#[[Gina Lestrade: Modern AU]]
prommytheus · 1 year
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some more modern casual tgaa cast. i love the them
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altho-arto · 2 years
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Little ! Winter outfits !! with knitted hats that Iris made herself for everybody !
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themxtleycrew · 4 months
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"Alright Bobbi, 'ere's the facts." Gina began pulling out files and reports from her shoulder bag, Toby on the other and was on his hind legs with his little puppy paws pressed to Robin's shins, as if trying to steal attention from Detective Lestrade.
"At 'round 10, a bloke came in to this 'ere pawnshop an' asks t' buy a gun. Poor chap runnin' the place agrees to let the buyer 'old the piece before 'e's purchased it. The 'customer' then whips the chap across the face an' makes for the till. Aftah makin' off wiv the cash, the pawnbroker called the coppers."
"No gunshots were 'eard at the scene since the pistol the criminal took weren't loaded. You'd 'afta be a right numpty t' keep loaded firearms on a store shelf."
"Since 'e took the gun and the cash, we've got Toby 'ere usin' 'is sniffer t' see if 'e can find any'fing wiv the robber's scent on it."
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blucifer-the-rat · 2 years
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Hello tumblr
Today I present you: deranged queers from the 1900’s but not now they’re in modern times
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when the au is modern
(everything in tgaac is the same but they have cellphones and new drip)
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myfairstarlight · 1 year
A Joyous Fair
AO3 Link.
Rating: G
Pairings: Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame (Rei Membami). Side Kazuma Asogi/Ryunosuke Naruhodo + mentioned Gina Lestrade/Maria Gorey
Written for Susahao Week 2022. Day 3: AU/Modern Day
Word count: 3k
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Susato finds herself almost longing for the time when Kazuma was not very fond of parties or outings, too focused on his studies and her to even care about making friends. Then he went to college and started his internship at Wright Anything Agency where he met the boss’ younger cousin who, Susato has to assume, developed an instant crush and kept inviting Kazuma to various outings over the months.
Her brother is, like always, completely oblivious to the whole ordeal and Susato almost feels bad for Ryunosuke. But she mostly feels bad for herself because she finds herself to be the one person the guy decides to confide his unsuccessful attempts at dates to.
“I’ve tried every trick in the books!” Ryunosuke complains that day, once again, while Susato is trying to do her homework on the stairs leading towards the Asogi residence, waiting for Kazuma to show up. After starting university, Kazuma moved out to move into his parents’ old house that he still owned as per Genshin Asogi’s will, since the house was closer to Ivy University but also his internship and he wanted some independence, Susato supposes, even if he’s close enough that she and their father can visit often.
The Mikotoba house sure is much quieter now that Kazuma isn’t there every day, though.
“Crazy idea but have you considered telling him you’re taking him on dates?”
"You can give me lessons when you finally figure out what’s going on with you and Haori, alright?” Ryunosuke replies.
Susato’s pen slips, creating a hard line across a complicated equation she just figured out in her head and now everything has vanished from her mind. Haori may be her one weakness. She met the girl only at the beginning of the year since their lockers were next to each other, and Haori single-handedly put a dent in Susato’s study-focused mind with a simple smile and a gentle “hi”. Before she could understand it, Susato found herself drawn to her and slowly, but surely, she found her way into the friend group Haori already had, befriending Gina and then Gina’s girlfriend Maria with relative ease.
It took a few weeks and a lot of teasing from her family to realise that what she was feeling was a crush. She can’t be blamed, she thought she’d never meet anyone who could elicit the passionate feelings she reads in novels.
“That’s completely different!” she objects. “Pretty sure she’s straight anyway. My brother is not and he does not hide it.”
“Uh uh,” Ryunosuke says, thoroughly unconvinced.
Susato sighs. “Listen, there’s a fair next weekend. Go to the haunted house with him or the Ferris Wheel!”
“Susato, I am terrified of both.”
“Even more perfect, you’ll have an excuse to cling to him!” Susato counters and to her merit, Ryunosuke actually considers the option. “Or you can try to win him one of those giant stuffed animals, he loves those. Don’t tell him I told you that though.”
“They’re rigged though.”
“Well, you’re not wrong about that. It’s the effort that counts though?”
Ryunosuke doesn’t get to reply because Kazuma suddenly appears, his shadow looming over them as he looks over Susato’s homework.
“Your second answer is wrong,” her brother says and she promptly closes her notebook. One thing she didn’t miss is Kazuma monitoring her work, she has enough to catch up to when she intends on pursuing the same career as him, already.
“Took you long enough, Kazuma,” Ryunosuke says as he stands up.
“Lost my binder somewhere and all my other ones were in the wash,” Kazuma replies with a shrug. “So, what were you talking about?”
