#ghost and soap
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bluvp · 5 months ago
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Identities unknown.
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hooty-duty · 1 year ago
Simpler Times
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Someone yelled "the floor is lava" two hours ago, and Soap refuses to touch the ground until he's declared the winner.
I've had this in my 'almost finished but not quite happy with it yet' group of drawings for far too long
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mrsaquaman187 · 8 days ago
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Just saying 🤭
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bmtillerbabe · 4 months ago
~ Body Heat ~
A Reader x Ghoap fic!
Written for the amazing @onlyareyyyy ! Sorry it took forever, thank you for being so patient! :):)
Originally one of her posts, I decided to take it and run with it and turn it into a mini fic :D
"sharing a bed with Simon ghost riley and johnny soap mactavish. having a crush on ghost. being unable to sleep because all you can think of is your proximity to ghost and feeling his massive erection against your back. some sort of conversation or confession which results in ghost fucking you on your side which cause the reader to squirt and which wakes up johnny"
Hopefully, I did it justice! Please, enjoy! (and go follow @onlyareyyyy , she got the goods yo ;) )
18 + ONLY
NSFW, and the smut be smuttin' - you've been warned!
  A sharp crack of thunder made you jolt back awake, lifting your hands to cover your ears.
  It was raining.
  With an aggravated sigh, you gripped the scratchy duvet and threw it over your shoulders, twisting it with a huff and flinging your body over to face the opposite direction.
  Fucking safe-houses. They were never comfortable.
  You tried your damndest to get back to sleep …. Closing your eyes, counting imaginary animals, hell, even trying to meditate. But it was no use.
  Your comfy spot was long gone; the mattress was now cold; the patter of the raindrops against the cracked windowpanes of the old safehouse was anything but calming right now; and the fear of another loud boom of thunder was enough to keep you wide awake.
  Growling to yourself, you tossed and turned again, blinking in the dark.
  Another lightning flash.
  More rain.
  More thunder.
  And somewhere amidst the constant torrential downpour – on top of being uncomfortable as shit – the power decided to go out.
  A flicker-flicker-flicker, and then …. Nothing.
  The distant buzz and hum of the lights just outside your room was abruptly cut off, as was the little golden glow from underneath the door.
  You grumbled to yourself and sat upright, wiping your eyes and slumping your shoulders, staring into the darkness.
  Any other time, it would have made you eerily uncomfortable, and you’d have had half a mind to trudge through the blackness and find your two so-called “guardians” who were supposed to be keeping you safe from some so-called “threat”, and see if you could maybe pester them a little into keeping you company. But you never got the chance.
  As if the gods heard your silent plea, the heavy thudding of steel-toed boots was headed your way before your thought had even finished forming.
  Hmm. Maybe they really were taking this “guardian” thing seriously.
  With a flashlight in his hand, Ghost opened your door (without even knocking, the bastard), Soap following close behind.
  “You a’ight, luv?” The Brit asked, shining the sharp white light directly into your face.
  You scrunched your eyes shut, nodding as you held your hand up to ward away the sudden brightness. “Mmm-hmm.”
  “Aye, Ghost, yer gonna blind the poor lass.” Soap scoffed, batting Simon’s hand down.
  “I’m fine.” You answer verbally this time looking at them both, illuminated only by the stray flash of lightning and the flashlight that was now reflecting off the scratched wooden floor. “I was awake, anyway. I couldn’t get back to sleep.”
  Another burst of thunder rolled through the room and made you jump again, covering your ears.
  Jesus Christ, every one was like opening a can of biscuits …
  You watched as Soap walked over to the light switch on the wall, flipping it on and off a few times.
  “Aye.” He confirmed, “Wasn’t just our room, then. Looks like the whole house is without power.”
  Ghost sighed heavily, shaking his head. “In this cold? Great. Tha’s jus’ wonderful.”
