#god sorry for the ramble lmfao. but yeah if you know the worth of these things feel free to lmk
spagheddiesquash · 4 months
hi all. im not in the homestuck fandom anymore (for a number of reasons. heard that some of the characters were like. offensive stereotypes or something?? and that there was an alleged 10 page long document explaining everything wrong with it??? idk, i didnt pick up on anything, then again i read it in 2019, but ive stayed away from it since i heard about that info. feel free to support or refute that in my dms if you have the evidence to do so i guess) but yeah so, i used to be like. OBSESSED with it, and recently i found an old official blanket that i bought in 2019. it has the mind(?) aspect on it (at least i think it is, i havent interacted with the comic since 2021, so some stuff is lost on me). anyway, im considering selling it somewhere for some extra cash. the thing is, i dont really know how much it would be worth. i tried looking to see if there were other people selling these blankets so i could figure it out, but all i could find are random redbubble listings with stolen fanart on them. if anyone knows whether its worth it to sell it in the first place and how much it would probably go for, feel free to send me a dm!! i know for sure that it’s in VERY good condition, still super soft and doesnt appear to have any damage whatsoever. i have some pictures. (not the BEST photos i couldve taken but they were all i could take before my little brother started playing with it. dont worry, if i were to sell it of course i would wash it again, and also im making sure he doesnt damage it) ive also been told i own a physical version of one of the books?? dont take my word on that though, ive never seen it.
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firecrackerhh · 1 year
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LMFAO dude what the fuck are you talking about? I’ve only had a tumblr account for like, what, 2 and a half years? Yeah I’ve made rants about antis and criticals before but I wasn’t even talking about you or anyone else specifically for that matter in any of those. I did not have specific usernames, I didn’t fucking put anyone else’s icon on my blog up until now. I haven’t accused you of being racist, a fucking Republican, any other negative bullshit you claim about me, I don’t fucking go after anyone specific in general! I only have 45 followers! I couldn’t fucking harass ANYONE even if I wanted to! I might think you’re a pain in the ass, but you aren’t worth going after!
Well…until you fucked up and started talking shit about me.
You brought this on yourself.
If there is one thing I hate more than anything it’s being a disingenuous little liar.
Fine, I said the word retarded, the horror, the agony! Funny tho how you have no problem with the word troglodyte, but you probably don’t know what that word means. However much I wish I could say I’m sorry for saying all that, I’m very much not. If anyone in the hazbin fandom follows me and is deeply upset by my lack of apology on the subject, you are welcome to unfollow me, we would not have gotten along anyway.
The only crime I’ve accused you and your ilk of is being a whiny fucking pissbaby who clearly does not understand the concept of “don’t like, don’t watch” and does NOTHING but BITCH online constantly, probably because you have no other hobbies whatsoever, which is fucking pathetic. Even I’m not that fucking miserable. Your behavior is not proving me wrong.
As if complaining about things you don’t like in a cartoon you don’t have to watch is any more mature than making a post calling you people troglodytes. You are not better than me in any way whatsoever.
If I were half as miserable as you portray yourself online I would actually consider killing myself.
I could genuinely be upset at the obviously fake bullshit you’re spewing about me, but nah, fuck that, you aren’t worth it.
However I do suppose this would be a grand opportunity for me to explain to you in vivid detail why I legit can’t stand you and how unbelievably goddamn stupid I think you are. Why?
Why does anyone do anything?
Also you fucking swung first, I was planning on never speaking about you in public like this, I blocked you for a good reason, but no, you just had to open your big stupid mouth. Sure I would see you complain about this or that, that’s fine. But now you made shit personal. I’m finishing this fight and you aren’t coming out of this unscathed.
You’re like a raving schizophrenic on the street that other people avoid, to act like your frankly delusional ramblings are at all an accurate portrayal of who I am as a person even though you have never even talked to me before, not that you could anyway since I blocked you waaaay before you saw that post so I’m not sure how you managed to see it anyway, would be coddling you, yknow, like a baby.
And considering you don’t want people younger than 17 on your blog I was under the assumption you were yknow, an adult. Making callout posts on random nobodies just because they hurt your precious wittle feefees is not mature adult behavior. Don’t claim you have maturity when you obviously never fucking show it. Don’t throw stones when you fucking own a glass house.
I’m not even mature myself, I have never claimed otherwise, but god, I feel like I’ve aged 40 years just looking at your fucking blog, don’t you ever get tired of being such a whiny immature brat? Are you ever satisfied with anything or do you consider whining like a bitch as second nature to you?
