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oh no I just realized I can build guitar pedal-y audio modulators in gnuradio. There goes my evening.
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RDS Data Extraction with RFtap and Wireshark
RDS (Radio Data System) is a communication protocol standard used for embedding small amounts of digital information in traditional FM radio broadcasts. It enables radio stations to transmit data such as station identification, program information, and traffic updates.
To capture and decode RDS data, one method involves using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) along with GNU Radio and RFtap. GNU Radio provides a framework for creating software radios, while RFtap acts as a bridge between GNU Radio and conventional network monitoring and packet analysis tools like Wireshark.
Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, RFtap is no longer being maintained and does not work with the latest version of GNU Radio (version 3.10.10). This post offers guidelines for rebuild and using RFtap with the new GNU Radio release.
This post assumes that the reader has access to DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U and a PC running Ubuntu or Debian Linux. For this, I used an RTL dongle with Rafael Micro R820T tuner and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release.
As the first step install the following GNU Radio build dependencies into the OS:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev \ liblog4cpp5-dev qtcreator qtbase5-dev \ qt5-qmake python3-cheetah python3-numpy \ python3-pygtk python3-gi python3-gi-cairo \ gir1.2-gtk-4.0
sudo apt install git g++ libgmp-dev swig \ python3-mako python3-sphinx python3-lxml \ doxygen libfftw3-dev libsdl1.2-dev \ libgsl-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev \ python3-pyqt5 liblog4cpp5-dev libzmq3-dev \ python3-yaml python3-click \ python3-click-plugins python3-zmq python3-scipy \ libcodec2-dev libgsm1-dev libusb-1.0-0 \ libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev \ python3-setuptools
sudo apt install pybind11-dev python3-matplotlib \ libsndfile1-dev libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-tools \ python3-pygccxml python3-pyqtgraph
sudo apt install libiio-dev libad9361-dev \ libspdlog-dev python3-packaging python3-jsonschema \ python3-qtpy
sudo apt remove swig
Next, clone and build Volk (Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels)
mkdir ~/rf cd rf git clone --recursive https://github.com/gnuradio/volk.git cd volk mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
After installing the Volk library, we can proceed to build GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.10.0.tar.gz tar -xvf ./v3.10.10.0.tar.gz cd gnuradio- mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make -j8 make test sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Now GNU Radio is installed with all necessary components. To enable RTL SDR support, we must build and install Osmocom RTL SDR libraries and SDR components.
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/gr-osmosdr cd gr-osmosdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Before plugging in the RTL-SDR dongle, we need to prevent the kernel modules for the RTL-SDR USB device from being loaded into the kernel and taking ownership of the device. To do this, simply navigate to the /etc/modprobe.d directory and create a file called rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf with the following content:
# This system has librtlsdr0 installed in order to # use digital video broadcast receivers as generic # software defined radios. blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu blacklist e4000 blacklist rtl2832 blacklist rtl2830 blacklist rtl2838
Next, you should clone and build the FM RDS/TMC transceiver module for GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/bastibl/gr-rds/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.tar.gz tar -xvf ./gr-rds\ -v3.10.tar.gz cd gr-rds-3.10 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
For the next steps, we need to have Wireshark and RFTap. Wireshark can be installed using a package manager.
sudo apt-get install wireshark
To run Wireshark without requiring root user permissions, use the following set of commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER newgrp wireshark
A message may be prompted in the first step above and proceed by selecting the "Yes" option.
Now restart the OS and continue with the RFTap installation.
The official RFTap repository is no longer being maintained and is not compatible with newer versions of GNU Radio. For this step, please use the RFTap fork available in my GitHub repository. This version has been successfully tested with GNU Radio 3.10.10 and Wireshark 4.2.2.
cd ~/rf git clone https://github.com/dilshan/gr-rftap.git cd gr-rftap mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Now get the modifier version of rds_rx_rftap.grc from the above repository.
