#gimme suggestions for a working title
prozac-shaped-urn · 7 months
I forget who I’ve introduced so lemme just do this rq
We have Felicity Kirk who’s a reclusive hippie artist in her late 60s, Beth Eaton who’s a Londoner travel journalist in her early 50s, Julie Simon who’s a playfully demanding retired percussion professor in her 70s, and Stella Eaton who’s Beth’s daughter.
I now have headcanons of Donna Murphy as Felicity, Kate Winslet as Beth, AnnaSophia Robb as Stella and (since I would honestly love to see her play drums on film so I could treasure it forever) Debra Monk as Julie.
Felicity has a son named Bobby Dean
Julie and Felicity almost had a thing like 20 years ago. Julie says she hurt herself and that Felicity never hurt her. There wasn’t a “sadistic ploy to get [Julie] to fuck her.” She saw what she wanted to see in Felicity but that wasn’t who Felicity is. So nothing happened and even if there was a ploy Julie wouldn’t have fucked her. She was too much in the closet back then.
Stella’s a fashion photographer
Both Stella and Bobby Dean are addicts who overdosed
Beth was Julie’s student in the 80s. Julie has a drum set in her house. Beth had to sell hers when she had Stella but she kept the snare drum and played it while Stella was in a rehab facility after her overdose. When Beth learns of Bobby Dean’s overdose, she plays Julie’s set then calls Stella to tell her the news bc Stella never knew her mom played her snare. She only knew it was stashed in a closet and Beth never touched it.
Julie takes Beth fishing. She hates fishing. And she has nothing to wear except designer clothing. She ends up going in her panties and a tank top she slept in and stilettos.
Julie makes her own margaritas. They’re straight tequila with a squirt of lime juice and ice.
Julie and Beth get high in Julie’s hot tub. Julie’s naked during this. Beth has forgotten about Julie’s loathing of swimsuits and calls her a nudist. Julie retorts “only in the hot tub dear.”
Beth gets caught lurking on Julie’s porch at night with a cigarette in hand watching Felicity and her plaything of a girlfriend making out in Felicity’s hot tub. Naked. Felicity tells her gf to go inside then yells the half mile distance between her house and Julie’s house, “If you’re going to stare, can you at least do it behind a window shade?” (I like being naked in hot tubs. Can you tell?)
Julie doesn’t own a screen of any kind. Nor a digital clock. She’s entirely attachment free except for her landline. This irritates Felicity and she confronts Julie in the grocery store while Beth stands idly by. They have a good natured spat in the aisle and Julie introduces Felicity to Beth and Felicity says, “I know what a pain in the ass she is as a friend, but how was she as a drum instructor?” And Beth says, “A pain in the ass.”
I’m making everyone queer. Fuck it. The world needs more sapphics.
Half of this film came to me in 3 hrs today btw so I might be able to bang this out in a few days if the muses and characters keep it up.
Just bc I like having visuals here’s the mother/daughter casting idea
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And the besties (who remarkably have similar fashion taste to the typical high desert shit we all wear here)
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multi-purpose-a · 6 days
Is "Gimme More" a Prequel? - JD Theory
I have heard some confusion around if the map for "Gimme More" (Just Dance 2024) is a prequel to the map for "Toxic" (Just Dance 2023) or not.
Let me give you my 5 Arguments for why Gimme More IS NOT a prequel:
Argument 1
In the Toxic (JD23) classic map, Agent D's "real" appearence, at the end of the map (the third costume), has long red hair and in both Gimme More Maps she has a shorter bob cut.
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Fun Fact: The hairstyle seen in Gimme More, is quite similar to one of the disguises she wore in the Toxic map (costume 2)
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The end of Gimme More implies that Agent D immidiately goes to her next mission. If Toxic follows after Gimme More, how did her hair grow that long in what I assume would be less than 24 hours?
Let me also immidiatly counter the wig argument: Yes, it is shown in both maps that, Agent D can drastically change her appearence at will with disguises. - So Agent D could be wearing a disguise during Gimme More. But I ask: Why *would* she be wearing a disguise, when she is in her lair? There's no need for a disguise, if she is in her base - away from all eyes, in complete privacy!
Argument 2
The disguises seen in Gimme More, in sequential order from left to right are... the Flight Attendant from Toxic (JD 2023 remake), the Site Manager from Work Work (JD 2019) the Nurse from Toxic (JD2 Original) the Performer from Circus - Extreme (JD 2016).
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During the map, Agent D donns each of these disguises in this exact order. The Flight Attendant disguise however doesn't get shown in action like the other 3, despite it being first in the sequence. This suggests we don't need to know about the mission associated with it, since it already happened.
Argument 3
The song lyrics (and title) of Gimme More can be interpreted as implying that Agent D wants more missions after the one we see her introduced with (Toxic) and the ones that were retconned to be her during Gimme More. Notice how Agent D actually has 6 disguise pods - and two of theme are empty:
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We can therefore assume Agent D's next mission will use a new costume, that was not shown off during Gimme More.
Argument 4
Captain Catastropha (the Pilot from Dragostea Din Tei) who has returned for the Agent D Storyline is not on the Plane that takes of at the end of the Gimme More. He remains in the seat at the agent's lair.
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In Toxic however, he appears at the helm of the Plane (tied up).
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Additionally: Agent D had to sneak onto the plane, disguised as a crew Member, and walked through rows of passengers. That means the airplane must have started from an Airport before it was hijacked.
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If Gimme More happened before Toxic... The plane which Agent D boards at the end of Gimme More couldn't have had any crew or passengers on it as it would already be in Agent D's posesstion. Agent D would not have needed a disguise to get on bord either. And most devestatingly: the Pilot could not have been on the plane, since he was shown to stay in Agent D's base when the plane launced.
Argument 5
Info graphics about each of Agent D's disguises can be spotted at various points in Gimme More. They are most easily seen in the extreme Version.
They give the Following information:
Mission Number - A code that referrs to which JD Game the costume comes from.
Operation Name - Neat Info
Agent Alias - the canon "Coach Name" for the costume
Danceverse - Confirms the setting of the map, that the costume is from
here is all of the infographics!
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All the missions and costumes shown in Gimme More are accounted for. While the actual timeline order of them cannot be inferred from the mission numbers, since those referr to the Just Dance game the respective disguise is from, Toxic from JD 2023 cannot be the next mission. What can be seen at the end of the Gimme More - Extreme map is simply the loading screen for a new mission.
Thank you for reading.
Remember to drink Water!
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A09
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: HAMA Tours Party
Characters: Nagi, Yodaka, Kafka, Renga, Liguang
Summary: A toast is raised for finding tourism ward mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA. Nagi is nowhere to be found as the leaders gather… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6 and jes @arcanecrayonn for proofing! And thank you Sou @/716chr for helping me with Chihiro's dialogues!
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Location: HAMA House - Living room
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Kafka: Now, I’d like to start this party off with a toast. I am Kafka Oguro, president and CEO of HAMA Tours.
Kafka: For the sake of reviving HAMA as a designated tourism ward, we have been searching far and wide the past few months for personnel who share that same dream…
Kafka: Finally, we’ve accomplished one of our goals: To instate mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA.
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Kafka: I would first like to thank all the fellow staff who took a bet on me– Thank you, truly. We’ve gone through a lot to get here.
Momiji: …..
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Yachiyo: *ugly sobbing* We really went through a lot! I think I’m gonna cry…!
Kafka: Morning, noon and evening— It was never straightforward for us. The only reason we got through it all is because each and every one of you tapped into the potential you hold, as fellow human beings.
Kafka: —The Night Team has only just been formed, but thanks to the Chief and Daniel-san, I believe we’ve gathered the best possible additions to accomplish our dream.
Kafka: Toi of “Fortune-Teller’s Parlor: Angel Eye,” Yodaka of “Ten Nights of Dreams BAR,” Netaro of “Cafe369,” and finally… Nagi of “Flower Laundry.” I’d like to formally welcome all of you once again.
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Nagi: …..
Yodaka: Glad to be here.
Toi: *sigh* …Will I truly be able to find Ani-sama…?
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Kiroku: …!
Kiroku: (Huh, it’s Toi-kun… But where’s Ryui-kun then…?)
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Chihiro: My-oh-my~? Ain’t that the same cutie who came to Chii’s last meet-and-greet~?
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Raito: ….. 
Chihiro: Hm? Raitin, what’s wrong?
