#hiroshi daniel iwabuchi
vampuppyy · 1 month
There. 18trip characters as bottles falling down the stairs. Inspired by the umineko one
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A06
L4mps Main story Translation
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Title: Cafe369’s New Flavored Bun
Characters: Toi, Daniel, Netaro, Nagi
Summary: To find the fated person who would lead him to his brother, Toi guides the protagonist to the local meatbun shop. But as they were about to enter, strange noises echo throughout the premises… 
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 and tsukimi @rurumiiii on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn and tsukimi @rurumiiii on twt
Also big thanks to you three for helping me with Netaro speech!
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Location: A Town in HAMA
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Toi: Ani-sama… please be safe, wherever you are… I’ll bring you back soon… 
Momiji: He’s been praying this whole time we were walking… I can tell he loves his brother very much.
Momiji: 5 minutes to 11 pm… 
Momiji: Toi-kun, how’s it going? It’s almost 11 pm, do you think we can make it in time?
Toi: It’s ok, we’re almost– Ah!
Toi: That’s the place! I’m sure of it!
Location: Cafe369
Momiji: Wait, this is Cafe369… 
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Daniel: You been here before?
Momiji: I’ve dined here once, with Akuta-kun. It’s advertised as a meat bun shop, but there are  quite the unusual variety of buns sold here, including fillings other than meat… All of which are equally delicious.
Toi: Wow, it’s wonderful to see fate already at work again!
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Daniel: I’m glad yer getting along with those kids but– Was this meatbun place always here?
Toi: Eh?
Momiji: What are you talking about? This place has been around for a long time. Right, Toi-kun?
Toi: Even though I’ve never gone in before, I do remember passing by it often… But, when did they first open…? 
Momiji: Now that I think about it, I’m not sure either… 
Daniel: I swear this was just an empty lot until recently though… 
Momiji: But… it’s right there.
Toi: Right?
Daniel: … Well, whatever. Can’t say much when it’s right in front of us. Maybe I’m just rememberin’ it wrong.
Daniel: …Hm?
Daniel: That’s… You two go on ahead.
Momiji: Daniel-san? Where are you–
Momiji: Aaaand he’s gone… Well, I guess the two of us can go in first. Though, considering how late it is, the shop might be closed already… 
Toi: That’s true… 
Toi: Ah, there’s a notice put up on the entrance.
Momiji: “Temporarily closed for ingredient procurement”...? No way–
*loud explosive noises*
Momiji: Woah!?
Toi: *startled gasp*
Momiji: Ah, did it stop…?
Momiji: What was that just now? So loud too… 
Toi: It came from inside the cafe! Maybe someone’s in trouble…!
Momiji: That may be so, but…  
Momiji: We don’t know what went down in there, so I don’t think heading in without Daniel-san would be a good idea… 
Momiji: Toi-kun, you should wait here–
???: Boo!
Pet Robot: Bwoo!
Momiji: AAAHHHHHHH!!! 
Toi: Eek…!
???: Ahaha~ Did I frighten you?
Momiji: H-huh? This person is… 
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???: Hrmm… Indeed, I do catch a whiff of it around here but…
Momiji: …..
???: You, human.
???: Tell me, would you know where my missing item might have wandered off to?
~~~(end flashback)
Momiji: Ah! You were the person who came by HAMA house the other day!!
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???: Hm?
???: Oh~ You’re from that place where that green-pea canine resides. 
Momiji: Yes, I remember you saying you were in the mood for some green peas… So you’re the owner of this cafe? 
Toi: Um, do you know this person?
Momiji: I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say that… We did have a chat in passing a while ago. 
Toi: … Is that your pet robot next to you? Good evening, little one.
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Laika: La~ i~ ka~
Momiji: So your name’s Laika! It’s nice to meet you.
Cafe Owner?: More importantly, do you have time to spare right now? I’m in a bit of a pickle, you see~
Momiji: In a... pickle?
Cafe Owner?: I simply do not have enough hands to get the job done right now… At this rate, perhaps it would be better if I just have this entire place go up in flames… 
Momiji: Huh!? That’s more than just a “bit” of a pickle!
Toi: We’ll help you however we can! I’m sure that’s the reason we were guided here! 
Cafe Owner?: Ooh~ How wonderfully helpful indeed! 
Location: Inside Cafe369
Momiji: Woah, I can barely see in here… 
Momiji: Toi-kun, are you alright? Maybe it’d be better if you just wait outside… 
Toi: I feel terribly lonely and afraid without Ani-sama but… I can’t just stand back when I know this path will lead me to him! 
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Cafe Owner?: Shh–! Hush now! Lower your volume, lest we be overheard by the pesky trespasser!
Momiji: An intruder!? Are you sure it’s not just a customer or an employee who got lost…? 
Cafe Owner?: Indeed.
Toi: Oh no…!
Cafe Owner?: This is a tale of what unfolded this very evening, when I was about to take a respite… I had been in the middle of picking my brain, pondering what new ingredient I could possibly stuff into my meat buns, when suddenly, my sixth sense went zing! and… EUREKA!
Cafe Owner?: It drew my attention to the fact that there was a suspicious individual inside the building, watching me…!
Toi: Eek… 
Cafe Owner?: I could sense their gaze drilling into me…  And so, I took a big gulp, steadied my beating heart… and BAM! I turned right around to face them!
Cafe Owner?: But alas, their presence had already faded away like mist… I’m certain the fellow is still lurking somewhere, within these walls… 
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Laika: Lurker.
Momiji: … I really, really hope he’s not talking about a cockr*ach… 
Toi: What do we do if they’re a bad person… I’m not really strong so… 
Cafe Owner?: This particular individual is adorned with wings, sips the sweet nectar from blossoms, scatters pollen across the lands, and wields a deadly stinger….
Momiji: Wait… 
Toi: That’s… 
Laika: Bzzz… 
Toi: A bumblebee?
Cafe Owner?: Indeed, you got it right.
Toi: Yay!
Momiji: So all those explosions we heard were from when you were trying to… deal with the bees?
Cafe Owner?: Ehehe~ I simply had to have my hands on them, so I made a little bit of a mess, you could say. Back home, we don’t have these critters–
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Cafe Owner?: Bees… Insecta class: Hymenoptera. This order includes both bees and ants, and as implied by the etymology, they are classified by their transparent but membranous forewings and hindwings.
Cafe Owner?: All hymenoptera are capable of undergoing complete metamorphosis. While ants are not as widely recognized as being part of the order, the others are generally considered so.
Cafe Owner?: These include Siricidae, Tenthredinidae, Pamphiliidae, Cimbicidae, Argidae, Orussidae, Evanioidea, Ichneumonoidea, and much more… 
Cafe Owner?: Such variety~ It certainly follows that there even exist cultures that consume insects! I must also mention, they are explosively nutritious as well!
Cafe Owner?: And so~  As you may have put two and two together, I had set up various, perhaps potentially dangerous, contraptions to ensnare some of these critters so that I may procure some fresh ingredients. This is all for the sake of experimenting with new flavors for my buns, you see!
So here, catch this!
Momiji: Woah, hey…!
Momiji: This is… a fishing reel…?
Cafe Owner?: It would be unwise to space out at this time, lest you commit a blunder.  Make sure to hold it properly!
Momiji: Sorry, that was an… extraordinary amount of information you just dumped on us. I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed for a moment there… 
Toi: You must be an expert on bumblebees!
Cafe Owner?: Ho ho ho!
Momiji: So, what am I supposed to do with this reel?
Cafe Owner?: You must reel it in at my signal. In the event the pest escapes the trap, I must give chase immediately. So, you will have to spin the reel in my stead!
Momiji: O-okay, got it… Well, I didn’t get it at all but if this helps you, then I’ll do it.
Toi: Please give it your best pull!
Momiji: I’ll give it my all.
Cafe Owner?: …..
Toi: ….. 
Momiji: ….. 
???: Um–
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Cafe Owner?: NOW—!!!
Momiji: Got it!!!
Momiji: This is some heavy reel…! Since it’s so sturdy, it should be alright even when pulling in a heavy load…!
Momiji: The grip on this handle is good, and the line seems pretty strong! There’s little drag too– I’m sure we can haul in a big one!
Toi: Wow! You sound just like a professional fisherman! 
Momiji: Ahaha…! All of that info was drilled into me… by a friend of mine… named Kafka…! 
Momiji: C’mon!
Momiji: We’re… bringing… you… home…!
Momiji: *grunts*
Momiji: Got it…! 
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Cafe Owner?: Huzzah!
Toi: Wow, that’s a big bumblebee… (?)
Momiji: Huh…?
Momiji: That’s… a human, right?
Cafe Owner?: Bumbling humans are acceptable ingredients as well!
Momiji: What!?
Daniel: Yo! I’m pretty sure the SR parked outside is the bike that fella had–
Nagi: …..
Daniel: What, found him already?
Momiji: Daniel-san… Please help me get him down…!
Netaro’s Bug Report: Siricidae | Tenthredinidae | Pamphiliidae | Cimbicidae | Argidae | Orussidae | Evanioidea | Ichneumonoidea Also in the original Japanese, I believe they either typo’d the bug family names of Argidae (In script: ミツフシハバチ科, Correct name: ミフシハバチ科) and Orussidae (In script: ヤドリギキバチ科, Correct name: ヤドリキバチ科) or they are somehow two new bug families in the future.  The pdf I referred to is the Hymenoptera classification by Hirohiko Nagase
Green-pea canine is what Netaro calls Shuumai.
The Hachi Pun: Netaro wants to capture a bee(ハチ hachi in Japanese) to test them out as a new flavor for his buns, so he set a trap. But in the end it was actually Nagi (whose last name is Hachinoya) who was caught in the trap. 
Nagi’s bike is the Yamaha SR400, or at least a futuristic bike modeled after one.
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patibato · 29 days
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B04 - Happy Losers Club
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*door opens*
Akuta: Hey there! Everyone working hard~~~?
Yachiyo: Ah, Isotake-kun.
Ushio: Sigh… what are you here for? This isn't the time for you to be taking dance lessons, you know?
You've gotta hurry and present a decent concept. Otherwise we'll all be in trouble.
Akuta: Is it just you two? Where's Nanaki and Kiroku?
Muneuji: We're having a brief rest right now. Nanamegi and Kinugawa went off to get drinks.
Akuta: Huuuh… okay, got it. We'll start the negativity interviews with you two then!
…Uh, or not. Yachiyo-san!
Yachiyo: Y-yes!
Akuta: Um… you're an adult, so…
Yachiyo: So… what?
Akuta: Having you here is… kinda…
Yachiyo: Y-yeah?
Akuta: Since we're gonna do a pretty serious interview…
Yachiyo: …?
Akuta: An adult will… be a hindrance…
Yachiyo: I-I… get it. I'll leave… I'm sorry for being a useless adult, I'm sorry…!
I'm so…!
*door opens*
Nanaki: Woah…! Sorry Fuefuki-san, I almost bumped into—
Yachiyo: I'm so so so so—!
Kiroku: …He, ran… away…
Nanaki: Wonder what's up with him.
Kiroku: …I, don't… know…
Nanaki: Well, whatever—…oh, Akuta. Great timing. I was just thinking I should go and find you.
Akuta: Really? I've got business with you, too.
Nanaki: You see, I've made a simple main melody based on the song I composed for the fireworks display on Shodoshima, so—
I want us all to split up the sections and decide on the lyrics together.
Akuta: Huh~ isn't it fine for you to think 'em up yourself?
Nanaki: …No, you see—
Akuta: Oh! I get it! It's 'cause it'll end up being a love song if you do!
Muneuji: Is that so?
Nanaki: Well… yeah.
Kiroku: …A… love… song.
Nanaki: Er, well… yeah.
Ushio: Aah… I see I see, so that's how it is. Haahaa, that's what it was, huh?
Nanaki: …What.
Ushio: Nothing? I don't mean anything by it, so don't glare at me.
Anyway, you've started the song before the concept's even decided? Aren't you being too hasty?
Nanaki: That's WHY I want everyone to make the lyrics… isn't it a good idea to collect suggestions?
Kiroku: …I… agree…
If we, all… give, ideas… there, might…
Be… a hint… in there… some, where…
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Momiji: A-a lost article…?
??: Correct. A sphere—about yea big.
Momiji: (Shaped like an egg? Well, we only have real eggs here— hm?)
Momiji: What's this… an egg…?
Momiji: (Is this about the suspicious puberty-related thing from back then?)
Sorry, what is it exactly?
??: 'Tis a toy baby created by myself. An exceptional item that has certainly grown legs and gotten used to moving about by now.
Momiji: M-moving, huh. Guess it's not that… it didn't move or have legs. Is it a pet robot or something?
Shumai: Oouuugh… grrrrrrrr…!
