To those who are still awake.
I want to draw something for the song Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall, but I’m not sure if I want to make it vent or something to tell a bit more about my FNAF story. So which one? Vent or FNAF story?
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Not know my own fucking password to Tumblr sucks
Basically just gonna delete Tumblr. redownload it make a new account and have that have these accounts are on it because damn it. So I can actually know the password. so gonna change the name of this one and the others so I can use the names for when I redo it.
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The bottom one never got sent so I'm stuck with it. the middle I don't remember who I sent it to but I did I think got a reply as Henry responded.
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You do not have anon asks on. Make sure to check it.
I use a tablet and I may need to know were the button thing for it is.
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What would cinnamon name his kids?
Cinnamon would talk with his lover or spouse about that.It depends on the child and how they may act.
it would likely be a normal name like Travis or Jacob but there are names like Mango and Barry.
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Peter's Funtime Fred: I-I WANT GRANDK-KIDS!
Cinnamon is currently dying of embarassment and trying not to be dirty minded.Yall need to let the poor man breathe!
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[an aesthetically pleasing reminder that if you see art you really like… help a buddy out and reblog it :3c]
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can someone PLEASE be my game daddy??? its like a sugar daddy but instead of money you buy me games
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@flynns-hellhole shit i dont know if ur serious or if ur just curious but i would fucking LOVE to get monster prom
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oh god
Jevil: Welcome to McDawnalds do you wanna phucking beesechurger
Seam: P-please, I just want to s-see my wife again
Jevil: Chinken nunget
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Also Ben Will and Cotton Swirl don't know what “In Heat” or “Heated” mean at all, like the one where you have the feeling to fucking someone or yourself. The only version of it they both know of is heated in like the sun or, you feel hot because of the sun and your sweating. Technically heated by the sun or burning by fucking fire. They also don't know what “Horny” is at all. Ben thinks its that you get the instrument hore and play it to be hornly annoying, Not the sexual one of it and the same with Cotton Swirl. So they have powers to know stuff but Don't know of this stuff.
Is cinnamon doin okay?..
He’s also alright! just… very very…ahem… Thirsty-
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MORE Horrific M!A’s
All M!A’s last as long as the sender specifies, or can be broken by an act of the sender’s choice.
Pitch Black: Who turned out the lights? The muse is stuck in complete darkness no matter where they are, making them more vulnerable than ever. Hunter: The muse now has a thirst for violence, but only toward one person. The person may be decided upon by the sender, but please do get the second character’s mun’s permission. Horrible Thing: The muse is transformed into a monster of the sender’s choosing. Any monster is fair game (werewolf, wendigo, minotaur, siren, etc). Bad Luck with a twist: This time, the muse doesn’t have bad luck. Anyone they touch, or anyone who touches them, has terrible luck. Walking Dead: The muse is no longer among the living, and must adapt to existence as a ghost or undead being for the duration of the M!A. Symptoms are up to the mun or sender. Loved One Lost: The muse sees visions of a loved one or friend in a bad state (dead, mutilated, in pain, etc) consistently throughout the time period, even if they close their eyes. Sleepless: The muse is constantly tired and dozing off, but every time they sleep, they’re plagued by terrible nightmares that shock them awake. Dead With a Touch: Everything they touch dies. That’s it. That’s the curse. (however, their ’victims’ may come back to life when the M!A is over or broken) Perceived but Unreal: The muse has terrifying hallucinations almost constantly of anything and everything that could scare them. Midnight: Every night at midnight until the end of the M!A, something terrifying creeps into the muse’s home, and they must avoid it for three hours. Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The muse is deathly afraid of and obsessed with mirrors, and for good reason. If one is uncovered, their reflection may escape. llaW eht no rorriM rorriM: The muse is stuck on the other side of a mirror. They must find a way to break the curse or get someone on the other side to help them, so long as the reflection doesn’t find their friends first. Fido Gone Wrong: The muse has been given a peculiar pet, one with claws and teeth. Can they tame it, or will they become monster chow? Under the Bed: The muse now has a visitor: their childhood fears. Whatever they feared as a child is now coming to life. Goop: The muse has been transformed into a slime creature. Whether they look like themselves or become a hungry muck monster is up to the sender. Demons of Hell: The muse hears constant screams and torment from mistakes they’ve made or ghosts from their past. Cyborg Uprising: The muse has undergone an operation to give them cybernetic enhancements. Whether these enhancements are used for good or evil is up to the mun. Crippling Phobia: Something the muse once enjoyed is now the source of intense terror. Can be an object, a person/animal, a place, etc. Who Could Ever Love a Beast: The muse grows more and more monstrous in appearance (or behavior) until the end of the M!A. Yearning: The muse has a bloodlust on them. A very intense one. Tulpa: The muse has an imaginary friend identical to them, but it wants more. For the duration of the M!A, the muse’s doppelganger has separated from them and is causing havoc. Neverending Nightmare: Even when awake, the muse sees everyone around them as a monster.
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Ur mom gay
No not really. My Henry is like half gay for someone who likes a different Henry. my Jack and Dave are gay for each other. Thank you though.
Henry: What? Why would you think that. That's the most weirdest thing I'm getting.
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I'm great. lost my @goldenangeldrawsfluffycuties account and everything on it. I think it still exists but I think it's marked as nsfw in a way so can't see my stuff from there lol.
how is everyone today?
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What made you want to continue the DSAF series and make it more than a game solely based on joke endings?
dsaf 2 was just me wanting to do more out of personal motivation. dsaf 3 was borne of the tumblr fandom, and me feeling as though i owed real fans a true ending that wrapped up everything
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Magic Stars don’t exist in some parts of the world??
PLEASE tell me some of you know what these delicious little droplets of sunshine and Heaven are?! 😂😂
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“Oh it's fine.” He says in a calm Happy tone.
“cinnamon your in a similar situation like me except I'm not getting bugged by people and mine just lasts until she decides to get rid of it And the fact I'm wearing this not normal bear outfit!” -my Henry (He has been magically to be heated similar to cinnamon but he has a bear outfit that he can't remove so he asked Legacy for a sweater and he's wearing it over the bear outfit. The Same person me has also made that he flirts in every sentence he says to someone or his voice has a flirt tone.)
Cinnamon: Oh? Who is She?
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