#ideas vary
hollowsentinel · 19 days
Fuck it.
Hebert has a Handgun: everywhere Taylor looks, she sees guns and munitions. Sometimes they are in incredibly inconvenient places. At least one time she finds a gun, it is in her backpack. At school. Where Madison can see if her gaze falls just so.
But that's not important.
What's important is how unimportant Taylor is in spite of this. The guns are a side note in her life. She is so very small in the end. She is just a speck of dust is the great cosmos of the universe. The night sky is beautiful beyond the words she loves with her mother.
Brockton Bay is bright. Boston is brighter still even in the distance. The stars? The galaxy? The universe as seen from a rooftop? It shines clearly in spite of all the reasons that would obscure it.
Clearly, Taylor is parahuman. Or she is under the effect of a parahuman power. Her vision remains sharp with or without her glasses. (She can wear sunglasses at night with no issues at all.) But what sort of cape just sees clearly? Try as she might, sharp vision is nothing so special as to challenge any of the problems in Brockton Bay.
But that is no reason not to try.
A gun on school grounds cannot stop her. It is nothing a tattoo cannot fix. It may be a pain to explain the tramp stamp, but at least it is not grounds for immediate expulsion and criminal record. Or getting gunned down by cops.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 9 months
I can't believe people would slander ocean sunfish for having a lot of parasites. Uh, hello?? Every animal in nature has parasites dipshit, it came free with living in an ecosystem
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arealtrashact · 2 years
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Were they animals, that music could move them so ?
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day 2 !! self insert
i didn't want to draw myself so here's the only y/n art i'll ever draw lol
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canisalbus · 4 months
Different Italian anon, but the thing with Tuscan C is that it's pronounced like a very strong H sound, which is extra weird cuz the letter H makes no sound in Italian, normally. It sounds the way Spanish pronounce the J. We say it's "aspirato". So then people from there will say things like Hoha Hola (coca cola), and it's funny. It's also extremely contagious, I got family in Florence, you spend 3 days with them you start doing it too before you even realize.
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namethatghostling · 1 year
i know were long past the pitching our own versions of scooby doo tumblr phase but like if i could write/direct just one single piece of scooby doo media i would do an episode (based on the original like 60s/70s run or thereabouts) where the gang is investigating rumors of vampires lurking around a certain abandoned manor or smth on the outskirts of a small superstitious rural town. pretty standard stuff. they hear about the supposed vampire sightings and decide to investigate. its all going pretty normal until they actually spot one, shrouded in shadow at first, and see them turn into a bat and take flight before their very eyes! its a real vampire!
so this huge bat is swooping and screeching at them and everyones flipping out running all helter skelter but then she transforms again and shaggy and scoob suddenly just. stop.
after a sec shaggy starts to laugh. the rest of the gang is like oh god the vampire did something to him or idk maybe he finally got so scared something in his mind just snapped but shaggy is just like lol guys its ok its just sibella.
and sibella is now fully revealed to be a like young teen lookin vampire girl, a little older than she appeared in ghoul school but def still recognizable. and shes super psyched to see her old teachers again and theyre all like catching up (this so called abandoned house is actually her extended familys vacation home (its their first vacation in a century or so and its fallen into a bit of disrepair ok) and shes visiting with them) meanwhile the rest of the gang is like ????
and shaggys like what? i told you guys about that time i took that job as a gym teacher at that creepy boarding school where the kids were all little monsters
and velmas like ............we thought you were being hyperbolic
and shaggy says uh yeah did you guys not think monsters were real? like weve been sayin..
and velma says smth like what are you talking about? every time weve investigated some supernatural phenomenon its always been a guy in costume, how could you possibly have deduced from that that monsters are real??
and shaggys just like .......velma my best friend is a whole Talking Dog
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Probably how the song cover yuu au would start, it branches from this headcanon post nothing too interesting as he mostly does it while alone but I figured I'll draw a little introduction in case I do random doodles of this little au.
Basically, he tries and sings >regrets it >posts the song >regrets it again >it gets shared >oh no >oh please no no no >ah fuck it, might as well film a clip for a cover at some point >not showing his real self tho
He labeled the songs as lost media as an excuse but he's not wrong and not right either, somehow... Since the songs are not from twisted wonderland they were never lost, but rather never existed but he can't tell this so yeah.
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callixton · 20 days
i think the thing to understand abt martha jones is that even after she leaves she is five seconds away from dropping everything and traveling with the doctor at any given time. bc that itch to blow everything up and damn her personal duty to hell in search of a higher call never leaves her. but martha is smart. and rational. and has spent a long fucking time needing to keep herself safe. (bc he comes when she calls but never before.) and so she has gotten very good at keeping herself on the right side of those five seconds. but i do think if ten was a different person (if he could acknowledge how much he needed her instead of just how much he liked her) (if he didn’t feel this righteous martyrdom when it comes to being left alone) (if he cared enough about her to beg. if he cared enough about himself.) i think that her answer no would come crumbling down pretty quickly is all.
