#god my gpa screams
tht time of the semester where we start anxietying abt potential final grades n doing calculations to see how many more grades we need to pass welp
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pir8 · 7 months
not sure if theres anything more shameful and humiliating than having to drop out of a class because you are failing when all the coursework is objectively easy and youve learned half the material before anyways but you are just sooo unimaginably lazy and unprincipled you immediately dig a hole too deep to climb out of in time
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king-sassy08 · 1 year
Hate when people say some shit like "if you're stressed out just go outside and yell!" to some kind of repressed freak. I've been containing my emotions in me for the past like 15 years. You think I can go outside and yell for five seconds and feel better. I'm like will Graham, if I start I'm not gonna fucking stop
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softspiderling · 4 months
illicit affairs - part four | r.c
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“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly.
OR; You reminisce about the day you realized you had fallen in love with your best friend
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of blood (small cut!)
word count: 2,9k
author's note: a little later than usual, but i hope you don't mind! new precious + rafe lore unlocked. this part explores rafe's and precious' friendship more and is slightly angsty (what a 180 from the last part lmaoo). pls pls pls let me know what you thought. happy reading!!! <3
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pt. four: "you taught me a secret language"
Throughout your life, Rafe had always been your best friend. Granted, the title became longer the older you got: Rafe, your best friend in the whole world; Rafe your best friend who you had a crush on; Rafe your best friend who you were undoubtedly in love with; and now? Rafe, your best friend who you had sex with.
You sometimes wished you could turn back the time to before you were in love with Rafe.
Or rather, before you admitted you were in love with him.
Deep inside, you knew that there was never a before. You’d always been in love with Rafe. You just refused to admit it, even to yourself, until it pretty much stared you right in the face.
It was right around the time of your senior year at the academy, which admittedly, you didn’t like looking back at all that much since it was probably the most stressful times of your life, with all the exams, finals and college apps you were doing; it didn’t help that your parents were on your ass most of the times, despite you doing fairly well in school. However it all came to a boiling point around the end of the first term of your senior year. You had just come home from studying at the library with the boys - with Rafe just bumming around because he had graduated two years earlier - when your mother greeted you at the door with a letter in her hand, her face red.
“What’s this?”
You sighed internally, turning around to shut the door behind you slowly, using that time to exhale deeply. It had been a long day and the last thing you needed was your mother screaming at you as soon as you stepped over the threshold.
“I don’t know ma,” you replied, squinting your eyes at the letter. Your vision was a little blurry from all the studying you’ve done, but you recognized the crest of the academy on the left corner. “The invitation for the graduation ceremony?”
Your mother scoffed. “Try again. It’s a letter from the principal. You failed a math test.”
You snatched the letter out of your mother’s hands scanning the content before sighing, dropping your hands.
“Mom, I didn’t fail the test, I got a 82.”
“That’s basically a fail,” you mother huffed, shaking her head. “How do you want to keep your 4.0 GPA up with grades like this?”
“It’s a test.”
“Stop with the attitude young lady, this is your future we’re talking about?”
“Mom, I know! But it’s just a test, it’s not like it’s gonna affect my grades that much.”
Your mother made a noise of disapproval, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Just a test? Everything counts, you know that! Especially in your senior year, where every single grade you get can decide between an acceptance or being waitlisted.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, running your hand through your hair. “I can’t listen to this right now. I’ve been in the library the whole day and the second I get back you’re on my ass about a fucking 82.”
You shoved your backpack on the counter and turned right back around, opening the door forcefully. Your mother was right behind you, appalled at your tone.
“This conversation isn’t over! Where are you going?!”
You slammed the door behind you, rushing to your car and tossing your backpack on the passenger seat as you drove off. Brimming with anger, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now, so you headed straight to the beach, to the one spot you knew you would be left alone.
In less than five minutes after parking, you had put on your bathing suit and unstrapped your surf board from the trunk and were in the water. After catching your first wave, you were still fuming. After the fourth, you started to feel the sun on your face, and the anger slowly seeping away. You lost yourself in the water, becoming one with the ocean, starting to get bold and one tiny misstep on your board made you lose your balance, falling into the wave you were trying to catch. The brute strength of it knocked you around underwater like a rag doll, arm getting caught on some reef, and you were gasping for air as you finally resurfaced, clinging onto your board. With a groan, you heaved yourself back on top of the board, trying to catch your breath as the water lapped around you in smal waves.
“Shit,” you muttered, lifting your wrist to inspect the cut on your wrist, squinting your eyes against the sun. You let out a hiss as the salt water dripped from your fingers onto the cut.
“You tryna kill yourself?”
You jumped, not having expected anyone out there with you. Shaking out your wrist, you lifted your head to see Rafe paddling towards you, a frown on his face.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?”
His hair was still dry, board shorts clinging to his legs when he came to a stop next to you, waves softly lapping against his board.
“I swung by your place. Wanted to see if you wanted to get pizza and instead I find your mom all pissed, said you stormed off,” he explained, “and since I didn’t run into on my way to your house, I figured you’d be out here.”
You let out a sigh, staring out at the sea, ignoring how Rafe was holding his hand out, undoubtedly to get a look at your wrist. With an eye roll, you stretched out your wrist in his direction, and he curled his fingers around it, pulling you closer. Your cheeks heated as your leg pressed against his, added with the feeling of his hot breath on your skin, you breathed out softly.
“Y’know this could’ve ended real badly, precious,” Rafe muttered, brushing his thumb over your skin, before he looked up at you, his eyebrows creased.
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly, you’re not,” Rafe scoffed. “What happened?”
“My mom got all over me because of a “failed math test””, you said, air-quoting. “I’m just sick of it. It’s not like I���ve slacking off or anything, I’m working my ass off and they’re never happy with whatever I do, because in their eyes, I always have room to grow.” You let out a frustrated sigh, glancing at Rafe when you noticed he was sporting a look on his face that told you he understood exactly what you meant.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Rafe chuckled, shaking his head. “Our parents should be doing better than setting expectations for their kids instead of loving them despite their achievements.”
You gave him a wry smile and he only let out a small huff, squeezing your wrist gently. “Are you all done or do you want to keep trying to drown yourself some more?”
Huffing out a laugh, you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m done.”
The two of you paddled back to the beach, drying off and while Rafe helped you securing your board to your trunk, he glanced over at you, hair falling into his eyes.
“Let me get your cut cleaned off first before we leave. I have a first aid kit in my truck.”
You took a seat at the edge of his trunk, while Rafe went to fetch the first aid kit from the glove compartment. The sun was starting to set, and with that, the temperature was sinking, your damp hair laying cold on your back. The car door shut, before Rafe turned around the corner of the truck, first aid kit in his hand and sweater slung around his shoulder.
“Put this on,” he said absentmindedly, dropping the sweater in your lap and the first aid kit in the trunk. Rolling your eyes, you slipped into the sweater and it was oddly comforting to be surrounded by his scent, but you didn’t let yourself dwell on that, because it was such a weird thing to think, right? Instead, you watched as Rafe rummaged through the first aid kit, picking out some bandages, gauze and a disinfectant spray.
“Roll up your sleeve.”
“Yes, nurse Cameron.”
Rafe gave you a look, but you only snickered as you rolled up the sleeve, before holding out your wrist to him. He muttered something under his breath as he cleaned your cut and dressed it, without much complaints from your side, even though the disinfectant stung a little. Rafe taped the end of the bandage snugly to your wrist, tossing the rest of the material back into the kit.
“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly. Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, before he reached for your hand, lifting it to his mouth to place a kiss on the bandage. You flushed, not expecting him to actually do it.
“You’re an idiot,” you said hotly, shoving him away but he only laughed, running his hand through his hair. The grin on his face was infectious, and you couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at him.
“There she is,” Rafe said, cupping your chin to lift it, forcing you to look into his eyes. Suddenly, your hands grew clammy and swallowed nervously as he smiled at you, blue eyes sparkling. For a split second, you thought he was gonna kiss you and for some reason, you weren’t opposed. Actually, you kind of really wished he’d kiss you.
Wait, what?
That was not a normal thing to want from your best friend. Suddenly, your heart started racing and you let out a deep breath, hoping it would calm yourself down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just my mom,” you lied, wringing your hands in your lap. “I just stormed off. She’s gonna be super pissed and I’ll probably be grounded until I’m thirty.”
“Nah, come on. I bet she completely forgot about it already.”
You gave him a look and Rafe winced. “Okay, maybe not. But if we give her some time, we can hope for the best? Come on.”
He tugged you off of the trunk, closing up the front panel.
“Let’s go get some pizza. My treat.”
“I don’t know,” you whinged, “Maybe I should just go home. Get it over with.”
You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to spend more time with Rafe right now considering how weird you were feeling. Worst case, you’d do blurt something out and make things weird between the two of you, that was the last thing you needed. But Rafe wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Trust me, whether you go home now or in three hours won’t change anything. If anything, it’ll give you an even clearer head after having some food, huh?”
As if on cue, your stomach grumbled loudly and Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, the corners of his mouth twitching up.
“Fine,” you relented, rolling your eyes at him. “Gino’s?”
“Yup, meet you there.”
While Rafe got into his truck, you got into your jeep, rubbing your hand over your face, frustrated.
“Fuck,” you muttered with a small sigh. You couldn’t actually like Rafe more than a friend, right? That’d be crazy. You’d known each other for so long, had been friends for so long, there was no way. It was probably just a crush. There was no denying that Rafe was attractive, and it was normal to want to kiss attractive people, right?
I’m just emotional because of the fight with mom, you thought to yourself, rolling your shoulders, forcing yourself to calm down. I am not in love with Rafe. He’s my best friend. With a deep exhale, you put your key in the ignition, pulling out of the parking spot and driving towards Gino’s.
When you got there, Rafe was already entering the restaurant, the door swinging shut behind him. You turned your car off, and got out, grabbing a blanket from your backseat and opening the front panel of the trunk of Rafe’s truck, laying down the blanket. By the time you had made yourself yourself comfortable, Rafe returned with two pizza cartons, balancing two cans of soda on top. You reached for the cans, setting them down next to you so Rafe could settle down across from you, laying down the pizza cartons. Wordlessly, Rafe opened both of them, waiting for you to reach for a slice before he got one himself, biting into it.
Silence settled over you as you ate, with you handing Rafe his soda when he finished his slice, knowing he liked to wash his crust down with a drink, and him handing you a napkin. You and Rafe had never needed words to communicate before, understanding each other without having to say anything and as you sat there, glancing at Rafe as you chewed on your pizza, you came to the terrifying realization that you loved him
You were in love with him.
Suddenly, your mind was racing, coming up with 10 thousand different scenarios where you’d ruin your friendship because you had fallen in love with your best friend, as you started to think back to the past, realizing how obvious it was that you had feelings for him. Had it always been like this?
Lost in thought, you didn’t even notice that all that was left of the pizzas were crumbs, as Rafe shut the cartons, stacking them together. Drinking the rest of your soda, you crushed the can in your hand like it was your feelings, bringing the empty cans and cartons to the nearest trashcan as Rafe cleaned up the trunk. You let yourself stare at the back of his head for a while, inhaling deeply before you cleared your throat. He glanced back over his shoulder, attention on you.
“Thanks,” you said, trying not to be awkward as you fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater. Rafe gave you a look.
Despite the fact that you were sitting in silence as you ate, his presence had comforted, brought your nerves down and made your anger disappear the way no one really could. Rafe wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him, head on his chest. You didn’t revel in his arms for too long, as the two of you separated as Rafe closed his trunk. He dusted his hands off before turning around, his attention wholly on you.
“Do you want me to come home with you? Create a buffer for your mom?”
“No,” you replied, crossing your arms. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
Rafe eyed you sceptically for a second before he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “A’ight then. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled at him, giving a quick nod before you got into your car, waving at him as you drove off, a pit in your stomach. The drive home didn’t take long, but the sun had already set as you pulled up on your estate. The house was illuminated in the headlights of your car, quickly returning to darkness as you turned your engine off. There were no lights on as you entered the house; you were hoping that it meant that your parents had gone out, and you’d avoid another confrontation with your mother.
Picking up your bookbag from the floor, you paused as you saw your mother sit in the living room, a book in her lap. The two of you looked at each other for a second, neither saying a word.
“Hey mom,” you greeted her, breaking the silence. Your mother took off her reading glasses, shutting the book.
“Where were you?”
Your mother slid the book on the table, setting the glasses on top. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you replied, shifting on your feet. “I got some pizza with Rafe.”
