#5th anniversary special interview
musaslullaby · 2 months
I didn't forget it
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Carlos Sainz x lettore
Summary: You and Carlos were doing an interview and he forgot your anniversary
Only fulff
Interviews were stressful: a thousand people asking about your relationship and always prying into your personal business, but the ones with my boyfriend were always the best. His smile calmed me, and his hands, somehow always in contact with my skin, had become my chamomile.
Today was a special interview: Carlos and I would simply have to answer questions from our fans, nothing easier.
"Let's start with the first question. Y/n and Carlos, how did you meet?" asked the journalist with a sweet smile on her face.
"Classic question," I said, laughing. "Carlos, would you do us the honor of answering?"
"Claro, mi corazón. We met in a club in Monaco. She was drunk and practically fell on top of me," said the Spaniard with a smile, recalling that night.
"But you're not from Monaco. Why were you there?" asked the woman in front of us, furrowing her brows.
"I was simply there on vacation with my friends," I replied with a natural smile, calmly addressing the interviewer's pure curiosity. "They still don't believe that I'm with a Formula 1 driver and that I literally fell on him by sheer chance."
"The best fall of your life," said Carlos, looking at me with his brown eyes full of genuine playfulness. I gave him a light slap on the arm, and he let out a cute muffled chuckle.
"I see there's no lack of chemistry here," said the woman, laughing. "But let's move on. The second question is, how long have you been together? Y/n, don't answer, let's see if Carlos remembers," said the interviewer, winking at me.
At that point, I turned towards Carlos, looking at him, waiting for his answer, even though I was pretty sure he knew the date by heart.
"Hey, you're conspiring against me," said the guy, pretending to be offended. "Of course, I know the date. We got together on April 5th, two years ago."
The blood froze in my veins, and I turned pale. The date was wrong, completely wrong.
I shot a deadly glare at Carlos, who smiled at me.
"What's wrong?" he asked, making an innocent face.
I couldn't believe it. He said that the day we got together was the best moment of his life, and now he didn't remember the date.
"Something tells me you're in trouble, Carlos," said the interviewer with a smile that showed a hint of disapproval.
"I was joking. I know the day we got together: it was December 20th. It was the best Christmas gift I could have gotten," said Carlos, brushing my cheek, and the tension suddenly disappeared.
"You scared me," I said with a smile.
"I could never forget our anniversary; you're too important to forget," he concluded, holding my hand affectionately.
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hunieday · 5 months
Re:vale - 2D☆STAR Vol.5 interview
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
This magazine has been released in November 2016 aka before part 3!
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your hard work with the shooting and outfit change! Pleased to work with you for this interview.
Interviewer: It's been a little while, but congratulations on the success of your 5th anniversary live performance at the Zero Arena inaugural event!
Momo: Thank you very much!
Yuki: Thank you.
Interviewer: Your live concert was very exciting. Could you please share your honest thoughts?
Yuki: It was our honor as Re:vale to be chosen to perform in such a special place like Zero Arena.
Yuki: I'm grateful to all the staff who worked hard to make the show a success, to TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 for their support and their performances, and to all the fans who came to see us.
Yuki: I’m sincerely glad that Momo and I worked so hard together.
Yuki: Right, Momo?
Momo: Yeah!
Momo: I'm really grateful too! I want to thank each and every one of them as loudly as I can!
Yuki: We’re also glad we were able to cover a Zero song as planned.
Momo: And the exclusive one-night shuffle units with TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 were super exciting too!
Interviewer: Speaking of TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, they did perform a medley of Re:vale songs, how did you decide on that?
Momo: Actually they didn’t inform us about that, it was a complete surprise!
Yuki: It sure was.
Yuki: We were as surprised as the audience, if not more.
Momo: I almost cried even though we were about to perform!
Yuki: You mean you were actually crying.
Momo: Come on, Yuki, don't reveal Momo-chan's secrets so casually!
Yuki: Fufu. My bad.
Interviewer: I see. Thank you for sharing that precious memory with us!
Interviewer: Allow me to change the topic, could you share your thoughts on this cover photoshoot?
Momo: The shoot was so much fun! There was Re:vale spray-painted on the set which was very exciting!
Yuki: It was. The letters weren't very visible in the end because we stood in front of them, but it was nice to have a set specifically dedicated to us.
Momo: And the outfits exuded our adult charms thanks to the casual jackets and hats, don’t you think!?
Momo: Right, Yuki?
Yuki: Fufu. For me at least. Momo didn't give off much of an adult vibe.
Momo: Huh!? That's not true! I was oozing with charm, right!?
Interviewer: Yes! You both looked wonderful.
Interviewer: The theme of this issue is "Secret Talk with Close Friends", so please tell us about a moment where you felt grateful for having a partner.
Yuki: I'm not good at socializing or livening up the mood, so Momo's ability to make everyone around him happy helps me out a lot.
Momo: I'm happy, but you say that all the time~ Tell me something new!
Yuki: Then show us your example, Momo.
Momo: For me, it's Yuki's cooking!
Momo: I'm really happy that he makes dishes with meat just for me since he doesn’t even eat it! I can really feel your love!
Yuki: Hmm, I see what you mean.
Yuki: Then, during our indie days when Momo and I were still living together in poverty, Momo never got mad at me even when I was getting fired from my part time jobs. I’d love to thank you for that.
Yuki: Thank you.
Momo: You went back in time out of nowhere!?
Yuki: It's about how grateful I am to you ever since we started working together.
Momo: Here it is! Yuki's handsome comment!
Momo: You're in such high spirits today, you’re making my heart flutter!
Yuki: Fufu. Sorry for always being so handsome. 
Interviewer: Since we’re already at it, is there anything you'd like to tell your partner?
Momo: Yuki, there's still a confession you haven’t told me yet, right!?
Yuki: Why does it have to be a confession?
Momo: Because we're on the cover, so it's a great opportunity!
Momo: Please give me a warm confession that will convey our relationship to those who don’t know about Re:vale!
Yuki: Wait. Don't ask me to do things outside my expertise out of nowhere.
Momo: No way... I've always trusted you, Yuki... Was I just a game to you...!?
Yuki: No, not in the slightest.
Momo: If you don't share that special confession, Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Ahh, are we doing this?
Momo: Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Alright...
Yuki: "Until the end of the world, you’re the one and only partner for me in the universe." …*chuckles*
Momo: Yuki, you’ll ruin everything if you laugh at the end!
Yuki: I tried my best, so cut me some slack.
Interviewer: Thank you for the passionate messages!
Momo: Actually, TRIGGER’s Gaku came up with this line for me.
Yuki: The Number One most desired Man is also handsome on the inside, isn’t he?
Momo: I respect him for being able to churn out a dramatic line like that without any shame, even though he’s our junior!
Yuki: That’s right. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't sound as manly as when he does.
Momo: You'll sound good if you don't laugh halfway through, Yuki!
Interviewer: Now onto the next question. Where do you see Re:vale in 10 years?
Yuki: I'll be 36, Momo will be 35, and it'll be Re:vale's 15th anniversary in ten years.
Momo: I'll work hard so that Yuki doesn't replace me with a younger guy!
Yuki: Hey, don’t say something that might cause misunderstandings.
Momo: Because I'm working on anti-aging!
Yuki: You’ll still be my partner even ten years from now, right? I’m looking forward to working with you more, Momo.
Momo: Yeah! Looking forward to it too, Yuki!
Momo: If I can still be with you and Re:vale in ten years then that's enough to make me happy!
Yuki: Thank you, Momo. I’ll be happy too.
Momo: I’m gonna be a bit greedy, but I’ll also be super happy if all our fans continue supporting us in ten years like they do now!
Yuki: Fufu. Indeed.
Interviewer: Lastly, please share a message for your fans who continue to support you.
Momo: I hope everyone enjoys the cover issue featuring Re:vale.
Momo: We were able to be on the cover of the magazine and succeed in the inaugural performance thanks to everyone's support! Thank you!
Momo: You have plenty of choices with so many charming idols featured in the magazine, including TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, but please continue to support Re:vale!
Yuki: We were able to achieve all of this, from the magazine cover to the inaugural performance, all thanks to our fans who believed in Momo and I and kept supporting us.
Yuki: We will continue to do our best to keep offering the best Re:vale, so please continue supporting us.
The End
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putschki1969 · 5 months
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Botanical Tsushin Vol#15 HQ Scans
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Contents Botanical Tsushin 2024 Spring Vol.15
03 Wakana Special Interview 08 Wakana Classics 2023 LIVE PHOTO 11 Wakana Winter Shark Festival Vol.3 12 Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~Prologue~ 13 Ghibli wo Utau Concert Off-shots 14 Talk Corner Vol.17 16 Join Wakana on a Botanical Tour! "HANA BIYORI" Edition! 18 Member Contribution Corner Vol.16 20 Information
Harmony Magazine Vol: 5 | 6&7
Botanical Land: Vol 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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Hi its me again 😄😄😄 i'm the anon that sends my very first ask to you 🥰 actually i have reblogged and given tons of hashtags on your Studious works but i like being *mysterious* 🤫
Anyway i just wanna say that everyday i look upon the dashboard only to wait for your new update for Studious 😘 I adore this series so frickin much even when i'm not even a fan of series because i hate waiting but you are just that special to me 🤩🤩🤩 So have you got any planned date for the release of part IV, so that i can have the date marked on my calendar 🥺 its totally fine even if you don't have the exact date And maybe i'm too greedy, this would be all up to you, but may i have a tiny bitsy of sneak peak for the next part please please please 😭 i'm literally begging you 😭😭😭 just a lil part about 200 words then i can sleep peacefully tonight, but once again it would be your decision whether to feed us with the crumbs 🤗 (but i hope its a yes 😭😭😭😭😭) Please stay healthy and happy always!!! Thank you so so much for all the efforts you put into the series, i appreciate those a lot 💕💗💖😻
Hello again! I will resist the urge to look through all my notes so that you can retain your *mysterious* air!
