#gina pistol
rafaslittleboy · 6 months
a hand to hold mine
pairing: sonny carisi/little sister!reader
description: sonny’s baby sister is a victim of a hostage situation. things come to light, and sonny considers what you are to him.
rating: dead dove don’t eat, dark fic, taboo fic. incest relationship between older brother and (legal) little sister. reader is taken hostage and sonny makes everything all better. hospital sex. bio brother/sister porn. fingering, clit rubbing, orgasms, loss of virginity, unprotected p-in-v sex, some dirty incest talk. (if I missed any out, let me know!)
if you’re sensitive, don’t read!
dc: @flowercrowns-goodvibes bc she wanted it sooooooo badly
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When Carisi got the call that a girl, between the age of eighteen and twenty-two, had been caught in a hostage situation, Amanda had told him to come down immediately.
As an ADA, he barely got to go to hostage situations. But the perpetrator? He asked for Carisi specifically.
Someone he had crossed back in his detective days, by the looks of it.
As soon as Dominick arrived, he was given a bullet proof vest and Amanda filled him in on the situation.
Man, in his late thirties, has a record for pedophillia and murder, was let out on good behaviour only two weeks prior. His name was David Ortez—and Sonny was the undercover cop that built a case against him and put him away.
“it’s your sister, Sonny.” Amanda told him, sympathy in her tone.
“My… my sista’?”
What one? Was the question. He had four sisters, Bella, Theresa, Gina—and the baby sister, you. Just started college, your whole life ahead of you.
Amanda said your name and suddenly Carisi felt light headed. Bile rising in his throat.
“How long has she been in there?” He said, and he could barely hear himself.
“Almost an hour, listen… he’s done a number on her. He phoned nine-one-one every time he hurt her.”
Sonny clenched his fist. David Ortez was a disgusting man. When Sonny was undercover, that man told him in detail about the things he watched, things he done to his kids, his nieces and nephews. Things that made him sick then and made him sick now. And now he had you, his little sister, of all people.
“He’s phoning again.” Olivia raised her finger for everyone in the trailer to stop talking. She answered the phone.
“Miss. Benson… it’s been a long time since we last spoke. How’ve you been? How’s Noah?”
David smiled into his phone. He watched through a blind spot in the window, watched how the building he was in was barricaded by armed police. Kept his eyes on the white trailer dead centre of the road.
“What do you want, David?” She spoke.
“I want to speak to Carisi.”
Sonny took the phone from Olivia’s hand despite her orders for him to stay quiet. He wasn’t a detective anymore, she said, you’re an ADA.
“I’m here.”
“Dominick.” The man smiled into the phone. “Got your baby sister here, she was stupid enough to help a poor… injured man.”
The way you became his hostage in the first place was because he had came up to you after your class, faking a stabbing. Spending the last two weeks stalking you, understanding your routine and schedule—and he got you at the right time. As soon as David got you into a room, he pistol whipped you and kicked you in your side to keep you down.
“She’s got a kind heart,” Sonny said, “how ‘bout you just let ‘er go? Huh? This is ‘tween you n’ me.”
“No can do, Dominick. Think I might keep her, actually. Take her abroad, get her pregnant, start a family with her. Sounds good, doesn’t it?”
David traced the gun up your temple, smirking down at you.
He had your hands tied behind your back and has you sat against the wall below the window. A strip of duct tape over your mouth.
And David had beat you well. Bruising littering your body, your nose bleeding and a gash in your forehead and eyebrow dripping blood down your face.
“No way in hell.” Carisi growled at the David.
“Am I on speaker phone?”
“Take me off. Unless you want your squad to learn some real shitty stuff about you.”
Sonny looked around, Olivia, Amanda, Joe and everyone else who was in the trailer was looking at him.
Olivia gave him a nod of permission, and Sonny pressed the button on the phone. It was just Sonny and David now.
“Good. Don’t think I don’t remember what you told me. What I made you do.”
To gain David’s trust while Sonny was undercover, he had to befriend David. And David was paranoid, it took months for David to trust him.
“One thing,” David said.
“Anythin’” Sonny replied.
“Prove what you did to her. Your little sister? You told me you raped her since she was four. Looked through your wallet and you have a photo of her.”
“What about her?”
“Want you to jerk over her. Now.” And David passed Sonny the picture of you as a little girl. Sonny kept it in his wallet for a reason to keep going, to keep doing what he was doing.
Sonny held the picture between his fingers and he looked down at the picture of you. He swallowed, hard and looked at David and nervously smiled, “C’mon… I’m past that now.”
“I’m not giving you a choice.”
The picture was placed back in his wallet ten minutes later, stained with his milky cum.
Sonny hears you yelp, and he can’t imagine what David is doing to you. “Don’t touch her.”
“Why? Give me a reason not to rape her right now, Dominick.”
“She… she—I ain’t ever… done what I said I did. To her. I was undercover, had to learn more about ya.”
“Obviously. This little girl adores you; fairly obvious you didn’t do a thing you said you did.” And he tugs on your hair.
“You put me away, Dominick. Worked your way into my head and put me back in prison. Do you know what they did to me in there? Do you?!”
David yelled down the phone.
“David… I’m sorry, if it were up’ta me, it would’ve never of happened.”
“But that’s the thing, Dominick. You had a choice. And now, so do I. Life is all about making the right choices.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as the barrel of the gun stared back at you. Your breathing got worse.
“Theres two ways this can go. Put me back on speaker phone.”
Sonny done as he was told. Immediately.
“Option one: I shoot the little girl and then myself. You never get to see her again. You never get closure.”
David pauses. Sonny’s palms are sweaty. His heart beating out of his chest.
“Option two: You get me a car, you get me a million dollars and I take your little sister anywhere I want. And I promise you. I’ll keep her alive.”
Both options take you away from your brother. Away from your family, friends—the life you built.
“I’ll give you ten minutes to decide. And if you don’t? Well…” David took the safety off the pistol. “I’ll decide for you. Times ticking, Dominick Carisi.”
Then the line went dead.
Sonny threw the phone on the desk and wiped a hand down his face.
“I’ll get a car,” Olivia told him. “We have two Snipers are already aimed at the door, Sonny, don’t worry. We’ll get him.”
If only Sonny could believe that. He’s seen how some of these things go. How there’s no happy endings.
“It’s option two; we get a car, lure him out and shoot him dead.”
“Nah, no.” Sonny put a hand on his hips. “Could hurt her. I ain’t gonna hurt my lil’ sister.”
“Sonny, hurting her is the least of our problems. We want her alive, and we want her out. Now. This way, we get her out and she’ll be alive and she’ll be safe.”
Sonny bit his lip. Amanda was right. This was the only option they had to take. The only option Sonny could agree to.
“Call him back. We have a car on the way.” Olivia told him.
And sonny picked up the phone and dialled David back. David picked up within the first ring.
“Dominick. Your choice?”
“Two. I have a car on the way, we have your money. I know you, David, you… you stick to your word. I know you’ll take care’a my sister.”
“Good choice, Carisi. Knew you’d come to your senses. Hey, I’ll send you a postcard when she births my children. Don’t get too jealous.”
David watches as a black Jeep pulls up outside the barricade and how the police move around it, to give him space. “My money in that car, Carisi?”
There was no money. The objective out of this situation was to shoot David point blank.
“Yes,” Sonny replied. “It’s all in there. In a bag. Untraceable. The car’s untraceable, too.”
“Wow,” David smiled, “Really doing everything to protect your sister, eh? Do you remember when I made you look at a picture of her, made you jerk your cock over her?”
The phone was on speaker. Everyone could hear what David was saying.
“No.” Sonny swallowed. “I don’t.”
He does. It crosses his mind frequently.
“I do. I don’t blame you.” David lowers the phone to you, “Hey, sweetheart. You wanna say goodbye to your big brother?”
“S—sonny—“ you sob. And it’s the first time he’s heard your voice in months. He regrets leaving your text messages on delivered or read, he regrets not reaching out to you, calling you.
“Hey, doll,” he panics, he brings the phone to his ear. “You’re gonna be okay, doll, my little angel.”
“Of course she is, she’s gonna be my wife.”
David grabs your arm and pulls you up. “Bye, Carisi.” And he hangs up.
David brushes off your shoulder and smiled wickedly at you. “It’s just you and me now, little one. Your brother gave us his blessing.”
You start crying again. Closing your eyes just so you don’t have to look at this horrible man. In your little mind, he’s won. He’s going to take you god knows where and you’ll never get to see anyone you love again. You’ll never get to see your mom, your dad, your older sisters—your big brother.
He’s always been a busy man. Recently, after he came an ADA, he hadn’t had any time for you. It hurt you, but you were a big girl—you could understand that sometimes his job had to come first.
David ripped the duct tape from your mouth and tapped your bruised and cut cheek.
“Oh, don’t cry, baby.” David cooed, “it’ll all be fine soon enough. come on, start walking.”
David shoved you forward and put the gun at your spine. It was enough for you to do as you’re told. You walked, but you couldn’t feel yourself walk. It was as if you were floating.
David opened the door and the sun blinded you, your eyes flinched at the bright light.
Inside the trailer, Amanda was staring at the computer screen. “We have eyes.” Amanda yelled and Sonny didn’t waste any time and pushed past Olivia to leave the trailer.
He saw you, oh god, he saw you. You were there, alive. Breathing. His beautiful little sister.
“I want a clear pathway!” David yelled, “or the kid dies!”
Sonny was so close. He felt sick.
Sonny thought about how you grew up with him as your role model. He was in his late twenties when you were born, and his ma’ and dad were too busy with work so they handed you off to him. He raised you when they weren’t able to. His life with you flashed through his mind, like it was his last minutes with you. How you grew up to be a pretty little girl. How he isn’t so different from some of these men he puts away.
It’s a thought that he pushes to the back of his mind. A disgusting part of him that only comes out at night.
A part of him that wanted his little sister. And David knew that fact.
David walked down the steps with the gun to your temple. “Your brother is right there, front row seat. You wanna know that he’s real jealous of me right now. He knows that I’m going to fuck you real good, fill you up with my babies. He wants it to be him instead.”
You couldn’t see your brother—wherever he was. You couldn’t see anything. Your eyesight was blurry with tears.
David moves from behind you and walks in front, approaching the jeep.
Not even a second later, a loud gunshot rings out in the air. The bad man slumped to the ground in front of you. Your face splattered with his brains and blood, eyes squeezed shut.
Time went so fast, your ears rang.
Sonny shouted your name as he pushed heavy armed police out of the way and into the barricaded zone, where you were.
You felt arms wrap tightly around you, smooshing you against a broad chest. You recognise the feeling, the safeness of his arms. It was your big brother.
“Sonny,” your voice cracked as he held you tight, he breathed you in. You were here, you were alive, breathing. Hugging him tight to your body.
“S’okay, doll, m’right here.”
His hand cupped the back of your head and started to guide you into the police car just a few feet back. Blood on your face wasn’t a good look, the fear in your eyes made his heart hurt.
His little sister, a little girl he watched grow up, had a gun to her head because he put a rapist—murderer away a few years ago, and he got out early. It was all his fault.
The EMTS came over and tore you from his grasp, telling you that you’re going with them.
“I’m ridin’ with her,” Sonny tells them, “I need’a make sure she’s okay.”
“Okay, Counsellor.” They agreed. “We’ll let the other detectives know.”