She nodded slowly, easing into the cushions behind her. You waited, wondering if she was gonna apologize but your mother didn’t say anything; maybe she was waiting for you to apologize.
“… I’ll be upstairs.”
Your mother didn’t stop you as you retreated upstairs into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Setting the book bag on your desk, you laid down on your bed with a sigh, reaching for your phone.
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:44 pm]: everything good?
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: as well as expected
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: thanks for being there for me
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:51 pm]: always, precious
Ever since that day, you knew you loved Rafe, and sometimes, you indulged yourself and let yourself imagine what it would be like to be more than Rafe’s best friend. But as he was lying in the bed next to you, his chest slowly rising and falling while you were unable to sleep, you never would have expected that it would be like this.
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author's note: thoughts???👀
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brooooswriting · 7 months
Could you please write Leighton giving r some lessons in math cause r is terrible but needs to pass the course
R going with leighton to shop different things
Progressing to a relationship
You can do whatever you desire with this 😅
Tutors to lovers
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Every day, your parents showed that they knew nothing about you. You didn't wanna go to Essex, and you definitely didn't wanna take advanced math, but they made sure that it was impossible for you to get out of it. Their demands on you were crazy; a 3.7 GPA was what they called terrible. And with your current understanding of advanced math? You were so fucked, and the person sitting next to you thought the same thing.
“Psst, look. You gotta divide this by 4, and then you have to calculate its root. Then you have 6 as the value of on x.” Leighton whispered to you, hoping to help you understand what the teacher was doing at the front. But the way you looked at her so helplessly and confused made her laugh louder than she intended to.
After class, you quickly stopped the blonde before she could walk out. “Leighton, hey. Thank you for trying to help me. Can I buy you a coffee as a thanks?” you asked with a small smile. She looked at you for a second before nodding. “Alright, then follow me” you walked out and towards sips, making small talk on the way there.
“After you,” you mumbled as you opened the door to the coffee shop for her. She thanked you and walked in, looking around the place. “What? Have you never been here before?” you asked with a small laugh, signaling that you were joking.
She looked at you for a moment before scrunching up her nose a bit and shaking her head. “No, never been. Not the biggest fan of cheap coffee and of whatever it smells like in here.” You grinned slightly as you walked toward the counter, your wallet already in hand.
“Yeah, well, I would have taken you to a more fancy place, but we both have another class in 20 minutes, and a good coffee is like 15 minutes away.” Leighton nodded, an understanding look on her face as you stepped up to the counter. After she told you what she wants to drink, you turn towards the counter again. “Oh, hey, Kimberly. How are you? Can I get two iced lattes and two blueberry muffins?”
“Y/n, it's so great to see you. I'm fine, thank you. How are you?” you talked for a bit while you paid, and she made your coffee, the blonde only standing behind you. “Alright, here you are. Have a great day, see you later Leighton” Both of you said goodbye before sitting on a park bank outside.
“So, can I ask you something?” Leighton asked as you played with her straw. You nodded, waiting for her to ask as you watched people walk by. “Why are you taking advanced math? Not to be rude, but you suck at it”
You laughed slightly before taking a deep breath. “Well, my father took it, my mother took it and my sister at Harvard is taking it. So, even if I suck at it and hate it, I have to take it too. But it seems like I’m failing it” you explained, looking at her for a second before continuing, “unlessssss someone would be willing to tutor me.” The grin you sent her made her smile while looking down at the bench to hide her slight blush.
“You know what, fine. Why not. Come by my dorm tomorrow at 5 ok?” The blonde didn’t even wait for an answer before she walked off, joining Bella on her way to the next class.
The next day you arrived at her dorm at 5 pm sharp, being greeted by Kimberly and Whitney who sat in their common room. “Hey y/n, Leighton is still in her room” Kimberly started but was quickly interrupted.
“Oh my god Bella” leighton screamed from inside their room, “can’t you just fuck him anywhere else? Jeez, i have a tutoring lesson in here”
“This isn’t just your room Leighton. This is our room and it’s made for sleeping” Bella argued back making you girls in the living room giggle.
“Dude, that’s so fucked from you. Keep away from my bed! If one thing is out of place later you’re in trouble!” The three of you stopped giggling as Leighton stormed out of the door, nearly running into you. “Y/n, let’s go. We gonna go to the library or some shit because somebody is being intolerable” she screamed the last part making you laugh.
“Alright, come on. You gotta calm down” you pulled Leighton out of the room, saying goodbye to the rest of her dorm mates. You went into the library where you sat down, and minutes later you were desperate for it to stop.
“Y/n, cmon. You gotta concentrate dude, it’s not that hard” the blonde complained as she went over the same exercise again and again.
“It may not be hard for you blondie, but I’m dying over here. I would even fail basic math class, there is no way I’ll ever pass this shit” you whimpered out, letting your head hit the table. Normally, stupid and dramatic behavior like this would have annoyed the shit out of her but when you did it? Well it was kinda cute.
“Ok, let’s start new ok? We will start at zero and once you’re at one we will get something to eat?” At the word ‘eat’ you immediately perked up, sitting straighter to find new concentration.
It took over an hour for you to get to at least one but Leighton was sure that the hardest work was now done. Or at least she hoped. “So, cafeteria?” You asked as you stuffed all your books into your bag. You received a nod and took off, happy to finally get some food.
Since your first lesson Leighton helped you during class and like two times a week for an hour to four, depending on how fucked you were. And finally, you went from an E to a c- and you were getting even better. The connection between you and Leighton also got better from time to time, creating a strong and unexpected bond.
‘If I have to listen to any of my roommates even one more second, I’m going to kill all of them and then myself”
You couldn’t help but giggle at Leighton text, parents weekend was coming up again and it made her more nervous every day. And while she, even if she won’t admit, actually loved her roommates their chattiness and stuff could get to her.
‘Be outside your dorm in 2’
You texted back, quickly putting on your shoes and jacket before grabbing your wallet and car keys. In the matter of minutes you stood in front of a perfectly styled blonde who wore an annoyed look until she saw you. It was quickly being replaced with a smile as she walked toward you. “So, why’d you want me to be here?” She asked with a giddy voice, as she couldn’t wait to hear what you planned.
“Let’s go to my car and then I’ll tell you” you lead her to your jeep outside of the campus. “My lady” you grinned as you opened the door for her and stretched out your hand to help her inside.
“Thank you very much, such a gentleman. Sooo where are we going?” She studied your face as you pulled out of the parking lot.
“We are going to do something that relaxes you like nothing else”
“What?” She asked, quite confused.
“We are going shopping” you grinned as you drove on to the highway, “but we might have to drive like an hour or something, there’s nothing close that has your standards” her jaw fell as you stopped talking. She couldnt believe that you actually knew where she liked to shop and that you were just out here driving her there.
“You’re kidding right?” She asked, a squeal leaving her when she figured out that you were telling the truth. “That’s so sweet, thank you”
After over an hour of comfortable driving you finally parked your car near her favorite shops. “Alright princess, let’s go” you grinned as you opened the passenger door, your hand stretched out to help her out. “Where to first?”
Your first shop was YSL which leighton already left with two begs. Or rather you as you immediately took the bags so she could look around in the next shop which was Balenciaga and then Prada, Givenchy, Versace, Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Tom Ford.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry anything?” The blonde asked as she could barely see you underneath all the bags you carried for her. At least one of each brand, or rather at least two of each brand. She couldn’t deny that it was extremely cute, the way you did all of this for her.
“Positive. Are you sure you don’t wanna go anywhere else anymore?” You asked as she walked back to the car. If you were really quiet you could hear her credit card scream.
“Yeah, but maybe we could go and eat something at a real restaurant?”
“Sure, what did you have in mind?” You asked while putting the bags in the trunk, the blonde standing next to you. After she found a restaurant she liked you made your way there, even from the outside you could see that it was really fancy. “Are you sure I can go inside like this?” You weren’t dressed badly but definitely not as expensive as her which made you unsure of your outfit.
“Of course, you look good” the smile she sent you made your heart beat faster and your face flush a little red. “Now Let’s go, I’m starving” she was out of the car in the matter of seconds, waiting for you to join her. Once you left the car you walked next to each other, your hands constantly brushing against the other ones. You had heard that Leighton was not a big pda fan so you guessed that it was an accident. But you didn’t pull away in case of this being on purpose.
After you guys ate it was already late and the eventful day was catching up to her as she fell asleep in the car. You smiled at the sight, she looked a lot calmer than most of the time and you couldn’t see one bit of the stress from this morning. When you had to stop on a red light you retrieved your jacket from the backseat and put it over her to act like a blanket.
You carefully tapped her shoulder to wake her up which didn’t work. “Leighton, we are here. Cmon, wake up” you whispered and shook her shoulder.
“M awake” she grumbled as her eyes slowly opened.
“Good, take the time that I need to get your backs to wake up okay?” She gave you a small nod before you disappeared, wondering how you carried all those bags before. After you finally got each and every bag on you, you walked back to the passenger seat where Leighton was finally awake.
“Alright, let’s go” she jumped out of the car, your jacket now over her shoulders and her pinky linked with yours as she pulled you along to her dorm. “You can just put them down over there” she told you as she pointed to the corner next to her closet. “Thank you, a lot. The last days were really stressful and today made me forget about it” you smiled at her, taking a step forward.
“It was my pleasure. Weirdly, I can’t think of anything better than carrying your bags for you” she giggles shyly and also takes a step toward you. Your hand gravitates towards her waist while hers carefully rests on your shoulder. You leaned in further, your lips slightly touching as your hand tightened around her waist. But before you could do anything else, Bella came in.
“Leighton! Guess what” she started to scream out, making you pull away quickly. Your hands left her waist and were immediately pushed into your pockets. “Oh my god, did I just cockblock you?” The dark haired girl screamed even louder making both of you cringe.
“No, no you didn’t. I gotta go, I have class really early tomorrow. Thanks again Leigh and I’ll see you around Bella” you quickly left the room without looking back but you could still feel the blondes nerves.
You decided that you’d talk to her tomorrow, it was late and she probably had to listen to Bella ramble about whatever was going on. So tomorrow just seemed like the safer option, at least until it was later the next day and you still haven’t seen her. It was Friday which meant that you didn’t have a course with her and you were extremely busy. But as you were scared that she might think that you were trying to avoid her.
“Sad I didn’t see you today. Sorry I left so quickly, but I couldn’t stay after Bella said whatever she said. Can’t wait to see you again :)”
You took a deep breath before hitting send. By now you were scarred that she might be avoiding you and that she was actually very unhappy about the kiss. What you didn’t know was that Leightons heart started to beat faster when she saw your name pop up on her screen. She was scared of what might now be between you two after you left so suddenly.
“Whose text are you smiling at like that?” Whitney asked as they all sat in the common room. While she did try to annoy her roommate she was more than happy to see her friend like this.
“None of your business” she grumbled, her smile still being very apparent.
“Oh, I bet it’s y/n” Kimberly shyly added. She was good with Leighton but she sometimes still scared her.
“Gosh, they would be a hot ass couple. Y/n’s hot. Damn you’re a lucky lady” Bella said, slapping her hand on the blondes leg which made her glare at her.
“Remember how I said none of your business?” They all laughed as she returned to her phone.
“Get that, wished I could have left too. I thought you were avoiding me. I’ll see you tomorrow right? Are u bringing ur parents to math too?”
You immediately opened the chat, not giving a damn about seeming needy.
“Ofc, that’s the only reason they’re coming. Couldn’t dream of avoiding u, wanna meet up before math tomorrow?”
After you talked about when and where you’d meet tomorrow you texted her goodnight and went to sleep, your mind filled with pictures of the blonde.
The next morning you were up way too early but when your parents came you had to get ready a lot more than normally. “There you are y/n” your mother called out as she walked up to you with open arms, a fake smile on her face. You hugged all of them as a greeting before standing opposite of them.
“Alright, we will go to that parents thing and then we will come to your math class ok?” Your father didn’t wait for an answer as they walked away making you sigh. You, just as many others, were more than happy about this parents thing today. It gave you some peace and quiet.
Leighton was waiting for you in front of the lecture room, the new bag she bought with you slung over her shoulder. “Hey” you smiled shyly as walked up to her, her face adorned with a similar one.
“Hello” she looked around before continuing to talk, “I am so happy about this parent meeting. I was about to kill myself” you laughed nodding.
“You’re telling that to me? My parents asked about this course before asking about me. And I wish I were joking” both of you laughed before just staring at each other for a moment. In a moment of confidence the blonde pulled you into the empty room, she smiled brightly as she noticed that you happily followed.
