rossignolstuff · 1 year
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renardsnoir · 1 year
A Desire for Romance.
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Day 7 : Lover/Aftermath
A pinch of salt and pepper on the slices of pork and eggs roasting in the pan. A little sugar on the pancakes with a few berries. While the slices of meat and eggs finish cooking. Iseult begins to prepare the tray, decorating it with a few red rose petals and adding a cup of coffee.
This morning, Iseult had woken up much earlier than he had. And an idea had occurred to her, or rather a sudden desire for romance? Whether it was one or the other, her main desire was to surprise Ghawaine with breakfast in bed. He did that from time to time, so she decided to do the same.
She slid whatever was in the frying pan onto the plate, checked one last time that it was all right. Before going upstairs to take it to him. But first, she has to gently wake him up. A moment she appreciates, because in her eyes he's adorable.
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ghawainearcane · 1 year
😶 + Does Ghawaine have a shameful fantasy? Something he doesn't want to admit but really wants to do with his partner?
Ghawaine arched a brow at the rather invasive question before adopting an amused smirk.
"There is a great amount of excitement in mystery, do you not agree?" He chuckled and hooked his hands behind his back. "So a mystery this shall remain. After all, a gentleman never tells his secrets."
With a wink, the mage about faced and headed back up the street towards the library.
(Lol sorry friend anon. Some secrets can't be shared ;) )
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nixalegos · 1 year
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it? - Ghawaine
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Nixalegos has never suffered from illness, nor been diagnosed with any disorder. The closest affliction he has to come to terms with coping with are magical ones. When you have altered, transmuted, mutilated and grafted as much unnatural energy and material into yourself as Nix has, you're bound to...have complications. He is extremely lucky he hasn't simply exploded into a gestalt of oozing regenerating flesh and corrupt magical mutation by this point. Handling it, is mostly a matter of ignoring what flashes of pain come by force of will, and leveraging bodily maintenance with a 'strict' magical intake. He treats his body like a machine. What kind of machine, however, seems to change at a whim. Some days he is the precision stopwatch, others, the overclocking nuclear reactor melting through its own radiation shields.
Thank you @ghawainearcane!
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kanekuran · 1 year
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are?  - Ghawaine
universal classic monster headcanon asks! 
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are? 
Kane's loyal but also sadistic and cruel. There's a lot more I can put, but I was only given the option of three.
I suppose it's just who he is when it comes down to loyalty. As a child, he saw his father's loyalty to his mother and it was something he wanted when he grew up. That thought never changed even after what had happened that one night.
As for his sadistic and cruel side, that pretty much came out also during that one night. A lot of it just boils down to what happened then and how it shaped him into the person he is now.
Thanks for the ask!
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captzexx · 2 years
“Short cuts make long delays.”- Ghawaine
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The barrel was eased into place with gentle ease, the thin sturdy frame of Duncan Waycrest un-phased by weight or size. It was all rather meaningless in the long run to him but the time and the practice of this trade filled that time. Dark eyes lifted to survey the numerus casks he had set up with the depths of Kaer Seren, a slight smile coming to his face as he nodded. "This will do nicely."
"How long do you think it will take?" The familiar voice of Eld echoing within the cleared storeroom stone walls, a soft tap of a cane matching his voice.
"Will it take? Perhaps a year or two," Duncan patted the cask once more before adjusting his robes before moving back to his friend and the way back up. "But I would like them to sit for longer, allow the taste to truly rest and grow."
Duncan smiled again to Eld as he gently patted the witcher's shoulder. "Come, patience is a virtue as they say."
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unabashedrebel · 2 years
😖 Which is your least favorite chore to do around the house? - Ghawaine. Figured I showed you mine, let's see yours.
Well first of all you reminded me that dishes exist (and are currently piling infinitely) which definitey is up there on my top three. But for the sake of variety?
Man I hate sweeping and mopping and having to move everything around just to get to the hard to reach corners the guck basically colonized in. No I do not want to check behind the garbage. And like that’s fine, that’s okay, we get all the gunk out of there and it’s time to mop- you know where you find out just how bad you are at vacuuming- and are stuck with a wet floor with socks that will not feel right again for the rest of the day.
Honestly man when they say that robots are gonna replace us I hope it’s for stuff like…. Oh my god do I need a roomba?
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Thanks @ghawainearcane !
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!- Ghawaine 👍
My muse(s):
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse [ I've only seen a few things from you but they've been good on what I've seen! Knowing more is always good. ]
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests! [ Thanks for throwing this at me too @ghawainearcane! If you ever get the urge to meet with my Gob, feel free to poke at me! ]
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renardsnoir · 2 years
A Love in Chocolate.
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Day 1 : Love is in air / Weakness
For mention @ghawainearcane
If Valentine's Day is over, Iseult still wants to contribute in her own way, as Ghawaine did with his surprise picnic.
So she starts looking for a nice idea. She wants everything but something that is too impressive or flashy. She, like him, is rather discreet about such things. So Iseult is going to question her entourage in search of interesting ideas.
It is after a small discussion with her little brother. She has the ideal idea, Iseult even feels a little stupid not to have thought about it before. There is an old tradition at home, to offer chocolate to her partner shortly after Valentine's Day, as a thank you.
Not a minute to lose, she takes out a cookbook and starts cooking. She will make him a white chocolate cake in the shape of a heart. With a little dark chocolate, she writes a little sweet note.
Once the job is done, she wraps it in a little box that she closes with red ribbon. This way, Iseult will offer it to him at dinner tonight and how much she is looking forward to it. Just to see his reaction.