You had passed out in the ambulance on the way to the hospital and the paramedics had to reassure him that you were okay, that your body probably just had to relax—so it forced itself to sleep.
It didn’t give him the peace of mind they hoped.
You were asleep for around six hours and Sonny didn’t leave your side once. The second you woke up, he sat up and held your hand to his chest.
“Hey—hey,” he weakly smiled, his hand extended and hesitated to touch your hair. “You okay?”
You coughed and looked around the room you were in. “How… did I get here?”
“Ambulance brought ya here, doll, ya passed out just after you sat down.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “I just… I was so scared. He… he said he’d shoot me, or he… he’d gut me. He said it all depended on your answers.”
Sonny tears up, and it stings his blue eyes.
“Oh, doll…” Sonny sat forward and kissed your forehead, lingering so you wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes. “M’so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” You tried to make him feel better, it wasn’t all the time you got to see him emotional.
“It is,” he says and he kisses your forehead repeatedly, “it is—my stupid work, brought ya into this.” and he holds you close, closing his blue eyes tight.
“i love you, sonny” you hiccup.
It was his emotional and vulnerability caused your own emotions to topple over, and you sobbed. Being in his arms, being with him, grounded you and made you understand that you were alive. You were safe. Your big brother saved you.
“I… “ and he doesn’t think, he just leans his chin forward and captures your lips in a soft, timid kiss.
A way a big brother should never kiss his little sister.
But he does it anyway. His big hand on your cheek keeping you close. Your eyes closed, any negative thought you had in your head disappeared as fast as they were thought.
“Was… “ Sonny swallowed, “was that okay?” he says below a whisper. Your eyes slowly open—your lips tingle with the aftermath of him giving you your first ever kiss.
You nod.
“Can… you kiss me again?”
Sonny didn’t expect you to ask for a kiss. He expected you to… well, do something else. Scream, yell, tell him to get out and that you’ll tell your parents. But no, you wanted him to kiss you again.
Sonny chuckled, then tilted his head to kiss you again. This time, with just a little more pressure than his previous feathery kiss. His hand came to cup the back of your head and press your lips harder into his.
As the kiss deepened and got more hot, he licked on the seam of your lips, opening your mouth to him. Taking advantage of your gasp, (obviously you had no idea that that was how real kissing started).
“what if a nurse comes in?” you say, breaking the kiss briefly. Your lips were swollen, breath uneven. Eyes blown.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, babygirl.”
You felt his hands roam up and down your arm slowly, the arm that wasn’t hooked up to machines, that was. He leaned in to kiss you again, humming into your mouth as his slender hand dipped further and further down your arm and onto your thigh.
Sonny’s fingers touch your pussy tenderly outside of your little pink panties, his thumb twirling the little purple bow. Your soft moans as he kissed you just egged him on.
You broke the kiss briefly when you felt his finger slip into the waistband and slowly pulled your panties to the side, the cool air of the poorly conditioned hospital room hitting your hot pussy.
“‘M gonna touch it now, doll.” He whispered against your lips, and you barely had a second before the pad of his middle finger drifted upwards from your slick hole to your clit and he rubbed in slow, big circles.
“oh…” and your brows furred together.
It wasn’t as if you hadn’t touched yourself before, it was that no one had ever touched you before. It felt weird—and the wrongness and guilt of the person who was the first to touch you being your older brother was still deep in your tummy.
“You okay?” Sonny says softly. He knows he’s pushing his luck, kissing you after a traumatic experience and now he’s touching you inappropriately. Testing the waters on just how much you’d take what he’d give you.
You could barely nod, barely speak. “f—fine,”
“Feels good?”
And he puts just a little more pressure on your clit and watched how your knees parted open subconsciously.
“yeah,” you breathe.
He couldn’t miss how your eyes couldn’t stop watching from his hand moving between your legs.
Sonny’s eyes are fixed both on your face, how your face contorts to each repeat pleasure of the circles he drew on your clit. And how your hips roll ever so slightly on his finger.
His finger slipped in—and that’s one thing you hadn’t done to yourself. Your fingers had always been too short to reach anywhere. But Dominick’s fingers were long, and just one of them sliding inside you and crooking just enough to press down on something that made you whine what was meant to be his name.
“oh my god—“ you choke. And it’s too much too soon, the way his fingers leave your pussy and push back in and curl has your breathing quicken.
You don’t think—you turn your head and kiss him. Your mind so clouded with lust that you just knew you had to have his tongue in your mouth.
Making out with him sloppily as he speeds up his fingers inside you. The obscene sound of squelching filled the room and Sonny and yourself’s laboured breaths.
“Feels—“ you try but words fail you, “feels—“
“like ya gonna cum on ya big brothers fingers?” Sonny answers for you. He can feel your walls tighten on his fingers, feel how wet you have his hand and dampening the flimsy hospital sheets beneath you just by a simple finger-fuck.
You bite your lip and clench your fists, the orgasm building and building and building—until it burst, and you were cumming, hard, on your brother’s fingers. Squeezing and clamping down those two fingers that were still moving inside you. You moaned your older brother’s name, reaching down to clasp your weak hand over his wrist, puffing out of a breath.
“T—too much.”
Sonny smiles at you, “Doll, ya pussy just keeps tryna suck my fingers back in ya.” And he curls his fingers again and your knees cross, touching each other and thighs clamping down on his hand.
“Could make ya cum again, if ya want. See how you’d take three fingers.”
God, you didn’t know if you could take three of his fingers. His fingers were so long.
“Or… I could give ya my cock instead. Got me real hard after that little show, doll.”
Your mind was fuzzy.
And he smirked, withdrew his fingers from inside you and lifted his knee so he got onto the bed with you. On his knees above you, and he slowly undone his belt and pulled it through the loops.
All he had to do was pull down his fly and pull his cock out.
It wasn’t the first time you had seen Sonny’s cock, having to share a bathroom and your bedrooms across from one another. You had a fair amount of times of walking in on him changing, or in the showering, or pissing into the toilet bowl—only once while he was stroking his cock in the dark, you didn’t see it, but you saw the motions of his hand twisting around his hidden cock.
But you saw it now, hard and poking out from his fly just for you.
“can i… can i touch it?”
And Sonny glances at you, “Course,” and lifts your wrist so your hand replaces his. He bites back a groan but not even a second later it comes out when he feels your small, warm hand softly squeeze his hard cock.
“Jus’ like that, doll.”
You do it again, then you try and copy his previous hand movements by slowly stroking up and down his cock. Getting yourself used to the weird feeling. It looked like hard stone, but in your hand it felt squishy and stiff.
“Is… i think… your… thing… is crying,” you tell him
“Huh?” Sonny peaks open an eye and looks down. The red tip of his cock has a bead of pre-cum that’s threatening to spill out.
“Oh, doll. That ain’t my cock cryin’, means ya makin’ me feel real good.”
You smile slightly, “I like making you feel good, Donmy.”
Oh, god. He shouldn’t be feeling like this. But the things you done to him just by existing, being innocent, inexperienced. It made him hotter just thinking about how in that hospital room, he had been your first’s.
Sonny needed more. Craved more of you.
He softly wrapped his hand around your own that was still lazily pumping his cock. “M’gonna put it in ya,”
You looked up at him, and then at his cock. Oh, right, he wanted to put it in you. How could you even be surprised? The little videos you watched, the man always put his penis inside the girl. Now it was going to happen to you, a deep pit of nervousness settled in your tummy.
You wondered if you told him right now that you had never had sex, would he shy away? Leave you alone and never speak of it again?
Your rolling negative thoughts were stopped briefly when sonny shifted back and pushed up your hospital gown just over your hips. Your baby sister pussy on display for him. Wet and swollen from the orgasm he so generously gave you.
“That’s a good fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever seen one,” Sonny licks his bottom lip and dipped his hand down just to touch it again. His cock twitched as he inserted a finger again, so tight just around one finger—he couldn’t wait to feel it around his cock.
He quickly took his finger out and wiped your slick on his cock, along with a glob of his own spit. He knew he didn’t need any more lube, you were wet—so fucking wet for him. He loved, in particularly, your little button clit that was already puffy with arousal.
Your older brother had seen your pussy a few times growing up, when he had washed you, or helped you get changed. He was even there when you first started to experiment with touching yourself. He was only trying to give you your freshly clean clothes, but he stopped by the barely open door and was able to see just enough on how you unskillfully tried to rub your clit with one fingertip before giving up due to over sensitivity. The imagine was burned into his head, but he wasn’t complaining.
The tip of his bare cock bumped against said clit and you moaned, hips intuitively raising. Your pussy craved him—his cock—with the need to be filled.
It happened too quickly, Sonny angled his hips just right and pushed lightly against your hole. The feeling of a bulbous tip pressing against you was so good, hell, he watched as your pussy let out yet another streak of wet arousal.
But the second he started to push his hips forward had your heart in your mouth. “Sonny I… I’ve not—“
“‘know, doll,” is all he said back.
Dominick knew full well that he could get in a lot of trouble for this. Detective turned Assistant District Attorney, he knew quite literally all the laws in New York. This was against quite a lot of them. But it didn’t stop him.
He dipped his head to kiss you, swallowing your sounds.
There was no going back when the tip of his cock disappeared inside your virgin pussy. Popping the cervix open, claiming your virginity for himself. Your big brother’s head snapped up to look at your face when you let out a hissed moan due to the fact that his cock broke your hymen.
“You okay?” He breathed.
“Uh huh,” you moan, “it just… hurts a little.”
Sonny was happy he had got you as wet as you were, he couldn’t handle the thought of hurting you. Not unless you asked for it, that was.
Your pussy was so inviting, clenching so tightly around the thick mushroom head of his cock, trying to suck him in until there was nothing else left of him.
“Can I move, kid? Stuff you full’a me?”
And you nodded, “uh huh,”
Sonny bit at your lips, “Gonna need ya to use ya words, can ya do that? Speak up for ya big brother?”
Your walls throbbed, you needed him to fuck you. You needed him to hold you down and pound his cock inside you until it left you paralysed. Your body craved him, his hands and lips and everything about your brother.
And he pushes forward and you can’t stop the whine that escapes your throat, head tipping back only slightly against the hospital pillow as your pussy walls stretched to accommodate the foreign cock—your legs spread wider and Sonny immediately got comfortable.
“God, doll—fuck—“ and he slides right inside you, until the fabric of his dress pants settled against the back of your naked thighs. His full cock was inside you, stretching your walls until his tip was pressing against your untouched cervix. Any guilt he had previously faded away fast, his whole mind was focused on you. Solely you.
“You’re—all the way up here,” you choke and point to where your cervix would be on your tummy. Sonny roughly pushed up the gown over your exposed breasts, leaving you naked for him.
You heard him growl—growl—and it was the most attractive thing you had ever heard in your life.
“Yeah? M’ all the way up here?” And he pressed down where you pointed, and fuck, he felt himself settled deep inside you. He was able to feel the puckered tight hole of your cervix,
“Sonny—“ you moan, and it was loud. If it wasn’t early hours in the morning, someone would have definitely heard you.
“Beautiful lil’ girl—all mine, ain’t ya?” He growled as he started to thrust his hips. It was far too much for your poor cunt, still so sensitive over the orgasm he gave you before—every thrust of his cock inside you has a little spurt of liquid leaving your baby pussy and onto his cock and pants.
“All. Fuckin’. Mine.” He repeats as he feels your wet pussy dampen the crotch of his pants. Your mouth falls open, the arm that isn’t hooked up with wires reaches out to touch Sonny’s bicep to ground yourself.