The moment the door closed, your hands were on her hips and hers were cupping the back of your neck. You didn’t need any words before your lips crashed against each other, her scent developing you whole. Without breaking the kiss you guided her against the wall, her back making harsh contact with it. “Sorry” you mumbled when she gasped, barely breaking the kiss. You kept making out until the blondes phone started to ring.
“Let it ring” she mumbled when she noticed that you were pulling away. You laughed and tried to pull away again but she kept pulling you closer or chasing your lips.
“Leigh, I’d love to keep making out. Trust me. But our parents are gonna come soon and if I had to guess I’d say that this is your dad” you explained as you pulled away, your hands rubbing along her hips. She groaned before looking at her phone, seeing that you were right. With another groan she answered the phone, the arm around your neck keeping you close. Since you got bored when she was on the phone, you started to lightly kiss her neck up and down.
She bit her lip to stop her giggles, but she didn’t push you away. Instead she pulled you even closer, just waiting to hang up. When she finally did, she gave you a quick kiss. “My parents will be here in 10 minutes” she told you, her fingers playing with the baby hair on the back of your neck.
“Then we should probably fix your makeup and my hair huh?” You asked as one of your hands ran through your hair. When you received a nod you opened your hand for her to give you her pocket mirror so she could see what she was doing.
“You’re a great mirror holder babe” she joked when she was done freshening up her makeup and then fixed your hair for you.
“Babe?” You grinned watching her face fall and her confidence suddenly replaced with doubt.
“I mean- yeah, we are- I thought” you decided to interrupt her as her behavior freaked you out. A not confident Leighton was a new world.
“You thought right, I was just messing with you. Cmere” you pulled her closer for another kiss, that quickly turned into multiple small pecks.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N” your mothers voice suddenly rang.
Gosh, you were fucked.
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glacierclear · 1 year
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fuckboy!leon x gn!reader (maybe a few gendered terms oops)
content: hurt/no comfort, angst, arguments, passive aggression, mentions of drugs/alcohol
Your best friend is a fuckboy. He ditches you at a party. You argue. Maybe they were right about him.
[ao3 link]
They all tried to tell you. Every single one of them.
He’s bad news, don’t bother. You would scoff.
He’s nothing but a walking penis. He doesn’t care about anything. And you’d roll your eyes.
Every red flag. Every warning sign. Every flashing light. You refused to heed any of them. And you tilled, and you sowed, and you fed. And now? You were reaping.
“I don’t get what the big deal is. You’re a big kid. You don’t need a damn babysitter.” His hands remained clenched, balled up and shoved into the pouch of his hoodie. His posture was lax. Noncommittal. He stared into a wall, his expression detached and unreachable.
“When you called me up tonight to drag me to some stupid frat party, I at least expected you to like, stay with me,” you countered. “We weren’t even there for an hour before you up and ditched me. Streaking across campus like a moron.” The base of your neck throbbed, the fledgling burn of an oncoming migraine. Your clothes still reeked of burnt weed and the cloyingly pungent whiff of cotton candy vape smoke.
“You should be fucking grateful. Wouldn’t have gotten into that party without me. Shit was the best thrasher of the month.” He lifted his head, scorching you with that know-it-all smirk. It huffed the coals of your stomach. You felt like puking.
“I didn’t…oh my god, Leon. I didn’t go for the party. I thought you…I don’t know. I thought you actually wanted to hang out. Have a good night.”
Your fingers burrowed their way through the folds of your sheets and you stayed perched at the edge of your bed. Leon hovered at your doorway, barely present in the space of your dorm, his contour fuzzed with casting light.
He didn’t say anything. Your eyes pulsed and stung. “Look. I’m not mad, I just–”
“You should be.”
It’s then that he finally dared to meet your eyes. Blue hues swallowed whole by the pitch of his pupils, seeking you past tendrils of mussed, blonde hair.
“You should be mad. Why aren’t you? Cuz’, you’re right. I fucking ditched you. Like a moron.” He flung the word back with acid and you winced away. “God forbid I have some fun, right? Forgot you’re too much of a buzzkill to actually have fun at a party.”
There’s a throttling impulse to scream at him. Tell him off for being unreasonable and kick his ass to the curb like last week’s trash. But you’ve danced to this song before. The repeating pattern and pervasive enigma of Leon’s refusal to invest himself; emotionally, or otherwise.
So, you sucked in a steadying breath, filled your lungs with patience, and spoke softly.
“It’s not just about the party,” you began, and passively, you noticed him shift. “I mean…streaking? You realize that if you got caught doing that…you wouldn’t have a scholarship anymore. Hell, maybe you’d be expelled.”
The realization settled on him like a poison and you caught his face darken. As much as he denied and disguised, Leon was a smart man. Excellent standing in his classes and a whopping GPA to match the third leg he swung in his pants. It meant a lot to him.
There’s a gap of silence before he opened his mouth again.
“...well, I wasn’t caught. And it was my choice. I don’t need you nagging me like a fucking mom, alright?” His body shrunk in on itself. Caging his softer parts from the reality he narrowly avoided. On a better day, perhaps you’d chase him. Push and fight for a break in his shell, a crevice that gave way to the man you knew he was capable of being. But, God, your head was shattering. Your nausea was worsening. You weren’t making progress.
“Right, well, sorry for caring, Leon,” you relented, turning away from him to click your phone into its charger. “I’m going to bed. Don’t bother inviting me to any more parties.”
Your gaze left him, you weren’t fully aware of his body, but in the fleeting moments following your surrender he’s on you. Lurking above you like the baleful firmament of a roaring summer storm. You hardly had the time to open your mouth before he’s speaking. No, he’s growling. Revving the engine of his fury.
“...so that’s it? You’re not putting up with me anymore?” It could be the headache talking, but you swore you heard a tremble in his voice.
“Huh? The fuck are you–”
“We’re not friends anymore. That’s what you’re doing, right?” You searched the raging sea of his eyes for a raft. But all you did was drown. “I fucked up one too many times and now I’m just another shitty dude you had to put up with.” You watched the chipped black of his nails dig into his arms, tensed up limbs shielding him from what he’s most afraid you’ll confirm.
“Leon, that’s not…we’re still friends, okay? I just don’t want to go to parties like that anymore. Just give me a few days to cool off and we can…I dunno, we’ll hit up that burger joint you love.” It’s a pretty weak bargain, but maybe he’d bite.
And he did bite. He bit and he tore and he sought out blood.
“You’ve always had shitty taste in guys.” He practically spat at you, a scornful wrinkle deepening in the bridge of his nose. “Fucking stand up for yourself. You always let people walk all over you and act surprised when they turn out to be shitheads.”
He leaned in. You smelled him. Overpriced cologne. Underpriced shampoo. Crappy beer he drank even though he hated the taste. Despite it all, you yearned to hug him.
“Leon, I–”
“...and you know what? I don’t fucking need you. I don’t need your little dates. Your pity sex. I don’t need you looking out for my damn scholarships and I especially don’t need you making me look bad when I’m trying to let loose at the party I’ve been looking forward to all goddamn month.” You wanted him to stop. You wanted to bridge the chasm and devour his violence. If only he’d let you. But all he did was bite harder. “I won’t bother inviting you out anymore. Actually, I won’t bother talking to you at all. Have fun with your fucking life, I’m done being your fucking charity. Goodni–”
At the edge of his precipice, the void he dug for solace, Leon plummets. He straightened his spine, eyes widening and jaw hanging lifelessly. You were crying. Tears bursting without prejudice. Staining your face in vulnerability you so often only used to comfort him.
He went too far. And now, you were crying.
Neither of you moved for an eternity. From the hallway of your dorm, you hear the thundering trots of drunken friends laughing and yelling. The noise swelled and faded. The only evidence of a world beyond your room.
He called your name. His voice was so much quieter, held together with twine and stinging regret. You lifted your eyes and your throat barely allowed your words to pass.
“...Great job, Leon. Now I’m mad.” In an act of self-preservation, you tore your gaze away, burning a stare into the ground below his shoes. They’re blotched with dirt and chlorophyll, still damp from his midnight misdemeanor. “I won’t bother you anymore. If you hate me that much, I…I’ll leave you alone.”
His arms unfolded, one hand reaching out, a fragmented attempt to soothe you. But it was too late.
He repeated your name.
“I didn’t…fuck, I shouldn’t have said…hey–”
“Go home, Leon.” Your voice was unwavering, and he flinched back, your ire the open flame he’s too human to touch.
And then he left. Your dorm vibrated with the slam of the door, and you buried your face in your hands. In the place of his feet, soil stained your carpet. In the place of his warmth, sandalwood smoldered the air.
In the place of your love, all you wanted was to die.
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sea-lanterns · 11 months
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synopsis: (slasher! AU) your creepy telephone stalker decides to pay you a visit.
featuring: kuki shinobu
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab fem reader, blood, stalking, mentions of murder(s), kn.ives, home invasion, oral (reader recieving), tongu.e play, c.lit stimulation, slight fin.gering, tongue kissing, manhandling, hair pulling, kitchen counter se.x, may be ooc.
art credits: pumpkin night
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“No, I don’t want to go to tonight’s party.”
“Wha—? But you never go…!”
You twirled the spiral cord connected to your telephone out of boredom, rolling your eyes at your friend’s desperate pleas, as she tried to get you to attend tonight’s college party to try and get you out of your shell. You weren’t much of a party girl if you had to be honest, as loud music, drunk people, and obnoxious sex did not sound like a fun time to you no matter how “exciting” your friends may phrase it. 
“I don’t want to smell sweat and alcohol while I’m there…” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Besides, we have midterms coming up. I have to study or my GPA will drop.”
“Ugh, you’re such a buzzkill!” Your friend huffs over the phone. “Midterms don’t even start until next week, you have all weekend to study!” 
You let out a sigh and made a fake “bzzzt” noise with your mouth. 
“Oh no, you’re breaking up…” you mumble sarcastically, staring up at the ceiling.
“What? No! You’re just making that sound with your mou—”
“Oh god the connection is really bad. Sorry, I think I have to hang up.”
“You little—”
You slammed the phone back on the receiver before she could get another word in, tiredly making your way over to the couch and face planting right into the cushions due to exhaustion. It had been a long day of classes for you, and since it was only a Friday, you decided it would be best to rest up and maybe watch a movie before studying for your exams. 
Grabbing the remote to the TV, you flipped it on and began mindlessly scrolling through channels before a particularly interesting horror movie caught your eye. “Oh…neat.” You sat up on the couch and watched as the hit horror movie film: Nightmare on Elm Street began playing while you settled down to get comfortable.
‘This is already going way better than going to that party…’ you thought to yourself, before deciding to get up and make something to eat while you waited for the intro to be done. You had the whole house to yourself due to your parents being out of town, so every snack and food item in the kitchen was all yours for the taking without any repercussions. A giddy smile was on your face, as you began grabbing bowls from the cupboard to pour some of your favorite chips as a snack, usually unable to do this since you weren’t allowed to snack so late at night.
As you began pouring the chips into the bowl however, the landline rang again and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of annoyance. Your best friend had a habit of calling you at the most inconvenient times, so you quickly washed up your hands and grabbed the phone a bit snarkily. 
“I can’t believe you’re still not going!”
You groaned when she continued her little game of coercing you to go to the party, slamming the phone back down on the receiver before grabbing your bowl of chips and shoving a handful into your mouth. You had a habit of being unnecessarily sarcastic when people were starting to bother you, and while it did come off as rude, your friend should’ve known better as you’ve made your decline to her offer very, very clear. 
Too tired to even get that upset, you set the bowl on the table in front of you before lying down on the couch to sulk. You watched the movie for maybe a few minutes —ten if you wanted to be specific— but ended up slowly dozing off since you were too tired from a long day of classes.
‘Just a short nap…’ you thought to yourself, feeling your eyelids droop before closing them shut. ‘I’ll get back to studying when I wake up…’
The last thing you heard before falling into unconsciousness was a shrill scream coming from the TV, and the light downpour of rain starting to occur outside…
You hoped your friend wouldn’t call you again.
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You woke up to the sound of the telephone ringing and groaned before rolling off the couch to glance at the clock. The TV was still playing in the background, but as you looked up to check the time, you realized it was 2 am, about five hours from when the party started. 
“Son of a…” the phone rang again and you hissed with irritation before scrambling to grab the phone. 
“Are you serious?” You shouted into the line, clearly frustrated with your friend still trying to get you to come. “It is 2 am, why are you still asking me to go? Shouldn’t you be at home by this time?!”
The voice that greeted you over the line was not the voice you were expecting. 
