#goddess of gratitude
the-song-of-avernus · 26 days
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current brainrot: Origin Karlach romances Gale, who chooses the crown - and at the epilogue party, she chooses to ascend in order to cure her engine and be with Gale (playing origin Karlach or Astarion and romancing him are the only times he'll directly intervene to 'cure' them).
GUARANTEE that she would wind up becoming the Goddess of Gratitude. That's ultimately her entire personality arc in the game. And is the NATURAL counterpart to Gale's portfolio, ambition.
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balshumetsbaragouin · 6 months
Lore Post: Goddess of Revelry, Celebration, and Gratitude
More Lore posts about Divine Spirits. This one doesn't have an AU or story dealing with her themes coming up, but she's still a fun Goddess. First one I've posted about too! Like Cernunnos and Aodh, she's one of the more minor of the Divine. You'll find a primer on her below!
Goddess of Revelry, Celebration, and Gratitude, Lúthgáir isn't poorly regarded because their domain is uncommon, like other lessor worshiped deities, but because their domain has very little conflict or reasons to go wrong.
The honored deity of festivals, feast days, and parties, her most common prayers are sent up by host(ess) throughout the Zone on the lead up to a grand celebration. The greater the occasion, the more intense the prayer. Brides/Grooms to be, head chefs and maids, butlers and homemakers all pray to her in the lead up and day of the event.
But because many of the events in question are about things falling under other deity's domains: The end of a war, the union of two families, the birth or birthday of a Clan member, much of the prayers about these celebrations go to these other deities, leaving only the preparations and the hope for fun with Lúthgáir.
The favored Goddess of drunks, bar flies, and social butterflies everywhere, she still gets plenty of idle daily worship instead of large offerings and fervent prayers. This makes her one of the more powerful deities, despite her curtailed domain and generally lower opinion of importance among those in the Zone.
As fun-loving as her namesake, and symbolized by wine, party favors, and streamers, she sees little worship among more solitary Reborns, instead having shrines and minor festivals among the cultures of the Neverborns who live throughout the Zone.
She is especially popular in the country of Kingdom Drazi, whose people enjoy vigorous parties and whose cities have bars filled to the brim every night. She is sometimes invoked as a warning to those who do not act with gratitude or who look at Good Times or Gifts of Plenty with scorn, warning her blessings will flee from the ungrateful and force upon them Bad Times.
As a result, though she isn't regarded to have much power, she is still well respected by those in a Zone, lest their beer spoil, all the presents get ruined, or the guests arrive late and in an ill-mood.
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keysatthecrossroad · 2 months
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Mother Hekáte I call to You to help me with this issue I am facing. Please blessed Goddess, grant me wisdom and strength and time. Hekáte, Phosphoros, light my way with Your Torches and send me relief.
Ave Hekáte, Queen of Witches.
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gazeofseer · 3 months
Free Reading
Status : Closed
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Rules to Participate
Provide your name and explain the meaning of it on how you feel about it !
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Ask your question ( no short forms must be used and each question will only be answered per person )
Make sure to take screenshot of the messages as I might delete due to energy purposes.
Questions are channeled by feminine so despite of gender fallout I will address the energy in words that fit the feminine well.
If you feel questions are personally affecting you and cannot be asked, message me for the reading.
Due Respect leave your feedback it would help me build my experiences accordingly
Note : Kindly enter the event to receive the message inclined towards you without anything blocking in between
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thefemmation · 9 months
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You can't control the thoughts that swirl in other people's minds, and you sure can't command the depths of someone's love or emotions. That's the sweet and bitter truth of life. You hold the scepter of your own destiny. Your thoughts? They're your playground, your sanctuary, your secret garden of growth. Nurture them, and they'll bloom into the most beautiful reality.