  He wasn’t wrong. It was the dead of November, and even if the safe-house wasn’t full of leaky windows and cracked walls, it would have been hard to stay warm all night without any electricity. As it stood now, you were set to freeze.
  As if on cue, your whole body decided to shiver, and you clamped your jaw shut to keep your teeth from chattering.
  You weren’t sure if the men had heard you, but either way you pretended they didn’t when you heard Soap pat Ghost’s shoulder. He nodded for the larger man to follow him out into the hall, turning to you before he did.
  “Stay here, lass. We’ll be right back.”
  And the two left the room.
  You wrapped the blanket around yourself tighter, suddenly aware of the intense chill in the room biting at your nose, any heat that had been blowing through the vents quickly being dispersed through the battered house.
  This was just great.
  Now what?
  You’d already been at this safe-house for days, and who knew how much longer you three had to wait for exfil. And now you had to go without power – and heat – on top of it?
  You tried to remain positive, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
  Boots thumping back towards your room caught your attention before you could sink any deeper into your head.
  “A’right, luv.” Ghost clears his throat as he enters the room with Soap in tow once more. You notice their hands are much, much fuller than they had been when they’d left.
  Were those …. Blankets?
  “S’been a change of plans.”
  Your throat went dry.
  He couldn’t possibly mean ….
  “We’re gonna be sharing the bunk wit’ya tonight.”
  Alright. Maybe he could.
  But perhaps it wasn’t really sinking in just yet, the situation not quite made clear, or maybe your brain was just sleep-deprived thanks to the last hectic week; but it wasn’t until Soap just casually sauntered over to your side of the bed and tossed down the armful of quilts and began promptly taking off his overshirt that it finally seemed to hit you in the head like a ton of bricks.
  Sharing the bunk … as in, sharing the bed?
  Your cheeks flush and you sputter out an incoherent strand of mumbles once your brain peels itself away from the shred of toned muscle of Soap’s chest revealed in the lightning flashes.
  “Good.” Ghost grunted as he, too, began to shed himself of the gear and over-layers of clothing. You heard the clinking of his belt buckle and felt your cheeks flush deeper – suddenly warm all over despite the cold, your mind bombarding you with delicious images of the muscled man undressing just in front of you.
  If only the darkness hadn’t kept you from seeing ...
  “Cuz, er …. ‘Ere’s been a change of plans.” Ghost spoke again in the dark, somewhere to your left now, a sudden weight making you jerk your head to see his shadow crawling into bed with you. You opened your mouth to try and speak again, but another weight on your opposite side made you shift your sights back when you felt Johnny crawling into bed as well.
  Was this seriously gonna happen ….?
  Ghost tossed his boots off somewhere in the room and grunted softly as he removed the rest of his gear. “Since the power wen’ out and we can’t guard ya proper … we’re gonna hafta sleep in ‘ere with you.” He said as trivial as if he were merely telling you about the weather, and not something as monumental as sharing a bed with two, fully grown, fully muscled, toned, beefy military men, sandwiched between them all night.
  If there had been any light in the room, they would have seen your jaw hit the floor.
  Of all the things you’d expected Ghost to suggest for tonight – this situation hadn’t been one of them.
  “W-what?” You finally stammer out again, a little clearer this time, finding your voice.   
  “Aye, we won’ try any funny business with ye, lass, but ye are the precious cargo in this mission. We cannae afford to let anyone get to ye.” Johnny said softly, his voice somehow even darker and sexier than normal in the shadows. “And since the power’s out, and we cannae hear ye over the monitors an’ such, there’s not much of a choice. If anythin’ happened to ye on our watch, Price’d have our heads.”
  “B-but---wait, we---I---” You stutter out, but Ghost abruptly cuts you off with a scoff.
  “Oh, come on, luv. Ain’t no sense in gettin’ all fussy about it. The power’s out and we’re jus’ doin’ our jobs. Ain’t neither of us takin’ no fer an answer. Now, scoot over.”
