokerecipes · 2 years
Caterpie in a blanket
Okay so personally I dont like these that much, just not my favorite BUT one of my close friends basically inhales these every time I make them and recently he has been talking about me making these for his wedding so we'll see what comes of that.
For most events this amount would feed maybe 10 people, for me this feeds two people because of my previously mentioned friend who wipes out 80% of these.
225g of puff pastry dough (I either make it myself or I just buy it from the store when I am lazy)
400g caterpie tails
1 egg
Seasoning (I use poppy seeds, sesame seeds and some minced garlic)
Spicy Mayo Sauce
160g mayonnaise
60g Starf berry-garlic sauce
Maple Dijon Sauce
160g dijon mustard
60g maple syrup
Ranch Sauce
160g sour cream
60ml pickle juice
Some chives
Unroll the dough and cut it into thin triangles. The wide end should be just a bit shorter than the caterpie tails (Which should be maybe as long as a finger)
Place the caterpie tails on the wide end and roll them towards the pointy one so the dough is tightly wrapped around.
Whisk the egg with like 5 to 10 ml of water until it's smooth
Get a kitchen brush (not a paintbrush.) and evenly spread the whisked egg on top of every roll. Then sprinkle your seasonings over them.
Put them in the oven at 190°C for maybe 15 minutes until they're golden brown.
Make the sauces, do that by stirring each of the sauces ingredients together until they're all smooth.
You can serve these warm or cold with the sauces next to them for dipping
Pat yourself on the back for cooking and then clean your kitchen.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
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Henry: Why?
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Not know my own fucking password to Tumblr sucks
Basically just gonna delete Tumblr. redownload it make a new account and have that have these accounts are on it because damn it. So I can actually know the password. so gonna change the name of this one and the others so I can use the names for when I redo it.
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friedwangsss · 2 years
LET’S PLAY HOUSE. | austin!elvis x black!reader (part 4)
notes : “elvis wants to play house with you, if you know what he means.”
extra notes : idk why i thought i had the draft for this already made so yeah. this was also longer than i anticipated and it’s probably shitty but hey, i was trying my best to get this out on schedule, enjoy !
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“seems like she’s still awake, the kitchen light is still on.” you took elvis’ hand that he held for you to take and stepped out of the car. “oh, and thank you for dancing with me, i enjoyed myself.”
he looked down and smiled at you, “of course, i enjoyed you.”
you smiled back and walked up towards the walkway that lead to your home. it wasn’t big and fancy, just a couple of bedrooms, a family room, a nice kitchen, a couple of bathrooms, and staircase which led to the bedrooms.”
you had moved here with your mom when you were about 14 and have been here since. she was able to buy it in a rather nicer black neighborhood with the money she saved up so she was very proud of it.
you unlocked the door to the home and called out to your mom, “momma, i’m back! and i brought a guest!”
she yelled back, “girl, stop yelling. i told you better.” you shook your head and laughed.
“sorry.” you replied and turned to elvis, “you can take your shoes off and leave them by the door. no one will steal them.”
he chuckled at you. “wouldn’t worry about that, unless you wanted ‘em then, i’d be a little worried.”
“y/n, come help me with this cornbread, hurry.”
you walked towards the direction of the kitchen and gestured for elvis to follow. “momma, greet the guest.”
she turned around and looked taken back at the 6 foot white man with slicked back hair and a pink lace shirt standing in her kitchen. “y/n, who’s this?”
“elvis, momma. you remember him.”
she looked at you, “baby, i remember a shorter, scrawny white boy with blonde hair.”
elvis and you both chuckled. “hello, ma’am, it’s been a minute.” his voice was deeper so that made her widen her eyes. “you look as good as ever, ms. l/n.”
she took him in for a second before rushing over and giving elvis a big hug, “my, look at you. you’re so grown!”
you knew your mom secretly had love for elvis like he was her son or nephew: she was always making sure he was on his best behavior, making sure he had some nice sunday clothes, or was fed and his mom too. “okay, momma, don’t choke him.” you smiled.
they pulled back from their hug and she was smiling big. “goodness, your hair. i’m gonna miss the golden hair but you look just as good.”
“thank you, ma’am.” he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “do you need any help with anything?”