“The fair next weekend,” Susato promptly answers. “I was telling Ryunosuke it would be a nice break. It’s after your exams too, isn’t it? And it would be the beginning of my break.”
Kazuma hums. “You think I can manage to drag Barok to it? Dude really needs to loosen up but he’s allergic to parties.”
Susato catches Ryunosuke pouting at the mention of the TA in Kazuma’s criminal justice course. The man is a social recluse and yet apparently Kazuma has bothered him enough to become some sort of friends. From what Susato understands, Kazuma’s late father and Barok’s late brother used to know each other. Susato met him one afternoon as she visited Kazuma and Barok was there, helping her brother with an assignment. Never mind that the assignment was not about criminal justice whatsoever but she didn’t exactly dare make a remark under the intimidating gaze of the British man.
They’re not dating, as far as Susato is aware, and Barok seems too emotionally constipated for that anyway. She is rooting for Ryunosuke, but she struggles to understand if her brother is even interested in either of them.
“Should we invite Herlock too then?” Ryunosuke says, the TA in his English Literature class.
“No way! Then dad will want to come, I love him but I don’t need him over my shoulder the whole day,” Susato protests. “I can bring Gina, Maria and Haori though.”
“Wait no, we need to invite Herlock, so Iris will be there and she can convince Barok to come!” Kazuma counters. “He’d never miss the opportunity to see his niece.”
“But dad will embarrass us!” Susato does not whine. “And why are you so hellbent on bringing Barok anyway?”
“Have you seen him? He looks like a vampire, I want to drag him to the haunted house and see if he’d scare them. Or if anything fazes him. Really, I just want to get a reaction out of him outside of annoyance.”
“I— You know what, I’m curious too now.”
Ryunosuke sends her a betrayed look.
“I know! We must do this. Oh, and I’ve heard there will be a love tunnel this year…” Kazuma trails off suggestively. “I know who to trap in there.”
“You can’t really force people on rides though…” Ryunosuke comments. “Also Barok would kill you.”
“Who said he’s the one I wanna trap there?” Kazuma grins like the Cheshire Cat. “Come on partner, your deductions are usually better than that.”
Susato tunes them out for the rest of the way to the library as she texts Haori the plan for next weekend.
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
In the end, Kazuma drags both Barok and Ryunosuke to the haunted house first — he’s holding their hands for god’s sake — and Susato watches them with a bemused smile on her lips. It seems her brother’s obliviousness has reached such an absurd level, he isn’t even aware of how his actions look to the outsider and how both Ryunosuke and Barok follow him like docile puppies.
“Should we go to the haunted house too?” Susato asks Haori who stiffens. She chuckles. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“I’d hate to accidentally hurt an actor, you know my first instinct is to punch when I’m scared…” Haori says and yeah, Susato knows, she does that while watching scary movies too. She just punches the air before hiding behind her sleeves, which is greatly endearing. “And— wait, where are Gina and Maria?”
A look around gives them the answer. Maria is dragging a reluctant Gina towards the haunted house as well. Maria might as well have stars in her eyes as she stares up at the attraction before going in, Gina’s arm firmly in her hands.
“Guess everyone went in,” Susato comments and now she actually is curious to know if it is worth the hype. She hardly ever is scared herself.
“Your dad, Iris and Herlock decided on the Ferris Wheel instead, I’d rather go there.”
Susato looks at her sceptically. She knows Haori handles heights as much as Ryunosuke, which means not at all.
“Let’s go try to win some prizes,” Susato decides instead.
Haori frowns. “But they’re rigged.” Wow, she and Ryunosuke really would get on well if they spent more time together.
“And I’m determined.”
“Susato… don’t,” her friend sighs.
“Now I’m taking it as a challenge.”
Haori smiles, fond and exasperated. “In those moments I realise how much alike you and your brother are.”
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
So they go through every stand, Haori convincing Susato to only try each game once so they don’t waste too much money. Susato manages to win multiple small plushies from claw machines, a bubble-making thingy from the ring tosser game that Susato suspects won’t last more than a week, nothing from the basketball one — Haori had to physically drag her away — and by the time they reach the shooting range game, Kazuma and Ryunosuke have exited the haunted house and joined them.
“Where’s Barok?” Susato asks, deciding to ignore how pale Ryunosuke looks and how he’s clinging to Kazuma’s headband as if his life depended on it.
“With Iris. She and I may have pushed dad and Herlock into the queue for the love tunnel, so,” Kazuma answers, oh so that’s who he wanted to trap there. “I had promised her and Barok to find a way to get them out of the way for a bit.”
“Ryunosuke, are you okay…?” Haori eventually asks.
Ryunosuke shakily nods. “F-Fine.”
