#give her all the pegasi
queercontrarian · 2 months
Gwyneth Berdara
Priestess. Carynthian. Valkyrie.
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retromochi · 1 month
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lovingly still drawing mlp redesigns in the year of our lord 2024 these are kind of for a very casual next gen au of mine, but honestly i just like imagining ponies in different ways :-) (more info + headcanons under the cut!)
fluttershy: - trans (she/her), sapphic, autistic - she's a deerpony mix, with her maternal grandmother being a deer and her maternal grandfather a pegasus. - has sensory issues with cutting her hair, so she's content to just let it be long. - has large wings, but not a lot of strength. she's better at gliding, and can't really get herself into the air very well. - tallest of the mane six. twilight: - nonbinary (they/she), bisexual, autistic - all ponies have magic in them that can give their bodies physical changes, with twilight being an extreme example. the star patterns on her chest appeared after wielding the elements of harmony for the first time, the stars on her hooves appeared after becoming an alicorn, and the yellow streak in her hair appeared after defeating tirek. - has fairly bad eyesight, but prefers using her glasses rather than using magic to fix her vision. - can't fly as fast as most pegasi, but has good endurance. - shortest of the mane six, although she's only barely shorter than rainbow. pinkie pie: - gnc (any pronouns, but loves being called sister), pansexual - her full name is rose quartz pie, in line with the rock and gemstone theme in her family, but pinkie was a nickname that just stuck. - chiffon swirl/mrs. cake is her maternal aunt, they have more in common than pinkie does with her mom, but pinkie loves them both equally. - her strength nearly rivals applejack, she has super strong legs from bouncing and jumping everywhere. applejack: - bigender (he/she), sapphic - inherited her father's hat and her mother's hairbands - all of the apple siblings have accessories left to them by their parents. - prefers going by AJ or jackie, only granny smith usually calls her by her full name. - ties up her hair when working, and keeps the fetlocks on her back hooves trimmed short.
rainbow dash: - nonbinary (he/she/they), queer, ADHD - like twilight, rainbow has extreme examples of her body changing with magic. her cutie mark got longer after performing each sonic rainboom, and the colors in her hair appeared after she got her cutie mark to begin with. - originally named bluejay dash, changed her name to match her new look. her parents still call her "jay" from time to time. - never quite shook the rainbow crash nickname, she's a great flier but not so great at landings. has a fair share of scrapes and bruises, but they dont bother her. rarity: - cis (she/her), omnisexual - part crystal pony on her dad's side, her mane and coat have a slight crystaline look to them in the right light. - changes her hairstyle a lot, but has it tied up when working in her studio. - crafts beautiful jewelry, in addition to her clothes and accessories.
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ma1dita · 6 months
🐥 okay but how about a lil something based off of lyrics from 18 by Anarbor
So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them
Show them you're all grown up
If long hair and tattoos are what attract you
Baby then you're in luck
And I know it's just a phase
You're not in love with me
You wanna piss off your parents, baby
Piss off your parents
That's alright with me
dionysus!reader just turned 18 and is proving to her dad that she's all grown up but D won't listen cuz she's the only girl child he has so she dates the golden boy of camp, Luke Castellan to piss off her dad which he doesn't approve bcs well, he's his father's son
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: yall know i love a dionysus!reader. in a world where rick didn't write children's books, luke castellan would've had tattoos and definitely fucked. anyways suggestive content ahead!!
wc: 692
You were only going to date Luke Castellan to prove a point.
You’re 18 now, and it’s about time that daddy dearest takes you seriously. Being Dionysus’ only daughter meant that you were essentially kept under lock and key, and it was so unfair in the grand scheme of things—there’s inhibitions inside you that beg to be set free… It’s not your fault. Might as well hit him where it hurts—so you went for the bane of Mr. D’s godly existence, also known as Luke Castellan.
It’s not your fault that your dad’s temper drove you to the doorstep of Cabin 11, twirling your hair between your fingers as you waited to see their cabin counselor. He sauntered over to the door with a half-grin on his face, slinging his arm to lean against the doorframe as he hovers over you. It’s not often that Camp Half-Blood’s princess comes asking for a favor. You always get what you want, even without asking, so it was a surprise to hear you give him the proposition of being in a fake relationship.
Truthfully, there was nothing in it for him. He’s a nice guy, and Luke just loves to piss your dad off. To outsiders, there was nothing that made more sense than Mr. D’s little girl dating the camp hero–Luke’s hand gripping your waist like it’s a vice and you pressing kisses onto his jaw and neck unlike the innocent girl everyone thought you were. Holding hands in public, sucking face at the bonfire, playing house with the campers—it was all part of a show that everyone adored, all except for Mr. D.
Your dad saw straight through it—hating that you had to pick a son of Hermes, hating the reality of his daughter entangling herself with the older boy who’s innate nature is to trick and deceive and penetrate through the many defenses your father set to protect you. It’s his fault for raising you to make everyone eat out of the palm of your hand. You always get what you want, and even daddy’s little princess isn’t safe from the wiles of that scar-faced sucker. It was a losing battle, even for the god of insanity—poor guy pulling at his graying hair at the conduct report Chiron put on his desk a few weeks later. 
Getting caught in the stables with Luke’s hand up your skirt and your soft hands grazing the tattoos along his torso wasn’t necessarily part of the plan. The two of you were moving hay bales for the pegasi and it was hard work (that you made Luke do as you sat pretty on an overturned bucket). He was glistening with sweat, lifting his shirt to wipe his mouth—revealing the cascading tattoos along his ribcage and infiltrating your mind with other things he could put his mouth to if he wanted. 
Who are we kidding—you want Luke Castellan, and you’ll be damned if you don’t have him right now.
All it took was scrunching up the hem of your denim skirt over your crossed legs and smiling at him in the sunlight and he was on you—twisting and writhing in hay as you kissed like your lives depended on it, even without an audience. The grins on both your faces signaled that neither of you cared, him grabbing the plush of your ass and you raking your nails up the back of his neck. Luke presses kisses into your collarbone, whispering things your dad would smite him for, but to you, it was like he was putting in the password to your untapped thirst. Ecstasy was about to unfurl with how his fingers played with the band of your underwear, tiny noises and nods letting him know he was doing everything right. It’s not your fault, really—you just want to prove a point!
But then the both of you were caught red-handed by a satyr, lips kiss-swollen and giggling at how he unraveled you so quickly. A conduct report was filed, but it didn’t stop Luke from finding new ways to unlock your deepest desires.
Besides, picking at locks is part of Luke’s expertise, among other things.
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captainzigo · 4 months
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master post of all the content ive made for freako funtime icecream surprise so far. she is a pinkie clone from the mirror pool. she survived, and wants revenge on twilight for killing her sisters, and giving her all this body dysmorphia from blasting her hand off. she is two face like from batman which i think is cool. that other pinkie clone is confetti cakepop who was made by @idiotvision who is much more successful living in secret and not wanting revenge. she takes freako in out of pitty. girlboy failed clone of twilight is just that. hes from an au im working on where evil fascist pegasi are trying to artificially create an alicorn as part of a plot to take over equestria.
below the break is links to fanart of freako. and other pinky clone ocs who self report to be inspired be her.
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dandytron2000 · 3 months
My Little Dungeon AU pony magic explained
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The three types of pony magic; unicorn, earth pony and pegasi are fundamentally the same, the only difference is how it's cast.
All pony magic comes from something known as candy dust. It's a subclass of mana, which comes from the breaches between the physical and the magical world. Ponies themselves are creatures originally from the magic world that migrated to the physical world so long ago nobody remembers how or why it happened. Candy dust is an especially potent type of mana that can only be safely used by magic world natives. Some ponies are also able to make limited contact with other creatures from their native dimension, enhancing their magic further.
Unicorn magic: Name of Control
Unicorns use raw star dust without any aid from spirits by cultivating their pure magic roots. It takes an iron will and a strong character with maybe a bit of narcissism to become a powerful caster as a unicorn. It is very dangerous to create new spells, one wrong step may result in a disaster. Majority of unicorns learn their magic through experience of others as to avoid dealing with the risks of candy dust blowing up in their face.
Twilight is a bit of a nutjob when it comes to magic so after she learned every spell she was interested in from the books, she disregarded all warnings and started creating her own spells. She did succeed, creating numerous new, powerful spells and earning herself the title of a warrior princess, but she did pay the price. The unsuccessful attempts left permanent scars, most noticeable being the star mark on her face and the wing-like mark on her back.
