spaceyhibiscus · 2 months
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Cool story, Sammy.
Been meaning to do some fanart for the metroid prime 3 hunters! I have the headcanon that samus isn't all that much of a lone wolf as the federation tends to think...but rather prefers the company of fellow bounty hunters.
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sepublic · 2 months
I like to think of another universe, maybe a future in our own, where Metroid gets an animated series adapting the game arcs, while having episodic stories both between and even as a part of said arcs. And some of those episodes are about Samus individually meeting fellow hunters Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda; With these stories culminating in all four teaming up together for a challenging mission that they barely succeed in. Cue the four celebrating together, becoming good friends as Samus gets some actual happiness and new connections.
So while most of the fandom, the newcomers, are posting fluff and fanart and HCs, veterans who know what happens next are just spamming memes like:
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Minaret of Jam - Ghor, AFGHANISTAN
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dappercat123 · 2 months
Metroid spinoff idea, RTS focusing on Caster Dane
In my head I’m imagining a real time strategy game like halo wars focusing on caster Dane as you command federation troops, vehicles, etc in a prolonged conflict with the space pirates over a planet they’re trying to conquer. While also being able to send in bounty hunters like spire or noxus as special units, or if it’s set before prime 3 maybe rundas, gorr, and gandrayda. Or even introduce new bounty hunters to expand the world further.
Meanwhile the chief rival to Dane in command of the pirate forces would be weavel. Perhaps getting some help from trace or kanden
I have no idea how this would work and it probably only appeals to me specifically so I highly doubt Nintendo would ever do it, but what do y’all think? Deep down I think really I just want a game that expands a bunch on the GF and the space pirates and their abilities and tactics.
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sablegear0 · 2 years
Metroid Twitter Edits: Mixed Nuts Edition
Featuring various minor characters (and young Samus). Also Dane is verified now bc he really should be.
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(I think you’re handsome, Ghor, and that’s what matters.)
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Maybe too soon? This was almost Madeline Bergman but that felt a bit off for her too.
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This went through a couple iterations before I settled on Ian and Samus
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mhexart · 1 year
Empathetic Machine
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fluffy-wolfe · 2 years
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The Prime 3 hunters on their way to immediately get wrecked and corrupted with Phazon by Dark Samus at the Invasion of Norion.
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purified-zone · 1 year
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found this photo from 2005 in an old drive of the time i built Ghor's armorsuit from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption using LEGO when they let you design customized boxes to your home
it was the most fragile thing in the universe
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superkitty4789 · 5 months
Here we go with another list! This time it's....
Top 10 Metroid Characters + Honorable mentions
Spoilers ahead, be warned
Honororable mentions: Kraid, 6 bounty hunters from Prime Hunters 
Kraid. Fat fuck. Love him. I don't know a lot about him, but he looks cool
The other hunters from Prime Hunters also look cool. Plus, they're each unique with their own things going on. They are all amazing but missed the cut.
10 Gray Voice 
My least favorite of the chozo parents of Samus. I've never read the comics, so I'm going off little info, but he looks cool and helped raise Samus. The chozo are cool in general, so it boosts him up to 10th. Congrats, Gray Voice
9 Quiet Robe
A chozo I actually know about! I love Quiet Robe's story, and I kinda wished he had lived. One of my biggest wants for the metroid series growing up was for Samus to find loving chozo, so I was sad when he died. But! He's still a good character, and he earns his spot on my list
8 Ghor
Very cool character! I love that he's essentially a gentle giant until he gets corrupted. I wonder what could've been if he hadn't. He is an epic robot dude who deserved better... but at least his fight was cool.
7 Old Bird Old grandfather birb! Yes! Love him. Potentially , the only reason he isn't higher is because I don't know much about him. But I love the Grandfather birb
6 Ridley
I hate that he's so low...but the other 5 are just so awesome to me. Well, there's a lot about Ridley I like. He's one of my favorite Nintendo villains for his viciousness and cruelty. He doesn't shy away from murder and that's kind of a suprise for a Nintendo villain. He's ruthless and heartless and the cunning God of death, and he's epic. He's the perfect arch-enemyfor Samus, as she's pretty mature for a Nintendo character, too. I kinda headlining that he looks forward to fighting Samus because he views her as a worthy adversary...obe he'd like to kill, of course,but worthy all the same. Overall, Ridley is a great villain
5 U-Mos 
OK, this is kind of embarrassing. Part of the reason I like him so much is because, as a dumb preteen, I had a self insert where I was from Samus's planet and got adopted by the luminoth instead of the chozo. It was very dumb and very cringe, but it made me really like U-Mos because I made him my OC's adopted father. Even without all that, though, I think he's a solid character who serves his role to help tell an amazing story. Plus... he's the guardian of the defenseless and sleeping luminoth, and I think that's great!
