#goddamnit leo
snackugaki · 1 year
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i CAN draw shit that isn't turtles i say knowing this is related to a goddamn centaur AU of them that someone's haunting me with h elp
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saintaviator · 1 year
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got to play a cleric in a little one shot d&d campaign on sunday and. Well.
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moongo101 · 1 year
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1. Grab a base
2. Make a list of 24 characters ya wanna draw
3. Randomly assign the characters to places in the chart with a random number generator
4. Procrastinate for months
5. Voila
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leafing-charm-eb · 2 years
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the-great-donatello · 2 years
Where the fuck is Leo whenever I need a social shield.
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
If no one hears from me tomorrow, just pay your condolences and know I've passed away because of a dumbass club I chose to love :)
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hamatoblueleonardo · 1 year
You might want to hook Tim up to a blood thing, he's been bleeding for a while.
'Blood thing'... a- an intravenous line? For a blood transfusion? what do they teach these guys in school nowadays?
...well, that idea's great in theory, not so much in practice. we have no idea what blood type the ha- um, the kid is, let alone whether our differing species would allow for a transfusion, and considering the amount of icky stuff they've been doing to these kids I don't even know if one of the others could give blood, not that I'd let them because they're also injured... it's a whole thing.
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quartergremlin · 2 months
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One 1/3: Lena knocks some feelings loose
Leo: Yu... I'm... I think i'm ready.
Yuichi: Yeah?!
Leo: Yeah. Yeah! I want one.
Lena: peep
Leo: shit. sorry, sorry.
Y: fuck
Leo: can't swear around the baby
Y: goddamnit
Leo: pizza supreme stop
Y: oh we're so bad at this
Mikey: I leave you guys alone for two minutes...
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father-salmon · 8 months
kinda wanna join the bandwagon lol
you don't have to share if you don't want to but i would LOVE to know
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4rs0n1stt · 4 months
Talk To You //
Hopeless!Romantic!Donnie x Fem!Reader
author's note; kinda like a song fic (it's not) but yeah, super super late though!!  Donnie's POV btw!!
yes it's been a 3 months 😋
Synopsis; Donnie has been keeping an eye on someone, being a hopeless romantic and his ”bad boy image“ isn't particularly helping.
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I hate this, I really hate this. Einstein, fucking help me. I wasn't supposed to like her! I wasn't supposed to like anyone!! I do not have any romantic feelings to her. But every single thing that I researched said otherwise. Even my own brother says so!! Why does everytime I look at you I get so— vulnerable? Staring at your face always made me calm. Admiring? Ew. But— those little short eye contacts are indescribably astonishing to feel. Maybe just maybe?
I don't know. You're messing up my mind- you little—
"Gahh, what should I do?" I groaned and slammed my head onto my table, a pencil fell from the said table. I stayed silent, frustrated at this ungodly useless feelings I've been feeling. I couldn't take her off my mind. All day long, I daydream about her which takes most of my productivity a waste. I haven't done anything but think about that little twat.
Reflecting doesn't help at all, all I think was her and her! Thinking about now, I just don't know why you keep being calm even though I've been so mean to you. I shouldn't do anything stupid like that but I can't help it, I'm figuring this out.
Feelings are so complicated to feel and such an unfortunate thing for me to have something people call as “humane“.
"Hey Donnie! Someoneeee~ got pizza!! She has your favourite!" Leo yelled at the other side of my door. Disturbing me from my reminiscing of this said person. Leo always knew about what our relation—rivalryship (even if it's partially one-sided) is. And he uses it as an advantage to tease me, specifically—fucking with me up.
I wouldn't blame him entirely though, I liked and hated this feeling. He doesn't know anyway. I wouldn't blame him aswell, she's really...cool, I guess.
I stopped myself from thinking about her before it gets worse. I fixed myself, not just physically but mentally, it's an eager to make her impress. But she wouldn't be impressed as I have been mean to her.
As I went to the main room, I wasn't particularly sure where they were but as I, the genius, were right. They were all huddled up with each other. Apparently they missed her for being gone for 13 days, 56 minutes and 12 seconds-
Goddamnit it...
"Ughhh, finally!! Some break from that shithole." She complained, I wondered. She picked a sliced pizza on the placed pizza on the ground and sat at the bean bag. She sighed releasing the stress and pain from her back...I suppose.
"Girl. Spill everything."  Leo spoke excitedly like a girl's girl. Everyone gets their preferred pizza and/or pillows, blankets and sat with her. Curious on her new stories about her college.
I was really uninterested about school, but I find myself listening on her rantings about the latest drama, tea and struggles on her daily life of college. I somewhat don't understand her words, I don't care anyway. Her voice has always been nice to hear even if she stuttered sometimes.