The Wireshark Dissector file for RDS data is also available in the repository. Copy it to the ~/.config/wireshark/plugins directory. Create the directories if they do not exist.
Launch Wireshark and monitor the loopback (lo) adapter. Start GNU Radio and execute the rds_rx.grc file, which was downloaded in the above step.
If all the steps are performed correctly, the RDS data should appear in the packet list pane as UDP messages. The dissected messages can be observed through the packet bytes pane.
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GNU Radioの入門に是非!解説記事をRFワールドNo44特集「GRCで広がるSDRの世界」に寄稿しました
CQ出版社の季刊誌「RFワールド」最新刊No.44に、特集記事を寄稿させていただきました。GNU Radioの解説記事「GRCで広がるSDRの世界」です。計85ページもの分量です。
GNU Radioについては、こちらでも少し紹介しています。ただ、日本語によるまとまった解説が、Webや雑誌を含め存在しないことを残念に思っていました。どこかで紹介や解説を書かせていただければなー、と思っていました。そんなところに、あのRFワールド誌からお声がけをいただき、O編集長のご尽力により、このような形で記事にしていただくことができました。
SDRのフロントエンドも安価なものが入手しやすくなっています。今回はいろいろ比較した結果、HackRF Oneを使うことにしました。性能のバランスもよく、秋月で購入可能で入手性も良く、オススメです。
特集記事の内容はGNU Radio入門ということで、アマチュア無線にお馴染みのアナログ方式についての変復調をメインに取り上げました。それから、ちょっとだけデジタルもということで、ワンセグの受信とデコードをGNU RadioとRTLドングルで行う方法を紹介しています。GNU Radioはソフトウェアフレームワークなので、ちょっとだけPythonコードの雰囲気や、ブロックの開発についても紹介しています。
RFワールド No.44 http://www.rf-world.jp/bn/RFW44/RFW44A.shtml
CQ出版社販売ページ https://shop.cqpub.co.jp/hanbai/books/MTR/MTRZ201811.html
Amazon https://amzn.to/2RiOqyS
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TELIVE - Decodificação Tetra
TELIVE - Decodificação Tetra Saiba como xeretar comunicações de serviços oficiais, como Policias Civil, Militar, Federal, Ministério da Defesa, Metrô, etc.
Os tranceivers de Rádio Definido por Software (SDR) tornaram-se populares, e eu tenho a preferência pelo que se pode fazer com eles usando o Linux.
Este post é um tutorial de instalação dos componentes para decodificação TETRA usando o Gnuradio no Ubuntu 19.04 como plataforma e um RTL2832u que custa algo em torno de R$100,00.
Não entrarei em detalhes sobre o Gnuradio, pois a instalação é simples…
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GNURADIO Tutorial 7 [ PSK Modulator ]
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Pulling Data From News Feed Telemetry #Audio #DigitalAudioHacks #GnuRadio #telemetry https://t.co/o08sREdSUN http://twitter.com/iandroideu1/status/1267403213046603778
Pulling Data From News Feed Telemetry #Audio #DigitalAudioHacks #GnuRadio #telemetry https://t.co/o08sREdSUN
— iAndroid.eu (@iandroideu1) June 1, 2020
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GNU Radio
https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio Comments
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Making progress already! First picture is the short little 433mHz signal (line on the waterfall picture). Second picture is a #LoRa packet for SolarMAX with a lot more data than the other signal. This is a software defined radio and I’m using a #raspberrypi to scan and interpret 433mHz signals using ASK ( Amplitude Shift Keying). Next I will decode the ASK signal using GNURadio. 🤓. We will then build this receiver into a new board. Exciting #engineering. This a pretty standard inexpensive SDR. #switchdoclabs #weather #science #wireless #makersgonnamake https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MuBnsHZUc/?igshid=k57nq92y4iwj
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'Too Much Sugar For A Dime' or... this is all you'll need to enter into SDR This book is a compilation of current data in the up and coming world of Software Defined Radio. If there is any doubt in you mind as to the future of SDR, this book quickly displays the possibilities of the science and gets your attention. Go to Amazon