Sakujiro: Whatever is the matter? Shumai appears to be rather uneasy.
Daniel: You're too damn loud, mutt— huh?
??: …
Momiji: Sakujiro-san, Daniel-san. Um, this customer is—
Shumai: Grr grr grr! Awoooo…!
Sakujiro: Oh me oh my.
Director Daniel, use body slam. To smithereens, if you would.
Daniel: Oi oi, the hell do you think I am?
??: Hm~ a noisy little creature, aren't you. Perhaps I should steam you red in some soundproofing material? Particularly that rich green spot of yours…
Shumai: Whimper!!
Momiji: (Shumai's suddenly frightened…)
??: Ahaha! I've suddenly got a craving for green peas.
Goodbye, now.
Momiji: Huh, but the thing you're looking for…
??: Right now, my heart is jam packed with green peas.
Momiji: Ah…
(He's gone… what a weird guy.)
Daniel: Should we report him?
Momiji: I think he was just looking for something, it'll be fine.
Sakujiro: Incidentally, Chief. Now seems like a good opportunity to let you know—
A certain person has sent these documents to Hama Tours… Please turn your eyes to this tablet.
Momiji: -…! This tour proposal has so many pages… Even just skimming it, you can see it has considerable quality…!
Who on earth sent this…!?
Sakujiro: A certain student of Asu-High. He requested that the person in charge look over it.
Momiji: H-have you already shown Kafka?
Sakujiro: No, not yet.
Momiji: (Thank good—)
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Kafka: Shown me what?
Momiji: K-Kafka—
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*door opens*
Yachiyo: Everyone… should we resume the lesson now…?
Akuta: Either way! Words that make you feel motivated are important, yeah!? Something to get your blood pumping!
Muneuji: Additionally, how about incorporating words related to the school and Hama? It doesn't matter if they're vague.
Being metaphorical also works. Like words that evoke the idea of the sea…
—Ah, it's come to me. We could use "ushio*", after the tides!
Ushio: Muuchan's just saying whatever, so don't comment on it.
Kiroku: Nothing's… coming, to… me. … Making lyrics, is… diffi… cult…
Ushio: Lyrics aside, your usual way of speaking is dodgy, Buddharupa.
Nanaki: Aah… lyrics about love are the only thing on my mind. I'm hopeless. Completely and utterly hopeless.
Akuta: You're not hopeless! Try turning them into lyrics about falling in love with Hama or something!
Nanaki & Ushio: Rejected.
Kiroku: In… sync.
Akuta: The movies say you can do that naturally when you have good compatibility.
Nanaki & Ushio: Excuse me!?
Akuta: Ooh~ perfectly done.
Muneuji: Is that so, Uuchan… Please, don't forget your childhood friend, with whom you collected many woodlice in plastic bags during our tender years…
Ushio: Gyaah!! I'd finally started to forget that, don't make me remember something so harrowing!!
Kiroku: Woodlice… are, cute.
Akuta: Oi, stop messing around and get with the lyrics already.
Nanaki: I don't want to hear that from you.
Akuta: Let's all make a song to blow away those guys at school who cruelly look down on us for being bottom rank!
Muneuji: Of course.
Ushio: A rebellion against the boring guys, huh.
Nanaki: Let's get the better of them.
Kiroku: …Mhm…
Yachiyo: …Aah, everyone's writing the lyrics together… How nice, making a song by gathering your ideas…
I'd love to spend my youth like that if I got isekai'd!
What's more, the song production is being led by unlove-sensei~! No doubt it'll be a God-tier hit! If I was sure it'd work, I'd gladly jump in front of a truck~!! Ahaha!
Nanaki: …!
Ushio & Muneuji: Huh?
Kiroku: unlove… …sensei?
Akuta: — Huh?
*Ushio's name is written with the kanji for tide (潮)
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princess--bongwater · 10 days
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her FAVORITE boys.
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <PROLOGUE SIDE-A: Still blank> 000-A03 Hospitality Beginnings SIDE:B
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A translation of 18TRIP's PROLOGUE SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note:
Yamanote Line is a railway line from JR East in Tokyo. Connecting various stations and city centers with each other. Considered to be one of the busiest lines.
Kaede: Phew… somehow got it solved.
Liguang: Making me of all people clean up your mess… How unpleasant.
Renga: It’s not like I asked or anything!
Kaede: (One way or another, Liguang-san lent us a hand after I asked him to… even if it’s just by coincidence, it was a huge help to have both Ward Mayors here.)
Kaede: Um, thank you very much for your help!
Liguang: Hmph… a waste of my time.
Renga: And my wasted time is more valuable than yours!
Renga: Crap, wait Liguang! Don’t you walk in front of m—
Kaede: Please wait!
Renga: Geez! Still bothering me or what!?
Kaede: I keep trying to say, that suitcase is…!
Renga: What’s wrong with my suitcase… Ah? Why do you have the same…?
Kaede: I believe that one is actually mine.
Renga: Ah…! You’re right, my precious Woof Woof Paradise charm isn’t on it…! 
Renga: D-damn you! Spit it out sooner if that was the case! Don’t you dare think commoners are worthy of owning the same stuff as me!
Kaede: (Again with the commoner thing…)
Kaede: Haaah… and he’s gone. Well, I got my luggage back so it’s fine.
Kaede: (Apart from what’s inside, this suitcase is a purchase in itself, so no way I’d want to lose it.)
Announcer <(It’s almost time for the last bus towards HAMA to depart. Please make your way to the bus terminal, platform number 11 as soon as possible.)
Kaede: Oh no… gotta hurry!
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Kaede: Haaah~ ….Made it just in time.
Announcer <(The bus will be departing. Please fasten your seatbelt attached next to your seat.)
Kaede: (That being said…)
Kaede: (The bus is pretty empty. I guess it’s because it’s the last one, but… In the past it used to be chock full of people.)
???: Oh? If it ain’t Hamasaki.
Kaede: Eh… Daniel-san!?
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Daniel: Yo, hope all went well for you.
Kaede: Same goes to you. Looks like we caught the same bus, huh.
Daniel: ‘Cuz there’s only one to HAMA every four hours. Been waiting for such a long time, got me more tired than that flight.
Kaede: Yeah… missing it does end up being quite the hassle. And yet the Tokyo one is on par with the Yamanote Line…
Daniel: Well, ain’t like much can be done about it. HAMA’s recession becomes clear as day once you catch a glimpse of our current situation.
Daniel: Want one too? A can of beer. Let’s have a toast to being jobless comrades in arms.
Kaede: Already claiming to be jobless… that’s for next week, technically speaking.
Kaede: (—Daniel-san and I are tour conductors working at the same travel agency… or rather, were—it’s a shame, but the business declared bankruptcy.)
Daniel: Just as a last celebration for wrapping up the work day, y’know.
Kaede: (That’s right… Today Daniel-san and I wrapped up the last of our work for tour guiding and headed right back home.)
Kaede: Daniel-san… What are you planning to do next, now that the company isn’t around anymore?
Daniel: Stuff just got done and over with and you’re already bringing that up…
Kaede: I already said it’s not over just yet.
Daniel: Hahaha! Naw, I’ll be taking it nice and easy here.
Daniel: Does that mean you already got something in mind, Hamasaki?
Kaede: I…
Kaede: (Being a tour conductor was a pretty fun job. Of course I love traveling too, besides….)
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Kaede: (Earlier, it felt a bit different compared to the hospitality usually given to tourists at work… I was also happy to think I might’ve done something to help HAMA.)
Kaede: (....I want to continue doing travel work no matter what. But, even when I was working overseas, I could always feel a tiny bit of regret somewhere within my heart.)
Kaede: (....What kind of travel work I genuinely want to do—it's something I can’t help but wonder about.)
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Daniel: Oi, what’s wrong? You’re looking lost in thought there.
Kaede: Oh, no... just thinking nice and easy.
Daniel: Haha! Nice nice, taking it nice an easy is the way to go.
Kaede: Nah, compared to you I’m actually giving it some proper thought.
Daniel: Right, right. Well… the end of one trip is the start of another, as they say.
Kaede: True… that’s how it is. Would be nice if it turns out like that.
Daniel: Also~ If you keep working seriously until the bankruptcy goes in next week, I can take it easy all the way. 
Kaede: …I’ll have you know I’m on paid leave tomorrow.
Daniel: Eeeeh~? C’mon, let’s work together now~
Kaede: Please do your best out there.
Kaede: (Since tomorrow is when I’ll be going to see Kafka.)
Kaede: (And after that, I’ll look for a new job…. I’m sure there’ll be some new meetings along the way too. This time, I’m going to find the kind of travel work I want to do from the bottom of my heart. Just thinking about it like this has me excited.)
Kaede: (Can’t wait to see what kind of people I’ll run into on my next trip!)
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prologue directory: A01 / A02 / A03 (x) / A04 / A05 / A06 / A07 / A08
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A07] Unbreakable Boys
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Summary — ✈︎ The day before the study trip, Kaede decided to research the origins of the explosion at Asu High. He comes to realize that Akuta and the others are at the age where they may not be considered children anymore.
Characters— ✈︎ Nayuki, Daniel, Sakujiro, Akuta, Kiroku, Muneuji, Nanaki, Ushio
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Location: HAMA Tours Office Floor
Nayuki: Here, coffee.
Kaede: Ah… Sorry. Thank you very much.
Nayuki: You’re not pushing yourself too much, are you?
Doesn't the Noon Squad’s study trip start tomorrow?
Kaede: Yeah… But, I still have some stuff that I really need to finish before I leave.
Nayuki: If you’ll have me, I could help. You have to be prepared for tomorrow.
Kaede: No no, I couldn’t ask that of you…
Nayuki: … Are you even aware of what time it is right now?
At the rate that you’re going, you won’t have time to sleep.
Kaede: Ehーー It’s 10PM!? I-I’m in big trouble…
Nayuki: So, where should I begin?
Kaede: I’m really sorry…! Umm… Thenーー
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Location: HAMA House 
Daniel: Oh, welcome baーー... Uh, that’s a lotta luggage you got there.
Kaede: I’m back. These are just some things I’m gonna need for tomorrow’s tripーー
Excuse me, sir[1]. They’re about to slip, so if you don’t mind, could you please hold onto it for a minute…!
Daniel: No waay, I don’t like working overtime. I’ll go ahead and wait on the sofa so hurry up and get over here.
Aahh I feel so light〜 Both of my hands are completely free〜.
Kaede: Gh…!
Nayuki: You can lean on me for some help. Here.
Kaede: No, you’re barely more balanced than I am Nayuki-kun, so it’s okay. I wouldn’t want to cause you any more trouble.
Thank you so much for all of your help today. You helped me out with my work and even went shopping with me.
Nayuki: It’s no problem. I’m glad I could be of help.
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Location: HAMA House Living Room
Daniel: Insect repellent, sunscreen, cooling gel sheet, body wipes, bandages, fever reducers, motion sickness medicine…
I was expecting you to buy some good stuff but… All of this is just really boring.
Where’s the sake? The snacks? Other shit you get when you're shopping?
Kaede: There’s none of that stuff. Everyone going on the trip are 16 year old children. They can’t even take certain medicines 
Daniel: They don’t need it. But, I mean, wouldn’t the adult stuff be fine for kids that age?
Kaede: Ehh?
Nayuki: I searched it up. It seems the adult version of those medicines is appropriate for people that age to use.
Kaede: Wow, quick! Thank you.
I see, it’s good that they can take the adult ones…
Nayuki: I’m sorry, I didn’t think to look it up while we were shopping together.
Daniel: Well, isn't it fine since they’re able to take it? Better than letting young kids take adult doses.
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Location: HAMA House Private Room
Kaede: (Alright. Now that I’ve conquered the list of things to buy…)
(In the meantime, I managed to find more entertaining things that are aimed for adults. Now, I just have to wait until tomorrow. )
Ah, now that I think about it…
( “Hama Asunaro High School”... “Incident”... and search.)
Ummm, let’s see, let's see…
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One day in June, at midnight.
At Hama Asunaro High School in the HAMA 5 ward, there was a sudden explosion in the old building.
The building collapsed, but fortunately, none of the students nor teachers were caught in the accident. There were no injuries.
The cause of the explosion remains unknown, and is currently under investigation
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Kaede: (Come to think of it, I’m sure I remember seeing something about an explosion on the news…)
(Th-The old building looks so damaged…!
I’m surprised everyone’s safe, since they were all here…)
(I’m really glad no one was injured… But it’s really hard to believe a child could damage something to this scaleーー Wait no.)
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Daniel: But, I mean, wouldn’t the adult stuff be fine for kids that age?
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Kaede: (Like Daniel-san said earlier, they’re at that age where they wouldn’t be considered “children” exactly anymore.)
(Umm… What else is there…)
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I heard this from my friend who lives in HAMA, but apparently the sound was super loud www. Like a big BOOM www.