But every flaws she had was attractive. It's...unfair. That she's so extraordinary and remarkable human that we happen to stumble upon. I looked at her longingly, eyeing her squinted smile, her pimples, her.
I wish I can talk to you.
To talk to you without any mean remarks towards her, to be able to hear her laugh and compliments towards my acts.
I want to be near her, to feel her presence all of the time. To spend time with her just like my brothers do. How I envy them, surprisingly.
It's so frustrating, it's been years. I've been struggling with my quote unquote "love" or "admiration" towards her. She must be a witch, no one can make me feel like a hopeless pathetic, lovesick dog!
Even if I wanted to confess, I wouldn't have the chance to, I'm way too vulnerable when we're alone. I get so shy and flustered to do it.
Let alone I'm horrible at confronting my feelings, I can even write a damn letter for Einstein's sake!
I just- can't do it now
I'm hopeless.
Yet I desire for you.
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author's note here; yes it's been months, i apologize deeply. literally fucking school is devouring my existence and motivation rn not to mention I have a deadline to finish (cough March 29 cough) and I haven't even started it.
credits to Rick Montgemery for his astonishing songsssssssssss
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stuckonmain · 1 year
2012 Karai x reader Incorrect Quotes
A spiritual followup to the incorrect turtlexreader quotes, because honestly Karai is the only one of them who I actually have a crush on! Definitely more niche tho lol
(Y/N): *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Karai: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
April: Can I get a waffle?
(Y/N) and Karai: *fighting and yelling at each other*
April: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Karai: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. 
(Y/N): If I was married to you I’d drink it.
(Y/N), to Karai: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Leo: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Karai: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Leo, forgetting about (Y/N): VIVA LA PLUTO, SCREW YOU!
(Y/N): Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice forest breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.
Karai: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Karai has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
(Y/N): You know, Karai, you are the sun in my life.
Karai: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
(Y/N): Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
(Y/N): *angrily presses Karai against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
Karai: ...
Karai: Are we about to kiss-
(Y/N): What’s up with you?
Karai: What do you mean?
(Y/N): You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
(Y/N): So what’s the plan? 
Casey: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at Karai * they’re mean, come up with something.
Karai , writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
(Y/N): Let’s not Karai this into a worse situation than it already is.
Karai: Did you just use my name as a verb?
(Y/N): This is a bad idea.
Karai: Then why are you coming along?
(Y/N): Someone has to get your injured self home.
(Y/N): Did you have to stab them?
Karai: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
(Y/N): What did they say?
Karai: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
(Y/N): ...That’s fair.
(Y/N): What's gone wrong, Karai?
Karai: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
(Y/N): That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Karai: Well... There’s a crisis.
Karai: *on the phone with (Y/N)* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
(Y/N): You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Karai: Maybe.
(Y/N): You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Karai: Awww, thanks-
(Y/N): That’s not a good thing.
Karai: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
(Y/N): What are you doing here?
Karai: I could ask you the same question.
(Y/N): I live here. This is my house.
Karai: I should probably ask you a different question.
(Y/N), holding an unconscious Karai: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
(Y/N): You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Karai, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
Karai, looking in the first aid kit: Why did you fill this with pop-tarts?!
(Y/N), bleeding out: I thought it was funny at the time.
(Y/N): Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Karai: It was autocorrect.
(Y/N): Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Karai: Yes.
Leo: So you’re dating (Y/N)?
Karai: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Leo: That’s literally a wedding ring.
(Y/N): Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake.
Leo: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Karai.
(Y/N), pointing their hot glue gun towards Leo: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Mikey: That shirt looks great, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Thanks.
Mikey: But I bet it would look even better on Karai's floor.
Karai: Are you hitting on (Y/N)... for me?
Karai: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? (Y/N): Yes? Karai: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. (Y/N): Fuck. Karai: It's gonna be a fun week! (Y/N): I'm going to Leo's house. Karai: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Leo: (Y/N), gather the others. We need to have another Karai-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Leo: So, how long have you and Karai been together?
(Y/N): No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Karai and I are not together. No. No.
Leo: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
(Y/N): Where are you going?
Karai: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
(Y/N): I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Leo, knowing full well that (Y/N) got Karai an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
(Y/N): !
Karai: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
(Y/N): Did- did I what?
Karai: My chapstick, (Y/N). Did you steal it?
Leo: Karai, for the love of God, not this again.
(Y/N): I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Karai: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
(Y/N): Chocolate and popcorn?
Leo: Why do you think it got discontinued?
*(Y/N) and Karai flirting with each other yet again*
Leo: And you two are sure you're not dating?
(Y/N): 100%.