The Missing RTL-SDR Manual I think this book should be called “The Missing RTL-SDR Manual.” It explained everything I needed to know in order to make my SDR dongle work, and this was especially important because the dongle came with absolutely no instructions. After covering the basics with detailed but simple written directions, screenshots, and a troubleshooting section (which I needed), the book goes into more advanced topics such as receiving digital communications from airplanes, tracking aircraft, displaying live images from NOAA weather satellites, using the Orbitron satellite tracker program, receiving images from the Meteor-M N2 polar orbiting Russian weather satellite, receiving and decoding weather balloon radiosondes, etc., etc. There is an antenna guide, an audio piping guide, a general frequency guide, a section for radio astronomy enthusiasts... The list goes on and on. If there were a Pulitzer Prize for easy-to-understand, useful, and complete instruction manuals covering a wide range of topics for beginners, I think this remarkable book would win it. The author, Carl Laufer, is to be commended for his truly excellent work!—Joe Benson Go to Amazon
Nice compilation of articles It was a compilation of many articles that I found over the internet in doing research into the topic. It was nice to have all the details in one location but not a lot of new content. Was worth the money to anyone who just got a RTL-SDR dongle and wants a single place to to read how to use it rather than search around for the information via search engines. I noted that a lot of people got the dongles for the RTL-SDR purpose and were frustrated in figuring how to use it. This book is for them. Go to Amazon
Excellent Hobbyest Guide! This book IS the encyclopedia of the RTL-SDR USB Dongle Radio's! Very well written and positively overflowing with information, useage ideas, and other interesting suggestions! Great Read!!! Go to Amazon
The title says it all I have to give the book three stars and myself one for buying it: It is strictly a Hobbyist's Guide. It tells you which software to download from where to receive basically everything that can be received with the RTL-SDR. It even tells you how to install the various (often commercial) pieces of software and where to click to make it all run. If there is more than one choice, it even tells you what - in the author's opinion- is the best choice. If, however, you wanted to LEARN anything about what modulation and encoding techniques are used for the different services that can be received or what signal processing the SDR needs to perform to decode it all, you've come to the wrong place. Grudgingly, I would have given the book even more stars, if it were not for the shoddy editing (I got the print edition with lots of erroneous word repetitions, "that" instead of "than" and other typing errors) and the lack of a keyword index at the end. What mislead me was the mentioning of GNURadio (which uses signal processing building blocks for everything) in the table of contents - it is mentioned as a tool, but not used for anything after that. So again, this book may be exactly what you are looking for (except for the bad editing and the lack of an index), but it is definitely not even close to a textbook or manual for engineers that would teach any underlying concepts whatsoever. Go to Amazon
Impressive new technology, excellent information. Lots of detailed work put into this book. I have only been 25% through it, but so far it is excellent. I have been in the radio biz for 40 yr and I can honestly say SDR tech is revolutionary to say the least. The geek factor will be high for those without experience, but the only way to get experience is to jump in and get your feet wet. There is much to explore over time in this book. Go to Amazon
Excellent reference This book will tell you all you need to know to get started with an RTL-SDR system. In addition, it covers a number of issues in detail, provides links to online sources for hardware and software. Finally, there is a list of projects to try with your new SDR. If you're getting started, this book will get you well and truly on the way. The only thing lacking is a decent tutorial in installing GNU Radio, which can be a daunting task. Go to Amazon
