#ghostlights ship
faeriekit · 2 months
43rd Annual Gotham Academy Bake Sale
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dp x dc | FosterDad!Frostbite
❄ Now available to own on video and ao3 ❄
I promised @tourettesdog a snippet of More Yetis™ ages ago and I finally finished lol
Bruce looked up.
And up. 
...And up. 
The— parent?— glanced down at him with a fanged smile. Not— not meanly. Just fanged. As in, he had fangs. 
And thick, puffy fur. And glacial blue horns. And a soft, muzzle-esqe face, and an equally blue prosthetic arm, with what looked like his original bone structure underneath it. 
What a sight at the PTA bake sale. Bruce huffed lightly.
(Remarkably, the puff of air came out as cold steam. Huh.)
“Good afternoon,” the parent, presumably, greeted him, his voice a low rumble. “I’ve been told that the purpose of this event is to raise money for the school, so there are baked good available for purchase. Please tell me if you are interested in any of the selection.” 
Bruce watched the giant, furry parent carefully set out a crocheted blanket to serve as a tablecloth on the provided folding table, dotted the space with carefully organize tupperwares and displayed, and sanitized his— claws— before setting out little treats on round wooden trays. A stack of napkins completed the setup. 
It was a good first-time setup. Downright exotic, even, considering the setting of Gotham Academy. It had a homey, home-grown feeling that was entirely anathema to the cultivated air of the usual attending crowd. 
It was nice, though. Bruce took a picture of the table for his public instagram. 
Usually Bruce and Alfred would man a table for the younger kids, but Damian was still attending the lower school, and Duke had been opted out of participating due to…prior circumstances…which left Bruce to be an attendee rather than a fundraiser. It was kind of nice. He got to try new foods. Check things out. Meet a giant yeti. 
“They look good,” Bruce complimented, because they did. They didn’t exactly look vegan, so Damian couldn’t try one, but they did look good. “What’s this one? On the bun?” 
The giant…whatever he was daintily got himself into a folding chair. From his side-satchel came a paperback copy of Elin Hilderbrand’s Summer of ‘69. “Salmon patties on potato buns. My charge assures me that they’re perfectly edible, although we did have to shop around for a suitable vehicle with which they could be eaten.”
Alright, so the guardian had missed the boat on exactly what bake sales were supposed to consist of. So what? The food sounded good, smelled good— and for four dollars, that was a good deal. 
“Keep the change.”
They tasted good, too. “Hey," Bruce exclaimed, "This is pretty grand!”
The yeti’s eyes crinkled around the edges. The muzzle couldn’t exactly replicate a human smile, but Bruce had the distinct impression that this was the equivalent expression. “Thank you. Daniel told me that it was overkill to catch my own fish for the raising of funds, but I always prefer the taste of a fresh catch.” 
With those fangs, Bruce would believe it. He took another bite of what was probably a salmon burger. “Nothing beats fresh-from-the-sea. When I lived in London for a few months, I was very spoiled by the seafood selection.” 
The yeti’s ears swiveled upright in interest. “Oh? I will say, living in Gotham, there is a lack of interesting seafood. The shellfish grows to be as large as my arm in my home territory.” 
Well, that didn’t lower the location down to anywhere in particular. The arctic? The deep ocean? Some vast, unknown world? “Sure sounds more interesting, that’s for sure. Hey, I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new to the school?” 
The being kindly answered his nosy-enough question. “I have taken temporary leave of my people to care for my charge. As he is mostly human, his elder sister and I came to the decision that the human plane was a better locale for him to grow up in. Gotham city simply has more volatile energy floating around.” 
Bruce’s eyebrows rose up over the rims of his sunglasses. Gotham was their first choice to raise a child in? A not-completely-human child to boot? “You sure about that?” he asked, just to be clear. “It’s not so safe here. We’ve got a guy who blows up buildings for fun. I think we’ve had the most toxic gas leaks…ever, really. I love the place, I grew up here, but man do we have problems!” 
“Hm,” the yeti hummed. “We were concerned about that. Daniel spent the first few nights beating up pickpockets, however, so I foresee that he will likely enjoy the challenge.”
As someone who beats up pickpockets, Bruce had no reliable say on the matter. He took another bite of his salmon patty. He made a note of the issue nevertheless. If there was going to be a new, half-human vigilante in his home territory, that ought to be something he stays abreast of.
“Hey! B! Over here!”
Bruce spotted Duke’s hand a head above the crowd. He waved back; his newest foster edged through the crowd of wealthy parents and their nepo-baby children to make his way over, a cupcake in his hand. “Duke! Find anything good?”
“Yeah!” Duke confirmed cheerfully, raising the cupcake in his hand. He continued his approach. “They had tamarind ones at the stand Mrs. Cheng is running! I got you one just in case you wanted to try it. They were almost out, and—“
Duke paused beside Bruce. And looked up.
And up.
...And up.
Bruce didn’t bother to hide his smile. “I’m getting to know some of the other parents here. Hey, what’re your thoughts on salmon?”
“It’s,” Duke started, thoroughly distracted by the parent’s height, “Good. Um. Hi?”
The gigantic being (he must be, what, nine feet? And balancing on that horrid folding chair the PTA shoves out every year?) roved a yellow eye down to his foster son.
“It’s very nice to meet you, young one,” the parent rumbled, cheery as anything. “My name is Frostbite. You may know my charge, Daniel. He is in his junior year.”
“Danny? Danny Fenton?”
Bruce finished off his burger with a bite. Well, there was curious tone. “Do you know him, Duke?” he asked. The tone wasn’t quite warning, but the edge was to be found in his phrasing.