“So—Sonny—you’re—my—“ and you’re already rendered dumb. Eyes barely able to stay open, unable to make a coherent sentence.
“Yeah, I’m ya big brother, ain’t I? Big brother makin’ ya pussy feel so good, huh?”
The hospital bed shook with the power of his thrusts, the sound of your wet pussy taking his cock over and over again filled the room. You had never imagined sex felt like this, always imagining it as an In-And-Out session.
His hand gripped your chin, “Answer me, doll.”
“Uh huh—yeah—you—you make my p—pussy feel really really good—“ you broke off into a moan as he gives you a thrust that’s hard, punching at your cervix and his balls right up against you.
And you nod, “so—so scared, tho—thought I’d—I’d never see you again.”
Sonny tips his head so his forehead, resting it against yours, his breath fanning across your lips with his efforts in fucking you. “Never gonna let that happen,” and he links your fingers together. “Gonna keep ya safe, keep ya just f’me—keep ya in my apartment, come home to ya everyday n’ fuck you deep every night.”
You moan at his words, “y-you’d do t-that?“
“My lil’ sister, love ya so fuckin’ much, my whole world.” He cuts himself off as he kisses you deeply, and you open your mouth to him and let him explore and get acquainted with your taste and the map of your mouth. “Gonna fill ya up with my cum, doll, hope it fuckin’ takes.”
Your breath hitches at the thought. Belly swelling with his baby—your big brother’s baby.
“Yeah? You like the thought a’ that? Dirty lil’ girl,” he smiles and then one of his hands came between you to rub, rub and rub on your clit and your back arched. “Need ya to squeeze my cock when ya cum, cum real hard f’me,”
“I—i—“ and he kisses you yet again, then you cum. Walls clamping down incredibly hard on his cock and liquid spurting from your pussy. Your orgasm was to powerful that it almost pushed his cock out from your hole, but Sonny pushed back in and fucked you hard through your orgasm.
“Fuck yeah, angel, squirt on my fuckin’ cock—gonna make me fuckin’ cum—“
And he fucked you rough, his cock pounding into you and the sounds you let out were downright pornagraphic.
Sonny squeezes you tight as he feels his orgasm reach its peak and he groans deep, head tipping onto your chest as he fucks his cum deep, deep inside you. Holding both of your hips down onto the bed and fucking you through the remainints of your orgasm and through his own.
You felt him slump down on-top of you, his heavy weight holding you down. You feel… like you’re in bliss, satisfied. Your thighs trembled slightly with pleasure that coursed through your whole body.
That is, until his stomach pressed down on the place you were kicked this morning.
“Ow..” you whine and Sonny quickly sits up, looking concerned.
“Did I hurt ya, doll?” and his hand lightly touches the red blotch of a bruise on your side.
“I’m okay,” you tell him, still breathless. Sonny checks you over anyway, his cock softening inside you as he does it.
Sonny pulls down your gown (after a subtle-not-so-subtle fondle of your breast) and smooths it over. Pulling his cock out of you at the same time, and you hissed at the new feeling of feeling empty.
Sonny wished he could see his cum drip out of you, but that could wait until next time. You needed to recover.
The crotch of his pants was wet with your orgasm, but he didn’t mind.
Sonny grabbed the blanket and pulled it over you, making sure to tuck you in and then settled beside you. “Gonna have ya stay with me for a lil’ while,” he says as he nuzzles into your side, his arm wrapped around you. “Afta’ today? I was… scared for ya.”
“Sonny…” you close your eyes. You hate what happened earlier.
“No, listen to me. Had a gun on me… was about’a go in there n’ shoot him dead before one’a the cops did. He hurt you.. my lil girl, harmed ya pretty face.” And he lifts his head and hand to stroke the few cuts on your cheek. “For peace of mind… I need ya to stay with me. Just for a while. Need’a know it’ll neva’ happen again.”
He held you close.
“what about… us?” You asked him. You just had sex with your brother, your older brother. And you really enjoyed it.
“What do ya want f’r us?” Sonny lifts his head to look you in the eyes.
“I dunno,” you trail off. “I… well, maybe we could… “
“Angel..” he smiles and cocks his head, “ya want me to be ya boyfriend?”
You bit back a smile. “you are my brother…”
“I know that, kiddo.” And he cranes his neck to press his lips to you. “we’ll figure it out, doll.”
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Episode 1 (part 1)
• Hates the intercom for Black Mesa's transit system (calls it a computer) (you will see me mention things he hates *a lot*)
• says he needs a new job and thinks about being a radar operator, then days it would suck cause it's stuffy and you don't get chick's
• Late to work! Half Life protag curse
• you will also see me mention him getting side-tracked in what he says a lot
• Tells a scientist who can't hear him to make him a sandwich
• There's? an arcade??
• the dorms back in the barracks doesn't have a TV!
• thinks about bringing an Xbox to his dorm only to think that someone would steal it
• doesn't like being late *but* doesn't like getting up early
• says he'll point out lack of handrails anytime he sees it
• hates his job (L)
• wishes something interesting would happen
• mentions donuts only to get confused about why he's mentioning donuts
• cannot pronounce epileptic
• Black Mesa probably doesn't have a maintenance department
• unenthusiastic “weehee, fun fun.” followed by a deadpanned “I hate my job”
• wants Doritos only to settle for a Coke instead when there's no Doritos
• thinks Coke is better than Pepsi
• gets mad at a guard for not fixing the issue with the access panel, *only* to get mad when he's told to go fix an elevator cause it isn't his job
• says the helmet is too tight
• Lauren is a conspiracy theorist? Or at least sent books to Barney thinking he'd like them
• wants to break up with Lauren cause ‘long distance relationships don't work’
• leaves the air dryer running in the bathroom all day
Episode 1 (part 2)
• calls a scientist a bastard for getting mad about access issues
• hates elevator music, wishes it was techno or rock
• sees the video surveillance room is empty and says he should be the only one slacking off
• thinks the lady with the xen crystal (Gina? I think?? might be a totally different person) is hot and wants to get her number
• Gordon's ‘sup fool’ is audible!
• thinks Gordon's awesome
• is not paid enough to fix the elevator
• thinks the best perk of being a guard is shooting things, wishes he could shoot real things
• forgot he was told to go fix an elevator
Episode 2 (parts 1 + 2)
• Thinks soda is a good way to start the day
• thinks Pepsi and Dr Pepper sucks
• tries to tell a joke, gets brushed off
• gets very confused about a keyboard blowing up
• Says he's getting out of there to avoid taking the blame, only to run into management
• Mocks a scientist
• Hates maintenance accesses
• immediately gets distracted about the proper plurality of ‘access’ (it's accesses)
• thinks Black Mesa is going to get a lawsuit (or 12)
• fucks with an old computer. Stops thinking it would blow up or play Tetris
• thinks he knows G-man, gets confused about the tram working even though it shouldn't
• hates stairs
• threw his Coke can down a bottomless pit
• agrees the day *is* miserable
• baffled about the scientist never pushing the buttons before assuming it's broken
• “You shouldn't dabble in who-knows-what. It's sticky.” ???
• the actual episode's only 3:40. Rest of it is just credits
Episode 3
• This episode wasn't remastered like eps 1 and 2 were
• got knocked out from the elevator crash
• assumes one of the houndeyes aye a dead guards gun
• kills the houndeyes and goes ‘yarg’ right after
• Tells dead houndeyes to not go all Resident Evil and come back to life
• says he needs a new gun cause the pistol is not strong enough
• assumes they lose tons of things because none of the boxes have labels
• going to go back to Black Mesa to sell some of the stuff he finds when he gets out
• no emergency lights
• going to file lawsuits against Black Mesa
• headcrab guts taste like vinegar mixed with bacon. good to know?
• hates ladders
• says he needs coffee or red bull to focus
• “Caution! No handrails! Caution! You're a moron!”
• thinks pirates are cooler than ninjas
• says Vortigaunt electricity is like getting shocked with a dog collar or a taser
• Damn counter: 8
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whump-card · 1 year
Sunless Lives Part 33: I Need to Survive
~2840 words
CW: negative self-talk, beating, broken bones, attempted murder, torture, vampire whump, gunshots, vampire feeding, vomit, mouth whump, non-sexual throat fuck with a foreign object??? fellas…
Also NO main character death!
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“Mr Bowers, where are we going?”
Bowers glanced at Simon in the rearview.
“You’ll see.”
Simon huddled in the back seat as Bowers drove. He swore, he was never getting into the backseat of a car ever again. But he’d had no choice in this case; Bowers was a grade B vampire, and could easily snap Simon in half if he wanted to. Running was not an option on his ruined feet. Simon had let the vampire tuck him into the backseat and buckle him in like a child, and could only hope that cooperating would make whatever was about to happen as painless as possible.
He was doing his best to not think about what might be coming, but with Bowers refusing to answer his questions Simon had nothing to do but think as he shivered in the backseat. The rain had turned the May night cold, and Simon’s thin pajamas did little to keep him warm.
What if he’s taking you to an initiation.
Simon watched Bowers carefully, and waited until he was looking away while making a turn to feel the item Nora had dropped into his pocket.
What if they’re going to pin you down and -
It was a small metal and glass square. An MP3 player? A smartwatch? Simon didn’t want to take it out and look.
He’s not preybonded to you and Lara’s rules are gone, he can kill you. He can kill you.
“Please,” His voice was steadier than he expected, “Tell me what’s happening.”
“I would,” Bowers replied flatly, “But you wouldn’t like it.”
Yeah, no shit.
Matthew wouldn’t have let this happen.
Simon screwed his eyes shut, flinching from the pang of guilt.
Matthew-the-vampire wouldn’t have let this happen. He’s human now, and that’s a good thing. Whatever happens is worth it. Him being human and alive is worth it.
You’re not.
You’re not worth it.
Simon stared out the window and hoped against hope that the square meant help was coming.
“We can’t just run off without authorization!” Amber yelled.
“Bowers could discover they’re being tracked any second!” Matthew bellowed, “We’re leaving now!”
He and Gina burst out of the stairwell and into the parking garage, Amber chasing after them.
“You’re going to get yourselves killed!” she shrieked.
“What if they get on a plane, huh?” Matthew snapped at her, “What if they go somewhere we can’t follow?”
“We will figure it out!”
They reached Gina’s car and Gina opened the passenger side.
“We can’t wait for Dune to decide that Simon’s worth it,” Matthew kept arguing while Gina searched through her glove box, “I’m not letting him be taken again.”
“Neither am I.” Gina rejoined him, loading a pistol.
“But Bowers is a grade B, he…” Amber’s outrage melted into fear. “With only the two of you against him… He’ll kill you.”
“You could make it three.”
“I…” Amber slowly shook her head.
“You’re a fucking coward, Amber,” Gina spat.
“No, I’m not!” Amber’s voice echoed through the garage, louder and angrier than they had ever heard. “You think anyone will come after you if I go with you? I need to be here, to convince them to send you guys backup!”
Gina and Matthew exchanged a glance. Amber was right - she was the only one in a position to sway the VIU.
“Here.” Amber unstrapped her holster from around her waist and handed it and the gun it held to Matthew.
“Thanks,” he said, softening.
“Just… Survive as long as you can, and I will send backup ASAP.”
Amber stepped out of the way and watched as Gina’s car pulled out of the parking garage.