Instead, a deep, slightly husky, yet feminine voice chuckles over the other line and sighs. “Uhhh…I’m sorry?” You could hear the smile in her words. “I suppose it is pretty late, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, sweetie…”
The stranger’s voice sent shivers down your spine. It was so unbelievably sexy, and you found yourself accidentally blushing since you weren’t expecting such an attractive voice to greet you. “Oh…I’m sorry…” you say in a much softer tone. “My friend has been calling me all night, so I expected her when I answered the phone and it’s been driving me a bit crazy.”
“I like crazy.” The stranger responds with a throaty chuckle. “But you don’t sound that crazy to me…”
Your heartbeat began to pick up the more she spoke with you. 
“Aha…well, that’s comforting I guess. But uh…I think you have the wrong number, I don’t really know who you are…?”
“No, I think I have the right number…” The stranger hums sweetly. “You sound like a sweet enough gal, care to talk to me for a little while longer?” 
Several warning bells were going off in your head, but the sound of such a delightfully sweet and sexy voice kept you on your toes. You knew it was dangerous, you knew it was stupid, yet you couldn’t help but want to hear more, pressing on further to push a small conversation.
“Okay…what do you…wanna talk about?” You ask after some hesitance, unsure on how to approach this.
“You, doll.” The voice answers back, sending tingles down to your core. 
“Yes, you. Let’s start with some cheesy lil icebreakers, hm?” The stranger hums gravelly. “What’s your…favorite scary movie? Since it’s near Halloween and all.”
“…Oh.” You thought about it for some time, before coming up with a funny, yet witty answer. 
“Uhhh, Matilda.”
“What?” The voice let out the huskiest laugh you’ve ever heard, making you blush as you pictured the woman behind the phone chuckling at your joke. “That’s not a scary movie,” the stranger says once more. “You have to pick an actual horror film.”
“Matilda is a horror movie.” You argued back, a playful laugh coming out of your mouth. “That scene where the principal was chasing them throughout the house gave me anxiety.” 
“Heh, fair, fair…” the voice hums with amusement. “No but seriously, what is your actual favorite horror movie, doll?” 
“Why do you wanna know?” You tease playfully, coiling the wire of the phone around your finger. 
“Well, mostly because…” the sexy voice suddenly grew even lower, dropping an octave until you could barely hear what they said. “I wanna get to know the person I’m looking at.” 
Your heart slowly sank when that sentence was uttered over the other line, blood running cold as you quietly processed what the person just said. 
“I must admit, I was a bit sad when I didn’t see you at tonight’s big party…” the voice continued to say, nonchalant to how creepy they were sounding the more they spoke into the phone. “Maybe it’s for the best, however. I wouldn’t want your pretty lil eyes to witness such a bloody and messy massacre…”
Your throat clogged up and you couldn’t help but pull the phone away from your face.
“That…That isn’t funny.” You say with a scowl, your face turning hot with anger as you glared at the phone in front of you. “Haha funny prank. You can hang up now you stupid prankster.”
“Awww, babygirl I’m hurt…” the voice spoke in mock sympathy, “You really think I would play a sick trick on a girl like you? I’m not that heartless…” Their voice toned down to a whisper, the smirk barely covered up in their speech as they groaned. “Though, if I’m not pranking you, that must mean everything is true, hmm?”
Your eyes widened and you realized you have yet to receive a phone call from your friend at the party. You assumed it was still ongoing, but..
“You— You’re such a sicko! Don’t joke about things like that!”
“It’s not a joke, doll,” The voice chuckles back. “I wonder if you were friends with that one blonde girl I killed. About five foot four, wore a sexy devil costume, and screamed like bloody murder when I plunged my knife into her chest.” 
The way they laughed as you stood there in shock did not help the fear rising in your throat, as the stranger had just described your friend who kept begging for you to go to the party with her. They got every single detail right, and you were starting to slowly realize that the “sexy stranger” over the phone was actually a slaughtering serial killer in disguise.
“Oh, oh my god…” you covered up your mouth and accidentally dropped the phone, the cord of the line stopping it from falling as it dangled a few inches off the ground like a bungee swing.
“Oooh, you shouldn’t drop telephones, sweet thing…” the stranger spoke again, causing you to panic as they knew what you were doing.
You scrambled to slam the phone back onto the receiver, but a sharp voice suddenly shouted from the other line. 
“Don’t you dare hang up!” The woman’s voice erupted, causing you to wince and drop it back from your hands. “Ugh…I’m sorry for yelling. I just wanted to play a game with you, that’s all…”
“What game? What game could you possibly want to play with me?!” You exclaim fearfully, quickly backing up into the counter. 
“An easy one.” The voice speaks again, a growl practically escaping their throat, “I want to play hide and seek.”
Your stomach twisted at the mention of hide and seek, hands grasping for a kitchen knife as a makeshift use for a weapon. 
“I think you’re familiar with the rules. I hide, and you try to find me…” the stranger hums with delight. “So I’ll give you a hint, sweet girl. I’m inside the house.” 
You squealed at those last words and bolted for the back door of the kitchen, fumbling with the door handle to leave before a firm, athletic body suddenly pressed up against your back, pinning you to the door.
You tried swiping the kitchen knife back to stab at your oppressor, but it was no use. A strong hand grips your wrist and you soon find out that your mysterious phone killer was no ordinary killer, as she was very strong.
“That’s enough of that.” The familiar voice purrs into your ear, that seductive, gravelly voice causing you to freeze as she quickly pins your arms above your head and wrestles the knife out of your hand.
“Stop! Let me go!” You screamed and tried squirming out of their grip, but was met with their body pressing further against your behind. The curves of a feminine figure pinning you to the door, while you slowly started to feel the pressure of an oncoming panic attack in your throat.
“Shhh…shhh, no crying…” the mysterious killer hums with delight, a plastic ghost-face mask pressing up against your shoulder and making you wince with fear. “Please…please don’t kill me…” you began trembling under their grasp, too paralyzed with fear to move. “I don’t wanna die…I’m sorry…I just wanted to stay home…”
“Shhhhh…No need for tears…” her voice mumbled huskily, the smell of blood and iron filling your nose as they waved their blood-stained knife near your face. “Unless, you want me to clean them up for you?”
“No…please…” you squeezed your eyes shut, too scared to open them as you prepared your final moments.
“…Awww, okay.” You suddenly feel a slight decrease in pressure as the hand of the killer moves up to remove the mask. “What about now?”
It took several seconds of heavy breathing and whimpers to find the courage, but eventually you timidly opened your eyes before landing on a way too familiar face. 
“Hey doll.” 
She smirked nonchalantly at you and winked. Shinobu was a classmate of yours, your campus crush if you had to be honest. She always sat in the back of lectures, yet whenever you two would accidentally meet eyes, she would always wink and lick her lips seductively, always causing your heart to flutter.
“I…I don’t understand.” You say in a shaky voice, unsure of your conflicting feelings. 
“Mmm, well you don’t need to.” Shinobu purrs. “I’m Ghostface. I’m the one you were talking to over the phone.”
“Th-That was you?!” You exclaimed fearfully.
“Mhm…honestly, I was a bit upset you didn’t realize it was me all along,” she chuckles. “I thought you’d recognize my raspy and seductive voice, hmm?”
Despite how much fear you had, you couldn’t help but grow slightly aroused with the way she was whispering into your ear. Even if your crush was revealed to be an insane, masked serial killer, you couldn’t deny the heat pouring through your veins the more she spoke sweet nothings like the regular. 
“…I can’t…I can’t believe…” you were so distraught you couldn’t find the words. 
“Awe…that’s okay, sweet thing.” Shinobu whispers in a hot and heavy tone. 
“Allow me to help you believe.”
She gently presses a small kiss to your earlobe and slides her long tongue out to lick the shell of it. The warm muscle causes you to flinch for a moment, before a pool of arousal starts warming at your lower regions. 
‘God…what am I doing?!’ Your mind screamed with instinct, body trembling with fearousal as Shinobu continued to lick and suck your ear before traveling her hands around your body. 
“Honestly, I had hoped to see you at the party tonight, but this is much better…” She purrs before catching you by the waist and squeezing a gloved hand over your thigh. “I get to have you all to myself in this giant house of yours…”
She presses another kiss to your cheek and catches the small whimper that leaves your throat. 
“Awe, I knew you would be enjoying this…” Shinobu chuckles with delight. “Naughty, naughty girl…”
“Oh, shut up…!” You winced when she suddenly grabbed your waist and spun you around, your face now facing hers as she leans in to press a dominating kiss against your lips. 
“Tch, no respect at all.” She growls before sliding her warm tongue into your mouth. She notes the way your legs close as you instinctively grip her shoulders for support, loving the way you latched onto her as she French-kissed you against the door of your kitchen. ‘She could deny it all she wants, but she knows she’s all mine…’
After a few brief moments of kissing, Shinobu lets you breathe for a moment before wrapping her arms around your waist. 
“C’mon, it’ll be easier on the kitchen counter.”
“Wh-Wha— AH!”
Despite how small and thin she looked, Shinobu hoisted you up with ease and you had no choice but to wrap your legs around her. For such a petite woman, she was very strong, and she lifted you up on the counter to get you at the preferred height she wanted. 
“There we go…” She licked her lips at the sight and you felt another pulse of heat dive down at your core. “Any objections before we continue?”
That voice. That damned sexy voice. You were practically wet just hearing her voice in person, growing aroused ever since she was flirting with you over the phone. You wanted to curse yourself for getting so turned on, but at this point you just wanted to be fucked. 
Even if it meant getting eaten out by a ghost-face wearing serial killer.
“Just…hurry up…” you groaned, already angry with yourself for getting so worked up. 
“Tch, is that how you ask for things, princess?” Shinobu scoffs with fake annoyance. “I thought you knew better…”
With that, she suddenly yanks your pajama pants off and the action has you squealing with surprise. Your legs are immediately exposed to the cold, open air, and Shinobu makes it a quick move to push your thighs apart with her hands. “Ugh…fuck…” you hear her grumble under her breath, her cheeks growing red as she stares at your underwear in such a perfect view. “Cotton? Interesting, I thought you’d be a lace kinda girl.”
“I was staying at home.” You gritted through your teeth. “Who wears fancy lace panties when staying home alone?”
“Fair point.” Shinobu chuckles, giving you another kiss before moving her fingers down into the band of your underwear. Feeling two calloused fingers rubbing at your clit was not what you’d be expecting spending a Friday night all alone, yet you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it as Shinobu was a master at rubbing her fingers around your folds till they were soaking wet with precum.
“O-Oh…god…” you whimpered out breathlessly, Shinobu pressing you further into the counter as she began pistoning her fingers at a steady pace to get you ready. “You always seemed to like staring at my tongue,” She purred in a gravelly tone, “I don’t blame ya, it’s pretty long if I do say so myself…”
As if to make a point, she playfully sticks out her tongue and your face just flushes at the sight. It looked so inhumanly long, yet your body couldn’t help but crave for it to be deep inside you, tasting you like you were its last meal ready to be devoured. 
You knew you weren’t the only one thinking this either. Shinobu was thinking of all the ways she could taste you, stuffing her tongue as deep as it would go and savoring the sweet essence that drips down your thigh with each sharp piston of her fingers. She was practically drooling, eyes locked on the feeling of how wet you were before finally pulling her hands away to taste.
“Mm…seems wet enough already…”
She sticks the two fingers into her mouth to suck and instantly groans at the sensation. Her long tongue slowly licked up the juices coating her fingers, before letting go with a wet ‘pop!’ Having throughout enjoyed herself with the tiny sample you offered her.
“Absolutely sensational…” she mumbles into your ear. “Allow me to have the full course?” 
She doesn’t wait for you to respond before taking the sharp end of her knife and slicing your panties off in one, professional swipe. “H-Hah!” You flinched when she did it so quickly and started breathing heavily out of shock, mildly amusing Shinobu with your reaction. 
“Pfft. Relax, sweetheart.” Shinobu purrs with nonchalance. “I’m a professional, you trust professionals, right?”
She peels off the remaining tatters of your underwear and smirks at the sight of your bare, exposed pussy glimmering under your kitchen light. Shinobu could hardly contain herself as she instantly crouched down on her knees to kiss your clit, sending jolts of nerves to your stomach, and making you squirm with delight.
“Ohh, the princess likes that, doesn’t she?” She chuckles in a mocking way, using her two front teeth to gently nibble on the clit and force a burst of ecstasy from the way she was teasing you. 
“Ah—! Shinobu…” your hands reached down to tug at her green hair. 