Duke winced. “Yeah, we…uh. We might have gotten into a fight on his first day. And his second week. …And…last week.”
Bruce. Blinked.
“…And maybe a few hours ago. But to be fair, he has a really punchable face—“
This sounded more like Dick and Jason in their first weeks at Gotham Academy rather than Duke, who was generally better-mannered than most of his brood. (Bruce tended to chalk it up to the effect of being raised largely by loving, attentive parents.)
“But. Um.” Duke shuffled a little closer to Bruce, and a little farther away from the tallest parent to ever grace the pristine lawn of Gotham Academy. “He’s…you know. He’s fine. Usually.”
Thank goodness Alfred was across the way with Damian. He would have disapproved highly of the both of them for this slip.
Still, the gigantic creature only…huffed. Bruce would dare call it a chuckle, even. He popped a barely punctured bookmark into his novel, and gently set it to the side. “My apologies, young one; fighting is a favored form of socialization in our culture. His interest in you is likely genuinely meant, if…rough. Tell myself or his sibling if it becomes unbearable, and he’ll calm down.”
Duke’s lips twisted. “No, it’s not— It’s. Fine? I guess? We like blow off steam and stuff. When I sprained my wrist, he just punched my other arm and bought me ice cream.”
Bruce wanted to judge this kid and whatever parenting style this yeti was putting this kid through. He wanted to pass judgement so badly. But this also sounded exactly like something one of his own kids would do with someone they were friends with.
So he bought a second salmon burger, took an offered bite of Duke’s tamarind cupcake (very generous), and tried to remember everything he could about his brief foray into romance novels. “Say, have you ever read any John Grisham? It’s not quite the same genre, but I’m more of a fan of thrillers myself…”
Honestly, the surreal part was that nothing untoward happened for the entire bake sale. Bruce would happily do this again next year.
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luxaofhesperides · 8 months
“You know, I never realized how true the ‘eyes are the windows to your soul’ thing was until I saw yours.” + fluff + cafe AU ; requested by @kiv1!
He’s sure Danny didn’t expect to see him every other day after he casually mentioned that he had gotten a part time job at a local cafe. However, as his friend, it is Duke’s moral duty to only get coffee from that shop while Danny is on shift, specifically to annoy him. 
Also, so he can support his friend, but being annoying takes priority.
It’s a routine now, for both of them. Danny clocks in for his shift and an hour later Duke is strolling into the cafe with his eyes locked on Danny’s. The rest of the baristas always shove Danny up to the register when they see Duke, taking over whatever order he was making. Even some of the other regulars turn their attention up to the counter, hoping for another few minutes of entertainment.
Danny sighs as he gets ready to input Duke’s order. It’s never the same one, because Duke would hate to be predictable and make things easier for Danny, but it has the side effect of making him realize that some of the expensive, seasonal drinks are really good. 
It’s a bit hard on his wallet, but it’s a price he’s willing to pay for teasing Danny. 
“Hey,” he greets cheerfully as he leans against the counter, grinning at Danny.
Danny sighs again. “What can I get you today, random customer that keeps bothering me.”
“A latte, but make it sweet somehow. And iced.”
“What size would you like?”
“Let’s go with medium today.”
“Anything else?”
“Yeah.” Duke leans closer to Danny, watching as he fights down a smile. “I just gotta say that you got gorgeous eyes. You know, I never realized how true the ‘eyes are the window to your soul thing’ was until I saw yours.”
Danny considers this for a moment, then shakes his head. “It kind of sounds like your trying to steal my soul through my eyes.”
“Why is that what your mind goes to?”
“Well. I watched Coraline last night.”
Duke stares at Danny, taking in the dark circles under his eyes. “...Didn’t you say that movie gave you nightmares as a kid?”
“Yeah! And it turns out, it gives me nightmares even now!”
“And ruined my pick up line,” Duke complains playfully.
“It was too cheesy anyways,” Danny replies, putting Duke’s order into the screen. It prints a moment later, no doubt with some bizarre name since Danny refuses to actually name Duke on his orders, and then recites the price. 
He pays and watches as Danny slaps the order onto a medium sized up, then tosses it over to the barista making the drinks. He’s not actually sure what her name is since she refuses to wear a name tag, but she always gives him a wave and also a rating of how good his pick up lines are.
“Seven out of ten!” she calls out to him today, then gets started on making his drink.
“I don’t see why you don’t flirt with anyone else,” Danny says, “I’m pretty sure my coworkers like your pick up lines even more than they like me.”
“Why would I want to flirt with them? Danny, I’m literally only here to bother you.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “Yeah, trust me, I know. My good looks just keep pulling in business.”
He says it like a joke, but it’s true. Duke has noticed it. Danny’s coworkers have noticed it. His manager noticed it and now has him out on the floor every shift. If they can get him to work on the chalkboard sign outside, or wipe down the two tables out front, then they do it, because Danny is Midwestern to his core and it’s very charming in a place like Gotham. He smiles at people as they walk by, happily answers their questions when they ask him what the cafe serves, recommends food and drinks for them, is generally a bright and nice person to everyone who comes near the cafe. 
His cute looks draw people in, then his personality makes them stay. 
It’s all customer service, of course, because Duke never gets the cute, sunny Danny. He’s left with the sarcastic, rude, and funny Danny that’s been his friend since they met in junior year of high school. 
“Your eyes are really pretty, though,” Duke says, “Very blue. Sometimes green. It’s no wonder people keep falling for you!”
Danny reaches across the counter to shove Duke away, but he’s blushing, so Duke is counting it as a win. “Shut up. Now you’re just lying. My eyes are never green.”