“well, i was just about to put everything away but you can help y/n with the cornbread, i know it was your favorite.” she smiled and turned back to the sink to clean whatever was in there.
you looked at the pan of already made cornbread and saw the bowl of glaze on the table beside it. “come on, elvis, you can spread it on.”
he picked the bowl up and the little food paintbrush and started to spread the glaze on. he had a content look on his face, he actually enjoyed things like this. domestic things. it reminded him that after all the fame washes away, he’ll still have little things like this with you—even if he won’t get to see you as often.
your mom told you to get the other pan of cornbread that just finished baking out of the oven so elvis could put the glaze on that one as well. “here, el.” you placed the pan cautiously down.
“el.. haven’t heard that one in a while, love.” he smiled and looked at you from the corner of his eye. “forgot how much i loved it.”
that statement made you blush, or rather your body heat up with the way he spoke.
when did his voice get so deep?
why does it make you feel a certain way? the way you felt when you were a little girl with a big crush on the pretty, skinny, golden hair boy.
you figured staying in your head wasn’t good and decided to come back to reality. your momma had finished prepping the food and put everything away. she even took a pan of the cornbread and wrapped it up so she could hand it to elvis on his way out.
“elvis, you did a great job. forgot how great of a helper you were.” your momma smiled up at him. “take this pan home to your momma whenever you leave and y/n,” she turned to you. “don’t keep him ‘ere too long. make sure he leaves at a reasonable time so his momma don’t get worried.”
you took a small glance at the clock above the stove and realized that it was only 11:33. “yes ma’am.”
she kissed you on your head and smiled and have elvis a hug one more time. “make sure you visit us more, baby. we’d love your company.”
he smiled and hugged her back just as tightly. “of course, ma’am. before i start going on the road more, i’ll be sure to come back. maybe bring momma too.”
your mom nodded and pulled back from the hug, bidding both of you goodnight and retired upstairs. you waited one more moment before you turned to elvis, “when did you start singing?” you asked, trying not to start an awkward conversation but you were sure you did.
he chuckled at you and walked over to stand in front of you. “i don’t know. it was like one day i was driving past a recording studio on my way to work, next thing you know i was singing in said studio, then, i was on stage scared out of my wits at the jamboree.”
“you preformed at a jamboree? when? i don’t remember hearing about this.” you had to raise your chin to look at him and another question flashed through your head: when did he get so tall?
you and elvis used to be the same height and when you were 14 you grew a lot more before you stopped when you turned a certain age. you weren’t super short but you were reaching that average to above average height. but elvis? oh god, his height made you almost want to drool.
“ah, it was the lousiana hayride. not the most welcoming folk at first, mainly the men.” when he stepped a little closer to you, he wrapped his hand around your waist. “the girls were different. just started hollerin’out of nowhere.
“hollerin’?” you raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean?”
“i’on know. but it was crazy. my buddies tol’ me it was because of the way i was movin’.”
now that you could understand. “have you seen the way you dance? it’s sexy so i think their reaction was reasonable.” you smiled.
“sexy, huh?” he smirked down at you and leaned a little closer. “i’m glad you find it sexy, baby, that’s what matters the most to me.”
a silence blanketed over the both of you and you were curious as to what was gonna happen next. it seemed like the only thing either of you wanted to do was just stare into each other’s eyes for as long as you could.
“i have a question,” elvis started. “and you can say no but, i’ve been waiting for a moment when i could kiss you. again, at least.”
you sucked in a quick breath, remembering the last time you kissed. it was a quick one, nothing special. you didn’t even think he’d remember it.
“can i kiss you again?”
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
⚜︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS: 5th Anniversary Book ー Special Interview | Sakamaki Ryuuto ⚜︎
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01. At the moment, what is your favourite thing?
I recently replaced the plain, golden frame of Mother and Father’s portrait in the entrance hall with a newer one. While this one may also be golden, it is in a baroque-style – far more elaborate and grandeur than the old one. You could spend hours just admiring the detailing…
02. What sort of fashion are you recently hung up on?
She* told me, only yesterday, that I seem to be wearing ruffles more often. From the collars to the cuffs, she says she has noticed them with quite a few of my outfits… That isn’t so bad. It gives me a Princely aura, I think.
03. Have you picked up any subconscious habits?
…I hate to admit it, but I noticed that the ends of my paintbrushes had teeth-marks in them. I caught myself the other day, while coming out of a daze, chewing on them. I would rather that this habit doesn’t stick.
04. What do you get up to on your days off?
Since over half of this mansion is closed off, I occasionally take a trip down memory lane by strolling through the abandoned wing... Besides that, however, during the holidays I find I have more time to enjoy mundane things, such as visiting town.
