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Glaç d'albada a Islàndia.
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While Embers Cool
excerpt in translation from spycraft trevold While Embers Cool (originally written and published in Welsh as Pan Oera'r Glo), 1890 work by Hasinick author Kjartan Rhysvor.
Toll'emendanç por y mas son complið, jusc oy, ða vray meðes a i y ci dou rig d'ardois derran allignað cos scaðr. The repairs to the farmhouse are all done, now, if he really did get those last two rows of slates lined up right.
Posc veg yon final i se descen y gaz des nuot vars fastig, oc parisc sigt dijarbr. When he finally lets his gaze drop from the clouds to the roof, it looks decent.
Noc just exact com valent, nentamen: l'eç ardois aun untal nuvreç e plattað ant cogn parfait y catr. Not quite like it should, though: the slates are so unmistakably new and uniform with perfect corners.
Scey ne bon mont fragnç e lamn jagottað a casc postion yonoscon y glaç joivrau ne japot tras l'yarn e bojau l'ardois a vougheç. There should be cracks and uneven edges in all the spots where the ice dammed up in the winter and pushed the slates awry.
Pu toð ig es partið. Cay comoscon ða toð ci annað ern diglað, ben ða alcun cainç den n'er bogr occors. But all that is gone. It is as if all those years have been erased, as though none of it had happened at all.
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Timbal de maduixes i nata
Ingredients: (per a 4 persones) 1 base de pasta fullada rectangular 1 rovell d’ou amb 1 cullerada de llet 300gr. de nata per muntar 40gr. de sucre glaç 250gr. de maduixes 250gr. de xocolata fondant Preparació: Comencem amb les rodones de xocolata, les podeu deixar fetes 2 o 3 dies abans, guardeu-les en un lloc fresc, (ara a l’estiu a la nevera), sense tapar. Damunt d’un paper de forn, amb un…

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Feliz Año Nuevo! This week we welcome the new year and Snackpoint Charlie’s 150th episode with “Recuerdo de México,” a mix of songs and sounds collected last month in Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende. Hoist a steaming Café Azteca and settle in to WGXC 90.7FM - episode now streaming at the link below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 150 - 2025.01.01 - Recuerdo de Mexico https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/hd5ash [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Sonido Gallo Negro - “Cumbia de Sanación” from MAMBO CÓSMICO https://sonido-gallo-negro.bandcamp.com/album/mambo-c-smico
2) LA LOM - “Danza de LA LOM” from THE LOS ANGELES LEAGUE OF MUSICIANS https://www.thelalom.com/
3) Sotomayor - “Eléctrico” from CONQUISTA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIBo01teCQ
4) Lng/SHT - “Muchacha I” from LES JURO QUE SÍ LLEGO https://www.discogs.com/release/8038232-LngSHT-Les-Juro-Que-S%C3%AD-Llego
5) Bitman & Roban - “Geil (feat. Solo Di Medina, Tea Time)” from MÚSICA PARA DESPUÉS DE ALMUERZO https://www.discogs.com/release/14149544-Bitman-Roban-Musica-Para-Despues-De-Almuerzo
6) Rafael Lechowski & Glaç - “Entre Molinos y Campos de Olivo (Versión Jazz)” from DONDE DUELE, INSPIRA (2004-2011) https://www.discogs.com/release/15619585-Rafael-Lechowski-Gla%C3%A7-Donde-Duele-Inspira-2004-2011
7) Ezechiel Pailhes - “Bien Certain” from OH! https://ezechielpailhes.bandcamp.com/album/oh
8) Jain - “Come” from ZANAKA https://www.discogs.com/master/963597-Jain-Zanaka
9) Rebecca Lane - “(?) [recorded live at Zócalo, Mexico City 2024.12.21]” from JEFF ECONOMY FIELD RECORDING https://www.rebecalane.com/
10) Angela Aguilar - “La Llorona” from PRIMERO SOY MEXICANA https://www.discogs.com/master/1553946-Angela-Aguilar-Primero-Soy-Mexicana
11) Sonido Lasser Drakar - “I Feel Great” from THE ELECTRIC MASS BEGINS https://lasserdrakar.bandcamp.com/album/the-electric-mass-begins
12) Sharif & Mxrgxn - “Ramito De Flores (Live in los Carmenes)” from PYRAMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuNWRcrCitA
13) Hombres G - “Venezia” from HOMBRES G https://www.discogs.com/master/380041-Hombres-G-Hombres-G
14) Las Marías - “(?) [recorded live at Zócalo, Mexico City 2024.12.21]” from JEFF ECONOMY FIELD RECORDING https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1r9d4BoK6pi6Gq0MNwQrA
15) Unidentified Mariachis at La 21 Unica Cantina, San Miguel de Allende 2024.12.26 - “?” from JEFF ECONOMY FIELD RECORDING
16) Héctor Meneses - “Como Duele Estar Lejos” from HÉCTOR MENESES https://www.discogs.com/release/13531567-H%C3%A9ctor-Meneses-H%C3%A9ctor-Meneses
17) Mr. Loco - “Religious Man” from NACHO LIBRE https://www.discogs.com/release/807243-Mister-Loco-Mister-Loco
18) Chico Che y la Crisis - “El Ritmo Que Quema” from SABORCITO DE CANELA https://www.discogs.com/release/10449337-Chico-Che-Y-La-Crisis-Saborcito-De-Canela
19) Los Chavoz - “En El Tronco De Un Arbol” from LOS CHAVOZ https://www.discogs.com/master/1728183-Los-Chavoz-Los-Chavoz
20) Dug Dug's - “Brillo De Sol” from CAMBIA, CAMBIA https://www.discogs.com/master/570811-Dug-Dugs-Cambia-Cambia
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Rafael Lechowski & Glaç 06 - POR AMOR AL ODIO (Versión Jazz) O...
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America: los colonizaires europèus tuèron tantes abitants que lo clima mondial ne cambièt
Segon un estudi de l’UCL, la mòrt de 56 milions d’estatjants del continent entraïnèt la pichona edat de glaç de l’an 1600 Lo massacre de la reina Anacaona e de sos subjèctes. Gravadura originala publicada en 1598 dins la ‘Brevissima relacion de la destruccion de las Índias’ de Bartolomé de Las Casas. Los colonizaires europèus tuèron tantes autoctòns en America que se produguèt un cambiament…

