#get this man off social media it’s bad for the ecosystem
charcubed · 1 year
the thing is that I have been molded in the fires of Sherlock fandom, and I am a graduate of the school of “showrunners and writers just Say Shit and half the time they are liars, the text is the text and that includes subtext, I can see what a story is doing,” but Mr. Gaiman introduces confusion to even those ancient proverbs because he’s so unbelievably unnecessarily fucking weird and pedantic and deliberately obtuse about literally everything. on levels previously unseen. like while writing a now-explicit queer love story he can try to act like he’s never heard of the concept of subtext in his life as much as he wants, but then the natural follow-up question is “why and to what end are you acting like this on main”
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critical-skeptic · 1 year
Survival of the Unfit: Nature's Failed Experiment
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In the realm of human folly, the phrase "survival of the fittest" gets tossed around like a lifebuoy to a drowning man, as if the very utterance will save us from our own incompetence. Ah, Darwinism—the sweet, natural solution to life's complexities. A system that doesn't give two shits about your feelings or your "fair shot" at existence. In a society teeming with warning labels, safety protocols, and an incessant drive to bubble-wrap every damn thing, one can't help but ponder: what if we just let nature take its course, unsupervised and unimpeded?
Imagine, if you will, a world stripped of its cautionary labels, its paternalistic nudges toward safety. A world where your kid's school science lab allows them to experience firsthand the explosive relationship between sodium and water, sans goggles or adult supervision. This world won't hold your hand; you're on your own, pal. If you can't muster the common sense to look both ways before crossing the street, well, chalk one up for natural selection.
Don't get me wrong; human ingenuity and cooperation are among the most potent evolutionary tools we've developed. They've propelled us to the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, making us capable of feats from splitting the atom to landing on the moon. But let's not kid ourselves. For every small step for man, there's a giant leap backward for mankind.
In fact, the very traits that once facilitated our survival are now chaining us to a ticking time bomb. Empathy? It's got us saving every Tom, Dick, and Harry who probably shouldn't pass on his genes in the first place. Social cooperation? Great, but it also manifests in herd mentality that leads to cults of personality, dangerous tribalism, and even wars.
Take climate change. The data is there. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet, what do we see? Denial, procrastination, and outright sabotage. Our 'innate' traits of empathy and cooperation should have propelled us into immediate action. Instead, they've been hijacked by political infighting and resource hoarding. Individual and collective egos bloated to astronomical proportions, effectively dwarfing the actual celestial bodies we should be aiming to colonize by now.
The inherent contradictions within humanity aren't just quirks; they're existential threats. We've leveraged our brilliance to construct societies of staggering complexity, yet we can't summon the collective will to stop burning fossil fuels. Even our revolutions—technological, cultural, or otherwise—seem to culminate in new varieties of stagnation. AI, the Internet, social media; all promise enlightenment but often deliver echo chambers of ignorance.
Do we deserve this planet, with its intricate ecosystems and untapped frontiers? One could argue that the very question is a byproduct of our self-important delusions. Nature doesn't care about "deserve." In the grand cosmic lottery, we drew a winning ticket, and look what we've done with it. We're like a trust-fund kid blowing through his inheritance on sports cars and bad decisions.
So, back to my original thought experiment: If we removed all societal safety nets and let nature cleanse itself of the ineptitude that plagues us, would we really be worse off? It's a grim idea, sure, but it forces us to confront uncomfortable questions about our self-imposed sanctity. The brutal, unvarnished truth? Our track record suggests that humanity, in its current form, doesn't deserve the extraordinary luck we've been handed by the universe.
Now, does this mean we should actually start tearing down warning signs and free up natural selection to do its thing? Hell no. But as a critique, as a self-reflecting argument, we need to acknowledge our collective failure to capitalize on the astounding cosmic fortune we've been granted. We're not living up to our potential, and perhaps we never will. Nature, in all its indifferent majesty, must be laughing its ass off.
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googledocsdyke · 4 years
thinking incredibly earnestly about like why i unironically love bite me (a google slides social media au) as much as i do and why it’s so fucking funny and i think a huge part of it is that it lays bare the process of total decontextualisation that generally is at work within the self-contained world of like, fic in general. like, in many ways most fic is the same fic. i think we can generally agree on this. obviously there are like fics that transform the way you view the source text, or fics that generate their own world and fandom (down to agincourt), or fics with profound complex thematic engagement (so says the sword) or fics that have their own specific cult status (my immortal, twist and shout). but like the reason the fic ecosystem chugs along, the reason bajillions of fics are posted to ao3 every day, is because of the kind of fic that is so clearly based off other fic, maybe just shifted 2 degrees to the left.
like fanfiction IS by and large a repetitive medium that is often primarily interested in working off and re-articulating very widely accepted tropes. think of all the largely identical 15x20 fix-it codas you may have read. or this harry potter au i wrote when i was fourteen years old that could not have ANYTHING less to do with the actual characters dean, cas, or charlie as written in-show, or even like, anything to do with hogwarts as a setting. there was NO reason it needed to be a harry potter au. why the hell were the x-men there? there was no characterisation. the presence of potions homework, and gryffindor dean, and “charlie ships it,” were all just empty signifiers towards a narrative that i knew better from reading other fics than from watching the show itself. actually, i think at this point i hadn’t even watched any charlie episodes, but you wouldn’t be able to tell! because i lifted my concept of charlie wholesale from other fics that asserted that this was her “characterisation” and her place in the story. like it Was a 1600-word exercise in copy-paste, which is what large amounts of fanfiction are and historically have been. and is so fundamental to why we keep coming back to them
and i’m not saying this as like. a normative or “judgmental” statement in any way! i think there’s no point in insisting that all fic be like. deeply grounded in discrete characterisation or a sincere engagement with the complex themes of the original text, or whatever. firstly because a) most people writing fic ARE young teens/young adults who do so as a kind of participatory gesture, a low-effort way to signal their earnest investment in a particular ship or imagined narrative, and b) decontextualisation is like… at the beating heart of what fanfiction is. like most fanfiction is not “literary” (in huge skeptical quotes bc of how contested that very term even is) but it also feels like it’s a mistake to… ask it to be? i’m thinking along the lines of this post, where gothhabiba asks that we “articulate an actual theory of how and why fanfiction is created, its relationship to other kinds of media and writing, and what it does for the people who write and read it,” rather than “arguing about whether or not it’s ‘good’” . because that is truly a moot point!
i think as most of us return for the renaissance, some 6-7 years older, we’re now at the point where we’re able to engage (more) critically with the substantive text of the show, the actual themes it engages and (mis)handles, the cultural context in which it was produced, the texts it builds off of, intentionally or unintentionally, and the critical frameworks we can apply to it. and all of that is like overall a very good and interesting thing!! but it’s also so interesting when paired alongside the decontextualising impulse that drives a LOT of fandom engagement
ANYWAYS. all this to say that like 95% percent of the joy of bite me is how unapologetically ooc it is. like this is the continuous thing i’ve been talking about other people with. you could copy-paste any characters from any broadly popular media into this situation and the characterisation/speech would be no more or less jarring; it would still make the same amount of “sense” from an in-universe perspective. nothing about this au is really about dean and cas so much as it’s about decontextualised figures LABELLED dean and cas (and again, this is not some literary condemnation or smth, the majority of fic does this in some way! i’m just using bite me as an example). we are told to believe that sam winchester, a grown white man & published author, says “yall wildin” unprompted and that kaia nieves tweets things like “oomf famoose” and it’s fucking hilarious. it’s so good. because intentionally or not, it DOES reveal how much of fic, as a genre, is utterly separated from the characters they propose to be telling a story about.
i said earlier today that bite me is a social media au written in a riverdalian fashion, and i don’t just mean that in a general “it’s bad but good but outrageous” way, but more specifically that both bite me and riverdale decide on something objectively absurd and instead of shying away from it or trying to cover up the writer’s lack of knowledge, it faces it head on. like we ARE told unapologetically and continuously that actors live in their trailers when they’re filming a movie, that a hashtag trending for one day is enough to get a magazine writer that hasn’t been accused of sexual misconduct fired, that dean and cas are starring in a gay romantic comedy called fucking trainspotting. and the writer doesn’t/won’t/shouldn’t apologise for a word of that. in the same way that riverdale will look you dead in the eye and say “archie is going to war and world war ii-era combat aesthetics never ended even though it’s 2020” or “jughead got into the iowa writer’s workshop despite never having been an undergrad” and like what are you supposed to do? make fun of it?? the text doesn’t CARE if you make fun of it! it’s light years ahead of you! it’s so totally unconcerned with this “realism” you’re supposedly chasing that the joke doubles back on you.
so like tldr: bite me is emblematic of the decontextualising urge at the heart of your average fanfiction, lays bare its own ridiculousness, and raises genuinely fascinating questions abt what fanfiction as a text is meant to be or do. also kaia and claire fall in love on stan twt. UNPARALLELED media experience
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earthly--truth · 3 years
What I believe in
These are my beliefs as someone who aligns with democratic socialism and progressivism. Feel free to critique it, challenge it, even just a few sections, whatever, but this is what I believe will make the world a better place, because people (and animals) deserve to live the best possible lives they can live with the only chance at life they got. This is going to be super general and long, and not get into nearly everything, but I hope it sheds a positive light on leftism.
Strong unions so that workers (the majority of people in society) have the ability have better footing to negotiate better wages, work hours, vacation days, benefits, etc. I also believe that in instances where it’s pragmatically viable that there should be a push for more worker co-op’s, in which every employee has a stake in the company they work at, and the ability to give their input (all companies should strive for more democracy). Both of these contribute to healthier, happier, and, and better payed people.
Raising the minimum wage in the U.S to $15 an hour. The current wage of  $7.25 is way too low. It’s just not a livable wage. There’s a reason why McDonald’s and Walmart are called corporate welfare queens, and it’s because they’re employees require welfare to survive, despite being the biggest corporations on the planet with multi-billionaire CEO’s. The richest in society should also pay more in taxes.
Stop investing so much in the American military, cut it by a third if you can. (Firstly this frees up a lot of money for other things) Get the military out of the middle east, and create other more peaceful avenues to ensure it doesn’t crumble like every single time the military pulls out and doesn’t try to actually fix the mess they created. The people in the middle east deserve to be able to rebuild and they’ll need help to do that (just not the type of help where america installs their own leaders).
Healthcare should be universal, paid for by taxes. Every developed nation is capable of doing it. Many developing countries are doing it. Americans pay more in taxes for healthcare than so many other countries, yet a trip to the hospital still can put you in debt for the rest of your life. That is inhumane, and people shouldn’t have to choose between crippling debt and their health.
There’s also an argument to be made for free/way cheaper university, since countries like Canada or America force people to get a degree if they want to live a decent life, yet in order to do that you have to pay $15,000 a year for university. A system like that either forces people to skip out on uni, or again go into major debt. If Europe can figure it out, I think the U.S and Canada can figure it out too.
Black Lives Matter. To be more specific, I want police/criminal justice/prison reform. I want police de-militarized and to stop acting so abusive towards to civilians and real justice for the police that do, I want an end on the war on drugs (this helps drug addicts get help and delivers a blow to gangs and the cartel). I want an end to mass incarceration and laws that make it easier to throw people in jail for years for basically nothing. I want an end to for profit prisons. I want an end to the policy of retribution rather than rehabilitation for inmates (countries who rehabilitate are way more successful at non-returning inmates). I want an end to treating prisoners like slaves so corporations can get cheap labour. I also want the government to actually start caring about the poorest communities, many of which are predominantly black and latino (in cities anyways). (Also the indigenous in Canada). Better infrastructure, better public works programs. These all contribute to the proliferation of these communities and helps lessen the potential for criminality by making their lives better.
The dismantling of gender norms and roles, and de-stigmatization of LGBTQ+ people. I want people to be whoever they want to be. For far too long we have expected men and women to act a certain way. Women have come a long way, but there are still remnants of the old way of looking at things. We still have a lot of social stigma about how women should look, and that they are not worth even paying attention to if they aren’t conventionally attractive. We still have social stigma about sexuality and sex work. We hyper sexualize women in the media, yet shame women as sluts if they have a lot of sex. We shame women who choose abortion as murderers, yet don’t offer any support for the mother once the child has arrived. On top of that, the positions of power are still predominantly very old men. I also believe in helping men. Men are lonelier, men are increasingly staying sexless (not by choice), men are getting more suicidal. I want to address this two ways. One, by tackling toxic masculinity (not masculinity itself, just the bad parts). TM is telling men to man up and not to cry, TM is telling men not to act feminine or gay. TM is telling men to bottle up their emotions and resolve their problems through violence. The second way to address this is through my beliefs about workers. Men are the most suicidal in countries where there is a heavy work culture, like Japan and South Korea. Where they can’t have lives, and live to make money for the company they work at. That isn’t good.
When it comes to LGBTQ+ people, we need more positive representation in the media. We need people to see gay, trans, and non-binary people as normal people. When it comes to trans people specifically, we need to end the constant wars against them. Whether you’re talking about bathrooms, or sports, or children/teens receiving trans affirming healthcare. Let trans people be the gender that they say there are in the places they want to be, and allow them to receive the healthcare they need which is just the overwhelming medical consensus. This, combined with more supportive parents. all goes a long way to reducing the suicide rate amonst trans people.
The proliferation of the developing world. I want developing countries to be more autonomous, and to stop being under the boot of western corporations. I want an end to sweatshop labour or borderline sweatshop labour. I want the west to stop treating these actual people like their robots for pennies to produce our ungodly amounts of junk, and to actually pay these people decent wages. I want the world bank to stop giving money in an exploitative way to poor nations so that they cave to western business interests. These are people, human beings, and they deserve to develop and live good lives just like us. I also want them to fight for democracy in their countries.
Environmentalism. To go off the last section, 100 Corporations are contributing 71% of greenhouse gases. That needs to change. Corporations are participating ungodly amounts of devastations to eco-systems and the atmosphere. Ecosystems destroyed, and the exacerbation of the climate crises. I want a green and blue earth, and that can start by a) changing to green energy as much as humanly possible; solar, wind, and even nuclear (and whatever we come up with in the future) are far better than the fossil fuels we use now, which we’ll run out of anyways. And second we need to hold corporations accountable for destroying the planet. If we don’t do this, we risk the climate crises getting really bad. Oceans rising which will flood coastlines, creating millions of refugees, more periods of extreme dry (no water/bush fires) and extreme cold (look at what happened to texas). Something needs to be done about it.
Finally, veganism, for many reasons. One, the switch to veganism will be a big contributor to saving the planet. Whether you’re talking about the devastation we do to places like the Amazon Rain forest and other ecosystems to clear the way for animal farming, or whether you’re talking about reducing emissions. Most emissions and waste from agriculture are from the production phase of animal farming. So much food, water, and energy is wasted by giving it to billions of animals that we purposefully breed into existence, then slaughter, rinse and repeat, every single year, when we could just grow food and give water to people and skip out the middle man (think about how many people are hungry and without water in the world).
Philosophically, it is also wrong to kill a living creature that desires to live, that is able to connect with other living things and it surrounding, to form bonds. A cow, pig, chicken, lamb, sheep, are no different than a dog, cat, or rabbit, and they should not be killed, exploited, and tortured (confinement, abusive conditions in industrial farms) for pleasure. I know it’s pleasure for most people, because vegans are living proof that you can live happy and healthy lives without animal products. Vegans are statistically healthier than non-vegans, and we can get all the nutrients we need, even on an inexpensive diet. There are exceptions of course. A very small portion of people literally cannot eat plants and can only eat meat, and the developing world doesn’t have the same access to vegan products as the developed world does. Those people are valid, but many many people can make the switch and they should, especially in the developed world
All I see from this is making the world better. Hopefully you can too.
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andmaybegayer · 4 years
The cultural positioning of typewriters, or: I promise I’m not corporatecore come back it’s fine.
I got a typewriter! If you want a documentary breakdown of that you should read this post, but this is going to be about what typewriters were used for back in the 20th century and how utterly batshit the entire ecosystem there was.
Typewriters were used by three main groups of people: journalists, authors, and secretaries. I don’t really care much about the first two, because while they used typewriters, their job was not typewriting. Typewriters were popular for journalists and authors because typewritten drafts and manuscripts were easier for editors and typesetters (and indeed, legibility is a big reason for the adoption of the typewriter in all parts of the world) but typing is not what journalists and authors do. Authors compose and edit, and journalists research and write, but only secretaries type.
(I read an interesting paper about this three-way split, you can read it here)
In the 1800′s, secretary was a job given to a strapping young man with a bright future in business so that he could learn the trade, but after some wars and other social pressures that reduced the supply of male secretaries, and a convenient confluence of women learning the skill of typewriting, the female secretary became a thing. Suffrage movements were pretty happy about this for a while: Women in the office! How progressive! Of course, the role of secretary very quickly stopped having a progression path to management, and it picked up all the usual misogynistic stereotypes that you probably know today.
If you’re over 45 you probably know what the job of secretary used to look like, but for those of you who aren’t, for most of the 1900′s secretary was a job that revolved around typing letters, missives and notes in a legible and consistent format. This is important, because the alternative sucks shit. If you were mid level manager Johnson Q. Goodfellow at the Racism Company, and you needed to tell the Racism Factory that they needed to produce 400 more units of Racism this week, you could try calling up the manager at the factory and telling him this. Unfortunately, there’s all manner of things that could go wrong here. He might misinterpret you saying “produce 400 more” as “produce 400 only”, in which case you might have a Racism shortage. Or he might mishear entirely and produce only four more, if your accent is particularly bad.
Instead, Johnson Q. Goodfellow could get a secretary to create a missive (in quadruplicate, using carbon paper) and get the 17 year old who hangs around your lobby to courier two copies out of town to the Racism Factory, and you can keep two copies for your own records. Very low chance for errors now, since either side can refer to their copies to find out what was intended. A secretary would also add dates and ensure all communication meets business standards.
(This is also why there’s no red telephone between Washington and Moscow. It used to be a teletype: a text transfer machine. Later, it was Fax, and nowadays it’s encrypted email and text chat. All text-based systems, written in the sender’s native language and translated on the other side to provide the lowest chance of a misunderstanding and high chance of being correctly recorded.)
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How would that letter get written? If you were an audio or shorthand typist (a highly skilled profession requiring extensive training at a secretarial school) you would either be a personal secretary to a single executive or a high-ranking member of a secretarial pool. Either way, your manager would dictate a letter, and you would have to convert it into a typewritten document. Originally this would be done by a secretary capturing the speech in real time in shorthand, and later it would be captured on a microcasette and transcribed with the assistance of a dictation machine. On the other hand, a simple copy typist can only work in the secretarial pool, and you would get a hand-written draft from a manager, likely one too low-level to have his own secretary or even his own microcasette recorder. This would possibly be sent back for checking, either by the manager or by your superior, and then all copies would be sent wherever they were needed. The jobs are otherwise similar, apart from a lack of real progression for copy typists.
(A good pop-media example of shorthand typing is the “speed test” song from the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie”, a rendition of which I will link here. It’s also a treasure trove of the kind of ridiculous stereotypes that existed around the secretarial profession, as a musical made in the 60′s about the 20′s. Millie is a fawning social-ladder-climber who gets her job explicitly to someday marry her boss, who is a self-absorbed dipshit. I was a stagehand on my high school’s production of this, so I know the whole thing from memory. Please send help.)
Why don’t the managers type their own letters? Well, partially because of the weird skill split on typing: typing was a woman’s skill back then, many men would not even know how to type, and those that did may be extremely slow hunt and peck typists who would make many errors and produce uneven, sub-par manuscripts. Secretary was kind of considered a fallback profession in some cases: schools taught it to girls the same way woodwork was taught to boys. You don’t necessarily want to become a carpenter/secretary, but if you can’t find a decent company job/suitable husband, the skill can support you until you track one down or die. Man, the 20′s-70′s were insane.
There’s some interesting status stuff to talk about here. If you’ve ever seen an old movie where a rich dude takes out a tape recorder and makes a note to himself, that’s the movie’s way of telling you that this guy is powerful enough to have a personal secretary. It implies that later he’s going to put that in an envelope and leave it on someone’s desk and the next day when he comes in, any reminders he made will be on his calendar and any notes will have been typed out in full.
Secretaries type as a profession. The speed expected of an acceptable secretary is a sustained 70 words per minute, which is about what I can do in an extended session. A good secretary could easily surpass 100, and there’s an old navy typist training video of the fastest typewriter typist in the world reaching 180 wpm on demand, and since correction on typewriters is tedious, your accuracy was expected to be near on 100%. On old manual typewriters the skill of keeping all letters even was an additional challenge, since you provided the mechanical force for the type bars. Electric typewriters, like the one I have solve this problem, but it’s still a complicated skill.
Before the invention of the typewriter, the only way to produce clear, reliably text was typesetting. Typesetting is of course, a noble profession, but not something you can easily do in the office on a whim, and wholly unsuitable for one-time messages. Standardized writing in the office reduces the chance of errors and improves your ability to find out who’s to blame when something goes wrong.
Nowadays secretary is not really a job that exists anymore? You mostly hire Executive Assistants and groups of lower managers share a single Executive Assistant rather than accessing a pool of secretaries. Typing is also no longer the name of the game, instead it focuses on maintaining schedules, synthesis of letters from prompts from your manager, and serving as a gatekeeper for mail and meetings. The name has changed because the job has changed, describing an executive assistant as a secretary would be like referring to the blades of a combine harvester as a scythe. That’s not to say secretaries don’t or can’t type, they are still often the most skilled typists in an office (I have seen multiple photos of macbooks with the coating worn clean off their keys by a legal secretary or medical scribe) but most executives are now capable of performing an adequate job of typing and editing on a computer.
If you wish to do some further reading, interesting resources I found while doing some research that I haven’t linked above for this include:
This quora answer from a woman who was a secretary in the 70′s
This series from an EE magazine about what it was like to work in a typing pool
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16 July 2021
Food for thought
At last week's Data Bites, I noted how 'Wales' is a standard unit of area. This week, along comes a map which shows that all the built-up land in the UK is equivalent to one Wales:
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The map is from the National Food Strategy, published yesterday (and the man has a point).
It has divided opinion, judging by the responses to this tweet. I understand where the sceptics are coming from - at first glance, it may be confusing, given Wales isn't actually entirely built up, Cornwall made of peat, or Shetland that close to the mainland (or home to all the UK's golf courses). And I'm often critical of people using maps just because the data is geographical in some way, when a different, non-map visualisation would be better.
But I actually think this one works. Using a familiar geography to represent areas given over to particular land use might help us grasp it more readily (urban areas = size of Wales, beef and lamb pastures = more of the country than anything else). It's also clear that a huge amount of overseas land is needed to feed the UK, too.
The map has grabbed people's attention and got them talking, which is no bad thing. And it tells the main stories I suspect its creators wanted to. In other words, it's made those messages... land.
Trash talk
Happy Take Out The Trash Day!
Yesterday saw A LOT of things published by Cabinet Office - data on special advisers, correspondence with parliamentarians, public bodies and major projects to name but a few, and the small matter of the new plans outlining departmental priorities and how their performance will be measured.
It's great that government is publishing this stuff. It's less great that too much of it still involves data being published in PDFs not spreadsheets. And it's even less great that the ignoble tradition of Take Out The Trash Day continues, for all the reasons here (written yesterday) and here (written in 2017).
I know this isn't (necessarily) deliberate, and it's a lot of good people working very hard to get things finished before the summer (as my 2017 piece acknowledges). And it's good to see government being transparent.
But it's 2021, for crying out loud. The data collection should be easier. The use of this data in government should be more widespread to begin with.
We should expect better.
In other news:
I was really pleased to have helped the excellent team at Transparency International UK (by way of some comments on a draft) with their new report exploring access and influence in UK housing policy, House of Cards. Read it here.
One of our recent Data Bites speakers, Doug Gurr, is apparently in the running to run the NHS. More here.
Any excuse to plug my Audrey Tang interview.
The good folk at ODI Leeds/The Data City/the ODI have picked up and run with my (and others') attempt to map the UK government data ecosystem. Do help them out.
Five years ago this week...
Regarding last week's headline of Three Lines on a Chart: obviously I was going to.
Have a great weekend
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Today's links:
Graphic content
Vax populi
Why vaccine-shy French are suddenly rushing to get jabbed* (The Economist)
Morning update on Macron demolishing French anti-vax feeling (or at least vax-hesitant) (Sophie Pedder via Nicolas Berrod)
How Emmanuel Macron’s “health passes” have led to a surge in vaccine bookings in France* (New Statesman)
How effective are coronavirus vaccines against the Delta variant?* (FT)
England faces the sternest test of its vaccination strategy* (The Economist)
Where Are The Newest COVID Hot Spots? Mostly Places With Low Vaccination Rates (NPR)
There's A Stark Red-Blue Divide When It Comes To States' Vaccination Rates (NPR)
All talk, no jabs: the reality of global vaccine diplomacy* (Telegraph)
Vaccination burnout? (Reuters)
Viral content
COVID-19: Will the data allow the government to lift restrictions on 19 July? (Sky News)
UK Covid-19 rates are the highest of any European country after Cyprus* (New Statesman)
COVID-19: Cautionary tale from the Netherlands' coronavirus unlocking - what lessons can the UK learn? (Sky News)
‘Inadequate’: Covid breaches on the rise in Australia’s hotel quarantine (The Guardian)
Side effects
COVID-19: Why is there a surge in winter viruses at the moment? (Sky News)
London Beats New York Back to Office, by a Latte* (Bloomberg)
Outdoor dining reopened restaurants for all — but added to barriers for disabled* (Washington Post)
NYC Needs the Commuting Crowds That Have Yet to Fully Return* (Bloomberg)
Politics and government
Who will succeed Angela Merkel?* (The Economist)
Special advisers in government (Tim for IfG)
How stingy are the UK’s benefits? (Jamie Thunder)
A decade of change for children's services funding (Pro Bono Economics)
National Food Strategy (independent review for UK Government)
National Food Strategy: Tax sugar and salt and prescribe veg, report says (BBC News)
Air, space
Can Wizz challenge Ryanair as king of Europe’s skies?* (FT)
Air passengers have become much more confrontational during the pandemic* (The Economist)
Branson and Bezos in space: how their rocket ships compare* (FT)
Euro 2020: England expects — the long road back to a Wembley final* (FT)
Most football fans – and most voters – support the England team taking the knee* (New Statesman)
Domestic violence surges after a football match ends* (The Economist)
The Most Valuable Soccer Player In America Is A Goalkeeper (FiveThirtyEight)
Sport is still rife with doping* (The Economist)
Wimbledon wild card success does not disguise financial challenge* (FT)
Can The U.S. Women’s Swim Team Make A Gold Medal Sweep? (FiveThirtyEight)
Everything else
Smoking: How large of a global problem is it? And how can we make progress against it? (Our World in Data)
Record June heat in North America and Europe linked to climate change* (FT)
Here’s a list of open, non-code tools that I use for #dataviz, #dataforgood, charity data, maps, infographics... (Lisa Hornung)
Meta data
Identity crisis
A single sign-on and digital identity solution for government (GDS)
UK government set to unveil next steps in digital identity market plan (Computer Weekly)
BCS calls for social media platforms to verify users to curb abuse (IT Pro)
ID verification for social media as a solution to online abuse is a terrible idea (diginomica)
Who is behind the online abuse of black England players and how can we stop it?* (New Statesman)
Euro 2020: Why abuse remains rife on social media (BBC News)
UK government
Online Media Literacy Strategy (DCMS)
Privacy enhancing technologies: Adoption guide (CDEI)
The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset is now available in the ONS Secure Research Service (ADR UK)
Our Home Office 2024 DDaT Strategy is published (Home Office)
The UK’s Digital Regulation Plan makes few concrete commitments (Tech Monitor)
OSR statement on data transparency and the role of Heads of Profession for Statistics (Office for Statistics Regulation)
Good data from any source can help us report on the global goals to the UN (ONS)
The state of the UK’s statistical system 2020/21 (Office for Statistics Regulation)
Far from average: How COVID-19 has impacted the Average Weekly Earnings data (ONS)
Shock treatment: can the pandemic turn the NHS digital? (E&T)
Can Vaccine Passports Actually Work? (Slate)
UK supercomputer Cambridge-1 to hunt for medical breakthroughs (The Guardian)
AI got 'rithm
An Applied Research Agenda for Data Governance for AI (GPAI)
Taoiseach and Minister Troy launch Government Roadmap for AI in Ireland (Irish Government)
“I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Go Back”: Return-to-Office Agita Is Sweeping Silicon Valley (Vanity Fair)
Google boss Sundar Pichai warns of threats to internet freedom (BBC News)
The class of 2021: Welcome to POLITICO’s annual ranking of the 28 power players behind Europe’s tech revolution (Politico)
Inside Facebook’s Data Wars* (New York Times)
Concern trolls and power grabs: Inside Big Tech’s angry, geeky, often petty war for your privacy (Protocol)
Exclusive extract: how Facebook's engineers spied on women* (Telegraph)
Face off
Can facial analysis technology create a child-safe internet? (The Observer)
#Identity, #OnlineSafety & #AgeVerification – notes on “Can facial analysis technology create a child-safe internet?” (Alec Muffett)
Europe makes the case to ban biometric surveillance* (Wired)
Open government
From open data to joined-up government: driving efficiency with BA Obras (Open Contracting Partnership)
Designing digital services for equitable access (Brookings)
Trusting the Data: How do we reach a public settlement on the future of tech? (Demos)
"Why do we use R rather than Excel?" (Terence Eden)
Everything else
The world’s biggest ransomware gang just disappeared from the internet (MIT Technology Review)
Our Statistical Excellence Awards Ceremony has just kicked off! (Royal Statistical Society)
Pin resets wipe all data from over 100 Treasury mobile phones (The Guardian)
Data officers raid two properties over Matt Hancock CCTV footage leak (The Guardian)
How did my phone number end up for sale on a US database? (BBC News)
Gendered disinformation: 6 reasons why liberal democracies need to respond to this threat (Demos, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung)
EVENT: Justice data in the digital age: Balancing risks and opportunities (The LEF)
JOBS: Senior Data Strategy - Data Innovation & Business Analysis Hub (MoJ)
JOB: Director of Evidence and Analytics (Natural England)
JOB: Policy and Research Associate (Open Ownership)
JOB: Research Officer in Data Science (LSE Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science)
JOB: Chief operating officer (Democracy Club, via Jukesie)
And finally...