“Ah ah ah…” she gives a slow, sensual lick up your folds and you wince when you feel the tip of her tongue flick at your clit. “No hair pulling, sweet girl…”
She continues running her tongue up and down your cunt before slowly pushing the tip of it deeper into your twitching hole. You let out a gasp as she began eating you out excitedly, sliding her long, lithe tongue in and out of you before beginning to thrust lightly with the muscle. 
You didn’t expect her to be so good. Shinobu’s tongue play unlike any other girl you’ve been with as her tongue was just so fucking long. Long, flexible, and hot as it pumps against your walls like a starved man finally drinking some water for the very first time. 
‘Fucking hell…she tastes so good…’ Was all Shinobu could think as she slowly became pussy drunk off the taste of you alone. Too busy thinking about how many times she could get you to cum on her face, before you passed out out of exhaustion. 
“Shinobu I can’t— nngh…” you wrapped your legs around her head and pushed her even closer, trembling from the stimulation as the rough texture of her tongue continued to thrust into your walls. Things were starting to take it up a notch, as Shinobu suddenly gripped your thighs tightly before speeding up her movements to feel even more. 
The moans you let out were music to her ears, eyes squeezed shut as she continued sliding the warm muscle at a speed you didn’t even think was possible. (It was, Shinobu was just really, really good) The increase in pressure had you whimpering the more she thrusted, and pretty soon, you were starting to feel a coiling sensation occur the faster she moved her tongue. 
“Hnnn…Shinobu…” you whimpered out pathetically, thighs twitching for your release as you gripped her hair even tighter. “You should pull away, it feels too t-tight…”
“Mm? That’s perfect then…” she groaned in an almost predatory way. “Just go ahead and scream for me…!
And scream you did, as you threw your head back and climaxed all over Shinobu’s face who licked up all the cum that leaked out. You were too much of a panting mess to notice the way she cleaned your thighs and cunt with her tongue, but the sensitivity of being “cleaned up” after such an intense round had your vision clouding over with adrenaline crash and exhaustion. 
“Oh…my princess tastes so good…” Shinobu groans, standing up to kiss you so that you could taste your cum on her lips. “Exhausted already? Well, I suppose it is pretty late…” 
She chuckles darkly at the way your eyes droop over like a sleepy puppy, gently scooping you up into your arms to carry you up to your bedroom.
“Bedtime for my baby…” She hums in that raspy voice of hers, climbing up the steps before kissing the temple of your forehead.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to make you scream louder once you wake up.”
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aangell333 · 1 year
thong snatching eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz x reader 💌🌸
summary: hawk winds up stealing his crush’s panties and is suddenly overcome with panic and not a single idea what to do… until he fully realised what he’s stolen
warnings: part one? maybe? kinda pervy!hawk, male masturbation, hawk having a borderline crisis, kinda mean!hawk, typical tutor x tutee, hawk’s fantasies
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“eli, can I talk to you after class with y/n please?” mr palmer asked.
“uh, sure. I gotta get to karate, though, so make it quick. and it’s hawk.” hawk replied snappily. his poor science teacher sighed and shook his head as he walked away. “when are these teachers gonna learn, dude?”
“y/n? as in y/l/n?” miguel asked hawk from the seat beside him, ignoring the mohawk-ed boy’s moody grumbling.
“I’m pretty sure that out of all the kids you’ve bullied in the school, I don’t think you’ve even acknowledged her!” from the table behind, demitri cracked a joke in his dry, sarcastic humour; earning a snort from miguel and a glare from hawk.
“dude, I don’t bully girls.” hawk replied in a slight mutter.
“yes. you do.” sam replied from the table in front of him and miguel, turning in her chair.
“h-hey sam…” miguel swooned.
“since when?” hawk demanded, his face scrunching. “besides, we’re getting off-track! who’s this y/n girl?”
“that’s her.” aisha pointed over sam’s shoulder to you. hawk glanced over at you and scoffed.
“she looks like a mega nerd.” he and miguel snickered.
“she is not! don’t diss my back-up bestie like that. she’s actually super cool.” yasmine said from beside demitri.
“whatever.” hawk rolled his eyes.
truth was, hawk did know who you were. god, did he know. maybe hawk was acting like he didn’t know you, but eli was screaming inside of him at even being in the same room as you. as eli, he had had the biggest crush on you. he would be jittery everytime you were around, he would blush at the thought of you- fuck, he’d even forget about his lip around you! you had consumed his every thought since middle school. so yeah, there was a reason hawk ‘hadn’t even acknowledged you’.
so when the end of class finally rolled around and hawk found himself stood beside you in front of the teacher’s desk, he had to contain eli like a fucking animal into a cage. shoved deep down so he could act like hawk — cool, calm, collected, and super fucking hot.
“-hawk.” mr palmer sighed as hawk corrected him.
“you’re falling behind. your grades are falling and it’s causing your gpa to decline. we can’t have that. that’s why I’ve asked y/n here to tutor you. lucky for you, she’s said yes.” at his words, hawk’s stomach turned into a rampage of butterflies. that flew up to his throat when you threw him a warm smile. “now, as you know, there was an… incident in the library yesterday due to some… karate enthusiasts. so y/n has very kindly agreed to tutor you at her home. in her own time. do you understand?”
“b-but that’s my time too! time I could be practicing karate!” hawk exclaimed before he realised the situation. you. y/n y/l/n. eli and hawk’s long, long, long, long term crush. would be tutoring him. at his home. out of school hours. “nevermind it doesn’t matter. when do we start?”
“whenever you want.” mr palmer smiled triumphantly.
“I’m free today?” you suggested. hawk’s heart melted at your words.
“y-yeah. today is good.” he stuttered back.
“didn’t you snap at me not twenty minutes ago about having karate practice-“
“cancelled. I’m completely free.” hawk melted even more as you beamed at him.
“great. wanna go now?” at your words, hawk could only deftly nod. “great!”
god, eli had only ever dreamed of being in your room. it was a perfect reflection of you. in every way.
“sorry it’s a little messy,” you laughed sheepishly as you picked up a few things off of the floor. but he didn’t care about any form mess at all. “still definitely no to a drink? or anything to eat?”
“I’m fine, honestly. thank you, though.” he said, placing his bag on your bed and standing almost awkwardly. he watched as you placed your bag on your desk and began unpacking folders and books.
“so, what would you like to focus on first?” you asked, your back still to him. hawk couldn’t help but glance at your jean-clad ass, a smirk crawling onto his lips.
“uh, anything you want to really,” he replied, his eyes unable to drag away from the sight before him.
“I was thinking start from the beginning? and I just talk you through it? you can make me stop or start again whenever you like.” he couldn’t help but smile as you turned around with the big science textbook in your hands. he nodded.
“sure. sounds good to me.” his heart melted further at the sight of your relieved smile. you were obviously glad your taking charge hadn’t upset the temperamental boy.
you turned back around and began setting stuff up.
“you sit in this chair-“ you pointed to the plush desk chair beside you. “- i’ll go grab one for me.”
you walked out of the room and eli looked around. a small hamper in the corner of the room caught his eye and he smirked as he imagined the contents. he heard your footsteps descending the staircase and decided it couldn’t hurt to peek. and that’s what he did.
cracking the lid open, he was pleasantly surprised by how a black, cotton thong sat on top of your worn clothes. he smirked.
he hadn’t meant to snatch it, but he had picked it up and had to contain a groan at the sight of white streaks where your cunt had rubbed against it for an entire day; you must’ve been needy that day. and when he had heard your footsteps coming back up, he only had one thought in his empty mind.
hide it.
so he had stuffed the panties into one of the unassuming pockets of his cargo pants and headed out of the door.
“hey, do you need help with that chair?” he chuckled.
he sat on his bed, his hands shaking and eyes wide. why the fuck had he gone and snatched the poor girl’s panties? he cursed himself for his horny thoughts.
he turned the skimpy fabric over in his hands and his breath hitched when he caught another sight of those white streaks. going out on a whim, an unsure one at that, he brought the cotten closer to his face and took a smell.
how does someone’s cunt smell so good?
he felt his half-hard cock twitch in his boxers. he took another sniff, this time inhaling harder. his eyes rolled back as your most intimate scent invaded his senses and he couldn’t help palming himself through his cargos.
he wiggled his hand into his cargos and palmed himself through his boxers. he felt too constrained. he shimmied off his cargos and chucked them aside before reaching into his boxers and grabbing his hardening cock.
inhaling again, he began stroking. nice and slowly. he ran his thumb over his slit and the thighs in his muscles briefly clenched. he spat into his hand before resuming his strokes, soon building up speed.
he’d never felt this way about a girl. so fucking horny and desperate that he steals her dirty panties to jerk off to. but, alas, that was what he was doing. he jerked his fist harder, his hips bucking as he pressed the fabric to his nose and tried to suppress his moans. you just smelt so good, it was intoxicating.
he pictured you, studying away at your desk in your cute room with a cute little frown on your face, completely oblivious to his perverted actions. he squeezed his dick slightly and moaned at the feeling, imagining it was you clenching around him. his thoughts wandered to fucking you. having you under him, on top of him, in front of him and bent in two as he pounded into you from behind.
he wanted you in every way possible.
if fate should allow it, he thought.
but his mind soon wandered back to the wildly inappropriate thoughts of you sucking him, licking him, riding him, anything where he was inside of you. and god it made his dick strain.
his release hit him before he could register it, the only thing his mind acknowledging being your scent in his nose and fogging up his mind like a mirror after a hot shower.
his cum leaked through his boxers, staining them a dark shade of grey. he cursed himself as post-nut clarity washed over him.
and he vowed to slip you your panties back during your next study session…
…after he’d taken them for another few spins.
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rubywonu · 1 year
𝗻𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿
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summary: in which your boyfriend assured you and comforted you after having a rough day.
pairing: xu minghao x fem!reader
genre: established relationship, angst, fluff, comfort.
warnings: a LOT of anxiety, panic attacks, breakdowns, emotions are haywire, kisses, hugs, reader hurts herself.
w/c: 1.1k
nia’s notes: just a little fic on my current status except i dont have a hao. its probably rushed af. tagging some moots at the bottom, to help spread this fic.
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you slammed the door shut as panic settled into your body. you removed your shoes and walked into the living room in search of your boyfriend. you just had written a test and it was needless to say it was not your best performance.
you had prepared for it a month before and you entered the exam hall with so much confidence. but you left the hall with tears on the brim of your eyes and a slow-settling panic attack.
on the couch rested your boyfriend. minghao was reading a book, his headphones strapped on his ears. he put his book down and hao's eyes glistened when he saw you. but that didn't last very long when he saw the lone tear gliding down your face.
immediately ditching his headphones and book, hao ran over to you. his hands grabbed your shoulder lightly and he pulled you into a hug while rubbing his hand over your back.
the comfort of being next to hao was your safe space when you cried your heart out. your eyes burned and your throat ached at the intensity of your breakdown.
and for a second you felt ok. but then you felt your heart drop. you asked yourself a question that lingered in your mind. did you deserve to cry? the answer, well you didn't have that.
your entire life you were set on high expectations to do amazing in your tests and you did. exam after exam you pumped out excellent grades like a robot, leaving no time for you to enjoy life. people praised you and you were the ideal daughter in the eyes of your parents.
but that all stopped when you started to live your life. you went out to parties with your friends and went on dates, where you met your boyfriend. that's when your grades dropped a little, although it didn't make a difference in your final grade, the way your parents saw you changed remarkably.
you were a disappointment in their eyes and the constant screaming made you believe every insult that was thrown at you. so you cut down on your enjoyment and went back to being a 3.9 gpa student. thankfully, you had hao by your side.
minghao reminded you to eat, he supported you through the times when you felt like a mistake. he stayed awake on the nights when you spent cramming. minghao was a ray of sunshine in your dark life, and you thanked the gods for that.
after a hectic month of staring into a book like a mad woman, you would've expected to do way better in the test than it turned out to be. the questions were hard and the time was insufficient, and the worst part was it was all your fault. at least that's what you told yourself.
you should've studied harder and practiced time management. you should have, no, you had to do better. otherwise, everything you worked hard for was useless.
minghao noticed your quiet behavior and pulled away from the hug, his knitted eyebrows screaming concern. "are you ok, my love?"
and for a minute, you just stared at the wall in front of you, you were numb. were you sad? were you disappointed? or angry? you just didn't know. it felt as if you had fallen into a void of nothing, and for the first time in your life, you couldn't breathe.
it started with your body shaking silently, as you felt another breakdown washing over you. then, it escalated to you clawing at your neck for some comfort. you needed air, you needed to breathe but just couldn't.
tears welled up in your eyes, you tried to speak but no sound exited your mouth. you sat there like a statue. you didn't move but your body and your mind were running a thousand miles an hour.
minghao seemed familiar with what was happening and immediately pulled your hands away from your neck, which was red. "breath. breathe for me." he helped you stabilize your breathing by rubbing your back and guiding you. "that's it, my love. you're doing amazing."
you got your breathing back but the void-like state didn't leave. but an emotion struck you and it struck hard. anger. you were angry at yourself for not trying hard enough.
you furiously wiped your tears and abruptly stood up. minghao followed your movement with curiosity. "why?" you asked yourself meekly. it was so small, your boyfriend almost didn't catch it.