Then she sprinted back into the building, determined to do what she could.
Simon slammed into the ground, bruising his knees and scraping his palms raw on the wet asphalt.
“Get up,” Bowers ordered, closing the car door.
“I can’t!” Simon gasped. Bowers grabbed his arm and hauled him upright. He was done playing games. Simon cried out when his feet were forced to touch the ground, but no one was around to hear him.
They were in some sort of warehouse district; massive buildings loomed out of the dark around them, and Simon hadn’t seen a soul on their way in. Whatever Bowers needed this level of privacy for couldn’t be good. Simon’s earlier shocked calm, necessitated to keep Nora alive, had worn off and now he was truly terrified, trembling in Bowers’ grip.
Bowers half dragged, half walked Simon to the door of the warehouse he’d pulled his car up in front of. He threw open the unlocked door and shoved Simon through. Simon fell into the dark, bruising his limbs a second time as he tried to brace his landing. A moment later lights flickered on above him; he was surrounded by sky-high shelves full of plastic-wrapped boxes. He rolled over to look at Bowers, still posed by the light switch. Simon’s heart pounded and his breath came fast.
“Here’s where I come clean.” Bowers reached down and plucked up a length of pipe from where it leaned against the wall, as if waiting for him. It was about three feet long and two inches in diameter, and made of aged dark metal. The ends glinted bright where they were sawn off. 
Bowers started to take leisurely steps towards Simon, who began to pull himself backward along the floor, eyes glued to the pipe.
“Everyone’s noticed by now, since the humans got the cure, and our man Yarl is out, the vampires being caught the fastest are the ex-clients of one Miss Lara Everett.” He twirled the pipe around. “That’s no good for us. No good for business.”
Simon rolled over onto his hands and knees, desperate to get away, to get away faster.
“But of course, none of them can kill you… Not directly, anyway. But I can. So I’m cleaning up, Simon. I took care of Isles and… You’re next.”
Simon froze, petrified.
Christian… dead?
Charged with adrenaline, Simon dug his feet into the floor and ran. The pain ripped a cry out of his throat. He made it two steps before the pain in his feet and his overworked legs made him stumble. His skinned palms crashed into the concrete floor yet again, then his elbow when his right wrist collapsed. But Simon moved through the pain, pushing himself up onto his left hand and his battered knees with a gasp. He could still move, he could still -
Bowers’ shoe stomped into his back, flattening him back to the floor. Simon twisted his head to look up, one cheek pressed against the concrete. Bowers leaned down, putting more weight on Simon’s back and ribcage.
“And since I have to do it anyway,” he smiled, “I may as well enjoy it.” He stepped off of Simon and raised the pipe. Simon twisted his body to the side.
“Please, don’t-!”
The vampire brought the pipe down with a tremendous clang onto Simon’s left hip and a crack shot through Simon’s pelvis. Simon shrieked as the pain lanced up his spine and down his legs like white hot fire. He had no time to process the hit before the pipe came down again, smashing into his femur with a crunch. Simon tried to curl up, to hide from the excruciating pain, to expel it through his mouth, but the next hit shattered his left shoulder blade. His existence felt like one unending screech of agony as he writhed on the concrete under Bowers’ merciless gaze. Bile rose in his throat and he gagged, desperate to fall unconscious, desperate for it to end. He couldn’t even form the words to beg. He could only breathe, scream, breathe, scream.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die.
“Fuck, you’re loud!” Bowers shouted over Simon’s ceaseless wailing, “Let’s see what we can do about that!”
He seized Simon by the neck and dragged him upright, his back against Bowers’ legs. This sent new waves of pain through Simon’s body as displaced nerves jostled against bone crushed against muscle. Bowers shifted his grip to Simon’s jaw, pulling his already screaming mouth open wider. He lifted the metal rod and shoved the end of it into Simon’s mouth, and pushed, the sharp metal edges tearing, ripping, scraping at the delicate tissue of Simon’s cheeks, his tongue, his throat, as Bowers forced the rod in further, not caring what damage he caused. Simon choked, on the rod, on the blood, on bits of flesh. His screams were finally stifled as he struggled to breathe. His arms flopped uselessly. His eyes rolled.
“Better,” Bowers grunted, “Much better.” He yanked the rod out, splattering blood, and dropped Simon back to the floor where he heaved and choked and spat out blood and chunks of his own throat. Gone was the screaming; now Simon could only agonizingly gag and wheeze.
Bowers raised the rod once more and brought it down on Simon’s right shoulder. Simon’s whole body jerked, but the only sound he made was a horrifying gurgle. He shouldn’t still be awake. He shouldn’t still be alive. It wasn’t fair, wasn’t fair, wasn’t fair. His brain reverted to primeval instincts: The danger is behind you. Crawl.
Simon dug his fingernails into the concrete and dragged himself, inch by inch, forward. It was the only thing he could do. Maybe, somehow, he could crawl away from the pain. Leave it behind.
Bowers stood back and watched Simon struggle, clawing at the floor until his fingernails broke. Going nowhere.
He laughed, and it echoed throughout the building.
Matthew fired from where he stood by the door, gun raised and eyes full of fire. Bowers spun, his hand flying to his shoulder where blood burst from a bullet wound. He crouched and sprang back, taking shelter in an isle of shelves as another shot rang out. Matthew cursed and lowered his weapon, running forward towards Simon. Gina hung back, watching the room like a hawk. Matthew fell to his knees at Simon’s side.
Simon was lying face-down on the ground, silent and still. Blood seeped out of his mouth and bandages around his feet were stained red. Horribly dark and discolored blotches of skin peeked out from his t-shirt. His left leg lay at a sickening angle. Bruises littered his arms; his nails were cracked and bleeding.
“No, Simon…” Matthew reached out to touch him.
“Matthew, look out!” Gina shouted.
Matthew looked up and saw the vampire charging towards him, pipe raised, moving at an unnaturally fast pace. Matthew had just enough time to duck, and he felt the rush of air and heard a faint whistle as the pipe whizzed over his head. A second later and his brains would have been bashed in. Bowers kept sprinting past him, and shots rang out as Gina tried to hit him before he disappeared back into the stacks of boxes.
“Shit, he’s too fast, I can’t hit him!” she yelled.
Matthew stood, staring at the isle Bowers had disappeared into. He pulled his phone out of his pocket with a shaking hand.
“I need to call an ambulance now or it might not arrive in time - Gina!”
Gina turned in time to see Bowers making a run at her out of the stacks. She stood her ground, aiming and firing as he approached. Her shot landed in his chest, but he was unphased, and swung the pipe as he passed her. With no time left to dodge, Gina was hit squarely in the stomach and knocked to the ground. Her body convulsed as she dry heaved and gasped for the air that had been knocked out of her.
“Gina!” If she was down, Bowers would make his next blow a killing one. Matthew started to sprint over to her, but he heard inhumanly quick footsteps behind him. He started to turn but was hit squarely in the right arm.
Pain erupted as his humerus snapped. His arm spasmed and his gun clattered to the floor. He stumbled and only caught a glimpse of Bowers as he vanished back into the maze of warehouse shelves. Matthew looked around wildly, at Gina, struggling to stand, at Simon, a mangled mess on the floor. He couldn’t protect both of them - he couldn’t protect either of them
Bowers was too fast.
Too powerful.
He was going to kill them.
Breathing hard through the pain, Matthew stuffed his phone back into his pocket and scooped up the gun in his left hand. Amber’s gun.
She wasn’t going to get there in time.
He heard Gina scream - a shriek of true fear, something he’d never heard from her before that poured ice down his spine - and he could only watch as Bowers flitted past her and knocked her from where she had just started to stand up back to the concrete with a horrible clang. She lay frighteningly still, a red gash at her temple. Bowers was already gone.
Matthew raised his weapon and spun around, frantically searching for Bowers. His right arm dangled, useless and excruciating. He heard footsteps, but in the large echoing building he had no way of pinpointing their location. They grew louder, faster, and Matthew pivoted to see Bowers rushing towards him, his eyes full of bloodlust and his knuckles white where they gripped the pipe. Matthew fired haphazardly, the first shot flying over Bowers’ shoulder and the second one hitting home in the center of his chest. Bowers finally stumbled, and instead of hitting Matthew with the pipe the vampire tackled him, pressing the pipe down over his throat. Matthew caught it with the heel of his good hand, still holding the gun, but was only able to resist the downward pressure for a moment before the vampire’s superior strength won out and the pipe pressed down on Matthew’s throat. Bowers held the pipe down with one hand and easily plucked the gun away from Matthew with the other, tossing it aside.
Matthew couldn’t breathe. He wheezed and reached up to claw fruitlessly at Bowers’ face. Bowers only smiled, baring his fangs, and bore down on the pipe harder.
“Not so tough now that you’ve been cured, huh?”
Matthew’s legs kicked uselessly against the floor. Bowers held him pinned there for what felt like an eternity. Matthew felt the air in his blood running out as his raised arm wavered and collapsed and his legs stopped moving. Spots filled his vision.
Suddenly the pressure lifted, and Matthew was able to suck in a stinging lungful of air. The relief lasted less than seconds, though, as the pipe was replaced by fangs. They sank into Matthew’s neck, and his chestful of air rushed out of him in a strangled cry. He was able to breath a little now, and movement returned to his limbs, but he could only wriggle and push at the vampire to no effect as Bowers fed, holding Matthew’s neck still with his teeth and his hands on Matthew’s shoulders.
Matthew had never been bitten before. It was expected to happen eventually in his line of work, but senior agents had always warned him: there’s no way of preparing for it.
There’s no way it won’t stick with you.
It’s slower than you think.
As Bowers leeched his vitality from him, Matthew found he could turn his head, ever so slightly, and look around. First to Gina, still motionless on the floor. Then over to Simon, his head in a pool of blood.
He could only be grateful he was dying among friends.
He began to feel cold, and dizzy. He lifted his hand to look at it: pale white and shaking. He could only hold it up for a second before it slumped to the floor. He refocused, as best as he was able, on Simon, who now looked very far away.
I’m so sorry. He couldn’t tell if he was thinking, or speaking, or just mouthing the words.
It shouldn’t have ended like this.
Not for you.
You deserved better.
I love you.
Bowers lifted away from him, and Matthew felt the blood run down his neck.
He must be done.
I must be dead.
Then he heard a horrible hacking cough. With great effort, Matthew rolled his head to look at Bowers.
The vampire was doubled over, clutching his chest, gagging and sputtering.
“No,” Bowers cried out, “No, no!”
He spasmed, and vomited up blood. He turned and screamed wordlessly at Matthew, spattering red. He heaved in a breath, and his own blood leaked out around his fingers where he pressed them to his chest.
“You poisoned me!” he wailed at Matthew, “Fucking turncoat!”
A smile crept over Matthew’s lips.
The cure.
It was in his blood.
It was turning Bowers human - and humans can’t survive two shots to the chest.
At least Matthew could die knowing the three of them had been avenged.
That Simon had been avenged.
His eyes drifted closed as sirens approached in the distance.