Karai: Of course not! Why would you think that?
Leo: I wonder why that possibility would even cross my mind, Karai. I fucking wonder.
Leo: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
(Y/N): Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Karai walks in*
(Y/N): Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Karai: Hi.
April: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Karai: I did.
April: And what did they say?
Karai: “Thank you.”
April: You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Karai: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and (Y/N) said, “Thank you.”
Karai: How do I make a date really romantic?
Shini: Be mysterious.
Karai: Okay!
*later, while on a date with (Y/N)*
(Y/N): So where are we going?
Karai: None of your fucking business.
Shini: Hey, (Y/N), are you free on Friday? Like around eight? (Y/N): Yeah. Shini: And you, Karai? Karai: Umm... yes? Shini: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Karai: I’m this close to falling in love with (Y/N).
Shini: Your fingertips are touching.
Karai: Exactly.
(Y/N): Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Karai: Oh, you’ve been?
(Y/N): Once. In Monopoly.
Shini: Truth or dare?
Karai: Truth!
Shini: Do you-
(Y/N): I dare you to kiss me.
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
Shini: They said “truth”, right?
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snackugaki · 2 years
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idk man, softshells are vicious
*continues screaming below the cut*
ololololollollolooll— the peepaw multiverse tried to infect me with a sad, embattled f!Leo but my body ended up forcing it to mutate because while I love a good soul-crushing angst premise, I’m a comedy and rule of cool girl at heart. and like... war feels like constant sorrow, grief, unending violence and fighting but... it isn’t, there’s lulls and quiet moments and your siblings don’t stop being siblings even then, especially then
and to clarify, all that weird shit the kids might have heard about Next Mutation, love triangles, Donnie and Venus fighting etc. take it from me, someone who was the target tv demographic when it was first airing, it wasn’t that bad. it was bad because it was just really bad children’s television during 90s Turtlemania. Just real corny shit (affectionate). Fighting dragons with a widow’s peak to rival Vegeta’s, vampires who look like if Betty Page and Prince Adam made a baby in the lycra section of Hustler Hollywood, just terrible fun with 90s children’s tv production values.
however when I rewatched the show as an adult (after finding my soul when it cringed out of my body and across 293740293751 dimensions), one of my takeaways was Donnie and Vee absolutely were BFFs, it’s fun it’s silly and goddamnit I am a little tired of tech vs magic, why not tech and magic? a bitch loves a good team up with unlikely partners is what I’m saying. IDW Donnie and Venus shaping up to look like best buddies too, maybe, hopefully, wishing. but if any iteration was gonna have the besties/worsties dynamic, i’d feel like it’d be Rise.
i need you all to understand that Donnie is not running around naked in my future au, it’s just I started sketching before I realized I’d have to design a future!Donnie.
... i mean I was going to for the fun but I just really needed this out of my brain first. so like... pretend he’s wearing something cool pls, thnks.
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debb987 · 1 year
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Sort of a continuation to this post 😂
Rafa stared at the offered muffin like he was seeing the first ray of sun after years of grey clouds and rain.
"Real food."
"Uh, duh?" Leo snorted, "that's what comes up when you look 'muffin' in the dictionary."
"Shut up smartass, you don't get it, you don't know the things I've seen," Rafa scoffed, snatching the muffin. "A phone, a rock, and I really mean a freaking rock here, that goddamn cockroach!"
"Raph, hey!" 12!Donnie called as he rushed to his brother's side.
"Why the shell does he keep eating things that are NOT food!?" Rafa groaned to the sky. "He's eating this muffin, he's eating it if it's the last thing he does!"
"Oh, funny you mention that, he just ate a poisonous flower-"
"He WHAT."
"-and we're trying to see if he's gonna get any symptoms or-"
"I'm gonna kill him! Grab this!" Rafa shoved the muffin at Donnie's hands. "BIG GUY! DUDE WHY! No, come back here and face me goddamnit!"
Donnie and Leo watched as Rafa left, in a race only red-wearing turtles seemed to be participating on.
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bakugo-softski · 26 days
Bnha as my personal interpretations of their zodiac sign from people i know irl
Hitoshi Shinso, Cancer: “I care more about my special interest than any of you fucks. Sorry.” Mostly normal, except implying he has a special interest. Would like to know Shinso’s special interest
Izuku Midoriya, Cancer: 👆AYO???
Katsuki Bakugo, Taurus: “I’m suave af and know it. I make ppl wanna slap the shit out of me. It’s part of my charm. My voice does things to ppl. I had a girlfriend for 8 months without confiding in my closest friends abt it. Secret romantic but ppl can tell” I’m gonna commit a fucking larceny
Mei Hatsume, Aries: “experimentation is fun af. Also, I’m gonna go disappear for 9 days and forget you exist. See you MAYBE next next Tuesday.” Real tbh
Shoto Todoroki, Capricorn: “Inner peace? Joy? What’s that? I have more unhealthy coping skills than you could imagine.”