Of course, I can’t claim to be any better, I admit, I’m rather wordy when it comes to my posts myself, I have a tendency to get angry at things most people wouldn’t make a big deal of, my mind is going at a thousand miles an hour all the goddamn time and I have a thousand different thoughts about so many things it would make your brain explode.
There is one difference between us however.
I’m not stupid enough to insult specific people directly in public when they haven’t fucking done anything to me.
The post you’re bitching about was very general, I did not mention you specifically at all.
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Wow! You insult me and my alleged lack of emotional intelligence (pot calling the fucking kettle black I see, talk about hypocrisy) so if anything you are no better than me. Can you say one sentence without obviously projecting? Holy shit, look inward, for the love of god.
Maybe I would’ve been kinder to you if you had the proper emotional intelligence to realize that blatantly insulting people is not a way to get them on your good side. Perhaps that sounds hypocritical of me, but it isn’t like I made that post you got all mad at with the intention of making friends out of it. The point was to insult antis and criticals and it did the job. At least I’m honest about the fact I’m a fucking bitch. Unlike yourself.
There is a reason I put my header as ‘Tis I the Werebitch after all. It’s a warning. A warning you have promptly ignored.
I don’t give a fuck how old you actually are, you act like a fucking baby, a spoiled brat in adult online spaces and expect actual adults to fucking coddle you and pretend like your fucking dogshit opinions actually have any fucking merit?
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And you think I’m the joke?
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Trying to cancel me too? Me? A nobody with not even 50 followers? God, that’s pathetic, if anything, you’re the joke.
No, actually you’re worse! Jokes are meant to be funny! And I’m not laughing anymore. What you are, is obnoxious. I have to wonder if you actually have any IRL and online friends or if your constant whining has driven them all away over the years. Do the other antis and criticals even like you? God knows the fandom doesn’t want you around. Shit, other antis and criticals are tolerable compared to you!
You are no one’s savior. You aren’t helping actual people by bitching about a cartoon that will continue to exist whether you like it or not. Viv, contrary to your positively demented belief, is not the fucking Antichrist, and you sure as fuck aren’t Jesus Christ.
So convinced you’re morally superior to fans of the show because you “gasp” ‘criticize’ it! But not really, you wouldn’t know how to critically analyze something if you took a fucking college course on the subject. You don’t criticize it, you bitch about it. There’s more to critical analysis than saying “yeah this is garbage and if you like it you’re an idiot, or a racist, or a homophobe” Or whatever fucking negative bullshit you spew on a near daily basis.
You never have one positive word to say about the show you allegedly like, much less for the creator herself. No fucking wonder she blocked you on Twitter. You radiate toxic vibes like the Elephant’s foot at Chernobyl and you have the nerve to act offended when people rightfully block you for your immature, self righteous attitude?
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You sound fucking delusional, and you’re surprised no one takes you seriously?
You’re not just a clown, you’re the entire fucking circus.
Never mind the fucking bullshit you were spewing at Morgana Ignis, but sadly I can only have 10 pictures in one blog post.
No one in this fandom gives a fuck what you fucking think about anything, much less Viv herself, because you have your head so far up your ass you don’t even fucking realize every word that comes out of your mouth is full of shit!
Just because you hate a stupid fucking cartoon, that doesn’t make you special. The fact I like a stupid fucking cartoon does not make me special. I just like it, and no one’s whining is going to change that.
Cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
Cognitive dissonance is an astounding phenomenon. How you continue to exist in such a state has to be confounding to every psychologist in the nation.
The fact you used me as a proxy for your feelings on an entire fandom makes you look really pathetic and frankly I’m convinced you need fucking therapy or something. This shit legit isn’t healthy for you mentally.
You don’t like the fandom? Fine, most fandoms are fucking dumpster fires anyway, but to fucking act like we’re some fucking hive mind and that we all automatically agree with the absolute worst of the fans really shows just how fucking immature you really are. If I really wanted to be a dramatic bitch I could say it amounts to slander.
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You know what they say about assumptions don’t you?
You want to know my actual opinions on shit? Fucking ask me directly like a fucking adult. Assuming you’re capable of it. Not this bullshit where you make up my beliefs and then argue with the straw man of me you made up in your head, as if you come up with these posts in the shower.
Tho of course that should be difficult for you, since yknow. I blocked you forever ago. But knowing your obnoxious ass, this’ll find a way to you one way or another.
Get help. Seek therapy. Go outside. Learn a new skill, anything, if only so you aren’t such a miserable fucking person.
If you fucking hate me or whatever, the feeling is fucking mutual. You are legitimately one of the most irritating crybabies I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing exists.