It’s so annoying that there’s so many students there already, but because of that incident, outsiders who were curious started wandering around the school gates. It’s super troublesome. But, come to think of it, wasn’t there a student who disappeared from Asu High recently? They’re definitely related to each other.
Are there any signs of a conspiracy?
Asu High has to reveal the truth immediately!
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Kaede: (Ahh… The opinions on Dazzle are also pretty rough…)
(A student’s disappearance… So something like that happened.)
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Akuta: I’ll get them to go on that study tour thingy!
Leave it to me!
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Kaede: (Earlier, I got a reply on PeChat saying “it’s all good!”, butーー)
(I wonder if the study tour will go smoothly the whole week…)
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Location: Tokyo Metropolis International Airport Lobby
Akuta: Sensei, over here over here!
Muneuji: Good morning.
Sakujiro: Good morning. The weather is good today, isn’t it?
Kaede: Yes! Good morningーー……
Nanaki: ……
Kiroku: ……
Ushio: … Yawwnn…… Tired.
Kaede: ……
Ushio: What. Is it so rare for a person to yawn?
Kaede: Ah, sorry. That’s not why I was looking…
(The mood is pretty low, but everyone really showed up….
I’m so glad.)
(Akuta-kun managed to persuade everyone… Thank you…!)
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Akuta: ……
Kaede: (Ahaha. I’ll have to thank him again later.)
Muneuji: Sensei, here are everyone’s parental consent forms.
Kaede: Thank you. It helps a lot that you collected them all.
By the way, you don’t have to call me “Sensei”.
I mean, I’m not even an official teacher.
Muneuji: I see. Then, what would you like us to call you?
Kaede: Hmmm… “Chief” is okay.
Muneuji: I got it. I’ll call you that then. ーーSee you later.
Sakujiro: … As I thought, he is familiar with organizing students. As expected of the Anthroposophical Astronomy Club head and the vice president of the student council.
Kaede: The An…?
Sakujiro: The Anthroposophical Astronomy Club.
Kaede: I see. So that’s why he’s able to hold himself up well.
(I feel as if everyone is a bit more cooperative than before, but I wonder what Akuta-kun said to convince them to come…)
Sakujiro: The Anthroposophical Astronomy Club.
Kaede: Ah, yes, I got it…
Akuta: Hey, Muneuji… It’s your turn next.
Muneuji: Okay, put it in here.
Kaede: ( … They put something in a cute pink drawstring bag. Is he returning something he borrowed?)
Sakujiro: Then… I’m leaving by car, so I will be leaving now. Excuse me.
Kaede: Okay. We’ll see you when we get out there. Please be careful.
Sakujiro: Yes, you as well.
By driving safely, I should arrive earlier than the plane does.
Kaede: Alright, everyone. We should also be going.
Akuta: YAAY! My heart is all prepared! Everything’s OK here, Sensei!
Ushio: Speaking of going somewhere, where are we supposed to be going? You didn’t write it down in the proposal…
Kaede: Y-Yeah… I thought it’d be nice to keep it a surprise.
(In reality, I was trying so hard to quickly write a good proposal that I just forgot to write it down…!)
Ushio: …Hmmm. That seemed like it was a lie, but I’ll pretend like I believe it.
Kaede: Thank you.. … Ahem.
Well, the place we are heading to isーー
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Notes — ✈︎
Chief here (部長) is different than the Chief (主任) that Kaede is called. In order to not cause any confusion, I put sir since I'm pretty sure Kaede is just trying to be like >_< please help me sir..! rather than trying to actually call him something out of respect.
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eighteentrip · 6 months
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Conductors fullbody sprite
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ivory-lamps · 3 months
A07: The Black Cat of Good Luck
Characters: Daniel, Nagi, Toi & Netaro Location: Hama Summary: The protagonist fishes Nagi at the steamed bun cafe and asks him what he’s doing there. Nagi explains that it all started with a certain piece of food.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Cafe369
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Momiji / Kaede: Yes, please lower him down just like that. Alright, alright.
Daniel: So the trap was laid to catch a new steamed bun ingredient and you got caught up in one? Man, what luck…
Momiji / Kaede: Thank goodness you’re here to help with the heavy lifting, Daniel-san. Oh, stop.
Hello? Nagi-kun, are you okay? Can you hear me? Are you conscious?
Nagi: ……
Toi: Are you okay? You’re alive, right? What should we do if he’s on the verge of death…?
Momiji / Kaede: Calm down. He’s breathing. It looks like he’s just fainted.
Toi: R–Really…? Thank goodness…!
Momiji / Kaede: Let’s move him to the sofa first… There.
Toi: I’ll go wet my handkerchief, then!
Employee?: My, my. There’s no need to be so panicked.
Momiji / Kaede: Well, we captured a human and not a bee! This isn’t what you said!
Employee?: It was a bee in the beginning, though. Well, humans can be ingredients, too.
Daniel: Hm~?
Oh, you’re the dude that came to the dorm before.
Employee?: Mm~? Do I remember someone with your good looks?
Daniel: Wait, did you just compliment me?
Momiji / Kaede: He said he only had green peas on his mind back then, so he mustn’t have gotten a good look at you, Chief.
Daniel: The name’s Hiroshi Daniel Iwabuchi. I wouldn’t mind recommending you as someone who’s got an eye for the beautiful to our lil’ president, ya know?
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, sorry for the late self-introduction. We’re from HAMA Tours.
Netaro: I’m Netaro Yowa. I’m happy to gain more human acquaintances ♪
I’ve taken a liking to my current face but yours is quite nice, too.
Momiji / Kaede: (...Face?)
Toi: Oh, I think Nagi-san’s about to wake!
Nagi: …Ugh…
…Where am I? Who am I…?
Momiji / Kaede: (He’s got amnesia…!)
Nagi: Sorry, I was kidding… You guys are…?
Netaro: I run this steamed bun store. I captured you as a new ingredient to add to those fillings.
Nagi: …I see.
Momiji / Kaede: Yeah, I don’t blame you for being surprised. I’ll explain everything from the top…
Nagi: Anyway, are you okay?
Momiji / Kaede: Huh?
(...Is he talking about the trap?)
I’m fine. No one ended up getting caught in the… trap thing? Inside the store.
Actually, you were the only person that got fished.
Daniel: You got fished, eh?
Nagi: I see. That’s good to hear. I shouldn’t get other people caught up in my misfortune. Oh, and…
Momiji / Kaede: (......? Nagi-kun’s hand is lightly balled into a fist…)
Daniel: Woah, a bee just flew out.
Nagi: I caught it since it looked like it wanted out. Yup, there it goes. Good, good.
Netaro: All’s well that ends well!
Daniel: How is this a good ending…? Anyway, we’ve met you several times before, right?
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, yes. Nagi-kun, long time no see. We haven’t seen each other since we were at Renga-kun’s garden, right?
Nagi: Yup, it’s been a while. HAMA NICE TRIP.
Momiji / Kaede: Glad to see you’re still the same Nagi-kun. …HAMA NICE TRIP, too!
Toi: Um, if you’d like, please feel free to use this wet handkerchief. Here.
Nagi: T–Thank yo– Woah, an angel? Are those wings I’m seeing?
Toi: Ehehe, I don’t have any wings~
Momiji / Kaede: Anyway, how did you get caught in the trap? Were you out delivering flowers to this store?
Netaro: I don’t remember ordering flowers.
Nagi: Oh, are you the boss of this establishment…? I’m sorry for causing so much trouble.
Netaro: Aha! You were caught in my trap but you chose to apologise! Maybe I should take advantage of this situation and ask you to compensate for the damage.
Laika: damage!
Nagi: Okay, I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.
Momiji / Kaede: Wait, you don’t have to pay him anything, okay? Anyway, why did you come here if it wasn’t for a delivery?
Nagi: …It all started with an ordinary ball of chocolate.
There was a kid at one of the places I was dropping off a delivery at and they gave it to me. Just when I was thinking of eating it on the bench, my hand slipped and it fell to the ground. That’s when a thought crossed my mind: It’s poisonous for dogs and cats and I couldn’t just throw it away like that. I stood up to grab it but guess what? The bench I was sitting on was freshly painted and I couldn’t get up. But rest assured. I went back to repaint it and I even apologised. I picked up the ball of chocolate. I had plans to visit the supermarket as well, so I figured I should wash the paint off my clothes and headed towards the washing area at the park, but then I realised there wasn’t any soap. So I thought rinsing it would be better than nothing but the water wouldn’t come out. I decided to give up on my clothes since the bargain sale was about to start, but then I was attacked by a huge murder of crows. It seems I didn’t realise how much troubled I had caused at the park, so I ran away in a panic and here I am.
Momiji / Kaede: (I didn’t get a word he said but it looks like he ran into a lot of trouble…!)
Toi: I can’t believe all those things happened to you, one after the other…
Netaro: Ahaha! What an intriguing fellow!
Laika: ee, ee, ee!
Daniel: He sounds like some clumsy heroine.
Momiji / Kaede: Cheer up…! Everyone has bad days.
Nagi: In my case, it happens all the time…
Momiji / Kaede: Hm?
Nagi: No, it’s nothing. Sorry.
Anyway, are your clothes fine? If you guys helped me down from the trap, then the paint on my clothes could have transferred over to you.
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, I’m not sure. Is there anything on me?
Daniel: Nope. What about me?
Netaro: Nothing. Anything on me?
Toi: There’s no end to this. Netaro-san, you didn’t even touch him…
Nagi: I see. That’s good to hear. Angel-san, I’ll wash the handkerchief at my store and then return it to you.
Toi: Oh, uh, okay!
Nagi: Alright, see ya, then.
*Dials a number on his phone.*
Sonia: “Hello! You’ve reached Flower Laundry!”
Nagi: Sorry for not contacting you earlier. I should be able to get home in about 50 minutes with 100% safe driving.
Sonia: “Geez~! Just where have you been! I was worried!”
Nagi: Oh, speaking of which… I’ll buy some burnable rubbish bags on my way back. Tomorrow’s burnable rubbish day and we’re all out, right? I’ll also buy us some snacks – it’ll be a nice little extra something.
Sonia: “If you’re bringing back snacks, then I’ll allow you to be a little late.”
Nagi: Great. Then, I’ll do my best to hurry back.
*Nagi walks out*
Momiji / Kaede: ……
Daniel: Hey.
Momiji / Kaede: Woah!
Daniel: You sure you just wanna let ‘em go?
Momiji / Kaede: Crap. He leaves just like the wind so I ended up naturally sending him off on his way… Nagi-kun, wait a second!
Don’t leave on your motorbike just yet!
Nagi: What’s wrong?
…Actually, you shouldn’t run in front of me. That’s dangerous.
Momiji / Kaede: Sorry! Um, I was looking everywhere for you, Nagi-kun – there’s something we need to talk about.
Nagi: Talk about?
Momiji / Kaede: Actually, I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in being a member of the Night Group.
Nagi: What do you mean?
Momiji / Kaede: The thought came to me when I saw you teaching Renga-kun how to care for his garden.
You’re detail-oriented and thorough in your work. I think it would be wonderful if we could work with each other and provide hospitality to guests together.
Nagi: ……
Momiji / Kaede: Anyway, would you like to be a part of the Night Group… Well, actually, I was planning on asking if you’d be willing to be the leader.
Nagi: ……
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, uh, like I said, I’d like you to be the leader…
Nagi: What?
Momiji / Kaede: Could you be the leader…
Nagi: Who?
Momiji / Kaede: You, Nagi-kun.
Nagi: ……
So, you’re saying I’ll be living with other people, going on trips with them and working alongside them?
Momiji / Kaede: Yes.
Nagi: Me?
Momiji / Kaede: Yes.
Nagi: ……
Momiji / Kaede: (H–He’s blushing…?)
Nagi: ……!
Momiji / Kaede: (Now, he’s glancing around with a stern look on his face…)
(Well, he looks like he's interested at least. But what does this reaction mean…?)
So, what do you say? I’d be really happy if you’d accept.
Nagi: ……
Momiji / Kaede: O–Oh, you must be feeling anxious, right? I know the feeling!
So, um, it’s fine if you want to go through a trial period to see what it’s like first…!
Nagi: ……………
Momiji / Kaede: ……
Black cat: Meow.
Momiji / Kaede: Ah, a black cat.
Nagi: …Cute.
We’re at a standstill right now. In other words, it means that nothing counts at the moment since a black cat has crossed paths with us.
Momiji / Kaede: Ahaha, I’ve had that thought before, too. It’s bad luck to come across a black cat in this country, but it can also be seen as a sign of good luck in other countries.
Nagi: …I see. Then, the black cat must feel relieved.
If you’re fine with me going through a trial period, then… I’ll try it out.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track EP
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Myun for handling this chapter!