  Dumbfounded, all you could do was obey orders, and scootch closer to Johnny, accidentally bumping him as you did so. The King-sized bed suddenly felt way too small with these two buff-cakes taking up all the space. Ghost settled into the mattress next to you, his weight making it sink in just slightly, threatening to pull you into his orbit.  
  If the situation hadn’t been so absurd, you might have found it in you to laugh; at the reality that you were currently sitting between two of the biggest, hottest, most handsome men of the 141; and that you were now not only supposed to get sleep, but were supposed to remember how to breathe, too?
  Life was truly unfair.
  “You gonna lay down sometime tonight?” Ghost huffs, but before you can respond, his big, still-gloved hand is on your shoulder, pulling you backwards. You let out a gasp as you fall back onto the bed and hear another snort from the Lieutenant.
  “Fuckin’ hell, you’re a right ice-block, luv. Get your arse back here.” He says, gripping your arm and pulling your back flush against his chest as Johnny straightened out the layers of blankets, throwing them over the three of you in a small pile.
  Suddenly very, very aware of the wall of Ghost behind you, pressing up against the entirety of your body, you stiffen and squirm; trying to get comfortable – maybe even put a shred of distance between your bodies – but the man’s grip is iron-tight.
  “Oi, quit squirmin.’ Get snug and hold the fuck still.” He barks at you, and you immediately calm. Johnny finishes covering you all up and lays back down to face you.
  “Haven’ya ever had ta use body heat before, lass?” The Scotsman asks quietly, and you can hear the grin in his voice. “Might not be the most comfortable of situations, but be better than freezin’ ta death, aye?”
  At his words, you feel Ghost’s grip around your waist tighten, and you manage to barely suppress a squeak when his huge palm is suddenly against your side, the intense head radiating off of him in waves.
  Jesus, was this man a walking heater?
  “I’ll take firs’ watch, Johnny.” Ghost grunts leaving no room for argument, and Soap nods, settling in and getting himself comfortable.
  “And you,” Ghost growls in your ear softly, leaning in so that you can feel the warmth of his breath through his balaclava, and pick up the faintest smell of Earl Gray – “Hold still, and get to sleep. Got it?”
  You nod quickly, trying to keep your breathing steady and calm your mind as much as you could. Trying and keep your mind off his huge, hulking form laying comfortably behind you; off his steady breathing and heartbeat that was soothing like a lullaby.
  It was going to be a long night.
~ * ~
  Maybe hours had passed, maybe minutes. It was impossible to tell with the rain still pouring and the power still out.
  In the shadows, everything looked the same.
  You weren’t even sure if you had even really fallen asleep or not, but you knew at least some time had passed since Johnny had not only rolled over to face away from you but had begun to snore softly.
  Even Ghost, still situated easily behind you with his hand across your midsection seemed to be breathing at a slower rate – deep in his sleep.
  You sighed to yourself quietly, shifting your head on the pillow and blinking in the dark.
  Try as you may to chalk it up to the stress of the situation you were in, or even the unfamiliarity of your surroundings, you knew deep down the warmth settling in your core wasn’t from any of the excuses you tried to convince yourself of.
  You closed your eyes and listened to the rhythmic breathing of Ghost and Soap, humming quietly to yourself.
  Gods, since you’d first seen this man, you’d been smitten with him. I mean, how could you not? Those dark, piercing eyes, framed by the longest, prettiest, most blonde lashes you’d seen in your life; that gruff, British voice; the command and authority he exuded to everyone around him, leaving no room for doubt who’s in charge.
  And that body.
  Don’t get me wrong, you’d caught yourself more than once eyeing up the Sargeant that currently slept across from you; fresh out of the showers, water still dripping down his scruffy beard; running his hands through his short, tawny-brown mohawk while he laughed at something; catching a stray smile. Fuck, he was just a treat to look at as Ghost was.
  Both of them had biceps that the gods themselves would be jealous of, broad toned chests, firm pecs poking through every shirt they wore as if their bodies were trying to shred the fabric to pieces in order to breathe.