I’m sure to many that the fact I’m even making this post is evidence I’m just as bad as they are or whatever else, if not worse, all I’m gonna say is be glad I keep most of my thoughts in DM’s. I could be so much worse. I imagine not too many of you have read this far, rather exhausting isn’t it?
Imagine how I felt reading this bitch’s fucking bullshit diatribe against me.
Ps. This bit of advice is worth listening to imo, it may be familiar to you. I suggest you take it Squiddy.
Projection is a bitch isn’t it?
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🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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Don’t know about you guys, but man I love me some fried calamari, don’t you?
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wilhelmjfink · 3 years
Drabbles 24. and 27. for Daryl please(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i love the way you write btw ♥️
disclaimer I have no idea what’s been going on for the last like 4 seasons of TWD so I make up my own scenarios for good stories and drabbles lmfao 👉🏻😎👉🏻 zing
Also remember when I said “drabbles?” I meant “one shots” cuz I have no self control.
You felt the first rain drop hit the top of your head, right onto your forehead and fall down to the tip of your nose and you wiped it frantically because god dammit if he thought you were crying. You knew the water works would start soon enough, but you’d fight it as long as you could. Theatricals didn’t mean anything to Daryl… and apparently you didn’t either.
He had stopped walking at least, his back to you, still as he waited for… what? This wasn’t the first time he walked away from you, but something heavy in your chest told you it may actually be the last time. Regardless, nothing you’d said ever seemed to get through to him — at least, in the midst of an argument. Maybe later he’d come back with his tail between his legs and his eyes low, biting his thumbnail nervously as he fumbled over the right thing to say.
But right now, where you stood at this moment in time, it was different. The rain was beginning to pick up and you watched the droplets roll off of the carbon limbs of his crossbow and suspend themselves, frozen in time, before falling to the ground.
You swallowed nervously, hoping your voice would sound more confident than you were feeling: “So, what are you waiting for?”
At first he didn’t respond, didn’t move, and you held your breath when he did finally shoot a quick glance over his shoulder at you before shifting his weight almost impatiently. “I dunno. You usually have some sort of dramatic, ‘what about us?’ speech ya spew before I try ‘n leave.”
“So you are leaving.”
“We’ll, I ain’t stayin’ here, that’s for damn sure.”
“But couldn’t you even bother to say ‘goodbye’? Am I not even worth that to you? Are we not worth that to you? A fucking goodbye in the very least?”
You took a deep breath. “So, that’s it?”
He could read you like a book with his eyes closed and a bag over your head. You desperately tried to remain stoic, but he could clearly hear the shift in your voice — and as if you weren’t upset enough, he let you know this all with an exasperated sigh.
“Here we go…”
You let out a sharp bark of laughter, disguising the much sharper pain in your chest at his words. “Oh! Okay, my fucking bad, Daryl. My bad I can’t just throw away everything I’ve worked so hard on like you can. Sorry I can’t just turn off my emotions and stroll the fuck out of somebody’s life — somebody I know loves me — or, at least, used to, I guess. Maybe? Maybe not even. Guess it don’t matter now though, huh?”
Okay, you’re rambling. You’re trying to dig yourself out of a hole that Daryl is standing over, toeing back in each load of dirt you shovel out onto him.
But why was he still standing there? Why hadn’t he stormed off yet, like he always did when you argued? It worried you, deep down to the core of your being; you weren’t sure why, but you had a hunch it was because before, he always came back. And he always knew he’d come back. But he stood there quietly, waiting, silent. Your hands balled into fists at your side.
“You’re pathetic!”
There you go. You got your anger out, sort of — whatever it was, it got through to him. He whipped around furiously, and you could tell by the way he stiffened, the way he got so angry that you were finally getting through to him. And if he still decided to leave? Fine. You’d let him go. You’d left your scratch marks, and you didn’t want anybody who didn’t want you anyway.
“Pathetic? Yeah? Maybe I am, Y/N! And if I am, that’s fine — I don’t give a damn what you think. I don’t deserve to be loved. Not by anybody; definitely not by someone like you. You’ll be fuckin’ fine, alright? So just… figure it out!”
He might as well have slapped you across the face.
You still silently, the rain finally picking up, a nice dramatic scene set for this Lifetime movie argument. Did you even hear home right?
“Daryl, I….”
“Save it,” he bit out in response. And, there it was — he spun on his heels away from you and your heart lodged into your throat. “Just… save it, alright?”
This time, though, you stepped after him. “D, wait, please — “
“You’ll be fine,” he threw over his shoulder at you. The words almost formed a wall, halting you in your tracks. Was it the harshness or them? The certainty that you would be fine without him? It was almost comical — did he really think you’d be okay without him?