“He accidentally punched an actor in an attempt to protect me and he still feels bad about it,” Kazuma says, looking fond. “But anyway, have you managed to win anything interesting? I’ve been eyeing that huge teddy bear over there…”
“Hah! No way, I will be winning that one for Haori!” Susato exclaims.
Before Haori or Kazuma could respond to that, Ryunosuke suddenly seems to regain his senses and steps forward, facing Susato head-on. “Absolutely not, I will.”
“What?” Both Haori and Kazuma ask, thoroughly confused.
“This is a shooting range, Ryunosuke,” she reminds him. “We both know who has the advantage here with a gun.”
“But I have a better aim than you as an archer.”
“Guns and bows are very different weapons though,” Kazuma points out but Ryunosuke cuts him off with a hand on his mouth.
“Shush partner, I’m doing this for you.”
And Susato is momentarily distracted when she sees her brother falter and blush. She chances a glance at Haori who is equally stunned at the sight. Her eyes meet her friend’s and a silent conversation ensues.
You don’t mind if I let him win right?
Absolutely not.
I’ll win you another teddy bear later.
Oh, Susato you don’t need to.
I insist!
Ryunosuke clears his throat, handing her a rifle. “So?”
Susato smiles. “You’re on.”
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
“You think he noticed you purposely missed the targets?” Haori inquires later, now carrying a medium-sized teddy bear Susato ended up winning instead of the giant one.
Susato huffs as she tries to rearrange her hair without a mirror. A few rogue strands had fallen off during her friendly competition with Ryunosuke at the shooting range. Sure, she let him win but purposely missing targets was surprisingly difficult, ok?
“Probably not. Kazuma did, though.”
“Hey, let me…” Haori starts, handing her the teddy bear before standing behind her. Susato frowns, about to ask her what she is doing, when she feels careful fingers tread through her hair, undoing the knots and taking away her hair ties.
Soon enough, long bangs fall over her eyes and she blows on them to regain some kind of vision.
“I constantly forget your hair is longer than mine,” Haori muses.
“I probably should get a haircut soon…” Susato replies. Or ask Kazuma when he has the time.
“Are you ever gonna cut it short?”
Mm. Susato thought about it but she likes being able to try so many different hairstyles. “Don’t think so,” she settles for saying.
She feels a pin being secured at the back of her head as Haori continues to carefully comb her hair with idle fingers.
“Watching Ryunosuke and Kazuma… it made me wonder…” Susato starts tentatively, earning an inquisitive hum from her friend. “Have you ever thought of dating?”
The fingers pause in her hair. “Have you? You’ve always been so focused on school…”
“That’s not answering my question.”
A beat passes before Haori resumes putting Susato’s hair up, another pin being secured on the side of her head, carefully removing one big strand that was obscuring Susato’s view.
“I have,” Haori answers eventually. Yeah, Susato suspected as much, out of the two of them, Haori has always been the most vocal about the crushes she gets. “But it wouldn’t amount to anything.”
“How can you be sure?”
Haori doesn’t reply for a while, opting to focus instead on finishing Susato’s hair in silence. Susato indulges her, instinctively clutching the teddy bear in her arms a bit more strongly than needed. In the distance, she can still see their friends go about around the fair. The sun is starting to set and yet, no one seems preoccupied with it, or tired from a whole day running around.
Susato hasn’t felt this much bliss in a long time since Kazuma moved out.
Finally, the last pin is secured and Haori walks back in front of her, prying the teddy bear away from her arms with gentle, if not a little trembling hands. Susato takes a steady breath as she lifts her eyes to meet the grey of her friend’s.
“So… who is it?” Susato asks then.
Haori falters, smile a bit more uncertain as her cheeks turn pink. “Susato…” Susato nods and waits. A beat passes. Haori sighs. “… You’re as oblivious as your brother.”
“That was my answer, it’s you,” Haori confesses. “But, ah, I know it made you uncomfortable that one time I actually tried to be more straightforward and flirt with you so. Honestly, I’m just happy to be your friend.” Susato stares, the words not computing in her mind, apparently. “Uh… I broke you. I’m just gonna—”
“Wait!” Susato panics, grabbing Haori’s hand before she could walk away. “I just— needed to be sure I wasn’t dreaming. When was that?”
Haori frowns, now holding the teddy bear in one arm. “Uh, I don’t know, sometime last month? Oh! It was after our English class while we were reading from Romeo and Juliet.”
“Wait, really?” She remembers that day, she had decided to dress more masculine as an experiment after Kazuma had encouraged her and lent her some of his clothes that surprisingly fit — which made her feel giddy. It just happened that that day they also had to study Romeo and Juliet in class and she volunteered to read as Romeo while Haori joyfully volunteered for Juliet.