  Both of them were hands down the most attractive men you’d seen in your entire life.
  But it was hard not to pick a favorite when one of them was literally wrapped around you, his scent invading your senses and stealing away your rest.
  His scent.
  Ghost’s scent.
  Cigarettes and Bourbon.
  You swallowed a soft moan as you inhaled deeply, your mind swimming with images of just licking the very smell off his skin, of tasting the salty tang of his body’s natural musk and sweat, wanting to drown yourself in it and never come back up for air.
  Fuck, he smelled amazing.
  And with an internal sigh, you realized your nose wasn’t the only thing enjoying the fragrance of the Lieutenant.
  Shifting your thighs, you realized your entire body was reacting to it …. Your pussy was reacting to it.
  Warm, wet, and nearly dripping already, you could feel your arousal pooling at your centre; your poor cunt aching and empty and eager for something to touch her, please her, fill her, and make her feel good.
  Ghost shifted behind you, grunting softly before breathing steadily once more.
  You held your breath until his movements stilled, suddenly afraid that he’d heard your inner thoughts, or that – fuck – he may have smelled you somehow. But when his breathing evened out once more, you breathed a sigh of relief and let your mind wander back to the dangerous territory you’d been pulled out of.
  And maybe it was wrong. No, not maybe – you knew it was wrong. You knew it was immoral, or bad, or whatever …. But damn, the temptation was there ….
  And what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him … right?
  After all, with the rate you were climbing this ladder, it wouldn’t take you long to get there …
  Heart aflutter with the naughty secrecy of your act and the thrill of being caught, you bit your bottom lip and ever so slightly shifted your arm out from under Ghost’s; snaking it down and around into your waistband. Into your panties.
  You kept your lip between your teeth, biting it softly to keep yourself quiet, moving slow as you could stand it, the heat from your core already reaching your fingertips as you slowly reached down.
  You hoped the torrential rain would help cover any sounds you might make.  
  With a small sigh, you pressed a finger to the slit of your entrance, pleased to find that the arousal was indeed seeping out of you, and you grinned to yourself, braving a finger inside.
  Your hips bucked softly, involuntarily, and you closed your eyes; your breathing quickening under your touch.
  This wouldn’t even take two –
  You gasped in shock when a large, thick wrist clamped down around your own, stilling your movements, and another hand flew to your mouth, nearly covering your entire face with its size.
  Your entire world froze and your heart stopped, eyes going wide.
  “Now … what do you think you’re doin’, luvie?” Ghost growls into your ear, his voice like gravel and sandpaper.
  The tone alone had you clamping your thighs shut and letting out a muffled moan of pleasure before you could stop yourself.
  You tried to muffle something to him as a response, possibly even as an excuse, but Ghost merely chuckled darkly in your ear; sending a wave of gooseflesh down your body.
  “Now, now – quiet down, there, luv. Wouldn’t wanna wake up ol’ Johnny boy, now, would ya?”
  With a shift of his hips, you nearly groaned when you felt the thick warmth of his erection pressed into your backside through his trousers.
  You closed your eyes, your mind and body sending mixed signals, unsure of what to do or how to proceed.
  Ghost didn’t have a shred of hesitation.
  “Now, if I was a bettin’ man,” he said, letting his hand go from your mouth to your neck, holding your chin high as he buried his face in your skin and inhaled.
  “I’d say you was turned on by this …. By me.”
  You gulped, trying not to grind against him, your heart hammering in your chest and his hand sliding down the wrist that was currently still in your panties, dancing dangerously close to your core.
  You felt him smirk against your jaw, giving you a nip.
  “Ain’t that right, luvie?”
  You released a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding through your nose, closing your eyes and squirming under his touch. You shake your head, trying to deny it, but he’s having none of that.
  His hand around your throat tightens and his voice drops to a grating growl.