“Yes, they are. Danny, I’ve seen them multiple times. They’re green sometimes.”
“No? My eyes have literally only ever been blue. They’re the bluest blue to ever blue. They don’t just turn green.”
They squint at each other for a long moment, trying to figure out who’s wrong and in what way. Duke’s pretty sure Danny’s wrong, since he can’t exactly see his own eyes, and Duke has spent an embarrassing amount of time just admiring how nice they are in different kinds of light. But also, they are Danny’s eyes, so he should know what color they are.
Then Danny’s coworker is setting down Duke’s drink on the pick up counter, giving Danny an excuse to get back to work.
“One medium oatmeal cookie iced latte for Cornelius Aggravating Douglas.” He holds up the drink and makes very direct eye contact with Duke, holding out the drink towards him.
“Did you really have to make the initials ‘Cad’?”
“Fair enough,” Duke says, making Danny crack a smile. 
“Are you heading out after this?”
Duke grabs a straw and sticks it into his latte, swirling it around some. “That was the plan, yeah. Got a few library books to pick up. Why?”
“I got approval for a half shift today, so I’m off in like ten minutes, if you wanna wait for me.”
“Hell yeah, dude! I’ll wait outside so I don’t distract you with my flirtatious winks again.”
“Get out of here,” Danny laughs. Duke lifts his drink in a quick toast, then gets out of there. He takes a seat at one of the tables out front, content to just people watch as he slowly sips his latte.  
It’s cloudy out, but not raining, which is always a plus. As much as he’d like to see the sun, these kinds of days aren’t so bad, either. The wind still carries a bit of a chill, but the spring is steadily warming things up. There are tons of people out, a constant rush of movement, but a few do catch sight of him, then look towards the cafe, their steps slowing down as they think. Most keep walking, but Duke does manage to get a few to go in just by taking a long sip of his latte to really enjoy it.
Really, he should be getting compensated for the work he’s doing to draw people in. Danny’s not the only one who can do it. 
Bruce keeps offering him money, so he doesn’t need to get paid, but maybe he can convince the other employees to talk Danny into accepting one of his pick up lines so they can go on a date one of these days. 
It’s become a bit of a joke, but the first time Duke used a cheesy pick up line on Danny, he was being absolutely serious about it. He definitely shouldn’t have used a pick up line he found from a website centered on relationship advice, but he panicked and needed some extra help. 
Instead of smoothly asking Danny out on a date, Duke froze up, blurted out the pick up line, then had to laugh it off with Danny and pretend it was a joke. 
He still wishes he was able to ask Danny out properly before, but he’s also glad that they got to spend more time as friends, getting to know each other. It’s easier to be with him now, no longer so tongue tied and flustered. 
Duke gets to fluster Danny now, which is much better. 
And maybe one day his pick up lines will work! Sooner or later Danny’s going to question why he keeps doing this, and then he’ll connect the dots and understand what Duke feels for him.
As it is, he has yet to connect shit. 
“My eyes are definitely blue,” Danny says as he walks out of the cafe, messenger bag slung over his shoulder. “I checked while I was putting my apron away.”
“You’re still on that?”
“They’re blue.”
Duke gestures for Danny to come closer. He complies and leans down, letting Duke cup his face in his hands. He checks, considers, then checks again, and says, “They are indeed blue.”
“Told you they weren’t green,” Danny says smugly, pulling back. 
“And I said they were green sometimes. Now clearly isn’t one of those times, but they do turn green!”
“I don’t think you should be allowed to say any eye-related pick up lines until you admit that you were wrong and didn’t know my eye color.”
Shaking his head, Duke stands up and pushes in his chair. “Just wait, I’ll catch it sometime and prove it to you.”
“Sure, whatever. Don’t you have library books to get?”
“Yeah, you coming with?”
“Obviously. Why else would I leave my wonderful job where I am left alone to make drinks in peace?” Danny knocks his shoulder against Duke playfully, then reaches over and steals his drink right out of his hand. He takes a sip, makes a pleased hum, and drains half of what was left in the cup. 
“Hey!” Duke moves to take it back, which is naturally the exact moment Danny takes off running, effortlessly dodging everyone else on the sidewalk. He takes off after Danny, using his powers to make sure he can move out of the way of anything or anyone who gets in his path. 
They’re past the block when Danny starts to slow down, taking another sip of Duke’s latte. 
He puts on a final burst of speed and all but tackles Danny into the mouth of an alley, reaching for his cup. “Gotcha!”
“No!” Danny wails dramatically. He takes a step back and Duke watches as his power kicks up again, showing him a vision of Danny stepping on an empty can and falling back. Except he doesn’t really fall back? His foot rolls back on the can for a second, then goes through the can and settles back onto the ground where he catches his balance. Through the entire three second fall, Danny’s eyes are a bright green, brighter than Duke’s ever seen them.
His vision fades away and he moves to catch Danny, taking the chance to watch carefully as Danny’s foot does indeed go through the can. He quickly brings his gaze up to Danny’s eyes, which are green, but not inhumanly bright like they were in his vision.
Is the green not perceptible to normal humans?
He can probably only see it due to his powers. Which means he somewhat inadvertently outed himself as a meta.
Might as well just bite the bullet.
“Hey, do you have powers?” 
Danny chokes, shoving Duke away as he coughs and tries to clear his throat. He looks panicked, wild-eyed, searching for an escape route. “What? No. Why would I have powers? Maybe you have powers, have you ever considered that?”
“I mean. I do have powers. That’s why I’m asking.”
