#Gray Voice
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hoshizoralone · 8 months ago
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brakken · 1 month ago
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domuspopuli · 10 months ago
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How much Chozo DNA do you need to grow wings?
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soul-sparx · 12 days ago
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kallenchi · 2 years ago
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Chozo Childhood
[ID: Two image photo set: 1) Digital drawing of Old Bird brushing a child Samus's hair rendered in bright, flat colors against a yellow background. 2) Digital drawing of Samus as a young child holding hands with Gray Voice. Rendered in flat colors against a yellow background.
End ID[
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mu-te33 · 2 months ago
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incubotwriting · 29 days ago
Daughter of Mawkin
The Thoha of Zebes have put a missive out to ZDR with a seemingly simple request, but one that will see a surprise visitor to their Temple. The already thin partnership between the two tribes will be tested as Raven Beak himself takes a seeming interest in what the scientists need with proud Mawkin blood.
Grey Voice stood at the walkway to the landing pad, talons held tightly in front of him to prevent them shaking with anxious energy. He stood underneath a rocky outcrop that the pad plunged into, protected from the sheets of rain that were endemic to Crateria. 
The system scans had caught the precession leaving ZDR mere hours ago, and the first contact anyone had received was the request to land. The Itorash was a hulking fortress of a ship, a slow and heavy flagship that could only be bearing one person. 
A walkway descended from the underside of the ship after it came to shuddering stop on the pad, and sure enough a regal figure began the descent, silhouetted by the bright light of the airlock behind him.
Raven Beak walked in strong footfalls, his metallic talons striking the metal surfaces he walked on. He continued across the walkway, barely acknowledging the rain that pattered against his ornate silver armour, each rivulet barely managing to streak down the aggressive curves for a few moments before being vaporised from the energy required to drive the suit.
He approached Grey Voice, dwarfing the otherwise impressive Chozo.
["Lord Ashkar."] Grey Voice began ["When we sent off our missive, we weren't expecting a...spontaneous in-person visit"]
["You ask to utilise the blood of the Mawkin Tribe"] Raven Beak responded, his voice echoed and distorted from being re-broadcast through the armour. ["Such a matter requires my immediate and personal attention."]
He walked past Grey Voice without stopping to acknowledge him as so much of an obstacle in his path.
["Come. Plead your case."]
Raven Beak was lead through the sprawling halls of the Chozo temple, deeper into the heart of Zebes as the technology being researched became more advanced, and more secretive. Raven Beak eyed each surveillance system they passed, the feeling of observation prickling the feathers on the back of his neck. He despised the artificial lifeforms the Thoha insisted on using as computers. 
Before long he was lead to an unmarked door, manned by a scientist in a deep blue robe.
["I must ask your guard to remain at the door"] the scientist asked nervously. Raven Beak stared him down for a moment before dismissing his party with a wave of his talon.
He was let through the articulating blast door and lead into a faintly lit room, dedicated to the in construction machine at its center. The machine consisted almost entirely of a glass sphere, in the process of being filled with a luminous liquid. Heavy cables and pipes attached it to the room, connecting it to banks of computers and resource-providing machines at the edges of the room
["For imbuing other species with fragments of Chozo DNA"] The scientist explained, proud of the work in spite of the situation.
["The child will need alteration if she is to survive on Zebes beyond Crateria and upper Brinstar, as well as interface with Chozo technology..."]
Raven beak was barely listening to him, mind processing the machine in front of him, and why the Thoha would go to such an expense for a single child.
["...fortunately her species, and indeed her as an individual seem to be quite adaptable, almost as much as the Chozo ourselves"]
Raven Beak ran a metallic claw over a control panel as he circled the device, causing a nervous pause in the scientist before he continued
["...unfortunately Thoha genetics are inseparable from our own alterations, and so for the benefit of the child..."]
["...you need Mawkin blood"] Raven Beak finished for him. ["You need untainted blood to circumvent the weakness you implanted in yourselves. You wish for the child to be able to kill with an arm cannon rather than a signed order."]
