#girl has a blackbelt
painsandconfusion · 10 months
Currently crying in the bathroom because some woman yelled at me because *checks notes* I couldn't do a return on a half eaten sandwich that she just didn't like and had no receipt for.
I'm also suffering chronic anxiety.
If Ethan thinks I'm scary, he's the first.
Ethan will beat her up for you
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I've seen many posts where Jason dates Jazz and realizes there's something wrong with Danny, but what if it's the other way around?
Danny has been ghosting for a while longer, so he knows better how to hide the effects, Jazz who only recently realized he's liminal doesn't do so well.
Then Jason arrives, he met this cute and nice guy who is totally sarcastic but also always willing to help him with a problem, then he meets his sister, who has something strange about her, sometimes her smiles are too big or her shadow moves unnaturally, makes bad love decisions and wants to be a psychologist, cue Jason thinking that Jazz is the second coming of Harley Quinn but more Eldritch
This is amazing!!!
This is kind of an old one because i was away for a while, but thanks for the ask
Jason had made a new friend (boyfriend if he's lucky)
They met when red hood was on patrol and was going to stop a SA in progress when this lanky bruce adoptee to be stepped in and handed the scumbag his ass on a silver platter
After the kid took care of the girl, called the police and sent them on their way he stayed, turned to where he was perched, smiled and said
"What? Couldn't just do nothing."
Turned and left, leaving jason dumbfounded that this kid could see him, beating up an unexperienced scumbag was one thing finding a highly trained vigilante was something else, looks like this kid is interesting.
Turns out the kids name is danny and he is awesome!
He's 19, just moved to gothem from some no where town and was studying aerospace engineering, linguistics and chemistry in gothem university.
His mother was a blackbelt and tought him how to put the fear of God in people 6 ways to sunday, he also has a sister whos an arkam asylum phyciatritrist intern
Danny is cool, knowes how to take a joke and can dish it right back out, was goofy and playful compared to the usual seriousness of of the bats, AND HE WAS SASSY
The colourful way he broke down the batfams characters had him cry laughing
When he met Danny in red hood persona he was mostly the same, though jason nearly had a heart attack when danny called him jason in red hood gear, but dannys cool and easy to talk to, they spent the rest of patrol together
Batman showed up wondering why red hood wasn't responding and red hood thought he had to defend danny from the interrogation that was to come...NOPE
The first words out of danny's mouth was
"I've never met a furrie in person, is it difficult to breath wearing the suit"
By the end of the 'conversation' Red hood couldn't move he was laughing so hard oh he couldn't wait to meet his fanily
Nevermind somethings wrong with jazz
When he met her nothing was wrong per'se but...
she seems nice but her smiles are too wide, too pointy, she moves too stiff and theres something just...off
She made the pit squirm in...not fear or discomfort, more like, she made the pit more agitated, annoyed, angry...thats...never happened before
Then he found out she was having love problems...the last guy she dated ended up in a cutl and was trying to get her to join, and the way she talk about phycology was too...disconnected
Somethings wrong with her
About 2 hours later jason came speeding into the batcave screaming about the next generation of Harley Quin
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youremyheaven · 3 months
mannerless orangutans.
i knew a guy with hasta moon and he was such an asshole too— i was close to him and i was openly known to be special to him by everyone. he would sexualise so many women and fatshame them abe homophobic but to me? none of that applied. if anyone else even tried bullying me for my emotional issues too he simply wouldn’t have it. even if he would publicly bully others for smaller issues openly 😒😒
years after that friendship and people still bring it up calling me his favourite and years after that friendship he spoke to one of our old mutuals and asked about me— he never liked me romantically. nooo that would be outrageous because im a minority in this country and not his race. he called me precious and sweet and good to him and called me that when he reached out to me again. i was also his therapist. he confided in me a lot about things he said he’d never told anyone else before and when he had a gf i would help him plan her gifts and everything and honestly i loved that gf. also again they had freaky coincidences— they were even born on the exact same day. brothers had the same name, mothers same birthday and loads of other thing. im veryyy sure that gf had a swati rising too but i might be wrong.
when his gf broke up he told me first, called me and everything but omitted details about the breakup, speaking about how he loved spoiling her and never wanted everything in return but when i talked to the gf, i found out he called her a slut for getting a new bf and that he told her to just admit that her new bf couldnt buy her the things he could and if she did that he would let her keep everything he bought her. but she said she broke up with him because he was being distant, not putting in effort and time into the relationship, just money and i was like yeah!! between this he changed to a notorious boys school known for being elitist and rich and all players, sexist and just horrible. i noticed the change too so i was just completely on the gf’s side.
he was sweet though— to me, at least. when i was struggling back then and has sh wounds he bought me creams and bandages and plasters and would check on me. he would go far to hide things i would use to hurt myself too. once i asked him if he wasn’t afraid that i could one day use all this info against him and he went— no. you’re too nice. in a rather endeared way too.
i had a bit of a glow up when he left— got objectively prettier, grew into my looks from the ugly duckling phase. we weren’t speaking for a year but he said i ghosted him and i was like honey… if we haven’t spoke in a year id say we just drifted and weren’t friends anymore. he once called me pretty too. just said he would never date me because i wasn’t his race, the majority race in the country. wasn’t the beauty standard too, because this country favourites small skinny girls and i am again, objectively short and small, but average to tall in this country, and not skinny, more hourglassy.
anyway he also did have that build i spoke about. he did a sport he was really good at. ive noticed this with hasta natives i PERSONALLY know, they usually have a sport that requires them to be slim. this is usually where the men develop body image issues. he did. he told me too. he was rounder as a child and we all knew that because its a small city and we all knew each other roughly. but he got fatshamed by a girl he liked into getting fitter at his sport and getting an ed. but when build like that are repressed, like i said again, it shows up in the torso and ribs and shoulders and jaw.
anyway 😊😊 hope that helped!
Imagine rejecting a moderate height hourglass shaped baddie with a sweet and caring personality??? 🤡🤡🤡 Clown behaviour if you ask me
A Rohini Moon man (complete and total asshole) ik has a blackbelt in Taekwondo, another Rohini Moon man (weirdo creepy freak) played basketball, the Hasta Rising guy I was talking to played football 👀
And they all have broad bulky builds and all of them complained about having dad bods lmao ,, they can't really be lean even if they try but I wish they'd just embrace that bulky build bc it's sooo hot 🥵🥵 like papi do you not see what you're cooking 😩
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dancesingay · 4 months
6/9/2024 Journal Entry - I'm back on Tumblr!! Let's Dance!!
I remember in 2013, my first girlfriend, a mormon horse girl who was a blackbelt in karate, introduced me to Tumblr. Chloe, if you're reading this, don't contact me.
Anyway, it's been 10 years, my high school reunion is this week. I'm not going, but to be fair, I would never put myself through that. I didn't recognize my graduating class when it was happening, I'm not going to suddenly know them now. lol
I love you Tumblr, I hope you missed me, I've been doing some things. I started an lgbt guild that has 500 people. The other day, I went to pride with my girlfriend and we saw my favorite youtuber, Sloan, whose rippling muscles just happened to be inches away from my face while passing by in the street, there were a lot of people. I said "Sloan?!" and He said "Yeah?" It was like seeing a dolphin in the wild.
Genuinely, it was my first pride and I had a wonderful time.
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Click the Image above for a direct link to Sloan's Youtube page.
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I'm a sneak, so I'm going with all the primes for your actual OTP (Ruveal yourself)
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23 and 29.
Picking one ship was sooo hard, there’s so many different dynamics that are so delicious … i did have to go with Rosénali though, that was the ship that finally got me into writing for this fandom in the first place.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Easy, Rosé is one big spender! She sees something Denali might like at the mall? Bought it! Denali’s eyes linger just a moment on something in a shop window? Bought it! Denali just as much as mentions she could use a snack right now, Rosé already pulled out her phone, UberEats on short dial.
3: Who walks around half naked and who yells at them to put on clothes?
Also Rosé. Why would she hide what god has given her when it’s so nice to look at? Especially in the early stages of their relationship, Denali would get bright red, turning the other way and begging Rosé to please at least put on a shirt! And of course, Rosé relishes in the other woman’s embarrassment, loving nothing more than to tease her.
7: Which one constantly wears the others clothes?
Denali, she loves snooping around Rosé‘s side of the closet until she finds something she likes. May that be a comfortable band T-Shirt, a cute dress or crop top or a pair of shorts, if it fits her Denali will wear it and never give it back.