05. What sort of clothes do you wear to bed?
They’re proper pyjamas, of course. My skin can be rather sensitive, so I prefer when they’re made of smoother fabric, such as silk.
06. What is something you always make sure to do before bed?
I wash my face, brush and floss my teeth… The same routine as most people. Fufu, I wonder if that surprises you? In the recent weeks, I’ve also taken to having my hair combed through for me, and tied back, at her request.
07. Which part of your body do you like the most?
That’s a strange question, wouldn’t you say? Well, there are plenty parts of mine that are worthy of being named. I would say my hands... though however strong yet delicate they are, it is my well taken care of nails that steal the show. Of course, they aren’t ridiculously long, or feminine to look at, yet they’re clean and shaped rather pleasingly to the eye. Don’t you agree?
08. What is your favourite part of your room?
I particularly like the array of windows against the wall. Not only do they look out into the garden at the perfect angle, but for where my bed is, it’s through them that the most beautiful beams of moonlight shine on to her face, whenever she sleeps beside me.
09. Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had with your brothers.
…Well, there was a few brief times when we had to attend formal gatherings together when I was little… It was at one of these that I remember how Ayato snuck away from the crowd so, naturally, I followed him. I caught him red-handed using the railing of the staircase as a slide. I reported him to Father right away, of course.
10. What is your opinion on Karlheinz?
An almost all-seeing, all-knowing being… I don’t loathe him for being King, I loathe him for the type of person he is; For what kind of a man he was to her… For now, that is all I can bare to say before I rile myself up.
11. What place would you choose for a date?  
A night out at the theatre wouldn’t go to waste if it taught her a thing or two about the fine arts, I suppose... Although, in the dark, it is hard for me to get a proper glimpse of her face. Otherwise, something slow-paced, like a picnic, will do just fine.
12. What type of thing does a girl do that makes your heart skip a beat?
Aah, fufu… What immediately came to mind was whenever she bites her lip. Should I say or do something, and she bites it like that… I almost can’t take my eyes off her.
13. How does her blood taste?
Addictive, I’m not ashamed to admit. One drop of its richness – its sweetness – can enough to drive any man crazy. It’s able to quench any thirst, while still leaving you craving more.
14. Which place on her body do you enjoy sucking from the most?
The most intimate place to suck from is her chest, don’t you agree? It is the place only I have seen, closest to her heart… Whenever I suck, I feel her heartbeat pulse through my fangs, into my body, and ring in my ears. Not to mention, she has quite the habit of pulling and holding onto my hair whenever I do, fufu.
15. What does she mean to you?
This is perhaps the nosiest question of them all... Though, I don’t mind answering. I suppose you could say that my interest is her has remained the same as always; I’ve always been curious for what is inside of her… inside of her heart. Uncovering her innermost self is what I aspire to do, most of all, by her side.
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━━─┉┈┈◈ Notes ◈┈┈┉─━━
  1.  Throughout, aside from the Karlheinz question, the woman he refers to is the MC/Yui.
━━──┉┈┈◈ ◉ ◈┈┈┉──━━
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sunlightheidi · 3 years
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Jihyun Kim "V" x Reader/MC
AU Fantasy, written for the Mystic Dance Event, hosted by the lovely @little-butterfly-writes. Roles provided, "Princess x Court Painter".
"I'll meet you in the forest, let's let this wild thing grow."
- Forest, Fancy Hagood
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Jihyun was chosen from a neighboring kingdom to paint the royal family.
It was an honor, to be selected as the court artist; for his art to hang on the palace walls alongside portraits of previous kings and queens.
There are countless tales told throughout the kingdoms; stories of the ruthless king who commanded the armies, of the regal queen who could turn men into stone with a simple look.
And of the stoic crowned princess, who possessed the ethereal beauty of the fae, and the same coldness too.
He’s painted that captivating beauty on canvas more than once; has traced the dip of your collarbone, the fullness of your lips, the almond shape of your eyes with his paintbrush so many times he can do it from memory alone.
You are always seated on that golden throne when he does, decorated in sapphires and dressed in layers of silk and lace – always watching him with a sort of fascination as he paints, a sparkling wonder in your gaze.
You sit on that throne now, your head held high, waves of black hair falling down your back, and a crown of rowan berries on your brow. Your dress is golden, accentuating the sun-touched colors of your skin and the darkness of your eyes as they roam over the ballroom to the people dancing and celebrating the return of autumn.