me: can’t believe we didn’t date sooner... (@MNateShyamalan)
Are you closer to Georgia, or to Georgia? (@incunabula)
A masterpiece in FOIA (Chris Cook)
How K-Pop conquered the universe* (Washington Post)
Does everything really cost more? Find out with our inflation quiz.* (Washington Post)
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Survey #333
“imaginary chain  /  the one you never break  /  seething all alone”
Do you have any fears you would rarely admit to anyone? Nah, I'm pretty open about what I'm afraid of. What website do you spend most of your time on? YouTube. What class in high school did you struggle with the most? I honestly don't remember with certainty, but it was probably math or economics. At least, I think econ was my senior year. What could you talk about for hours? Mark, meerkats, a few game franchises... maybe a couple more topics. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know. Do you salt your popcorn? Yes. Do you have a Steam account? Yeah, but I don't have many games on there and rarely touch the ones I do. Do you like gaming? I do, but not as much as I did for most of my life. I mostly just play WoW now, and even that I'm not that into anymore. Part of it though comes from not buying any new games that I'm interested in because 1.) no money and 2.) no proper console, and you can only replay games so many times before you're just... yeah, done. Do you like reading books? Some days. Do you like religion? All things considered? No. Do you like Grand Theft Auto V? Y'know, growing up, I actually liked watching my younger neighbor play one of those games, but I don't remember which. Though he never actually "played" it... just ran around wreaking havoc, lol. I do however think GTAV was the one that Jason and Jacob started playing together when we moved into the apartment, and I thought the story was okay; I don't think they ever got far into it, though. Definitely wasn't Jason's sort of game, and I don't think it was too much up Jacob's alley, either. Can you twerk? I haven't tried and you will never see me try either, lmao. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes, but I almost never use it. If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing them back? Yes. If your best friend of the opposite sex tried to kiss you, would you start kissing them back? No. Have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated? Yes, because of how badly she hurt him. I don't have any negative feelings towards her now, though. We're actually friends, haha. The irony. Are you an easy lay? What weird wording. But whatever, quite the polar opposite actually. When’s the last time you said you were sorry? A few days ago. Are there any songs you listen to everyday? No. Would you like living on the coast? As someone who lives in a state hit by hurricanes usually every year and has seen the incredible damage they usually bring to the coast, no. I don't like the smell or gritty feel of salty air, either. When’s the last time you were really late to something? No idea. That's usually not a problem with me. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? The last person I actually stopped like-liking would be Girt, and that would be because I just came to the realization I saw him too much as my brother instead of boyfriend. It just always felt awkward. Do you still talk to that person? Yeah, we're good. No hard feelings or anything between us. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. Do you trust easily? Fuck no. I'll be cautious, at least to some degree, about new people for a while. What is the last song to make you cry? Since I've actually behaved and not listened to any trigger songs, it's been a long while, but it was probably "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Last person you hung up on? I'm sure some automated message. I barely ever answer the phone to numbers I don't recognize, though. Where was your last car ride to and from? To Wal-Mart w/ Mom to pick up our order and then back home. Next big outing? *shrug* Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? Not really, no. Considering I'm by far my most authentic self online, I actually tend to appreciate virtual friends more, if I'm being honest. I try to keep up with those people. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? Not really, no. I think I saw Warcraft the day it came into theaters, though. Do movies often make you cry? What kind of films/scenes make you tear up most? Yep. Tragic romance tends to do it the most, I think. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? I have one to track my menstrual cycle as well as another that tracks my daily caloric intake, but I'm bad at using it because it's tedious if I actually have to measure something. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? Ummm if you mean like, in general, probably my mom's. But this most certainly depends on the subject I'm taking feedback on. What is something society "expects" you to do that you don't want to do and/or don't plan on doing? Shaving my legs came to mind first. Granted, I will if there is almost any chance of someone seeing them, but otherwise, I just don't care. We respect women with body hair on this account and see them as no less feminine. Are you interested in architecture? Is there any particular style that you're drawn to? I think it's cool, yeah. I should have an answer for this, given architecture was a massive focus in Art History the last time I was in school... Roman architecture comes to my head first, if that says anything. What was one of your favorite things from the nineties? BOY OH BOY, SO MUCH!! I'm probably gonna say the toys. There was some dope shit, man. Do you collect things pertaining to an animal? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING featuring a meerkat!!!!! :''') Do you wish that people were kinder to spiders? Well, yes. I hope everyone in their heart wishes this, even if they're afraid of them. They're very important to our ecosystem, and none are out there to harm us; their existence does us a favor. Where do you normally order pizza from? Domino's (my favorite) or LIttle Caesar's for the price. Did your parents keep anything of yours from when you were a baby? Oh yes, loads of stuff that's stored away somewhere. Do you own one of those "____ For Dummies" books? No, but I feel like we had one at some point? What was the last VHS tape that you watched? Yikes, who knows. Did you watch Boy Meets World back in the day? I actually didn't, no. Our old neighbor though loved it so much that she named her daughter Tapanga (deliberately spelled that way). Who is your favorite Scooby Doo character? I never really had one. Maybe Thelma. If I were to give you a coloring book, what would you want its theme to be? Animals. Have you ever won a stuffed animal at a carnival? Possibly a small one. I can tell you I did however accidentally stab the guy who ran the dart-throwing booth though, lmfao. He was obviously fine, and it wasn't a bad wound. I felt SOOOOOO bad. Are you a fan of narwhals? I'm a fan of any animal. Narwhals are definitely fascinating creatures. Grape or orange soda? Orange. Grape-flavored soda ain't my thing. Have you ever wanted to vlog? Noooo. My life is so painstakingly boring and repetitive. Did you have a favorite Disney movie as a child? It was and still is The Lion King. Do you or have you ever owned a portable gaming console? Yeah, a GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS. Is shyness cute? It definitely can be. Have you ever had alcohol poisoning before? No. Do you like to gossip, or do you prefer to keep your mouth shut? I'm not a gossip fan. Have you ever vandalized someone else’s property before? Most definitely not. Are your parents divorced? Yes. Have you ever been under suicide watch for 72 hours in a psychiatric ward? Yes; at least here, that's protocol when you're admitted for suicidal thoughts/tendencies. Have you ever gone through your significant other’s phone or social media accounts, or do you respect their privacy? Absolutely not. That shit pisses me off so badly. Do you wear any sort of clothing for religious reasons? No. What's something you worked extremely hard to get? My sanity back. Sounds so dramatic, but I'm literally not kidding. Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? Not that I remember. How many kids do you want to have? I don't want kids, but to entertain the question, when I did, I wanted three. It's fuckin wild to imagine for even a second that I once wanted that. Do you believe that being gay is a sin? *eye roll* Are you any good at photography? If so, what’s your specialty? I mean it with modesty, but I think I'm pretty good. My favorite thing to photograph are animals, but I generally take most pictures of people by request or pay. Judging by my deviantART account, my nature pics definitely get the most attention. Have you ever been a member of a gang before? Fuckin yikes, no. An infamous gang tried breaking into my childhood home once, so you can probably gather that I would never take part in their "big bad guys" bullshit. Have you ever felt like you were neither male nor female? No, I'm comfortable as a cisgender female. Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies? NO. Anything with raisins = NO. Do you think you’re attractive? No. Has a teacher ever caught and read a note you were passing in class? No, not that I really passed notes to begin with. I'd be mortified, regardless of what it was about. Would you rather live in a tropical or arctic climate? Arctic. Do you have an older brother? Yes. He's technically my half-brother, but I don't see "half"s. Have either of your parents ever been to jail? No. Are your collarbones prominent? Bitch I wish so I could get the damn dermal piercings I've wanted for years. Have you ever in your life worn overalls? As a kid, yeah. So ugly. Do you love yourself? It's... weird. Therapy is making me realize that a part of me, maybe even the bigger one, doesn't, but at the exact same time, I know I have worth just like every other human. I just don't treat myself like I do. What TV shows do you keep up with? None, until Meerkat Manor returns this summer. :') When’s the last time it snowed where you live? A couple months ago we got a little bit of it. Is your belly button pierced? No, but it would be if I was actually skinny. Just in my personal opinion, I don't at all think that that piercing would look nice on someone as overweight as me. Even if my damn dreams come true and I lose all the weight I want, my stomach will never look "normal," even after I get the excess skin removal surgery that will be very high on my priority list for my own self-image that's been nothing but loathsome since 2016. What is your favourite dinosaur? Spinosaurus is the obvious answer. What do you remember the most about your childhood? Lots of imagination. Parents arguing. Playing with my little sister. What age did you get your first hair cut? I have no idea. Do you have a favourite toy from childhood still? No. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it. Have you ever made bread? No. Would you ever consider shaving your head? Nah. Would you like to live in a realm where the zombie apocalypse is possible? Who says we don't now? Zombifying parasites already exist among insects and such, so like... it's not unimaginable to one day see one developed enough to infect humans. I sure as fuck hope not, but. What do you use to dry your clothes? (Tumble dryer, radiator, etc) We have a dryer. Do you ever play the built-in games on your computer? Which ones? Nah. What was the last spontaneous thing you did? I did this many, many months ago, but I guess watch an episode of The Witcher by my own volition. I don't really do spontaneous things with how routine I am, but I had a random urge to check it out one morning. How loud can you whistle? Not very loud at all. Does anything on your body hurt or itch right now? My knees really hurt. They're getting worse. When was the last time you built a sandcastle? There's noooo telling, it's been many years. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? No. Well, not a *real* one, anyway. Just the little ones for kids. If you had to appear on a game show, which one would you choose? Family Feud. What is your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. Do you have an alter ego? Describe them: No. Food: Are you adventurous or do you stick to what you know? I absolutely stick to what I know. I am SO picky. Is there anything (out of the obvious) that makes you feel really ill? I'm not immediately sure, but there's probably something. Do you bump into things often? Yes. I've always had this weird habit of like... drifting when I walk, so I do this easily. I just kinda wander to the sides a bit without realizing it. What design is on your calendar this year? I don't have a current one. Did you enjoy playing Hop Scotch when you were younger? I did. Do you feel uncomfortable going to the movies by yourself? Nah, not really. I did that with Warcraft and it was actually pretty chill. When thinking about your dream home, what do you think would be your favorite thing to shop for? The ~g o t h i c~ decor. Do you ever listen to those lo-fi hip hop/study music playlists on YouTube/Spotify? No. Are you likelier to work harder if you’re being paid? If not, what drives you to give your best effort? I mean, yeah. I'd assume that's pretty normal. Does the fashion sense of a potential partner matter to you? No. Is there anything that you prefer to write down rather than type? I'm unsure. If you download/torrent things, do you remember the first thing you ever torrented? Oh, the Limewire days of music pirating... but no, I don't remember. What was the last thing you posted on Instagram? Something photography-related, but I don't feel like checking. What do you wish your hair looked like? I wish I could pull off pastel pink hair rn. It also desperately needs a trim. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? I'm sure I always will, at least a little. Do you get any magazines in the mail? No. Have you ever paid for any kind of online membership? Uhhhhh have I? I don't think so. Who’d you last see in a tux? Probably the groom of the last wedding I shot. Do you record any TV shows and watch them later? No, but I used to do that big time because I loved "rewatching" stuff when I was on the computer. Out of everyone you know, who was the most heart? My mother, big time. Who’s the bravest person you know? Also my mother. Or Sara. What profession do you admire the most? Teachers might just win. The patience that must take, among so many other things. Have you ever made a fake profile, for any reason? No.
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
League of Extraordinary Geniuses || The Prologue
The Girl with the Purple Hair AKA The Smartest Woman in the World 
Author’s Notes
‘They just GAVE her this honorific! The Smartest Woman in the World? How insulting! I didn’t spend the entirety of my life working beyond my hardware and having to remodel and upgrade frequently for some normal human girl to get a few degrees and just RECEIVE status as my female counterpart!’ 
Chase Davenport was in a very bad mood, and currently stuck in his own head. Davenport Industries was donating a dozen high quality, top grade androids to one of its employees, for an assignment in Dystopia, on which she would be attempting to deconstruct and rebuild the city to make it a Davencity - one of the many cities where basically all of the income and resources fit into an ecosystem created and maintained by the success of a Davenport driven economy. 
Chase felt like it was gentrification and colonization, but as long as Mr. Davenport saw to it that the people in the communities selected were allowed to stay and contribute, then at least, they wouldn’t be completely taking away people’s homes and lives. 
So… more of an occupation of sorts, but… Dystopia was one of those places that was such a mess that ANY change had to be for the better, and it was very close to this lady’s heart, apparently. She’d worked there for many years, traveling back and forth on charity missions between semesters in her academic career, ‘until she ingeniously swindled universities into giving her degrees.’ 
Chase pulled up her information in his bionic system, something he had been doing quite religiously ever since finding out that he was expected to be a part of these shenanigans. Mr. Davenport lauded this woman as “the person most fit for this job,” and as a condition of Chase’s current position in the company, he would have to shake the hand of this person in front of the world and approve of that sentiment, ‘thus endorsing the so-called “SmArtEst WOmAn In thE wOrld”’
Feeling that she “swindled” universities was unfair, but he was still pretty raw about all of these plans and mostly about that ‘COMPLETELY UNFATHOMABLE TITLE.’ Secretly, he admired her audacity and her follow through. He would never be able to admit it, as long as she was considered his intellectual equal and a high priority for Mr. Davenport.
She began a little challenge that she called "The Degree Collection Challenge." She would contact the Deans of Ivy League campuses and basically profess that she would be able to complete certain degrees in (some unprecedented amount of time), with their permission. Initially, they would agree, out of the pride and certainty that she couldn't do this. It became her brand - doing all of the work possible to earn an official degree in what should have been not enough time. Organizations began to try to monitor her endeavors and make sure she wasn't somehow cheating, hacking, doing SOMETHING illegal to yield the results that she was yielding, and eventually androids were utilized. Universities paid Davenport Industries A FORTUNE to basically stalk this woman with the intent to prove that she was unfairly gaining elite degrees from their institutions. 
She kept fairly earning her degrees, racking up work, experience, and notoriety as one of the smartest people in the world and her new title as the Degree Collector, ‘a title she can be worthy of.’
It was on her verified social media, and whenever she went to do interviews and speak at colleges, it would always be on the caption or the headlines. He was fine with that. In fact, after a mention from a fan who said that they would LOVE to see her have a conversation with Chase Davenport, the bionic smartest man alive, she confessed that she was a HUGE follower of his work and would also love a conversation with him. He was flattered. She was famous, in her own right, and smart, as well. Also, she looked pretty in all of the photos and footage he saw of her, so finding out that she was a fan was highly favorable.
Her announcement led to Donald arranging the meeting AND giving her a job in one of his places close to her Alma mater, Harvard. She was already earning him money with the android monitoring systems from several colleges, and he wanted someone that popular and smart under his umbrella. Chase would be her “introduction to Davenport Industries” in her biography, even though he didn’t actually have the opportunity to meet her. In fact, his brother, Leo wound up having to pick her up and getting her settled into her new Davenport provided space, because Chase was out on missions. 
She understood. As a self proclaimed huge follower of his work, she knew he went all over the world to tend to various threats, and after a while, the prospect of having a conversation with him became lost and he forgot all about the girl with the purple hair who Donald used as a publicity stunt a few years ago. ‘UNTIL… She became lauded as “the Smartest Woman Alive.” 
For THAT to be true, she would need bionic access to all of the world’s information, to computer connections, satellites, etc. She would have to be extraordinary. She was just some woman with a bunch of degrees that she did get impressively quickly for a typical woman… but still… She was just a typical woman and he got frustrated every time he thought about the fact that her title pretended to rival his! 
“Mr. Davenport?” He heard from behind him and he cleared off his research and cleared out his eye before turning and seeing a slim, petite, far more beautiful in person than in any of the publicity photos where she was typically working. “Hi!” She said, excited and extended her hand, “Charlotte Page. I know that I’m early, but The Dom said that I could let myself in with my access permissions, and I really wanted to be able to speak with you outside of all of his… panoply.” 
Chase shook her hand. It was soft and her handshake was firm. She had on a cream colored pantsuit that fit her form, but was sleeveless and her arms indicated someone who took great care of her body. In fact, her body indicated someone who took great care of her body. And her face, her hair, and so on. 
She didn’t look distressed, disheveled, with a mound of purple hair tied up in a puffy, messy bun. She wasn’t to her knees in an assignment or charity work, or in protective gear in her lab, and she wasn’t online, in a dimly lit room, speaking tired, because of the lack of rest she had. Her hair wasn’t purple either, or curly or puffy... It was... they call those goddess locs, if he remembered correctly from having seen the hairstyle before, and hers were a mixture of browns, with golden accents and charms in them. 
He saw several superhero emblems - Captain Man, Kid Danger, the Dystopian Defenders, ‘So, she’s a superhero fangirl’ some African symbols and cutesy stuff too, a few lightening rods... She was staring at him and he wondered if he was studying her looks too long.
This was the first time he saw her face to face, and it was an amazing sight. “Well… Nice to meet the…” He paused. He realized at that moment that he had never said it out loud and also that he could not.
“The Degree Collector?” She said, saving him the discomfort of calling her the smartest woman alive. She folded her arms casually and said, “Although, my degrees can’t really be at all impressive to you, with the educational catalog that you’ve got. And for what it's worth, I never actually refer to myself as the other thing, either. When there’s someone like you out there and nobody else comparable, that would seem gauche. Not to mention the fact that my life has been teeming with privilege and opportunities. There’s probably a woman out there right now that might have mollywhopped me in the degree collecting challenge if she had more access and wealth, so… I’m good with being Charlotte Page. Charlotte Page is amazing.”
He relaxed a little and felt secretly justified in his silent protest of her being called that. But, now that it was out of the way, he did have other questions and interests about her that he would have already addressed had he not been simmering in anger. He began with, “What is it about Dystopia that makes you so passionate about it?”
A twinkle sparkled in her brown eyes and she was the prettiest and softest thing he could ever remember, in that moment where she thought about Dystopia. She unfolded her arms and began to move her hands around as she talked, “I think it’s because it was my first chosen home. I decided to go there and try to make a small difference. I brought along the two most important people in the world to me and together, we made it our home, for a little while, but made a big difference in a small span of time. Whenever I had to leave, my heart stayed there. My friends didn’t come with me because there was just so much to do and they felt more needed there than I might have needed them with me.” She called over one of the water boys and grabbed a fresh bottle of water from them. “I was working on a Biological and Biomedical Sciences degree and after only one year of doing that, realized that it would take too long for me to do everything that I wanted to do in Dystopia, or even in this world. SO, I took a note out of my friend’s little sister’s book… She managed to graduate high school early because she had to take so many summer classes. I shot for the same basic principle, but on the college level and once it began to be a thing that I just do… I continued and I use everything that I can to try to make Dystopia better, for my friends and for my fondness of it as the first home that I chose for myself.”
“Wow. I’ve actually never chosen a home, so I don’t know this attachment. Mr. Davenport has orchestrated where I go for all of my life,” he admitted.
“Well… Because, he’s the one in charge,” he said and shrugged his shoulders, slightly embarrassed. She studied him for a while and he felt mildly uncomfortable under her watch, but simultaneously enjoyed the attention.
“At least he’s a genius. The gods know I’ve worked under the control of complete idiots before..” She thought for a little while longer, then added, “But… not genius enough, I would say.” She finally commented and averted her eyes to glance around the room. “He’s definitely probably smarter than me, but nobody’s smarter than you. You’re Smartie GOALS. It doesn’t rationally make sense to me that you’re in a room with someone, but you’re not the one in charge.” She shrugged and called over a recycling collector to pass off her empty bottle. “You know?” She punctuated the thought, hoping she wasn’t completely out of line for speaking it.
He placed his hands in his pockets and said, “I’m always the smartest man in the room… but not necessarily the wisest person, and definitely not always right. There has to be some humility to make our dynamic work, and if there are these gods you speak of somewhere, they know that HE’S not going to have any. I’ve challenged his authority a couple of times, but it never works in my favor. He really has an infrastructure that calls for his leadership.”
“Maybe you need to separate yourself from that infrastructure to reach your fullest potential,” she said. He looked at her, startled and she laughed and shook her hands and head, “Sorry, sorry! I realized after I said it that I totally sound like an up-and-coming supervillain trying to get the smartest man alive in her corner! I’ll shut up immediately about that. It’s just...my parents weren’t really that involved in a lot of my decisions… They did this thing where they raised me from the first moment I seemed cognizant to learn to do for myself. I don’t always understand those of you who have a more codependent situation with your parents. I think that I expected less commitment, since you refer to him as “Mr. Davenport. I don’t even refer to him as Mr. Davenport!”
He just laughed a little. It wasn’t really her business how he was raised in a capsule in a basement, that his biological father was someone else, etc. She was just making conversation, and you don’t spring heavy things on pretty girls in the middle of conversation. That’s how you never get pretty girls. One of the many ways, at least. His list was still growing at this stage in his life.
After a while, Donald Davenport came through with the camera crew and the dozen androids. He and Chase presented Charlotte with the supplies and she gave a thank you speech to him, and to Chase, although with all of the emphasis that she put on Chase in this thank you, she noticed that The Dom took it as a slight against him. 
That was one of the reasons she called Donald Davenport, “The Dom,” instead of Mr. Davenport or even Donald. That man would honestly be completely comfortable with total submission from others and she often wondered and worried about his wife with these habits, though his brother, Douglas, told her that the wife “wore the pants” at home. A likely story!
She liked Douglas. He was usually her means of contact. While she did bond with Leo upon her first meeting over their shared experience of limited bionics (and hers being even LESS accessible than his, at the time), it was Douglas that she could count on for fun experiment approval and such. She wished that he was here today, but he had some things to do in Centium City, so he had to miss it. He did promise to help her get settled with the equipment in her Dystopia office, whenever he  finished.
After the speech, Chase escorted Charlotte to the shuttle, hating the thought that when this conversation ended, he’d never see her again, and resenting himself for not being able to meet her sooner, or at the very least, to appreciate her for who she was and seemed to be. “Well, thank you for indulging me,” she said. “I’ve wanted to meet you for so long, and now that dream has been achieved!” Her smile was bright and her eyes were hopeful. “Should… we exchange info, or would that be weird for you?” 
“NO!” He said, too excitedly, with a chaotic smile, then followed up with, “I mean, no, it wouldn’t be weird! Yes, to we should!” 
She laughed uncomfortably and handed him something, “Here’s my contact info.” He looked at the  chip inside of the palm of his hand. “New tech that your Uncle Donald and my mentor Schwoz have been working on. It’s an information chip. It basically lets you, as a bionic have access to a normal that you would have to the other bionics.”
“Like… I can track your GPS?”
“On my devices. I don’t have a GPS system in me, but, you definitely have all my numbers, email addresses, etc, and contact with my devices. So… If you don’t get in touch with me this time around, I’ll know that you just didn’t want to.”
“What if I were a stalker?” He asked.
“You aren’t. You’re not the only person who can do extensive research, Mr. Davenport.” She winked at him and he practically melted. ‘Charlotte Page IS amazing.’
Three Years Ago...
She heard an electronic alert in her inner ear and uncovered her forearm to check the notification. She tapped the side of her face a few times in order to translate the message, then delete it. “The drop off is here,” she told Henry and Jasper, over the comm. 
“What? We can’t go now!” Henry complained and punched one of the henchmen.
“I know. WE can’t. But, I’ll rendezvous with the supplier and we’ll reassemble at the base,” she said. 
“No! That’s too dangerous.”
“Danger is our brand,” she reminded him.
“Defense. Defense is our brand. That’s why we’re called the Dystopian Defende- Cha… Dystress!” He called out loud. But, she was already barreling her way passed the automatic gunfire being aimed at her and dived behind a collapsed statue.
On the comm, she said, “Deflector… Focus on your mission, and I’ll focus on mind. Catch you when we get back.”
“Dystress, you do not have a forcefield and there is gunfire!”
“T-Force is here with the shipment and if they have to leave it at the drop off, you know that everything will be pillaged. The kids need those supplies.” She adjusted her metal glove gauntlet, pressed some codes on her forearm and groaned as she lifted the biggest piece of the statue and flung it at the shooters. Two were crushed and two ran for cover. Henry and Jasper fought with other henchmen as she made a run for it and slid beneath a pulled up piece of gate to get off of the site.
She notified her contact to beg them not to leave, because she was on her way, then proceeded to run for 15 minutes, dodging curious onlookers and maneuvering through sporadic waves of people. Whenever she reached the drop off, her contact was still there. “Max! Thank God you stayed,” she said and rushed to give him a hug. 
He smiled, “For you? Of course.” They slapped hands and he shook his in pain and hissed. She was quickly apologetic. She still had on her metal glove gauntlet AND her strength was still enhanced. “Were you in a fight?” He wondered. They were usually the contact and coyote for the charity that Charlotte worked with to get quality supplies brought in - everything from seeds, food, school resources, and hygiene products. Sometimes, they couldn’t even PAY for them in the city, because their charity put a dent in the business of too many crime lords depending on child trafficking, child soldiers, and other exploitation of the impoverished kids of Dystopia. But, Max always seemed far more concerned about how Charlotte was doing than the kids he was helping. She had a feeling that he might have had a crush on her.
“Yeah. I had to leave Deflector and Dogwalk in battle to come collect. Supply theft is one of the few crimes that has INCREASED since we got here. We’re causing such a dent in the organized crime, some of the well kept criminals are turning to petty crimes, and some of the bosses are trying to hit our shipments personally. We need an entire goddamn redo with this place. I’m supposed to be leaving after a short while... I didn’t even want to leave them today for this. I hate that they’ll be fighting crime here, probably until they die!” she complained, knowing that she was exaggerating, but also that Max would let her complain to him.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, “Hey. You get this stuff to the kids and don’t worry about your team. Give me their coordinates,” he said. He was already in his super suit and mentally prepared for a fight.
She tapped on the screen on her arm, sent the coordinates, and he opened a portal, “This one will bring you and your supplies to the base,” he said. Then another opened beside it, “I’m gonna go make sure that your dudes don’t die.” She covered her heart with both hands as he stepped into the golden light and it evaporated with him going to Henry and Jasper’s aid. Charlotte collected all of her things and stepped into the light. Workers would meet her on the other end. 
She came through the other end right outside of the camp, tapped her face twice and her outfit morphed back into regular wear. Her purple hair was even tied up. She took the handle of the trolley and moved towards the base. 
And that was exactly what she thought about whenever she walked back onto base with supplies and resources, from Davenport Industries, ready to execute her most ambitious plan ever.
“Is that Charlotte?” Someone asked. She turned to see the director of the charity and was going to go greet her, but “CHAR!!!” from two very eager big boys came roaring towards her as Jasper and Henry ran up to hug her. 
Jasper lifted her into the air and spun her around. Henry yanked her down and bear hugged her painfully. “Ummm… Are you two trying to incapacitate me?” She asked. They put her down and she shook the director’s hand. Everyone was talking to her at once, but whenever several jets landed nearby, she grimaced and promised, “I’m sorry, but I have to touch base with T-Force and with my deconstruction team,” she pointed a thumb at each of the jets. “I’ll definitely regroup and do stuff with you guys later, though.” She turned to go towards the jets, and Henry and Jasper frowned.
Though, Henry squeezed Jasper’s shoulder and said, “You know her work is very important.”
“And we’re not?” Jasper wondered.
“Yeah, but… I’m sure she’s on a tight schedule. And that’s millions of dollars of support that she has to oversee. Come on. Let’s start on dinner!”
Charlotte’s heart rate sped up the closer she got to the T-Force jet. She had gotten word specifically from Max Thunderman, himself that he was going to be heading up this mission (which was basically to guard the Davenport staff as they set up operations for the project, personally vowing to guard Charlotte with his life. She didn’t need it, but the sentiment still made her all giddy inside. He’d never know it, though. 
Whenever he got out of the jet and approached, advanced and new black super suit with an emblem that rotated fire and ice around a lightning bolt; she dipped her head courteously and said in a calm voice, “Nice to see you, Thunderstrike. How’s the suit working out?” He smiled and pulled her into a hug that she returned, but quickly ended, lest she get caught up in her feelings. 
“It’s working out wonderfully. The best fashion designer that I know designed it and the best biological technologist and engineer that I know made it.” 
Her face warmed up and she couldn’t believe how after not even seeing him for years, the thought of being around him already had her semi floating. “So, you ready to help me to create a whole new Dystopia?”
“I’m ready to watch your back while YOU create a whole new Dystopia,” he said, with his hands held out.
“That works!” It was a good day for her. She had been able to see her favorite people in the world, and set out on a journey that would maybe rightfully earn her that title that made Chase Davenport cringe. 
Throughout the deconstruction, The Defenders kept working Dystopia and with T-Force nearby, Charlotte’s work was able to be done without attacks and theft, AND, she set up daily feeding cycles to discourage stealing and establish healthier diets for less privileged Dystopians. One of the first buildings that was worked on was the high tech, maximum security prison. The other one had been overcrowding since she, Jasper and Henry first came to Dystopia, and Henry had told her that a lot of the lower level criminals were simply released because the courts couldn’t ethically put or keep many of them in there under the population conditions. Charlotte named the place for Max. The Thunderman Super Max Penitentiary of Dystopia. He liked having his name on something and all, but he was more concerned about rehabilitation and reformation. So, she got with an architect for designing a rehabilitation center for criminals and villains who could be redeemed. That one, she put his full name on.
She was working on her favorite thesis during that time on the necessity of superhuman and nonsupers relations for the balance of global inequities and her rapport with Max became a better gateway into the supers world than she previously had, while her relationship with Swellview’s finest gave her the down home and small scale hero angle. 
As things became more functional, and more Davencentric, T-Force was reassigned to other missions and the Elite Force would be rushed in for any emergencies in Dystopia. Charlotte was sad to not be able to see Max as much, but it was kind of nice that she got to see Chase sometimes. Unfortunate that it was usually during a crisis, but they actually worked well together in those. The last visit that the Elite Force (his team) came to assist, she was able to show him the Chase Davenport Reference Library of Dystopia. He was honored, though shocked that “Mr. Davenport would approve this.” She laughed about that. She hadn’t gotten approval on anything and as long as the statistics she sent him kept improving, he wasn’t bothering her for it.
In her time there, jobs had been created with the nearly constant building, the pollution problems had been addressed, littering and waste disposal rectified, plant life and trees planted, wastelands beautified, and the corrupt government and laws cleaned up. The head of the charity was now the Mayor and Henry and Jasper inherited the charity and renamed it Budding Flowers. The base was fortified and remodeled, while The Dystopia Defenders’ lair, the Defender Dome, was erected nearby. 
Dystopia became the most flourishing Davencity in the world. The Dom loved being “the most” something “in the world,” so she was pretty much set for life and the Defender Dome was the lair that Henry and Jasper had both always dreamed of. She had revived the ecosystem and the economy - not on her own of course, but as the leader of the project, she would get the credit deserved of her work and announce additional credit while in her spotlight. She loved Dystopia, and now, she could always be proud of it... But... She didn’t necessarily want to just quit while she was ahead and rest of the fruits of this venture. Charlotte Page was amazing. One city was absolutely an accomplishment for her to save. But... how much more of the world could she save if she kept pressing forward?
“Charlotte Page is amazing,” she said, looking out of the Defender Dome at the city below that was unrecognizable from all of the before photos taken via satellite and from the place that she lived a year and visited on “breaks” from school. It was a new place. She was capable of possibly molding an entire new world.
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seedoflife · 4 years
Far More Than Just Political Ads
The root word in politics is power.