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ghawainearcane · 1 year
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
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It takes a lot to scare Ghawaine, but if surprised or frightened, he has a very strong fight response. Usually that would be a good thing, however even fight responses over flight can put you in some unpleasant situations or get you in trouble.
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Ghawaine lives by a very strict moral code. He set up his own code as a young man to prevent himself from making the same mistakes he had before, and to prevent causing a great deal of harm to others whether accidentally or by choice. There is no force alive or dead that could sway him from his morals, not even Iseult who somehow managed to get him to fall in love with her.
The man is incredibly stubborn, but so far it hasn't bit him in the ass yet.
@phyghyver ty for the ask :)
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nixalegos · 1 year
Mare: how often does your muse experience bad dreams? Are they scary or do they tend to be more weird? Both? Does your muse remember them after they wake up? - Ghawaine
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He used to experience awful nightmares on a daily basis. The pain in his arm post scarification ritual was so bad and constant it infected his dreams, to the point he had to use considerable chemical aid just to rest for a few hours at a time. However, even more worryingly to him anyway, was that he doesn't have -any- dreams since fighting against the Black Empire's resurgence in Uldum and Pandaria. At least none he remembers anyway. Ironically, this does mean that dreams he DOES have to interact with, are always the result of someone trying to dream contact him, a curse, or some shadow being woefully unaware they aren't as slick as they think.
Thanks @ghawainearcane!
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kanekuran · 2 years
🎼 What is one song that seems to perk you up whenever you hear it? - Ghawaine ( @ghawainearcane )
Another Munday Ask Prompt
A song that perks me up whenever I hear it? Oh man, I'm either going to get flack for it, or find someone else part of Army. BUT!
BTS - Dynamite
Whenever I hear it, even whenever I go into a depressive slump, I just listen to it and it just makes me want to dance and it makes me unexplainably happy. It's just a very good happy song.
Thanks for the ask! @ghawainearcane
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askjerrydandridge · 3 years
Iseult doesn't know a bit about how she landed here. She had just heard music and just followed the sound before she stumbled upon this party. Might as well enjoy it a little before going back. There is no harm, a moment of relaxation is always nice after a long day of work.
She blended easily into the crowd despite her atypical appearance. Dancing and eating, what happiness. She is so caught that she gives someone a blow without realizing it.
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"Oh! Forgive me..." One minute, she stares at the unknown for a few seconds before exclaiming in surprise. "Ghawaine?!" She misses jumping into his arms, Iseult stops. Confused and embarrassed she slowly shakes her head. "No... You are not him. Yet you really look like him!"
She would have thought for a short while, that he could have been his twin brother. So similar their appearance is. She takes care to tilt slightly.
"I apologize for the blow and take you for someone else."
Colorful lights danced around and people swayed like a wave to the music, the night was young and the party was just beginning. The ground thumped with the occasionally stomping of feat, the entire floor pulsating with life and energy. The only thing that wasn't alive, was Jerry. The crowd would naturally part for him, some strange hidden instinct that kept people spaced from him--even only slightly. In this ocean, he really was the big fish in disguise, scouting to pick out the juiciest out of all of them. He wasn't really a spectacular dancer, so he would stay somewhat close to the snack table and spectate, his foot tapping against the ground. Then, out of nowhere a woman bumps into his side--breaking out of his searching gaze, he jolted. His head turned to the woman, eyes darting around her face. "No, that is alright..." Of course, either she was doing this on purpose to get his attention or it really was an accident. He studied her quickly, noticing she didn't seem like the type to fake something like that. Jerry shoved the growl that would otherwise rise out of his throat back down to his chest.
That is, until she jumped into his arms.
"I think you are mistaken." He said a little firmly, hair bristling on the back of his neck, fangs threatening to stab his bottom lip.
He covered up his hidden anger with a soft laugh, placing his hands in his pockets when she left his bubble of space. "It's okay, I tend to get mistaken for a lot of people. This is a party, so everyone can get all riled up and confused.."
The smell of shock had lingered in the air when she had mistaken him, the vampire was quietly eating up the scent, another one of his favorites.
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lorethelibrarian · 3 years
"So you're known as the Librarian." Ghawaine stated more than asked, clasping gloved hands behind his back. "Color me intrigued. What treasures does your library hold, I wonder?" ( @ghawainearcane greetings to you.)
The old man looks back at Ghawaine and grins softly. "Ah, Iseult has mentioned you once or twice. Hello young man." Lore straightens his robes and makes his way to the other, offering him a hand to shake. "As for these treasures you speak of, it depends. Are you looking for maps that lead to buried chests, or perhaps you're more of a historian buff. I have everything in my library and more."
It looked like he did indeed have everything and more. The library was huge, a never ending room filled with books of all kinds. Fantasy, building, music, poems, art, anything you could imagine. All of it laid here, some of it even untouched by any hands except for Lore's own aged hands.
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phyghyver · 2 years
👀🍺 - Ghawaine. For the emoji thing :)
👀Celebrity crush?
Absolutely not. I have to say that I'm not too interested in celebrities in general.
🍺Favourite drink?
A good old orange juice, simple but always refreshes!
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XXII. The Tide What drains or exhausts them the most?- Ghawaine
"Usin the one arcane spell I know. It's a shield, er, barrier. Like, you'd think it'd be a simple spell right? My brother can do it effortlessly, and I've seen so many others do it as well...but fuck. Exhausts me. I can keep it up well enough once I've cast the spell, though my god does it suck if I have to cast it split second. I've done it a few times and ugh." Phe groans and holds her head. "I'll rarely use it cause of that." ty @ghawainearcane ))
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