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Location: Tokyo Metropolis International Airport – Arrivals Terminal
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Samejima: Thank you all so much for your assistance. 
Samejima: Thanks to you all, I was able to cover up my blunders in this operation.
Hiramei: Joe is safe and the Anonymous members were taken into police custody!! The dignity of JPN’s police force, and my career, are safe and sound!!
Daniel: Treat us to some of the good stuff this time.
Netaro: But, didn’t the guy dressed up as Sammy get away~?
Samejima: Who, and what now? I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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Yodaka: Samejima-san, do you have a moment?
Toi: Master, we’ll definitely meet again, so when the time comes we’ll serve you once more.
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Joe: Very well, then~! 
Toi: Ah, but I won’t let you have Ani-sama!
Joe: Ufufu, how unfortunate.
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Nagi: Master, please call us anytime you feel lonely. Also, anytime you might need your laundry done, Flower Laundry offers overseas delivery.
Joe: You have done well as my laundry maid, Nagi. 
Joe: I will most certainly be in touch.
Ryui: …..
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Ryui: Ahh, sorry. For real. 
Joe: ? Whatever for?
Ryui: I left you behind in the bedroom. Sorry.
Joe: … Ryui.
Joe: Look…
Ryui: Hm? Oh, it’s that candy-themed pin badge.
Ryui: You didn’t throw it out?
Joe: Could I ask you to put it on my ear, please?
Ryui: ……
Ryui: … Yeah, sure.
Toi: ……
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Nagi: Toi, do you want me to help you pierce your ears sometime? 
Toi: Nagi-kun, you’re younger than me.
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Nagi: Oh, right. Sorry, you’re right. 
Ryui: — There ya go. It’s a little crooked, though. 
Joe: Ryui, I owe you an apology as well for all my rudeness. 
Joe: I’m terribly sorry. Furthermore, thank you very much for saving me.
Ryui: (.....) 
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Sakujiro: When a person senses that they are not being valued, that is when they experience true anger. The duty of a servant is to find the true meaning hidden within their master’s demands, and act accordingly.
Location: Tokyo Metropolis International Airport – Arrival Terminal
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Ryui: Joe, if you don’t wanna go to Germany, I’ll help, if there’s something I can do.
Joe: Ryui… Thank you.
Joe: I see you worry about me dancing along to my new owner’s tune. But there’s no need for such things.
Ryui: You’ll be fine?
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Yodaka: Joe-sama, sorry to keep you waiting. We were talking with the detective.
Toi: Danny-san and Samejima-san, too.
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Nagi: What were you talking about?
Yodaka: Joe-sama’s owner has changed to a new individual. The details were arranged by me, and fully discussed behind-the-scenes.
Yodaka: Just now, we’ve settled on various agreements after scoping out the new owner’s management system. It’s now been made official that Joe-sama will be sent to this new party.
Joe: Rather than an “owner”, “partner” is much more fitting.
Joe: It was myself, after all, who scoured the auction sites and dating apps in search of a companion.
Samejima: This would've been impossible to achieve if it weren't for JPN’s relative leniency surrounding AI rights. I’m glad it got taken care of just in time.
Ryui: You’re saying she’s not gonna be locked up in some safety box? 
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Netaro: Eeeeexactly!
Ryui: (I see. Thank god.)
Joe: Once again, thank you. Everyone… No, you are all honorary members of the Senba Family. 
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Location: HAMA House – Kitchen
Ryui: (Time to make some tea…)
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Sakujiro: Oya, are you perhaps taking a tea break?
Ryui: Yeah, I guess.
Sakujiro: These tea leaves should be steamed for precisely 40 seconds to maximize their flavor.
Ryui: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Ryui: I’m not officially a servant anymore.
Sakujiro: Indeed so.
Ryui: …But.
Ryui: I guess I learned a lot. 
Sakujiro: Oya. Oyaoyaoya…!
Sakujiro: Rules of the Oguro Family’s butlers, “Butler Oblige –108 Commandments” —  Pledge, “one must be willing to sacrifice themselves!”
Ryui: Can you fuck off–!?
Location: HAMA House – Living Room
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Sakujiro: I implore you to stop! Pledge, “one must not speak!”
Ten: Eh, a PeChat… 
Ten: Ugh, how does this guy have my contact info?
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Kuguri: Oya? Could it be a stalker?
Ten: Who knows~
Ten: "Get a load of this treasure I got recently."  Eh, don't really care… into the trash, aaand blocked.
Location:  HAMA House – Boar Room
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Ryui: Toi, I made tea.
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Toi: Yaay♪ I’ll open the cookies I bought earlier. 
Toi: Netaro-san, do you wanna have some with us?
Netaro: I bet there’s no tea for little old me~
Ryui: Take it. 
Netaro: Ohh~! Ryui, you’ve finally decided to quit your rebellious phase and become a good, upstanding boy~!
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Ryui: Fuck off, it's as thanks for the jelly ok? The jelly!
Toi: His jelly-bullet saved you, after all.
Netaro: Yupp~. It was suuuper sticky. 
Ryui: Just this once. I made you tea. 
Ryui: And? What were the results of your fortune-telling?
Toi: Oh, yeah!
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Toi: It said that somewhere a bit to the west from here, she would have a chance meeting with a wonderful partner.
Netaro: Joe seemed so happy. Isn’t that great, Ryui!
Ryui: Yeah, I guess. 
Ryui: Eh- Oi! Don’t fucking drink my tea!!
Netaro: I want a refill. Reeefillll.
Ryui: Don’t care. Get it yourself.
Toi: Ah. I’m thirsty too, I drank all of mine.
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Ryui: I’ll go make more. Wait here and eat your cookies. 
Netaro: What blatant favoritism~~~!
Ryui: …Shut up… 
Ryui: (But I guess making someone happy outta your own will every once in a while isn’t all that bad.)
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Ryui: (Though, nobody matters as much as Toi.)
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 01
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Worked with 18TL Ward on this!
Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!
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Location: HAMA House — Lesson Room
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Sakujiro: Rules of the Oguro Family’s butlers, “Butler Oblige –108 Commandments–.” Pledge, “one must be willing to sacrifice themselves!”
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Nagi: For the sake of granting their master’s wishes…!!
Sakujiro: Correct! If the master so wishes, you must give it your all, pour your heart and soul into it in order to grant their wish!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “One must not speak!”
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Netaro: Without permission from their master~♪
Sakujiro: Correct! Should the need arise, observe them as one treads around their boss during the on-season and aptly conveys the scent of a delicious cup of black tea straight to their nostrils, gauging their reaction from there.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “A servant’s greatest honor!”
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Toi: Is to take care of their master!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “When the master and other guests have a gathering!”
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Yodaka: Await by the wall and refrain from interactions as if one was a shadow.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “When one receives an order or instructions from the master!”
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Ryui: THE FUCK IF I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Rest of L4mps: …
Sakujiro: My, my… Ryui-san, you still refuse to recite the commandments. Honestly, what a troublesome apprentice.
Nagi: Ah……now we have to “bow” 150 times again as a group…
Yodaka: Perhaps I’ll break my back like Danny this time... Speaking of which, are you alright?
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Daniel (off screen): Hell naw… Bowed too many times, my back…
Netaro: Ahaha, Daa looks like a catapwellier~.
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, I’m not asking you to remember all 108 commandments.
Sakujiro: At this time, you need only to drill the important parts into your head. Is that too much to ask?
Ryui: ‘S not like I can’t remember it, or some shit like that.
Sakujiro: If that is the case, what is the reason for your refusal? This is basic knowledge that is essential to being a servant.
Sakujiro: You must practice reciting them for the sake of attaining a class, mannerism, and devotion of honorable quality, drilling it into your body at a level where you unconsciously and naturally respond to—
Ryui: Like I said, that ain’t the fucking problem.
Ryui: Listen here. There’s no way I’d pledge my loyalty to anyone other than Toi.
Netaro, Nagi, Yodaka: …
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Toi: Ani-sama…! To think you thought of me that way... I'm so grateful!!
Sakujiro: I see. What you are saying is that the only one you are loyal to is Toi-san?
Yodaka: “A warrior dies for those who understand him” …A wonderful phrase indeed.*
Netaro: Sigh~, but you can’t keep acting like this. Oh! Are you that? One of those people who's allergic to teamwork?
Ryui: You’re the last person I wanna hear that from.
Nagi: *shakes head* Ryui, please. I don’t wanna do Saku-san’s punishments again. It’ll be hard to run the store if I break my back.
Ryui: Fuck you, break it for all I care.
Chief: *enters* So this is where everyone was. Are you training for the HosLive……?
Yodaka: Hello, Chief. No, this is something a little different.
Daniel: Perfect timing. Couldja gimme a back massage...?
Netaro: Doudou, you have food?
Ryui: (Fucking Yowa… We’re in this shitty situation ‘cause of him, but this dickhead ain’t giving a single fuck…)
Ryui: (This all happened ‘cause yesterday, that guy—)
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Toi: Waah, What a cool mansion! It’s like a CG out of the otome game “The Black Swan’s Kaleidoscope!” Right, Ani-sama?
Ryui: Yea. That’s the 7th one you played? Should I take a picture of you from the same angle as that CG?
Nagi: Hm? It’s Ryui and Toi.
Ryui: Huh? What the hell? Don’t tell me you were also called out here?
Nagi: Yup. A letter of challenge affixed to an arrow appeared at the shop. It was from Netaro… and it told me to come here.
Ryui: An arrow…?
Yodaka: Oh, everyone else is gathered as well.
Daniel: This is just the entire night group.
Toi: Oh! It’s Yodaka-san and Danny-san! Were both of you called here as well?
Yodaka: Indeed. Via smoke signals. I have to say, the Shingen Takeda-style* smoke flare was magnificent.
Daniel: It was a carrier pigeon for me.
Toi: Ani-sama and I got a telegram!
Ryui: (For fuck’s sake, just send us a text like a normal person.)
Netaro: Oohhh, the cast is all assembled! And with not one mortal injury! Welcome welcome♪
??: Hello.
Ryui: Fuck Yowa for now… Who’s the old man?
Netaro: This is Sammy!
Sammy: I’m Sammy, nice to meet you. I’m a detective. Here’s my police badge.
Nagi: T-The real deal.
Yodaka: Hmm, so Sammy-san’s real name is Koutetsu Samejima-san?
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Nagi (mumbling): T-There’s been a mistake. While it’s true Netaro might be an intergalactic trespasser, he said he’d protect the Earth and all…
Samejima: Thank you for coming all this way. Um, shall we move inside? It might be better to sit down and chat.
Toi: Yay! I wonder what the inside looks like!
Daniel: Will we make it back in time for happy hour? This better not turn out to be a pain in the ass…
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Nagi: Netaro is a very good friend of mine. Well, I can’t deny that he’s lacking in Earthian common sense, and I guess sometimes he makes me partake in some pretty random stuff, but it’s not out of spite. He’s in the middle of learning about Earth and all, and—
Ryui: Oi, the fuck you mumbling about? Everyone’s already gone. Let’s get going.
Og: 士は己を知る者の為に死す It's a Japanese idiom with Chinese origins meaning that any good person would be willing to die for someone who knows and recognizes his true worth.
a famous warlord from the sengoku era of Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeda_Shingen
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 03
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!
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Nagi: *looks around* Who said that?
Toi: It sounded like it came from over there…?
??: Please turn your attention downwards! I am right here~!
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Ryui: The fuck?
Yodaka: A teddy bear? Or an autonomous—
Netaro: Eggactly!
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Joe: It is I, “Baldovino Joe Senba!” Brunhild, the late madam’s, one and only remaining family!
Joe: As a sign of our friendship, please, call me “Joe”~!
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Toi: S-S-SHE’S ADORABLE~~~~♪ Here girl, here girl♪ I want to hug the fluffy Ms. Bear~~~♪
Joe: I suppose I shall allow it?
Nagi: A-Amazing, it moves and speaks just like a noble lady— Toi, I wanna hug her too.
Ryui: Unlike a certain florist, it can speak properly. It even knows how to introduce itself.
Yodaka: …I see, so this is what it’s about.
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Daniel: Hm? Did you figure something out?
Yodaka: Yes. Take a good look at the gemstones on her eyes, nose, earrings, and that heart on her chest.
Netaro: Wonderful observation skills, Yoda~! Very perceptive!
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Netaro: Her right eye is a top-tier cabochon red diamond cut by a craftsman employed by the royal family, of which there exists only a few dozen in the whole entire world.
Samejima: And what’s more, it has a market price of 2 billion yen!
Joe: Indeed~!
Toi: Ehhhhh~!?
Netaro: And her nose is an alexandrite, the third rarest gem in the world! This precious gemstone was passed around through many of the world’s powerful and influential figures before eventually making its way into Brunhild’s hands~!