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Vivo en un mundo en que la libertad tiene precio: procura que tus palabras sean mejores que el silencio.
Rafael Lechowski
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Efímer #fred #glace #glaç #gebre #cold #elberguedà #elberguedàésmoltmés #nature #natura (at Santa María De Marlés, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtZ1Mjhuew/?igshid=6zyzc153ahb8
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La fira dels Torrons de Llinars
La fira dels Torrons de Llinars

La vila de Llinars del Vallés està situada al Vallès Oriental. La trobareu un cop passat Granollers i Cardedeu, a peu d’autopista AP-7, en una plana oberta entre la Serralada Litoral, el Corredor i el Montseny. El casc antic conserva encara el magnífic castell senyorial, anomenat el Castellnou, que és un dels únics palaus renaixentistes de Catalunya, i el més bonic, tal i com sona. Ja per…
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Infeliz y cada vez más triste. Como cuando sueñas, te enamoras, te despiertas y no existe.
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Cultures de l'Edat de Glaç a Europa (120.000 a 15.000 aP).
#mapa#cartografia#Edat de Glaç#Edat de Gel#cultura#Europa#Homo heidelbergensis#Homo neanderthalensis#Homo sapiens#Aurinyacià#Gravetià#Magdalenià#Primera Humanitat
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#Glaç i #neu a @ValldeNuria a #VallDeNúria #Queralbs #Ripollès (at Vall de Núria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0ttyQlSl7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=915zt6o4s6ac
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Copa de fruita natural i formatge amb cruixent de galeta
Ingredients: (per a 2 persones) 150gr. de formatge crema (Philadelphia) meló i sindria 200gr. de nata líquida (més o menys) 50gr. de sucre glaç 2 cullerades de licor Grand Marnier galetes napolitanes triturades Preparació: Talleu el meló i la sindria, en boles. Poseu-les dins de les copes. Barregeu el formatge amb el sucre glaç i el licor. Quan estigui tot integrat, afegiu la nata, a poc a…

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Procura que tus palabras sean mejores que el silencio
36.500 Días - Rafael Lechowski
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Cavaliers du froid et saints de glace
Cavaliers du froid et saints de glace
Cavallers del fred i sants de glaç Jean-Luc Modat Si à Pâques nous avons joui de magnifiques journées ensoleillées… Pouvons-nous pour autant reléguer le mauvaise temps au placard ? Méfions-nous car Avril avec ses extravagances nous réserve bien des surprises ! Une petite piqûre de rappel ou un vaccin s’imposent à tous car la confusion règne entre Cavaliers du froid et Saints de glace. Les…

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#ant Jordi (Saint Georges)#bookelis#Castelnou#Cavaliers du froid#Cavaliers du froid et saints de glace#Cavallers del fred i sants de glaç#Collioure#Jean-Luc Modat#livre#lune rousse et saints de glace#MA CUISINE CATALANE#Perpignan#Saints de glace
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Sustainable renovation on historical footprints - Not quite new, but still quite unique
Sustainable renovation on historical footprints – Not quite new, but still quite unique
Part fairytale, part history and always impressive – hotels and holiday homes in historic buildings have a very special charm. Our Green Pearls® partner hotels also love the history of their properties. Therefore, they place great importance on preserving the historical roots and combining them with modern and contemporary standards. A short journey through time to the fascinating origins of the…

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