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Rarity also uses Control, though in a significantly different way from unicorns. She uses the vibration of impact instead of raw will to manipulate candy dust, mainly by tapping her hoof in certain rhythmic patterns. It becomes much stronger when done in water.
Earth pony magic: Name of Cooperation
Cooperation is arguably the most versatile out of the three types. Unlike Control and Cohabitation that have very strict limits put on them unless you're fucking unhinged and are willing to risk your life, Cooperation is only limited by how much work you are willing to put into mastering it. Name of Cooperation is all about working together. It is usually cast through song, the more powerful spells requiring a chorus of sometimes dozens of ponies.
It takes a pony to be completely in tune with nature, their peers and the world at large, as well as deep compassion for others and high empathy to become a great mage as an earth pony. Having a good ear for music also helps, but chanting is just as effective as singing for most spells.
It is also quite common for earth ponies to work with creatures from the magic world. It's quite rare, but some families, including the Apple family, have guardian spirits they believe to be their ancestors. They hold yearly festivals to honor the spirits with song for the magic and food for the friends. It's unclear if there is any real correlation or not, but ponies from families that honor their spirits tend to be more powerful mages than their peers.
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Pegasi magic: Name of Cohabitation
Pegasi are able to concenrate large amounts of candy dust within their bodies, which makes them quite close in nature to a pure magic creature which gives them the ability of flight, to walk on water and clouds as well as almost effortless control over some phenomena. Pegasi essentially are part spirits because of this. It takes a relaxed, open-minded, and free individual to become a truly powerful pegasi. Because of their more closely aligned nature, pegasi are able to sense spirits more clearly. All ponies have some sort of feel for spirits, but it's more of that they'll feel off if there aren't any spirits around, while pegasi can sense them as if they were present on the same physical plain as ponies, they are even able to tell what type of spirit and how strong it is. Some can communicate with the spirits and even make deals and contracts, further enhancing their magic potential.
Fluttershy is a great example of a pegasi that made a deal with a spirit. She, much like most of her family for many generations had made a pact with a powerful wolf-like spirit from the everfree forest. It increased her every physical characteristic and gave her strong healing magic, but the wolf spirit's power also permanently changed her appearance and made her a carnivore.
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Her younger brother Zephyr also has a pact with a wolf, though instead of healing magic he had received clairvoyance, and her older brother Angel had made a pact with a killer rabbit, which is a strange choice for an animal sprit in the Shy werewolf family but it seems to be working out for him just fine.
Chaos magic
A rare form of magic, also called Name of Null, it uses very potent and unstable mana that comes from the world above the equestrian dungeon. It is largely absent below the middle point of the sky dome and peaks of the northern mountains, but ponies that once used this potent mana seem to never be able to get rid of it even if they go far away from the source. It gets stuck in their hair, in their fur and even in their mind like a whole lot of invisible magic glitter.
It's difficult to classify the way chaos magic is cast into specific types, however it can be similar to a combination of some aspects from multiple Names ponies use.
Pinkie pie concentrates a lot of Null mana which gives her the supernatural senses she is known for, and uses strange verbal magic practiced only by the witches of the Pie family.
Rainbow Dash accumulates mana just like any pegasus would, but because of the limited exposure to Null mana, some of it got mixed into her candy dust. While it's not a lot, taking up less than 20% of her total mana she is able to use it very effectively by controlling the chaos magic the same way a unicorn would. This allows her to do tricks physically impossible for a regular pegasus!
Discord, on the other hand, is a unique case. He has never used any of the Names ponies use, so he developed a unique style of chaos magic. Anything he thinks of could just, conjure itself into reality at any moment. He has no control over what comes to be and what doesn't, the only thing he seems to have any control over is the colors and patterns of his body. Though, many changes seem to be involuntary and dependant on his emotions. His mother says he should make a pact with a greater spirit to gain control over his power, but he adamantly refuses to do so as spirits scare him and he doesn't want them to touch him.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
Do you think each court has their own winged fae? I read Home to Me and can't stop thinking of it.
The Winged Fae of Prythian Headcanons
Warnings - references to wing sensitivity in all ways, long post, sad back stories
A/n - poll at the end for giggles
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Dawn - The Peregryn
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Similar to the Illyrians, Peregryns are a warrior breed of winged fae
Liz personally pictured hawk to falcon like wings
Their wings allow them to be agile and very fast due to how narrow they are in comparison to Illyrian wings
Their wings are sensitive like Illyrians, but due to the protection the feathers provide, you have to be a little rougher for the same reactions.
Their wings are considered very sacred.
If you were to court a Peregryn male, if they intend to marry you, they will pluck one of their feathers, causing them pain, and offer it to you. Mainly, females will weave that feather in their hair, carrying a piece of their husband at all times.
Peregryn females offer similar tokens to their loves. Males will turn them to writing quills, signing important documents as if their wife is right beside them.
Day - The Celestine
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The Celestine are a thought to be an extinct race. They were hunted down by Amarantha's forces.
She did not stop until every last one she knew of was wiped from the court, a cold and calculated move she knew hurt Helion and his father
The Celestine got their name from their wings. Feathers of pure white that glitter gold in the Day Court sunlight. They were thought to be celestial bodies until one of the former Lords of Day finally approached one and realized they were fae
They were a breed of scholars, specifically studying the pegasus. Before Amarantha's attack, you would commonly see them flying with the majestic horses and handling their care.
There are a handful left that warded themselves with the remaining pegasi. The race is slowly rebuilding, but like all fae, pregnancy is rare.
Helion has kept them secret, finding them much to valuable to his court to risk someone getting the same idea.
The Celestine do not have wing sensitivity the way Illyrians and Peregryn do. Their feathers are rather thick.
They do still use their wings as a courting symbol. They will turn a few feather into a clip for their partner's hair. The clips are traditional gold with gems.
Night - The Illyrians
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Arguably the most powerful of the Winged fae, the Illyrians reside in the mountains of the Night Court
They are a race of warriors with strong bat like wings.
Due to their wings being so exposed, they are highly sensitive. You could gently run the back of your finger along the ridge and bring a grown male to his knees.
Wings are not used for courting purposes to illyrians, but they are seen as sacred. To touch an illyrian's wings is a great privilege.
Female wings are typically larger than male wings. Hince why they are clipped during a female's first cycle. It makes them non functional and stops them from overshadowing the males.
Autumn - The Leaf Folk
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The Leaf Folk race is truly extinct. The Autumn Lords hunted them down like it was a sport for their unique wings.
Their wings were seen as treasures to the people of Autumn due to them being so similar to the leaves of the forest, thus making them a desired object for mating presents and a sign of wealth
They were peaceful fae. Their sole purpose was maintaining the apple trees, ensuring each and every single one was perfect and producing ripe fruits.
Their wings make crinkling noises like autumn leaves as well, giving them camouflage and protection.
Little is known regarding their courting traditions, but it is known they rarely bred or married outside of their own kind
Beron had met one. A female. It was during his youth, before he had been fully corrupted by his father. He learned firsthand how sensitive their wings were.
Just a breath could make this fae putty.
Since the last female was found, her wings now splayed in the Autumn Court throne room long after her death, there's rot settling into the court.
It started in the orchard furthest from the Forest House and has slowly spread.
The last female had whispered something in a tongue no one understood. Centuries later, Eris discovered it was a curse. One that would end when the love of the last female met his death.
Summer - The Stormmakers
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The pride of the summer court.
Rich deep grey wings that spark with lightning, the Stormmakers can change the weather with just a breath of magic.
Their wings blend perfectly into storm clouds, their favorite place to play.
Touching their wings is dangerous. They carry lightning in every feather. It can make for an exciting experience if you are into that type of play, though.
They typically do not feel the touch on their wings due to the numbness the constant sparking caused
They are a thriving race, and most are found in their small community they have carved out in a cave.
Courting is not a thing amoung this race. They marry young based on deals made by their parents to ensure a strong bloodline
Spring - Flower Folk
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The flower folk are treasures to the Spring Court.
Their wings come in a variety of colors, shapes, and styles, but they are all consistently irredescent and translucent.
They are very peaceful and almost always unseen. Their magic allows them to change their sizes, and most choose to live in fae gardens and houses set up by children in Spring.
They work with pollinators to keep the flowers and fruits growing and producing.
Their wings break very easily due to how thin they are. They do not partake in wing play with just anyone for that reason.
These fae learned to communicate with bees, so it is very common to see them dancing, little pieces of sparkling fae dust coming off them as they do
These are the fae humans warn their children most about, the playful pixies who will lead them into dangerous fae traps.