Very nice book. Easy to understand and informative as well Very nice book. Easy to understand and informative as well. Good to have a quick jump and start doing stuff. If you are c Moletelt clueless and want something to actually teach you more about the things used or some of the other topics. Then you might wanna buy something else. But, overall this is a rather decent book to enjoy reading and learning from and also doing something practical. Go to Amazon
A definitive guide to SDR Want to get started with SDR? Read this! One Star Five Stars Excellent INtroduction and Guide to Software Defined Radio Applications Excellent resource Five Stars Highly Recommended, even for those who don't have an SDR--yet Five Stars Coopa gobba gooba gobba
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2016/4/29 キャンペーン開始
2016/4/29 さっそくBackする
2016/6/22 ファンディング成功
2016/7/29 コネクタをMicro-Bに変更
2017/1/27 出荷
2017/2/5 受領
箱は黒いスリーブにレーザカッターでロゴが抜かれて内箱の緑が見えています。添付はUSB micro-Bのケーブルのみです。電源補助用のAプラグが二股になっています。
基板は小さく密度は高いです。購入時にUSBコネクタを選べますが、USB micro-Bにしました。他にUSB Aプラグタイプが選択肢にあります。
$ brew tap pothosware/homebrew-pothos $ brew update $ brew install limesuite
$ LimeUtil -info $ LimeUtil -update
LimeSuiteGUIというグラフィカルツールも用意されています。ボードに載っている各デバイスを細かくコントロールできるようです。動作させるためには、メニューのOptionsからConnection Setupでまずは接続を行う必要があるようです。ちょっとまごつきます。
下記はコードからビルド必要でしたが、今回brewのFormulaを用意/アップデートしました。githubに上げてありますので、brew tap ttrftech/gqrxで利用可能です。
を指定します。起動がうまくいかないことがたまにありますが、もう一度実行するとOKだったりします。Input rateは8000000(8Msps)から55000000(55Msps)程度が指定可能でした。仕様上は上限60Mspsだったはずですが、これを指定すると起動できませんでした。
もっと周波数を上げると携帯の周波数が見えてきます。 4つの帯の左からKDDIのLTE, 3G, Docomoの3G,LTEのDL(Down Link)です。
クラウドファンディングサイト CrowdSupplyでのLimeSDRキャンペーン https://www.crowdsupply.com/lime-micro/limesdr
LimeSDR公式 https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeSDR
ユーザガイド https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeSDR-USB_User_Guide
クイックスタートガイド https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeSDR_Quick_Start
LMS7002 Datasheet (wiki) https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeMicro:LMS7002M_Datasheet
公式のLimeSuiteインストール手順 https://wiki.myriadrf.org/Lime_Suite#OSX_homebrew
Gqrx http://gqrx.dk/
参考にした先人のgqrx構築手順 https://discourse.myriadrf.org/t/anyone-been-successful-in-getting-limesdr-osx-gqrx-working/657/14
今回作成してみたHomebrewのFormula https://github.com/ttrftech/homebrew-gqrx
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Analisador de Espectro de Banda Larga com um RTL-SDR
Para a maioria dos utilizadores do RTL-SDR, a cascata (waterfall) é o auge do software de rádio. Mas há alguns problemas que me incomodam.
– Exibição de frequência limitada. Normalmente, não pode fazer mais do que a largura de banda nativa do seu SDR permite.
– Exibição por tempo limitado. Ela simplesmente rola da borda para o vazio.
– Blocos (bins) de FFT limitados.…
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#Analisador de Espectro de Banda Larga#bin#FFT#flatten.py#Gambas#gambas3#gnuradio#gqrx#GUI do rtl_power#heatmap.py#matlab#RTL-SDR#rtl_power#rtl_sdr#RTL_SDR_Wide_Spectrum_Analyzer#RTL_SpectrumSweeper#ubuntu#waterfall
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GNURADIO Tutorial 6 [ FM, interpolation, NBFM Trasmit]
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RT @edy555: GNURadioでワンセグのデコードに成功した https://t.co/lje6Es4NoY
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One of the key benefits of using Blockstream Satellite is the reduction in costs for participating in the Bitcoin network. Through the Satellite service, more people can benefit from the security of both holding their own Bitcoin keys and running their own Bitcoin full node.