Joe: Every single gem costs an arm and a leg~!
Netaro: In other words, Joe is a teddy bear with a net worth of a billion yen, jam packed with the latest AI technology♪
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Nagi: …No matter how many of me there are, I still wouldn’t be able to afford it…
Ryui: (He put the bear down with a super pale face…)
Toi: Joe-sama is amazing. But if you’re so valuable, won’t bad people always be after you…?
Samejima: There’s no problem in that regard. Very soon, Joe-san will be sent over to Germany under the supervision of the police. From that point onwards, she’ll become a national treasure and will be much harder to steal.
Samejima: However, while she’s still in JPN, the JPN police will be the ones in charge of her safety and escorting her… When this was first decided, the German police force started treating us as incompetent idiots.
Samejima: For things to proceed smoothly while she’s still under our jurisdiction, they were very nitpicky and obsessed over even the slightest details. All of this was an incredible pain and has started to get on our nerves, but we have no choice but to put aside our personal feelings.
Samejima: However, if we manage to round up all of “Anonymous” in one go, all while guarding Joe-san, we might be able to stand our ground against the German police.
Netaro: That’s right, that’s right! Kick their asses~!
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Joe: Send them crying back to their mothers, desuwa~!*
Ryui: …Just putting this out there, but ain’t this a personal grudge?
Samejima: Yeah, you’re right on the mark.
Ryui: The hell you agreeing so casually for?
Nagi: Um, but uh well we’re… “ward mayors”...?
Samejima: Astute observation. We appreciate your cooperation.
Nagi: I guess we’re helping out now…
Daniel: I have a lot I wanna say, but wouldn’t this all be solved if you just shoved it in some bank’s safety box until D-day? Then you wouldn’t need us.
Joe: What on Earth are you saying! Even AI deserves basic rights~! I’ll have you know, our way of life is very similar to that of humans~!
Toi: Locking them up is too much!
Daniel: Sorry. It was just a thought.
Yodaka: More importantly, does the enemy know that the “secret treasure” they’re after is actually a teddy bear? From our conversation earlier, it sounded like they know very few details regarding the actual treasure itself.
Netaro: They probably don’t know?
Yodaka: In that case, wouldn’t it be fine to go along pretending that Joe-san isn’t the treasure they’re seeking?
Samejima: You’re exactly right. However, that’s exactly why we can't just provisionally leave Joe-san. It’d be bad if we were found out because of that.
Samejima: To be honest, I could just be with her at all times. However, this is a lot easier said than done.
Samejima: For a fatigued, middle-aged man like myself to be alert 24/7 while holding such a cute teddy bear would be, on the contrary, quite suspicious.
Netaro: Aesthetically not pleasing. Report for indecent behavior.
Ryui: Yeah, only a dumbass would fall for that. You’d need an angel like Toi to safekeep it…
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Samejima: Exactly. In order to blend-in, we’d need a child like Toi-san, or Ryui-san, someone who could “𝓔mbrace it without” looking out of place—
Ryui: Haa!? Wanna try saying that again, you fucker!?
Toi: Ani-sama would definitely look good holding a teddy bear……! I see it…… I totally see it…… Ani-sama is totally the cool type, but he could totally pull off cuteness!
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Samejima: Where “𝓔xposure to danger would be OK” and—
Nagi: Danger is okay…?
Netaro: I gave the okay on behalf of everyone. ‘Cause it’s more fun that way!
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Samejima: A person we could “𝓔asily count on”... We needed an individual that met the 3E’s. That’s why I had Yowa-kun introduce you all to me.
Ryui: Listen here you fucker, all you've been doing is spouting random fucking bullshit since we got here! Don’t get cocky just ‘cause you’re the fucking police!?
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Ryui: (Except for Toi) No one here looks normal carrying a fucking bear around, I don't remember agreeing to dangerous shit like fucking with a god damn criminal organization, and we sure as hell aren’t close enough for you to ask for shitty favors like—
Toi: Samejima-san! I… I’ll do my best!
Ryui: Wha- Toi…!
Toi: Ani-sama, please… Joe-sama and Samejima-san are both in a pinch, we can’t just turn a blind eye to this.
Toi: I don’t want to hand over Brunhild-san's precious Joe-sama over to the bad guys… I want to help!
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Toi: The world’s coolest Ani-sama would definitely protect both me and Joe-sama… right?
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Ryui: Got it. I’ll give my all to ensure your safety.
Toi: Yay! Ani-sama, I love you!!
Nagi: Can you protect me as well…
Yodaka: My, my… I guess it can’t be helped. If the terms have already been agreed upon, then perhaps, this is what fate has in store for us.
Daniel: What good samaritans. In that case, see ya.
Joe: Thank you all for your cooperation~! After the burly gentleman over there departs, shall we open a bottle of wine and have a toast?
Daniel: …Wine?
Joe: The late madam had a liking for vintage wine. We have many globally rare wines held downstairs in the cellar.
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Daniel: I’ll do it. Ensuring her safety, or escorting, or whatever. Regardless of who they are, it’s only right to help out those in need.
Samejima: Great. With this, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Once again, I appreciate your cooperation. Thanks.
Joe: I shall be in everyone’s care!
Joe generally speaks very elegant and formally. However, she suddenly says something very crude for her character and tries to wrap it up with an elegant ending. Unfortunately, it is hard to find an English equivalent so a decision was made to use "desuwa~."
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A09
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: HAMA Tours Party
Characters: Nagi, Yodaka, Kafka, Renga, Liguang
Summary: A toast is raised for finding tourism ward mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA. Nagi is nowhere to be found as the leaders gather… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6 and jes @arcanecrayonn for proofing! And thank you Sou @/716chr for helping me with Chihiro's dialogues!
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Location: HAMA House - Living room
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Kafka: Now, I’d like to start this party off with a toast. I am Kafka Oguro, president and CEO of HAMA Tours.
Kafka: For the sake of reviving HAMA as a designated tourism ward, we have been searching far and wide the past few months for personnel who share that same dream…
Kafka: Finally, we’ve accomplished one of our goals: To instate mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA.
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Kafka: I would first like to thank all the fellow staff who took a bet on me– Thank you, truly. We’ve gone through a lot to get here.
Momiji: …..
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Yachiyo: *ugly sobbing* We really went through a lot! I think I’m gonna cry…!
Kafka: Morning, noon and evening— It was never straightforward for us. The only reason we got through it all is because each and every one of you tapped into the potential you hold, as fellow human beings.
Kafka: —The Night Team has only just been formed, but thanks to the Chief and Daniel-san, I believe we’ve gathered the best possible additions to accomplish our dream.
Kafka: Toi of “Fortune-Teller’s Parlor: Angel Eye,” Yodaka of “Ten Nights of Dreams BAR,” Netaro of “Cafe369,” and finally… Nagi of “Flower Laundry.” I’d like to formally welcome all of you once again.
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Nagi: …..
Yodaka: Glad to be here.
Toi: *sigh* …Will I truly be able to find Ani-sama…?
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Kiroku: …!
Kiroku: (Huh, it’s Toi-kun… But where’s Ryui-kun then…?)
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Chihiro: My-oh-my~? Ain’t that the same cutie who came to Chii’s last meet-and-greet~?
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Raito: ….. 
Chihiro: Hm? Raitin, what’s wrong?
Raito: No, it’s nothing… 
Kafka: After the Night Team holds their First Tour, I’m sure we’ll be able to overcome the hurdle of getting 20 million tourists to visit HAMA.
Kafka: …I give my heartfelt welcome to all 18 ward mayors gathered here. With that said… 
Kafka: To a bright future for HAMA and all its wards… Cheers!
Momiji: Cheers!
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Sakujiro: Excellent work, Chief.
Daniel: Yo! How’s it going~?
Momiji: Everyone… Cheers to all our hard work up till now!
Yachiyo: Cheers~! Wow, I feel like one of those rich people you see in American dramas!
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Nayuki: Oh? Chief, you’re only having juice?
Daniel: What’s up with that? It’s not like you don’t drink, why not get sloshed like the rest of us?
Momiji: That’s true, but I have some work I need to do later.
Yachiyo: Eek! I’m in the same boat, how could I drink away like I don’t have a care in the world…!
Momiji: You should be okay because you can hold your liquor well, Yachiyo-kun. 
Yachiyo: Yep! I’ll do my best even if I’m drunk as a skunk!
Nayuki: He’s a pain in the neck when he gets drunk, so I suggest you work in your room later, Chief.
Sakujiro: I am pleased to see the two of you so enthusiastic about your work. At long last, we have finally managed to reach the starting line.
Yachiyo: Too bad that the Night Team only has four members instead of the usual five…
Momiji: It couldn’t be helped. There’s only wards from 0 to 18 afterall… 
Daniel: Well, the hard part’s only just comin’. Don’t let yer guard down Chief~
Momiji: Yes! I will try even harder to put my best foot forward for the company and HAMA—
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Daniel: Ugh! Gimme a break, yer gonna get me sober again with all that work talk.
Momiji: Aw, but… 
Sakujiro: Indeed. Not even the God of Travel would find fault with you for taking a respite tonight. 
Daniel: That drink over there is callin’ my name so… See ya later.
Yachiyo: Oh, I think I’ll get seconds on that delicious and expensive-looking roast beef… 
Nayuki: Fuefuki-san, let me get it for you. I’m worried you’ll end up diving headfirst into the chocolate fondue if I leave you to your own devices… 
Momiji: Ahaha…
Sakujiro: Then, I shall return to making the rounds and greeting everyone. I hope you enjoy your time tonight.
Momiji: Yes, see you!
Momiji: …..
Momiji: (We’ve finally gathered all 18 ward mayors… I still feel like I’m dreaming…)
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Kafka: Having fun, [Name]-chan?
Momiji: Hey, Kafka. That was a great speech you gave earlier. It reminded me of that promise we made on the roof… I couldn’t help but feel emotional.
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Kafka: Is that so? Hearing that from you is what makes me the happiest, thank you.
Kafka: By the way, have you seen Nagi? I wanted to ask him if he was feeling comfortable at HAMA House… 
Kafka: I assumed that he’d be with you.
Momiji: Right… I was thinking of sticking with him too, since he’s probably not used to this kind of atmosphere… But I haven’t seen him around at all. I wonder if he’s resting somewhere… 
Nagi: ….. 
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Nagi: (I’ve actually been standing cater-cornered behind them this whole time but… Neither of them have noticed me yet.)
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Sonia: Um, Nagi-shan is right here—
Nagi: Shh, it’s ok.
Sonia: But… 
Nagi: If you tell them now, they'll keep thinking about it and feeling bad every time they see me, even two months from now, and I don't want that. Besides—
Nagi: If they talk to me, they might somehow end up crushed beneath one of the catering tables for all we know… 
Sonia: I doubt shumthing like that would happen… The tables are practically nailed to the floor.
Nagi: No, we can never be too sure. Besides, I’ve never been to a party for as long as I can remember, so I don’t even know what to expect at one of these anyways. What “pattern” should I prepare myself for in this situation…?
Nagi: Being able to attend a party feels like I won the lottery*, so I have no idea what might happen after this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some aliens decided to crash the party to restore the balance. This is no good, I feel too anxious… 
Nagi: Yeah, okay. I should just leave.
Sonia: Eh!?
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Renga: Here you are, Nagi!
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Nagi: …Ah, Renga. And, um, Raito-san.
Raito: Hey there. Haven’t seen you since our last leader meeting, right? I wanted to welcome you again to HAMA House— And you too, Sonia.
Sonia: Thank you very mush for the invite.
Renga: I-I’m glad a great guy like you is on board with us! It’s very, uh, heartening–
Nagi: Meanwhile I don’t think my heart can take any more of this. 
Renga: Huh?
Nagi: Oh, just saying that I’m sorry for intruding, yep.
Raito: Haha, now why would you say that? This is your home too, now.
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Nagi: Oh you’re right. Just a force of habit. I can’t help but panic, being in such an unfamiliar situation. 
Renga: I figured as much… You seem like the type who wouldn’t be used to any of this… Um, you doing okay…?
Raito: That’s very kind of you, Renga. It shows good leadership to look after the newcomers. 
Renga: I-I’m not really doing this out of… Ah, the toilet’s over there, by the way.
Nagi: Oh, um, yeah, I know.
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Sonia: Nagi-shan holed himself up in the bathroom five times already because he was too nervous…
Nagi: Shhh….
Raito: Renga, it's a bit impolite to mention that when everyone’s in the middle of eating.
Renga: T-That’s not what I meant…! It’s just that, he looks so gloomy when we’re all celebrating here… I thought his stomach might be hurting or something… 
Nagi: It’s okay, my face has always looked like this. More importantly, how are your roses? Are they doing well? 
Renga: Oh yeah, the roses! Thanks to all your advice, my grandmother’s roses are all blooming beautifully! 