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @sunshiline-writes, @seasaltandcopper, @pirefyrelight
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stxr-bxy · 1 year
alternative marauders headcanons
somewhat alt, more of a rock person but definitely appreciates alt culture. favorite artists are fleetwood mac, melanie safka, jaco pastorious, the smashing pumpkins, and heart.
punk rock badass. his favorite bands are bad brains, death, black flag, bad religion, and sleater-kinney. he likes the sex pistols too. but has an appreciation for lots of music. he likes david bowie, sisters of mercy, and deftones.
prefers rock but also enjoys punk. favorite artists are david bowie, the strokes, october country, pink floyd, and iggy pop. considers himself punk-ish because he listens to the music and agrees with the ideology. the proof that you don’t have to dress punk to be punk.
grunge rock stan. favorite artists are nirvana, soundgarden, mudhoney, red hot chili peppers, and stone temple pilots. dresses like he’s homeless (which is basically how i dress) but makes it look cool with diy and studs and spikes.
loves almost all music. favorite artists are radiohead, evanescence (idk why i just think she’d like them), bratmobile, pixies, and x ray spex. she dresses kinderwhore-ish grunge and loves dressing feminine and distressed (idk how to describe it). adores the punk subculture and loves when baby punks come to her shows.
the ultimate riot grrrl. dislikes the movement from the 90s bc it wasn’t super intersectional and excluded queer/trans women and poc but recognizes that it did help some women and should come back with some improvements. favorite artists are bikini kill, hole (but doesn’t support courtney love), bratmobile, emily’s sassy lime, and L7
somewhat alternative but definitely a badass. favorite artists are abba, fiona apple, björk, kate bush, the bangles, and blondie. she likes anything raw and emotional with meaningful lyrics. loves to analyze songs and find out the symbolisms behind them. in her opinion music doesn’t need to sound good to be good, she cares more about the meaning.
loves female artists and queer punk. favorite artists are mommy long legs, kittie, pinkshift, cheap perfume, and baby guts. loves subversing gender roles in music and fashion so she sometimes dresses masc and incorporates those themes in her music. proof that someone can be both a sweetheart and a total badass at the same time.
loves all music. literally everything. favorite artists are coven, the slits, mitski, garbage, and limp bizkit. her style changes all the time but she loves hippie and indie styles. her favorite song is california dreaming by the mamas and the papas. loves lighting incense and going for walks. somewhat alt but more of a mellow subversive alt instead of an in-your-face-let’s-tear-it-all-down angle.
goth and punk. favorite artists are joy division, alien sex fiend, the muslims, and the clash. doesn’t dress very punk but dresses in a more casual goth style. only goes all out for shows and concerts he goes to. most of his wardrobe is black so he can never find specific clothing items.
faerie goth and hippie-ish. loves ethereal wave and cold wave music but also likes other stuff. favorite artists are molchat doma, cocteau twins, nine inch nails, and siouxsie and the banshees. dresses in a hippie-ish fairycore style and never dresses casual unless she’s at home. definitely shaved or bleached her eyebrows at one point.
punk punk punk punk. the punkiest mf you’ve ever seen in your life. he exclusively wears leather jackets and crust pants. favorite bands are dead kennedys, rage against the machine, pure hell, the runaways, and pansy division.
barty’s badass boyfriend. listens to almost all music. his favorite artists are eminem, the neighborhood, kiss, and joan jett and the blackhearts. somewhat alt, fashion is whatever he can afford and thinks is cool. gets a new piercing or dyes his hair as a coping mechanism.
punk rock princess. favorite bands are pure hell, gina young, vulpes, bad brains, and mannequin p*ssy. they love poly styrene (x ray spex) and really look up to her because she was a very influential black woman in punk music. always had headphones on and is blasting “germfree adolescents” at all times. also loves kat bjelland (babes in toyland) and ari up (the slits)
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themxtleycrew · 4 months
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"Alright Bobbi, 'ere's the facts." Gina began pulling out files and reports from her shoulder bag, Toby on the other and was on his hind legs with his little puppy paws pressed to Robin's shins, as if trying to steal attention from Detective Lestrade.
"At 'round 10, a bloke came in to this 'ere pawnshop an' asks t' buy a gun. Poor chap runnin' the place agrees to let the buyer 'old the piece before 'e's purchased it. The 'customer' then whips the chap across the face an' makes for the till. Aftah makin' off wiv the cash, the pawnbroker called the coppers."
"No gunshots were 'eard at the scene since the pistol the criminal took weren't loaded. You'd 'afta be a right numpty t' keep loaded firearms on a store shelf."
"Since 'e took the gun and the cash, we've got Toby 'ere usin' 'is sniffer t' see if 'e can find any'fing wiv the robber's scent on it."
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herblackabyss · 1 year
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[Title] 7 Dates, 7 Conflicts [Rating & Genre] [M] 18+, strangers to lovers, Collage AU [Pairing] Jeon Jungkook x Reader (Amaya Bradford) [Trigger Warnings] one little cuss word
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[A/N] I'm working on two other fics along with this one, not BTS related sorry besties but I'm super excited about them especially the Mingi one. Rengoku Mingi lives in my soul rent-free 24/7, 365. but anywhoo I hope you all enjoy. I spent tiiimmmmmeeee editing and refining because I wasn't satisfied with the flow but I guess it's okay now... it's actually stressing me lol kmt. Your feedback is always welcomed guys it helps me improve my writing so feel free to critique in a helpful way. Also I named MC because it really helps with my writing but y'all can just replace the name ig <3
[Word Count] 1802
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@btsffreader92 ♡ @tinaluvtae ♡ @natalimurghulia ♡ @grltwin ♡ @hobisstar ♡ @namjoonsthottie
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7:48 AM
If there's one aspect of school that I utterly dread, it's undoubtedly these cursed early mornings. Dragging myself out of bed at the ass crack of dawn feels like a form of punishment, a ritual concocted by the overlords of academia. I can almost picture them huddled together, plotting in the dim glow of a single desk lamp, cackling as they birthed this diabolical plan to subject students to ungodly class hours. It's as if they extracted it straight from the depths of a collective sleep-deprived nightmare. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, luck seemed to take a vacation during this particular semester. My favourite professor of all time, Mr Moody, and his highly sought-after class turned into the academic equivalent of a rare collector's item. The moment that registration portal creaked open, it was as if someone had fired the starting pistol at a track meet—the slots for Mr Moody's class were filled up faster than a Snapchat story on a roller coaster. So here I am now, faced with the one option that clung to the registration page like a stubborn sticker—an 8 am lecture..
Goddamn it.
It's the first day of the new semester, and I can already feel exhaustion seeping into my bones. Despite my reputation as an academic overachiever, I've developed a chronic allergy to early mornings. The mere thought of tearing myself away from the warm embrace of my blankets before 10 am sends an unbearable itch coursing through my body. It feels like I'm wrestling a goddamn grizzly bear every single morning just to make it to class on time.The snooze button has practically become your best friend—Ahem, sorry, not sorry, Chenle. And let's not even talk about the inner battle that rages on when I have to choose between a few extra minutes of precious sleep or a decent breakfast. Navigating through a labyrinth of corridors, I finally arrive at the lecture hall, securing a seat right in the heart of the middle row. I've always held the belief that my choice of seating speaks volumes about my stance on the upcoming semester. For me, it's all about striking that perfect balance. Front rows are out of the question—too much scrutiny from the professor's watchful gaze. But the back rows are equally unacceptable, a potential vortex of distraction among the Neanderthals. So I opt for the middle ground, a conscious decision to engage without being swallowed whole. As I settle in, I lazily rummage through my backpack, unearthing the recommended textbook for class, a fresh notebook, and that pencil pouch I scored from a Sugar Rush Riot concert during summer break. My gaze sweeps across the sea of semi-conscious faces in the room, hoping to catch sight of any familiar ones. And lo and behold, I manage to spot a few friendly faces. There's Ava, my ethics class companion from last year, Gina, my partner-in-crime for surviving Mr. Hanson's painfully dull physics lectures, Issa and Lucas, the dynamic duo who effortlessly infused Parisian flair into my French class last semester, and, unfortunately, the notorious campus Lothario, Jeon Jungkook.
He's got quite the reputation, you know? A real crowd-pleaser, widely sampled, and utterly disrespectful. Around campus, it's like every girl has her very own "Jeon Adventure" to share, each tale brimming with explicit and intricate accounts of how he managed to leave them a quivering, breathless mess. Frankly, it's rather revolting. The way they flaunt every encounter with him like it's some kind of prized badge, casually boasting about every single detail of their time spent together.
A sigh escapes my lips, and I shake my head in mild exasperation. Jungkook might be popular, but I'm not interested in becoming a chapter in his little escapades. I certainly can't afford a distraction of his magnitude and certainly have no intention of sharing a guy with the entire campus.
Lazing there, lost in thought, waiting for class to commence, my eyes are inexplicably drawn to his striking side profile. Absently, I trace the line of his sharp jaw, observing the corners of his eyes crinkling as he engages in animated conversation with his friends. A subtle twitch of his nose, almost like a telltale sign, triggers a charming smile that graces his lips. His head tips back in response to a particularly hilarious joke, and in that instant, his gaze locks onto mine. His lips curl into a languid grin as he watches me. His sudden attentiveness snaps me out of whatever trance I was in, and before I know it, my face scrunches up into a deep scowl. I dramatically roll my eyes before diverting my attention elsewhere, avoiding any further visual contact.
With impeccable timing, Chenle saunters into my peripheral vision, deftly navigating through the rows of my fellow classmates with two steaming cups of coffee and a pair of assorted bagel boxes from Avery's Baegel Shop. Always the savior, isn't he? Seriously, where would I be without him? He's practically rescued me from the brink of starvation more times than I can count. He seamlessly slides into the seat next to me, placing the delectable breakfast on the desk in front of me. The mouthwatering aroma triggers an intense craving, causing my mouth to water involuntarily.
"What's with the expression?" he playfully teases, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips, noticing the way my brows knit together.
"Nothing," I replied with an annoyed huff, a hint of a smile curling up the corners of my mouth as I popped open the lid of the tempting treasure trove before me. My eyes locked onto the ideal choice—a cinnamon and creme bagel, practically begging to be savored.
As I took a bite, the explosion of flavors enveloped my senses, prompting a contented moan to escape my lips. Chenle chuckled at my reaction, well aware of just how much I appreciated his thoughtful gesture. He's always had an uncanny knack for understanding exactly what I need, even without me uttering a single word.
"I knew that one would hit the spot," he remarked, his eyes dancing with amusement.
"You know me too well," I replied, savoring each delectable bite.
"Oh, by the way, guess who's in this class?" I casually tossed out, locking eyes with my friend and flashing a knowing grin. Chenle and Jungkook happened to share the same major, and they'd endured numerous classes together. Most of my insights about the dreadful experience of sharing a lecture with Jungkook had been filtered through Chenle's complaints. Apparently, the guy had a knack for transforming classes into needlessly complex puzzles.
"You've got to be kidding," he scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically, disbelief etched across his features. I subtly nodded in the direction of the back row, where Jungkook was comfortably settled. I took another heavenly bite of the warm bagel, savoring the exquisite blend of cinnamon and brown sugar that danced on my taste buds. "But hey, don't sweat it too much. Rumor has it that Mrs. Steel doesn't take any nonsense in her class. Maybe she'll be the one to rein him in."
Almost as if on cue, Veronica Steel strode into the lecture hall, exuding an aura of self-assuredness, her car keys swinging carelessly from her fingers. Her lack of teaching materials upon entry suggested that she might not have an elaborate agenda for today's session. Fortunately for me, this was my only class on a Monday, leaving the rest of the day blissfully free.