I'm so sorry Studious is taking so long, I've had kind of a creative block these past few weeks. I literally open the document and just stare at it and don't write anything. Only a few blurbs have been coming to me.
I don't have an exact date, but I'm hoping it'll be soon! I do have kind of a busy week this week - I have several job interviews and I'm going wedding dress shopping with my sister - but I actually write best when I'm busy? So hopefully a lot of progress this week!
And because you're so mysterious and sweet... absolutely you can have a sneak peek!
For context, this is the beginning of Aemond's diary entry on his and reader's two-week anniversary. Or, as I like to call it in my outline, the "second fucking."
Studious IV Sneak Peek
The 26th day in the 5th moon of the year.
I had hoped not to make an entry today – for I had every intention of spending tonight in my wife’s chambers. But she is there, and tragically, I am here.
Tonight was almost worse than our wedding night.
When I saw her watching me in the training yard today, I thought… she was almost smiling – at me! She had no obligation to be there, and yet she was! She sought me out! She wanted to see me!
I had to bite back a cry of joy and relief. I immediately abandoned the rest of my training, nearly throwing my sword to the poor squire in the yard so that I could rush to the ramparts and greet her.
But when I got there, she was gone. I asked a few of the other lords and ladies that were there, but no one knew where she went. Even after speaking to her, however briefly, I still do not understand why she left.
You felt your cheeks flush with shame. Aemond hadn’t grimaced at you that day – quite the opposite. He had been so excited to see you there, and as usual, you had misinterpreted his reaction.
Or, based on how frequently these misunderstandings occurred, perhaps his expressions were merely indecipherable to normal people. Or, more likely, maybe just to you.
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hyeahgaku · 8 months
Few days ago, MANGA Plus has shared news of two special projects to commemorate their 5th Anniversary; one of them being an exclusive interview with the editor of SAKAMOTO DAYS, Sōsuke Ishikawa.
Aaaaand good news! The interview with the editor is now available for reading!
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
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Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to try to get into Morgan's head before Wrestlemania. Melanie worries she won't be able to spend her 1 year anniversary with Jon.
Words: 7,000+
WrestleMania week was underway and WWE went to New Orleans for WrestleMania Axxess. Melanie had her bags with her in the hotel hallway and headed for her hotel room door. 
"Melanie!" She turned around at the sound of the familiar voices and grinned. 
"Guys!" She ran and embraced her family. 
"My baby!" Jane yelled and started kissing her all over her face while she tried to get away. 
Diego chuckled. "Come on Jane, let her breathe." 
"For real for real..." Aunt Aria retorted with her arms crossed. 
That triggered Jane's annoyance as she released Melanie and turned to face Aria. 
"Problem...?" Aria raised an eyebrow.
"I don't appreciate you nagging about my actions. I know what I'm doing." Jane stated. 
"Ha! If you did, you would have gotten to be on the lacrosse team back in high school." 
"Oh boy, here we go again with their sister arguments." Melanie face palmed as she watched her aunt and mom bicker back and forth. While her aunt and mom argued, she greeted her dad and Mimi. 
"I'm sure everything will be fine." Mimi, Melanie's cousin said. "Hey, where's Jon?" 
Jane and Aria stopped arguing and turned their interest to Mimi's question. "I agree, where is the funny guy?" Aria asked. 
"He's rooming with Drake." The Philly Diva mentioned. 
"Younger?" Jane asked.
"Yep. You know how good buddies they are."
"Will you two see each other?" Mimi asked. 
"Eh...Hopefully." Melanie said with some reluctance. "I mean, we will since we have to do some interviews for the network, but we're not going to be around a lot after that. We're not together for Axxess. I'm alone in my own little booth. The Shield are going to be independent this year." 
"You two will still be able to celebrate your anniversary on the 5th, right? It's just in a couple of days." Jane brought up. 
"We will, don't worry. I'm sure we'll work everything out for our schedule." Melanie reassured with a fake smile. 'I hope...' 
"That doesn't look so convincing," Diego spoke up. 
He could read her like a book. It was obvious Melanie was doubting, but Diego had hope that they would be able to spend some time together for their anniversary. 
The Outspoken Diva sighed and looked down at her watch. "I just really want Saturday to be special. Okay, I wish I could stay longer but I gotta go. There's a press conference I need to attend, to build up some more tension for Morgan and Rosa. I'll see you guys soon." She hugged them all goodbye and went to her room. 
As soon as she walked in, she heard a giggle. "Shenanigans! What are you doing here in my room?" A female voice called out. 
"Celeste!" Melanie put her bags down and gave her a big hug. 
"Haha. Thought I surprise you. We're roomies thanks to Jonny boy. He knew how much we both wanted to see each other again. It's good to see you! You look tougher after wrestling all those guys." 
"Ha, I feel tougher."
Leah walked out of the bathroom with a goofy grin on her face. "Melly!"
"And Leah is rooming with us too. Surprise again." Celeste grinned as Leah embraced Melanie.
"I am so happy you guys are here!" The Philly Diva grinned.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," Leah said.
"I know, but right now I can't. I got a press conference to go to."
"Oh, don't worry, we'll wait for ya," Celeste reassured. 
Melanie sighed out of relief. "Thanks. We'll catch up in a bit. Gotta go!" She rushed out of the room and ran to the elevator. 
She waited for the elevator door to open and saw Milena leaning on the elevator wall, on her phone. They have gotten closer ever since they were put in a storyline together. Melanie was asked who she wanted to work with and she chose her. She felt like Milena deserved some more TV time and could be a great heel and she was right. Milena was definitely living up to her Rosa Mendes character. She was such a good heel to work with. Even though Rosa was vindictive, snobby, annoying, flirty, and cruel these past few months in the WWE, Milena was nothing like the character. 
Sometimes it pained Melanie that there are still people in the world who didn't know the difference between a character and a real person. Milena would have to be one of the most down to earth divas that Melanie had ever met. The way she was so passionate about eating healthy amazed her, too. She even got some tips from her and drinks her homemade protein shakes. 
Milena looked up from her phone and gave Melanie a warm smile. "Perfect timing."
"Hey! I was wondering where you were." She embraced her and pressed the first floor button. 
"Excited for more Rosa and Morgan action?" 
"You bet! WrestleMania is going to be awesome."
"I know! I cannot wait for Chyna to come! It's going to be an honor!"
"I agree. It is going to be an honor. I can't wait to see her when she arrives. I drank some more of the protein shakes."
Milena's eyes lit up. "Really!? What do you think of the Strawberry Banana flavor?" 
"Out of this world! It's amazing!"
"Aw, really? You're so sweet. I got an idea."
"So after the Smackdown tapings, I've been brainstorming on the Q&A session later on after the press conference. I think there should be a little bit more hype for the match at WrestleMania. I talked to creative about it, too." 
"Agreed. What do you wanna do?" 
"I brought a neck brace so Rosa can taunt Morgan, again. Creative really likes the idea." 
"Neck brace...oh! Milena, you're a genius!" 
"Yes! I love it! That'll be great. Oh man, this is going to be good. Hey, you think Rosa should give Morgan a cheap shot?" 
"Like a shove?" Milena asked as they walked out of the elevator and headed to where the press conference was. 
"Yeah, and I'm sure they'll be separated. I like it. We're gonna rock it out." 
"Yeah, let's do this!" 
'Press conference' 
Melanie and Milena watched the press conference from the back. They saw Daniel Bryan, Orton, and Cena talk on stage. They also saw Batista's weird and goofy speech where he would mock a fan off the podium and go back on the podium to reply to the fan. It made Melanie laugh very hard. 
Dave Batista walked off the stage and headed to where Melanie and Milena were. 
"That was hilarious." Melanie complimented. 
Dave chuckled and walked away after thanking her. After more talking went on, Rosa finally went up the stage to her theme as the crowd applauded her. She was wearing a short dark blue dress and her black hair was in a ponytail to the left side. 
She started speaking in Spanish before saying "I also want to thank all of you for your continued support and to the WWE Universe for making WrestleMania, the greatest event in sports entertainment. And speaking of that, I would also like to say how happy I am to be a part of this year's WrestleMania because I get to face Morgan. I'm going to finish that little girl. So believe that, and believe in Rosa, the Outlaws, and Kane." 
Morgan began to walk up on the stage with an amused look on her face. She had on her trademark WrestleMania jersey and Skinny jeans that she would wear as traditional attire for WrestleMania week. 
"Excuse me." She bumped her hip against Rosa's, making her stumble to the side while she stood by the podium.
The crowd laughed while Rosa dropped her jaw. "Ugh." She stormed off, leaving Morgan amused. 
"Anywho...What's up WWE Universe? Everyone ready for WrestleMania!?" The Outspoken Diva asked as the crowd applauded and cheered. "Awesome. This year will have to be the biggest one yet and it's all because of you. I promise this WrestleMania will be talked about for years to come."
Morgan and Rosa were sitting down at a table for a Q&A session for the fans. They were in front of a huge crowd. The place was packed. There were two tables. Morgan sat on the left side with The Shield while Rosa sat on the right side with Kane and the Outlaws. 
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here with the two teams that will be going head to head on the grandest stage of them all. The Shield, and Kane & the New Age Outlaws." Renee Young announced as the crowd cheered. 
"But by the request of the fans, we are here to focus on the two divas who have been talked about nonstop on the social network. They say this rivalry is far from over and may surpass this Sunday's WrestleMania. These two do not like each other at all," Renee went on. "They have beaten each other up, given each other cheap shots, made each other bleed, and caused a lot of pain and suffering. This may be one of the most interesting diva rivalries we've had in a long time. I'm talking about, the Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez, and the Stunning Latina, Rosa Mendes." 
The crowd cheered again while the divas gave them a smile out of appreciation. 
"Um, before we start, why is The Shield here?" Rosa asked with disgust while the boys gave her dirty looks.
"Because we can." Ambrose retorted.
"Oh wait, I know. Morgan needs back up because she's afraid." Rosa started to giggle. 
"You really are one annoying chick." Seth sighed.
