leftoverdna · 9 hours
Put a / in the year you were born, so we will have an average age
Before 1990: //////
1995: //////////////////////////////////////
1996: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1997: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1998: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1999: ///////////////////
2000: //
After 2000: /
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leftoverdna · 9 hours
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leftoverdna · 9 hours
Schlatt: What do you think about Slimecicle? And we need to be honest here. 
Ted: Charlie? I don’t think that we… I don’t think we would fight Charlie. 
Schlatt: I don’t think we’d fight him, but if we had to…
Ted: Well like— it’s just kind of weird that we would even like consider postmortem, like whether or not we would win a fight with Charlie. 
Schlatt: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he couldn’t even… Yeah, he’s… Yeah, he’s not around anymore, God bless. 
Ted: Yeah, he’s not around. 
Schlatt: Yeah. 
Ted: Yeah. He’s but a ghost that shows up on holidays. 
Schlatt: Yeah, I don’t even think he’d— you’d like punch through him. ‘Cause it’d just be his visage. 
Ted: Yeah. 
Schlatt: Yeah, that’s a no fighter. 
Ted: If anything, he would be a demon that haunts us. 
Schlatt: Yeah. 
Ted: So if anything, it’s either we— no fight or we die. 
Schlatt: Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, let’s keep it in no fight. Let’s keep it in no fight. 
Ted: Yeah. No fight. 
Ted: I think I’m fucking killing Wilbur. 
Tucker: Yeah. 
Schlatt: Alright. 
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leftoverdna · 9 hours
Free worldbuilding idea:
Wizards have the same trust in magic that software designers have in software, which is to say, almost none at all.
“Are you fucking kidding me I worked in a reagrent shop for a few years I don’t trust any of that stuff. Who the hell knows what other components are in the ashes.”
“Yeah I was in the circle that made Alston’s Divine Circle of Teleportation. There’s some pretty nasty corner cases you can get into but the headmaster published it without us. I just take ships. It’s way safer.”
“I call bullshit on that Necromancer channeling spirits of loved ones. What did he say he was using? ‘Medium Conduit Ruinic Circles’? That’s just a bunch of buzzwords slapped together, and they don’t even interact with each other.”
“I’ve been looking at this scroll all morning and I’m 90% sure that the scribe didn’t even look at the standard for pyromancies.”
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leftoverdna · 9 hours
Schlatt: Oh, happy pride.
Ted: No. No, don’t you fucking dare.
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leftoverdna · 10 hours
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Are you fucking kidding me Joanne
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leftoverdna · 10 hours
poor grian, even schlatt has better luck at fishing than he does
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leftoverdna · 12 hours
......suddenly struck by the idea for a piece of worldbuilding of "fae don't like iron bc it is the most stable element*"
*as in elements higher you can extract energy via fission and lower you can extract energy via fusion but iron itself there is no excess binding energy to extract at all
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leftoverdna · 14 hours
my coffin shaped locket is the perfect size to fit one singular ibuprofen
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leftoverdna · 14 hours
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leftoverdna · 18 hours
Stop memorizing my attack patterns. That's fucked up. Who let you do that.
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leftoverdna · 1 day
Cooking horror game where you play as a cook working in the galley of a ship in the 1800s. There’s some kind of supernatural nautical horror story going on in the background but you barely notice this because you spend all day cooking in the galley.
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leftoverdna · 1 day
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national elections so fucked someone’s out to become king of the franks
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leftoverdna · 1 day
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Could've sworn I'd been told the stakes of this election were the existence of us democracy itself & not just a narcissistic participation trophy
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leftoverdna · 1 day
knew this woman who used to be a gay man and when he was a gay man he liked ‘ironically’ referring to himself as she/her and so when he came out as a woman he decided the next logical step was to also switch his pronouns to he/him.
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leftoverdna · 2 days
The Smash Bros. cast swapping anecdotes about their various evil doppelgangers and Mario getting into an argument about whether Wario counts.
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leftoverdna · 2 days
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This is insane
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