While Blockstream Satellite is intended to broaden participation in the Bitcoin network, the equipment normally required to receive data from space can pose some cost issues, which meant we had to get a little creative to reduce the amount of hardware required.
Who Needs Hardware When You Have Software?
One of the main ways that we keep costs down is through the use of Software-defined radio (SDR). Professional satellite equipment can cost into the thousands of dollars, and performs all signal processing on dedicated circuitry. By using SDR, these hardware processes are handled by software instead. All a user needs is a USB SDR dongle, which can be picked up for less than 25 dollars.
A closeup of an SDR in action
How it works is the SDR performs analog to digital conversion of the signal received from the Blockstream Satellite and feeds the digital signal into the computer over USB. With the SDR providing a digital signal to the host computer, processing is then handled in software on the host computer using GNU Radio, a programming system specialized for this purpose.
The signal-processing demands on a CPU are moderately heavy, with minimum specifications being a 2GHz 2-core Intel i5 or equivalent - possible with a previous generation laptop, NUC, or desktop - but still quite a bit higher than the minimum CPU requirements for running a full node.
In the video below, Blockstream’s signal processing specialist, Igor Friere, explains how GNU Radio-based signal processing is handled within the Blockstream Satellite software. Caution: this one’s technical!
The Benefits of Blockstream Satellite
While we’re here, it’s probably a good idea to remind readers of the major advantages of using Blockstream Satellite to run a Bitcoin full node:
Global Accessibility
As mentioned in the article above, the cost of Bitcoin network participation is a barrier to entry for many emerging markets users, who often have strong use cases for adopting Bitcoin (e.g. economic challenges and inflationary currencies).
Bitcoin full node bandwidth requirements can exceed 10GB/month, even with measures taken to minimise bandwidth, like disabling relaying, or running in blocks-only mode. This is already in excess of many ISP bandwidth caps and even if not, bandwidth can be more expensive in many emerging markets than in developed countries, putting participation in the Bitcoin network out of economic reach for many potential Bitcoin users.
Privacy and Security
As Blockstream Satellite data is broadcast and read-only, you obtain privacy as your ISP and other users on the Bitcoin P2P network are unable to discover you are using Bitcoin. You are protected from often unforeseen risks, such as attackers using full node IP addresses to geo-locate Bitcoin users’ homes and then physically targeting them for burglary and theft.
For individuals and businesses alike - being on the wrong side of a Bitcoin network split due to an internet disruption can be a serious security risk when accepting high value transactions in Bitcoin. Blockstream Satellite can act as a secondary independent connection, in addition to regular internet, to mitigate this risk.
New Infrastructure
There are a number of projects working on extending Bitcoin access in emerging markets and remote locations via wifi hotspots, mesh-networks, and LoRa, further reducing costs by sharing Blockstream Satellite access and an internet connection to send transactions to the network.
How to Set Up Your Own Satellite Node
To get connected to the Blockstream Satellite network, head to our GitHub for official instructions. Following that, you may also want to check out our colleague’s excellent guide on setting up his own Satellite node in North America.
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Universal Radio Hacker — легкий способ исследовать цифровые радиопротоколы Universal Radio Hacker (URH) — невероятно простой и понятный инструмент для анализа цифровых радиопротоколов. В отличие от монстров вроде GnuRadio, освоить его можно за пять минут без мучений. Главные особенности URH: Работает на всех платформах — на macOS/Linux/Windows из коробки! Не нужно часами компилять километры зависимостей. Поддерживает популярные SDR — нативная поддержка RTL-SDR, HackRF, LimeSDR, AirSpy и других. Все в одном — все нужные инструменты встроены в одну программу: анализатор спектра для поиска частот, запись сигнала, интерпретатор цифрового сигнала для автоматического преобразования записанного сигнала в цифровые данные Поддерживает передачу — для проведения replay-атаки, достаточно выделить мышкой нужный отрезок сигнала и нажать Replay. Великолепно! Читать дальше → #hooppy #hooppyru #hooppytest #хуппи
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