Rosa gasped. "How dare you!? Do you know who I am!? I am Rosa Mendes!"
"Um!" A voice spoke up.
"I am the stunning diva of this company!"
"My team and I will decimate your team!" 
"Um! Um hello!? First of all, I don't like you." Morgan stated while Rosa grinned in amusement. "Second of all, I never felt more ready to kick someone's butt in a long time. And third of all...I'm going to wipe that stupid grin off your face." She began to stand up but Roman and Seth pulled her back down. 
"Not worth it," Roman reassured while she let out a breath and obeyed.
"Morgan, I reassure you that you will pay for your crimes," Kane declared. "And on page 50 in the­-" 
"Oh gosh...and we got this asshole right here..." She retorted and pointed to Kane as the crowd laughed. "The so called big red machine who decided to be a sell out in a suit­" 
"How about you shut your mouth­-" Rosa began.
"How about you mind your business?" Morgan countered.
"Don't talk to her like that! Your parents raised you better." Road Dogg interrupted. 
"And who are you to tell her what to do?" Seth spoke up as the crowd watched intently. 
"Okay! Okay! Let's be civil here! Just for a few minutes." Renee spoke up and calmed everything down. "This is about the divas, so let's get started with the questions. First things first...How are you feeling about the match?" 
"I'm looking forward to the match. I want...I know I'm going to leave WrestleMania feeling good because I'm going to beat Morgan. Simple. Next question." Rosa looked at her nails. 
"You are one disrespectful, conniving, narcissistic b­-" Morgan began but received hands over her mouth from her teammates as she muffled out the last word she was about to say.
Renee chuckled as the crowd laughed. "What about you Morgan?" 
The Shield removed their hands from her mouth and she began to speak. "I'm feeling good. This is my second WrestleMania. I'm feeling good, physically and mentally. Last year for WrestleMania 29, I was just a kid. A little girl trying to find her way. I was a little cocky and a wannabe. I went out there and got forced in The Shield which I'm glad I did because these guys are my brothers, right here, and they're awesome." 
The crowd started to chant 'Hounds of justice' and Morgan smiled warmly at the crowd. "And uh, I just really want this year to be a statement. I want this WrestleMania to be special. I'm wrestling guys this year and it's a privilege. So, I'm going to do whatever I can to shut miss 'I like getting my ass kicked' Mendes, and yeah." 
"Ha! You wish!" Rosa replied.
"Rosa, can you wait to take on Morgan at WrestleMania?" Renee asked. 
"Yes. I mean, I could have beaten her up earlier but you know, I'll show some mercy for now. I just don't like her. She doesn't deserve to be in the WWE. All these opportunities she's been handed. It's ridiculous." 
"Rosa, what are your thoughts on the Diva's Championship match?"
"I am so happy! I'm so going to win," she said as the crowd gave her mixed reactions to her statement. "Oh no no no, don't hate, don't hate. I know I'm good and I will prove that." 
"First of all, you don't deserve a title shot at the Diva's Championship," Morgan replied with an annoyed tone. 
"Oh~ so that's what this is about! You're jealous!" Rosa laughed. "Oh, this is classic!" 
"When hell freezes over, I'll be jealous of you. I earned a spot in that match and you just got it easy because Kane gave it to you. It's better to earn things than to be given stuff like that. It gets tiring after a while. I busted my ass every single day and night to be noticed. Not because of how I'm with The Shield, but because of the passion and effort I put into my ring work. I have shed blood, sweat, and tears in the ring and I am damn proud of it."
"Oh boo hoo..." Rosa retorted as the crowd cheered loudly at Morgan's statement. 
"What do you think of Morgan's wrestling style?" Renee asked. 
"I'm not impressed...she can't wrestle and she doesn't have enough experience to go through me this time because I've been training harder this year. This is my time to shine. She's still a rookie in my eyes. I think it was a mistake to let Morgan and The Shield be on the main roster." Rosa said with a smug look as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 
"Wow..." Seth chuckled dryly.
"You really wanna go there?" Dean rasped out.
"You're messing with the wrong people," Roman replied in an intimidating voice. 
"What are your thoughts on what Rosa just said, Morgan?" Renee asked. 
"I respect her as a wrestler. She's improving in the ring. And about The Shield and me not being good enough to be here...First of all, we got here because we're good. We came here to make a statement and that's what we are still doing," Morgan replied.
"What is your goal at WrestleMania in the match, Morgan?" 
"To see her body lying down on the ground and me looking down at her will be priceless. She's going down."
"I want to prove that I'm better than her," Rosa said. "And I will. Just like my family is better than yours." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. 
Rosa gasped and took out a neck brace from her bag as the crowd started to get interested. "What's this?" She revealed the neck brace which caught Morgan's attention. 
"Ninth Wonder of the World isn't so tough," Rosa went on with a laugh. "Do you remember when poor little Chyna got her neck broken? How long was she out of action? You, your mother, and Chyna are pathetic excuses for women. You're weak...it's quite pathetic that you are related to someone who is doing those nasty films and-" 
Morgan slammed the table and stood up and so did Rosa as the crowd started to get excited. The two women walked around the table to face off. 
"Morgan!" Seth exclaimed. 
"Don't like the neck brace?" Rosa rubbed the brace in her face but Morgan snatched it and threw it away. 
The Outspoken Diva began to look irate as she got in Rosa's face. Both teams quickly got up and tried to back them away from each other. 
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Is it because I'm right?" Rosa managed to shove Morgan back as the crowd oohed.
Morgan made a loud sigh of frustration and was about to hit her but The Shield held her back and some bodyguards came to retrain her. Rosa grinned and blew her a kiss while Morgan was taken off the stage. 
"Well, I think that went well. I think she liked the little neck brace." Rosa high fived her teammates. 
"You know what?!" Morgan yelled at the end of the stage and grabbed a mic. "Kudos to Rosa for getting a little cheap shot, but you know what? Who cares if you got a title shot? Who cares if you brag about yourself being good? You see, I don't need a title to prove I'm good." She said as the crowd cheered. 
"That's right." Seth cheered her on. 
"Just give me a ring, an opponent, and a little of your time...then I'll show you that Morgan is somebody that is gonna do some action. Oh, and I'm not talking about ruining things. I'm not talkin' about beating up your most hated diva or superstar...I'm talkin' about scorched earth! The Shield and I are gonna make a mark here so deep that you will never forget our legacy once we're done here. And I vow to leave a mark on this company that you have never seen before. Believe that! And believe in Morgan and The Shield!" She threw the mic away and got taken away. 
"Wow, those are some strong words," Renee commented as the crowd cheered. "What do you have to say, Rosa?" 
"She's getting serious. But I will not be intimidated." Rosa replied.
Rosa walked backstage after the Q&A session. 
"Rosa, can we have a word?" Tom asked. 
"Go ahead." She smiled. 
"We have just seen what happened between you and Morgan. Why did you do what you did? What is the explanation for your actions?" 
"She's jealous of me. She's afraid of what I'm going to do to her. She's just a little girl, trying to act like a woman in this company. It's time for someone to put her in her place, and I'm going to do that. I pushed Morgan because she deserved it. She walks around here with a huge ego and thinks she can win every time." 
"Why do you like doing mind games with Morgan?" 
"It's a game between me and her. I love pushing her buttons. She is a toy to be played with. She's going to choke at WrestleMania. I'm going to end her and end her wrestling career. Maybe after that, she can be with Chyna and teach English to kids in Japan. Do you know what I'm going to do to her? I'm not going to just viciously finish Morgan...I'm going to break her. Right to Censor broke Chyna's neck. I'm going to do the same with Morgan." She smirked. "Believe that...and believe in Rosa." 
"Morgan, may we have a word?" Tom asked as Morgan and The Shield stopped walking. 
"What's up?" She asked in a calm tone.
 "What are your thoughts on the match at WrestleMania?" 
"You know people expect a lot from me. They say 'She's related to the ninth wonder of the world, she's gonna get muscular and wear the things that Chyna wore.' But no, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to be Morgan Lopez and that's just what I'm doing."
"Some say that the emotion built up inside of you is going to make you choke at WrestleMania. And some say that Rosa is going to upset at WrestleMania. What are your thoughts there?" 
"I know I'm not going to be liked by every single person in the WWE Universe. Plus, Rosa has been on a roll lately with the cheap shots so I guess that's why people think she's going to win. But...I love it when people doubt me and bet against me. I feed off of it because I can prove them wrong. I will prove them wrong. I may have gotten beaten down but I back up everything I say, unlike Rosa. She's disrespected me, my family, my boys, and the WWE Divas. She's gonna get it. Plain and simple. But instead of saying what I'm going to do to her, I'll show you at WrestleMania. Stay tuned," she replied and walked away with her teammates. 
Melanie was at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for Axxess which was about to start in an hour. The place was done getting set up and she saw the fans waiting with anticipation to meet their favorite Divas and Superstars. It was an awesome feeling. She wondered if her fan base had grown this past year. She saw her table where she would be meeting and greeting the fans. She would be alone and up close and personal with her fanboys, fangirls, crazy fans, obsessive fans, long term fans from the indy days, and all the others. She couldn't wait to meet them.
"Hey, Mel." Colby greeted.
"Hey dude. You sound a little sick, you okay?"
"Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to make the Hall of Fame ceremony." he frowned. 
"Darn. But rest is important. I hope you feel better." 
"Thanks, grapes. Where's Jon?" 
"Come to think of it, I'm not sure. Lemme call him." She took out her phone and dialed up his number. 
"Hello?" Jon answered with a sleepy tone. 
"Jon, where are you?" she asked and put him on speaker. 
"At the hotel, why?"
"What?" Colby exclaimed. 
"You're two hours late!" 
"What!?" Jon looked at the time. "Shit!" He quickly got up and scrambled to get ready while falling off the bed. "Shit! Shit! Dammit! Fucking alarm didn't go off! Stupid phone! Stupid alarm! Stupid ass schedule! Fuck!" 
She started laughing with Colby. 