These fae offer each other butterflies as a courting gift. To exchange a butterfly with them is to accept their offer of marriage due to how sacred they see their winged friends.
Winter - Ice Spirits
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Rarely seen and very deadly
These fae have been known to freeze others for discovering their hide outs.
They were once believed to be myth, a nightmare mother's warned their faelings about.
One was dragged to Kallias's father by her hair, and that bond snapping led to one of winter's most well-kept secrets.
They want to be left alone. Do you know how hard it is to maintain winter over four courts?
Their wings look soft, but they are actually made of snow and ice. You can't melt them, though, don't worry.
They hold a soft spot of their Lord and Lady, always willing to take a load off his shoulders and rebuild broken ice dams.
Rhys once approached them asking for more snow fall in Velaris. Mistake. Huge. Mistake.
These fae are well known for their ice sports, but be prepared to watch from a distance
They tried to teach Kal how to ice skate once, he is too muscular to be graceful on the ice and had to instead settle for what they call "hockey." The High Lord has received a few black eyes during his time playing.
These fae also tend to only marry within their own kind.
They purpose with a snowflake they hand crafted. The more intricate the pattern, the longer your love took to craft it for you.
Their wings are always numbed due to how cold they are, but they absolutely love temperature play. Warmth is such a rare thing for them to feel, and it makes their wings very sensitive.
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ashleyfableblack · 3 months
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Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow. She set the hammer aside and groaned. Her hooves were sore from the day's chores and adding putting up a billboard on top of the list had been a bit more tiring than the middle-aged mare had expected.
Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof around her wife and appraised her work. With a peck on the neck and a poke in the ribs she gave up a smirk of approval. "Not bad. Not bad. Nice work, hon."
"Heh" Applejack chuckled, rising to her hooves. "Eeyep."
Rainbow Dash joined in her knowing chuckle. "So, what made you finally decide to put it up?"
Applejack gave her partner's hoof a pat, looking over the bright yellow billboard. In white letters, trimmed it black it read "No Hate In Our Holler". She had wanted to be sure it would be in a highly visible place somewhere well-trafficked so she had chosen the Northeastern trail. Dubbed "The Naughty Nor-easter" for it's reputation as a place for young lovers to take romantic walks together, it was a long, broad dirt path which bordered their family orchard closest to Ponyville and facing New Canterlot.
"You 'n me, Dashie. We're, well, celebrities. We're heroes to a whole mess of folkes."
Rainbow Dash grinned, giving AJ a squeeze. "Well, yeah." Rainbow said matter-of-factly "We are pretty awesome."
Applejack's jade eyes trailed to the nearby field. Amid the waves of short green shoots and fluffy patches of clover, their little Filly, R.J. giggled and squealed. The tiny orange pegasus awkwardly stumbled about in circles, playing with the family dog, Winona and one of their family's two on-site security-hoofs, a Changeling they called Blue. Blue usually took the form of a grey-muzzled Blue-heeler hound, as she did now and could often be found by Winona's side. Blue seemed to have a certain fondness for the old border collie which Applejack only understood well enough to understand that she didn't understand.
"We've done a lot to make this world a better place. For all the young'uns. But for her? OUR little R.J.? Is it enough?" She gave her partner's hoof a concerned squeeze. "What if she grows up and falls for one of them Changelin' gals?"
Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed. "Well, we wouldn't care."
"Well of course, we wouldn't. Most folkes wouldn't. Still, there's some ponies out there with their noses in the air and sticks up their backsides who'd be awful to them. The same ones who'd be all rude to you'n me on accounts of us bein' what we are."
"A Pegasus and an Earth Pony?"
Applejack nodded, her nostrils flared and jaw clenched. "Yeahp. And that ain't right, Dashie. That ain't right and that ain't no way to treat a body. And if THAT's the legacy we're leaving for our little R.J. then, elements or not, what kind of mamas are we?"
"Yeah. You know, that last time we all went out to The Lavendar Saddle, Chryssi was telling me that in the Stormlands, some of those creepy jerks would actually even hate on us just for us both being mares?"
Applejack jerked around to glare at her wife in wide-eyed shock. "Say what?"
Rainbow Dash raised a wing, folding a few feathers like fingers in a promisory salute. "Swear to P.W."
"You gotta be kidding me. What kinda stone-age, bass-ackwards tom-foolery is that?"
"I know, right?" The pegasus ruffled her crest of chest fluff with a snort of disdain. "I mean, it's not ALL of them but enough that it's actually a problem for the rest of their kingdom."
"Well, I'll be…" Applejack shook her had and whistled. "I know that us ponies had a problem with that nonsense WAY back in the old days but… Coo-whee."
"Yeah." Rainbow's feathers ruffled, flush with Equestrian patriotism. "But that was, like a THOUSAND years ago, maybe. And even then it was just the stuffy old-money unicorn jerks from up in the richie-rich mountains.
Applejack nodded. "Well, anyhoof, this country that Twi and that bughorse wife a'hers are building, this 'New Equestria', it's gonna be a place for all critters to live together. Ponies 'n Pegasi, Unicorns 'n Yaks, Changelings, Lovebugs, Griffins, Kirins and… well, all folkes. Just a-living and a-loving, together. Nobody fightin'. Nobody feudin'. Nobody looking down on anybody. It's gonna take a lotta work but for our little R.J.? That's a place worth fightin' for, even for old gals like us."
"Hey, don't go calling my wife old, cowgirl." Rainbow mussed her wife's mane with the feather fingers of her wings. "That's the right way to catch these hoofs, you, get me?"
Applejack gave her partner a playful punch in the shoulder and gestured towards the sign. "I recollect an old gal, some of our kin- a loooong ways back, once saying something like "Whenever one pony stands up and says 'Wait a minute, this is wrong’ it helps other ponies do the same."
Rainbow Dash nodded, proudly draping her wings around her wife in a protective embrace. The two mares looked to the horizon as the sounds of their daughter's laughter echoed on the sweet summer breeze. "And who better to stand up and say it but the Sweet Apple Acres Elements of Harmony?"
Inspired by the work of the Concerned Appalachians and everyone who came before to stand up and say "Wait a minute, this is wrong."
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animezinglife · 4 months
Lucien and Helion Headcanons (A.K.A. Wishful Thinking for a HEA)
Even though the initial adjustment is rough knowing they're father and son (especially with the inevitable frustration around the Lady of Autumn's circumstances), both Helion and Lucien genuinely try to be on good terms. Lucien is initially the more resistant, and it's Elain who helps him through this (having had plenty of experience in resisting potential love in another form).
Helion willingly takes Lucien under his wing and genuinely likes him from the start. It's awkward for a while, but Lucien's personality starts to come out, and it's because of him that everyone hears the High Lord's laugh for the first time in ages: a loud, braying laugh that Elain and the Lady of Autumn both know well.
Helion teaches Lucien the ins-and-outs of Day, but makes sure Lucien knows he's willing to answer anything about what happened (and what didn't). He will be transparent with him. When these conversations happen, they aren't always easy, and sometimes, Lucien's tongue gets a bit too sharp from the hurt he experienced, both on his own and on behalf of his mother. Helion proves to be patient, and there are certain topics the two simply agree to disagree on for now. They're good at keeping it amicable, and the two can easily converse about business over breakfast the next day without any real tension.
Lucien begins to see what a strong leader Helion is (and all a High Lord can be) in a whole new light, and Helion starts to realize how remarkable his son really is. His intelligence, his perception, resourcefulness, and genuinely good nature. It's that good nature and kindness towards others that really makes Helion love his son.
When watching Elain and the Lady of Autumn bonding (both of whom are adored by Helion, to the point Lucien jokes that his father likes her better than him but is happy about it), Helion opens up about his regrets where the Lady is concerned, and compliments the way Lucien is with Elain. That he's proud of him not just because of who he is for her and what he was willing to risk for her, but that he's proud to call Lucien his son for everything he is.
Lucien irregularly starts referring to Helion as his father after that, though he can't quite bring himself to call Helion "Father" directly (which Elain finds deeply amusing).
Helion's personality also starts to come out more and these two end up being the Father/Son Chaos Duo as they start to loosen up. Lucien gets his ass handed to him at Day Court sports regularly by Helion and Day's warriors, but that doesn't stop him from being competitive about it and the two trash-talking each other. Needless to say, Elain and the Lady of Autumn are never bored during the former and Lucien's visits or stays in Day.
