#girl is getting her first tattoo 
Ok everyone
What kind of tattoo is gwen getting?
I initially think she is going to get something like a snack, or Woolf, I don’t know I just feel like it’s going to have fangs showing
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livwritesstuff · 8 months
part 3 to eddie’s tattoo saga, feat. girl-dads!steddie
part 1, part 2
The first time Eddie’s oldest daughter draws on his arm with her Crayola markers, Eddie immediately gets it tattooed onto him permanently. 
She’s barely two so it’s mostly scribbles, but she’d never done it before, and she’d looked up at him with this big, proud, cheesing smile when she was done, and Ed had been caught so off guard with just how insanely much he loved her – that indescribable love parents felt for their children that, before becoming a parent, Eddie had thought he’d be able to beat the stereotypes and describe, but Moe proved him to be incorrect just about the second she came along – and he hadn’t known what else to do. 
He doesn’t even really think about it, just takes a photo so his artist will get the colors right and has her put it in an empty spot on the sleeve he’s been working on for years.
With Eddie and Steve’s second daughter, Robbie, it goes mostly the same. She's just about two years old and draws a collection of swirling scribbles on the back of his hand. Steve advises him to not get it tattooed in the same spot, and Eddie can understand why it might not always be opportune to have permanent child-scribbles in such a visible spot, so, again, he has his artist use it to fill in a gap in the sleeve on his left arm.
When their littlest girl, Hazel, is born, Ed intentionally leaves a spot on his bicep open for whenever she feels so inclined to draw on him like her big sisters had. She takes her sweet time, so much so that Eddie starts to get nervous that she might never end up doing it at all, and he wasn’t going to ask her. It had to be a natural thing, obviously. In the end, she’s nearly five years old, sitting in his lap with a pack of markers while he reads a book to her (Charlotte’s Web, because it was the first chapter book he’d read aloud to both Moe and Robbie, and now it's Hazel’s turn), coloring inside the lines of the tattoos he already has when she gets to the empty space on his arm he’d left just for her. A little bit later, it’s filled with a marker drawing of a blue house next to a green tree, with a yellow sun above the chimney.
“It’s our house,” Hazel tells him.
Eddie calls to schedule the tattoo session the second he finishes the next chapter.
He gets the okay from his artist to bring Hazel with him to the appointment, which he hadn’t done with Moe and Robbie because they’d been too little. They hadn’t had the disposition for it either, but Hazel is their sweetest baby, all solemn and shy, and the session is right before her usual naptime, so once he’s in the chair, she just sits in his lap and quietly watches his artist work until she dozes off about halfway through the process.
Eddie spends much of that session lost in thought – he’s becoming introspective in his old age (forty-five and some change).
He’s thinking about all the tattoos he’s gotten, all the spontaneous ones he’s gotten for Steve and for their girls. He’s thinking about what that means. 
In the family that Eddie and Steve have built, Steve is the one taking all those pictures and home videos and stuff. He’s the one who gets photos printed, framing their favorites and hanging them around the house and setting small ones on side tables, sticking others to the fridge with little magnets they’ve collected over the years, storing the rest in overstuffed shoe boxes he swears he’ll organize into photo albums someday (but their life is so hectic he probably won’t ever get around to it).
This is Eddie’s version of that.
This is his way of displaying to the world how much he loves his family, this thing that he’d spent years pretending he didn’t want because that was easier to sit with than the belief that it wasn’t even attainable for him, that now he gets to have.
It’s fucking incredible, is what it is, and it deserves to be documented.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 3 months
Characters in Fantasy High are getting ill-advised tattoos (two 17 year old girlfriends getting tattoos of each other's names. . .) and despite knowing that it is entirely fictional, I said "oh no" out loud and had to pause to get a grip on my horror.
