#global threat
noaluvs · 1 month
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Iran is a global threat !
People need to wake up NOW !
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whats-in-a-sentence · 5 months
The psychology professor and author of The Psychology of Terrorism John Horgan warns that the next big threat by 2025 could be a reflection of the global resurgence of far-right extremism.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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ladyvaderpixetc · 1 year
Jon Stewart, hitting the nail on the head once again.
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lowqualityonepiece · 2 months
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sniper king wouldn't have missed.
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proudzionist · 1 month
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osarina · 10 days
well that might've been one of the most embarrassing things in american history
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snailpaste · 3 months
Hi to any and all americans who may see this.
Please please please remember that no matter how fucking terrible Biden is, you must vote for him in order to stop Trump and the fascist Republican "Project 2025" from being implemented.
Yes, this proves the country is not a democracy, but in order for you to ever have a chance of seeing a free america, you have to stop Trump.
The fact is that Trump and the republican party are now an authoritarian fascist party. This is not fear mongering. Even if the alternative is terrible, he is not as bad. You have to vote against this new Hitler for your sake and for the world's.
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thomas jolly is insane for this
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In the country where your cousins live, the head of state of an ethnic minority has been assassinated and his people’s greatest assets stolen or destroyed. They are forced to beg your cousins for help, who refuse, and they fall to fighting and a pyrrhic victory.
They are exiled and seek asylum, coming through political turmoil in two separate and suffering hosts to your country. Do you a) offer them aid and unite against a common threat, or b) bar many entrance to your realm (the only politically stable area), restrict the places they’re allowed to go, and ban their native language?
Thingol wants to make Doriath great again.
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exdivine · 5 months
white supremacy and misogyny work hand-in-hand to keep patriarchal power systems in place, if you fail to acknowledge this you’re not a radical feminist
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bitchfitch · 3 days
help people are mistaking the opening chapter of my psych horror story about a man getting trapped in a demented game of house with a personification of the US Military's rot for a cute gay romcom about veterans relaxing after achieving glory
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allthegeopolitics · 7 days
Bomb threats prompted the evacuation of schools and government buildings for a second day on Friday in an Ohio community that has been the focus of unwanted attention after former President Donald Trump amplified false rumours that Haitian immigrants are abducting and eating pets. An emailed threat said bombs had been planted in the homes of Springfield's mayor and other city officials, said Karen Graves, a city spokesperson. A second email said that bombs would be detonated at locations including Springfield City Hall, a high school, a middle school, two elementary schools, a local office of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and a licensing bureau.
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canichangemyblogname · 11 months
Israel ignoring Egypt's warnings, Israel's chaotic "recovery" (a.k.a. their explicit non-recovery and bombing of hostages), and the IOF's chaotic engagement with Hamas fighters on Oct. 7th and 8th that caught hostages and civilians in crossfire should be proof enough that Israel cannot and will consistently fail to provide for the security and welfare of Jewish people. It should also be proof enough that Netanyahu's government doesn't give a shit about Israeli lives unless they can be weaponized to serve his political and regional goals.
The argument that the only way for Jewish people to have safety and comfort is through a Jewish ethnostate ignores how the violence necessary to establish an ethnostate breeds extremism and a cycle of violence. It ignores how Israel consistently fails to protect and provide for its citizens, how vulnerable the Israeli state would be without US support, and how politically and numerically insecure settler-colonial populations are without ethnic and genocidal violence to reproduce their position in the social hierarchy. This argument also allows countries in the Global North to wipe their hands of their own country's antisemitism. For them, Israel is the solution to their country's "Jewish Question."
Some of Zionism's basic assumptions about Jewish people and the need for a Jewish state come from antisemitic assumptions. Advocates for a Jewish state frequently invoke antisemitic stereotypes to make their case. Like... literal fucking fascists in the US support Zionism because they want to empty their country of Jewish people and then watch them die in Israel.
The largest group of Zionists in the US are Evangelical Christians. Not just in sheer numbers, but as a percentage of their population. And you know what they believe? They believe that all Jews need to return to the Holy Land to be massacred and raptured so Jesus can return. The majority of Zionists in the US are Zonists because they're antisemitic. Their antisemitism informs their support for Zionism, and their belief in Zionism informs their antisemitism.
It boggles me how the US government, literal fascists, and Evangelicals have so many of you legitimately believing that critiquing a man and a government that throws their lot in with Holocaust deniers is antisemitic.
There are experts out there who attest that Zionism encourages and spreads antisemitism around the globe and that it is a contributing factor to increases in antisemitism in the Global North. Some have gone so far as to say it is a literal threat to the well-being of Jews worldwide and a roadblock in the fight against antisemitism.
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cbirt · 2 months
Scientists from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) recently employed high-performance computing on the H5N1 virus and its interaction with existing antibodies. Avian influenza, or H5N1 influenza as often called, has long been a concern for poultry farmers and public health officials. H5N1 infections affecting birds can also be passed to humans, resulting in severe illnesses across species. As there is currently no specific vaccine available to protect against this strain of flu, researchers are continuously searching for new methods of responding to this mutating virus. This blog will discuss key findings from this research and explore their implications for future vaccine development and pandemic preparedness.
Wild birds serve as natural repositories of the flu viruses, including H5N1. These viruses mutate when they pass on to domestic animals or even mammals, thus posing great danger. Humans tend to have serious respiratory illnesses caused by the H5N1 strains, specifically in some instances leading to death during outbreaks.
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girlhorse · 11 months
y'all this is ridiculously easy to look up on any search engine lmao
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quit spreading the antisemitic line that jewish settlers should just "go back where they came from" or move "back" to their ~second home in NY~
Almost half are mizrahi, the group that were ethnically cleansed from their homes in North Africa/Asia in 1940s-80s. they once represented 60% of the population of Israel and currently there are roughly 3 million living in Israel.
And as it is with any long lasting settler colony, such as the fucking united states, a large majority of the people living in Israel were born in the colony. They don't have this imaginary second home in Europe or the states.
Not to mention how a vast majority of the Jewish people in Israel today were escaping existential threats to their life, whether from pre holocaust antisemism, extreme global antisemism & genocide during the holocaust, 100s of years of pogroms in Europe/Eurasia/etc, ethnic cleansing in North Africa, etc., and will not be greeted with much kindness if forced to return to "where they came from"
jumblr please feel free to correct anything. I am just a simple goy concerned with the ridiculous amount of antisemism coming from "leftists", particularly those with no ties to israel or palestine, that cannot seem to understand how to talk about anticolonialism and I/P without spitting in the face of millions of jewish people.
and before anyone decides to twist what i say into being an anti Palestinian argument, please go read this post 3 more times and consider shoving a cactus up your ass
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harmcityherald · 2 months
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Arakis day at the garden.
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