For such a skilled horseman, the thought of riding any of the Pegasi is more than a little unnerving to Lucien. Elain is actually the first of the two to do it (a fact Helion enjoys good-naturedly reminding him of). Meallan won't stop giving him the side-eye and pinning his ears back every time Lucien's eye makes a sound, and Lucien mutters to the stallion that he's an asshole. Despite it, the two genuinely begin to like each other and bond over the fact both thinks the other is an asshole. It's actually a sweet mare who immediately takes a liking to Lucien that finally gets him up in the air.
Lucien begins to genuinely look forward to the time they spend in Day, and Elain adores it there not just for the sunshine, but because of her family.
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soniana252 · 5 months
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Pre-movie ponysona lore 🗣️🗣️
tfw when you're investigating a suspect for being too interested in pegasi and possible technology smuggling, but she's always doing weird fangirl stuff around you and that's distracting so you can never catch her-
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Here's the whole story down the cut fdfd
Pre-movie events, Sketchy Blush used to be an unsolved case on sheriff Hitch's career. An earth pony with nothing unusual to report who suddenly wouldn't leave her home and avoid any questions? Odd. It was when Hitch heard her asking Sunny about pegasi, then spotted her drawing on an odd device later that night — some sort of...thin screen you could use without any cables? A 'tablet' if he heard her muttering correctly — that he knew he had to investigate. Easier said than done. How could he focus with her acting the weirdest ways whenever they met?
Sketchy loved art, but she was not into painting nor drawing on paper like all earth ponies, so why did she have an oddly-shaped pen on her cutie mark? One day she stumbled with an artist pegasus who pretended to be an earth pony to study them (probably not canon but tbh I HEAVILY doubt no pony ever tried watching the others closely at least once even if for the thrill of it, look at Argyle). Once it was clear he was no murderous creature, she got interested in what he did and they made a deal. Everytime he visited she'd give him food and answer any questions, and he would give her pegasi technology so she could do digital art too. She managed to live off commissions and all that stuff. Shame she had to pretend to be a pegasi in social media AND hide her new life from her own kind. The worst part? The handsome sheriff won't stop investigating her!
ye that's all. I wanted to explore the idea of what if a pony was fated to do something not available yet because of the division, hence the idea of her doing something that required advanced technology. That led to the dynamic of suspect vs sheriff. Hitch treated her as a criminal mastermind bc he just could never catch her on the act, but really she only managed to get away by sheer stupidity lmao They do warm up to each other with time(the chase becomes more fun than irritant at some point), but it's not until everypony begins living in harmony and her profession became...well, legal I guess, that they can properly become friends(and maybe more ;) )
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
Sunlit Gotham ALTERNATE Plot Point
Justice League Meets Camp Half Blood (Batman's POV-ish)
The Batplane lands in a field nearby some tents. Superman and Wonder Woman are already talking to a handful of teens wearing Ancient Greek battle armor. Other teens work around the makeshift battle camp, sharpening weapons, preparing traps, and tending to the wounded.
“We have some scouts spying on the other army.” A tall blonde teenager informs the three adult heroes. “They should be coming back any time now.” 
Superman cocks his head to the side and glances out towards the trees across the battlefield. 
“Three teenagers?” He asks.
“Yeah, three of our counselors.” The teen - Malcolm, as he introduces himself, says.
“They’re sprinting this way.” Superman begins to hover slightly, “And they’re being chased by something big.”
Whipping around, Malcolm sprints towards a table that holds a mirrored shield on it. He pulls it close and demands, “Show me the stealth team.”
The shield’s surface ripples and as it clears it shows an aerial view of three teens sprinting through the forest. The shortest member is repeatedly making a hand signal as they run.
Swearing under his breath, Malcolm calls out, “Miranda! Get Ready To Activate the Vine Trap!”
A handful of teens sprint out, carrying packets of seeds. They scatter the seeds around and run back to a safe distance away, hiding amongst nearby bushes to stay out of sight.
The group of three break through the trees, running straight towards the new group. The teen in the lead holds a scroll in their hands as they sprint straight towards the scattered seeds. The other two are close behind. 
Exploding out of the trees comes a large snake-like creature. It roars and spittle flies everywhere, burning away the grass where it lands. It’s intent on chasing down its prey.
“By Hera, that’s a Drakon.” Diana whispers in horror
As the monster gets close enough, the hidden teens do something and the seeds begin to grow into vines. They grasp the Drakon and it bucks, trying to throw them off. 
A member of the trio turns around to watch and lets out a cheer as the Drakon stills. Then the giant head snaps up, its eyes glaring directly at the teen. They freeze, and the other two sprint past. The shortest member skids to a halt and turns back towards their friend just as the Snake HEAVES upwards, snapping the vines.
“Connor! Move!” They sprint back towards the frozen teen - Connor - and tackle him out of the way as the snake dives into the ground where they had just been. 
Pulling him to his feet, the smallest teen takes off sideways across the field, dragging Connor behind them as the snake turns and gives chase.
The two shout back and forth as they run, waving their arms wildly before Connor nods and takes the lead. The other one makes sure to follow exactly where he steps.
“Holy shit.” Malcolm mutters from where he stands, “They’re going for the minefield.”
“The what?” Superman asks, concerned.
A different teen comes to stand beside Malcolm, he has a green flannel thrown over his bright orange t-shirt. 
“Gods dam-it, Sky. You idiot.” He swears under his breath.
“Kayla!” Malcolm barks out, “Get the chariot and get them out of there!” 
A girl with dyed hair shakes her head wildly. “The pegasi won’t go near a Drakon. They just won’t do it.”
“Shit. We gotta get them out of there. 
The Drakon hits the minefield.
A Concussive blast sounds out, quickly followed by another, and another. The ground shakes and the two teens stumble but continue to sprint.
“They’re not gonna make it.” Malcolm mutters.
“They’re gonna make it.” The other blonde counters.
“They’re not gonna make it.”
“They’re gonna make it.”
“They’re not gonna make it.”
“They’re gonna — SHIT They’re not gonna make it!”
One last blast knocks the two teens off their feet.
A gust of wind is all the notice the spectators have before Superman is back, both teens in his arms. He’s trying not to make it obvious, but Batman can tell he’s looking at the shorter teen in shock.
Both kids stumble to the ground as Clark puts them down and immediately the blonde in the flannel approaches them, glowing gold. 
After a few moments he leans back slightly and asks, “Can you hear me now?”
They both nod.
“Good.” He looks satisfied for a moment before his face morphs into a glare. “THEN WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?”
“Oww, do you have to shout?” The shortest one hisses.
“Skylar. Ann. Richardson.” He grinds out.
Oh no. Bruce think’s desperately, Please tell me that’s not why Clark was looking at them in shock.
“Of all the Stupid Stunts that can be pulled you choose to lead a DRAKON into the MINE FIELD????” The kid is still ranting.
Skylar pulls off their helmet to reveal an alarmingly familiar face. 
“It worked, didn’t it?” She asks pointedly.
“That’s Not The Point!” Flannel shrieks. “You Almost Died!”
“We always almost die.” Connor points out.
“Do not start with me, Connor Stoll.” A finger is pointed at his chest.
“Will.” Sky leans forward and grabs Will’s hand. “We’re fine. I’m fine. We’re ok.” She glances up and balks slightly at the sight of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman standing before them.
Blinking a few times she opens her mouth again. “….On second thought, maybe you should check me for a concussion… I think I’m hallucinating the Justice League.”
Chuckling slightly, Diana reaches out a hand and pulls her to her feet. “You are not hallucinating, young one. We have recently discovered your existence and are here to offer whatever aid we can provide.”
“Oh.” Skylar says faintly. "Cool."
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kekaki-cupcakes · 11 months
hello, are you still doing requests?
if so, could i have some sibling headcanons of nico with a hades kiddo that's really peppy and into colorful things and people find it hard to believe they're siblings at first because their personalities are polar opposites of each other?
Heya, I'm still doing requests but I have so many so it might take a while to get an answer, feel free to request something else though! This kind of went off track but oh well <3
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Don't take it to heart---Nico/opposite aesthetics sibling!reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
-The minute you skipped up to the porch of the Hades Cabin with your stripey rainbow leg warmers and a tote bag with a stupid pun about a show with something called ‘carebears’, Nico winced.
-He’d need sunglasses if he had to keep looking at you, but he didn’t really want to borrow the big yellow star ones on the end of your nose, so maybe that was a bad idea. Your first interaction went a bit like this:
You: “Heya, you're the emo kid, right? I’m new! So, where’s our cabin?” 
Nico: “Uh… you're supposed to go that way.”
