#godly family
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herluminouswitch · 3 months ago
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31 DAYS OF HELLENIC POLYTHEISM ⛤ day nine: "is there a practice that’s common among other hellenic polytheists that you’re skeptical about?" → answer: i wouldn't say i've run into much i'm skeptical about except for whatever helpol tiktok has going on, but godspousal and godly families are slightly confusing to me. i definitely wouldn't consider my feelings skeptical, though, because i trust that people know their religion and worship best!
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yeslordmyking · 1 year ago
Ruth 1:16 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, January 16, 2024
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incorrect-seafam-quotes · 16 days ago
Poseidon: I love you, my very smol and angsty favorite child.
Percy: Okay? Um. I love your domains.
Poseidon: Yeah okay, close enough. I'll take that.
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demigods-posts · 1 year ago
maybe i didn't say it loud enough before. but sally grew up relying on and taking care of people who were always going to leave her. and eventually became the only survivor of her family. then she had percy and did everything in her power to be a permanent figure in his life. only to essentially die and doom her son to the same fate of being the only survivor of his family. just wanted to repeat that for those who are in the back.
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thatgentlewife-deactivated · 3 months ago
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I think we need to bring back the beauty of gentle women
—women who carry themselves with grace, choose kindness, and let their words reflect love and wisdom. In today’s world, where profanity and harshness are so normalized, it’s easy to forget how powerful our words really are. Using foul language or speaking harshly can be so off-putting and even damaging to your character—it doesn’t build others up, and it definitely doesn’t reflect the beauty of a soft, kind heart. Gentleness isn’t about weakness; it’s about strength under control. It shows maturity, humility, and a desire to bring peace instead of conflict. A gentle woman creates an atmosphere of trust and warmth in her relationships, and people are naturally drawn to that. There’s something so rare and beautiful about a woman who stands out not by being loud or aggressive, but by being calm, loving, and full of grace. Let’s bring that back and show the world the power of a gentle, Christ-like spirit. 🌷
<3 thatgentlewife
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PJO/HOO Hot Take -
So I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about who’s the best godly parent, specifically father, in PJO. Most people either say Hades, Poseidon, or Apollo and imo those are all incorrect, here’s why -
1. HADES - straight up, while he payed child support (shocking), he also…
- told his only living child (Nico) that he wished he’d died instead of his sister
- has manipulated him many times, stole his and Bianca’s memories (ethics on this can be debated)
- basically did exactly what Hermes did to Luke and May but with Hazel and Marie
2. POSEIDON - didn’t even pay child support smh
- only began a relationship with Percy after he was singled out by Zeus ( + didn’t defend him in the slightest)
- only continued said relationship because of necessity
- left Sally and Percy without any defences making them turn to a literal abuser for help
- generally just a deadbeat dad, also what about his other kids? Last PJO book he admits he has like 13 demigod kids and we just..never see them? (Uncle Rick probs forgot but I’m still blaming Poseidon for continuity or smth)
3. APOLLO - while he does care about his children he also…
- wasn’t there for the funerals of any of his kids
- had never even spoken to most of his kids despite having visited camp on multiple occasions
- straight up only started fathering after being turned mortal and he wasn’t even good at it (of course people grow, I’m not hating on Apollo/Lester as a character just as a father)
Rather, the best dad in the series has been there since day 1 - Dionysus. Here’s why imo -
- Has been present in both his sons lives since birth, as well as having essentially joint-custody of them
- literally just the whole thing about Castors funeral after the titan war
- genuinely cared about them and claimed all his children without being asked (those were the only 2 he had)
- as well as making sure they were safe and cared for (aside from the war but shit happens)
- understands the issues that come with being a demigod/parenting a demigod because he was one himself
- there’s more but I have a hand cramp rn so yea
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my-name-is-apollo · 5 months ago
One of the best parts of rereading the Homeric hymn to Apollo is that I get to read these moments again:
"But Leto alone stays by the side of Zeus who delights in thunder...and the Father gives him nectar in a golden cup welcoming his dear son, while the other gods make him sit down there, and queenly Leto rejoices because she bare a mighty son and an archer."
– Homeric hymn to Delian Apollo (trans. Evelyn-White)
"And they, even gold-tressed Leto and wise Zeus, rejoice in their great hearts as they watch their dear son playing among the undying gods."
– Homeric hymn to Pythian Apollo (trans. Evelyn-White)
It seems so domestic and mundane. Zeus has plenty of moments where he dotes on his children, but it's really rare to see him do that alongside his lover. He is relishing these moments with Leto, who stands beside him. This is more of a family moment than just a father - son moment.