Raito: No, it’s nothing… 
Kafka: After the Night Team holds their First Tour, I’m sure we’ll be able to overcome the hurdle of getting 20 million tourists to visit HAMA.
Kafka: …I give my heartfelt welcome to all 18 ward mayors gathered here. With that said… 
Kafka: To a bright future for HAMA and all its wards… Cheers!
Momiji: Cheers!
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Sakujiro: Excellent work, Chief.
Daniel: Yo! How’s it going~?
Momiji: Everyone… Cheers to all our hard work up till now!
Yachiyo: Cheers~! Wow, I feel like one of those rich people you see in American dramas!
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Nayuki: Oh? Chief, you’re only having juice?
Daniel: What’s up with that? It’s not like you don’t drink, why not get sloshed like the rest of us?
Momiji: That’s true, but I have some work I need to do later.
Yachiyo: Eek! I’m in the same boat, how could I drink away like I don’t have a care in the world…!
Momiji: You should be okay because you can hold your liquor well, Yachiyo-kun. 
Yachiyo: Yep! I’ll do my best even if I’m drunk as a skunk!
Nayuki: He’s a pain in the neck when he gets drunk, so I suggest you work in your room later, Chief.
Sakujiro: I am pleased to see the two of you so enthusiastic about your work. At long last, we have finally managed to reach the starting line.
Yachiyo: Too bad that the Night Team only has four members instead of the usual five…
Momiji: It couldn’t be helped. There’s only wards from 0 to 18 afterall… 
Daniel: Well, the hard part’s only just comin’. Don’t let yer guard down Chief~
Momiji: Yes! I will try even harder to put my best foot forward for the company and HAMA—
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Daniel: Ugh! Gimme a break, yer gonna get me sober again with all that work talk.
Momiji: Aw, but… 
Sakujiro: Indeed. Not even the God of Travel would find fault with you for taking a respite tonight. 
Daniel: That drink over there is callin’ my name so… See ya later.
Yachiyo: Oh, I think I’ll get seconds on that delicious and expensive-looking roast beef… 
Nayuki: Fuefuki-san, let me get it for you. I’m worried you’ll end up diving headfirst into the chocolate fondue if I leave you to your own devices… 
Momiji: Ahaha…
Sakujiro: Then, I shall return to making the rounds and greeting everyone. I hope you enjoy your time tonight.
Momiji: Yes, see you!
Momiji: …..
Momiji: (We’ve finally gathered all 18 ward mayors… I still feel like I’m dreaming…)
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Kafka: Having fun, [Name]-chan?
Momiji: Hey, Kafka. That was a great speech you gave earlier. It reminded me of that promise we made on the roof… I couldn’t help but feel emotional.
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Kafka: Is that so? Hearing that from you is what makes me the happiest, thank you.
Kafka: By the way, have you seen Nagi? I wanted to ask him if he was feeling comfortable at HAMA House… 
Kafka: I assumed that he’d be with you.
Momiji: Right… I was thinking of sticking with him too, since he’s probably not used to this kind of atmosphere… But I haven’t seen him around at all. I wonder if he’s resting somewhere… 
Nagi: ….. 
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Nagi: (I’ve actually been standing cater-cornered behind them this whole time but… Neither of them have noticed me yet.)
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Sonia: Um, Nagi-shan is right here—
Nagi: Shh, it’s ok.
Sonia: But… 
Nagi: If you tell them now, they'll keep thinking about it and feeling bad every time they see me, even two months from now, and I don't want that. Besides—
Nagi: If they talk to me, they might somehow end up crushed beneath one of the catering tables for all we know… 
Sonia: I doubt shumthing like that would happen… The tables are practically nailed to the floor.
Nagi: No, we can never be too sure. Besides, I’ve never been to a party for as long as I can remember, so I don’t even know what to expect at one of these anyways. What “pattern” should I prepare myself for in this situation…?
Nagi: Being able to attend a party feels like I won the lottery*, so I have no idea what might happen after this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some aliens decided to crash the party to restore the balance. This is no good, I feel too anxious… 
Nagi: Yeah, okay. I should just leave.
Sonia: Eh!?
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Renga: Here you are, Nagi!
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Nagi: …Ah, Renga. And, um, Raito-san.
Raito: Hey there. Haven’t seen you since our last leader meeting, right? I wanted to welcome you again to HAMA House— And you too, Sonia.
Sonia: Thank you very mush for the invite.
Renga: I-I’m glad a great guy like you is on board with us! It’s very, uh, heartening–
Nagi: Meanwhile I don’t think my heart can take any more of this. 
Renga: Huh?
Nagi: Oh, just saying that I’m sorry for intruding, yep.
Raito: Haha, now why would you say that? This is your home too, now.
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Nagi: Oh you’re right. Just a force of habit. I can’t help but panic, being in such an unfamiliar situation. 
Renga: I figured as much… You seem like the type who wouldn’t be used to any of this… Um, you doing okay…?
Raito: That’s very kind of you, Renga. It shows good leadership to look after the newcomers. 
Renga: I-I’m not really doing this out of… Ah, the toilet’s over there, by the way.
Nagi: Oh, um, yeah, I know.
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Sonia: Nagi-shan holed himself up in the bathroom five times already because he was too nervous…
Nagi: Shhh….
Raito: Renga, it's a bit impolite to mention that when everyone’s in the middle of eating.
Renga: T-That’s not what I meant…! It’s just that, he looks so gloomy when we’re all celebrating here… I thought his stomach might be hurting or something… 
Nagi: It’s okay, my face has always looked like this. More importantly, how are your roses? Are they doing well? 
Renga: Oh yeah, the roses! Thanks to all your advice, my grandmother’s roses are all blooming beautifully! 
Renga: The topiary on which you taught me how to prune looks nice and healthy still.
Nagi: I’m sure the plants adore you, Renga. You’re quick on the uptake too, you must be some sort of gardening genius. 
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Renga: Eh, you think so!? A gardening genius… Um, on second thought, maybe that doesn’t sound right… 
Raito: Renga, didn’t you have something you wanted to ask Nagi?
Renga: O-Oh, that’s right. How’ve you been all this time? You doing good?
Nagi: I’d say so. I delivered the flowers to your house recently too.
Renga: Right, right. We picked out an arrangement for the lobby, and it turned out to be a big hit with the clients… 
Nagi: You knew exactly what you wanted, so I was able to make the arrangement thanks to that. So really, it was all you and your great taste.
Renga: No, um… It’s not like I have great taste… Then again, I did my best to think about what would suit the image of the Nishizono family…. But wait, then that’s not really my taste is it… 
Raito: Haha, let’s just say you both did a good job and leave it at that.
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Yodaka: The famous “Wild Seven - Executive Omega,” to think I would get to meet you here… 
Yodaka: ….. 
Yodaka: (What a crisp flavor… after which a fruity afternote hits the tongue. Ah… I think it’d taste even better if I rim the glass with salt…)
Yodaka: (I think there should be some over at the catering corner—)
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Liguang: ….. 
Yodaka: Oh dear. Pardon me, I wasn’t paying attention. 
Yodaka: I hope I didn’t make you spill your drink?
Liguang: …It’s fine.
Yodaka: That’s a relief. I’m Yodaka Natsume, soon to be 17th ward mayor. It’s nice to meet you.
Liguang: (A handshake, huh…)
Liguang: Lu Liguang, 4th ward mayor.
*a flash*
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: —Oh?
Yodaka: (A part of the skin on his ring finger is hardened… That means—)
Liguang: (—He’s a mahjong player too.)
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: …..
Yodaka: How long have you been playing?
Liguang: Let’s just say I was born with a tile in my hand.
Yodaka: Oh my… I would certainly love to see your skills in action.
Yodaka: How about playing a round sometime?
Liguang: Not a bad idea… But we’ll need at least one more player.
Liguang: Oi.
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Kinari: ?
Liguang: Do you know how to play mahjong?
Kinari: I have not played it before. However, it is possible for me to download and install the rules of the game within one minute, if required. 
Yodaka: Well, aren’t you quick? We could have our game sooner than I thought… How about tonight? We could go ahead and play with just the three of us, but maybe we should search for one more player in the meantime.
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Liguang: As you wish. But keep in mind, you’re not getting any points from me.
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Yodaka: Fufu, you’re the type of man to steal away and hide the woman you want, hm? It’s fine, the point sticks will decide who they want to go with… and it will be me. 
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Kinari: …..