  “Oh, come on, don’t play me for a fool. I’ve seen the way you look at me, at Johnny, at us. Seen the way you bite your lip when you think none of us are looking …” His hand delves deeper into your panties, and suddenly, without warning, his long, thick fingers are rubbing through your folds and causing you to gasp.
  “Heard those sweet little moans of yours as you pleasure yourself at night thinking no one can hear you ….” He continues, moving is hand in time with his seductive voice and dangerous words, palming your clit and spreading your slick through and around your entrance.
  Johnny snores loudly, and your breath hitches.
  “Heh. Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Ghost clicks his tongue in mock disapproval. “Now, now little birdie ….” he growled, one of his fingers circling your opening. You clenched, eager and desperate for him to just shove it in already …
  Fucking jack-off was taking his good ol’ easy time, and it was driving you up the wall.
  “If you want me to keep going, you’re gonna have to be very …. Very quiet.”
  You nod desperately against him, willing to agree to just about anything at this point.
  “Say it, luvie … I need to hear you say it …”
  “Yes.” You croak out on a broken whisper. “Please, Simon, please, just—”
  You don’t get the chance to finish, letting out a sharp squeak of pleasure when one of his fingers is suddenly shoved so far into you that you see stars.
  The hand on your neck moves quickly back to cover your mouth and he bites at your earlobe threateningly.
  “I said be fucking quiet.”
  You nod, breathing through your nose in quick short bursts; your pussy clenching needily around his greedy digit. You close your eyes in bliss when he slowly begins to pump it in and out of you, making a delicious slick, squelching noise; and you damn near come apart in his arms when he utters a soft, “Good girl.” Into your ear.
  His finger feels like heaven, and you weren’t sure it could have gotten any better until he slid a second one in and you thought you’d pass out from how good the stretch felt.
  He made quiet grunting noises behind you, brushing his stubbled, scarred jaw over yours, around the shell of your ear, the skin at the base of your neck. Your mouth fell open in a silent sob, tears springing to your eyes at just how good this felt. How good his fingers were splitting you open, brushing every little part of you that drove you crazy with lust.
  He added a third finger, the burn damn near addicting as he grunted into your ear and thrusted them in and out at a brutalizing pace.
  “Fuck, dovey … fuckin’ hell, you’re so fuckin’ tight … Bet this lil’ cunny’s never felt so good, ‘as she?”
  You swallowed a noise in the back of your throat, thrusting your hips in time with his hands to meet his fingers.
  Your eyes rolled into the back of your head in pleasure and you felt the familiar coil of heat build in the pit of your stomach, the tell-tale sign of an impending orgasm approaching.
  Fuck, it felt so good, and you fucking chased it.
  Bucking your hips back and onto his fingers, you whimpered softly as you ground your pussy into Simon’s hand; desperately chasing your high.
  His noises and grunts and growls in your ear were driving you higher and higher up the wall, and you were already so fucking close – but then his fingers are withdrawn and you’re left achingly empty, whining softly.
  “Simon …” You beg on a breathy whisper, but you pause when you feel the hand that was just inside you moments before reaching down to yank his trousers down; and feel his massive, thick cock spring free and smack against the curve of your ass.
  Your throat went completely dry.
  You tried to keep quiet, your eyes locked on the back of Johnny’s sleeping head as you felt Ghost fuck into his fist from behind you; the tip of his cock brushing against the small of your back with each thrust.
  “Tell me, luvie,” he growls against your ear, shifting on the bed so he can rub the tip through your weeping folds.
  The breath left your lungs.
  “You ever had a man this size? Eh?”
  You shake your head, trying to remember how to even speak, but he grips your neck again. Tight. Hard.
  “Answer me.”
  “No,” You gulp thickly, letting your mouth hang open on a pant.
  He chuckles darkly, and you feel him notch himself at the slit of your entrance.
  “Good. I always like to be a first.”
  And he shoves his cock into you without any further warning.
