#oc rainbow jack
ashleyfableblack · 3 months
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Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow. She set the hammer aside and groaned. Her hooves were sore from the day's chores and adding putting up a billboard on top of the list had been a bit more tiring than the middle-aged mare had expected.
Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof around her wife and appraised her work. With a peck on the neck and a poke in the ribs she gave up a smirk of approval. "Not bad. Not bad. Nice work, hon."
"Heh" Applejack chuckled, rising to her hooves. "Eeyep."
Rainbow Dash joined in her knowing chuckle. "So, what made you finally decide to put it up?"
Applejack gave her partner's hoof a pat, looking over the bright yellow billboard. In white letters, trimmed it black it read "No Hate In Our Holler". She had wanted to be sure it would be in a highly visible place somewhere well-trafficked so she had chosen the Northeastern trail. Dubbed "The Naughty Nor-easter" for it's reputation as a place for young lovers to take romantic walks together, it was a long, broad dirt path which bordered their family orchard closest to Ponyville and facing New Canterlot.
"You 'n me, Dashie. We're, well, celebrities. We're heroes to a whole mess of folkes."
Rainbow Dash grinned, giving AJ a squeeze. "Well, yeah." Rainbow said matter-of-factly "We are pretty awesome."
Applejack's jade eyes trailed to the nearby field. Amid the waves of short green shoots and fluffy patches of clover, their little Filly, R.J. giggled and squealed. The tiny orange pegasus awkwardly stumbled about in circles, playing with the family dog, Winona and one of their family's two on-site security-hoofs, a Changeling they called Blue. Blue usually took the form of a grey-muzzled Blue-heeler hound, as she did now and could often be found by Winona's side. Blue seemed to have a certain fondness for the old border collie which Applejack only understood well enough to understand that she didn't understand.
"We've done a lot to make this world a better place. For all the young'uns. But for her? OUR little R.J.? Is it enough?" She gave her partner's hoof a concerned squeeze. "What if she grows up and falls for one of them Changelin' gals?"
Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed. "Well, we wouldn't care."
"Well of course, we wouldn't. Most folkes wouldn't. Still, there's some ponies out there with their noses in the air and sticks up their backsides who'd be awful to them. The same ones who'd be all rude to you'n me on accounts of us bein' what we are."
"A Pegasus and an Earth Pony?"
Applejack nodded, her nostrils flared and jaw clenched. "Yeahp. And that ain't right, Dashie. That ain't right and that ain't no way to treat a body. And if THAT's the legacy we're leaving for our little R.J. then, elements or not, what kind of mamas are we?"
"Yeah. You know, that last time we all went out to The Lavendar Saddle, Chryssi was telling me that in the Stormlands, some of those creepy jerks would actually even hate on us just for us both being mares?"
Applejack jerked around to glare at her wife in wide-eyed shock. "Say what?"
Rainbow Dash raised a wing, folding a few feathers like fingers in a promisory salute. "Swear to P.W."
"You gotta be kidding me. What kinda stone-age, bass-ackwards tom-foolery is that?"
"I know, right?" The pegasus ruffled her crest of chest fluff with a snort of disdain. "I mean, it's not ALL of them but enough that it's actually a problem for the rest of their kingdom."
"Well, I'll be…" Applejack shook her had and whistled. "I know that us ponies had a problem with that nonsense WAY back in the old days but… Coo-whee."
"Yeah." Rainbow's feathers ruffled, flush with Equestrian patriotism. "But that was, like a THOUSAND years ago, maybe. And even then it was just the stuffy old-money unicorn jerks from up in the richie-rich mountains.
Applejack nodded. "Well, anyhoof, this country that Twi and that bughorse wife a'hers are building, this 'New Equestria', it's gonna be a place for all critters to live together. Ponies 'n Pegasi, Unicorns 'n Yaks, Changelings, Lovebugs, Griffins, Kirins and… well, all folkes. Just a-living and a-loving, together. Nobody fightin'. Nobody feudin'. Nobody looking down on anybody. It's gonna take a lotta work but for our little R.J.? That's a place worth fightin' for, even for old gals like us."