FB has proven within the 2016 POTUS election that it has achieved the capacity to guide, nudge, and amplify who has power and who does not.
As a result, every technology company is categorized as having the same power individually and as part of a collective ecosystem.
Today it would seem as if humans are ultimately making the decisions on how to apply the data but when combined with artificial intelligence, we literally rip the bandages off anything covered or perceived to be protected.
The dilemma for FB specifically is that it has created revenue streams for anyone willing to pay to play.
The dangers on the other side of the coin is that there are no limits or restrictions on the fields of human or technological endeavors where the levers can be pulled in any direction.
It is as if these technology and social media companies can not only accept advertising dollars for your chosen field, industry, or endeavor, but they can tell you or create the field, industry, or endeavor that you should be participating within.
It is essentially “Profitability and monopolies within every endeavor as humans are optional”.
The amount of reverse engineering possibly good, bad, ugly, positive, and negative is mind blowing.
Imagine the world’s shortest man in history past, present or future. Imagine that man somehow defies all odds to play in the NBA to the point where every historical records are being broken at a pace never seen before.
Imagine the endorsements and accolades received on and off the court.
Imagine the need for protective services and security wherever this supposed athlete appeared and was rumored to appear or endorse any events regardless of his attendance (political rallies, restaurants, or any type of social events).
Imagine all of this with and without our current pandemic era and social distancing practices.
Imagine then the revelation that the athlete had paid a specific company as a gateway enabler for it all in spite of the athlete having known or should have been identified and known immoral, illegal, and unethical behavior, practices, and tendencies the entire time.
Or the company paid him (like other athlete and entertainers).
Wouldn’t the stock price of the company who received the revenue from this person or paid him still skyrocket?
Would the company have to bear any weight or punishments for enabling the athlete’s behavior, practices, and tendencies as well?
The first company to be seen as fulfilling this imaginary story is Facebook and every other technology and social media company are backpedaling to not be seen as having the same power and intentions of being viewed as evil.
My immediate poster child for being the short athlete is 45.
In spite of being immoral, illegal, and unethical with multiple eyewitnesses and scenarios, he was still elected and almost re-elected.
The technology companies are on the same level as the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan believed to be where Covid-19 was created, discovered, and/or manufactured.
The various governments around the world are already attempting to restrict, weaken, control, and shut down such companies now and in the future.
The United States is the first government in the batter’s box simply because it is where Facebook is geographically headquartered.
It is not wild to imagine that a digital CDC is needed for mental thought and decision making as well.
It is why there are growing fields related to combining ethics in technology.
FB’s dilemma is in playing both sides of the table as both gambler and casino down to the point of knowing what the shortest players are looking at and thinking behind closed doors.
Still don’t believe me?
Note that the pages, profiles, and accounts of the radical group QAnon have been taken down or removed from FB and other places at a minimum.
Note that months if not a few years ago when Minister Farrakhan, Alex Jones, and several other controversial and polarizing figures were kicked off Twitter, YouTube owned by Google, and Facebook in varying degrees.
The only entity that is likely to be capable of stopping or slowing down anything similar to a government are Apple for the iPhone and Google for owning the Android platform.
This is why Facebook has attempted to go on the offensive against Apple.
Apple has first exposed where Facebook has taken various liberties within the mobile technology that have been ignored and overlooked.
Yet Apple is in a role of either do it or face the same consequences and repercussions of both not doing it or having the capacity to being viewed as being the same type of threat.
Personally, I’m late to the game in seeing all of this. I was just looking for a better understanding of my industry and where the opportunities would exist.
I did not expect to see the rituals of the technology and governments themselves lol
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Once seen, there are no ways of unseeing any of it!
It is enough to put one in a fetal position and await the knocking on the door lol
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As some people have said, “The Matrix is more than a movie. It is a documentary”.
I’m just a squirrel trying to get a nut and transfer the money from the theory to accounts to compete in philanthropic ways with Mackenzie Scott’s contributions lol
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Armageddon is a Man-Made Disaster
Armageddon does not come with the ringing of bells and trumpets of angels, but instead with the promise of ever-growing progress. I recently read an article called All the News is Bad that summarizes how we have orchestrated the end of the world through our own actions that have hit fast forward on climate change. As a review of The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future by David Wallace-Wells, this article brings the most important parts regarding our imminent demise to attention. 
Global warming— characterized by rapid climate change— is the main point of much of the article and book and is described as the reason for previous extinctions. Human beings are producing greenhouse gasses at an alarming rate, around 10 times faster than the period that triggered the last greenhouse gas-related extinction. These gasses are causing global increases in temperature and it is estimated that by 2100 that the increase will be about 4.5° C. This increase in temperature is not only causing ice melting but also triggering the release of poisonous gasses from within ice caps and causing dead zones without oxygen or life in the oceans due to sulfur-producing bacteria.
These dead zones aren’t only caused by sulfur-producing bacteria, however. With over 400 such dead zones all over the ocean, you can find many clustered around cities where pollution, sewage, and fertilizer runoff create perfect habitats for algae colonies. These colonies then leach all of the oxygen from the water when they begin to decay. Although a serious problem, dead zones are actually just a fraction of the nightmare currently affecting our oceans and Gooding goes on to describe other topics the book covers such as coral bleaching and ocean acidification.
Terrifying right? Gooding seems to agree but brings up that this book is ultimately unhelpful despite it being about a very real and terrifying thing. Why? Because it is an attempt to prepare you for events that have already happened and it is an overwhelming dump of data and information. Wallace-Wells places focus on events that have already happened or that are currently happening such as the wildfires currently raging in California. By focusing on old news it is difficult to look for solutions that may come in the future. We focus on what’s going on now as a side effect of the shock of climate change. Far off dates such as 2100 are out of focus to an adult living now as they will be largely unaffected (or so they think) by the changes to come. 
How can we fix this disconnect and how do we make climate change less of a data dump of fear? Well, technical writing and its focus on the reader and using plain language may be a great first start in creating a more manageable and relatable experience. Technical writers are often the liaison between experts and the average person, which means they have to understand and meet both the needs of the expert as well as the end reader without losing the core concept of the message. When translating this information from one form to another, it is important not to lose any of the content just transform it.
Many pieces of media regarding climate change, particularly those that are written, tend to be scientific and seemingly overcomplicated in nature and aren’t accessible to the average person. This is extremely unfortunate because while scientists may be able to come up with new ideas regarding climate change and global warming, the average person is going to be the one implementing them. If a person cannot read and understand the importance of a new process or change to their current lifestyle, they are unlikely to adopt these things despite the value attached. The language needs to be written in a way they can understand rather than what seems to be a contest between authors of who can sound the most intelligent and impressive. As writers, we need to place a limit on jargon and fear-inducing buzzwords that make our writing unapproachable. Articles or “instructions” to reduce the effects of climate change need to be written with the average person in mind rather than a scientist who has pre-existing knowledge to supplement their understanding. By immediately trying to data dump with statistics and figures you alienate the reader by overwhelming them with too much information. The same is true for buzzwords crafted to shock, although the concern is the desired effect. 
As for the disconnect about the demise of our planet happening within our lifetime or outside of it, the focus should perhaps be on the younger generations that are now reaching adulthood or who are currently in “early” adulthood (aka the “Millenial” and “Zoomer” generations). For older generations it is hard to get around the disconnect of “well it’s not happening in my life so why should I care” and it’s also difficult to promote the feeling of empathy with the new generations (their children and grandchildren) who will be the ones experiencing these things during their lifetimes. However, Millennials and Zoomers have shown great concern with the environment. Even internet memes are focused on environmental concerns. “Save the turtles” began as a concern for the environment in regards to plastic straws entering the ecosystem, progressed into an internet meme which increased exposure to the problem and has actually prompted people to choose more sustainable options such as paper, silicone, and metal straws. The ease of sharing posts and articles has exposed predatory hunting practices of celebrities and other individuals of means that devastate natural ecosystems. The ability of young generations to turn serious topics into relatable memes or succinct posts that can be shared en masse to promote social or environmental change is an incredible talent, and something to aspire to. 
Young adults, teens, and children are the hope for the future when it comes to climate change and other serious problems facing the world today. They should be our priority when we communicate about such serious topics, so we should target our communications to them. We need to evaluate what appeals to this particular reader/viewer group and discuss its obvious success rather than mock it. Buzzfeed articles, Twitter threads, TikTok clips, these are the communication methods and media that are currently popular but these platforms come in and out of style frequently so it is important to stay up to date with them. Despite trends, many of these platforms follow the same format as previous sites so the formulas can be replicated and their success studied. On these platforms messages with weight and importance such as climate change, genocide, etc. are brought to the attention to millions in a way that is accessible to people who can and will eventually work to solve these issues. While older generations seem to find trendy social media ridiculous and a waste of time it is the clear and obvious way to communicate with young people today.The industry needs to catch up to the times and use what works to our advantage in order to promote change.
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savvyherb · 5 years
At School, ‘Everyone Vapes,’ and Adults Are in Crisis Mode
CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill. — In Alabama, a school removed the doors from bathroom stalls to stop students from sneaking inside to vape. In Colorado, a school decided to forfeit a volleyball game after finding “widespread vaping” and other infractions by the team. And in Pennsylvania, at a school where administrators have tried installing sensors to detect vaping in bathrooms and locker rooms, students caught with vape devices face a $50 fine and a three-day suspension.
At least 530 people have been sickened by mysterious lung illnesses related to using e-cigarettes with nicotine or vaping THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, and at least eight have died. That has sent high schools, the epicenters of youth vaping, racing to give teenagers a new, urgent message: Vaping can be deadly.
Federal health officials have yet to pinpoint an exact cause of the recent illnesses, but the alarming pattern has put principals and teachers into crisis mode. They are holding assemblies to warn students about the dangers. They are getting creative with rules to make it harder for students to secretly vape in school bathrooms, hallways and even classrooms. They are trying to train parents and teachers on the wide array of vape devices, which look like pens or flash drives and which many adults do not even recognize.
During an assembly at one suburban Chicago high school this week, hundreds of students, many dressed in school colors of orange and black in honor of homecoming, saw an X-ray image of a young man’s lungs, cloudy and damaged, on an auditorium screen.
He had recently been hospitalized after vaping and placed in a medically induced coma for a week, a substance-abuse consultant told the students from a stage.
“His lungs are now that of a 70-year-old. He’s in his 20s,” the consultant, Ashleigh Nowakowski, said. “Can you imagine how that’s going to affect the rest of his life? He can’t run. He can’t play sports.”
The students watched solemnly. A few squirmed in their seats.
Is It Safe?
A guide to vaping and its risks.
Administrators at American high schools have long tried to warn students about the risks of vaping, which gained popularity several years ago as an alternative to cigarettes and works by heating liquid and turning it into vapor to be inhaled. But the outbreak of illnesses has brought new levels of urgency and attention to the issue. Students who had brushed off the warnings in the past, saying that vaping was relatively harmless, could no longer do so.
After the assembly, at Crystal Lake Central High School, 45 miles northwest of Chicago, some students said they were skeptical that vaping was as dangerous as the presentation suggested.
The students told of a high school ecosystem where vaping devices are easily obtained, and refill cartridges with THC oil, known as carts, are sold for $20 apiece. It is not uncommon, these students said, for seniors to sell vape pens to freshmen, eager to take up vaping.
Opportunities to vape discreetly are everywhere, they said — in an empty hallway, a bathroom stall or the back row of a classroom where a teacher cannot possibly monitor every student’s move. Older students said they tended to leave campus for lunch, vaping in their cars along the way.
“It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t do it,” said Alexis Padilla, 16, a junior. “You can’t go on social media without someone’s videos of them doing it.”
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Alexis Padilla, 16, Nyanah Bey, 17, and Sophia Scarfe, 17, talked about student vaping after a drug education program in Crystal Lake, Ill.CreditAlyssa Schukar for The New York Times
Last week, the Trump administration said it planned to ban most flavored e-cigarettes and nicotine pods, an attempt to curtail use among teenagers. States tend to regulate e-cigarettes like other nicotine products, and laws vary. At least a dozen states have passed laws restricting sales of e-cigarettes to young people; in Illinois, Arkansas and other states, the legal age for purchasing nicotine products, including e-cigarettes, is 21. In Texas, minors can be fined for possessing e-cigarettes.
But many teenagers sidestep the age restrictions by buying e-cigarettes online or from friends.
In one group of the Crystal Lake students — girls carrying patterned backpacks and wearing tattered Chuck Taylors — three said they personally knew people who had become seriously ill after vaping.
One friend who had vaped nicotine for two years using a Juul, the dominant seller in the market, was hospitalized with a respiratory lung defect, but has recovered, one student said. Another girl who vaped regularly suddenly could not breathe one day, the students said, and she now has to use an inhaler every four hours.
Sophia Scarfe, a 17-year-old senior, said her parents routinely sent her news articles about the dangers of vaping. Many students have moved beyond vaping nicotine, she said, routinely using THC oils instead. “Vaping anything else other than nicotine is way more common,” she said.
Alcohol is still widely consumed among teenagers, they said. But “vaping is the big thing,” said Nyanan Bey, 17, a senior.
One student openly laughed when she heard a widely cited statistic from the 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey that estimated that one in four youths between the ages of 12 and 17 have tried vaping nicotine or THC at least once.
“Yeah, that’s too low,” she said. “Literally everyone vapes.”
Health officials suspect that vaping-related illnesses and deaths are underreported, and that doctors have only recently begun to connect vaping to mysterious lung ailments.
And educators said they were beginning to grapple with the reality that a new generation of American teenagers, one that would be loath to pick up cigarettes, is now addicted to nicotine through vaping.
There is nothing out of the ordinary about the students at Crystal Lake Central, a school of 1,500 students, said Steve Greiner, student services coordinator.
“The kids in our school are like any other school,” he said. “People are really starting to realize, ‘Holy cow, this was seen as the answer to our prayers to get people off cigarettes.’ Now it’s turned into this.”
Administrators there have stationed teachers in the hallways between classes to deter vaping. Some have worried that Crystal Lake is only 30 miles from a town in Wisconsin where the police this month said they uncovered an illegal vape-pen factory that was producing 3,000 cartridges of THC-laced oil a day, with a distribution network that is believed to have been extensive.
At a separate informational session for teachers in the auditorium after school on Wednesday, another substance-abuse consultant guided teachers through the world of teenage vaping. The numbers “710” — which spell “oil” upside down — are a code for vaping, the consultant explained. Vaping devices might be found in unlikely, out-of-view places — inside the cord of a hoodie or dangling from a key chain. “Girls sew them into their jeans, next to the zipper,” Dave Shutters, the dean of students, added.
Teachers and staff at Crystal Lake Central High School listened as consultants described ways students hide drug use, including the use of nicotine and cannabis in vape pens.CreditAlyssa Schukar for The New York Times
Teachers, including Audrey Mazzuca, a science and math teacher, were guided on what to look for.CreditAlyssa Schukar for The New York Times
In Crystal Lake, the typical response to a student caught vaping is counseling and other efforts to provide information about the dangers. Some schools have tried vaping support groups.
At Nerinx Hall, an all-girls Catholic school in the St. Louis area, students are planning a peer-driven “amnesty week,” where they hope to make an “emotional appeal” to one another and offer a chance to dump vaping equipment at a secure drop-off location, said Meta Stephens, the senior class treasurer.
“We really want it to be no pressure: You will not get in trouble for this,” said Ms. Stephens, 17, who is helping plan the event this fall. “We really just want to help you stop if you want to.”
Sarah Mervosh contributed reporting from New York.
Vaping and Illness
The latest on the outbreak.
Vaping Illnesses Increase to 530 Probable Cases, C.D.C. Says
Sept. 19, 2019
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Vaping Bad: Were 2 Wisconsin Brothers the Walter Whites of THC Oils?
Sept. 15, 2019
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1 in 4 Youths Has Vaped. Will State Bans Do Anything?
Sept. 17, 2019
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The post At School, ‘Everyone Vapes,’ and Adults Are in Crisis Mode appeared first on Savvy Herb Mobile Cannabis Platform.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
New story in Politics from Time: How Far-Right Personalities And Conspiracy Theorists Are Cashing In On The Pandemic Online
On the evening of Feb. 6, as U.S. news networks reported the death of a doctor in Wuhan, China, who had warned of a deadly new virus, thousands of Americans were tuning in to a different kind of show.
“The good news is I heard actually that you can’t get this if you’re white,” Nick Fuentes, a far-right political commentator, told viewers on his “America First” channel on the streaming platform DLive. “You’re only really susceptible to this virus if you’re Asian,” Fuentes continued. “I think we’ll be O.K.”
Fuentes, 22, a prolific podcaster who on his shows has compared the Holo-caust to a cookie-baking operation, argued that the segregation of Black Americans “was better for them,” and that the First Amendment was “not written for Muslims,” is doing better than O.K. during the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s part of a loose cohort of far-right provocateurs, white nationalists and right-wing extremists who have built large, engaged audiences on lesser-known platforms like DLive after being banned from main-stream sites for spreading hate speech and conspiracy theories.
The model can be lucrative. Viewers pay to watch the livestreams through subscriptions and donations, and the platform allows the content creators to keep most of the revenue. Fuentes appears to have earned more than $140,000 off his DLive streams, cementing himself as the most viewed account on the platform, according to calculations provided to TIME by a livestreaming analyst who was granted anonymity because of their work tracking these accounts. Fuentes is hardly alone. Eight of the 10 top earners on DLive this year as ranked by Social Blade, a social-media analytics website, are far-right commentators, white-nationalist extremists or conspiracy theorists.
The social disruption and economic dislocation caused by the virus–as well as the nationwide protests and civil un-rest that followed the death of George Floyd in late May–has helped fuel this growing, shadowy “alt tech” industry. As public spaces shut down in March, millions of Americans logged online; the livestreaming sector soared 45% from March to April, according to a study by software sites StreamElements and Arsenal.gg. As people became more socially isolated, many increasingly turned to pundits peddling misinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech. And even as mainstream platforms cracked down on far-right propagandists, online audiences grew. Over the past five months, more than 50 popular accounts reviewed by TIME on sites like DLive have multiplied their viewership and raked in tens of thousands of dollars in online currency by insisting COVID-19 is fake or exaggerated, encouraging followers to resist lockdown orders and broadcasting racist tropes during the nationwide protests over police brutality. Many of these users, including Fuentes, had been banned by major social-media platforms like YouTube for violating policies prohibiting hate speech. But this so-called deplatforming merely pushed them to migrate to less-regulated portals, where some of them have attracted bigger audiences and gamed algorithms to make even more money. In addition, clips of their broadcasts on less-trafficked sites still frequently make it onto YouTube, Twitter and other mainstream platforms, essentially serving as free advertising for their streams elsewhere, experts say.
As social-media giants like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook target hate speech and misinformation, sites like DLive seem to be turning a blind eye, former users and employees say, recognizing that much of their traffic and revenue comes from these accounts. “They care more about having good numbers than weeding these people out,” a former employee of DLive, who was granted anonymity because he still works in the livestreaming sector, tells TIME. (DLive did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)
Which means ordinary users on gaming and streaming platforms, many of them teenagers, are often one click away from white-nationalist content. Many of these far-right personalities allege they are being unfairly censored for conservative political commentary or provocative humor, not hate speech. Most of these viewers won’t respond to streamers’ often cartoonish calls to action, like the “film your hospital” movement in April meant to show that no patients were there, thus “proving” that COVID-19 was fake. But this murky ecosystem of casual viewers, right-wing trolls–and the occasional diehard acolyte–creates a real challenge for technology companies and law-enforcement agencies.
And it doesn’t take much to trigger a tragedy. Over the past two years, terrorists inspired by online right-wing propa-ganda have livestreamed their own deadly attacks in New Zealand and Germany. In March 2019, a Florida man who had been radicalized by far-right media and online conspiracy theorists pleaded guilty to sending more than a dozen pipe bombs to prominent critics of President Donald Trump. A month later, a gunman armed with an AR-15 shot four people, killing one, in a synagogue in Poway, Calif., after allegedly posting a racist and anti-Semitic screed on the site 8chan. About three months later, a man killed 23 people at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, after posting a racist manifesto online, according to authorities.
With COVID-19 continuing to surge in parts of the country, ongoing protests over racial injustice and the upcoming 2020 U.S. presidential election, the next few months promise to offer fertile ground for bad actors in unmoderated virtual spaces. Far-right propagandists “are really capitalizing on this conspiratorial moment,” says Brian Friedberg, a senior researcher at the Harvard University Shorenstein Center’s Technology and Social Change Project. “Everyone’s locked inside while there is what they refer to as a ‘race war’ happening outside their windows that they are ‘reporting on,’ so this is prime content for white-nationalist spaces.”
The migration of far-right personalities to DLive illustrates how, despite mainstream platforms’ recent crack-downs, the incentives that govern this ecosystem are thriving. Anyone with an Internet connection can continue to leverage conspiracy theories, racism and misogyny for attention and money, experts say.
The outbreak of COVID-19 arrived during a period of reinvention for far-right propagandists in the aftermath of the white-nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017. Over the past three years, social-media giants, which had endured criticism for giving extremists safe harbor, have increasingly attempted to mitigate hate speech on their sites. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, as well as payment processors like PayPal and GoFundMe, have all shut down accounts run by far-right agitators, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In late June, YouTube removed the accounts of several well-known figures, including David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and Richard Spencer, a prominent white nationalist. Reddit, Facebook and Amazon-owned streaming site Twitch also suspended dozens of users and forums for violating hate-speech guidelines.
But these purges hardly solved the problem. Many online extremists were on main-stream platforms like YouTube long enough to build a devoted audience willing to follow them to new corners of the Internet. Some had long prepared for a crackdown by setting up copycat accounts across different platforms, like Twitch, DLive or TikTok. “These people build their brand on You-Tube, and when they get demonetized or feel under threat they’ll set up backup channels on DLive or BitChute,” says Megan Squire, a computer scientist at Elon University who tracks online extremism. “They know it’s going to happen and plan ahead.”
While the suspensions by social-media companies have been effective at limiting the reach of some well-known personalities like conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who was banned from YouTube, Facebook and Apple in 2018, others have quickly adapted. “Content creators are incredibly adept at gaming the systems so that they can still find and cultivate audiences,” says Becca Lewis, a researcher at Stanford University who studies far-right subcultures online, describing these efforts as a “game of whack-a-mole.” Many white-nationalist accounts have tied their ban to the right-wing narrative that conservatives are being silenced by technology companies. For platforms like DLive, becoming what their users consider “free speech” and “uncensored” alternatives can be lucrative. “More speech also means more money for the platform, and less content moderation means less of an expense,” says Lewis.
The prospect of being pushed off main-stream social-media, video-streaming and payment platforms has also prompted extremists to become more sophisticated about the financial side of the business. While Twitch takes a 50% cut from livestreamers’ earnings and YouTube takes 45%, platforms like DLive allow content creators to keep 90% of what they make. And as many found themselves cut off from mainstream payment services like PayPal, GoFundMe and Patreon, they began to embrace digital currencies.
DLive was founded in December 2017 by Chinese-born and U.S.-educated entrepreneurs Charles Wayn and Cole Chen, who made no secret of their ambition to build a platform that rivaled Twitch. They described the site as a general-interest streaming platform, focused on everything from “e-sports to lifestyle, crypto and news.” But two things set it apart from its competitors: it did not take a cut of the revenue generated by its streamers, and it issued an implicit promise of a less moderated, more permissive space.
DLive’s first big coup came in April 2019 when it announced an exclusive streaming deal with Felix Kjellberg, known as PewDiePie. In just two months, DLive’s total number of users grew by 67%. At the time, Kjellberg was the most popular individual creator on YouTube, with more than 93 million subscribers and his own controversial history. In 2018, he came under fire for making anti-Semitic jokes and racist remarks, and more than 94,000 people signed a Change.org petition to ban his channel from YouTube for being a “platform for white-supremacist content.” The petition noted that “the New Zealand mosque shooter mentioned PewDiePie by name and asked people to subscribe.”
DLive’s community guidelines theoretically prohibit “hate speech that directly attacks a person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity.” But it soon became apparent to both employees and users that executives were willing to ignore venomous content. By early 2019, “political” shows were gaining traction on the site. Those programs devolved into “streams dedicated to white pride and a lot of anti-Semitism, entire streams talking about how Jewish people are evil,” says the former DLive employee who spoke to TIME, adding that moderators acted much more quickly when it came to copyright concerns. “Your stream would be taken down faster for streaming sports than saying you hate Jews.”
The employee recalls raising the matter with Wayn, noting how off-putting it was for new users coming to watch or broadcast streams of popular video games. According to the employee, Wayn explained that the company “didn’t want to get rid of these problematic streamers because they brought in numbers.” The founders knew they had to keep viewers because, as Wayn noted in a 2019 interview, if they wanted to “compete with Twitch on the same level and even take them down one day, DLive needs to match its scale.” Wayn did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
By June 2020, DLive seemed to be openly cultivating a right-of-center audience. On Twitter, it briefly changed its bio to read “All Lives Matter,” a right-wing rallying cry in response to Black Lives Matter. The site has increasingly become a haven for fanaticism, says Joan Donovan, the research director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center. “Before, on YouTube, some of these people would do a dance with the terms of service,” she tells TIME. “But on DLive, the gloves are off, and it’s just full white-supremacist content with very few caveats.”
On the night of June 29, Fuentes had 56% of the site’s total viewership at 10 p.m., according to the review of the site’s analytics provided to TIME. An additional 39% was viewers of 22 other extremist personalities streaming their commentary. At one point on the night of Aug. 10, just 176 of the more than 15,000 viewers on the top 20 channels on the site were not watching accounts linked to far-right figures. Popular programming in recent months has included alarmist footage of racial-justice protests, antivaccine propaganda, conspiracies linking 5G networks to the spread of COVID-19 and calls to “make more white babies while quarantined.”
The company may be even more reliant on those accounts now. Some users have left the site, complaining publicly about the virulent racism and anti-Semitism spilling over into regular channels and game streams. “DLive is a safe-haven for racists and alt-right streamers,” one user wrote on Twitter on June 22. “Seems to me DLive is the new platform for white supremacists,” wrote another, echoing complaints that it’s a “literal Nazi breeding ground” and “the place where racists don’t get deplatformed.”
The migration of hate speech to far-flung corners of the Internet could make it harder to track, increasing the risk that it spills into the offline world. Experts say law-enforcement and national-security agencies are still unprepared to tackle right-wing extremism. They lack expertise not only in the rapidly evolving technology but also in the ideological ecosystem that has spawned a battery of far-right movements. The recently repackaged white-nationalist youth movement, with new names like “America First” or the “Groypers,” looks more like “gussied-up campus conservatives,” as Friedberg of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center puts it, “so they are not triggering the same warning bells.”
Recent incidents show how this online environment that blends political commentary and hate speech can be dangerous. An 18-year-old accused of firebombing a Delaware Planned Parenthood clinic in January was identified through his Instagram profile, which contained far-right memes reflecting popular beliefs in the young white-nationalist movement, according to BuzzFeed News. In June, Facebook deactivated nearly 200 social-media accounts with ties to white-nationalist groups rallying members to attend Black Lives Matter protests, in some cases armed with weapons.
Analysts who track extremist recruitment online also warn that the pandemic may have long-term effects on young people who are now spending far more time on the Internet. Without the structure of school and social activities, many children and teenagers are spending hours a day in spaces where extremist content lurks alongside games and other benign entertainment, says Dana Coester, an associate professor at West Virginia University who researches the impact of online white extremism on youth in Appalachia. It’s common, she notes, to see teenagers sharing Black Lives Matter messages alongside racist cartoons from popular Instagram accounts targeting middle schoolers. “So many parents I’ve spoken with say their kids are on devices until 3 in the morning,” she says. “I can’t begin to imagine how much damage can be done with kids that many hours a day marinating in really toxic content.”
Analysts warn that both U.S. law enforcement and big technology companies need to move quickly to hire experts who understand this new extremist ecosystem. Experts say the mainstream platforms’ recent purges are reactive: they patch yesterday’s problems instead of preventing future abuses, and focus on high-profile provocateurs instead of the underlying networks.
One solution may be to follow the money, as content creators migrate to new platforms in search of new financial opportunities. “[White supremacists] have become particularly as-siduous at exploiting new methods of fundraising, often seeking out platforms that have not yet realized how extremists can exploit them,” said George Selim, senior vice president of programs of the Anti-Defamation League, in testimony before a House subcommittee in January. “When a new fund-raising method or platform emerges, white supremacists can find a window of opportunity. These windows can, however, be shut if platforms promptly take countermeasures.”
On the evening of Aug. 11, Joe Biden’s pick of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate dominated the news. “She hates white people,” Fuentes told viewers on DLive. “She is going to use the full weight of the federal government … to destroy conservatives, to destroy America First, anybody that speaks up for white people.” NBC and ABC News–which have a combined 13 million subscribers on YouTube–had an average of 6,100 concurrent viewers watching their coverage. Fuentes’ show had 9,000.
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dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297
Click on the video above to watch Episode 297 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There is us for a second. Yeah. What’s up, guys? What’s going on? Sorry about that.
Sorry about that. Let me notify the rest of these guys
sorry about that. You got an echo on there. I just changed it. So sorry about that, guys. You know this is a train wreck when Bradley is not here so we go alright, there he is. Hey, I’m assuming we’re live. We’re live so you can cool it or should I just kind of hop in and go with it? Just go. It’s just if you want to explain to people what happened? Oh, no, no, no worries. We’ll just keep rolling with it. Yeah, a few tech issues when Bradley goes away. Yeah, we’re not used to running in zoom. And if something can go wrong, it will. I’m sure you guys are all familiar with this. So anyway, we’re just gonna keep rolling right along, you know, this YouTube thing.
So I’m good. I’m good otherwise, good deal. All right, Chris, how about you? Yeah, then goes here. I’m glad we actually made it.
So yeah. How are you doing today? Not bad. Yeah. nice sunny day. kind of got a macho thing going on here where it’s been, you know, a few clouds burn off. It’s been nice, but 75. So I can’t complain. I’m happy. I’m going to get outside and after we wrap this up and go for a trail run, so yeah, a good day for me. So, Marco, how about you, man?
Oh, you’re muted.
Round Groundhog Day as usual. I was about to say, Man, we’re. We’re over to here. Yeah, there we go. I heard something. Not anymore.