"It's not funny, you guys!" Jon yelled. "Everybody is gonna think I've been out all night! Dammit! This looks so bad." 
"It's okay, man," Colby reassured. 
"Jon, relax! It's okay! People make a mistake when setting their alarm. Don't worry, I'll cover for you. Don't beat yourself up." Melanie added. 
"I owe you," Jon said and they hung up. 
"You'll think he'll make it in time?" Colby asked.
"Most likely," she replied.
WrestleMania Axxess started and the fans started walking in with anticipation. Melanie could see the excitement in their faces and it made her smile. She still had on her traditional WrestleMania jersey and jeans with her hair in a messy bun. As soon as her name was announced, she walked to her table and was amazed at the long line and how many fans wanted to see her. As soon as the fans saw her, they cheered loudly. She waved at them with a huge grin on her face. 
"What is up Morganteers!?" She yelled as the fans cheered loudly in response and chanted her name. "This is so awesome." 
The meet and greets were funny, emotional, and entertaining. Melanie encountered some interesting fans. She saw a woman in her early 20s looking exactly like her character, Morgan. 
"Wow. You nailed it!" Melanie exclaimed. 
The woman smiled. "Thanks. You are so friggin' cool. You're such a badass." 
"Thanks, girl!" 
"I've been a fan of yours since the Indies. I loved it when you and Moxley used to feud. And I really hope you kick Rosa's ass at WrestleMania. She needs a beating. To talk about your family...So not cool." 
"I know right? I'm gonna give her an ass whooping of a lifetime." 
After taking photos with her, a mother in her late 30s and her teenage daughter who looked like she was in her early teens walked up to Melanie. 
"Hi!" Melanie greeted with a friendly smile and shook the teen's hand. The girl looked starstruck and started to cry. "Aw, don't cry." 
"I'm sorry, she is such a huge fan of yours. She's been begging to meet you for years. This is her first WrestleMania." The mother smiled. 
"Really? Wow, that is so special." 
"I can't believe I'm actually meeting you." The girl wiped her tears. 
Melanie decided to stand up and give her a big hug before going back to her seat. "It's so nice to meet you too."  
"I want to be a WWE Diva just like you. I love your ringwork, your fighting spirit, everything. You're like the Lita and Chyna of the PG era of the WWE."
The Philly Diva was touched by her words. "Thank you." 
She took a photo with her and signed her poster with a personal message, just for her to keep her motivated to be a WWE Diva. 
"If it isn't too much trouble, do you mind signing her birthday card?" The mother gave her the girl's birthday card while the girl walked away, looking at the poster in awe. "She's turning 15 next month." 
"Of course." Melanie smiled and signed it. She put another personal message on it and gave it back to the mother. 
"Thank you so much. You do not know how much this is going to mean to her. She idolizes you. She loves how you are so much different from the other divas." 
"I'm touched that she thinks of me as a role model for her," Melanie replied with a big smile.
Jon made it to Axxess just in time. He was alone at the table, meeting the fans. He loved the crazy girls. It was better having them than none at all as he would say. Some kissed him on the cheek and took goofy photos with him. Most of the fans kept telling him that they'd hope Dean and Morgan get back together. He wasn't surprised that most of the fans liked Dean and Morgan together. 
Three fangirls walk up to Melanie's table with 'I love Dean & Morgan' shirts. 
"Hiya. I guess you lovely ladies are fangirls of Dean and I being a couple." Melanie greeted. 
"You bet!" The third fangirl exclaimed. "We love you two, together!" 
"Do you still like Dean?" The first fangirl asked. 
"Well..." Melanie started to blush and the girls squealed. 
"Omg! I think she does!" The second fangirl said while Melanie chuckled and started to sign their stuff. 
"How do you like Dean's hair? Wet and messy or pulled back and wet?" The third fangirl asked. 
"Oh my goodness...Um..." She bit her lip as the girls looked on intently. "...Both." 
The girls squealed again. "Omg!" 
"We so gotta tell Dean when we meet him." The second fangirl said as the girls agreed. Melanie smiled with amusement and took a photo with them. 
A woman in her early 30s walked up to Melanie's table. "Hey, it's so nice to meet the Outspoken Diva." 
"Hi, nice to meet you, too. Damn, that's amazing." Melanie said as she looked at the fan art. It was a skillful and realistic drawing of Morgan with the Diva's Championship. 
"I hope you're Diva's Champion again, one day. Rosa doesn't deserve a title shot."
"Totally agree. I'll be in the title picture, again. Don't worry." She signed the art and took a photo with her. 
Later on, Four fanboys in their early 20s walked over to the table. 
"Guys, we're finally meeting one of the most beautiful divas on the roster." The first fanboy grinned. 
She chuckled. "Thank you. What's up, dudes?"
"The sky." The second fanboy answered.
"Haha. Good one."
"Has anybody told you that you are so badass in the ring?" The fourth fanboy asked. 
"Heh heh, yes, I've been told. Thanks. I'm glad you're entertained by me." 
"Hey, could I get a kiss?" The third fanboy asked. 
"Dude! Don't ask her that!" The fourth fanboy scolded while Melanie looked at them with amusement. 
"What? It's worth a shot."
"I'll give you all kisses on the cheek." She stood up and gave them kisses on the cheek before sitting back down.
"Wow. I've been kissed by Morgan Lopez." The first fanboy said in a dreamy tone. 
"Don't pass out on me." She winked and signed their stuff.
"Can I give you a kiss on the lips?" The second fanboy asked.
"Dude!" The other fanboys exclaimed.
She politely shook her head no. "You're too cute but don't push it, man," 
"Darn. Worth a shot," he sighed.
"Hey, if you aren't getting back together with Dean, I'm always available." The first fanboy gave her a flirty look as she started to laugh. 
Another set of fangirls made their way to her. There were two of them and they looked to be in their late teens. 
"Morgan! We love you!" The first girl grinned.
"Thanks! I liked to be loved." Melanie giggled. 
"Do you mind if we ask you a question?"
"Shoot," she replied as she signed their stuff. 
"Do you think Dean is sexy?" The second girl asked. 
"Wow, I'm in the hot seat today." she chuckled and began blushing again.
The girls gasped. "She's blushing!"
"So, do you admit he's sexy?" the first girl asked.
"He is so not gonna let me live this down..." the Philly Diva said with a sigh. "All right, I'll admit it...Yes. I think Dean Ambrose is sexy. He's friggin' sexy as hell." 
'To Jon' 
The same three fangirls who saw Melanie headed over to Dean Ambrose's table. 
"Hi, Dean! We saw Morgan and she told us she loves your hair pulled back & wet, and messy & wet."
"Did she now?" Jon smirked. "I may need to confront her about that."
"I hope you two get back together."
Jon nodded out of appreciation and smiled. "I hope so too." 
Later, the other set of fangirls that Melanie met walked over to Jon. "Dean! Morgan just told us you look sexy."
"She said you're sexy as hell." The second girl added.
Jon began to smirk. "Oh, really?"
"And she blushed when she said it. I think she still likes you. I hope you two get back together, soon." 
"Me too." 
Later on, another fan walked to his table and greeted him. After she took a photo and he signed her stuff, she asked, "Hey Dean, do you think Morgan is hot?" 
"Hell yeah! Smokin' hot! Hot as hell." 
A couple who looked like they were in their 40s headed to the table. 
"It is so nice to meet you, Morgan. We love you in the ring." The woman praised. 
"Hi. Thank you so much for being a fan." Melanie smiled. 
"And happy early anniversary to you and Jon." The man added.
"Thank you so much. One ­year strong, tomorrow." 
"We hope they'll be more. We love you on Total Divas." 
Another woman in her 20s went up to the table. 
"Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I'm meeting you! Wow, you're much more beautiful in person." 
"Aw, thank you so much. It's so nice to meet you too." Melanie shook her hand and signed her stuff. 
"I'm so proud of you and Jon. You two will be dating for a year tomorrow. I'm so happy for you two." 
"Thanks. I hope for more years to come."
"I know there's a lot of women who envy you for dating him since he's so hot but I don't envy you. I'm happy that he has someone who truly loves him and not just for his looks. You too are meant to be and I hope Morgan realizes that at WrestleMania." 
"That really means a lot." she grinned and took a photo with her. 
The same fangirl who saw Jon went up to the table. "Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, you're so awesome." 
"Thank you. I see you're representing The Shield. I love the shirt." 
"Thanks. I saw Dean, earlier. He told me you look smoking hot. And he said you look hot as hell." she told her which made Melanie laugh and start blushing harder. "Omg, your face is so red!" 
"I guess he found out what I said earlier. Oh my gosh...this is ridiculous. I'm blushing up a storm today because of him." she buried her face in embarrassment while the girl laughed. 
Later, Melanie was getting interviewed by a local radio station and was sitting at a table next to Jon's table who was getting interviewed by Radio Row DJ Slab. Jon was telling him the story about how he overslept. 
"...but then Morgan called and woke me up. If it wasn't for her, I think I would have missed Axxess. She's really awesome." DJ Slab and Jon turned their attention to Melanie who was talking to the Radio host. 
"So how does it feel to be here?" The radio interviewer asked her. 
"It's so unreal! My fan base has really grown since the last WrestleMania. I'm so happy." she grinned. "I checked out some of the fans who were doing my entrance, and I gotta say, they all nailed it. It's so cool,"
"I think some people are looking at you." 
She turned to see Jon and DJ Slab looking at her. "What? What did I do?" She started to blush while Jon and DJ Slab laughed. "Oh my gosh. Dean always does this. He randomly looks at me and laughs." 
'Behind The Scenes' 
Dean, Roman, Morgan, and Seth sat next to each other for an interview for the WWE Network. 
"Our debut in the WWE, I mean...hands down, it was awesome," Roman said. 
"It was like, we're here. Even If we got hit by a bus that night out of the arena, you could never take that away." Ambrose said as his teammates chuckled. "We made it to the WWE for at least one night." 
"We were there for one job and I think we got it done, pretty well if I say so myself," Seth spoke as the members agreed. 