When I translated Nagi saying "-feels like I won the lottery," the original line has him say 役満空間 (yakuman kuukan) which is one of his strange analogies where he means that he feels like he's in a super rare and happy situation akin to getting a 'yakuman', which is a is a special winning condition in mahjong which is very difficult to obtain. So I decided to use "winning the lottery" to mean something similar and easier to understand.
Point sticks or 点棒 (tenbou) are used to keep track of scores in mahjong.
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slutforsnow · 9 months
Health and Hell
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
A/N: Genuinely love how much attention these are getting ty and ily everyone 😭🫶🏼 reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated but not required🫶🏼 (please gimme some fanfic title suggestions in the asks or inbox!/nf)
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Summary//Joseph and Violet bonding before his diagnosis & death (I haven't hit episode 4 yet cause I keep rewatching Billy calling out Henry for stealing from Kathleen im sorry 😭)
Cw// foreshadowing Joseph's death, Billy being his own warning again, Billy being emotionally not there, talk of death, whore mention
Billy stood by Mr. Upson, waiting for Violet. He had asked her yesterday to stop by and watch over Joseph while his ma worked, and he was at the ranch until he could get the doctor to come look at him about his nasty cough. He trusted Violet more than anyone, aside from his ma, to look after Joe and considering Antrim was nowhere to be found, he knew that Violet would be a better choice.
"Good mornin' sir, mornin' Billy," came her voice, and Billy looked up. He looked puzzled to see her in a dress. Her bright red hair was in a braid, which was in some kind of bun, and being held together by a dark pastel green ribbon. Her hair and eyes were complimented by her different shades of pastel green dress, which made her look quite beautiful.
"Mornin', Violet," He greeted, turning to her and taking off his hat in respect towards her. "Mr. Upson, this is Violet Evans. Violet, this is Mr. Ash Upson—he's takin' me to a rancher, Billy Matthews, to see about a job."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Upson," Violet replied, smilin politely to him as she shook his hand after he took off his hat in respect to her as well.
"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Evans," Upson said with a gentle smile.
Billy smiled faintly at the two before leading Violet to meet Kathleen. He found her getting her shoes on and smiled a little more; seeing his ma always made him smile no matter the consequences.
"Ma, this is Violet—she's gonna watch over Joe til we can get the doctor," He said when she looked up.
Violet smiled and waved to Kathleen. "Hi, ma'am."
"Oh, why hello, Violet. I thought you weren't coming until later, but thank you so much for acceptin' to look after Joseph," Kathleen said with a gentle yet worrisome smile. She didn't want to feel like she was putting pressure on a girl that she barely knew.
"I'm just happy to help," Violet reassured with a gentle nod as the two led her upstairs to Billy and Joseph's room.
The harsh hacking and coughing almost brought tears to Violet's eyes. She hated seeing little kids sick—it made her heart hurt because no kid should deserve to suffer to painfully. Violet grimaced a little, remembering how she lost one of her friends to consumption (she was also whores but that wasn't what killed her).
"Hey, Joe."
The sudden appearance of Billy's voice, sound soft and comforting, snapped Violet out of her memory of her friend. She watched from the threshold as Billy told Joseph about Violet and he soon gestured for her to come in.
She walked into the room, sitting in the now empty chair.
Billy and Kathleen left the pair to head off to work and the ranch, leaving them in complete silence.
"Hey, Joseph," Violet greeted softly, brushing some of his dark hair from his face. Her tone was much calmer and collected compared to how she spoke the day before—it wasn't rough and tough. It was gentle and ladylike.
"Hi, Ms. Evans..." The young boy responded before falling into a series of hacking coughs once more. Violet wanted to hold this poor boy and hug him tightly. He was too sweet, too young.
"No need to call me Ms. Evans, buddy. You can just call me Violet," She commented, putting the wet rang, which she had seen on the tin tub on the dresser, on his forehead to hopefully help with his fever.
After a few moments if silence, Joseph spoke up.
"Billy would like you as his girl. Real pretty lookin'; you look real tough too," He murmured, earning a soft giggle from the older woman.
"What makes you say that I'm tough?" She inquired, smiling a bit*
"Those cuts along your nose, Vi. Only a real tough girl would have her scars out in the open."
Violet's smile faded for a moment. She forgot to hide her scars.
"Oh- why thank you, Joe." Her voice was still gentle and soft, not wanting to make him think he made her angry or upset.
As the hours went on, the two had grown close. Joseph was telling her about stories of his life with Billy and Kathleen. She was telling him tales of how she'd grown up in Silver City, aside from her trauma, and how she'd sometimes dress as a boy to play poker and help Jesse with work instead of waiting for some marriage proposal from some sleazy guy.
Joe was having more fun talking with Violet than he'd ever had since his family left New York. He felt happy, even with his awful coughs and occasional vomiting.
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
HERES A SNIPPET OF SOMETHING IM WORKING ON☝️(even tho nobody asked) it’s gonna be a childhood best friends to lovers / right person wrong time / normal people (ish) & invisible string inspired matty fic. reader is a photographer and it takes place before and through self titled era!
plsssss let me know what u think of the idea, give me all the good and bad i want to know!!!! i’m so iffy about everything i’ve written so far after how many people liked my first fic LMFAO which sounds stupid but i’m Fr scared of sophomore slump💔
and as always my ask box is always open for suggestions or ideas or requests 🥰🥰🥰 anyway here u go!
“This area’s too dry. Grass looks like hay. It’ll look rubbish to set all the mic stands on it,��� You argue.
Matty sighs in defeat. “You never like my ideas,” he whines sarcastically, rolling his eyes in the process.
Your elbow juts into his side, making him groan and then laugh. It’s your turn for an eye roll.
“Do you want my help or not?” You challenge, “I don’t have much experience with music videos, to be fair, so if you’d rather empty your pockets and hire someone professional—“
“Okay, okay, okay. Shut up. Let’s keep moving.” He interrupts.
You both continue on your path, scoping out locations for a video that the boys want to film later in the week. There are plenty of spots Matty suggests, stopping repeatedly to ask you to capture a certain frame. Although, as he had complained, none of them have been up to your standards.
By now, you’re used to his constantly fleeting and sometimes messy creativity. You find comfort in it, actually, and feel the most empowered in your own strength as an artist when Matty’s there. Your camera seems the strongest in your hands when it’s pointed at him.
He nudges you to point out one last possible shot. The trees hang hauntingly low and its branches are frail, almost skimming the tops of your heads. Your feet tread over the now slightly greener grass as you come closer and look around in awe. Matty’s right, for one of the few times today.
“Now we’re talking,” you whisper in satisfaction, raising your Nikon to your eye out of instinct.
You back away slightly to get him in frame. From behind, the last hour of daylight shines through the kinks of Matty’s hair, backlighting him. It accentuates the slope of his nose as he turns to the side and looks up at the tree above him. His side profile is one of your favourite things about photographing Matty. It’s strong, but gentle.
He glances back at you after hearing a few clicks of the camera’s shutter. The sun that lights his silhouette, contrastingly shines directly onto your face—since you face him—painting an orange glow across your skin.
There’s something that makes you feel like he’s staring. And you’re right, because he is, but it’s a stare that felt good. Not exposing, or perceptive in a way that usually made your heart drop. You almost want to look behind you to see if maybe he was looking at something else.
It’s sort of how he always looks at you, though. Maybe that’s how he looks at everyone, you think, but part of you hopes it wasn’t. That you were an exception. Something outstanding.
You gasp when Matty suddenly lunges to steal your camera from your grip.
“Gimme this for a sec,” he mumbles. He’s lucky it isn’t hung round your neck as it usually was.
Embarrassment immediately creeps up your neck as he points it at you. You habitually block his view of your face with your hands, and insist, “Stop it!”
“The lighting’s nice!” Matty protests, pushing your hands away.
You replace them quickly to prevent any photo opportunities. “I don’t have the space on my memory card for you to fool around, Healy.”
He rolls his eyes, turning the lens back onto himself to take a horrendously close-up picture of his own face. You giggle at the way his wrinkled skin was on display from the weird expression he pulled and the odd angle he held your camera.
“This is literally our last location. Relax.” Matty points out.
He’s aware of your fear of being in photographs instead of taking them, so it’s not your first time in this situation and he lets down after pulling your leg a bit. It’s the way you’ve been since he can remember; always groaning and uncomfortable to be in a group photo at school or denying his requests to pose for his camera every once in a while. He grows frustrated with you sometimes, since it’s hard for him to grasp what you could possibly be insecure about. The idea that most of your memories held in the thousands of pictures that span over the years you’d grown up together—showed everyone else’s faces and not yours—made him even angrier. But that’s how you wanted them, after all.
