renardsnoir · 8 months
✨- Your writing is both creative, refreshing and yet very heartfelt. It is truly an honor to get to experience it. I hope to continue enjoying it :) - Ghawaine
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rossignolstuff · 1 year
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nixalegos · 1 year
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it? - Ghawaine
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Nixalegos has never suffered from illness, nor been diagnosed with any disorder. The closest affliction he has to come to terms with coping with are magical ones. When you have altered, transmuted, mutilated and grafted as much unnatural energy and material into yourself as Nix has, you're bound to...have complications. He is extremely lucky he hasn't simply exploded into a gestalt of oozing regenerating flesh and corrupt magical mutation by this point. Handling it, is mostly a matter of ignoring what flashes of pain come by force of will, and leveraging bodily maintenance with a 'strict' magical intake. He treats his body like a machine. What kind of machine, however, seems to change at a whim. Some days he is the precision stopwatch, others, the overclocking nuclear reactor melting through its own radiation shields.
Thank you @ghawainearcane!
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kanekuran · 1 year
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are?  - Ghawaine
universal classic monster headcanon asks! 
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are? 
Kane's loyal but also sadistic and cruel. There's a lot more I can put, but I was only given the option of three.
I suppose it's just who he is when it comes down to loyalty. As a child, he saw his father's loyalty to his mother and it was something he wanted when he grew up. That thought never changed even after what had happened that one night.
As for his sadistic and cruel side, that pretty much came out also during that one night. A lot of it just boils down to what happened then and how it shaped him into the person he is now.
Thanks for the ask!
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captzexx · 2 years
“Short cuts make long delays.”- Ghawaine
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The barrel was eased into place with gentle ease, the thin sturdy frame of Duncan Waycrest un-phased by weight or size. It was all rather meaningless in the long run to him but the time and the practice of this trade filled that time. Dark eyes lifted to survey the numerus casks he had set up with the depths of Kaer Seren, a slight smile coming to his face as he nodded. "This will do nicely."
"How long do you think it will take?" The familiar voice of Eld echoing within the cleared storeroom stone walls, a soft tap of a cane matching his voice.
"Will it take? Perhaps a year or two," Duncan patted the cask once more before adjusting his robes before moving back to his friend and the way back up. "But I would like them to sit for longer, allow the taste to truly rest and grow."
Duncan smiled again to Eld as he gently patted the witcher's shoulder. "Come, patience is a virtue as they say."
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fel-temptation · 1 year
Shapes of the Heart
What does your heart look like? -> [Quiz]  
Iced over, out of the sun
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Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
“Isn’t it odd? To be of the flames and still hold something so cold, so close.”        -Korrinth
Tagged by: @caedun thank you! Korr makes three, now you all can’t ask me anymore :D
Tagging: @ishgard @the-crimson-rose @nixalegos @beautyforsaken @ghawainearcane @maxparkhurst @theblackmourninquire @aldoreth @erena-lightblood @alannah-corvaine​ @whitedawn-wra​ (Sorry for doubles! This things definitely made it’s round by now ^^;)
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unabashedrebel · 2 years
😖 Which is your least favorite chore to do around the house? - Ghawaine. Figured I showed you mine, let's see yours.
Well first of all you reminded me that dishes exist (and are currently piling infinitely) which definitey is up there on my top three. But for the sake of variety?
Man I hate sweeping and mopping and having to move everything around just to get to the hard to reach corners the guck basically colonized in. No I do not want to check behind the garbage. And like that’s fine, that’s okay, we get all the gunk out of there and it’s time to mop- you know where you find out just how bad you are at vacuuming- and are stuck with a wet floor with socks that will not feel right again for the rest of the day.
Honestly man when they say that robots are gonna replace us I hope it’s for stuff like…. Oh my god do I need a roomba?
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Thanks @ghawainearcane !
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phyghyver · 2 years
👀🍺 - Ghawaine. For the emoji thing :)
👀Celebrity crush?
Absolutely not. I have to say that I'm not too interested in celebrities in general.
🍺Favourite drink?
A good old orange juice, simple but always refreshes!
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lorethelibrarian · 3 years
"So you're known as the Librarian." Ghawaine stated more than asked, clasping gloved hands behind his back. "Color me intrigued. What treasures does your library hold, I wonder?" ( @ghawainearcane greetings to you.)