11: If they were to rob a museum, which one does backflips over the lasers and which one strolls behind with a bag of chips?
Obviously, Denali is the crazy athlete with the blackbelt and Olympic training. And of course, Rosé loves watching her girls succeed.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the others overprotective sibling?
Since I adore Stephanie’s Child, lets assume they are sisters in this scenario. While Jan welcomes Denali with open arms, always happy to make a new friend or extend their family, Lagoona was a lot more reserved at first. Rosé wasn‘t really one to bring home a partner, she had been dating around and been very vocal about how much she enjoyed her freedom until now, so of course Lagoona was more than a little suspicious of the girl that had changed her sister mind so suddenly at first. Denali tried so hard to make friends though, bringing over homemade cookies and snacks and participating in every family tradition or event without hesitation, eventually Lagoona had to warm up to the sweet girl.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Oh I think it’s very different for each of them. Denali would be great, she’s more gentle and empathetic and also genuinely gets excited about some kids content herself. Meanwhile, Rosé is very clear that she does not want kids of her own, convinced it would not fit into her lifestyle, which is probably for the better.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one has bought a puppy?
Ah, that’s another easy one! One day Rosé comes home from rehearsals to find the house quiet, all she can hear is Denali cooing in another room somewhere, using her baby voice, which of course raised immediate suspicion. Turns out Denali stopped by the shelter on her own way back home, originally only stopping by to donate some of their old blankets and pillows, when an especially anxious little pup had come up to sniff her. Denali probably would’ve fallen in love from that alone, but when the staff told her the brown little dog usually avoids any visitors, she basically had no choice but to take her. Watching the two of them on the carpet in the living room now, Denali throwing a little chew toy that Donut the dog chases after with an excited squeal, Rosé just can’t bring herself to be mad about it either.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Rosé. She’s always trying to be of service for her babygirl, if it were her way Denali would never even lift a finger. Denali of course loves the romantic gesture, looping her arm through Rosé’s and resting her head on her shoulder with a wide smile.
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Characters Analysis: Chozen Toguchi and Mike Barnes
Chozen Toguchi and Mike Barnes
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Yuji Okumoto’s Chozen Toguchi and Sean Kanan’s Mike Barnes had great reintroductions into the Cobra Kai series. They both came in as  well adjusted adults compared to their younger “psychotic selves.” Enjoy them or not, as people, they have went on powerful journeys.
Chozen Toguchi
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Early Life:
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As a child, Chozen was left in the care of his uncle after his father’s death due to him being a coward. Chozen has been taught to value honor above all else. Honestly, psychologically engrave into him. Unfortunately Chozen inherited his father’s cowardice leading him to cheat his way in life to avoid the risk of losing that honor. His only known friend back then was Kumiko, they played for years and developed bond over. Possibly he was close to with her due to his home life.
Karate Kid Part II:
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Then came in Daniel-San. He got everything Chozen worked for. He has the full honor from Mr. Miyagi that he had to earn from Sato. It was the thing he value the most in life, it made him angry and insecure. Also Daniel getting the girl he was in love with, that sounds familiar. Daniel saving Yuna and helping with Sato while Chozen, who understandably was afraid, backed away from the risk. But due to the person he turned into, Sato considered him to be dishonorable, so he disowned him, taking away his honor, the thing he has been afraid of his entire life. With the one thing that gave him the meaning of life now gone. He now has no reason to consider the consequences of what he did. He only had anger and vengeance toward the person that made him lose his honor. With his honor gone, his humanity was practically remove from him. This made him willing to kill the one person that he loved just to get at the “source”.
After KK2: 
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After Daniel-San showed his honor by sparing Chozen, he lived long enough to see the impact that his actions had made to the people around him. Everyone saw Chozen as the monster that he was to Daniel. This is like with Sato, but hundreds of times worse. Unlike with Sato, Chozen has nothing to blame for this but himself. Having more time to process what he did, he realized how awful his crimes were. He trashed a happy day for the people, made  them witness a potential murder, and tried to kill the woman he supposedly loved, all just to get back at someone that barely deserved his wrath. Chozen is back at his childhood self, alone, but this time, he was completely alone. He had no one to really help him learn to be better.  His uncle already saw him as dishonorable, Kumiko probably will never forgive him for trying to murder her, and everyone sees him as a monster. How would he live with himself? He came to the conclusion, he can’t live with himself after everything he has done. So he decided for the sake of everyone, he wanted to kill himself. But before he could, the thing he needed his entire life came to him, the love of his uncle. Knowing his uncle still cared about him, this gave him the motive to give himself another chance. This motive later increased, when the love of his life “found him again.”
Mike Barnes
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Early LIfe:
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Although not much is known about Barnes’ background some people have drawn he has a similar background to the Cobra Kai’s Female Champion, Tory Nichols, from his main trait and motive for what he did.
What we do know, he was a national champion of Karate, being a high blackbelt and earning the name, “Karate’s Bad Boy.”
Karate Kai Part III:
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When we’re first introduced to Mike Barnes, he was a national champion, who seemed like the perfect person for Sensei Terry Silver to torment his enemy, Daniel LaRusso. He was promise was 50% of the dojo if he terrorize this other kid for Silver.
Through the movie, he terrorize the hell out of  Daniel LaRusso to the point where he and his sensei Mr. Miyagi were drifting a part. He ruined his bonsai tree shop, sold the trees, assaulted him twice, assault his good friend, Jessica Andrews, threaten to kill him and Jessica if Daniel doesn’t sign a contract, and snapped his bonsai trees.
But, when Miyagi attacked, he seemed to hesitate, but willing to fight. But got his ass beat.
During the all valley of 85, Mike was ready to wipe the floor with Daniel, but Silver wanted him to torment Daniel more, so Mike purposefully had to lose a point. After bad-mouthing Mr. Miyagi, this angered LaRusso, causing him to defeat him, which left him angry in the end.
After KK3:
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According to him in episode 3 of season 5, Mike stated how insane that there’s a contract that allowed him to hurt another kid, indicating, he knew that he made a deal with the devil. And he was right to have second thoughts since after he failed to complete the task he been given, he loss his credibility as a karate fighter and his financial future ruin. He was kicked to the curve, left to fend for himself. He worked a lot of odd jobs to gained some money for his finance. But one day, he found someone that cared for him a lot. Who taught him the value of creation. Someone to help turn his life around for the better. And later gained the love of his life, the man’s daughter, making him his son in a legal sense.
Comparison to Tory Nichols:
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Barnes and Nichols came in as the tough badass fighter with anger issues that for money whatever reasons (poor background). Some people even believe they could be related (not).
Their relationship with Terry has a similar nature. Terry Silver promised a lot of money and a lot of glory just to keep for their skills as fighter as nothing else. While they know full well that Silver is a mad-man.
Nichols’ background could honestly be similar to Barnes’.
In conclusion:
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Mike Barnes and Chozen Toguchi had got through some powerful shit. Chozen nearly lossed himself but found the light. While Mike lived with the consequences of his mistake and then found someone who loved him like a son.