All right. Well, keep trying it. Marco. Well, we’ll come back to you real quick. I just had a couple of things that I wanted to mention before we dive in and start answering questions. If you are on the email list. Then you got the heads up about POFU Live 2020. We are going virtual This is going to be a great chance for everyone to come, you don’t have to get a hotel room, you don’t have to plan out, travel and buy airplane tickets. It’s going to be available to everyone at home. We are limiting it though. So there are only 50 tickets available. And for the next couple of days, there’s a 10% discount. So we want to reward the people who grabbed those tickets, go ahead and make the choice and hop in. You can find out more at pofulive.com. But we’re gonna have all of us will be there. We’ve got a bunch of great presentations, we’ve got the agenda, we get all that stuff laid out on there. It’s still going to be available and good for networking and for learning and asking questions. Because I know that’s a thing that I think about when I think about online or virtual is like yeah, is it really going to be the same as it, you’re going to be able to meet people are going to be able to ask questions. And you know, of course, it’s not going to be the same not gonna be able to go out grab a drink with somebody you just met, but you are going to have the chance to interact. If you grab a VIP ticket. You’re definitely going to have a chance to interact. We’re going to ship you some beer. You’re going to be part of the VIP tour. We’re going to do virtually as well as the Hangout after that, and then was talking about the questions and answers, we’re going to have some q&a time for each presentation, as well as the case studies that we do. And then a little bit on top of that, just for some open q&a, so we got lots of good stuff.
Let’s plan and go on into this. If you have any questions, hit us up at [email protected] or just hop into the Facebook group and ask us there but like I said, a 10% discount goes away. If you want to find out more about it, go check it out at pofulive.com. So with that said to the other thing I wanted to touch base on again, with emails, you’ve probably seen this, but if not that there is an mg y b flash sale going on right now for our ys drive stacks, head over to mg y b.co. And you can use July stack 20 or July our ys 20 to get a great discount on your ROI S Drive stacks and I’ll put the links and all that good stuff on here if you’re live but last but not least. Just wanted to say oh, we just lost Marco, man, we’re having all sorts of crazy stuff happening today and I’m like trying to read something and like I’m like what’s going on over here?
So I didn’t want to say anything else I think I’ll just turn it over to her now and he’s gonna try to drive the ship here and get us going so I’m gonna put up on the page and call it good here. Yeah, we’ll see it we’ll see what happens. Okay, so Marco is here apparently so but yeah, dudes like today’s today’s is going crazy. Bradley, where are you? Alright, so let me actually share my screen and we’ll go through the questions as much as we can. And we’ll go from there. All right, cool. So
Do You Plan Of Offering Social Media Accounts To Create A Stronger Brand Entity Like KnowEm?
user3948759 Volvo says do you plan to offer Do you plan to offer social accounts creating in order to have an in stronger and even stronger brand entity? I mean, something like no m, etc. That’s actually a good question. And I don’t know we have brob in the crowd.
But one of the things that we do offer with IFTTT and with your syndication networks is the ability that we will create some social accounts for you. Not all of them. But uh, but definitely, definitely a bunch. And every time what happens with our syndication Academy, or our syndication networks, is that what we try to do is we try to update the profiles that we have there, right in terms of, if we find anything else that works like peripheries, or this or that, you know, we will add it into our ecosystem as well. So that’s a great question for Rob. I’m not sure if Rob is in the crowd right now. But if you are Robert, you and you want to answer our good user anonymous here, I would really appreciate that. So. All right, so Fitz is asking a good day, gents. Thanks for allowing us to ask questions and get real-world actionable, actionable answers. Thank you, Fitz, for showing up. When we get the press release back, what are some good places we can use the content?
So, if you mean the content for the press release itself, like a face has been released, I wouldn’t reuse potentially that content. If you’re talking about the content itself or the press releases, again, like if that content has to be syndicated already has been submitted, probably I wouldn’t use it anywhere else, because that’s the whole point of a press release, right? It’s the content that goes out on the press releases, you know, it’s there, it’s it belongs to the press releases themselves. Now, with that being said, there’s a couple of things that you can try and do. As soon as the content is good. You can get it edited slightly like you can get it edited and turn that into a GMB post or turn that into an actual post. You can actually try to spin it, you know, and that is something you want to that you want to maybe fear.
You want to maybe get to daddy on and let him do his thing when it comes to third and fourth year, links, and all of that. But again, once
You get the content from press releases. Maybe you should keep it like that unless you really want to edit it. And if you want to edit it and turn that that content into one or two additional content pieces, we could you totally can either divide that content or curate content on top of the press release. Then you can totally turn that into GMB posts or your own posts on your blog. Do you want to add anything to that guys?
Nope, that’s good.
Okay, cool. So let’s see. I’ll finish is asking.
What MGYB SEO Services Are Good For Local Lead Generation Websites And GMB?
Let’s see. I was hoping you could help me figure it out. Which of your services would be the best fit for my websites? I’m building a lead generation website for local service area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwel, Idaho roofers. I just was that You can’t say all of the services. So Oh, I can’t Yeah, no. All right. All right. Cool. Now I really need to think about this. Okay, so I’m building a lead generation website for local services area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwell, Idaho, and roofers in Manhattan, New York. This will be small sites, targeting specific niches and areas I was thinking perhaps the original airways thrive stack would be the most appropriate. I plan on putting up quite a bit of these sites soon. I was just looking for a general idea where to start, I’m looking to rank in the top three for both GMB and organic funds are somewhat limited. So I’d like not to be redundant in my spending. Okay, great question. And I would potentially start with the SEO shield, you know, for your websites. And the reason why is because the SEO shields will, you know, have the 123 punch that you need, it will have the stack, it will have a syndication network, and he will allow you to and they will have you know, Id loops and all of that crazy stuff that helps really, really rank your website. Now, when it comes to SEO shields, you have three options, you know, if funds are somewhat limited, you can get the basic option. But you know, like why would you choose like just a regional our ys drive stack if you can get the whole combo of power for each of your websites.
Right. So when it comes to planning this type of campaign or this type of resource, or this type of website that you want to do, I would suggest that you go through whatever is will potentially bring you the most revenue first, and then work your way down. So for instance, let’s say that carpet cleaners in Colorado and Caldwell, Idaho, that would be one niche, right, roofers in Manhattan, New York, that would be a completely different niche, like in terms of the power that you need to rank but also in terms of the money that you can make, because it’s a completely different niche, right. So if you were to put money behind a project, like such as carpet cleaners, or roofers or whatever, I would suggest, hey, go for the higher dollar, you know, usually, I really like to work with high ticket type of contractors or local services and whatnot, just because of the fact that they just you know, they just make sense and you can charge more money. So something fun or somewhat limited, you will be building these assets in order
You want to start where the opportunities there if that makes sense. So I would suggest definitely suggest SEO Power shieldl. One 1,000%. Marco, are you here and hear us
techies out there trying to fix this mic. We’re gonna add on to this, you know, that alpha niche, whoever This is if you recently joined our email list or you have in the last year to, you know, part of what we do to, you know, kind of explaining who we are. And what we do is, you know, Bradley talks about how he got started in carpet cleaning was one of the first things he did was lead gen for a business doing that. And the reason why he got out of that, which Hernan kind of touched on and like looking at, you know, does this make sense for me to be involved in? And so I’m not saying that it’s the wrong niche, it’s, that’s never like a black and white answer you just need to look at is it going to make sense for you? Does it make sense for you to get an SEO power shield? You know, would that support itself even if you, you know, could you spend money on it to rank it and then would it pay for itself because if it doesn’t, it’s like waive and get started. So, right. Yeah, so doing a little bit of cost analysis there and saying, you know, if it takes thousand dollars to rank. Are you going to take that back? How long you know, things like that? I mean, I’m just pulling the number out of thin air, you know, that could be more could be less you never know. And so yeah, take that stuff into consideration also. So you’re looking to get in the top three for both GMB and organic. So yeah, SEO power shield and then, you know, looking at obviously, optimizing your GMB and there’s a lot you can do there using press releases for both of those, and then ongoing link building things like that. Yeah, yeah, I totally, totally agree. Like you need to approach this as a real business right, you need to do the cost analysis and you also need to kind of understand how long it will take you to rank for something like roofing in Manhattan, you know, where the competition is way higher than something like I think the other option was carpet cleaning scalpel, Idaho, right. So that is something to consider as well like, what’s the more bang for your buck like if you can go for a low competition but still high ticket type of deal.
He’ll then I think that’s the sweet spot that we’re kind of trying to go after. So
How Do You Resolve Collision Issues Of Press Release Stacking & Curation?
okay, cool. So, Bb was a bunch of questions there. Yeah, he usually asks a bunch of questions, but there’s a good question. Okay, so thank you bb. Let’s see right in a press release with our creation method has some collision with the press release stacking video. Say we want you to create two pages we have to cite link the sources which leave us one extra link left to put the PR, which will be either to the money site or the shield properties because press releases allow three links that we can do the pre PR stacking method links to previous PR branding, property monetizing. How do we resolve that? Well, that’s actually a good point BB and what you can do is since you only have three link placements, and you always want to do at least one link to the at least one leg to the shield property and at least one link to another PR then you can always cite one page. You know you can always have like once a source in that case. So that will that way it will give you three links that you can use, right? Because like, if you had to choose like if I had to choose three-link placements and that’s what I can work with, and I want to go ahead with the, with the with how do you call it the press restacking then what I would suggest is, of course, press release. Second, you need to be daisy-chaining the press releases number one, number two, you always want to have a link to your, your shield properties, you know to power them up. And number three, you might have a link to an external website like a curation website. So I would say hey, maybe you want to sacrifice one of those curation websites and have more real estate that will impact your brand. What do you think, Adam? Yeah, I’m looking at this as took me a little bit longer. You’re much quicker on your feet. I had to like to sit here and think for a minute and like absorb what was being said. Unless I’m missing something. And it’s been a while since I’ve dealt directly with PR. So take this with a heavy grain of salt. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this, but I’m also thinking do you have to use an actual URL link, or can you do a just sliding it and literally in the text saying this is where it came from and not using one of your three backlinks. So, you know, maybe that’s what I said.
Yeah, I like that. I like that. Because that way you will have, it will be a site, right? It will be a citation, it wouldn’t be a link will be a citation. So you can have that as a, you know, not a link. But if you have to choose like in terms of, should I go after? Should I go after, like, what do you choose, right? Like, I would definitely choose my money site, or my money site or your shield properties that would definitely go with your properties. I don’t know, I’m just a little bit more conservative, if you would, then the other press release. That’s what the whole stacking method is all about. And then one of those extra websites and then you can just drop an unlinked URL, which is going to be a citation. So I think that’s actually a good idea.
Cool. Yeah. Now, by all means, um, my heavy caveat on this, obviously follow the rules of the press release sites you’re using if they say to do differently than you better do what they say. Yeah, sure.
Google Tag Manager Testing
So I’m currently using Google Tag Manager that puts the Google Analytics tags inside the page when testing down, nothing happening, isn’t working for you on Tag Manager, you use only Google Analytics a BB, you need to add the Google Analytics code within Google Tag Manager, like Google Tag Manager will not automatically put the Analytics code in your Facebook page in your website. So one of the things that you want to add in the tag section is the Google Analytics tag to the Google Tag Manager, okay, it doesn’t like honestly, go Tag Manager doesn’t automatically add any tag. You know, like analytics will tell you if you have Google Tag Manager, use the Google linking property, which is a tag that you can use in Google Tag Manager, Google Lincoln property. And that will allow you to link your, your Google Tag Manager with Google ads and also analytics. So you need to have something in there, it doesn’t automatically asset and you can always use the
You can always use the Google Pixel helper, which is kind of similar to the Facebook pixel helper, but it’s Google Tag helper, which is a Chrome plugin to see if the analytics tag is actually firing, but you need to add it, you need to manually add it.
Why Do You Say That Virginia SEO Agency Is Bad Anchor Backlink For Money Site But Good For Gsite?
Okay, and then he’s asking, Why did you say that Virginia SEO agencies have bad anchor backing for the money site, but for the G site, it’s okay. We can use exact match keywords as anchor text. I think that Bradley what he refers to so is the brand, right? We’re always talking about the brand. So, Virginia SEO agency, if you’re going to link to your money site, you need to be really mindful of what you’re doing, right? Because it’s rare that you will get a link like a natural link. That’s it’s Virginia SEO agency, right? Like that’s super to 2010 right. So I think that he was saying, Hey, be careful with the anchor links that you’re going that they’re going to your money site to your G site, you can go to town like you can throw the kitchen sink to a G site.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t care, right? So you can go to town at 100%. But if you’re going to use Virginia SEO agency to your money site, you want to be careful to your whole profile, right? Usually, it’s going to be like Virginia SEO agency, it’s not going to be your main anchor is going to be your brand, right? He’s going to be your website like www dot Virginia SEO agency comm or even as an internal page or click here. So I think I need to be like really, really,
I would call it really diverse, with a strong like punctuation if you were a strong, strong weight on the brand, you know, but with your JSON, you can go to town as you can definitely use exact match keywords. Just be careful. You know, because that’s no, that’s not how people type. That’s not how other human beings linked to other websites. What do you think, Adam?
Yeah, I’m just kidding. pulling us back up? I think that Yeah, I agree with you. I think you know, as far as what Bradley said, I forget exactly. But looking at it, yeah, I would just say go with that exact match type of text. Yeah. Unless you know, really what you’re doing and why you’re using it. You know, I wouldn’t just be slapping it in there. So yeah, just be super careful bV with exact match linking back to money site like I wouldn’t even do it as I would, I would go like full branded at this point. Like, see, for instance, Wikipedia. Right. If you see the link profile of Wikipedia, 99% of his link profile is Wikipedia. And then the rest is all over the national universe that you can think of. So
Ah, so here’s this guy, Bradley. h. m. f. I see I think we should ban this guy. Let’s kind of shady. How can we come up with a reaction here? reaction? Okay, now, maybe you can put a little like hanky in it if you can. Ah, yeah, my son.
Working in Okay.
All AF is asking us about f Hello everyone how important are link shorteners link inside the drive stack and G sites. Well, the guys are doing it for a reason. Definitely the guys are doing it for a reason. We used to use our Google shortener but that’s not a thing anymore. So, so the guys are definitely doing it for a recent in terms of power we use, we use our own link shortener which, you know, it’s incredibly powerful at this point and much, much powerful that we launched it. So you get that additional if you weren’t so link shorteners are I think that there’s a reason behind it like there’s a mad scientist type of recent Marco kind of No, but the guys are using it because I’ve heard them repeatedly said that link shorteners. You know, they carry the power, they carry the power, they stop the link juice to backlink juice for going so there’s a lot of benefits of doing it. That’s why the guys are so adamant about Robert Marco about using link shorteners inside the Dr. Saxon G and G sack, you know, so there’s definitely a recent
For that we used to again, we used to use the Google URL shortener, which was the best Jordan that you can possibly have in terms of SEO, but that’s not a thing anymore. So we have the second-best thing, which is our own shortener that’s an additional thing that you get, besides a bunch of additional things, like you get the shortener and buy your own stuff, which is super powerful. You also get the user’s guide, you know, which is something that we’re actually selling, you get it for free when you get an SEO, an SEO shield. So so you get all of those additional things that you don’t get through third-party vendors, you know, so if you go to, I don’t know, fiverr.com, if you want to, if you want to risk it, go there and get it for five bucks or 50 or whatever.
But that is something you know that we’re adding a lot of value to the thing so that you know exactly what to do and the link shortener, it’s definitely up there with the value, you know.
How Important Are Link Shortnere Links Inside The Drive Stacks And GSite?
Okay, so Hello, I’m new. I just want to know is there a set of data for your products I can buy to consistently rank my lead gen organically and in my pack. In what orders GMB is wise. This is a great question, Adam. You do the honors. But yeah, I mean, I was gonna say like I say to give them the best like if you’ve really got some you really don’t know where to start what to do, like come join our Facebook group so that we can talk to you about this and you can ask because you’re going to need to follow up questions like just with that, and especially for me like I can’t give you a detailed answer. Yes, the answer is yes, we do have done for your products that we can help you rank your lead gen both organically for your website and the map pack for your listing. And you know, as far as what that looks like, you know, that changes depending on what you have, but yeah, there’s definitely you know, come in you can get we just talked about the SEO power shield for someone asking basically the exact same question. So I would say if you scroll or depending on where you’re at in the video if you’re here with this live, you already heard her talk about it. If you’re coming in and watching this, you can back up and listen to that, but just head over to mgyb.co, SEO power shield would be the place to start. And then you know as far as ranking like your GMB assets, it depends if you want to get a GMB like if you’re going to do lead gen on your own, you can get a verified GMB through MGYB. And then depending on where you want to go from there because maybe you need to learn how to optimize CMV. Maybe you’re looking at what you should be doing the posting. You can check out local GMB Pro. Just search for that and you’ll find the course on that. And then yeah, it depends what you want to do if you want to use MGYB to get the done for you services, so that you can either do it for yourself or clients and have our kind of perform that stuff for you. That’s great. If you want to learn how to do it. You can look at our ys reloaded. You can check out local GMB Pro, and kind of go from there and then hop into the Facebook group and tell us what you need to know. Yeah, for sure. So there’s also this little jewel right here. You know, I’m hovering through it. So there’s the battle plan.
So there’s this little jewel right here that you can get, it’s super inexpensive. And it will tell you exactly step by step what to do, how to do it, and what to get, you know, so that’s another option. But I do think that these questions are a little bit tricky. You need a little bit of, I would say guidance or coaching or whatever, you know, we, we tend to, we tend to prescribe the SEO shield a lot, because it can it kind of ticks all the boxes, right? It gives you a lot of precedences, it gives you a lot of authority right off the bat, it allows you to, you know, build that authority and then it gives you a lot of targets that you can then you know, link for or link towards, I should say. Okay, cool. So who is this guy Adam moody? Should I bind him to let me see ya? Why did the action? Okay. I cannot add reactions, man. I know.
Yeah, I did it just for you. Because today everything’s gonna break. So thank you, bro. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Yo, bro, man. Yeah, yeah, man. So Alright, so question two is about conversion, making Google understand conversion was made. Yeah, baby, again, you want to use. So you want to use a. So you want to set up a goal, of course in analytics and then you want to add your Google Analytics to your Google Tag Manager. So you want to set up a goal in Google Analytics. And then you want to set up your and then you want to add your Google Analytics code to the Google Tag Manager, make sure that you’re also using the Google linker. So there’s a Google linker property that you just added there doesn’t do anything. You just added there. So So yeah, but you actually need to create the goal and goal in analytics, and then install the analytics in Google Tag Manager.
What Do You Mean By Pinging Websites For Backlinks And Backlink Indexing?
Okay, so let’s see. BBs asked another question is the meaning of pinging websites for backlinks and pinging for backing indexing? How did you find the ping command to make it happen in each case, and also it’s being a relevant image for today? That’s actually a great question. And the answer is that it used to be really relevant. It used to be really relevant, but you know, I think that ping it, So for instance, if you go to ping them out, pingomatic.com. And also like WordPress by default will ping pingnomadic.com but it’s just like I think that there’s so many pinging like lately like that you can ping, ping nomadic and big money will ping a bunch of additional different websites and whatnot.
So, you know that like, there’s so much being like all the time that I don’t even think that’s relevant anymore like we should ask the idea like he’s the indexing magician, you know, he makes stuff index pretty quickly and I don’t know how he does it but he does it you know, so, so but it’s just thinking about it from the perspective of you know, the whole you know, Google-like if it would index every ping that people do it’s you know, it’s like the computing power but out but also like I would potentially ask the idea like what well now what’s the secret sauce is we don’t want to know that but you can ask them. No, no, no, I don’t want no I really don’t want to know like, you know if they asked me, I will say, I don’t know anything, you know. But, uh, but yeah, maybe so great question. You can still try it like, ideally, you would do it automatically. There’s some, there are some bots out there. WordPress automatically will ping, you know through ping ematic. You can add a bunch of. They’re called RPC. So they’re called RPC services. So if you search for paying services for WordPress, or RPC services for WordPress, WordPress have they have this box where you can put a bunch of additional ping services if you so choose. But, you know, I think it’s a matter of traffic as a matter of authority, some area of activity, right. You can ping as much as you want. But if the website if the article if anything, it’s not having enough authority, it’s not having enough, you know, traction. I don’t think it’s gonna be relevant. So I think to add, now, I don’t mind. All right, cool. Let’s see.
Bradley hears banjo music and in typing CS Finster muscle. I think,
Wayne, I think that’s pretty accurate. All right, so let’s see.
How do you hold these in what orders do you do? Do you guys do citations? Do you order aggregator first and the manual citations or vice versa? So does it even effing matter? That’s a great question and the answer to that is I don’t know I’m so sorry. Oh, Bradley’s not here. I’m good Bradley. Marco isn’t here, Chris. chime in. If you do, I haven’t done citations. I will try and I wouldn’t like yeah like I think that’s above my paygrade So, unfortunately, gonna say yeah, there’s the questions about funnels and Facebook? Like, wow, some fake business and stuff. But, uh, but thank you, guys. Yeah, like, like, that’s above my paygrade I’m pretty sure that Bradley will come in hot like next time and you know, and say you guys set a straight
yes to us and say Why? The hell you didn’t answer this question?
So he will come in and actually answer it. So I’m sorry.
So one more question. If I already have a Google Site created, I wanted to make sure I got the keyword in the URL. Can I order a white stripe sec and just give you access to Google site? I’m not entirely sure. Is this possible? Is that something I? Yeah, I can’t recall. So I would just say contact [email protected]. I forget because I want to say yes, but I can’t recall if we had out for some reason. So just contact support, they’ll be able to tell you. Yeah, I want to say yes to I think that we talked about that. But I’m not entirely sure if that ended up being a thing. I know that some people will have their Google side and then but then again, I think that the guys decided to stop doing it just because of, you know, our staff is small, better. But no, in all seriousness, as we created in a specific way, but yeah, just contact its [email protected]. Right, Adam? Correct. Yeah. All right.
Which URL Do You Want To Power From The Drive Stack If Your Client Offers Conference Services To Multiple Cities?
Ricky Bobby is asking, hello. Was that I love it. Sorry. I know it’s not his real name, but anyway, so I love your picture in the Facebook group because it’s Ricky Bobby. Bobby. Yeah. Okay, I ordered the SEO shield, I have some questions about what to fill out, I ordered keyword research. So I’ll upload that when I get it great. But the claim we have is a conference and they move every now and then for the next few years, they’re going to be in Vegas, they have roughly 40 k people go to the conference every year from all around the world. One of the things is it asked is for which URL? Do you want to power from the drive stack to go to? Which URL? Do you want to power from the data, the power from the drive stack to go to do that? I mean, the money site and yes, yes, that means that that means the money site. So which URL Do you want the power from the Google Drive site to go to? And yes, that’s the money site, because we’re going to from drives that we’re going to, we’re going to add, we’re going to add, you know, outbound links that go either to your website, your or to your G site, you know, so so that’s probably another question that you can
  Ask for support or to our Facebook group. So you can either do either to the website or to the G site. So yeah, which makes sense. And then as far as moving around that, really, and this case, I shouldn’t be punished. Yeah. If they’re going to stay there for the next few years like whenever they move, you can start working or when I like six months, baby before they move, you can actually start, you know, working towards the next location, but I think you should be fine. But like if I’m just thinking to like, for us, let’s think like small scale or the kind of general problem would be like if we were building one around, POFU Live pofulive.com is our domain. We didn’t there’s no address associated with it. Right. There’s no set location. So I think that kind of the same deal. Like Yeah, go ahead. And you would build out around that point that your conference URL and unless there’s something I’m missing there. Yeah, no, I do agree. They have contracts for years, we’ve been to a particular hotel venue, so I think you should be fine. You should be covered for the next but I mean, it wouldn’t be like you would be like building. I mean, again, I don’t know. This is interesting to me. Just because hopefully I’ve come up but are you like having the SEO shield built and have Vegas in the name or something? You know, that’s the only thing I could think about where would be who why would even matter. So yeah, yeah, that’s the thing. So I don’t know the URL that they’re using but if it’s like, Ricky Bobby conference Vegas calm then you obviously need to work your way around it right. So and you can even read reg that to Ricky Bobby.
No, we do have GMB listing. So yeah, you might want to actually send that to GMB or to the website. So if you go from Ricky Bobby Vegas calm to you can redirect that to Ricky Bobby, Ricky, Bobby. Or not just wants to keep saying, Ricky Bobby. Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s go.
Why Do You Consider Facebook Ads If You Have The SEO Shield?
Alright, so BB wins another one. Is there more time? If so, yes, we do have a little bit more time. I saw someone Hernan’s video Oh, shut up. I saw Hernan’s videos and there were videos about Facebook ads. Why would you consider Facebook ads when you have an SEO shield is enough traffic? That’s actually a great question, BB. Let me tell you, let me tell you something right now. No, but for real, like one of the things that I do in the semantic mastery mastermind and so Adam has his productivity and email marketing and funnel, you know, side of things. Chris also has his email marketing and business side of things. And I have my Facebook ads slash paid traffic demo. So I do have my own like, show if you were on the mastermind, where we talked about paid acquisition strategies. And what we do with paid acquisition is basically and this is like about Facebook ads or Google ads, it’s to accelerate results. Right? So what we do with Facebook ads is to let’s say that you got a new client, right? Let’s talk about roofer in my Manhattan, it might take you a couple of weeks or a couple of months to actually get to where you want to be with Facebook.
With you know, with listings and that’s the game we’re playing, but if you want to accelerate the videos you want to get the guy some traction than paid advertising is usually the best way to go. So you can run a Google actually a Google to call campaign or Facebook ads lead ads which are great right now they’re working like crazy. And then you can get the client you can get some traction for the client, I will low ad spend while the rest of the stuff is kicking in. Now, here’s the other benefit of doing that is that when you have the shield, you will get this amount of traffic to the website right, which you can then retarget with Facebook ads, and you can then retarget with Google Display Network. Okay, so that’s, that’s an added benefit. That’s called omnipresence. Okay. And number three is that you’re not only depending on one source of traffic, either Facebook ads or Google, Google organic, and the reason why is because the more traffic sources you have, the more solid your brand becomes right? So that is like saying why would you build an email list if you have the SEO show? Well, you need to build an email list right? So that’s, that’s some of the stuff that we talked about in the mastermind is like the real benefit of building a brand through Facebook advertising. A lot of people are using Facebook ads like at the beginning and then maybe you can dial it back as you start getting GMB calls or whatever. But it has so many many many benefits and so many levels to add some sort of paid advertising strategy either through Google Ads YouTube or Facebook ads, which is my thing. my wheelhouse and if you want to comment on this let me know.
Will The Content Curation Model Works For A Tough Niche That Have Long-Form Content?
All right, I understand the content curation model but what if we’re going for a tough niche that all our writing unique long-form content are you suggesting to go for some other niche or the shield and link building packages will add rank or stuff even though they’re less good than the competition Okay, BB great question but I caught a curated article not less good quote-unquote, enter the competition unless the competition is like unique, long-form content that really attracts and really, you know, it’s really, really good in terms of generating engagement from the audience, like getting people to read and spend a lot of time in your website and then click into other pages. So, you know, you can still make some much this like you if you’re going with curation, maybe once a month, or once every two weeks, you can come up with a long-form content piece, right? So it’s not because everyone else is doing long-form content doesn’t mean that you can, you cannot do curation. So if you did your keyword research, if that’s the niche that you want to go after. That’s, you know, that’s something that you want to keep them pursuing. In fact, maybe you will be doing something that they’re not doing and that will give you an edge, right. So we don’t really know until you try and also the fact that you’re doing curated content and some form of long-form content. I think that’s, you know, that’s beneficial because while they are putting out a lot of long-form content, which takes a long time, a lot of money, a lot of effort and maybe you can put be putting out like, you ready constants just like this, you know, so that will be my intake on it. I don’t know what you guys think.
Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry, is looking because I was literally looking up something about this today cuz I’m getting ready to write some stuff for my productivity based stuff that’s a little bit longer format than what I usually do. So I agree, I think that you know, just because it’s curated doesn’t mean that’s not good, but at the same time, you know, this isn’t, you’re not paying someone $2 to curate an article and that’s going to magically outrank, but this is also partially it’s getting for me into that area of like, how many syndication networks would it take to rank this article? It’s like, Well, no, as many as it takes, and maybe it’ll take some other stuff. So and BB I think, you know, that so I know you’re not like asking us that. But it’s verging on that where it’s like, I don’t know. You know, it depends on Yeah, the article like Bonanza, what are the engagement metrics, if you have a curated article and all this is just like, you know, one or two sentences, and then some you
A bunch of curated stuff and people go there and bounce then yeah, that the engagement metrics are gonna suck. So yeah, but yeah, mix it up, you know, instead of having to pay or write just long-form, you could go in, maybe start creating some infographic type material, if you could get that done or do it yourself. There are lots of tools to do that look at like writing how-to articles instead.
How about a list? You could curate lists, that would be a pretty cool one to do. And then you know, slip in some videos, and maybe other things on the site, which is another good way to drive some engagement. So yeah, mixing it up, I think would lighten the load on you also creating some great content. Yeah, yeah. And you can also use the pillar content meaning those long-form articles to actually like send pay traffic like those are great Facebook ads like targets great, fantastic. Like those long-form articles that you see if you have like two or three there. You can send paid advertising to it and they are not great.
Should You Include Breadcrumbs In The Pages Of The Money Site?
Okay, should we include breadcrumbs in the pages of the money site is the breadcrumb schema help ranking? So I’ve heard Marco so now we’re going into that, that realm. I’ve heard Marco said that the breadcrumb schema helps to rank. And the same, the same with the fourth question. Can we use breadcrumb schema without having actual breadcrumbs on the page? I don’t know. Probably you can’t. I wrote I don’t really know.
And I don’t know if Marcos is watching this, and then he might be screaming if we’re saying anything that doesn’t, you know, that we shouldn’t say, but, uh, but maybe ask on the Facebook group, you know, that will be, Yeah, that’d be the next best thing. So we swear if you if you’re new, we started that, you know, we actually bring in the goods. It’s just that you know, we’re operating. We’re at 60% here today. I would, I would say at 40 Yeah. 40% Yeah. 60%.
Okay, well, let’s keep it at 45. All right.
Let’s see Ricky Bobby sass is saying the client hat we have on six different conferences. But this is the first one to test you guys out perfect. just crush it for that and then roll it over to the other five. That is great. That is great.
Should You Buy A Link Indexing After Map Embed Or Link Building Are Delivered?