The old man looks back at Ghawaine and grins softly. "Ah, Iseult has mentioned you once or twice. Hello young man." Lore straightens his robes and makes his way to the other, offering him a hand to shake. "As for these treasures you speak of, it depends. Are you looking for maps that lead to buried chests, or perhaps you're more of a historian buff. I have everything in my library and more."
It looked like he did indeed have everything and more. The library was huge, a never ending room filled with books of all kinds. Fantasy, building, music, poems, art, anything you could imagine. All of it laid here, some of it even untouched by any hands except for Lore's own aged hands.
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safrona-shadowsun · 3 years
Character Archetype
Quiz Here: What specific character archetype are you?
Results for Safrona: Sister Winter
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A cold, bitter person, who was once naive but learned fast. Resilient, chilly, melancholy. A person waiting for spring.
Tagged By: @straightouttatheashes and @renardsnoir - thank you!
Tagging: @irrfahrer @thefirstperished @asharinhun @duraxxor @kelzthalassunwhisper @ethereal-and-vaguely-threatening @nixalegos @belillinafireseeker @braeden-ooc @fio-renze @waroftwowolves @liukka @hazriel @theconstructsworld @ghawainearcane and anyone else who might like to!
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renardsnoir · 1 year
'Slap' - Ghawaine (for Iseult)
On all fours in the vegetable garden, tending the strawberries. Only aware of his presence when he slaps her bottom. Iseult is startled and turns to him, her cheeks flushed.
"Ghawaine! Let's see, that's not a proper gesture." She waves her finger. "Save that for other, more intimate moments."
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XXII. The Tide What drains or exhausts them the most?- Ghawaine
"Usin the one arcane spell I know. It's a shield, er, barrier. Like, you'd think it'd be a simple spell right? My brother can do it effortlessly, and I've seen so many others do it as well...but fuck. Exhausts me. I can keep it up well enough once I've cast the spell, though my god does it suck if I have to cast it split second. I've done it a few times and ugh." Phe groans and holds her head. "I'll rarely use it cause of that." ty @ghawainearcane ))
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nixalegos · 1 year
Mare: how often does your muse experience bad dreams? Are they scary or do they tend to be more weird? Both? Does your muse remember them after they wake up? - Ghawaine
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He used to experience awful nightmares on a daily basis. The pain in his arm post scarification ritual was so bad and constant it infected his dreams, to the point he had to use considerable chemical aid just to rest for a few hours at a time. However, even more worryingly to him anyway, was that he doesn't have -any- dreams since fighting against the Black Empire's resurgence in Uldum and Pandaria. At least none he remembers anyway. Ironically, this does mean that dreams he DOES have to interact with, are always the result of someone trying to dream contact him, a curse, or some shadow being woefully unaware they aren't as slick as they think.
Thanks @ghawainearcane!
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kanekuran · 2 years
🎼 What is one song that seems to perk you up whenever you hear it? - Ghawaine ( @ghawainearcane )
Another Munday Ask Prompt
A song that perks me up whenever I hear it? Oh man, I'm either going to get flack for it, or find someone else part of Army. BUT!
BTS - Dynamite
Whenever I hear it, even whenever I go into a depressive slump, I just listen to it and it just makes me want to dance and it makes me unexplainably happy. It's just a very good happy song.
Thanks for the ask! @ghawainearcane
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!- Ghawaine 👍
My muse(s):
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse [ I've only seen a few things from you but they've been good on what I've seen! Knowing more is always good. ]
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests! [ Thanks for throwing this at me too @ghawainearcane! If you ever get the urge to meet with my Gob, feel free to poke at me! ]
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chaotic-vex · 3 years
[ 🔒 ] what are your muse’s most negative traits? how do these traits influence their lives? (ex. if a muse is aggressive, they may have trouble forming lasting friendships.) - Ghawaine ( @ghawainearcane )
Still late I'm trying <3
For Vala it's very much her temper, she is the full range of rage from the instant explosion to the slow burn, it all depends on what causes the anger. Luckily for all around her, Valanthriell is in decent control.
However, there have been times her snap anger has ruined friendships.
Thank you!!!
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