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novumtimes · 1 month
70s music icon looks basically the same at 80 in rare appearance
Diana Ross is gave off a youthful glow as she was spotted in LA (Picture: Blackbelts / BACKGRID) Chart-topping artist Diana Ross, 80, cut an ageless figure as she was spotted out and about in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. The US music legend broke out in the 1960s as the lead singer of Motown girl group The Supremes – which celebrated 12 Billboard number ones in its time – before launching her solo career with her self-titled debut that features the timeless classic, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Since then the Grammy-winning singer has released several number one hits such as Endless Love featuring Lionel Richie, I’m Coming Out and Miss Me In The Morning. In 1973, Diana also landed a coveted best actress Oscar nomination after starring in Lady Sings the Blues. As her career has gone from strength to strength, she has firmly cemented her place in music history. In 2022, she performed in the Glastonbury Legends slot and made history at the time with the most-viewed performance ever. As she continues to tour the US with her greatest hits, the artist was recently spotted in a rare appearance on the streets of LA while shopping at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills. The hitmaker was shopping in a casual all-black outfit Blackbelts / BACKGRID) She took a moment to wave to fans (Picture: Blackbelts / BACKGRID) She was performing in Detroit just a few months ago (Picture: Getty) She was wearing a a pair of chunky sunglasses, an all-black outfit – made up of an off-the-shoulder black top, black leggings and a matching fanny pack – and brown ugg boots. The R&B singer looking better than ever. Needless to say, the glamorous music icon looks as though she has hardly aged a day during her lucrative six-decade-long career and counting. The mum-of-five celebrated her 80th birthday in March, with her daughter Tracee Ellis Ross paying tribute to her mum’s legacy in a heartfelt social media post recounting some of the struggles Diana faced as a young music star. She has long been known for her fabulous fashion (Picture: Getty) And teamed up with countless mega artists over the years (Picture: Getty) She first rose to prominence as part of the legendary Motown group, The Supremes (Picture: Michael Ochs Archives) ‘Amidst shattering records, breaking glass ceilings, and setting a new bar for style and glamour, we, her children, were always her priority. As I often say, “Diana Ross” the beloved global icon is legendary but she doesn’t hold a candle to my mama,’ Tracee concluded in her caption. More Trending Read More Stories Now Diana – who has also won a Special Tony Award and Presidential Medal of Freedom – will be immortalised on the big screen as part of Michael Jackson’s upcoming biopic. Earlier this year, it was announced Diana will be portrayed by Vampire Diaries star Kat Graham. Reacting to news of the casting, Kat posted on Instagram: ‘Grateful to play the legendary Diana Ross… directed by the great Antoine Fuqua. ‘I can’t wait for everyone to see this film and the brilliant performances in it. Thank you Graham King, Vickie Thomas and Mr. Fuqua for allowing me the privilege of supporting the retelling of such a pivotal era in our music history.’ Got a story? If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk entertainment team by emailing us [email protected], calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page – we’d love to hear from you. MORE : Fans are convinced Meryl Streep and Martin short are dating after sweet red carpet moment MORE : YouTuber Twomad cause of sudden death aged 23 revealed MORE : Fans disgusted with ‘awful human’ Lily Allen getting rid of dog for ‘ruining her life’ Source link via The Novum Times
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
064 of 2024
The Black Survey 🖤
by joybucket
1. Are you wearing anything black right now, and if so, what? Yes, a hoodie.
2. Have you ever had a friend with the last name Black? No, I haven't.
3. Have you ever had an all-black cat? 🐈‍⬛ Yes. The worst thing is that my mum named him Nigger, and I cringe every time I hear it. But oh well, kitty didn't mind.
4. Have you ever had an all-black dog? We had a black dog, but he had some beige marks, I think.
5. Have you ever had a black and white cat? Yes, my Susie is black and white. Not a true tuxedo, though, because her colour proportions are more or less 50/50.
6. Have you ever had a black and white dog? No, I haven't. I only had that black dog with beige marks.
7. Did you ever go through a Goth phase? Yeah? Started when I was about 13 and kinda ended when I was 30, but the truth is, I've never truly "grown up" from it.
8. Which of these words would you say describes you best: emo, gloomy, disappearing, tormented, or evil? Tormented was my first thought.
9. List three random things you like that are black. Ravens, black cats, black hair.
11. Would you ever dye your hair black? Yes, I had black several times.
13. Do you own a little black dress? No, I don't wear dresses.
14. List three things you can see from where you're sitting right now that are black. My laptop, TV remote, my husband's PS5 contoller.
15. Have you ever lived in a home that had a mold problem? Yeah, unfortunately. The house I live in is really old (18th century or something???) and the bathroom has broken heating but we use the shower with hot water, so there's some mold on the wall. Awesome thing for someone with allergies :/
16. Have you ever squeezed a blackhead on your face and then felt like you were about to pass out? No, but I don't think I've squeezed anything on my face anyway.
17. Does your vision ever go black when you stand up too fast? Yeah, always. I suffer from mitral valve prolapse as a symptom of my genetic disorder, so the blood flow is kinda disrupted.
18. Which of these names do you like best for a cat: Emo, Salem, Oreo, Killer, or Vampire? 🐈‍⬛ Oreo is cute.
19. What is one book or movie that gave you nightmares as a kid? I don't remember the title, but I accidentally watched a crime movie where the killer flushed the remnants of a woman in the toilet, and since then, I was too scared to actually use the toilet. I still remember it, but now I can only laugh at it.
20. Which of these careers sounds the most appealing to you: blackbelt in karate 🥋, ninja 🥷, spy, nun, or paranormal investigator? Spy so I can have an opportunity to get into number stations from the inside.
21. Which of these names do you like best for a cat: Goth, Scorpio, Eclipse, Storm, or Thunder? Storm or Eclipse.
22. Which of these cartoon characters do you like best: Kim Possible, Inspector Gadget, Cruella de Vil, Emily the Strange, or Voldemort? Emily the Strange.
23. Do black crows creep you out? No, I actually like them. They're very smart.
24. Do you believe that birds are spies? Never thought about it.
25. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Eclipse, Raven, Storm, Infinity, or Eternity? Maybe Raven.
26. What are three things that can cheer you up when you're feeling sad? Purring of my cat, visiting my hometown, train rides.
27. Have you ever driven a black car? I don't drive, but me and my husband own a black car.
28. Which of these Halloween costumes would you prefer to wear: witch, vampire, black cat, demon, or the Grim Reaper? I don't celebrate Halloween, but black cat.
30. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yeah, when I was younger. Thankfully I didn't do it. Life is too precious.
31. Have you ever been depressed or suicidal as a side effect of a medication? No, but I had these symptoms when I experienced withdrawal from antidepressants.
32. What's the worst medication you've ever taken? Why? I don't know if it counts, but I take relatively high doses of Keppra (epilepsy medication) among others, and this one tends to be heavy on the brain lol. It makes me feel sleepy and dizzy on the worst days.
33. What's the worst medication side effect you've ever had? Skin rash from Lamictal (yet another medication I take for epilepsy treatment). But skin rash with Lamictal is really, really common.
34. What are three things you're afraid of? Death, failure/losing, total darkness.
35. List three things you dislike that are black. Flies and some other bugs that are black, formal suits, dried figs.
36. List three random things you own that are black. Laptop, TV, mannequins from our shop.
37. Do you own a pair of black jeggings?
38. Have you ever had to wear black pants as part of a work uniform? No, my work trousers are navy blue with yellow reflective parts. Honestly, I love them. As much as I like my work t-shirts - they have a big logo of our company on the back.
39. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Ebony, Stormy, Starla, Moon, or Luna? Ebony.
40. Which of these words would you say describes you best: evil, depressed, vile, light-sensitive, or lonely? Light-sensitive, hands down. My eyes are very sensitive to the light.
41. How often do you feel lonely? Not that often anymore. But I used to because it's so easy to get misunderstood when you're autistic lol.
42. Which of these words would you say describes you most often: miserable, alone, lost, enraged, or delusional? Lost.
43. Have you ever had a black eye? No, thankfully.
44. Have you ever given someone else a black eye? Probably, but I was defending someone.
46. Do you believe having a black cat cross your path is bad luck? Nope. Kitties be kitties, no matter black or not.
47. Which of these words would you say describes you best: unlucky, doomed, oppressed, broken, or emotional? Emotional, but I rarely show it.
48. Do you like raisins? I hate raisins. So does my husband, he calls them "dead flies".
49. Have you ever had a friend who was blind? No, but I got one who is even more visually impaired than me and they're legally blind (I'm on the verge, too), so they have to use a white cane because they can only see in front of their face, they described their vision like being in the dense fog all the time.
50. Do you own anything from Hot Topic, and if so, what? No, I don't. Hot Topic doesn't exist in Europe.
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samjimcnez · 1 year
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{ OLIVIA RODRIGO, 19, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that SAMANTHA JIMÉNEZ? A FRESHMAN originally from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, they decided to come to Ogden College to study CREATIVE WRITING & CLASSICS on a ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE POLLYANNA on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
pinterest | playlist tag | wanted connections [ coming soon ... ]
Full Name: Samantha Jane Jiménez Nickname: Sam or Sammy Birthdate: February 25th, 2004 Age: Nineteen Zodiac: Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini rising SEE HER FULL BIRTH CHART HERE Gender: Cis woman Pronouns: She / Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demisexual Ethnicity: Filipino & White Trope: The Pollyanna
How She Fits the Trope: The Pollyanna is a trope about a girl who always seems happy, and pleasant, and good no matter what happens to them in life. And their life has not been an easy one, Samantha’s life certainly hasn’t been, but it doesn’t matter, because their outlook is always sunny. There is a term in psychology called The Pollyanna Principle, or Pollyannaism, which is the tendency in people to remember pleasant things better than unpleasant things (the term has become overused and diluted in recent years but toxic positivity). That is very much Samantha to a T. She would rather live a life covered with rose-colored glasses than acknowledge difficult things, because once the difficult things start creeping in she feels like there is no way she’s going to be able to stop them, and if she lets that sort of thing take over her life she is just not really sure how she’d ever be able to deal with it. So, she clings to her happy, and pleasant escapist fantasy and that is where she is going to exist for the rest of her life. As far as she is concerned anyway.