The scientist stammered to a halt at a loss for words. He looked over to Grey Voice for guidance.
["We don't want to burden her with our choices"] Grey Voice finished, pointedly
Raven Beak looked at him for a moment over the diplomatic answer. The two figures stared eachother down in silence for weighted moments, before Raven Beak broke the silence with a scoff.
["Take me to the child."]
The congregation swarmed into the room, Raven Beak at its head. The space was brightly lit, and kept at a mild temperature almost to the point of frustration.   Raven Beak had dismissed his ornate armour, entering the room in an elegant red and gold robe over his deep black undersuit. The material was a fine silk, catching the light with a metallic sheen, joined by the glint of golden embroidery that held it together and ornamented it with Mawkin sigils. 
A regal display that was nonetheless willing to be sacrificed in a moment should his power armour be required. 
He scanned the room.
A large elongated oval window dominated one wall, providing a view out to the almost perpetual sheet of rain and vast rocky outcrops of Crateria. The rest of the room was stark, with some colourful discarded toys the only respite from the stark white stone, glass and steel.
The entire room had the affect of a palatial hospital room, with a strong disinfectant smell in the air and the single bed against the back wall, no doubt to protect the life form inside from the hostile environment of Zebes.
An Old Chozo was hunched over in one side, whispering something frantically to someone he couldn't see in a language he couldn't understand. As Raven Beak's presence in the room became too auspicious to ignore, the Old Bird straightened up to face him, a small creature clinging to his leg.
It was a young human girl, with a shock of bright blonde hair. She was dressed in humble Chozo linen, though the cloth fell baggy on her as if the tailor had taken a Chozo outfit and widened it blindly to fit the human's broad proportions compared to the slender avian frame it was designed for. 
With gentle encouragement, the girl took a few steps towards Raven Beak, away from the old bird's leg.
A growl entered Raven's Beak throat at the surroundings.
["This is the creature that is supposed to carry the blood of the Mawkin?"] he fumed ["This fragile child with the constitution of a weak elder?"]
["Lord Ashkar, please..."] the Old Bird began, but Raven Beak shouted over him
["So unsatisfied you are with tarnishing your own lineage, you seek to infect the Mawkin with some..."] He gestured a fierce talon towards the girl [...Space Pirate Flotsam"]
["Your voice is funny, mister"]
The child's fledgling-level chozo hung in the air to complete silence
The entire room held a thick tension, as if the tiniest disturbance could send the scene falling into chaos. 
Raven Beak could feel the panic emanating from the normally serene Old Bird behind her, and instinctively felt Grey Voice's balled talon trembling behind him. 
He knew that everyone in the room could do naught but wait in fear of his reaction, his legendary temper already simmering.
Raven Beak knelt down to get to the child's level. He considered her, his burning red eyes studying hers. If she had some chozo, how much had she understood? Not everything, surely, but no doubt she had enough to read the mood in the air and the tone of his voice.
The young girl's eyes were filled with a worry, undeniably, but there was something else there. A determination in the face of him, a calmness staring down what was surely a terrifying presence, and a deep rooted spark of rage from the mere word association of 'Space Pirate'.
Raven Beak slowly tilted his head, considering. Everything was becoming clear to him. 
The Thoha hadn't adopted a pet. They were trying to raise a champion.
["It is the way powerful Chozo speak, little one"] he finally replied, after moments that hung in the air like hours. He suppressed his own indignation as his curiosity took hold.
He rose from his knees
["As you will come to learn."] 
Raven Beak began a brisk walk from the enclosure, his entourage in toe. Grey Voice scrabbled to keep up with him at the head of the precession.
["You shall have your blood."] Raven Beak decreed to Grey Voice, his voice ringing through the Thoha halls. ["Your sample will come from me personally"] he continued. Grey Voice made a move to protest, but Raven Beak silenced him with a hand
["If this child is to be a daughter of Mawkin, she shall receive no less than the pride of our tribe"]
Grey Voice's face showed a consternation at the thought, but he didn't move to protest any further.