"why what darling?" hao walked in front of you, his eyes held adoration and love when he looked at you.
"why didn't i try better? the exam was so easy. but i couldn't answer a single question." you grabbed your hair and shook your head violently. you started to hyperventilate. you sunk to the floor again, as your knees gave up and the strength at which you hit yourself became more aggressive.
minghao struggled to pry your hands off, he wasn't afraid of getting hit in the process. "yn. my love, you tried your best. you did everything you could. and i know you will do amazing the next test. don't beat yourself over this."
"no, hao, you don't understand. i can't dance or sing like the others do." your voice broke as you started to speak. "i can't cook or paint. i have no artistic or athletic talent, minghao. my grades are all i have. without them, who am i?" you confronted the real reason you tried so hard for your education, while all your friends were getting medals and trophies for competitions when you were younger, the only thing you had were your grades.
"you're the most wonderful person i've ever met. that's who you are." you felt a tear hit your shirt and realized it was minghao's. "you make me laugh in ways no one else had ever done before. when i see you, i become happy. i wish time slowed down when we are together because you make each minute special."
at this point, you were sobbing and for a whole other reason. "you make me a better person, and that is a major accomplishment. yn, you changed my life." minghao cupped your cheeks and made eye contact with you. "just because you can't sing or dance, doesn't mean you're nothing. it means there's something you're better at. and you know that."
you didn't notice it but you were smiling. you felt completed, you felt comforted. and for the first time that day, you felt okay. no words were exchanged further, but it was clear.
minghao loved you no matter your flaws, and you trusted him so much, that from that day onwards, you loved yourself no matter your flaws.
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tagging: @kflixnet . @caratsland . @pixieskie . @xomingyu . @etherealyoungk . @fairyhaos . @kyeomyun . @wheeboo . @ylliris-hanniehae . @bangchansbae . @slytherinshua . @blue-jisungs .
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elderwisp · 7 months
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◁ || ▷
Dan: … After reviewing, we have decided to withdraw from our decision of academic probation. I do expect to see a generous bump in your GPA as you finish the year strong. I hope to see you at graduation. With warm regards, Dr. Anika Kapoor. GUYS! I’m graduating!
Luis: Wat. Put me down, turd!
Dan: Scream with me! AHHH!
Esme: I’ll scream. AHHH!
Valeria: Daniela, stop screaming. What happened?
Dan: I’m not going on academic probation! I’m gonna get to walk!
Esme: ahhh!
Valeria: Wonderful. So, what’s the plan afterwards?
Dan: Plan?? There is no plan, I’m freaking graduating!
Valeria: There’s no internship lined up…?
Dan: No…?
Valeria: Daniela…
Dan: Mom, can’t you be happy for me?
Valeria: I am, I think we need to be realistic though. You’re about to be faced with loads of debt and your job at that burger joint isn’t going to cover it.
Dan: I’m positive I’ll find something. They’ll hire anyone with a biology degree nowadays.
Esme: [ giggles ] You can be a pirate!
Dan: Yeah! Wait, what?
Valeria: Sweetie, that’s not- I just want us to be smart about this second opportunity you have been given.
Dan: Oh my god, you aren’t going to let up, aren’t you?
Valeria: Qué dijiste? / What did you say?
Dan: Look, I know I’m not a star fucking kid, but when have you ever said, great job, Daniela, keep going. It’s always, what’s next, what can you do to be better, like I’m in some competition-
Valeria: Do not speak to me like that.
Dan: Or what? You’re gonna hit me?
Valeria: Esme, take your brother to your room.
Esme: But-
Valeria:  Now. You think you’re so fucking bad, Daniela. You steal shit, smoke a little weed with your friends, barely getting by. It’s like you want to know what it’s like to struggle and maybe that’s my fucking problem. I don’t let you.
Daniela: Mom…
Valeria: Shut up, I’m talking. Your father and I have been through some shit, seen some things that you’ll never experience. So you want to be grown? I expect your shit out of my house by Friday.
Dan: Dad’s not gonna let you-
Valeria: Try. Me.
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lushafterglow · 6 months
Self-destruction is… well.
Chapter Two-> in the terms of Joe Goldberg, “Hello You.”
Summary: Toji is a very very dangerous man. Many people know this. So when he finds his kids missing, someone is going to pay the piper. Little did Toji know was that that someone was going to become his newest obsession. His lovely desire.
Warnings: stalking, drinking, cursing, 10 year age gap
Taglist: @queendessi24 @idkdudsworld
Series masterlist
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I silently curse to myself, how the hell could I lose my kid?! I could chew into the bodyguards all I wanted, hell I could kill them if I felt like it, but I’m his father – he’s my responsibility, not theirs. Fuck Fuck Fuck! Where the hell could he be? I walked past where we’d been at least ten times. I continue to scream out my son’s name, “Megumi!” In hopes of him calling back.
Thank god for my height, I see Megumi over the heads of people in the crowd. I started to make my way through the sea of people that can’t get out of the fucking way? Can’t you see I’m coming through?! Once I finally make my way through I pick him up, worried as hell. “What did I tell you? You can’t go sneak off, you could have been killed!” While my son doesn’t fully understand all the shit I do, he does know it makes me a lot of enemies and he does know never to snitch on his dad. “I found him in that coffee shop, no harm done to him.”
I finally looked at the woman who was with my son, I didn’t really acknowledge the fact that she was there till now. And when I do look at her I feel like a damn fool, how could I not notice her sooner? She was absolutely divine and had eyes that were so sinful that I couldn’t help my breath hitch at the sight of their (E/C) gaze. I never really believed in god, there was too much sin for me to believe he existed. I looked her over once again and in the terms of Joe Goldberg, Hello You.
“I owe you thanks.” My voice spoke to her and her response was immediate. “It’s no problem at all really, I’m just glad you two found each other.” She gave Gumi a little wave and I knew that I would make this girl mine, I didn’t give a damn about any principle. It was clear as the day, she wouldn’t have a choice and I don’t give a fuck how long it takes.
“Trust me, not as glad as I am that he found you.” My damn kid could ask for the moon right now and I would say yes, for he unknowingly just brung me my newest obsession. She bid me farewell, and I made my way to the coffee shop she pointed to not too long ago.
I sent a text to one of my bodyguards to follow her to the location where she was heading and to let me know. Me and Megumi took a seat next to the window and I ordered a black coffee while he got a chocolate chip cookie.
The waitress came by and offered me a refill though I gave her a smile and sent her off. I looked back down to my coffee before I turned to look out the window, I knew she was staring and this only confirmed it. I gave her a smile, as if a glimpse of the man she would soon fall in love with. I could see her breathing slowly and I took a sip of my drink giving her a wink as if I were saying, ‘I’ll see you soon.’
It took me an hour to find out all there is to know about who Y/N L/N is on paper. She’s a lawyer, has a great GPA, only child, has a seemingly perfect life, graduated law early, is 20 years old, and lives alone an hour away from the city. ‘Jesus it’s like you want to be stalked. Don’t you know there’s weirdos in the world?’
I watched as she undressed, and I smiled, loving the way goosebumps spread across her skin. I knew she could feel me, and I fucking loved it because soon she will be consumed by me, just as consumed I am by her.
Her nipples harden against the fabric of the pajama top she just put on. What a delicious sight. She walked to the window I was looking from and closed the curtains after taking a glance around her home. I saw through the windows as she locked them and no doubt the doors. I smiled my breath showing in the cold air.
“So checking up on the locals are we?” The rough voice of Sukuna spoke as I made my way into my room. It had been a week since I met my lovely desire and I should have known Sukuna would eventually figure it out. The man knows me well enough to know when I have an interest in something, or in this case someone. “I thought I needed a change in scenery. Why? You jealous?”
Sukuna gave a laugh, a sarcastic crazy-ass one, but that’s also just his laugh. Fucking maniac. Maybe that’s why we get along so well. “What can I say, I’m curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back to life.”
He titled his drink – no doubt whiskey – and took a drink as if saying cheers. “What do you know?” It was foolish to think he knew nothing, he wouldn’t be here otherwise. But just because he knew something, doesn’t mean he knows everything – I’d like to keep it that way.
“Y/N L/N, you’re stalking her. I just can’t figure out why.” I gave a lazy hum as I poured my own cup of whiskey. “I like to think stalking is just a romantic walk.” I downed my drink.
“Yes, where one doesn’t know about the other existence.” So he didn’t know that we’d technically already met. Good. “I’m just bored, so I’m having fun. Besides, who doesn’t like a chase?” Sukuna next was the one to drown his drink. “Sure.” He placed the cup on my nightstand and made his way out of my room, then no doubt out of my house.
I made my way to my son’s room, my little blessing. I kissed his forehead and retreated back to mine. I flick the light off and pull out my phone. My lovely desire was sleeping, though she kept turning restlessly.
She didn’t know while she was at work that I had placed camera’s all around her house, one’s that she wouldn’t find unless she was really – and I mean really – looking. I turned off my phone and closd my eyes, drifing off to sleep with one thought in my head.
I’ll see you soon my lovely desire.
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gotta-love-dani · 2 years
Opposites attract
opposites attractpt2 pt3 pt4
Hello,so this is my first time writing a x reader in a long time so bare with me, anyhow this is going to be a Judd birch x GNreader and i truly hope you like it =)
OH MY GOD ARE YOU STUPID JUDD” screamed Leah at her brother as she ran down the stairs to tell her parents “hey what is going on” asked her mom Diane “JUDD HERE HAS A CRUSH ON Y/N” said Leah trying her best not to scream but failing in the process  “and what's wrong with Judd having a crush on y/n a beautiful amazing person” asked her dad Eliot “i think the problem is that y/n is the opposite of ‘mister psycho’ here” said nick jumping into the conversation “exactly thank you nick,they are a sunshine and a non ‘murderous’ person also even if something did happen they are big on physical touch and ‘mister get away you germ’ isn't so it would just end” said Leah finishing her very valuable and respected argument and she was right y/n was a ray of sunshine not a 4.0 GPA straight A  student but they were always happy they always tried to see the positive in everything even if sometime there was nothing positive also they didn't have an aesthetic they just put on whatever piece of clothing they had within reach and sometime or most of the time they didn't fit the goth aesthetic that Judd seemed to have.
“Jesus your family is freaking out” said Maury Judd's hormone monster “i know , you don't think i don't know dick head i told you talking out loud about it was a bad idea especially today when Leah couldn't seem to sit the fuck down in one spot she had to be walking all over the place” Judd said pissed that he wanted to talk about his feeling but to be honest talking to himself about it was better than talking to someone about it he was just mad that he couldn't kill the person that spilled the beans because he spilled the beans himself so he just blamed himself so while his family was still freaking out and Leah was saying things that where true but Judd didn't want to admit he left and just wanted to walk clear his head maybe slash some tires or break something.
“OK, why don't we try asking Judd if he likes them enough to date them and if he doesn't it won't be that bad,right? Said nick looking around for his brother “or we can try asking y/n if they like Judd and if they do we can let them know Judd likes them and let it run from there”said Diane proposing a better idea “your mother is right you can only do so much and if nothing comes of it that's fine” said Eliot wrapping one arm around Diane's waist and kissing her check  “hey guys wheres Judd” asked nick snapping them out of their conversation “oh i think he left while we were talking” said lea realizing her older brother was no longer in the house.
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nezuscribe · 2 years
if failing that final wasn’t bad enough, the little store right around your apartment being empty of your favorite ramen really just dug that burning, searing knife into the center of your chest as you let your head fall on the shelf, giving up. 