"Good morning, everyone," she began, introducing herself with a confidence that immediately put me at ease. Her subtle Spanish accent added a touch of warmth and familiarity to her words. "I'm your instructor, Mrs. Veronica Steel."
"I won't keep you too long, given that this is our first class. However, I do have some important information to share." Her words lingered in the air, grabbing everyone's attention. "All the assignments for this course will be completed in pairs, and I've already assigned your partners. You should have received an email this morning containing the list of assigned pairs." The room sprang to life as students scrambled to retrieve their devices and check their emails, myself included.
My laptop springs to life, and I eagerly navigate to my inbox, searching for the email from Mrs. Steel. Hoping against hope that I've been paired with Chenle, or at the very least, with Gina or Issa, anyone who won't make my life a living nightmare. My eyes scan the list, darting over each name with bated breath, and then Chenle leans over and lightly taps the "Ctrl+F" keys on my keyboard. I can't help but feel a hint of embarrassment; it's not like I've forgotten such a basic keyboard shortcut.
With deliberate care, my trembling fingers spell out my name. Dread courses through my veins, fearing the prospect of being saddled with a partner who'd expect me to carry the entire load. With each letter that materializes on the screen, the suspense heightens. And there it is, as I complete the last letter, my partnership materializes on the screen: Jungkook Jeon & Amaya Bradford.
The air seems to vanish from the room. This can't be real. Out of all the potential partners, it had to be Jungkook. And to make matters worse, this partnership is locked in for the entire semester. Veronica's voice keeps rolling, outlining the expectations for the upcoming assignments. "Each pair will evaluate their partner for every assignment," her words hang heavily, driving home the gravity of the situation and the potential impact on our grades.
The idea of spending a whole semester partnered with Jungkook feels like a mental minefield. We're polar opposites, like oil and water, each with a distinct approach to academics and life. Finding common ground for effective collaboration seems an insurmountable challenge, one that's thrust upon me, whether I like it or not.
Mrs. Steel's voice rings in my ears, emphasizing that switching partners is off the table, no negotiations allowed. The pit of dread in my stomach deepens. This is unavoidable, a collaboration sentence I'm forced to endure.
Against my will, my gaze drifts towards Jungkook. Fuck I really can't stand this guy—an infuriating, self-assured grin plastered on his face. He's relaxed, clearly the king of his realm, ignoring the brunette whispering away on his right. His eyes, however, are locked on me, as if I'm the only presence in the room that matters.
As Veronica concludes, she leaves us with a parting shot. "Thanks for showing up, and I can't wait to see the amazing work you all produce. Welcome to COMM101." And just like that, she's gone, leaving me to wrestle with the chaos in my mind.
"Fml," I whisper, my forehead making contact with the table's surface with a resounding thud.
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scout90-again · 10 months
so girlie, you saw @unfortunately-a-fangirl s post, any recs?
Punk in regards to music can mean one of two things: the attitude, and the sound. It also heavily, heavily depends on the era we're talking about. It's pretty easy to classify punk eras as 1960-1980, 1981-2000, 2001-2010, and 2011 onwards. Anything from the 80s to the 2010s is my kinda thing, so expect a lot of grunge and alternative on this list.
The attitude is obvious. Anti-authority. Fuck the people in charge, we stick together, and we're bitter fucks about it. Bands that have the bite but don't have the bark, so to speak, are great introductorions to ease yourself into other artists. If you're not strict about how punk it sounds, Gorillaz is a prime example, demon days and plastic beach in particular. Ska often tends to have the messages of punk without the same sound, as well, but I'm not as well versed in that, but streetlight manifesto is a big one. A lot of queer punk bands and musicians like Gina Young is a "punk message but doesn't sound like punk at all" type thing. Folk punk is another thing falling in this category, Andrew Jackson Jihad and Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains are both great folk punk bands.
The sound is another thing. There are bands I'd consider punk purely for their sound, but not necessarily for their messages. Mindless Self Indulgence has some fantastic songs that sound punk (particularly the black album), but the messages are never quite that same punk feel, they tend to be more self-absorbed and violent for violence sake.
The big one, though, is bands and songs that combine both. These are your gold ticket punk bands. Sex pistols, Against Me!, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Rage Against the Machine, Siousxie and the Banshees, and Bad Religion are the big ticket ones you've probably heard the most about.
Other bands that I haven't really listened to but are deeply entrinched in the punk genre: the misfits, the clash, the dead Kennedy's, the dropkick murphys, black flag, the stooges.
Hope this helps!
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yonicfemcel · 9 months
i had a dream long time ago, as an entity who wasnt me for the whole duration but rather some dude, i don't remember the details, only thing i remember is that i sat down to watch a movie with friends for 3 hours. russian film. doesnt exist obviously but i write to maybe realise the story some day. white color dominates with black and red giving secondary hints. very artistic. main roles are femme fatale jewelier mafia woman (played by me [not me as in daftie but me as in some actress who looks like i look]) called gina who is selling very rare jewels to bad oligarchs and evildoers and literal rich israeli pedophiles (it's shown obviously that these people in theory have no business buying jewelry i dont remember but shes a chemist too but theyre not drugs but maybe related to them. that vibe). and this literal nobody fucking uni student gets in her crosshairs (played by Dima Lysenkov). theres this iconic scene that when i woke up i remembered first: she puts this metal tube pistol that shoots a big thin metal needle to his head and he pleads for life and she puts it to his crotch and he goes "you know what id rather you shoot there but can you shoot in such an angle that it goes through my rectum and doesnt grace anything else and just shoots my dick off clean because i looked it up and such an angle exists" and then he awkwardly stops talking and she just puts it over his stomach and hes like "uhhh i probably would survive that you can do that too" and she asks "so you wouldnt mind living dickess?" and he answers ofc not life has so much more. and she takes a liking to him. basically the movie is about her doing the deals and fixing some missunderstanding from which everyone in the end dies and also psychologically and psychosexually torturing her unifag boytoy thats moralising everything and seething at the evil he was plunged into suddenly. and eventually she grooms him to give his life for her and presses a gun that was fake to fool baddies but he didnt know that so he was shooting to kill and its all symbolic. corruption etc. it was really suspenseful in the movie i'm not doing it justice. but in the end same thing happens but they get impaled on some metal spike but its not fatal for him. and he survives and police arrives and he grieves but in the end he finds out that she had clones in a lab and merely one clone died. a la altered carbon. cliffhanger
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Some supporting VAs got announced for UU today.
Tatiana's VA did Alphonse, Billy's did Ging, Juiz's was such people as F.F., Killua, and Stocking, Top is Bakugo, Nico is Shadow, and Apocalypse is both Joseph Joestar and Gintoki. Quite the cast.
Billy was also Emonzaemon in Katanagatari, so good to know he's still dual-wielding pistols
Juiz will probably do a deeper voice closer to Killua or Ray from Promised Neverland to sound more mature if I had to guess, and in remembering that I had the thought that Romi Park also would have been a good choice; it was then that I found out that Juiz voiced Unzen's sister in Medaka Box, which is appropriate since Unzen was in fact Romi Park
I have a lot of trouble imagining Top being voiced by Bakugou, even if he has done younger boy voices before, and I think that either Juiz's actress or Romi Park (who often voice young boys) would be a bit of a better fit. Nobuhiko Okamoto would have been a good Rip when doing one of his smoother voices, I think, but I don't want to discount whoever they got for Rip before we even know who it is
Tatiana's voice is "The Queen of Tsundere," being the lead female in Shakugan no Shana, Familiar of Zero, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Toradora. Ooh, and she's Kagura in Gintama and Mizore in Rosario Vampire. She's got a hell of a pedigree, her list just goes on and on. I think she'll fit pretty well
Gina's got another long list, but one I'm only vaguely familiar with. Madoka, Tatsumaki in One Punch Man and Tsuyu in Hero Academy are the only ones I know, but they're all pretty different from each other in a way that I'm having trouble correlating them in my memory. I've also seen a couple episodes of I'm A Spider, So What?, and from what I recall that voice works pretty well
The only voice I can summon for Nico's is Sasazuka from MTNN, who is definitely more deadpan than Nico, but I can see it working
I definitely wouldn't have used Tomokazu Sugita for Apocalypse, it's the one choice I definitely disagree with so far. If he was available, I would have gone with Ryusei Nakao (Frieza, Kurotsuchi in Bleach, Caesar Clown in One Piece); there's something about Apocalypse's face that just feels like his brand of eery chuckling and deranged screeching would match well
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radardemediaonline · 1 year
Gina Pistol și Smiley s-au căsătorit!
Gina Pistol și Smiley au devenit astăzi, 27 mai, oficial soț și soție! După cununia civilă și cununia religioasă care au avut loc discret, în prezența familiilor și a celor mai apropiați prieteni, la Palatul Snagov, cei doi miri își așteaptă invitații la Orangeria Iris, o sera aflată la liziera Pădurii Snagov, pentru o petrecere în natură, cu muzică live, dans, flori albe, meniuri pentru toate…
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carrved · 1 month
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(LAURA HARRIER, FEMALE, SHE/HER)Oh, is that EMERY QUINN? I heard the THIRTY-TWO year old is DETERMINED. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also EXPLOSIVE. Makes sense seeing how they are a HITMAN in the THE CRIMSON gang.
tw: murder mention, child endangerment, violence, overall depressing :/
Full Name: Emery Eve Quinn.
Nickname: Em, Emmy.
Age: 32.
DOB: March 25th, 1992.
Hometown: San Francisco, California.
Familial: Gina Quinn (biological mother; deceased), Melinda Rooney (foster mother; presumed alive), Roger Rooney (foster father; presumed alive)
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Height: 5'9.
Tattoos: Multiple sprinkled throughout her body. small dainty things. they don't hold a lot of meaning.
Scars: Multiple scattered around. each one has a story. she's not to keen on sharing why.
Piercings: Triple ear piercing.
Sexuality: Bisexual (leans towards men).
Relationship Status: Engaged.
Occupation: Hitman. Socialite.
tldr; Emery Quinn has a tragic backstory that makes her tough as nails. She always felt out of control of her own life. It's a lot easier to call the shots when you have a gun, which is why she does what she does. Her day job is being a beautiful, rich, NYC socialiate. Her evening job is working as a hitman for the Crimsons, which fuels her day job. She's very Lana Del Rey coded.
She had humble beginnings. A mother who worked late and a father who partied hard. He always in and out, never staying too long. When he did come around, he always brought chaos. One day, a group of men come knocking on her mother’s door looking for her father. He had some unpaid debts, her mother paid for them with her life. There was no witnesses except for scared little Emery, who was four years old at the time. She had the perfect view from the hallway closet.
Her father was never heard from again after her mother’s death. The only recollection she has of him is his name, only his last. She became a ward of the state and jumped around foster home from foster home within the Bay Area. Emery had decided at a young age, she’d never be scared again. Not like that night. She acquired some grit to her. As an elementary school student, she’d pick fights and won them. She made threats and honored them too. Part of the reason she moved so many times was because the state of California didn’t know what to do with her.
At eleven, she got placed with an older couple in the Tenderloin of San Francisco. They never had children of their own and filled that void by taking in foster children. Emery was hardly their first. Melinda Rooney was able to wedge herself inside of that cold heart of Emery’s. She didn’t see her as a menace like rest of the world did. She saw a little girl who needed a mother. That was what Melinda became for Emery. Roger wasn’t so bad either. He was a retired police officer and avid hunter. He eventually took Emery to the gun range some weekends, to teach her how to use a gun. Emery was a natural. She still remembers the first time she shot one of his pistols. That was true power in her finger tips.