And as for your actions? Oh, darling, they're your superpower. Show up for yourself like you're center stage at the world's biggest concert. Be the director of your life's blockbuster movie. You've got the script, and you're the star. In this grand performance, you're not seeking applause; you're celebrating your own existence. So, in a world where you can't control everything, revel in the magnificent control you do have—your life, your thoughts, your actions. It's your show, and you're the headliner. 💫👑
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lawofcoco · 27 days
when you face periods when everything seems to be going wrong, remember that these times are the most crucial to your personal and spiritual development, every obstacle in your path is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself
the challenges you can find in your journey can help you identify areas of your life that need attention or change, and are essential to your growth
even in difficult times, acknowledging the things you're grateful for can shift your mindset and elevate you
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Today, I took a shower for the first time since I had the Lush rose bath bomb bath with my Love. I cried in the shower, hunched on the floor for a little while. It was difficult but also beautiful to get clean again. I feel more like myself today. I called her after my shower and it was so lovely; I set up a temporary altar on my kitchen counter for Aphrodite: I placed Her pink candle on the newly washed surface, then I placed the gold spoon from Incognito next to it, I took the ornamental swan bowl filled with white textile flowers from the kitchen table and placed it down by the candle as well, then I went and fetched Aphrodite’s rose quartz from Her permanent altar and put that down too. I poured some honey into a small doll’s tea cup with a beautiful rose print on it, put it down last, and then I kneeled and said a prayer of gratitude to Her.
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sleepygirl1428 · 1 month
Dear Moon Goddess,
Please watch over me as I enter the dream realm. Protect me as I journey and may my dream catchers do their job and catch the bad dreams and let the good ones pass through to my conscious.
Also thank you for aligning my path with the people I met today at the park. I am so grateful I was given the opportunity to be their prom photographer, though I am sad I missed my Cousins prom photoshoot because of a miscommunication issue.
Anyways thanks for listening and
Blessed be✨🌜
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dreamweaverai · 8 months
I see some witches sad when Halloween is over, but November is the month of the dead. It's the perfect time for gratitude magic, protection spells, and ancestor work. When you're a witch, it's always Halloween!
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magicalgoddessroom · 4 months
Embracing the Divine Feminine in Everyday Life
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Hey lovelies! ✨ Today, we're diving deep into the heart of our Divine Feminine Energy – that powerful, nurturing, and intuitive force every woman carries within her. It's not just about embracing your inner goddess in grand gestures but finding her in the simplicity of our daily rituals. Let's explore how we can tap into this sacred energy through the most ordinary moments, transforming them into acts of spiritual self-care and empowerment.
1. Morning Affirmations: Start your day by standing in front of a mirror, gazing deeply into your own eyes, and speaking words of love and affirmation to yourself. Say things like, "I am powerful," "I am divine," and "I embrace my inner beauty and strength." This simple act sets a tone of self-love and appreciation for the day, inviting the Divine Feminine to guide you through.
2. Connect with Nature: Nature is the ultimate expression of the Divine Feminine – nurturing, life-giving, and ever-changing. Take a walk outside, barefoot if you can, and allow yourself to connect with the Earth. Feel the grass or sand beneath your feet, touch the leaves, smell the flowers. This act of grounding helps to align your energy with the Earth's, reminding you of the natural cycles within and around you.
3. Creative Expression: The Divine Feminine is deeply connected to creativity. Engage in activities that allow you to express yourself freely – be it painting, writing, dancing, or cooking. It doesn't have to be perfect; it's about the process and the joy it brings you. This is a powerful way to tap into your intuition and create space for your inner voice to emerge.
4. Mindful Eating: Treat each meal as a sacred ritual. Choose foods that nourish your body and soul, and eat with gratitude. Pay attention to the colors, textures, and flavors. By eating mindfully, you honor the Divine Feminine's aspect of nourishment and sustenance, turning a simple meal into an act of self-care.
5. Nighttime Reflection: Before bed, take a few minutes to reflect on your day. Write in a journal, focusing on moments of joy, gratitude, and learning. This practice allows you to connect with your inner wisdom, fostering a sense of peace and closure at the end of the day.
6. Moon Observance: The moon is a powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine, representing cycles, intuition, and emotional depth. Make it a habit to observe the moon phases, perhaps even journaling your feelings and experiences in tune with its cycle. This can help you understand your own rhythms and cycles, embracing the ebb and flow of your life.
Embracing the Divine Feminine isn't about grand gestures or dramatic changes; it's found in the beauty of our everyday lives. Each small ritual is a step towards aligning with our highest selves, nurturing our spirit, and honoring the powerful women we are.