And she does remember Haori being a little more flirty after the class but she had wrongfully assumed it was because she decided to be more masculine that day and she was staying somewhat in character—
Haori clears her throat. “Listen I’m embarrassed enough—”
“Can I kiss you?” Susato blurts out.
Silence. They stare at each other, the two of them breathless, somehow, and Susato feels like her heart is about to burst.
“Alright I feel like we jumped a hundred steps here,” Haori chuckles, looking away and half-hiding behind the teddy bear.
She gotta stop being so cute.
“I’d like to think of it as catching up,” Susato counters, tightening her hold on her friend’s hand. “I thought you only liked guys.”
“Wow, you’ve really been oblivious, huh.”
Haori laughs, this time more from a genuine feeling of joy than out of nervousness. “I guess I can’t fault you, I only talked about my silly boy crushes with you but every time I was actually talking about you. I thought you would have connected the dots eventually, but turns out that’s one subject where you don’t excel.”
There’s this guy… always has his nose in a book. We don’t share a lot of classes but he always makes sure to greet me and ask me if I’ve done all the work.
Oh, this other guy always holds the door for me and he bows when I thank him! I mean it’s a little much but it’s cute.
This boy is so smart but he never makes me feel like I’m dumb either, you know? He helps me with homework and stuff and it’s nice.
Maria and Gina are getting so tired of hearing me talk about this boy, but I can’t help it! He just has the sweetest smile and is always so confident, God, I wonder what it must feel like, to have his undivided attention. I’d feel like the luckiest girl on earth!
Haori was talking about her all these times?
“You could have told me…” she whispers, full of wonder and relief.
Haori smiles. “Well, you never showed any interest in any of this romance stuff and I didn’t want to impose, I don’t know. I did ask Kazuma for advice once and he just sighed. Like!” She huffs. “One question and he looked like he wanted to die from exasperation! Rude. Your brother is rude.”
“Yeah, that’s probably my fault,” Susato groans, fighting the urge to hide behind her hands now. “I’ve bothered him about my crush on you ever since I met you.”
A pause. Susato suddenly laughs. “We’re kind of idiots.”
Haori smiles, her hand turning in Susato’s so their fingers interlock. “I guess we are.”
“So… what now?”
“I’ve never seen you so unsure of yourself, it’s almost refreshing,” Haori teases gently. “Well now, let me thank you for today and all the gifts you won for me.”
And perhaps it is always meant to be this simple, Susato thinks idly, as she lets herself be pulled forward and gentle lips meet her own in a chaste kiss. Haori’s floral scent envelops her senses, wrapping around her heart like a luring spell. Susato smiles against her lips, bringing her free hand to the other girl’s cheek, cradling her face closer.
“Does this count as our first date, then?” Haori asks eventually when they pull away.
“If it is I definitely need to win you a real giant teddy bear now!” she replies.
But Susato only grins, leading the both of them back to the shooting range stand.
In the end, this whole outing was kind of a quadruple date. Next time, I want us to be alone though.
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ministarfruit · 3 years
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even greater heights of self-indulgence. goulstrade as an excuse to show off gina's entire family (modern au)
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tinukis · 3 years
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they're on a day off
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sugarglider-s · 3 years
if modern dgs isnt exactly like this then I dont want it
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silverfoxizzy · 3 years
I DID IT NERDS I FINISHED THE BACKSTORIES. These are subject to slight changes though, as I haven't written out the WAA side of the timeline.
1945 - The Reaper, a terrorist organization, causes waves during WWII. They're temporarily taken down in 1945 by the Van Zieks brothers, who sacrifice themselves and are frozen in the arctic north. 
Pre 1991 - Several years after the war ends, SHIELD is established by John H. Wilson, Lord Baskerville, and others.
The Reaper starts regrowing in SHIELD, and leadership over the organization is given to a British man named Mael Stronghart. His first major project in the Reaper is the Red Room program, which kidnaps little girls from all over the world to be trained as personal assassins, or Black Widows. The program eventually grows large enough to become its own branch of the Reaper and gains much more funding and commands from the Reaper. 
Yujin Mikotoba meets the genius Inventor Herlock Sholmes in college and they become friends. 
Genshin Asogi, Yujin Mikotoba, and Seshiro Jigoku join SHIELD while Sholmes inherits his family's technology company.
Genshin is put on a case involving the Reaper. He manages to uncover several of the Reaper's agents and secrets, putting him on their bad side.
1991 - The Van Zieks are recovered from the arctic and recruited for SHIELD. Klint Van Zieks is known as Captain Van Zieks, while Barok is still mostly in training (as he's 21). Both Van Zieks have friends mostly to do with SHIELD, such as Albert Harebrayne, but Klint reaches out a bit and secretly meets Rosalind Baskerville, the descendant of an old army friend of his.