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codenamethebird · 9 months ago
Ok here's a little (not really) analysis/theory post about Hades 2, because I'm obsessed. Its consumed all my thoughts. And I need to talk about a theme I think will (hopefully) be addressed as the game progresses.
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Here's some examples of dialogue that starts to touch on this conflict between mortals and the gods. What exactly do mortals deserve? We also have literal Icarus "flew too close to the sun" here too (and probably Pandora). Chronos was able to sway many to his side with a promise of a golden age without the gods, which is presented by the narrative as a foolish venture. And not saying it isn't, or that Chronos is the secret good guy here, but I believe Chronos is taking advantage of a very real hurt that exists for mortals.
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This line from Nemesis really stood out to me, because it implies that while mortals have a concept of evil, the gods don't. Which sounds ridiculous but the more you think about it makes total sense. The gods in Hades (and just greek myth in general), are kind of the worst. They are petty and selfish, they literally attack you if their boon isn't picked first, and most vitally in this context, often utterly disregard mortals.
For example, one of the things that drove me a little crazy in Hades 1, was how chill everyone was with Demeter's never ending winter. Demeter was killing possibly millions upon millions of mortals and everyone else just sort of let it happen. Maybe complained a bit because it was annoying to them, but just stood by. And that's just one example. Mortal's have a very valid reason to hate the gods.
And considering we have more areas of the surface to explore that aren't out yet, I have a feeling Melinoë is going to be meeting some of these discontent mortals. And my hope is they are going to be nuanced characters, that will challenge Melinoë not just in a fight, but her very ideals.
Because Melinoë is very deferential to the gods, waaaaaay more that Zag ever was. Unlike Zag, who was more like a bro to them and was willing to suck up to them for personal gain, Melinoë seems to genuinely mean all the respect she gives them. She praises them, defends them when they are insulted, and just generally very polite to them.
In a smaller scale, she describes Hypnos as having a wisdom about him and can somehow sense her intensions while asleep. Which as Nem implies, the version in Melinoë's head doesn't exactly line up with reality (though sidebar, I am a believer in Chekov's Hypnos and that he's going to somehow save the day and put Chronos in a never ending sleep or something, but that's beside the point haha).
Melinoë's reverence to the gods makes total sense of course. She was denied her family and a happy childhood, and because of that has glorified them all in her head. The Olympians are sending her vital aid on her holy mission for vengeance and to save her family, even as their own home is being attacked, how honorable of them!
And I think part of Melinoë's arc is that perfect picture of them breaking into pieces. Yes, they are the better of the two options between them and Chronos, but that doesn't mean they aren't also kind of the worst. That mortals deserve better than frivolous gods that can decide on a whim their fates for better or worse (love u Moros but I'm still fucked up over you and your sisters giving mortals horrible doom endings when you were bored. At least he feels bad now but still. Perfect example of gods even when not intending to having horrific consequences for mortals). And maybe like how Zag healed relations with his family, Melinoë can start repairing relations between the Gods and Mortals.
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deconstructthesoup · 9 months ago
Realizing that the reason why Percy Jackson and Supergiant's Hades rank above a lot of other Greek myth adaptations for me is because they acknowledge that Greek mythology is a story about intergenerational trauma and abuse
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Okay y'all I'm fixated on batman and Percy Jackson so this is batman characters and who I think there e goddly parent would be based on vibes mostly
Damian: he's a child of Hades honestly it fits the vibe his grandfather is over six hundred years old and damn near immortal and someone in the family tree dated a ghost or something along the lines I don't remember the context but he's a child of Hades
Harley: a child of Dionysus she's just super chaotic and I feel like it fits the vibe also could explain where her interest in psychology comes from because he's the god of madness and revelry
Ivy: a child of Demeter
Swamp thing: a child of Gaia (look I know Gaia is a titan again I'm going off of vibes)
Bruce: a child of themis (she's the goddess of justice and is associated with oracles and prophecy yes including the oracles of Delphi)
Zatanna: a child of hekate
Dick: a child of Apollo
Raven (I know not technically a batman character but I'm including her): also a child of hekate (yes I'm ignoring trigon)
Cyborg: a child of Hephaestus
Alfred: a child of Hestia (if she had kids I don't remember if she's one of the maiden goddesses) he's the only one that can keep the batfam together and running smoothly because God knows Bruce is really bad at communicating and arranging proper dinners
Beast boy: is a child of pan
Constantine: also a child of Dionysus arguments could also be made for Aphrodite
Jason todd: A child of Ares
Thats all I have for now if I think of more I'll update or give me suggestions of characters and if I have an idea then I'll add it to the list
Also please correct me if u spelled the gods names incorrectly
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deliajackson · 1 month ago
One simple thing in Riordanverse that is only a little detail but annoys the shit out of me.