  You let out a soft cry, unable to help yourself as your walls clamp down around him; and then he’s thrusting into you, brushing against your g-spot with painful accuracy; his balls slapping against your flesh with each needy jerk of his hips, pushing his hard, thick length deeper and deeper into you.
  His hand continues to grip your neck, panting into your ear while his other hand slides down to palm at your lower stomach; pressing down where he feels himself stretching you from the inside out. He smiles against your skin, hungry and predatory.
  “Fuck, you’re taking my cock so well, doll … fuck, you’re so tight. So wet. So needy …. Look at you, all desperate for me and my cock. My cum. You want me to fill you up, doll? Fill this tight, little cunny up? Breed you so good and deep, you’ll be walking around leaking me for days? Eh?”
  You groaned at his filthy mouth, trying to stay quiet but failing miserably, nodding.
  He laughed under his breath at you.
  “Such a filthy fucking slut you are. Lettin’ me fuck you nice and hard while Johnny’s just layin’ there in front of you, unawares.”
  You felt your insides clench at his every word, your orgasm building like a tidal wave inside you.
  At this rate, you were going to cum faster than you’d ever remembered before.
  “Wonder if he’d like to join in on the fun?” Ghost grunted as he angled his hips to somehow thrust even deeper into you; the slick, wet, squelching sounds echoing up through the blanket and into the empty room.
  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you little whore? Have bo’f of us men, filling your holes at once, breeding you from both ends? I bet you would. I bet you’d be such a good fucking girl and swallow every last drop Johnny’d give ya, and then turn around and take another load right up this tight, fucking pussy---agh, fuck!” You feel his entire body clench and his thrusts grow choppy and quicker.
  You moaned, closing your eyes, reaching up to grip the back of his head and hold it down against you.
  Almost, you were almost fucking –
  “Oh, fuck, fuck babygirl, I’m---I’m so close---I’m---Fuck!” Simon grunted and with a final thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, cumming deep within your warm, gummy walls; sliding his hand down to pinch your clit as he did so.
  That little action was more than enough, and your orgasm ripped through you like a tornado – leaving a mess of a trail in its wake.
  Clenching tightly around Simon’s cock, you pulsed and twitched around his length – and also managed to squirt; something you’d never ever remembered being able to do before.
  “Fuuuuck….” Simon grunted in your ear, giving you a few more sloppy thrusts as he slowed down; his cock pulsing the last bit of seed deep into your compliant pussy.
  Moaning softly and panting into Simon’s hand, you slowly came down from your high; the world coming back into focus around you.
  But it isn’t the room that comes back into focus, nor is it the lightning flashes that dance across the walls.
  It’s Johnny’s bright blue crystal eyes; dark with lust and need, his hand on his cock and the front of his shirt drenched in … your squirt.
  You felt your soul leave your body and a bright blush rise to your cheeks in shame, but Johnny just chuckled.
  “Aye, I see you’re havin’ all the fun without me, eh?” He groans when he gives his cock a long, languid stroke; arching his back to meet his fist, his eyes locked on yours as Simon slowly began to thrust back into you again.
  “Think you’ve got another round left in ya, princess?”
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felrija · 1 year ago
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They're alive and well
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row-theboat · 4 months ago
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It's them your honour
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emmster · 8 months ago
All I can think of with soap and ghost in the destiny au is that book we had to find for cayde.
"Hunter of the heart-"
"'So the brave Hunter pulled the shivering Warlock to his chest and—' This is what Cayde reads in his down time!?" -Ghost
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Oh yeah they are like that.
(Soap is watching a Crucible match in the first sketch)
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granddaughterogg · 1 year ago
sweet nothings
Soap: Awww. Ghost: What is it, Soap? Soap: I jes realized ye used tae be a wean once. Ghost: ...I used to be a what? Soap: A baby, L.T. A wee bitty ginger baby. Ghost: *harrumphs* Wasn't little. I was the biggest baby born in that 'ospital that year. Soap: *dazzled*...Please tell me that ye stabbed the doctor who brought ye intae this world.