#MARTHA JONES’ TWISTED SENSE OF DUTY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME#there is soo much nuance to this. obviously. and it really varies depending on when exactly in his run we’re talking#but me personally. i don’t think that martha was ever satisfied with the way things ended between them. i think she made peace with it!#but i don’t think she was satisfied and i don’t think she ever could be#which is also why i have slowly come around to her and mickey. even tho i think it IS very pair the spares in a way i don’t like#i do think they make sense together. in a genuine way and also in a you’re the closest i’ll get to what i want. you’re good on your own but#- you’re also the next best thing. and we don’t need to say this out loud bc we both know and it wouldn’t ruin anything by admitting it but#- it sure as hell wouldn’t feel good either#it’s not even like. directly about the doctor/rose here is the thing. it’s about the life he let them lead with him#which i guess is the crux of this. i think martha is capable of moving on from her Feelings for the doctor. but never her feelings about him#yknow. does that make sense. if anyone knows that the doctor is a symbol it’s martha#i don’t think she’s always in love with him. i think she was. tho my opinions on that r complicated hashtag tenmartha qpr BUT#but the IDEA of him? the idea which shaped her into a completely different person? i don’t think she will ever not want that back @ her core#she’s just too loyal to everyone besides herself to admit that. 😐#ok it’s 4 am i have been rambling abt this for fifteen minutes so sorry if it doesn’t make sense but i have FEELINGS ABT HER !!#ted talks#martha jones#doctor who
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 days
Everyone always talks about how awkward and oblivious a romanced Blade is as if the MC romancing him is any better. Girlie will legit say stuff like "huh crazy how Blade keeps lingering his gaze on me and won't leave my side and blushes whenever I compliment him. This can't possibly mean anything though." They truly deserve each other lmao
Sometimes* I like to headcanon that it's less that MC doesn't notice that Blade probably likes her as time goes on, or that the various signs don't mean anything, and more that he gives off extremely mixed and confusing signals about whether he's actually going to do anything about it... 😅 Mr. Blade 'hungrily nuzzles your hand like your touch is water to a dying man but then immediately drops it and removes himself from the situation like you're lawyers adjourning a meeting' Bronwyn
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gummi-ships · 7 months
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - Symphony of Sorcery
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nhaneh · 3 months
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Miqo'March 25, Hot Beach Episode
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dumbfucksystem · 2 months
you can’t tell me that with airplane’s terrible naming system that he DIDN’T have pop culture references for things in his drafts. like of course he would never actually post them as part of his daily 8k money grabbing porn content but the system doesn’t care about that, so you can imagine the kind of visceral internal reaction that sqq has when he realizes that the wife plot that he just got fucking tranquilized with is a very rough outline of a rickroll
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flame2ashes · 11 months
Reverse-isekai story where the main character was playing their favourite MMO and tried to play the new expansion by going through the portal that initiates it, but then the game crashed and they couldn't get back in the game. Multiple people encountered this problem but so far the devs haven't implemented a fix for it
The next day, their MMO character shows up outside their door
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moonlit-tulip · 3 months
A gimmick which I think would be interesting in a visual novel: small variation in the visual designs of the sprites and backgrounds based on who's narrating a given scene. Not large variations, mostly—buildings are going to have generally the same architecture, people are going to have generally the same outfits, et cetera—but lots of details shifting around on the margins, showing the texture of the characters' thought-processes through the visual design of the world as they see it, rather than only through the text of their narration.
So, for example, one could have one viewpoint character be unusually faceblind, and portray this by having all the sprites have Same-Face Syndrome when viewed from their perspective, even as they hold onto more variation face-wise in everyone else's perspectives. One could have one viewpoint character who's unusually conscious of the fine details of their physical environment, and portray this by drawing the environment-art with much more fiddly detail when in their perspective, showing wood-grain and electrical wiring and other such things which are abstracted away in others' perspectives of the same areas. Et cetera.
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herssian · 8 months
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you know how some strays will adopt people by never leaving them alone
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orykorioart · 11 months
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TAZ SAPPHIC WEEK DAY 1: Dragon + Sword
Teaser for tomorrow: Cowboys!
+extra sketch. Check under the cut to see my idea notes for what I imagined the story of this AU would be ;-)
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Idea: Killian is tasked with rescuing princess Carey from the clutches of a dragon. But when she gets to the castle, she realizes that princess Carey IS the dragon, and that she is happier in this form. In the end they run away together!
Tried something different with the main piece because I wanted it to feel like a ‘cover’ of the story. Inspired by medieval style tapestries and illuminated manuscripts, but slightly stylized.
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