“it’s not worth it,” you told yourself, trying to talk yourself out of getting a new hairdo, something you always did when life was going wrong, “not now.” you couldn’t afford the hair products anyways. 
it felt like the entire world was about to crash down on you, but as you lifted your gaze up, it seemed as though a little halo was forming from the florescent light above your head.
a pack of that ramen was settled on the top shelf, gleaming in it’s red essence as you grinned almost manically to yourself. 
however, seeing that it was on the top shelf (it even said to ask for assistance if needing something from the shelf right under the ramen), but you didn’t care. it was ten at night, your day was going to shit, and over your dead body were you asking for help when you could just crane a bit and go on your tiptoes. 
you looked around, making sure nobody was there as you reached your arm out, grunting a little bit as your fingers wiggled to grab at the packaging wincing at the stretch you felt in your legs and hands. 
but just as you were about to get a hold of it, a larger hand snatched it up so quickly you doubted you even saw it as you whipped your head around, feeling as the words almost stopped in your mouth as you tried to see who just took your ramen away from you. 
a man, his head almost the height of the top shelf looked down at you, his eyebrows drawing together once he saw your expression. you were startled for a second by just how good he looked (especially this late at night when everybody else looked like a bum), but his piercing eyes and strong facial features didn’t stop you from snapping at the stranger. 
“i swear to god,” you said, your voice quivering, on the break of crying as you cleared your throat, “if you take that ramen i will scream and cry and cut off all of my hair right here, right now, and pry it out of your hands, i don’t care what anybody says.” you yelled quietly, your eyes raging, full of fire as your hands stood shaking by your side. 
your gpa was ruined, you weren’t going to see your friends like you had planned to this weekend, and this ramen was your only saving grace as of right now. 
“i,” he swallowed his hand outstretched to yours as he offered you the ramen with no sort of fight, “just looked like you needed some help.” he explained, his voice deep as it fell like hot honey upon your ears, and the furious expression almost melted off of your face as heat warmed at your cheeks in embarrassment as you realized what he had done. 
he gave you a small smile as you looked down, taking the ramen from him silently as you muttered out a small thank you as you shoved your other fist into the pocket of your hoodie. he scratched the back of his head as he cleared his throat with a cough. 
he was waiting for the other realization to hit you, the ne that normally happened when people could place his looks as the ones they’d seen on magazines, but you looked so tired right now he doubted you could even decipher him through his sweatshirt and baseball cap. 
“you okay?” he asked, his eyes searching your, noting the dark bags that settled under them, the slump of your shoulder and the way your lip seemed to tremble even after he had given you your ramen. almost as if you were going to crack at any moments notice. 
“yeah,” you rubbed at your tired eyes, “really sorry about that,” you muttered, shaking your head to yourself as you kicked your shoe on the ground, sending a little piece of plastic flying, “it’s just been a really rough day. no excuse for yelling at you, though.” you hurriedly explained, but he just nodded in understanding, his lips pressed tightly together as he glanced over at the ramen. 
“is your semester over?” he asked, already knowing you were a college student. they were pretty easy to snuff out, especially during the holidays. 
you nodded, glancing over to the side as you shifted your weight on the other leg. 
“mhm, just finished today.” 
he grunted, his molten colored eyes never leaving yours as you felt yourself heating up under his watchful gaze. he looked so familiar yet you couldn’t place it, but you were a little bit too delirious to put some thought into it as you tried not to melt under his heavy look. it’s been a  while since somebody, especially as handsome as him, had looked at you like that. 
“then try not worry, it’s over now,” he told you, and you scoffed at his words, wishing it could be as easy as that, the semester’s weight still settling on your shoulders as he continued, “nah, i know what it’s like though....but, it’s always better to stop thinking about it. you can relax a bit now, yeah?” 
you nodded, your eyes watering a bit as a stranger tried to console you in the ramen aisle.
“want me to get the other one?” he asked, pointing the other packet of ramen that had been hiding behind the one you were holding. you looked around, not even noticing it until now, but you hurriedly nodded, thanking him profusely as you stepped to the side to offer him some room. you tried not to let your eyes room at the sliver of skin that peeked out from his shirt riding up, or the defined muscles of his abs, your eyes widening as bit as he handed it to you. 
“thank you so much,” you whispered, not trusting your wobbly voice as he gave you a firm nod. 
there was a silent pause as he looked at his watch, looking down the aisle as he offered his hand, a small shake as you brought your empty one out of your pocket, the size difference between the two of you funny enough to make you laugh a little at the sight. 
“katsuki,” he said, introducing yourself as you tried to squint, the name now awfully familiar.
“y/n,” you mirrored, and he smiled, the sight to pretty that you almost forgot that he was a stranger your had just met a couple minutes ago. 
“i gotta go, but,” he dug into the pocket of his sweatpants, digging out a card as he offered it to you, “if you ever need anything, or need some help with ramen,” he paused as you giggled, the sound sweet as it carried it’s way to his ears, his cheeks growing pink as your eyes crinkled around the edges, a pretty sight, “just gimme a call.” 
he big his farewells, leaving you as you flipped the card around, your gaze narrowing as you tried to read it, your eyes instantly widening when you read it fully. 
bakugo katsuki, pro hero dynamite’s agency, his number listed right after it. 
you looked around your shoulder to call out and ask if this was a joke, but he was long gone. the only trace of the infamous hero being the card in one hand and the two packs of ramen in the other. 
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lilislegacy · 6 months
(This gets a little rant-y sorry!)
I just saw the post that somebody said about Annabeth and Percy dropping out of college and I totally see that.
Something that I see a lot, especially in fanfiction, is people forgetting that these 2 are neurodivergent and severely traumatized.
College is really hard. In general, for a neurotypical person, it would be difficult.
I'm writing this from an autistic, dyslexic, adhd, ptsd point of view. College is really fucking hard.
I've seen fics where people will talk about how they'll be taking 4-5 classes per semester. That's not really possible for them.
I have been taking one class a semester, and it is excruciating.
Granted, I do not go to New rome University, which is mainly demigods. So it might be tailored differently to how most demigods learn, but still, college is really difficult.
I could definitely see them trying college but taking it at a substantially lower pace than normal.
Like the original ask said, they might just drop out because it would be too much of a mental load.
Especially because of how soon the turnaround is from their severe trauma (tartarus) and them going to college. Even if they tried their best, they wouldn't do well. (This is also me speaking from experience. When I was going through stuff in high school, it made my gpa drop like a brick.)
I'm just tired of people acting like the only symptoms of their trauma is bad dreams and that their only symptoms of their adhd and dyslexia are "oh squirrel!" And not being able to read.
(Sorry for ranting. This is just kind of a sore subject for me. Especially recently, I have had to deal with some ableism from my professor, and I'm looking into transferring to a different college because of it)
thanks for the ask @invadericee!
i totally see where you’re coming from. college is really really hard on its own. being dyslexic, adhd, and traumatized does not help.
however, i really do not believe that they would drop out. the biggest reason being they are both so determined to get though it. and when those two are determined, nothing is stopping them.
you also have to remember that new rome university doesn’t just accommodate for kids like them. the university is made specially for people like them. most everyone there has adhd. most everyone there has dyslexia. and many of them have ptsd. and likely, the teachers and staff are demigods. so they are the same way, and therefore know how to teach in a way that actually works for them. also, new rome university is a very very small college, so the students would get a lot of one-on-one time with professors and counselors, etc. so i don’t believe their learning disabilities will hurt them very much there, because the entire system is built around them having those learning disabilties. you know?
but i completely agree with you that i don’t like how people downplay their trauma a lot. and rick riordan himself is the biggest suspect of this. in chalice of the gods, percy and annabeth are mainly just happy to be alive and having a good time, and percy only makes one passing remark about his mental state not being great. and i get why rick didn’t dive into it - he wanted the book to just be happy and silly and enjoyable. but still, i wish he would show how they’re coping a little bit more. in the bits i’ve seen of TSATS, sally mentions how percy and annabeth have horrible nightmares, which probably means percy wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. but like you said, ptsd isnt just nightmares. and adhd and dyslexia aren’t just cute little issues either. now, i will say, i don’t think their adhd is the same kind you and i have. theirs is more hyperactivity than anything. and while most people with adhd struggle with not being able to focus on one thing, i think with them it’s more that they are constantly focused on a million things (becasue that keeps them alive.) i don’t know why it matters, but i just felt like giving my thoughts on that lol.
i don’t even know what my point is anymore. basically i don’t think college will be as hard for them as you think, but i agree with you on everything else 😂
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Halt & Catch Fire: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: You're done being a puppet in their plans. You're done letting them control you. You're finally going to take back your life by becoming something you didn't know was possible. your eyes are opened to something better and God forbid anyone who disrespects you.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean locks up behind Sam and Delilah yarns tiredly.
"You getting tired?"
"No, I'm used to it. I stay up all night studying. It is mostly to avoid the nightmares. My mom's thrilled with my GPA, but I'm just miserable. I think about Andrew all the time, and I've never even met the guy."
"This is what you get for leaving the scene of a crime. Idiotic move is what it was."
"Watch it," Dean glares at you but you flip him off.
"It's pretty crazy to obsess over someone you've never met."
"It's not that crazy. The truth is, I can relate. I have made more mistakes than I can count. Ones that haunt me day and night." He immediately turns to you. "I don't need to hear it."
You put your arms up in defense and turn away from him.
"How do you deal?" Delilah asks.
"Whiskey. Denial. I do my best to make things right, whatever that may be. For you, maybe it's coming clean. You know, finding a way to ask for forgiveness and not breaking the bank at your local florist. I mean real forgiveness. You can't just bury stuff like this. You have to deal with it." His phone rings and he picks up Sam's call. "What do you have?"
"Dean, Andrew's not using power lines to move. He's using Wi-Fi."
"Come again?"
"The wires that electrocuted Andrew feed directly into a Wi-Fi tower right across the street."
"Even ghosts are online?"
"Apparently. It would explain the truck kill. Billy's cell must have been using the local Wi-Fi signal so Andrew's ghost must have just hopped on to Trini, the navigation app."
"Julie's death was by computer and Kyle's death was by stereo with wireless speakers."
"It makes sense, Dean. We're all just a bunch of electrical impulses, right? Whenever Andrew died, his impulses just transferred to another current. You got to get Delilah somewhere safe. Turn off all the routers in that Sorority."
"Yeah, sure, Sammy. We'll just kill the internet. Wait, can we?"
"No," you roll your eyes.
"Alright, how the hell are we gonna deal with the lawnmower man?"
"I have an idea. Do what I said. Stay safe. I'll call you back."
"Do you know where the routers are?" Dean asks when Sam hangs up.
"I have no idea."
Suddenly, the lights and her computer start flashing on and off. Looks like Andrew is here to play. Delilah is the last one. It gets so cold in the room that you can see your breath. Andrew's face, albeit burnt, appears on all electronic devices that connect to the internet. Delilah screams just as Dean starts smashing the devices one by one.
"Is that gonna work?"
"It's worth a try. I need you to turn off everything that's connected to Wi-Fi." Dean takes Delilah's phone and smashes both his and hers. "Give me your phone."
"Come on, this is the new one," you complain. Dean yanks it from your hand and smashes it. "You're getting me a new one.
"Fine. Let's go."
"Where are we going?"
You leave her dorm room and see Andrew showing up on every computer screen that you pass by. He won't let Delilah out of his sight.
"Someplace that doesn't have a Wi-Fi signal."
"Head to the basement. The reception sucks down there."
"Alright, go, go, go!"
When you finally get to the basement, Dean starts to salt the doors and windows.
"I thought the salt didn't work."
"Because of the Wi-Fi. There's no signal down here. There are no computers, tablets, or cell phones. Andrew can't bypass it. At least, I don't think he can. Just try to stay calm, alright?" Suddenly, something starts buzzing in the room. It sounds like a phone that's on vibrate. "What was that?"
"Sounds like a phone to me," you say.
Dean shoves his hands under the couch cushions only to find someone's cell phone in there. Andrew uses this to appear in the room so he can take vengeance on Delilah in person. Delilah screams and you turn to see Andrew in the room next to her. Dean approaches Andrew from behind but he smacks Dean into the pillar as hard as he can.
"Please don't kill me. We didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident. I swear. If I could do it over again, I would have done the right thing!"
Andrew grabs Delilah's throat and starts to choke her out. You stand there and watch this happen for five seconds before Dean screams your name.
"Y/N!" You grab the iron poker and swing it through his body until he disappears and Delilah is saved. "Let's go."
The door is locked so there is no way of getting out of here if the ghost is using its powers on the door.
"Andrew, listen to me. You have every right to be pissed." Dean takes the cell phone he found and dials a message to Sam. "Take it from me, the more you kill, the crazier you'll get. The blood fuels the rage. So, it looks like to me you've got two choices. You can keep killing and become something that you won't recognize or you can move on cause that is the only thing that is gonna give you peace. So it's up to you, man. Pain or peace."