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howlingshadows · 6 months ago
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year ago
Gaz, watching Ghoap train: I think they should strip down to underwear and wrestle until they are real sweaty and huffing n’ puffin into each other’s faces and shit
Price, choking on tea:
Gaz: for… plot reasons
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midnightfox8 · 5 months ago
Sexual Values
~~~~~~~ • Soap x Ghost • ~~~~~~~~
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| John "Soap" MacTavish |
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“He is young, fit and cocky” by Ghost.
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Attraction: Masculine
• Soap is attracted to masculinity, based on his preferences in body shape and orientation, he is 96.4% gay. (Soap orientation is a gay, because he's like lads. In male society he easily finds company, he, like a daring god of sex, cleverly lures the victim into his trap)
Sex Drive: Hypersexual
• Soap is a hypersexual person, he loved to release the accumulated excitement, his libido and stamina amaze all his exes with the dexterity. John is a clever seducer, his easy smiles and fire in his eyes are captivating, his muscular, trained body, humor and deep voice are the main attributes, and of course, a Scottish twist with an accent. He is a passionate, loving and energetic lover (Ghost stirs the blood in his veins.)
Dominance Axis: Switch
• Soap changes positions, he can easily try on the role of a dom, dominating a partner, and he also manages to become a sub with pleasure (for the most part, he is pleased to be a passive with his lieutenant). Basically his dominant and submissive are distributed as 50/50.
Deviance Axis: Kinky
• Soap has deviations, he has peculiar preferences in sex, he is a rather artistic man. He can be flirtatious, passionate and ardent with playfulness giving himself over to the process, but he is also accompanied by softness and tenderness towards his partner (Ghost).
Affection Axis: Open
• Soap represents a hedonist man capable of stopping for one night (regular hookups for him relieve accumulated tension). There’s more to him than his easy smiles and shameless flirting. But these 37.5% also show that he is quite deeply sensitive and inclined to open his soul to his lover, especially he is loyal and devoted to his chosen one.
P.S Soap is in love with his superior officer, his lieutenant is his dream man. Later, they are in a relationship. Scot is the luckiest idiot in the world.
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| Simon "Ghost" Riley |
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“Big creepy bleedin’ bastard with dark humor” by Soap.
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Attraction: Masculine
• Ghost is attracted to masculinity, based on his taste in men and sexuality, he is gay as a box of ribbons, 100% masculinity clearly indicates his preference for men. (His tastes fall on a loud Scot with a terrible hawk)
Sex Drive: Medium
• Ghost has an average rate of sexual activity, he is hypersexual 46.9% but by large estimates he is 53.1% hipo, so based on the fact that Brit is quite reserved and presumptive to hot things (like Johnny). A ghost can be an ardent and passionate lover, giving attention and reverent touches, he is excited in a balanced way and acts according to passion.
Dominance Axis: Dominant
• Simon is dominant by nature, the alpha among predators, his preferences for dominance are part of his essence. But Ghost has a tendency to make concessions towards his Sergeant.
Deviance Axis: Balanced
• Ghost has some peculiar deviations; he sticks to the middle in a balanced manner. He is pure in some aspects in bed, but at times he can be playful. Having experience with men (having sex before Mexico and Roba), he could indulge in hookups for several years after he became Ghost, but this happened extremely rarely, mainly due to his secretive personality and crush on Soap.
Affection Axis: Exclusive
• Ghost is a deep and eccentric man, he cannot have sexual intercourse without proposal (his past hookups made him realize this). 93.8% is the highest degree of trust and freedom in front of a partner.
He is looking for a deep connection, understanding and acceptance, and he can only open up to the one he loves, the man of his heart... Soap.