This attribute of yours is one of the things most different between you and Matty. He loves having eyes on him—craved it, even. Wants to be seen and understood.
But you’re an observer, on the other hand. The world is fascinating to you, lighting your urge to preserve and savour its meticulosity. It explains your addiction to capturing it all on your Nikon.
The difference makes you two a great team. Though you regret your commitments in moments like these.
“I’m actually glad it is. Getting sick of you by the minute,” You snicker, stealing your camera back and giving Matty a shove. He stumbles over with a chuckle and the two of you bee-line for where his car was parked.
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sitp-recs · 11 months
BL Reclist - Part 2
Happy Friday friends! I had a blast putting my first BL reclist together a couple weeks ago and the lovely @blue-inigo encouraged me to do a part 2 so here it is! Once again this is a mix of Korean titles I’ve discovered recently and some good old Japanese BL I revisit often. I kept this short and sweet because I can only include 10 pics per post but I’m considering a Part 3 with some ongoing stories I’m currently following (there’s a couple on this list but they’re a bit more advanced). Now I’m revising it I realize this second list is considerably angstier than the first one, and almost all of these include potentially triggering themes (marked with an *) so please check the tags and stay safe! If you’re looking for gorgeous art, hot smut and top notch (if sometimes quite problematique) drama you’re at the right place! Enjoy 🔥
1. *December Rain by Kimon (Explicit, Completed)
Tragedy :( gimme catharsis or give me nothing!!
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Fresh out of the army, Suchae decides to take some time off and travel around the country by himself. On the first day of his trip, he spots a guy who looks totally his type at a rundown bus terminal. The only problem is, it’s the same guy who was jerking off in the bathroom 5 minutes ago. Despite the possibility of him being a creep, however, Suchae is drawn to the mysterious stranger. He finds everything about him...arousing. Who is this stranger? And why is he on the road?
2. Joy by Etsuko (Mature, Completed)
Not my fave art-wise but a surprisingly deep bi awakening story, MC is cute and SO relatable
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Goh Akazaki is a 26-year-old man...who happens to be a shojo manga artist. His assistant is Yusuke Akune, who happens to be a mangaka in his own right. But when Goh accidentally finds out that Yusuke is gay, he's thrown for a loop—what else about his friend doesn't he know? And when Goh is asked to draw BL, he tries to pry into Yusuke's experiences for inspiration...but when he is ultimately inspired by the idea of "unrequited love for Yusuke," can he keep his own feelings out of the mix?
3. NightS + Reply by Yoneda Kou (Explicit, Completed)
I’m so biased about Yoneda Kou’s Yakuza stuff, everything she creates is an instant fave
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NIGHTS: A Yakuza comes to request the services of an specialized transporter that takes care of delicate and illegal merchandise. It seems this transporter is quite picky about his clients, stating that he doesn't belong to any group; you can't trust yakuza. However he gets interested in this transaction and in the mysterious man that is negotiating it.
REPLY: Seki is head mechanic at a car company in which Takami is the top salesman. After a chance encounter at work that involves Seki taking care of a spot of bother for one of Takami's clients, the two begin meeting regularly after work to dine together. Takami soon admits that he thinks of Seki as a good friend. Seki, however, knows that his own emotions are somewhat more complicated.
4. *Nights Before Night by Kazuki Natsume (Explicit, Completed)
Sequel to MODS, I suggest reading both for full context but I prefer this story
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It's been a long time since Haru, owner of the gay escort service "Rain," left his yakuza days behind. But when the Ichijo clan, the group he had once belonged to, says he's the only civilian they can trust to hide the clan head's troublemaking son Yukitaka in line, there seems to be no choice for him but to follow suit. There's just one problem, though - Yukitaka looks just like his half-brother Shigure, Haru's lost love.
5. Pink Heart Jam by Shikke (Explicit, Completed)
Long-haired one is the prettiest and coolest BL character I’ve ever seen
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Country boy Haiga has many questions he wants to learn the answers to when he moves to the bustling capital for his university life - and one of them happens to be, "do I like guys, too?" When his upperclassmen dare him to check out a box spa behind Shinjuku's Nichoume District, Haiga uses this opportunity to find out the answer to his question - and runs into his senior Kanae, who has one simple solution for him - clothes, off!
6. *Steel Under Silk by Snob (Explicit, Ongoing)
BREATH!!! TAKING!!!! ART!!!! A+ problematic smut meets nuanced historical drama, love it
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Yeonjo used to have it all: a highly respected family, a kind brother, and a comfortable life. Now, with his father executed for high treason, his last kin dead, and damned to a lifetime of slavery, Yeonjo has nothing to lose. All that is left is vengeance, and his chance comes when the new governor assigned to the region is none other than Kwon Hee-ryang, the man who destroyed everything Yeonjo loved. Now, Yeonjo will do everything to get his revenge…even if it means getting in bed with his greatest enemy. Hiding a blade behind his beautiful smile, like silk hiding steel, Yeonjo waits for his moment to strike.
7. *The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace by U-pi (Explicit, Ongoing)
Came for the hot guys, stayed for the excellent depiction of mental health issues.
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Woo-won is a pizza delivery guy down on his luck, and Seo-an is wealthy man suffering from panic attacks and social phobia. You wouldn’t think these two would have any reason to get to know one another, but one small kindness leads to a series of encounters that bring the two men closer together than either of them anticipated. Maybe they can find the solutions to their problems together…or perhaps they don’t need solutions, but simply each other.
8. *Walk on Water by Jang mokdan / Jaxx (Explicit, Completed)
Two hot porn daddies actors falling in love 🥵
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Starring in gay porn was never on Ed’s bucket list. He’s straight, he’s not an exhibitionist, and he has a decent career in security. That said, he also has a debt that he’s been working to pay off for years now, and he can barely keep up with the accruing interest. If having gay sex in front of a camera is the way to digging himself out of this pit, then he’s willing to be filmed for that money shot. But when he meets Glenn, the charismatic CEO of a gay porn production company, Ed finds himself falling into something much deeper than financial debt.
9. Wolf in the House by Park ji-yeon (Mature, Completed)
Hilarious & sweet, with the most intimate sex scenes I’ve ever seen! Feel-good story 👇🏼
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After ending an on-again, off-again relationship of 10 years, Minsuk decides to foster a Siberian husky named Bexan to mark the start of his new single life. He can’t wait to cuddle with his new furry roommate, take him on walks, and play fetch. But Bexan is no ordinary dog...and when night falls, Minsuk is in for a surprise.
10. *Yuuutsu na Asa by Hidaka shoko (Explicit, Completed)
Another problematic historical drama, good old master/butler classic
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Upon his father's death, Akihito Kuze became a viscount at the age of 10. His smart, handsome young butler Tomoyuki Katsuragi has since managed all affairs pertaining to the viscountcy perfectly. The talented and charismatic Katsuragi is very popular in their social circle; but as Akihito grows older, he becomes colder and more distant by the day - though still as faithful to the Kuze household as he has ever been. Akihito is now a young man, and desperately in love with Tomoyuki. He’s determined to discover the reason behind his butler's inexplicable behaviour, and this is where their story begins.
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justagalwhowrites · 4 months
GimmieShelter? (love that song btw)
Yesssss! This one very well might change, I just needed something to title the file as I start to write the prologue to the fic that has been known as Bodyguard!Joel on my page in the past. I'm torn between a few title options (Gimme Shelter, Cover Me, Sanctuary are all in the mix but I haven't latched on to anything yet. Open to suggestions!)
It's a modern no outbreak AU where Tommy starts a private security company and Joel comes to work for him. He ends up protecting a movie star who moves to Austin to help her newly adopted daughter, Ellie, settle into life after the death of her mother. I'm sure you have at least some idea of what comes next.
Excerpt from the prologue below the cut!