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in a way I feel I should thank Pearl Davis and Andrew Tate and all their ilk because any man who buys into their crap never had a high enough view of marriage in the first place, and now we can spot the wheat from the chaff
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transjeffdr · 9 months
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some CN-themed doodles with mostly Blossom PPG because I keep getting Nicktoons Unite on my dash
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seokjinite · 5 months
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its just . harder and harder for my man to hide it
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likesunsetorange · 2 months
i always see those tattoo artist x florist au’s and i think it would be so cute if mikasa was the tattoo artist in this scenario lol
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yuukimiyas · 7 months
GOOD MORNIE WORLD!!! startin my day off v early & v strong bc!!! EEEP!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 i just got the first sketch back for my bleach tattoo!!! it looks SO SO GOOD SO FAR!! he started so quick like bunnies too!! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১ i can’t wait to see it in color!!!
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simptasia · 1 month
i had a great day a comic con today!
highlights include meeting emelie de raven
annnnd getting my first tattoo!
#it's the x-men logo on my left bicep#i hadnt planned this at all - i didnt know you could get tats at cons#but i saw it. and liked the look of it. and something just clicked in my head. didn't get it right away tho i met emelie first#so i had all the time in the world. and while the photo with her was being processed - i got the tattoo#it turned out perfect. not gonna show it off because its been bleeding quite a bit and doesn't look so nice now#but when its all healed up and cleaned up i'll get some pics#but yeah. holy shit i have a tattoo. i drink alcohol and got modification on a whim? oh yes. im a wild girl now kjhfdskjh#anyways. its my first convention since 2018. and my first one without mum of course#i found out about it a week beforehand and it just felt right. which feels like a step in a good direction for me#i made the day of it. and spent the birthday money mum gave back in september. and then some!#nothing at comic con is cheap so i was like. fuck it go ham#i got lotsa merch. i think my favourite purchase (other than stuff with emelie and the tat) is a silver star trek ring i got <3#i like merch with staying power. like clothes and jewellery#oh oh speaking of which i wore my star trek voyager comm badge brooch today. i'd never worn it before so that was nice#one day im gonna get myself a voyager trek uniform to go with my badge and my pips. and i'll wear that to a con#i've gone to several cons but i've only cosplayed once! ...it can be tricky to get organised. but i'll do it again someday#so yeah great day! my feet are fucking killing me! but im so happy!
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
oighhh. Pavitr’s henna is sooo cool looking… i’m thinking so hard about maybe for like his birthday he wants a certain new design, and he’s inviting a few friends to his party so he asks them if they want to join him too, and like… him applying the henna himself for them… aoighoughougj friendship city unlimited souls connecting (the zookeepers load the tranquilizer darts and aim at me)
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bosspigeon · 1 year
went to my first live metal show last night so here's a grimy venue bathroom selfie
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shoutout to @madoimaru for the shirt!!!
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
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Who is this irresistible creature with an insatiable love for the dead?
(flat under cut)
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elytrafemme · 1 year
diversity win! your favorite system host has been made a SINGLET❗️❓ because she was TOO insufferable for the masses 😱 of angry EPs and dollar store protectors 👀
#nightmare.system#DO NOT REBLOG#alternative version of this post that was less funny:#diversity win! your favorite girl with abandonment issues just got ABANDONED by her own ALTERS!#also I KNOW YOU CAN'T BE 'MADE SINGLET' I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT#i'm just saying this is not the first time a symptom or experience has thoroughly ruined my life and then inexplicably disappeared#i know i keep bringing this up but i don't think you guys realize how frustrating it is#to be told by someone that they finally understand you because they know your traumas#they go to therapy with you they want to give you tattoos they help you get dressed they LOVE you#they're like your fucking brother or something#and then you see them and you pinpoint it as the exact moment that both of you are never going to see each other again#and fucking Dahlia like. we never really Got Along as well as i said we did like i don't think she ever liked me?#but she was supposed to be my big sister#and i'm really sick of blaming myself for being the reason that they all left#because i worked hard to keep this body alive and comparatively the rest did fuck all#and you know. if they didn't want to come out for me that's fine. i don't care.#but you would think they'd at least want to speak to their fucking FRIENDS#anyway. that's all. i'm done thinking about these fucking people.#i'll happily be the ostracized 1% of people that was wrong about a self diagnosed dissosociative disorder if it means i can stop#hearing klavier's voice in my fucking head when i know he's never coming back.#neg#don't reblog. again.