1992 - Klint meets Genshin the year Kazuma is born. They get along like a house on fire, and they work so well that they become a team at SHIELD. Are they a little gay? Yeah. Rosalind doesn't mind, but Genshin is a faithful man and doesn't explore his feelings for Klint just yet (Although we support polyamory in this house as long as it's healthy).
1994 - Kazuma(2) gets kidnapped by the Reaper and his mother is killed. This is meant to be a warning to Genshin to discourage him from looking into the Reaper. It backfires spectacularly and Genshin only searches harder, now with support from Klint and the foresight to hide his findings from SHIELD. He's determined to find his son.
1995 - The Mess (for lack of a better word lol). Genshin and Klint are lured to the Americas during a case on the Reaper and attacked. Klint was kidnapped for the Professor project and Genshin was killed (he got the Coulson treatment, revived during a secret experiment and had his memory tampered with. He was sent to live a normal life back in Japan for his safety. No, they did not tell anyone about this. Even Yujin didn't know about it until he's made Director, and even then he never had a reason to look at the project until after the Avengers were formed).
Jigoku became a Reaper spy, along with Agent Gregson, Doctor Sithe, and others.
Susato is born and subsequently erased from existence as she is kidnapped for the Red Room program. Her mother died in childbirth, and the whole hospital was paid off to keep the whole thing a secret. Except for Yujin, of course, who was extremely frustrated and vowed to find his daughter again, unknowingly making the same promise as Genshin.
Rosalind relies on her childhood friend Herlock for support, and gets a job at his company to stay closer to him (Don't get any ideas they're siblings). Herlock, who was used to being a huge asshole, softens up a bit to be a better help to Rose, and becomes a better person. Also, he's really good at the art of deduction and unofficially helps Mikotoba solve more cases than they're willing to admit.
2000 - Barok trains and works at SHIELD for a while before he succumbs to pressure and leaves, living off his inheritance as he gets help for his issues. His neighbors are scientist Courtney Sithe and her weird daughter Maria, Barok grows fond of. He also regularly meets with a street kid named Gina who also grows on him.
2003 - Sholmes meets a young (11 year old) circus performer named "Ryuu" on the streets and likes his charm. They become friends, and Ryuu ends up seeking Herlock out at times when the circus doesn't feel right. He starts to plant doubts in the kid's head about the life he grew up in, until the circus leaves London.
2005 - Sholmes catches Ryuu in the act as he tries to steal from him. He's a big softie and sees how scared the kid is of him, so he gets Ryuu to open up about why he was there.
Ryunosuke Naruhodo grew up in what is known as the "Circus of Crime." His father and uncle joined more out of pride than anything when Ryuu's mom died. This decision tore the family apart, and Ryuu's uncle still regretted leaving his own son behind, which is why he was more like a father to Ryuu than Ryuu's dad ever was.
Ryuu last saw the other side of his family when he was four, which was also the time he began training at the circus. He doesn't remember his cousin Phoenix very well, and knows him more through his uncle's stories.
Ryuu's uncle, who taught him almost everything he knows, died on a mission only a few weeks after the circus left London in 2003. His dad's been an even worse piece of garbage ever since. His training only got more severe and he's already gone on several heists and shows for the circus that he probably shouldn't have, considering his age. He's even been forced to… kill. Herlock is beyond furious when he hears this, but manages to keep his cool when he sees how terrified and overwhelmed Ryuu is. He fakes some camera footage with the help of WILSON and let's the kid stay at his mansion while he comes up with a plan.
Eventually they decide to turn Ryuu in to SHIELD so he can give them information in return for protection. It's hard to say no to such a soft kid, so Yujin agrees to help. After speaking with several of the agents on the case and with Sholmes's legal team, the Circus is taken down. Sholmes gets temporary guardianship over Ryuu since he's a minor and can't be kept or recruited by SHIELD until he's 21. (If you couldn't tell, that guardianship was not very temporary. At all.).
As the year goes on, Ryuu admits that he's transgender and somehow convinced the circus to let him transition. Sholmes is more than happy to help him complete the process. Sholmes is best dad confirmed. This transition is also how Ryuu befriends Rosalind.
2007 - the Professor is sent on an assassination in a third world country. The city he stays in just so happens to be a city that Rosalind is visiting for a volunteer medical project. She ends up confronting Klint and bringing some of his memories back.
The two manage to stay off the radar for a good two or three months, but Klint only gets more and more paranoid as his mission deadline gets closer. He decides that it's too dangerous for him to stay with Rosalind, and they part sadly for a long time. When Rosalind returns to London, she discovers that she's pregnant and has a tiny freak out.