Pablo is asking. Hi, guys. Thanks for the great answers. Thank you for dropping by. Should I buy a link indexing after? Should I buy a link indexing after map embeds or link building are delivered? Yes. You? Yes. Yes. So link indexing after link building? Usually, it’s a good thing. Link indexing after map embeds. I haven’t heard about that yet. But link indexing after link building? Yeah, for sure. Because again, you know, dedhia has the as the pulse on that, and he’s really good. He’s just got a crazy indexing rate. I know it fluctuates over time with you know, different methods and all that but I think he’s still getting 60 plus percent, something like that, which is just nuts or link building. You know, which is just crazy. Crazy. Good. Alright guys, any other questions? We’ll give you guys 30 more seconds. And we’ll go from there. And I hope that we were you know, I got a question for you or not
Well, we don’t have to run out the clock here. But let’s talk about it. We’re asking about questions about Facebook, we got a lot of good content stuff, and you mentioned it real quick. Who would you recommend to do long-form content and run ads to it? Do you see that being something good, that would work for people who are primarily doing like client stuff? or trying to rank organically? Like, where would that fit in? Do you think so? Yes. So that’s actually a great question. And I would say hey, long-form content plus ads, it’s almost always a good idea to do for a couple of reasons. Number one, because like if you’re sending traffic pay traffic, right paid to pick like real traffic, not like CTR spam type stuff, like real traffic, real human beings to a website, where the long-form content with a call to actions throughout the long-form content, whatnot, that will help you rank faster, mostly because you’re feeding the bot a lot of activity. And also if people stay, they come back because the articles really good. They’re good to the next page, they don’t ban bounce out and all that, that helps a lot in terms of like ranking signals. But not only that, from a consumer perspective as well, like, because they hit your page, they might stay for a long time. And then you can retarget them, right. So if they’ve seen your ads on Facebook, they don’t click on them, just by the fact that they’re clicking on them and landing on your website. They’re behaviorally saying that they’re interested in what you have to offer. So it’s a good idea to actually, you know, build a list out of them and buy a list, I mean, a retargeting list that you can build in, within Facebook. So it’s usually a good idea when you’re trying to set yourself up for success, whether it’s a local website or local clients or your own agency, like by all means, if you won’t get more clients through this, if you don’t like money, don’t do this. But if you want to get more clients definitely do that. So well, that helps. Does that answer your question? It most certainly does. And thank you and also want to say thanks to Ricky Bobby. I think this is a really good suggestion he had, we’re certainly working on, you know, making it easier to have both MGYB and with Semantic Mastery to figure out what you need. And so what he said was something that we should consider in the future a sort of quiz or funnel that we could use to figure out what to get and when. And 100% of it. Actually just shared that with the guys in slack. And we’re going to look into that. That’s a fantastic idea. Great idea. Great idea. I’m happy to take the credit for it. Yeah.
Sadly, it’s been recorded. So now we know. But you know, recordings get lost sometimes. So let’s see Vivi saying how to how to syndicate all there. Okay, we don’t we might be at 45% but we’re definitely funnier than the other guys. So you can say that you can comment that okay. You can say that.
How To Syndicate Older Posts To Branded Properties?
Alright, so bb is asking how to syndicate all their posts to brand new properties. IFTTT only allows new posts only great question bV. There are a couple of there a couple of plugins in WordPress that will do that. So there’s a couple of WordPress plugins that will allow you to repost all posts number one, but also number two, it will allow you to repost old posts without actually posting them. What do I mean? It means they will update the RSS feed through which the IFTTT syndication network will activate but without adding a new post to your blog. Right so let’s say you have all the content so there’s a couple of plugins that will do that they will reinstate that post into the IFTTT feed and does you know, bye-bye. By the way, it works, it will activate the syndication network. So you can try both but there’s a couple of plugins that will do that in WordPress. So
What Is The Best Way To Push Power To Additional GMB In Different Countries Besides Web Page Silo?
let’s see. Pablo is asking what is the best way besides current web page silo to push powers to additional GMB in different countries, different counties. The main GMB is covered by Google stacks. What is the next spec? What is the next step to cover additional ones, I would say link building so it’s usually a good idea press release, press release stacks are actually a good idea to actually push more power to additional GMBs. So additional stacks, you know sending power to the additional sites.
So, at that point what you want to do is you want to try with link building first if you know that pushes this because some countries will be more susceptible to rank fluctuations than other mostly because of competition so so you can actually go there and push additional power through link building and link indexing on those countries and then if that doesn’t work, then you you order link building, you index you wait right for 21 days and then you go after that. So that’s what I would do. Okay, we have another one from bV Have you encounter a problem that IFTTT does not post articles that have really long-form content say about 4000 words? I haven’t really BB not that take a look and I bet you could figure it out real quick because it should say an IFTTT if you log in and go into the applet like it may have a cutoff but yeah, I’ve never posted stuff over 4000 words. So okay. Um, I’m not sure like I haven’t gone through this like
Yeah, like 4000 words that’s a lot of content really, really awful. But there is this WordPress RSS feed cuts it up at a certain point. So there’s the limitation on there. Okay, so it’s not IFTTT might be the RSS feed for a while you can pretty much manually or commit, which one of our plugins did back in the day. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, that’s cool. That’s cool. But I was like, we haven’t really gone through the problem of you know, about 4000 words. So no, so
Unknown Speaker 45:35 let’s see. Ricky Bobby is saying the suggestion came out a little frustration more if I’m not sure. Totally feel you I had when I was starting to look into you guys. A lot of stuff in there was in good but I have no idea what I actually need based on what I’m at with the client or the client is afar really already own in the category. There’s much different sequence of stuff decline is brand new to me webs and the web, versus someone who’s been in business for 30 years in our life for 20. Yes, definitely 1,000% Ricky and we’re actually actively working to make it better. We have been creating content and putting out stuff for the past six years. So seven years now. So it’s you know, it’s a complicated task, but we’re actively working towards that. One of the things that we came up with is the battle plan. You know, the battle plan has a couple of sections in terms of You see, the GMB website is it a new website is a niche website or YouTube channel. So then you have like, some sort of decision tree, but the quiz idea is great. The quality is really good. So we really do appreciate that we’re doing what our best here to actually, you know, but the content on more much more dynamic consumable way provided that this is Episode 297, you know, a weekly show.
So, yeah, brother. Appreciate it. I might purchase it by dinner ready? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It would be a good idea if you did, you know, if you could just take that and turn it into a survey to so
You could like maybe that’s part of the battle plan that you guys know to buy the battle plan.
Okay, if you didn’t go by Alright guys, that’s it for today. I think this was fun. Sounds good. Anything you want to add? Check it out hopefully live calm. You know we’re not traveling right now but we will be doing hopefully live last weekend in September check it out 10% discount on tickets right now across the board. That’s the main ticket VIP ticket, which includes some beers shipped directly to you, and then a VIP plus ticket for those of you who are looking for some consulting time at a considerable discount what it would normally take to hire six of us to sit down with you and talk to you for 90 minutes. We’re not your issues. Yeah, we’re not cheap. We’re not cheap. Specifically, if you like it if you need a shrink or anything we double You know, that’s even more expensive. But yeah, guys hopeful lab.com we’d love to have you there’s some stuff in there that we don’t share anywhere else like anywhere else. You know.
They’re and people are raving about content, the connections, and everything else. So just you guys in there. Alright guys, thank you for hanging out for a little bit so you guys can see everyone cheers
  Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297
Click on the video above to watch Episode 297 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There is us for a second. Yeah. What’s up, guys? What’s going on? Sorry about that.
Sorry about that. Let me notify the rest of these guys
sorry about that. You got an echo on there. I just changed it. So sorry about that, guys. You know this is a train wreck when Bradley is not here so we go alright, there he is. Hey, I’m assuming we’re live. We’re live so you can cool it or should I just kind of hop in and go with it? Just go. It’s just if you want to explain to people what happened? Oh, no, no, no worries. We’ll just keep rolling with it. Yeah, a few tech issues when Bradley goes away. Yeah, we’re not used to running in zoom. And if something can go wrong, it will. I’m sure you guys are all familiar with this. So anyway, we’re just gonna keep rolling right along, you know, this YouTube thing.
So I’m good. I’m good otherwise, good deal. All right, Chris, how about you? Yeah, then goes here. I’m glad we actually made it.
So yeah. How are you doing today? Not bad. Yeah. nice sunny day. kind of got a macho thing going on here where it’s been, you know, a few clouds burn off. It’s been nice, but 75. So I can’t complain. I’m happy. I’m going to get outside and after we wrap this up and go for a trail run, so yeah, a good day for me. So, Marco, how about you, man?
Oh, you’re muted.
Round Groundhog Day as usual. I was about to say, Man, we’re. We’re over to here. Yeah, there we go. I heard something. Not anymore.
All right. Well, keep trying it. Marco. Well, we’ll come back to you real quick. I just had a couple of things that I wanted to mention before we dive in and start answering questions. If you are on the email list. Then you got the heads up about POFU Live 2020. We are going virtual This is going to be a great chance for everyone to come, you don’t have to get a hotel room, you don’t have to plan out, travel and buy airplane tickets. It’s going to be available to everyone at home. We are limiting it though. So there are only 50 tickets available. And for the next couple of days, there’s a 10% discount. So we want to reward the people who grabbed those tickets, go ahead and make the choice and hop in. You can find out more at pofulive.com. But we’re gonna have all of us will be there. We’ve got a bunch of great presentations, we’ve got the agenda, we get all that stuff laid out on there. It’s still going to be available and good for networking and for learning and asking questions. Because I know that’s a thing that I think about when I think about online or virtual is like yeah, is it really going to be the same as it, you’re going to be able to meet people are going to be able to ask questions. And you know, of course, it’s not going to be the same not gonna be able to go out grab a drink with somebody you just met, but you are going to have the chance to interact. If you grab a VIP ticket. You’re definitely going to have a chance to interact. We’re going to ship you some beer. You’re going to be part of the VIP tour. We’re going to do virtually as well as the Hangout after that, and then was talking about the questions and answers, we’re going to have some q&a time for each presentation, as well as the case studies that we do. And then a little bit on top of that, just for some open q&a, so we got lots of good stuff.
Let’s plan and go on into this. If you have any questions, hit us up at [email protected] or just hop into the Facebook group and ask us there but like I said, a 10% discount goes away. If you want to find out more about it, go check it out at pofulive.com. So with that said to the other thing I wanted to touch base on again, with emails, you’ve probably seen this, but if not that there is an mg y b flash sale going on right now for our ys drive stacks, head over to mg y b.co. And you can use July stack 20 or July our ys 20 to get a great discount on your ROI S Drive stacks and I’ll put the links and all that good stuff on here if you’re live but last but not least. Just wanted to say oh, we just lost Marco, man, we’re having all sorts of crazy stuff happening today and I’m like trying to read something and like I’m like what’s going on over here?
So I didn’t want to say anything else I think I’ll just turn it over to her now and he’s gonna try to drive the ship here and get us going so I’m gonna put up on the page and call it good here. Yeah, we’ll see it we’ll see what happens. Okay, so Marco is here apparently so but yeah, dudes like today’s today’s is going crazy. Bradley, where are you? Alright, so let me actually share my screen and we’ll go through the questions as much as we can. And we’ll go from there. All right, cool. So
Do You Plan Of Offering Social Media Accounts To Create A Stronger Brand Entity Like KnowEm?
user3948759 Volvo says do you plan to offer Do you plan to offer social accounts creating in order to have an in stronger and even stronger brand entity? I mean, something like no m, etc. That’s actually a good question. And I don’t know we have brob in the crowd.
But one of the things that we do offer with IFTTT and with your syndication networks is the ability that we will create some social accounts for you. Not all of them. But uh, but definitely, definitely a bunch. And every time what happens with our syndication Academy, or our syndication networks, is that what we try to do is we try to update the profiles that we have there, right in terms of, if we find anything else that works like peripheries, or this or that, you know, we will add it into our ecosystem as well. So that’s a great question for Rob. I’m not sure if Rob is in the crowd right now. But if you are Robert, you and you want to answer our good user anonymous here, I would really appreciate that. So. All right, so Fitz is asking a good day, gents. Thanks for allowing us to ask questions and get real-world actionable, actionable answers. Thank you, Fitz, for showing up. When we get the press release back, what are some good places we can use the content?
So, if you mean the content for the press release itself, like a face has been released, I wouldn’t reuse potentially that content. If you’re talking about the content itself or the press releases, again, like if that content has to be syndicated already has been submitted, probably I wouldn’t use it anywhere else, because that’s the whole point of a press release, right? It’s the content that goes out on the press releases, you know, it’s there, it’s it belongs to the press releases themselves. Now, with that being said, there’s a couple of things that you can try and do. As soon as the content is good. You can get it edited slightly like you can get it edited and turn that into a GMB post or turn that into an actual post. You can actually try to spin it, you know, and that is something you want to that you want to maybe fear.
You want to maybe get to daddy on and let him do his thing when it comes to third and fourth year, links, and all of that. But again, once
You get the content from press releases. Maybe you should keep it like that unless you really want to edit it. And if you want to edit it and turn that that content into one or two additional content pieces, we could you totally can either divide that content or curate content on top of the press release. Then you can totally turn that into GMB posts or your own posts on your blog. Do you want to add anything to that guys?
Nope, that’s good.
Okay, cool. So let’s see. I’ll finish is asking.
What MGYB SEO Services Are Good For Local Lead Generation Websites And GMB?
Let’s see. I was hoping you could help me figure it out. Which of your services would be the best fit for my websites? I’m building a lead generation website for local service area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwel, Idaho roofers. I just was that You can’t say all of the services. So Oh, I can’t Yeah, no. All right. All right. Cool. Now I really need to think about this. Okay, so I’m building a lead generation website for local services area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwell, Idaho, and roofers in Manhattan, New York. This will be small sites, targeting specific niches and areas I was thinking perhaps the original airways thrive stack would be the most appropriate. I plan on putting up quite a bit of these sites soon. I was just looking for a general idea where to start, I’m looking to rank in the top three for both GMB and organic funds are somewhat limited. So I’d like not to be redundant in my spending. Okay, great question. And I would potentially start with the SEO shield, you know, for your websites. And the reason why is because the SEO shields will, you know, have the 123 punch that you need, it will have the stack, it will have a syndication network, and he will allow you to and they will have you know, Id loops and all of that crazy stuff that helps really, really rank your website. Now, when it comes to SEO shields, you have three options, you know, if funds are somewhat limited, you can get the basic option. But you know, like why would you choose like just a regional our ys drive stack if you can get the whole combo of power for each of your websites.
Right. So when it comes to planning this type of campaign or this type of resource, or this type of website that you want to do, I would suggest that you go through whatever is will potentially bring you the most revenue first, and then work your way down. So for instance, let’s say that carpet cleaners in Colorado and Caldwell, Idaho, that would be one niche, right, roofers in Manhattan, New York, that would be a completely different niche, like in terms of the power that you need to rank but also in terms of the money that you can make, because it’s a completely different niche, right. So if you were to put money behind a project, like such as carpet cleaners, or roofers or whatever, I would suggest, hey, go for the higher dollar, you know, usually, I really like to work with high ticket type of contractors or local services and whatnot, just because of the fact that they just you know, they just make sense and you can charge more money. So something fun or somewhat limited, you will be building these assets in order
You want to start where the opportunities there if that makes sense. So I would suggest definitely suggest SEO Power shieldl. One 1,000%. Marco, are you here and hear us
techies out there trying to fix this mic. We’re gonna add on to this, you know, that alpha niche, whoever This is if you recently joined our email list or you have in the last year to, you know, part of what we do to, you know, kind of explaining who we are. And what we do is, you know, Bradley talks about how he got started in carpet cleaning was one of the first things he did was lead gen for a business doing that. And the reason why he got out of that, which Hernan kind of touched on and like looking at, you know, does this make sense for me to be involved in? And so I’m not saying that it’s the wrong niche, it’s, that’s never like a black and white answer you just need to look at is it going to make sense for you? Does it make sense for you to get an SEO power shield? You know, would that support itself even if you, you know, could you spend money on it to rank it and then would it pay for itself because if it doesn’t, it’s like waive and get started. So, right. Yeah, so doing a little bit of cost analysis there and saying, you know, if it takes thousand dollars to rank. Are you going to take that back? How long you know, things like that? I mean, I’m just pulling the number out of thin air, you know, that could be more could be less you never know. And so yeah, take that stuff into consideration also. So you’re looking to get in the top three for both GMB and organic. So yeah, SEO power shield and then, you know, looking at obviously, optimizing your GMB and there’s a lot you can do there using press releases for both of those, and then ongoing link building things like that. Yeah, yeah, I totally, totally agree. Like you need to approach this as a real business right, you need to do the cost analysis and you also need to kind of understand how long it will take you to rank for something like roofing in Manhattan, you know, where the competition is way higher than something like I think the other option was carpet cleaning scalpel, Idaho, right. So that is something to consider as well like, what’s the more bang for your buck like if you can go for a low competition but still high ticket type of deal.
He’ll then I think that’s the sweet spot that we’re kind of trying to go after. So
How Do You Resolve Collision Issues Of Press Release Stacking & Curation?
okay, cool. So, Bb was a bunch of questions there. Yeah, he usually asks a bunch of questions, but there’s a good question. Okay, so thank you bb. Let’s see right in a press release with our creation method has some collision with the press release stacking video. Say we want you to create two pages we have to cite link the sources which leave us one extra link left to put the PR, which will be either to the money site or the shield properties because press releases allow three links that we can do the pre PR stacking method links to previous PR branding, property monetizing. How do we resolve that? Well, that’s actually a good point BB and what you can do is since you only have three link placements, and you always want to do at least one link to the at least one leg to the shield property and at least one link to another PR then you can always cite one page. You know you can always have like once a source in that case. So that will that way it will give you three links that you can use, right? Because like, if you had to choose like if I had to choose three-link placements and that’s what I can work with, and I want to go ahead with the, with the with how do you call it the press restacking then what I would suggest is, of course, press release. Second, you need to be daisy-chaining the press releases number one, number two, you always want to have a link to your, your shield properties, you know to power them up. And number three, you might have a link to an external website like a curation website. So I would say hey, maybe you want to sacrifice one of those curation websites and have more real estate that will impact your brand. What do you think, Adam? Yeah, I’m looking at this as took me a little bit longer. You’re much quicker on your feet. I had to like to sit here and think for a minute and like absorb what was being said. Unless I’m missing something. And it’s been a while since I’ve dealt directly with PR. So take this with a heavy grain of salt. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this, but I’m also thinking do you have to use an actual URL link, or can you do a just sliding it and literally in the text saying this is where it came from and not using one of your three backlinks. So, you know, maybe that’s what I said.
Yeah, I like that. I like that. Because that way you will have, it will be a site, right? It will be a citation, it wouldn’t be a link will be a citation. So you can have that as a, you know, not a link. But if you have to choose like in terms of, should I go after? Should I go after, like, what do you choose, right? Like, I would definitely choose my money site, or my money site or your shield properties that would definitely go with your properties. I don’t know, I’m just a little bit more conservative, if you would, then the other press release. That’s what the whole stacking method is all about. And then one of those extra websites and then you can just drop an unlinked URL, which is going to be a citation. So I think that’s actually a good idea.
Cool. Yeah. Now, by all means, um, my heavy caveat on this, obviously follow the rules of the press release sites you’re using if they say to do differently than you better do what they say. Yeah, sure.
Google Tag Manager Testing
So I’m currently using Google Tag Manager that puts the Google Analytics tags inside the page when testing down, nothing happening, isn’t working for you on Tag Manager, you use only Google Analytics a BB, you need to add the Google Analytics code within Google Tag Manager, like Google Tag Manager will not automatically put the Analytics code in your Facebook page in your website. So one of the things that you want to add in the tag section is the Google Analytics tag to the Google Tag Manager, okay, it doesn’t like honestly, go Tag Manager doesn’t automatically add any tag. You know, like analytics will tell you if you have Google Tag Manager, use the Google linking property, which is a tag that you can use in Google Tag Manager, Google Lincoln property. And that will allow you to link your, your Google Tag Manager with Google ads and also analytics. So you need to have something in there, it doesn’t automatically asset and you can always use the
You can always use the Google Pixel helper, which is kind of similar to the Facebook pixel helper, but it’s Google Tag helper, which is a Chrome plugin to see if the analytics tag is actually firing, but you need to add it, you need to manually add it.
Why Do You Say That Virginia SEO Agency Is Bad Anchor Backlink For Money Site But Good For Gsite?
Okay, and then he’s asking, Why did you say that Virginia SEO agencies have bad anchor backing for the money site, but for the G site, it’s okay. We can use exact match keywords as anchor text. I think that Bradley what he refers to so is the brand, right? We’re always talking about the brand. So, Virginia SEO agency, if you’re going to link to your money site, you need to be really mindful of what you’re doing, right? Because it’s rare that you will get a link like a natural link. That’s it’s Virginia SEO agency, right? Like that’s super to 2010 right. So I think that he was saying, Hey, be careful with the anchor links that you’re going that they’re going to your money site to your G site, you can go to town like you can throw the kitchen sink to a G site.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t care, right? So you can go to town at 100%. But if you’re going to use Virginia SEO agency to your money site, you want to be careful to your whole profile, right? Usually, it’s going to be like Virginia SEO agency, it’s not going to be your main anchor is going to be your brand, right? He’s going to be your website like www dot Virginia SEO agency comm or even as an internal page or click here. So I think I need to be like really, really,
I would call it really diverse, with a strong like punctuation if you were a strong, strong weight on the brand, you know, but with your JSON, you can go to town as you can definitely use exact match keywords. Just be careful. You know, because that’s no, that’s not how people type. That’s not how other human beings linked to other websites. What do you think, Adam?
Yeah, I’m just kidding. pulling us back up? I think that Yeah, I agree with you. I think you know, as far as what Bradley said, I forget exactly. But looking at it, yeah, I would just say go with that exact match type of text. Yeah. Unless you know, really what you’re doing and why you’re using it. You know, I wouldn’t just be slapping it in there. So yeah, just be super careful bV with exact match linking back to money site like I wouldn’t even do it as I would, I would go like full branded at this point. Like, see, for instance, Wikipedia. Right. If you see the link profile of Wikipedia, 99% of his link profile is Wikipedia. And then the rest is all over the national universe that you can think of. So
Ah, so here’s this guy, Bradley. h. m. f. I see I think we should ban this guy. Let’s kind of shady. How can we come up with a reaction here? reaction? Okay, now, maybe you can put a little like hanky in it if you can. Ah, yeah, my son.
Working in Okay.
All AF is asking us about f Hello everyone how important are link shorteners link inside the drive stack and G sites. Well, the guys are doing it for a reason. Definitely the guys are doing it for a reason. We used to use our Google shortener but that’s not a thing anymore. So, so the guys are definitely doing it for a recent in terms of power we use, we use our own link shortener which, you know, it’s incredibly powerful at this point and much, much powerful that we launched it. So you get that additional if you weren’t so link shorteners are I think that there’s a reason behind it like there’s a mad scientist type of recent Marco kind of No, but the guys are using it because I’ve heard them repeatedly said that link shorteners. You know, they carry the power, they carry the power, they stop the link juice to backlink juice for going so there’s a lot of benefits of doing it. That’s why the guys are so adamant about Robert Marco about using link shorteners inside the Dr. Saxon G and G sack, you know, so there’s definitely a recent
For that we used to again, we used to use the Google URL shortener, which was the best Jordan that you can possibly have in terms of SEO, but that’s not a thing anymore. So we have the second-best thing, which is our own shortener that’s an additional thing that you get, besides a bunch of additional things, like you get the shortener and buy your own stuff, which is super powerful. You also get the user’s guide, you know, which is something that we’re actually selling, you get it for free when you get an SEO, an SEO shield. So so you get all of those additional things that you don’t get through third-party vendors, you know, so if you go to, I don’t know, fiverr.com, if you want to, if you want to risk it, go there and get it for five bucks or 50 or whatever.
But that is something you know that we’re adding a lot of value to the thing so that you know exactly what to do and the link shortener, it’s definitely up there with the value, you know.
How Important Are Link Shortnere Links Inside The Drive Stacks And GSite?
Okay, so Hello, I’m new. I just want to know is there a set of data for your products I can buy to consistently rank my lead gen organically and in my pack. In what orders GMB is wise. This is a great question, Adam. You do the honors. But yeah, I mean, I was gonna say like I say to give them the best like if you’ve really got some you really don’t know where to start what to do, like come join our Facebook group so that we can talk to you about this and you can ask because you’re going to need to follow up questions like just with that, and especially for me like I can’t give you a detailed answer. Yes, the answer is yes, we do have done for your products that we can help you rank your lead gen both organically for your website and the map pack for your listing. And you know, as far as what that looks like, you know, that changes depending on what you have, but yeah, there’s definitely you know, come in you can get we just talked about the SEO power shield for someone asking basically the exact same question. So I would say if you scroll or depending on where you’re at in the video if you’re here with this live, you already heard her talk about it. If you’re coming in and watching this, you can back up and listen to that, but just head over to mgyb.co, SEO power shield would be the place to start. And then you know as far as ranking like your GMB assets, it depends if you want to get a GMB like if you’re going to do lead gen on your own, you can get a verified GMB through MGYB. And then depending on where you want to go from there because maybe you need to learn how to optimize CMV. Maybe you’re looking at what you should be doing the posting. You can check out local GMB Pro. Just search for that and you’ll find the course on that. And then yeah, it depends what you want to do if you want to use MGYB to get the done for you services, so that you can either do it for yourself or clients and have our kind of perform that stuff for you. That’s great. If you want to learn how to do it. You can look at our ys reloaded. You can check out local GMB Pro, and kind of go from there and then hop into the Facebook group and tell us what you need to know. Yeah, for sure. So there’s also this little jewel right here. You know, I’m hovering through it. So there’s the battle plan.
So there’s this little jewel right here that you can get, it’s super inexpensive. And it will tell you exactly step by step what to do, how to do it, and what to get, you know, so that’s another option. But I do think that these questions are a little bit tricky. You need a little bit of, I would say guidance or coaching or whatever, you know, we, we tend to, we tend to prescribe the SEO shield a lot, because it can it kind of ticks all the boxes, right? It gives you a lot of precedences, it gives you a lot of authority right off the bat, it allows you to, you know, build that authority and then it gives you a lot of targets that you can then you know, link for or link towards, I should say. Okay, cool. So who is this guy Adam moody? Should I bind him to let me see ya? Why did the action? Okay. I cannot add reactions, man. I know.
Yeah, I did it just for you. Because today everything’s gonna break. So thank you, bro. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Yo, bro, man. Yeah, yeah, man. So Alright, so question two is about conversion, making Google understand conversion was made. Yeah, baby, again, you want to use. So you want to use a. So you want to set up a goal, of course in analytics and then you want to add your Google Analytics to your Google Tag Manager. So you want to set up a goal in Google Analytics. And then you want to set up your and then you want to add your Google Analytics code to the Google Tag Manager, make sure that you’re also using the Google linker. So there’s a Google linker property that you just added there doesn’t do anything. You just added there. So So yeah, but you actually need to create the goal and goal in analytics, and then install the analytics in Google Tag Manager.
What Do You Mean By Pinging Websites For Backlinks And Backlink Indexing?
Okay, so let’s see. BBs asked another question is the meaning of pinging websites for backlinks and pinging for backing indexing? How did you find the ping command to make it happen in each case, and also it’s being a relevant image for today? That’s actually a great question. And the answer is that it used to be really relevant. It used to be really relevant, but you know, I think that ping it, So for instance, if you go to ping them out, pingomatic.com. And also like WordPress by default will ping pingnomadic.com but it’s just like I think that there’s so many pinging like lately like that you can ping, ping nomadic and big money will ping a bunch of additional different websites and whatnot.
So, you know that like, there’s so much being like all the time that I don’t even think that’s relevant anymore like we should ask the idea like he’s the indexing magician, you know, he makes stuff index pretty quickly and I don’t know how he does it but he does it you know, so, so but it’s just thinking about it from the perspective of you know, the whole you know, Google-like if it would index every ping that people do it’s you know, it’s like the computing power but out but also like I would potentially ask the idea like what well now what’s the secret sauce is we don’t want to know that but you can ask them. No, no, no, I don’t want no I really don’t want to know like, you know if they asked me, I will say, I don’t know anything, you know. But, uh, but yeah, maybe so great question. You can still try it like, ideally, you would do it automatically. There’s some, there are some bots out there. WordPress automatically will ping, you know through ping ematic. You can add a bunch of. They’re called RPC. So they’re called RPC services. So if you search for paying services for WordPress, or RPC services for WordPress, WordPress have they have this box where you can put a bunch of additional ping services if you so choose. But, you know, I think it’s a matter of traffic as a matter of authority, some area of activity, right. You can ping as much as you want. But if the website if the article if anything, it’s not having enough authority, it’s not having enough, you know, traction. I don’t think it’s gonna be relevant. So I think to add, now, I don’t mind. All right, cool. Let’s see.
Bradley hears banjo music and in typing CS Finster muscle. I think,
Wayne, I think that’s pretty accurate. All right, so let’s see.
How do you hold these in what orders do you do? Do you guys do citations? Do you order aggregator first and the manual citations or vice versa? So does it even effing matter? That’s a great question and the answer to that is I don’t know I’m so sorry. Oh, Bradley’s not here. I’m good Bradley. Marco isn’t here, Chris. chime in. If you do, I haven’t done citations. I will try and I wouldn’t like yeah like I think that’s above my paygrade So, unfortunately, gonna say yeah, there’s the questions about funnels and Facebook? Like, wow, some fake business and stuff. But, uh, but thank you, guys. Yeah, like, like, that’s above my paygrade I’m pretty sure that Bradley will come in hot like next time and you know, and say you guys set a straight
yes to us and say Why? The hell you didn’t answer this question?
So he will come in and actually answer it. So I’m sorry.
So one more question. If I already have a Google Site created, I wanted to make sure I got the keyword in the URL. Can I order a white stripe sec and just give you access to Google site? I’m not entirely sure. Is this possible? Is that something I? Yeah, I can’t recall. So I would just say contact [email protected]. I forget because I want to say yes, but I can’t recall if we had out for some reason. So just contact support, they’ll be able to tell you. Yeah, I want to say yes to I think that we talked about that. But I’m not entirely sure if that ended up being a thing. I know that some people will have their Google side and then but then again, I think that the guys decided to stop doing it just because of, you know, our staff is small, better. But no, in all seriousness, as we created in a specific way, but yeah, just contact its [email protected]. Right, Adam? Correct. Yeah. All right.
Which URL Do You Want To Power From The Drive Stack If Your Client Offers Conference Services To Multiple Cities?
Ricky Bobby is asking, hello. Was that I love it. Sorry. I know it’s not his real name, but anyway, so I love your picture in the Facebook group because it’s Ricky Bobby. Bobby. Yeah. Okay, I ordered the SEO shield, I have some questions about what to fill out, I ordered keyword research. So I’ll upload that when I get it great. But the claim we have is a conference and they move every now and then for the next few years, they’re going to be in Vegas, they have roughly 40 k people go to the conference every year from all around the world. One of the things is it asked is for which URL? Do you want to power from the drive stack to go to? Which URL? Do you want to power from the data, the power from the drive stack to go to do that? I mean, the money site and yes, yes, that means that that means the money site. So which URL Do you want the power from the Google Drive site to go to? And yes, that’s the money site, because we’re going to from drives that we’re going to, we’re going to add, we’re going to add, you know, outbound links that go either to your website, your or to your G site, you know, so so that’s probably another question that you can
  Ask for support or to our Facebook group. So you can either do either to the website or to the G site. So yeah, which makes sense. And then as far as moving around that, really, and this case, I shouldn’t be punished. Yeah. If they’re going to stay there for the next few years like whenever they move, you can start working or when I like six months, baby before they move, you can actually start, you know, working towards the next location, but I think you should be fine. But like if I’m just thinking to like, for us, let’s think like small scale or the kind of general problem would be like if we were building one around, POFU Live pofulive.com is our domain. We didn’t there’s no address associated with it. Right. There’s no set location. So I think that kind of the same deal. Like Yeah, go ahead. And you would build out around that point that your conference URL and unless there’s something I’m missing there. Yeah, no, I do agree. They have contracts for years, we’ve been to a particular hotel venue, so I think you should be fine. You should be covered for the next but I mean, it wouldn’t be like you would be like building. I mean, again, I don’t know. This is interesting to me. Just because hopefully I’ve come up but are you like having the SEO shield built and have Vegas in the name or something? You know, that’s the only thing I could think about where would be who why would even matter. So yeah, yeah, that’s the thing. So I don’t know the URL that they’re using but if it’s like, Ricky Bobby conference Vegas calm then you obviously need to work your way around it right. So and you can even read reg that to Ricky Bobby.