Renga: The topiary on which you taught me how to prune looks nice and healthy still.
Nagi: I’m sure the plants adore you, Renga. You’re quick on the uptake too, you must be some sort of gardening genius. 
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Renga: Eh, you think so!? A gardening genius… Um, on second thought, maybe that doesn’t sound right… 
Raito: Renga, didn’t you have something you wanted to ask Nagi?
Renga: O-Oh, that’s right. How’ve you been all this time? You doing good?
Nagi: I’d say so. I delivered the flowers to your house recently too.
Renga: Right, right. We picked out an arrangement for the lobby, and it turned out to be a big hit with the clients… 
Nagi: You knew exactly what you wanted, so I was able to make the arrangement thanks to that. So really, it was all you and your great taste.
Renga: No, um… It’s not like I have great taste… Then again, I did my best to think about what would suit the image of the Nishizono family…. But wait, then that’s not really my taste is it… 
Raito: Haha, let’s just say you both did a good job and leave it at that.
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Yodaka: The famous “Wild Seven - Executive Omega,” to think I would get to meet you here… 
Yodaka: ….. 
Yodaka: (What a crisp flavor… after which a fruity afternote hits the tongue. Ah… I think it’d taste even better if I rim the glass with salt…)
Yodaka: (I think there should be some over at the catering corner—)
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Liguang: ….. 
Yodaka: Oh dear. Pardon me, I wasn’t paying attention. 
Yodaka: I hope I didn’t make you spill your drink?
Liguang: …It’s fine.
Yodaka: That’s a relief. I’m Yodaka Natsume, soon to be 17th ward mayor. It’s nice to meet you.
Liguang: (A handshake, huh…)
Liguang: Lu Liguang, 4th ward mayor.
*a flash*
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: —Oh?
Yodaka: (A part of the skin on his ring finger is hardened… That means—)
Liguang: (—He’s a mahjong player too.)
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: …..
Yodaka: How long have you been playing?
Liguang: Let’s just say I was born with a tile in my hand.
Yodaka: Oh my… I would certainly love to see your skills in action.
Yodaka: How about playing a round sometime?
Liguang: Not a bad idea… But we’ll need at least one more player.
Liguang: Oi.
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Kinari: ?
Liguang: Do you know how to play mahjong?
Kinari: I have not played it before. However, it is possible for me to download and install the rules of the game within one minute, if required. 
Yodaka: Well, aren’t you quick? We could have our game sooner than I thought… How about tonight? We could go ahead and play with just the three of us, but maybe we should search for one more player in the meantime.
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Liguang: As you wish. But keep in mind, you’re not getting any points from me.
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Yodaka: Fufu, you’re the type of man to steal away and hide the woman you want, hm? It’s fine, the point sticks will decide who they want to go with… and it will be me. 
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Kinari: …..
When I translated Nagi saying "-feels like I won the lottery," the original line has him say 役満空間 (yakuman kuukan) which is one of his strange analogies where he means that he feels like he's in a super rare and happy situation akin to getting a 'yakuman', which is a is a special winning condition in mahjong which is very difficult to obtain. So I decided to use "winning the lottery" to mean something similar and easier to understand.
Point sticks or 点棒 (tenbou) are used to keep track of scores in mahjong.
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A07
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: The Black Cat of Good Luck
Characters: Daniel, Nagi, Toi, Netaro
Summary: After fishing out Nagi from a trap in Cafe369, the protagonist asks him why he was there in the first place. Nagi claims that a certain piece of food was the start of all this… 
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: Cafe369
Momiji: Ok, get him down slowly… Right, just like that.
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Daniel: So. You tellin’ me this fella ended up like this because he got caught up in a trap meant to… catch bees? That’s some luck.
Momiji: I’m so glad we have your muscle around for this, Daniel-san— Ah, that’s a good place to stop.
Momiji: Nagi-kun, are you alright? Can you hear me? …Is he unconscious?
Nagi: ….. 
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Toi: Is he ok? He’s still alive, right? Oh no, what will I do if this puts an end to my guidance…? 
Momiji: Calm down, it’s ok, he’s still breathing. Looks like he’s just fainted.
Toi: R-Really? Thank goodness…!
Momiji: Let’s just lay him down on the sofa… There.
Toi: Then, I’ll go and wet my handkerchief for him! 
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Cafe owner?: Good grief, is there really any need to cause a big fuss over this?
Momiji: I mean, it’s clearly not a bee, but a human you caught in your trap! That’s not what you said earlier!
Cafe owner?:  It was indeed a bee that was ensnared in my trap, initially. Well, I don’t think humans make for a bad substitute, if I’m to be honest.
Daniel: Hm~?
Daniel: Oh, you’re that fella who came by the dorm the other day.
Cafe Owner?: Oh~? Was there a handsome face like yours there back then?
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Daniel: Oh, wow, did I just get a compliment?
Momiji: You did say you couldn’t think of anything but green peas back then, I’m sure he must’ve slipped your mind in the meantime.
Daniel: I’m Hiroshi Daniel Iwabuchi. You’ve got a good eye on ya, I wouldn’t mind recommending a guy like you to our ol’ Boss if ya want.
Momiji: Oh, that’s right. Sorry for the late introduction– I’m Hamasaki from HAMA Tours.
Netaro: I am named Netaro Yowa. I’m pleased as punch to acquaint myself with more humans~♪
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Netaro: I am quite fond of the visage I have on now, but yours is quite pleasing to the eye as well~
Momiji: (…Visage?)
Toi: Ah! I think Nagi-san is waking up!
Nagi: …Ugh.
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Nagi: …Where am I? …Who am I?
Momiji: (Amnesia…!?)
Nagi: Um, that was just a joke, sorry. You are…?
Netaro: I am the owner of this fine establishment. I was just about to turn you into fresh ingredients for my new meat bun recipe. 
Nagi: Oh, okay… 
Momiji: Yeah, I can’t blame you for being surprised. I’ll try and explain it to you one by one… 
Nagi: More importantly, are you alright?
Momiji: Huh?
Momiji: (...Is he asking about the trap getting springed?)
Momiji: Don’t worry, no one else got… entangled in that trap that was set up in here.
Momiji: I mean, you’re the one that got fished up… 
Daniel: Fished up? Seriously?
Nagi: I see. I’m glad, then. I shouldn’t let anyone get dragged into my misfortune… Oh, that’s right… 
Momiji: (...? Nagi-kun just unclenched his fist…)
Daniel: Woah, a bee just popped out.
Nagi: It looked like it wanted to get out, so I offered a hand. Good, it’s free now. I’m glad.
Netaro: All’s well that ends well!
Daniel: In what way… So, you’ve met this guy before right?
Momiji: Ah, yes. Nice to see you again, Nagi-kun. The last time we met was at Renga-kun’s garden, right?
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Nagi: Yeah, it’s nice to see you again too. HAMA Nice Trip!
Momiji: I’m glad to see you’re the same as always… HAMA Nice Trip, too!
Toi: Um, you can use this handkerchief, if you’d like.
Nagi: Oh, thank you very much– Woah, an angel? I swear I see wings… 
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Toi: Fufu, I don’t have wings, silly~
Momiji: So, how’d you get caught in that trap anyways? Were you delivering flowers?
Netaro: I don’t remember requesting any.
Nagi: Oh, are you the owner… I sincerely apologize for the trouble that I caused.
Netaro: Aha, how amusing indeed. You were the one caught in my trap, and yet you are the one to apologize? Perhaps I should sue you for damages as well?
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Laika: Well!
Nagi: Sure, I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.
Momiji: Stop, you don’t have to pay for anything, okay? More importantly, why were you here if not for a delivery, then? 
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Nagi: …It all started with an ordinary piece of chocolate. 
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Nagi: So, I got it from a kid when I completed my last delivery. I thought I’d enjoy it as I took a break on a bench nearby, but I ended up dropping it. That’s when I thought, oh, a stray dog or cat might end up trying to eat it, and that’s poisonous to them, so I couldn’t just leave it there. But when I tried to get up from the bench, it turned out it was freshly painted and my clothes were stuck to it. Oh but, don’t worry, I already apologized, and I’ll go back after buying some paint to fix it up. I have to drop by the supermarket anyway, there’s gonna be a sale later. And I made sure to throw away the chocolate too.Then I headed to the washroom at the park so I could try and clean up my paint-streaked clothes, but there wasn’t any soap. So I thought, okay, I’ll at least wash it, but there wasn’t any water either. I noticed the time, and realized that the sale was about to start, so I gave up on cleaning my clothes. But then I was attacked by a bunch of crows out of nowhere. I must have done something at the park to set them off, though I have no idea what it could’ve been. So, in a panic, I ended up running into this shop to get away from them.
Momiji: (He went off on a tangent and all I got is that he somehow managed to get himself into one mess after another…!)
Toi: I can’t believe all that happened within such a short time… 
Netaro: Ahaha! What an amusing fellow indeed!
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Laika: Hihihi!
Daniel: He’s like one of those clumsy heroines or somethin’.
Momiji: Please cheer up! We all have days like these… 
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Nagi: In my case, it’s all the tim—
Momiji: Hm?
Nagi: Sorry, don’t mind me. 
Nagi: Oh, are your clothes fine? I’m worried I might’ve gotten paint on you while you were trying to get me down… 
Momiji: I’m not sure, is there any on me?
Daniel: Nope. What ‘bout me?
Netaro: Not a speck! And how about myself?
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Toi: Well, there shouldn’t be any, since you didn’t even go near him, Netaro-san… 
Nagi: I see, that’s great then. And to the angel with no wings, I’ll return your handkerchief to you after I get it cleaned back at my shop.
Toi: Oh, yes, sure! 
Nagi: —I’ll be off now.
*phone dialing*
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Sonia: Hello! You’ve reached Flower Laundry!
Nagi: I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I’ll take about 50 minutes to get back as I drive within the speed limit.
Sonia: Geez~ Where did you find yourself this time? I was very worried, you know!
Nagi: Oh right, I’ll have to get some trash bags for flammable waste. Tomorrow is garbage day but we’ve run out. I’ll make sure to buy us your favorite treat, two of them, specially. 
Sonia: I’ll forgive you for being a little late if you’re bringing shnacks. 
Nagi: Great. I’ll see you soon.
Momiji: …..
Daniel: Oi.
Momiji: Ah!
Daniel: You sure you wanna let him go like that?
Momiji: Oh geez, I was swept up in the moment, I didn’t even realize– Nagi-kun, wait!
Momiji: Don’t leave yet—!
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Nagi: What’s wrong?
Nagi: …Also, it’s dangerous to approach a moving vehicle, please back up a bit.
Momiji: Sorry about that! Um, I’ve been searching all over for you because I had something to talk to you about!
Nagi: Talk?
Momiji: I wanted to ask if you’d like to join our Night Team or not.
Nagi: What do you mean?
Momiji: I had this thought when I saw you back at Renga-kun’s garden, explaining the process to him.
Momiji: About how you pay attention to small details, and how you're very thorough with your job. I thought of how amazing it’d be if I could offer hospitality to tourists alongside someone like you.
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Nagi: ……
Momiji: And that’s why I wanted to recruit you for the Night Team… Or rather, I want you to be the leader of the team, actually.
Nagi: …..
Nagi: Huh?
Momiji: So, um, I’d like you to be the leader… 
Nagi: What?
Momiji: The… leader… 
Nagi: Who?
Momiji: You.
Nagi: …..
Nagi: Does that mean… I’d work with other people, live with them, and even go on trips together?
Momiji: Yes.
Nagi: Me.
Momiji: That’s right.
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Nagi: ….. 
Nagi: …..Um.
Momiji: (He… He’s blushing?)
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Nagi: ….. ugh!
Momiji: (And now he’s shaking his head with a stern expression….)
Momiji: (From what I can tell, he doesn’t seem to be against the idea but… How do I take this reaction…)
Momiji: Um, what do you think? I’d be really happy if you’d accept… 
Nagi: …..
Nagi: I’m worried.
Momiji: R-Right, of course you’d be worried, I understand!
Momiji: That’s why, um, maybe you could just give it a try first! See for yourself if it’s something you can work with… 
Nagi: ……….
Momiji: …..
Black cat: Nya~
Momiji: Oh, it’s a black cat.
Nagi: …Cute.
Nagi: The cat approached us when we were standing still. So it shouldn’t count as bad luck.
Momiji: Ahaha, I was thinking about that too. In the first place, the myth that a black cat brings bad luck really depends on the country. Some places even consider them a symbol of good luck! 
Nagi: …I see. That should be a relief to the black cats too.
Nagi: Okay.
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Nagi: I think… I’ll give it a shot. 