Current Year: Freshman Major: Creative Writing & Classics Extracurriculars: Freshman Class Board, Writing Club, Chess Club, Book Club, Mental Health Union, Feminists at Ogden, Tae Kwon Do Club Dream Occupation: A best selling Author Past Jobs: She has worked as a life guard when she was in high school, She helped teach kids Martial Arts at a local rec center, Currently she works in the school's library
Skills: She has a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and she has won 2 state championships before, and gone on to national competitions (but never won anything there). / She is a very good mediator. She doesn’t like fighting with others, and doesn’t like when others fight with each other so she tries to be the go between to help people mend things. / She is really really good at BSing knowledge, her own and others if necessary, even if she doesn’t know anything about a subject she’s good at speaking like she does. Shortcomings: Toxic Positivity in person form; she lives in her own little fantasy world where everything is great and it’s not. / She is extremely sensitive and cries over a lot of things. She honestly tries not to, and was made fun of a lot for being a cry baby when she was younger. So she tries to hold it in. But she’s not good at it. / Something else coming soon …. Languages: English, Spanish, and some Japanese thanks to Ollie's fam
Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brunette Height: 5'4 Exercise Habits: She regularly does Martial Arts & she works out at the school Gym Piercings: Her ears a couple times Clothing Style: Art Hoe
Positive Traits: Compassionate, Driven, Patient Negative Traits: Sensitive, conflict averse, Escapist MBTI Type: INFJ Enneagram Type: 2w3 SP Instinct Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Temprament: Sanguine Introverted/Extroverted? Introverted Drug/Alcohol Use: None Mental Illnesses: None that she knows of
Tropes: coming soon … Character Inspiration: Suzy Pesto [ via tiktok you know the one ]
Parents: Luis Jiménez [ father ] Bethany Howe [ mother ] Extended Family: Her Grandfather Gabriel Jiménez Other: n/a
Connection with Greer: Samantha met Greer in High School, though mostly she knew her … just as the girl who was the most popular. Everyone loved Greer, she was so pretty, and complemented people in the hallways and stuff. Samantha is aware that a lot of people say she was very fake, and she doesn’t really know one way or another, but she always seemed very nice to her. She also had a few interactions with Greer through Ollie, when they were out partying together and it ended up back in NYC. They didn’t really hang out but once again, they were always fairly pleasant interactions. The only real significant interaction Samantha had with Greer was one night in High School when she was a freshman and Greer was a Junior, she was getting out of one club later in the night and apparently Greer was getting out of some club, or sport, or whatever. She was heading to the subway, and passed Greer who was waiting for a car, but had been stopped by a couple of guys that were harassing and calling her. There seemed like there was about to be a really bad situation, so Sam stopped and very politely asked them to leave Greer alone. The guys just laughed at her and continued to be skeevy jerks, so she kicked one of them in the junk, and flipped the other off his feet when he tried to advance on her– it was easy, with Sam being so well versed in Tae Kwon Do after all. Greer found it very amusing, and took Sam home in the fancy car that had come to pick her up. She ordered milkshakes for them and they chatted a little bit before she dropped her off. That’s really where the interaction began and ended beyond the casual greetings once in a while, but it was a pleasant experience.
Samantha grew up with her Grandfather because her parents were unfit to raise her due to their addiction problems. They aren’t really in her life anymore, but she sees them maybe once a year if that. Her father more than her mother (since she lives with her paternal Grandpa), neither of whom are together. The last time she saw her mom was probably when she was sixteen, her dad came to her High School graduation though.
She grew up next door to Ollie. He’s like an older brother to her, really and they love each other very much. They don’t hang out, or spend much social time together because they have… almost nothing in common, but she cares about him very much. May or may not be taking over the business for him after he graduates.
She went to the same high school as Greer and all of those fancy rich people on a scholarship for all the impressive awards she managed to win for literary things.
She is very straight edge!!
She will cry about anything and everything. Thank you very much!
She believes that your favorite Shakespeare play says a lot about you. Hamlet is that you’re dramatic; A Midsummer's Night Dream is that you’re Dramatique(tm); Macbeth is you support women’s rights but most of all you support women’s wrongs; Romeo and Juliet is that you’re probably basic. Her favorite is the Twelfth Night which means she has good taste.
Sam has been locked in the library for the past five months. She's come out of hibernation now though. For now …
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lightfortoday · 5 years
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swniii · 3 years
When Mikey saw you getting bullied
Warning/s : Bullying
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You were the quiet kid at the class,thougth to be weak,has no friends,rarely participate in group activities,which resulted for you to be the target of the bullies
Its not like you cant fight,ofcourse you can,you are blackbelt in karate,Its not like no one wanta to befriend you,youre just picky,not wanting to be betrayed in the end,
You just dont fight back because you know It will not end well for them,and for your already scrapped reputation at school,you just dont want to participate in group activities as it contains being with other humans
You hide it from Mikey,your friend for a year now,because you do not want to burden him as he's already the 'Invincible Mikey' and 'Toman's President'
However,Mikey has already knew,just yesterday,so today he decided to go barge into your school so he can confront your bullies personally
He go at lunch time,since its the time he think youre going to get bullied,and he was right,youre right there looking down as the clowns infront of you insults you,
"What do you think youre doing?"Mikey scarily said at them,eyes dull,the girl number 2 confidently said
"What else?we are disciplining our pet!"
He suddenly punched the wall beside them,it left a dent,which scared everyone excluding you
"You know,I dont hit girls,but maybe today I can make an exception"
Just that and the clowns,I mean girl run away,
Mikey turns to you smiling,"Lets go,Y/N-chin"
"Huh,where?"You asked,"To hang out,obviously"
You two walk in silnce,now in a random street,still holding hands,
"Thanks.."You quietly said
"Its fine Y/N-chin you are someone important to me afterall"he said
"But still,its like im depending on you,like I owe you,I dont like that,wgat can i do in exchange of you standing up for me?"you asked him now looking at him straight in the eyes
"Y/N-chin,am i important to you?"he suddenly asked,leaning to you
"Ofcourse you are!,To me you are...you are..."You stopped,you cant just conffess to him that like him
"Thats all I need to know!"he said while smiling at you
Youre eyes widened,you realised youre slowly and surely falling inlove with him
"You know,you dont have to shoulder everything,we're her too you know,you can depend on us,you can depend on me"you said holding his hand tighter
"I know"he said
Somehow your words made the weight on his shoulder get lift,and he know he have high chance on you
For the rest of the day you two hang out,but for him its a date.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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sabineelectricheart · 4 years
A Room Full of Clothes
Summary: Byleth is evicted from her apartment. Dimitri is ready to help her.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 4800
Notes: I wouldn’t call it fluff. God, no. But it’s kinda cute, in a way. I hope you like it.
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The sun shone brightly over the edges of the Gronder Field as a new day begins in Remire. The citizens start their gruelling commute to Garreg Mach early, not to be late for their jobs in the city.
“Okay, I’m here!” Byleth wiggles an arm through the sleeve of her jacket before settling into the couch with the rest of her roommates. “I’m in a bit of rush, but I’m here, I’m ready and I’m ready to listen. Now, will you tell us why you’ve called this emergency meeting?”
Annette fidgets on the spot, standing in the centre of the living room. Her doe-like blue eyes flicker between the remaining three residents. Felix, Ingrid and Sylvain uneasily avoid their friend’s gaze. In fact, they avoid looking at anything other than the walls of their apartment.
Byleth furrows her brow, narrowing her eyes in question to their strange behaviour.
“What’s going on?” Byleth begins slowly.
When none of them dares to make eye-contact, she turns to Felix, who sits closest to her on the couch.
“Don’t look at me.” The bluenette huffs, throwing his hands up defensively and with the usual angry edge to his voice. “I am not the one who called this little sham of a meeting, Annette did.”
The man looks pointedly at their roommate standing, urging her to get over whatever it was. Felix was never a patient person.
Byleth frowns, turning her attention back to the redhead who is nervously gnawing at her lower lip. The sinking feeling in her gut tells her nothing good is going to come from this “emergency meeting”, and something tells her, from the way her roommates are refusing to make eye contact, there was nothing last minute about this gathering.
“Byleth, you know you’re my best friend, and a very good friend to all of us!” She says the latter in one rushed breath.