"Hey, don't go calling my wife old, cowgirl." Rainbow mussed her wife's mane with the feather fingers of her wings. "That's the right way to catch these hoofs, you, get me?"
Applejack gave her partner a playful punch in the shoulder and gestured towards the sign. "I recollect an old gal, some of our kin- a loooong ways back, once saying something like "Whenever one pony stands up and says 'Wait a minute, this is wrong’ it helps other ponies do the same."
Rainbow Dash nodded, proudly draping her wings around her wife in a protective embrace. The two mares looked to the horizon as the sounds of their daughter's laughter echoed on the sweet summer breeze. "And who better to stand up and say it but the Sweet Apple Acres Elements of Harmony?"
Inspired by the work of the Concerned Appalachians and everyone who came before to stand up and say "Wait a minute, this is wrong."
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bunny-bun-draws · 2 months
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May-June Commissions ✨
Commissions done on June and part of May! Thanks as always for the support! Hope you all like them~
@tothefairest-blog (Chibis 1, chibis 1 with extras)
juliokahverengi2 (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
c4detzx (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
Sheri (Chibi style 1)
Gothic (Chibi style 1)
pulseswarm (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
@lillystarreds (Chibi sketch, Pride chibis, half boddies full color with background)
@ludwigbeilschmidts (Chibi sketch, Pride chibi)
@cupcakes-and-british-tea (Chibis sketch, Pride chibi)
SweetPayaso (Chibis style 1, chibi heads)
@elysianbells (Chibis style 2)
@samrut (Pride chibis)
@shu-dzhoker (Instagram) (Pride chibi)
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yokonette · 3 months
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Anxiety pony
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sxvvybc · 3 months
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sillysarahsthings · 3 months
Me whenever I want to draw Miss Black with a LJ:
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So here's a bunch of doodles of other people's LJs.
@ellzilla I'm having brainrot of this rewrite and boy do I love it.
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@sweetpayaso didn't feel right to exclude cake topper, they're too fun.
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@xxsweetoothxx is Ragz still an LJ? Idk so sorry about that. 😅
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@the-art-ghost UGH! one of my very favorite designs, I remember that LJ had a human form so I drew him and Miss Black as humans.
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I actually have a lot, but rn I'm tired so hope y'all like em'!
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pulled-clown-pork · 3 months
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The effects of a sonic rainboom
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sweetpayaso · 6 months
I managed to draw a cute warmup of Rainbow Jack and Cake, to try and motivate myself to draw more this week! 🤡🌈
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I might actually finish this later on!
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lachiennearoo · 1 year
Je vous ai fait peur? Hahah!! Désolée pour le retard cette année, j'avais complètement oublié de m'occuper de ça mdr (j'aurais dû les faire avant et publier le 1er Octobre mdr)
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mooniemilkieway · 7 months
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this took 5 and a half hours and i want drpepper
anyways me and my precious waifu i love him a lot also i gave him an emo bang and imma keep giving him an emo bang bc it suits him so well like omg
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thebananaiscold · 16 days
ya know, I don’t really draw Jack and Ash being all cute with each other that much. I think my lack of skill drawing different poses and limbs is the main reason for that, but today I found a reference pic and I’m actually going to try and take my time with this one. My girl deserves her clown husbands kisses and snuggles and I shall deliver it to her.
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ask-winner-drop · 5 months
Has Twilight become a princess yet in your universe, Winnerdrop?
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inviktales · 3 days
what your character doin if these guys show up in their universe
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nedemai · 1 year
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NATG 2023 Day 29 - Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can / Draw a pony scrambling
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sillysarahsthings · 2 months
My favorite hobby? Drawing other people's LJs with my OCs. (I have like a lot of doodles that I just don't post for some reason :/)
But yeah, I drew @froggybrainz RLJ with Miss Black.😁 (Sorry if it's ooc)
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zombieclowncookie · 9 months
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RLJ x Cake Topper (Commission)
Posted using PostyBirb
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kate66s · 7 months
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