No, we do have GMB listing. So yeah, you might want to actually send that to GMB or to the website. So if you go from Ricky Bobby Vegas calm to you can redirect that to Ricky Bobby, Ricky, Bobby. Or not just wants to keep saying, Ricky Bobby. Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s go.
Why Do You Consider Facebook Ads If You Have The SEO Shield?
Alright, so BB wins another one. Is there more time? If so, yes, we do have a little bit more time. I saw someone Hernan’s video Oh, shut up. I saw Hernan’s videos and there were videos about Facebook ads. Why would you consider Facebook ads when you have an SEO shield is enough traffic? That’s actually a great question, BB. Let me tell you, let me tell you something right now. No, but for real, like one of the things that I do in the semantic mastery mastermind and so Adam has his productivity and email marketing and funnel, you know, side of things. Chris also has his email marketing and business side of things. And I have my Facebook ads slash paid traffic demo. So I do have my own like, show if you were on the mastermind, where we talked about paid acquisition strategies. And what we do with paid acquisition is basically and this is like about Facebook ads or Google ads, it’s to accelerate results. Right? So what we do with Facebook ads is to let’s say that you got a new client, right? Let’s talk about roofer in my Manhattan, it might take you a couple of weeks or a couple of months to actually get to where you want to be with Facebook.
With you know, with listings and that’s the game we’re playing, but if you want to accelerate the videos you want to get the guy some traction than paid advertising is usually the best way to go. So you can run a Google actually a Google to call campaign or Facebook ads lead ads which are great right now they’re working like crazy. And then you can get the client you can get some traction for the client, I will low ad spend while the rest of the stuff is kicking in. Now, here’s the other benefit of doing that is that when you have the shield, you will get this amount of traffic to the website right, which you can then retarget with Facebook ads, and you can then retarget with Google Display Network. Okay, so that’s, that’s an added benefit. That’s called omnipresence. Okay. And number three is that you’re not only depending on one source of traffic, either Facebook ads or Google, Google organic, and the reason why is because the more traffic sources you have, the more solid your brand becomes right? So that is like saying why would you build an email list if you have the SEO show? Well, you need to build an email list right? So that’s, that’s some of the stuff that we talked about in the mastermind is like the real benefit of building a brand through Facebook advertising. A lot of people are using Facebook ads like at the beginning and then maybe you can dial it back as you start getting GMB calls or whatever. But it has so many many many benefits and so many levels to add some sort of paid advertising strategy either through Google Ads YouTube or Facebook ads, which is my thing. my wheelhouse and if you want to comment on this let me know.
Will The Content Curation Model Works For A Tough Niche That Have Long-Form Content?
All right, I understand the content curation model but what if we’re going for a tough niche that all our writing unique long-form content are you suggesting to go for some other niche or the shield and link building packages will add rank or stuff even though they’re less good than the competition Okay, BB great question but I caught a curated article not less good quote-unquote, enter the competition unless the competition is like unique, long-form content that really attracts and really, you know, it’s really, really good in terms of generating engagement from the audience, like getting people to read and spend a lot of time in your website and then click into other pages. So, you know, you can still make some much this like you if you’re going with curation, maybe once a month, or once every two weeks, you can come up with a long-form content piece, right? So it’s not because everyone else is doing long-form content doesn’t mean that you can, you cannot do curation. So if you did your keyword research, if that’s the niche that you want to go after. That’s, you know, that’s something that you want to keep them pursuing. In fact, maybe you will be doing something that they’re not doing and that will give you an edge, right. So we don’t really know until you try and also the fact that you’re doing curated content and some form of long-form content. I think that’s, you know, that’s beneficial because while they are putting out a lot of long-form content, which takes a long time, a lot of money, a lot of effort and maybe you can put be putting out like, you ready constants just like this, you know, so that will be my intake on it. I don’t know what you guys think.
Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry, is looking because I was literally looking up something about this today cuz I’m getting ready to write some stuff for my productivity based stuff that’s a little bit longer format than what I usually do. So I agree, I think that you know, just because it’s curated doesn’t mean that’s not good, but at the same time, you know, this isn’t, you’re not paying someone $2 to curate an article and that’s going to magically outrank, but this is also partially it’s getting for me into that area of like, how many syndication networks would it take to rank this article? It’s like, Well, no, as many as it takes, and maybe it’ll take some other stuff. So and BB I think, you know, that so I know you’re not like asking us that. But it’s verging on that where it’s like, I don’t know. You know, it depends on Yeah, the article like Bonanza, what are the engagement metrics, if you have a curated article and all this is just like, you know, one or two sentences, and then some you
A bunch of curated stuff and people go there and bounce then yeah, that the engagement metrics are gonna suck. So yeah, but yeah, mix it up, you know, instead of having to pay or write just long-form, you could go in, maybe start creating some infographic type material, if you could get that done or do it yourself. There are lots of tools to do that look at like writing how-to articles instead.
How about a list? You could curate lists, that would be a pretty cool one to do. And then you know, slip in some videos, and maybe other things on the site, which is another good way to drive some engagement. So yeah, mixing it up, I think would lighten the load on you also creating some great content. Yeah, yeah. And you can also use the pillar content meaning those long-form articles to actually like send pay traffic like those are great Facebook ads like targets great, fantastic. Like those long-form articles that you see if you have like two or three there. You can send paid advertising to it and they are not great.
Should You Include Breadcrumbs In The Pages Of The Money Site?
Okay, should we include breadcrumbs in the pages of the money site is the breadcrumb schema help ranking? So I’ve heard Marco so now we’re going into that, that realm. I’ve heard Marco said that the breadcrumb schema helps to rank. And the same, the same with the fourth question. Can we use breadcrumb schema without having actual breadcrumbs on the page? I don’t know. Probably you can’t. I wrote I don’t really know.
And I don’t know if Marcos is watching this, and then he might be screaming if we’re saying anything that doesn’t, you know, that we shouldn’t say, but, uh, but maybe ask on the Facebook group, you know, that will be, Yeah, that’d be the next best thing. So we swear if you if you’re new, we started that, you know, we actually bring in the goods. It’s just that you know, we’re operating. We’re at 60% here today. I would, I would say at 40 Yeah. 40% Yeah. 60%.
Okay, well, let’s keep it at 45. All right.
Let’s see Ricky Bobby sass is saying the client hat we have on six different conferences. But this is the first one to test you guys out perfect. just crush it for that and then roll it over to the other five. That is great. That is great.
Should You Buy A Link Indexing After Map Embed Or Link Building Are Delivered?
Pablo is asking. Hi, guys. Thanks for the great answers. Thank you for dropping by. Should I buy a link indexing after? Should I buy a link indexing after map embeds or link building are delivered? Yes. You? Yes. Yes. So link indexing after link building? Usually, it’s a good thing. Link indexing after map embeds. I haven’t heard about that yet. But link indexing after link building? Yeah, for sure. Because again, you know, dedhia has the as the pulse on that, and he’s really good. He’s just got a crazy indexing rate. I know it fluctuates over time with you know, different methods and all that but I think he’s still getting 60 plus percent, something like that, which is just nuts or link building. You know, which is just crazy. Crazy. Good. Alright guys, any other questions? We’ll give you guys 30 more seconds. And we’ll go from there. And I hope that we were you know, I got a question for you or not
Well, we don’t have to run out the clock here. But let’s talk about it. We’re asking about questions about Facebook, we got a lot of good content stuff, and you mentioned it real quick. Who would you recommend to do long-form content and run ads to it? Do you see that being something good, that would work for people who are primarily doing like client stuff? or trying to rank organically? Like, where would that fit in? Do you think so? Yes. So that’s actually a great question. And I would say hey, long-form content plus ads, it’s almost always a good idea to do for a couple of reasons. Number one, because like if you’re sending traffic pay traffic, right paid to pick like real traffic, not like CTR spam type stuff, like real traffic, real human beings to a website, where the long-form content with a call to actions throughout the long-form content, whatnot, that will help you rank faster, mostly because you’re feeding the bot a lot of activity. And also if people stay, they come back because the articles really good. They’re good to the next page, they don’t ban bounce out and all that, that helps a lot in terms of like ranking signals. But not only that, from a consumer perspective as well, like, because they hit your page, they might stay for a long time. And then you can retarget them, right. So if they’ve seen your ads on Facebook, they don’t click on them, just by the fact that they’re clicking on them and landing on your website. They’re behaviorally saying that they’re interested in what you have to offer. So it’s a good idea to actually, you know, build a list out of them and buy a list, I mean, a retargeting list that you can build in, within Facebook. So it’s usually a good idea when you’re trying to set yourself up for success, whether it’s a local website or local clients or your own agency, like by all means, if you won’t get more clients through this, if you don’t like money, don’t do this. But if you want to get more clients definitely do that. So well, that helps. Does that answer your question? It most certainly does. And thank you and also want to say thanks to Ricky Bobby. I think this is a really good suggestion he had, we’re certainly working on, you know, making it easier to have both MGYB and with Semantic Mastery to figure out what you need. And so what he said was something that we should consider in the future a sort of quiz or funnel that we could use to figure out what to get and when. And 100% of it. Actually just shared that with the guys in slack. And we’re going to look into that. That’s a fantastic idea. Great idea. Great idea. I’m happy to take the credit for it. Yeah.
Sadly, it’s been recorded. So now we know. But you know, recordings get lost sometimes. So let’s see Vivi saying how to how to syndicate all there. Okay, we don’t we might be at 45% but we’re definitely funnier than the other guys. So you can say that you can comment that okay. You can say that.
How To Syndicate Older Posts To Branded Properties?
Alright, so bb is asking how to syndicate all their posts to brand new properties. IFTTT only allows new posts only great question bV. There are a couple of there a couple of plugins in WordPress that will do that. So there’s a couple of WordPress plugins that will allow you to repost all posts number one, but also number two, it will allow you to repost old posts without actually posting them. What do I mean? It means they will update the RSS feed through which the IFTTT syndication network will activate but without adding a new post to your blog. Right so let’s say you have all the content so there’s a couple of plugins that will do that they will reinstate that post into the IFTTT feed and does you know, bye-bye. By the way, it works, it will activate the syndication network. So you can try both but there’s a couple of plugins that will do that in WordPress. So
What Is The Best Way To Push Power To Additional GMB In Different Countries Besides Web Page Silo?
let’s see. Pablo is asking what is the best way besides current web page silo to push powers to additional GMB in different countries, different counties. The main GMB is covered by Google stacks. What is the next spec? What is the next step to cover additional ones, I would say link building so it’s usually a good idea press release, press release stacks are actually a good idea to actually push more power to additional GMBs. So additional stacks, you know sending power to the additional sites.
So, at that point what you want to do is you want to try with link building first if you know that pushes this because some countries will be more susceptible to rank fluctuations than other mostly because of competition so so you can actually go there and push additional power through link building and link indexing on those countries and then if that doesn’t work, then you you order link building, you index you wait right for 21 days and then you go after that. So that’s what I would do. Okay, we have another one from bV Have you encounter a problem that IFTTT does not post articles that have really long-form content say about 4000 words? I haven’t really BB not that take a look and I bet you could figure it out real quick because it should say an IFTTT if you log in and go into the applet like it may have a cutoff but yeah, I’ve never posted stuff over 4000 words. So okay. Um, I’m not sure like I haven’t gone through this like
Yeah, like 4000 words that’s a lot of content really, really awful. But there is this WordPress RSS feed cuts it up at a certain point. So there’s the limitation on there. Okay, so it’s not IFTTT might be the RSS feed for a while you can pretty much manually or commit, which one of our plugins did back in the day. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, that’s cool. That’s cool. But I was like, we haven’t really gone through the problem of you know, about 4000 words. So no, so
Unknown Speaker 45:35 let’s see. Ricky Bobby is saying the suggestion came out a little frustration more if I’m not sure. Totally feel you I had when I was starting to look into you guys. A lot of stuff in there was in good but I have no idea what I actually need based on what I’m at with the client or the client is afar really already own in the category. There’s much different sequence of stuff decline is brand new to me webs and the web, versus someone who’s been in business for 30 years in our life for 20. Yes, definitely 1,000% Ricky and we’re actually actively working to make it better. We have been creating content and putting out stuff for the past six years. So seven years now. So it’s you know, it’s a complicated task, but we’re actively working towards that. One of the things that we came up with is the battle plan. You know, the battle plan has a couple of sections in terms of You see, the GMB website is it a new website is a niche website or YouTube channel. So then you have like, some sort of decision tree, but the quiz idea is great. The quality is really good. So we really do appreciate that we’re doing what our best here to actually, you know, but the content on more much more dynamic consumable way provided that this is Episode 297, you know, a weekly show.
So, yeah, brother. Appreciate it. I might purchase it by dinner ready? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It would be a good idea if you did, you know, if you could just take that and turn it into a survey to so
You could like maybe that’s part of the battle plan that you guys know to buy the battle plan.
Okay, if you didn’t go by Alright guys, that’s it for today. I think this was fun. Sounds good. Anything you want to add? Check it out hopefully live calm. You know we’re not traveling right now but we will be doing hopefully live last weekend in September check it out 10% discount on tickets right now across the board. That’s the main ticket VIP ticket, which includes some beers shipped directly to you, and then a VIP plus ticket for those of you who are looking for some consulting time at a considerable discount what it would normally take to hire six of us to sit down with you and talk to you for 90 minutes. We’re not your issues. Yeah, we’re not cheap. We’re not cheap. Specifically, if you like it if you need a shrink or anything we double You know, that’s even more expensive. But yeah, guys hopeful lab.com we’d love to have you there’s some stuff in there that we don’t share anywhere else like anywhere else. You know.
They’re and people are raving about content, the connections, and everything else. So just you guys in there. Alright guys, thank you for hanging out for a little bit so you guys can see everyone cheers
  Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297
Click on the video above to watch Episode 297 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There is us for a second. Yeah. What’s up, guys? What’s going on? Sorry about that.
Sorry about that. Let me notify the rest of these guys
sorry about that. You got an echo on there. I just changed it. So sorry about that, guys. You know this is a train wreck when Bradley is not here so we go alright, there he is. Hey, I’m assuming we’re live. We’re live so you can cool it or should I just kind of hop in and go with it? Just go. It’s just if you want to explain to people what happened? Oh, no, no, no worries. We’ll just keep rolling with it. Yeah, a few tech issues when Bradley goes away. Yeah, we’re not used to running in zoom. And if something can go wrong, it will. I’m sure you guys are all familiar with this. So anyway, we’re just gonna keep rolling right along, you know, this YouTube thing.
So I’m good. I’m good otherwise, good deal. All right, Chris, how about you? Yeah, then goes here. I’m glad we actually made it.
So yeah. How are you doing today? Not bad. Yeah. nice sunny day. kind of got a macho thing going on here where it’s been, you know, a few clouds burn off. It’s been nice, but 75. So I can’t complain. I’m happy. I’m going to get outside and after we wrap this up and go for a trail run, so yeah, a good day for me. So, Marco, how about you, man?
Oh, you’re muted.
Round Groundhog Day as usual. I was about to say, Man, we’re. We’re over to here. Yeah, there we go. I heard something. Not anymore.
All right. Well, keep trying it. Marco. Well, we’ll come back to you real quick. I just had a couple of things that I wanted to mention before we dive in and start answering questions. If you are on the email list. Then you got the heads up about POFU Live 2020. We are going virtual This is going to be a great chance for everyone to come, you don’t have to get a hotel room, you don’t have to plan out, travel and buy airplane tickets. It’s going to be available to everyone at home. We are limiting it though. So there are only 50 tickets available. And for the next couple of days, there’s a 10% discount. So we want to reward the people who grabbed those tickets, go ahead and make the choice and hop in. You can find out more at pofulive.com. But we’re gonna have all of us will be there. We’ve got a bunch of great presentations, we’ve got the agenda, we get all that stuff laid out on there. It’s still going to be available and good for networking and for learning and asking questions. Because I know that’s a thing that I think about when I think about online or virtual is like yeah, is it really going to be the same as it, you’re going to be able to meet people are going to be able to ask questions. And you know, of course, it’s not going to be the same not gonna be able to go out grab a drink with somebody you just met, but you are going to have the chance to interact. If you grab a VIP ticket. You’re definitely going to have a chance to interact. We’re going to ship you some beer. You’re going to be part of the VIP tour. We’re going to do virtually as well as the Hangout after that, and then was talking about the questions and answers, we’re going to have some q&a time for each presentation, as well as the case studies that we do. And then a little bit on top of that, just for some open q&a, so we got lots of good stuff.
Let’s plan and go on into this. If you have any questions, hit us up at [email protected] or just hop into the Facebook group and ask us there but like I said, a 10% discount goes away. If you want to find out more about it, go check it out at pofulive.com. So with that said to the other thing I wanted to touch base on again, with emails, you’ve probably seen this, but if not that there is an mg y b flash sale going on right now for our ys drive stacks, head over to mg y b.co. And you can use July stack 20 or July our ys 20 to get a great discount on your ROI S Drive stacks and I’ll put the links and all that good stuff on here if you’re live but last but not least. Just wanted to say oh, we just lost Marco, man, we’re having all sorts of crazy stuff happening today and I’m like trying to read something and like I’m like what’s going on over here?
So I didn’t want to say anything else I think I’ll just turn it over to her now and he’s gonna try to drive the ship here and get us going so I’m gonna put up on the page and call it good here. Yeah, we’ll see it we’ll see what happens. Okay, so Marco is here apparently so but yeah, dudes like today’s today’s is going crazy. Bradley, where are you? Alright, so let me actually share my screen and we’ll go through the questions as much as we can. And we’ll go from there. All right, cool. So
Do You Plan Of Offering Social Media Accounts To Create A Stronger Brand Entity Like KnowEm?
user3948759 Volvo says do you plan to offer Do you plan to offer social accounts creating in order to have an in stronger and even stronger brand entity? I mean, something like no m, etc. That’s actually a good question. And I don’t know we have brob in the crowd.
But one of the things that we do offer with IFTTT and with your syndication networks is the ability that we will create some social accounts for you. Not all of them. But uh, but definitely, definitely a bunch. And every time what happens with our syndication Academy, or our syndication networks, is that what we try to do is we try to update the profiles that we have there, right in terms of, if we find anything else that works like peripheries, or this or that, you know, we will add it into our ecosystem as well. So that’s a great question for Rob. I’m not sure if Rob is in the crowd right now. But if you are Robert, you and you want to answer our good user anonymous here, I would really appreciate that. So. All right, so Fitz is asking a good day, gents. Thanks for allowing us to ask questions and get real-world actionable, actionable answers. Thank you, Fitz, for showing up. When we get the press release back, what are some good places we can use the content?
So, if you mean the content for the press release itself, like a face has been released, I wouldn’t reuse potentially that content. If you’re talking about the content itself or the press releases, again, like if that content has to be syndicated already has been submitted, probably I wouldn’t use it anywhere else, because that’s the whole point of a press release, right? It’s the content that goes out on the press releases, you know, it’s there, it’s it belongs to the press releases themselves. Now, with that being said, there’s a couple of things that you can try and do. As soon as the content is good. You can get it edited slightly like you can get it edited and turn that into a GMB post or turn that into an actual post. You can actually try to spin it, you know, and that is something you want to that you want to maybe fear.
You want to maybe get to daddy on and let him do his thing when it comes to third and fourth year, links, and all of that. But again, once
You get the content from press releases. Maybe you should keep it like that unless you really want to edit it. And if you want to edit it and turn that that content into one or two additional content pieces, we could you totally can either divide that content or curate content on top of the press release. Then you can totally turn that into GMB posts or your own posts on your blog. Do you want to add anything to that guys?
Nope, that’s good.
Okay, cool. So let’s see. I’ll finish is asking.
What MGYB SEO Services Are Good For Local Lead Generation Websites And GMB?
Let’s see. I was hoping you could help me figure it out. Which of your services would be the best fit for my websites? I’m building a lead generation website for local service area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwel, Idaho roofers. I just was that You can’t say all of the services. So Oh, I can’t Yeah, no. All right. All right. Cool. Now I really need to think about this. Okay, so I’m building a lead generation website for local services area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwell, Idaho, and roofers in Manhattan, New York. This will be small sites, targeting specific niches and areas I was thinking perhaps the original airways thrive stack would be the most appropriate. I plan on putting up quite a bit of these sites soon. I was just looking for a general idea where to start, I’m looking to rank in the top three for both GMB and organic funds are somewhat limited. So I’d like not to be redundant in my spending. Okay, great question. And I would potentially start with the SEO shield, you know, for your websites. And the reason why is because the SEO shields will, you know, have the 123 punch that you need, it will have the stack, it will have a syndication network, and he will allow you to and they will have you know, Id loops and all of that crazy stuff that helps really, really rank your website. Now, when it comes to SEO shields, you have three options, you know, if funds are somewhat limited, you can get the basic option. But you know, like why would you choose like just a regional our ys drive stack if you can get the whole combo of power for each of your websites.
Right. So when it comes to planning this type of campaign or this type of resource, or this type of website that you want to do, I would suggest that you go through whatever is will potentially bring you the most revenue first, and then work your way down. So for instance, let’s say that carpet cleaners in Colorado and Caldwell, Idaho, that would be one niche, right, roofers in Manhattan, New York, that would be a completely different niche, like in terms of the power that you need to rank but also in terms of the money that you can make, because it’s a completely different niche, right. So if you were to put money behind a project, like such as carpet cleaners, or roofers or whatever, I would suggest, hey, go for the higher dollar, you know, usually, I really like to work with high ticket type of contractors or local services and whatnot, just because of the fact that they just you know, they just make sense and you can charge more money. So something fun or somewhat limited, you will be building these assets in order
You want to start where the opportunities there if that makes sense. So I would suggest definitely suggest SEO Power shieldl. One 1,000%. Marco, are you here and hear us
techies out there trying to fix this mic. We’re gonna add on to this, you know, that alpha niche, whoever This is if you recently joined our email list or you have in the last year to, you know, part of what we do to, you know, kind of explaining who we are. And what we do is, you know, Bradley talks about how he got started in carpet cleaning was one of the first things he did was lead gen for a business doing that. And the reason why he got out of that, which Hernan kind of touched on and like looking at, you know, does this make sense for me to be involved in? And so I’m not saying that it’s the wrong niche, it’s, that’s never like a black and white answer you just need to look at is it going to make sense for you? Does it make sense for you to get an SEO power shield? You know, would that support itself even if you, you know, could you spend money on it to rank it and then would it pay for itself because if it doesn’t, it’s like waive and get started. So, right. Yeah, so doing a little bit of cost analysis there and saying, you know, if it takes thousand dollars to rank. Are you going to take that back? How long you know, things like that? I mean, I’m just pulling the number out of thin air, you know, that could be more could be less you never know. And so yeah, take that stuff into consideration also. So you’re looking to get in the top three for both GMB and organic. So yeah, SEO power shield and then, you know, looking at obviously, optimizing your GMB and there’s a lot you can do there using press releases for both of those, and then ongoing link building things like that. Yeah, yeah, I totally, totally agree. Like you need to approach this as a real business right, you need to do the cost analysis and you also need to kind of understand how long it will take you to rank for something like roofing in Manhattan, you know, where the competition is way higher than something like I think the other option was carpet cleaning scalpel, Idaho, right. So that is something to consider as well like, what’s the more bang for your buck like if you can go for a low competition but still high ticket type of deal.
He’ll then I think that’s the sweet spot that we’re kind of trying to go after. So
How Do You Resolve Collision Issues Of Press Release Stacking & Curation?
okay, cool. So, Bb was a bunch of questions there. Yeah, he usually asks a bunch of questions, but there’s a good question. Okay, so thank you bb. Let’s see right in a press release with our creation method has some collision with the press release stacking video. Say we want you to create two pages we have to cite link the sources which leave us one extra link left to put the PR, which will be either to the money site or the shield properties because press releases allow three links that we can do the pre PR stacking method links to previous PR branding, property monetizing. How do we resolve that? Well, that’s actually a good point BB and what you can do is since you only have three link placements, and you always want to do at least one link to the at least one leg to the shield property and at least one link to another PR then you can always cite one page. You know you can always have like once a source in that case. So that will that way it will give you three links that you can use, right? Because like, if you had to choose like if I had to choose three-link placements and that’s what I can work with, and I want to go ahead with the, with the with how do you call it the press restacking then what I would suggest is, of course, press release. Second, you need to be daisy-chaining the press releases number one, number two, you always want to have a link to your, your shield properties, you know to power them up. And number three, you might have a link to an external website like a curation website. So I would say hey, maybe you want to sacrifice one of those curation websites and have more real estate that will impact your brand. What do you think, Adam? Yeah, I’m looking at this as took me a little bit longer. You’re much quicker on your feet. I had to like to sit here and think for a minute and like absorb what was being said. Unless I’m missing something. And it’s been a while since I’ve dealt directly with PR. So take this with a heavy grain of salt. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this, but I’m also thinking do you have to use an actual URL link, or can you do a just sliding it and literally in the text saying this is where it came from and not using one of your three backlinks. So, you know, maybe that’s what I said.
Yeah, I like that. I like that. Because that way you will have, it will be a site, right? It will be a citation, it wouldn’t be a link will be a citation. So you can have that as a, you know, not a link. But if you have to choose like in terms of, should I go after? Should I go after, like, what do you choose, right? Like, I would definitely choose my money site, or my money site or your shield properties that would definitely go with your properties. I don’t know, I’m just a little bit more conservative, if you would, then the other press release. That’s what the whole stacking method is all about. And then one of those extra websites and then you can just drop an unlinked URL, which is going to be a citation. So I think that’s actually a good idea.
Cool. Yeah. Now, by all means, um, my heavy caveat on this, obviously follow the rules of the press release sites you’re using if they say to do differently than you better do what they say. Yeah, sure.
Google Tag Manager Testing
So I’m currently using Google Tag Manager that puts the Google Analytics tags inside the page when testing down, nothing happening, isn’t working for you on Tag Manager, you use only Google Analytics a BB, you need to add the Google Analytics code within Google Tag Manager, like Google Tag Manager will not automatically put the Analytics code in your Facebook page in your website. So one of the things that you want to add in the tag section is the Google Analytics tag to the Google Tag Manager, okay, it doesn’t like honestly, go Tag Manager doesn’t automatically add any tag. You know, like analytics will tell you if you have Google Tag Manager, use the Google linking property, which is a tag that you can use in Google Tag Manager, Google Lincoln property. And that will allow you to link your, your Google Tag Manager with Google ads and also analytics. So you need to have something in there, it doesn’t automatically asset and you can always use the
You can always use the Google Pixel helper, which is kind of similar to the Facebook pixel helper, but it’s Google Tag helper, which is a Chrome plugin to see if the analytics tag is actually firing, but you need to add it, you need to manually add it.
Why Do You Say That Virginia SEO Agency Is Bad Anchor Backlink For Money Site But Good For Gsite?
Okay, and then he’s asking, Why did you say that Virginia SEO agencies have bad anchor backing for the money site, but for the G site, it’s okay. We can use exact match keywords as anchor text. I think that Bradley what he refers to so is the brand, right? We’re always talking about the brand. So, Virginia SEO agency, if you’re going to link to your money site, you need to be really mindful of what you’re doing, right? Because it’s rare that you will get a link like a natural link. That’s it’s Virginia SEO agency, right? Like that’s super to 2010 right. So I think that he was saying, Hey, be careful with the anchor links that you’re going that they’re going to your money site to your G site, you can go to town like you can throw the kitchen sink to a G site.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t care, right? So you can go to town at 100%. But if you’re going to use Virginia SEO agency to your money site, you want to be careful to your whole profile, right? Usually, it’s going to be like Virginia SEO agency, it’s not going to be your main anchor is going to be your brand, right? He’s going to be your website like www dot Virginia SEO agency comm or even as an internal page or click here. So I think I need to be like really, really,
I would call it really diverse, with a strong like punctuation if you were a strong, strong weight on the brand, you know, but with your JSON, you can go to town as you can definitely use exact match keywords. Just be careful. You know, because that’s no, that’s not how people type. That’s not how other human beings linked to other websites. What do you think, Adam?
Yeah, I’m just kidding. pulling us back up? I think that Yeah, I agree with you. I think you know, as far as what Bradley said, I forget exactly. But looking at it, yeah, I would just say go with that exact match type of text. Yeah. Unless you know, really what you’re doing and why you’re using it. You know, I wouldn’t just be slapping it in there. So yeah, just be super careful bV with exact match linking back to money site like I wouldn’t even do it as I would, I would go like full branded at this point. Like, see, for instance, Wikipedia. Right. If you see the link profile of Wikipedia, 99% of his link profile is Wikipedia. And then the rest is all over the national universe that you can think of. So
Ah, so here’s this guy, Bradley. h. m. f. I see I think we should ban this guy. Let’s kind of shady. How can we come up with a reaction here? reaction? Okay, now, maybe you can put a little like hanky in it if you can. Ah, yeah, my son.
Working in Okay.
All AF is asking us about f Hello everyone how important are link shorteners link inside the drive stack and G sites. Well, the guys are doing it for a reason. Definitely the guys are doing it for a reason. We used to use our Google shortener but that’s not a thing anymore. So, so the guys are definitely doing it for a recent in terms of power we use, we use our own link shortener which, you know, it’s incredibly powerful at this point and much, much powerful that we launched it. So you get that additional if you weren’t so link shorteners are I think that there’s a reason behind it like there’s a mad scientist type of recent Marco kind of No, but the guys are using it because I’ve heard them repeatedly said that link shorteners. You know, they carry the power, they carry the power, they stop the link juice to backlink juice for going so there’s a lot of benefits of doing it. That’s why the guys are so adamant about Robert Marco about using link shorteners inside the Dr. Saxon G and G sack, you know, so there’s definitely a recent
For that we used to again, we used to use the Google URL shortener, which was the best Jordan that you can possibly have in terms of SEO, but that’s not a thing anymore. So we have the second-best thing, which is our own shortener that’s an additional thing that you get, besides a bunch of additional things, like you get the shortener and buy your own stuff, which is super powerful. You also get the user’s guide, you know, which is something that we’re actually selling, you get it for free when you get an SEO, an SEO shield. So so you get all of those additional things that you don’t get through third-party vendors, you know, so if you go to, I don’t know, fiverr.com, if you want to, if you want to risk it, go there and get it for five bucks or 50 or whatever.