“Why do I get the feeling like you’re all about to breakup with me?” The woman in question mutters, earning herself a snort from Sylvain for the trouble. She, then, tries to catch Ingrid’s and Felix’s eyes, but they were much too busy staring at the carpet.
Annette does not hear her, or does not care to, and continues to trample over her own words.
“We were thinking, with the end of our school year and everything coming up so soon this summer. Oh, this isn’t easy!” She stutters, fingers fumbling together.
The sight makes Byleth uncomfortable and she frowns. Cold dread rushes up her spine. “What’s going on?”
Felix sighs. “Come on, Annette. Just spit it out! It’s just Byleth, for the Goddess’ sake!”
“We were wondering if you’re considering moving in with Dimitri?” The young physicist blurts out.
A heavy silence falls over the five, all sitting uncomfortably next to each other, with the exception of Annette, who had the misfortune of stand before them. Her fists balls up tightly, her eyes quickly scanning Byleth’s usually neutral face in a sad effort to read her thoughts.
The blue-haired schoolteacher breaks the silence with a nervous chuckle, waiting for them to tell her at any moment this is all some joke. When no one says anything after another loaded beat of silence, she whips her head between Sylvain and Annette, before craning her head to read Ingrid and Felix’s sheepish expressions.
“Excuse me, what?” She lets out another uneasy laugh.
Ingrid sighs, finally looking up from the spot on the ground she has been fixating on.
“I think what we are all trying to say, or ask, is … You and Dimitri have been getting pretty serious over the last year, and we’re all very glad for that. We also think that it’s a bit inevitable, taking from how often you stay over at his place, that eventually you’re going to move in with him.”
Heat flushes Byleth’s face and she gapes flabbergasted at the strange scenario unfolding in her living room. Where her roommates have decidedly taken it upon themselves to ask her an intimate question she had not even considered, or discussed, with her own boyfriend.
The young woman shakes her head bemused.
“What are you guys talking about? Dimitri and I have been together a while, yes, but I live here.” She jabs a finger on the sofa’s cushion to emphasise her irritation. “Where is all of this coming from?”
All four others exchange quiet, nervous glances and fall deadly silent.
Byleth’s frown deepens. “Are you guys worried I’m going to stop paying rent or something? Because I’m not, I know I live here and I’ll keep paying my share of the bills. Just because I spend a lot of time by Dimitri doesn’t mean…”
“Would someone just… Tell her, please?” Felix scoffs.
“Why don’t you, emo boy?” Sylvain snaps, and the bluenette shuts up and sulks.
“What are we supposed to think? You’re hardly ever here!” Annette interjects and Byleth’s attention snaps back to her. “In the last three months, you’ve probably been home a grand total of one week and that’s just to do your share of the chores and to get a fresh set clothes.”
“I don’t have any plans to move in with Dimitri anytime soon, and if I had, I’d like to think I’d discuss it with him first and then you guys before leaving.” The girl with the blue hair crosses her arms over her chest. Her brow furrows in anger, wondering why the people she trusts the most are testing her. “I’m trying to wrap my head around this. Are you guys upset, or… I don’t know, that I’m not really home to hang out?”
There’s a hasty chorus of disagreement and a snort from Sylvain.
“No! Of course not. We’re all happy you and Dimitri were able to work things out and be together. None of us miss either of you sulking on the hallways because of heartache, trust me. It’s just…” Annette’s shifty eyes dart around the face of her roommates again before dropping her voice to a near whisper. “Somebody could be living in that room. Garreg Mach is really expensive and it’s hard to find somewhere to live comfortably at a reasonable price.”
“I know that, which is why I pay one-fifth of the rent.” Byleth says a little stung by the comment. “I could make more of an effort to be here, you’re right about that, but I…”
Suddenly it all clicks, and after nearly three years dealing with shy kids trying to make sense of their own emotions, Byleth can practically see the puzzle pieces aligning perfectly together. A surge of hot energy courses through her. Betrayal and anger flare up.
“Oh my star!” Byleth gasps, jaw slacking as the realisation dawns on her. Her friends collectively tense at her tone. “You have someone for the room already, don’t you?!”
“See!” Annette’s eye grow wide. She nervously points an accusing finger at Byleth. “You’re calling it the room, not even my room.”
“That is not the point!” The woman adds flustered. “And you’re not even denying it!”
“Okay, okay.” Sylvain wheels himself between Annette and Byleth. “I think we all need to take a step back and reassess. Byleth deserves a proper explanation and we’ve done a terrible job so far.”
Felix shakes his head, rolling her eyes and Ingrid awkwardly scratches at her eyebrow.  
Falling to him, the redhead gives his friend a pained smile and gently tells her, “Byleth, I think what Annette is trying to say is that we may have jumped the gun a bit and promised your room to someone else.”
She rubs her creased forehead, trying to wrap her head around the mess.
“Why…” Byleth begins slowly, letting out a loud sigh and trying to stifle her anger into a passive voice. “…Would you offer my room to someone before even talking to me? Can’t you guys just tell them, I don’t know, sike?”
Annette and Sylvain share another anxious glance, trying to trade off the responsibility of telling the irate blackbelt in more martial arts they care to know the truth.
“One of our, ahem, friends in common told Annette she was struggling to find a place since the lease on her place was running out and well…” Sylvain scratched the back of his head, what he usually did whenever he felt nervous. “I think, our Annette here saw a colleague in need and… Offered up your room.”
They have hit Byleth in her weak spot, pulling at her heart strings and targeting the softness at the core of her nature. She opens her mouth, trying to come up with a solution before Annette hits her with the devastating, closing blow:
“It’s Dorothea.”
“Sylvain’s girlfriend?” Byleth groans, burying her face in her hands. “Why doesn’t she sleep on his room?!”
“She’s a model, you see.” Said man interjects with a moronic smile. “She owns too many clothes and shoes and make-up. Between her stuff and my stuff, we wouldn’t have any space.”
“Oh, so I’m being evicted, not so Dorothea can move in, but her clothes?!” The woman bawled. “What the fuck?!
Ingrid scoots closer and runs an arm, hopefully reassuring, around her friend’s shoulder. “It’s not like that, Byleth. Dorothea really needs a place to stay, and, well, you really don’t.”
The blue-haired woman glares at the blonde. “Easy for you to say, Ingrid. You’re engaged, why don’t you move in with Glenn?”
“Glenn lives in Fraldarius, Byleth.” The blonde biochemist responded, as if it was obvious.
“And Dimitri lives in the Upper City. Your point?” The other shot back.
She wishes the four of them had collectively shot her. It would hurt less. She stands up abruptly and shoulders her bag once more before heading for the front door.
“I need to go clear my head.” Byleth declared, picking up her keys from the table and walking to the door. “I can’t talk about this right now. I’m going to be late.”
No one moves, except for Annette, who looks like she is about to bolt after the young teacher, but Felix stops her.
“Oh, yeah? Where are you headed tonight?” Sylvain smugly calls out after Byleth, who glares at him before slamming the door.
When she arrives at Dimitri’s apartment, thirteen hours later, letting herself in with her own set of keys, the rich smell of oregano and sharp cheddar envelopes her seductively. Dedue must have stopped by.
The blond man can tell by the way Byleth storms in without so much of a greeting and the hasty way she unpacks the wine from her carrier bag that she is in a bad mood. She does not even bother petting or cooing at Rufus, aptly named after her boyfriend’s hated uncle, when it desperately whines at her heels.
Standing on the kitchen door after setting the dinner plates, Dimitri quirks an eyebrow at her. “Delays on the cable car again?”
His girlfriend remains eerily silent, opening and closing a few drawers and cabinet doors. Angry at her comfort and ease at which she can move around his apartment, finding exactly what she was looking for, where she was looking for it.
Dimitri continues to observe her. Eyes scanning, analysing, as she sets down two wine glasses with a clink. Impatiently, the resident uncorks the wine bottle and with a loud, long glug she pours the cheap red wine.
After handing Dimitri his glass, she gingerly-yet-decidedly taps hers with his and takes one long gulp. Byleth finally meets his eyes and pulls her drinks away, exhaling noisily.
“I’m getting kicked out of my apartment.” She declares, monotone. “I’m getting kicked out because of clothes.”
Dimitri freezes, wine glass suspended at his mouth. Out of all the reasons why she stomped into the house, this was not one of the scenarios he had prepared for. She downs the rest of her wine before pouring herself another generous serving.