“If you think I’m not going to fight for what’s mine, you’re insane!”  Joel remembered the woman on the screen. She was young, beautiful, her perfectly made up face snarled in rage. He remembered her. He always remembered her.  He remembered the scene, too.  Sarah had loved this show. She was obsessed, one of her friends at school put her onto it and she watched it all in a matter of weeks on Netflix.  Joel had hated that show. There was sex and drugs and Sarah was just 13 when she watched it but he’d been such a sucker for her that he let her. He’d always been a sucker for her. He always gave her whatever she asked for. Maybe that had been wrong. Maybe if he’d stood his ground more, maybe if he’d been a better father instead of just giving his daughter whatever she wanted, she wouldn’t be dead.  “Mr. Miller?”  Joel looked away from the television, reminded that he was in the hospital and that it must be after 3 a.m. by now. The nurse stood in the doorway, an almost pitying look on her face.  “Your brother is here to see you.”
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fortunekookie07 · 5 months
Hey guys! For my next piece, I am going to take a prompt. No limits on which character. No smut, please. That is my weak point. I cannot delivery a good story for that category.
I will pick any and all suggestions that strike me with ideas. Suggester will be tagged in the story, and I will be open to future ideas from any I pick.
Also, submissions picked will get to choose the title.
I am keeping my commissions open, I hope that you guys will not become frustrated with me and your requests. I am working 2 jobs now, so my free writing time is very limited.
Please don't let that deter you from asking me to write you a story. This is one of my passions, and I enjoy creating things for you to enjoy.
With thay said, I still cannot wrote smut. I am so sorry about this.
Other than that, gimme what you got and I'll show you what I can do!
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eggsaladsandwhic · 1 year
Ive been reading all these ungodly good College AU Trigun fics recently, and honestly think im just gonna write a whole fanfic. I likely post the Vash and Nai headcannons I have separately.
Some ideas I've been brewing and will just dump:
World building
- Future AU, but making it take place in the Midwest. Thinking interstellar vibes for this fic.
- Vash and Knives are still plants, and are trying to find a way to heal Earth.
- Rem is alive! She's wants her boys to get environmental science or ecology degrees.
- Plants are upper dimensional aliens, and the twins are the only ones tied to humanity.
- Seeds project is a private government sector experiment run by a council of scientists. (Rem being one of them)
- Fix it! fic
Yes There Will Be Romance
- Poly fic
- Snails pace slow burn
- I love platonic affection so there will be plenty
- No plantcest (sorry you weirdos)
- NSFW (I cannot resist not writing plantdick and maybe plantussy?) So minors DNI
- Vash x Original Female? Character x Knives
- OC is a whole farm kid, is her mother's daughter, but also grandfather's grandson type beat.
- Nurodivergent OC
- Environmental Science Major/ Geology and Soil science focused OC
- Low-key got some health issues though like asthma, anemia, and poor UV resistance
- OC works at a late night bakery
- (She/they) though if you called her one of dudes she'd be so happy.
- OC Hobbies: Rocks, Bones, plants, DND, video games, thought provoking movies, nature documentaries, tenor saxophone, and so much indie folk music
- Literally one of the few humans Nai can stand (she's literally an enigma to him, why is this human so soft and kind, but why is she so angry and nihilistic).
- OC meets Nai in environmental ethics...antics ensue.
- OC accidentally Pavlov's Vash (homestyle cooking be damned)
-you can def read this as a self insert but it makes it easier for writing
Some titles I'm thinking on
Anthropocentrism, Petunias and Bluebells, A Sky Like I've Never Seen.
Anyway gimme some suggestions and ideas I'm pretty open
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mieletthe · 2 years
set play
"Didn't you and Veth have, like, secret codewords for this shit? What's our codeword?"
Caleb taps the end of the pen against his chin a few times. "...'Fire'?" he suggests.
"'Fire'?!" Beau throws her head back in overdramatic exasperation and groans. "Come on, man. That fucking sucks! I'm gonna hear 'fire' every ten seconds in a fight and never know whether you're talking to me or casting a spell."
Caleb squints skeptically at her, one eyebrow raised. "Why would I be saying 'fire'? I don't shout spell names the way Fjord does. This is good, it is efficient."
"You've gotta have a better one for me. Gimme something on the level of 'Modern Literature.'"
He shrugs and starts drawing a box around the battle tactic they've spitballed onto a page of her journal. "Veth came up with all of those."
"What?! But, but you're the"—Beau gesticulates wildly, sputtering out syllables in disbelief—"the creative one! With the fucking tower and the personalized spells and shit."
"Veth is creative, too," Caleb simply says, closing the blue-ink border. He's left some space at the top for a title.
"Well, yeah, but…" Beau hadn't really thought about this before. Veth named the Nein Heroez, after all. And was 'Fluffernutter' from her too, or was that one Jester? She couldn't remember. Jester and Caleb were both so flashy and visual in their creativity; had Veth's snuck by undetected in the shadows of their panache? "Okay, fine, you can put down 'Fire' as a placeholder, but we're gonna work on it."
As Caleb writes it in, a shadow crosses the page, and they look up to see who cast it.
"They're ready to call everyone back in," Dairon says. Their demeanor reveals nothing about how the afternoon is going to go.
Her mouth pressing into a thin, tense line, Beau nods mutely and watches Dairon return through the heavy oaken doors of the courtroom. She glances sidelong at Caleb, whose face has immediately sunk back into the hollow expression she'd only just managed to distract him out of. Taking back her journal, she nudges his leg with her own.
"Come on. We've got this."
As they stand to follow, Beau impulsively grabs Caleb's hand and gives it a quick squeeze for good measure.
"Beauregard, I've been giving a lot of thought to our little naming conundrum. How do you like 'Strike a Light' or 'Spontaneous Combustion'?"
The wave she had been just about to crest drops beneath her abruptly, and Beau beats a limp fist against the mattress with a frustrated whine. Yasha squeezes her thigh in sympathy. Fumbling for her pants somewhere to her left, Beau yanks the sending stone from a pocket. She doesn't bother masking her ragged breaths as she responds.
"I swear to fucking Ioun, Caleb, I take back what I said when I called this stupid rock the best present you could ever give me. Learn better timing. Fuck."
Inspired by this post from @fjorests-of-wildemount
Also on AO3
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catgirlscout · 1 year
The Tom Jones Saga
Dear tf2 fandom, specifically the fanfic writers among you (me included). I have a suggestion! WHAT IF...A writing prompt challenge titled the tom jones saga. Where every prompt is a different song by tom jones. You have to write a one shot based on the song title. Can be any ship you want. Inspiration from the song lyrics are optional but it should fit the vibe. Edit: I made a collection on A03 for this challenge, so if you wanna write a one shot for this you can add it here. I added a description and some basic rules. Like name the fanfiction a song from Tom Jones. Remember to tag your story with #thetomjonessaga Note: I put the collection on unmoderated, but I will reject any sort of pro-shipping/incest stuff. Have fun writing. Rare pairs are more than welcome. I hope we'll collect some cool fanfics together
My personal (very clever, very original) ideas: WARNING nsfw contents
• nr 1 obviously has to be sex bomb. based on the title alone DemoScout. It's probably explosive smut...because duh! I am thinking orgasm denial, edging, perhaps even a little bit of feeding scout a chicken wing to make it spicy...I dunno! • Green, green, grass of home is giving Spy angst. He just wants to be happy with his son scout and scout's mother. he wants to return to a home he has never had. A life we was never able to live. Maybe it's a dream or it's where he actually dies and gets his most heartfelt wish. Thinking scout's death scene but reverse. • In the midnight hour. Just hear me out DISCO FEVER Medic Demo. 70s 80s inspired. Demo has this big afro with a colorful headband. I know it's kind of a rare pair. But imagine them dancing through the whole night. Total strangers, getting so close. skin to skin, body on body. the heat of the moment, the beat and rhythm in their blood, the sweat on their sweet sweet lips just breaths apart. It's sensual. It's sexy, it's exciting. • then! Try a little tenderness. I see femme fatale Spy. Spy is def a woman (maybe trans woman). It's EngieSpy. Spy comes home after work, her long red evening gown draped over a chaiselongue. Engie takes off her shoes and massages her shoulders, gives her a glass of champagne. Spy pulls em down, feeds em that olive or whatever they put in fancy drinks, kisses em gently. They stare at each other, need a moment to take it all in. Engie calls her his Doll. She is enchanted. • Not dark yet is most definitely about Sniper. Mostly about his loneliness, his scars, his longing. Maybe it's SniperScout. And they both talk about how they were not being taken seriously by their parental figures. (Scout knows Spy is his dad in this). That their life until this point was filled with disappointment and pain, but they want to make the best of it. They wanna get to the other side, ya know. It's gonna get better, eventually. Yeah that's it. Do with that what you will! And gimme your ideas. Don't be shy!