“Hold up. Stop talking. You have powers?”
“And your eyes are green sometimes.”
“That’s. No, they’re not,” Danny lies. It’s a very bad lie, seeing how on edge he is, and as much as Duke hates making Danny feel like that, he did get some bad habits while training with Bruce and this is one of them: the need to keep pushing, chasing after clear answers regardless of what the cost is. 
Duke shrugs, taking a sip of his latte, down to its last few mouthfuls, acting casual. “If you say so. But my powers don’t lie, man. As much as I wish they would, sometimes.”
“...Can we not do this out here?” The defeated tone Danny speaks with makes Duke hate himself. But he needs answers now. He needs to know if Danny is like him, if he’s safe, if he needs help. He needs it more than he needs Danny to like him at all. 
“Sure. I know a few quiet places we can talk.”
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Danny mutters. “Did my eyes really give it away?”
“Yeah. I mean, to be fair, I also didn’t realize until literally right now, so I don’t think anyone else will figure it out just from staring into your eyes.”
“See, this is what happens when you keep flirting when you don’t mean it. Secrets get pulled out into the open and it’s bad for everyone!”
Duke lightly punches Danny’s arm, trying to lift the mood. “Hey, who said I didn’t mean it?”
“Who said I didn’t mean it when I flirt with you?”
Danny blinks at him, confused, then says, “I mean, no one I guess. But it’s pretty obvious?”
“I only flirt with you, you know.”
“Yeah,” Duke says, trying to ignore how his voice shakes slightly. “There’s another one of my secrets. Can we call it even now?”
“Oh!” The shock of the revelation distracts Danny from his earlier nerves. Which is great, because now Duke is the one who’s nervous. It’s worth it, though, seeing the pretty blush come to bloom on Danny’s cheeks. “So all those pick up lines—”
“And the pick up line made you realize my powers!” 
“These pick up lines are doing the most,” Duke agrees. And then he realizes, “Hey, you what this means? I was right! Your eyes are windows to your soul!”
“I’m going to hit you,” Danny says, already winding back for a solid punch. He lets Danny hit him since it’s only fair for the stress he caused; as a meta, Duke knows how important secrecy is, how the difference between life and death can be just how well his powers are hidden. 
“Are we even now?”
Danny considers him for a moment, then sighs. “Yeah, I guess. Let’s be done with this for now, okay? Let’s go to the library.”
He refuses to entertain any conversation about powers or Duke’s feelings for him. It’s nice to spend time with Danny, but by the end, Duke is sure he can feel his heart start to crack in half. A sleepless night awaits him when he gets home, moving past his cousin’s attempts to talk to him in favor of flopping face down onto his bed.
But the next day, Danny grins at him when he walks into the cafe. He doesn’t have a new pick up line, choosing instead to act as calm and casual as possible to give Danny some space.
Also breaking routine, Danny insists on personally making Duke’s drink, writing something onto the cup before he fills it up with a floral tea. 
You’re so fine, you made me forget my pick up line, is scrawled on the side of his cup when he gets it. 
“Enjoy your drink, Cutiepie the Third,” Danny says with a shy smile.
“The Third?” Duke repeats, relief making him feel lighter than air, “Who are the first two?”
“Don’t worry about it, cutie. Get to class!”
Duke lets Danny chase him out, and holds in his laugh when he hears Danny’s coworker screech, “What was that?!”
Yeah, they’ll be fine. In the meantime, Duke needs to see if apology pick up lines are thing. Danny definitely deserves one.
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millylotus · 6 months
Ghostlights Prompt Event: Blind Date With a Prompt - @dcxdp-ghostlights
To See Your Face Again, is to remember you're not really there
'I thought I knew you'
Join Me, he beckoned.
Stay With Me, he cooed.
Love Me, he demanded.
He didn’t need to ask for the last one.
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The Phantom had been watching Gotham for some time now, more then he had in his twelve years of terror. Lurking around the domed city, peering in from up above. It got to such a point where Gothamites would travel through the treacherous cave system beneath their city just to escape his gaze.
The Signal wasn’t one of those people of course, he was one of the remaining vigilantes he had to stand tall, a pillar of light in these hard times. In the End Times. Even as Duke Thomas he stood upon the surface, staring up at the Phantom, The Phantom grinning down on him in return. He knew exactly what the monster wanted of course, & at times he wanted to give in, to hold him again, this was one of those few times.
The Phantom waited above the dome, not the highest point but nearby it, waiting patiently, pridefully, maybe even a bit hungrily. Watching as a disturbance in light, invisible to most, made their way to the top of the tower Phantom stood over.
The disturbance sat in the sturdy satellite dish at the top of Wayne Enterprise, positioned just so that they would never be seen from below, they shimmered & became Duke Thomas once more, in a hoodie & jeans, an ecto-gun strapped to his side, a bracelet made specifically to keep The Phantom away. He chose to not look at that one for long.
The Phantom stared at Duke, examining the face he could not often see. Counting the beauty marks sparsely decorating his lovely face. Taking in the scars the Phantom had once adoringly traced, & the ones he’d never touched or seen before. The Phantom wanted so desperately to see Duke’s gold-brown eyes fully, without the wicked green of the dome overlying them.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Duke said glaring up at Phantom. God he hated that smile on Phantom’s face, all lecherous & possessive. It used to be devoted & respectful some many years ago.
“I thought you hated hearing me speak?” Phantom said playfully, moving into a laying position in the air, “But if you want, allow me to try & convince you once more.”
Duke sighed as Phantom began to re-hash the same speech he’d given many a time before.
Join Me, he beckoned.