["Additionally, when she is of age, her armour will be checked by our smiths. If she is to be a warrior, she shall not be provided with farming equipment nor an antique."]
Grey Voice weathered the jab at his tribe's engineering, but clearly the sudden eagerness and generosity came as a surprise.
["You are most kind, Lord Ashkar"] He replied, with a careful diplomatic reverence.
Raven Beak turned to him, pausing their brisk walk to his quarters.
["Consider it... a gift"] He began with an uncharacteristic sweetness, preparing to spring his trap.
["...A gesture of goodwill and cooperation as we begin to undertake the project on SR388"]
He continued his walk, leaving Grey Voice behind, rooted in quiet contemplation as Raven Beak began ordering his staff to prepare for their extended stay on Zebes.
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nerdy-the-artist · 2 years ago
Maytroid… sort… part 2!
To recap, since I forgot to add the tags when I initially posted the first installment, I’m doing a different sort of twist on Maytroid. As opposed to art for this prompt, I am writing some snippets that might be data than Samus would scan on her various missions. While some of these are subject to change in the process of fully writing the story, these are canon for where the story is at at this current juncture. Without further ado, time for part 2.
Day 6: Queen Metroid
Intel on Planet Designation SR-388
Planet SR-388 appears to have an active Metroid population. However, the circumstances surrounding this population are unusual. SR-388 atmosphere is highly turbulent, and has had an active super-tornado that engulfs large swathes of the planet for the entire seven months that the planet has been catalogued. All life of the planet is largely relegated to the planet’s abundant cave networks, with cross network migration only occurring in the times when weather is conducive to survival on the surface. The Metroid population on SR-388 is localized in a cave network only recently opened up by particularly destructive weather patterns. Life scans in the inside show an estimated 640 Metroid specimens. There is also signs of a much larger creature in this cave network, emitting a frequency that can be detected by our drones within low orbit. The strength of this creature to produce such a powerful frequency must be immense, just as with its durability to live within a Metroid infested habitat. It is believed that SR-388 is the home planet of the Metroids, and that they were brought off world either by the Glaxamore Pirates, or another piratical faction before falling into their hands. Given the pirates’ vested interest in the Metroid species, it has been deemed critical that the infestation be eradicated for the safety of the galaxy and the surrounding ecosystems on the planet.
Day 7: Gorea
Incoming transmission
“Your world seems small. A single oxygen atom in an endless ocean. Your bonds are unbreakable but to those willing to confront you down at the level you exist in, tearing your kin from you personally. I can offer, with the last breath of my existence in this reality something more. Become a ship and sail upon this endless sea. Forge destiny for yourself, bend oceans to your will, find that which you desire most. If you have the strength to overcome, find that which remains of me. Make something of my last gasp, and gain power, The Power. Your technology can lead you to the world where this mission begins.”
Day 8: Nightmare
GFS Chainmail computer scan
We are still unaware of the origins of subject MF-1. While it was found on planet SR-121, MF-1’s cellular structure is carbon based, while the native life on SR-121 is silicon based, meaning this creature is likely not native to the planet. No wreckage of ships, other similar individuals, or signs of civilization were found on SR-121 in subsequent expeditions, leading to the subject being quarantined aboard the GFS Chainmail. MF-1’s body is largely composed metal alloys, with parts being subsequently added from surrounding metal by an unknown process. Further testing is required on understanding the process and extent of this capability. The only known method of preventing this siphoning of metal materials is through exposure to temperatures below -40° Celsius. Until safe and effective testing can be performed, MF-1 is to be kept in stasis chamber C at a temperature of -55° Celsius.
Day 9: Phantoon
Vol Paragom computer scan
Our partnership with Mother Brain is already beginning to bear fruit. Through her own research and experimentation, we have managed to seize a Phantoon creature from the Galaxy’s deep core. Their ability to subsist off of expelled energy from Black Holes and Space Ship power cores alike has long since fascinated us, and to have a specimen of our own to study is a true delight. The currently held subject is dubbed PH-3, and will be undergoing rigorous testing to bring it under our own control. If we can have a sentinel that will drain power from enemy ships while leaving our own untouched, we will have an unbeatable advantage.