Daryl, at least, had a stuffed back pack slung over his shoulders beside his crossbow. You, alternatively, had nothing. But that didn’t stop you as you picked up a jog against your better judgement, trying to keep up with his long strides as he stormed away from the main gate silently.
If this was the time he decided to try and leave for good, fine. But you would not be left behind… whether he liked or or not.
“I don’t care if we didn’t mean anything to you,” you announced as you caught up to him breathlessly. He didn’t respond. “You meant something to me, and you’re not fucking leave me behind.”
@crossbowking @julesmalek I restarted my tag list bc it’s been so long and I’m such trash. If you want added plz message me lol
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
i've done some research, and i've come to a hilarious conclusion: the attitude of c!rivalsduo enthusiasts/apologists/etc towards cc and c tommy gives off similar vibes to that one gordon ramsay meme where he's comforting a child vs that "you donkey" comment or whatever LMFAO
KSDDKFHD yep pretty much
like, i don't dislike c!tommy myself, but i think everyone who does is extremely valid (as much as those who do like him) and i haven't seen a single one of those people be nothing but overwhelmingly supportive of cc!tommy unlike c!dream antis who usually dislike cc!dream's content but i guess that's another can of worms entirely.
and i don't think anyone dislikes him because he's "annoying" either? i myself don't - i don't really click with him because while cc!tommy is charming and genuinely one of the coolest people i know, c!tommy is insensitive towards others and very brash and extraverted. that's all good of course but the complete opposite of me so i can't really connect with the character in the slightest. but hey i can't even remember the last protagonist character i've liked, i usually just get helplessly attached to the villain or a side character instead, so what's new. all in all he's really not my kind of person (and don't talk to me about "loud trauma" for the love of god he's been like this before).
but when i am critical of him, it's not because he's loud or extraverted or reckless - i get messing with people and breaking rules for fun, believe me, there is not one minecraft server i've joined where i didn't immediately steal someone's ender crystals and trap their house (sorry c!dream), trust me - but it's moreso because he can be a jerk and i can see him... affect people negatively.
he's flawed, and he makes a lot of mistakes! easy to blame, easy to get angry at, and that's not - that's not his fault, neither is it inherently bad, but when i see him hurt people, my overempathy goes "get away you stupid jerk" and i just can't. i can't. i get so mad for other people when they get mistreated and it just... hurts to watch? and he's a well-written character like that for sure, dynamic and helping drive the conflict! but... he's not innocent. and that's fine, no one is, but - the way he makes others upset and doesn't even notice? the way he justifies hurting someone and doesn't care? it just - it really makes me feel distant. like i don't want to cheer him on. i just want him to get away from the person he's being toxic to.
that's the difference between cc!tommy and c!tommy - while cc does harmless bits that are funny and everyone is laughing and he's just oh my gosh he's so good at being entertaining don't get me started - c!tommy hurts people in the story, with both his words and actions.
and it's not like he (usually) does it maliciously! it just feels weird to see so many people defending his toxic behavior so violently (sorry c!tommy apologists, but the very radical ones of you are the main reason why i dislike the character) so i just. internally i feel like i have no choice than to set myself opposed to that, and it feels - refreshing in a way, to see others call that out and then see them get attacked and crave to see even more.
and i don't want him hurt! i don't want him hurt at all, no, i watched him get traumatized over and over again and as someone who went through stuff too i - i really want him to get support and be happy, at least for a moment because it's getting repetitive from a storytelling standpoint (sorry but as soon as it becomes good for the story and his own narrative to have him go through more stuff i'll support it, it's just gotten old at this point in time).
i just want some... self-awareness? and he's been gaining some! he's been gaining more, thank prime, he's - he's healing and actually getting better at this. he reflects from time to time, before he relapses thanks to being hurt again, and that's good. the reflection, not the relapse, i mean. but his past actions are really excused too much, and - i just decided to not care at some point.
that's why i don't talk about the character. i - i just don't care about him, because i can't put in the effort to try and put him together, because as long as he frustrates me i think the response to him frustrates me more? i hope i'll be able to like him more down the line. it all just feels wrong in my head, so i'll settle for not caring for now.
sorry for the ramble i have a lot - i have a lot of thoughts about c!tommy and they just came spilling out in whatever this incoherent mess is. this isn't an invite to send c!tommy crit in my inbox, but uh - be my guest. i tag my stuff, anyways, so. just. yeah, these are my thoughts, and accusations like "you just hate cc!tommy because this is his persona" rub me the wrong way when there is so much more to the way i perceive and choose to perceive the character.
if you're going to make me feel guilty for thinking critically of him, well, i'm not going to think anything of him at all. it's just not worth it.
i guess that's my thoughts on him at the moment.