Stay With Me, he cooed.
Love Me, he demanded.
He didn’t need to ask for the last one.
Most of the time Duke didn’t want to listen, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop coming up here, to stop caring.
He looked up at Phantom & like many times before tried to connect this version to the one he’d known before.
The freckles that where once prominent & dark upon tan skin connected by scars like images in the stars, had blended like blush over pale green skin. Teal blue eyes that sparkled like starlight, where now a matte blood red that held no real light in them. Fangs that once seemed cute & mischievous, had sharpened to the point where they looked to even hurt the one who bore them.
A soul that was no longer happy, but a phantom of it’s former self. Barely the same, in a way it looked like it never had been.
“Duke,’ Phantom said, more focused then before in it’s tone that it Duke pulled out of his musings as he blinked the mirage from his eyes.
“Why must you be so stubborn,’ The Monster said like he always did, ‘I could give you so much, you know that. Puzzles to invigorate the mind made by creatures longer lived then you’ve ever met, stories from dimensions you’ve never even hear of, songs sung by beings you’d barely comprehend. All you’d have to do is be Mine again, My Star, My Light, My Everything.”
He had to hold back from rolling his eyes in annoyance, he was far too tired for this.
“I don’t want that, I don’t need that,” Duke knew he was half to blame for some of this, though his remaining friends & family had said differently. Maybe if he’d reached out to him after the accident sooner, or flown out to Amity to talk him down from the edge, gotten in the way of Vlad adopting him. Maybe this would all be different, maybe he’d truly know who was floating above him.
“And I thought, I knew you,” The Phantom teased, crossing his arms & staring down at Duke as if what he said didn’t set a bomb off in Duke’s heart.
“If you think I’d go with you as you are now… I’m starting to think you never really did,” Duke said, allowing no emotions on to his face, he could feel tears tapping at the back of his eyes insistently.
Phantoms, grinning face turned into one of silent overwhelming annoyance as he glared down at Duke.
“I do know you, and that’s exactly why I need you,’ Sighing The Phantom turned away from the dome, ‘You’re being rather depressing today so I’ll be going, see me again in two weeks & I’ll see if you changed your mind.”
In an instant The Phantom was gone, not even bothering with going invisible, just dropping his tangibility & heading to Amity at mach speeds most likely.
In the new found silence, the only thing Duke could hear was his fast beating heart & shaky breath, tears beginning to run down his face. Staring up at nothing, features pinched with rage, & fear, & most prominently, heartbreak.
“Danny… what happened to you?”
Half of it was that he wasn't there.
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Okay like but that was too much fun!!! q(≧▽≦q)
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@draconxs asked: "Wororororo! Why don't you come share a drink with me? I want to see if that moonshine of yours is as strong as you claim it is." - younger Kaido @ Tomasu
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Tomasu wasn't a man of impressive power. He didn't have Conquerors's Haki or even a Devil Fruit. He wasn't renowned for great strength or flashy attacks. He was a smuggler and the reason he was so successful on the Grand Line despite the massive powerhouses that sailed it wasn't because of strength - it was because the Ghostlight was smart and cunning. More than that, it was because he learned from his experiences.
For example, experience had taught him to never take on a member of the Rocks Pirates if you valued your life or had anything to lose. It didn't matter that the crew had disbanded - those pirates had been recruited for a reason, and they were still a dangerous bunch even apart. Kaido he knew was especially so, given how he had been taking down battleships at age ten and been giving soldiers nightmares even before he'd gotten that Devil Fruit of his.
Experience had also taught Tomasu to keep a supply of moonshine on him for emergency purposes. Specifically, to get those pirates and Marines that were far too powerful for him to be able to kill drunk enough that he'd be able to walk away from an encounter in one piece. So, grateful that he hadn't run into Whitebeard in a while meaning his stock was high, the smuggler gave a nod of agreement.
"Aye, I've got some time t' have a few drinks," Tomasu said, unloading a few jugs of moonshine from one of the dinghies he kept hitched to Barnabas. The giant sea turtle gave him a concerned look before grunting in understanding. Kaido was too dangerous to risk the wrath of, especially when they had supplies to get to Fishmen refugees. A few drinks was better than a fight. "Doubt I could outdrink ya, so help yourself to the lion's share of it. I can always make more when I need t' get plastered."
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astermagnolia · 3 months
Danny x dc ship names
I fucking adore these ship names, they give me so much serotonin😭
Danny x Tim = deadtired/braindead 10/10 name makes me giggle and kick my feet
Danny x Jason = dead on main 9/10 makes me smile
apparently Danny x Damien = dead serious 9/10 makes me chuckle
But I don't know Danny and Grayson ship name :((
Edit: just found Danny x Grayson is death defying I LOVE THAT and Danny x Duke is ghostlights which is adorable
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dcxdp-ghostlights · 7 months
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Welcome to DCxDP-Ghostlights!
This is a blog focused on Ghostlights run by @luxaofhesperides. I will be running events through this blog to encourage more interaction among Ghostlights shippers!
Below is some basic information about everything you need to know for this blog.
What is DCxDP?
DCxDP is a crossover between DC comics and Danny Phantom! This is a crossover fandom that has gained popularity over the past two years and has created a vibrant community of fans.
What's Ghostlights?
Ghostlights is the ship name I will be using for Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas. Other names for this ship are: Deadlights, Halflights.
Danny Fenton is the main character of Danny Phantom, the ghost hero Phantom from Amity Park. Duke Thomas (aka Signal) is the newest member of the Gotham vigilantes crew, working during the day as the only meta-human vigilante in the city.