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tinydappledleaf · 10 months
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Title: Stay
Chapter: 4/6
Pairing: Ezra x f!Reader, Ezra x you (Reader is addressed by 'you' or nickname)
Rating: 18+, smut in chapter 6
Content: Situationship to romance, soft Ezra, intimacy, loss of limb (non-explicit), canon compliant
Summary: When you've almost given up waiting for him, a certain prospector returns to the Pug to call in a favor...
Ao3: complete fic
《 chapter 3 chapter 5 》
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Chapter IV
Ezra’s health steadily improves over the following cycles. So does his connection to Cee. More often than not you find them immersed in their respective reading, side by side on your worn couch, or discussing the novels that keep them busy. 
You hadn’t even known there was a library within walking range of your complex. You were told it was by no means large and consisted mostly of questionable survival guides for the odd floater prone to reading. But it hadn’t taken Cee long to sniff out a small section of old novels, idly gathering dust on a neglected corner shelf. 
Ever since Cee disclosed her secret lair of entertainment to curious Ezra, the two of them occasionally vanish for walks and return with a new stack of reading material. 
Each time you see them come in and witness the girl’s carapace of wariness thaw further, a content warmth settles within you. Their encounter, out in the Green, was nothing but a long string of unfortunate circumstances, tightly wrapped in the moon’s overall perilous conditions. There was no turning back time. No taking back rash and questionable decisions on either side. 
Still, they make it work, oscillating between forgetting and forgiving what can’t be undone – somehow saving each other from falling prey to the lurking spiral of debilitating ‘what if’s’.
Whilst they tentatively form their bond, you are more focused than ever. Measurements taken cycles prior, you ceaselessly work on Ezra’s prosthesis. And when he’s not out and about with Cee or poring over shared literature, he’s by your side and shamelessly nosey. While he certainly insisted on off-the-shelf design and basic functionality, you’re adamant on making it from scratch. A service you barely exercise with the clientele of mostly mineworkers from the belt or the unluckiest of prospectors. 
You delight in it. In creating shapely, reliable prostheses. In fabricating something that increases the quality of life in each aspect. You want him to feel good with it – and safe. So you pour your entire passion into the task and slowly but surely manufacture a prosthesis, that is him, in any possible sense. 
“Why don’t you join us?”
Cee’s question breaks your concentration. You had been so preoccupied by your work, that you nearly missed them leaving. Now Cee stands by the door and eyes you expectantly. Guessing by the stack of three novels in her arms, they’re about to move out on another run for the library.
You eyes flicker back to the elbow joint in your hands, almost ready to be attached to the forearm’s base.
“I ain’t gonna regrow a limb, Patches,” ribs Ezra, “No need to rush.”
He’s got a point, as nasty as that truth tastes. And… even though you won’t admit that out loud, as long as you’re working on the replacement for his arm, he might be inclined to share your quarters for a tad longer. As much as you want to help him get back on his own feet, that thought is tempting. You can’t deny it hasn’t crossed your mind before, mingling with the persistent yearn for his closeness. You’ve adamantly pushed it away, woven those pestering emotions into your drive to work. But now that he's suggesting you to shift down a gear…
“Alright, gimme a sec.”
From the corner of your eye you watch his growing smirk. Somewhat satisfied with hint of relieve. As you set your work aside and slip your arms into the sleeves of your jacket, you wonder if he feels guilty for accepting your help. What you offer has certainly outgrown a simple ‘favor’. Out in the harshness of the Frontiers, Ezra takes what he gets, no questions, no remorse. He’s not one to doubt his actions. You’ve seen him ravage with little care for his kind. But around the girl, around you, a softness surfaces that you adore. 
A softness that shines in the warmth of his eyes when you step outside with them. Sometimes you wonder what kind of man he would have been if he hadn’t been abraded by the roughness of the system’s fringes. A merchant, maybe? An author? Your mind paints a picture of him wielding a pen like wields his thrower. As daring as he’s proficient. You’d have succumbed to his charms all the same.
A stupid, happy smile glues itself to your face as you walk with him in the afternoon sun, listening to his literature shop talk with Cee.
Soon after your successful visit to the tiny dusty library - Cee has swapped her returned novels for a new one - Ezra excuses himself to take care of some business. Tie up a few loose strings of his travels and get himself back out into the world, now that he’s capable of it again. 
You don’t question him, hold back from asking him to be careful. You feel quite ridiculous for even considering that – not that he’d listen anyway. You really need to get a hold of yourself, shake off that weird anxiousness that sprouts whenever he disappears for a bit. You’ll have to deal with him leaving eventually, so better ease back into indifference before your resolve breaks. 
You're on your way back home, swerving by one of the rundown streetfood stalls to get some takeaway, when Cee speaks up.
“You like him.”
Its not a question, rather a statement. And for the briefest moments, you’re at a loss of words. She doesn’t even face you, has her nose buried between the pages of her new novel as you set down a bowl of fried ooka roots in front of her.
“’course I do,” you admit and sit across from her, not quite sure where this is coming from. Or going to. “I’ve known him for quite some time. Don’t find many people out here that keep returning, for… various reasons. He’s reliable, mostly-”
“Are you like a couple or something?”
You blink, your cup of tea paused mid-air, half way to your lips. Cut right to the chase, girl, why don’t ya?
“No,” you muster as you set the cup back down. “Ezra isn’t the type for that kind of relationship.  How come you think that?”
The question is out before you think better of it. 
It might have been wise to cut the conversation short at that point, never pick it up again. But if she has noticed, then…
“My dad and I lived here for a bit. People don’t help each other out like that, even if they’re friends. Or pretend to be. But you help us, even though you don’t really have to.”
Her observation tells a lot about the crowds her father had surrounded himself, and her, with. Or had to surround himself with. You don’t judge a man you’ve never met on account of your own assumptions. But it explains and warrants her wariness - and keeps her safe in present day, at least.
“Maybe I’m just exceptionally generous.”
She closes her book, sets it aside and casts you a quizzical glance.
Pulling her food a bit closer, she inspects it before she carefully takes a bite and seems to be pleasantly surprised. Glad that she seems to have dropped the topic to enjoy her meal, you take a sip of your tea.
“I think he likes you, too. You guys stare a lot at each other when you think no one looks,” she mutters defiantly between chewing and you nearly choke.
The rest of your evening consists of tinkering on Ezra’s arm. It takes your mind off things, keeps you from mulling the girl’s statement ceaselessly. It remains in the back of your mind, however, quietly teasing, prodding, prompting you - regardless of how adamantly you try to ignore it.
Ezra returns home late, but with a few surprises. Its obvious he’s made money off his meager haul, traded it in – you don’t dare asking where, you know he’s made as much of it as humanly possible, no matter how shady the trade.
He’s brought another notebook, a few colored pens and clothing for Cee. She’s been wearing some of yours, but none of them fit her shorter and slimmer teenage frame properly. The new ones do, mostly, and for the first time in a while you’ve seen her truly, honestly joyful. None of it is fancy, in any way. But they’re new. And clean. And not some free extra to a pod rent. 
He promises she’ll get to pick a few more if she accompanies him to the shops. That he just got some basics for her to be comfortable in. As he got some for himself. 
He earns a hug for all of it and his dumbfounded expression is adorable enough to sear itself into your memory for lonely days to come. 
All new treasures piled in her arms, Cee retreats into her room, to try them all on properly and marvel her new writing and sketching utensils.
A befuddled Ezra remains with you and sinks onto the couch, still perceptibly exhausted by each trip through the Pug’s convoluted innards. He’s not back to full health yet, still visibly in pain, but you see him grit his teeth and tough it out anyway. Showing weakness out in the void puts you to bed with pickaxe and shovel quicker than two channelrats proliferate. 
There’s nothing to dread in your presence, but you understand it’s a habit hard to shake. 
“That was pretty nice of you,” you remark and slip down your googles over your eyes to sand off a particularly sharp edge. 
“Rather a matter of course than benignity.”
“Oh come on, give yourself some credit, Ez. You could have gone with the cheapest or not get her anything at all. You still did. That is nice.”
He hums to that, not convinced. You hear him smile nonetheless and its infective. The girl does him good. Gives him purpose, even though he’s been incapacitated. Its obvious he’s grown fond of her, will protect her by any means. It sure does feel a little like family, having them around. Like things could have been, in another life. You shake off the thought before it festers and continue your work.