But that is something you know that we’re adding a lot of value to the thing so that you know exactly what to do and the link shortener, it’s definitely up there with the value, you know.
How Important Are Link Shortnere Links Inside The Drive Stacks And GSite?
Okay, so Hello, I’m new. I just want to know is there a set of data for your products I can buy to consistently rank my lead gen organically and in my pack. In what orders GMB is wise. This is a great question, Adam. You do the honors. But yeah, I mean, I was gonna say like I say to give them the best like if you’ve really got some you really don’t know where to start what to do, like come join our Facebook group so that we can talk to you about this and you can ask because you’re going to need to follow up questions like just with that, and especially for me like I can’t give you a detailed answer. Yes, the answer is yes, we do have done for your products that we can help you rank your lead gen both organically for your website and the map pack for your listing. And you know, as far as what that looks like, you know, that changes depending on what you have, but yeah, there’s definitely you know, come in you can get we just talked about the SEO power shield for someone asking basically the exact same question. So I would say if you scroll or depending on where you’re at in the video if you’re here with this live, you already heard her talk about it. If you’re coming in and watching this, you can back up and listen to that, but just head over to mgyb.co, SEO power shield would be the place to start. And then you know as far as ranking like your GMB assets, it depends if you want to get a GMB like if you’re going to do lead gen on your own, you can get a verified GMB through MGYB. And then depending on where you want to go from there because maybe you need to learn how to optimize CMV. Maybe you’re looking at what you should be doing the posting. You can check out local GMB Pro. Just search for that and you’ll find the course on that. And then yeah, it depends what you want to do if you want to use MGYB to get the done for you services, so that you can either do it for yourself or clients and have our kind of perform that stuff for you. That’s great. If you want to learn how to do it. You can look at our ys reloaded. You can check out local GMB Pro, and kind of go from there and then hop into the Facebook group and tell us what you need to know. Yeah, for sure. So there’s also this little jewel right here. You know, I’m hovering through it. So there’s the battle plan.
So there’s this little jewel right here that you can get, it’s super inexpensive. And it will tell you exactly step by step what to do, how to do it, and what to get, you know, so that’s another option. But I do think that these questions are a little bit tricky. You need a little bit of, I would say guidance or coaching or whatever, you know, we, we tend to, we tend to prescribe the SEO shield a lot, because it can it kind of ticks all the boxes, right? It gives you a lot of precedences, it gives you a lot of authority right off the bat, it allows you to, you know, build that authority and then it gives you a lot of targets that you can then you know, link for or link towards, I should say. Okay, cool. So who is this guy Adam moody? Should I bind him to let me see ya? Why did the action? Okay. I cannot add reactions, man. I know.
Yeah, I did it just for you. Because today everything’s gonna break. So thank you, bro. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Yo, bro, man. Yeah, yeah, man. So Alright, so question two is about conversion, making Google understand conversion was made. Yeah, baby, again, you want to use. So you want to use a. So you want to set up a goal, of course in analytics and then you want to add your Google Analytics to your Google Tag Manager. So you want to set up a goal in Google Analytics. And then you want to set up your and then you want to add your Google Analytics code to the Google Tag Manager, make sure that you’re also using the Google linker. So there’s a Google linker property that you just added there doesn’t do anything. You just added there. So So yeah, but you actually need to create the goal and goal in analytics, and then install the analytics in Google Tag Manager.
What Do You Mean By Pinging Websites For Backlinks And Backlink Indexing?
Okay, so let’s see. BBs asked another question is the meaning of pinging websites for backlinks and pinging for backing indexing? How did you find the ping command to make it happen in each case, and also it’s being a relevant image for today? That’s actually a great question. And the answer is that it used to be really relevant. It used to be really relevant, but you know, I think that ping it, So for instance, if you go to ping them out, pingomatic.com. And also like WordPress by default will ping pingnomadic.com but it’s just like I think that there’s so many pinging like lately like that you can ping, ping nomadic and big money will ping a bunch of additional different websites and whatnot.
So, you know that like, there’s so much being like all the time that I don’t even think that’s relevant anymore like we should ask the idea like he’s the indexing magician, you know, he makes stuff index pretty quickly and I don’t know how he does it but he does it you know, so, so but it’s just thinking about it from the perspective of you know, the whole you know, Google-like if it would index every ping that people do it’s you know, it’s like the computing power but out but also like I would potentially ask the idea like what well now what’s the secret sauce is we don’t want to know that but you can ask them. No, no, no, I don’t want no I really don’t want to know like, you know if they asked me, I will say, I don’t know anything, you know. But, uh, but yeah, maybe so great question. You can still try it like, ideally, you would do it automatically. There’s some, there are some bots out there. WordPress automatically will ping, you know through ping ematic. You can add a bunch of. They’re called RPC. So they’re called RPC services. So if you search for paying services for WordPress, or RPC services for WordPress, WordPress have they have this box where you can put a bunch of additional ping services if you so choose. But, you know, I think it’s a matter of traffic as a matter of authority, some area of activity, right. You can ping as much as you want. But if the website if the article if anything, it’s not having enough authority, it’s not having enough, you know, traction. I don’t think it’s gonna be relevant. So I think to add, now, I don’t mind. All right, cool. Let’s see.
Bradley hears banjo music and in typing CS Finster muscle. I think,
Wayne, I think that’s pretty accurate. All right, so let’s see.
How do you hold these in what orders do you do? Do you guys do citations? Do you order aggregator first and the manual citations or vice versa? So does it even effing matter? That’s a great question and the answer to that is I don’t know I’m so sorry. Oh, Bradley’s not here. I’m good Bradley. Marco isn’t here, Chris. chime in. If you do, I haven’t done citations. I will try and I wouldn’t like yeah like I think that’s above my paygrade So, unfortunately, gonna say yeah, there’s the questions about funnels and Facebook? Like, wow, some fake business and stuff. But, uh, but thank you, guys. Yeah, like, like, that’s above my paygrade I’m pretty sure that Bradley will come in hot like next time and you know, and say you guys set a straight
yes to us and say Why? The hell you didn’t answer this question?
So he will come in and actually answer it. So I’m sorry.
So one more question. If I already have a Google Site created, I wanted to make sure I got the keyword in the URL. Can I order a white stripe sec and just give you access to Google site? I’m not entirely sure. Is this possible? Is that something I? Yeah, I can’t recall. So I would just say contact [email protected]. I forget because I want to say yes, but I can’t recall if we had out for some reason. So just contact support, they’ll be able to tell you. Yeah, I want to say yes to I think that we talked about that. But I’m not entirely sure if that ended up being a thing. I know that some people will have their Google side and then but then again, I think that the guys decided to stop doing it just because of, you know, our staff is small, better. But no, in all seriousness, as we created in a specific way, but yeah, just contact its [email protected]. Right, Adam? Correct. Yeah. All right.
Which URL Do You Want To Power From The Drive Stack If Your Client Offers Conference Services To Multiple Cities?
Ricky Bobby is asking, hello. Was that I love it. Sorry. I know it’s not his real name, but anyway, so I love your picture in the Facebook group because it’s Ricky Bobby. Bobby. Yeah. Okay, I ordered the SEO shield, I have some questions about what to fill out, I ordered keyword research. So I’ll upload that when I get it great. But the claim we have is a conference and they move every now and then for the next few years, they’re going to be in Vegas, they have roughly 40 k people go to the conference every year from all around the world. One of the things is it asked is for which URL? Do you want to power from the drive stack to go to? Which URL? Do you want to power from the data, the power from the drive stack to go to do that? I mean, the money site and yes, yes, that means that that means the money site. So which URL Do you want the power from the Google Drive site to go to? And yes, that’s the money site, because we’re going to from drives that we’re going to, we’re going to add, we’re going to add, you know, outbound links that go either to your website, your or to your G site, you know, so so that’s probably another question that you can
  Ask for support or to our Facebook group. So you can either do either to the website or to the G site. So yeah, which makes sense. And then as far as moving around that, really, and this case, I shouldn’t be punished. Yeah. If they’re going to stay there for the next few years like whenever they move, you can start working or when I like six months, baby before they move, you can actually start, you know, working towards the next location, but I think you should be fine. But like if I’m just thinking to like, for us, let’s think like small scale or the kind of general problem would be like if we were building one around, POFU Live pofulive.com is our domain. We didn’t there’s no address associated with it. Right. There’s no set location. So I think that kind of the same deal. Like Yeah, go ahead. And you would build out around that point that your conference URL and unless there’s something I’m missing there. Yeah, no, I do agree. They have contracts for years, we’ve been to a particular hotel venue, so I think you should be fine. You should be covered for the next but I mean, it wouldn’t be like you would be like building. I mean, again, I don’t know. This is interesting to me. Just because hopefully I’ve come up but are you like having the SEO shield built and have Vegas in the name or something? You know, that’s the only thing I could think about where would be who why would even matter. So yeah, yeah, that’s the thing. So I don’t know the URL that they’re using but if it’s like, Ricky Bobby conference Vegas calm then you obviously need to work your way around it right. So and you can even read reg that to Ricky Bobby.
No, we do have GMB listing. So yeah, you might want to actually send that to GMB or to the website. So if you go from Ricky Bobby Vegas calm to you can redirect that to Ricky Bobby, Ricky, Bobby. Or not just wants to keep saying, Ricky Bobby. Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s go.
Why Do You Consider Facebook Ads If You Have The SEO Shield?
Alright, so BB wins another one. Is there more time? If so, yes, we do have a little bit more time. I saw someone Hernan’s video Oh, shut up. I saw Hernan’s videos and there were videos about Facebook ads. Why would you consider Facebook ads when you have an SEO shield is enough traffic? That’s actually a great question, BB. Let me tell you, let me tell you something right now. No, but for real, like one of the things that I do in the semantic mastery mastermind and so Adam has his productivity and email marketing and funnel, you know, side of things. Chris also has his email marketing and business side of things. And I have my Facebook ads slash paid traffic demo. So I do have my own like, show if you were on the mastermind, where we talked about paid acquisition strategies. And what we do with paid acquisition is basically and this is like about Facebook ads or Google ads, it’s to accelerate results. Right? So what we do with Facebook ads is to let’s say that you got a new client, right? Let’s talk about roofer in my Manhattan, it might take you a couple of weeks or a couple of months to actually get to where you want to be with Facebook.
With you know, with listings and that’s the game we’re playing, but if you want to accelerate the videos you want to get the guy some traction than paid advertising is usually the best way to go. So you can run a Google actually a Google to call campaign or Facebook ads lead ads which are great right now they’re working like crazy. And then you can get the client you can get some traction for the client, I will low ad spend while the rest of the stuff is kicking in. Now, here’s the other benefit of doing that is that when you have the shield, you will get this amount of traffic to the website right, which you can then retarget with Facebook ads, and you can then retarget with Google Display Network. Okay, so that’s, that’s an added benefit. That’s called omnipresence. Okay. And number three is that you’re not only depending on one source of traffic, either Facebook ads or Google, Google organic, and the reason why is because the more traffic sources you have, the more solid your brand becomes right? So that is like saying why would you build an email list if you have the SEO show? Well, you need to build an email list right? So that’s, that’s some of the stuff that we talked about in the mastermind is like the real benefit of building a brand through Facebook advertising. A lot of people are using Facebook ads like at the beginning and then maybe you can dial it back as you start getting GMB calls or whatever. But it has so many many many benefits and so many levels to add some sort of paid advertising strategy either through Google Ads YouTube or Facebook ads, which is my thing. my wheelhouse and if you want to comment on this let me know.
Will The Content Curation Model Works For A Tough Niche That Have Long-Form Content?
All right, I understand the content curation model but what if we’re going for a tough niche that all our writing unique long-form content are you suggesting to go for some other niche or the shield and link building packages will add rank or stuff even though they’re less good than the competition Okay, BB great question but I caught a curated article not less good quote-unquote, enter the competition unless the competition is like unique, long-form content that really attracts and really, you know, it’s really, really good in terms of generating engagement from the audience, like getting people to read and spend a lot of time in your website and then click into other pages. So, you know, you can still make some much this like you if you’re going with curation, maybe once a month, or once every two weeks, you can come up with a long-form content piece, right? So it’s not because everyone else is doing long-form content doesn’t mean that you can, you cannot do curation. So if you did your keyword research, if that’s the niche that you want to go after. That’s, you know, that’s something that you want to keep them pursuing. In fact, maybe you will be doing something that they’re not doing and that will give you an edge, right. So we don’t really know until you try and also the fact that you’re doing curated content and some form of long-form content. I think that’s, you know, that’s beneficial because while they are putting out a lot of long-form content, which takes a long time, a lot of money, a lot of effort and maybe you can put be putting out like, you ready constants just like this, you know, so that will be my intake on it. I don’t know what you guys think.
Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry, is looking because I was literally looking up something about this today cuz I’m getting ready to write some stuff for my productivity based stuff that’s a little bit longer format than what I usually do. So I agree, I think that you know, just because it’s curated doesn’t mean that’s not good, but at the same time, you know, this isn’t, you’re not paying someone $2 to curate an article and that’s going to magically outrank, but this is also partially it’s getting for me into that area of like, how many syndication networks would it take to rank this article? It’s like, Well, no, as many as it takes, and maybe it’ll take some other stuff. So and BB I think, you know, that so I know you’re not like asking us that. But it’s verging on that where it’s like, I don’t know. You know, it depends on Yeah, the article like Bonanza, what are the engagement metrics, if you have a curated article and all this is just like, you know, one or two sentences, and then some you
A bunch of curated stuff and people go there and bounce then yeah, that the engagement metrics are gonna suck. So yeah, but yeah, mix it up, you know, instead of having to pay or write just long-form, you could go in, maybe start creating some infographic type material, if you could get that done or do it yourself. There are lots of tools to do that look at like writing how-to articles instead.
How about a list? You could curate lists, that would be a pretty cool one to do. And then you know, slip in some videos, and maybe other things on the site, which is another good way to drive some engagement. So yeah, mixing it up, I think would lighten the load on you also creating some great content. Yeah, yeah. And you can also use the pillar content meaning those long-form articles to actually like send pay traffic like those are great Facebook ads like targets great, fantastic. Like those long-form articles that you see if you have like two or three there. You can send paid advertising to it and they are not great.
Should You Include Breadcrumbs In The Pages Of The Money Site?
Okay, should we include breadcrumbs in the pages of the money site is the breadcrumb schema help ranking? So I’ve heard Marco so now we’re going into that, that realm. I’ve heard Marco said that the breadcrumb schema helps to rank. And the same, the same with the fourth question. Can we use breadcrumb schema without having actual breadcrumbs on the page? I don’t know. Probably you can’t. I wrote I don’t really know.
And I don’t know if Marcos is watching this, and then he might be screaming if we’re saying anything that doesn’t, you know, that we shouldn’t say, but, uh, but maybe ask on the Facebook group, you know, that will be, Yeah, that’d be the next best thing. So we swear if you if you’re new, we started that, you know, we actually bring in the goods. It’s just that you know, we’re operating. We’re at 60% here today. I would, I would say at 40 Yeah. 40% Yeah. 60%.
Okay, well, let’s keep it at 45. All right.
Let’s see Ricky Bobby sass is saying the client hat we have on six different conferences. But this is the first one to test you guys out perfect. just crush it for that and then roll it over to the other five. That is great. That is great.
Should You Buy A Link Indexing After Map Embed Or Link Building Are Delivered?
Pablo is asking. Hi, guys. Thanks for the great answers. Thank you for dropping by. Should I buy a link indexing after? Should I buy a link indexing after map embeds or link building are delivered? Yes. You? Yes. Yes. So link indexing after link building? Usually, it’s a good thing. Link indexing after map embeds. I haven’t heard about that yet. But link indexing after link building? Yeah, for sure. Because again, you know, dedhia has the as the pulse on that, and he’s really good. He’s just got a crazy indexing rate. I know it fluctuates over time with you know, different methods and all that but I think he’s still getting 60 plus percent, something like that, which is just nuts or link building. You know, which is just crazy. Crazy. Good. Alright guys, any other questions? We’ll give you guys 30 more seconds. And we’ll go from there. And I hope that we were you know, I got a question for you or not
Well, we don’t have to run out the clock here. But let’s talk about it. We’re asking about questions about Facebook, we got a lot of good content stuff, and you mentioned it real quick. Who would you recommend to do long-form content and run ads to it? Do you see that being something good, that would work for people who are primarily doing like client stuff? or trying to rank organically? Like, where would that fit in? Do you think so? Yes. So that’s actually a great question. And I would say hey, long-form content plus ads, it’s almost always a good idea to do for a couple of reasons. Number one, because like if you’re sending traffic pay traffic, right paid to pick like real traffic, not like CTR spam type stuff, like real traffic, real human beings to a website, where the long-form content with a call to actions throughout the long-form content, whatnot, that will help you rank faster, mostly because you’re feeding the bot a lot of activity. And also if people stay, they come back because the articles really good. They’re good to the next page, they don’t ban bounce out and all that, that helps a lot in terms of like ranking signals. But not only that, from a consumer perspective as well, like, because they hit your page, they might stay for a long time. And then you can retarget them, right. So if they’ve seen your ads on Facebook, they don’t click on them, just by the fact that they’re clicking on them and landing on your website. They’re behaviorally saying that they’re interested in what you have to offer. So it’s a good idea to actually, you know, build a list out of them and buy a list, I mean, a retargeting list that you can build in, within Facebook. So it’s usually a good idea when you’re trying to set yourself up for success, whether it’s a local website or local clients or your own agency, like by all means, if you won’t get more clients through this, if you don’t like money, don’t do this. But if you want to get more clients definitely do that. So well, that helps. Does that answer your question? It most certainly does. And thank you and also want to say thanks to Ricky Bobby. I think this is a really good suggestion he had, we’re certainly working on, you know, making it easier to have both MGYB and with Semantic Mastery to figure out what you need. And so what he said was something that we should consider in the future a sort of quiz or funnel that we could use to figure out what to get and when. And 100% of it. Actually just shared that with the guys in slack. And we’re going to look into that. That’s a fantastic idea. Great idea. Great idea. I’m happy to take the credit for it. Yeah.
Sadly, it’s been recorded. So now we know. But you know, recordings get lost sometimes. So let’s see Vivi saying how to how to syndicate all there. Okay, we don’t we might be at 45% but we’re definitely funnier than the other guys. So you can say that you can comment that okay. You can say that.
How To Syndicate Older Posts To Branded Properties?
Alright, so bb is asking how to syndicate all their posts to brand new properties. IFTTT only allows new posts only great question bV. There are a couple of there a couple of plugins in WordPress that will do that. So there’s a couple of WordPress plugins that will allow you to repost all posts number one, but also number two, it will allow you to repost old posts without actually posting them. What do I mean? It means they will update the RSS feed through which the IFTTT syndication network will activate but without adding a new post to your blog. Right so let’s say you have all the content so there’s a couple of plugins that will do that they will reinstate that post into the IFTTT feed and does you know, bye-bye. By the way, it works, it will activate the syndication network. So you can try both but there’s a couple of plugins that will do that in WordPress. So
What Is The Best Way To Push Power To Additional GMB In Different Countries Besides Web Page Silo?
let’s see. Pablo is asking what is the best way besides current web page silo to push powers to additional GMB in different countries, different counties. The main GMB is covered by Google stacks. What is the next spec? What is the next step to cover additional ones, I would say link building so it’s usually a good idea press release, press release stacks are actually a good idea to actually push more power to additional GMBs. So additional stacks, you know sending power to the additional sites.
So, at that point what you want to do is you want to try with link building first if you know that pushes this because some countries will be more susceptible to rank fluctuations than other mostly because of competition so so you can actually go there and push additional power through link building and link indexing on those countries and then if that doesn’t work, then you you order link building, you index you wait right for 21 days and then you go after that. So that’s what I would do. Okay, we have another one from bV Have you encounter a problem that IFTTT does not post articles that have really long-form content say about 4000 words? I haven’t really BB not that take a look and I bet you could figure it out real quick because it should say an IFTTT if you log in and go into the applet like it may have a cutoff but yeah, I’ve never posted stuff over 4000 words. So okay. Um, I’m not sure like I haven’t gone through this like
Yeah, like 4000 words that’s a lot of content really, really awful. But there is this WordPress RSS feed cuts it up at a certain point. So there’s the limitation on there. Okay, so it’s not IFTTT might be the RSS feed for a while you can pretty much manually or commit, which one of our plugins did back in the day. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, that’s cool. That’s cool. But I was like, we haven’t really gone through the problem of you know, about 4000 words. So no, so
Unknown Speaker 45:35 let’s see. Ricky Bobby is saying the suggestion came out a little frustration more if I’m not sure. Totally feel you I had when I was starting to look into you guys. A lot of stuff in there was in good but I have no idea what I actually need based on what I’m at with the client or the client is afar really already own in the category. There’s much different sequence of stuff decline is brand new to me webs and the web, versus someone who’s been in business for 30 years in our life for 20. Yes, definitely 1,000% Ricky and we’re actually actively working to make it better. We have been creating content and putting out stuff for the past six years. So seven years now. So it’s you know, it’s a complicated task, but we’re actively working towards that. One of the things that we came up with is the battle plan. You know, the battle plan has a couple of sections in terms of You see, the GMB website is it a new website is a niche website or YouTube channel. So then you have like, some sort of decision tree, but the quiz idea is great. The quality is really good. So we really do appreciate that we’re doing what our best here to actually, you know, but the content on more much more dynamic consumable way provided that this is Episode 297, you know, a weekly show.
So, yeah, brother. Appreciate it. I might purchase it by dinner ready? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It would be a good idea if you did, you know, if you could just take that and turn it into a survey to so
You could like maybe that’s part of the battle plan that you guys know to buy the battle plan.
Okay, if you didn’t go by Alright guys, that’s it for today. I think this was fun. Sounds good. Anything you want to add? Check it out hopefully live calm. You know we’re not traveling right now but we will be doing hopefully live last weekend in September check it out 10% discount on tickets right now across the board. That’s the main ticket VIP ticket, which includes some beers shipped directly to you, and then a VIP plus ticket for those of you who are looking for some consulting time at a considerable discount what it would normally take to hire six of us to sit down with you and talk to you for 90 minutes. We’re not your issues. Yeah, we’re not cheap. We’re not cheap. Specifically, if you like it if you need a shrink or anything we double You know, that’s even more expensive. But yeah, guys hopeful lab.com we’d love to have you there’s some stuff in there that we don’t share anywhere else like anywhere else. You know.
They’re and people are raving about content, the connections, and everything else. So just you guys in there. Alright guys, thank you for hanging out for a little bit so you guys can see everyone cheers
  Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297
Click on the video above to watch Episode 297 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There is us for a second. Yeah. What’s up, guys? What’s going on? Sorry about that.
Sorry about that. Let me notify the rest of these guys
sorry about that. You got an echo on there. I just changed it. So sorry about that, guys. You know this is a train wreck when Bradley is not here so we go alright, there he is. Hey, I’m assuming we’re live. We’re live so you can cool it or should I just kind of hop in and go with it? Just go. It’s just if you want to explain to people what happened? Oh, no, no, no worries. We’ll just keep rolling with it. Yeah, a few tech issues when Bradley goes away. Yeah, we’re not used to running in zoom. And if something can go wrong, it will. I’m sure you guys are all familiar with this. So anyway, we’re just gonna keep rolling right along, you know, this YouTube thing.
So I’m good. I’m good otherwise, good deal. All right, Chris, how about you? Yeah, then goes here. I’m glad we actually made it.
So yeah. How are you doing today? Not bad. Yeah. nice sunny day. kind of got a macho thing going on here where it’s been, you know, a few clouds burn off. It’s been nice, but 75. So I can’t complain. I’m happy. I’m going to get outside and after we wrap this up and go for a trail run, so yeah, a good day for me. So, Marco, how about you, man?
Oh, you’re muted.
Round Groundhog Day as usual. I was about to say, Man, we’re. We’re over to here. Yeah, there we go. I heard something. Not anymore.
All right. Well, keep trying it. Marco. Well, we’ll come back to you real quick. I just had a couple of things that I wanted to mention before we dive in and start answering questions. If you are on the email list. Then you got the heads up about POFU Live 2020. We are going virtual This is going to be a great chance for everyone to come, you don’t have to get a hotel room, you don’t have to plan out, travel and buy airplane tickets. It’s going to be available to everyone at home. We are limiting it though. So there are only 50 tickets available. And for the next couple of days, there’s a 10% discount. So we want to reward the people who grabbed those tickets, go ahead and make the choice and hop in. You can find out more at pofulive.com. But we’re gonna have all of us will be there. We’ve got a bunch of great presentations, we’ve got the agenda, we get all that stuff laid out on there. It’s still going to be available and good for networking and for learning and asking questions. Because I know that’s a thing that I think about when I think about online or virtual is like yeah, is it really going to be the same as it, you’re going to be able to meet people are going to be able to ask questions. And you know, of course, it’s not going to be the same not gonna be able to go out grab a drink with somebody you just met, but you are going to have the chance to interact. If you grab a VIP ticket. You’re definitely going to have a chance to interact. We’re going to ship you some beer. You’re going to be part of the VIP tour. We’re going to do virtually as well as the Hangout after that, and then was talking about the questions and answers, we’re going to have some q&a time for each presentation, as well as the case studies that we do. And then a little bit on top of that, just for some open q&a, so we got lots of good stuff.
Let’s plan and go on into this. If you have any questions, hit us up at [email protected] or just hop into the Facebook group and ask us there but like I said, a 10% discount goes away. If you want to find out more about it, go check it out at pofulive.com. So with that said to the other thing I wanted to touch base on again, with emails, you’ve probably seen this, but if not that there is an mg y b flash sale going on right now for our ys drive stacks, head over to mg y b.co. And you can use July stack 20 or July our ys 20 to get a great discount on your ROI S Drive stacks and I’ll put the links and all that good stuff on here if you’re live but last but not least. Just wanted to say oh, we just lost Marco, man, we’re having all sorts of crazy stuff happening today and I’m like trying to read something and like I’m like what’s going on over here?
So I didn’t want to say anything else I think I’ll just turn it over to her now and he’s gonna try to drive the ship here and get us going so I’m gonna put up on the page and call it good here. Yeah, we’ll see it we’ll see what happens. Okay, so Marco is here apparently so but yeah, dudes like today’s today’s is going crazy. Bradley, where are you? Alright, so let me actually share my screen and we’ll go through the questions as much as we can. And we’ll go from there. All right, cool. So
Do You Plan Of Offering Social Media Accounts To Create A Stronger Brand Entity Like KnowEm?
user3948759 Volvo says do you plan to offer Do you plan to offer social accounts creating in order to have an in stronger and even stronger brand entity? I mean, something like no m, etc. That’s actually a good question. And I don’t know we have brob in the crowd.
But one of the things that we do offer with IFTTT and with your syndication networks is the ability that we will create some social accounts for you. Not all of them. But uh, but definitely, definitely a bunch. And every time what happens with our syndication Academy, or our syndication networks, is that what we try to do is we try to update the profiles that we have there, right in terms of, if we find anything else that works like peripheries, or this or that, you know, we will add it into our ecosystem as well. So that’s a great question for Rob. I’m not sure if Rob is in the crowd right now. But if you are Robert, you and you want to answer our good user anonymous here, I would really appreciate that. So. All right, so Fitz is asking a good day, gents. Thanks for allowing us to ask questions and get real-world actionable, actionable answers. Thank you, Fitz, for showing up. When we get the press release back, what are some good places we can use the content?
So, if you mean the content for the press release itself, like a face has been released, I wouldn’t reuse potentially that content. If you’re talking about the content itself or the press releases, again, like if that content has to be syndicated already has been submitted, probably I wouldn’t use it anywhere else, because that’s the whole point of a press release, right? It’s the content that goes out on the press releases, you know, it’s there, it’s it belongs to the press releases themselves. Now, with that being said, there’s a couple of things that you can try and do. As soon as the content is good. You can get it edited slightly like you can get it edited and turn that into a GMB post or turn that into an actual post. You can actually try to spin it, you know, and that is something you want to that you want to maybe fear.
You want to maybe get to daddy on and let him do his thing when it comes to third and fourth year, links, and all of that. But again, once
You get the content from press releases. Maybe you should keep it like that unless you really want to edit it. And if you want to edit it and turn that that content into one or two additional content pieces, we could you totally can either divide that content or curate content on top of the press release. Then you can totally turn that into GMB posts or your own posts on your blog. Do you want to add anything to that guys?
Nope, that’s good.
Okay, cool. So let’s see. I’ll finish is asking.
What MGYB SEO Services Are Good For Local Lead Generation Websites And GMB?
Let’s see. I was hoping you could help me figure it out. Which of your services would be the best fit for my websites? I’m building a lead generation website for local service area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwel, Idaho roofers. I just was that You can’t say all of the services. So Oh, I can’t Yeah, no. All right. All right. Cool. Now I really need to think about this. Okay, so I’m building a lead generation website for local services area businesses such as carpet cleaners in Caldwell, Idaho, and roofers in Manhattan, New York. This will be small sites, targeting specific niches and areas I was thinking perhaps the original airways thrive stack would be the most appropriate. I plan on putting up quite a bit of these sites soon. I was just looking for a general idea where to start, I’m looking to rank in the top three for both GMB and organic funds are somewhat limited. So I’d like not to be redundant in my spending. Okay, great question. And I would potentially start with the SEO shield, you know, for your websites. And the reason why is because the SEO shields will, you know, have the 123 punch that you need, it will have the stack, it will have a syndication network, and he will allow you to and they will have you know, Id loops and all of that crazy stuff that helps really, really rank your website. Now, when it comes to SEO shields, you have three options, you know, if funds are somewhat limited, you can get the basic option. But you know, like why would you choose like just a regional our ys drive stack if you can get the whole combo of power for each of your websites.