"The Gods don't have DNA, so you are only related to your godly parent and your cabin siblings..."
Like.... Just pay attention to that statement. It doesn't make any kind of sense. Like. Not. At. All.
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yeslordmyking · 2 years ago
Psalm 71:18 — Today's Verse for Saturday, July 29, 2023
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error-elf-206 · 5 months ago
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here are some old front costumings i forgot to post of my godhood au
idk if i like them all that much but they do show the ideas well. also left nico does haunt me as, just yeah
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demigods-posts · 11 months ago
i just thinks it's neat that luke's whole shtick is targeting demigods whose faith in the gods and their environment are weakening. and one of the last people he visits before he turns is annabeth.
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thatgentlewife-deactivated · 3 months ago
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Becoming a Softer, More Gentle, and Appreciative Woman
Lately, I’ve felt a strong pull in my heart to grow into a softer, more gentle, and delicate woman—someone who radiates peace, grace, and genuine appreciation in every interaction. I want my words and actions to reflect the love of Jesus and create an atmosphere where people feel seen, valued, and loved.
I’ve realized that being soft doesn’t mean being weak. It means choosing humility over pride, patience over frustration, and kindness over anger, even in challenging situations. Being gentle means letting the Holy Spirit shape me into someone who carries the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Why I Desire This Change
In a world that can feel harsh and hurried, I want to stand out as someone who embodies Christ’s heart. I want my husband to feel my love and appreciation through my words and actions. I want to inspire others by showing grace in difficult moments and creating peace in my home. Ultimately, I want to honor God by reflecting His gentleness and tenderness in my life.
How I Plan to Grow in These Qualities
1. Speaking with Kindness
I’ll work on pausing before I speak to ensure my words are uplifting and thoughtful. A habit I want to develop is asking myself, “Is this kind? Is it necessary? Does it build up?” before saying anything.
2. Slowing Down
Busyness can harden my heart, so I’ll intentionally slow down to savor life’s little moments. This means stepping away from distractions to fully listen when someone speaks or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.
3. Practicing Gratitude
I want to be genuinely appreciative of everything and everyone God has placed in my life. Writing daily in a gratitude journal will help me focus on His blessings and shift my heart toward thankfulness.
4. Serving with Joy
Whether it’s cooking a meal for my husband, helping at work, or lending a hand to a friend, I want to serve with a joyful heart. I’ll remind myself that every act of service is an opportunity to reflect God’s love.
5. Nurturing My Spirit
Spending daily time in prayer and Bible study will be key in softening my heart. Meditating on Scriptures about gentleness and humility (like Philippians 4:5 and Colossians 3:12) will guide me in becoming more Christlike.
6. Responding with Grace
When things don’t go as planned, I want to respond with grace instead of frustration. I’ll practice breathing deeply, praying for peace, and choosing to see situations from a loving perspective.
7. Embracing My Feminine Energy
I want to lean into being delicate and nurturing, embracing the beauty of femininity that God created me to have. This means creating a peaceful and inviting home, taking care of myself physically and emotionally, and being a source of comfort to those around me.
I know I’ll stumble along the way, but I’m excited to grow into the woman I feel God calling me to be. With His guidance, I’ll cultivate habits and a heart that radiate gentleness, love, and appreciation. Here’s to walking this journey with grace and faith, one day at a time.
Thank you for listening
Thatgentlewife 🌷
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duchessofostergotlands · 6 months ago
Today before they went on the boat trip to Geiranger, Durek apparently went to dialysis. And it's like: proper medical treatment for me but not for thee. Also Durek claimed in a now deleted Instagram post that he is not human, but a mix of space lizard and Andromeda (a Greek mythological Princess)!! Lots of international media writing about the wedding picked that one up, because of all the crazy things he's said it's maybe the most crazy. Space lizard!!
Yeah back when Charles was diagnosed with cancer there was a lot of that "I thought he was in to alternative medicine but now he's getting actual medical treatment." But he never advocated for "alternative medicine" (misleading terminology in my opinion; it's either medicine or it's just treatment with inadequate evidentiary support) to replace medicine, just to complement it. Durek not only has told people not to get medical treatment and to use his weird nonsense instead, he made money from doing so. Surely as a healer he would have healed himself? Or knows a healer who could do it? It’s almost like it’s total bollocks and he knows that which is why he willingly accepts medical treatment for himself…
Also how can he be a space lizard and Andromeda if he's also the reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh?
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