"There's only one problem...turtlenecks." Roman grinned as Seth laughed.
"I am so glad I didn't have to wear those things," Morgan sighed, shaking her head.
 "I think if we had committed to that, we could have really popularized turtle necks," Dean wondered. 
"We looked good," Seth exclaimed. "Yeah, we look good. We made those turtlenecks work...for two days." 
"Now I wasn't there when they debuted but we all debuted that same day. I was with Kaitlyn and boy did I hate these three so much..." Morgan chuckled with her teammates. "I did everything I could to not believe but after being forced to be a part of The Shield, it would have to be the best thing that has happened to me in my wrestling career." 
"Yeah. WrestleMania 29. All because of Ambrose." 
"I know! He's so persistent. I thought beating you guys up and hitting you with weapons and pushing you off a table, would have worked out, but I guess it didn't." 
"Do you regret it?" 
"Half and half. It showed girl power and that I would never back down from anybody. But then again, we're teammates now and it kind of makes me feel a little bad for decimating you guys."
"Whoa, whoa, decimate? That's a strong word. You didn't decimate us." Roman chuckled. 
"Aye, I gave you a low blow and a kick in heels. I gave Dean like 15 chair shots, and I pushed Seth off a ladder with the help of Ryback. Decimate seems like an all right word." Morgan reminded. 
"All right, if you say so," Seth said. "I think our entrance helped create our identity a little bit. To the first time we came out into the crowd, you could just see the sea of humanity around you, and you could feel the electricity that you've never felt in your life." 
"I feel like it's the crowd's entrance, too. It's like a chance for the people to get up close and be with us." Roman said. "And I think we carry that into the ring with us." 
"The first time I did The Shield's entrance was sick! To walk in the crowd like that, being so close to the fans, it's awesome." Morgan grinned. 
"No matter how tired you are, you're in the middle of thousands of people," Dean added. 
"Now, what is The Shield? That's really hard to answer. You know, you could say it's Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Morgan Lopez. And you can say it's an organization designed to protect from injustice but it's so much more than that." Seth said. 
"You know, I think it's about teamwork," Morgan mentioned. "We always have each other's backs, we are there for each other, we're a family, and we give it our all every single time we step in the arena." 
"I feel like it's to be better than everybody else. And that's what we live by. This is an organization to push the level, you know, to raise the bar." Roman stated. 
"Call it whatever you want, it's for justice, it's for this or for that. But it's the people involved," Dean said. "This is ours for the taking and some stuff needs to be changed and if guys need to get shoved over or kicked out of the spots, we're 100 percent in this together. Screw everybody, and we're taking over this business cause somebody's got to. And uh, together we're so much stronger." 
"That is justice, I think that's WWE Universe justice right there." 
'Behind The Scenes Part Two' 
"Seth always is like a master chess player. We may not be looking past point B, cause he's already on point C, D, E, F, G," Dean said. 
"He really is the architect of The Shield," Roman added. 
"You really can't blink when Seth's in the ring," he mentioned. "And sometimes his toe comes over his head and hits you in the face."
"This dude is a ninja. Plain and simple. He's awesome. He's so fearless in the ring and he's very skilled when it comes to high flying." Morgan praised. 
"Yeah. Seth Rollins is pretty much a ninja." Dean stated. 
"I'm cool with that." Seth laughed. "I think Dean Ambrose brings an element of unpredictability to The Shield. He's got that element of chaos at all times. How are you gonna game plan for a dude who's willing to claw your eyes out, you just...you just can't game plan that." 
"He's nuts but in a good way. He's like the Joker because he seriously reminds me of him." Morgan chuckled. 
"You know he's a cornerstone of The Shield. If there's no Dean Ambrose, there's no Shield." Roman said. 
"Morgan..." Seth grinned and nudged her.
"Oh boy." She laughed.
"The Outspoken Diva," Dean called out. 
"Chyna's mini me," Roman added with a smile. 
"You guys are embarrassing me." She replied. 
"She's edgy," Seth praised. 
"But she'll have to be one of the most courageous and passionate divas on this roster," Roman declared.
"She never backs down from anybody, no matter what size," Ambrose spoke. 
"She can bleed and still go through a match. She's that determined. She likes proving herself." Rollins went on. "She's also making intergender matches more popular like it was back in the day." 
"She brings a lot of entertainment into the group. You never know what she'll do to entertain you. It makes The Shield more fun to watch." 
"If WWE needs someone to get hit with a finisher or hit on the table, she is the first one to volunteer." He raised his hand. "She says 'I'll do it! Lemme do it.'" 
The four of them chuckle at the thought.
"Morgan also has two sides to her." Roman brought up.
"Two? What do you mean two?" Morgan asked.
"Don't act like you don't know. There's Morgan and then there's Harley Quinn. Morgan and Harley Mode," Dean grinned. 
"I'm not that crazy." She declared. 
"Oh really? You turn into another Dean Ambrose when Harley comes out." Seth reminded. 
"Okay, that's kind of true." 
"Roman Reigns," Seth announced. "Brains, aside from the jawline and dashing leading man good looks and all that, uh he brings a lot of power. He's our clean up hitter." 
"But I think for all of us, there isn't a lose a guy, add a guy, lose a female, add a female, this is The Shield. That's how this situation works." Roman said. 
"We're really good and we're a team," Dean said.
"We're united and it's gonna stay that way," Morgan nodded in approval. 
"We were never like, we wanna be those guys. We wanna do what they did. We're like, we're gonna break new ground, we're gonna do our thing. But if I have to compare ourselves to anybody it may be the four horsemen. I hope that's a fair comparison." Seth said with confidence. 
"We're picking up where they left off," Dean added as he showed four fingers and then his fist. "This is the symbol of excellence. And now this is the symbol of excellence." 
"This group is gonna bust our ass, every single day. We're gonna work hard and we're gonna get better." Roman nodded. 
"There's a lot left to do and we're doing it every single night. We're just going upwards." 
On Saturday, Melanie woke up with a huge grin on her face. Today was her 1 year anniversary with Jon and she couldn't have been happier. 
"Morning! Time to get up!" Leah grinned and got on Melanie's bed to start jumping on it. 
"Cut it out!" Melanie laughed but got pushed off the bed. "Ow!" 
"Haha. Too bad. Happy anniversary! Wow, one year. I hope you and Jon have more years to come." She giggled and helped her up. 
"Morning, grape monster." Celeste walked into the room with a bowl of grapes. 
"Aw, thanks!" Melanie happily snatched the bowl of grapes from her hands and ate them with delight. "I can't believe it's been a week since I ate some grapes." 
"Wow." Celeste chuckled. 
"So, you and Jon have plans?" Leah asked. 
"I really don't know yet," Melanie replied but moments later her phone rang. 
"Speaking of the devil." Celeste grinned as she answered the phone.
"Hey, good morning." Melanie greeted him happily on the phone. 
"Morning to you, too. Happy Anniversary." Jon greeted. 
"Happy Anniversary!" She beamed but heard him sigh. "Are you okay?" 
"You are going to kill me..." 
"Why would you think that?" 
"Lanie...I got some bad news." 
She frowned and started walking away to talk privately with him. "What's wrong?" 
"You think everything is okay?" Leah asked as they watched her pace around, listening to what he had to say. 
"I hope so," Celeste replied. 
"I don't like to see her frown, like that. She was just glowing a second ago." 
Melanie got off the phone and walked back over to them, making a loud aggravated sound effect. "For Pete's sake!" She shouted. 
"Whoa! Are you okay?" Celeste asked.
"No. I want my boyfriend." 
"Aren't you two going to spend your Anniversary together?" Leah asked. 
"Unlikely. We're hardly going to see each other, today. Whenever I'm free, he has to do an interview or meet and greet. And whenever he's free, I am scheduled to do something. It's ridiculous. Brie was right. Being in a relationship in the WWE is hard..." She groaned. "I gotta go. I got a family outing to go to." 
"We're still hanging out later on, right?" Leah asked and got a nod in response from the Outspoken Diva.
"Are you going to be okay?" Celeste asked with a sad smile. 
"Well, I thought I'd have it easy since I'm working with my boyfriend but I guess not. Ugh, I'm cursed...This is the worst day ever..." The Philly Diva said with disappointment. "But, I shouldn't be selfish. I'll have to grin and bear it. Jon and I wanted to be in the WWE and we got our wish. We're living the dream and that's all that matters, right now. Things will be okay." 
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bookoflibrary · 9 months
Famitsu Dec 28th Issue Summary
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Coverage for the Dec 28th Famitsu, which has a special feature on SINoALICE JP's ending. It includes an interview with Shogo Maeda, Fujimoto, and Yoko Taro. YOU ARE AT THE POINT OF NO RETURN. THIS INCLUDES SPOILERS FOR THE FINALE. Summary only since I am too busy for a word-by-word translation. And yes, I got a jump scare by my little sister in the user collage spread. Highlights only.
'How has your life changed in the last six years?' Yoko Taro says SINo came out around the time of Automata and both were widely well received and became a hit. Before them, he didn't have a lot of production lined up for awhile, and he wasn't confident in selling titles using his name as a brand so he just kept grinding through it. After these two titles, he found some success and felt like a celebrity, and he has been growing since.
Maeda says his life hasn't changed much since, saying he hasn't gotten married yet but at least he got a salary raise. He's working on his happiness.
Fujimoto: What? You got an increase in money, and you're still not happy?
Yoko: You saying that money is happiness shows your true human nature. But true happiness cannot be bought with money. Fujimoto: "True, but money is important" They all laugh.
Yoko Taro has mentioned several times before that Pokelabo and it's writing staff is in charge event scenarios, weapon stories, and job stories, but that he oversees main story with a second writer. The ending to the game was actually the first thing he wrote when creating SINoALICE's story.
He was especially excited, creating the final boss which is the result of the player's desire and gacha pulling all of these years. Taro has said in several interviews before that the dolls and a 'creature we have not yet seen' as of 5th anniversary were his favorite characters, and he confirms the Desire Mass is it.