Right. So when it comes to planning this type of campaign or this type of resource, or this type of website that you want to do, I would suggest that you go through whatever is will potentially bring you the most revenue first, and then work your way down. So for instance, let’s say that carpet cleaners in Colorado and Caldwell, Idaho, that would be one niche, right, roofers in Manhattan, New York, that would be a completely different niche, like in terms of the power that you need to rank but also in terms of the money that you can make, because it’s a completely different niche, right. So if you were to put money behind a project, like such as carpet cleaners, or roofers or whatever, I would suggest, hey, go for the higher dollar, you know, usually, I really like to work with high ticket type of contractors or local services and whatnot, just because of the fact that they just you know, they just make sense and you can charge more money. So something fun or somewhat limited, you will be building these assets in order
You want to start where the opportunities there if that makes sense. So I would suggest definitely suggest SEO Power shieldl. One 1,000%. Marco, are you here and hear us
techies out there trying to fix this mic. We’re gonna add on to this, you know, that alpha niche, whoever This is if you recently joined our email list or you have in the last year to, you know, part of what we do to, you know, kind of explaining who we are. And what we do is, you know, Bradley talks about how he got started in carpet cleaning was one of the first things he did was lead gen for a business doing that. And the reason why he got out of that, which Hernan kind of touched on and like looking at, you know, does this make sense for me to be involved in? And so I’m not saying that it’s the wrong niche, it’s, that’s never like a black and white answer you just need to look at is it going to make sense for you? Does it make sense for you to get an SEO power shield? You know, would that support itself even if you, you know, could you spend money on it to rank it and then would it pay for itself because if it doesn’t, it’s like waive and get started. So, right. Yeah, so doing a little bit of cost analysis there and saying, you know, if it takes thousand dollars to rank. Are you going to take that back? How long you know, things like that? I mean, I’m just pulling the number out of thin air, you know, that could be more could be less you never know. And so yeah, take that stuff into consideration also. So you’re looking to get in the top three for both GMB and organic. So yeah, SEO power shield and then, you know, looking at obviously, optimizing your GMB and there’s a lot you can do there using press releases for both of those, and then ongoing link building things like that. Yeah, yeah, I totally, totally agree. Like you need to approach this as a real business right, you need to do the cost analysis and you also need to kind of understand how long it will take you to rank for something like roofing in Manhattan, you know, where the competition is way higher than something like I think the other option was carpet cleaning scalpel, Idaho, right. So that is something to consider as well like, what’s the more bang for your buck like if you can go for a low competition but still high ticket type of deal.
He’ll then I think that’s the sweet spot that we’re kind of trying to go after. So
How Do You Resolve Collision Issues Of Press Release Stacking & Curation?
okay, cool. So, Bb was a bunch of questions there. Yeah, he usually asks a bunch of questions, but there’s a good question. Okay, so thank you bb. Let’s see right in a press release with our creation method has some collision with the press release stacking video. Say we want you to create two pages we have to cite link the sources which leave us one extra link left to put the PR, which will be either to the money site or the shield properties because press releases allow three links that we can do the pre PR stacking method links to previous PR branding, property monetizing. How do we resolve that? Well, that’s actually a good point BB and what you can do is since you only have three link placements, and you always want to do at least one link to the at least one leg to the shield property and at least one link to another PR then you can always cite one page. You know you can always have like once a source in that case. So that will that way it will give you three links that you can use, right? Because like, if you had to choose like if I had to choose three-link placements and that’s what I can work with, and I want to go ahead with the, with the with how do you call it the press restacking then what I would suggest is, of course, press release. Second, you need to be daisy-chaining the press releases number one, number two, you always want to have a link to your, your shield properties, you know to power them up. And number three, you might have a link to an external website like a curation website. So I would say hey, maybe you want to sacrifice one of those curation websites and have more real estate that will impact your brand. What do you think, Adam? Yeah, I’m looking at this as took me a little bit longer. You’re much quicker on your feet. I had to like to sit here and think for a minute and like absorb what was being said. Unless I’m missing something. And it’s been a while since I’ve dealt directly with PR. So take this with a heavy grain of salt. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this, but I’m also thinking do you have to use an actual URL link, or can you do a just sliding it and literally in the text saying this is where it came from and not using one of your three backlinks. So, you know, maybe that’s what I said.
Yeah, I like that. I like that. Because that way you will have, it will be a site, right? It will be a citation, it wouldn’t be a link will be a citation. So you can have that as a, you know, not a link. But if you have to choose like in terms of, should I go after? Should I go after, like, what do you choose, right? Like, I would definitely choose my money site, or my money site or your shield properties that would definitely go with your properties. I don’t know, I’m just a little bit more conservative, if you would, then the other press release. That’s what the whole stacking method is all about. And then one of those extra websites and then you can just drop an unlinked URL, which is going to be a citation. So I think that’s actually a good idea.
Cool. Yeah. Now, by all means, um, my heavy caveat on this, obviously follow the rules of the press release sites you’re using if they say to do differently than you better do what they say. Yeah, sure.
Google Tag Manager Testing
So I’m currently using Google Tag Manager that puts the Google Analytics tags inside the page when testing down, nothing happening, isn’t working for you on Tag Manager, you use only Google Analytics a BB, you need to add the Google Analytics code within Google Tag Manager, like Google Tag Manager will not automatically put the Analytics code in your Facebook page in your website. So one of the things that you want to add in the tag section is the Google Analytics tag to the Google Tag Manager, okay, it doesn’t like honestly, go Tag Manager doesn’t automatically add any tag. You know, like analytics will tell you if you have Google Tag Manager, use the Google linking property, which is a tag that you can use in Google Tag Manager, Google Lincoln property. And that will allow you to link your, your Google Tag Manager with Google ads and also analytics. So you need to have something in there, it doesn’t automatically asset and you can always use the
You can always use the Google Pixel helper, which is kind of similar to the Facebook pixel helper, but it’s Google Tag helper, which is a Chrome plugin to see if the analytics tag is actually firing, but you need to add it, you need to manually add it.
Why Do You Say That Virginia SEO Agency Is Bad Anchor Backlink For Money Site But Good For Gsite?
Okay, and then he’s asking, Why did you say that Virginia SEO agencies have bad anchor backing for the money site, but for the G site, it’s okay. We can use exact match keywords as anchor text. I think that Bradley what he refers to so is the brand, right? We’re always talking about the brand. So, Virginia SEO agency, if you’re going to link to your money site, you need to be really mindful of what you’re doing, right? Because it’s rare that you will get a link like a natural link. That’s it’s Virginia SEO agency, right? Like that’s super to 2010 right. So I think that he was saying, Hey, be careful with the anchor links that you’re going that they’re going to your money site to your G site, you can go to town like you can throw the kitchen sink to a G site.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t care, right? So you can go to town at 100%. But if you’re going to use Virginia SEO agency to your money site, you want to be careful to your whole profile, right? Usually, it’s going to be like Virginia SEO agency, it’s not going to be your main anchor is going to be your brand, right? He’s going to be your website like www dot Virginia SEO agency comm or even as an internal page or click here. So I think I need to be like really, really,
I would call it really diverse, with a strong like punctuation if you were a strong, strong weight on the brand, you know, but with your JSON, you can go to town as you can definitely use exact match keywords. Just be careful. You know, because that’s no, that’s not how people type. That’s not how other human beings linked to other websites. What do you think, Adam?
Yeah, I’m just kidding. pulling us back up? I think that Yeah, I agree with you. I think you know, as far as what Bradley said, I forget exactly. But looking at it, yeah, I would just say go with that exact match type of text. Yeah. Unless you know, really what you’re doing and why you’re using it. You know, I wouldn’t just be slapping it in there. So yeah, just be super careful bV with exact match linking back to money site like I wouldn’t even do it as I would, I would go like full branded at this point. Like, see, for instance, Wikipedia. Right. If you see the link profile of Wikipedia, 99% of his link profile is Wikipedia. And then the rest is all over the national universe that you can think of. So
Ah, so here’s this guy, Bradley. h. m. f. I see I think we should ban this guy. Let’s kind of shady. How can we come up with a reaction here? reaction? Okay, now, maybe you can put a little like hanky in it if you can. Ah, yeah, my son.
Working in Okay.
All AF is asking us about f Hello everyone how important are link shorteners link inside the drive stack and G sites. Well, the guys are doing it for a reason. Definitely the guys are doing it for a reason. We used to use our Google shortener but that’s not a thing anymore. So, so the guys are definitely doing it for a recent in terms of power we use, we use our own link shortener which, you know, it’s incredibly powerful at this point and much, much powerful that we launched it. So you get that additional if you weren’t so link shorteners are I think that there’s a reason behind it like there’s a mad scientist type of recent Marco kind of No, but the guys are using it because I’ve heard them repeatedly said that link shorteners. You know, they carry the power, they carry the power, they stop the link juice to backlink juice for going so there’s a lot of benefits of doing it. That’s why the guys are so adamant about Robert Marco about using link shorteners inside the Dr. Saxon G and G sack, you know, so there’s definitely a recent
For that we used to again, we used to use the Google URL shortener, which was the best Jordan that you can possibly have in terms of SEO, but that’s not a thing anymore. So we have the second-best thing, which is our own shortener that’s an additional thing that you get, besides a bunch of additional things, like you get the shortener and buy your own stuff, which is super powerful. You also get the user’s guide, you know, which is something that we’re actually selling, you get it for free when you get an SEO, an SEO shield. So so you get all of those additional things that you don’t get through third-party vendors, you know, so if you go to, I don’t know, fiverr.com, if you want to, if you want to risk it, go there and get it for five bucks or 50 or whatever.
But that is something you know that we’re adding a lot of value to the thing so that you know exactly what to do and the link shortener, it’s definitely up there with the value, you know.
How Important Are Link Shortnere Links Inside The Drive Stacks And GSite?
Okay, so Hello, I’m new. I just want to know is there a set of data for your products I can buy to consistently rank my lead gen organically and in my pack. In what orders GMB is wise. This is a great question, Adam. You do the honors. But yeah, I mean, I was gonna say like I say to give them the best like if you’ve really got some you really don’t know where to start what to do, like come join our Facebook group so that we can talk to you about this and you can ask because you’re going to need to follow up questions like just with that, and especially for me like I can’t give you a detailed answer. Yes, the answer is yes, we do have done for your products that we can help you rank your lead gen both organically for your website and the map pack for your listing. And you know, as far as what that looks like, you know, that changes depending on what you have, but yeah, there’s definitely you know, come in you can get we just talked about the SEO power shield for someone asking basically the exact same question. So I would say if you scroll or depending on where you’re at in the video if you’re here with this live, you already heard her talk about it. If you’re coming in and watching this, you can back up and listen to that, but just head over to mgyb.co, SEO power shield would be the place to start. And then you know as far as ranking like your GMB assets, it depends if you want to get a GMB like if you’re going to do lead gen on your own, you can get a verified GMB through MGYB. And then depending on where you want to go from there because maybe you need to learn how to optimize CMV. Maybe you’re looking at what you should be doing the posting. You can check out local GMB Pro. Just search for that and you’ll find the course on that. And then yeah, it depends what you want to do if you want to use MGYB to get the done for you services, so that you can either do it for yourself or clients and have our kind of perform that stuff for you. That’s great. If you want to learn how to do it. You can look at our ys reloaded. You can check out local GMB Pro, and kind of go from there and then hop into the Facebook group and tell us what you need to know. Yeah, for sure. So there’s also this little jewel right here. You know, I’m hovering through it. So there’s the battle plan.
So there’s this little jewel right here that you can get, it’s super inexpensive. And it will tell you exactly step by step what to do, how to do it, and what to get, you know, so that’s another option. But I do think that these questions are a little bit tricky. You need a little bit of, I would say guidance or coaching or whatever, you know, we, we tend to, we tend to prescribe the SEO shield a lot, because it can it kind of ticks all the boxes, right? It gives you a lot of precedences, it gives you a lot of authority right off the bat, it allows you to, you know, build that authority and then it gives you a lot of targets that you can then you know, link for or link towards, I should say. Okay, cool. So who is this guy Adam moody? Should I bind him to let me see ya? Why did the action? Okay. I cannot add reactions, man. I know.
Yeah, I did it just for you. Because today everything’s gonna break. So thank you, bro. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Yo, bro, man. Yeah, yeah, man. So Alright, so question two is about conversion, making Google understand conversion was made. Yeah, baby, again, you want to use. So you want to use a. So you want to set up a goal, of course in analytics and then you want to add your Google Analytics to your Google Tag Manager. So you want to set up a goal in Google Analytics. And then you want to set up your and then you want to add your Google Analytics code to the Google Tag Manager, make sure that you’re also using the Google linker. So there’s a Google linker property that you just added there doesn’t do anything. You just added there. So So yeah, but you actually need to create the goal and goal in analytics, and then install the analytics in Google Tag Manager.
What Do You Mean By Pinging Websites For Backlinks And Backlink Indexing?
Okay, so let’s see. BBs asked another question is the meaning of pinging websites for backlinks and pinging for backing indexing? How did you find the ping command to make it happen in each case, and also it’s being a relevant image for today? That’s actually a great question. And the answer is that it used to be really relevant. It used to be really relevant, but you know, I think that ping it, So for instance, if you go to ping them out, pingomatic.com. And also like WordPress by default will ping pingnomadic.com but it’s just like I think that there’s so many pinging like lately like that you can ping, ping nomadic and big money will ping a bunch of additional different websites and whatnot.
So, you know that like, there’s so much being like all the time that I don’t even think that’s relevant anymore like we should ask the idea like he’s the indexing magician, you know, he makes stuff index pretty quickly and I don’t know how he does it but he does it you know, so, so but it’s just thinking about it from the perspective of you know, the whole you know, Google-like if it would index every ping that people do it’s you know, it’s like the computing power but out but also like I would potentially ask the idea like what well now what’s the secret sauce is we don’t want to know that but you can ask them. No, no, no, I don’t want no I really don’t want to know like, you know if they asked me, I will say, I don’t know anything, you know. But, uh, but yeah, maybe so great question. You can still try it like, ideally, you would do it automatically. There’s some, there are some bots out there. WordPress automatically will ping, you know through ping ematic. You can add a bunch of. They’re called RPC. So they’re called RPC services. So if you search for paying services for WordPress, or RPC services for WordPress, WordPress have they have this box where you can put a bunch of additional ping services if you so choose. But, you know, I think it’s a matter of traffic as a matter of authority, some area of activity, right. You can ping as much as you want. But if the website if the article if anything, it’s not having enough authority, it’s not having enough, you know, traction. I don’t think it’s gonna be relevant. So I think to add, now, I don’t mind. All right, cool. Let’s see.
Bradley hears banjo music and in typing CS Finster muscle. I think,
Wayne, I think that’s pretty accurate. All right, so let’s see.
How do you hold these in what orders do you do? Do you guys do citations? Do you order aggregator first and the manual citations or vice versa? So does it even effing matter? That’s a great question and the answer to that is I don’t know I’m so sorry. Oh, Bradley’s not here. I’m good Bradley. Marco isn’t here, Chris. chime in. If you do, I haven’t done citations. I will try and I wouldn’t like yeah like I think that’s above my paygrade So, unfortunately, gonna say yeah, there’s the questions about funnels and Facebook? Like, wow, some fake business and stuff. But, uh, but thank you, guys. Yeah, like, like, that’s above my paygrade I’m pretty sure that Bradley will come in hot like next time and you know, and say you guys set a straight
yes to us and say Why? The hell you didn’t answer this question?
So he will come in and actually answer it. So I’m sorry.
So one more question. If I already have a Google Site created, I wanted to make sure I got the keyword in the URL. Can I order a white stripe sec and just give you access to Google site? I’m not entirely sure. Is this possible? Is that something I? Yeah, I can’t recall. So I would just say contact [email protected]. I forget because I want to say yes, but I can’t recall if we had out for some reason. So just contact support, they’ll be able to tell you. Yeah, I want to say yes to I think that we talked about that. But I’m not entirely sure if that ended up being a thing. I know that some people will have their Google side and then but then again, I think that the guys decided to stop doing it just because of, you know, our staff is small, better. But no, in all seriousness, as we created in a specific way, but yeah, just contact its [email protected]. Right, Adam? Correct. Yeah. All right.
Which URL Do You Want To Power From The Drive Stack If Your Client Offers Conference Services To Multiple Cities?
Ricky Bobby is asking, hello. Was that I love it. Sorry. I know it’s not his real name, but anyway, so I love your picture in the Facebook group because it’s Ricky Bobby. Bobby. Yeah. Okay, I ordered the SEO shield, I have some questions about what to fill out, I ordered keyword research. So I’ll upload that when I get it great. But the claim we have is a conference and they move every now and then for the next few years, they’re going to be in Vegas, they have roughly 40 k people go to the conference every year from all around the world. One of the things is it asked is for which URL? Do you want to power from the drive stack to go to? Which URL? Do you want to power from the data, the power from the drive stack to go to do that? I mean, the money site and yes, yes, that means that that means the money site. So which URL Do you want the power from the Google Drive site to go to? And yes, that’s the money site, because we’re going to from drives that we’re going to, we’re going to add, we’re going to add, you know, outbound links that go either to your website, your or to your G site, you know, so so that’s probably another question that you can
  Ask for support or to our Facebook group. So you can either do either to the website or to the G site. So yeah, which makes sense. And then as far as moving around that, really, and this case, I shouldn’t be punished. Yeah. If they’re going to stay there for the next few years like whenever they move, you can start working or when I like six months, baby before they move, you can actually start, you know, working towards the next location, but I think you should be fine. But like if I’m just thinking to like, for us, let’s think like small scale or the kind of general problem would be like if we were building one around, POFU Live pofulive.com is our domain. We didn’t there’s no address associated with it. Right. There’s no set location. So I think that kind of the same deal. Like Yeah, go ahead. And you would build out around that point that your conference URL and unless there’s something I’m missing there. Yeah, no, I do agree. They have contracts for years, we’ve been to a particular hotel venue, so I think you should be fine. You should be covered for the next but I mean, it wouldn’t be like you would be like building. I mean, again, I don’t know. This is interesting to me. Just because hopefully I’ve come up but are you like having the SEO shield built and have Vegas in the name or something? You know, that’s the only thing I could think about where would be who why would even matter. So yeah, yeah, that’s the thing. So I don’t know the URL that they’re using but if it’s like, Ricky Bobby conference Vegas calm then you obviously need to work your way around it right. So and you can even read reg that to Ricky Bobby.
No, we do have GMB listing. So yeah, you might want to actually send that to GMB or to the website. So if you go from Ricky Bobby Vegas calm to you can redirect that to Ricky Bobby, Ricky, Bobby. Or not just wants to keep saying, Ricky Bobby. Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s go.
Why Do You Consider Facebook Ads If You Have The SEO Shield?
Alright, so BB wins another one. Is there more time? If so, yes, we do have a little bit more time. I saw someone Hernan’s video Oh, shut up. I saw Hernan’s videos and there were videos about Facebook ads. Why would you consider Facebook ads when you have an SEO shield is enough traffic? That’s actually a great question, BB. Let me tell you, let me tell you something right now. No, but for real, like one of the things that I do in the semantic mastery mastermind and so Adam has his productivity and email marketing and funnel, you know, side of things. Chris also has his email marketing and business side of things. And I have my Facebook ads slash paid traffic demo. So I do have my own like, show if you were on the mastermind, where we talked about paid acquisition strategies. And what we do with paid acquisition is basically and this is like about Facebook ads or Google ads, it’s to accelerate results. Right? So what we do with Facebook ads is to let’s say that you got a new client, right? Let’s talk about roofer in my Manhattan, it might take you a couple of weeks or a couple of months to actually get to where you want to be with Facebook.
With you know, with listings and that’s the game we’re playing, but if you want to accelerate the videos you want to get the guy some traction than paid advertising is usually the best way to go. So you can run a Google actually a Google to call campaign or Facebook ads lead ads which are great right now they’re working like crazy. And then you can get the client you can get some traction for the client, I will low ad spend while the rest of the stuff is kicking in. Now, here’s the other benefit of doing that is that when you have the shield, you will get this amount of traffic to the website right, which you can then retarget with Facebook ads, and you can then retarget with Google Display Network. Okay, so that’s, that’s an added benefit. That’s called omnipresence. Okay. And number three is that you’re not only depending on one source of traffic, either Facebook ads or Google, Google organic, and the reason why is because the more traffic sources you have, the more solid your brand becomes right? So that is like saying why would you build an email list if you have the SEO show? Well, you need to build an email list right? So that’s, that’s some of the stuff that we talked about in the mastermind is like the real benefit of building a brand through Facebook advertising. A lot of people are using Facebook ads like at the beginning and then maybe you can dial it back as you start getting GMB calls or whatever. But it has so many many many benefits and so many levels to add some sort of paid advertising strategy either through Google Ads YouTube or Facebook ads, which is my thing. my wheelhouse and if you want to comment on this let me know.
Will The Content Curation Model Works For A Tough Niche That Have Long-Form Content?
All right, I understand the content curation model but what if we’re going for a tough niche that all our writing unique long-form content are you suggesting to go for some other niche or the shield and link building packages will add rank or stuff even though they’re less good than the competition Okay, BB great question but I caught a curated article not less good quote-unquote, enter the competition unless the competition is like unique, long-form content that really attracts and really, you know, it’s really, really good in terms of generating engagement from the audience, like getting people to read and spend a lot of time in your website and then click into other pages. So, you know, you can still make some much this like you if you’re going with curation, maybe once a month, or once every two weeks, you can come up with a long-form content piece, right? So it’s not because everyone else is doing long-form content doesn’t mean that you can, you cannot do curation. So if you did your keyword research, if that’s the niche that you want to go after. That’s, you know, that’s something that you want to keep them pursuing. In fact, maybe you will be doing something that they’re not doing and that will give you an edge, right. So we don’t really know until you try and also the fact that you’re doing curated content and some form of long-form content. I think that’s, you know, that’s beneficial because while they are putting out a lot of long-form content, which takes a long time, a lot of money, a lot of effort and maybe you can put be putting out like, you ready constants just like this, you know, so that will be my intake on it. I don’t know what you guys think.
Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry, is looking because I was literally looking up something about this today cuz I’m getting ready to write some stuff for my productivity based stuff that’s a little bit longer format than what I usually do. So I agree, I think that you know, just because it’s curated doesn’t mean that’s not good, but at the same time, you know, this isn’t, you’re not paying someone $2 to curate an article and that’s going to magically outrank, but this is also partially it’s getting for me into that area of like, how many syndication networks would it take to rank this article? It’s like, Well, no, as many as it takes, and maybe it’ll take some other stuff. So and BB I think, you know, that so I know you’re not like asking us that. But it’s verging on that where it’s like, I don’t know. You know, it depends on Yeah, the article like Bonanza, what are the engagement metrics, if you have a curated article and all this is just like, you know, one or two sentences, and then some you
A bunch of curated stuff and people go there and bounce then yeah, that the engagement metrics are gonna suck. So yeah, but yeah, mix it up, you know, instead of having to pay or write just long-form, you could go in, maybe start creating some infographic type material, if you could get that done or do it yourself. There are lots of tools to do that look at like writing how-to articles instead.
How about a list? You could curate lists, that would be a pretty cool one to do. And then you know, slip in some videos, and maybe other things on the site, which is another good way to drive some engagement. So yeah, mixing it up, I think would lighten the load on you also creating some great content. Yeah, yeah. And you can also use the pillar content meaning those long-form articles to actually like send pay traffic like those are great Facebook ads like targets great, fantastic. Like those long-form articles that you see if you have like two or three there. You can send paid advertising to it and they are not great.
Should You Include Breadcrumbs In The Pages Of The Money Site?
Okay, should we include breadcrumbs in the pages of the money site is the breadcrumb schema help ranking? So I’ve heard Marco so now we’re going into that, that realm. I’ve heard Marco said that the breadcrumb schema helps to rank. And the same, the same with the fourth question. Can we use breadcrumb schema without having actual breadcrumbs on the page? I don’t know. Probably you can’t. I wrote I don’t really know.
And I don’t know if Marcos is watching this, and then he might be screaming if we’re saying anything that doesn’t, you know, that we shouldn’t say, but, uh, but maybe ask on the Facebook group, you know, that will be, Yeah, that’d be the next best thing. So we swear if you if you’re new, we started that, you know, we actually bring in the goods. It’s just that you know, we’re operating. We’re at 60% here today. I would, I would say at 40 Yeah. 40% Yeah. 60%.
Okay, well, let’s keep it at 45. All right.
Let’s see Ricky Bobby sass is saying the client hat we have on six different conferences. But this is the first one to test you guys out perfect. just crush it for that and then roll it over to the other five. That is great. That is great.
Should You Buy A Link Indexing After Map Embed Or Link Building Are Delivered?
Pablo is asking. Hi, guys. Thanks for the great answers. Thank you for dropping by. Should I buy a link indexing after? Should I buy a link indexing after map embeds or link building are delivered? Yes. You? Yes. Yes. So link indexing after link building? Usually, it’s a good thing. Link indexing after map embeds. I haven’t heard about that yet. But link indexing after link building? Yeah, for sure. Because again, you know, dedhia has the as the pulse on that, and he’s really good. He’s just got a crazy indexing rate. I know it fluctuates over time with you know, different methods and all that but I think he’s still getting 60 plus percent, something like that, which is just nuts or link building. You know, which is just crazy. Crazy. Good. Alright guys, any other questions? We’ll give you guys 30 more seconds. And we’ll go from there. And I hope that we were you know, I got a question for you or not
Well, we don’t have to run out the clock here. But let’s talk about it. We’re asking about questions about Facebook, we got a lot of good content stuff, and you mentioned it real quick. Who would you recommend to do long-form content and run ads to it? Do you see that being something good, that would work for people who are primarily doing like client stuff? or trying to rank organically? Like, where would that fit in? Do you think so? Yes. So that’s actually a great question. And I would say hey, long-form content plus ads, it’s almost always a good idea to do for a couple of reasons. Number one, because like if you’re sending traffic pay traffic, right paid to pick like real traffic, not like CTR spam type stuff, like real traffic, real human beings to a website, where the long-form content with a call to actions throughout the long-form content, whatnot, that will help you rank faster, mostly because you’re feeding the bot a lot of activity. And also if people stay, they come back because the articles really good. They’re good to the next page, they don’t ban bounce out and all that, that helps a lot in terms of like ranking signals. But not only that, from a consumer perspective as well, like, because they hit your page, they might stay for a long time. And then you can retarget them, right. So if they’ve seen your ads on Facebook, they don’t click on them, just by the fact that they’re clicking on them and landing on your website. They’re behaviorally saying that they’re interested in what you have to offer. So it’s a good idea to actually, you know, build a list out of them and buy a list, I mean, a retargeting list that you can build in, within Facebook. So it’s usually a good idea when you’re trying to set yourself up for success, whether it’s a local website or local clients or your own agency, like by all means, if you won’t get more clients through this, if you don’t like money, don’t do this. But if you want to get more clients definitely do that. So well, that helps. Does that answer your question? It most certainly does. And thank you and also want to say thanks to Ricky Bobby. I think this is a really good suggestion he had, we’re certainly working on, you know, making it easier to have both MGYB and with Semantic Mastery to figure out what you need. And so what he said was something that we should consider in the future a sort of quiz or funnel that we could use to figure out what to get and when. And 100% of it. Actually just shared that with the guys in slack. And we’re going to look into that. That’s a fantastic idea. Great idea. Great idea. I’m happy to take the credit for it. Yeah.
Sadly, it’s been recorded. So now we know. But you know, recordings get lost sometimes. So let’s see Vivi saying how to how to syndicate all there. Okay, we don’t we might be at 45% but we’re definitely funnier than the other guys. So you can say that you can comment that okay. You can say that.
How To Syndicate Older Posts To Branded Properties?
Alright, so bb is asking how to syndicate all their posts to brand new properties. IFTTT only allows new posts only great question bV. There are a couple of there a couple of plugins in WordPress that will do that. So there’s a couple of WordPress plugins that will allow you to repost all posts number one, but also number two, it will allow you to repost old posts without actually posting them. What do I mean? It means they will update the RSS feed through which the IFTTT syndication network will activate but without adding a new post to your blog. Right so let’s say you have all the content so there’s a couple of plugins that will do that they will reinstate that post into the IFTTT feed and does you know, bye-bye. By the way, it works, it will activate the syndication network. So you can try both but there’s a couple of plugins that will do that in WordPress. So
What Is The Best Way To Push Power To Additional GMB In Different Countries Besides Web Page Silo?
let’s see. Pablo is asking what is the best way besides current web page silo to push powers to additional GMB in different countries, different counties. The main GMB is covered by Google stacks. What is the next spec? What is the next step to cover additional ones, I would say link building so it’s usually a good idea press release, press release stacks are actually a good idea to actually push more power to additional GMBs. So additional stacks, you know sending power to the additional sites.
So, at that point what you want to do is you want to try with link building first if you know that pushes this because some countries will be more susceptible to rank fluctuations than other mostly because of competition so so you can actually go there and push additional power through link building and link indexing on those countries and then if that doesn’t work, then you you order link building, you index you wait right for 21 days and then you go after that. So that’s what I would do. Okay, we have another one from bV Have you encounter a problem that IFTTT does not post articles that have really long-form content say about 4000 words? I haven’t really BB not that take a look and I bet you could figure it out real quick because it should say an IFTTT if you log in and go into the applet like it may have a cutoff but yeah, I’ve never posted stuff over 4000 words. So okay. Um, I’m not sure like I haven’t gone through this like
Yeah, like 4000 words that’s a lot of content really, really awful. But there is this WordPress RSS feed cuts it up at a certain point. So there’s the limitation on there. Okay, so it’s not IFTTT might be the RSS feed for a while you can pretty much manually or commit, which one of our plugins did back in the day. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, that’s cool. That’s cool. But I was like, we haven’t really gone through the problem of you know, about 4000 words. So no, so
Unknown Speaker 45:35 let’s see. Ricky Bobby is saying the suggestion came out a little frustration more if I’m not sure. Totally feel you I had when I was starting to look into you guys. A lot of stuff in there was in good but I have no idea what I actually need based on what I’m at with the client or the client is afar really already own in the category. There’s much different sequence of stuff decline is brand new to me webs and the web, versus someone who’s been in business for 30 years in our life for 20. Yes, definitely 1,000% Ricky and we’re actually actively working to make it better. We have been creating content and putting out stuff for the past six years. So seven years now. So it’s you know, it’s a complicated task, but we’re actively working towards that. One of the things that we came up with is the battle plan. You know, the battle plan has a couple of sections in terms of You see, the GMB website is it a new website is a niche website or YouTube channel. So then you have like, some sort of decision tree, but the quiz idea is great. The quality is really good. So we really do appreciate that we’re doing what our best here to actually, you know, but the content on more much more dynamic consumable way provided that this is Episode 297, you know, a weekly show.
So, yeah, brother. Appreciate it. I might purchase it by dinner ready? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It would be a good idea if you did, you know, if you could just take that and turn it into a survey to so
You could like maybe that’s part of the battle plan that you guys know to buy the battle plan.
Okay, if you didn’t go by Alright guys, that’s it for today. I think this was fun. Sounds good. Anything you want to add? Check it out hopefully live calm. You know we’re not traveling right now but we will be doing hopefully live last weekend in September check it out 10% discount on tickets right now across the board. That’s the main ticket VIP ticket, which includes some beers shipped directly to you, and then a VIP plus ticket for those of you who are looking for some consulting time at a considerable discount what it would normally take to hire six of us to sit down with you and talk to you for 90 minutes. We’re not your issues. Yeah, we’re not cheap. We’re not cheap. Specifically, if you like it if you need a shrink or anything we double You know, that’s even more expensive. But yeah, guys hopeful lab.com we’d love to have you there’s some stuff in there that we don’t share anywhere else like anywhere else. You know.
They’re and people are raving about content, the connections, and everything else. So just you guys in there. Alright guys, thank you for hanging out for a little bit so you guys can see everyone cheers
  Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 297 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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