There is a sort of hypnotic magic about you and he sees it perfectly then, how you truly could have been fairy in a past life; sparkling wings on your back, adorned in colors of orange and red and yellow as you sat on a throne of marigolds and ruled over the autumn court.
Perhaps you may have even allowed yourself to dance amongst your folk, lost in the addicting taste of pomegranates as you moved freely to the wild music.
But that is not who you are now. Not who are you expected to be.
You do not partake in the autumn celebration with your people, you are not allowed to laugh and dance in the way he knows you desire to. In the way you have so freely danced and laughed by his side in hidden corridors.
Your only purpose is to serve your kingdom, and outside of your clandestine meetings with him, you play your role flawlessly. No one would dare suggest otherwise.
If only they knew the restlessness that lingers in your heart. The same kind and wild heart you have given to him– a secret belonging to you both alone.
The music ends and you clap gently in your lap, almost unconsciously, as most of your mannerisms are – but your eyes are dazed, he knows your thoughts are elsewhere.
He has been hounded by daydreams of you as well, wishes he could stand in front of that throne and take your hand as an equal; to lead you to the ballroom floor and hold you in his arms as you sway together, just as you have done many times before in the dark.
The orchestra begins to play a new piece, something slow and soft that echoes through the ballroom; the chandeliers shimmer from the high ceiling as partners retake their place and begin a new dance.
Carefully, as to not draw attention to yourself, you stand, hands gripping the skirts of your dress as you curtsey to the king and queen, who briefly nod in your direction in permission to take your leave. He follows you with his eyes as you walk down the steps of the podium and to the large entryway, but something catches his attention – a golden satin ribbon, left behind on the seat of your throne.
You have played this game before, he knows what the token means; and when he looks up, in a single moment that freezes time, you look over your shoulder and meet his gaze. He nods in understanding, and there’s a sparkle in your eye as you close the doors behind you.
He wants to run after you, to spin you around in his arms and declare his fidelity to you in front of the world. But you are a princess…and he is only the court painter – the consequences should anyone discover you two together, of the things you have done under secrecy, would end in tragedy.
So he waits, and when the kingsmen turn to assist their majesties to the ballroom floor, Jihyun slips through the entryway and weaves down dark corridors and forgotten doors.
He is lost in a haze to get to you, has waited eagerly for weeks to spend time with you, and not the person you pretend to be for everyone else. He wants your silly laughter and teasing smiles, your fondness for flowers and furry forest creatures.
In an unlit corner of an unused passageway, there is a door that blends into the stone of the walls, it is not easily seen in the dark, but Jihyun knows exactly where it is and how to twist the lock to the room that has become his haven.
He steps through the low archway and closes the door behind him, feels a sort of relief when he turns to find you watching him.
It is indescribable, how painfully beautiful you are illuminated by the candlelight – woven in golden and waiting for him.
He bows, deeply. “Princess.”
And then, the respectable haze you have found yourselves in for weeks vanishes.
In an instant, you wrench yourself forward into him, tackling him into something fierce. He grasps you, cradling you safely in his arms as you wiggle in your happiness.
“Jihyun,” you whisper against his chest, nose buried in the hilt of his tailcoat. “I was afraid you would not come.”
He pushes you back, enough to look into your eyes and trace the outline of your cheekbone with his thumb. “Of course I came. I cannot deny you a single thing, nor do I wish to.”
“I did not think I would have the time to slip by their attention tonight, I am eternally grateful their minds are elsewhere.”
“Do you need to get back?” he asks, wrapping his arms around your waist; already dreading having to part.
“Not yet, not so soon.” You reach for him, stand on the tip of your toes and brush your lips against his in the softest of kisses. “I have missed you terribly.”
“As have I, darling,” he whispers against your mouth. “I have to stop myself constantly from reaching for you in the hallways.”
An impish smile graces your lips, sly and conniving. He imagines this must be how the fae tempt humans into their world.
“You are certainly free to touch me now, in whatever way you desire.”
He catches up quickly, as he tightens the hold on your waist and brings his lips to yours – warm breath and honey taste – soft and slow, memorizing every part of this moment.
He rubs small circles on your back just above your waist, feeling the silky material of your dress as you put your arms around his neck, bringing him in as close as you possibly can. And when you pull back to catch your breath, you smile at him slyly, all hooded eyes and flushed cheeks, bottom lip between your teeth.
“Pray tell, you wicked thing. What enchantment have you placed on me?”