When you lay it down eventually, you find the couch deserted, too occupied to have noticed Ezra slip away. To the bathroom, apparently, the light creeping out from under the door discloses.
‘The Streamer Girl’ sits on the provisory dinner table and, with a yawn and a stretch of your aching back, you give in to your curiosity.
Claiming Ezra’s usual spot, you pick up the booklet and sink into the story.
Until there's a bellowed curse and loud clatter, followed by a rapid string of inventive expletives in reducing volume. First startled, then alarmed, you drop Cee’s ‘Streamer Girl’ onto the couch and rush into the bathroom, skipping across all courtesies.
You find Ezra at the sink, pressing a towel to his jaw. 
Deep red seeps into grey fabric as he glares at his mirror image. The razor in the sink is your missing clue and suddenly the scene gains some sense. 
“Fuck, Ez” you swear, heart still hammering relentlessly against your ribs. “Lemme see.”
How dare he scare you like that? He’s done enough of that lately. 
He knows you well enough to understand you brook no dissent. Not if he’s hurt, regardless who’s at fault. Dabbing the fabric against his skin once more, he turns and lets you step in close to assess the damage. 
To your relief, it’s merely a small cut right at the seam between his jaw and throat. Not worryingly deep but certainly unpleasant. Just another sting that adds to his remaining pain. You catch his wrist as he tries to wipe away a drop of fresh blood and shake your head. 
“Let it dry. You’ll be fine. Head’s still in place, so all good.” As if to check, you gently cup his jaw and tilt it left and right.
That earns you a low chuckle and it warms you that you accomplished to prevent his drop in mood. A warning sits at the tip of your tongue. The gentle reminder for him to be more careful, but it appears tone deaf, even if it’s meant well. You swallow it again. 
“Assist me, then?” He quips, “Lest I inadvertently behead myself.” 
He plucks the razor from the sink and holds it out to you, hilt first. An invitation you eye with surprise, but won’t decline. Ezra’s a proud man. Opportunistic and confident. But never above himself when it comes to asking for help. At least around you.
You gingerly take the razor from his hand. It’s an old-fashioned thing, wooden handle, steel blade. No standard laser utensil. It’s always been a quirk of his that both, appeals and baffles you. 
Once you’ve taken the responsibility from him, the lingering tension seeps from his form. He observes you rinse the blade and holds perfectly still as you spread the wiped off shaving foam back across the remaining salt and pepper whiskers. You pause then, purse your lips. You admit his beard has grown a tad too long, but you’ll miss the stubble. It suits him, compliments his roughness.
“The ‘stache stays,” you decide as you set to work, and he suppresses the amused twitch of his lips. 
“Hold still,” you chastise, and he obeys. His eyes close, a sign of trust, as you set the blade to his jaw.
Each slow pass of the razor across his skin stokes a silent fire within him. You observe it in the way he tilts his jaw into your free hand, in how his fist curls and uncurls at his side. You can hear the air crackle, sense the growing tension that seeks to break the surface. It tempts you. He tempts you.
His eyes flicker open and his fiery gaze burns into yours, honeyed irises darkening as you watch. It’s a well-known game for the two of you. Has been, whenever he popped by before leaping headfirst into his next adventure. It’s a game of desire you both excel in. The tiniest wordless step further than trust and friendship that you dare. A silent agreement for the sake of satisfaction.
You get it, his desire. Or at least try to grasp it. He's been trapped on a toxic moon with a silent brute for his sole company. Little to no means to just... let go. To gain just a spike of euphoria in otherwise dire circumstances. 
Still, you refuse to give into his pull. You won't be the one to tear his stitches, damage him worse. Still growing worn out by a shopping trip, he’s not yet back in shape. 
At least that's what you tell yourself, hiding the bitter truth of lingering fear. Like this, you only get him for glimpses. Briefest moments of commitment and intimacy. Then he vanishes again, the stars know for how long. He might have never come back if someone was to change the tiniest detail of his recent misadventure. You’re not sure if you can bear his closeness now, without begging him to stay right after. That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
No, you can't. You won't. Swallowing your own need for his affection, you finish your handiwork and swiftly press the towel to his face as he tries to lean in. He blinks, openly bemused and somewhat affronted by your mute rejection, but doesn't press. Once his face is gently wiped clean from the remainders of shaving foam, you drop the towel to the counter. 
One of your hands remains on his jaw, thumb gently stroking the softness of his freshly shaven skin. You meet his suddenly uncertain gaze with a soft, apologetic smile. 
"Another time, Ez. I don't want to hurt you."
You watch the 'but' form, the promise that you're not gonna hurt him, that he won't break. It disspates at your expression.
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
In My Blood — VoicePlay music video short
Social media has made short-form content increasingly popular over the years. So when Instagram launched a way of uploading longer videos, VoicePlay put their collective talents to the task. Rather than a full song or a medley of excerpts, they decided to take the essential parts of a single tune and put their distinctive spin on it. It was the beginning of a wonderful new creative outlet for them.
title: In My Blood
original performer: Shawn Mendes
written by: Shawn Mendes, Geoff Warburton, Teddy Geiger, & Scott Harris
arranged by: J.None & Layne Stein
release date: 22 August 2018 (uploaded to YouTube 30 December 2018)
My favorite bits:
jumping in all at once for maximum sonic effiicency
J.None's sweet, plaintive descending run on ♫ "help me" ♫
that heartbeat percussion line from Layne
having a moment of unison between J and Geoff before the bass line slides into the basement
Earl and Eli's harmonized counterpoint line joining up with the melody for ♫ "gimme something" ♫
the smooth hand-off to Eli for the chorus
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This was J.None's first foray into arranging for VoicePlay, with a little help from Layne and his years of expierience.
The song was suggested "repeatedly" by Earl until they finally worked it into their schedule.
This is the first of three short videos the guys recorded in a single session, and released between late August and early September so that they could spend most of the month concentrating on their shows in the Philippines.
It was also their first post for the new Instagram TV feature, which allowed users to upload videos longer than one minute. That option was later shut down in 2022 in favor of reels.
It was initially uploaded to their IGTV and Facebook pages, then reposted to their main Instagram page a few weeks later. It was uploaded to their YouTube channel at the end of 2018.
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acorrespondence · 1 year
*grabby hands* gimme all the heavy heart secrets pls pls pls
Did I already tell you that heavy heart had a different working title? I feel like I did, which means it’s no longer a secret. If not, it was “i’ve sent your saddle home,” after a line in the Hank Williams Sr. Song “Dear John.” I think the overall vibe of Heirloom by sleeping at last (where the posted title comes from) fits the vibe of the fic way more, so I’m very happy to have settled on it.
Another secret, I suppose, is that I had an extremely difficult time coming up with Pemberley’s name. I don’t even generally like regency romance as a genre, at least in its traditional structure with its common tropes, and found Pride and Prejudice a bit of a slog when I read it in high school. But I was trying to think of names inspired by literature and came to it kind of randomly. I guess the thought process was thus: I was considering the tradition in the American South of giving children the mother’s maiden name (or other family name that disappeared through marriage) irrespective of gender, and it didn’t seem too much of a leap from literary surnames to literary place names (it fits the same theme of reclaiming lost inheritance, particularly the kind of inheritance that’s traditionally barred to women, as an overwritten surname being reclaimed in what’s by necessity a roundabout/bastardized way, that being the only way available; plus, inheritance in a less tangible sense—inheritance of trauma, inheritance of a place and its ghosts and memories—is very much one of the story’s central themes). I also thought it was pretty recognizable as a Name Inspired By Literature, from a very popular set of books, and therefore something that a) Pem’s mother might have thought of if Boyd suggested Literary Names despite maybe being less well-read (at least when it comes to the “classics”) and b) is unique and pretentious enough Boyd would have agreed to it.
In the vein of names, another secret: Pemberley’s middle name, Anne, was inspired by Anne of Green Gables. Felicity’s was originally going to be Jo after Jo March, but then I decided that since Felicity isn’t literature-inspired, they probably made a conscious decision to let that be Pemberley’s Thing. So, I switched it to Joan after Joan of Arc (not-so-coincidentally, I think this warrior’s name fits her personality just as well. Plus, I like the symmetry of Felicity Joan and Pemberley Anne.)
(Ask game here)
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elvenbeard · 2 years
The OC Playlist Tag
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list song(s) that fit them.
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I was tagged by @katsigian and @imaginarycyberpunk2023 thank you so much!! :D
I love making OC playlists, and Vs is steadily growing xD Most of the songs on there I think he'd also enjoy listening to, others just remind me of him or give off the vibes that would make you want to speed through Night City's streets in a rainy night.