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thatone-churro · 8 months
y’know just as soon as i start getting comfortable with the idea of being open/relying on my dad and him being more comfortable with my choices than i feared, i can essentially throw all that out the window with how vehemently he yelled at me at the thought of my getting my septum pierced (even though i never said i was yet. i said my side before i decide anything else). also making underhanded remarks of me never getting tattoos other than the one for my mom. like okay don’t ask me why i don’t tell you about anything or talk to you or anything. what the fuck.
#‘i love you no matter what’ and ‘you’re an adult and as long as your choices make you happy’ out the window i guess.#are we too sober for those statements to apply all of a sudden?#and again i didn’t even say i was getting it any time soon. i said my sister wants to take me to get my first non-ear piercing.#she’s getting hers repierced & i want to get my side.#and then he started going off on me for it for no reason. and brought up the one tattoo i want to get for my mom.#and THEN made an off handed remark of a similar vein about dyed hair.#i hope he knows he’s literally the only reason i don’t have piercings or tattoos or dyed hair or like anything that lets me look how i wanna#like deadass. i know i’m your ‘baby.’ but can i please actually embrace myself. i don’t care if you don’t like alt culture. i do.#he would shun the girls i crush on fr like oh my god.#like if he knew what i really wanted to look like i think he’d disown me. won’t even have to bring up my funky relationship with gender.#literally as soon as i start thinking i can be open with this man he pulls this shit and then asks why i’m slowly getting more distant.#like wow it’s almost like i’ve been regulated and raised according to what you want and not what i want.#and you wonder why my sisters (especially my oldest who has a lot of piercings & tattoos like i want) aren’t close either? isn’t that wild?#how we never got much of a chance to explore this without reprimand until we were moved out? even as legal adults?#absolutely WILD correlation there i wonder if the causation lines up here pa. what the fuck.#anyway i’m gonna go now and not cry because my roommates are home but i’m gonna go sulk because i’m sick of this ✌️#oh wait convenient that the showdog poem went up tonight too isn’t that crazy. man calls himself out so hard lol#grace being stupid#text post#personal
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hollowsentinel · 17 days
Fuck it.
Hebert has a Handgun: everywhere Taylor looks, she sees guns and munitions. Sometimes they are in incredibly inconvenient places. At least one time she finds a gun, it is in her backpack. At school. Where Madison can see if her gaze falls just so.
But that's not important.
What's important is how unimportant Taylor is in spite of this. The guns are a side note in her life. She is so very small in the end. She is just a speck of dust is the great cosmos of the universe. The night sky is beautiful beyond the words she loves with her mother.
Brockton Bay is bright. Boston is brighter still even in the distance. The stars? The galaxy? The universe as seen from a rooftop? It shines clearly in spite of all the reasons that would obscure it.
Clearly, Taylor is parahuman. Or she is under the effect of a parahuman power. Her vision remains sharp with or without her glasses. (She can wear sunglasses at night with no issues at all.) But what sort of cape just sees clearly? Try as she might, sharp vision is nothing so special as to challenge any of the problems in Brockton Bay.
But that is no reason not to try.
A gun on school grounds cannot stop her. It is nothing a tattoo cannot fix. It may be a pain to explain the tramp stamp, but at least it is not grounds for immediate expulsion and criminal record. Or getting gunned down by cops.
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doehoney · 2 months
have you got any tattoos you don’t like?
Yeah I have a heart on my hip and a bag of pills on my arm that I could live without lmao
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