Miruko, Pisces: “i would murder you for one bite of that kitkat. Wym bullying isn’t affection? I said i ain’t doing it. YOU LOVE MEEEEEE AH AH” LMAO slaps
Tomura Shigaraki, Aries: “WE’RE HAVING FUN GODDAMNIT. LEMME BLAST UR ASS WITH THIS ROMAN CANDLE. wyM we can’t tussle in this shopping center. “For the bit” physical altercation is not an adequate substitute for the love your parents never gave you. Yes, even if it works
Toga Himiko, Leo: “I’m a backstabbing bitch. Teehee”
Shota Aizawa, Scorpio: A cutthroat bitch. Has been through some shit. Always tired. “if you saw me in public, no you didn’t.” Ahh bitch
In conclusion:
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“Why do you write Leo with rizz” APPARENTLY THE PEOPLE ( @yanteetle and @soradragon) WANT TO KNOW— SO GODDAMNIT ILL TELL YOU 😭😭
— Rizzonardo??? —
Leo PRIDES himself on his ability to be slick. He’s the strategist, the face man, nothing gets to Leo, he doesn’t lose his cool in life threatening situations or even when he’s wrong. He makes KILLER one-liners imo, and he loves to see people laugh. 
You can’t tell me Leonardo Hamato, the man who once made the STATUE OF LIBERTY, WHO WAS ABOUT TO KILL HIS ASS, laugh because of his quick thinking. Leonardo Hamato, who smooth-talked his way into a deal with big mama— ON PURPOSE— and knew a way out of it. Leonardo Hamato, break a sweat when he sees someone that catches his fancy? No way. When you have that much of a fake god complex, im sorry but it doesn’t just go when you see somebody pretty, he lives with his brothers 24/7 and none of them picked up on it, that facade is a part of him now. AND HE. HAS. RIZZ. 
Leo thinks quickly, even if he does feel an incredible amount of butterflies when you look at him, he. bounces. back. That’s who Leo ISSSS!!!!!!! He’s the kind of person who OPENLY likes you. I like to think he falls in love fast, especially with how quickly he adopts new family members. And he loves hard— don’t be surprised if he’s completely shameless towards his feelings. 
“Are you— staring at me?” You laugh, analyzing the red eared slider for any form of reaction. 
“Maybe.” Leo smirks, feeling that familiar warmth creep up his neck— watching your face with just as much interest. His smile only widens when you turn away, trying to think up a comeback. “Depends if you’d like that.” 
He leans forward in his chair, “Would you?” 
Even if you don’t like him back, your face like a stone wall against his flirting. he’ll simply pull a Prince Naveen. “Well, I tried,” he’d smile — even despite the small fracture in his heart and large fracture in his pride, “I’ll get over it.” And he does— eventually. Because Leo always bounces back. To get rid of that trait feels like blasphemy to me. Leo is hard to beat, and if he’s going down, he’s going down swinging.
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galaxitix · 1 year
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Lavinia has join the competition and she's very flustered honoured to be here.
Propaganda for @ultimatebabygirlsupremebattle ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
(first time finishing and posting a comic *looks at the two comic that had been in my drafts and will probably never be finished or see the light of day*)
The others lovely babygirls included (because I saw an excuse to draw a bunch of babygirls and I took it. Would I have finished sooner if I didn't? Yes. Do I care? Nope. Would I do it again? Hell Yeah.)
• @justaturtleindisguise and @popcornkwantum are on a quest to befriend as many other Leo's as possible
• @clicky-buttons , @probably-not-a-rutabaga , @flaccidbonestm and a random babygirl(because I draw her without an artist in mind) are having a loving chat.
• @less-depresso-more-espresso is a mess and @dykeraphael is amused at the baby egg.
• @donnietheterrapin and @lunartflare64 were included because I found their babygirls cute and wanted to included them
(finally post this propaganda, school has been killing *stare at the 2 presentations and essay I had due soon* end my suffering plus eoy is in a week's time *sob* Fun Fact: just before I was gonna post this I realized I forgot the marking for two babygirls in the last and second to last panel and honestly wasn't going to do anything but my perfective self just could bare it so I had to go back and fix that and now we're here. I hope that was the only fix otherwise I'm gonna cry. And to you who has read my rambling for whatever reason. You are precious darling and loved 😘. It is certainly 11:30pm where I am and I have school tomorrow...😭 curse you insomnia let me sleep goddamnit)
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