Maeda, on the other hand, does things on a whim sometimes. They bring up the covid lockdown, and how Maeda decided to do a live in a bathrobe with wine spur of the moment. He spilled some of the wine on himself. Taro: "You decided, 'let's do a live that will make Maeda-san's mother sad.' Maeda insists she enjoyed it.
Maeda said planning events has always been a bit of a hassle because he wants to do something no one has ever seen before, and reminiscences about the mini van from 5th anniv. He says he doesn't wanna do the same things more than once which Taro agrees with. Fujimoto was just genuinely impressed Maeda pulled off the van stunt. When it was time for 6th anniv to come, they knew EoS was coming and they were pushed to their limit, so they wanted to go all out. It was also one of the most expensive anniversary to date, with only Fourth ANniv/Death Metal coming in first. They talk about how strained and out of ideas they were, while trying to oversee the writing to the final edition of Reality, the final batch to Act of SINoALICE and working full time on Desire.
They said due to Gishin & Anki's bizarre behavior, it was fun and also easy to blame all the crazy things they came up with to fit the game's uniqueness on them.
Interviewer: 'This is a farfetched question I know, but what are the odds to a sequel to SINoALICE?' Yoko Taro says that usually he'd answer these questions with, 'Give me money and I will do anything', but says it's been a long time, and so much work has been put in 'til now and couldn't accept money as he feels SINoALICE is complete. Fujimoto agrees.
Maeda on the other hand says that in regards to a SINoALICE sequel, he cannot discuss this due to his company's policy.
Yoko Taro goes on a bit saying he didn't want to make a social game that had no value after it died, and hopes SINoALICE and it's contents and memories are carried in the users' hearts forever. Then complains that the service was a hit from what they were expected and he had to keep coming up with new arc ideas. 'SINoALICE was created with a definite end written, though.' He still brings up his 'Shut it down after one year, collect the money, then start a sequel up and repeat' idea Pokelabo laughed off. Maeda wanted to keep the game going as long as possible. They came to the conclusion that if sales were going down into red, and they properly conclude the story, SINoALICE can be shut down. Maeda says JP was not quite in that red zone, but it's better to end the game on it's own terms now that the story has been completed. A lot of budget also had to go into the Desire arc for all the gimmicks it does as well as post clearing it with your guild.
'… In addition to clearing that finale with your guildmates, we used a lot of our budget to store the data of players who cleared the ending. Along with this, we have to figure out how much data can be stored offline.' [Blood note: An offline version of the game has been announced. Clearing the Desire arc changes the game dramatically, and you can still login to the app after Jan 15th to view weapon, job and main story. Collab stuff had to be removed. Data transfer is not possible after the servers go down, and if you clear your cache after clearing the finale make sure to login again before the EoS date. If you do not clear the finale in Desire, your data will NOT be stored. Please note your tombstone and your profile will be publicly available on this version of the game]
'What was your favorite arc?' Maeda says the reality arc was the most memorable for him. Yoko Taro made the pitch first, and Maeda was confused. When it came to releasing it, Maeda was at a loss, saying the game was meant to be about fairytales but suddenly he is being asked to do a modern one. He felt a sense of awkwardness explaining this arc to the company, considering 'a lot of dangerous bridges were crossed in it.' They were also relieved they were able to get Matchie and Hameln out, despite Maeno's time-crunched schedule. To them, despite the story progressing without them until now, it was part of 'seeing the full story through.' Pokelabo staff at first were horrified by the Reality arc.
Taro interjects here, going on a long explanation about UI and how he wanted the story to be shorter since it was a social/mobile game, and designed it where you can skip over it with a tap or two, so players could easily choose to skip over everything.
User polls for players who did the Famitsu survery suggested Act of Reality by an overwhelming amount. Many comments were made about Piggy, Hameln, and Pinocchio and Snow's reality. Gretel's Act of Reality job stayed a player favorite start to end, but then the three laugh at how overwhelmingly popular Gretel's Story of Authors job became. 'It won the wallpaper poll, y'know?'
Act of SINoALICE came in behind it as favorites by the user. The comments for it showed that players liked the feeling of the characters coming together to stop an ominous force. Of all the chapters, Aladdin & Hameln's was the best recieved. Yoko says good. He was also pretty ecstatic about showing up in the main story and how he was potrayed. [Blood note: Yoko is in the first chapter of Dorothy and Piggies]
Statistics: 60% of players who did the Famitsu survery were female. Only 1% of players logged in the game for 2,000+ days. A majority have only been playing a yearish. [61.37%]
Famitsu did their own popularity poll; results look pretty similar give or take to our usual ones. Interestingly, Hameln went up by several slots. Maybe the extra story and events showing better sides to him helped? Here are the results. I'm happy to see Gretel continuing to get love.
Alice & Snow were too close to call, so both got second place.
Ibarahime/Sleeping Beauty
Akazukin/Red Riding Hood
Little Mermaid
Kaguya Hime 13. Match Gir 14. Rapunzel 15. Three Little Pig 16. Nutcracker In addition to clearing the finale, your loading screen will now turn into a tombstone with the number of player you were to clear the finale. You can see the tombstone of other players who also have in the game. Yoko Taro hopes players enjoy the finale.
And that concludes the takeaways! This is the last Famitsu I am buying. It feels incredibly bittersweet.
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nyappyforeverbr · 11 months
【Interview】Miku (An Cafe) × ClubZy ONLINE │Part #3 [FINAL]
In February of this year, 2023, Miku was interviewed by the ClubZy Online team.ClubZy is a Japanese magazine specializing in artists from the visual-kei scene managed by Visual-kei Oyaji/Seiichi Hoshiko. The magazine's chief editor is Hakuei (Penicillin).
To access the interview it was necessary to pay a contribution/subscription fee on the ClubZy channel on Nico (Japanese live broadcast platform), Cafekko Sara signed and sent us the interview!
Part 3 published on 02/22/2023
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After beginning their hiatus in January 2019, AN CAFE made a 'live comeback' at [OSAKA MUSE 35th Anniversary Event “OUR CANVAS”] held in June last year/2022. After such a surprise, they celebrated their 20th anniversary this year by performing at Zepp Haneda on January 5th and 6th/2023. Furthermore, it was also announced that they will perform live in Tokyo and Osaka in August this year, certainly many readers are creating expectations for the full resumption of activities. We caught up with Miku (Vo.) to talk about the past, present and future of An Cafe!
Interview: Takayuki MurakamiPhoto: Susumu Miyawaki
- Is there anything you think has changed in the last 20 years of your activities as AN CAFE?
Miku: The biggest change was when I became grateful. Plus, seeing someone happy makes me feel more comfortable than before, and I find joy in those kinds of things.
-I understand. When I started the band, I did it for me, but having continued for so long, I feel gratitude. One more thing, Miku seems to have been very shy to begin with. Wasn't it a burden for someone who was shy to stand center stage and sing in front of people?
Miku: There was a lot of pressure and there were many moments when I wanted to run away from the stage. It's the same as being shy, but I'm not very good with crowds, and when I'm walking through Shibuya or Shinjuku crossing, I get heart palpitations. So, I had been taking antidepressants and panic disorder medication since I was 21 and stopped when I was over 30. The first year after I stopped was really hard, but once I got used to it, I was fine with crowds and things like that. Also, when I was on medication, I had strange emotional ups and downs. Even when it was fun, I didn't find it very fun, and when it was difficult, I was very sensitive. However, life has become much more enjoyable since I stopped using drugs. I liked being with people. Now I can enjoy my favorite music even more.
-I think it was difficult being in a band for 20 years, but I'm happy that you persisted and continued to sing.
Miku: Regarding that, it all comes down to having fans and team. If I had been alone, I think I would have given up completely. That's why I actually saved my life because of AN CAFE.
-Certainly. So on the other hand, what do you think hasn't changed consistently even after 20 years?
Miku: I can't grow up (laughs). I can't forget my childhood and I can't become an adult. There are more parts that haven't matured than other people, and that hasn't changed for a long time.
-I feel that it is good not to forget the childish heart. So I don't think you should force yourself to become an adult.
Miku: I wonder... I feel like it's not good if I get caught up in this. After all, I feel like I have to become an adult. When I say "adult", I don't think you're an adult because you're silent, or you're an adult because you're always free. As I said before, seeing someone happy makes you happy, and the people who support you are also adults. I think it would be good to become an adult in this part.
-The fact that you think like this makes me feel like an adult. Even though men have a strong desire to be loved when they are young, as they get older they want to give someone unconditional love... In other words, it seems that many men want to be a "long-legged uncle."
Miku: Certainly, I have changed a lot in this area. I actually started giving gifts. I give birthday gifts to people who are indebted to me, but there are times when people buy expensive things that they would never buy for themselves. It was my sister's birthday on January 10th and I use a very cheap rice cooker. Guys under 10,000 yen (laughs). But I gave 50,000 yen (about 1,700.00 reais) to my sister. Recently, I have a strong desire to make someone happy.
-I think Miku is an adult after all. Next, since this is a good opportunity, I would like to ask Miku-san about the personalities of each of the AN CAFE members.
Miku: First of all, Yuuki (keyboard/vocals) is beautiful. In fact, he is very delicate and I think he is the closest to me. So it fits into the story. Even though she is this type of person, Yuuki comes out of her shell and musters the courage to offer entertainment to everyone. That's why I feel like Anpanman (laughs). Takuya (guitar) is a young man with a good heart. He doesn't say what he thinks out loud. It's not because he doesn't trust his own thoughts and opinions, but because he believes that if he keeps quiet, things around him will go well.
-I feel like there are a lot of guitarists who say, “I am, I am”, but takuya-san is different.
Miku: Yes. I have the impression that he is a person who can control his ego, which is rare among guitarists, and who stands up for others. During the performance, there are times when takuya goes to the center of the stage, it's not takuya saying he wants to go to the center, it's us saying it. We said “Wouldn’t it be interesting if takuya appeared more here?” takuya is that kind of person.