4 Raven Beak
I did not see an evil chozo coming, so he took me by suprise....but that said, it was a good one. I kinda just expected all chozo to be good, but it makes sense that that's not the case. Every sentient species probably has at least one bad apple. I love that he wears armor and his boss fight. Also, it's amazing that he's like Samus's evil adoptive dad. He's great. Love him. I hope he comes back like Ridley keeps doing.
3 Samus
Ugh, it hurts to put her so low. It physically pains me... but it must be done. I remember the day I found out Samus was a girl. I was playing Brawl with my older brother, and she used he final smash. I was taken aback. A girl wearing armor and being badass!? Nowadays, it's silly to think that buy it was mindblowing back then. She's epic and so freaking badass! She's so strong-willed, and I love that she represents strong women so well (Ignoring Other M. It isn't Canon in my mind) I love Samus. she's one of my favorite protagonists in all of gaming for how epic she is.
2 Dark Samus
She's so cool! Side note her theme is my favorite metroid song. From the very moment we see her secret ending in Prime 1 to her last moment inPrime 3, Dark Samus is amazing. She's such a good antagonist who just wants to absorb phazon until Samus pisses her off. I love that it makes sense how she keeps coming back and her fights are my favorite part about Prime 2 and my second favorite part about Prime 3. Absolute icon.
1 Rundas
Ughhhh. I wish so bad that he didn't die! He was so coooool! (Pun not intended) His ice powers were a marvel to watch, and his personality had me at the edge of my seat! I wanted so badly for Samus to save him and her owing him one to be resolved! I wanted so badly for him to help take on Dark Samus with Samus. But that didn't happen. At least his boss fight was cool, and he got some screentime to show me how amazing he was. Some people might not like how high i put him,but Rundas will probably always be my favorite Metroid character.
Tier List time!
C: Kraid, Kanden, Trace, Noxus, Spire, Weavil, Sylux
B: Gray Voice, Quiet Robe, Ghor
A: Old Bird, Ridley, U-Mos, Raven Beak
S: Samus, Dark Samus, Rundas
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visitafghanistan · 2 years
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The Minaret of Jam in western Afghanistan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is situated in a remote and largely inaccessible location next to the Hari River in the Shahrak District of Ghor Province of Afghanistan. Following the fall of the Republic, the Taliban began waving their flag from it.
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
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Just two pals standing next to each other for mutual support :]
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aecholapis · 2 years
Ghor from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is not exactly a robot, but he is a cyborg and only 4% of his organic tissue remains, so I hope the 96% of his mechanical enhancements count to put this clip in one of the robot-themed posts this month.
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indizombie · 2 years
The staggering rise in malnutrition rates is evidence of the impact that hunger is already having on children under the age of five in Afghanistan. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has seen the rate of admissions at their facilities treating malnutrition across the country increase by as much as 47% this year over the last. MSF's feeding centre in Herat is the only well-equipped malnutrition facility catering not just to Herat, but also to the neighbouring provinces of Ghor and Badghis, where malnutrition rates have gone up by 55% over the last year. Since last year, they've increased the number of beds they have to cope with the number of sick children they're having to admit. But even so, the facility is almost always more than full. Increasingly the children arriving have to be treated for more than one disease.
Yogita Limaye, ‘Afghanistan: 'I drug my hungry children to help them sleep'’, BBC
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gior-gio · 1 month
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marathicelebscom · 6 months
नीरजा वर्तक लिखित आणि आयुष आशिष भिडे दिग्दर्शित दीर्घांक *घोर* : एक अप्रतिम नाट्यानुभव
सुन्न करणारा आणि जीवनाचं अंतिम सत्य सांगणारा एक नवीन दीर्घांक आपल्यासमोर येत आहे – “घोर”. दिग्दर्शक आयुष आशिष भिडे आणि लेखिका नीरजा अविनाश वर्तक यांनी एकत्र येऊन प्रेक्षकांसमोर ही कलाकृती सादर करण्याचे ठरवले आणि आता हे नाटक रंगमंचावर येण्यासाठी सज्ज आहे. लिखाण, दिग्दर्शन, अभिनय अशा सर्वच पातळ्यांवर सक्षम ठरणारा हा दीर्घांक आहे. दीर्घांकातील गूढता प्रेक्षकांना खिळवून ठेवेल यात शंका…
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sablegear0 · 1 year
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Maytroid 2023 Day 14: “Ghor”
A day late and not 100% happy with this one by my boy needs more fan art so here. Messing around with the symmetry tool in CSP.
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