Kill the Messenger || Rezodrone (The Cartesian Duelists) -> I feel like I have to include this as his in-universe favourite song. The Cartesian Duelists are one of his favourite bands, theirs was the first concert he ever went to (in a small act of rebellion against his strict mother). Whenever it comes on the radio he's thrown back to that night, which was an absolute rollercoaster, but also the first night he ever felt really free.
You Should See Me in a Crown || Emil Bulls -> This was one of the first songs I added to his playlist on a whim, far from having finished the game or even knowing how it would all end. It simply fit V's vibes, his ambition, and his reputation. Then I got to the Sun ending and yeah... it just fits.
Gimme That Boom || Skindred -> This is just a song he would party to :D It's loud, has a good rhythm, electric guitars, what else could you ask for?
Fight it Out || MADKID -> V loves punkrock, industrial metal, and everything in that general direction. But even he can't resist a catchy J-Pop tune, even better when it's mixed with one of the above.
Kingslayer || Bring me the Horizon feat. BABYMETAL -> Same principle as with the song above: the mix of Metal and J-Pop just works :D I also think this song in general would have fit the Cyberpunk soundtrack quite well with its themes and mood, but that's my personal opinion and taste speaking
A few more that all just fit his story with their themes, lyrics, or genereal vibes:
Last Chance || Skindred (<- absolute V song for me, would that make his title song in a movie xD)
Kill the Noise || Papa Roach
Never Surrender || Any Given Day
Close to the Sun || Porcelain Pill (<- actual from another game soundtrack but this is such a V and Johnny song for me now)
Monochrome || BABYMETAL (if CP2077 needed an Anime opening, this would be my song suggestion for it)
Self vs Self || Pendulum, In Flames (<- also a very V and Johnny song for me XD)
Rockstar || Blue Stahli (<- this one has a really good mix of electronic vibes and rock that V would quite enjoy)
Mine || Sleep Token (<- is lately stuck in my head and through association has become a very V and Kerry song to me personally xD)
This tag game has been making the rounds a lot on my dash lately, and some of you might have done this already, but I'd like to tag @rindemption, @genocidalfetus @wanderingaldecaldo @arczism @pinkydude @dreamskug aaaaaand everyone else who sees this and would like to give it a go! Yes, including you!
As always no pressure with these things! Thanks for reading, maybe there's a tune here you'll end up enjoying as much as I do xD
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
What video games do you think the dorm leaders would play if our games existed in their world? Gimme specific titles! >:3
This has been sitting in my Inbox for a bit. I had to really think on it. XD I want to thank @belliesandburps for his help making some suggestions on possible games. I didn't take all of them, but it was good to bounce stuff off of him, and he did help me work out some options. :)
I don't really see Riddle as being much of a gamer. Indeed, he's such a perfectionist and workaholic that such things practically seem beyond his comprehension. That's a big part of Riddle as a character: he's extremely uptight, due to his upbringing and his own personal ideals and standards, often to a ludicrous and comical degree. Riddle playing video games just doesn't seem like something that would happen. HOWEVER, if I were to pick a specific game or franchise...I'd probably go with, of all things, the "Carmen Sandiego" games. Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, they're edutainment games; if someone can't convince Riddle to play them for their entertainment value, then suggesting them as a teaching tool or something might be a way to sort of weasel him into playing them. Second of all, they are games all about detectives trying to capture a master criminal; Riddle has expressed an interest in a career in law, in the past. And third of all...I think it's funny to imagine Riddle going into "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" mode because Carmen got away again. XD LEONA KINGSCHOLAR
Leona is a chessmaster, both literally and figuratively. Strategy is the name of the game for him; he likes finding ways to manipulate situations or seek out his enemies' weaknesses. He always has a Plan B, and he keeps his cards close to his chest. He's evasive, elusive, and much more intellectual and intelligent than his slothful, gluttonous demeanor would at first indicate. At the same time, Leona is a wild animal; he's ravenous, beastly, aggressive, and somewhat unpredictable. As a result, I think that stealth-action games would probably be his forte: they appeal to him as both a hunter and a strategist, offering him the thrill of the chase and combat, but also opportunities to flex his mind and work out the best way to approach a dangerous situation. I decided to pick "Assassin's Creed" as his game of choice. If I had to choose a specific game from the bunch, I'd go with either the very first game, or perhaps "Origins," simply because I feel like the environments in those games would appeal to him most. Other potential options are "Rogue" (because villain protagonist), and "Black Flag" (because Pirates, and see the Halloween Event). AZUL ASHENGROTTO
This choice might be a bit of a weird one. But I felt Azul needed to have a game a bit different from all the rest. Azul is greed incarnate, basically; he measures everything he does first by how much he can profit from it, and then how much pleasure he can get out of it, usually in that order. This idea is reflected in his hobbies, as well as in the games he plays; like Leona, he is a master strategist and a great chess player. However, while Leona sees things more like a hunter and perhaps as a soldier, Azul sees things more like a businessman or a mob boss: it's less about battle plans and more about economics. Therefore, when it comes to video games, I felt a resource management type game would be a good one for him to use. I chose a little ditty called "Turmoil": if you haven't heard of this game, it's an RM game where you actually play as a prospective oil tycoon int he days of the Wild West. The game has you try to build up your funds, drill for oil, claim stock prices, make bargains with the bank, and so on and so forth. It's all about economics and becoming the richest, biggest businessman you can possibly be. Tell me THAT doesn't sound like an absolutely perfect fit for Azul! ;)
Kalim likes to have fun and is generally a sweetheart. He likes to do things people can do in groups; he likes having a good time with his friends. My first initial instinct was to go with something DDR or Karaoke related, but I decided against it simply because I decided that would work better for another Dorm Leader, and I wanted to keep each of them separate from each other. So, instead, I decided to go with a little game I'm sure you've never heard of called "Mario Kart." A flashy, fast-paced, generally rather innocent kart racing game that you can play with friends sounds like just the ticket for the Baby Otter. He'll be laughing and cheering, even if you throw a shell at him. After all, tis all in good fun. ^^
Just like Riddle, I don't really see Vil as much of a gamer. However, I DO see him as a performer, because...well...that is very literally what he is. He's an actor, a singer, a dancer, a model, a photographer, a director, a choreographer, a musical maestro, a fashionista...basically, just about everything that can pertain to such things, Vil has the talent and passion for it. So if he's going to play a game, it's going to be something that gives him a chance to strut his stuff and perform. I decided to go with the somewhat obscure title "Dance on Broadway." It's a pretty standard rhythm game for the Nintendo Wii that is most notable because, as the title suggests, it features songs from various stage musicals. The game itself is, by all accounts, sort of "meh" (I've never played it, myself), but it definitely seems like something up Vil's alley. We'll just ignore the fact there's actually a Disney song in the mix. :P
In the universe of TW, Idia is actually a canon gamer, and his tastes are pretty darn cosmopolitan. He likes a lot of titles, from space shooters to gacha games, and this makes it hard to determine what his actual favorites would be. If I had to choose games from our world, that I'm super familiar with, I feel like online games feel most close to home to what I imagine Idia would enjoy, since he's also a streamer. I decided on two classic titles: "World of Warcraft" and "League of Legends." In the case of the latter...for lack of a better way of putting it, it just feels like something Idia would enjoy. In the case of the former, it is specifically because of the Halloweentime Event for the game which features the Headless Horseman. We all know how Idia feels about "Creepy Hollow" and the "Pumpkin Knight," after all. ;)
Once again, Malleus I don't see as a gamer, for probably very obvious reasons. But I think that if he were to play games, he'd want to have something he can play alone OR play with friends, given his issues in the story of TW. He'd want to have the option. He'd also want something he can understand pretty easily and can get a hand of quickly, so to speak. And he'd also want something that appeals to his rather Gothic sense of style. Putting it all together, I chose a specific title from one of my favorite franchises, "Castlevania." Namely, the game "Portrait of Ruin." Putting side my own bias towards the game (it's one of my favorites from the series), the fact you can either play it on its own or connect with other plays for co-op, and is available on a portable platform, makes it quite ideal for our favorite dark prince, in my opinion. The imagine of himself and the Prefect working together to take down Dracula and the Grim Reaper in the final boss battle (one of the BEST BOSS BATTLES EVAH!!!) is just a mental image that makes me grin.
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