If you want to learn more about Danny, watch the show! There are plenty of places where you can find it online. If you want to learn more about Duke Thomas, here is a reading guide to help you find the best comics to read his story.
(There are lots of places to read comics online, send me a DM if you want to know where I read most of mine!)
What does this blog do?
I created this blog for the purpose of running fandom events centered around Ghostlights. I also plan on using it as a center for all things Ghostlights. Any art, fic, playlists, anything at all that's posted on Tumblr will be reblogged here! Feel free to tag this blog in anything related to Ghostlights, I'd be happy to add to the archive :)
How can I find out more about events?
I will be adding information about the different types of events I plan to do through this blog. You'll find it under 'Events' on desktop when looking at the blog. There is also a calendar that will be regularly updated to show all relevant dates for ongoing events!
Do you have more questions?
Feel free to send an ask! I'm more than happy to talk about Ghostlights and planned events.
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phantomarine · 25 days
So does the mantaluna have any lamps besides Pavel's lantern or do they just walk around by ghostlight
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The Mantaluna has some little ornamental lights here and there around the ship, so it's not just Pavel's lantern. The Revenite lights down at the waterline were damaged in the Fata Morgana attack, but I imagine they have lots of other lights to spare. Between the different light sources, though, I imagine ghostlight is enough for them to navigate. Maybe they have some emergency lanterns on board, but why use them at this point 😥
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year
I’ve seen some tags for Duke X Danny.
like #deadlights, or #ghostlight
I just really like their themes so here, lemme say like 50; these can also be cool fic titles (some of these are just jokes, or might be taken by other ships)
if you put their hero names you get PhantomSignal which is… kinda cute
Polter-Gaze (get it? Poltergeist. Gaze. It’s a pun)
(this one’s just a funny joke) I See Dead People
SolarLights (a bit of a stretch, but people put these on graves!)
(another joke, this time phasmaphobia) SpiritOrbs
GhostBusters (Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!)
SolarFlare (oh look, a space based thing that has to do with light. Cool.)
(I have to get these out of my system;) Starry Lemon-Lime|Canada Dry|7up
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mastermindmp3 · 5 months
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I feel its no secret that I try to analyze the songs within the context of the album and that alone. I think there's so much artistry that is often ignored when trying to focus so solely on passing paternity tests about parables told by the potential paramour's songs. ( ok, I really reached for that alliteration, sorry. )
But like, I've been a Swiftie since 06. I do know that these songs are about Taylor Swift's life, and frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Empathy and connection are what, I think, her music is about. How deeply personal is absolutely part of the appeal.
I feel like this acknowledgement will definitely be more prescient in analyses to come, but... god, god, this song is heartbreaking, and it feels so personal. Some songs are vertical slices of the author's life, and dear god, does this feel like one.
Suppose the only thing left to do is place the slide under the microscope, yeah?
There's so much to go into here. The song is so mired in death. There's loss and grief, but this one feels more potent. The speaker isn't trying to justify her grief to other people this time, isn't trying to preempt it (see: Down Bad, saying she was heaven struck, even if for such a short time.)
We open on the title, framed in the same interval as church bells ( and Big Ben ) and throughout the song, we realize that the bells are for a funeral. Cause of death: disaffection and depression.
Can I say? I really love the delivery on the very first verse. I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist. She delivers it so softly, so warmly, with the last bit of hope the song holds. Fairy lights could be so many things - it could be literal, the fairy lights on someone's porch. It can also be literal for the homophonic meaning: ferry lights, seeing the boat leave as she says goodbye to London. It could be the mythic suggestion of the will o' the wisp, which exist to mislead the traveler who sees them. Perhaps our speaker's later actions are all in vain, because she was following ghostlights.
She tells the audience all she did to try and save her love. Kept calm and carried the weight of the rift. Keep Calm and Carry On being, memeticly, a piece of propaganda distributed in Great Britain during the lead up to WWII. This tells us that perhaps she tried to ignore the ways her relationship was failing, and then, when that didn't work, pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
Then, she tells us how her clinging hurt her. To hold so tightly to someone causes muscles to ache, and even the speaker says, [Her] spine split from carrying [them] up the hill. The speaker is starting to lose hope, here, I think. As she sees how much she's putting in, and how little her lover is giving back.
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the heath. / I stopped CPR / I was going down with [the ship.]
It is so clear, through vocal desperation and how deep Taylor's notes get, that the speaker gave everything she had to try and save this romance. But she was only given "quiet resentment" in return.
I try to only pull from TTPD for these posts, but the talk of going down with the ship, the imagery of rain ( wet through my clothes ) it all brings to mind just... One thing. Well, actually, two things:
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Rain as a symbol of depression is very classic shorthand. We call rainy days "gloomy." I feel like, very obviously, the Speaker's lover is depressed, but I think, less obviously: the speaker is too.
How much sad did you think I had in me?
For me, it calls to mind an old friend, who was going through a dark spot at the same time as me. They... refused to work on getting better, and I hate to say it, but yes, getting better is such nasty work. In a way, the Speaker is expressing that too. She was putting in the nasty work of keeping their relationship together, but also, of putting herself back together.
And her lover didn't. He swore he loved her, but the speaker died on the altar waiting for the proof. You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days. Refusing to care, allowing yourself to wallow in depression when someone else is doing the work for you, will be the final straw in many relationships.
I think, by tying the two together, over this running beat, the speaker is explaining why she has to go. Why, for her own mental health, the relationship must end, before she, too, is sacrificed.
I founded the club she's heard great things about.