You: “No, that’s the Iris cabin, at least that’s what Chiron said. I’m your new sibling, by the way. Chiron said we have one in Rome too! 
Nico: I- well, yes, I- we do.
You: Are they as grumpy looking as you?
-Needless to say you got off to a great start. Nico proceeded to dump your bags on one of the beds, which has a zebra print doona matching one of your headbands, and then left immediately. You shrugged it off, obviously, and started stacking your things on the coffin shaped bookshelves. You ignored the candle that was supposed to smell like ‘the souls of the damned’, and put your own flowery one next to it. 
-You found out you loved arts and crafts, where you made friendship bracelets with Lacy, as well as pegasi riding. You saw Nico once, and he waved awkwardly, but went back to the small child he was glaring at quickly. You quickly became attached to a creamy coloured mare called macaroni as well, but Butch wouldn’t let her sleep in your cabin. He did take a friendship bracelet, though. And he let you weave daisy chains into macaroni’s mane and tail, so you liked him. 
-You had brought a musty old record player with you after finding out that there was no wifi, but you had to pause ‘Washing Machine Heart’ [by Mitski, of course] when Nico came trudging into the now bright cabin. You’d opened all the curtains and taken the spiders that fell from them outside, dumping them in the bushes behind the Athena cabin. 
-Nico stared at the squishmellows on your bed and then the dreamcatcher by one of the windows, and the row of brightly coloured converse with striped laces lined up by his three different pairs of black Doc Martens. 
-He shrugged his jacket off and went straight into the bathroom, leaving a little trail of muddy footsteps along the heart shaped rug you’d put down.
-He was just adjusting to a roommate, you told yourself. It wasn’t anything to do with you personally. You hadn’t done anything wrong, maybe you should just give him a bit of space. That was a good idea. Leave him alone for a bit until he was used to you, and don’t take it to heart. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You took it to heart.
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Months had passed, and you were thankful for the Ipad Piper [she was so nice, and she let you borrow her Olivia Rodrigo records] lent you so you could facetime the family and friends you had left behind occasionally. They had seemed to adjust to you not being there anymore, now that you knew you were a child of Hades, the outside world was too dangerous to risk. You tried not to take that to heart either.
-Macaroni was getting used to the beaded bridle you’d made her, but you were still training her to get used to flying around while you used your new weapons.
-Nyssa had helped you make them, able to actually craft a design after glancing at you scribbled drawing with glitter gel pens that you really had worked hard on. Now you had a sparkly belt with three attachments, that you could click in your spray cans too. The cans were filled with different coloured paint, only the base liquid was melted down celestial bronze flakes, so when you fought a monster, which you were still learning to do, it would seep into their eyes and turn them blind, or crack through their skin and dissolve them. You loved the spray cans.
-Drew had warmed up to you as well, and you were even invited to Barbie premier night in Cabin ten. You got to wear your sparkly leg warmers and the cropped leather jacket in a light shade of pink.
-You were making your way to the arts and crafts center with a box of clay and little paint brushes in your arms to run the pottery class [you’d been elected as head of arts and crafts pretty quickly, shared with Elsa, one of the Athena kids who specialize in weaving and sewed the cutest pajama pants] when you bumped into Nico.
-The box may have been a few heads taller than you, so it wasn’t really your fault, but Nico still snapped at you. 
-You gathered up the little tubs of paint from the grass and apologized quickly, your chest tight with anxiety. You hurried away after that, ignoring your brother as he tried to explain he hadn’t realized it was you when he hissed curse words Drew had started teaching Harley and Lacy. 
-The class went well, the scrunchies Elsa was making her girlfriend for her birthday went along well, and a few more kids than usual showed up, taking lumps of clay from the tray and working it into figures on their tables. You were making beads that you’d string onto a bracelet for Nyssa, because she always broke the plastic ones with hammers and drills accidentally.
-You thought back to your interaction with Nico and regretted it dearly. Maybe if you’d just heard him out or even apologized and blamed yourself, he might’ve come to your class to see your works, or sat with you at dinner, or even just waved from across the infirmary when you went to get panadol for your headaches. 
-You knew you got them from straining your eyes to read and draw in the dim cabin, but whenever you opened the curtains or switched on your blue lamp with a cloudy pattern that you hadn’t got to use yet, Nico cleared out completely. 
-It wasn’t your fault, you reminded yourself, you were just… too different.
-People started filing out after putting their creations to the side, you complimented each of their idea’s even though you felt like getting some Ben and Jerry’s from the camp shop and curling up in bed to watch ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ again. 
-The beads for Nyssa were nearly done, so you went to find a container to pop them in.
-When you got back, they had been ground into the bench until the delicate tracing of different things Nyssa likes were just shapeless brown blobs. An Ares kid, Grey, was standing with their arms crossed and a smirk on their face, which was mostly obscured by a nose that had been broken too many times.
-You stared down at the squashed clay and felt your eyes prickle with tears.
-Grey jeered at you, calling you things you’d rather not hear again, because they only made the tears fall. You rubbed your nose and smoothed the front of your tye-dyed camp shirt flat. Grey called after you, something about being a ‘rainbow prissy’. You stumbled out of the center.
-Nico wasn’t in your cabin when you slammed the door behind you, thankfully, and you hopped into bed, kicking your yellow converse off and pulling the doona over your head so you didn’t have to look at the skull filled walls around you.
-It was so dark, it was so dark and shadowy and there were bones you were too scared to ask about their origins lining the mirror in the bathroom you kept seeing things behind you in. Your crocheted blanket that used to sit across the black doona cover had been folded up a while ago and placed back in your suitcase, along with a few of the more multicolored posters and the fruity scented candles that seemed to annoy your half brother. 
-You rubbed your eyes with your sleeves and held your hand over your mouth so Nico wouldn’t hear crying when he would eventually come back a few hours later, late enough that you could pretend to be asleep. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-The infirmary was busy with bleeding and laughing demigods when you wandered in looking for some panadol. Your headache was making it hard to think straight, but whenever you cried too much you got one, so you knew what to do by now. 
-Will waved from over from where he was pulling a ruler, a stapler, and a glue stick out of the stomach of an Iris kid who was giggling the entire time, coughing up glitter. He grimaced when a chunk of glue hit his face. You waved back and turned the corner, heading to the rooms at the back where Austin would be. He usually had the panadol. 
-Someone groaned in the corner, and you spotted Grey. 
-They looked like a soggy bag of a human, their mauled nose the only definable shape. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the grotesque demigod blob.
-Austin shuffled up behind you with a grimace, passing over a few pills and a glass of water without looking away. You gulped them down quickly as Grey let out another moan and rolled a bit on their hospital bed. Austin told you that he’d been spotted on the floor of the Arts and crafts center. 
-Apparently, every few minutes one of his bones would disappear.
-It was only a few fingers at the start, then most of his ribs couldn’t be found and there was something wrong with his mouth, which Austin found out meant his jaw had decided to not be there. 
-A screechy sound came from the front of the infirmary, and you both looked to the door, which Clarrise was dragging Nico through, holding him up by the back of his jacket. He pummeled at the chunky daughter of Ares, but couldn’t get out of her grip. Clarrise glared around at the staring demigods and snarled, “why is this little shit de-boning Grey?”
-You didn’t know who yelled ‘that’s what she said’ from across the room.
-”Because they deserve it.” Nico hissed a bit like a cat, glaring up at Clarisse with narrowed brown eyes underneath his floppy hair.  
-Will ran up to the pair, brushing glitter off his gloved hands onto his scrubs instead. He folded his arms and stared Clarrise down until she finally let go of Nico, who dropped to the ground and then sprung back up, wrinkling his nose at the daughter of Ares, who just stuck her tongue back out at him. 
-Will pinched his nose, “Clarisse, more people come in here because of you then Nico, so you don’t get to talk. Nico, just fix them, they’re too annoying to be kept in here.”
-”But people deserved to be punched by me,” Clarrise argued with a scoff.
-”And Grey deserves to lose their bones!” Nico shot back, glaring up at Clarisse and balling his fists, “they stepped on my siblings clay stuff!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You yawned and stretched your arms out above your head, then blinked up at the roof with bleary eyes. The skulls were gone, now it was just black concrete. You rolled over a moment later and stuffed your head back into your pillow, pulling your crocheted blanket back over your head.
-There was a ‘shing’ sound as curtains were yanked open, and you just sunk further into your comfy bed, ignoring the bright beams of early morning sunshine that streamed in and lit up the dark cabin. It made the rainbow rug in the center of the cabin even brighter, and you groaned loudly in protest. “Whaddaya even doing up so early? Go back to bed you vampire!”
