Incorrect quotes from Library of Lies modern AU which I don't have the brain power to write down
Erin: Two bros! Jaxon: Chillin' in a hot tub! Erin and Jaxon, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
(they are though)
Jaxon: Oh, so you two are getting along very... cordial now? Lexxie: Cordial? Nah, we're friends. Jaxon: Friends? Lexxie: Yeah. After you stopped us fighting, we got to talking. Seems like we have some common interests. Loralie: We both love butterflies. Erin: Aww– Loralie: And beating people up. Erin and Jaxon: Oh, okay.
(Like addoptive mother like addoptive daughter)
Loralie: Are you drunk? Mathew: Only on the spirit of Christmas! Lexxie: And the spirit of whisky.
(Mathew’s drunk not Lexxie, Lex is 12)
Lexxie, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
(Lex is twelve and even in her original fantasy based so very losley off midevil times universe and not the curent modern au she is in those under 18 can not drink)
Koi: Hey, it’s your turn to wash the dishes. Lexxie: I’ll wash the walls red with your blood. Koi: Okay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time.
(they hate each other just not when jaxon’s around)
Mathew: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID. Jaxon: Incoherent mumbling Mathew: Huh? Lexxie: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
(Jaxon just wanted to hold puppies, Lexxie wanted to comite a crime)
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so I have a book that I'm trying to write it's called Library of Life it's about a queen named Loralie who is marring the king of another contry and his name is Mathew for an alliance to defeat the evil king Leonardo, so to defeat Leo they must seek out the Library of life so they leave just after they leave the nobility area they run into Erin who's a past theif who wants to become a knight and Jaxon who is the son of the leader of the knights they learn of Jaxon's skills in map reading and ofer both of them their dream jobs. they move on to meet lexxie a girl who can heal people but has to lie about her age to be a doctor Loralie take her under her wing to become a doctor if she helps them due to imageries Erin got while on the journey; they go to defeat a dragon whos gaurding the Library of life there they meet Koi who helps them calm down the dragon Koi is an elf and him and Lexxie seem to hate each other. the crew finds stratagy books they go back meeting trops of leos men across the way yadda yadda a war defeat king the dream jobs are achived Koi becomes protector of the animal santuary blah blah marrige of Loralie and Mathew those two also have a kid and they all live happly ever after.
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there is no death
[lawlight week day 6: ghosts] @lawlightweek2024
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Hi, hello, greetings, and salutations fellow mortals and immortals or whatever the in-between of being able to die and unable to die is, is there an in-between? WHATEVER !!
I am the human mortal know as Teetle!!! AND I REALLY LIKE FANFICTION AND FANART, and generally being a little gremlin
not my photo all credits to original creator
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