She, of course, turns to Herlock for help, and tells him the whole story. Herlock agrees to help her after a long think, and tells Yujin to meet at Sholmes Tower with the utmost secrecy(as usual). They decide the father of the child will not be named, and Rosalind will take on a new identity as Herlock's sister to protect the child. (They can't hide all of this from Ryuu. He's a trained assassin, after all. They don't tell him anything about the father, but he trusts Herlock, so he's willing to wait for answers.)
That same year, Iris was born. Rose doesn't die, though there are still a lot of complications during the birth that allow them to fake her death. Herlock accidentally raises Iris to become a child genius. She's raised in Sholmes tower for three years before they moved.
2009 - Orphan Gina Lestrade enlists in the army to pay off student debt. She joins a pararescue unit with a partner named Toby. 
2010 - Ryuu's high school graduation ceremony was attacked. The police reached the site on time and no one got hurt, but it was clear people knew that Ryuu was close to Sholmes. They decided, for everyone's safety, that the family of 4 should move to a more secure and remote farm cabin, which became known as 221B Baker Street (a codename. That was actually a building Sholmes owned, but it was a decoy). The property is in a more remote part of the UK.
2013 - Kazuma Asogi attempted to assassinate Yujin Mikotoba, who was promoted to Director of SHIELD several years back. Both men saw a resemblance to people they knew, but while it distracted Kazuma, it only strengthened Yujin. He managed to knock the man out and restrain him before interrogating him.
Kazuma resisted at first, but showed interest once Mikotoba brought up his father. He told Kazuma all of the truth he knew and the man was… conflicted, to say the least.
Kazuma was placed in the extra brutal Crimson Widow branch of the Red Room. He was slightly modified with a super soldier serum developed from Klint's blood, and was one of the best assassins to come out of the Red Room program for a while. The leader of the Reaper often made personal visits to all Widows in training, and Kazuma was no different. The Reaper taught him everything he knew. They also ruined his life. He agrees to join SHIELD.
Ryuu is made an official SHIELD agent and is given permission to go on formal missions.
Toby is shot out of the sky and Gina struggles to find a reason to stay in the army. She's recruited for SHIELD when Gregson takes pity on her. 
Barok Van Zieks, after living his life for 13 years, finally joins SHIELD again after inheriting his brother's vibranium shield and the title of Captain Van Zieks. He's partnered with Gina Lestrade, and yeah Gina's a little shit and Barok still emotionally adopts her.
2014 - Originally Kazuma tried to work at SHIELD, but it became clear his emotions were too unstable for him to work well with others. He did manage to make one friend: Ryunosuke Naruhodo. They worked very well together, but even Ryuu could see Kazuma wasn't mentally ready for SHIELD.
They introduced Kazuma to Sholmes one day and it was decided there and then that Kazu was a part of the family too. He spent the next two years coming back and forth from Baker Street and SHIELD alongside Ryuu.
2015 - Kazuma was sent on a mission to assassinate a perceived Russian spy stationed in Budapest who SHIELD believed was an assassin. Kazuma managed to subdue the woman, but then recognized her as Susato, a Black Widow he used to train with. He could see that Susato had her doubts about the Red Room, and offered her a job with SHIELD instead of killing her.
Oh boy, you bet the reunion was bittersweet. Yujin was baffled, Susato was baffled, Kazuma was slightly resentful and jealous, the whole shebang. Susato buried herself in SHIELD work as a coping mechanism and burnt herself out, so of course the solution is Baker Street.
The team of Susato Mikotoba, Kazuma Asogi, and Ryunosuke Naruhodo was efficient. Very efficient. More efficient than even Klint and Genshin. They became an unofficial unit at SHIELD. 
While looking into Genshin's past, Sholmes and Yujin discovered a huge pile of documents and notebooks eloquently named the "Asogi Papers." It's all of Genshin's discoveries on the Reaper and Red Room specifically, information and evidence that had never been digitized. It's much too important to report to SHIELD, so Sholmes ended up taking them with him to Baker Street. Bad idea when you've got three super spies and two other genius women living in the same house.
The rest of the inhabitants discovered the files, and when they asked about them Yujin prohibited them from investigating more into the Reaper. The order was ignored and the spies investigated anyway, so Yujin eventually gave them official missions to be safer.
A prodigy medicinal student named Rei Membami joined SHIELD as a doctor and instantly befriended Susato and Yujin, as well as earned the respect of the current Captain Van Zieks and his daughter partner. 
2016 - The year the stars begin to align. While attending a tech presentation by Von Karma Enterprises, Sholmes and fellow billionaire Miles Edgeworth were kidnapped. They work together to escape, collaborating on a mini arc reactor and the weapons they created to escape. After seeing the chaos caused by Von Karma Enterprises's weapons manufacturing, Sholmes and Edgeworth agree never to sell the inventions they came up with to the public. They both take their design in different directions, Sholmes putting emphasis on the defensive side with his emergency protective weaponized suits, or Iron Man suits.