Black cats are considered bad luck because of superstitions but that's all they are: superstitions. Here the black cat symbolizes Nagi's luck turning around.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A05
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Missing Brother's Memorial
Characters: Toi, Daniel, Ryui
Summary: Toi promises to take on any request from the protagonist if they decide to help him find his brother. Seeing as the protagonist doesn't have the heart to leave him alone, they agree to lend a hand.
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: Fortune-Teller’s Parlor “Angel Eye”
Momiji: … Fate?
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Toi: Yes.
Daniel: Like I said, shady… 
Toi: If I may confirm, the two of you came here because you had a request for me, right? 
Momiji: That’s right.
Toi: And I happen to have a request for you too… Don’t you think that fate is in play here?
Momiji: I… I suppose so?
Toi: If you would help me search for my brother, I’ll take on any request of yours. That’s a promise.
Momiji: Um… Were you also able to foresee that we came here with a goal in mind?
Toi: Yes, although I’m not quite sure of the reason yet.
Momiji: I didn’t know fortune-telling could find out all that… Or maybe he’s on a different level altogether since he’s from a prestigious family of diviners… 
Toi: I’m begging you… Please, help me.
Momiji: Toi-kun looks so earnest right now… I just can’t leave a kid like this alone.
Momiji: Daniel-san.
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Daniel: Blah, don’t look at me like that. Do whatever you want. It’s not like I can stop you when you set your mind to somethin’ anyways. 
Momiji: Thank you for understanding.
Momiji: Toi-kun, let’s find your brother, together!
Toi: R-Really!?
Toi: …! Thank you so much! I’m so happy… ! I can’t tell you how grateful I am right now…!
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Toi: Mashiro, I managed to convey my request properly!
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Mashiro: It seems that those from beyond the veil have sent you their blessings! I am truly happy for you!
Daniel: So, tell us what this Ryui fella looks like, some clues on what he’s like and the sort.
Toi: Of course! I made a special episode that showcases all the best sides of the coolest, most handsomest, most PERFECT big brother in the whole wide world! I’m sure you’ll understand his charms in no time!
Momiji: Er, a special episode…?
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Toi: *dreamy sigh* They’re all top tier scenes, with their own CGs*. First up is–
Memorial start:
Toi: Ani-sama… He’s not here yet… Did I get our meeting place right…?
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Ryui: Oh, you’re already here? There was somethin’ I had to take care of, sorry for making you wait… 
Toi: It’s okay! I didn’t have to wait long, don’t worry!
Ryui: If you say so… Toi, about those clothes you’re wearing… 
Toi: Yes? Is there anything wrong?
Ryui: They look real good on you. You’re so cute that even literal angels wouldn’t stand a chance. But you’re always cute, haha.
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Daniel: Aw geez, spare me… 
Momiji: Seems like they’re already at MAX affection level…  ~~~
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Ryui: Oi Toi, you keep wanderin’ around again… I told you to stick close to me.
Toi: I’m sorry… I couldn’t help but follow the sweet scent coming from the Castella bakery… 
Ryui: Geez, you’re so clumsy… Can’t take my eyes off you for even a second.
Ryui: Here, give me your hand. I’ll make sure you won’t get lost again.
~~~ Momiji: Oh, the classic “You’re so clumsy” trope comes into play… 
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Daniel: I mean, phones exist for a reason y’know… 
Momiji: Honestly, I was expecting info like his height, what he wears, what kind of places he frequents… Not whatever this is… 
Mashiro: Toi, I believe you are omitting a crucial piece of information that you must disclose.
Toi: Ah, you’re right! I need to remedy that…  ~~~
Toi: Ani-sama… Can I come closer to you?
Ryui: … Sure.
Toi: ….. 
Toi: I’m gonna intertwine our fingers… 
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Ryui: *sharp inhale* ...! You… 
Toi: Ah, he gripped it back tightly… I want to touch him some more…!
Ryui: W-What’s up with you today… You’re not usually this bold– Hey! Where do you think you’re touching!? Fuck… Just do whatever you want…!
Ryui: ... You're fine if I touch you back right?
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Daniel: Those are some crazy rose-tinted glasses he’s got on! I’ve got a huge itch to punch something right about now, where’s a sandbag when you need one!? ~~~
Ryui: Ah… I've been meaning to ask, you been seeing any good dreams lately?
Ryui: I’m always worried about you, y’know. You’re the most precious thing in this world to me.
Ryui: If the good dreams ain’t coming to you, I’ll accompany you all night long.
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Ryui: … You know what that means, right?
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Momiji: Daniel-san looks like his soul’s left his body… 
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Toi: My Ani-sama was super duper cool just then! Right, Mashiro?
Mashiro: Indeed, it has been safely documented within the CG Gallery of our hearts. There is not a shadow of a doubt: he is, without question, the finest big brother in the world. 
Toi: Right~? I think so too!
Momiji: Yeah, I can tell he’s a, um, very kind brother. Yeah. 
Toi: And then there was… Ah! I can’t believe it’s already this late!
Momiji: Is something wrong?
Toi: The truth is… There is someone else besides you who’s necessary to lead me to my brother.
Toi: All of us have to gather together at a certain spot by 11 pm.
Momiji: There’s only one hour left until then…!
Momiji: Then we’ve got to hurry! Do you know where we have to go?
Toi: I do. It’s within HAMA, so it shouldn’t take too long to get there.
Toi: I’m sorry for being all over the place… The two of you can go ahead and wait outside the parlor, I’ll come out soon after I change my clothes.
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Daniel: Huh, so there’s more people involved in this fate mumbo-jumbo.
Momiji: Yeah… It’s got me feeling a little excited though!
Daniel: Really? Can’t bring myself to believe in this stuff, leads to nothing but trouble anyways.
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Toi: Thank you for waiting!
Momiji: Hey Toi-kun… Oh?
Momiji: Toi-kun… did you perhaps attend Ev3ns’ Hospitality Live before?
Toi: Eh?
Daniel: What, so you knew him after all?
Momiji: I wouldn’t say we’re acquainted, I only saw him in passing.
Momiji: He really stood out amongst the fans while I was making the rounds, that’s why I remember him.
Toi: I did go to the Ev3ns Live, yes… Wait, does that mean…?
Toi: You’re an employee at Chii-sama’s company!?
Momiji: Yeah, I am.
Toi: R-R-Really!? Oh my! I can’t believe I’m in the presence of someone who works closely with Chii-sama!!
Momiji: Wow… He brightened up considerably hearing that.
Toi: Chii-sama is a one-in-a-million talent that’s rare to find! His dance technique is the best and he really knows how to sell his fanservice! 
Toi: Chii-sama was born to be an idol! I’ve been a fan of his since the beginning!
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Mashiro: Now, now, Toi. I must stop you there. It would be most unwise for the Master of the House* to discover your plans.
Mashiro: You must depart from here quietly.
Toi: Ah… You’re right, sorry.
Momiji: It’s fine with us, don’t worry.
Daniel: Haa… Can’t believe you’re making me do overtime… It’s ok if I come in late tomorrow right? Like, 8 hours later.
Momiji: Nope.
Toi: Mashiro, I’m leaving the parlor in your hands.
Mashiro: Rest assured!
Momiji: So, Toi-kun really is a fan of Chihiro-kun… He even attended Ev3ns’ Live.
Momiji: Somehow this feels like a night for fateful encounters. The place we’re headed is within the 18th Ward… 
Momiji: I can’t help but think this next meeting will lead to the formation of the Night Team… Yeah, I’m sure of it.
Momiji: After all, tonight is–
Daniel: Oi! Stop spacing out over there, we’re moving!
Momiji: Coming!
Momiji: My heart can’t help but pound in excitement!
CG is known as "Computer Graphic" in the Visual Novel community, including Otome games, which are specially illustrated scenes that involve the love interest and sometimes the protagonist in unique poses and background art. This is important to note because Toi is a huge fan of Otome games.
Master of the House refers to Toi and Ryui's grandfather, who is the true authority of the family despite Toi being the current head.
The title might be a play on a popular Japanese dating-sim series "Tokimeki Memorial", of which the otome game series is named "Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side" The scenes from Toi's "CG Gallery" are very similar to how they play out in the original games.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 04
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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My parts are coming up! Thank you TLWard for letting me work with you!
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Location:  HAMA House - Lesson Room
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Ryui: (I don’t give a shit if that damn bear is getting targeted. I don’t, but…) 
(Whatever Toi wants is what I want. I’ll grant any of his wishes, even if I have to go through hell and back for it…!)
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Sakujiro: Ryui-san, you’re not bowing low enough! The most respectful bow is at a precise 45 degree angle, you must bend until you can see your feet clearly! 
Ryui: Ugh… 
Sakujiro: Keep going! 56, 57… 
Netaro: I can’t do this anymooore~
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Toi: Me neither~
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Nagi:  My lower back is already waving a white flag because Ryui won’t recite the commandments…. 
Ryui: Aaaaaahhh!! Fuck!! 
Sakujiro: Oh dear… I suppose I can offer you a short respite from your little “bowing” punishment. 
Nagi: Oof… 
Chief: I see now… So that’s why Sakujiro-san is giving you special training on servitude? 
Toi: I have a feeling this is gonna lead up to a dramatic and heartfelt scenario!
Netaro: Perhaps the Suspension Bridge effect will give birth to many many new couples! 
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Netaro and Toi: Ooh~~~~! 
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Nagi: Chief, this might get dangerous, so it’s best if you don’t get involved. This kinda work that involves the 3Es is better suited for someone like me… 
Yodaka: I believe they were, “𝓔mbrace without” looking out of place, “𝓔xposure to danger is OK”, and “𝓔asily counted on.”
Chief: Oh… To be honest, I’m extremely worried about you guys, but unfortunately, Kafka called me in earlier… I’ll need to leave for an overseas business trip tomorrow. 
Ryui: (He probably figured this was gonna be a dangerous job… I’d do the same if I could.)
Yodaka: Not only do we have the police, we even have Danny, the brawn of HAMA Tours, on our side. I’m sure it will be fine.
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Daniel: You can bet I’m gonna apply for that worker’s insurance and paid leave after this.
Ryui: —There’s something I just don’t get.
Ryui: We were only asked to escort her, I don’t see why we gotta dress up as maids or butlers and blend in as the manor’s staff. 
Sakujiro: I must disagree.
Ryui: … Go on.
Sakujiro: It would be quite unnatural to have multiple unknown faces wandering about the manor out of the blue. 
Nagi: Um, then why can’t we act as security guards instead?
Sakujiro: We must not give away that Joe-sama is the treasure. Introducing security into the picture would only bring unwanted attention.
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Netaro: Indeed… Having guards around would only rouse suspicion. 
Ryui: Tch… 
Sakujiro: I’m certain you understand the necessity of your roles. Now then, let us take a short recess. We shall continue your punishment from the 58th bow.
Sakujiro: I apologize for disturbing you all during your break time, but I have something that requires your attention.
Nagi: ? Sakujiro-san, you look pretty excited?
Sakujiro: Fufufu… Was I perhaps too obvious? Please, take a look at these.
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Toi: Wow…! It’s a sketch of butler and maid uniforms! 
Sakujiro: The moment I heard that you would all be working at a manor for your next assignment, inspiration welled up within me. Should you find these designs acceptable, it would be an honor to sew them up for you. 
Yodaka: These iterations honor the classic designs of old. I think they’re splendid.
Toi: But, I’m a maid? Not a butler?
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Ryui: You got that right. But… The hell you putting me and Hachinoya in dresses for too…? 
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Netaro: Lookie!! Daa’s gonna be a maid too!
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Nagi: Woah, I feel like that’s gonna show up in my dreams, somehow.
Daniel: Whatever… I’d rather wear a maid dress than have to bow down one more time… 
Ryui: An old man like you should know how to stand your fucking ground! There’s no way in HELL I’m wearing a dress! I’d rather bite my tongue and let it fucking bleed out!
Toi: Ah, if Ani-sama is biting his tongue off then I will too…!
Netaro: Count me in~
Nagi: That’s a lot of “Tongue-cut Sparrows”… *
Yodaka: With this response… I’m sorry to say, but we should probably shelve that idea… 
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Sakujiro: Understood… Boohoo… 
Sakujiro: Good work, everyone. Please keep in mind what you learned today. I expect you to become the absolute most perfect servants.
Location: HAMA House 2nd floor
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Ryui: (Ugh… My back’s stiff as a board…) 
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, a moment, please.
Ryui: What? I ain’t doing any more bows.
Sakujiro: No, I didn’t stop you for such a reason… I have something I need to share about Joe-sama.
Sakujiro: As I recall, Joe-sama was actually a present that the late madam Brunhild had received from her father at a tender age. 
Sakujiro: She must have been treasured greatly as a close companion.
Ryui: …..
Sakujiro: When a person senses that they are not being valued, that is when they experience true anger. The duty of a servant is to find the true meaning hidden within their master’s demands, and act accordingly.