-”It’s only six am?”
-”You’re more of a psychopath then I thought before,” you muttered, but made sure you were loud enough that your brother could hear you as he padded round the cabin getting changed and ready for his much too early start to the day. 
-Nico huffed and the bathroom door shut as he completely ignored the hairbrush you’d given him to passive aggressively deal with his scruffy black hair. “Leo forgot the code to the safe in the big house that he changed when he was hiding those icey poles from Piper.”
-”And how are you supposed to help him remember?”
-Nico’s boots were loud on the floorboards as he trotted over. He kissed you on the forehead gently, “oh I’m not, I’m gonna go watch him suffer the consequences with Jason.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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solkatt-arts · 5 months
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Introducing some of my nextgen ponies! I made them back in 2018 and these were drawn back in 2022. Newer art is in progress ^^
Turning Gear: Inventor with some impressive magical abilities. He is intelligent but the most awkward guy you'll ever meet. He is curious and together with Time Twister he often get into trouble. Starlight has tried and failed to tame his bird's nest of a mane but to no avail.
Classic Remix: A radio host on the shyer side. She feels safe sitting behind a mic but is more withdrawn in public. She likes to dye her mane to add a splash of color to her otherwise gray appearance. Remix has a great singing voice but is too shy to sing for a crowd. She got her cm for specializing on remixing classical music, something she came to love due to her moms' frequent collabs. She shares her music on her radio show.
Lightshow: Expert at creating light shows with her magic. She works as a light “technician” of sorts on live performances. Lately she has been helping Honeycrisp Melody out on her tour. Lightshow is enthusiastic, determined and competitive. One of her favorite things to do is play hoofball with her best friend Fastlegs.
Fastlegs: Sports coach for foals of all ages. Advocates for inclusion and love to teach. He lost his left wing to cancer and had a hard time coming to terms with his new life being flightless. He is the kindest most genuine stallion around. To feel more at ease Fastlegs moved to Ponyville to be closer to his best friend Lightshow and get away from all the expectations he felt back in Cloudsdale.
Honeycrisp Melody: Country singer with a heart of gold. She is a true Apple and loves to help around the farm whenever she can. She is optimistic, excitable and social. She loves to brawl with her cousin Candid Apple and guest star on Classic Remix's radio show. Melody is rather short and unlike most Apples, not as sturdy in her build. She inherited her pegasi traits from Rara's side of the family.
Blazing Hooves: Dedicated firefighter. He is highly empathic and takes his job very seriously. Blaze can be somewhat of a party pooper due to his dedication but his baby sister can usually make him ease up a bit. He wanted to become a firefighter as a colt after his family home burned down and his sister lost one of her legs in the fire.
Time Twister: Time traveler…?👀 She is sassy and confident, as well as dramatic and a smartass. She loves to create just enough of a chaos to stay entertained in her day to day life. One of her favorite pastimes is giving magical items to Gear to tinker with. The occasional explosion is the highlight of her day.
Princess Theory: An elegant and dutiful draconequus with a knack for getting into wacky situations. She loves to pull pranks and be generally annoying. Theory has a pretty dark sense of humor but just like her father she is very charming in her ways. Her parents have passed some impressive magical abilities down to her but her favorite trick is to teleport. She has ADHD.
Candid Apple: Works on Apple Acres. He is talkative, kind, family orientated and has a severe sweet tooth. Candid loves to bake apple treats when he isn’t working the land. His favorite cousin is Melody whom he grew up with on the farm.
Zerina: Librarian for the royal family. She is kind of messy and forgetful outside of work but she's incredibly sweet. She’s humble and generous. Zerina is autistic and her special interest is Equestrian history. Due to her expertise she got the job as the head librarian in the royal library where she can study all the archived materials as she pleases. She is a close friend of princess Theory whom happens to be neurodivergent herself.
Rockslide Pie: Rodeo performer. He is clumsy, silly and tends to fumble on his words. He is bold in his performances.. There is nothing he likes more than to entertain and make others laugh, something he got to discover through his aunty Pinkie.
Not pictured:
Snow Quartz: Artist specializing on ice sculptures. She is the younger sister of Blazing Hooves but unlike her big brother she is calm and relaxed most of the time. She is spontaneous and easygoing. She's witty around her brother and likes to joke with him (on his expense). Her missing leg doesn’t bother her at all.
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gamerbearmira · 4 days
Elements of Family
Or whatever
Basically an MLP au with Encanto. Grandkids ‼️‼️ basically Mirabel is trying to earn her wings and there for the ride lmao
Cool sisters are born unicorns, warm siblings are born pegasi. They have to earn their horn/wings respectively. Antonio has to wear a magic regulator LMAOOOOO but they all did at some point
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I had some half done designs for Mirabel, Antonio and Alma. But I didn’t really like them??? Also I was watching those redesign videos of the main six and. You know I suddenly had the urge to redesign the and then give actual designs to the other grandkids 😛😛
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enquire · 23 days
Mystic Moonshade
I think I finally figured out what to do with Mikako, so here we are.
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This design was a little more out there, as I went for making her a zebra/okapi/pony hybrid!
My intent was to give her a connection to other forms of magic, and give her a bit of a mysterious vibe. The one zebra in MLP we get, Zecora, is an expert in potions and obscure medicinal magic/plants, and is a general example of a pony who uses alternative magic in a way.
I think Equestria's non-unicorn based magic; things like alchemy, potions, charms, earth pony and pegasi magic, curses, magical creatures, and of course, spirits, ghosts, and the like, would fit in well with the 'ultimate excorcist' talent. So Moonshade is an expert in all things supernatural, and obscure. (since magic is an everyday thing in Equestria after all) Still focuses most of all on the departed, but she has a lot of knowledge /interest in various stuff.
Her okapi aspects came from wanting to give her extra horns (which might be capable of producing some slightly different magic) and because the markings give here a bit more a mysterious vibe which I liked. It's a bit more detailed, but I think it's fine for now at least. Her unicorn horn functions the same way any other unicorn's would.
Anyway, on to her little background info segment:
Mystic Moonshade is passionate about Equestria's strangest and most unknown phenomena. Ever since she got her cutie mark, she's been uncovering secrets and solving mysteries; from hauntings to ancient artifacts, Moonshade explains the unexplainable. Either via science, magic, or through healing the hearts and minds of the ponies involved.
She's discovered and named several new creatures, placated spirits, and even managed to lift the decades old curse or two. But her biggest strength might not lie in the supernatural, but rather in soothing the hearts of those faced with the problems and occurrences she is called to solve.
When she was just a filly far too young to remember her parents or where she came from, Moonshade fell into a river and almost drowned. She was swept far away, only managing to survive by clinging to a hollow log.
She was spotted by a pony named Spark Stardust, not far from Canterlot, who immediately dived in after the tiny filly. After rescuing Moonshade, he brought her home to stay with himself and his son, Gizmo.
She couldn't offer any explanation as to how she had gotten there, or much of any information about herself beyond her name. The Equestrian Guard opened an investigation into her parents, but without much to go off of, and a huge distance potentially between Canterlot and where she had fallen into the river, they had very little success.
No pony ever came forward looking for a missing filly matching her description, and the leads quickly ran dry. After a year, Moonshade had already begun to become a part of the Stardust family, so when the time came that Moonshade was officially labeled an orphan, Spark decided to adopt her.
It took some time for Gizmo and Moonshade to adjust to it, but in time, they became extremely close. Nowadays, the two of them are often seen together, and both support the other in any way they can. Gizmo has created multiple inventions in order to help Moonshade in her work, including a arguably effective ghost detector, and a more practical set of very durable saddlebags with locks for when Moonshade comes across an item with less than stable properties, or that is particularly valuable. Meanwhile, Gizmo's go-to unicorn for help testing his inventions is his sister. They have participated in many experiments together, both scientific, magic, and everything in between.
Gizmo's inventions often rely on magic as much as science, and most of his knowledge on the subject came from Moonshade. He also has gone on many of his sister's quests and travels, helping her bust myths and the occasional ghost.
Moonshade has an uncanny ability to read other ponies. While she cannot read others' thoughts, or anything like that, she can sometimes sense more hidden emotions, and other things like that. If Moonshade says somepony is giving her a bad vibe, it's probably with good reason. This leads to her both being an excellent judge of character and being very good at noticing when something is wrong. For example, she was the first one to pick up on and understand Saber's invisible wounds even though he almost never lets a single glimpse show on the outside. She also has a knack for sniffing out secrets.