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gokubrain · 3 years
same anon as before and I kno u say it's fine but like I kinda feel obligated to talk about db cause its db ldnabdb so sorry again but yea!!!! it's so wild that to this day even the official vas for Geta and Goku will make little jokes about the 2 having an immensely special relationship (like that time sabat said vegeta has a goku wig for "reasons") and like even tho those are jokes I get kinda happy from it cause its being acknowledged! and god Goku really was the first person, possibly ever, that vegeta put his entire faith and hope in and even after he died he kept aiming for Goku and brings him up at least once in almost every appearance he's made ever. and Goku wanting him alive (wanting!) so they could have a rematch, which ultimately lead to them having the special relationship they have now just speaks volumes of relationship potential this series hasnt see much of. I know it's kinda nuts but gosh I just feel like those years of when I was super young and thought of how close these 2 have been validated now that I know how to use some sense of critical thinking for this series. toriyama really made characters that could be good gay rep and he has absolutely no idea about it.
yeah omg actually let me tell u smth cool, chris sabat followed me on twitter for a bit and i talked to him in dms about kakavege LOL he said he could totally see a relationship between them !! so that's rly cool
but yeah when the literal voice actors for the characters have grounds to make jokes about them being gay then you know something must be up HAHA
i'm getting a little overwhelmed (/pos!!) so sorry if my following thoughts are a bit jumbled LOL BUT
SAME THO when i was younger i shipped them but as i got older and was able to read deeper into literature and had more experience doing so with other media i was like wow,,, they really truly are gay huh LOL
it's really very fitting i feel like that like. IDK LOL like they're both so similar in terms of like,,, okay okay LOL
i have a hard time putting it into words but fighting is a thing that is very important to both goku and vegeta so the idea that a big major life-changing battle is what brought them together (AND APPARENTLY WHAT TAKES THEM OUT AS WELL ACCORDING TO DBO LOL) is soo romantic LOL AND like. yes god it's so crazy i bet when vegeta heard goku want to spare him his heart just beat out of his chest LMAO LIKE. EVERY TIME I WATCH THE SAIYAN FIGHT I'M LIKE WOW,,, THEY MUST BOTH BE HAVING SOME RLY CONFUSING FEELINGS RN LOL LIKE THIS IS LITERALLY WHERE EVERYTHING STARTS FOR THEM!! this is even confirmed by goku's whole "pls spare vegeta i Must see him again" speech at the end of the fight LOL AND ALSO right after that speech and after krillin spares him vegeta's like "i'll be back motherfucker" which i always interpret as vegeta having mild gay panic and being unsure how to respond to such reckless kindness lol
like i know goku's reason for sparing him is because he wants to get stronger and beat him and vegeta's reasoning for saying he'll be back is revenge and both of those things are true but i can't help but feel like there are some underlying feelings here akin to that feeling you get when you realize you like someone lmfao like. yeah you guys wanna fight again huh? because that fight was unnecessarily homoerotic and you just HAVE to experience those feelings again huh?? okay homos
sorry im rambling a bit but while reading ur anon i was reminded of another very important kakavege scene in the freeza arc where vegeta is fighting freeza and he's about to die but then suddenly goku arrives!! and it's such an important moment for both kakavege and just for vegeta's (questionably written, i know) characterization. to this point vegeta has been listening to everyone else talk about goku, when's goku gonna show up, we need goku to come save us, goku can beat freeza, goku goku goku and i'm sure vegeta was absolutely disgusted by this LMAO LIKE he didn't really get it, but when he's about to die by freeza's hand and suddenly goku shows up i feel like vegeta experiences for the first time this wave of relief that the other z warriors are all too familiar with. like everyone always has to hold out until goku gets there and when he finally does the relief is just absolutely palatable. vegeta witnessed this happening first hand when goku finally arrived during the saiyan arc but now he's experiencing what it's like to be on the other end and have goku arrive in shining armor to save him LOL I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE?? like it's such a turning point for vegeta where he realizes he's actually elated to see goku here at the final hour, even if vegeta does bite the dust here it's obvious that he has faith in goku's ability to kill freeza by his dying speech (WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER KETTLE OF FISH, HOLY SHIT LOL. VEGETA CRYING AND BEGGING GOKU TO KILL FREEZA?? HE'S SO QUICK TO BE VULNERABLE HERE I'M SURE IT RLY WRACKED GOKU TO SEE HIM LIKE THAT LMAO)
but yea yes, kakavege is very dependent on this concept that goku is actually vegeta's savior and always has been!! he spares vegeta's life the first time they meet and then comes to avenge him in the freeza arc and ultimately vegeta's drive to be better than goku changes who he is as a person and its like. goku is the ONLY one who saw any worth in vegeta, everyone else hated him and wanted him dead LOL SO
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combat-wombatus · 4 years
hey hey hey!! sorry i’ll stop lmao. could i get a matchup?? i’m 5’4, bi (pref for men), i use any pronouns! i have long brown hair with green/gold eyes (they get all gold in the sun lol) , i’m mid-sized but i usually where baggy clothes. i’m an intp, 5w6, libra (although my personality doesn’t rlly match my zodiac). i’m really introverted and i usually hate talking to people. i’m the opposite of a people pleaser so when i meet ppl like that they tend to get on my nerves 😅. i read a lot and i’m actually pretty good at formal writing. i suck ass at anything math lmao. . i also enjoy gaming and choir :) a lot of people perceive me as kinda narcissistic and apathetic but when i get to rlly know a person i care about them a lot. i make fun of people a lot but it’s usually how i show affection. could it be pro/villain? ty!!!