Ryui: And? What’s your point?
Sakujiro: Please keep in mind that if you perform insincerely, the other person will know.
Ryui: Yeah yeah, thanks for the warning, or whatever. 
Sakujiro: ….. 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Hiramei: Good morning everyone! We’re counting on you all for this mission! 
Hiramei: Please try to act natural! Samejima-san and I will be checking in on you guys every once in a while!
Ryui: ( –Is what that guy said, but… )
Location:  Manor - Bedroom
Ryui: What was next again, making the bed? How’s it even getting messed up when there’s only a plushie in here… 
Ryui: –The fuck! The heck you loungin’ around for, old man?
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Daniel: My back… it hurts… It’s as stiff as a board… Give me a break already… 
Ryui: That’s what you said last time when you were lazin’ about on the sofa! For fuck’s sake, you’re a lost cause—
*loud tumbling noises*
Ryui: … Who messed up this time… 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Joe: My goodness! What in the world happened for the room to get to this state!
Toi: Wha- The laundry room and corridor are totally covered in foam...!
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Nagi: I’m sorry… It’s my first time using a washing machine like this, so I put in a random amount of detergent and clicked some random buttons, and this is how it ended up… 
Ryui: Ah… Hachinoya’s technology impairment rears its ugly head… 
Yodaka: Joe-sama, pardon us. We’ll clean this up right away, so please overlook this. Nagi, could you bring in the cleaning supplies?
Nagi: Joe-sama…I apologize for my carelessness… 
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*loud tumbling noises*
Joe: W-What in the world is it this time!?
Location: Manor
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Netaro: Hmm. I thought I could grow some fresh veggies for dinner, but I seem to have injected a cell-positive agent instead of a growth promotant… 
Tomato Monster: GRRR—!
Toi: Wah! There’s a cluster of man-eating tomatoes with fangs surrounding us!
Joe: The manner in which they gnash their sharp fangs is giving me a fright! I-I fear for my life!
Yodaka: Pardon us, we will promptly harvest them. Netaro, please bring a shovel and a trowel.
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Netaro: Roger that! Joe-sama, sorry about this!
Ryui: (Damn, can’t believe Natsume could clean up this mess so fast… Glad we have him around.)
Ryui: By the way, why’s Joe been on Toi’s back this entire time? You’ve even got him using a baby sling… 
Toi: Hehe, I’m Joe’s nanny right now! Joe-sama, are you comfortable on my back?
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Joe: As expected of my “nursemaid.” I am feeling quite comfortable indeed!
Toi: Ehehe~ I’m glad to hear that.
Ryui: (Well, it’s all good if Toi’s happy with it.)
Ryui: Joe, you better not work Toi too hard, got it?
Joe: …..
Joe: My, whyever could it be that you are the only one to show me such disrespect… 
Nagi is referring to an old Japanese fable "Shita-kiri Suzume" or "The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue"
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A03
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: A drink at Nightfall
Characters: Yodaka, Daniel
Summary: Yodaka skillfully mixes a new drink for the protagonist. With one line from Daniel, they understand his true intention of bringing them to this bar...
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: “Ten Nights of Dreams” BAR
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Momiji: Wow… Just look at that elegant mixing skill… His handsomeness is only accentuated by the serious expression he wears while working… I can’t seem to take my eyes off of him…
Yodaka: And an orange slice to top it off– Thank you for waiting.
Momiji: Thank you!
Momiji: What a beautiful gradation from blue to orange… The lighting of the bar reflecting off the surface of the drink makes it look like it’s rippling with gold… It’s like I’m holding the ocean in my palm.
Yodaka: I made this mocktail with you in mind.
Momiji: Huh?
Yodaka: Like a ripe fruit that’s been beloved by the sun, your eyes shine, full of life. The serenity you exude with your entire being gently envelops those around you.
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Yodaka: I’ve decided to name this mocktail as “The Ocean’s Golden Coins”. I hope this drink will enrich your spirit. Here you go.
Momiji: …!!
Momiji: I can feel my face heating up…
Momiji: Thank you for the drink… Oh! It’s delicious!
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Daniel: Right? Yodaka’s skill is the real deal. Well, it’s good enough that it’s worth overlooking the fact he’s a natural-born seducer. 
Daniel: Don’tcha think it’d be just fantastic if we could get to drink this every day over at HAMA House?
Momiji: …..
Momiji: I was wondering why he brought me to this bar but…
Momiji: I see, so that’s what you were after.
Daniel: Yep, glad you caught on.
Yodaka: What’s the matter?
Daniel: Go on, explain it to him. For the sake of our peaceful home-bar life.
Momiji: Your real motive is plain as day… Anyways, Yodaka-san, please take a look at this.
Yodaka: This is…
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Yodaka: Hm, how unfortunate that this looks too corporate to be a love letter.
Momiji: A l-love letter…?
Yodaka: My apologies, a little lighthearted flirting goes a long way in my line of work, you see. Putting the jokes aside, this seems to be some sort of work proposal.
Momiji: Yes, that’s right. Allow me to explain.
Yodaka: … I see. From my understanding, HAMA Tours is offering “Package Tours” to ensure the survival of HAMA as a designated tourism region.
Yodaka: You’ve been recruiting to fill the positions of the 18 ward mayors, and have managed to find 14 so far.
Momiji: Yes, that’s right.
Yodaka: As for the final Night Team, you want to find members who can provide tourists with a more relaxed experience, with the conditions being that “They must own a store” and that “They must have roots in the local districts”.
Momiji: Yes, those are the terms that our Company President had come up with.
Yodaka: After you were unable to find Nagi at Flower Laundry, a person you already had friendly relations with, the two of you came here at Danny’s suggestion and decided I was the next best choice. I think I’ve grasped the situation.
Momiji: I’m sorry if this seems like it came out of the blue. On top of that, we might have given the impression that we chose you because we failed to obtain our first choice… But please know this– 
Momiji: I was convinced the moment I tried your cocktail earlier.
Momiji: This bar, “Ten Nights of Dreams”, is the only place that could provide weary travelers with the best drinks that would heal both their body and soul.
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Yodaka: …..
Momiji: Please take your time to look over the documents carefully and decide-
Daniel: Seriously, why do you always gotta be so uptight? Just listening to you droning on is making me all tense.
Daniel: Yo, Yodaka. This is the 17th ward, right. You wanna be this ward’s Mayor?
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Yodaka: I wouldn’t mind doing it.
Momiji: Wha– 
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Momiji: Y-Yunyun-san!?
Momiji: Somehow he’s more shocked than I am over how casually Yodaka gave the okay…
Yunyun: Just, hold on a sec! This is way too sudden… Nope! This isn’t happening!
Yodaka: What’s wrong? Did you want to be a Ward Mayor as well?
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Yunyun: No- That’s not what I was…
Daniel: Weird. I thought you’d be the first one to push him out the door, wanting to spread your wings and all.
Momiji: So that’s how he sees Yunyun-san… 
Yunyun: …… A lot of customers come in here hoping they get to talk with the Boss.
Yunyun: If he becomes a Ward Mayor, won’t he be too busy to work here anymore?
Momiji: Ah, you don’t have to worry on that front. We’re planning to have the Package Tour happen right within the stores, so your business would remain the priority.
Momiji: I will take responsibility and take care of the arrangements so that your work won’t be affected. Please rest assured on that end.
Yodaka: Did that manage to convince you?
Yunyun: …..
Yodaka: Danny and Nagi are both good friends of mine. I’m more than happy to take on this request.
Yodaka: …Ah, though we aren’t sure if Nagi will agree to it yet.
Momiji: Now that you mention it, you seem familiar with Nagi-kun. Are the two of you already acquainted? 
Yodaka: Oh, I should have said this sooner– Those flowers over there were delivered by Nagi. He drops by once a week to change out the arrangement.
Momiji: I see! So that’s how it was…
Momiji: ……
Momiji: Erm, I lost the timing to react because it took me by surprise but, Yodaka-san agreed to be the 17th Ward Mayor just now, right…? Does that mean… 
Momiji: We successfully recruited him!?
Daniel: Looks like it.
Yodaka: I’m Natsume Yodaka. Let’s get along well.
Momiji: Y-yes! Same here! Woohoo!
Daniel: You’re way too pumped up, your face is bright red right now. Welp, at least this means our job’s done for the day.
Momiji: I mean, I didn’t know we’d succeed so soon! I’m sorry for being so noisy!
Momiji: But I couldn’t help it, I really am happy… Thank you so much for agreeing to it!
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Yunyun: …..
Yodaka: …..
Yodaka: Don’t worry, I won’t cause any trouble for you.
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Yunyun: —Aw what? I wasn’t thinkin’ that at all! 
Yunyun: Right, we gotta settle this with a bang!  The treat’s on Hiroshi!
Daniel: The heck?
Yunyun: We got in some rare Japanese whisky recently…  You’re a whisky guy, right? Why don’t you book a bottle?
Daniel: Hoo~ A 25-year-old whisky from Koku Province* huh! How much for it?
Yunyun: Aw don’t be so stingy now~ Just agree to buy the bottle ok? Pretty please~
Daniel: How am I supposed to when I don’t even know how much it is, huh?
Momiji: Putting aside Daniel-san getting baited, I’m glad we could cross one thing off our checklist. I think this is a good sign, hopefully the next one will be just as easy…
Yodaka: Those two seem to be having their own fun, so let’s talk, just the two of us.
Momiji: Sure, let’s!
Yodaka: Your straightforward honesty is adorable. Well then, what should we talk about?
Momiji: Um, well… Would you happen to know the places where Nagi-kun might frequent?
Momiji: I suppose it’d be a stretch if the two of you are only business friends… 
Yodaka: How exciting, you’re just like a detective. And detectives always have a favorite bar to get their info from, don’t they?
Yodaka: Then I suppose I should provide you with some information, just like a classic bar owner.
Momiji: Does that mean you know where he is…?
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Yodaka: Unfortunately, trying to find him would be much more difficult than trying to find a bird that’s lost its way. After all, we’re talking about the man who somehow found himself on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean while trying to get to the convenience store.
Momiji: The Pacific Ocean!?
Yodaka: It seems there is some mischievous God that loves to play pranks on him. I suppose that’s just the kind of star he was born under.
Momiji: Now that I think about it, the pet robot at his shop called him a magnet for trouble… And the last time I met him, he was pinned underneath his own bike… 
Yodaka: But speaking of finding missing people, there’s a shop that specializes in taking requests such as these. What’s more, it’s situated in the 15th ward that has no Ward Mayor. Does this information interest you?
Momiji: Woah, please tell me everything you know about that!
Yodaka: My pleasure, Detective.
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Yodaka: I heard this story from one of my regulars… Let’s call him Kinniku Morio-san*.
Yodaka: One midsummer night, Kinniku-san was on his way back home from a business trip, carrying a large briefcase in one hand.
Yodaka: As he walked down a quiet path, he came across a peculiar-looking manor. He couldn’t help but draw close, scouring his memories as he tried to remember if such a building had existed here in the first place– And that was when he sensed a presence, shrouded within the shadow cast by the manor.
Yodaka: He approached, quietly, carefully… And then he finally laid his eyes on “it”.
Yodaka: When it noticed the presence of an intruder, it turned around, capturing Kinniku-san’s form within the gaze of its “only eye”. And just as suddenly, it turned its back on him and fled into the dead of the night.
Yodaka: That place is known as–
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Yodaka: Angel’s Eye.
Yodaka: Did you know? Amongst the angels, there is one that has only a single eye.
Yodaka: Perhaps, what he saw was an angel.
Location: Fortune Teller’s Parlor “Angel’s Eye”
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Momiji: -And that’s why we’re here, at the “Angel’s Eye”. I didn’t know this before but, apparently this fortune-teller is pretty famous amongst the spiritual community. Kinniku-san is also one of their regulars now… 
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Daniel: That so… It’s pretty big for a fortune-telling place, I’ll give them that. Still shady as hell though.
Momiji: Really? I don’t think it looks suspicious… 
Momiji: Let’s see…The entrance is over there.
Momiji: We ended up losing daylight because we got lost on the way here. It’s late now, but I wonder if the parlor is still open… 
Men in White Robes: Over here! We’ve found them!
Men in White Robes: Surround them! Don’t let them get away!
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Daniel: —…..
Momiji: What’s going on…!?
The only hint I got for “Koku Province” is that it’s a region from a Japanese light novel “Saiunkoku Monogatari” set in fictional ancient China.
Kinniku Morio seems to be a play on the name Kintaro as the kanji used mean “gold” and “meat” but put together they pronounce “kinniku” which means “muscles”, terms that are used to describe Kintaro. I thought it was interesting to note as Yodaka seems fond of history and historical figures like he mentioned in his Tanabata voiceline.
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