Barok and Gina get into enough trouble to know Dr. Membami very well by now. The two also happen to meet the Japanese trio during a doctor visit, and Barok and Kazuma are instantly put off as they recognize each other's last names. Despite the clear rift between the two, they do actually work well together on assignments. Gina's more busy befriending Susato and Ryuu, and they're all total bros. 
As the groups start to interact more, they get to know each other better. Herlock joins the fray at some point as well, being a regular weirdo at the Triskelion. 
2017 - Eventually it all came together during the Chitauri invasion. While Edgeworth's team of super-powered heroes was assembled to retrieve the Tesseract, the mind controlled agents of SHIELD attacked the helicarrier. The super team was lured out beforehand to go after the main attacking Khura’inese (Asgardians), so Herlock and friends had to take charge and keep the Helicarrier in the sky. The mind controlled agents were mostly rescued, although there were several casualties.
The Khura’inese scepter is taken to SHIELD, then given to a Reaper base. Courtney Sithe is assigned to the experiment and takes Maria with her. Maria ends up volunteering for the experiments at some point because of her mother's passion about her work. She isn't aware of the fact she isn't at SHIELD anymore.
When the scepter that SHIELD confiscated goes missing, evidence suggests it was the Reaper. The trio plus Barok and Gina tire themselves out looking for it, Sholmes and Rei get concerned, and the whole team is forced to take a break from the case when they almost get themselves killed at a (different) Reaper base. 
Sholmes makes a decision and takes the whole team to Baker Street and introduces them to the family. Barok is shocked and a bit betrayed as they explain the entire story to him and the others, but he understands why they did what they did. The Avengers finally join together under a single goal: take down the Reaper.
That's the end of the backstories!
I've got basic ideas for the two main arcs so far:
Arc 1, the Reaper of the Hydra's Kingdom.
The Reaper arc, where the team has to take down Stronghart and the Reaper. Basic ideas include the entirety of Captain America: The Winter Soldier minus the part where they don't know each other. The Reaper parts of SHIELD are exposed as SHIELD is destroyed, and Jigoku and Gregson are killed. Klint and Barok have a confrontation, but when Klint tries to run he gets taken by the Red Room again. Maria, in another country, realizes what she signed up for and escapes to join the Avengers. After the collapse of SHIELD, the only hidden part of the Reaper left is the Red Room. And Stronghart's high government position, too.
 Stronghart is confronted by both Kazuma and Susato on multiple occasions, but they can't hurt him due to the pheromones mentioned in Black Widow. It really messes the two up. The team gets a lucky break when Nikolina Pavlova, a chemically subjugated Black Widow, is freed from mind control and gives the group the drug needed to free most of the Black Widows training in the Red Room. When the team attacks the Red Room, Barok is able to break Klint out of his conditioning again and Klint goes on the run from everyone. In the climax, the one who actually kills Stronghart is Ryuu, with an arrow sneak attack while Kazuma is distracting the man. Then they blow up the facility, of course.
Arc 2, Return of the Great Departed Soul.
The second main arc is the collab between the super spies and the super heroes, or WAA. It starts a few months after the Reaper is dealt with and everyone is relaxing at Baker Street. They'd been having heavy talks and emotional moments, so it was a nice time to wind down and just have some fun. Kazuma was messing around with Karuma, his dad's knife, when the knife suddenly started glowing yellow and transformed into a bright katana. It almost stabbed Gina. All hell broke loose. 
They figure out that Karuma (the sword) has alien origins, thanks to Iris's energy reading equipment. They're stumped on how to find out more about it when Edgeworth conveniently calls Sholmes asking for a favor. They trade favors and the groups meet up to discuss their findings. The WAA group is investigating an odd rock found in a Reaper base that seemed to be able to shift reality, and perhaps some alternate universe crossover shenanigans occur??? 👀👀👀 (I love those as much as I love happy endings please don't judge me)
Also at some point Klint and Genshin meet in Japan. They both have huge reactions to just seeing each other as their memories return (more than he already had, in Klint's case). They spend time together working things out. Don't know where to take this plot point yet. They do join Baker Street a year after the Red Room goes down. 
After this, the Avengers only go on missions to help the remains of SHIELD take down anything left of the Reaper.
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cosmickestrels · 2 years
More than meets the eye AU
Not many openly speaks about this, but many people expect Barok van Zieks to be something. But when asked what nobody can agree - some would say vampire, obviously, just look at how he looks! Come on, there are bats in his office! Other whispers werewolf - for his fierceness. Some even suggest him being death himself - what if his 5 year break was actually just return to afterlife with the souls he collected?