your eyes sound so pretty omg 🥺 and yes ofc <33
math is made by demons who want to take over our world i swear they beat us up and tear us down and eventually they’ll just...yeah. take over LAKDJFHLAKJH anyways i’m rambling now-
i match you up with...
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ok ok hear me out-
you two didn’t get along at first. like at ALL. enemies-to-lovers typa deal, u know? chucking insults at each other all day, shit-talking each other all the time...you guys were a HANDFUL
and then one day, you were having a really bad day. 
his teasing was...well, a little bit too far.
and when you finally snapped, he realized that he had *ahem* feelings for you, contrary to popular belief
hence his awkward attempts at flirting
so uhh yeah enemies to lovers go brr
you guys have your own brand of jokes
like...no one else can understand why they’re funny
it just doesn’t seem funny to them
but it’s HILARIOUS to the two of you
you guys goof around on missions all the time
shiggy is...not pleased, but you guys get the job done, so he can’t really complain
one time he tried to split the two of you up into diff teams and...the bitch faces the two of you had on the entire week was not worth it
and besides, if you two were together, no one else had to deal with y’all aksldjfhlajskh
he’s not really a romantic
proposed to you over text lmfao
out of the blue just “marry me”
“marry me. can you not read?”
“ur joking right”
“why would i do that”
“it seems like something you’d do”
“i’m being serious, you dumbass. yes or no?”
“hmm...maybe” (after like 5 mins of the 3 lil dots, just to mess with him)
“what kind of answer is that?”
overall you guys are the crack/super aggressive couple and god forbid anyone walk in on you two making out laskjdhlfakj
a lil moodboard
violet: dabi
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sparklingpax · 4 years
Yeah!! It is alive!! It was great to see them too, I'd totally swoop up some for me if I wasn't trying to save. I wanted to watch Headmasters really badly back when I had just finished G1 and wanted more-- but then I found out Optimus dies again in there and I didn't want to see that because 🥺😭 THATS MY ROBOT DAD, PLS LET HIM LIVE TAKARA
Gonna put a read more since I started rambling and I’m so sorry aaa my thoughts are so disorganized I just got out of class lmao ^^’’ 
Awww well,,,yeah he does indeed die, and it made no sense to me because Galvatron should have died as well?? They were both thrown into that vector sigma thing,,,but only Optimus dies ajsdksksj perhaps I missed something because that was one chaotic battle anyway,,, it’s also really really early in the series T////T like third or fourth episode early,,,,
I was sad about it too, but as the series went on, I came to the realization that the way it was structured, Optimus would have been a side character anyway....since it tended to focus on either Daniel doing some dumb scrap and almost getting killed o.o or the Headmasters and their battles with the Decepticons.....