Remember, tapping into your Divine Feminine Energy is a personal journey that unfolds uniquely for everyone. Celebrate your progress, be gentle with yourself, and let your inner goddess shine through in everything you do. 💖
Stay magical, Magical Goddess Room
Follow our on Instagram: https://instagram.com/magicalgoddessroom
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thankyoudemons · 2 months
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Thank you Aphrodite for the love today. I 🖤 you.
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keysatthecrossroad · 3 months
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Beautiful Mother Hecate, thank You for all you give us. Thank You for your protection, for how You ward off all curses. Thank You for making us happy, for bringing us contentment. Goddess of the Crossroads, You are always providing for us - all we need. Mother Hecate we devote ourselves to You and we pray to You that You will continue to guide us to the Gateway.
So mote it be.
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emiunicornn · 1 year
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❤️Happy Venus Day Love Witches❤️🦢🌹Friday is sacred to Venus, the Goddess of Love, pleasure, sensuality and beauty. It is a day to indulge in self care, self love and all things love 💕 Venus' charming energy makes it the perfect day to get creative, or even go on a first date with your crush. Friday is also ideal to indulge in self-love 🌹treat yourself with some fresh flowers (sacred to Venus/Aphrodite), enjoy a sensual and relaxing bath, wear your favourite lingerie, work with heart chakra crystals like kunzite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, pink opal, malachite, order take out, drink wine, take the day off or cast yourself a self love ritual. How are you celebrating Venus Day? 💖🌹 • • • #unicornmanor #magick #aphrodite #venus #goddess #venusday #selflove #selfcare #rosequartz #witch #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #witchythings #blessings #gratitude #flower #flowermagic #botanicals #sacred #sacredspace #witchery #witchlife #witchaesthetic #witchesofaustralia #witchtok #crystal #crystals #crystalhealing #lovewitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CpljoD9ym0S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isntitchironic · 1 year
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On this day, I will go with the flow. I will rest and rejuvenate. I will refill my cup. On this day, I will sit in gratitude, surrounded by abundance, cherishing the present moment. I am divinely loved, protected, and guided. I am blessed beyond my own understanding! I am limited only by my own imagination! I have everything I need and even more is on its way to me!
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55555-555-5 · 10 months
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Goddess things 🌀
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empressessence · 2 months
Embracing Imperfection: The Beauty of Unwavering Self-Acceptance
Welcome back to Empress Essence, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In our previous posts, we've explored the essence of feminine energy, sacred self-care, and authentic expression. Today, let us delve into the profound beauty of embracing imperfection—a cornerstone of unwavering self-acceptance and inner peace.
Embracing Your Flaws: Your flaws are not shortcomings but rather facets of your unique beauty and humanity. Embrace them with open arms, for they add depth, character, and authenticity to your being. Release the need for perfection and instead celebrate your imperfections as badges of honor—the marks of a life fully lived and embraced. Recognize that it is your flaws that make you a unique and rare beauty.
Cultivating Self-Compassion: Self-compassion is the gentle embrace of your own humanity—the practice of extending kindness, understanding, and forgiveness to yourself, especially in times of struggle or failure. Treat yourself with the same tenderness and compassion that you would offer to a beloved friend, recognizing that you are worthy of love and acceptance exactly as you are.
Letting Go of Comparison: Comparison is the thief of joy—an insidious trap that robs you of your sense of self-worth and contentment. Release the habit of comparing yourself to others, for you are on a unique journey with your own set of strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Celebrate the accomplishments of others without diminishing your own worth, and remember that your path is yours alone to walk.
Embracing the Journey: Life is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. Embrace the inherent messiness and unpredictability of the journey, knowing that it is through navigating the highs and lows that you discover your true strength and resilience. Embrace the process of growth and evolution, allowing yourself the freedom to learn, stumble, and grow along the way.
Cultivating Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful antidote to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. Cultivate a practice of gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings, lessons, and moments of beauty in your life—both big and small. Shift your focus from what is lacking to what is abundant and watch as gratitude transforms your perception of yourself and the world around you.
I invite you to embrace yourself with unconditional love and acceptance. Embrace your flaws, cultivate self-compassion, and let go of comparison as you journey towards unwavering self-acceptance. Remember, it is in embracing your imperfections that you uncover the true essence of your beauty and power as an Empress.
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