Andrew appears behind Dean and shoves him into the closet door, breaking it into pieces. He turns to Delilah but you speak up before he can hurt her.
"Some ghost you are," you scoff and he looks at you. "Getting revenge on kids? Lame." He goes after you but you duck out of the way easily. "Death by electrocution? Lame! Maybe it sparked some life into you."
Andrew appears in front of you and slams you against the wall. He wraps his hands around your throat, pushing the device further into your neck. Maybe he might be able to get it off for you. You're not scared of Andrew but you do become concerned at the thought of him killing you.
Thankfully, you don't have to know the answer to that because his wife's voice fills the room. You and Andrew look at Delilah who has the phone in her hand which has his wife's face on it. Sam must have FaceTimed to get her to speak to Andrew.
"Andrew? It's Corey. Please listen to me. You have to stop this. Revenge is hollow, and it's pointless. It won't bring you back. I should have said this earlier but I couldn't let go. Now, it's time for me to let go and for you to do the same. Please. I'm begging you." Andrew lets you go and turns to her. "Do this for me. Do it for us." He nods slightly. "Goodbye."
Apparently, this is enough for Andrew to find peace. He closes his eyes and disappears in a flash of white light.
In the morning, Sam and Dean bring Delilah to Corey's house so she can talk to her and seek forgiveness.
"Looks like Andrew wasn't the only one who chose peace."
"Yeah, looks like. I think I'm gonna follow his lead, too."
"What do you mean?"
"My peace is helping people and working cases. I can't do that with this thing on my arm. I can't do that with my wife being the way she is. If I stay down this path, it'll be my downfall and I'll bring her with me." Dean looks at you who is across the street on your phone. You're absentmindedly picking at the device on your neck while looking at your phone. "I have to find this cure. If not for me, for her."
"Cas is so close to finding Cain. He has to know of a way."
"I believe there is a way. You said it yourself. You got through the literal devil and made it out alive. There's a way and we're going to do whatever we can to find it."
"What if she won't take it?"
"We'll make her. You should have seen her when we first met Cain. She was so determined to take it with me. I shouldn't have let her."
"You know her losing her soul isn't your fault."
"How is it not?" Dean asks with tears in his eyes. "Tell me how this is not my fault."
"Whether she had the Mark or not, she would have been soulless either way."
"Yeah, because I took it from her. Do you want me to be honest? I'm scared I'm gonna wake up one day and she'll be gone. I'm scared that when we finally do shove her soul back in her, it'll be too late."
"You don't have to shoulder this burden alone," Sam says and places his hand on Dean's shoulder. "We're going to find this cure. We'll cure you both."
"Thanks," Dean whispers.
He looks at you again and prays to God you don't get any worse.
You don't care if they have a remote that will activate your shock machine. You're leaving this Bunker tonight with or without their permission. As soon as you get back, you pack a bag as light as you can carry. You'll get more stuff along the way. Where will you go? You're not sure but it sure as hell isn't going to be here.
Sam and Dean are in the library when you walk past them into the war room.
"Where are you going?"
"Parading all over the country is not what I want to do. I'm sick and tired of you two controlling me. I'm done." You turn to face them by the base of the metal stairs. "I'm leaving and I'd really like to see you try and stop me."
Dean takes the remote out of his hand but you're a step ahead of him. You swiftly take out your gun and point it at him. Sam freezes in his steps because he's nervous you're actually gonna start shooting.
"What are you gonna do?"
"You can't press the button if you're dead."
"Do it. You're not leaving this Bunker."
Your finger twitches against the trigger like you're going to pull it. Then you see Sam with wide eyes and you know that if you kill his brother, all you're asking for is a Winchester up your ass. You'd rather not spend your entire life running from one of them. Instead, you aim at the remote and shoot. The remote explodes into pieces and Dean jumps back from the shock.
"What are you gonna use now?" you smirk.
You turn to the stairs but both Winchesters jump into action. They run out in front of you, effectively blocking your way.
"You might have a chance with one of us but not both," Dean glares.
"Oh? Just because you're big and tall, you think you'd win in a fight against me?" you scoff and take a step back.
"You've relied on magic all your life. You're not as good a fighter as we are."
You smirk and toss your bag and gun to the side. "If I beat you two, I leave."
"If you don't?" Sam asks.
"Back to the dungeon I go, and I won't fight you anymore on this cure for the Mark."
Sam and Dean look at each other before lunging at you. You see their moves coming from a mile away. While Sam and Dean are fighting to subdue you, you're fighting to kill. You have nothing to lose. They have everything to lose.
Sam swings his hand to punch you but you grab it at the last second and twist it behind him. Dean comes running at you two so you kick his ass and they go crashing into each other. Dean is the first one up and runs at you. He grabs you from behind thinking he got you but you're two steps ahead of him. You let them believe he got you so when Sam comes over, you kick off his chest and swing over Dean. You land on the floor and punch Dean to the ground, almost breaking his jaw.
The problem with the Winchesters is you're too damn flexible for them. You roundhouse kick Sam in the face, and he sprays a line of blood as he goes down. They start to think you might win this so they have to pick up their game or you will kill them. Dean ignores the pain in his jaw as he grabs one of the chairs and smacks you in the back.
You crumble to the ground in a grunt of pain. He and Sam grab you on either side and refuse to let you go. You struggle as hard as you can to get away from them but it's looking like you might lose this fight. The more you struggle, the more you get angry. The more you get angry, the more your Mark flares and burns. The metaphorical pot inside your body is bubbling over, and the only thing fueling it is the Mark.
"Let me go!" you yell.
"Admit it! You lost this one!" Dean grunts.
"Let go of me!"
"You lost, Y/N, just give it up!" Sam yells.
"I said. LET. GO!"
Bright red magic explodes out from all sides of you, causing Sam and Dean to go flying into the walls behind them. The entire war room is covered in a red hue, and you look down at your hands to see red magic flow out of them. The power you feel right now is so... exhilarating. Your Mark is burning so much but it's the good kind of pain. The kind of pain you crave. The kind of power you crave.
You look at the brothers with an evil smirk. They're too scared to do anything. They know you've fallen over the edge. There is no coming back from this. You lift the brothers with your magic and fling them so hard into the wall again that it cracks from the pressure. Both of them are too weak to do anything which is exactly what you want.
You reach up and peel off the device from your neck like it's a goddamn sticker.
"You don't control me anymore. I win. I'm leaving. If you want to try and stop me, well, you can't. No one can," you laugh.
You grab your bag and head to the metal stairs.
"This isn't you!" Sam yells loudly. You pause by the stairs but don't face him. "You're the Sapphire Witch! You help people!"
"Honey, the Sapphire Witch is dead."
"Yeah? Then what are you?"
You face the brothers with a smirk and bright red eyes.
"I'm the Scarlet Witch."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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wol-fica · 2 years
《𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂》 - Chapter II
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summary - Wednesday can’t seem to get her mind off of the brand new fallen angel…
warnings - some blood, talk of knives
an - Ch I
Lateritious - the color of brick-red, usually achieved by sunburn or becoming flustered. 
Right now, Wednesday was lateritious. Her usual tanned skin was a lovely shade of red while a small embarrassed frown graced her lips. Flirting usually does nothing to her, but after a certain girl’s annoying escapades, she has seemed to turn into a tomato. 
Wednesday found out her name, the girl from Jericho. It was pretty easy since Enid suspected that Wednesday had gained an infatuation and decided it would be a grand idea to help her out.
Her name is Jasper Edison, previously a resident of Greenfield High School before she transferred to Nevermore due to “abnormal apendigies”. She is 5’9 with a 5.2 GPA, beating Wednesday’s 5.1, and has held straight A’s since she was in preschool.  
See, she was a muse, an agitating stimulus whose soul purpose was to bother Wednesday in ways only God could foresee. Her little quips and remarks made Wednesday feel the overwhelming urge to hurl all over her typewriter and throw herself out of a ten story window. 
Jasper’s smug smile made Wednesday want to strangle the life out of her while forcing her eyes open so she would have to watch Wednesday end her. The stupid freckles that dusted across her face; she wanted to nail each with a hammer and record Jasper bleeding out while Wednesday giggled happily. 
God forbid her laugh, it was like a knife slicing through the air, an irritating whinny that pierced Wednesday’s ears so aggressively that even she cringed in discomfort. And what in the world was the deal with her eyes? They seemed to glow, a nice sunny yellow that made  Wednesday nauseous, and not in a good way. 
Jasper was just so annoying, and it pissed her off. Wednesday hated it, she hated the way Jasper’s dimples showed when she smiled, Wednesday hated how Jasoer blushed nervously when speaking to her, Wednesday hated how cute Jasper looked when she spoke about things she enjoyed, she hated the way Jasper treated everyone so kindly even if she had a bad day, Wednesday hated how the sun always illuminated Jasper’s features so well, and Wednesday especially hated how Jasper encapsulated her mind. 
Every morning Wednesday cursed the higher powers above for making her dream of her. Jasper was a blessing from heaven but deserved to be dragged into the pits of burning hell; Wednesday would personally escort her if she could. 
“Hi Wednesday!” She would say it everyday at lunch, all with a smile on her face. 
Enid, who is equally as infuriating as Jasper, has decided to speak her input on how Wednesday is feeling about her. She believed that Wednesday indeed did not hate Jasper, but actually had a crush.
“Wednesday just admit it, you like her!” Enid said as she swept their bedroom floor. 
“Liking someone is a waste of my time.” Wednesday deadpanned, aggressively typing away on her typewriter, “Besides, she irritates me.” 
“I don’t think you are aware of how much of a crush you have.” Enid chirped, now organizing her drawers full of rainbow vomit. 
Wednesday sent her a glare, a small warning that screamed ‘Keep talking about this and I'll slit your throat’. She refused to acknowledge if she had feelings or not, and even if she did, she would do everything in her power to lose them. 
“I’m aware that I have multiple knives in multiple places in this easily crossible room.” Wednesday snarled.
That made Enid shut up.
“…and that is the formula for Planck’s Constant…”
Wednesday yawned as her chemistry teacher droned on about formulas and whatever else he was saying, it didn’t matter to her anyways as her attention was focused on something completely different.
Her black-souled eyes were trained in on the stunning ferrari-red locks that sat two sets to her right and one seat up. 
Jasper was slightly hunched over, which was horrible for her back, and seemed to be focused on her drawing rather than the lecture. The sun, conveniently shining through a small window, had a ray of light focused on her  face. Her two snow-white streaks of hair seemed to glow as she lazily scribbled down sketches on her notebook.
“And that concludes my lesson, have a wonderful lunch everyone!” The teacher said right as the bell rang.
Wednesday sighed, finally looking away from Jasper to pack up her things and make her way out of the room. She made her way out, pushing past a group of “popular” girls congregating at the door, and proceeded to run face first into a wall of feathers.
Instantly her head flew back and up, her eyes wide as images flashed through her head. A river, it’s water rushing and wild. Blood dripping onto hands interlocking over a rock. Crows cawing eerily as a pair of yellow eyes stared into her soul…
“Woah, you okay?” A voice snapped Wednesday out of her vision, causing her to look around in confusion.
Jasper stood in front of her with a concerned look on her face, her golden eyes searching Wednesday's black ones for any disturbance or discomfort. Suddenly, Wednesday registered the fact that Jasper’s arms were around her waist.
“I…uhm…” Wednesday was quite literally speechless, the feeling of Jasper holding her was restricting her ability to speak words. 
“Do you need to go to the nurse? Your dorm? I can take you wherever you need to go.” 
Jasper was being so kind, so considerate. Most people would laugh or take advantage of her in this situation, but not Jasper. She was gentle and helpful, keeping her wings around the two of them so Wednesday could have privacy and not be publicly embarrassed to all of her classmates. 
Wednesday stood up sharply, discarding all of her thoughts, and straightened herself out. 
“I’m fine, though I appreciate you catching me.” She stated, forcing herself to appear neutral.
“It’s no big deal.” Jasper said with a smile, though she still looked unsure, “You’re sure you don’t need the nurse? Should I call Enid?” 
Jasper was already reaching for her phone when Wednesday impulsively grabbed her wrist to stop her. She was close, really really close; noses almost brushing while her foot was between Jasper’s.
“No need, I'll be okay.” She mumbled, gazing at Jasper for a moment before hurrying off to the Quad.
‘This is stupid; I’m so stupid.’ 
tag list: @king-scarlet @i984 @dreifhraniquo29 @simp4thena @alexomnice @fall-08
if anyone else would like to join the taglist, comment below 👇!!!
i do not give permission for anyone to copy or repost my work on any platform
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