Day 10: Kanden
Galactic Federation Report
The individual known as Kanden applied for a Bounty Hunting License in 2503 FF, and raised various concerns from the get-go. Independent fact checkers have found evidence that Kanden was a lab experiment gone wrong. While born an Enoema, he was experimented on by his own government, likely without consent, in order to create a perfect weapon in order for the race to stand completely independent in an increasingly war torn galaxy. However, upon his first field deployment, Kanden was able to cut a swath of destruction through Enoema leadership, leaving the race defenseless and uncoordinated as the Glaxamore pirates descended upon them in a genocidal campaign. These experiences have left Kanden with a variety of psychological disorders. In spite of, or perhaps due to this tragic past, Kanden has since taken multiple jobs for Glaxamore, appearing to not choose sides within the current conflict. However, it has been decided that he is more valuable with the Federation, rather than demonized entirely.
Day 11: Diggernaut
Incomplete Chozo script
“Our harvesting of the planet’s resources has gone well. Due to the secluded nature”-illegible-“to wildlife has been successfully prevented. Our machines have been given the intelligence to and compassion to immediately cease mining if any wildlife will be put in risk by”-illegible- “will be”- illegible-“planet”-illegible-“field has been working to an acceptable extent. Our settlement has been spared the destruction of the storm, but is still occasionally battered by harsh winds that make work and travel impractical.”-illegible
Day 12: Raven Beak
Diary Entry
Dear Diary,
I had another dream about the man with the broken face. Once again, he just stared at me, as judging every aspect of my soul. His beak still hasn’t healed after all of these years, nor has it deteriorated. I know it’s just a nightmare, but it has Old Bird and Gray Voice very shaken up. Gray Voice even put training on hold for a day. That is NOT normal. I wonder if this is simply a thing related to growing up, maybe some sort of hormonal imbalance caused by the gene splicing. That could possibly explain some of it. Though Old Bird has gone to Bright Tallon for hours, which might mean my imbalance is more spiritual. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon, even if I am breaking bones again.
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cashmeresglimmer · 1 year ago
The survivors of District 12 singing and dancing at Finnick and Annie's wedding hits so different after reading/watching tbosas. Can you imagine Snow's reaction to that propo? No matter how hard he tried to erase Lucy Gray and to obliterate District 12, she lived on in her music, music which is kept alive by the people of the place she once called home.
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hoshizoralone · 2 years ago
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samus and her funny bird family comix
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brakken · 1 year ago
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Old Bird & Gray Voice
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bobbinalong · 10 months ago
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the "jack finds out tim is robin and instead of steph sneaking around (because why would she if i don't plan on killing her off), tim asks her if she'd like to be robin and when she says "yes" and bruce says "no", they do it anyway, with tim becoming her man-in-the-chair/oracle knock-off" au. title might be a little long lol
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clown-eating-pig · 1 year ago
I really love gertrude robinson bc how often do you get an older woman character who just really sucks? She sacrifices ppl that trust her. She is so focused on keeping the world from ending that she completely doesn’t notice one of her assistants routinely torturing the others. She dismembered a guy. She does her job badly on purpose. She’s cunning and sneaky. She dares her murderous, immortality seeking boss to kill her. She gets murdered by her murderous, immortality seeking boss. She’s not particularly friendly. She somehow had access to plastic explosives. She’s a manipulator and a liar. She’s bound to the avatar of destruction. She helped a guy get rid of a pig by telling him to put it in conk crete. She is like the opposite of a sweet little grandma and that’s beautiful.
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zellaspinna · 3 months ago
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banditblvd · 2 months ago
Uh happy holidays and whatnot take the bandit equivalent to a lump of coal
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mollyeep · 9 months ago
can u guys just STOP HEARING VOICES
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