This ability of hers only gives her insight into where to direct her attentions, though; it doesn't reveal all, and in fact can sometimes be altogether unhelpful, as the feeling that something is wrong without being able to pinpoint what can be quite frustrating.
Moonshade is more of an extrovert than her brother, being fine with meeting various strangers for her work, and the one responsible for introducing her brother to many of his acquaintances and friends.
Out of the group besides her brother, she is closest with Thrift, as the three of them were childhood friends. She also managed to get Ember to warm up to her impressively fast, despite them not knowing each other for as long or and living in different places. The two of them bonded over their penchant for unraveling supposedly unsolvable puzzles, and reading. Whenever Ember visits Canterlot, she makes it a priority to spend time hunting through the cities many bookshops with her.
Moonshade is not as close with Saber as he is with Gizmo, but they are still good friends, and with Gizmo and/or Thrift often around they are often drawn together regardless. (and happy for it) Saber is one of the few ponies Moonshade often finds herself spending time with in comfortable silence.
It's not like she and Clover aren't not friends, but for some reason, there always seems to be a bit more distance between them, and Moonshade is a bit bugged by the fact that she knows very little about him compared to everypony else. Despite him being very close with some of her closest friends, she is more familiar with most of her acquaintances than she is with him. And for whatever reason, they never seem to end up one on one, either.
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I think that's it for her! I always start these background posts thinking 'I don't have enough lore for this one yet' but then end up filling up the post by the end haha. To be honest, I struggled a lot with her design, and going a more unique route helped me land somewhere, but I'm still not entirely sure about it. I'll have to think about it.
Also, I think "mystic" moonshade is alright, but perhaps another first name could be better. Also, Spark Stardust for Hanzo is still up in the air. I'll see if it sticks... I wanted he and Gizmo to have a family naming convention that fit with Stardust Industries, but it is a bit unusual to have the exact same word in their names by MLP standards... I was going for something like the Pie family names, but I'm not too sure about "Spark." It's just okay.
Saber Frost, Cold Steel, and Radiant Ember are my favorite names so far. Coming up with pony names is surprisingly fun. It's great when I can get some phonetic similarities in as well haha. (Radiant Ember - Rei Mekaru anyone?)
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carouselunique · 7 months
What’s with the little patches of green and purple on Ditzy? At first I thought it was a tie, but no that’s part of her design. None of the other Pegasi have this detail, their feathers seem to match their color palette. So why Ditzy?
(Genuinely asking btw, sorry if I sound rude! 😅)
Not rude at all! It’s a bit of pigeon fluff! If you notice gray pigeons have a band of green and purple shiny feathers around their neck/chest area, some Pegasi have special traits - if you look at Dinky, who has tail feathers, she has white tips (the color comes from her father). Sky Chime has white striping on her tail feathers and a few white speckles on her chest feathers and while Sunny Rays doesn’t have specific markings her chest is fluffy and if she stays on the sun too long she gets feather freckles.
It’s just a fun way to make them more bird like - and it gives me the nickname Blueblood calls Ditzy - Pidge (aka Pigeon).
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readychilledwine · 11 months
The Craft
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Summary - Nesta has always told you that magic works best when you're naked, and who were you to tell Nesta that's not exactly how things work?
Warning - NSFW, foursome, f on f sexual acts, oral, fingering, brief orgasm denial, scissoring/tribbing, voyeurism
A/N - Every so often, I write something that makes me have to take a cold shower. This is one of those times. Also, please note reader's protection of Gwyn while also allowing her to explore and play. It is probably my favorite aspect of this one. I think I caught all my errors, but you know, forgive me if I didn't.
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"Nesta, that's not really how that works," You sat back in your office chair, eyes on the spell idea Nesta had. "I mean, yes sex magic can be used for manifestation of goals, but it doesn't require multiple people. It can be done through just masterbation."
She rolled her eyes slightly. "Well, we'd like you to lead us through it, and we both know magic works best when naked."
You put the paper down, looking at her with a serious expression, "Ness, we've talked about this."
"Oh, come on," Nesta sighed. She moved in front of you, spinning your chair so she could kneel between your legs and squeeze your thigh. "Please. It will be so much fun. We've wanted to have you lead us through something for a while, and Gwyn will not be involved if you aren't there. It's too dangerous." Nesta used her hands to make quotations over the last two words.
"Are we actually wanting this to work?"
Nesta nodded eagerly. "We really want these Pegasi."
"I'll need to adjust some things, and we should wait until a full moon. It's better for power amplification."
Nesta smiled, hugging you tightly. "So Hallows Eve?" You nodded. "Won't that be?"
"More dangerous? Potentially. You know we could just buy them, right?"
Nesta smirked. "I want Helion to spell blinded he gifts them to us."
You had spent the next two weeks preparing everything needed for the Valkyries. Now it was the night of, and you were cleansing the space to ensure everything would be safe.
Emerie was the first to come, dressed in a silky black robe with her long dark hair down. She squealed and hugged you, bouncing slightly with her excitement. "I'm so excited you agreed to come! I miss you! I never see you anymore. That jerk keeps you locked away all the time now."
You smiled softly, holding her elbows, and you two pulled away slightly, "I miss you too, Em. I'm sorry I've been so busy, but I'm on the brink of something really important to Rhys."
Emerie rose a brow at you, "So it has nothing to do with a budding romance you could spill all the juicy details for?"
"No, Em."
She sighed heavily walking towards the table you had set up of herbs and candles. "Are we going to get Gwyn her Pegasus tonight?"
You chuckled and went back to setting up the room. "I was told the goal was getting all 3 of you one. Had I known it was mainly Gwyn, I would have just told Az and Cassian to go talk to Helion and make him an offer."
"I do not think my mate could offer Helion what he wants without my permission." Nesta moved into the room, smiling as she took in what you had done. "This is so much better than I imagined."
You could count on a single hand the amount of times Nesta had worn her sandy blonde hair down, and it always took your breath away for a second. She was in the same silky black robe, only unlike Emerie, hers was tied loosely, leaving the top to give a constant peep at the soft exposed skin of her chest.
You refocused quickly, ignoring the growing excitement of what was coming. "Where is Gwyn? Is she actually okay with this?"
Ness and Emerie nodded. "She knows you will have done with in a way that respects her values and her devotion to the Mother," Nesta said plainly.
You looked at her. "I meant the sex part, Nesta."
Emerie nodded. "She's excited to have her first experience since the attack to be with 3 fae who love her. I figured I'd take Gwyn and you and Ness could-" She paused at the look on your face. "This isn't really a we get to pick thing, is it?"
"Not really," you said softly. "We won't lose so much control that it turns into us doing things we would not do with a clear mind." You placed the final candle and began moving the flowers throughout the room. "But this is going to turn into a slightly magic induced fog. It's similar to sex pollen."
A very soft "Oh," came from the doorway. Gwyn stood in her black robe, rocking back and forth.
You walked to her, taking her hand gently in your. "You don't have to touch us, we don't have to touch you. You can partake solo." She nodded, her shoulders relaxing. "You can start solo, then join as well once you are comfortable."
Gwyn looked up at you with those crystalline blue eyes, and you tucked her red hair behind her ear. "Do it for the pegasus," she said softly.
"Do it for you," Nesta corrected. Her and Emerie joined you and Gwyn. "Y/n built in a fail safe for you.
You handed her the potion bottle, "You throw it if you get uncomfortable, it will safely cancel everything out." Her soft hands held yours and she took a deep breath.
"I'm ready."
You stepped back as you finished incantation, protecting Gwyn slightly. As the magic had started setting in, it was clear to you Nesta would be the first to jump.
And you were not wrong. You gently sat Gwyn in a chair, ignoring your urge and the growing scent of her arousal as you two watched Nesta grab Emerie by her chin and start kissing her deeply.
The two were a mess of teeth, nipping lightly at each other's lips, tongues battling for dominance as they ripped each other's robes off and their hands began exploring.
Gwyn's breathing had picked up lightly and she shifted, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
Nesta's mouth began exploring every gorgeous tanned inch of Emerie's smooth skin, she pulled her dark hair, tilting her head back to give her access to more of Emerie's neck as she kissed and bit her way down, marking the illyrian female in the process. She took her time when she reached her breasts. Caressing each one in her hands as if they were the most precious thing she had held in her hands. She kissed each nipple before pulling the right one into her mouth.