Hot Rod and most of the cast from the original G1 series leave after a while; they make appearances and are still in various episodes, but not as main characters. You also don’t see Ultra Magnus for a while either until he comes back for a few episodes and then,,,uh,,,,well if you look at the episode list theres one title that gives away what happens-- 
But anyway ^^’’ I totally get not wanting to see that tho,,,,I never watched the 3rd and 4th seasons of G1 for four whole years after finally finishing seasons 1 and 2 (and the movie) because I was so,,,lowkey bitter for a while about how Optimus wasn’t going to be there,,,,but eventually (this year) I realized it was immature of me to be bitter about this so I just decided to just give it a go, and ngl I kinda enjoyed it! It was weird but,,,,,,worth the watch 😹 
lol but I watched Headmasters soon after, not knowing he was gonna die,,,,so it really shocked me when he did,,,,and it was so sad,,,,but as I said before, I eventually came to the conclusion that it might be for the better this series focused on different characters to tell the particular story it was trying to tell :D 
Idk, it’s silly and may be kinda slow paced (?) sometimes, but I enjoyed every second of it, and there were a lot of little funny/cute bits in the show that made me melt u//w//u It’s basically G1 but with different main characters and a similar but also different art style if that makes sense?? Like there were subtle details in the way stuff was drawn and colored that made it much different from G1 but it still had a similar feel...^^’’ 
OH And one more thing, if you ever do decide to watch Headmasters, or the other series that followed (Super God Masterforce and Victory), watch them in the original Japanese (with english subs)
The dubs are golden and hilariously awful, and so it’s very hard to take any of it seriously or focus on the plot if the people speaking all sound bad and everything, even serious moments, are funny. Plus, there are quite a few things that got mistranslated or just,,,the idea wasn’t properly phrased in the dub as it was said in Japanese?? And that makes things about 100x more confusing,,,idk The dub is weird lmfao 😹😹
So anyway.......take your time with it! Maybe someday you’ll just feel like it and go and watch it, or you won’t! And either way is fine and of course up to you :) I’m just here to offer my humble opinion that it was a good series (as were the other two >//w//<) and I recommend them!! ^///^ 
sorry I got carried away there and talked about like,,,everything,,,aaa anyway :)))
-Kuni 😳😅😊💖✨
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zachdtfdempsey-blog · 7 years
I Promise // Zach Dempsey x Reader
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Request: could you please do a zach imagine wherein zach gives the reader a promise ring? ☺
A/N: Sorry this took so long! Wanted to put out my best work, but not gonna lie I kinda got lazy and procrastinated. Hope y’all like it though. (Also, I kind of had to search up what a promise ring was because I haven’t been in enough relationships or a long enough relationship to know… lmfao)
Warning(s): Just some cutesy shiz, and a very cheesy/extra Zach. 
The school day had just ended, as you rushed out of the school hallway in tears.
It was your one year anniversary with your boyfriend, Zach Dempsey, and it seems that he had completely forgotten about it due to his lack of acknowledgement towards the occasion. You wanted to think you were just overreacting, but Zach was your very first boyfriend, and you were probably his billionth girlfriend, and you couldn’t help but feel heartbroken at the idea of him forgetting about a day that was so special for the both of you.
You sped towards your car to head home. That was until your best friend, Jess, stopped you.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going driving home in that kind of state?” She asked, blocking the car door with her body.
“Jess, I’m not in the mood right now. Go away,” you replied, trying to keep your poise.
Next thing you knew, you were sitting in the passenger’s seat of your car, crying to a Sam Smith song, while Jess drove you to her house.
“I mean, how could he possibly forget our anniversary? I thought I was a good girlfriend. Maybe I am a good girlfriend. He’s just not a good boyfriend! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sitting here, with you, no offense I love you, but I’d rather be cuddling with Zach, celebrating our anniversary than crying to some stupid love songs… I mean, I could be, if only he’d ANSWER MY DAMN TEXTS!” you rambled, slightly hyperventilating and pounding the dashboard. “Not even a text. One text would’ve sufficed!”
“Okay, I know you’re upset, but can you chill, Y/N? Seriously,” Jess sighed. “You’re kind of overreacting. Don’t let this one little mistake pull you down. Your relationship isn’t over. You’ll fix this. But for the time being, I’m going to take you out on a little girl’s night out. Get’cho mind off of all this. Sound good?”
4 hours later, you were admiring yourself in front of a mirror, wearing one of Jess’s sexy red dresses, black stilettos, with your hair and makeup all done.
Jess came out of her bathroom wearing a plain black dress, and ballet flats. “Wow, Y/N, you look gorgeous! I did good,” she said, flipping her hair, praising herself for the amazing makeover she gave you.
“Thanks Jess, you look,” you inspected her up and down before finishing, “No offense, but underdressed. What the hell?”
Jess nervously laughed it off, and said, “Well, this night is for you, not for me. Anyway, we’re going to be late to our reservation, so we gotta motor.”
“Oh, okay,” you said, picking up your purse. “Where are we going?”
“Um.. this super fancy restaurant. But it’s a surprise,” she smirked.
Jess forced you to keep your eyes shut for the entire car ride, partly because she “wanted her surprise to be perfect,” but also because every single time you opened your eyes, she honked the car, which annoyed you and probably every other driver on the road.
You felt the car come to a stop, and so you asked, “May I open my eyes now?”
“Yes, you may,” Jess responded, getting out of the car and meeting you on the passenger side.