Old habits die hard. When she was thirteen, Emery fell back into the wrong crowd. Doing things no thirteen year old should. One of her friends had the great idea to rob a liquor store. It’s a lot easier to steal when you’ve got a weapon. Emery stole one of Roger’s guns from the safe. When things go wrong during the robbery, Emery’s friend took the gun and shot at the store employee. They missed.
Thank God, it was her friend that shot, Roger said later that night, Emery wouldn’t have missed.
These actions had consequences. Emery got pulled from the Rooney home. It was like losing her mother all over again. This time, she kicked and screamed, trying to fight for this mother. But her efforts did nothing. She was sent off to a girl’s home. She never saw the Rooney’s again.
The entire experience hardened her. It made one thing clear t. She was never going to have a normal life. She was never going to have the things other people had. She was never going to be clean. So why even try? Through her connections, she’s exposed to the crime life of San Francisco. Scammers, drug dealers, thieves, and even a few hitmen. While they didn’t make their money honestly, they still had to put food on the table and pay their landlords every month, which Emery could expect.
When she got older, Emery joined an underground fighting ring. She fought girls her own age. She usually won. She was vicious in the ring. Though, looking at her, you wouldn’t expect much, she had enough tenacity and rage inside her that fuel her in the fights. She made enough money to support herself. She eventually made enough money to run away from her group home and live independently. Soon enough, she turned eighteen and was approached by one of these hitmen she used to know. They got her involved in their organization. Emery remembered what it was like to shoot a gun. Powerful. When she caught her first body, it was even more so.
Emery worked in SF and throughout the entire state of California. When she got an opportunity to go to New York City, she jumped at it. She begun working with the Crimsons and the rest is history.
To the naked eye, Emery Quinn is another beautiful, wealthy woman in NYC. Independently wealthy, a socialite with a trust fund, a divorcé with a generous alimony agreement. These are the lies she tells people if they ask how she affords her penthouse in Manhattan. This is how she gets into rooms with government officials. This is how she meets her fiancè. The only people who know her truth are the same ones playing the same game she is.
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forensicated · 7 months
Smiffina Episodes: Gun Runner Part 5 - Fire Fight (5/5)
Smithy finds himself being followed by a van with Tommy Rose inside. It speeds up, making him have to run to avoid being hit. He's unable to get away at a dead end and Tommy forces him inside at gunpoint to speak to Bob Gatting. Y'know, he'd have gone if Tommy had gotten out and spoke to him nicely too given he knows that the SE1 crew are stumping up the cash? Less fun though I guess (!)
Neil sums up what has happened so far for us uniform and CID in a briefing. Gatting and Cutler are planning to import high powered pistols and machine guns into Canley. The deal is going to go down sometime during the day and hopefully it means Smithy will be returning soon but it's up in the air until they know for certain.
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(It's been a real Ultimate Force reunion lately on The Bill - we have Christopher Fox (Louie/Clive 😂) and Sam Callis (Patrick) as it is, but in Witness we got Danny Sapani (Ricky) and in Gun Runner we've had Louis Decosta Johnson (Dave) and now Miles Anderson (Dempsey) )
Wallace is speaking to his solicitor who is a known pain in the arse. The remand center is full so it's likely he's going to be given bail.
Smithy is delivered to the workshop. Gatting asks where Cutler is and Smithy tells him he has no idea. Gatting blames Smithy for George "Jay" Jacobs being held for being an accessory in Sean Seatton's murder after he'd planted the gun in Wallace's car (unknown to Gatting, Wallace and Cutler) so the police could get it back via legitimate means. Smithy says he was all set to dump it in the river but Kieran got caught with it and that it was just bad luck he got pulled over. "No, you screwed up!" Gatting shouts. "You're finished, I'm taking over this deal!" Wallace turns up having gotten bail. Gatting demands an explanation as he reckons someone tipped the police off. Wallace says it wasn't him and Smithy points out he never knew he existed. Wallace shouts Smithy put the gun in the glovebox and set him up. Smithy retaliates that Wallace has been shouting off about Jacobs and the gun to the wrong people and one of them must have informed on him. Rose remembers the conversation the day before when he returned the gun where Wallace got cocky about the gun being fired and Jay 'getting double tapped'. To save his life, cover and the case Smithy has to maintain it and shouts that Kieran does nothing but swagger around like the big I am and he's fed up of covering up for him. He claims Wallace is a liability and can't be part of the job if Gatting wants it to go smoothly.
Gatting agrees and has Rose march Wallace outside for a beating. Smithy feels bad and says he'll do it. He takes him outside, feigns Wallace kicking him and mutters to him to run. Kieran tries but he doesn't get away. He gets a beating as a horrified Smithy, Max and Terry are forced to watch. Smithy tries to stop it by telling Gatting that Kieran is Cutler's nephew. Gatting shrugs. "It's business not family." he replies, considering the matter wiped from the slate now and everyone even. He tells Smithy to arrange a meeting with Cutler to go over the deal. "That's a warning, son." he tells Wallace. "You cross me again and you're dead." He then turns to Smithy. "Now it's your turn in the ring." Smithy tenses but stands his ground. "Only joking!" he laughs, patting his shoulder. Phew! Max worries Smithy isn't ruthless and hopes he doesn't let what happened to Wallace get to him. As they go to drive off, Kieran shouts that Cutler won't stand for it and that Smithy knows it wasn't him. Smithy dispatches him quickly and tells him to go before they start round two.
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Max tells Stevie that Smithy won't make their meeting at the house because he has to meet up with Cutler. He tells her to go to the pub meeting instead and to brief Smithy to smooth things over between Gatting and Cutler. Gina is worried that Smithy has been hurt after the mornings antics but Max reassures her he was only manhandled and that it's Wallace who took a beating. Neil reminds him Smithy's safety comes first and that if there's even the slightest hint of things going wrong he's to be pulled out immediately. Gina is clearly NOT happy about him remaining in as things stand.
Stevie speaks to Smithy before Cutler appears, reminding him that Cutler and Gatting need to be on good terms for the deal to happen. Cutler orders her to leave and she moves to the bar. Cutler orders Smithy outside, growling at him about Wallace having bruised ribs, broken fingers and cuts and bruises all over - his mum/Cutler's sister has been giving him earache about it. He blames Smithy for shafting Wallace and Smithy manages to brush it aside by telling him he has a bigger problem with Gatting threatening to take over the deal. After the beating Gatting considers it square so all he has to do is shake on it. Cutler would rather see the deal go tits up. Smithy advises him to paper over it until the jobs done and then have it out. Cutler agrees to but he won't let him think he can get away with it. Smithy updates Stevie and tells her that he's worried it's going to get nasty. Stevie looks over and sees Gatting look in their direction so she kisses Smithy. She sees Gatting walk off and continues the kiss for a while. Smithy asks her what was that and she says it was for cover and making it believable. "Wasn't that what you were doing...?" "... Yeah. Just putting on a show." They hold eye contact for a few seconds before Smithy clears his throat. "Got to go..."
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Interpol advise Demitri is really called Osip Kolchek and he has form for human trafficking, drugs and prostitution. He's also suspected of murdering a man he double crossed on a huge drugs deal and Neil is worried he's about to do the same to Cutler.
Smithy tries to broker peace between Gatting and Cutler. Cutler tells Gatting he had no right to beat Wallace up. Smithy points out Gatting is just as much to blame because Rose tried to dump a murder weapon on them without a warning. Gatting admits he should have been told up front and SE1 should have gotten rid of the gun themselves. Gatting irons out the deal finances. Finally they shake hands. Cutler tells them that Demitri has shown him a photograph of the guns, Gatting scoffs and says he'll bring a picture of the cash then. Cutler insists it's all sorted and will happen that afternoon - as long as Gatting brings the payment. Gatting is wary of going to meet him with the cash as he doesn't trust him but Cutler claims it will all go well, Smithy's coming with him to check over the merchandise before they hand the cash over so there is their 'insurance' (yeah. cos they won't be armed outside of that will they (!!). Gatting agrees and snarkily reminds them both to check their brake lights so noone else gets pulled over by the police.
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Stevie is flustered after letting herself into Smithy's to find him wearing a vest and unbuttoned jeans after freshening up to wake himself up. "Do you like how it looks?" he asks, fastening his jeans. Stevie almost blushes and watches him. Smithy realises and smirks. "The house!" They flirt in between Smithy unburdening about having had another gun pointed in his face that morning and how he had to drop Wallace in it to save himself and the case. Stevie reassures him he's bound to feel bad because he's a good man and he's on his own in the middle of bad on bad and that he's over identifying and looking for a friend and it's all normal. He tells her that Wallace reminds him a bit of him at that age and that he could have gone the same way if he hadn't joined the army. Stevie reminds him Laurence can feel guilty but Smithy himself has done nothing wrong. She then starts to massage Smithy's shoulders and he gets very confused, leading her upstairs [Heaton, Millie and Banksy's reactions as they watch are hilarious! "That's the bedroom isn't it?" "He's probably debriefing her, sir." Millie: *SNORT*] out the way of the CCTV where he asks her what's going on. Stevie tries to explain it as TLC for Laurence. "You're messing with my head." "Am I...?" she smiles. "Sorry...." Cutler arrives before they can kiss again. As he goes to leave she asks if there's anything else he needs. Smithy smirks and nods at his washing. "You couldn't er.... I haven't had a chance." Stevie rolls her eyes playfully. "Sorry Smithy, I'm just not that sort of girl." "Ah well, was worth a try." "Cheek." She smirks as she watches him go.
Max updates Neil that Smithy has left with Cutler and he in turn updates Gina that he's going to view the weapons. She tells him she'll get uniform ready and meet him in the yard but Neil tells her to keep the troops at the station as it will be 'simpler' and therefore safer.
As Stevie leaves Smithy's with his washing, Wallace appears and threatens her, demanding to know where Smithy is. She tells him that he's gone out and she doesn't know where. He tells her he's crippled because of Smithy and drags her round the side. Banksy orders a uniform unit to do a drive past. Wallace threatens he's going to kill Smithy when he sees him. She tells him Smithy had no chance and that he covered to save both their lives and that he's told Cutler to take him back. He asks her to swear that Smithy put a good word for him with Cutler. She tells him Smithy will get him back in and back on track. Wallace believes her, saying that he knows they were good friends before it and that's why he couldn't understand it. She tells him to go home and stay there and he'll get Smithy to call him. He looks thoughtful then leaves. Banksy cancels the drive past on seeing Stevie appear from the side of the house once Wallace had gone.
Smithy drives him and Cutler to a warehouse. Max and Neil are hiding in a nearby building. Rose and Gatting arrive and Demitri invites them all inside with Gatting ordering Rose to keep an eye out outside. Inside the warehouse Demitri shows them a Mach10, telling them there are no serial numbers, they are brand new and entirely untraceable. Smithy checks it over and tells both Gatting and Cutler that it appears exactly as described. Demitri offers him some bullets and he loads it, aiming it at a target on the far wall. Smithy fires it three times and destroys the target. Gatting gets cocky and offers £1200 instead of £1500. Smithy asks Gatting what he thinks he's doing and Cutler tells Demitri not to listen as Gatting is just joking and they will pay £1500. Demitri doesn't look overly impressed, asking to be shown the money and Gatting pulls out £1500. "What is this?!" Demitri glares. Cutler looks confused. "You agreed to bring the whole payment." Demitri loads the Mach10 again and points it at them as Smithy pleads with him to calm down and they'll get it sorted. He insists Gatting is only joking and that he has the deal as agreed. "I was just joking." Gatting shrugs, laughing. Smithy smooths it over and says they'll take that Mach10 and give him the cash there and then for that one. Gatting throws the money at Demitri's feet and Demitri throws the gun to Smithy. "We'll do the trade tonight. And this time, bring all the money..." Demitri warns.