A soft laugh, no more than an exhale, ghosts across the side of his neck, raising goosebumps across his skin. You stand so close he can smell the sweetness of the roses pressed onto your skin, the floral scent instantly hauling him back to an afternoon in the court gardens, where you hid behind large rose bushes and he pressed you against the grass and kissed you until sundown.
“It was the pomegranate seeds I fed to you in the garden” you whisper, playfully. “It was faerie food, meant to entrap you to my side for the rest of your days.”
“You could have simply asked me,” he replies. “My answer would have been yes.”
Your eyes go soft, but sparkle suddenly in the way they do when you decide to be cheeky. “But that would be a waste of a perfectly ripe pomegranate, do you not agree?”
He bites at the pout of your lip in reprimand, feeling satisfied with the redness there when he pulls back. “Do you truly have a response for everything?”
“I thought you liked my mouth,” you say, just a fraction shy and very much teasing as your hands wonder down his chest.
“I do, it’s perfectly sweet.” His hand firmly cradles your chin and he leans in until your breath is upon his lips. “Do not divert, my dove. Will you share with me what has been on your mind tonight? You have been on a cloud all evening.”
Your eyes open in surprise, but smile softly at him as he holds your face between his hands. His thumb traces your berry lips and your eyes flutter shut in resignation.
“I have tried, for a very long time, to find dignity in my role.” He notes the softness of your voice, mixed in with the bitter resentment he’s only caught glimpses of before. When your eyes flutter open, there is sadness. “I have found nothing, and I am tired of it all. I do not know who I am beyond what I’m told to be, and I do not care for it any longer. I wish to please only you.”
Your eyes are suddenly and incredibly soft as they hold onto his, your fingertips tracing his hipbones, moving up his abdomen. He brushes a gentle stroke of his lip against yours, flashing loving eyes as if to say what neither of you has found the courage to admit yet.
“You have shone light upon my dreams, Jihyun. But there is no room for you in my life, and you deserve to be with someone that will not be a threat to your own.”
He is hardly ever angry; he finds he does not care much for such emotions. But in this moment, he feels an inexplicable sadness and fear that you will disappear before he has the chance to tell you how truly his life belongs to you.
“Should you wish to end things with me, I will retreat immediately without a word and pretend nothing has happened. But do not make decisions for me. I wish to be with you, in whatever manner possible. If these meetings are all that I will ever have, then I will have this over nothing.”
Light laughter erupts from your throat and you quickly slip one hand from his chest to muffle the unexpected sound. Tears spring from your eyes at last, a blend of humor and grief.
“I wish I could kiss you and make you king.”
He gently takes hold of your soft hands, engulfing them in his calloused ones. He notices the pleasant shiver that runs up your spine at the intimate gesture.
“I do not want to be king, I just want to be with you,” he admits.
You are quiet for a long time, contemplative. He brushes tendrils of your hair off your shoulder, feels your collarbones beneath his fingertips.
“We are in love, aren’t we?” You whisper, and there’s a sort of hesitancy there, as if you have only just realized what this could mean for both of you – the inevitable heartbreak that is destined.
From the very moment your worlds collided – he knew he would fall in love with you. And as he has come to know you – eyes alive like wildflowers and smiles that carry sunshine – he dreams of nothing more than to meet his fate by your side.
“I love you, with everything that I possess.”
“Then run away with me,” you plead, putting yourself nose to nose with him, his blue wisps of hair against your forehead. “Let’s go to another land. Somewhere far away where we can be close to an ocean and have a garden of roses.”
“Your father will send kingsmen after us,” he warns quietly, stoic beneath your hands, hesitant to reciprocate. “He will not be merciful.”
You shake your head fiercely, speak one last offer of clarity. “My father cares not for what may happen to me, he never has. He has two more children he can crown.”
“If you are sure about this, I believe King Han may grant us sanctuary should we reach his borders. I have known him since we were children, and Jumin can be ruthless, but he is fair. Though I must warn you, once we reach his castle, your title will be stripped.”
“I do not want to be a princess, I just want you,” you whisper and lean into him, press a breeze of a kiss to the corner of his mouth, another against his jawline. “Promise you will meet me at midnight, out in the forest.”
The sweetness of you has long burned away his fear, and in its place a mellow kind of anticipation has taken hold. He takes your hand in his and brings it up to his lips.
“As you wish,” he mumbles against your palm and you giggle joyfully before you throw your arms around his neck.
And for everything he believes in, your face is as precious as all the jewels and gemstones of any kingdom; it is the smile you grace him with upon his yes, shining with the power of a thousand suns, that confirm he has found the world’s greatest fortune.
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