Kanon-san is the only person I don't understand. Ever since he chose bass, I always thought he had no desire to move on. But when he stopped doing AN CAFE, he was doing solo, singing songs and, surprisingly, he's the kind of person who wants to express himself... or something. He doesn't talk much about his opinions in the band, I really don't know where his true feelings lie. That way, I still can't understand the person. Teruki is kind, serious at heart, hardworking and a different type from everyone else. There are some moments when I think I'm a child, but there are also moments when I see a philosophical side. That's why I consider myself an artist.
-I understand. Looking at it this way, a keyboard player who appreciates flashy things, a guitarist who is not selfish but acts like an unsung hero who respects the people around him, and a bass player who wants to stand out from others. We have members a little different from the so-called traditional musicians, like an aggressive bassist and an intelligent drummer, working in a good team.
Miku: Actually, it might be like that. I think it's a good team.
-The way the limbs are somewhat irregular gives rise to a unique chemistry. Now, let's talk about the future of An Cafe. Firstly, in August this year, concerts will be held in Osaka and Tokyo, the title is [LIVE CAFE 20th Anniversary NYAPPY SUMMER NIGHT] “An Cafe, 20th Summer ~Remember the innocent days~''.
Miku: It's a summer show, as the title says, but An Cafe is celebrating its 20th anniversary, so you're only 20 years old. 20 is already an adult, so I think there are times when you can suppress your childishness and pretend to be an adult. The audience has grown up with us, and I feel like the brakes have been put on their hearts and they can no longer enjoy themselves purely. Under such circumstances, this show will be a show full of thoughts, of remembering the innocent days and becoming a child and having fun together. I think the more you grow, the more restrictions you have, so I want you to get rid of them and have fun, and we will escort you.
-I'm looking forward to it. One more thing, including the summer show, what kind of year do you want 2023 to be?
Miku: I want it to be a year where I can take a leap forward both in my private life and as a band. It's a boring story, but last year, when I drew an omikuji, I was unlucky twice. So every time something happened, I spent my time worrying that something bad might happen in the future. Until December 31, 2022, I was thinking: “This year is just a little longer, but until then, don't let anything bad happen, don't happen.” I decided not to draw an omikuji (laughs). I don't draw omikuji and, as it's the year of the rabbit, I hope it's a year in which I can take a leap forward with the Cafekkos.
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS UPDATE] Sato Ryuji's Bonus Postcards for "Sparkle Vol.53" have been Restocked
Magazine Name: Sparkle Vol.53
Japanese Name: Sparkle Vol.53
Release Date: On sale now
Ryuji will be on the cover of the magazine.
He will have a solo interview and photo shoot.
Sato Ryuji x Kayano Isamu: Interview for "Itoshi no Hakana"
Ryuji x HAKUEI: The Brow Beat 5th Anniversary special feature
The Brow Beat Live Tour 2023 "The Five Senses" live report
To purchase the magazine, please refer to the links below.
With Postcard A: HERE
With Postcard B: HERE
With Postcard C: HERE
For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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A little something for the 5th anniversary of "Mission:impossible -Fallout" - this adorable red carpet interviews from the global premiere in Paris (2018) with Tom Cruise, Vanessa Kirby, Michelle Monaghan, Henry Cavill and special appearance by Rebecca Ferguson (watch till the end)
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // Japan // Japan Official Fanclub Magazine (JPFC) // Vol. 7 // 2019 // Pt. 1
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me) // Translation Cr. BtsJapanese
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Happy 5th Anniversary (page 02)
BTS debuted in Japan on 4th June 2014 with their 1st Single No More Dream - Japanese Ver. - This year marks the 5th anniversary of their debut. In this milestone of a year here are the messages from the members to ARMY! Also, a special interview regarding these five years. In the group interview they talked about the memories or their Japanese activities!
🐹: I love the members nevertheless it is difficult to freely love (them). Of course I love them. But occasionally feel odious (laughs). But I feel ARMYs are giving us their free love. Thank you for giving us such a big love!
🐰: Being supported for so long, furthermore waiting for us even when we didn't have any (Japanese) activities giving us strength despite being far from us. I’m truly grateful. Just like that, you keep supporting us. We want to return the support we receive so in the future we'll show ARMY new sides to us, various sides to us which you’ll find enjoyable. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
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whatthetranspod · 1 year
EP87 - 5th anniversary self-absorbed special!
This podcast has been a thing for FIVE YEARS To celebrate we got a new look AND we got a bit self-absorbed On this episode - We see what NHS England has planned for trans youths
- Legendary journalist Vic Parsons (Vice, PinkNews, The Guardian, Cosmopolitan) interviews us about doing this thing for half a decade References: https://whatthetrans.com/ep87/ https://linktr.ee/whatthetrans
If the player doesn’t show up, listen here!
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concerthopperblog · 1 year
Bongzilla w/ Wizard Rifle & Possum Pot: Live at Grantski Records
Bongzilla is a sludge/stoner metal band from Madison, Wisconsin that originally started performing as a band during 1995-2009. After a six-year hiatus, Bongzilla reunited with most of the original lineup in 2015. The band currently consists of Mike “Muleboy” Makela (vocals/guitars/bass), Jeff “Spanky” Schultz (guitars), and Dirty Mike “Magma” Henry (drums). It is worth noting one former Bongzilla alum (2005-2009) was Dave “Dixie” Collins (Weedeater) who played bass. They have released five (5) LPs, seven (7) EPs and Splits, and four (4) Compilation albums with their last release entitled, Weedconsin, courtesy of Heavy Psych Sounds in 2021. You can also pre-order their newest LP, Dab City, by following this link to Heavy Psych Sounds (release date June 2nd, 2023).
Bongzilla embarked on a Spring tour in support of the release of Dab City on March 10th at Planet Mammoth Fest in Scottsdale, Arizona. Luckily for me, they added my hometown on their way to play Boggs Social in Atlanta, Georgia. What makes this show even cooler for me is that it took place at my favorite local record store, Grantski Records, in downtown Augusta, Georgia. This would be my first time seeing Bongzilla and it was something special seeing them at Grantski Records in such an intimate setting. Earplugs were made for just these moments in life because Bongzilla brought that heavy, sludgy sound that rattled the room from start to finish.
You can hear Bongzilla by following this link to their Official Bandcamp page today!
Wizard Rifle is a two (2) piece progressive metal band that started a band in 2010 and hails from Portland, Oregon. The band consists of Sam Ford (vocals/drums) and Max Dameron (vocals/guitars). Wizard Rifle is a two-piece band that packs a heavy punch that leaves you wanting more. I have not had many chances to see Wizard Rifle perform live, so I cherish those moments when they arrive. I enjoyed seeing so many people at Grantski Records get into their set. You can check out my first review of Wizard Rifle from Acid King’s Busse Woods 20th Anniversary Tour with Warish live from 529 in Atlanta exclusively on Concerthopper.com by following this link.
Want to check out Wizard Rifle? Follow this link to Wizard Rifle’s Official Bandcamp page today!
Possum Rot is a stoner metal band from Augusta, Georgia that formed back in 2017. Possum Rot consists of Matt Poppell (vocals/guitar), Tyler Milford (vocals/bass), and Evan Grantski (drums). They have released four (4) singles to date: “Do It Again”, “Pestilence”, “Smoke”, and “Prisoner of The Dirt”. I am ashamed to say that I have not seen Possum Rot perform before this evening. And sadly, I am from Augusta, their hometown. {face palm} Not all my choices are the right choice sometimes, missing Possum Rot numerous times was not the right choice. Believe me. The best way to describe Possum Rot is what if Sleep and The Melvins had a little Sabbath, sludge metal baby? Then you have the greatness that is Possum Rot. I recommend checking out their socials and giving them a follow: Instagram and Facebook.
Follow this link to Possum Rot’s Official Bandcamp page today and give them a follow!
You can still catch Bongzilla with Wizard Rifle on tour during the following dates:
April 29th Grim Reefer Fest Baltimore, MD
April 30th Saint Vitus Brooklyn, NY
May 1st Alchemy Providence, RI
May 3rd Bug Jar Rochester, NY
May 4th Westside Bowl Youngstown, OH
May 5th Ace of Cups Columbus, OH
May 6th Sanctuary Detroit, MI
Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our very own ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2022, on all music-related events/festivals such as: Relix Presents Yonder Mountain String Band, Railroad Earth, and Keller Williams and The Keels: Live at The Eastern, The Parallax II Tour: Between The Buried and Me Live @ The Masquerade, Beartooth and Trivium: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, So Much For (Tour) Dust: Fall Out Boy/Bring Me the Horizon @ Darien Lake Amphitheater,  AmericanaFest (2023), Ghost RE-Imperatour U.S.A. with Amon Amarth: Ascend Amphitheater, The 5th Annual PorchFest, 12th Annual Papa Joe’s Banjo-B-Que Music Festival, Riverbend Festival, Withered, Bathe, and Omenkiller: Live at Grantski Records, The Dark Horizon Tour: In This Moment, Motionless in White, Fit For a King, & From Ashes to New – Live at Buffalo Riverworks, Souls of Mischief: 93’ til Infinity 30th Anniversary Tour @ City Winery (Atlanta), and Yob and Pallbearer: Live at the Masquerade by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Also, you can follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram for even more photos not available on Concerthopper.com.
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tinamrazik · 2 years
Elton John Honky Château 50th Anniversary Reissue, Release March 24th on UME
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Available on        2CD, 2LP,        and Limited-Edition Gold Vinyl LP
 Rocket Man (Live        at The Royal Festival Hall, London 1972) & Mellow (Session Demo)        Unveiled
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During the 1970’s there was no bigger musical artist    than Elton John.  His stream of Top    10 hits seemed never-ending, catapulting him in his 20’s into legendary    status. Every album was better than the one before as he and songwriting    partner, lyricist Bernie Taupin, honed their craft, creating musical    masterpieces to last a lifetime. 50+on their partnership is stronger than    ever. His ‘five years of fun,’ as he once called it, contained his best and    most prolific work.  He grew as a    musician and live performer, selling out shows around the globe. For his 5th    studio album change was on  the    horizon. Formally a three-piece ensemble, Nigel Olsson on drums, Dee Murray    on bass, Elton on piano, a guitar virtuoso was added to the mix, Davey    Johnstone. Elton’s sound would never be the same again and would solidify    the Elton John Band as a true rocking force in the music industry.
