#I’m petty af and I have no respect for this bitch whatsoever
firecrackerhh · 1 year
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LMFAO dude what the fuck are you talking about? I’ve only had a tumblr account for like, what, 2 and a half years? Yeah I’ve made rants about antis and criticals before but I wasn’t even talking about you or anyone else specifically for that matter in any of those. I did not have specific usernames, I didn’t fucking put anyone else’s icon on my blog up until now. I haven’t accused you of being racist, a fucking Republican, any other negative bullshit you claim about me, I don’t fucking go after anyone specific in general! I only have 45 followers! I couldn’t fucking harass ANYONE even if I wanted to! I might think you’re a pain in the ass, but you aren’t worth going after!
Well…until you fucked up and started talking shit about me.
You brought this on yourself.
If there is one thing I hate more than anything it’s being a disingenuous little liar.
Fine, I said the word retarded, the horror, the agony! Funny tho how you have no problem with the word troglodyte, but you probably don’t know what that word means. However much I wish I could say I’m sorry for saying all that, I’m very much not. If anyone in the hazbin fandom follows me and is deeply upset by my lack of apology on the subject, you are welcome to unfollow me, we would not have gotten along anyway.
The only crime I’ve accused you and your ilk of is being a whiny fucking pissbaby who clearly does not understand the concept of “don’t like, don’t watch” and does NOTHING but BITCH online constantly, probably because you have no other hobbies whatsoever, which is fucking pathetic. Even I’m not that fucking miserable. Your behavior is not proving me wrong.
As if complaining about things you don’t like in a cartoon you don’t have to watch is any more mature than making a post calling you people troglodytes. You are not better than me in any way whatsoever.
If I were half as miserable as you portray yourself online I would actually consider killing myself.
I could genuinely be upset at the obviously fake bullshit you’re spewing about me, but nah, fuck that, you aren’t worth it.
However I do suppose this would be a grand opportunity for me to explain to you in vivid detail why I legit can’t stand you and how unbelievably goddamn stupid I think you are. Why?
Why does anyone do anything?
Also you fucking swung first, I was planning on never speaking about you in public like this, I blocked you for a good reason, but no, you just had to open your big stupid mouth. Sure I would see you complain about this or that, that’s fine. But now you made shit personal. I’m finishing this fight and you aren’t coming out of this unscathed.
You’re like a raving schizophrenic on the street that other people avoid, to act like your frankly delusional ramblings are at all an accurate portrayal of who I am as a person even though you have never even talked to me before, not that you could anyway since I blocked you waaaay before you saw that post so I’m not sure how you managed to see it anyway, would be coddling you, yknow, like a baby.
And considering you don’t want people younger than 17 on your blog I was under the assumption you were yknow, an adult. Making callout posts on random nobodies just because they hurt your precious wittle feefees is not mature adult behavior. Don’t claim you have maturity when you obviously never fucking show it. Don’t throw stones when you fucking own a glass house.
I’m not even mature myself, I have never claimed otherwise, but god, I feel like I’ve aged 40 years just looking at your fucking blog, don’t you ever get tired of being such a whiny immature brat? Are you ever satisfied with anything or do you consider whining like a bitch as second nature to you?
Of course, I can’t claim to be any better, I admit, I’m rather wordy when it comes to my posts myself, I have a tendency to get angry at things most people wouldn’t make a big deal of, my mind is going at a thousand miles an hour all the goddamn time and I have a thousand different thoughts about so many things it would make your brain explode.
There is one difference between us however.
I’m not stupid enough to insult specific people directly in public when they haven’t fucking done anything to me.
The post you’re bitching about was very general, I did not mention you specifically at all.
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Wow! You insult me and my alleged lack of emotional intelligence (pot calling the fucking kettle black I see, talk about hypocrisy) so if anything you are no better than me. Can you say one sentence without obviously projecting? Holy shit, look inward, for the love of god.
Maybe I would’ve been kinder to you if you had the proper emotional intelligence to realize that blatantly insulting people is not a way to get them on your good side. Perhaps that sounds hypocritical of me, but it isn’t like I made that post you got all mad at with the intention of making friends out of it. The point was to insult antis and criticals and it did the job. At least I’m honest about the fact I’m a fucking bitch. Unlike yourself.