The speaker put so much work into the relationship (and by proxy, her lover's mental health) that she feels she reinvented her lover. And as he finds new loves, ones who've heard 'great things' about him, she feels resentment... And yet, she also doesn't. After all, she still says that they:
Had a good run / a moment of warm sun / but I'm not the one
In the end, though worsening mental health played a role, the death knell was the all too real: changing hearts and minds. Life went on, and the speaker and her lover fell out of love with each other. The Speaker could no longer choose to stay, not when their love was so obviously corpse cold. I stopped CPR, after all, it's no use.
She knows she'll take blame (You say I abandoned the ship,) for being the one to officially pull the plug. In the context of this song, though, the blame lays with everyone and no one. Some romance can't be resuscitated, and to continue to try well beyond expiration only creates dull, dying pangs.
Taylor creates such a living picture, for such a dying love, and it's genuinely such good songwriting.
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cpericardium · 1 year
i just re-read worm after a few years and am thinking about getting into the fandom- can you recommend some fics and people to look into? good or especially bad, either way- i just dont want to be out of the loop ;)
You came to the right place!!! I have read far too much wormfic to ever be healthy again.
I would not intentionally recommend very bad fics to a fandom newbie because that just makes for an unhappy experience—you'll have plenty of opportunities to find the dregs if you just look at any of the most common recs on /r/wormfanfic. I have a list of some of my own favourites, but my tastes are particular and often clownish. Of them, these are the ones I'd rec to someone new. In fact, many of these I read before joining the community myself and still hold up. Loaf (or, the fic that sucked me into the fandom): Post-Gold Morning, Contessa tries to bake a loaf of bread without using her power. I read this, immediately had to make fanart, and then didn't stop. Case: Sequel to Loaf. Lisa teams up with a woman who isn't the Simurgh to form a private detective agency. Tabloid: Adventures of a PRT photographer slash cape paparazzo. Character study and lots of cape worldbuilding. It has art! Cauldron Quest™: Contessa in a quest, what will she do? Typewriter: Lisa can read between the lines (of Worm). It's Cold Out There Every Day: Vista is caught in a timeloop. Amy's Octet: A series of quizzes about Amy Dallon. Forward: Taylor tries to move on after Gold Morning. The Great Escape: The Birdcage opened and Eidolon is tasked with catching the escapees. A Certain Logic of Violence and Uncertainty: Marquis and Amy in the Birdcage, what will they do? Shinka: Lung character study. Looking Forwards: The reason I started shipping Contessa/Alexandria. Cherry on Top: Cherish character study. Valleyxandria: A day in the life of Rebecca Costa-Brown, a California girl. Dragon Unbound: Dragon unchained! Agent of Cauldron: A girl kills Eidolon, gets inducted into Cauldron. Very expansive worldbuilding. Ghostlight: Pretender can hear Alexandria's voice while piloting her body. Janus: Victoria in Taylor's body, what will she do? Hatching a Heist: A woman pretends to be a cape in order to rob her former employer. Steel Owl: Parahumans Online can be such a lonely place. I Need Some Space: Taylor's new stepsister is Vista. The Artist Formerly Known As Bonesaw: Two years after Gold Morning, Riley wakes up and she's still in the Slaughterhouse Nine. Authors to look into: Chartic, k800, maroon_sweater, henghost (but you HAVE to check the tags first), Fox_in_a_Box (this is for Number Stans), Redcoat_Officer, Harbin, TheSleepingKnight, Omega_93, Dusky
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thefathersbride · 8 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
@cove-holdens tagged me for this game, thank you! This was really hard, I cannot remember with how many songs I was like "this is perfect for X or ship Y" - only to realize that they did not have the right starting letter :( But, here we are, I managed! :) I am tagging, without any obligations as always, @glowwormsmith @jacobseed @starsandskies @illithiad @alyssalenko @theviridianbunny @baldurians @fenharel @ginadotjpg @honeypunks and... YOU YOU YOU YOU and YOU!
T - THE GOOD LIFE by THREE DAYS GRACE. "the good life is what I need, too many people stepping over me. the only thing that's been on my mind, is the one thing i need before i die" for Daphne Bosworth
H - HAD ENOUGH by BREAKING BENJAMIN. "when all is said and done, i will be the one, to leave you in your misery, and hate what you've become" for Eleanor Strand and Joseph Seed
E - EVIL by HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD. "evil, am i evil, through the empty eyes of you people? evil, i am evil, or are your eyes deceitful?" for Daphne
F - FIREDANCER by POETS OF THE FALL. "But fire doesn’t dance to their dictates. and now you’re dancing with the greats, let the fools have their fates, for time it never waits" for Iris Hawke
A - APOSTLE by DARKHAUS. "you gave words that were true, and you have made my life brand new. i was lonely and you were the only thing keeping me in line" for Eleanor and Joseph
T - TYRANT by DISTURBED. "but the love turned to hate we kept pushing away, and the words that came out turned it into a mess, and it's like pulling teeth 'cause you'll never confess." for Eleanor and Joseph
H - HAMMER OF DAWN by HAMMERFALL. "i can't pretend, never let it go, 'cause everything comes with a price. what you have done, what you put me through, the devils incarnate is coming for you" for Jayna Cousland
E - EMPIRES by RUELLE. "empires rise, empires fall. we live or die to take the throne. empires rise, empires fall. we live or die to take the throne. only one will stand at the end of it all" for Daphne
R - RISING SON by STURM UND DRANG. "can't you see me coming, coming for you baby? coming there to take you from the light. can't you hear me calling, calling for you baby? so you better take on to the night, i'm the rising son" for Jayna
S - SURVIVOR by 2WEI & EDDA HAYES. "i'm the survivor, i'm gonna make it, i will survive, keep on survivin'" for Caivyre
B - BEYOND THE HORIZON by POETS OF THE FALL. "beyond the horizon, i’ll follow where love has gone. twilight finds me here alone. beyond the horizon, i see your love shining, oh. my ghostlight, my afterglow" for Iris and Anders
R - RAISE YOUR GLASS by PINK. "so raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways, all my underdogs. we will never be, never be anything but loud and nitty-gritty, dirty, little freaks" for Caivyre
I - INTO THE HEART OF DANGER by BATTLE BEAST. "walk into the heart of danger, and don't let the darkness enchain you. walk into the heart of danger, face your fear" for Iris
D - DEFENCE OF MOSCOW by SABATON. "they don’t belong, we stand our ground, a million strong. we are ready for their strike, face the army of the reich. a million strong, this is our land, they don’t belong." for Dagmar Trevelyan
E - EVERYTIME WE TOUCH by CASCADA. "your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky, they wipe away tears that I cry (that i cry). the good and the bad times, we've been through them all, you make me rise when i fall" for Dagmar and Cullen Rutherford
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luxaofhesperides · 7 months
checked how many ghostlights prompts u have left and its 5.... cant believe im almost done writing all of them!!!