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This year, thanks to UME, a celebratory Honky Château 50th Anniversary Edition    is being released on March 25th (Elton’s 76th    birthday). Originally released in May 1972, the album included such    classics as “Rocket Man,” “Honky Cat,” and the fan favorite “Mona Lisas And    Mad Hatters.” They have become as timeless as the man himself. The real    gems found are the exclusive demo tracks and live performances never before    released. “Rocket Man (Live at The Festival Hall, London    1972)”  “Salvation,” (Session Demo) and    “Mellow” (Session Demo) are among those special moments.
 Recorded at the now legendary Château d’Hérouville,    a residential recording studio situated 25 miles northwest of Paris. It was    here where he and Bernie Taupin were to write – and the band subsequently    record. Elton, Bernie, and the band - performing together on record for the    first time - decamped to the Château for a week’s pre-production on Honky    Château in January 1972. Bernie brought his typewriter; the    band set up in the dining room. Bernie would write lyrics at night and    leave them on Elton’s piano for him to work on in the morning.
  As Elton recalls of their notoriously prolific    output at the time, “The first morning we were there, I had three    (songs) done by the time the band drifted downstairs looking for something    to eat: ‘Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters,’ ‘Amy’ and ‘Rocket Man.’” The    remainder of the album would follow suit; ‘Susie (Dramas),’ ‘Hercules,’    ‘Salvation,’ ‘Honky Cat,’ ‘Slave,’ ‘I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself’ and    ‘Mellow.’”
 Honky Château is available in the following        formats:
Contains the original album and a newly created        selection of outtakes from the original session tapes. This 2CD format        additionally contains eight live recordings from the Royal Festival        Hall show in 1972, where the tracks received their live debut just a        few days after being recorded at the Château. Includes a 40-page        booklet containing rare photos, memorabilia, and an essay featuring        interviews from those who were there at the time.
Contains the original album and a newly created        selection of outtakes from the original session tapes. Includes an        eight-page booklet containing rare photos, memorabilia, and an essay        featuring interviews from those who were there at the time
 Limited Edition        Gold Vinyl LP
Contains the original album pressed for the        first time on limited edition gold vinyl.
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          In June 1972, “Rocket Man” was in the UK pop charts at No 2. In the US,        the single reached No 6. Honky Château became        the first of six consecutive Billboard Hot 100 No 1        albums. It remains a firm fixture in the setlist of this        record-breaking Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour and is a highlight        among his two-hour set. “Honky Cat”, his first up-tempo number to make        the US Top 10, the track helped cement Elton’s reputation in America.
 Still a shining jewel in Elton’s back        catalog, Honky Château was the album that        announced his arrival on the world stage. Its impact and legacy endure        to this day, and it will forever be remembered as the album where the        Rocket Man truly took flight.
  Format Details and Track listings
 Honky Château - 2CD
Disc 1:
Honky Cat
I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself
Susie (Dramas) 
Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time)
Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
Salvation (Session Demo)
Susie (Dramas) (Session Demo)
Rocket Man (It’s Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time)        (Session Demo)
Mellow (Session Demo)
Slave - Alternate "Fast" Version (Session Demo)
 Disc 2:
Honky Cat (Session Demo)
I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself (Session Demo)
Hercules (Session Demo)
Slave (Session Demo)
Susie (Dramas)
Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters
Honky Cat
Rocket Man (It’s Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time
 Honky Château - Limited Edition Gold Vinyl LP
LP 1:
Side A
Honky Cat
I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself
Susie (Dramas) 
Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time)
Side B
Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
 Honky Château - 2LP
LP 1:
Side A
Honky Cat
I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself
Susie (Dramas) 
Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time)
 Side B
Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
 LP 2:
Side A
Salvation (Session Demo)
Susie (Dramas) (Session Demo)
Rocket Man (It’s Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time)        (Session Demo)
Mellow (Session Demo)
Slave - Alternate "Fast" Version (Session Demo)
 Side B
Honky Cat (Session Demo)
I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself (Session Demo)
Hercules (Session Demo)
Slave (Session Demo)
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redcarpetview · 2 years
5th Urban One Honors on TV One This Monday, January 16, MLK Jr. Day, at 7P/6C
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Pharrell Williams. Photo Credit: Getty Images for Urban One Honors.
    The 5th annual Urban One Honors, is set to premiere on Monday, January 16, 2023, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, on TV One and CLEO TV at 7/6C. Under the theme, celebrating "Icons of the Culture,” this year’s show is hosted by R&B singer and actor Tank. The televised event heralds the accomplishments of individuals who have made extraordinary contributions in entertainment, media, music, politics, education, and the community. GRAMMY Award winning singer and actress LeToya Luckett hosts a special backstage pass segment, featuring exclusive interviews with the show's honorees, performers, and presenters. 
     This year’s honorees include, LL Cool J, Bobby Brown, David and Tamela Mann, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Pharrell Williams. Additionally, the ceremony includes a performance by Keke Wyatt; and a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop with DJ Spinderella, Monie Love and Doug E. Fresh. Viewers can also look forward to special appearances by: T.I., Pusha T, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Marvin Sapp, Rev. Runand Lamman Rucker.
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 LL Cool J. Photo Credit: Getty Images for Urban One Honors.
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   Tamela and David Mann. Photo Credit: Getty Images for Urban One Honors.
      URBAN ONE HONORS is Executive Produced by Eric Tomosunas and James Seppelfrick of Swirl Films. Daniel Moore serves as the Musical Director. Marilyn Gill serves as Executive Producer. Kashon Powell is the Vice President of Programming for Radio One and Susan Henry is the Executive Producer in Charge of Production for TV One.
     For more information on the Urban One Honors visit TVOne.tv.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
⚜︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS: 5th Anniversary Book ー Special Interview | Sakamaki Ryuuto ⚜︎
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01. At the moment, what is your favourite thing?
I recently replaced the plain, golden frame of Mother and Father’s portrait in the entrance hall with a newer one. While this one may also be golden, it is in a baroque-style – far more elaborate and grandeur than the old one. You could spend hours just admiring the detailing…
02. What sort of fashion are you recently hung up on?
She* told me, only yesterday, that I seem to be wearing ruffles more often. From the collars to the cuffs, she says she has noticed them with quite a few of my outfits… That isn’t so bad. It gives me a Princely aura, I think.
03. Have you picked up any subconscious habits?
…I hate to admit it, but I noticed that the ends of my paintbrushes had teeth-marks in them. I caught myself the other day, while coming out of a daze, chewing on them. I would rather that this habit doesn’t stick.
04. What do you get up to on your days off?
Since over half of this mansion is closed off, I occasionally take a trip down memory lane by strolling through the abandoned wing... Besides that, however, during the holidays I find I have more time to enjoy mundane things, such as visiting town.
05. What sort of clothes do you wear to bed?
They’re proper pyjamas, of course. My skin can be rather sensitive, so I prefer when they’re made of smoother fabric, such as silk.
06. What is something you always make sure to do before bed?
I wash my face, brush and floss my teeth… The same routine as most people. Fufu, I wonder if that surprises you? In the recent weeks, I’ve also taken to having my hair combed through for me, and tied back, at her request.
07. Which part of your body do you like the most?
That’s a strange question, wouldn’t you say? Well, there are plenty parts of mine that are worthy of being named. I would say my hands... though however strong yet delicate they are, it is my well taken care of nails that steal the show. Of course, they aren’t ridiculously long, or feminine to look at, yet they’re clean and shaped rather pleasingly to the eye. Don’t you agree?
08. What is your favourite part of your room?
I particularly like the array of windows against the wall. Not only do they look out into the garden at the perfect angle, but for where my bed is, it’s through them that the most beautiful beams of moonlight shine on to her face, whenever she sleeps beside me.
09. Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had with your brothers.
…Well, there was a few brief times when we had to attend formal gatherings together when I was little… It was at one of these that I remember how Ayato snuck away from the crowd so, naturally, I followed him. I caught him red-handed using the railing of the staircase as a slide. I reported him to Father right away, of course.
10. What is your opinion on Karlheinz?
An almost all-seeing, all-knowing being… I don’t loathe him for being King, I loathe him for the type of person he is; For what kind of a man he was to her… For now, that is all I can bare to say before I rile myself up.
11. What place would you choose for a date?  
A night out at the theatre wouldn’t go to waste if it taught her a thing or two about the fine arts, I suppose... Although, in the dark, it is hard for me to get a proper glimpse of her face. Otherwise, something slow-paced, like a picnic, will do just fine.
12. What type of thing does a girl do that makes your heart skip a beat?
Aah, fufu… What immediately came to mind was whenever she bites her lip. Should I say or do something, and she bites it like that… I almost can’t take my eyes off her.
13. How does her blood taste?
Addictive, I’m not ashamed to admit. One drop of its richness – its sweetness – can enough to drive any man crazy. It’s able to quench any thirst, while still leaving you craving more.
14. Which place on her body do you enjoy sucking from the most?
The most intimate place to suck from is her chest, don’t you agree? It is the place only I have seen, closest to her heart… Whenever I suck, I feel her heartbeat pulse through my fangs, into my body, and ring in my ears. Not to mention, she has quite the habit of pulling and holding onto my hair whenever I do, fufu.
15. What does she mean to you?
This is perhaps the nosiest question of them all... Though, I don’t mind answering. I suppose you could say that my interest is her has remained the same as always; I’ve always been curious for what is inside of her… inside of her heart. Uncovering her innermost self is what I aspire to do, most of all, by her side.
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━━─┉┈┈◈ Notes ◈┈┈┉─━━
  1.  Throughout, aside from the Karlheinz question, the woman he refers to is the MC/Yui.
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