There is a reason I put my header as ‘Tis I the Werebitch after all. It’s a warning. A warning you have promptly ignored.
I don’t give a fuck how old you actually are, you act like a fucking baby, a spoiled brat in adult online spaces and expect actual adults to fucking coddle you and pretend like your fucking dogshit opinions actually have any fucking merit?
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And you think I’m the joke?
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Trying to cancel me too? Me? A nobody with not even 50 followers? God, that’s pathetic, if anything, you’re the joke.
No, actually you’re worse! Jokes are meant to be funny! And I’m not laughing anymore. What you are, is obnoxious. I have to wonder if you actually have any IRL and online friends or if your constant whining has driven them all away over the years. Do the other antis and criticals even like you? God knows the fandom doesn’t want you around. Shit, other antis and criticals are tolerable compared to you!
You are no one’s savior. You aren’t helping actual people by bitching about a cartoon that will continue to exist whether you like it or not. Viv, contrary to your positively demented belief, is not the fucking Antichrist, and you sure as fuck aren’t Jesus Christ.
So convinced you’re morally superior to fans of the show because you “gasp” ‘criticize’ it! But not really, you wouldn’t know how to critically analyze something if you took a fucking college course on the subject. You don’t criticize it, you bitch about it. There’s more to critical analysis than saying “yeah this is garbage and if you like it you’re an idiot, or a racist, or a homophobe” Or whatever fucking negative bullshit you spew on a near daily basis.
You never have one positive word to say about the show you allegedly like, much less for the creator herself. No fucking wonder she blocked you on Twitter. You radiate toxic vibes like the Elephant’s foot at Chernobyl and you have the nerve to act offended when people rightfully block you for your immature, self righteous attitude?
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You sound fucking delusional, and you’re surprised no one takes you seriously?
You’re not just a clown, you’re the entire fucking circus.
Never mind the fucking bullshit you were spewing at Morgana Ignis, but sadly I can only have 10 pictures in one blog post.
No one in this fandom gives a fuck what you fucking think about anything, much less Viv herself, because you have your head so far up your ass you don’t even fucking realize every word that comes out of your mouth is full of shit!
Just because you hate a stupid fucking cartoon, that doesn’t make you special. The fact I like a stupid fucking cartoon does not make me special. I just like it, and no one’s whining is going to change that.
Cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
Cognitive dissonance is an astounding phenomenon. How you continue to exist in such a state has to be confounding to every psychologist in the nation.
The fact you used me as a proxy for your feelings on an entire fandom makes you look really pathetic and frankly I’m convinced you need fucking therapy or something. This shit legit isn’t healthy for you mentally.
You don’t like the fandom? Fine, most fandoms are fucking dumpster fires anyway, but to fucking act like we’re some fucking hive mind and that we all automatically agree with the absolute worst of the fans really shows just how fucking immature you really are. If I really wanted to be a dramatic bitch I could say it amounts to slander.
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You know what they say about assumptions don’t you?
You want to know my actual opinions on shit? Fucking ask me directly like a fucking adult. Assuming you’re capable of it. Not this bullshit where you make up my beliefs and then argue with the straw man of me you made up in your head, as if you come up with these posts in the shower.
Tho of course that should be difficult for you, since yknow. I blocked you forever ago. But knowing your obnoxious ass, this’ll find a way to you one way or another.
Get help. Seek therapy. Go outside. Learn a new skill, anything, if only so you aren’t such a miserable fucking person.
If you fucking hate me or whatever, the feeling is fucking mutual. You are legitimately one of the most irritating crybabies I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing exists.
I’m sure to many that the fact I’m even making this post is evidence I’m just as bad as they are or whatever else, if not worse, all I’m gonna say is be glad I keep most of my thoughts in DM’s. I could be so much worse. I imagine not too many of you have read this far, rather exhausting isn’t it?
Imagine how I felt reading this bitch’s fucking bullshit diatribe against me.
Ps. This bit of advice is worth listening to imo, it may be familiar to you. I suggest you take it Squiddy.
Projection is a bitch isn’t it?
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🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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Don’t know about you guys, but man I love me some fried calamari, don’t you?
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