anyways since i wont open requests again until september or so, do yall want to do a mini ghostlights event to keep the ghostlights ship alive and active? if theres any interest i'll send out another poll on if we should do a ghostlights week, summer solstice swap (gift exchange basically), or something else.
so: ghostlights event poll
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 2 years
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I will be honest, I had big energy when i started this one... but that died, so i am posting it like this.
Because i am likely never gonna finish it completely, but i still wanted you all to see the Kid sides..
General Art Tag list: @sanderstalker, @thetrashyloser,  @punsterterry,@sleepyssnail, @izzynuggets, @grumpymoonbird,  @minamishipsit-secondround, @scorching-scotch, @multifusionverse, @fandomloverangel, @bexxbeauty,  @ollyollyoxinfree, @pancakewithamace, @aggressiveshipper, @demon-dark-666, @slayerofspiders, @underthesea73, @suicidalcitrusfruit, @sander-side-stuff, @daddyofrapture,  @the-angry-ship, @itsafangirlthing416, @marycharlotte, @a-ghostlight-for-roman, @dupstepbranch, @janusdancers, @multi-fandoms-posts
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
@akagamiko continued from here:
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"Really, I shouldn't be surprised," Tomasu laughed. "You've always been talented, an' Buggy's never been one t' settle for stayin' out of the spotlight." He'd been worried in the early days when the young clown's name didn't make the paper as much in the early days, the smuggler wondering if something had happened to him, but it seemed he was making up for it with being in the papers every other week now. He just hoped the fame wasn't going completely to his head. Or that he wasn't finding out the hard way that attention wasn't always a good thing.
But that was a concern for later. Shanks was there now, and he was looking forward to hearing firsthand about all of the trouble he'd gotten himself into since they'd last met. Especially with the revelation that the red-haired Yonko had, indeed, met his precious granddaughter.
Tomasu beamed brightly, his smile reminiscent of the sunny engineer's. It did his heart and mind good to know that she'd not only met him, but made a positive impression. Not that he doubted she would. But sometimes he had to remind himself that she wasn't a timid little girl who would hide behind his legs anymore at the slightest bit of bullying or sideways glance. "Aye, I doubt there're words t' describe how proud I am. I'm glad she's found people who appreciate her. Even gladder that ya have the brains t' be one of 'em!"
Taking a long pull from his tankard, he smirked at Shanks. "Of course, she is my granddaughter, so ya can't tell me she hasn't caused ya a bit of grief, eh? Hope that's one of the stories ya plan to tell."
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I posted 1,064 times in 2022
65 posts created (6%)
999 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 386 of my posts in 2022
#art - 112 posts
#sanders sides - 98 posts
#favs - 60 posts
#remus - 49 posts
#matt mutters - 36 posts
#janus - 30 posts
#roman - 27 posts
#virgil - 21 posts
#cursing tw - 20 posts
#eye contact - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#yeah i mean unpopular opinion but i hate when artists say shit like ‘don’t bother to like if you’re not gonna rb' or 'likes are worthless'
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m not a shipping guy, but Ryan x Dylan really speaks to me
79 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
I am officially denouncing Roman, I'm afraid. Remus is clearly the superior twin.
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101 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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For a gift exchange over on Discord!
119 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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Reimbursement for yesterday
257 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Some Orange!Logan angst for the fander gift exchange over on Instagram!
[support me, if you’re so inclined? ko-fi/patreon]
406 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ruitethewingedfox · 1 month
How we feel about ocs in this fandom?
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Side info text below the cut:
Codename: "Ghostlight Siren"
-affectionately nicknamed "Ghost"
-codename says it all. Glowing sharkfox that can turn invisible and possess you. (Don't worry, she tries to be gentle <3)
-initially used in interrogation, now used to venture into the smaller bits of the blacksite and it's equipment when repairs that need to be done are out of human reach
-actually much smaller than the average grey fox; 8.5 inches or 21.59 centimeters at the shoulder
-after escaping the main facility during the lockdown, she can often be found roaming the Let-Vand zone, collecting old scraps of wreaked ships and other trinkets. On occasion, she will wander the blacksite itself in search of anything that catches her eye
-always talks in a monotone voice with a distant gaze, never touching the ground.
-file should go more in-depth on this tbh creature-ish lass, but for now you get this
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