Emerie moaned loudly, back arching into Nesta as her hands went into that soft sand blonde hair. You watched as Gwyn's breath hitched, her mouth parting slightly, and her eyes growing wide as her arousal grew. You leaned down to her ear, placing a small kiss below it and testing the waters, "Are you having fun my little nymph?" She nodded eagerly. "What would you like to do, Gwyn?"
"Touch me," she whispered breathlessly. "Please."
"Such a polite little thing," you stayed behind her. "Don't stop watching Nesta and Em." She nodded, breathing picking up again as you undid the tie on her robe. You brought the tie around the chair, and then her arms, binding her wrists behind her back. "Is this okay?"
"Yes," she almost whined. You watched Nesta from you lashes as you began kissing Gwyn's neck. She had moved down Emerie's body, now licking the flat plane of her abs and nipping at her ribs. Your hands dancing, along Gwyn's following that motion and making the redhead mewl softly.
Nesta's eyes darted over at the noise and grew darker at the sight of Gwyn with her hands behind her back and your fingers following the pathway of her mouth. "Look at our girl, Em," Ness instructed. "Look at how pretty our little Gwyn looks."
Em tilted her head, lust filled eyes locking into Gwyn's, "So pretty." Nesta hummed in approval, mouth lingering above the core of the female standing in front of her. "Ness, please."
You and Nesta held eye contact, and with a small nod, began your separate attacks. Emerie screamed when Nesta licked up her core, locking her clit in her mouth and began to suckle and eat her out as if this was her last meal.
At the same time, Gwyn cried to the Mother, your fingers pressing down on her clit, circling the bundle of nerves as you moaned at how wet she felt. She began to squirm slightly, panting heavily as you continued. You ran your fingers along her, gathering wetness before gently pushing one into her tight entrance. "Y/n! Oh gods," you smiled, tilting her head up to look at you as you began to fuck her soft walls curling that one finger up.
You knew immediately when you found it. Her mouth parted, forming a small "O" before a loud whimper and moan tore through her throat. "There it is," you added a second finger, massaging and thrusting them in and out, hitting that soft spot every time. Your thumb went to her bundle of nerves again, stroking it softly in time with your movements. "Doing such a good job, little nymph." She whimpered again at your praise. "Watch Nesta." You released her hair, second hand coming to play with her nipples and adding stimulation.
The room was mix of Em and Gwyn's moaning along with the sounds of wetness. "Please," Emerie whispered. "Nesta please!"
Lady Death smirked ferally, releasing Emerie's clit and slowing her fingers, "Please what, Em?"
The illyrian female whimpered back arched as she rolled her hips to get that friction back, riding Nesta's hand eagerly. "She needs to cum, Ness." You purred softly. "They both do." Gwyn's cunt clenched around your fingers at the sentence, a soft whine and nod coming from her. "What do you think, Ness? Should we let them? They've been such good girls."
Emerie whined at the praise this time and Nesta hummed. "No," she said. "Not yet." She pulled away from Emerie, and you kissed Gwyn's cheek softly before pulling away. "Where's the bottle, Gwyn?" You whispered softly to her alone.
"Robe pocket."
"Are you okay?" She nodded. "Do you want more?" She nodded eagerly again.
Nesta had gently brought Emerie to her knees, hand holding her hair as she walked her over to Gwyn and set her between her legs. You moved back behind Gwyn, holding her thighs open for Emerie and smiling at her. "I love when my pets play nicely," you watched as Nesta guided Emerie to Gwyn's soaked and waiting cunt before taking a spot behind her and fingering her again.
Gwyn's head fell back, her back arching as the sound of Emerie sucking on her cunt filled the room. "Uh-uh," you grabbed her hair gently, tilting her head back down, "be polite and maintain eye contact."
Gwyn couldn't help herself as she began to ride Emerie's face, slightly drooling as she lost herself in the new sensation and stimulation. Emerie reached behind her, grabbing the plush skin of Gwyn's ass and moaning as she began to control her hips movements.
You could have cum from the sight of this alone. Nesta holding Em in place, Gwyn with a red flush covering her chest as you pinched and played with her nipples and Emerie ate her out. "She's going to cum," you said softly. "Are you going to cum little angel? Soak Emerie's pretty face?" Gwyn nodded and moaned out Emerie's name. "Cum for us, baby."
Gwyn screamed, back arching off the chair and her legs locking behind Emerie to lock her in as she rode out her high. The faint sound of wetness increased and Emerie groaned loudly, diving in with even more energy as she lapped and drank everything Gwyn gave her.
You released her breasts, whispering and praising her through her high until her moans became soft whimpers and she released Emerie. Nesta pulled her back, gasping as she released Emerie was now soaked in Gwyn's essence and release. "Do you want to keep going," you kissed Gwyn's ear. "Or do you just want to watch?"
"More." You untied her hands, watching as Nesta lowered Em to the ground, licking her clean of the mess Gwyn had made.
"Help clean her," you commanded. "Such a messy girl." Gwyn crawled to her, licking up the juices she left on Emerie. You grabbed Nesta by her hair, making her moan loudly, and dragged her to Emerie's face. "Turn towards Gwyn and straddle our pretty bat." Nesta obeyed, placing her dripping core above Emerie's open mouth and waiting. "Little nymph, surely you learned what you need to give our girl?" She nodded, moving down so her face was at Emerie's core. Her blue eyes met your hazel ones, begging for approval, and you nodded at her, pushing Nesta down on Emerie at the same time. You sat in the chair, leaned forward with your elbows on your knees as you watched the three of them putting on a show just for you.
They were a mess of slick, sweat, and moans. Enjoying each other immensely as you smirked. Emerie was screaming under Nesta, coming quickly from the amount of stimulation she had received, and forcing Nesta over the edge with her. Nesta was off of her, pulling Gwyn up and allowing the two of them to begin to kiss and play with each other as she moved to you.
You moved the sweat soaked hair from her face. "Yes babygirl?" She pulled on your calves, begging you silently to come down to the floor. "Did you need something?"
"You," she begged. "Please."
You hummed, sitting on the floor in front of her. "Did you want me to fuck you, Ness?" She nodded eagerly, spreading her legs for you and laying back. "What a pretty cunt," you whispered and leaned forward to touch her soft folds. You pulled your fingers to your mouth, tasting her. You removed your own robe, wings flaring slightly behind you, before grabbing one of her long legs and placing it over your shoulder as you straddled the other one. You gently ground your core against hers, testing the waters and moaning as your clits made contact.
Nesta leaned up, watching as you did it again, sending electricity through both of you. You set a rhythmic pace, circling and rolling your hips against her, head thrown back in bliss as you two moaned in sync.
You could tell Nesta was close, and you were as well from watching everything and finally finding relief. Her nails had started digging into your hips, her back arching slightly. "Don't stop, don't stop." She was panting and begging, her eyes squeezed shut. "Fuck! Please! Gods please."
Your rhythm became slightly sloppy, breathy moans leaving you as your walls tightened around nothing. Nesta went first, coming at the same time another scream of pleasure came from Gwyn. The two of them falling into a loud harmony. You and Emerie fell over the edge next, you eyes rolling as you moaned and squeezed Nesta's thigh, soaking her cunt with yours.
You lowered her legs and leaned forward on your hands, watching as the spell candle went out on its own and feeling the slight haze it gave begin to fade.
The four of you laid down on the floor, all panting and breathing heavily. Gwyn snuggled into your side, head coming to rest on your shoulder as you stroked her hair. "I'm really proud of you, little nymph." Emerie quickly copied the sentiment, as did Nesta. "How are you feeling?"
Gwyn snuggled further into your shoulder, "Like I've earned a pegasus."
You smiled up at the ceiling, knowing that you had already made a deal with Helion to get your favorite valkyries the winged horses for Solstice long before Nesta had ever approached you with this idea. "I think you have as well, darling. We should close the circle and go eat."
Emerie moaned in agreement, "Azriel and Cassian were in charge of dinner tonight."
Nesta perked up at that, "Then we really have to go eat!"
You waited as they stood, leaving the room with their robes. "Gwyn," you said softly.
"I really am very proud of you. This was a scary situation you entered, and you did so well."
She smiled into your neck. "I enjoyed myself a lot."
"Good," you kissed her forehead, "That was my main goal. Go eat while I close this."
She stood, leaving you to your work room and close the circle. You felt your eyes glaze over, reaching Helion through the contact bond. Hello dove, he purred to you. How was your night?
Eventful. Are we still set for the pegasus exchange?
You heard him laugh in your mind. Of course, dear. I get to study your wings and have you, your little valkyrie get their mounts.
Perfect. Solstice, then?
Solstice, He agreed.
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