“The tribe has spoken. I’ve been voted off the island. Big Brother has evicted me. I am the weakest link. I didn’t get a rose. Sashay away. I’m running out of TV catch phrases here, Dimitri.”
Byleth moves to the other side of the room and towards the couch, Rufus following closely behind her. When she plops down unceremoniously, she finally gives in and scratches the dark-brown Labrador behind its ear.
Dimitri throws a glance over his shoulder, ensuring the food his housekeeper brough over in the afternoon was covered before following the exasperated woman.
His eyebrows tightly knit together. “What do you mean you’re being kicked out?”
Byleth fills him in on why she is so frustrated, explaining the unwitting part that Dorothea played on the whole mess and recapping the details of the stupid living room meeting but overtly sidesteps the reasoning her roommates used to indirectly oust her from their home.
“Why do I get the feeling that there’s more to this than you’re letting on?” Dimitri says coolly, seeing through her as if she was made of glass.
He takes another drink of the terrible wine she has thoughtlessly chosen and fixes her with a serious stare. Byleth averts her blue eyes back down to her lap, heat prickling at her cheeks and ears. At the thought of presenting her boyfriend with the same words Annette had used calls a wave of embarrassment to wash over her.
She lets out a loud breath, the dark strands of her fringe blowing up briefly. She turns her head and meets his concerned gaze. “They did it because they’re expecting me to move in with you.”
The stillness that follows unnerves the older woman. Byleth cannot read Dimitri’s expression, and a rush of emotions surge through her. Mortified, she busies herself by petting Rufus’ eager head.
She is about to open her mouth again, on the verge of taking it all back, but then he speaks. “I wasn’t sure when to bring it up.”
“I’m sorry, what?” The woman balks.
Dimitri’s words take her by surprise, blowing her over in the complete opposite direction she anticipates. It is his turn to let out an exasperated sigh and takes a long drink as Byleth watches him nervously, gripping onto a spare throw pillow.
“Bring what up?” She asks, softly, trying to calm him down.
“I can see why they would think that.” He averts his gaze, toying with the stem of the wine glass. “You… Have been spending a lot of time here.”
“I have not!” She interrupts, but the man pays her no mind.
“I can see where they’re coming from. Most of your belongings are here. Your clothes, your class logs, your books, your plants, even your dog!” Dimitri lets out a chuckle.
Byleth stiffens. “They’re cacti and I can take them back to my apartment. I can clear out my drawer and take my paperwork, that’s not an issue, and I just keep Rufus here because Felix is allergic. I’m sorry if I’ve made myself too comfortable, but I…”
His large, comforting hand cuts her off mid-sentence, finding a spot on her lap.
“I don’t want to give you just a drawer.” He interjects.
The words die in her throat, mouth opening and closing a few times before she tilts her head quizzically. “What are you saying?”
Dimitri places his near-empty glass of wine on the coffee table, littered with her medical journal printouts.
“Well, you’ll be 29 soon…”
“And you’re 27, spring chicken.” Byleth smacks his arm with the pillow she holds.
Dimitri goes quiet, shooting her a deadpanned and exhausted look.
“I wasn’t meaning it as an insult, if you would just listen.” He mutters, clearly miffed at the jab at their age difference. “What I was trying to say, before you so rudely interrupted me, Byleth, is that you’re almost finally graduating college. I know you don’t like staying put for too long and you might want to move out of Garreg Mach altogether now, but if you choose to stay here…”
A pause weighs heavily on the living room environment. The man breathes out before continuing, feeling extremely bashful for broaching the subject.
“Well… Haven’t you… Haven’t you ever given it any thought on whether you’d like to live here with me?” His cheeks prickle pink at the words.
She feels like she is wading through a daydream, stomach somersaulting at the soft look he is giving her.
“Of course, it has crossed my mind. You know I like the school where I teach and I love my students. I don’t have anywhere else to go.” She plays with the frayed-ends of the pillow’s cover. “We’ve been together for a little over a year, everything’s been great and I love you—oh, don’t give me that look, it’s not like it’s a secret.”
A smug, coy smirk tugs at corners of his mouth and Byleth gives him another light whack with the pillow.
Another chorus of quiet laughter erupts from Dimitri, chest bouncing as he shields himself from the woman’s attack. “Okay, so would you care to elaborate what’s holding you back from moving in with me?”
Byleth freezes as his words, out in the open between them for the first time. Somewhere deep inside she resents her closest friends for forcing her hand to have this conversation. There is also a smaller hidden part of her that is so very grateful for them.
“It’s not that easy…” She mutters, anxious hands lavishing Rufus with attention.
Dimitri frowns. “Is it because you don’t want to move in with me?”
“No!” Byleth hurriedly responds, snapping her attention back to the young financier. “It’s not that.”
“Okay, humour me.” Dimitri studies her, silently intrigued by the challenge he has just posed. “Why not?”
“Where to begin? Oh, right, how about the fact that I can’t pay my share of the rent in the Upper City?” Byleth grumbles.
Despite her mother coming from wealth, Byleth’s life was always fraught with modest means. She had to delay going to college to raise some funds, and even then, she worked hard throughout her four years of education to get herself through it. It might be prideful of her, but she would not start relying on her moneybags boyfriend to pay all her bills when she finally was able to feel the coveted piece of paper in her hands.
Dimitri tenses. “Uh… Byleth, I own the townhouse. I thought you knew that.”
His attention uncomfortably shifts when Byleth’s jaw slacks.
“No, I did not know that, Dimitri,” she hisses.
He clears his throat. “Well, rent wouldn’t be an issue because I own the apartment. That is, in another three years, when I’m finished paying off the mortgage.”
Nervously, Byleth runs a hand through her hair. “Okay…” she starts slowly, trying to process the new information. “And how much is your mortgage—hey,” she scolds him when he opens his mouth to protest, eyes narrowing. “If you want to live together, I need to know these things, especially if I’m going to have to pull my weight in living costs.”
Dimitri’s frown deepens and he crosses his arms defensively over his chest. “I wouldn’t ask you to pay the mortgage, Byleth.”
The woman scoffs. “Then am I meant to just freeload and sit around your apartment, looking pretty, not contributing to the water, gas, electric bills?”
“You can contribute to the bills, and looking pretty wouldn’t hurt either, especially in that number you wore on my birthday, but I won’t have you paying towards the mortgage, it’s preposterous.” Dimitri reiterates, his light blond eyebrows knit together.
“Well, then I’m not moving in.” She pouts, arms also coming to cross over her chest.
He challenges her silence for a minute, then two, and after a year of being involved with the strong-headed teacher, he reconsiders.
With a defeated sigh, Dimitri reaches for Byleth’s forgotten notepad and pen on the coffee table. He scribbles quickly before loudly ripping the page out. He scrutinises her with a glare as he folds the page in halves, quarters, eights before reluctantly handing it over to her.
When Byleth smooths out the creases of the paper, she coughs loudly, awkwardly, at the figure staring back at her.
“Those are a lot of zeros.” She chokes out, eyes nearly bulging out of her head. “I can’t afford that. You know I can’t afford that. I teach kindergarten, for goodness sakes. That’s my dad’s yearly income. Double. By just sitting here, I’m practically depreciating the value of your home.”
The blond shakes his head. “I’m not asking you to pay for anything.”
“If we’re going to have a serious conversation about me moving in with you, you need to understand I do not want to live here rent-free.” Her face wrinkles in distaste for the idea.
“Then pay me what you’re paying in rent now at your current place.” Dimitri says defeated.
“No,” Byleth shakes her head decidedly and the man lets out another loud, exasperated breath. “No way. I didn’t take any handouts from my grandmother when she offered them, I won’t be taking them from my boyfriend, thank you. I am very much aware of our financial discrepancy, Dimitri.”
She crumples up the piece of paper and buries her face into the pillow. Money and social class have always been a sore spot between her and her friends. Felix and Sylvain were shamelessly rich, they were only slumming in Remire. Annette was definitively upper middle class, and Ingrid, while falling in a rough spot financially, was definitively marrying up next Spring.
That is not all. While they were all younger than her, they all had finished college and moved on to high-paying jobs, while she was stuck going to school every night because she had to work barely-over minimum wage. It was humiliating at times.
Now, her boyfriend wants her to move into his townhouse and become some sort of post-modern Stepford wife and it all seems so meaningless to her. She struggled to get herself where she is, all the way from when she was a little child and she had to say goodbye to whatever friend she made because her father had to move them to where there were work to now. If she caves in to Dimitri, what was even the point?
In the end, she knows that money is freedom, and she does not want to lose hers.