Gatting and Cutler turn up at Smithy's unannounced. Cutler tells him that they're on and there'll be a blue box van at limeharbour dock at 6pm. Demitri will text him at 5.50pm, he's to phone Cutler when he gets the text and then go to the warehouse to meet Demitri and examine the goods. They'll be at the pub with the money. If he's happy, he's to call and they'll arrive with the payment. Stevie is also at the house and Gatting and Cutler growl at her to go make them some tea. When she does, Cutler tells Smithy to go to the workshop and get himself a gun as he'll need to be armed if he's going to be dealing with Demitri. He agrees and says he'll drop Stevie off on the way but Gatting insists that no, she's making them a cup of tea and they're going to stay to enjoy it and that Tommy will drop her off later.
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As he leaves, Gatting tells Cutler they'll take Stevie with them to the pub as insurance. He doesn't trust him since Wallace got nicked. Stevie tries to refuse but Gatting makes it clear there was no offer. She's going. Thankfully Stevie is an experienced former SO10 undercover officer and Neil trusts her to do the best she can with the circumstances and calls a station briefing, telling them what has been agreed and that CO19 will be deployed at the warehouse. Once Smithy confirms the guns are there, CO19 will move in and make arrests with uniform. They will then move to the pub where Smithy will ring Cutler. As they leave the pub, CO19 will make the arrests with support from Sun Hill. Arun is placed to keep an eye on Stevie. They have half an hour until things should start to kick off.
Neil and Max see Demitri arrive. Demitri texts Smithy and Smithy gets a gun out and shows it to the CCTV in the workshop and tells them that Demitri has made contact. In doing so he has to move the Mach10 be on top of the safe whilst he gets it out. Unfortunately Wallace arrives and wants to have it out with Smithy. He claims Stevie lied to him about Smithy speaking to Cutler. Instead of going home like Stevie said, Kieran went to Cutler's where he was told to get lost. He says Smithy lies to everyone and is probably a grass. He rants about how he's not stupid and won't be pushed around and grabs the Mach10 from the top of the safe, pointing it at Smithy.
Terry and Heaton watch, urging Smithy to talk him down. Wallace rants about how it's Smithy's fault and how he stood there and watched whilst he was beaten. Heaton tells Neil what's happening. Max suggests they go in as Demitri is getting jumpy. Neil says the guns might not be there, he could be planning to double cross him or the guns might be at a different location so they have to wait.
Smithy tells Wallace that Cutler told him that he had to break his brake light, plant the gun and let him get caught, probably as he had a grudge against Jay. He tells him Cutler had threatened him with the same beating if he didn't and reminds him he'd tried to let him get away. "Cutler's pure evil, you know that!" He tries to get Wallace to give him the gun but Kieran now wants to kill Cutler. "He'll be at the Boat Arms where he always is, sipping his whiskey, laughing his bald head off! Well he won't be laughing much longer!" He points the gun at Smithy and orders him to open the door. With no choice, Smithy has to do so and Wallace leaves the warehouse to find his uncle. Smithy shouts to the CCTV that he needs an armed support and ambulance to meet him at The Boat Arms before Wallace walks into a packed pub with a machine gun. Terry tries to stop him but Smithy jumps into the car and he speeds off after Wallace.
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Demitri is not happy at waiting and is getting jumpy. Neil tells Max that CO19 are needed at the pub as Wallace has gone after Cutler with a Mach10. Neil has no choice, he has to prioritise actual threat to life. He tells Max he should have had another unit standing by but Max assures him this couldn't have been predicted. He tells Neil that they'd still take 20 minutes to get to Smithy even with the blues and twos on and that there'll be an ARV on the way already. He insists they have to take down Demitri and cut the guns off at the source or lose everything. Neil tells CO19 to go in when ready. They take down Demitri's men but the man himself makes a run for it. Max leaps on him as he draws his gun and manages to arrest him. They check the back of the van and find the guns are all there! Max has a moment, remembering his colleague who CO19 lost to a Mach10, telling Neil he should have been there to see it.
There's a bit here that amuses me silly amounts when it really isn't that funny. Max realises the boxes in the back of the van are nailed shut so needs something to pry them open. He doesn't even finish his sentence before Leon The Mind Reader appears and hands him a hammer to pull the lid off with. It's not in the slightest bit funny, nor is it written as though it is but it just happens like Leon carries it round with him just incase someone might need it and leaps to it!
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At the pub Cutler claims Smithy should have been in touch by now and he's also getting jumpy. Gatting tells him to stop worrying because it's getting on his nerves. Rose asks if the sirens he can hear are police but Stevie claims it's just an ambulance.
Smithy speeds alongside Wallace's car, trying to box him in. He manages to get in front but Wallace pulls the gun on him again and tells him to get in the car. Smithy tries to reason that he can't use the gun in a packed pub because it'd be carnage. Wallace doesn't care - as long as Cutler is dead. Smithy tries to encourage him to sort it out one to one not with the gun. Kieran points it at him again and tells him to back off. Smithy pulls the gun out of his belt. "I am an armed police officer. Put the gun down. Put the gun down, now!" Wallace realises it was Smithy all along and he lifts the gun. Smithy shouts at him not to do it and as he says he will, Smithy has to shoot him to protect his own life - with milliseconds to spare as Wallace ends up firing into the air after the first shot.
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Armed police swarm and Smithy is ordered to step away from the body. Gina shouts that he's one of them and not to shoot. She gets him away then informs Neil. Smithy is clearly massively affected by what he's had to do and Gina shouts at him at one point because he's not listening to her but staring at Kieran's body. She's also affected and terrified at what she saw almost happen to him.
Smithy makes the call to Cutler to tell him that the guns are at the warehouse and that everything is fine. They leave the pub and head towards the car when CO19 and Sun Hill officers - including Smithy - approach to arrest them. Gina tells Smithy that Wallace is dead. "Great, I warned Wallace he could end up dead in the gutter. It's my job to keep guns off the street and me who shoots him dead." Stevie reassures him it wasn't his fault. Gina tells him she'll need a statement from him, finishing it with "And you look a complete shambles. The quicker I get you back into uniform the better!"
Heaton congratulates Smithy on a successful result with their targets arrested and the guns seized. Neil tells him the DPS want to interview him but not to worry, he had no choice and did the right thing. Max asks him why he went after Wallace and Smithy points out he had a machine gun and was threatening to use it. He tells Max he'd followed his rule - whatever you think you need to do, be ruthless and do it. Max tells him he respects that and that he too had tough calls to make but his safety was number one. He admits he didn't think Smithy could hack it at first but he has no doubts about him now. "Good working with you, Smithy." he tells him, shaking his hand. He tells him he's earnt a break but Smithy says there's no chance of that as the DPS and IPCC will be crawling over him for weeks and then the coroners court. Max offers to back him up and sit with him throughout it if he needs someone. Smithy thanks him and leaves CID only to bump into Stevie.
"Ah Laurence..." she teases, asking him how he feels. Smithy admits he's a bit shaky but he feels alright. She tells him she's done his washing and has put it in the Sergeant's office but found a pair of white y fronts in her things. "Well... we've all got a comfy pair, ain't we." he smirks. He asks if they can 'draw a line under them' and she agrees before kissing him, telling him she was just saying goodbye to Laurence 'before boring old Dale comes back on duty'. They exchange smiles and seperate, Stevie going back to CID and Smithy heading towards his office.
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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Rutina pe care Gina Pistol și Smiley o au cu fiica lor dimineața. Ce planuri au de sărbători
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dianablajovan · 4 years
Lol this is an explanation how the Romanian bacalaureat is part of iluminatti! 😂😂😂
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jurnaldeoltenia · 4 years
Smiley a lansat „Până la tine”, o piesă despre începutul vieţii în 3
Smiley a lansat „Până la tine”, o piesă despre începutul vieţii în 3
La trei zile după ce a devenit tată, Smiley își împarte emoțiile cu cei care-i ascultă muzica și lansează piesa „Până la tine”, o declarație de iubire pentru fetița sa. „Inima mi-a zis că ai sosit/ Cine-s eu să o contrazic?!/ Ai adus Soarele cu tine,/ Pentru noi e răsărit./ Mi-ai arătat că până acum eu n-am iubit pe nimeni,/ Pe nimeni până la tine”, sunt parte din versurile refrenului piesei…
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Gina Pistol, atacată dur în timpul vacanței cu Smiley! Vedeta a făcut public mesajul jignitor
Gina Pistol trăiește acum cea mai frumoasă perioadă a vieții sale, ea și Smiley urmând să devină curând părinți. Iată însă că simpatica blondină nu a fost scutită de momentele neplăcute nici măcar în vacanță!
Gina Pistol este în al doilea trimestru de sarcină și trăiește cele mai fericite momente alături de Smiley, tatăl bebelușui ei. Cei doi au plecat recent în vacanță în Grecia, alături de prietenii lor, însă, pe lângă clipele de relaxare, prezentatoarea Chefi la Cuțite a avut parte, din păcate, și de niște momente neplăcute…
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“Smiley este frumos, iar tu nu-l meriți”
După ce a postat un video pe contul de socializare în care se afla alături de iubitul și prietenii ei, Gina Pistol a avut parte de o surpriză neplăcută. O „admiratoare” de pe Instagram a făcut comentarii acide la adresa ei, jignind-o în cel mai urât mod.
Drept urmare, Gina Pistol a împărtășit cu fanii toată povestea, postând comentariul internautei care avea obiecții la adresa ei.
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Pe captura făcută la conversația privată, Gina Pistol a scris: “Din ciclul: Doamne fere’, doamna Șerbana zice așa” – “Smiley este frumos, iar tu nu-l meriți”. Desigur, un mesaj plin de greșeli gramaticale, însă deloc potrivit, cu atât mai mult cu cât vedeta este și însărcinată…
Din fericire, episodul a fost repde uitat, deoarece fanii și apropiații vedetei au copleșit-o cu gânduri bune și felicitări.
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Gina Pistol, primele imagini cu burtica de gravidă
Smiley și Gina Pistol au plecat împreună în vacanță, iar unul dintre prietenii cuplului a suprins pe contul lui de Instagram câteva imagini cu toți patru. În unele dintre ele apare și Gina Pistol cu o rochie lungă până în pământ, vaporoasă, în care se vede clar burtica de gravidă.
Vedeta este însărcinată în al doilea trimestru și, deși nu a confirmat că este gravidă, fotografiile vorbesc de la sine.
În urmă cu câteva zile, Gina Pistol a mai fost suprinsă îmbrăcată cu o bluză largă ce inducea faptul că vedeta ar fi gravidă, însă acestea sunt primele poze care nu mai lasă loc de îndoială. Conform unor surse apropiate cuplului Gina Pistol și Smiley, cei doi nu ar vrea să dea prea multe detalii despre bebeluș până când Gina nu va fi sigură că sarcina ei decurge așa cum trebuie. 
Foto: Instagram, captură foto
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