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codbigbang · 3 months ago
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Please note PARTICIPANT SIGN-UP closes: 22/12/24 at 23:59 GMT
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silli---lilli · 1 year ago
Johnny and Simon get betrayed Simon: Meet me at the church Johnny: You left me? Simon: I'm used to working alone
Wedding day Simon: Meet me at the church Johnny: Always Simon: You'll never be alone
One KIA Simon: Meet me at the church, Johnny Simon: You left me Simon: I'm alone again
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hauntedbubbles · 10 months ago
It was bothering me, so I fixed it
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Who wants cake? 😏
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bmtillerbabe · 6 months ago
Just over here thinking about .......
CW : BJ, cum swallowing, I just love Simon, m'kay?
18+ (MDNI)
Simon Riley - who comes home, shoulders dropped, eyes half-lidded, with barely enough energy to kick his boots off at the door
Simon Riley - who doesn't even grumble when you run into the living room upon hearing him come home and happily call out, "You're back!"
Simon Riley - who trudges over to the couch and plops himself down, so hard that the couch (and the floorboards) creak under his massive, muscled weight.
Simon Riley - who's mind is racing at about a million miles a minute, overthinking and rethinking and wondering and replaying and images, and sounds, and lights, and gunshots, and wounds, and yelling, and---
Simon Riley - who is pulled out of his own head when he absently hears the clinking of his belt being undone, and looks down to see you on your knees, kneeling in front of him, tugging away the leather belt and undoing the button of his jeans
Simon Riley - who is so, tired, physically, emotionally, mentally, that he doesn't have any fight left in him as you gently pry down his zipper and boxer briefs in one go, being gentle as you can (and avoiding pulling any of his blonde, curly pubes with them)
Simon Riley - who starts to stir, who starts to groan and mumble and try to push you off of him with, "Nawh, don' do that, Luvie." "I'm right filthy." "I'm exhausted, luv. I don' even have the will to return the favor"
And Reader - who holds up a hand to stop him in his tracks; blinking wide, warm doe-eyes at your lover - your husband - and tilting your head. "I'm not doing this for reciprocation, Si..... I'm doing this because I love you, and I know you've had a long day."
Simon Riley - who's heart melts at the tone of your voice, the sweetness of your words; so much so, he'd never get over wondering how a sweet, innocent little thing like you, could have fallen for a marred, scary, tainted monster like him.
Simon Riley - who doesn't have time to think further before he lets out a deep, gutteral groan, feeling your lips wrap around his sweaty, dirty, flaccid cock - feeling you swirl your tongue around the tip, and sucking as much of him into your mouth as you can (you moan softly, loving to feel him get hard in your mouth)
Simon Riley - who doesn't even take a full minute before he's rock hard and gripping your hair, taking a fistful into his iron grip, and bucking his hips upward to meet your warm, wet mouth, with a newfound sense of energy that sure as hell wasn't there before.
Simon Riley - who pants heavily through his balaclava, closing his eyes as he throat-fucks you with vigour; his mind and body screaming 'breed, breed, breed, breed---!'
Simon Riley - who's mind was reeling at the delicious suckling, smacking, lewd, wet sounds you were makimg for him - for his body - for his cock - as you devoured him whole; moaning and sending vibrations up his shaft that was driving him absolutely insane.
Simon Riley - who, on any other day, would have been embarrassed at just how fast you made him cum, but right now at this moment, feeling you suck down his load like you were drinking from a straw (and moaning deliciously at his taste), felt his muscles relax and his world go warm and fuzzy.
Simon Riley - who watched you with rapt attention (and another heavy groan), as you opened your mouth to show him the mess he'd made - the little pool of his seed gathered on your tongue - and made a little show of swallowing it; opening your mouth after to let your tongue hang out proudly and show him you were thankful for your treat.
Simon Riley - who's breathing slowly returned to normal as he pulled you up onto his lap and held you tight as he could, whispering in your ear, "I don't deserve you, Luv."
And Reader, whispering back, "Si.... You're the only one that does."
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quasionn · 11 months ago
Ghost as Ennis Del Mar
Soap as Jack Twist…
Working on something🫡
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