“This isn’t what I had planned. I was supposed to save up enough money to rent out my own little apartment by the end of next year. A grungy little place just for me, where you can finally come over and be forced to take cold showers in the shitty water pressure. A place in a neighbourhood where you’d tell me to call you every time I get home to make sure I got in okay. Not this!” She looks up to gesticulate wildly at his grossly luxurious living room.
“I’d ask you to call me when you got home regardless of where you choose to live.” He adds softly, hand on her thigh drawing comforting shapes.
“I don’t know what to do.” Byleth adds quietly, anxious hands once again petting an alert Rufus. “Our friends have accidentally kicked me out because they’re just… Well-meaning dickheads. And I know this is the next step for us, I just wish we had a say in it. Now, I have no choice but to accelerate my masterplan of winning the Imperial Lottery to afford living here. Twice.”
An uncharacteristically loud laugh erupts from Dimitri.
“You’re laughing, but I mean it. Even when I get my degree, I’ll have to work four jobs just to pay that stupid mortgage of yours.” Byleth adds seriously, slightly peeved at her boyfriend’s reaction.
“I know.” He replies coolly, almost smiling. “And I live to see the day when that happens, beloved. I just wish you’d hurry up already so I can finally retire and be a kept man.”
“Ha!” She giggles madly at the imagery it evokes, shoving him playfully and causing a wild grin to break out on his face. “The great Dimitri Blaiddyd, the Boar Prince of mergers and acquisitions, retired. What would you even spend your time doing? Going to the matinee and evening opera?”
“Which brings up another logistical point.” He begins thoughtfully. “If you move in, wherever will you run away to when you don’t want to go to the opera with me? You won’t have ‘last minute plans’ with your roommates or ‘pressing chores’ you have to complete at your apartment.”
She flushes. Clearly she is not as sly as she thinks she is.
Byleth changes the topic hastily. “Shouldn’t you be at least a little bit more… I don’t know… Opposed to us living together?”
Dimitri quietly considers her question as a hand comes up to rub the scruff on his jaw. Byleth immediately scolds herself for stupidly bringing on her own demise. Why would she question her boyfriend, with a notorious history of flighty behaviour, if he really wants to do this?
At this rate, she will be living in a cardboard under the Airmid River bridge. She wonders if her Uncle Seteth would let her sleep in Flayn’s room, now she is off to college in Fhirdiad.
“We’ve practically been living together for the last three months.” He says with a shrug, surprising Byleth. “I might’ve been disinclined about the notion a year ago, but… it’s as you said: everything’s been great and I love you.”
It is her turn to grin ear-to-ear at the words, she enjoys hearing the ease at which he uses them.
“It’s something that’s been on my mind lately, at an alarming frequency, if I may add.” He continues, clearing his throat and the hand on her thigh squeezes lightly. “I just never knew when it would be the right time to… Bring it up. I meant what I said earlier, I want to give you more than just a drawer. I want your cacti, your muddy shoes, your impressive collection of military history books. Those overpriced scented candles, your terrible, terrible, choice in wine, the way you somehow always manage to slam the door on your way out, how excited your demon dog gets when it knows it’s you unlocking the door. I want this to be your home too, Byleth. I want you to have your home with me.”
She swallows thickly. It might be the two heaped-glasses of terrible wine finally kicking in or the unguarded expression Dimitri wears so beautifully on his tired face, but the emotions are bubbling to the surface. They start as a prickle at the corners of her eyes and a stinging sensation in her nose.
A tear or two slip out, and before she can stop it, a goofy grin splits across her warm face. The hand on Byleth’s lap finally leaves its comfortable, warm spot. His thumb swipes at the rogue tears and Dimitri offers her a shy smile.
“Okay.” She says hoarsely, nodding slowly.
“Okay.” He echoes, blue eyes searching her face and the smile on his brightens by the second.
The hand resting on her face brings her towards him and their lips meet. His mouth slanting over hers in a new kiss, one they have never shared before. One that has always been waiting for them. It is painfully soft, reassuring, and feels like home. It feels like the kiss she has been searching for her whole life, and it has been waiting for her all along, right in the middle of this living room, on a Friday night, with the promise of a future waiting for them.
Maybe she owes her roommates an apology, and maybe a ‘Thank You’ card while she is at it.
The timer rings out loudly and Rufus’ barking follows. The alluring waft of potato gratin fills the house, their house, more prominent than before.
When they pull apart, her watery eyes find his, and they share a laugh at the silly looks on their faces.
“On one condition, though.” Byleth whispers, and they are still so close she can feel his breath ghosting across her lower lip. Dimitri quirks an eyebrow, somehow anticipating this request will be one her of lovely idiosyncrasies. “I still get to run away when you ask me to join you at the opera.”
Dimitri does not answer. Growling at Byleth’s vexing behaviour, he pounces on her and she fills the apartment with loud, raucous giggles while Dimitri lavishes the most sensitive part of her neck with ticklish kisses, beard relentlessly adding to the sensation.
They spend the remainder of the evening hashing out logistical details over wine and food. They fall into a comfortable routine, one they have never before noticed had always been there.
Fire Emblem Masterlist
Three Houses Masterlist
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
the first word that comes to your mind is… Coffee.
how was your 4th of july (if you’re in the US)? We’re only in March. We don’t really do much anymore, though. what all do you have on your keychain? One key and a shit ton of key chains. Not just on my key ring, but several others on every bag I own.
what do you hear right now? An ASMR video.
what time did you go to sleep last night? 5AM.
what did you last eat? Ramen, of course. I always eat ramen at night and that’s also when I do most of surveys, so that’s why that’s usually answer for this question.
what is one thing in your life you feel truly guilty for? A lot of things. :/
have you ever been slapped in the face? No.
how about punched? No.
what color are your best friend’s eyes? Brown.
hair? Black.
are they taller or shorter than you? Taller. Most people are.
older or younger? Older.
do you and your best friend have a song? No, but we do like a lot of the same music.
do you and your significant other have a song (if you have a sig. other)?
has your ass ever gone numb from being on the computer for so long? Well, no, but my body cramps up from being on it so long. Especially because of how I tend to sit.
what are three things that make your life worth living? My parents, brother, and doggo. 
what in your life would you be better off without? My health issues.
do you think marijuana lowers sperm count? *shrug*
do you like kids? I don’t not like them, but I don’t want any of my own. I can only handle them in small doses. They have waaaay too damn much energy and ask waaaay too many damn questions. And when they start crying...
what was your last injury or illness? I had a stomach bug a few weeks ago.
how has the summer been for you so far? It’s only March, but it’s been getting hot already which I’m really, really upset about. D; Like no, it’s still winter for another couple weeks go AWAY.
what are you looking forward to the rest of the year? I don’t have anything coming up.
what was something unique about you as a child? *shrug*
what are two of your favorite words? I can never think of any when this question comes up.
recommend a song: I Love Me by Demi Lovato. One of my favorite lines, “cause I’m a blackbelt when I’m beating up on myself.”
recommend a book: I just finished, Girl in Cabin 13 by AJ Rivers. It’s a murder mystery book.
favorite quote? This question comes up a lot.
have you ever come up with a memorable quote yourself?
if so, what was it?
are there any sounds or smells that make you relax? Sounds, most definitely. Like the sound of rain, the sound of waves crashing in and out of shore, certain ASMR triggers...
What is something interesting about where you live? I don’t know. This city sucks.
were you breastfed as a baby? Yes.
what color are your favorite pair of underwear? Black.
if you’ve lost your virginity, what was your first time like?
what do you think about masturbation? Hey, do you. haaa.
is it sometimes better than the real thing?
who do you think about most? Certain people.
favorite kind of candy? White chocolate.
favorite way to pamper yourself? I like getting my hair done. Well, not the actual process. I wish I found it relaxing, but I don’t at all.
would you rather be too cold or too hot? Too cold. Ugh, being hot just makes me absolutely miserable I hate it.
favorite weather? Fall and winter weather.
favorite daydream: I live in a beach home and I’m sitting out on my deck with a cup of coffee, looking out at the ocean and feeling the cold air on my face.
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dewa-chan · 5 years
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Four new pilots this time!
Daphne Hatzidakis is the 19 year old pilot of Costa Pacifica. Leader of Squadron 3, she’s known for being a rather cold, distant and hard to read person, who’s also very strict with her teammates- qualities that for an outsider seem unfit for a leader. Daphne, however, is actually a very understanding person and a good listener, never ignoring or brushing off her teammates. She’s a silent but supportive person and always tries to take on challenges, but knows when to back off. She enjoys playing video games with her ship, Pacifica, and spends a lot of time in the gym.