You opened your eyes, to see you were in front of Monet’s. Your jaw dropped in shock, as you got out of the car and slammed the door behind you. “MONET’S? Really? Thank you for the kind gesture, Jess, but when you said we were going to a ‘fancy restaurant,’ Monet’s wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” you said, crossing your arms. “Also, for your information, it’s closed.”
“Shut up, Y/N, and just don’t question it,” Jess grabbed you by the arm, and opened the front door with a key. You gasped, surprised that she even had one in her possession, as she led you inside the cafe.
Though it was fairly dark inside, the string of lights that hung across the cafe’s ceiling dimly lit up the place, creating a picturesque setting. “Wow, this is beautiful…” You were so lured into the beauty of the room, that you jumped when Jess whispered in your ear, “Have fun, girl.”
You turned around to ask her what the hell she was talking about, but she had already fled the cafe and drove away. In your car. You pursed your lips and clenched your first. A part of you wanted to be angry she left your emotionally vulnerable self alone at a closed cafe by yourself with no way of getting back home, but another part of you knew she was doing this for a reason, so you wandered around the cafe looking for an answer.
You walked towards the counter and noticed a trail of rose petals and candles on the floor leading towards the corner of the room, and that’s when you saw it. Zach Dempsey, the love of your life, all dressed up in a suit and tie, standing in front of the exact table he asked you out at exactly one year ago.
You walked towards your boyfriend, unable to contain the huge smile on your face. He beamed at your presence, and said, “You look beautiful, Y/N.”
His compliment sent shivers down your spine, as you hadn’t heard from him all day, and so your first instinct was to leap up and hug him. “I love you,” you whispered into his ear. He held you tightly and kissed your lips softly, then sat you down for some dinner.
After an hour of eating, joking around with each other, and reminiscing on your relationship, Zach began to apologize for leaving you hanging.
“Did you really think I forgot our anniversary?” he chuckled.
“Well, yeah. I mean, I don’t know. Was that stupid of me? You’re my first boyfriend so I don’t really know how these things work…” You sipped on your water, embarrassed.
“No, it’s not stupid. I was the stupid one. I’m sorry I put you through that today. That was not my intention and I really don’t know why I didn’t think about how much my actions would hurt you. I was just really focused on surprising you good,” he said.
Reaching for his hand across the table, you answered, “And you did surprise me good. Seriously, this is the sweetest thing anybody’s ever done for me. How did you even make this happen?”
He blushed at your response, and explained, “Well, first I asked Clay to convince Skye to let me have the cafe after closing so that it could just be the two of us. I know it’s not exactly fancy, but this table we’re sitting at right now has a lot of meaning.. Anyway, I’m surprised Skye said yes, but I guess she’s pretty fond of Clay. Then I asked Jess to trick you into having a fancy girl’s night out with her so you could get all dolled up before meeting me here.”
“Well, she tricked me good,” you responded, making his smile grow even bigger.
He continued, “Oh, and I saved up my allowance for the past few months in order to afford all the candles and roses and stuff.”
You smiled, your heart racing at the idea of him putting in so much effort just to make this one night as special and perfect as it was. You leaned your chin on your hand in admiration, until you came to a realization and commented, “Wait, there’s no way this costed a couple months worth of allowance.”
He sighed, “You’re right. There’s one more thing you haven’t seen yet.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny jewelry box.
“Oh my god,” you said softly, as tears began to form in your eyes.
He opened the box to reveal a shiny, diamond-encrusted ring. You stared at it with gratitude, as tears began to fall from your eyes.
Zach reached over to hold your face and wipe your tears with his thumb. You held his hand to your face, and looked up at him staring straight into your eyes, seeing he was tearing up as well. Never have you felt this kind of intimacy with him before, and it wasn’t often that you saw this sensitive side of him. You were crazy about him, and you knew he was crazy about you too.
“Y/N,” he began, “I wanted to give you this ring as a promise. A promise that I will stay forever committed to you and our future. I promise I will never leave your side. I promise that no matter the situation, I will still be here for you always.” He began to choke up, seeing you crying tears of joy. “You’re the only girl who’s ever made me feel this way. You’re the funniest, dorkiest, and most charming girl I know, and I feel so lucky to be loved by you. You’re the first person I’ve ever been in love with, and I want you to know that I promise, I will love you until the end of time.”
He slipped the ring onto your finger, and you got up from your chair, trembling with happiness. He got up and wrapped you in his arms as you both cried tears of joy together.
“God, I’m ruining my makeup,” you joked in between sniffles.
“You’re still beautiful, babe,” he replied. He laid a kiss on your forehead, and said, “Thank you for an amazing year of adventure. Happy anniversary.”
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