Van Zieks scoffs at the rumors as he’s none of these things. There’s no such thing as supernatural beings after all.
That is his belief until Ryunosuke Naruhodo accidentally reveals himself as a dragon, Susato Mikotoba proves to be a kirin and even his former apprentice Kazuma Asogi or the young inspector Gina Lestrade turns out to be not-human. Wait. Herlock Sholmes is a vampire?!
Oh dear
Or as I like to call it
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if everyone but the person dressing like a vampire was some flavor of a monster
MTMTE is an The Great Ace Attorney AU which follows the canon story with only slight divergences. Some of the notes do extend to the mainline/modern cast but mostly in reference to TGAA characters
This post in meant to be an general masterpost for various AU materials including but not limited to: character pieces, fanfics and general worldbulding.
The AU stemed from an idea for vanlock fic which spiraled out of my control; as such im planning (hopping) for it to be the first major thing finished.
Character pieces:
Dragon Ryunosuke (initial concept) + Ryunosuke Naruhodo (partial-shift + dragon form) [WIP]
Vanlock fic (multi chapter fic) - Rewritting chapter 0/prologue from the ground up, writing detailed draft in progress, around 10-12 chapter long [WIP]. Excerpts: (ONE)
Rough draft of a one-shot fic that was supposed to come out for an event. As of now uncertain when/if it will come out.
General worldbuilding:
Shifting + masking
More is certainly to come! I’m somewhat of a slow worker so while I’m constantly chipping away at things there are no concrete dates for anything
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ripleyrose · 2 years
Modern outfit Gina Lestrade! (Cos I can't draw her actual outfit). I actually really like this drawing and im so happy cos I saw a bunch of modern aus of tgaa characters and I have had so many thoughts!!!
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And some doodles as I attempt to draw her Canon design (and fail) XD
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Seriously tho I love Gina! She had such a good story and was so interesting!
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
Old Bailey University (Modern AU)
Notes: A few headcanons I have for a modern / school (university) AU.
Content Warnings: none
Old Bailey University (OBU) is a prestigious learning institution, particularly well known for it's law, language and science departments.
The university's science department specialises in forensics and works closely with the criminology department.
Among its staff and alumini are a host of talented authors, lawyers and holders of judicial office; they are also a prime recruitment ground for Scotland Yard inspectors.
OBU is based in the heart of London and offers accommodation to those students who most need it (such as those who are in the country as part of their many foreign exchange programmes).
They offer a limited number of scholarships, which have recently been granted to a number of Japanese students (i.e. Ryūnosuke, Kazuma and Susato).
From the outside, the school presents as very serious and sombre but inside it's clear that there are quite a few eccentric characters...
Lord Mael Stronghart (University Chancellor / President)
Seishiro Jigoku (University vice-Chancellor / vice-President)
Lord Klint van Zieks (Head of Department, law)
Courtney Sithe (Senior Lecturer, Coronial law & practice)
John Wilson (Head of Department, science)
Yujin Mikotoba (Senior Lecturer, forensic science)
Genshin Asōgi (Head of Department, criminology)
Tobias Gregson (Senior Lecturer, criminology)
Soseki Natsume (Head of Department, language)
Raiten Menimemo (Lecturer, language)
Ryūnosuke Naruhodō (1st year, language)
Susato Mikotoba (1st year, law)
Maria Gorey (1st year, law / coronial practice)
Kazuma Asōgi (2nd year, law)
Barok van Zieks (3rd year, law)
Gina Lestrade (1st year, criminology)
Satoru Hosonaga (3rd year, criminology)
Iris Wilson (1st year, science)
Enoch Drebber (3rd year, science)
Albert Harebrayne (3rd year, science)
(Dunno if I'll do anything with this, but it was on my mind so I figured I might as well write these bits down!)
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themxtleycrew · 2 months
As soon as they arrived at the dog park, Gina found the right spot and squat down to unhook the leash from Toby's collar. And like a rocket, the little puppy is off, running in circles around Gina and Robin, hopping in place, tail wagging, tongue hanging out of his jowls. With the leash off, he's ready to play!
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"Erm, fanks fer comin' out wiv me t' the dog park, Ms. Newman." She knows that they're 'off the clock', but she couldn't help addressing the up and coming prosecutor as her superior, she did also run into the Chief Prosecutor in this park once. "The apartment I'm in wiv Ms. Skye doesn't got a common area fer pets, so out 'ere, I can let Toby stretch 'is legs."
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themxtleycrew · 2 years
"You Americans an' your 'pumpkin spiced lah-teys'."
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"Only good hot drink Fer a cold day is a nice hot cup o' tea. 'Eard that one from my grandmum. "
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themxtleycrew · 15 days
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When Gina started living in Ema's apartment, Ema totally got the junior detective hooked on Tokusatsu.
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