Hayden Aberdeen is a 18 year old scottish/irish young man, pilot of RMS Carpathia. In a stark contrast to his ship’s gentle and soft behaviour, Hayden comes off as really volatile and irritable, who’s always angry at anything and everything, never showing a softer side. He, however, still cares for others. In his own way. Something made clear when he was on the mission to save Kazuya and Titanic- Hayden received the sunken ship with a colorful set of curses as his voice slightly broke at the end of some. He’s very reliable and even if he says that he’s not going to do something, he’ll do it. He has also a tendency to keep any little promise made, no matter how silly it is or how much time has passed. He never forgets them. He hates it when others say that his hairstyle looks like a hotdog.
Zhijian Xie is the 19 year old pilot of Costa Serena, coming from a traditional, rural chinese family. Very careful, moves around delicately and....very silently. A trait that the officials caught on and currently Zhijian is part of the stealth team. Despite his ease to blend in with his surroundings and move around without catching others’ attention, Zhijian is surprisingly talkative and always up for chatting, even agreeing on participating in some of Ryosei’s meme shenanigans and T-posing during morning calls. He’s of the very calculating type, relying heavily on logic and planning- easily becoming disoriented if there’s nothing for him to follow, which often gets him clashing with some of his teammates.
Alina K. Tereshchenko is a 18 year old russian girl, pilot of SS Monterey and in the elite category. Raised by her grandmother, Alina was exposed to carrying heavy weights and therefore developing a strong body from a young age. As soon as she enrolled in Sailor School, she was put in the martial arts program and by the end of it, was already a blackbelt, easily being one of the Base’s strongest close-combat fighters. Due to her “doll-like” appearance, many people underestimate her which she gets deeply angered by, something that she often uses to fuel her performance in battles. A very passionate and franc person, she’s not afraid of voicing her opinon and definitely not afraid of engaging in whatever fight that comes with it. 
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thethirteenthcrow · 6 years
Oh My God, Kim - Kickin’ It Fanfic
Ship: Kim Crawford x Jack Brewer Rating: Explicit (Sex) Tags: Friends, Busted, Release, Sexual Tension, Handjob, Blowjob
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17929016
Jack was enjoying some time for himself. Kim would come over any second but he hadn't heard her come in.
"Oh my god, Kim!" Jack Brewer shouted from behind the door that separated his bedroom from the hallway. The girl in question, Kim Crawford, was just walking up the stairs from Jack's living room to the floor on which his bedroom was located.
He was, must've been, expecting her. True, she was incredibly early for their weekly study-day, but it was not like she had anything better to do.
Her pace hurried, she became nearly twice as fast as she was before: Jacks scream sounded urgent.
Without knocking, she opened the door of his bedroom, surprised to see him on his bed, quickly covering his lap with a pillow. His eyes were wide, in shock, with his body tensed.
"Oh, hey," He spoke rather calmly as he realized that she was standing in his room.
"You... called me?" The blonde blackbelt spoke when she regained her voice, after being temporarily distracted by Jacks ruffled brown hair and choice of the lack of outfits. He was merely wearing dark grey sweatpants. Or, well, 'wearing' was too big of an expression to describe this situation.
"Oh, uhm, yes," Jacks eyes went from Kim to his lap, to his desk and back to Kim. "I, uh, forgot that you would come."
When he noticed Kims slightly disappointed facial expression, he added, "Not, today. I knew that. But I forgot about the uhm, time, yeah." He scratched the back of his head, at unease and unable to move any muscle or even fiber of his body. That's how it felt like, this whole situation made him feel uncomfortable. A feeling that rarely ever occurred in the life of Mr. Confident Brewer, but somehow, nearly all of these uncomfortable moments in his life were in some way linked to the girl standing under his doorpost. Dear, dear Kim Crawford.
"Right," Kim, said, walking closer to her crush, getting warmer with every step, and she sat down. On his bed, awfully close to him. But she couldn't move now, That'd be weird right?
Jack breathed loudly and shuddered. Some form of boldness overwhelmed him when he raised an eyebrow. She was wearing more make-up than usual, he noticed. "You look good," He heard himself say, "Yeah, really nice."
Kim blushed, afraid to look him in the eye 'cause she knew she'd need to resist the urge to kiss him - which she knew she couldn't, only to regret it later. It wasn't a lie, to say the blonde had indeed experienced with some of the pallets her friend Grace had given her, but she never expected Jack to notice.
"Thanks," She got out, her voice sounded cracky, but at least she could speak.
Jacks grip on his pillow tightened, "I love your shirt too," His voice, raspy and incredibly hot. Her shirt was a white, obvious seethrough. It wasn't her choice, but all her other nice clothes were in the washing machine.
Jack noticed how his compliments, which he really did speak - he had to pinch himself to be sure - without the normal friendzone-like barrier he usually has, made Kim feel just as uncomfortable as he felt. In a different way, of course. With his boner still there from an unfinished time-for-himself session, pressing to his abs, all he needed was release.
But he couldn't send Kim away.
So he neede to get her to help finish what he started.
This lost boy was ready to be found.
Truth to be told, it was absolutely absurd. But he would need to deal with all the possible consequences later.
Now, all that mattered was Kim.
"Hey, Kim," Jack smiled, "C'mere." He patted on the place next to him, and she followed his gesture. When the sides of their bodies touched, both black belts inhaled sharply. Jack turned his face to her, taking a real good look at his crush before he did something that would change them completely. Kim looked back at him and Jack saw that as his cue. He awkwardly leaned in and kissed her softly.
Then, still feeling bold, he grabbed her face with his left hand and deepened their kiss. When his right hand - the one that had been holding his pillow in place - moved and rested on her hip, Kim let out a soft moan. Jack saw the opportunity and instinctively let his tongue enter her mouth. Kim's entire brain just shut off, she stopped thinking completely and really surrendered to Jack.
The hand that rested on Kim's hip slowly moved up and under that adorable - and hot - seethrough. Carefully, he made his way to her boobs, as if he was asking for permission. When she didn't stop him, he carefully pinched her right boob. Kim moaned again and Jacks mouth left hers to explore and taste more of her skin. Her shirt suddenly bothered Jack as he decided to get rid of it. Kim followed his lead and figured it was her turn now to do something.
Jacks boldness turned out to be contagious: Kim started moving her hands and let her soft fingers wander over his clavicle, from his neck to his hard chest to those rocks of abs of his. She dared to move even lower and felt Jack softly twitch under her touch.
For some reason, she was surprised to feel that he wasn't wearing underwear where it should be. If this person that was laying half under her was anyone other than Jack Brewer, she would never have gone this far. She would probably still have been standing under that doorpost watching him explain himself, that, or she would've left and never looked the same at that person again.
But, this person was not just anyone. It was Jack Brewer, her crush ever since he had defeated those Red Dragons in the lunch hall on his first day, even though she was still apart of them.
Though, never in her wildest dreams had she imagined this situation where she was about to give him a handjob without them even being together or either to have admitted their feelings to the other.
So, when Kim felt Jacks boner being relieved from the pillow that had been covering it, all she did was grab it, softly touching and exploring something she's never touched before. Jack felt her insecurity raising and put his hand around hers, carefully guiding her and indirectly telling her what to do.
She moved up and down, up and down, increasing her pace when she felt that she was doing good.
Out of nowhere, she remembered a story Grace told her about how some girl started to lick and suck on someone's manhood. She decided to give it a try.
Jack had his eyes shut when Kim was going quite fast, but they shot open when he felt her tongue trailing from his balls to his tip. He immediately grabbed a fistful of her hair and let out a low, hungry moan. Kim smiled and put the tip in her mouth, slowly working down. Unfortunately, Jack was rather big for her first time so she decided to cover the rest with her hands.
It was very hard for Jacks first time receiving either a hand- and a blowjob - let alone both - to let Kim keep going for a long time. He felt himself nearing his climax and subconsciously let Kim know by grabbing her hair even tighter and moaning faster, lower and sharper than before.
His intention was definitely not to come in her mouth, no, he preferred to come just anywhere else but her mouth for her first time. His planning, however, was a bit off for that. He was about to move Kim's head from halfway his boner up and away, but her willpower probed to be stronger than his muscles.
Without even the slightest of visible confusion or disgust, she almost proudly swallowed every last drop of his semen. Jack could only breath out the four words that started this mess:
"Oh my God, Kim."
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